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Acute Manifestations of Neuromuscular Disease

Christyn Edmundson, MD1 Shawn J. Bird, MD1

1 Department of Neurology, Hospital of the University of Address for correspondence Shawn J. Bird, MD, Department of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Neurology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 3400 Spruce
Street, 3 West Gates, Philadelphia, PA
Semin Neurol 2019;39:115–124. (e-mail:

Abstract Neuromuscular emergencies may be defined as disorders or exacerbation of diseases of

the peripheral nervous system that are rapidly progressive and potentially life-
threatening. Such disorders can affect any level of the peripheral nervous system,
Keywords from the muscle to the anterior horn cell. While their clinical manifestations may vary,
► neuromuscular severe morbidity and mortality is most frequently the result of neuromuscular
emergencies respiratory failure. Some disorders, such as Guillain–Barré syndrome, provide the

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► myasthenia gravis additional threat of severe, and potentially irreversible, nerve loss. Others, such as
► Guillain–Barré rhabdomyolysis and malignant hyperthermia, may produce serious medical complica-
syndrome tions. This article reviews neuromuscular emergencies by localization in the peripheral
► tetanus nervous system of the underlying disorder, as well as the identification and manage-
► botulism ment of neuromuscular respiratory failure.

General Approach to Neuromuscular Assessment of Respiratory Function

Emergencies Symptoms and signs suggestive of neuromuscular respira-
tory failure include dyspnea and orthopnea, tachypnea,
Neuromuscular disorders causing acute, generalized weak- hypophonia, staccato speech, weak cough, use of accessory
ness may be life-threatening, primarily through their effects respiratory muscles, and paradoxical breathing.1 Patients
on respiratory and bulbar muscles. Acute, generalized weak- with neuromuscular weakness threatening respiratory func-
ness may result from multiple localizations within the tion often also have weakness of neck flexion and extension
peripheral nervous system. Features such as the presence and weakness of pharyngeal muscles, manifesting as dys-
or absence of sensory symptoms, reflex changes, distribution phagia and difficulty clearing secretions. All patients with
of muscle weakness, extraocular muscle involvement, and acute or progressive signs of neuromuscular respiratory
involvement of other organ systems can aid the clinician in failure should be admitted to an intensive care for close
localizing the patient’s disorder. ►Table 1 describes classic monitoring and respiratory support, if needed.
findings by localization within the peripheral nervous sys- While oxygenation should be monitored continuously,
tem. Additional studies, including electromyography (EMG) hypoxemia and hypercarbia are insensitive measures of
and nerve conduction studies (NCSs), various blood tests, muscle weakness, as they often develop only after the onset
and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sampling, can also help estab- of severe respiratory failure. Vital capacity (VC), maximal
lish a diagnosis (see ►Table 2). inspiratory pressure (MIP; also known as negative inspira-
tory force [NIF]), and maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) are
Evaluation and Management of Respiratory Failure the most useful measures of respiratory muscle function in
Acute neuromuscular disorders can result in life-threaten- neuromuscular weakness. In practical terms, the VC and MIP
ing respiratory failure. Regardless of the cause of neuro- (NIF) are the most commonly used bedside parameters in the
muscular weakness, the signs and symptoms of respiratory hospital setting. VC is the maximum volume exhaled after
failure are similar and measures of respiratory function and maximum inspiration, and reflects both inspiratory and
decisions regarding intubation follow common principles expiratory muscle strength. Normal values for VC vary by
(see ►Table 3). age, gender, and height, though VC less than 30 mL/kg of ideal

Issue Theme Emergency Neurology; Copyright © 2019 by Thieme Medical DOI
Guest Editors, Joshua N. Goldstein, MD, Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, 10.1055/s-0038-1676838.
PhD, and Jeffrey M. Ellenbogen, MMSc, New York, NY 10001, USA. ISSN 0271-8235.
MD Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
116 Acute Manifestations of Neuromuscular Disease Edmundson, Bird

Table 1 Physical findings by localization in neuromuscular emergencies

Motor Respiratory Reflexes Sensory

Muscle Proximal limb and neck muscle weakness Possible involvement Usually unchanged Unchanged
Neuromuscular Proximal limb and neck muscle weakness Frequent involvement Usually unchanged Unchanged
junction or descending weakness. Frequent ocular
and bulbar involvement
Nerve Typically ascending weakness. Possible Possible involvement Reduced Frequent
bulbar involvement. Rare ocular involvement
Anterior horn cell Variable patterns of weakness Possible involvement Usually reduced Unchanged

