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Peter Nguyen March 24, 2017

Reading is dreaming with open eyes.

The biggest epidemic known to man is Photo Credit to

approaching! Ciaofotografias

Were running out of time, and we need to take action now! This is not something

that we can ignore for too long, we have to do whatever it takes to prepare ourselves before

its too late. Illiteracy is among us, and the numbers keep rising. According to Merriam

Webster, Illiterate is defined as having little or no education; unable to read or write.

Peter Nguyen March 24, 2017

Although we might not see or hear about illiteracy, its all around us. Follow me as I discuss

how we can survive this relentless epidemic.

We all have been introduced to reading letters and speaking at an early age. From

birth, our parents are filled with praise and joy to see their newborn. With time, the baby

learns to dierentiate its parents. Eventually the new born understands its need and wants,

as well as what it likes and dislikes.

Communication is the major factor that

will result in what the child wants.

The more that you

READ, the more
things you will
KNOW. The more
that you LEARN,
the more places
youll go.

Language is very crucial to every

aspect and interaction in our everyday

Photo Credit to
lives. We often use communication to communicate with our friends,
Eugene Kim

family, neighbors, etc. We communicate to order food, make transactions,

and even call about why our phone bill is so high this month. If we just take a second to

think about how often we use communication in our day to day lives, its incredible.

Peter Nguyen March 24, 2017

We often use language to inform the people around us how we feel, what we need,

questions, and solutions. According to the University of Missouri, A typical study points out

that many of us spend 70 to 80 percent of our waking hours in some form of

communication. Of that time, we spend about 9 percent writing, 16 percent reading, 30

percent speaking, and 45 percent listening.

We often take language for granted, without being able to read and write in this day

and age is nearly impossible. Its ridiculously to think that individuals believe that they can

go on about their lives without thinking twice about reading, writing, and speaking.

Everywhere we look there are speed signs, street corners, billboards, stores, house

numbers, and warning posts. Hell, everything is all found virtually. If you cant toggle around

using search engines or reading your friends latest Facebook posts, life is going to be very

dicult. Without having the basic tools such as reading and writing, its going to be very

dicult to earn a living for themselves and for their families.

According to the Hungton post, 32 million adults in the U.S. cant read. These

staggering statistics are jaw dropping, its a number that you simply cannot forget. To put it

into perspective, in 2013 the population of California was 38, million and there are 32 million

illiterate adults. Therefore, roughly 94 percent of Californias whole population would be

considered illiterate. To make it a little more clear, those who are faced with illiteracy are

prone to poverty, heath problems because the lack of reading prescription labels, and the

lack of skills needed in the workforce.

Having the proper tools for reading and writing is beneficial to every single individual.

We dont discuss about the challenges that are faced with illiteracy. An example is when

Peter Nguyen March 24, 2017

individuals arent capable of

reading their prescriptions or

filling out applications for

jobs. Its also very important

that children develop reading

and writing skills early

because reading helps form

creativity and imagination.

According to Paul
Photo Credits to
Abhi Sharma
Havenridge of, reading broadens our imagination by

stimulating the right side of our brain. Imagination is the back bone for everyone, without

creativity this world, it would most definitely be dull. Reading skills are essential when it

comes to education, reading helps us extend our vocabulary and quick decision making. It

is now 2017 and anything can be found through the internet. We can all be kept up to date

by news articles and videos all online. Having the reading skills can make sure that we stay

in touch with society. It might not be as clear as we think, but language brings us together!

By understanding and speaking, it will open many doors of opportunity and will provide

chances of meeting many people that will benefit your life. We can enter and learn about

others history, culture, background, and interests.

Now the ultimate question is, what can we do to improve literacy rates in America?

Although the population can start making a dierence by providing more resources to those

who are illiterate, it wouldnt make a big enough dent. Just to recap, the total illiterate adult

population is around 32 million individuals, thats not even discussing of illiterate children.

Peter Nguyen March 24, 2017

To begin, I suggest that we start up community

programs in poverty areas which is where

illiteracy is commonly found. Growing up, I

attended boys and girls club which was an after

school program that helped entertain kids. In

this club, boys and girls taught us to become

more engaging and outgoing. We had activities

that helped engage in creativity, persistence,

team work, and most important, how important

and essential education is.

I met so many kids my age with very

similar interests. Without boys and girls club, my

Photo Credits to
life would have probably grown to be much dierent than what it is today. Ryan Lobo

I also recommend that we have fundraisers that will provide books for

children. Many children who are raised in poverty often lack of children books. Without

these books in their lives, it wont spark creativity and motivation to read.

Ultimately, the only demeanor that would have a drastic impact would be the

government. According to, The US spends 53% of the national budget

on military, In comparison to 6% on education funds. With these statistics, it shows why our

illiteracy are so high. If we dont take action immediately, the US will face large problems in

the near future. The time is now, we need to stand up and speak! If we want to take action,

we must initiate and make a dierence in our communities.

Peter Nguyen March 24, 2017

Works Cited

Lee, Dick , and Delmar Hatesohl. "Listening: Our Most Used Communication Skill." CM150
Listening: Our Most Used Communications Skill | University of Missouri Extension.
University of Missouri, n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.

Lattier, Daniel . "32 Million U.S. Adults are "Functionally Illiterate"... What Does That Even
Mean?" Intellectual Takeout. Intellectual Takeout, n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017. http://

Davis, Glenn. "Why Is Reading Important?" Learn To Read. Academic Associates Prince George
and the world, n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.
reading-important.html -reading develops the brain

Neuner, Casey A. "5 Reasons To Keep Reading." Odyssey. Odyssey Online, 26 July 2016. Web. 30
Mar. 2017.

Hbert, Lana Winter. "10 Benefits of Reading: Why You Should Read Every Day." Lifehack. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.
Image Citations


Eugene Kim

Tim Geers

Sharma Abhi
Sharma, Abhi. Books HD. Digital image. Flickr. Abhi Sharma, 27 Aug. 2006. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.

Ryan Lobo

Lobo, Ryan , and Pathram Books. Pratham Books. Digital image. Flickr. Pathram Books, 29 June
2005. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.

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