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1 Proposal scene between Duke Orsino from the novel- Twelfth

Night and Jane Eyre from the novel- Jane Eyre.

The scene opens in a garden with sun showering it's hot Ray's and pleasant wind
breezing, where Duke Orsino is practicing to compliment and propose Jane Eyre.

Orsino: I don't know how to say but when I look at you Jane, I feel that a princess is
standing in front of me.

Jane: Thanks you so much.

Orsino: your simplicity is the most attractive thing in your personality, your eyes,
your face and your smile, I don't have enough words to describe your beauty.

Jane: no, you must be joking, I'm not that much perfect.

Orsino: I have heard that the girls who lie are more beautiful, I mean they look more
beautiful when they lie, and this is what I see right now.

Jane: (laughing) are you serious?

Orsino: yes, I'm damn serious, I'm telling the truth and all these compliments are
coming from the bottom of my heart.

Jane: so sweet of you Orsino.

Orsino: I just wanted to tell you that I used to consider love, romance, passion etc as
only words, but when I saw you, I realized that these words have a very deep and
special meaning, seems like my heart became alive. When I saw you I understood
the real meaning of love. You are the only one who exists in my world, and I promise
that what I'll do in my life would be done to bring smile on your face. I love you not
only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I want to live my rest
of the life with you and want to grow old with you. I can't imagine my life without

(On his knees) hold my hand and give me a chance to be the luckiest man alive.
Please marry me.

Jane: Orsino! You are being too cliche, I don't like cheesy people, so maybe no for

(Orsino with broken heart exits the scene)


ii) Rochester's Travel Blog:

Greetings to all. I am back with yet another post which will guide you one of my
most favourite places to visit in England-Yorkshire.

Visitors flock to Yorkshire because there is no place on earth like Gods Own
County. It considers its food and drink reputation as now the best in Britain. The
sheer beauty of the county, sometimes as unexpected as a dilapidated mill chimney
stabbing up through a leaden sky, has inspired generations of painters: from John
Atkinson Grimshaws moonscapes to the Victorian artists of the Staithes Group to
David Hockneys Yorkshire Wolds.

Now if you want my word on where to put up while visiting, there are two good
places in my mind which are a blend of fancy and homely.

Swinton Park, Yorkshire

Swinton Park stands in 200 acres of lake filled grounds. Beyond that lies its 20,000-
acre estate, embracing farmland and moorland. There is also a charming nine-hole
golf course. First built in the late 17th century, Swinton Park has been much altered
over the years. Swinton Park is very family-friendly offering a charming trail and
quiz through the grounds for kids, plus a Games Room, and Bird of Prey Centre.

Middlethorpe Hall & Spa, Yorkshire

Middlethorpe Hall & Spa is set in 20-acres of beautiful grounds, where early risers
might glimpse roe deer in the mist-shrouded gardens. The style is smart but not
pretentious; sophisticated but not showy. Yes, there are creaky floors and wonky
door frames - and the spa is tiny, but it is a 300 year-old country house. Dinner is
served by candlelight in the wood-panelled dining room, which dates from 1699,
and dishes include locally sourced produce and vegetables straight from the garden

Well, this was my suggestion for where to stay when up in dear ole Yorkshire. You
can very well have your own experiences and share them with me over a cup of tea.
Until next time.

Yours truly,

Edward Fairfax Rochester

(The Avid Traveler)

iv) Orsino's love and romance blog:

Crying is how your heart speaks, when your lips cant explain the pain you feel.
Here I, Duke Orsino return, with my unrequited longing for my beloved, Olivia. Though my love
for my dearest is selfless, there are many who suffer from the pain of one-sided love.

When youre in love, its normal to want to do everything in your power to make your significant
other happy.

Youve finally opened your heart back up to feeling vulnerable, and youre excited to take that
risk to allow yourself to be completely open to someone new.You find yourself selflessly making
yourself more and more available, and youre willing to drop everything youre doing to be at
that persons side.

But, as time goes on, you begin to realize youre always the one to say, I love you first. Youll
realize your tally of favors are quickly adding up, while his or hers have stayed stagnant since the
start. Youll realize your honey isnt as sweet as you once thought and he or she puts in little to
no effort to demonstrate how much the relationship means to him or her.