Table 2 Essential diagnostics and disease-specific treatments in neuromuscular emergencies

Essential diagnostic tests Disease-specific treatment

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Rhabdomyolysis Serum CK IV fluids
Urinalysis Sodium bicarbonate if acidemia present
Mannitol if low urine output
Malignant hyperthermia Serum CK Dantrolene
ABG Ventilation with 100% O2
Urinalysis Cooling measures
Myasthenic crisis AChR and MuSK antibodies PLEX or IVIG
Nerve conduction studies
with repetitive stimulation
CT chest
Botulism Culture or isolation of toxin Botulism antitoxin
Guillain–Barré syndrome Lumbar puncture for CSF studies PLEX or IVIG
Nerve conduction studies
Viral motor neuronopathies Lumbar puncture for CSF studies None
Tetanus Wound culture, if possible Wound debridement
Human tetanus immunoglobulin
or equine antitoxin
IV magnesium

Abbreviations: ABG, arterial blood gas; AChR, acetylcholine receptor; CK, creatinine kinase; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin;
MuSK, muscle specific kinase; PLEX, plasmapheresis.

Table 3 Triggers for intubation in neuromuscular respiratory

measuring the negative pressure generated at the mouth.
While normal values for MIP vary by age and gender,2 an MIP
of 0 to 30 cm H2O is suggestive of severe respiratory muscle
Triggers for elective Triggers for emergent
intubation intubation weakness. MEP is a measure of expiratory force, which is
most important for cough and secretion clearance. Measure-
SBC < 20 Somnolence
ments of VC, MIP, and MEP may be complicated by technical
FVC < 20 mL/kg Hypoxemia factors, such as facial weakness resulting in a poor seal with
MIP < 30 cm H2O Hypercapnia the spirometer, and such values should be considered in the
MEP < 40 cm H2O broader clinical context. In that circumstance, more reliance
is placed on the clinical symptoms and signs of respiratory
Abbreviations: FVC, forced vital capacity; MEP, maximal expiratory failure (see previously).
pressure; MIP, maximum inspiratory pressure; SBC, single breath count.
The single breath count (SBC) is a useful surrogate for VC in
situations where equipment for formal testing of respiratory
body weight may suggest respiratory muscle weakness in muscle strength is not available, such as during prehospital
patients with neuromuscular disorders. The MIP reflects care. To obtain an SBC, the patient is asked to maximally inhale
inspiratory muscle strength and is obtained by asking a and then count up from one on a single breath. We find this
patient to maximally inhale against a closed valve while maneuver to be more reliable if this is demonstrated by the

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examiner first. The SBC has been shown to correlate with VC airway clearance may help prevent reintubation. If patients
and MIP in patients with myasthenia gravis (MG).3 Each require prolonged ventilation, or if the underlying cause of
number counted on the SBC corresponds with roughly neuromuscular respiratory failure cannot be reversed, tra-
100 mL of VC. For example, an SBC of 10 roughly correlates cheostomy should be considered.
to a VC of 1 L and an SBC of 40 roughly correlates to a VC of 4 L.

Respiratory Support in Neuromuscular Respiratory Disorders by Localization

Neuromuscular Junction
Endotracheal intubation with positive pressure ventilation
(PPV) is the preferred method of respiratory support in Myasthenia Gravis
patients with neuromuscular respiratory failure, as it has Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder caused by
the advantage of providing the capacity for both ventilation antibodies directed at proteins on the postsynaptic neuro-
and secretion clearance. There are no data comparing PPV to muscular junction of skeletal muscle. MG is characterized as
noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) in patients ocular or generalized, depending on the pattern of muscle
with neuromuscular weakness.4 NPPV may be considered in involvement. In patients with generalized MG, acetylcholine
some select cases, but should be reserved for patients whose receptor (AChR) antibodies are present in approximately
weakness is expected to quickly resolve, who are able to 85%. Muscle-specific kinase (MuSK) antibodies are found in

