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The Seafaring

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The Seafaring
Terms, Idioms and Legends
of the Past and Present
Foreword by Vice Admiral J.A. Baldwin, Jr.,
U.S. Navy (Ret.)

McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers

Jefferson, North Carolina, and London
Blackmore, David S.T.
The seafaring dictionary : terms, idioms and legends of the past and
present / David S.T. Blackmore ; foreword by J.A. Baldwin, Jr.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-7864-4266-9
softcover : 50# alkaline paper

1. Naval art and science Dictionaries.

I. Title.
V23.B583 2009 623.803 dc22 2009001471

British Library cataloguing data are available

2009 David S.T. Blackmore. All rights reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form

or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying
or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without permission in writing from the publisher.

Cover images 2009 Shutterstock

Manufactured in the United States of America

McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers

Box 611, Jefferson, North Carolina 28640

Foreword by Vice Admiral J.A. Baldwin, Jr., U.S. Navy (Ret.) 1

Preface 3
Introduction 7

The Dictionary 15

Appendix: Real and Speculative Sea Monsters 367

1. ABeauforts Original Scale. BThe Modern Beaufort Scale 371
2. The Douglas Scales 371
3. Pierson-Moskowitch Sea State 372
4. World Meteorological Organization Sea State Codes 373
5. The Safr-Simpson Hurricane Scale 373
6. Wind Speed Scales Compared 373
7. COLREGS (Navigation Rules or Rules of the Road) 374
8. International Flag Signals 375
9. Sound and Light Signals 377
10. Distress Signals 377
11. Examples of Phonetic Alphabets 378
12. International Standard 8601 378
13. Comparative Ofcer Ranks 379
14. NATO and United States Rank Codes 380
15. The Evolution of United States Navy Ofcer Titles 380
16. Equivalent U.S. and Foreign Naval Ofcer Ranks 381
17. Boxing the Compass 381

Bibliography 383
Index 385

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Vice Admiral J.A. Baldwin, Jr.,
U.S. Navy (Ret.)

In contrast to the thrust of this volume, which in the main looks to

the past for origins, denitions, and anecdotes, David Blackmore and I met
in a thoroughly modern way through the internet. David had received
my email address from a mutual friend, and thus began a valued associa-
Indeed, associations engendered by the sea and by having gone to sea
make it easier for most sailors to communicate because of their acquired
vocabulary, and made our collaboration easier as well. While most profes-
sions have their own lexicon, sailor speak seems to me to be older, broader,
and deeper than others.
The importance of this was made clear to me during my plebe year
at the U.S. Naval Academy by a crusty retired chief petty ofcer whose mis-
sion it was to impart some salt along with his wisdom to the landlubbers
in my class. His view of the need for using a different vocabulary port,
starboard, forward, aft, galley, head, overhead, and the like was so that a
sailor would think ship in everything he or she thought and did. And so
it was.
If you have half as much fun delving through The Seafaring Dictio-
nary as I did rummaging around in the interstices of the draft and thrash-
ing out with David the different usages between the U.S. and Royal navies,
then you will have an interesting read and learn something to boot.

Nantucket, Massachusetts
September 1, 2008

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The writer writes in order to teach himself,

to understand himself, to satisfy himself.
Alfred Kazin, 1963
An author who speaks about his own books is almost
as bad as a mother who talks about her own children.
Benjamin Disraeli, 1873
I will go back to the great sweet mother
Mother and lover of men, the sea.
Algernon Charles Swinburne, 1852

What qualies a retired oil company ex- At ten I joined the Sea Scouts, learning
ecutive to compile a book such as this? Well, how to box the compass, tie knots and splices,
Ive been connected with ships and the sea for and other bits of oceanic lore, plus countless
as long as I can remember. Born in the shadow hours (and countless blisters) rowing whale-
of Salisbury Cathedral in England, I was taken boats up and down the Thames River. By then
on my rst ocean voyage (to Egypt) when just my family had deserted Sheringham in favor
a few months old, returning by sea several of the little seaport of Mevagissey in Corn-
years later. I have no recollection of either pas- wall, from where I spent most of my summers
sage, but perhaps I got a little salt in my blood. sailing solo around the rocky wave-beaten
Back in England my family spent every headlands. (Solo because, sad to say, Tiny had
July and August at Sheringham, a then-tiny gone to doggy Fiddlers Green, where I think
shing village in Norfolk, where crab and lob- of her perpetually performing her self-ap-
ster shing, along with long-lining for cod, pointed duty standing stiff-legged on the
herring, and mackerel made the local sher- heaving bow as forward lookout, enjoying the
men major suppliers to the London sh mar- salty spray on her face.)
kets. At that time there were over 200 boats, At fourteen I temporarily deserted the
today, only eight remain. sea to become a founder member of the Air
There, I met Tiny, a pure-bred Cairn ter- Cadet Corps, where I found the recruitment
rier puppy who had been born at sea when her propaganda of naval aviation more compelling
dam whelped unexpectedly early. On virtu- than the rival claims of the Royal Air Force.
ally every one of the sixty or so halcyon days we Then came the Battle of Britain and Nazi in-
spent there every year, Tiny and I were on the vasion threat, during which I spent my days as
wharf before dawn begging a ride. The sher- a bicycle courier for Civil Defense and many
men must have looked on the little boy with his nights equipped with rie and bayonet on sen-
dog as some kind of good luck mascots, because try duty with the Home Guard (which was
they were always ready to take us on board. happy to overlook the age regulations to re-
Days spent handling the lines in bouncy little cruit 15-year-olds at one end of the spectrum
boats on the seldom-smooth North Sea gave and octogenarians at the other).
me sea legs that I have never lost. Two years later, I graduated high school

Preface 4

and tried to enlist, but the Royal Navy and wiser to sail in something with guns and
Royal Marines both told me to go away and armor.
come back after my eighteenth birthday, so I My transfer to the Royal Navy was at rst
signed on as a deck ofcer cadet in the Mer- denied on the grounds that merchant seaman
chant Navy. I was appointed to newly launched was a reserved occupation, but I managed
mv Hardingham, an 8,000-ton freighter to pull a few strings and was selected for train-
equipped with anti-aircraft artillery worthy of ing as an aircraft engineer at Manadon Royal
a destroyer. There were only two cadets, so we Naval Engineering College (the British An-
worked a grueling back-to-back four hours on napolis). Nearing graduation, I was seconded
and four off. to the Welsh Guards training battalion to learn
Sailing on the North Sea in the spring of how to lead an infantry platoon in combat. I
1942 (the worst year for Allied maritime losses) never did discover why, although there were
my ship was bombed twice by the German vague mutterings about having to defend the
Luftwaffe and once by the RAF (whose ship- perimeter of a MONAB (mobile operational
recognition was never very good). The explo- naval air base) against Japanese counterattacks.
sions were close enough to soak me with spray, The Hiroshima bomb was dropped ending the
but otherwise did no harm. Pacic War before I had to do anything so
In that summer, the manpower shortage hazardous.
was so acute that with barely a year of sea Since then, my sea time has been con-
time between us my fellow cadet and I were ned to passenger liners and cruise ships, and
appointed acting third ofcers for a short pas- they hardly count, being closer to oating ho-
sage up the Irish Sea, he conning the ship dur- tels than real ships. However, while at Man-
ing the evening watch and I in the forenoon adon I had acquired an enduring love of naval
(not a very challenging task in convoy, which affairs and military history, which I studied
requires station-keeping but no navigation). voraciously during a business career that took
During one of these watches, I stood on me to many parts of Europe, Africa, and
the bridge looking at a torpedo track coming North America, ending in Calgary as director
straight for me (fascinated, more than of strategic planning for a major resources
terried). The sh stuck our side with a company.
crash that the engine room staff said sounded After early retirement I changed my
like a thousand kettle-drums down in their hobby into a profession by studying history at
hole, but it was a dud that failed to explode. the Canadian universities of Queens and Wa-
A little later in midAtlantic, the rising terloo, graduating from the latter on the deans
sun revealed another torpedo swaying to-and- honors list. Shortly afterward, my wife and I
fro within inches of the hull, trapped in the visited Turkey where, standing on the Hill of
mesh of our AND (anti-submarine net de- Hisarlik and looking at the Field of Troy, I re-
vice). This time it was live and armed, but we membered how the poet Homer sang in antiq-
cast it loose and sank it with a burst of 20mm uity, The cruel war-god has darkened the
cannon re. banks of Scamander River with the blood of
The nal episode of that eventful year our dead then I raised my eyes across the
was a shelling by French Foreign Legion shore Dardanelles, to the cliffs of Gallipoli, where
batteries while in the Mediterranean during naval aviator Charles Samson observed in 1915,
the November invasion of North Africa. We The sea, for a distance of about fty yards
felt they were shooting at us, but the shells from the beach, was absolutely red with
landed so far away that they probably had an- blood.
other target. Anyway, having survived all this Sadly, I realized thirty-three centuries
without a scratch, I decided my charmed life had done nothing to curb humanitys lethal
could not go on forever and it would be much instincts towards its own species. Turning to
5 Preface

