Shadows Season 1 Episode 2

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Shadows The Dealer S.1 Ep.

Synopsis: A few days after his first mission, Lincoln is having difficulty adjusting to
his new life as a Shadow. Meanwhile, he and the Shadows go after a dealer who
tries to sell a rare substance to a man who works for an even greater and familiar
enemy to C.A.S.P.E.R.

Setting: Few days after joining, Lincoln is trying to get used to his new life as a
member of the Shadows. Here, he is training in the target practice area. Its
minutes after dark.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "How am I doing?!"

John Ford/Shadow Star: "You're doing well, you're on level 4."

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "And I thought this was the advance level!"

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: "You might want to watch your seven o'clock!"

Lincoln turns and is propelled across the room by a drone.

John Ford/Shadow Star: "You did well. Just anticipate the attack next time."

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Easy for you to say.

Ice Wolf helps Lincoln get up. Shadow Star leaves the room.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "So, did you get up to level 5?"

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: "Yeah, I did. I did have a little trouble the first few tries, but
then I got better."

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "How long have you've been a member the Shadows?"

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: "Six years."

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "Did you get used to it afterwards?"

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: "It took me a while. I'm guessing that is what you feel right

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "What? No, I'm fine."

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: "Don't deny what is clear to me. Don't worry; pretty soon
you'll see this as part of the job description."

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "Yeah, I'm sure that most people have a job that
involves infiltrating and attacking behind enemy lines."

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: "Come on, trust me."

Alarm rings.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "We'll talk about this later."

The opening title comes up with other effects.

They run to the briefing room.

Meanwhile, in the desert, two dealers are heading to the same base.

They enter the room.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "Alright, what do we got?"

John Ford/Shadow Star: "Our satellites have picked up two vehicles heading to a
base, just 400 miles South of Cairo, Egypt."

Kevin Carper/Ice Deal: "Could they be arms dealers? Our intelligence says there's
been activity going on near that area."

John Ford/Shadow Star: "I'm not sure, but I rather not stay here to find out. Let's
get going, more Intel will come in once we're there."

They all get into a quinjet and head to the location.

Meanwhile, the dealer in the cargo van looks at the cargo with a smirk.

Nearly there, the Shadows discuss their plan.

John Ford/Shadow Star: "I just got word that the vehicles are carrying a
substance and dealers are going to make a trade at this secure base. Here's the
plan; we'll parachute as soon as possible when we're near the edge of the enemy's
firing distance. Iron Star will disable their guns and gather Intel when he's in. Then
we'll stealthily approach the base and take out the soldiers guarding it. We'll breach
the building and apprehend the dealers."

The team is getting closer. The dealers arrive at the base. The dealer in the
bandana carries the unknown substance.

Bandana dealer: "Welcome to my base. It's a pleasure to meet you. Please, come
Pilot #1: "Get ready!"

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "This is how you get to locations?!!"

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: "Pretty much!"

The door opens. Lincoln's helmet closes.

Pilot #2: "Green light in 3...2...1."

John Ford/Shadow Star: "Go, go!"

The team jump out fast. They're out. The quinjet turns around and flies away.

John Ford/Shadow Star: "Iron Star, go!"

Iron Star blasts away in speed. He flies at a very low altitude. He comes to a stop.
He freezes the cameras' frames with his hacking procedure. He infiltrates the
control room and takes out the soldier manning the controls. He shuts down the

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "I'm in, their defenses are down."

John Ford/Shadow Star: "Copy that. Shadows move in!"

The team takes out various soldiers. One soldier tries to alert others but Ms. Star
stops him.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "Hey, I got eyes on the dealers. They're located in the
second building ahead of your position. I think theyre working on their deal."

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: "Anything on the cargo?"

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "I'm looking for that, give me a few seconds."

The dealers are showing their profits. The bandana dealer shows the other a supply
of metal.

Bandana dealer: "You're doing me a huge favor here. I dont have any other use
for it." "Behold! The rarest metal in the world, vibranium!"

The other dealer looks at the metal in amazement.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "I've found it. Oh my. They're making a deal on

John Ford/Shadow Star: "What?!!! How could they find it out here?!"

