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Exact closed master equation for Gaussian non-Markovian dynamics

L. Ferialdi
Mathematisches Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians Universit
at, Theresienstr. 39, 80333 Munich.
(Dated: March 25, 2016)
Non-Markovian master equations describe general open quantum systems when no approximation
is made. We provide the exact closed master equation for the class of Gaussian, completely positive,
trace preserving, non-Markovian dynamics. This very general result allows to investigate a vast
variety of physical systems. We show that the master equation for non-Markovian quantum Brow-
nian motion is a particular case of our general result. Furthermore, we derive the master equation
unraveled by a non-Markovian, dissipative stochastic Schr odinger equation, paving the way for the
arXiv:1512.07244v2 [quant-ph] 23 Mar 2016

analysis of dissipative non-Markovian collapse models.

PACS numbers: 03.65.Yz,03.65.Ta,42.50.Lc

Introduction. The theory of open quantum systems dynamics, that can be heuristically obtained from the
strongly developed in the last decades, pushed by tech- Lindblad structure. However, the result is rather formal,
nological demand. The basic tools to analyze open quan- and it cannot be exploited to compute physical quanti-
tum systems are Master Equations (MEs), that allow for ties, preventing the explicit analysis of physical systems.
insight into physical systems by computing average phys- The aim of this Letter is to fill this gap by deriving a
ical quantities. Markovian MEs provide an ecient de- closed ME for a general trace-preserving, completely pos-
scription of a vast amount of physical processes. These itive (CP), Gaussian open system dynamics. Moreover,
MEs are very well known, their features deeply studied we provide the ME associated to a general Gaussian SSE,
and they obey a precise structure [1]. However, in recent both in the dissipative and non-dissipative cases. We
years the interest in understanding quantum dynamics stress that the results obtained are analytical and exact,
beyond the Markov approximation has grown, due to no approximation has been made.
the discovery of many physical systems for which the Derivation of the ME. Consider a system bilinearly
Markovian description fails [2]. Indeed, the timescales of interacting with a bosonic bath:
ultra-fast processes are of the same order as the timescale
of the bath they interact with, leading to failure of the Aj (t)j (t) , (1)
Markov approximation. Due to the diculty in treating
non-Markovian dynamics, only few exact MEs are known where Aj (t) = eiHS t Aj eiHS t are Hermitian system op-

in the literature, most of which are formal, or concerning erators, j (t) = eiHB t j eiHB t are bosonic fields of the
peculiar systems or stochastic processes [3, 4]. bath, and HS , HB are respectively system and bath
Since every ME allows for an infinite number of Hamiltonians. The Einsteins sum rule is understood.
stochastic unravellings, Stochastic Schr odinger Equa- The generalization to non-Hemitian A can be easily ob-
tions (SSEs) are an equally powerful tool as MEs. SSEs tained by expressing them as linear combinations of Her-
play an important role in many fields like, e.g., continuos mitian operators. We assume the commutation relations
quantum measurement [5, 6], quantum optics [7], light among the systems operators to be:
harvesting systems [8], and foundations of quantum me- ! "
chanics. In this field, collapse models provide a solution Aj (t), Ak (s) = f jk (t, s) , (2)
of the measurement problem by describing the evolution
of quantum systems by means of SSEs [9]. These mod- with f jk (t, s) an antisymmetric complex functions. We
els are experiencing renewed interest because they might assume the initial state of the system to be factorized
provide a test of the quantum-to-classical transition in and that the bath has an initial Gaussian state, fully
a not so far future [10]. It is, in general, extremely dif- characterized by the correlation function
ficult to obtain the ME associated to a Gaussian non- ! "
Markovian SSE, mainly because the non-local terms dis- TrB j ( )k (s)
B = Djk (, s) . (3)
played by the SSE make it dicult to derive a closed
equation. We introduce the left-right (LR) formalism [11, 12], de-
An important step towards a general understanding of noting by a subscript L (R) the operators acting on
non-Markovian dynamics has recently been taken in [11], from the left (right), e.g. AkL AjR = Ak Aj . We also
where the authors obtained both the most general su- define the following operators: Aj = AjL AjR and
peroperator and SSE for Gaussian, non-Markovian dy- Ajc = (AjL + AjR )/2 [11, 12]. Note that these operators
namics. This result is very important because it gives a represent respectively a commutator and (half) an anti-
general characterization of a wide class of non-Markovian commutator. It has been recently proved that the system

