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Billy Elliot Effect Created Additional Effect Created

Technique/scene Material
or character Techniques/Scen
e or Character
When Billy is This scene Whilst it is a The audience has
taking he is taking demonstrates how physical wall it sympathy for Billy
his anger out by he had a barrier represents that no Elliot because he
dancing and that was blocking matter how hard is unable to follow
kicking a wall. him from what he he tried he his dreams and is
truly wanted. couldnt break blocked by most
down the blue collar workers
prejudice that in his area. I.E.
people have about friends and family.
him not being
masculine enough
and breaking his
familys tradition.
Link to Concept Because at this The wall Whilst many
stage in the film represents the people may judge
Billy is only just prejudice and Billy at first sight
starting show the stereotypical the concept is
audience that he thoughts of shown how at
is talented it everyone around throughout the
shows that he is him. This shows world as he grows
going into the him going into the up he will be
world through world in a way blocked by various
him being that the world obstacles that are
confident enough isnt a fair, metaphorical and
and mature forgiving place physical.
enough to be and Billy is
himself learning how
people will judge
him without
knowing him.
When Billy first He is realising that A significant prop This represents
starts doing ballet his usual that was used in Billys first step
in the boxing hall stereotypical this scene is his towards doing
thoughts about boxing boots. He something for
ballet were wrong still does ballet himself and not
and that it can with them on doing it just to
actually be showing that he is please others.
enjoyable. still hesitant about
doing ballet.
Link to Concept His stereotypical When Billy is Billy is changing
thoughts are doing ballet in his mentally because
being broken boxing boots and the world around
down which like then the teacher him is not what he
his transition from gives him the wants because it
one side of the ballet shoes he is cracked and
boxing hall to the realises that he is unstable, but
other are being actually changing when he does
changed slowly himself by doing ballet he is able to
but surely. ballet and feel secure and a
opposing the sense of stability
stereotypical which contrasts
thoughts of his his everyday life.
father and the
When Billy and his This scene is The soundtrack The audience now
teacher are describing to the that is playing in fully realises that
driving to his responder a the background Billy may not be
audition and she is metaphorical coupled with the able to achieve
retelling the story representation of desolate scenery what he hopes for
of Swan Lake to Billys not so furthermore and him breaking
him. prefect life. emphasises the the stereotypes
concept of Billy may be in vain.
having to struggle
to get what he
wants, and there
being no definite
evidence that he
will in fact
Link to Concept The assumption is This scene The effect of a
that Billy will represents Billy direct physical
succeed but when going into the journey is shown
the story of Swan world through a here in
Lake is brought up physical journey conjunction with
it shows how there across the river, an emotional
is a very real as well as an journey. This
possibility of him emotionally scene doesnt
failing even draining journey particularly make
though he may across the river, sense in the
have matured and that represents a aspect of
been physically metaphorical sequence of
into the world. boundary between events but even
his house hold life so it is one of the
and a finer better most important,
existence. emotive scenes.
Final scene when This scene creates The ballet that This effect is that
Billy comes on the effect that billy is in is Swan after a long
stage Billy has finally Lake and it is physical a
succeeded and traditionally a mentally
been able to feminine ballet. challenging
achieve By Billy being in journey there is a
something great. the opening act of possibility of
the play it shows success at the
how he has end. Whilst not
challenged the everyone will
stereotypes and succeed it is still
has overcome the possible to if you
prejudice. try hard enough.
Link to Concept The concept of Because Swan This becomes
into the world is Lake is a feminine significant
demonstrated story and Billy is because the
here through the playing the main audience realises
fact that success role it that the Billy still
is possible. Billy demonstrates how is following his
has gone he is still able to dream and able to
physically to a be confident and rise above the
new place and doesnt worry accusations and
also he has grown about what people prejudices of the
in maturity and think of him. people of his
emotionally. home town.

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