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Aryaki Tripathy

Period 2
Writing Reflection
The first writing sample I started writing was the narrative, which was probably the most

fun out of all of the samples, because I got to write whatever I wanted, and it couldve been

fictional or real. The next one I did was the objective summary, where I summarized my favorite

book Wait Till Helen Comes. Then I worked on my Literary response, which about a character

named Hiro Hamada, who was from a movie called Big Hero 6. Then I worked on my cultural

myth, which was about the Indian Gods/Goddesses. This one was probably the hardest of all of

the samples because it required a lot of research, but since I already knew a lot of this culture, it

made it a tad easier.

The formal essays we did, were all pretty difficult in their own way, but I had a good idea

on what to do for all of them. On the memoir essay, our group got 42/50, which was an 84%. On

the odessey Timed Write, I got a 21/25, which is another 84%. On the poetry essay, I got a

23/25, which is a 92%. I think Im pretty stable on that B because maybe the way I write isnt

strong enough yet, but Im sure with more practice on making the thesis clear, not including

extra information, or not trail off the topic, my grade would go up to the A I want.

My strengths were collecting the correct information, describing how the text relates to my

thesis, and adding the ah-ha statement at the end of every formal essay. For the samples, my

strengths were knowing most of the information I needed before hand, so I knew what to write.

My difficulties were for both of them were gathering textual evidence, because sometimes, I

knew what to argue/provide proof for, but when it came to finding textual evidence, I sometimes

forget what I was doing. However my accomplishments for both of them, other than getting them

done, was the fact that develope my special kind of writing style and that I get better grades for

them. I really improved from last semester, because I didnt have to revise as much and my
grades were getting higher on writing. My goals for next year, would be me having a time plan

for when Im going to do the writing samples, because I may have procrastinated a little.

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