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Food Chemistry 220 (2017) 420426

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Determination of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in honey, using headspace-

solid-phase microextraction coupled with a polyoxometalate-coated
piezoelectric quartz crystal
Marta I.S. Verssimo a,b, Jos A.F. Gamelas c, Dmitry V. Evtuguin a, M. Teresa S.R. Gomes b,
CICECO & Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
CESAM & Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
CIEPQPF & Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: High concentrations of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in honey provide an indication of overheating
Received 10 May 2016 under inappropriate storage conditions or aging. Conventional methods for determining HMF are
Received in revised form 5 September 2016 cumbersome and require expensive equipment or hazardous reagents. Hence the aim of this study
Accepted 29 September 2016
was to propose a new analytical tool for HMF determination in honey, using a low cost acoustic wave sen-
Available online 30 September 2016
sor. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of honey samples were extracted, using the solid phase microex-
traction (SPME) technique, and HMF was quantified, using a piezoelectric quartz crystal with gold
electrodes coated with a layer of decamolybdodivanado phosphoric acid, sensitive to HMF. The reliability
of the proposed method was confirmed after comparing the results of HMF quantification with those
Acoustic wave sensor obtained by the conventional spectrophotometric White method, and no statistical differences were
SPME found (a = 0.05).
2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction cytotoxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and genotoxic (Janzowski,

Glaab, Samimi, Schlatter, & Eisenbrand, 2000; Teixid, Santos,
5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is a water-soluble heterocyclic Puignou, & Galcetan, 2006). The Codex Alimentarius Commission
organic compound derived from sugars, especially fructose. Very (Alinorm 01/25, 2000) established that the HMF content in honey,
low amounts of HMF are naturally found in fresh honey because after processing and/or blending, must not be higher than
it is mainly formed during acid-catalysed dehydration of the 80 mg kg1. However, a European Union (Directive, 2001/110/EC)
hexoses during extended food storage or as an intermediate in has recommended a lower limit of 40 mg kg1 with a few excep-
the Maillard reaction during thermal treatments (Capuano & tions: 80 mg kg1 for honey coming from regions with tropical
Fogliano, 2011; Silva, Gauche, Gonzaga, & Costa, 2016). Besides temperatures and 15 mg kg1 for honey with low enzymatic levels.
temperature, other storage conditions, such as the use of plastic The International Honey CommissionIHC (Bogdanov, 2009)
or metallic containers and moisture, contribute to HMF formation. has recommended three methods for the determination of HMF:
High HMF content in honey may also be an indication of addition two conventional spectrophotometric techniques (White and
of invert syrups (Tosun, 2013). Therefore, HMF content is consid- Winckler methods) and liquid chromatography with UV detection
ered an excellent indicator of honey freshness, as well as evidence (HPLC method). Several other methods have been reported for the
of poor storage conditions, excessive heat-treatment or possible analysis of HMF, employing capillary electrophoresis (Bignardi,
adulteration with other sugars or syrups. Cavazza, & Corradini, 2014; Biluca et al., 2014; Rizelio et al.,
HMF has also been quantified in honey because it is a contam- 2012; Silva, Schuch, Vainstein, & Jablonski, 2008), liquid
inant with potential harmful properties. Although it is not clear chromatography-mass spectrometry (Teixid, Moyano, Santos, &
whether human exposure to HMF presents a potential health risk Galceran, 2008) and gas chromatographymass spectrometry
(Abraham et al., 2011; Capuano & Fogliano, 2011; Islam, Khalil, (Gaspar & Lopes, 2009; Teixid et al., 2006; Wardencki, Chmiel,
Islam, & Gan, 2014), in vitro studies have shown that HMF is Dymerski, Biernacka, & Plutowska, 2009). However, all these
sophisticated technologies have associated setbacks: demand the
Corresponding author.
use of expensive equipment, consume considerable amounts of
solvents or require derivatization procedures. The scientific
E-mail address: (M. Teresa S.R. Gomes).
0308-8146/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.I.S. Verssimo et al. / Food Chemistry 220 (2017) 420426 421

