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The Magic of Happy Stones

By Myrene Dickinson, B.S., M.A., C.Ht

No, I am not into New Age, far from it, most of my life I have worked in the oil and
gas and manufacturing sectors as a technical translator. But, little by little my
academic endeavors steered me to find my more artsy inner-self. Hence, I began to
delve in psychology and alternative safe treatments to common mental issues. When I
say common, I mean those issues that most of us experience at least once in our lives
or have a loved one who has.

Intro to treatment options for mental concerns

Up to now, the most conventional treatments for mental issues such as depression,
bipolar disorder, anxiety, mania, schizophrenia; eating disorders,
including anorexia and bulimia, to name a few, are prescription drugs that
contain lithium. These drugs also contain a plethora of other chemicals that can
increase side effects, hence working wonderfully well in some areas and causing
havoc in other parts of the body.

Discovery of this element

In the 19th century scientists discovered that lithium could dissolve uric acid crystals
isolated from the kidneys. Hence, it became an acceptable treatment mode for
gout that led scientists to find other benefits. For instance, lithium attenuated
episodes of mania in bipolar individuals who possibly were also suffering from gout.

Where it works

We now know that lithium impacts a persons central nervous system, stabilizing
their mood, possibly by strengthening the nerve cell connections in the brain areas
such as the amygdala and the hypothalamus, involved in regulating mood, thinking,
and behavior.

Meds and their side effects

Some of the more common drugs that contain lithium are Eskalith,

Frimania, Hypnorex, Carbolith. Depending on the individual, all these drugs can
affect a body in many ways such as excessive sweating, fever, vomiting, or
diarrhea. Most always, one of the most common side effects is a tell-tale slurred
enunciation in the individuals speech.

An alternative and how it works

Lithium is thought to provide long-term mood stabilization and has properties that
by modifying the brains glutamate levels can control manic episodes. In bipolar
individuals, lithium counteracts the degrading processes resulting from
excitotoxicity that causes apoptosis (cell loss). Yes, lithium actually decreases the
cell loss process by stimulating the release of the neuroprotective proteins.

Interesting facts

Lower suicide incidence in an area where drinking water contains high levels of
naturally occurring lithium.
The soft drink 7Up was originally called "Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda"
because it contained lithium. Even more interesting is that it was introduced to
the public two weeks before the 1929 Wall Street Crash.

Where it is found

Lithium is a naturally occurring element found in rocks and crystal quartz such as
lepidolite, lithium quartz (inclusion of lepidolite), and amblygonite. These stones are
found in mines in several parts of the world, and abundantly in
southern California, US.

The magic

Lepidolite, in particular, is noted for its high lithium content and

its metaphysical properties. This mica stone emits positive energies that dissolve
emotional negativity that often keep individuals from inner healing. Lepidolite has
a pink-lilac color with a glittery base and aesthetic characteristics. It promotes inner
balance, encourages harmony, and decreases stress, manic-depression, anxiety
from PTSD, and anger. Even better, this rock promotes selfacceptance, self-
respect, and self-love.

Much like Lepidolite, amblygonite releases emotional blockages from past

experiences and relationships, and enhances prosperous thoughts. It helps
individuals find their creative nature and encourages discovery of our inner balance
what makes each individual tick. This stone promotes tranquility and peace of

Lithium quartz is a pegmatite that contains combinations of lepidolite, tourmaline,

and quartz found in South Dakota. This quartz is known for promoting emotional
peace and stress release, balancing the brain and emotions.

What do to with these stones

Keep in mind that these stones are friable, which means you cannot immerse them in water or
cleanse them with granular substances such as salt or they will crumble. Make them your own
personal possession by smudging them and then charging them with your own particular

For more information feel free to contact me.

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