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Alexandra Brand

Professor Kaninjing

KINS 4306

19 June 2022

Journal Week #6

This week I had the opportunity to learn about astronaut training in the OT field. It is a

training for children to test their vestibular and visual processing. My supervisor used me as an

example to teach the other students. I was sat on a board that spins and she played an audio that

told her the exact timing to spin me in certain directions. After the spinning was completed, the

audio would direct her the correct timing to move certain objects in front of my eyes to test my

processing. It was such an amazing experience to be able to do it firsthand and being able to

compare my results versus the kids results. I was not aware that astronaut training was used in

this field until this week, but it was very educational.

Additionally, my supervisor had to pull me out of one of my sessions to help with one of

her kids, because they wouldn’t listen to her. This child loves me and will usually only listen to

me. They were almost done with her obstacle course, but she would not do her soldier jumps or

catch the ball. When I walked into the room, her eyes lit up and she jumped up and ran to give

me a hug. I asked her to complete these activities and she said no, so I decided to bargain with

her. I asked her if she would do it if I pushed her on the swing, and she said yes. After pushing

her on the swing, I was able to get her to complete her activities. The OTs keep saying they don’t

know what they are going to do when I am gone, because some of these kids depend on me and

they think they will have separation anxiety when I am not there.
I also experienced my first stimulation overload this week. There was one day that every

single kid was not doing well. They were either crying or being really aggressive in every single

session. Everyone working was stressed out, and hearing crying for 8 hours straight did not help

the case. It did help me see how bad it can get, and I needed to experience that. I know that not

every day will be what I hope, so I am glad that I was able to finally see that.

Day Time In Lunch Time Out Hours Worked

Monday, 9:00 A.M 12:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. 8 Hours

June 13th 1:00 P.M.

Tuesday, 9:00 A.M. 12:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. 8 Hours

June 14th 1:00 P.M.

Wednesday, 9:00 A.M 12:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. 8 Hours

June 15th 1:00 P.M.

Thursday, 9:00 A.M. 12:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. 8 Hours

June 16th 1:00 P.M.

Friday, 8:00 A.M. 12:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. 8 Hours

June 17th 1:00 P.M.

Total Weekly 40 Hours


Total Hours to 231 Hours


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