communitys increasing concern about the potentially toxic effects was from Riedel-de Han (Seelze, Germany) and zinc acetate dehy-
of HMF boosts the significant efforts to establish new, rapid, low drate was from Panreac (Barcelona, Spain).
cost and sensitive methodologies for HMF determination in Analytical standard-grade 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and
honeys. sodium bisulfite were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (Steinheim,
Acoustic wave sensors, based on piezoelectric quartz crystals, Germany). Ultrapure water was produced by a Milli-Q system from
are known for their simplicity and low cost, as well as for their Millipore (Mississauga, Canada).
reliability when carefully designed. The piezoelectric quartz crystal The SPME fibre used in this work was a divinylbenzene-car
vibrates with a frequency proportional to its thickness whenever boxen-polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS, 50/30 lm) type
an alternate electric field is applied between the electrodes mounted on a SPME holder for manual sampling. Both the fibre
deposited on its face. Depositing a film results in a decrease in and the holder were obtained from Supelco (Bellefonte, PA, USA).
the frequency proportional to its mass. Sensitivity and selectivity The piezoelectric quartz crystal was coated with decamolybdo-
to an analyte are achieved by careful selection of a recognition divanado phosphoric acid (H5[PV2Mo10O40]11H2O), Synthesized as
layer applied onto the electrode(s). Frequency of the coated crystal described previously (Gamelas et al., 2012), by spreading its etha-
becomes the sensor baseline, and the frequency decrease produced nol solution (Panreac, Barcelona, Spain). Nitrogen was Alphagaz
after contact with the analyte allows sensor calibration and quan- from ArLquido. Raman spectra of gold-coated quartz crystal, with
tification of the analyte in the sample. or without POM, were recorded on a BRUKER RFS 100/S Raman
Acoustic wave sensors have been successfully used by this spectrometer with a YAG:Nd laser (1064 nm) under backscattering
research group in several areas, namely sulphur and carbon diox- configuration. The spectral range was 2001800 cm1 and resolu-
ide in wine (Gomes, Rocha, Duarte, & Oliveira (1996a, 1996b), tions of 4 cm1. 2000 scans were collected to obtain a reasonable
metal analysis in food and water (Verssimo & Gomes, 2008; signal-to-noise ratio. Magnesium perchlorate, used in a desiccant
Verssimo, Oliveira, & Gomes, 2007), detection of spoiled fruit column, was from Riedel-de Han (Seelze, Germany).
(Fernandes, Oliveira, & Gomes, 2008), halitosis evaluation
(Fernandes, Rolo, Oliveira, & Gomes, 2009), study of HPMC gelation 2.2. Sample and solution preparations
(Verssimo, Pais, & Gomes, 2010), and determination of pour point
of biodiesel (Verssimo & Gomes, 2011). Recently, acoustic wave Locally produced honey (LPH) samples, collected by small local
sensors have been used to detect volatile compounds from cheese, producers in the central region of Portugal, (Leiria, Aveiro, Mira and
using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) as the extraction Viseu) after diverse periods of storage, without or after heat treat-
technique (Pais, Verssimo, Oliveira, & Gomes, 2015). The SPME ment, as well as samples from commercial honeys (CH) of several
technique is quite advantageous for extracting volatiles: it elimi- brands, which were produced in different regions but purchased
nates the use of toxic organic solvents, allows the quantification this year, 2016, and within the sell-by date, were analysed. A stan-
of a large number of molecules, requires little or no preparation dard solution of 10,000 mg l1 of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural was