Paula, I commented on the amazing sweep of reader an overview and feel for the subject.
history around, across, and along these waters. The best would be to inspire the reader to
Always pragmatic, she shot right back, Well, delve into this vast body of information to
dont just talk about it, write about it. And so learn more about the demanding and often
began my new career as naval historiographer. perilous seafaring life.
During my research, I consulted numer- A large number of words or phrases
ous dictionaries and other sources of nautical found in other nautical fact books have been
terminology; together with books on ghost omitted in the interest of saving space. Some
ships and paranormal maritime events; vol- were rarely used in their day and are now com-
umes devoted to marine monsters and sea ser- pletely forgotten. As an example, Stabbed
pents; others on nautical customs and super- with a Bridport dagger was British sailing
stitions; many on naval traditions and navy slang for being hanged. This intriguing
courtesies; and lots of glossaries of naval slang. idiom originated because the better-quality
I even found works showing how words and ropes used for executions were made at a rope-
phrases in common everyday use come from works in the small Devon town of Bridport.
the sea. My aim has been to make each of the
How convenient it would be, I thought, roughly 9,000 entries as accurate and enter-
if these disparate subjects could be brought taining as possible. Many are brief and factual
together for easy reference in a single accessi- but, when appropriate, I have inserted anec-
ble volume. Hence The Seafaring Dictionary, dotal material of colorful or intrinsic interest.
which is a representative (but by no means ex- Moreover, no good tale has been omitted be-
haustive) overview of naval speech and mar- cause it is untrue, although I have indicated
itime matters. It is intended to give enjoyment whenever something is apocryphal or ques-
to readers and browsers, provide a source of tionable.
reference for people who want to understand I enjoyed invaluable technical advice
nautical speech and customs, and even be from Vice Admiral J.A. Baldwin, Jr., U.S.
helpful to professional seafarers who cannot Navy (Ret.) and Commander Alastair Wilson,
always be familiar with the vocabularies of Royal Navy (Ret.). If, despite their expert re-
todays specialized maritime occupations, let views, errors or omissions have slipped
alone those of bygone ages. through, the fault is entirely mine and I ac-
The literature of the sea lls entire li- cept full responsibility for them. I do, how-
braries and could never be done justice in a ever, ask any reader who uncovers a mistake or
single volume. So, in the nal analysis, any se- misinterpretation to let me or my publishers
lection from this vast treasure house of nauti- know.
cal words and phrases is bound to be subjec- If you, the reader, get even a fraction of
tive. I am painfully aware of the vast number the enjoyment from this book that writing it
of terms, events, superstitions, and the like has given me, then my efforts will be more
that have perforce been omitted from this than rewarded. Thank you and good reading!
work. The least I can hope for is to give the
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Who commands the sea has command of everything.

Themistocles, 5th century BCE
Ships are to little purpose without skillful Sea Men.
Richard Hakluyt, 1589
There is witchery in the sea, its songs and stories.
Richard Henry Dana, 1840

The purpose of this compendium is to cesses of the Revolution sent almost the entire
bring together a range of nautical information ofcer corps into exile or to the guillotine,
that would otherwise require an extensive li- while the superb naval artillery regiment was
brary. It is a mixture of lexicology, factual in- denounced as an aristocracy of the sea and
formation, and wild superstition, covering not disbanded.
only what seafarers say, but what they think Relatively inexperienced lieutenants
and believe, how they describe their physical found themselves promoted to command or
equipment, and what laws, customs and tra- even ag rank. Merchant mariners were re-
ditions determine how they do their work. cruited to ll the gaps, but had no understand-
Water covers more than 70 percent of the ing of naval tactics. Many of the enlisted force
planets surface and, until mid20th century, deserted, and the remainder, racked by mu-
oceans were the only path for intercontinental tinies and discontent, were an undisciplined
travel. Airlines have now taken over passen- rabble. Since then world oceans have been
ger trafc, but ships still carry virtually all of dominated by English-speaking powers,
the worlds rapidly expanding trade. So it is though not without serious challenges from
far from surprising that so much of the worlds time to time.
history has been written on the seas, or that
so many words have nautical origins. Most of Napoleon Bonaparte who had little ap-
these words are English, but here was a time preciation of maritime matters, even
when they might have been French. though he had originally been an aspirant
During the early eighteenth century, navale (naval cadet) tried to re-invigor-
Britain faced a Marine Royale (French Royal ate the Marine Nationale, which was
Navy) that had a superb aristocratic ofcer strengthened by an alliance with Spains
corps, a maritime regiment of what were ar- Armada. However, at the Battle of Trafal-
guably the worlds most professional naval gar in 1805, Admiral Horatio Nelson all
gunners, and ships that were better-designed but annihilated a combined Franco-Span-
and faster. France suffered serious naval set- ish eet, guaranteeing British naval dom-
backs during the Seven Years War (175663), ination until 1914.
especially at the Battle of Quiberon Bay in During World War I, the Imperial German
November 1759. The Marine should have Navy posed a serious threat by a guerre de
been able to recover, but the purges and ex- course of unrestricted submarine warfare.