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adequately manage secretions, and whose pulmonary para- 38 to 50% of patients who lack detectable AChR antibodies.
meters can be closely followed up in an ICU setting. Six percent to 12% of patients with MG will lack these
It is preferable to perform endotracheal intubation as an antibodies, and are termed seronegative.10 Thymic tumors,
elective procedure in patients who show signs of impending primarily thymoma, are present in up to 15% of patients with
neuromuscular respiratory failure, rather than as an emer- AChR antibody-positive MG.11
gent response to respiratory collapse producing hypercapnia
and hypoxemia.1 The decision to intubate a patient with Clinical Features
neuromuscular weakness is made based on a combination of Myasthenia gravis is characterized by fluctuating weakness
clinical findings and objective measures of respiratory func- that worsens with activity and improves with rest. In ocular
tion. Serial VC and MIP can help establish a trend in respira- MG, weakness is limited to periocular muscles, resulting in
tory function and should be performed frequently in patients fluctuating ptosis and diplopia. In generalized MG, weakness
at risk for neuromuscular respiratory failure. may also involve oropharyngeal, respiratory, and limb muscles.
The timing of elective intubation has been most thor- Myasthenic crisis is defined as worsening of myasthenic
oughly studied in patients with Guillain–Barré syndrome symptoms requiring intubation or noninvasive ventilation.
(GBS) and MG. In GBS patients, progression to respiratory Ventilatory support may be required due to respiratory
failure was associated with VC less than 20 mL/kg, MIP less muscle weakness or severe bulbar muscle weakness causing
than 30 cm H2O, and MEP less than 40 cm H2O, sometimes upper airway obstruction or aspiration. Impending myasthe-
known as the “20/30/40 rule,” or a reduction of more than nic crisis is defined as rapid clinical worsening of myasthenic
30% in any of these measures.5 We advocate these thresholds weakness that could rapidly lead to myasthenic crisis.12 As
as a guide for elective intubation in patients with acute many as 10 to 20% of patients with MG experience at least
neuromuscular weakness. Clinical features that should one myasthenic crisis.13 Myasthenic crisis may be precipi-
prompt strong consideration of intubation include signs of tated by a variety of factors including infection, medications,
respiratory distress, such as drowsiness, inability to lie flat a surgical procedure, or pregnancy and childbirth. Mortality
due to increased dyspnea, use of accessory muscles, or in patients with myasthenic crisis has declined over the past
inadequate secretion clearance. Failure to rapidly improve decades to approximately 5%,14 and often results from
with NPPV should also prompt intubation. systemic complications such as infection or cardiac disease.
Principles of weaning mechanical ventilation in patients Cholinergic crisis, or paradoxical worsening of myasthe-
with neuromuscular respiratory failure are similar to the nic symptoms with exposure to excessively high doses of
general population. There are multiple methods for weaning anticholinesterase medication, potentially could be mista-
mechanical ventilation, with no single agreed-upon best ken for myasthenic crisis. However, cholinergic crisis is
approach. In broad terms, the most successful weaning rarely, if ever, seen. Cholinergic crisis does not occur in
strategies emphasize a daily assessment of breathing func- patients taking standard pharmacologic doses for MG
tion and judicious use of sedative medications.6,7 Once the (<120 mg pyridostigmine every 3 hours).
underlying cause of neuromuscular respiratory failure has
been identified and addressed, we prefer daily spontaneous Diagnosis
breathing trials (SBTs) with low levels of inspiratory pressure In patients presenting with impending or manifest myasthenic
support to assess a patient’s progress toward readiness for crisis, the cause of respiratory and bulbar symptoms may be
extubation.8,9 When a patient successfully passes an SBT, the readily apparent if they carry a preexisting diagnosis of MG.
endotracheal tube is typically removed. Patients should be However, myasthenic crisis is the first manifestation of MG in
closely monitored following extubation using MIP and VC to 13 to 20% of patients.15–17 Testing for MG in this setting should
detect individuals who may require reintubation. Aggressive focus on confirming the presence of this disease with serum