of samples and, moreover, it is simple and can be easily coupled prepared (weekly) by dissolving in the appropriate amount in
to various analytical instruments. Several different SPME fibres Milli-Q water, and stored at 4 C.
have been reported for the extraction of honey samples and, in Solutions for the spectrophotometric method were prepared
general, all give good results in extracting volatiles (Baroni et al., according to the AOAC Official Method (AOAC, 1990): Carrez solu-
2006; Cuevas-Glory, Ortiz-Vzquez, Centurin-Yah, Aleac, & tion I was prepared by dissolving 15 g K4Fe(CN)63H2O and diluting
Sauri-Duch, 2008; Gaspar & Lopes, 2009; Plutowska, Chmiel, to 100 ml with Milli-Q water; Carrez solution II was prepared by
Dymerski, & Wardencki, 2011; Pontes, Marques, & Cmara, dissolving 30 g of Zn(CH3COO)22H2O and diluting to 100 ml with
2007), particularly the divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsi Milli-Q water; Sodium bisulfite solution (0.20%) was prepared daily
loxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS) type. As far as we know, there has never by dissolving 0.20 g of NaHSO3 and diluting to 100 ml with Milli-Q
been a reported sensor for HMF, and therefore no reference to the water.
use of SPME with an acoustic wave sensor for detecting HMF in
honeys, can be found in the literature. 2.3. Set-up for the acoustic wave sensor methodology
In this study, we propose a new method for the analysis of HMF
in honey, using an acoustic wave sensor. The SPME technique with Fig. 1a shows a typical representation of a piezoelectric crystal.
a DVB/CAR/PDMS fibre was applied to extract volatile compounds In this work a 9 MHz quartz crystal, AT-cut, HC-45 with gold
from honey and an acoustic wave sensor, coated with a sensitive electrodes was used. The crystal was coated by depositing a drop
layer of decamolybdodivanadophosphate (a-[PV2Mo10O40]5), of a solution of decamolybdodivanado phosphoric acid (POM) dis-
was used for the first time to detect HMF. This Keggin-type polyox- solved in ethanol, as shown in Fig. 1b. Solvent was then allowed to
ometalate (POM) was previously reported as an effective redox evaporate until the frequency of oscillation of the quartz crystal
catalyst for volatile organic compound (VOCs) oxidation became stable. A frequency decrease of 51 kHz was obtained. The
(Gamelas, Evtyugina, Portugal, & Evtuguin, 2012), along with its limit of detection and sensitivity of the sensor depend on the coat-
sensitivity to HMF when used as the recognition layer of the ing amount, which must not exceed the limit at which vibration is
acoustic wave sensor. impaired, but must be high enough to assure the sensitivity neces-
The reliability of the sensor was proved by comparing the sary for quantitation.
analytical results with those obtained by the conventional spec- The cell housing the piezoelectric crystal has already been
trophotometric White method (AOAC, 1990). described (Fernandes et al., 2009), and the setup is similar to the
one reported by Gaspar and Gomes (2012), except for a desiccant
column that was included prior to the sensor cell. Briefly the
2. Materials and methods coated piezoelectric quartz crystal was housed inside a PVC cell
with two inlets and an exhausting outlet. A small oven was used
2.1. Chemicals and materials for desorbing the compounds from the SPME fibre. A nitrogen flow,
controlled by a flowmeter (Cole Parmer, Illinois, USA), carried the
All reagents used were of analytical grade. Sodium chloride desorbed volatile compounds from the fibre and directed them to
(99.5%), used to obtain the adequate ionic strength, was supplied the centre of both faces of the sensor, after passing through a
by Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) desiccant column to remove water. The piezoelectric sensor was
422 M.I.S. Verssimo et al. / Food Chemistry 220 (2017) 420426