reduced density matrix evolves according to the following of 2n operators, and they are invariant under permuta-
equation tion over i of (ti , si ). In order to derive the ME, one
needs to dierentiate Eq. (12), obtaining
t = Mt 0 (4) + -
$ t n $ t $ ti

, ji
where the most general CP, trace preserving, Gaussian M = nA (t) ds1 T Bj1 (t, s1 )
t dti dsi A (ti )Bji (ti , si )
0 i=2 0 0
superoperator Mt reads [11]
# $ t $ % where the factor n comes from the afore-mentioned sym-
Mt = T exp d Aj ( ) j (, s) .
dsB (5) metry over i of Mtn . We stress that while Mtn contains
0 0 the T-product of 2n operators, M tn displays 2n 1 time
ordered operators. Since our goal is to express M t in
Here T denotes the time ordering operator, and
terms of Mt , we adopt the following strategy: we write
j (, s) = DRe (, s)Ak (s) + 2iDIm (, s)Ak (s) ,
B (6) the T-product of an odd number of operators in terms
jk jk c
of even T-products. We do so by exploiting Wicks theo-
where DRe and DIm are respectively real symmetric rem [13], according to which one can write any T-product
and imaginary antisymmetric parts of D. Furthermore, as a sum of all the possible contractions of its elements.
in [11] the authors proved that the most general SSE with We denote a Wick contraction with an over-bracket, and
linear coupling Aj (t)j (t) that unravels Eq. (5) reads we arrange the T-product of Eq. (13) as follows:
+ n $ t $ ti
$ t
j1 (t, s1 ) dti dsi A (ti )B
ji (ti , si ) =
& ' , j
dt j T B i

= iA (t) j (t)+ ds[Djk(t,s)Sjk(t,s)] t
dt 0 k (s) i=2 0 0

+n $ -
, t $ ti
where j1 (t, s1 )T
B dti ji
dsi A (ti )Bji (ti , si )
i=2 0 0

E j ( )k (s) = Djk (, s)
( )
(8) n $ t $ tm
j1 (t, s1 )Ajm (tm )
E [j ( )k (s)] = Sjk (, s) , (9) + dtm dsm B
m=2 0 0

are the correlation functions of the complex, Gaussian, n $ t $ ti

dsi Ajtii B
ji (ti , si )
colored noises j (t). By setting Djk (, s) = Djk ( )( T B jm (tm , sm ) dti
s) in Eq. (5), one obtains the Markovian superoperator i=2 0 0
#$ t n $ t $ tm
j1 (t, s1 )B
jm (tm , sm )
Mt = T exp d Djk ( ) (10) + dtm dsm B
0 0 0
& '% m=2
k j 1 j k 1 j k

AL ( )AR ( ) AL ( )AL ( ) AR ( )AR ( ) . n $ t ti
2 2
T Ajm (tm ) dsi Aji (ti )B
ji (ti , si )
dti (14)

The presence of the T operator in the map (5) makes i=2 0 0
it a formal result which cannot be exploited to compute
explicitly the evolution of physical quantities. In order This equation is nothing but a convenient arrangement of
to do so one needs to obtain a closed ME. The double the terms predicted by the Wicks theorem: the first term
integral inside the time ordering operator makes this goal of the right hand side accounts for all the contributions
hard to achieve: one needs to find a way to treat the time s1 ), while the second
not involving contractions of B(t,
ordering of non-local arguments. We expand the map and third elements collect the terms involving such con-
Mt (5) in Dyson series: tractions. For our problem a contraction is given by