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118 Acute Manifestations of Neuromuscular Disease Edmundson, Bird

antibodies, or demonstrating a disorder of neuromuscular therapies depends on patient comorbidities and the institu-
transmission through electrodiagnostic testing. tional availability of each therapy.
Serum tests for AChR and MuSK antibodies, if not known, Additionally, during impending or manifest myasthenic
should be performed. Slow repetitive nerve stimulation crisis, high-dose corticosteroids (i.e., prednisone 60–80 mg
(RNS) at a rate of 2 to 3 Hz shows a significant decrement daily) may be started in an attempt to better control the MG
of motor response amplitudes in roughly 80% of patients in the weeks after the beneficial effects of PLEX or IVIG have
with generalized MG. While the sensitivity of slow RNS is worn off. However, high-dose corticosteroids may precipi-
much lower in patients with ocular MG, patients with tate exacerbation in myasthenic symptoms or even myasthe-
myasthenic crisis by definition have generalized MG, making nic crisis 5 to 10 days after initiating therapy. High-dose
slow RNS a useful confirmatory test in the acute setting. corticosteroids may be started several days after starting
Patients treated for myasthenic crisis may require central IVIG or PLEX because the quick onset of action of PLEX and
venous access. While proximal nerve stimulation, and RNS, IVIG prevents the transient worsening that would otherwise
has traditionally been avoided in patients with central occur due to the initiation of high-dose corticosteroids.
venous access, it appears that both may be safe, though Corticosteroid-sparing immunosuppressive therapies
this has not been assessed in critically ill individuals.18 commonly used for long-term treatment, such as azathiopr-
Single-fiber EMG is the most sensitive test available for ine, mycophenolate mofetil, cyclosporine, and tacrolimus,
MG, but is technically challenging and generally unfeasible take months to produce a therapeutic effect. While initiation

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in the ICU setting. Chest CT or MRI imaging should also be of such therapies may be considered to optimize long-term
performed to assess for the presence of thymoma in patients disease control, they do not play a role in urgent care of
with a new diagnosis of MG. myasthenic crisis. Similarly, thymectomy, which may
In the setting of strong clinical suspicion for impending or improve outcomes in patients with generalized AChR anti-
manifest myasthenic crisis, definitive treatment should not body-positive MG, even in those without thymoma,21 takes
be delayed by these diagnostic tests, which may be pursued months to years to be beneficial and should be deferred until
concurrently with the treatment measures discussed later. the disease has been stabilized.

Treatment Botulism
In addition to identifying and addressing possible precipi- Botulism is a disorder of presynaptic neuromuscular trans-
tants of MG exacerbation (e.g., infection), the mainstays of mission caused by exposure to botulinum toxin, a potent
treatment for myasthenic crisis are respiratory management neurotoxin produced by the anaerobic bacillus, Clostridium
and treatment with rapid acting therapies, such as intrave- botulinum (C. botulinum). Cases of botulism are rare, with
nous immunoglobulin (IVIG) or plasmapheresis (PLEX). roughly 200 reported per year in the United States.22 Multi-
Patients with myasthenic crisis require care in an ICU ple serotypes of botulinum toxin have been identified (A-
setting, while those with impending crisis may be cared for H),23 all of which diminish the release of acetylcholine-
either in an ICU or stepdown unit, depending on the severity of containing vesicles from the presynaptic nerve terminal
symptoms and rate of progression.12 In patients who are not and thus prevent postsynaptic membrane depolarization.
yet intubated, respiratory function should be monitored clo- Serotypes A, C, and E target SNAP-25, while serotypes B, D, F,
sely, as described in section “Assessment of Respiratory Func- and G target the AMP/synaptobrevin complex.24 While its
tion,” including MIP and VC assessment every 2 to 4 hours. In effects on the neuromuscular junction of both skeletal and
patients who meet the criteria described in ►Table 3, intuba- smooth produce many of its characteristic findings, botuli-
tion should be considered, preferably on an elective basis prior num toxin can target multiple tissues, including motor and
to frank respiratory collapse. Pyridostigmine is usually held in sensory neurons as well as the cholinergic innervation of the
MG patients after intubation, as this medication can increase sweat, tear, and salivary glands.25
respiratory secretions, complicating pulmonary management. Infant botulism occurs when spores are ingested from
In addition to the general principles of weaning mechanical honey or environmental dust/soil containing C. botulinum
ventilation discussed earlier, particular attention should be spores. Adult botulinum is most commonly foodborne,
given to preventing respiratory muscle fatigue in patients with resulting from ingestion of foods containing preformed
MG. Both extubation failure and reintubation are common in toxin, typically home-canned foods. Adult botulism may
myasthenic patients,19 and predictors of prolonged ventilation also result from in vivo toxin production from wounds
include age greater than 50, elevated baseline serum bicarbo- infected with C. botulinum, particularly in the setting of
nate, and a low peak FVC in the first week of mechanical parenteral drug abuse. Iatrogenic disease from cosmetic
ventilation.20 Botox injections, adult intestinal colonization, and bioterror-
In addition to respiratory monitoring and support, patients ism-related botulism are much less common.26
with impending or manifest myasthenic crisis should be
treated with rapid therapy, either IVIG 2 g/kg over 5 days or Clinical Features
PLEX with three to five exchanges over 1 to 2 weeks. Although Botulism classically presents with acute onset of bilateral
clinical trials suggest that IVIG and PLEX are equally effective in cranial neuropathies causing ptosis, ophthalmoplegia, facial
the treatment of MG, expert consensus suggests that PLEX weakness, and bulbar weakness, followed by progressive,
works more quickly.12 Ultimately, the choice between the two symmetric descending, flaccid paralysis affecting the limbs

