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Preventing a Disaster project rubric Name: Coulson Turner

Standard Mastery Proficient Partially Proficient Unsatisfactory Scor

6 G5.1.1 Describe 4 The student 3 The student 2 The student 1 The student 2
examples of how provided one or provided one partially answered did not answer
humans have more in-depth paragraph that question 1, but not question 1
impacted and are paragraphs that briefly answered entirely
continuing to impact answer question 1 question 1 without
the environment in in the assignment much detail
different places as a
consequence of
population size, level
of consumption, and
6 G5.1.2 Explain how 4 The student 3 The student 2 The student 1 The student 3
different technologies provided one or provided one partially answered did not answer
can have positive and more in-depth paragraph that question 2, but not question 2
negative impacts on paragraphs that briefly answered entirely
the environment. answer question 2 question 2 without
in the assignment much detail
6 G5.1.3 Identify 4 The student 3 The student 2 The student 1 The student 2
ways in which human- provided one or provided one partially answered did not answer
induced changes in more in-depth paragraph that question 3, but not question 3
the physical paragraphs that briefly answered entirely
environment in one answer question 3 question 3 without
place can cause in the assignment much detail
changes in other
6 G5.2.1 Describe the 4 The student 3 The student 2 The student 1 The student 2
effects that a change provided one or provided one partially answered did not answer
in the physical more in-depth paragraph that question 4, but not question 4
environment could paragraphs that briefly answered entirely
have on human answer question 4 question 4 without
activities and the in the assignment much detail
choices people would
have to make in
adjusting to the
6 G5.2.2 Describe 4 The student 3 The student 2 The student 1 The student 2
how combinations of provided one or provided one partially answered did not answer
human decisions and more in-depth paragraph each questions 5 and 6, questions 5 and 6
natural forces can lead paragraphs each that briefly but not entirely
to (or help people that answer answered
avoid) a natural questions 5 and 6 questions 5 and 6
disaster in the assignment without much
Quality of writing and 4 The student 3 The student 2 The student 1 The student 1
citations. displayed proper displayed displayed partially did not display
use of grammar adequate use of proficient use of appropriate use of
and spelling, with grammar and grammar and grammar and
very minimal spelling, with spelling, with spelling, with
errors. All sources some errors. Most some significant many significant
were cited. sources were error. Some errors. No sources
cited. sources were were cited.
You had good answers for your questions, but there was no explanation for any of them. I would like to know your
thinking behind those answers. Your choices of research look interesting, but there isnt enough information
displayed on your poster. Your grammar and spelling was good, but you didnt cite any of your sources. I would like
to talk to you and see if we can work out a solution for this assignment and increase your grade. I know you can
do better!

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