! "
* (1)n n j1 (t, s1 )Ajm (tm ) = Ajm (tm ), B
B j1 (t, s1 ) (tm s1 )
Mt = Mt , (11)

n! (15)
where the unit-step function is needed because we are
where not using normal ordered products.
+ n $ t $ ti
- Note that the first term of Eq. (14) is a even T-product,
while the second and third terms are odd T-products.
, ji
Mtn =T dti dsi A (ti )Bji (ti , si ) . (12)
i=1 0 0 With the help of Eq. (S.2), we decompose these two terms
similarly to Eq. (14), and we iterate this procedure to all
Each Mtn has two important features that will be used the odd T-products obtained. After a long calculation,
later: they contain the time ordered product (T-product) exploiting Eq. (12) one finds that the result of this iter-

ation is where
+ n $ t $ ti
- $ t

, ji
T Bj1 (t, s1 ) dti dsi A (ti )Bji (ti , si ) = jk (t) = ds1 Ajl (t, s1 )Ckl (t s1 ) (23)
i=2 0 0 0
$ t
(n1)! Mtk
B) jk (t) = ds1 Ajl (t, s1 )Ckl (t s1 ) (24)
j1 (A, (16) 0
k! t
k=0 $
jk (t) = 2i ds1 Bjl (t, s1 )Ckl (t s1 ) (25)
where cnk1
j1 (A, are functionals of A and B,
whose 0
analytical expressions are obtained from the recursive $ t
substitution just performed. The explicit calculation jk (t) = 2i ds1 Bjl (t, s1 )Ckl (t s1 ) (26)
leading to Eq. (S.4), as well as the explicit expressions
of the cn are reported in [14]. Substituting Eq. (S.4) in Switching to the Schrodinger picture one can write the
Eq. (13), after some manipulation one eventually finds ME in a more familiar way:
that [14]:
0 , ] + jk (t)[Aj , [Ak , ]] + jk (t)[Aj , [A k , ]]
t = i[H

+$ -
t = A (t) B)
Mt (17)
M ds1 (1)n cnj (A, +jk (t)[Aj , {Ak , }] + jk (t)[Aj , {Ak , }] . (27)
0 n=1
Equations (22)-(27) are the main result of this paper,
Applying this expression to 0 , one finds
4$ t 5 i.e. the most general trace preserving, CP, Gaussian,
t = Aj (t) ds1 Ajk (t, s1)Ak (s1)+2iBjk (t, s1)Ak (s1) t non-Markovian ME for a linear system. This ME is the
c generalization of the Lindblad ME to non-Markovian dy-
(18) namics. We stress that this result is exact and all the
where functions entering these equations are analytical. We ob-
serve that the ME is characterized by an explicit depen-

Ajk (t, s1 ) = Djk (t, s1 ) + njk (t, s1 ) (19)
dence not only on A(t), but also on A(t). This is a purely
n=1 non-Markovian feature, since the Lindblad superopera-

n tor (10) instead depends on A(t) only. More comments
Bjk (t, s1 ) = Djk (t, s1 ) + jk (t, s1 ) , (20)
on this issue are given later with specific examples.
We now focus on some interesting physical systems,
and the functions n , n are suitable combinations of and we exploit our general achievement to provide the
DRe and DIm , obtained from the cn [14]. We stress that ME unraveled by a non-Markovian, dissipative SSE.
the kernels A, B are determined analytically. Non-Markovian quantum Brownian motion. In their
Equation (18) is the most general closed ME for a trace seminal paper [3], Hu, Paz and Zhang derived the ME for
preserving, CP, Gaussian, non-Markovian dynamics. It a particle interacting with an environment of harmonic
is a time-local ME that, as one expects for a Gaussian oscillators using the path-integral formalism. Since the
dynamics, displays a quadratic dependence on the system Hamiltonian they analyzed is a particular case of our gen-
operators. eral result, we provide a straightforward way to give an
If the system under study is linear, i.e. the free Hamil- alternative derivation of such a ME. The system consid-
tonian is at most quadratic, one can further simplify ered in [3] is an harmonic oscillator of mass m coupled
Eq. (18). In this case indeed, since the system operators to the bath via the position operator. The ME is easily
evolve with the free Hamiltonian H 0 , their Heisenberg
obtained substituting A = q in Eq. (27) (only one A):

equations are linear. Such a system of coupled equations
can always be solved univocally by setting two boundary t = i[H
0 , ] + (t)[
q , [
q , ]] + m(t)[ q , [
p, ]]
condition. In particular, if we choose as boundary values +(t)[ 2
q , ] + m(t)[ q , {
p, }] . (28)