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and respiratory muscles.26 Sensory symptoms or signs are increase intraluminal GI toxin concentrations. In wound botu-
not present. Symptoms of dysautonomia, such as blurred lism, treatment with penicillin G is typically initiated after
vision, mydriasis with nonreactive pupils, postural hypoten- wound debridement and antitoxin administration. In food-
sion, xerostomia, and anhidrosis, may also be present. These borne botulism, gastric lavage, cathartics, and enemas may
autonomic symptoms can help differentiate botulism from also be used to remove unabsorbed toxin from the GI tract.
myasthenic crisis. Most forms of GBS evolve as an ascending
paralysis (although there are frequent exceptions to this) and
Peripheral Nerves and Nerve Roots
have sensory symptoms and/or signs.
Patients affected by foodborne botulism often experience Guillain–Barré Syndrome
a prodrome of gastrointestinal (GI) illness and an incubation Guillain–Barré syndrome is an eponym used to describe a
period as short as 2 hours and as long as 12 days from group of acute immune-mediated disorders of the peripheral
ingestion of toxin to illness.27 Those with wound-associated nerves and/or nerve roots. With an annual incidence in North
botulism may not experience symptoms for days to weeks America and Europe of 1 to 2 cases per 100,000, GBS is one of
after wound infection. Symptoms typically progress over the most common neuromuscular emergencies.30,31 The
days to weeks, with a slow recovery over weeks to months. most common (90%) GBS variant in North America is acute
inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP).32
Diagnosis Other variants include Miller–Fisher syndrome (MFS), Bick-

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Botulism may be presumptively diagnosed based on clinical erstaff encephalitis, acute motor and sensory axonal neuro-
findings and a history of possible toxin exposure. According to pathy (AMSAN), and acute motor axonal neuropathy
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the (AMAN). GBS is often triggered by infection caused by
core elements of botulism are absence of fever, preserved state viruses, including Campylobacter jejuni, cytomegalovirus,
of consciousness, absence of sensory deficits except for blurred Epstein–Barr virus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, varicella-zos-
vision, symmetrical motor deficit, normal heart rate, or bra- ter virus, and Zika virus,33,34 and neurologic deficits gener-
dycardia and normal blood pressure, which help distinguish ally begin 10 to 14 days later. It is thought that these
botulism from other causes of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP). infections induce an aberrant immune response to the
Three features, when all present, have a sensitivity identifying nerves and spinal roots through molecular mimicry.
botulism in 78 to 89% of patients. These are the absence of
fever, at least one symptom of cranial neuropathy, and at least Clinical Features
one sign of cranial neuropathy.28 While clinical symptoms may vary, GBS typically presents as a
The diagnosis of botulism may be confirmed by identify- rapidly progressive, ascending, symmetric weakness asso-
ing toxin or isolating C. botulinum in a variety of samples, ciated with numbness, paresthesias, or pain of the limbs and
including serum, stool, wound specimens, or food sources. areflexia on examination. Additionally, facial nerve palsies are
However, such confirmatory testing may not yield positive common in patients with GBS, as are signs of dysautonomia,
results early in the disease course and should not delay such as GI dysmotility, bradycardia, or tachycardia, and fluc-
prompt treatment. EMG is not necessary for diagnosis, but tuations in blood pressure.35 Respiratory muscle weakness
may prove supportive in uncertain cases. Characteristic frequently develops, and 10 to 40% of patients ultimately
electrodiagnostic findings in botulism include small motor require endotracheal intubation.31,36 In patients with the
response amplitudes on NCS that augment after exercise or MFS variant of GBS, the triad of areflexia, ophthalmoplegia,
an incremental response with fast RNS (20–50 Hz). and ataxia may be present. Patients with the AMAN variant,
which is more common in parts of Asia,37,38 present with
Treatment progressive weakness with preservation of sensation.
In addition to close monitoring of respiratory function in an GBS is a monophasic illness that reaches its nadir within
intensive care setting and considering mechanical ventilation 4 weeks in the vast majority of patients.39 Some patients
when indicated, botulism antitoxin is the main therapeutic experience treatment-related fluctuations in disease severity,
intervention. The antibodies contained in antitoxin neutralize but clinical deterioration beyond roughly 1 month of symptom
botulinum toxin that has not already been internalized to onset should prompt consideration of alternative diagnoses,
presynaptic nerve terminals. The use of antitoxin has been such as chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.
shown to reduce mortality in botulism, and early administra-
tion of antitoxin may have better effect than later administra- Diagnosis
tion.29 Thus, if clinical suspicion for botulism is high, antitoxin The initial diagnosis of GBS is based on clinical presentation,
administration should not be delayed while awaiting the but evaluation of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), NCS, serum
results of diagnostic studies. In the United States, heptavalent antibodies, and neuroimaging may help support the diag-
botulism antitoxin containing antibodies to botulism toxin nosis and exclude disease mimics. Although the CSF and NCS
types A to G is available through state health departments and may be normal in some patients in the first week or two of
the CDC. Additionally, human-derived botulism immune glo- symptoms, treatment and these diagnostic studies should
bulin is available to treat cases of infant botulism. not be delayed in a patient with a clinical diagnosis of GBS.
In foodborne and infant botulism, the use of antibiotics is CSF in GBS patients classically shows cytoalbuminological
not recommended as they may cause lysis of C. botulinum and dissociation (an increased protein with a normal cell count).