Fig. 1. (a) Piezoelectric quartz crystal with gold electrodes and (b) coating process by drop deposition.

connected to a laboratory-made oscillator, which in turn was con- sensor was left to stabilize, and baseline frequency was attained,
nected to a frequency counter (Leader LF-827). Frequency data while the SPME fibre was extracting the volatile compounds from
were monitored and stored in a PC connected through a GPIB to the honey sample headspace. Afterwards, the SPME fibre was intro-
the frequency meter. duced, through the injection port, inside the oven at 260 C, and the
desorbed volatiles were carried by the nitrogen flow towards both
2.4. Procedure for HMF determination, using the acoustic wave sensor faces of the sensor. The frequency of the piezoelectric crystal began
to decrease, due to the interaction of the desorbed compounds with
2.4.1. Sample preparation and extraction of volatile HMF from honey, the POM coating, after which it began to increase again, as HMF was
using headspace-solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) being desorbed, and swept away by the constant nitrogen flow. The
Before the first analysis of the day, the fibre was cleaned for minimum frequency value was recorded and the difference to the
15 min at 260 C. After this initial cleaning, and between analyses, baseline frequency computed. The system was ready for a new injec-
the fibre was always kept in an empty vial filled with nitrogen in tion after the frequency reached the baseline value, evidence that
order to protect it from VOCs from the environment. complete recovery of the sensor was attained.
HMF determination in honey samples was performed by the
standard additions method, intended to eliminate matrix effects. 2.5. Procedure for HMF determination, using the spectrophotometric
Equal weights of honey were spiked with known but different conventional method (White method)
amounts of HMF, as below. One gramme of a honey sample was
weighed into each one of the six 4 ml vials, and diluted (1:1) with The White method (AOAC, 1990) involves measuring the absor-
Milli-Q water, in order to decrease the density of the sample in an bance of a clarified aqueous honey solution against a reference
attempt to allow stirring of the sample with a magnetic bar, facil- solution of the same honey in which the 284 nm chromophore of
itating the escape of volatiles to headspace (Cuevas-Glory et al., HMF was destroyed by bisulfite salt.
2008). Extraction efficiency was also improved by increasing ionic Accurately weighed amounts of five grammes of honey were
strength, by adding sodium chloride (30% w/v), which decreases dissolved in 25 ml of Milli-Q water and transferred quantitatively
the solubility of hydrophilic compounds in the aqueous phase into a 50 ml volumetric flask. 0.5 ml of Carrez solution I was added
(Pontes et al., 2007). A known amount (between 0 and 150 ll) of to the sample and mixed well. 0.5 ml of Carrez solution II was then
the 10,000 mg l1 HMF standard solution was added to each vial, added and again mixed well. The sample was brought to a final vol-
along with the magnetic stirrer, after which the vial was sealed ume of 50.0 ml with Milli-Q water. The solution was filtered and
with a screw cap equipped with a silicone septum. The vial which the first 10 ml of filtrate were discarded. Aliquots of 5.00 ml were
is about to be analysed was then kept in a water bath at 60 C for transferred into two test tubes: to one tube, 5.00 ml of distilled
temperature equilibration (15 min). water were added (sample solution); to the second tube, 5.00 ml
Fig. 2 presents, step-by-step, the analysis process. The SPME of 0.2% sodium bisulfite solution were added (reference solution).
fibre coated with DVB/CAR/PDMS was introduced into the head- Both sample tubes were well mixed in a vortex mixer (VWR,
space through the septum, and exposed for exactly 45 min, while Radnor, PA, USA).
stirring velocity was controlled. After the extraction step, the fibre The absorbance of the solution was measured against the refer-
was removed from the vial and inserted into the injection port of ence at 284 nm and 336 nm, using a double beam Hitachi U-2000
the homemade oven set at 260 C for thermal desorption. UVvis Spectrophotometer. HMF content in honey was then
calculated, using the following equation (AOAC, 1990):
2.4.2. Desorption and analysis of HMF, using an acoustic wave sensor HMFmg=100 g of honey A284  A336  Factor=W
The analytical system was conceived for a flow injection
methodology. There was an injection port on the top of a small
W = weight of sample in grammes.
oven whose outlet led to the sensor cell. Nitrogen flowed through
Factor = (126  100  1000  100)/(16,830  1000) = 74.87
the system at a flow rate adjusted to 54 ml min1. Daily, the desic-
126 = molecular weight of HMF
cant column (with magnesium perchlorate) that is intended to dry
16,830 = molar absorptivity of HMF at 284 nm
the gases entering the crystal cell, was renewed. The acoustic wave
M.I.S. Verssimo et al. / Food Chemistry 220 (2017) 420426 423

Fig. 2. The new methodology step-by-step: equilibration, extraction, desorbing, detection and frequency data storage.