Dennis Roberts: "I'm sure my master will be pleased to see this."

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "I have all of the Intel downloaded; I'm heading over
there now."

The team rushes toward the building.

Dennis Roberts: "You've got yourself a deal."

They shake hands.

The team burst through the door and take down soldiers in every direction.

Bandana dealer: "You know what, forget the deal, I'm out of here!!!"

He is stopped by Ice Wolf.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: "How are you going to get out if you have frost bite?"

Dennis Roberts: "Get the cargo onto the van!" Dark Hunt heads toward the cargo
but is stopped by Iron Star.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "Wooh, wooh, wooh, you don't think you could just take
the metal without saying 'please', do you?"

Dark Hunt shoots him and Iron Star uses his shield.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "Well then, I guess you do."

They engage in an epic fight. Then later, Dark Shock shoots bolts of electricity at
Iron Star.

Iron Star dodges the bolts.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "Wooh, I dont think you got that from Best Buy."

They continue to fight.

Meanwhile, the rest of Dennis' men try to get the cargo but they're stopped by Ms.

They are scared by her powers and run away.

Elizabeth Smith/Ms. Weather says sarcastically: "Come on gentlemen, we

haven't talked about this."

Some of the men are stopped by Ice Deal.

Kevin Carper/Ice Deal: "Man, aren't you all on thin ice?"

They're all frozen to the ground.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: "Nice!"

They high five.

Back to Iron Star, he is still battling Dark Hunt. They end up outside.

They battle more.

Dennis tries to escape but is apprehended by Ms. Star.

Heather Williams/Ms. Star: "You're leaving the party too soon."

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: "She's right; this party is just getting to the fun part."

Dark Hunt makes his escape but Iron Star goes after him. Dark Hunt shoots an
electric bolt at Iron Star and it makes his suit malfunction.

Lincoln struggles to move.

Dark Hunt says in another language: "Hail the Dragon."

Shadow Star knocks him down with his shield.

John Ford/Shadow Star says sarcastically: "Aren't you the party pooper?"

Dark Hunt escapes in the van with the rest of the men. The Shadows have the

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "I need to see the dealer!"

Iron Star taps into the device in Dennis' neck and restricts its self destruct protocol.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "That should give us enough time to head back to base
and get that thing out."

Ice Wolf walks beside Iron Star.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: "What did you do?"

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "I used an algorithm to postpone the protocol the
device has."

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: "What's wrong?"

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "That man said something, I don't know what he said
but it sounded strange." "But I think I know someone who does." "By the way, do
you think Albert will get mad at me for damaging the suit like this?"

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: "Nah."

They head back to base with the two dealers and the cargo.

Director Marcus L. Collins: "Well done team, I'm sure there were no problems..."
Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "Mark! Do you know anything about the man I was

Director Marcus L. Collins: "Other than the fact that he shot bolts of electricity at
you, no."

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "How about the fact that he looked about late
twenties, wore a mask, had black hair, and said to me (He repeats what Dark Hunt
said in the language)?"

The director and the team look at Iron Star in surprise.

Director Marcus L. Collins: "Are you sure that's what you heard?"

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "I wouldnt say it if I wasnt."

The director shows him files of the man he encountered.

Director Marcus L. Collins: "The man you fought is a highly trained assassin; he
goes by the name, Dark Hunt. He works for a secret terror organization named the
Secluded Central Organized League of Desolation, also known as S.C.O.L.D.
Weve first encountered them back in 2002, when we were on a mission to deliver
a prisoner to one of our other teams. This man killed him, which forced us to gather
Intel on them. That phrase that you heard is German for Hail the Dragon, which on
many of the missions has lead us to believe that their leader goes by the name.

Director Marcus L. Collins: We thought they disappeared five years ago but we
always kept our eyes open.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: And now they return. By the way, cant you guys ever
come up with simple names?

Director Marcus L. Collins: What about the Intel gathered from the base?

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: "We haven't taken a look at it yet, but we will.

The professor walks in.

Prof. Albert Robinson: "I've removed the device from the dealer."

Director Marcus L. Collins: "Speaking of that, let's interrogate him."

