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Its no news to parents of teens that the teen years are marked with anxiety. In large part these
stressful feelings are closely linked to everyday pressure to perform at school. The Common
Core state standards initiative requires students to demonstrate College and Career Readiness.
Oftentimes this readiness is assessed using the outcome of high-stakes tests. It is incumbent upon
our schools to assist students with the challenges of coping with stress and performing well on
standardized tests. Embedding the practice of mindfulness into our students school day will
provide our stressed out students the support they need to be successful.

Research on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs has shown that when
people are taught to train their attention they experience the following benefits: stress reduction,
improved working memory, increased ability to focus and less emotional reactivity. Recently, a
greater emphasis has been given to studying the effects of school-based mindfulness programs
also known as mindfulness based interventions (MBIs). The findings include improved behavior
and attention in class as well as less stress and depression during exams.

There are several different approaches districts have utilized to successfully embed school-based
mindfulness programs. Some models include beginning and ending the day with focusing the
mind, others follow the traditional eight week format for learning mindfulness techniques. The
South Burlington School District in Vermont has linked school-based mindfulness directly to the
district Wellness and Resilience Program. A mindfulness based intervention program may be
directed toward secondary schools, elementary schools or both. Plans to include faculty, staff and
community are commonly seen.

o Conduct surveys of teachers and families to gauge awareness, interest and concerns
regarding MBIs in our schools.
o Conduct a cost analysis to ascertain a budget for various MBI training and
implementation formats; investigate the existence of grants/alternative funding.
o Present the results to stakeholders and plan next steps.

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