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8 UNIT 1: Function"

B Functions
Expressi ng preferences - !
1 Look at the photos. Which place .. .
a is more interestin g to visit? .
,- ,
b is more relaxing? .
c is more fun? .

2 Re a d Fran a nd Sonia 's comments. Choose th e best

holi day for them . Write Picture A or B.
Make a note of the reasons for your choice.

r RAN: I IC/JI. watersports Md sVAbathi':j'

I lila S\JII~ weo.thv-, iCL C/W>A
Md W sMell of S\JII tM lotioll.
I cfoll 't wMt to cia Mjihi':j ~
I M 011 holi~, Ii'Uf* lil. ill W
S\JII Md. ~a>,-.

Picture because .

3 Complete the dialogue with adjectives from the bo x.

Use the correct form .
I lila S\JIIshilll., bur I jet barW eo.s~ .
I lots of illten.sti':j thilljS to
1Iw}.. SOI\:IA : So which is better, th en, Fran ? M a rb ella o r Du blin?
do , lila s!jhtSUillj ,or IWl'lli':j about FRAN: M a rbe lla, de fini tely. It 's more (a) .. aJ,,)(Jl\j . , and it's
JifttMt wltvres. I M illten.ste.J ill (b) ! And it's gnt lovely bea che s.
hiSfo:'j, JifttMt I~~~es Md. SONIA: But we a lways go to the bea ch. I'd ra th er do so me th ing
ey.plorillj 1IQ,v./ ~=. di fferent th is yea r. So met hing mor e (c) .
Like a city. Like Du blin .
FRAN: There's a problem, th en , Son ia .

SONIA: SONIA: Oh? What's th a t ?

FRAN: Because I like beaches. Well, [ like bea ch es better th an
Pictu re becau se . cities, a nyw a y. And M arbella is (d) to o.
It alwa ys rains in Irel and, yo u know, So nia.
SON IA: No, it doesn't. And anyway, rai n or 11 0 rain , there's mor e
to do in Du blin .
FRAN: Like w hat? Museums a nd things like th at? I'd ra t he r stay
cheap here in Lo nd on!
interesting SONIA: OK th en . You go to th e beach a nd I'll go to Du bli n.
H ow's tha t ?
FRAN: O h, a ll right. You win . Th is time. But no museums, a nd
11 0 w a lkin g a ro und in the rai n !

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