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Lesson Plan Integration Description

My two-day unit within a larger unit on carbon cycling involves different technology
integration on both days. The day 7 lesson involves an exercise in concept mapping using the
site I make sure to model the sites and create an example map to give the students a
visual tutorial. also does a great job of offering advice at the bottom of the page when
you hover over an object you want to work with. I will have students rely on these cues instead
of printed out tutorials so they can encounter problems and learn from them through
Using the site as opposed to poster paper allows students to neatly change any
connections and bubbles they create. This tool also saves paper and reduces the chance of
other students tampering with work if it is stored in the classroom. Before the end of the day, I
will have the students turn in what they have so far as an HTML outline. They will email this link
to me.
Day 8s lesson uses a site from NASA that explores the spheres on Earth that influence
climate. I would model the sites use on the SmartBoard/Projector, but I would also leave the
tutorial for the sites use open-ended so students could explore. I ask discussion questions as
they delve deeper into the site so I can guide them to particular areas in their research.
I dont believe the same result could be accomplished without using the interactive
NASA site. Because it is interactive, students can explore at their own pace as well as explore
individual interests. The site is also set up in a way that exploration has to occur to drive
connection formation, providing an inquiry aspect to the topic. The students are conducting
research through the site so the work they are turning in will be written (either on paper or in a
google doc and shared) responses to discussion questions posed by me.
*Technology integration highlighted in green*
Lesson Plan Day 7

Teacher: Ms. Jackson Lesson Title: Carbon in the Atmosphere Grade: 9

Develop a quantitative model to describe the cycling of carbon among the hydrosphere,
atmosphere, geosphere, and biosphere.

Common Core:
Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and
clarify the relationship between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and
between claim(s) and counterclaims.

3c - Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to
create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.

Short Term Learning Targets/Objective(s):

Students will be able to create a graphic model of atmospheric composition.
Students will be able to connect atmospheric composition mechanics to feedback loop
mechanics and human interactions.

Academic Language Objectives:

Students will be able to expand on their explanations of feedback loops and human interactions
using newly introduced vocabulary terms.

Vocabulary: Greenhouse Gas, Infrared, Absorb, Reflect, Refract

Language Supports: Posted language frames around the room, in-journal vocabulary section,
in-journal vocabulary section

Assessment Plan and Rationale for Assessments:

Pre-Assessment: Students will list and briefly explain in their journals 3 ways (one from each of
Earths spheres) in which humans affect feedback loops.

Formative: Students will expand their explanations of human-involved feedback loop

mechanisms using newly introduced vocabulary.

Summative: None for Day 7. The end of unit assessment will address the concepts of
atmospheric mechanics and composition through a concept-mapping exam.
Metacognition: Students will write the learning targets in their own words and will discuss their
use and importance with their groups and teacher . Students will revisit the entry task question,
List and explain 3 ways in which humans affect feedback loops? In a different colored pen,
they will use three of their introduced vocab terms to expand on their explanations.

Instructional Sequence

Activating Prior Knowledge: Students will list three ways (one from each of Earths spheres)
in which humans affect feedback loops .

Communicating Learning Targets: Essential question is posted as a banner in the room to be

referred to periodically; specific daily targets will be written on the board for students to
visualize. Daily learning targets will be written in the students own words in their journals as an
entry task. They will then be asked as a class to briefly share their thoughts and explain how
they think it will manifest itself in the lesson for the day.

Learning Experiences:
Time Teacher Tasks Student Tasks
3 minutes Greet students and direct them to In journals, write the learning
the learning targets. Take targets in your own words.
attendance/answer any clarifying

2 minutes Discuss importance of learning Discuss your entry with a

targets with students. table partner and why you
believe it is important.

5 minutes Pose entry task question for Answer in journals:

students. List and explain 3 ways
(one from each of Earths
spheres) in which humans
affect Earths feedback loops.

5 minutes Pose new vocabulary terms for In the vocabulary section of

students to write/draw in their your journal, students
journals. Explain that Reflect, define/draw pictures for the
Absorb, and Refract are going to terms:
be one entry. These words have Greenhouse Gas
various meanings, but are used in Methane
a particular way concerning Reflect, Absorb, Refract
atmospheric chemistry and their
drawings will need to reflect that.

15 minutes Instruct students to grab 1 laptop One person from the pod will
for their pod and open grab a laptop. The group will
Have them create a login for the create a login at
group (they will revisit their map). Watch the teacher model
Model what concept map creating how to create a concept map.
looks like on this site on the Create a concept map using
SmartBoard. Instruct students to the most recent vocab terms.
create a concept map using the Save when finished/time to
vocab terms they just defined. move on to next activity.
Have them save it for another day.

