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Spanish 3 review

Writing guide


Ando con prisa. Im running late.

Perdieron mi maleta They lost my luggage.
Debo esperar (una hora o dos horas) -- I must wait (an hour, two
Tomamos el metro o taxi Well take (a taxi, bus, the subway.)
Llevo.. -- Im wearing / Im bringing

Making Plans

Qu haces? -- What are you doing?

A dnde vas? -- Where are you going?
Voy (a cine, al restaurante, a la playa, al parque) Im going (to the
movies, to the restaurant, to the beach, to the park.)
A qu hora vas? -- What time are you going?
Quin viene? -- Whos coming?
Quieres que venga? -- Do you want to come over?


Qu te gusta hacer? -- What do you like to do?

Me gusta -- I like
Podemos jugar a (al biesbol, videojuegos, baloncesto) We can play
(baseball, videogames, basketball.)
Por qu no? -- Why dont we
miramos la tele? watch T.V.
jugamos en el ordenador? play on the computer
cocinamos una torta? bake a cake
preparamos una torta? prepare/make dinner


A dnde eres? -- Where are you from?

Cmo es tu pas? -- What is your country like?
Dnde prefieres vivir? Where do you prefer to live?
Qu hay en tu pas? -- What is there in your town/country?
Qu hay de hacer en tu pas? -- What is there to do in your


Cuntas personas hay en tu familia? -- How many people are in your

Tienes hermanos? -- Do you have siblings?
Cmo es tu familia? -- What is your family like?
Cmo se llama? -- What is his/her name...?
Se llama -- His/her name is...
Cmo se llaman? -- What are their names...?
Se llamo -- There names are...


Qu es tu clase favorita? What is your favorite subject?

Qu clases tienes? Which class do you have?
Quin es el maestro/la maestra? -- Who is the teacher?
Cules club hay en tu escuela? Which clubs are offered at your
Cul es tu deporte favorito? What is your favorite sport?
Qu hicimos en clase hoy? -- What did we do in class today?
hay tarea? -- Is there homework?
S, tienes que leer un libro -- Yes, you have to read the book.
No tengo el libro. -- I dont have the book.


Qu tipo de msica te gusta? What type of music do you like?

Qu es tu comida favorita? What is your favorite food?
Cunto dinero quieres gastar? -- How much do you want to spend?
A que hora tendremos la fiesta? -- What time are we having the


Cmo te sientes? How do you feel?

No me siento bien I dont feel well.
Tengo gripe I have the flu.
Tengo que irme al medico I must go to the doctor.
No puedo salir I cant go out.
Duermo todo el da I sleep all day.
Estoy cansado/a Im tired.
Me duele el/los (estomago, cabeza, garganta, dientes, oreja). My
(stomach, head, throat, teeth, ear) hurt(s).


Debo comprar un regalo I have to buy a gift.

Es el cumpleaos de mi primo/a Its my cousins birthday.
Tiene diecisis aos. He/she is sixteen yrs. old.
No se que debo comprar I dont know what to buy.
Le gusta/gustan -- He/she likes
No tengo mucho dinero. I dont have a lot of money.
Tengo un problema. -- I have a problem.
Es tan / Son tantos -- It is too / They are too

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