Introduction 8

Only the introduction of a convoy system rows from normal speech frequently giving
saved Britain from being starved into sur- common words uniquely nautical meanings.
render in spite of the Royal Navys surface Every profession has its jargon anyone
hegemony. who has been to court or in hospital knows
A post-war arms race ended with the 1930 that legalese and medicalese can be as un-
Treaty of Washington, which gave the intelligible to the layperson as Egyptian hiero-
United States and Britain naval parity, a glyphs but such terms are not designed to
situation that prevailed until World War keep things secret from the uninitiated.
II. Rather, they allow complex technical concepts
Despite strong challenges by German and to be communicated briey and accurately be-
Italian air and naval forces, Britain held tween doctor and nurse or lawyer and judge.
precarious control of all contested waters Seamen are no different, using special-
until joined (unofcially at rst) by naval ized terminology to convey instructions and
forces from the technically neutral United ideas. Their language is a complex mixture of
States. the strange and familiar, including words
Between its raid on Pearl Harbor in Decem- taken from many English dialects, coined
ber 1941 and the Battle of Midway in June words, slang words, words used by mariners
1942, the Imperial Japanese Navy enjoyed speaking other tongues, the names of occupa-
eeting local hegemony in the Indian and tions and equipment, and descriptions of work
Pacic oceans. and leisure activities. Like medicalese and
Since then the United States Navy has been legalese, navalese can sometimes be as esoteric
predominant worldwide in spite of stren- and incomprehensible as Sanskrit or Aramaic.
uous efforts by the Soviet Union to over- At others it uses words which, although
take it during the Cold War. uniquely maritime, are familiar to almost
everyone mast, sail, and oar, for example.
With a common language and shared The seafarers vocabulary includes a com-
maritime heritage going back to the Tudor plete zoo of creatures, including Bear, Beetle,
navies of the sixteenth century, Britain and the Camel, Cat, Crow, Dog, Dolphin, Donkey,
United States share a range of nautical tradi- Fish, Fox, Hog, Horse, Lizard, Monkey,
tions and terminology. However, usage occa- Mouse, Pig, Pussy-cat, Turkey, and Worm;
sionally differs usually very little, but some- plus a number of human body parts, such as
times quite a lot not only between the two arm, arse, belly, breast, buttocks, cheeks,
countries, but internally between naval, coast- crotch, eyes, foot, hand, head, knee, navel, rib,
guard, and merchant seamen, not to mention shoulder, skin, throat, tongue, and waist.
river pilots, sher folk, and yachters. When The nautical lexicon includes terms cur-
there are differences in language or customs, rent in Chaucers time alongside others in-
the British convention usually precedes the vented on laptop computers. Many are slang,
American because of earlier usage. argot, or acronyms comprehensible only to the
initiated, while phrases in common use some-
times have different and special meaning to
Specialized Maritime Vocabulary seamen. Moreover, mariners themselves can
be confused by contradictory conventions that,
Navigable waters cover almost three- for example, call movement from west to east
quarters of the surface of our planet. They are westerly if referring to an ocean current, but
home to seafarers who, being isolated from easterly if speaking of wind.
land for long periods, developed a language of
their own. As well as technical terms, the mar-
itime vocabulary (lets call it navalese) bor-
9 Introduction

Shared Everyday Terminolog y Maritime artifacts: Since the days of

Egyptian pharaohs, naval architecture and
An amazing number of maritime words equipment have been at the forward edge of
and phrases have found their way into com- contemporary high technology. Over the mil-
mon English idiom, frequently with their nau- lennia, tens of thousands of examples of
tical origins obscured. Many can be authenti- human ingenuity and workmanship have been
cated, but readers should be aware that any produced for maritime use. Obviously, only a
phrase with even a hint of salt water is likely few hundred can be mentioned here, along
to be arrogated by Opanovaa hypotheti- with something of their background and his-
cal Organization of People Ascribing Nautical tory. These include such physical objects as
Origins to Virtually Anything. astrolabe, compass, guided missile, and stabi-
Other expressions have moved in the op- lizer.
posite direction, often having totally different Weather factors: Nothing is more im-
meaning to mariners. Some of the many nau- portant to mariners than the impact of winds
tical objects with everyday names include and waves, tides and currents. In addition to
apron, bonnet, cradle, crib, diamond, jewel, describing ship motions in response to actions
pudding, ribband, saddle, shoe, stays, and of the sea, a number of conventions for the
whip. measurement of weather conditions are de-
Wherever possible, word origins are in- scribed, including the Beaufort wind scale,
dicated although, even when propounded by Douglas wave and swell scale, Fujita tornado
eminent lexicographers, many are little more scale, and Safr-Simpson hurricane scale.
than educated guesswork and conicting Propulsion systems: Rather more space
sources are sometimes postulated or im- has been devoted to sails and rigging than to
puted. Ancient racial antipathies are reected modern systems such as steam, diesel, and
in the use of nouns like Chinese, Dutch, or CODAG-electric, simply because recent de-
Spanish as adjectives to qualify ineffective velopments will be more familiar to contem-
practices or nasty things. Where an original porary readers.
seamans phrase contains profanity it has been Customs and traditions: Customs can
allowed to stand without imposition of censor- be dened as shared practices and conventions
ship. that are treated as unwritten laws by a group
With few exceptions, the glossary is or organization; while traditions consist of
conned to words and phrases used by En- knowledge, opinions, and rites, passed from
glish-speaking mariners. Numerous other sea- generation to generation, with the authority of
farersFrench, German, Greek, Italian, Japa- long-standing acceptance and consent. Be-
nese, Russian, Spanish, and others have cause seafarers spend more time aoat among
their own terminology, but the English lexicon their own kind than they do ashore with the
alone is said to number between ve million rest of society, they have tended to develop
and ten million words, many of which have their own set of customs and traditions. Exam-
nautical origins or connotations, or are com- ples of the questions answered herein are
bined into mariners phrases. With such an Why are swords held cutting edge up when
immense almost unmanageable eld, the making an arch of steel at a naval wedding?
selection of items to be covered is inevitably ar- How did the drink called grog get its peculiar
bitrary and subjective, with many being left name? Why were so many dockside taverns
out by design or oversight. named Pig and Whistle?
In addition to vocabulary and terminol- Salutes and courtesies: All societies and
ogy, the listings include professional, occupa- organizations have social conventions which
tional, environmental, and historical informa- stem from tradition. This is especially true of
tion in the general areas given below: the military and naval services, where customs
Introduction 10

