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Candace Pair!


First Week of Instruction

Kindergarten Reading

Day 1: 1A Recognize that spoken words can be presented by print for communication.

-Go over spelling of students names.

-Look for signs in the room, as well as, traffic signs and logos.
- Have students draw pictures to represent an action.

Day 2: 1B Identify all upper and lower case letters.

- make letters out of play-doh

- sing/watch ABC song on youtube video
- matching upper and lowercase magnets on baking sheet
- Scavenger hunt for letters around the room.

Day 3: 1C Demonstrate the one-to-one correspondence between a spoken word and written

- Use Paco the Pointing Porcupine while reading books with visual cues to the class.

Day 4: 1C Recognize the difference between a letter and a printed word.

- using magnets, the teacher will make words and ask the students if they can identify them
! Teacher will break the words apart and ask what they are now- letters, which
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! represent sound

Day 5: 1F Recognize that a book is read right side up, turn its pages correctly, and know
that reading moves from top to bottom, left to right.

- Teacher will read book, explain steps to students and have students practice in pairs after
the teacher reads to them.

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