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Name: ................................................................. Class:............................

LATIH TUBI 12: Work, Energy, Power & Efficiency

Kedah 2009
1. Diagram 7 shows an electric motor lifting a 2.0 kg load. When the 1/10
motor is switched on,the load moved through a height of 1.5 m in 2/12
2.5 s with constant speed. The currentflowing in the circuit is 1.7 A
and the potential difference across the motor is 10.0 V. 3/12


(a) State the changes in energy that occur when the motor is switched on.

(b) Calculate,
(i) the electrical power supplied when the motor is lifting the load.

[2 marks]
(ii) the output power of the motor when the load moved through a height of
1.5 m in 2.5 s.

[2 marks]
(iii) the efficiency of the electric motor.

[2 marks]
(c) If some of the load is removed while the motor is still lifting the load, what
change is observed on the ammeter? Explain your answer.



(d) Suggest one way to increase the efficiency of the motor.


Melaka 2009
2. Diagram 8.1 shows an electric motor used to lift a load.
(a) State the energy transformation when the switch is closed.

.......................[1 mark]

(b) The mass of the load is 1.5 kg and is lifted to a height 1.5 m in 5.0 s. The reading of the
ammeter is 1.2 A and the reading of the voltmeter is 5.0 V .Calculate
(i) Input Energy to the motor

[ 2 marks]
(ii) Output energy of the motor

[ 2 marks]
(c) Computer , Air condition and Water heater are common home electrical appliances. Table 8
shows the power rating and the time consumption for a day for these electrical appliances.

Appliance Power, P/W Time, t/ hr Voltage, V/V

Computer 200 1 240
Air condition 2000 1 240
Water heater 3 800 240

Table 8
Calculate energy consumption for each electrical appliances for one week.
(i) Computer

(ii) Air condition

(iii) Water heater

[ 5 marks ]
(d) (i) Based on the answers in 8(c), which electrical appliance should be less use during save
electricity campaign.

(ii) State one reason for the answer in 8(d)(i)


Melaka 2010
3. Diagram 8.1 shows an electric iron with specification of 240 V, 1000 W.

(a) What is meant by specification 240 V, 1000 W?

.......................[1 mark]
(b) The electric iron is connected to a 240 V supply and used to iron clothes for 30 minutes.
(i) the current that passes through the heating element in the iron.

[2 marks]
(ii) the cost of using the electric iron in 30 days, if the cost of electricity by
Tenaga Nasional is 23 cents per kW h for first 200 units.

[2 marks]
c) A student conducts an experiment to compare the heating effect of bread toasters P, Q and
Two slices of bread is toasted each time. Table 8.1 shows the result of the experiment.
Bread Potential Current, I/A Time to toast 2
Toaster Difference, V/V slices of bread, t/s
P 240 6.0 90
Q 240 5.0 150
R 240 4.0 120
Table 8.1
(i) Calculate the energy supplied by each of bread toaster to toast the bread.

[4 marks]

(ii) Using your answer in (c)(i), state which bread toaster is most suitable.
Give two reasons for your answer.
[3 marks]

Selangor 2009
4. Diagram 8.1 and 8.2 show a filament bulb and an energy saver bulb. These two bulbs gives
the same amount of light intensity.

Filament bulb Energy saver bulb

240 V. 75W 240 V, 20 W

Diagram 8.1 Diagram 8.2

(a) The filament bulb uses 75 W of power. What is meant by electrical power?
........................................................................................................................................... (1

(b) State the energy transformation that occurs in both bulbs.

......................................................................................................................................... (2
Filament bulb Energy saver bulb
Energy consumed per second 75 J 20 J
Useful work per second 11.25 J 10 J
Table 8

(i) The filament bulb consumes 75 J of energy in one second but it only delivers 11.25 J of
useful energy per second. Name the wasted energy released by the bulb?

.............................................................................................................................. (1 mark)

(ii) Calculate the efficiency of the filament bulb and the energy saver bulb from Table 8.

(4 marks)
(iii) Which bulb is more economical to be used? Give a reason for your answer

....... ................................................................................................................................ (2 marks)
(d) Name one electrical appliance used at home and state one way to make it more efficient.
....... ................................................................................................................................ (2 marks)

5. (a) What is meant by potential difference ?
[1 mark]
(b) Explain why the bulb connected to two dry cells lights up brighter than one bulb
connected to one dry cell. Explain.
[4 marks]
(c) Table below shows the characteristics of four types of cables that have the same
Rate of
Cable Diameter/ cm Density/ kgm-3 Melting point
P 2 4.50 x 103 Medium High
Q 4 3.00 x 103 Low High
R 3 5.45 x 103 High Low
S 1 2.50 x 10 Low Medium

You are to choose one of the cables to be used in the National Grid Network.
Explain the suitability of each of the characteristics of the cables. Choose the
most suitable cable and justify your choice.
[10 marks]
(d) A power of 9.5 kW is transmitted from a small wind-powered generator to a
village along 6000m of cables that have a total resistance of 1 . The power is
transmitted at the usual mains supply voltage of 240V.
(i) the current in the cables
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) the power loss due to the heating of the cables
[ 2 marks ]
(iii) the percentage of loss of power
[ 2 marks ]

Pahang 2009
6. You are a coach responsible to choose a student to join the school basket ball team. A basic
physical fitness test was carried out and the results based on certain characteristics are as
shown in table 11.1.