Ak (t) and Ak (t), the solution can be written as follows:
This is the same ME obtained by Hu-Paz-Zhang, it is
CP and it describes quantum dissipation in the non-
Aj (s1 ) = Ckj (t s1 )Ak (t) + Ckj (t s1 )Ak (t) (21)
Markovian regime. The functions , , , are given
where C, C are specific kernels that explicitly depend on by Eqs. (S.22)-(S.25) with C(t s1 ) = cos (t s1 ) and
s1 ) = sin (t s1 )/m, and they display a se-
the Hamiltonian, and that satisfy C(0) = C(0) = 1 and

C(0) = 0. Substituting this expression in (18) one
= C(0) ries structure coming from A and B. The equivalence
obtains the following time-local closed ME: of the functions , , , with those obtained by
Hu-Paz-Zhang can be easily checked in the weak cou-

t = jk (t)Aj (t)Ak (t) + jk (t)Aj (t)Ak (t) pling limit, i.e. considering only the zero order terms

" of Eqs. (S.13)-(S.14) (cf. Eqs.(2.46a)-(2.46d) of [3]).
+jk (t)Aj (t)Akc (t) + jk (t)Aj (t)Akc (t) t (, 22) Nonetheless, since the coecients of Eq. (28) have a series

structure, our derivation provides a straightforward way of these new terms is due to the fact that in Eq. (29) the
to obtain higher orders expansions of such coecients. interaction is mediated both by the position and momen-
Caldeira and Leggett derived a Markov limit of the tum operators, while the open system leading to Eq. (28)
CP ME (28), obtaining a non CP ME (Eq. (28) with interacts with the bath only via q. Indeed, one can eas-
= 0) [15]. The common explanation of this fact is that ily check that the ME (28) is unraveled by the SSE (29)
a term of the type [p, [p, ]] is missing because the limiting when the coupling q + i p is replaced with q + i
q. As ex-
procedure is such that it is lost. What we argue is that pected, the white noise limit of Eq. (30) recovers the ME
CP is broken by the dissipative term [ q , {
p, }]. Indeed, obtained in [20] for the Markovian dissipative QMUPL
model. This Markovian ME, has the same structure of
such a term is a contribution of the A type ( p q) that,
as previously stressed, is not expected in a Markovian the one describing CP Quantum (Markovian) Brownian
ME. Such an unexpected term arises from the limiting motion [16, 21].
procedure, and we believe that this is the real issue with We stress that if one considers an open system cou-
it. Accordingly, in the Markovian regime one cannot cor- pled to a bath both via q and p (and not only q, like
rectly describe dissipation by considering a system-bath in the Hu-Paz-Zhang and Caldeira-Leggett MEs), its re-
coupling only via q. As we will clarify with the next duced dynamics is described by the ME (30). As already
example, the correct way to describe Markovian quan- mentioned, this ME leads to the correct CP dissipative
tum dissipation is by considering a system-bath coupling ME under the Markov limit. The dissipative term con-
involving both q and p (as already suggested in [16]). taining p is now a legitimate Markovian contribution (A
Non-Markvovian dissipative SSE. Another interest- type) because p enters the coupling. Moreover, also the
ing application of our main result is the derivation of term [p, [
p, ]] naturally emerges from the p-coupling and
the ME associated to a non-Markovian dissipative SSE. does not need to be added by hand. These facts sug-
Our starting point is a given SSE and we derive the ME gest that the correct way to describe dissipation in the
which is unraveled by it. We consider the QMUPL col- Markov regime is by considering a system-bath coupling
lapse model, that is particularly interesting because it mediated both by q and p, as it is implicitly assumed in
oers itself for a detailed mathematical analysis [1719]. collisional models [21]. The physical intuition is the fol-
The ME for the non-Markovian QMUPL model has never lowing: dissipation is a dynamical feature, and as such it
been computed, nor in the dissipative and non-dissipative requires a dynamical description. In Markovian dynam-
cases: this result will allow to analyze the physical fea- ics, the instantaneous interaction between the system and
tures of this model that could not be investigated so the bath erases any dynamical eect of the bath on the
far. The SSE describing the non-Markovian dissipative system, and to keep track of dissipation one needs a dy-
QMUPL model reads [19]: namical coupling (i.e. p). In the non-Markovian regime
instead, the dynamics has memory of the interaction, and
4 & '
d i 7 the q coupling is sucient to describe dissipation (e.g.
|t = H0 + {q , p} + q + i p (t)
dt ! 2 ! the Hu-Paz-Zhang ME). Of course, if one wants to co-
$ t

