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Review Article

Raynauds Phenomenon
Renu Saigal**, Amit Kansal*, Manoop Mittal*, Yadvinder Singh*, Hari Ram*
Raynauds phenomena (RP) is a commonly encountered clinical manifestation which may be primary or
secondary to underlying disease. There is imbalance between vasoconstricting and vasodilating factors. Physical
examination, nailfold capillaroscopy and immunological tests can differentiate primary from secondary RP.
Treatment involves prevention of RP so that permanent ischemic damage i.e. gangrene can be avoided. Avoidance
of exposure to cold, emotional stress and certain drugs is mandatory and if attacks are occurring then vasodilators,
prostaglandin analogues, anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs may be added.
An attempt has been made to guide the clinician to diagnose and treat a patient of RP through this article.

Definition disease (also known as secondary Raynauds).

R aynauds phenomenon (RP) refers to reversible spasm of The prevalence of primary Raynauds varies among different
peripheral arterioles in response to cold or stress. populations; from 4.9-20.1% in women to 3.8-13.5% in men. The
frequency of secondary Raynauds depends on the underlying
RP is usually seen in distal digits but may also involve nose,
disorder. The differences between primary and secondary
ears and tongue. RP is characterized by triphasic response
Raynauds phenomenon are summarized in Table 1.
(Fig. 1).
Raynauds phenomenon should also be distinguished from
Phase 1 Pallor due to vasoconstriction of
acrocyanosis, a condition characterized by persistent, symmetric
precapillary muscular arterioles
cyanosis of the hands, less commonly of feet that is aggravated
Phase 2 Cyanosis due to venous pooling by cold temperatures; it is due to vasospasm of small vessels
and deoxygenation of venous blood. Ischemic Phase of the skin.
Phase 3 Erythema because of reactive
hyperemia. It is associated with throbbing Physiology of Vascular Tone
pain. Vascular tone is maintained by (A) endothelium of vessel wall
Critical ischemia is characterized by severe pain, downward (B) neural factors. Lumen patency is maintained by inhibition
positioning of hand and if not relieved, may lead to ulceration of platelets, fibrinolysis and maintenance of viscosity of blood.
or gangrene. Endothelium of vessel wall forms vasodilators e.g. endothelium
Raynauds phenomenon should be distinguished from dependent relaxing factor (EDRF) which is nitric oxide (NO). NO
Raynauds disease. They are distinct disorders that share generates cGMP, a potent vasodilator and inhibitor of platelet
a similar name. Raynauds disease is the occurrence of the function. Endothelial dependent relaxation may be lost in the
vasospasm alone, with no association with another illness Table 1 : Differences between Primary and Secondary RP5
(also known as Primary Raynauds). Raynauds phenomenon is
secondary to other conditions, most commonly an autoimmune Primary RP Secondary RP
Exaggerated physiological Secondary to serious underlying
Raynauds Phenomenon response to cold or stress. disease.
No arterial structural abnormality, Abnormal nail fold capillaries are
Raynauds normal nail fold capillaries. present3
Phenomenon Symmetric attacks Asymmetric intense painful
1. 3. Tissue necrosis, ulceration or Ischemic skin lesions viz ulcers
gangrene is absent and pulp pitting present
Median age of onset is 14 years. Age at onset is > 30.
Only 27% begin at 40 years or
Clinical features of Connective Clinical features of CTD like
tissue diseases (CTD) are absent. arthritis, myalgia, sclerodactyly,
Fingers become 2. fever, sicca symptoms, rash,
white due to lack of weight loss, and cardiopulmonary
blood ow, then blue abnormality are present
as vessels dilate to
ESR normal, CRP negative ESR Raised, CRP positive
keep blood in tissues,
nally red as blood ANA and other autoantibodies ANA and other autoantibodies
ow returns absent may be present.4
Fig 1 : Triphasic response in RP Increased frequency of migraine May not be present
and Prinzmetal Angina
Professor and Unit Head, Department of Medicine, *Resident, (Vasospatic disorders) may be
Department of Medicine, Sawai Man Singh Medical College and present. 25% may have family
Hospital, Jaipur, India. history of RP in first degree
Received: 30.01.2009; Revised: 18.06.2009; Accepted: 20.06.2009 relative2