Not all relationships start out one-sided, but most end this way.Its usually a product of one
person falling madly and deeply in love, rather than sharing their partners less intense feelings
of slight infatuation.

If you think you may be in a one-sided relationship, you might want to consider getting out
before continuing down a long, painful, heartbreaking road. Being in a one-sided partnership
leaves you feeling like your relationship needs arent being met because youre the one putting in
all of the work.

But, when youre in love, its easy to be blinded by the signs of a one-sided romance. So if you
think you may be at risk of being in a one-sided battle, do get out before it leads you to the path
of destruction.

I agree my dear friend, that it may be hard to remove that blindfold of love and forget the one
who is so dear to you, but better be hurt now that heartbroken later.

As for I, shall continue eternally to yearn for my beloved, but here I give you advice on how not
to end up like your dear friend, Duke Orsino.

Q.7 PSA on pseudo intellectualism:

Topic: Awareness on Pseudo-Intellectualism

Duration: 2 minutes

Target Audience: Young People

Language: English
*Sound of 2 people arguing*

Voice 1: No but here I have proof that it was the other way round than what you say.

Voice 2: So youre calling me wrong are you?

Voice 1: No, all I am trying to say is that you may have a misconception

Voice 2: Look at your mouth moving round and round utter rubbish coming out of it.
I mean you are arguing with ME, who knows so much about this?

Voice 1: But

Voice 2: But NOTHING!! Omg. You are Stupid. You are an idiot for not agreeing with
everything I say. I know I'm right, even though I know nothing about the subject,
because my friend knows someone that read someone's blog somewhere that
mentioned something about it. I win, so shut up, you unintelligent moron. God,
youre stupid. You're such a stupid idiot. Antidisestablishmentarianism.

Voice 1: Uhhh what? But ..

<Pseudo-Intellectual has signed off>


Voice 3: What you heard was clearly a case of pseudo-intellectualism. Pseudo

intellectual- One who attempts to flex intellect that does not exist within his or her
own mind. Can probably be found with a thesaurus in hand, while in a chat room,
looking up new insults that are synonymous with "stupid" in order to boost his or
her own undeserved ego. Typical cases of pseudo-intellectualism involve pre-
pubescent 15 year olds that think they have everything figured out, including, but
not limited to: life, religion, politics, education, and sex. Ironically, they have never
quite experienced either of the aforementioned. Pretends he or she has an opinion
and posseses a severe tendency to blindly and wholeheartedly believe any
nonsense they hear, only to subsequently regurgitate the misinformation to anyone
they see in an asinine attempt to appear more intelligent than a used, broken

Should the victim of the verbal onslaught happen to have a differing opinion, the
pseudo-intellectual will revert to his or her thesaurus and insult the opposition with
words he or she never knew existed, and probably cannot even pronounce, thus
annihilating the victim mentally. Beware folks and make yourself safe from such
individuals who are a threat to sanity.

*Issued in public interest by the very victims of pseudo-intellectualism.*

Q.8 Short piece on object appealing to all five senses.


Rain can be considered as an object which Appeals to all five senses.

Rain occurs due to a natural phenomena and comes down on earth when clouds
gets full because of excess water. Humans have the multitude of the senses: sight
(vision), hearing (audition), taste (gustation), smell (olfaction), and touch
(somatosensation). It appeals to all five senses. It appeals to our ears in the
beginning, when rain falls on the ground Raindrops sound like music and you get
lost in the sound of raindrops. The smell of earth when rain touches it, is the best
part about rain. When it touches the ground or when it rains on the sand, the aroma
and essence of the place gets really amazing. It looks really beautiful when you
watch rain falling down and the feeling which you get when you see the plants
shining in the rainwater is undescribable. Rain helps you Feel nice and relieving
when you touch it and you pray that rain should not stop, it is all because of the
happiness delivered by rain. And lastly, as said by number of poets in their poems,
rain tastes sweet. It tastes like water from a fresh water stream coming directly
from glaciers and getting poured into your mouth.

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