Prof. Albert Robinson: "Lincoln! You and I are going to have a talk about the suit

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "You were saying, Alex?"

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: "Hey, Ive been wrong before."

The director, Iron Star, Shadow Star, and Ice Wolf go the interrogation room.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "So, what's this guy's story?"

The director is looking at the mans files.

Director Marcus L. Collins: "His name is Dennis Roberts; he's been a ghost story
ever since S.C.O.L.D. hired him to do their dirty work." "Our men out there haven't
been getting a lot of details from what he was doing."

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "How come?"

Director Marcus L. Collins: "He's been moving from place to place in a short time
with his deals.

John Ford/Shadow Star: "What about the other dealer?

Director Marcus L. Collins: "The other dealer is Phillip Harrison; he's been mining
for vibranium for 2 years. It seems he only found a small amount in that area."
"First, start with Dennis."

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: "He'll talk."

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: "I'd start with that cargo."

Ice Wolf and Shadow Star enter the room.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: "We need you to answer a few questions."

Dennis Roberts: "Go ahead; I dont have anything else to do in here."

John Ford/Shadow Star: Why were you buying vibranium from the dealer?

Dennis Roberts: I was receiving it for my master.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: Who is your master?

Dennis Roberts: I wont tell you that.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the two way glass.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: You dont know who their leader is?

Director Marcus L. Collins: Weve been trying to gather information on their

leader for years. However, we come up with nothing every time.

Back in the interrogation room.

John Ford/Shadow Star: What other deals have you made before this one?

Dennis Roberts: None. I had to look for vibranium.

John Ford/Shadow Star: What were you planning to do with the metal?

Dennis Roberts: I dont plan to do anything with it; its what my master plans do
with it thats interesting.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: Well then, what does your boss have in store for this

Dennis Roberts: I think interrogation time is up.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Sooner or later, you will talk.

Dennis Roberts: I think I prefer later.

Shadow Star shocks him.

Dennis looks at him in pain with a look.

Dennis Roberts: Seems like someone needs to control their temper, like your
ninja friend here.

Ice Wolf freezes Dennis hands.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: Well, looks like youve gotten the cold. Need anything
before we leave?

Dennis Roberts: I suppose I would like some iced tea but since youve already
provided me the ice, just bring me the tea.

They both leave the room.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Not much.

Director Marcus L. Collins: Hopefully the other dealer is a little more social.

They move to the next interrogation room.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: Lets see how this one goes.

They enter the room.

Minutes into the interrogation, Lincoln notices something.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Something about this guy seems familiar to me.

Director Marcus L. Collins: How so?

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Im not sure. Let me see the files on this guy.

Lincoln reads through various papers on the dealer.

Director Marcus L. Collins: What are you looking for?

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Im looking for the info that I know of. I know this guy
from somewhere.

He comes upon a report that is exactly what he was looking for.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: I knew it, Phillip Harrison isnt his name; its probably
a business name. His real name is Paul Fernandez, I ran into him in Germany last
year. I was doing field work for my boss and he was offering me a deal, but I
declined. I thought he was a hippie or a drunk asking for money. I recognize him
for that bandana and his tattoo. I think he would be a terrible drinker by the way.
Let me talk to him, just a few minutes.

Director Marcus L. Collins says after a long pause: Once theyre done you can
talk to him.

Meanwhile, in the interrogation room.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: Why were you giving this metal to Dennis?

Phillip Harrison: What else? He was going to pay me big bucks for that stuff.

John Ford/Shadow Star: How much?

Phillip Harrison: 5 million.

The two look at each other in surprise.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: Did you ask what he was going to use it for?

Phillip Harrison: Nope. I didnt give a rats butt. All I cared about was the green.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Did you make any other deals before this one?

Phillip Harrison: You have files on me, you should know by now.

John Ford/Shadow Star: We dont have the information necessary to continue.

Phillip Harrison: Oh, of course. Feds and their info, its all so little in the

John Ford/Shadow Star: Just answer the damn questions?

Phillip Harrison says sarcastically: Oh no, Im being threaten by the bad cop.

Shadow Star punches him.

Phillip Harrison: I think we need a little break.

Shadow Star and Ice Wolf walk out.

