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Voter Survey Results

Note: Of the approximately 50-60 students surveyed, the numbers for each question varied due
to the type of colorful responses students gave, leaving it blank, or illegible handwriting. The
results have been accumulated for extended information on this topic.

Please fill out the questions below and return to Mrs. Barnes in P112. Your honest feedback will
be used in my English research Project. Thank you for your time.
(Note: Please refrain from putting your name for the sake of privacy)

1) Do you feel the Electoral College accurately represents the will of the people?

Yes(40%) No(60%)

2) How do you feel about the election primaries in America allowing the electoral colleges and
the establishment, not the people to choose the nominee?
46% felt that it should be with the people and that change is needed
37% felt no change was needed and we are just fine as we are
17% were neutral or felt some change was necessary but nothing much

3) Do you think there needs to be changes in our democracy?

Yes (62%) No (38%)

52% responded due to corruption in our Gov. or due to the Electoral College
47% said that there was no reason in particular or that no change is needed

4) Do you feel Presidential primaries represent the will of the party or the establishment?

Party (64%) Establishment (36%)

5) How do you feel that in 2 out of the past 5 election cycles the loser of the popular vote won
the Presidency?
40% responded that this is bad/changes need to be made
30% said it was fine
30% expressed minimal opinion to either side and kept a more lukewarm opinion
6) Do you feel minority parties in states where the other party dominates every year are

Yes(67%) No(33%)

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