3. Results and discussion (equilibration and extraction). The effect of adding sodium chloride
(30%) to the sample vials was also studied, and an increase in
3.1. Acoustic wave sensor assembly extraction was confirmed. Fig. 3 shows the response obtained by
the acoustic wave sensor for a honey sample spiked with 40 lg
Acoustic wave sensor assembly was done by depositing the syn- of HMF/g of honey, which corresponds to the limit allowed by leg-
thesized POM from its ethanol solution on the surface of the gold- islation (Directive, 2001/110/EC). It can be seen that frequency
coated quartz crystal. The presence of POM on the gold electrode, starts decreasing as soon as HMF reaches the crystal and interac-
after ethanol evaporation, was confirmed while comparing the tion with the crystal coating begins. This interaction is reversible,
Raman spectra of electrode before and after the POM deposition and the frequency of oscillation increases as the nitrogen stream
(Fig. S1 in Supplementary Data). Thus Raman spectra clearly carries the compound away, until baseline frequency is restored.
showed the characteristic signals at 1054 and 993 cm1 belonging Complete recovery of the sensor was accomplished within a few
to stretching in the V@O and Mo@O of VO4 and MoO4 structural minutes.
groups of POM, respectively. Additionally, the signals detected at A honey sample freshly harvested obtained from a trustable
835/768 and 247 cm1 were assigned to stretching and bending source, and therefore presumed to be as HMF-free as possible,
modes, respectively, in MoOMo bridges, and are typical of this and to which the sensor did not respond significantly, was used
Keggin-type POM (Molinari, Nakka, Kim, & Wachs, 2011). to calculate the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification
In the analytical method using the acoustic wave sensor (Fig. 2), (LOQ) for the SPME/acoustic sensor methodology. LOD and LOQ
volatiles sorbed onto the SPME fibre during the extraction step were calculated from the intercept (x0) of the standard addition
were injected inside the oven at 260 C and the desorbed com- calibration line, and syx that measures the variability, or scatter
pounds were carried by the nitrogen flow towards both faces of of the observed values around the regression line. The LOD (con-
the sensor. The frequency of the piezoelectric crystal decreased, centration corresponding to a signal = x0 + 3syx) was 3.4 lg g1,
due to the interaction of the desorbed HMF with the POM coating while the LOQ (concentration corresponding to a signal =
layer, after which it began to increase again until it reached the x0 + 10syx) was 11.4 lg g1, which is below the EU guideline limit
baseline value. The plausible triggering mechanisms may include for HMF in honey.
the redox interaction of HMF with POM, thus forming an interme-
diate adduct via the electron transfer complex. Such interactions of
aldehydes with this kind of POM are rather common and were
widely reported for both homogeneous and heterogeneous cat-
alytic reactions (Khenkin, Weiner, Wang, & Neumann, 2001;
Kozhevnikov, 1998). The confirmation of eventual HMF oxidation
by POM was evidenced by the changing of the POM colour from
orange (characteristic for V(V)) to blue-green (characteristic for V
(IV)) while injecting HMF into the nitrogen stream (Fig. 2). The oxi-
dation of V(IV) back to V(V) in POM, after further elution with
nitrogen, was also confirmed by UVvis analysis (results not
shown), thus demonstrating the reversibility of POM redox process
under the analysis conditions. However, the mechanisms involved
in interaction between HMF and POM need further studies.

3.2. Assessment of the new acoustic wave methodology for HMF

determination in honey

Initial studies showed that SPME extraction was more efficient

if magnetic stirring was maintained during all of the process Fig. 3. Frequency shift (Hz) caused by a spiked (40 lg of HMF) honey sample.
424 M.I.S. Verssimo et al. / Food Chemistry 220 (2017) 420426

calibration lines prepared with a delay of one week, from samples

with HMF contents below LOD, and corresponding to additions of
the same quantities, were compared by the paired t-test, and no
significant differences were found (a = 0.05).

