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Activity 2

Who was the cause of the problem?

No one but himself

What happened?

He decided from one moment to another to leave his current university carrer to get a
scholarship in another but studying what he really wanted. It caused familiar tension
and heavy stress for him to get that scholarship.

Why did the conflicy happen?

Because he realized he wasnt neither happy nor satisfied studying his current carrer,
and his family didnt accept the decision in the beggining.

Where did it happen?

The most part of the stress happened at his home.

How was the problema solved?

He didt give up and finally got the scholarship, and with some plus time, got his family

Activity 3.
I have a friend who suffered a very heavy stress wich was caused by his decision of
leaving his current university carrer to struggle for a scholaship and be able to study
what he realized he really wanted to. His decision was from one moment to another, it
was crucial for him to get that scholarship to get his familly support again. His family
wasnt sure enough about the capacity of the guy, and he struggled enough to show
what he really was made of. Of couse, it wasn`t easy and the things got even harder for
him. He couldnt get the enough score in the beggining and fell into depression. But
got up fastly and studied really hard to get what he wanted. And finally reached his
goal. Now he has all his family support, and has showed that this is really what he is
been made for. Goals are easily reached when passion is fuel for what we do. Struggle
then has completely sense.

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