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It was a warm Sunday morning and exceptionally

so because this was supposed to be the coldest
period in Urhue, a state in Ugberu west of Africa.
The weather has become increasingly difficult to
predict much like my life these days..

Things never really turn out the way its expected

or presumed. The periods assigned for each of
the two seasons- rainy and dry season- have
developed a mind of their own, so instead of the
usual heavy down pour and occasional sunshine
cum dryness that usually come with these
seasons, you would sometimes find extended
periods of dryness encroaching into the rains and
vice versa.

To think that at twenty eight, I am yet unmarried

and my parents are making a huge issue out of it,
is something that has kept me up at night, most
nights, into the wee hours of the morning and

Make no mistake though, because people from

Urhue consider it a worrisome situation when at
that age, a girl has yet to have a ring on her
finger signaling to everyone that she has been
spoken for or has actually married, especially if
she has completed university. This of course is no
problem on its own, but that you have done so
without a boyfriend at least speaks of the fact
that you have missed out on a opportunity that
one may not find so easy to come by.

For how, it is so reasoned, do you come across a

vast number of human beings potential or
otherwise, who would provide such a pool to draw
from as far as the subject of marriage is
concerned? Especially with the idle time
available to ensure one achieves this purpose?
The only other options left, as far as they are
concerned are the work place and then the
church and at the point where you have just the
option of the church left, you were considered

So, here lies my very uncomfortable situation; I

had finished university, without landing a
husband, crossed the desired age of getting
married-twenty five, without landing a husband,
and most of all, Im not a very social person, and
how do I land a husband!

Oh, did I mention my parents expectation of

wanting to be grandparents before they are too
old to carry their grandchildren? Yes, that too.

This of course is ridiculous since they are

nowhere close to being bent with age, its just a
desire to be like the Obis or the Adebolas who
are now in this category of grandparenthood
and all they talk about when they meet anywhere,
is how this grandchild did this and that the other
day and how they cant get enough of them!

No one seems to consider what my feelings or

thoughts are on this, or how their expectation
is impacting my person. Or do they for some
reason think that I do not want in anyway what
other women want/Or maybe they feel I find
repulsing, the attributes that come with being
married, or probably I am so focused on my
career that the prospect of marriage no longer
appeals to me and I have therefore sworn to
steer as far away as possible from everything
matrimony or close to it.

It doesnt also help that everyone in my office

who might be available or fall in the same
category as I do have either asked and have been
rejected by yours truly or would never ask
because they dont want to be rejected by yours
Yes, Im social like that.

To say that I for one never pictured myself

unmarried at this time might be totally
unbelievable considering.

I dont scream searching the first time you

encounter me, or any other time for that matter.

Not that I go out of my way to dress up for

anyone or anything.

I just dont wear my heart on my sleeves. Why

should I? Never solved an issue before and it
never will.

Why should I go around looking like the whole

world is against me and I need to do something
drastic to adjust and balance out.

Besides, the only world against me right now on

this issue would be my family, or rather my mum.
I take things easy. I hardly complain about, at
least not out loud andI am still very positive
that somewhere out there my price charming
exists and will one day find me.

So I wait..Patiently.

I dont have too much expectation, as long as he

loves me as I do him period.

That though is where I and My parents greatly

differ, especially my mum.

It doesnt help too that her story is so different

from mine.

Her story;

Once upon a place, a young girl was sent on an

errand to buy palm oil, as she trotted along
happily on her way to get said item from
wherever it was such items were purchased those
days, behold, a fine young man was standing by
the corner with his friends. He took one look at
her and then and there decided that he had
found his soul mate and would rather die than not
spend the rest of his life with her.

So they got Married and lived happily ever after.

Unbelievable?, well thats how my dad found my

mum on her way to buy palm oil and decided she
was the one.

Unfortunately, the palm oil thing hasnt worked

for me, yet. Not that I dont believe in love at
first sight but until it does, I would honestly wish
MY Mother would let Me be.

Are we even supposed to have the same story/

Why Must she ConClude that eVeryone should
have it easy just like her/

Not a day goes by that I Am not reminded of

myyou are yet to be married state subtle or
otherwise, by way of passing comments, direct
comments, actions, inactions, you name it. I am
always constantly reminded that I had to quickly
get married and get out of her home before it
became too late for me.

If only I could be as bold as my closest friend

Alicia and just move out of the house. Thats
something else that was considered a no no in
these parts. You were expected to live with your
parents as a girl until you were claimed by a man
through marriage before you could leave your
parents house to live with your husband. Anything
outside this and you were considered wayward or
completely stubborn without remedy and this
would naturally break your familys heart-
especially the parents-mostly from all the talk
and gossip.

I didnt have the heart to do that to my family.

Not even my mums constant raving and ranting
about my unmarried state would push me that far.
Im considerate like that.