JAPI may 2010 VOL. 58 309

VASOCONSTRICTION VASODILATION Intravascular abnormalities include platelet activation,
Reactivity of
smooth muscle
neuropeptides e.g. CGRP impaired fibrinolysis, increased viscosity and probably oxidant
2-adrenoceptors from sensory aerents stress.
Smooth muscle cell Various mechanisms are:
Endothelial cell A. Increased Vasoconstriction:
Increased reactivity of vascular smooth muscles
Endothelin-1 NO
from endothelial cells from endothelial cells supplied by 2 adrenoreceptor which are prominent
on cutaneous blood vessels of digits.
Platelet activation Increased endothelin 1(vasoconstrictor) secreted by
Oxidative stress Fibrinolysis endothelial cells in response to ischemic injury.
Red blood cell
deformability B. O2 free radical injury to endothelial cells and tissues because
of ischemia and subsequent reperfusion
C. Decreased vasodilatation:
Decreased vasodilatory neuropeptides e.g. calcitonin
gene related peptides (CGRP) from sensory afferents
DAMAGE PROCOAGULANT TENDENCY leads to RP. In primary RP, in RP secondary to systemic
Fig. 2 : Pathogenesis of RP sclerosis, and in patients who use vibrating tools, a
On left : Increased vasoconstrictor impulses Increased activity of -2 significant reduction of CGRP fibres is detected.
adrenoreceptors, increased endothelin -1 from injured endothelial cells
Decreased NO (nitric oxide) and prostacyclin from
because of ischemia
On right : Decreased vasodilatation: Decreased vasodilatory injured endothelial cells.
neuropeptides CGRP (Calcitonin gene related peptides), decreased D. I n c r e a s e d p l a t e l e t a c t i v a t i o n /
nitric oxide from endothelial cells. Increased procoagulant activity : aggregation: Thromboxane A 2 and
increased platelet activity, decreased fibrinolysis & RBC deformability serotonin (potent vasoconstrictors) are
& increased viscosity
(D, E, F, G -
produced. decrease blood
presence of reactive oxygen species, leading to vasoconstriction E. Decreased fibrinolysis. flow)
and vascular injury. Endothelial cells also produce prostacyclin F. Decreased red cell deformability.
(PGI2), prostaglandin E1 and E2 and leukotienes which like NO
are potent vasodilators and antiplatelet agents. G. Increased viscosity
Besides vasodilators, endothelial cells also express The decreased blood flow may be the result of increased
vasoconstrictor substances like endothelin -1 and angiotensin blood viscosity as in cryoglobulinemia or Waldenstrom
II and thromboxane A2. Endothelin-1 is released in response to macroglobulinemia, abnormalities of the vasculature (specifically
epinephrine, thrombin, shear stress and oxidized lipoproteins. the endothelium), structural disease of vessel with intimal
Endothelin-1 exerts its biological function by G protein proliferation and lumen narrowing or vessel occlusion due to
coupled cellular receptors, ET A and ET B. ET A is expressed thrombus or entrapment of vessels in excess extracellular matrix
predominantly on vascular smooth muscle and mediates the as in scleroderma or unusually intense vasoconstriction.
vasoconstrictor effect of ET-1. Binding of ET-1 to ET B, which is Release of von Willebrand factor (a measure of endothelial
expressed by endothelial cells, causes vasorelaxation in addition injury), decreased nitric oxide synthesis, and local inflammation
to ET -1 clearance. and increased circulating levels of interleukin-13 (a cytokine that
Peripheral nerve endings also releases vasodilating factors promotes fibrosis and inflammation) have all been implicated
like substance P, vasoactive intestinal peptide and calcitonin in patients of systemic sclerosis.
gene related peptides (CGRP). The latter, released from sensory In patients with scleroderma, secondary Reynauds is
afferents acts through CGRP receptors, widely distributed in associated with narrowing of the blood vessels from intimal
body, are the most potent endogenous vasodilatory peptides. proliferation, this leads to baseline ischemia and hypoxia.
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is present in central and peripheral Vasospasm occurs on the background hypoxia. It has also been
nervous system and is co-localised with noradrenergic associated with an increase in endothelin-1, a vasoconstrictor
transmitters in postganglionic sympathetic fibers. It is released substance. Endothelin-1 levels are increased in RP associated
in response to nerve stimulation and ischemia. NPY acts with with scleroderma and marked increase in its level occurs in
norepinephrine and is released in response to cold or stress, response to cooling as compared to normal individuals. It is
from sympathetic nerve endings, stimulates 2 adrenoreceptors believed to be a product of abnormal endothelial cells that are
and causes vasoconstriction besides NPY is a strong inducer of present in the skin of these patients.
smooth muscle cell proliferation. In primary RP, reduction in CGRP and high -2 adrenergic
Platelets, mast cells, and fibroblasts participate in the activity stand out as two prominent factors. While endothelial
regulation of vascular tone through release of platelet- derived dependent processes are believed to be more important in the
growth factor, epidermal growth factor, histamine and cytokines. exacerbation than initiation of RP, especially secondary RP.
Various diseases associated with Reynauds phenomenon
Pathogenesis (Fig. 2) include the following:
There is imbalance between vasoconstricting and vasodilating
factors. Autoimmune Diseases
ET-1 levels are increased, and there is a diminution of (Figures in parenthesis indicates patients with RP)
CGRP-containing perivascular nerves in finger skin and there is Systemic sclerosis (90%) (both diffuse (dc SSc) and limited
upregulation of normally silent 2 adrenoreceptors.

