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Inquisitive student with strong analytical and time-management skills from working in two high pressure scientific laboratories and
double majoring in two quantitative fields. Experience in teaching and managing large and diverse bodies of individuals.

My School Name Here (2013 2018)- Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA): 3.60/4.00

Professional Experience
College to Corporate Internship- Company Name Here Location Here May 2017 - Present
Created an automated SharePoint to Excel data extraction process using Visual Basic which reduced the time to analyze the
data from approximately five hours a to 10 minutes a day
Conducted a qualitative study of crew re commendations for a new pilot program, which resulted in the development of an
impact plan to implement these recommendations
Rebranded a job within Vanguard to incentive more employees to take a role in the position

Instructional Aid- School Name Here Location Here August 2016 - Present
Supported Professors in teaching College Mathematics and College Algebra to classrooms ranging from 100-120 students
and lead a cohort of 30 students to explain steps to solving intricate mathematical concepts in a manageable method
Attended weekly meeting to discuss and implement solutions to increase test averages and pass rates

Undergraduate Research Assistant Research Center Here - Location Here August 2016 Present
Conducted research within Dr. Carl Gardners Astrophysical Jet Modeling lab focused on modeling Herbig-Haro jet 901
located in the Carina Nebula using Linux and MATLAB by finding calculations provided in scientific literature to accurately
model the jet
Discussed findings in bi-monthly meetings with Dr. Carl Gardner and other research assistants to develop better modeling
techniques, and discuss scientific papers regarding the assigned jet

First Year Success Coach- School Here - Location Here - August 2015 May 2016
Advised and mentored a portfolio of over 120 first year students, with varying ethnicities, socioeconomic background,
including international, and first generation students on how best to succeed at School Name Here throughout their first
year of college with a 90% satisfaction rate
Directed students on how to successfully navigate the Pre-Medical academic track, which included Pre-medicine, pharmacy,
optometry, dental, and physician assistant track, along with other various academic tracks

Undergraduate Research Assistant Research center here - Location Here - August 2014 - Nov 2014
Aided Dr. Bertram Jacobs and his post doctorates Dr. Trung Huyuh and Naturopathic Doctor Heather Harrington within the
Center of Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology lab, which is currently undergoing a clinical trial for a HIV vaccine
Used genetic engineering techniques to transfer genes into E. coli bacteria including Polymerase chain reaction (PCR),
genetic transformation, and participated in meetings to discuss findings.

Leadership Experience
President- Club Here August 2016 - present
Served as the President of the Club Here with responsibilities that included: facilitation of all activities involving the student
council; Developing and implementing various programs and events for the students within the School Department Here,
partaking in meeting between executive members of the council, members of the Undergraduate Student Government, and
university administration to design ways to improve the student experience.

Director of Natural Science Club Here August 2016 - present

Cooperated with Undergraduate Senators and presidents of student organizations to inform students of opportunities
within the Natural Science academic department, provide networking opportunities for students within the department,
and develop a sense of ownership within School Department Here

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