5 herently describe dissipation both in the Markovian and
2 q ds D(t, s) |t . (29) non-Markovian regimes (allowing for a smooth transition
0 (s)
between them), one should consider the coupling via q
The integral term and the fact that the real noise is and p also in the non-Markovian case.
coupled both to q and p, make it hard to derive a closed Non-Markovian non-dissipative dynamics. An open
ME with standard techniques (e.g. path integration). system dynamics is non-dissipative when DIm = 0. Ap-
This equation can be rewritten in the form (7) by defining plying this restriction to Eqs. (S.13)-(S.14) one finds that
the following
A1 = !
q , A2 =
p, and noises the kernels jk (t), jk (t) do not contribute to the ME.
1 = i , 2 = . Given these prescriptions one can The only contribution comes from the parts of jk (t) and
immediately obtain the ME for this model from Eq. (27). jk (t) proportional to DRe . Accordingly, the ME (27)
0 is an harmonic oscillator one obtains
In particular if H in the non-dissipative case reads:
the following result:
t = i[H
0 , ] + jk (t)[Aj , [A k , ]]
jk (t)[Aj , [Ak , ]] +
t = i[H(t),
] + (t)[
q , [
q , ]] + (t)[
q , [
p, ]]
q 2 , ] + (t)[
+(t)[ q , {p, }] + (t)[p, [
p, ]] ,(30) with
where H(t) =H 0 + (t)
p2 + ((t) +
$ t
2 ){
q , p}, and the
jk (t) = Re
explicit expressions of the coecients are given in [14]. ds1 Djl (t, s1 )Ckl (t s1 ) (32)
This ME displays all the terms entering the ME describ- $ t
ing non-Markovian Brownian motion, plus three further jk (t) =
ds1 Djl Re
(t, s1 )Ckl (t s1 ) (33)
contributions. Two of them ([ p2 , ] and [{ q , p}, ]) are 0

responsible for energy renormalization, while the term If the system under study is an harmonicoscillator with
p, [
p, ]] is a new contribution to diusion. The existence proper frequency , the prescription A =
q in Eq. (31)

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reason being that the free Hamiltonian commutes with publisher] for mathematical details of the results of this
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[20] A. Bassi, E. Ippoliti, B. Vacchini, J. Phys. A 38, 8017
ship PIEF-GA-2012-328600. The author wishes to thank
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comments on a first draft of the manuscript. Phys. Rev Lett. 84, 1374 (2000).
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Supplementary material