310 JAPI may 2010 VOL. 58

(Lc SSc) i.e. CREST syndrome- calcinosis, raynauds - Bone pain may suggest a paraneoplastic syndrome
phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, associated with a hyperviscosity syndrome.
telangectasia) - The presence of nephritis, malar erythema, and arthritis
Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) (85%) suggests systemic lupus erythematosus.
Sjogren syndrome (33%) Persistent cyanosis or necrotic distal tissue suggests an
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (10-44%) underlying disorder, like scleroderma or permanent
Polymyositis (PM) (29%) and dermatomyositis (DM) (25%) ischemia. Livedo reticularis suggests an autoimmune
disorder or coagulation abnormality (Antiphospholipid
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (10-15%) syndrome).
Cryoglobulinemia, cryofibrinogemia (10%) Carpal tunnel syndrome has been associated with Raynauds
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APLA) phenomenon.
Primary biliary cirrhosis In older patients with new-onset Raynauds and no obvious
Primary pulmonary hypertension underlying cause, malignancy must be suspected.

Drugs Laboratory Investigations in RP

Ergotamines Cyclosporine A Complete blood counts, ESR
Interferon and Cytotoxic drugs: Urinalysis
Oestrogens bleomycin, cisplatin, vin General blood chemical analyses
Nicotine cristine,vinblastine,carb Antinuclear antibody (immunofluorescent assay IFA)
B blockers Disease specific autoantibodies
Cocaine C3 and C4 complement levels
Clonidine If all the above tests are normal then following tests should
Sympathomimetics be performed
Thyroid function tests
Environmental Agents and Injury Serum protein electrophoresis
Tests for cryoglobulins
Repetitive occupational stress:
Anti-topoisomerase antibodies and anticentromere
Hand arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) - In rock drillers, antibodies
grinders, lumberjacks, jackhammerers and sanders
Serum viscosity
Hypothenar hammer syndrome (HHS) Ulnar artery aneurysm
Serum creatine kinase
has been seen in persons who use ulnar border of palm as
hammer and thrombosis of ulnar artery leads to localized Rheumatoid factor
RP in medial two fingers. Hepatitis panel
Neuropathy: Cold agglutinins
Carpal tunnel syndrome Antiphospholipid antibodies studies
Other Systemic Diseases X-ray hands Subcutaneous calcification is present in
Hypothyroidism, Cancer, Cold agglutinin syndrome CREST syndrome
POEMS syndrome (polyneuropathy, organomegaly,
endocrinopathy, M protein and skin changes) Specific Tests
Medications have been associated with exacerbations of Digital perfusion: Measured by digital plethysmography,
primary or secondary Raynauds. Most of these medications digital blood pressure, laser Doppler and flowmetry are
promote vasoconstriction e.g. ergot alkaloids, nonspecific mainly used for research purpose.
beta-adrenergic antagonists, and oral contraceptives. Some Nail-fold vasculature by capillaroscopy
chemotherapeutic agents e.g. bleomycin and the vinca alkaloids 3 rd or 4 th finger at room temperature is examined
are associated with fibrosis and may decrease blood flow with by ophthalmoscope, using + 40 D lens or hand held
subsequent development of secondary Raynauds. illuminating microscope giving 10-40X magnification. Place
U1-RNP antibodies may represent a marker for the vascular a drop of grade B immersion oil or KY lubricant jelly on the
process that causes Raynauds phenomenon. It can also be digit proximal to cuticle and capillary loops are looked for.
considered a marker for associated structural vasculopathy.6 Normal capillary loops are evenly arranged hairpin like
thin, uniform and symmetric vessels. (Fig. 3a)
Physical Examination In SSc these vessels are irregular, dilated, elongated and
Digits should be examined if either primary or secondary tortuous. These are bushy, engorged or corkscrew on
Raynauds is suspected for: appearance. (Fig. 3b)
- Sclerodactyly, calcinosis, arthritis or digital ulcers. In Limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis (Lc SSc) there is
- Nailfold capillaries under magnification from a only dilatation without dropout of vessels while in diffuse
dissecting microscope or ophthalmoscope (vide infra) cutaneous systemic sclerosis (dc SSc), MCTD and DM there
Any signs or symptoms of other syndromes associated with is dropout of capillaries i.e. areas of avascularity as well.
secondary Raynauds phenomenon should be looked for e.g. (Fig. 3b).