and courtesies have evolved to meet the need clude insurance underwriters such as Lloyds
for order and to foster mutual respect and fra- of London; ship classication agencies like Det
ternity. Courtesies are generally dened as acts Norske Veritas; charitable organizations such
of consideration, respect, and recognition, but as the Chatham Chest; and international fo-
military courtesies, which include salutes of rums on such things as pollution (Marpol) and
various kinds, go beyond basic politeness to safety (Solas).
play important roles in building self-respect, Mutiny: Organized and open revolt
morale, pride of service, discipline and, ulti- against constituted authority by seamen
mately, mission effectiveness. In addition to against their ofcers was common in the days
information on the origins and signicance of of sail, but typically occurred in port or just
hand, gun, and ag salutes, we learn such offshore, rather than on the high seas. Usu-
things as why senior ofcers enter a boat or ally, mutinies were more like modern labor
vehicle last and leave it rst. strikes than the ctional stereotype. Crews
Music and dance: Singing and instru- would refuse to sail in ships viewed as unsafe,
mental music have always been important or to carry out duties until wages owed were
facets of seafaring life, falling into seven gen- paid. Often they offered to transfer en masse
eral categories music for dancing, march- to a safer vessel, and they were usually ready to
ing, honoring individuals, and passing orders; sail if a battle impended. The Great Mutiny of
plus working, religious, and patriotic songs. 1797 was this type of action in which two
In the days when navigation depended on Royal Navy eets went on strike until condi-
massive squares of canvas handled by human tions were improved. The Mare Island Mutiny
muscle power, labor was synchronized and of 1944, in which fty U.S. Navy sailors re-
made easier by work-songs known as chanteys. fused to work in unsafe conditions was simi-
Sailors with ne singing voices found they lar, as was the RIN Mutiny of 1946.
could avoid some of the nastier shipboard Three conventional mutinies at sea are
tasks by volunteering as chanteymen, singing also discussed those aboard the Dutch ship
melodies that helped to soften the rigors of VOC Batavia, and the British HMS Bounty
shipboard life. Listening to the songs was en- and HMS Hermione. As far as the author can
joyable and relieved boredom, especially when determine, nobody has ever been formally
a ddler accompanied the singer. Moreover, charged with committing mutiny aboard a
the cadence of calls and responses helped syn- commissioned USN vessel. Indeed, the movie
chronize the movements of repetitive tasks. Caine Mutiny opens with the statement
Many a captain kept his crew agile and enter- There has never been a mutiny in a ship of the
tained by ordering them to dance the horn- United States Navy. However, readers can
pipe. determine for themselves if the USS Somers
Laws and conventions: Because the incident involved mutiny, quasi-judicial mur-
high seas are beyond territorial jurisdiction, der, illegal procedures, or a combination of all
seafarers have found it essential to develop three.
codes of maritime law that are at some times Biography: With one exception, none
enforced by common consent, at others by are included. However the mutiny on HMS
Admiralty Court. The reader will nd brief Bounty has been so misinterpreted and the
descriptions of ancient codes such as the Rles character of Captain William Bligh so ma-
de Olron and modern ones like the United ligned in lm and ction that it seemed ap-
Nations Convention on Law of the Sea. propriate to set the record straight.
Institutions: Numerous organizations Military affairs: In addition to brief his-
are needed to keep national and global mar- tories of the origins and development of forces
itime services ticking over properly. In addi- such as the British Royal Marines and the
tion to departments of government, these in- United States Navy, readers will nd informa-
11 Introduction

tion on naval bureaucracies, on supporting largest ocean; but also all ve of the carrier-
branches such as chaplain and medical corps, against-carrier battles ever fought; the largest
and outlines of current doctrines such as net- surface battle in history; the rst engagement
work centric and swing. in which opposing surface forces never saw
International cooperation: Much of the each other; and the greatest ever series of night
peacetime work that navies do can be consid- encounters.
ered constabulary. Together with miscella- Pivotal maritime events: Over the mil-
neous law enforcement agencies, they ght lennia, hundreds (perhaps thousands) of naval
smuggling, piracy, terrorism, weapons prolif- events have been termed decisive, but usu-
eration, drugs trading, human trafcking, il- ally in the sense of having had a major impact
legal immigration, organized crime, and other at a particular time and place, without sig-
forms of illicit commerce and maritime may- nicant long-lasting effects. For example; the
hem. Existing arrangements include the In- Battle of Lepanto in 1571 temporarily de-
ternational Ice Patrol and Operation Active stroyed Ottoman sea power and ended the
Endeavour; while an imaginative future pro- seaborne threat to Europe, but the land threat
posal is known as the Thousand Ship Navy. continued for another century until the Siege
Tactics and maneuvers: Naval tactical of Vienna in 1683. Similarly, if Nelson had lost
doctrine has ranged from ram-and-sink, via the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, the British
grapple-and-board, to duels between oating Channel Fleet was still in being with the po-
gun batteries, but the commander of an tential to break up any Napoleonic invasion
Athenian galley would have had at least some armada. As another example, if Japan had won
comprehension of eet movements in the the Battle of Midway in 1942 it would only
World War I Battle of Jutland. By then, how- have gained a brief respite before being over-
ever, seamen had discovered how to glide whelmed by United States industrial might.
silently under the waves and soar triumphantly Truly pivotal events which the au-
above them, bringing entirely new dimensions thor denes as changing the course of world
to naval conict in World War II, during historyare far less frequent. In fact, only the
which opposing eets sometimes never even following six seem to deserve that designation.
sighted one another. Maneuvers discussed in- Other historians will doubtless disagree with
clude the fth century periplus, twentieth cen- these choices, but the compiler enjoys right of
tury Thach weave, and a series of person over- selection.
board rescue turns.
Amphibious operations: British mili- 1. The march of the Sea People virtu-
tary historian Basil Liddell Hart writes, Am- ally destroyed the Mycenaean and Hittite em-
phibious exibility is the greatest strategic asset pires, wiped out important city-states such as
that a sea power possesses, and both Britain Ugarit, and fatally weakened the Egyptian su-
and the United States took full advantage of perpower. With no competitors left, they
that asset during the twentieth century. Of the might have dominated the Aegean and Medi-
seven examples discussed, three were disas- terranean, but their defeat at the naval Battle
trous Gallipoli (1915), Dieppe (1942) and of the Nile Delta in 1176 BCE, left the way clear
Anzio (1944) while North Africa (1942), for the rise of Greece, Etruria, Carthage, and
Sicily (1943), Normandy (1944), and Okinawa Rome, and the development of Western civi-
(1945) were successful. lization as we know it.
Major conicts: This is not a history 2. Had Persian Emperor Xerxes won the
book but aspects of the Pacic War are dis- naval Battle of Salamis in 480 BCE, the Athen-
cussed because it involved not only the logis- ian experiment in democracy would have been
tic feat of moving hordes of men and tons of stied, perhaps along with the important
materil across the entire length of the worlds Greek contribution to Western philosophy,
Introduction 12

art, and architecture. Moreover, with Greece ventured out to sea. Just a few of the disparate
out of the way, Persia might have succeeded items with weird connotations are birds, buck-
in adding the European continent to its vast ets, drinking glasses, fridays, naked women,
Asian empire, with incalculable impact on the pigs, and whistling.
course of human history. Paranormal Events: Modern as well as
3. During the fteenth century, Chinese ancient reports of mysterious disappearances,
eets visited Africa, Arabia, Australia, Europe, transmutations, and alien visitations abound;
India, Japan, Southeast Asia, and (possibly) together with yarns and legends about strange
North America. With an unlimited pool of water deities, ghost ships, fearsome monsters
manpower, and a naval technology that was of the deep, and beautiful mermaids all of
centuries ahead of the rest of the world, they which have been widely exploited by the
could easily have dominated or colonized the media, novelists, and the popular imagination.
entire globe, had their adventures not been Many such tales can be dismissed as the out-
halted by the Ming Naval Decrees of 1500. come of hazy conditions, fevered imaginations,
4. The relatively small and indecisive excessive drinking, superstitious awe, or just
naval Battle of Virginia Capes in 1781 was piv- plain confusion. But some have been found to
otal because it secured independence for the have rational explanations, while others have
United States. If Britain had regained control been substantiated by credible eyewitnesses,
of the sea, and the armies of Clinton and including naval ofcers, scientists, oceanogra-
Cornwallis had linked up, their combined phers, naturalists, and other responsible indi-
forces might well have crushed Washingtons viduals with impeccable credentials.
army and his French allies. Gods of the sea: Oceans, seas, rivers,
5. The unintended and accidental naval and lakes have always been mysterious and
Battle of Navarino Bay in 1827 irreparably magical places to humans, who have peered
crippled Ottoman sea power; established into their stygian depths and contemplated
Greece as an independent Kingdom; won au- which spirit might control them and what
tonomy for Balkan States; and paved the way strange beings might inhabit them. Virtually
for Russian imperial expansion. every pagan culture has one or more gods de-
6. The naval Battle of Tsushima in 1905 voted to water, some symbolizing cleansing
established Japan as an international player and purication, some being protectors of sea-
and the superpower of East Asia. It told the men, and others being evil spirits threatening
oppressed peoples of the region that Euro- destruction. Greco-Roman deities such as Por-
peans were not invincible, leading to the in- tunus and Poseidon (Neptune) have persisted
dependence movements of the twentieth cen- in European tradition. Other sea-dwelling or
tury. Moreover, it seriously weakened the sea-related beings have established themselves
prestige of the Russian Tsar, paving the way in myth, including Davy Jones, Sinbad the
for revolution a decade later. Sailor, and Britannia.
Ghost ships: There are several types of
Superstition: Unique occupational haz- these maritime apparitions in naval lore. Some
ards, the uncertainties of life at sea, the occa- are thought to warn of coming disaster, while
sional disappearance of an apparently sound others recall earlier tragedies. The Block Island
vessel, and frequent exposure to poor visibil- Phantom does both. Some, such as the Cursed
ity and mirages have combined to make sea- Corsair, the Flying Dutchman, and the Japa-
farers some of the most superstitious and nese Yureisen, are ethereal phantoms that ap-
gullible of people. Maritime beliefs are as deep pear out of nowhere as sinister and dangerous
as the ocean itself, and include so many haz- apparitions. Others were real ships like Mary
ards, taboos, and superstitions that the reader Celeste, discovered intact with crew mysteri-
may wonder why any sane individual ever ously vanished (often confused with Marie Ce-
13 Introduction

