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The grumpy old man

Sofie Bernart

Once upon a time there was an grumpy man. He lived in a big ruinously house. The
man was kind of strange. Every day it seemed that a cat dissapeared and a raven
appeared on the rooftop of his house. Children were scared of him and most of the
adults too. The frightened villagers wanted that he would go away. They tried
differrent things to scare him. One night the people lit his house on fire. The old man
died, but his soul remained alive. And his soul was furious! He screamed: I curse
this village! The ground began to quake and torned open. Out of the crack, the most
scarriest creatures appeared like ghosts, witches, devils, trolls and dragons. The
whole night the monsters wandered through the village. They burned many houses
down, buried people alive and even ate some children. The people who survived
went to the house of the old man and begged for forgiveness. But the old man just
did not stop because he was still angry. Days passed and when there was almost
nothing left of the village. He said: Every year on my date of death, I will come back
and open the crack. Then he flew away and dissapeared. And from that moment on,
he came back every year to open the crack. You can still hear the villagers scream.
Nowadays people call it Halloween.

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