3.3. HMF content, its link to consumers routines, and the importance
of conclusion dissemination

From Table 1 it is possible to observe that HMF values for LPH1

and LPH2 stand out. Honey samples for LPH1 and LPH2 were taken
from the same jar, but from different locations. Having been stored
for more than 15 years at temperatures between 10 and 15 C, this
honey jar showed two distinct layers: the bottom layer appeared to
be more crystalized and opaque (LPH2), while the upper layer was
more liquid and dark (LPH1). The HMF content found for both lay-
Fig. 4. Frequency decreases (Hz) vs. HMF content (lg g1) for LPH2.
ers was higher than 40 lg g1, the allowed limit. The upper layer
(LPH1) showed the higher result, 78.3 0.1 lg g1, while the bot-
tom layer (LPH2) showed an HMF content of 71.5 0.1 lg g1.
The LOD and LOQ for the spectrophotometric method were The appearance of the two layers for this unprocessed honey can
calculated from the mean and the standard deviation of blanks. be explained by the spontaneous crystallization that occurs in hon-
LOD (concentration corresponding to a signal = xblank + 3sblank) eys with long storage periods. The difference in HMF content of the
was 3.3 lg g1, while the LOQ (concentration corresponding to a two phases (the liquid phase on top and a more solid phase at the
signal = xblank + 10sblank) was 7.3 lg g1. Magnitudes of both LOD bottom) is expected and can be explained by water activity. In the
and LOQ were of the same order as those in the new proposed liquid phase, water activity becomes higher than that in the
methodology. original honey. This is accompanied by a decrease in the solution
Fig. 4 shows the calibration curve obtained during the analysis concentration due to the release of water from the solid phase as
of a sample (LPH2), by the new sensor and using the standard addi- a consequence of crystal formation. This makes the substrate con-
tion method. The HMF concentration in honey could be obtained ditions suitable for the development of the microbial flora and,
by extrapolation of the regression line. Locally produced honey within time, produces subsequent organoleptic modifications and
(LPH) and commercial honey (HC) were analysed, both by the quality damages, including increasing HMF content (Tosi, Lucero,
new methodology, using the SPME technique with the acoustic & Bulacio, 2004).
wave sensor and by the White method (spectrophotometric). Thermal treatment of honey is sometimes necessary to sterilize
Table 1 shows the results obtained for both methodologies. For it, or to obtain a more appealing organoleptic product by reducing
the acoustic wave method, HMF concentration was obtained using its viscosity in order to facilitate the dosage and jar filling, to avoid
the standard addition method with a calibration curve of six post-bottling crystallization or delay its appearance (Cozmuta,
points, while, for the spectrophotometric method, the results were Cozmuta, Varga, Marian, & Peter, 2011). In Table 1, honey samples
the average of five replicates. CH2, CH4 and CH5 correspond to the same honey, subjected to
The values in Table 1, obtained with the two methodologies, different thermal treatments. CH2, which is the original honey
were statistically compared, using a paired t-test, and it was found without thermal treatment, presented an HMF content below the
that the difference in the mean values between the results of the detection limit of both methodologies, while CH4, the same honey
two methods was not great enough to exclude the possibility that after being at 40 C for 64 h, showed an HMF content of
the difference was due to random variability. An F-test was run for 14.6 0.3 lg g1. CH5, the same honey after being heated to
the comparison of standard deviations and, for all samples except 80 C for 10 min, showed a higher content of HMF,
one, the proposed method was more precise than was the standard 18.8 0.1 lg g1. These results confirm as expected, that HMF for-
method (a = 0.05). mation is influenced by temperature and heating time. Besides, it
Due to the nature of the samples, with very different matrices can be concluded that even mild conditions, e.g. 40 C, do increase
(viscosity, texture and granulometry), and much difference from HMF content.
external standards prepared in distilled water, the proposed LPH4 and LPH5 were obtained from a family which had received
methodology is based on standard additions, and therefore, a fresh them as gifts from producing friends. While LPH4, which is an
calibration was prepared for each sample. However, y values of older sample not consumed due to its taste (heather) that did

Table 1
HMF content (lg g1) in locally produced (LPH) and commercial (CH) honeys.