Derivation of the master equation (18). The calculations leading to the main result of our paper are rather
involved. In this Supplementary Material we provide the technical details of the derivation of Eq. (17).
We start from Eq.(14) of the main text, which can be simplified by exploiting the symmetry of Mn over permutation
of the time labels (ti , si ). Namely, the terms entering the sums are all equal, only the labeling changes. Accordingly,
one can rewrite the sum over the contractions of Eq.(14) as n 1 times one specific contraction, leading to:
+ n $ t $ ti
- +n $ -
, t $ ti
j1 (t, s1 ) dti dsi A i (ti )B
ji (ti , si ) = B
j1 (t, s1 )T dti dsi A i (ti )B
ji (ti , si )
, j j
T B (S.1)
i=2 0 0 i=2 0 0
+ n $ t $ ti
$ t $ t2

, ji ji
+(n 1) dt2 ds2 Bj1 (t, s1 )A (t2 ) T Bj2 (t2 , s2 ) dti dsi A (ti )B (ti , si )
0 0 i=3 0 0
+ n $ t
$ t $ t2 $ ti
j1 (t, s1 )B
j2 (t2 , s2 ) T Aj2 (t2 ) dsi Aji (ti )B
ji (ti , si )
+(n 1) dt2 ds2 B dti ,
0 0 i=3 0 0


Bj1 (t, s1 )Aj2 (t2 ) = 2iDjImk (t, s1 )f j2 k (t2 , s1 )(t2 s1 ) , (S.2)


j1 (t, s1 )B
j2 (t2 , s2 ) = 2i Dj k (t, s1 )DjRel (t2 , s2 ) + DjRek (t, s1 )DjIml (t2 , s2 ) f lk (s1 , s2 )(s2 s1 ) .
( Im )
B 1 2 1 2

We observe that the first term of the right hand side of Eq. (S.1) is of the type we want, since it is an even T-product.
The second and third terms instead display an odd number of operators to be time ordered and they need to be
rewritten. One then applies Eq. (14) to the second (third) term of Eq. (S.1) obtaining, similarly to Eq. (S.1), an
even T-products and two series containing contractions of B (A).
Applying this procedure recursively, one eventually
obtains a series expansion of the initial odd T-product, exclusively in terms of even T-products of lower order:
+ n $ t $ ti
- n1 +k $ -
(n 1)! , t $ ti
j1 (t, s1 ) dti dsi A (ti )B
ji (ti , si ) = B)
dti dsi A (ti )B
ji (ti , si )
, j
* j
T B i
cj1 (A, T i

i=2 0 0 k! i=1 0 0
(n 1)! Mtk ,
= cnk1
j1 (A, (S.4)

where Eq. (S.4) is obtained by exploiting Eq. (12). Substituting this result in Eq. (13), and exploiting Eq. (11) one
can write M t as follows:

$ t n1
cnk1 B)
t = Aj1 (t) j1
* *
M ds1 (1)n1 Mtk . (S.5)
0 n=1

Performing the change of label m = n 1, and exploiting the definition of Cauchy product of two series, we achieve
the goal of expressing M t in terms of Mt :

+$ -
n n
Mt = A (t) ds1 (1) cj (A, B) Mt . (S.6)
0 n=0

The cnj (A, are functionals of A and B,
and their explicit expressions are involved. A long calculation leads to
cj = Bj (t, s1 ), and
$ t $ t2 6 7
cnj (A, = dt2 ds2 bn,j2
(s 1 , t 2 )Bj2 (t2 , s2 ) + anjj (s1 , s2 )Aj2 (t2 ) , (S.7)
j 2
0 0

where n 1, and the comma on the superscript distinguishes the series index n from the dummy index j2 . The bn

and an are recursively defined as follows

b1,j2 j (t, s1 )Aj2 (t2 ) ,

(s1 , t2 ) = B (S.8)
$ t $ tn+1
(s1 , t2 ) = dtn+1 dsn+1 b1,k n1,j2
j (s1 , tn+1 )bk (sn+1 , t2 ) , n 2, (S.9)
0 0

j (t, s1 )B
a1jj2 (s1 , s2 ) = B j2 (t2 , s2 ) , (S.10)
$ t $ tn+1
anjj2 (s1 , s2 ) = dtn+1 dsn+1 a1jk (s1 , tn+1 )an1 n1 k
kj2 (sn+1 , s2 ) + ajk (s1 , sn+1 ) A (tn+1 )Bj2 (t2 , s2 ) , n 2.(S.11)
0 0