leste, the subject of a Conan Doyle horror ping of its bow-wave. In contrast, powered
story). And some appear to be explicable phe- ships have clanking engines, rumbling propul-
nomena such as the Chaleur Bay Phantom and sion systems, whirring propellers, and dis-
Jenny the Glacial Ghost. turbed wake. Water is an excellent transmitter
Sea serpents and monsters: Strange of sound, so sea creatures would receive ample
creatures have been reported in all the worlds warning to swim away or sound deeply, leav-
seas and oceans, being variously described as ing the ocean as apparently empty as a snake-
swimming dragons, writhing serpents, multi- infested forest whose denizens have slithered
armed horrors, and dinosaur survivors. Re- away at the noise of approaching footsteps.
ports have generally been dismissed as myth, There is a huge body of conjecture con-
legend, misidentication of known species, or cerning real or yet undiscovered creatures that
the ramblings of over-imaginative seafarers, might have been mistaken for sea monsters.
often ignoring the evidence of credible eye- These include at least four bony sh, a croco-
witnesses such as those mentioned. Indeed, it dilian, and three invertebrate cephalopods
is easy to misinterpret things seen at sea on whose visual characteristics might fool even
land, objects can be compared to nearby trees experienced observers into thinking they had
or structures; but on water only the waves offer seen a monster. There is also an order of ma-
size comparison, and their movement alone rine mammals which may have given rise to
can suggest an undulating body in motion. the mermaid legend. These are discussed in
For example, the 1848, Pekin Monster the appendices.
turned out to be a six-meter (20-foot) length Alphabetical sequencing of the glossary
of seaweed with its root shaped like a shaggily should make it easy for readers to locate phys-
maned head. Another sighting, by ships sur- ical objects such as capstan or topgallant; naval
geon Arthur Adams in 1860, was later found customs like saluting and ogging; military
to be a long dark root, gnarled and twisted ... units like the United States Coast Guard or
secured to ... a shing net, with a strong tide Royal Marines; shipping registries like the
... giving it an apparent lifelike movement. American Bureau of Shipping; legal systems
Something as mundane as a pod of dolphins, such as the Laws of Wisby; and other similar
swimming in a straight line one behind the references. However, it is less satisfactory for
other could be interpreted as the multiple dor- intangible or mythical items that the reader
sal ns of a lengthy sea serpent. might never nd without some guidance. Ac-
Sightings of strange sea creatures seemed cordingly, the index lists:
to diminish in the twentieth century, which
many interpreted as the reection of seamen People mentioned in the text.
becoming better educated and less supersti- Ships mentioned in the text.
tious. However, a wind-powered vessel could Supernatural personages.
glide stealthily over the water, adding noth- Ghost ships and paranormal phenomena.
ing to the ambient noise except the gentle slap- Sea serpents and monsters.
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The knowledge of naval matters

is an art as well as any other.
Pericles, 432 BCE
A Nautical Dictionary, or
Cyclopaedia of Naval Science and
Nomenclature is a desideratum
Major Shadwell Clarke, 1836
Many branches of knowledge are
demanded of the intelligent seaman
Admiral W.H. Smyth, 1865
No group of workingmen harbours
as many superstitions within its
collective breast as do sailors
Peter Jeans 2004
Every profession has its own argot,
A virtual other language by which its
practitioners communicate among themselves
Deborah Cutler, 2005
A- 16

islands. Some years later, Madoc returned, told of

A the discovery of a new land, recruited colonists, tted
A-: Prex indicating at, in, on, or towards. out an expedition of ten ships, and returned to North
For example; aboard, asea, ashore, and alongside, America. Legend says the settlers gradually moved up
which are self-explanatory; also ahead or astern mean- the Alabama and Coosa Rivers to the Chattanooga
ing forward or backward, abaft meaning behind, etc. area, building forts along the way. The one at DeSoto
(Probably derived from the French .) Falls, Alabama, is said to be almost identical in setting,
A1: This term, which is in general use to signify layout, and method of construction to Dolwyddelan
rst-class or excellent, comes from the highest insur- Castle in Wales.
ance rating awarded by Lloyds Register of Shipping. Three centuries on, the Spanish reported with sur-
AAA: Anti-aircraft artillery. prise that some of the natives were already worshipping
AAFSF : Amphibious assault fuel supply facility. the Christian Cross when they arrived. Later, explor-
AAM: Anti-aircraft missile. ers discovered an unusual tribe living on the banks of
AAV: Armored amphibious vehicle. the Missouri. They were blue-eyed with fair skin; their
AB: [1] Able Seaman. [2] Aviation Boatswains hair was blonde, red or brown; and instead of canoes
Mate (USN). they shed from boats made like the coracles of Wales.
Aback : [1] When, instead of a following wind Calling themselves Mandans, their language contained
blowing into square sails, a headwind presses them so many Welsh words that, in 1669, the Rev. Morgan
against the mast they are said to be aback. [2] When Jones claimed he was able to preach the Gospel in
a ship suddenly stops due to the foregoing, it is said Welsh to them. In a letter dated 1810, Governor John
to be taken aback. [3] The triangular Marconi (Ber- Seiver of Tennessee reported a conversation he had
mudian) rig doesnt press on the mast, but can still be with Oconostota, ruling chief of the Cherokee Na-
taken aback when tacking. tion, who said his grandfather told him: White peo-
Abaft: Towards the back, closer to the stern. ple formerly inhabited the country ... called Welsh,
Abaft the beam: Between beam and stern. they had crossed the Great Water and landed rst near
Abandon: [1] To desert a vessel on account of the the mouth of the Alabama River.
danger in remaining aboard. [2] To relinquish to un- Aberration: In celestial navigation, the apparent
derwriters all claim to property which may be recov- displacement of a heavenly body due to the observers
ered from shipwreck, capture, or any other peril stated motion.
in the policy. ABFS: Amphibious bulk fuel system.
Abandon ship!: This command for all hands to Able: Skilled or procient (abbreviation of capa-
leave the vessel is normally issued by the captain or ble).
senior surviving ofcer when a ship is foundering. Able Seaman: In 1653, the Royal Navy recognized
Abatement: A demand for a reduction of freight the value of seamen who had at least two years of sea
when unforeseen causes have delayed or hindered the service and were able to hand, reef, and steer by giv-
performance of a charter-party. ing them special status and 25 percent higher pay.
Abeam: Abreast of the vessel, directly at right an- The shorter title AB is widely believed to be an ab-
gles to the side. breviation of able-bodied, but in actuality is the rst
Abergele apparition: For centuries, and as recently two letters of able. The USN originally applied the
as May 2008, people claim to have seen an antique same criteria to the appointment of ABs, but no longer
ship sailing along the coast off Abergale in Wales. Eye- awards the rating which is still used in the British Mer-
witness reports are strikingly similar. For example, on chant Navy, the United States Merchant Marine, and
31st January 2006, Craig of Abergele reported, I saw the Royal Navy (where an able seaman ranks above
that ghost ship. It looked like a galleon but straight ordinary seaman and below leading seaman and is
away in like 7 seconds it disappeared into thin air thus the second lowest rate).
while, on 25th September that year, David Patterson Formerly, a ships master had absolute discretion to
of Rhyl said, it looked like an old galleon ... (but) rate or disrate ABs irrespective of ability, but nowadays
disappeared after a few seconds. Local tradition holds a candidate needs to be certicated. In 1838, the United
that the apparition is twelfth century Gwennan Gorn, States Coast Guard introduced a program to ensure
a ship associated with a fascinating and amazing leg- that each American mariner had the experience,
end of preColumbian discovery that may or may not training, physical ability, and character to serve safely
be true. and competently aboard vessels.
In 1170, Madoc, Prince of Snowdon in Wales, and This evolved until there are now one international
his step-brother Rhiryd, Lord of Clochran in Ireland, and three domestic credentials issued by the USCG,
rendezvoused at sea and set out westward into the un- including the certication of ABs as meeting the re-
known. Both Madocs Gwennan Gorn and Riryds quirements of the International Convention on Stan-
Pedr Sant are said to have been built of sturdy oak dards of Training, Certication, and Watchkeeping
from ancient forest trees, with nails of stags horn to for Seafarers, which is followed by most of the worlds
protect the craft from the fatal attraction of magnetic merchant shipping. Certicated ABs in the British
17 Acoustic