Lincoln walks into the room.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Why is he in there?

Director Marcus L. Collins: He thinks he can make him talk.

Back to Lincoln.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Remember me?

Phillip Harrison: You do look slightly familiar, have I sold you anything before?

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: No, I turned you down.

Phillip Harrison: Wait, youre Daniel, right? No, no, thats not it. Uh. Robert,

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: I was the guy with the funky glasses, light beard, and
a funny haircut.

Phillip Harrison: I probably know two other guys who fit that description.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Late twenties.

Phillip Harrison: Doesnt ring a bell.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Where did you find the vibranium, Phillip or should I
call you Paul?

Phillip Harrison looks in surprise: How do you Wait, Lincoln? I remember now,
you were the guy with the note pad. Man, time does fly.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: The vibranium! How did you get it?

Paul Fernandez: Well, I stole it.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: From that area?

Paul Fernandez: Nope. I actually got it from another location farther south near

The director on the other side of the two way mirror gives a surprised look.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Did you know what Dennis was going to do with it?

Paul Fernandez: At the time, no. But now, I think he wouldve used it for
something else.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star realizes and says: Defenses?

Paul Fernandez: I dont know.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Did he say anything to you that might be worth

Paul Fernandez says after a pause: He did say that he was in Europe looking for
materials recently.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Where in Europe?

Paul Fernandez: Hungary. I think he said he was east of Budapest.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Thanks.

Paul Fernandez: Does this mean were cool?

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Ill make sure youre comfortable.

Paul gives a worried look.

Lincoln exits the room and closes the door.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: Man, you sure have a special way of talking.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: I was a criminal, so whats next?

Director Marcus L. Collins: We have to see if there are any suppliers in Hungary.
For now, get some sleep.

The team gets into their bunk beds. Lincoln is watching the T.V.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Man, that incident in Harlem was a disaster. I dont
even want to know how much itll take to pay for the damages.

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: Im more concerned for our case than what was in Harlem.

The team sleeps.

The next day.

In the briefing room.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Man, do any of these guys get some sleep?

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: Some of them. They take shifts and they have another
guy continue the work.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: You might have to give them longer shifts before they
get a psychotic episode.

Kevin Carper/Ice Deal: Now youre being sarcastic.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Lets get to business. Professor, what did you find?

Prof. Albert Robinson: Well, Ive found about 10 possible locations in Hungary
that Dennis couldve gone to for materials.

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: 10? Thats too many places to search.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: What about tech? He had to be looking for special
tech for whatever it is his leader wants.

Prof. Albert Robinson: Let me see.

The Doctor finds something.

Prof. Albert Robinson: Ah. Theres one location that sells valuable tech in the
south edge of Nyregyhza, theyre very hard to get a hold of.

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: What kind of technology?

Prof. Albert Robinson: All sorts of technology, servers, electronics, you name it.

John Ford/Shadow Star: We should check it out.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: But wait, that area is a few miles from the public.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Thats never been a problem for us.

They arrive in Hungary by plane in disguise.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: I wish I had a suit that could be in the form of a

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: Maybe you should do that for your next project.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Lets stay focused.

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: The location is just up head.

They arrive at the location.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: I dont know about you all but this place looks like nothing
else but a dump.

John Ford/Shadow Star: If this is the location, then Dennis had to have a way to
get inside.

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: Why dont do it our way?

They bring out their gear.

They breach the warehouse.

They find nothing.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Theres nothing here.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Wait. Theres an elevator.

They go down the elevator.

The doors open and they attack immediately.

The fight ends.

Stun Owl finds a guard and grabs him by the jacket.

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: Wheres your boss?

Guard: In his office. Far left corner.

Stun Owl knocks the guard out.

They enter the office.

The boss tries to attack them but Shadow Star shocks him.

The boss falls in his chair.

He goes for his gun under the table but Ice Wolf stops him.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: Dont even think about it.

Morgan Fox: Are you scheduled for a meeting?

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: No, but we do have a few questions about a certain
client of yours, Mr.

Morgan Fox: Fox, Morgan Fox. Which client; the one with the stupid tattoo or the
terrible drinker?