Note that, since both b (s1 , t2 ) and a1 (s1 , s2 ) depend on DIm , by construction also every bn (s1 , t2 ) and an (s1 , s2 )

display such dependence. This fact plays a crucial role when considering non-dissipative dynamics, i.e. DIm = 0.
At this stage we make use of the definition of B of Eq.(6), in order to make explicit the dependence on A (s1 ) and
Ac (s1 ). The result is

= Ajk (s1 )Ak (s1 ) + 2iBjk (s1 )Ak (s1 ) ,
(1)n cn (A, c (S.12)


Ajk (t, s1 ) = Djk (t, s1 ) + njk (t, s1 ) , (S.13)
Im n
Bjk (t, s1 ) = Djk (t, s1 ) + jk (t, s1 ) , (S.14)

&$ t $ t $ s1 $ t '
njk (t, s1 ) = (1)n ds2 dt2 bn,l Re
j (t2 , s2 )Dlk (s2 , s1 ) + ds2 dt2 anjk (t2 , s2 ) , (S.15)
s1 0 0 0
$ t $ t
jk (t, s1 ) = (1) n
ds2 dt2 bn,l Im
j (t2 , s2 )Dlk (s2 , s1 ) . (S.16)
s1 0

Exploiting these definitions one can determine analytically both the functions of the ME (18) and those displayed by
the ME (27) for linear systems. Furthermore, we mention that ME (27) can be recast in the non diagonal Kossakovski
form as follows:
& '
1 k j
t = i[H,
] + (t) Flj Fm
lm k
fjk {Fm Fl , } . (S.17)

0 + ijk (t)Aj Ak + ijk (t){Aj , A k }, F j = Aj , F j = A j , and

where H 1 2
& '
lm jk (t) jk (t) + jk (t)
fjk (t) = (S.18)
jk (t) jk (t) 0

Explicit expressions of the coecients of Eq. (32). The system under study is an harmonic oscillator of
mass m and proper frequency :
2 2
= p + m q2 + {
H q , p} (S.19)
2m 2 2
The Heisenberg equations of motion are linear and their solution reads:
& ' & '
qs qt
= C(t s) (S.20)
ps pt

8 9
(t s)
cos sin
(t s) 1
m sin
(t s)
C(t s) = m 2 , (S.21)
(t s) cos
(t s) + sin (t s)

= 2 2 2 . Note that since p is in the coupling, Cij (t s) = Cji (t s). Substituting

where we have defined
these expressions in Eqs. (23)-(26) of the Letter, one finds:
$ t
(t) = A11 (t, s)C11 (t s) A12 (t, s)C21 (t s)ds (S.22)
$ t
(t) = A11 (t, s)C12 (t s) A12 (t, s)C22 (t s) A21 (t, s)C11 (t s) + 2 A22 (t, s)C21 (t s)ds (S.23)
$ t
(t) = i B11 (t, s)C11 (t s) B12 (t, s)C21 (t s)ds (S.24)
$ t
(t) = i B11 (t, s)C12 (t s) B12 (t, s)C22 (t s) B21 (t, s)C11 (t s) + 2 B22 (t, s)C21 (t s)ds (S.25)
$ t
(t) = iB21 (t, s)C12 (t s) i2 B22 (t, s)C22 (t s)ds (S.26)
$ t
(t) = iB21 (t, s)C11 (t s) i2 B22 (t, s)C21 (t s)ds (S.27)
$ t
(t) = A21 (t, s)C12 (t s) 2 A22 (t, s)C22 (t s)ds (S.28)

where A and B are given by Eqs. (S.13)-(S.14) with the prescriptions

Re Im Im Re
D11 (t, s) = D12 (t, s) = D21 (t, s) = D22 (t, s) D(t, s) (S.29)

Im Re Re Im
D11 (t, s) = D12 (t, s) = D21 (t, s) = D22 (t, s) 0 (S.30)

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