JAPI may 2010 VOL. 58 311

more effective than placebo (7). with long term use tolerance
may develop.
F. Angiotensin II receptor antagonist:
Losartan 25 100 mg/d
In addition to vasodilatation, it is also anti-inflammatory
and blocks the fibrogenic effect of angiotensin II.8
G. Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor:
Fluoxetine: 10 mg PO upon waking; can be increased
q2wk; not to exceed 60 mg/d
Fig. 3a : Normal nail fold capillaries A better response was seen in patients with Raynauds
disease versus patients with Raynauds phenomenon.9
H. Selective serotonin antagonist:
Ketanserin : 40 mg tid (PO)
I. Statins:
Improve endothelial cell dysfunction and decrease platelet
aggregation and vascular smooth cell proliferation is also
J. Anti-oxidants:
Vitamin E 400 mg /d
Fig. 3b : Dilated and dropout capillaries in systemic sclerosis
Doppler arterial ultrasound: Digital plethysmography or
angiography: K. Treatment of infection:
Patients with asymmetric attacks, absent pulses, single digit Avascular areas are prone to develop infections so antibiotics
involvement, and asymmetry of blood pressure or evidence and proper dressing of infected areas is required. If
of critical ischemia should undergo to rule out large artery ulcerations develop, patients need to keep them sterile and
disease such as: to treat any infections aggressively that may intercede. All
of this should be done under the supervision of a physician.
L. Fish oils: containing omega-3-fatty acids may be beneficial
Thromboangiitis obliterans to some patients with primary Raynauds.11
Vasculitis They reduce plasma viscosity and act as a substrate for
Thromboembolic disease production of prostacyclin.
Thoracic outlet syndrome
For Critical Ischemia
Treatment Prostaglandin
General Measures Iloprost 0.5-2.0 ng/kg/min IV Infusion for 6-24 hours for
A. Avoidance of exposure to cold, vibrating tools and stress. 2-5 days (Vasodilator and Inhibits platelet aggregation).
Patient is asked to keep body warm by wearing gloves, Synthetic analogue of prostacyclin PGI2 that dilates systemic
mittens, stocking and woolens. and pulmonary arterial vasculature.
Relaxation techniques and biofeedback to decrease Adverse events: Chest Pain, headache, nausea & jaw pain.
emotional stress so that there is least sympathomimetic Epoprostenol 0.5- 6 ng / kg / min Infusion for 1- 3 days.
stimulation. Analogue of PGI2 has potent vasodilatory properties,
B. Avoid drugs: immediate onset of action, and half-life of approximately 5
Oestrogens min. In addition to vasodilator properties, also contributes to
Sympathomimetics (decongestants in cold remedies) inhibition of platelet aggregation and plays role in inhibition
Clonidine of smooth muscle proliferation. Continuous chronic infusion
should be administered through central venous catheter.12
Acute dose: 2 ng/kg/min continuous IV; increase by 2 ng/kg/
Serotonin receptor agonists sumatriptan min q15min or longer until dose-limiting effects are elicited (eg,
C. Smoking should be stopped chest pain, anxiety, dizziness, changes in heart rate, dyspnea,
D. Calcium channel blockers (CCB): nausea, vomiting, headache, hypotension, flushing).
CCB are arterial vasodilators. They also have Areas of uncertainities
antiplatelet effect and reduce oxidative stress. 1. Nitroglycerin patch: 1/4- 1/2 inch 2 % ointment. It is a NO
Nifedipine: 10-30 mg tid per oral (PO) donor. Effective for short term use but may cause headache.
Amlodepine: 5 20 mg daily PO Used on those digits which are most severely affected,
Diltiazem can also be used but it is not as effective as applied in the morning and then 6 hours later.
the dihydropyridine class of CCB. 2. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors: These drugs enhance the
E. Sympatholytic: effect of NO through inhibiting degradation of cyclic
guanosine monophosphate.
Prazosin: 1-5 mg/d PO ( 1 Adrenergic Blocker as 2
Adrenoreceptor blocker are not available). It was found Cilostazol : A synthetic phosphodiesterase III inhibitor