7 minutes Have students go back to entry Independently and in a

task entry and, in a different color, different color, expand on
expand on their explanations using your entry task explanation to
3 of the newly introduced vocab include 3 of the newly
terms. introduced vocab terms.
Collect 3, 2, 1 cards

Classroom Management: Intro bell activity, numbered groups and tables.

Instructional & Assessment Accommodations/Modifications for Diverse Learners: Refer

students back to the vocabulary section of their notebooks (to be used as a visual guide), show use on the projector

Instructional Materials, Community Resources, and Technology: Students scientific

Mini-white boards
Expo markers

School-Home Interactions: None

Lesson Plan Day 8

Teacher: Ms. Jackson Subject/Lesson Title: Global Carbon Cycle Grade: 9

Ask students to clarify evidence of the factors that have caused the rise in global temperatures
over the past century.
Evaluate or refine a technological solution that reduces impacts of human activities on natural

Common Core:
trace the texts explanations or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept
Analyze the structure of the relationships among concepts in a text, including relationships
among key terms.

3a - Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other
resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.

Short Term Learning Targets/Objective(s):

Students will be able to recognize consequences associated with carbon footprints.
Students will be able to design solutions toward lowering personal carbon emissions.
Students will be able to infer human impact on the global carbon cycle.

Academic Language Objectives:

Students will be able to identify key concepts and central ideas from the assigned text.
Students will be able to analyze connections and relationships between key terms in the text.
Vocabulary: Carbon footprint, carbon cycle, fossil fuels, greenhouse gases

Language Supports:
Students will use the annotation charts provided the previous day to help guide their reading,
emphasizing the key vocabulary and concepts.

Assessment Plan and Rationale for Assessments:

Pre-Assessment: Discuss with students what annotations they made and what connections they
made from previous lessons.

Formative: Unpacking students annotations from the assigned reading; first in groups, then as
a class. Hand signal at the end of lesson.
Summative: None for day 8. The end of unit summative assessment will draw upon key
concepts from day 8 and before to create a concept map.

Metacognition: Students writing the learning targets in their own words, students will refer back
to their original annotations after 2 discussions/re-readings and will write an excerpt on how
their understanding has grown or changed and if they can demonstrate understanding of the
target. After viewing the hand signals given by students on their mastery of the target, I will meet
with students who felt they had poor understanding and talk with them on what they can do to
reach understanding.

Instructional Sequence

Activating Prior Knowledge:

Read and annotate the background section from the Carbon Footprint activity reading.

Communicating Learning Targets: Essential question is posted as a banner in the room to be

referred to periodically; specific daily targets will be written on the board for students to
visualize. Daily learning targets will be written in the students own words in their journals as an
entry task. Ill then ask students to briefly discuss what they wrote and why they think they might
be important.

Learning Experiences:
Time Teacher Tasks Student Tasks
5 minutes Welcome students and direct In journals, write the learning
them to learning targets. Take targets in your own words.
attendance/answer any clarifying

10 minutes Define any unknown terms that In table groups, discuss and
arise. Oversee group compare your annotations.
discussions. Identify unknown terms you had
and discuss them with your group.

10 minutes Begin discussing post-reading

Pose post-reading discussion questions with table group.
questions. Ask guiding questions Answer/discuss the questions:
where necessary. Define carbon
What claims are
What connections to
past lessons can you
What evidence from
the reading suggests
carbon footprint sizes are
linked to increasing global
10 minutes
Instruct students to refer back to With a different colored pen, and
their initial annotations and, with on your own, write 2-3 sentences
a different colored pen, write how on the back of your reading how
their understanding has grown or your understanding has grown or
changed. changed compared to your initial
10 minutes
Once each group has NASAs Send 1 person from your group to
climate site open, Display the site grab a laptop. Open NASAs
on the SmartBoard. Demonstrate climate interactive site. Explore
how to navigate the site and the four areas affected by rising
instruct them to explore the 4 global temperatures. Explore the
different global areas. Pose question:
discussion question. Does the interactive site
support any of the claims made in
the reading?
Find 3 instances from the site that
Classroom Management: Intro bell activity, numbered groups and tables.

Instructional & Assessment Accommodations/Modifications for Diverse Learners: Provide

visual flashcards for ELL students along with the reading, refer students back to the vocabulary
section in their notebooks, provide visual aid through the climate NASA site

Instructional Materials, Community Resources, and Technology: Student journals,

Annotation Chart handout, Carbon Footprint activity reading, classroom laptops, Carbon
Footprint Calculator worksheet.
Annotation Chart:
Carbon Footprint reading print out:
Interactive site:
Carbon Footprint worksheet:

School-Home Interactions: Carbon Footprint Calculator worksheet

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