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120 Acute Manifestations of Neuromuscular Disease Edmundson, Bird

CSF protein is normal in roughly half of patients in the first In its mildest form, rhabdomyolysis may present with asymp-
week of the disease, but is elevated in 70 to 90% of patients if tomatic elevation in CK, but in more severe forms this disorder,
collected 2 weeks after symptom onset.39,40 A CSF pleocy- complications such as acute kidney injury (AKI) may prove life-
tosis should prompt consideration of GBS mimics, such as threatening.
Lyme disease, HIV, and sarcoidosis, though 15% of GBS have a
mild CSF pleocytosis of 5 to 50 cells.39 NCS usually allow Diagnosis
confirmation of an acute neuropathy and are useful in A diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis is primarily based on the
discriminating between demyelinating (AIDP) and axonal identification of a marked elevation in serum CK levels or
(AMAN and AMSAN) GBS subtypes. NCS also provides a myoglobin in the urine. A serum CK value greater than five
measure of motor axonal loss, which may influence the times the upper limit of normal is used by some in the
physician’s assessment of disease prognosis. NCS can be definition of this condition.48,49 Urine myoglobin is often
normal early in the course of the disease and electrodiag- elevated within hours after the inciting insult, but rapidly
nostic findings develop over weeks.32 Serial NCS during the normalizes. A urinalysis may also provide evidence of myo-
hospital course are frequently helpful in definitively estab- globinuria when the urine tests positive for heme by dipstick
lishing the subtype and severity of GBS. Serum antibodies to even after centrifugation, which would remove red blood cells
GQ1b are often positive in the MFS and Bickerstaff encepha- from the fluid.
litis variants of GBS.41–43 MRI of the lumbar spine can help It is essential to assess for hypovolemia, AKI, electrolyte

