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Audience Analysis: Rogerian Letter

Please complete the following statements:

a. Describe your persona or role as the author of the letter:

-In the letter, my persona will be a concerned patient
b. Your audience (your reader) is:
-My audience will be the hospital administrators
c. You want your audience to:
-I want my audience to consider installing communication classes in the hospitals to teach the patient-
centered interviewing style to doctors dealing with patients.

For each of the following questions, give as many answers as you can.

1. How would your audience describe itself?

-My audience would probably describe itself as hardworking, caring, and busy people that constantly
need to make decisions every day.

2. What does your audience value?

-My audience values patients health and most importantly the reputation and upkeep of the hospital
they are running.

3. What does this audience fear and/or risk losing?

-This audience fears messing up the budget, overspending, having to cut programs, and
especially malpractice lawsuits.

4. Describe your audiences attitude to the subject of discussion.

-My audiences attitude to the subject of discussion would probably be somewhat dismissive at
first because they already have to deal with so many budget cuts and programs. However, once
they find out it could actually save them time and money, I think they would be very open to the
idea of installing classes in the hospital.

5. Why might your audience be opposed to your position/proposal or be reluctant to see things from
your point of view? Can you explain how he/she/they might feel threatened, on some fundamental level,
by your position/proposal?
-The audience might be opposed to my proposal because installing classes does cost money.
They are used to budgeting and have to prioritize which programs get funded and which need to
be cut, so they might feel a little threatened by the proposal of new classes that would change
every doctors style of communication with patients.

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