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Code of Scholars

Study Session 1
Nov 25, 2007

Question 1: What is Usool Al- Fiqh?

o The way to derive rulings from the sources

o Governing issues, the principles fiqh is the daily actions
o Science of deriving fiqh rulings

Question 2: Why cant we come up with rulings ourselves?

o Rulings come from higher authority

o We cant come up with the proofs ourselves

Question 3: How do you study Usool Al-Fiqh?

Question 4: How do you explain how to study Usool Al-Fiqh to a
layman? A Sunday school student?

o History- where the rulings came from

o Fiqh- rules in our daily actions, practical applications
o Sources- study who Allah is and the Prophet, to protect the
sahriah, hkm takleefe
o The context of the ruling (textual implications)- understanding
the Quran, daily habits and their application from the sunnah,
grammar and studying Arabic
o ijtihad and taqleed- differences of opinion, qualifications of the
scholars, not being careless of fiqh rulings and not drawing your
own conclusions
o How to make the ruling, (maxims and principles)- understanding
why rulings were made in a certain way, benefactors, if things
are applicable, proverbs of making our lives better
o maqasid ash shariyah- rulings serve certain purposes; protect
progeny, life wealth, deen, intellect; to understand why certain
rulings are the way they are; for our own good, regardless of
whether we see it or not; the wisdom behind the rulings;
different perspective; showing that it is practical; not just blind-
What is the ruling of Usool Al-Fiqh?
o usul al fiqh- fard kifaya: as long as it gets done it just needs to
get done
o fiqh: rulings; product; related to actions; what to do; the
fatawa; practice
o usul al fiqh: how to derive rulings; method of producing
product; how do you know what youre supposed to do; related
to the sources; the method behind fatawa; principles

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