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exclude disorders such as cauda equina syndrome, and may abnormalities, and disseminated intravascular coagulation
show thickening or enhancement of the spinal nerve roots.44 (DIC), as these complications may be life-threatening. When
myoglobin is degraded it releases heme pigments which
Treatment may injure the kidneys by a variety of mechanisms,50,51 and
In addition to respiratory monitoring and support (see section AKI occurs in one-third to one-half of patients with rhab-
“Evaluation and Management of Respiratory Failure”), treat- domyolysis.48,49 Hyperkalemia and hypophosphatemia may
ment with IVIG or PLEX is indicated for most patients with occur due to release from damaged myocytes. Hypocalce-
GBS. Treatment should be initiated as soon as there is a clinical mia may be present in early rhabdomyolysis as calcium
diagnosis of GBS and should not wait for confirmation by enters damaged myocytes, with rebound hypercalcemia
lumbar puncture or NCS. IVIG and PLEX have been found to be during recovery as calcium is released.52,53 DIC is an
similarly effective in the treatment of GBS, though patients are infrequent complication of severe rhabdomyolysis, but
more likely to complete a course of treatment with IVIG.45,46 should be suspected in patients who develop thrombosis
The choice between the two agents depends on the patient’s or hemorrhage. Occasionally, a compartment syndrome
comorbidities and institutional availability. IVIG dosing is may develop due to muscle swelling, especially after fluid
typically 2 mg/kg spread over 5 days, and PLEX is typically resuscitation.
with four to six exchanges over 8 to 10 days. Additionally, EMG and muscle biopsy are not necessary for the diagnosis
supportive care for autonomic dysfunction should be pro- of rhabdomyolysis, but may be helpful in diagnosing underlying
vided, including cardiac monitoring, management of blood inflammatory of metabolic myopathies. These tests should be
pressure fluctuations and arrhythmias, and management of GI considered in cases where these myopathies are suspected,
dysmotility and urinary retention. such as recurrent rhabdomyolysis, or the failure of the serum
CK to return to normal after rhabdomyolysis has been treated.

Rhabdomyolysis In addition to the recognition and prompt management of
Rhabdomyolysis is a disorder in which an insult to the muscle DIC, electrolyte abnormalities, and compartment syndrome,
causes myocyte necrosis and release of their intracellular the mainstay of treatment of rhabdomyolysis is early and
contents, resulting in markedly elevated serum creatinine aggressive hydration with IV fluids, with the primary goal of
kinase (CK) levels.47 Rhabdomyolysis may be caused by a preventing AKI. The mechanism by which volume repletion
wide variety of precipitants, including drugs, toxins, infec- protects renal function is unknown, though theories include
tions, seizures, trauma, or muscle overexertion in individuals the prevention of renal vasoconstriction and promoting
with underlying muscle disorders or those who are poorly removal of myoglobin casts from renal tubules.54 Higher
trained.48 CK level correlates with a greater risk for AKI,55,56 but even
patients with a relatively low CK on admission can go on to
Clinical Features develop AKI and should be monitored closely.55 Limited
Rhabdomyolysis is classically characterized by the triad of prospective data exist comparing IV fluid types and rates
muscle pain, muscle weakness, and myoglobinuria, often of administration. The most comprehensive review of litera-
manifest as dark urine, though all three of these are present ture recommends fluid administration as soon as possible,
in only a minority of cases.49 The relative degree and distribu- preferably within the first 6 hours after muscle injury, at a
tion of muscle pain and weakness varies with the underlying rate that maintains a urine output of at least 300 mL/hour or
cause and the patient. Patients may also experience general- more for at least the first 24 hours.54 During volume resus-
ized symptoms including fever, malaise, nausea, and vomiting. citation, patients should be monitored closely for signs of

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fluid overload, particularly in those who have already sus- ized.61 Dantrolene should initially be administered in an IV
tained kidney injury or have preexisting liver or cardiac bolus of 2 mg/kg, which should be repeated as needed until the
disease. cardiac and respiratory systems are stabilized.61 Dantrolene,
Additional agents, such as sodium bicarbonate and man- the only known antidote for MH, inhibits RYR1 receptor–
nitol, have been advocated to promote diuresis and prevent mediated efflux of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.62
myoglobin cast formation. However, there are no prospective Patients with elevated core temperatures should be cooled
data to support their effectiveness over IV fluid alone. It has using cold IV saline and external cooling devices. Additionally,
been suggested that sodium bicarbonate be used only when it is essential to monitor for and address hypotension, acid-
necessary to correct systemic acidosis, and mannitol be used emia, hyperkalemia, DIC, and rhabdomyolysis.
only if needed to maintain a urine output of greater than 300
mL/hour despite adequate fluid administration.54
Anterior Horn Cell
Malignant Hyperthermia Acute Flaccid Paralysis: Infectious Motor
Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a rare but life-threatening Neuronopathies
complication of exposure to volatile anesthetics, such as Acute flaccid paralysis is caused by viral infection of the
halothane and isoflurane, and/or succinylcholine.57,58 Sus- lower motor neurons. Historically, polio virus was the most
ceptibility to MH appears to be due to genetic mutations in common cause of AFP, but is now rare thanks to widespread