Merchant Navy and United States Merchant Marine AC: [1] Aircraft. [2] Aircraft carrier [not in naval
are the mainstays of a modern merchantmans deck use]. [3] Air Trafc Controller [USN]. [4] Hull classi-
crew. To qualify, a person must have at least three cation symbol of a eet replenishment collier.
years of relevant sea service, plus: ACB: USCG designation of an icebreaker.
The ability to splice wire or ber line, to work aloft Accident boat: A small boat kept swung out for
and over the side of the ship, to operate the deck ma- rapid lowering in the event of a person overboard.
chinery such as windlass or winches, to paint and mix Also rescue boat.
paint, to know the principles of cargo stowage, to be Accommodation ladder: Portable ight of steps
a good wheelsman and competent lookout, to over- suspended from a ships side to give access for boat
haul and install any running or standing rigging on crews or to a wharf. It consists essentially of upper
the ship, and be able to sew, repair and mend canvas. and a lower platforms connected by a ladder. The
An AB must also be competent to handle a lifeboat lower end being raised and lowered by the falls of a
under oars or sail, know its safety equipment, and be davit. Landlubbers frequently but mistakenly call the
capable of assuming the duties of coxswain in charge. accommodation ladder the gangway (cf. brow, gang-
In contrast to these stringent merchant requirements plank).
and reecting the 21st century relaxation of long-es- Account: See On the Account.
tablished standards the Royal Navy now gives re- Accouterments: Equipment other than clothing
cruits the AB rating as soon as they have completed and weapons.
basic training. ACDS: Advanced Combat Direction System.
ABM: Anti-ballistic missile. Ace: A pilot who has shot down numerous enemy
Aboard: [1] In or on a vessel. [2] Nearby or close to aircraft (ve in USN, unofcial designation in RN).
(e.g., bring the lighter aboard for loading). Ace high: USN designation of a tropospheric for-
Abort: To abandon or cancel a mission. ward-scatter communications system.
About: Usually preceded by come. [1] To turn Acey-deucey: A board game similar to backgam-
onto a new course or tack. [2] To move across the mon, popular in the USN.
wind in relation to the bow. ACG: Hull classication symbol of an amphibious
Above-board: Fair, open, and without conceal- Force Flagship.
ment. There are two possible nautical derivations: Acknowledge: Proword conrming a message has
[1] Early trading ships would hide illegal cargo below been received.
the ships deck. Legal goods could be placed in plain ACLS: Automatic Carrier Landing System.
view, that is above the boards of the deck. [2] When ACM: Air combat maneuver.
hoping to get close to a potential victim without Acockbill: Describes [1] An anchor hanging at the
arousing suspicion, the majority of a heavily-armed pi- cathead ready to let go. [2] Square-rig yards angled
rate crew would crouch behind the bulwark while a randomly as a sign of mourning. See also blue paint,
few unarmed rufans remained on deck pretending mourning salute, yards apeak.
to be friendly merchant mariners. The forthright ap- Acon: A at-bottomed Mediterranean boat used
pearance of the ones who were, literally, above the to carry cargo over shoal water.
boards may have given the term its onshore meaning. Acoustic bafe: Sonar arrays are extremely sensi-
Abox: Said of square-rig yards that have been laid tive to underwater noise and have to be protected
square to the foremast in order to heave-to. from propeller cavitation, wake disturbance, machin-
Abreast: Side-by-side, abeam. ery noise, and other sounds generated by the vessel. To
Abroad: A ag was formerly said to be abroad when this end a sound-attenuating shield or bafe is placed
hoisted. The term is obsolete. between hull-mounted sonar and the propulsion sys-
ABS: American Bureau of Shipping. tem (see bafe zone).
Absent without leave: Unauthorized absence from Acoustic mine : Device which is detonated by
the place of duty. (Former USN terminology was ab- sound waves such as those generated by a ships pro-
sent without ofcial leave, and its acronym was often pellers.
used verbally and pronounced a-wol.) Acoustic speed: The maximum speed at which a
Absentee pennant: Flown to indicate that the cap- submarine can travel without being sensible to con-
tain or embarked ag ofcer is not on board. ventional sound detection systems.
Aburton: Said of casks stowed athwartships in line Acoustic torpedo: A sound-guided torpedo
with the deck beams. passive versions home in on sounds emanating from
Abyss: That part of the ocean that is deeper than the target; active versions rely on the reected sound
300 fathoms (550 meters/1800 feet). of their own emissions.
Abyssal hills: A tract of small elevations on the Acoustic warfare : [1] The use of underwater
oor of the abyss. acoustic energy to search for, locate, intercept, record,
Abyssal plain: The at, deep ocean oor. It is al- analyze, and exploit hostile radiated acoustic energy.
most featureless because a thick layer of sediment cov- [2] To mount countermeasures that prevent or im-
ers the hills and valleys of the ocean basin below it. pede enemy use of the underwater acoustic spectrum.
Acrostolium 18