Jack Jones/Arrow Beam: Dennis Roberts, remember him?

Morgan Fox: Remember? Ha, I did business with him. He was here about 2 days
ago, asking for magnets and a few other stuff.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Why?

Morgan Fox: I dont know. Hes the only client that asks for the most parts from
me. Sometimes I asked myself why does he need so many parts? but business is

John Ford/Shadow Star: Do you keep files on your clients?

Morgan Fox: Of course I do, Im a business man.

Morgan goes to a safe.

He opens it and pulls out the file.

Morgan Fox: Ah. Here we are, wait, whats this?

He then notices a strange object in his safe.

He realizes its a bomb and its counting down.

Morgan Fox: Its a bomb!

The group runs out of the office with Morgan behind them at the door.

The bomb goes off loudly.

Theyre on the floor.

Lincoln looks back at the remains of the office.

He sees Morgans right leg pierced with a piece of metal sticking out of it.

Morgan Fox: Argh! My leg!!!

The group surrounds him.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: Dont move, dont move!

John Ford/Shadow Star: Wheres the document?

Morgan Fox says in pain and points: It was in the office.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Damn it!

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: We have to get him to a hospital!

John Ford/Shadow Star: No can do, we cant be seen out there.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Hes going to die if we dont get that piece out.

John Ford/Shadow Star: You dont think I know that?! Morgan, is there a first aid
kit around here?

Morgan Fox: Next to the elevator left side.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Tom!

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: Im on it!

Stun Owl gets up and runs to the elevator.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: This man needs medical attention from a doctor.

John Ford/Shadow Star: We have to treat him ourselves, its our only choice.

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: Got it!

They regroup.

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: Morgan bite onto this.

Morgan bites on a small piece of wood.

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: Alex, pull the metal out on three, one, two, three!

Ice Wolf pulls the metal out quickly and Morgan screams in pain.

They hold him down.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Morgan listen to me! Are there any other documents
on Dennis?!

Morgan Fox: That documentargh was everything I had on him! Arrrgghh!

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: The metal pierced an artery! Hes losing too much blood!

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: What about accounts, address, contacts, anything?!!

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: Give me the alcohol!

Morgan Fox: He called me the day before he came inon my cell phonegah
he was thanking me for the parts I gave him the week before!

Arrow Beam applies the alcohol and Morgan bites harder on the arrow.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Wheres your phone?!

Morgan Fox: Its itsin my

Lincoln checks his pulse.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: His pulse is getting weak!

John Ford/Shadow Star says as his hands get charged with electricity: Stand

Shadow Star presses on Morgans chest.

Morgan moans in pain by the action.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Morgan, your phone!

Morgan Fox slowly says: Right pocket back side.

Lincoln grabs his phone then suddenly Morgan grabs his wrist.

Morgan Fox faintly says: Listentothe back...ound.

Morgans hand falls to the ground.

John Ford/Shadow Star: We lost him.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: What did he mean by listen to the back?

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: I dont know.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Lets head back to base.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Wait. Shouldnt we bury his body?

John Ford/Shadow Star: I understand what you mean, but this place is concealed
underground. No one knows about this place. Another team will come and take
care of the evidence. We have to report back to Director Collins.

Lincoln was about to speak but Ice Wolf stopped him by putting his hand on
Lincolns shoulder and gave him a nod.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star reluctantly says: Fine.

Shadow Star walks away with Stun Owl.

Lincoln turns to Ice Wolf.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: I was starting to think I would get used to this.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: Situations happen all the time; you just have to find a way
around them.

Lincoln grabs a canvas and puts it on top of the body.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: How do you handle situations like this?

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: I try not to think about the what ifs, I focus on whats
important now. Besides, its about how you take the situations that matter.

Lincoln thought about it over the trip back to base.

They arrive at the base.

The team informs the director of the incident.

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: Why would a bomb be there in the first place?
Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: They wanted to make sure there were no loose ends.

Director Marcus L. Collins: Since we lost our only asset, were right back to
square one.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Actually sir, we got the mans cell phone. He told us
that Dennis contacted him three days ago before he died.

Director Marcus L. Collins: Lets run through the contacts.

They connect the phone to the big monitor.

