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NATURAL HIGHS - Discussion


1. What are some of the reasons you think teenagers turn to drugs and alcohol for
their highs?

2. Why do people become addicted to substances which in the long run are very
harmful to them?

3. How do people you know keep themselves from recognizing that they are
harming themselves?

4. What is it about athletics that helps people you know stay away from drugs?

5. Do you think it is the dancing or the relationship among them that makes them

6. What would you say is the difference between those who choose such singular
kinds of experiences and those who look for group experiences?

7. Do you think danger can be addictive? Defend you answer.

8. Have you ever, lost yourself in a creative activity and experiences the well-being
and time distortion? How could you explain this flow-state experience?

9. Make a list of activities you do that give you a natural high:

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