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certain genetic skeletal muscle receptors, most frequently the immunization. West Nile virus (WNV) and a variety of non-
ryanodine receptor (RYR1).59 In these susceptible patients, polio enterovirus are also known to cause AFP.63–66
exposure to triggering agents can lead to unregulated calcium
efflux from the sarcoplasmic reticulum to the intracellular Clinical Features
space, causing sustained muscle contraction. This sustained Viral AFP is characterized by asymmetric flaccid weakness
contraction generates more heat than the body can dissipate, involving the limbs, bulbar muscles, or respiratory muscles.
resulting in severe hyperthermia, increased oxygen consump- Viral AFP may be associated with encephalopathy, and is
tion, and widespread organ dysfunction. almost always seen in concert with systemic symptoms such
as fever, lymphadenopathy, rash, diarrhea, and vomiting,
Clinical Features which precede the onset of neurologic symptoms by hours
Early signs of MH include hypercarbia, sinus tachycardia, to days.64,67,68
isolated rigidity of the masseter muscle, or generalized muscle
rigidity. Particularly during a surgical procedure, the first sign Diagnosis
of MH may be an unexplained rise in end-tidal CO2. Findings Evaluation of CSF is essential in the evaluation of viral AFP.
that may develop as MH progresses include hyperthermia, Regardless of the underlying infectious agent, there is typically
metabolic and respiratory acidosis, rhabdomyolysis, bleeding elevated protein and a lymphocytic pleocytosis, though early
related to DIC, and ventricular arrhythmias. MH can also lead in the disease course the pleocytosis is frequently neutrophi-
to renal failure, heart failure, and pulmonary edema.58,60 lic.66,69 The causative virus may be identified through a variety
of testing methods. For WNV, the gold standard for confirming
Diagnosis the diagnosis is by identification of immunoglobulin M anti-
Diagnosis of MH during the acute event is based on clinical body in the CSF.64 For polio, diagnosis may be established by
presentation in patients exposed to potentially triggering polymerase chain reaction amplification of RNA from the CSF
agents. Muscle rigidity, hypercarbia, hyperkalemia, tachy- or by isolation of the virus from the nasopharynx or stool.67
cardia, tachypnea, myoglobinuria, and hyperthermia in iso- Electrodiagnostic findings in AFP depend largely on the timing
lation or combination, without another clear explanation, of testing.
should prompt concern for MH. Laboratory studies are not
required for presumptive diagnosis, but abnormalities on Treatment
arterial blood gas (acidemia), basic metabolic panel (hyper- Treatment for all forms of viral AFP is largely supportive,
kalemia), and serum CK may support the diagnosis. including respiratory management and early mobilization
Muscle biopsy, EMG and genetic testing for mutations, and therapy to help mitigate long-term disability. IVIG has
may establish the underlying cause of susceptibility to MH, been suggested as a possible therapeutic agent in the treat-
but these studies are of secondary concern during the acute ment of WNV, though no prospective studies support its use.
presentation. A single randomized, placebo-controlled trial of IVIG treat-
ment in WNV has been conducted, though only limited
Treatment results have been published to date.70
Treatment of MH necessitates management in an intensive
care unit. The triggering agent should be identified and dis- Tetanus
continued. If a surgical procedure is in process, it should be Tetanus is caused by toxin produced by the anaerobic
halted, if possible, and if the patient is not already intubated, an bacterium Clostridium tetani, which is found in soil and is
endotracheal tube should be placed. The patient should be typically introduced to the body through wound inoculation.
hyperventilated with 100% O2 until end tidal CO2 has normal- Tetanus toxin enters peripheral nerves and is carried to the

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122 Acute Manifestations of Neuromuscular Disease Edmundson, Bird

α-motor neurons via retrograde axonal transport. The toxin acute care setting is essential to minimizing both mortality
prevents release of inhibitory neurotransmitters, resulting in and long-term morbidity in affected patients.
sustained discharge of motor neurons. This manifests clini-
cally as the characteristic motor spasm of tetanus.71,72 Conflict of Interest
Thanks to high rates of vaccination with tetanus toxoid, None.
tetanus is rare in developed countries such as the United
States,73 though it is endemic in resource-limited settings
and remains a major public health challenge.74
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Seminars in Neurology Vol. 39 No. 1/2019

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