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Yolna Louis Per.

7 03/26/12

(Taylor rushes in)

Taylor: of it! Audashia: OMG! Is this team AB? Cause Ive like been looking allll over and Im getting tired

Yes and your just in time.

(Taylor sits on a chair dramatically)

Audashia: First things fist. We all need to introduce ourselves. Were gonna be with each other for 6 months, better get know one another! (Flashes

a huge smile)

Imogen: Hi. My name is Imogen Pierre, but everyone calls me Immy. I was born in Isles of Capri in Florida, but my family is originally from France. My parents are fishermen and they own a seafood market and a beautiful boat named Immy. Huh? What else? Oh yeah! Im also 3 months pregnant. Taylor: Really?!? Aww!! Thats like totally cute! (Squeal!) Well, my name is Taylor Montreaux Admiare. You might know my daddy from T.V, hes currently running for senator and one of your parents might have read one of my mamas parenting books. Ironic isnt it? Anyways. I live in Terra, TX on Fantasia Plantation, and thats about it!

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CHARACTER NAME: Taylor Montreaux Admiare. She is a resident of Terra, TX. She lives on a huge 2,000 acre planation called Fantasia Plantation. SOCIALE STATUS: Taylor is an upper-class American citizen. She is part Asian, part Indian, part Spanish, part Japanese, part Chinese, part French, part white, and she has a little bit of African in there some where. She is 15yrs and 3 months old. Taylor was born January 1st 1997. She is female (cant be too sure nowadays). Shes a devout Christian who practices Buddhism. She is an avid believer and lover of Greek, Roman, Indian, and Egyptian mythology. She is quite infamous for reasons that will be disclosed soon enough. Taylor is an only child. OCUPATION: Taylor is a student at Minerva Jay Magnet School for Girls where she is the top student, and future valedictorian. Taylor is also a writer. She has written several books that she is waiting to publish later on in her life. Taylor belongs to several clubs, including Teen Crisis Aide, Hungry Helpers, Model UN, and Kids R Us. When shes not busy

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planning social events with her mother, writing, dancing, helping her father campaign, or meeting with her various extra curricular activities, she is working at Terra Mall as a sales lady. INTERESTS: Taylor is interested in mythology, history, other cultures, swimming dancing, literature, painting, writing, the violin, cooking, make-up, designing shoes and clothing, the environment, helping the needy and helpless, cosmetology, film making, and repairing cars, TVs, computers, and ovens. GENERAL BUILD: Taylor is 54, 135 lbs., her hair style is constantly changing, and she has expressive deep chocolate brown eyes that soften in bright light. She has cupid bow lips and brown skin. CONSISTANT INCONSISTANCIES: Taylor constantly bites her bottom lip. Flips her hair, chews two sticks of gum everyday at exactly 12:30 p.m., never eats breakfast, brushes her teeth before a bath and after the same bath, always eats blue raspberry jolly ranchers starting at 6 oclock in the morning, and eats a slice of vanilla cake with a red rose in the middle, that her maid Esmeralda makes, every Friday morning, afternoon and night. CHARACTER MOOD: Taylor is a very depressed young woman but she has learned to mask her depression under a cheery faade. She has a deathly anger. Thankfully she doesnt get angry often! She is a very controlled person, able to reign in her emotions as quick as lightning. Taylor is also very possessive, big hearted, loveable, giving, but she is not forgiving she can (and has) hold a grudge for 10 years. Taylor is a very unreadable person; no one is able to go past her many mental barriers. Even though she has many friends she is very solitary preferring a few close friends or just being alone. For every friend she

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possesses Taylor has an enemy, because of her bluntness, brutal honesty, and plain disgust with human nature she has gained quite a few haters. Taylor, despite her social status, is not uppity; she doesnt let the fact that she has money go to her head. RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER CHARACTERS: Taylor despises her parents because her daddy is a cheater and her mom is just a witch. Taylors father, future senator Rasen, is never around constantly traveling in order to gain votes and just to stay away from his wife. Taylor hates the fact that her father uses her as a means to attain votes. Taylors best friend is Adriana Klovasky. Taylor is having an affair with her Adrianas boyfriend Michal Sana and her history teacher Mr. Johnson. Taylor is sent to rehab when she is found past out in her bedroom with Adriana and Michal surrounded by empty liquor bottles and pills.

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