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~Mage the Awakening~

(Note: Words in blue are my own asides and personal musings. Ignore at your own risk/leisure)

Taylor Holland (CaseCase) Paradigm

Science only takes us so deep, so small. With a microscope, we can delve
from branches, to leaves, to stomata, to cells and the organelles that compose them,
even to the genetic material and the very atoms at their heart. But this admittedly
very empiric way of viewing the universe does no great service to Mages, to those
who are more attuned to its more metaphysical, ethereal workings.
But oddly enough, the behind-the-scenes structure of our world mimics the
structures found in nature, it just takes a keener eye to perceive them. Larger ropes
and anchors that hold hosts of souls to the firmament of life are further subdivided
into a multitude of strings and filaments tenuously grasping for survival. And
therein lies the key; knowing the mechanics and organization of such a great
tapestry, and where to make expedient folds, or stitches, or whether to altogether
sever the bands, is where a mage can derive true power. (I'm still not convinced
I've done a great job with this, but hopefully this works for our purposes now)

Taylor Holland (CaseCase) History

Family Life
Born and raised in upper-upper middle-class suburban Indianapolis. Parents
are James, a successful oral surgeon, and Suzanne, James's wine-loving trophy
wife. She is the oldest of three siblings, born before her 14 year old sister Ashli
and 12 year old brother Mackenzie. She is not close with her father (dad's busy
with work all the time) or her mother (mom drinks a lotttttttttt of wine). Likewise,
she is not close with her siblings, either (Ashli is quite the overachiever and Mack
is already a delinquent little shit). She often spends as much time out and away
from the house as she can. Often takes advantage of her father's bank account
whenever she can to purchase whatever 'amenities' she might need, and may raid
her mother's wine stash on occasion (usually the moscato).

Early Life
Taylor was originally quite the rotund child, and was relentlessly teased
early in her schooling years. Gradually, she developed coordination and figure as
her teenage years progressed, and as can be expected, her newfound good looks
lent her an advantage in most social interactions. Eventually, education took a
back seat, and attending school became largely a mechanism for your average high
school social drama. She also developed into a high school multisport athlete
during this time (cheer/volleyball/track). Especially built for mid-to-long distance
running, she received many D-I athletic scholarship offers, but declined in order to
attend Indiana University and continue cheering.

Originally a poor student, preferring social interactions and trivial things to
her school obligations, she became diligent in her studies after her awakening
(especially in the sciences). Taylor is still an average student in the classroom, but
makes a genuine effort to learn all she can in the classroom so as to best utilize her
nascent magical abilities (and so I can describe anatomical/medical things in
character, if need be). She attends Indiana University as a sophomore, with a 3.4
GPA. Favorite subject is Anatomy, least favorite subject is Math. She also is on
the football cheer squad at the university.

A bubbly, cheerful girl, exuding an effortless charisma. Attracts a large
group of followers (and admirers) with her natural ability for empathy and
leadership--and consequently has very few close friends due to her wanting to be
'everyone's friend'. Also has a terrible habit of butting in on private conversations
in attempts to remain abreast of all things social. She's also consistently and
maddeningly forgetful and unaware of her surroundings (don't leave her
unattended on the sidewalk or she'll get hit by a bus or a werewolf or something).

Other than being known as the go-to 'honey shot' on air for IU football
broadcasts, her father is well known for his catchy TV broadcasts advertising
expedient and 'affordable' wisdom tooth extractions.

She's endured one relationship, a 3-year tryst with Cody, a senior boy she
met in high school when she was a junior. The relationship fizzled when he
decided to attend college in Helena, Montana. She doesn't do long term
relationships (or long-distance), and is still sad about it because she's a girl and
that's a girl thing to be sad about (I was only feeling mildly sexist when I wrote this
the first time, I swear).
She's good at sneaking after many nights spent creeping out her bedroom
window in high school without her parents' knowledge.
Has her license, but barely passed the drivers exam (both parts). She can't
parallel park to save her life, and is generally an anxious driver prone to minor-
bouts of road rage. (Don't let her drive).
Piss poor beer pong player, but she doesn't know it. It's only gotten worse
since she's been in college.
Played bassoon in grade school, and quit because it was a 'nerd instrument'.
She's secretly afraid of dogs, even little ones. (Meaning if there's a werewolf
in this campaign my character's probably gonna flip)
She's allergic to penicillin, kiwis, and ferrets. (I don't think White Wolf has
were-ferrets, do they?)

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