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Candace Pair


Mrs Pairs Class


Class Rules
1.Listen when someone is speaking.
2. Raise your hand to speak.
3. Follow directions quickly.
4. Be a caring friend.
5. Always do your best work.

1. You can not learn if you do not listen.
2. Other students cant learn if you are talking while someone else is
3. When you follow all directions, you are helping keep all the students in
the room safe.
4. Mutual respect will help the classroom be a safe place for everyone.
5. Our time in the classroom is precious. Lets not waste a minute!

We will also be creating a classroom contract. This classroom contract will

be posted in the room and will answer what the children believe a great
classroom should look like, sound like, and feel like. The goal of this
contract is to encourage social responsibility.

1. Praise (verbal or gesture)
Repeatedly clipping up on behavior chart:
2. Teachers VIP
3. Note home to parent
4. Lunch with the teacher

1. Verbal warning from teacher
2. Clip down on behavioral chart to think about it . Time taken away from
free play. Student must explain broken rule to the teacher and give
examples of how he/she will make different choices next time.
3. Clip down to Parent contact.

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