312 JAPI may 2010 VOL. 58

that reversibly inhibits platelet aggregation and produced Prognosis of secondary Raynauds is related to the underlying
beneficial effect in primary and secondary Raynauds disease. Prognosis for the involved digit in these patients is
phenomenon in 6 week double blind placebo controlled related to the severity of the ischemia and the effectiveness of
trial.13 maneuvers to restore blood flow.
Sildenafil and Tadalafil : There are no formal clinical trials
reports. Beneficial role shown in case reports. References
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of digital necrosis was seen with oral L-arginine in few case
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4. Kallenberg CG,Wouda AA,Hoet MH, van Venrooij WJ. Development
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Dose: <40 kg: 62.5 mg PO bid; not to exceed 125 mg/d 5. LeRoy EC, Medsger TA Jr. Raynauds Phenomenon : a proposal for
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5. Beraprost: Oral administration to patients with scleroderma
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7. Pope J, Fenlon D, Thompson A, et al. Prazosin for RP in progressive
6. Botulinum toxin A: Perivascular injection of botulinum systemic sclerosis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000; 2: CD000956.
toxin A has been shown to be effective treatment for RP.16 8. Dziadzio M, Denton CP, Smith R, et al. Losartan therapy for
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ischemia of one or two digits. findings in a fifteen-week, randomized, parallel-group, controlled
trial.Arthritis Rheum1999; 42:2646-55.
8. Sympathectomy: < 20 % benefitted. Its role is controversial
and benefit is temporary. 9. Coleiro B, Marshall SE, Denton CP, et al. Treatment of RP with
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I. Short acting CCB: Nifedipine has antiplatelet effect alsoj.17 10. CP Dento et al. Probucol improves symptoms and reduces
II. Antiplatelet drugs: Aspirin has been found to be effective lipoprotein oxidation susceptibility in patients with Raynauds
in ischemic crisis. 18 Activated platelets are source of phenomenon. Rheumatology 1999; 38:309-315
vasospastic substances, such as serotonin and thromboxane 11. DiGiacomo RA, Kremer JM, Shah DM. Fish-oil dietary
A2. supplementation in patients with Raynauds phenomenon: a
double-blind, controlled, prospective study.Am J Med 1989;86:158-
III. Chemical sympathectomy: Digital or wrist block with
lidocaine or bupivacaine at the base of the involved digits
decreases sympathomimetic input, reduces ischemic pain, 12. Belch JJ, Newman P, Drury JK, et al. Intermittent epoprostenol
(prostacyclin) infusion in patients with Raynauds syndrome. A
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IV. Iloprost or epoprostenol 13. Rajagopalan S, Pfenninger D, Somers E, et al,: Effects of cilostazol
V. Anti-coagulation: with heparin for 24- 72 hours if there is in patients with Raynauds syndrome. Am J Cardiol 2003, 92:1310-
persistent ischemia as microthrombi likely to contribute to 1315.
vaso-occlusion. Low molecular weight heparin may be used. 14. Korn JH, Mayes M, Matucci Cerinic M, et al. Digital ulcers in
VI. Localized digital sympathectomy : Adventitia of digital systemic sclerosis: prevention by treatment with bosentan, an oral
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not responsive to medical treatment.18,19 beraprost sodium, on digital necrosis in systemic sclerosis. Journal
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VII. Plasmapheresis : Patients with hyperviscosity syndromes
16. Van Beek, Allen L. M.D.; Lim, Paul K. M.D.; Gear, Andrew J. L. M.D
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decrease the viscosity and improve the rheologic properties
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VIII. Further workup for vasculitis, thrombosis, arthrosclerosis, Rheum 2001;44:1841-7
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no mortality and little morbidity.

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