Even if I had enough saved up that would take

care of the rent for a small place of my own, Id
rather not.

I would put it to some other use, first on the list-

my dream wedding.

As I get up from my bed and drag myself to the

bathroom to clean up and prepare for service, I
couldnt help but wonder where my little sister
had wandered off to so early this morning
without me even noticing.

It must still be very tired from yesterdays work.

Once I get back home from service Im hitting my
bed and lounging big time.

I thought to myself as the cold water from the

shower hits me.

I do my clean up rituals Sunday mornings and add

hum quietly as a near the end of the process.
Big sis, I could hear my sister Onyinye call out
my name and the corresponding crash sound of
the door to the wall indicating her forceful entry
to the room as always.

What now? I ask myself as I continue to rub

myself dry with the towel I was wrapped in
before taking my bath.

Then I hear my mother call my name impatiently

and wince in fear.

Now what have done, or in this case not done this

morning again.

Please Lord let it not be one of her episodes.

Chapter one

Big sis, Onyinye continues after my mum,

Why have you not answered mum? Shes been

calling for ages.

She puts in amidst quick breathes from her

obvious haste to reach me.

Is that why you just barged into the room

without even knocking?

I scold her regardless of her news.

As you can see, Im just from the bathroom and

didnt hear her call over the noise of the showers.
What does she want anyway?

Someones in a bad mood, isnt a bit too early

for that? Besides if you answer her you would
find out wouldnt you?

She quarries folding her hands over her chest.

Please dont add you sour mood to whats on
ground already, we have enough from mum thanks
to you.

Besides it immature to transfer grudges, it

better to deal with it. She states moving away
from me with a slight frown on her face.

Ignoring her rudeness thinking I rather deserved

it, I rephrase my earlier question.

What does she want from me? I dont

remember giving her cause to want to scream
herself hoarse yesterday. I went straight to bed
when I came back from work.

Well, obviously she has other things in mind. So

please respond to her so she can stop shouting
before she gives us all a headache

You and she are already giving me a headache I

march off in anger thinking both of them are
combining to make this day miserable for me even
before it begins.

I usually look forward to services so I can at

least get some words of encouragement for the
next string of days for the new week.

Even though I have to endure unwanted attention

from pestering brothers who try one way or
another to get my attention so they can discuss
how they have received a revelation of Me
becoming their wife.

Not if I can help it. Theres no way Im falling for

that nonsense whether they like it or not.

Please, I plead just tell me why shes after me. I

finally resort to begging. If anyone had
information in this house for anything, it would be
Why are you sounding so defeated? She looks at
me and could tell she would reveal if she had
anything important to say.

Oh, I dont know, but it would be better for you

to quickly dress up and go find out why she wants
to see you and hopefully, youll still be next on the
agenda trying to suppress a smile.

Now get out. I almost scream, and thanks for

nothing. I reply angry again for the second time.

You do know this is my room as well as yours she

gives me a knowing look.

And because you are older than me..

By at least 5 years. I cut feeling like strangling


Now move.

Okay,okay. Im leaving. But please hurry up,

everyone is almost ready and youre keeping us
She begins to walk out the door, then turns
around as if to something, and continues towards
the door.

It then struck me that she probably knows

something or at least has an idea but chooses not
to say anything.

Nothing actually escapes her attention. As the

youngest, shes not yet on cue for my mothers
pestering and shes very observant. Unlike me, Im
either too tired or late from work to notice or
too much the victim to care.

I try to reduce contact with my family, especially

my mum, to the barest minimum- breakfast, lunch
and dinner.

I would really appreciate a heads up on this one

I try one more time, hoping she would bulge.

Turning around gradually, she raises her eyebrows

and asks crossing her hands over her chest.
I thought you wanted my out of your room not
wanting to fight further I try to apologize.

Sorry, but you dont exactly make it very

difficult with your attitude I try not to let her
see the dirty look Im sending her way.

I start slipping into my dress I had picked out for

service. As I begin fumbling with the zipper, she
walks to me and gives a hand.

last night, she starts talking softly, I overheard

her telling dad that she received a text message
from someone saying that some person was
coming from abroad that would make a good
husband for you

I freeze up, trying to let what she had just said

sink in.

Not again, I thought she had given up on that

level of desperation after
Are you telling me that mum has been busy
looking for a husband for me this whole time//

Im not sure ok. Just telling you what I

overheard. Its probably one of her meddlesome
friends putting it to her thinking it will help

Just talk to her and see what she says she adds

I worry about your relationship with her, with all

of us Well, maybe not chima, you seem to have an
okay relationship with him. But please, instead of
asking me questions only her can answer, try and
talk to her and lets see what she has to say

I didnt even notice her leaving the room as I

switch off wondering and worrying in my

I tend to do that at times.

I am forced to accept the obvious; my stay in this

house has officially become overdue.
Or isnt it?

Chapter two

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