Prof. Albert Robinson: He made a lot of friends, thats for sure. Got it, Dennis
called him on the 22nd at 3:55 p.m.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Is there a recording?

Prof. Albert Robinson: Im pulling it up right now.

The recording plays.

Morgan Fox: This is Morgan.

Dennis Roberts: Its Dennis; I just wanted to thank you for the parts you sold me
last week.

Morgan Fox: Hey, no problem. Those magnets were taking up a lot of space, so
you did me a favor.

Dennis Roberts: Wait, hold on a second.

There are slight sounds in the background for 12 seconds.

Dennis Roberts: Sorry Morgan, go ahead.

Morgan Fox: The shipment will cost you a little extra.

Dennis Roberts: Thats fine. Ill be at your shop tomorrow afternoon.

Morgan Fox: Alright. Ill see you soon. Bye.

Recording ends.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Did you hear that?

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: Hear what?

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: In the background, there were voices...

Lincoln realizes.
Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Thats it! Albert, play that again, this time start at the

Albert plays it again.

Dennis Roberts: Wait, hold on a second.

The murmuring plays over.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Now, focus in on those sounds.

Albert enhances the background noise.

Man: Sir, wheels up in 20 minutes. Should we get the decoy prepared for that deal
as well?

Dennis Roberts: Yes, Ill be ready. Sorry Morgan, go ahead.

Albert pauses the recording.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: Decoy? What decoy?

Lincoln realizes.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: John, we need talk to a certain someone right now.

Lincoln and Shadow Star head to the interrogation room of Dennis.

They enter.

Dennis Roberts: Woah, cant you knock next

Lincoln punches Dennis.

Dennis Roberts: Hooh. Arent we in a grumpy mood?

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Who paid you to do this?!

Dennis Roberts: Do what?

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Dont lie to me!

John Ford/Shadow Star: Lincoln, enough! Hes an asset.

Lincoln notices something wrong with Dennis face.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: No, hes the decoy.

Lincoln pulls Dennis face off, which was actually a mask.

The rest of the team is surprised from behind the glass.

Kevin Carper/Ice Deal: Wooh.

Tom Jones/Stun Owl: This is becoming Mission: Impossible.

Man: Please dont hurt me, please!

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Start talking!

Hours later

Lincoln and Shadow Star exit the room.

Director Marcus L. Collins: How did you know he was a decoy?

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: He was the only person I thought of that couldve
been the decoy.

Director Marcus L. Collins: What did he say?

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Dennis paid him to do this. He comes into play only
when Dennis feels uncertain about deals.

John Ford/Shadow Star: This happens occasionally, according to him.

Director Marcus L. Collins: So the real Dennis is still out there.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Well find him.

Director Marcus L. Collins: Good work.

He walks away.

John Ford/Shadow Star: By the way, sorry about our situation back in

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Its fine. You were doing your job; I just wasnt
focusing on what was important.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Youre a good man.

John pats him on the back and walks away.

Alex stands next to Lincoln.

Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: You were saying, Lincoln?

Lincoln turns his head toward him.

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Ive been wrong before.

They laugh.
Alex Cooper/Ice Wolf: You going to be alright?

Lincoln Jackson/Iron Star: Ill get used to it.

Later, in the Directors office.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Director, your suspicions were the same as mine when
Lincoln interrogated Paul.

Director Marcus L. Collins: I know. But Wakanda is an isolated area, we cant be

anywhere near it.

John Ford/Shadow Star: We should keep surveillance on Wakanda.

Director Marcus L. Collins: No. S.H.I.E.L.D. already has it marked as a hot

spot. We dont want Wakanda to become suspicious of us spying on them.

John Ford/Shadow Star: Yes sir.

Director Marcus L. Collins: Dismissed.

Shadow Star walks out of the office.

After a pause, the director considers the suggestion by contacting someone.

Director Marcus L. Collins: Hey. Its me. I need you to pull a few strings for me.
I need you send two Shadows into Wakanda.

Slight murmur in the background of the call.

Director Marcus L. Collins: Its for observation purposes, I know the risks. Thank
you. Keep me updated.

He ends the call and puts the phone back into its place.

The End

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