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College Prep

Writing Portfolio

50 Life Goals (Final Portfolio Requirement)

Throughout your time College Prep, you will continue to discover who you are as a
writer. As a part of your final portfolio, which is a reflection of you as a writer, you will
be required to write 50 life goals. Goal setting is a very important life skill. Goal setting
also utilizes concise language and ideas. The following are a few guidelines for you to
follow as you write:

1. All goals must be written in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

2. You may not start each of your goals the same. For example, you may not
start out numerous goals saying, I want to. In honor of word choice and
sentence fluency (varied sentence beginnings), you will be allowed to only repeat
a beginning twice. So, you could only use the phrase I want to for two out of
your 50 goals.

3. The goals you list need to pertain to you and your life. Think only about
you and where you are standing- about to embark on life. With that in mind, keep
this within human reality.

4. In addition, these goals need to be in the future and outside of high school
life. Passing this class or writing your 50 life goals does not count.

5. Use your language skills to be as clear and concise as possible when

writing your goals.

6. Be creative! The sky is the limitliterally, so have some fun!

Sentence starters:
1. Someday
2. When I grow up/am X
3. I want to
4. Before I die,
5. My dream is
6. In my future,
7. One of my goals is
8. A goal I wish to pursue in the future is
9. In my 90s,
10. In X years,
11. Throughout the next decade,...
12. By the time....
13. During the next
14. In the long run,
15. After I graduate,
16. Once I
17. An item on my bucket list
18. I will
19. While
20. In conjunction with
21. Upon ....
22. Something I wish to achieve
23. Exceeding my teenage years
24. Prior to
25. For the next

1. I will learn how to do a Butterfly Kick, which is a really interesting looking

Martial arts spinning kick.
2. When I grow up I will learn how to play Anesthesia by Cliff Burton,
Metallica's deceased bassist.
3. I want to be able to do a Lazer Flip before i ge to old to skate.
4. Before I die I want to create the perfect videogame to my standards
5. My dream is to one day own a house in the woods and live off the land
6. In my future I want to get a job as a 3-D game sprite creator.
7. One of my goals is to learn how to speak Japanese, German, and swedish.
8. A goal I wish to pursue in the future is get better at sculpting and modeling
9. In my 90s i will probably not make it to my 90s and if I do, I would hope
my mind isn't rotting away.
10. In 10 years i would hope to have a career in 3d designing an have a decent
11. Throughout the next decade, I want to get back in shape and hone my
athletic and mental skills more than i have currently.
12. By the time I reach 25 i want to be in the best physical shape of my life
13. During the next summer I will either find a collage or a decent job
14. In the long run I may try to join a band
15. After I Graduate I want to move out of Iowa
16. Once I get out of high school, I want to travel a bit
17. An Item on my bucket list is going skydiving.
18. I will try to do American Ninja Warior
19. While I am traveling I would hope to learn many new things
20.Along with learning how to do a butterfly kick i would also like to learn
how to do a standing front flip.
21. Upon my death i would hope i have completed a great deal of this list if not
all of it.
22. Something i wish to achieve in the next 5 years is graduate college and
obtain a decent career in 3D animation.
23. Exceeding my teenage years, i would hope i continue to learn everyday.
24. Prior to my death i would like to check out the Aokigahara forest in Japan,
It is supposedly haunted by the spirits of everyone that has died there along with
Yokai (angry malevolent manipulative spirits)
25. For the Next few years i hope it goes smoothly.
26. figure out more life goals
27. graduate
28.finish this class
29. dont die young
30.dont get dimensia
31. don't get cancer
32. never make another one of these pointless lists that i will forget completely
a few months after graduation
33. i'm honestly not completing this unless you want me to list daily tasks like
don't choke to death and such i am unable to think of another 25 goals as i
struggled to complete the first 25, go ahead and give me a %50 but i'm not filling
this out with a bunch of nonsense.

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