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Inks Lake

By:Emily Steele,Merritt Beathard,& Annabelle Hubert

1995- 64 degrees F

Now- 77 degrees F

A possible cause of this change could be seasonal air temperature variation -

global warming.
1994- 53.3 ppt

Now- 0.33 ppt

A possible cause of this change could be the amount of ions in a body of water.
The ions create the high levels of salinity in Inks Lake but the amounts are not very
high compared to past levels.
1995- 7.88

Now- 8.20

A possible cause of pH change could be pollution by people and industries.

For example, trash and a variety of different chemicals.
Conservation Techniques
Temperature: There are three simple ways to reduce global warming - reduce the
use of fossil fuels, plant trees, and conserve water.

Salinity:You could possibly help fix this situation if it was to get high again by
creating a passageway to the ocean so it doesn't build up in the lake.

pH: You could help spread the word not to litter and pollute the water.
Personal impacts
The waters pH, temperature, and salinity levels affect us because we use water in
our everyday lives. These water factors are very important during recreational and
extracurricular activities. We would not want to jump into salty, dirty water if we
went cliff jumping.



Sources" LCRA, n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2017.

."Lake County Water Atlas." Learn More About Salinity -

N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2017.

"Why Is Lake Temperature Important?" Why Is Lake Temperature Important?

N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2017.
More Sources
"PH of Water." Environmental Measurement Systems. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar.
Writer, Leaf Group. "Top Ways to Stop Global Warming." Home Guides | SF Gate.
SF Gate, 09 Mar. 2011. Web. 29 Mar. 2017.

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