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Many people today don not only have a cell phone, they have a smart phone like a
phone or a blackberry. But is it a great invention? I think there are advantages and
The first advantage is that it is portable and practical so that people do not lose
communication with any of their relatives and that mobile phones are practical to take
The second advantage is that you can use in various ways like taking a picture of
something that catches your eye and download a lot of music and take it wherever you
want and be accompanied by the music that you like.
The first disadvantage is that these smartphones are the location devices so people will
always know where they are exactly and they will feel without privacy.
The second disadvantage is that the sounds of distraction and that uses of this type
can change your daily routine and forget many important things by being connected to
social networks.
I think it is one of the most important inventions so far and that smart phones are very
useful if you use it correctly so I think it is an indispensable device for all people.

Name: Juan Diego Jihuaa Sihuayro

Code: 2015-46677

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