Age, vegetal origin, place, treatment Acoustic sensor [HMF] lg g1 White method [HMF] lg g1
Locally produced honey
LPH1 >15 years, flowers and fruits, Leiria, none 78.3 0.1 77.9 1.0
LPH2 >15 years, flowers and fruits, Leiria, none 71.5 0.1 71.2 0.7
LPH3 <1 year, flowers, Anadia, none <LOD <LOD
LPH4 >5 years, dark, heather, Viseu, none 18.5 0.4 18.2 0.9
LPH5 <1 year, flowers, Mira, heated 15 min/water bath 41.8 0.2 41.0 1.0
Commercial honey
CH1 Within sell-by date, rosemary, mountainous interior region, none 25.7 0.4 25.5 0.8
CH2 Within sell-by date, orange blossom, Penamacor none <LOD <LOD
CH3 Within sell-by date, heather, Serra da Malcata, none 8.4 0.8 8.9 0.7
CH4 Within sell-by date, orange flower, Penamacor, 64 h/40 C 14.6 0.3 14.4 0.8
CH5 Within sell-by date, orange flower, Penamacor, 10 min/80 C 18.8 0.1 18.6 0.8
M.I.S. Verssimo et al. / Food Chemistry 220 (2017) 420426 425

not please the children, showed a result of 18.5 0.4 lg g1, LPH5, Biluca, F. C., Betta, F. D., Oliveira, G. P., Pereira, L. M., Gonzaga, L. V., Costa, A. C. O., &
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org/input/download/report/277/Al01_25e.pdf> Accessed 18.04.2016.
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to CESAM (UID/AMB/50017), to FCT/MEC through national funds, Pais, V. F., Verssimo, M. I. S., Oliveira, J. A. B. O., & Gomes, M. T. S. R. (2015). Using
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426 M.I.S. Verssimo et al. / Food Chemistry 220 (2017) 420426

Verssimo, M. I. S., & Gomes, M. T. S. R. (2008). Aluminium migration into beverages: Jos A.F. Gamelas is member of the Chemical Process Engineering and Forest
Are dented cans safe? Science of the Total Environment, 405, 385388. Products Research Centre. He received his BS degree in analytical chemistry from
Verssimo, M. I. S., & Gomes, M. T. S. R. (2011). Assessment on the use of biodiesel in the University of Aveiro in 1992 and a PhD in chemistry from the same University in
cold weather: Pour point determination using a piezoelectric quartz crystal. 2001. His current research interests are related to polyoxometalates applications,
Fuel, 90, 23152320. cellulose modification, and inverse gas chromatography applied to the materials
Verssimo, M. I. S., Oliveira, J. A. B. P., & Gomes, M. T. S. R. (2007). Determination of surface chemical characterization.
the total hardness in tap water using acoustic wave sensors. Sensors and
Actuators B, 127, 102106. Dmitry V. Evtuguin graduated in Chemical Engineering and Technology in 1985 by
Verssimo, M. I. S., Pais, A. A. C. C., & Gomes, M. T. S. R. (2010). Following HPMC the Leningrad Forest Technical Academy (LFTA, USSR), and got his PhD in Chemistry
gelation with a piezoelectric quartz crystal. Carbohydrate Polymers, 82, 363369. by the same institution in 1988. Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry
Wardencki, W., Chmiel, T., Dymerski, T., Biernacka, P., & Plutowska, B. (2009). of the University of Aveiro since 1995. Author/co-author of more than 200 articles
Application of gas chromatography, mass spectrometry and olfactometry for and book chapters, 260 conference communications and of six patents in the areas
quality assessment of selected food products. Ecological Chemistry and of lignocellulosics chemistry and technology and redox catalysis, including catalysis
Engineering S, 16, 287300. by polyoxometalates.

Marta I.S. Verssimo has a post-doc position at the University of Aveiro. She M. Teresa S.R. Gomes is an associate professor at the University of Aveiro. She
received a BS degree in Chemistry in 1998 from the University of Aveiro and a PhD received her BS degree in chemical engineering from the University of Coimbra in
in analytical chemistry in 2003 from the same University. Her current research 1983 and a PhD in analytical chemistry from the University of Aveiro in 1997. Her
interests are in chemical sensors and fibre optic sensors. current interests are chemical sensors and analytical chemistry.

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