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Colegio Marista Castilla (PALENCIA)

Science 4 - Educacin Primaria. Teacher: Sara Dios Puebla

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Name: _________________________

Write an example of :
A contact force: _____________________

A heterogeneous mixture: _____________________

A homogeneous mixture: _____________________

A non-contact force: _____________________

Matter: _____________________

Write TRUE or FALSE:

Mass is the amount of matter in an object: ________

We can measure mass in millilitres: _________

We can measure volume in grams: ________

Matter has 3 forms: solid, liquid and gas: _________

Volume is the amount of matter that something occupies: _______


Physical change Chemical change Heterogeneous Homogeneous

mixture mixture

Name the 3 methods of separating mixtures:

1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _________________

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