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Lesson PlanLimerick Poetry Mock Teaching


Subject Limerick Poetry

Grade Targeted toward fifth grade students


Materials Computers

Objectives To help educate students on various lessons and help give visual
representations while also speaking in the background for students t

CCSS ELA: SPEAKING AND LISTENING Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

3. Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to
clarify comprehension, gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic or

ELA: WRITING Production and Distribution of Writing

5. With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produe
and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.

Teaching Timeline

Step 0 Arrival and Set up (15 minutes before)

Step 1 Opening: Kahoot!

-Ask if they enjoy or do not enjoy poetry.
-Ask if they have any knowledge of limerick poetry.
(7-10 minutes)

Step 2 Connection:
After discovering background information about the students liking of poetry, we
will learn about a new style called Limerick.
(3-5 minutes)

Step 3 Teach/Active Engagement:

Explain what a limerick poem is, how it is structured, syllables, and how to create
your own given a topic. Example poem is included in slides, teacher read and
claps syllables to the poem.
(10-12 minutes)

Step 4 Teach/Active Engagement Continued

Point out what is noticed about the poem, discuss rhyming patterns.

Step 5 Show second example poem and YouTube video.

Step 6 Group students to work with a partner to create their own limerick poem and post
to Edmodo.
(15 minutes)
Step 7 After the groups complete their limerick poetry, read examples from Edmodo to
class displayed on the SmartBoard.

Step 8 Conclusion of lesson plan:

Discussion questions on PowerPoint. Critique from classmates.

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