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EE161 Handout #5

April 7, 2009 Due April 13, 2009

Homework Set #1

1. (5 points) Plot the dB power gain (  ) from formula (1) in Handout
#3 as a function of  for the parameters  Mhz,  m, 
 m, and  !   . The plot range should be in distance from 1m to

100,000m and on a logarithmic scale. Mark the critical distance #"$&%('*, )+'
on your plot and roughly determine the power falloff using asymptotes for
the regions .-/0" and 21/3" .

2. (Not so narrow-band signal 10 points) Consider the two-path model of

formula (1) of Handout 45 and assume that 687:9<; is a zero-mean stationary
random process with auto-correlation function =?>@7BA@;CED?687GF(;H6I7GFKJLA@; .
, , so that the
(a) Suppose that = > 7BA@;MONQP
RTS:U:V*WYX , where Z\[ ]
signal is narrow-band with respect to the carrier frequency. Show that
as _^a` , b  decays as ced .
(b) Assume that = > 7BA@;f]NQP#S:Uhg Vg (again with iZ?[jk , " ). Now show
that as ^a` , b  decays as c(l .
Any comments on what the above may mean?

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