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English, Klasse 9b

Ana-Maria Grigore Handout-Romania Frau Tacke


General Information


Tourist Attractions


Things to do

Things you probably didnt know

General Information:

Country in east central Europe, semi-presidential state

Area: 238 391 km2

Population: 19,5 millions

Flag: blue, yellow and red (vertically)


168 BC-106 AD Dacia

106 AD Roman Empire wins Daco-Romanic Wars, occupies Dacia

271 AD Roman empire leaves Dacia

[many years I skipped]

1881 Romania becomes a constitutional monarchy (King Karol I,

Sigmaringen Dynasty)

1947 King is forced to abdicate, communism period starts

1989 Revolution

Tourist attractions:

Peles Castle beautiful architecture

English, Klasse 9b
Ana-Maria Grigore Handout-Romania Frau Tacke

Danube Delta UNESCO World Heritage Site

The Sphinx sculpted by the wind; wonderful view

Voronet and Moldavian Monasteries

Arges Monastery Legend and architecture

Bran Castle Vampire legends and history


Palace of Parliament: The biggest civilian building in the world, second

largest building in the world (after the Pentagon)

Triumph Arch

Herastrau Park

Interesting Mseums

Old Center

Things to do:

Eat traditional dishes

Learn about local traditions

Things you probably didnt know:

Romanian is a romance language, the only one in east Europe.

Peles Castle was the first European castle to be completely electrified.

Romania hosts the largest population of brown bears in Europe.

Romania has the fastest internet speed in Europe.

Transylvania has its own Bermuda Triangle.

Romanian inventions include the fountain pen, the parachuting chair and
the jet engine.

Insulin was discovered by Nicolae Paulescu.

English, Klasse 9b
Ana-Maria Grigore Handout-Romania Frau Tacke

Information Sources:

and, well me :)

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