Acrostolium: A symbolical ornament on the prows AD: Aviation Machinists Mate [USN].
of ancient vessels; precursor of the modern gure- ADAC: Acoustic Data Analysis Center.
head. Adams ale: Slang for fresh drinking water, which
ACS: [1] Air-capable ship. [2] Auxiliary crane ship. was a much valued commodity during the long voy-
Act of God: Marine insurance term meaning any ages undertaken by sailing ships, during which water
natural event which could not have been reasonably in casks was certain to turn putrid.
foreseen. ADC: [1] Aide-de-Camp. [2] Air Defense Com-
Acting: Prex to a grade, rank, rate, or title, indi- mand [U.S.]. [3] Analogue-Digital Converter.
cating that it is temporary and that the incumbent ADCOM: Administrative Command [USN].
may not be fully-qualied for the post. Addled: [1] In common language, to be muddled,
Acting Sub-Lieutenant: Appointed by order rather confused, or rotten. [2] Obsolete, seamans term for
than commissioned, this subordinate ofcer rank was fresh water that had gone putrid in the cask. From
introduced by the RN in 1860 to replace those of Act- Old English adela = lth.
ing Mate and Passed Midshipman. After completion Address: Ofcers up to the rank of lieutenant-com-
of qualifying courses they were commissioned as Sub- mander are properly called Mister although, as a
Lieutenants. Their status was somewhat nebulous matter of conversational politeness or in ignorance,
until 1894 when Admiralty Order in Council No.41 Lt-Cdrs are sometimes addressed as Commander
dened them as being To all intents and purposes by civilians. Captains are addressed as Captain, and
Sub-Lieutenants ... being merely styled Acting until all ag ofcers as Admiral. The proper title for the
they have passed the nal examination for Lieuten- commander of a merchantman is Master, but Cap-
ant. The title fell into abeyance after the First World tain is often used as a matter of courtesy. Similarly,
War, but in 1955, probably to introduce a closer the commander of even the smallest naval vessel is
equivalent to USN Ensign, the Royal and Common- normally addressed as Captain irrespective of rank.
wealth navies re-instated it as a substantive rank, sep- Between 1870 and 1914 it was also customary to address
arate from and junior to Sub-Lieutenant. In 1993, the the executive ofcers of RN ships as Captain. In the
RN abolished the rank in regular service, but it con- RN, a Master at Arms is always addressed as Master,
tinues in the Royal Naval Reserve and in the Canadian never as Chief or Sir irrespective of rank.
and Australian navies. A similar rank exists in the Pak- ADF : Automatic direction nding.
istani Navy. Adjacent zone: Waters immediately beyond terri-
Action information center: See combat informa- torial limits over which a nation claims customs en-
tion center. forcement or shing rights.
Action stations!: RN call for the ships company Adjustable pitch: Ability to alter the pitch of an
to go to battle positions (cf. General Quarters). aerial or marine propeller to improve efciency and
Active duty: Full-time service as opposed to re- to increase or decrease speed. Also controllable pitch,
serve, retired, or inactive. and more fully described under variable pitch.
Active Endeavor: The mission of NATOs Oper- Administration: The management of logistics, re-
ation Active Endeavour is to intercept, escort, pro- pairs, maintenance, training, and other naval activi-
tect, disrupt and deter criminal activity that may sup- ties not directly concerned with strategy or tactics.
port terrorist activities. Navies from Germany, Greece, Administrative shipping: Support vessels capable
Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, the UK and U.S. of transporting troops and cargo from origin to des-
patrol the eastern Mediterranean, monitoring thou- tination, but that cannot be loaded or unloaded with-
sands of ships against narcotics trafcking, human out non-organic personnel and/or equipment (e.g.,
smuggling, arms and radioactive materials. Attempts cargo handling personnel, stevedores, piers, barges,
to extend the operation into the Black Sea (which cranes, materials handling equipment, etc.).
serves many insurgent groups as a main smuggling Administrative weapons specialist: USN enlisted
route) have so far been vetoed by Turkey and Rus- derogatory slang for a Yeoman or other sailor with
sia the former to avoid diluting the terms of the purely administrative duties. Not usually used when
Montreux Treaty, the latter to keep NATO away from the sailor in question has a regular warfare or weapons
its southern frontier. qualication.
Active list: RN document recording ofcers on ac- Admiral: This term is derived from the Arabic
tive duty. amir-al-bahr meaning commander of the sea. The
Active service: RN term for assignment to a com- Genoese dropped bahr (the word for sea) and com-
bat zone. bined the rst two into amiral, which became Almi-
Active sonar: Anti-submarine technologies that rante in Spanish and Admiral when taken into En-
emit pulses of sound (known as pings) into the glish. Today, an admiral is the senior naval ofcer
ocean, and then listen for reections (echoes) in order commanding a eet or other large unit and holds four-
to paint a snapshot picture of all objects within their star rank, the equivalent of army general. A supreme
range. Cf. passive sonar. naval position, titled Admiral of the Fleet, Fleet Ad-
ACV: Air Cushion Vehicle. miral, or Admiral of the Navy, is sometimes held by
19 Admirals

the senior ag ofcer of a naval service and is usually Rear Squadron Lead Squadron Center Squadron
symbolic and honoric, having virtually no more au- 1. Rear-Admiral 2. Rear-Admiral 3. Rear-Admiral
thority than any other admiral. (blue) (white) (red)
Admiral of the Fleet: This British rank probably 4. Vice-Admiral 5. Vice-Admiral 6. Vice Admiral
originated in the Middle Ages, but the rst recorded (blue) (white) (red)
appointment was in 1690. When the Royal Navy was 7. Admiral 8. Admiral 9. Admiral
(blue) (white) (red)
divided into three squadrons (see Admirals in the
Royal Navy) the Admiral of the Fleet was supreme Then, as explained by Michael Lewis in The Navy
commander of the assembled squadrons, each of of Britain (London, George Allen & Unwin, 1948), a
which was commanded by a full admiral. Until 1827 clerical mistake introduced a tenth grade:
the head of the Royal Navy was called admiral of the The man who commanded the whole also com-
eet, then the position became First Sea Lord. The manded the central and therefore the most impor-
rank was placed in abeyance in 1996, but incumbents tant squadron, the Red.... He was therefore, in
nonetheless retain the title for life. See also eet ad- practice both Admiral of the Fleet and Admiral of
miral. the Red. But since it is always a mans tendency to
Admiral of the Navy: This United States Navy use the highest title to which he has a right, he al-
rank, generally considered to be six-star equivalent, most always called himself by the former name....
was created specically for Admiral George Dewey by The tenth kind of ag ofcer Admiral of the Red
Act of Congress in March 1903, with the proviso that as distinct from Admiral of the Fleet was only in-
it would exist for his lifetime. The award was retroac- troduced, as the result of an error, in 1805.
tive to 1st May 1898 when then Commodore Dewey In 1864, the color-coding was abandoned and the
fought the Battle of Manila Bay, commanding a eet number of ag ranks was reduced to the current three,
of modern armored cruisers which so far outgunned excluding the now dormant Admiral of the Fleet.
his opponents antiquated and decrepit wooden ships Admirals in the United States Navy: Having just
that the encounter was more of a slaughter than a bat- overthrown a monarchy, and being imbued with ideals
tle. Dewey died in 1917 and the rank lapsed accord- of equality, Congress was initially reluctant to intro-
ingly. duce the title of admiral which it felt would create an
Admiral Popov: The rst of two extraordinary aristocracy of the sea unsuitable for a nascent repub-
Russian warships built in the 1870s to the revolution- lic. Until the huge naval expansion of the Civil War
ary circular design of Vice-Admiral A. A. Popov. The there were no ag ofcers, with captains in command
3,533-ton vessel was completely round, armed with of squadrons being temporarily awarded the courtesy
two 12-inch (300 mm) guns in a central circular ro- title of commodore.
tating barbette, a design intended to provide a stable Permanent commodores (1-star) and rear admirals
ring platform. She was powered by eight engines (2-stars) were introduced in 1862, followed by vice
driving six propellers. Not surprisingly, the ships were admirals (3-stars) in 1864, and full admirals (4-stars)
unseaworthy and almost unmanageable. in 1866. In 1891, however, the two senior ranks were
Admirals in the Royal Navy: The rst English ad- allowed to lapse. Eight years later, the permanent rank
miral is believed to have been William de Leyburn, of commodore was abolished leaving only rear admi-
appointed by King Edward I in 1297 with the title rals, who were divided into upper and lower halves,
Admiral of the Sea of the King of England. The sub- with pay differences, but both wearing two stars.
ordinate positions of vice and rear admiral were not in- In 1915, with World War I raging, the command-
troduced until the 16th century; initially as appoint- ers-in-chief of the Atlantic, Pacic and Asiatic eets
ments to command the white (van) and blue (rear) were awarded the temporary rank of admiral, and
squadrons rather than ofcial ranks. By 1743, squad- their seconds-in-command that of vice admiral. A
rons had become much larger, so each was divided year later the Chief of Naval Operations was also given
into three sections and for the next sixty-two years temporary admiral rank. However, the Navy Register
there were rear-admirals, vice-admirals, and admirals continued to list these ofcers in their permanent
in each of three colors (see British ensigns). Promo- grade of rear admiral. It was not until July 1941, with
tion was based on seniority, and the only way to ad- World War II looming over the United States, that
vance was for a vacancy to be created by promotion, Congress authorized President Roosevelt to award
death, or resignation. The nine-step ag rank hierar- permanent commissions to three and four star admi-
chy was based on a combination of grade and rals. In April 1943, the rank of commodore (1-star)
squadron, running from rear-admiral of the blue as was re-established for the duration of the War, after
the most junior ag ofcer, to admiral of the red as the which it again lapsed. See also Commodore Admiral
senior: and table 15.
Admirals watch: Informal USN term for the sec-
ond dog watch when the embarked ag ofcer tradi-
tionally visits the bridge to chat with the vessels com-
manding ofcer.
Admiralship 20

Admiralship: The combination of character traits rough-hewn timbers. Generally, the user stands astride
and professional skills that allows a naval commander the work, swinging the adze downward towards the
to develop successful strategies and tactics. feet, chipping off pieces of wood while moving back-
Admiralty: [1] Formerly, the department of state ward to leave a relatively smooth surface behind. The
responsible for the British Royal Navy (see Board of modern form originated before the 12th century, but
Admiralty). [2] The building housing ofcials of that similar tools are found in pre-dynastic Egypt and Ne-
department. [3] Maritime law. olithic man used a int version.
Admiralty court: A tribunal administering mar- AE: [1] Aircraft Engineer. [2] Hull classication
itime or admiralty law, including matters pertaining symbol of a eet replenishment ammunition ship.
to shipping, collision, piracy, disposition of prizes, Aegis: A highly automated shipborne combat
etc. weapons control system. Modern anti-ship missiles,
Admiralty law: A uniform, supranational, com- coordinated to arrive simultaneously on a designated
prehensive body of maritime jurisprudence progres- target, can be launched from air, surface, and subma-
sively codied over millennia. See laws & conventions rine platforms lying well beyond the horizon. Recog-
of the sea, maritime law and United Nations Con- nizing that countering this threat demands exceptional
vention on the Law of the Sea. repower, reaction time, and operational availability,
Admiralty Midshipman: Formerly one who, hav- the USN developed a system which integrates sensors
ing served his time and passed the lieutenants exam- and weapons to detect and engage multiple (up to
ination, was appointed to a ship by the admiralty, in 200) airborne targets simultaneously, at heights from
contradistinction to those who were rated by the cap- wave-top to directly overhead, and at speeds from sub-
tain. to supersonic christening it Aegis after the mythi-
Admiralty sweep: A wide, cautious turn, made to cal protective breastplate worn by Greek gods Zeus
come alongside another vessel or a jetty. and Athena. Capable of operation in all weather con-
Admonitions, Reprimands, and Cautions: These ditions, resistant to chaff or jamming, Aegis can cur-
are non-punitive disciplinary actions that highlight rently provide area defense for an entire strike group,
minor wrongdoings, the only difference being degree together with a clear picture for the effective deploy-
of censure. A reprimand is the more severe and a cau- ment of aircraft. The system is being enhanced to pro-
tion the least. Records of admonitions and reprimands vide theatre-wide protection against ballistic missile
can be led and later used to justify more serious attacks by terrorists or rogue states.
measures, such as non-judicial punishment, demo- AEM: [1] Mechanic [USN]. [2] Air Engineering
tion, or dismissal. Cautions, however, are more in- mechanic [RN].
formal and do not form part of the individuals record. AEO: Aircraft Engineering Ofcer [RN].
See also captains mast, non-judicial punishment, non- Aerofoil: A surface designed to produce lift when
punitive disciplinary action, and Uniform Code of air passes over it. Aircraft wings and propellers, and
Military Justice. helicopter blades are examples. Also Airfoil.
Adornment: The gingerbread woodwork on the Aerography: USN term for weather forecasting.
stern of old ships. AEW: Airborne Early Warning.
Adrift: [1] Loose from moorings. [2] Out of place. AFB: Air Force Base (U.S.).
[3] Late or tardy. Affectionate friends: According to an anecdote re-
Advance: [1] Distance traveled along the original lated by Admiral William Henry Smyth in his 1867
course from the time the rudder is turned until the Sailors Word Book, the former Board of Commis-
vessel is steady on its new course. [2] Increase in rate sioners of the (Royal) Navy was the only government
or rank. organization snobbish enough to have a special form
Advection fog: Mist created by the interaction of of address for ofcers who were not of noble families
a horizontal ow of warm moist air with a colder water (n)or bore titles calling them with tongue in cheek
surface. affectionate friends. However, when a distinguished
Adventure: [1] A hazardous undertaking of uncer- naval captain, himself a knight, closed a letter to the
tain outcome. [2] A long-standing commercial term Board with that salutation the Commissioners were
for a speculative nancial enterprise, typically involv- offended and ordered him to discontinue such
ing goods consigned to a ships master, to be traded op- expression. The captain acknowledged, but ended
portunistically wherever the best price could be ob- with I am, gentlemen, no longer your affectionate
tained. Merchants who consigned cargo in this way friend. Smyth recounts that the practice then ended
were known as adventurers (or sometimes venturers). abruptly.
Advisory: A warning of potential bad weather. Afrmative: A proword meaning yes or What
ADZ: Amphibious defense zone. you said is correct (cf. negative).
Adze: An ancient cutting tool that has a thin arched Affreightment: An expression used to describe a
blade set at right angles to the shaft (unlike the blade contract in which a shipowner (sometimes known as
of an ax which is set in line with the handle). It is used the carrier) agrees to carry the goods of a shipper
by carpenters, coopers, and shipwrights for shaping (also called the freighter) on a specied voyage or over
21 Air

a period of time in return for payment of a specic Ahead: [1] Forward, in front of the bow. [2] