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Alexandra Brand

Professor Kaninjing

KINS 4306

24 July 2022

Project Narrative

In these past three months, I have been interning at High Hopes Children’s Therapy in

Alpharetta, Georgia. There were multiple projects that I completed within the 12 weeks I was

there. I was informed that the clinic just moved locations on the first day, and my supervisor,

Beth, explained what she wanted me to do in regard to my project. I upgraded/renovated our

speech therapy room, break room, and assessment room, improved old room appearances, and

organized cabinets. Additionally, I completed two brochures for the clinic to use for knowledge

and resources.

To upgrade/renovate the three rooms, I removed old furniture and items to clear out space,

cleaned rooms by wiping the walls and vacuuming/mopping the floors, painted the assessment

room, and assembled new furniture. In order to improve the old room appearances, I used magic

erasers to clean marks and scuffs off of the walls as well as applied wall decals to six rooms. I

organized the cabinets by color coding all the materials in each of the rooms and restocked the

rooms and caddies frequently. These things were needed in order to maintain a high-functioning

facility. It made a difference in the sessions and made everything go a lot smoother. The children

loved the wall decals as well. It helped make the clinic not seem scary but instead more fun and

cozier. These tasks helped brighten up the rooms and gave more space for things that were

In regard to the brochures I made, one of them was a "What is Autism" brochure and the

other was a "Therapy After High Hopes" brochure. I created the "What is Autism" brochure for

educational purposes. Throughout my time here, I have noticed that many of the parents that

bring their children to High Hopes are in denial. They don’t want to know their child has a

disorder or they are not knowledgeable about it. Because the majority of our patients have

autism, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to create a brochure that gives these parents the

education they need. This brochure talks about what autism is, its signs and symptoms,

treatments, and therapies. In addition, I created my “Therapy After High Hopes” brochure to

provide the parents as well as the clinic with resources after the patients become too old to come

to High Hopes. This is a pediatric clinic, so we provide services to patients up to the age of 21.

My supervisor explained that no one at the clinic knew anywhere that our patients could receive

these services, so I immediately went to work. I found four different adult daycare centers that

were around the Alpharetta area. There were different programs in each of them, but they all

helped these individuals to reach their full potential as well as gave them opportunities they

might not have had before.

Overall, everything went really well. I completed the renovations and upgrades in around

a month. The last two months were spent perfecting everything and maintaining it. The therapists

and owners were constantly praising how amazing everything looked and how thankful they

were. The brochures received great feedback as well. My supervisor loved what I came up with.

She was appreciative that they finally had educational resources to use as well as provide to the

parents. I don’t think I would have done anything differently. I spent a lot of time on the projects

that I created and completed, and I am proud of how they turned out. Everyone in the clinic was
very thankful for what I had done in the short amount of time being here, and I was happy that I

could help.

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