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Volunteer Service

Lions Club Vision Screening

The Lions Club screens elementary school aged kids for a variety of eye disorders/ deficiencies.
They camera they use to screen is very simple to use and can detect Myopia (nearsightedness),
Hyperopia (farsightedness), Astigmatism (blurred vision), Anisometropia (unequal refractive
power), Strabismus (eye misalignment), and Anisocoria (unequal pupil size). The test takes a
matter of seconds. All that they have to do is look into the lense at a few blinking lights. I had a
great time screening these kids and helping those who cannot afford to go to an optometrist.
North Plains - 3 hrs
McKinney - 3 hrs
Free Orchards - 3 hrs

Lions Club Hearing Screening

The Lions Club also screens elementary school aged kids for hearing deficiencies. We did not
conduct the actual hearing test but we did assist the kids with instructions on how to use the
button they were givens as well as put their headphones on and disinfect them as well.
Patterson - 3 hrs
North Plains - 4 hrs

Youth Softball Coach

On sundays I help coach a group of 7-10 year old girls play softball. They are just starting out, so
I, along with 2 or 3 other high school aged girls, help them with basic fundamentals of hitting,
throwing, catching, and fielding the ball. It is so much fun giving back to the softball community
and seeing how fast theses girls learn. They love the game so much and absorb all the
information we are giving them.
8 hours

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