(a) What is meant by power [1 mark]

Characteristics Mass Height Responding Power ( Time Time taken to

Students (m) time taken to transfer complete 100m
(kg) (s) 50 bricks to a run. (s)
distance of 5 m)
A 70 1.30
0.01 11.0 4 minutes
B 65 1.50
0.20 10.6 3 minutes
C 50 1.70
0.01 10.5 2 minutes
D 60 1.40
0.05 11.2 2 minutes
E 40 1.60
0.04 12.4 1 minutes
table 11.1.
(b) Based on table 11.1, explain the suitable characteristics of the student to be in the basket
ball team. Choose which student will be in the basketball team and explain your choice.
[10 marks]
(c) When a 100m runner reached the finish line, the runner stopped suddenly and fell on the
ground. Explain the situation using the appropriate physics concept.
[4 marks]

( d ) Two students were asked to run up the stairs to the top floor of a 10 m building. Data
obtained for the two students are as shown by table 11.2.

Mass/kg Time/ s

Student 1 55.0 12.0

Student 2 60.0 14.0
Table 11.2

Calculate power of each student and determine which student has the highest power.
[5 marks]

SKEMA LATIH TUBI 12: Work, Energy, Power & Efficiency

1 (a) - electrical energy to KE to (gravitational) potential energy 1
b(i) P=VI
1.7 x 10 2
17 W
b(ii) P=E/t
(2x10x1.5)/2.5 2
12 W
b(iii) E=Eout/Ein
(12/17) x100% 2
70.6 %
(c) - ammeter reading decreases
- less work done // less power required
(d) lubricate the moving parts to reduce friction 1
2(a) Electrical energy to kinetic energy + gravitational
potential energy
(b)(i) EIN=VIt
= 5 x 1.2 x 5 J 2
= 30 J
(b)(ii) EOUT=mgh
= 1.5 x 10 x 1. 5 J 2
= 22.5 J
(c)(i) Computer : Pt = 200 x 1 x 60 x 60 x7 = 5040k J
1400 whr = 1.4 kwh
Air condition : Pt = 2000 x 1 x 7 = ???50400kj
14000 whr = 14 kwh 5
Water heater : Pt = 3800 x x 7 =
13300 whr = 13.3 kwh
= 47880 kJ
(d) (i) Air condition 1
(ii) Highest energy consumption 1
Total 12
3(a) when 240 V is supplied to the circuit
It releases/produces 1000 J of energy per second
(b) (i) I=P/V
1000/240 2
= 4.167 A
(b) E = Pt
(ii) (1000 x 30 minit x 30hari )/(1000x60) =
15 units
Cost = 15 X 0.23 // RM 3.45
(c)(i) E = VIt
P : 240 X 6 X 90 // 129 600 J
Q : 240 X 5 X 150 // 180 000 J
R : 240 X 4 X 120 // 115 200 J
(c) R
(ii) Uses the least energy // save energy
Save cost // save time
4(a) The power of device is the rate of which it transfers energy

(b) Electrical energy to light energy \and heat energy) 2
(c)(i) Heat energy 1
(ii) (ii) Filament bulb :
=11.25 x 100 % 2
= 15 %
Energy saver bulb :
=11 x 100 % 2
=50 %
(iii) -Energy saver bulb
-High efficiency // less wasted energy
(d) -Refrigerator or any other appliances
-Choose frost-free refrigerator // not allow frost to accumulate 2
too thick in the freezer // close the door tightly
5(a) Potential difference is defined as work done in moving a unit
electric charge between two points.
(b) -The two dry cells are connected in parallel
-The effective e.m.f. remains the same
-The effective internal resistance of the two cells is smaller
-A larger current will flow through the bulb to make it brighter
(c) Aspec t Reason
Diameter should be to reduce the resistance of the
large cables
.Density should be low the cables will be lighter and can be
supported securely
The rate of expansion So there is less expansion and less
should be low sagging in the cables during hot 10
The melting point So the cables does not melting in
should be high high temperature.
Q is suitable Diameter is large, density is low,
the rate of expansion is is low and
the melting point is high.
Current = P/V
= 9500/240
= 39.58A
(ii) Power loss ,P
= I2R
= 39.582 x1
= 1566.6 W
(iii) Percentage of loss of power
= x100 2
= 16.49 %
(a) Power is rate of work done

(b) Aspec t Reason
low mass more agile
high height easy to shoot goal
responding time fast easy to catch ball
power high(short time to will not tire easily// more 2
move brick) energy
small time to complete can run fast 2
100m run
Choose C low mass, tall, respond
fast, high power & can 2
run fast
(c) -runner has Inertia
-to continue moving forward
-the legs stop, body continue moving forward
-Unstable and fall
(d) Student 1 :
power = mgh/t
= 55 x 10 x 10/ 12
=458 W
Student 2:
power = 60 x 10 x 10 / 14
=428 W

Student 1 has higher power

Total 20

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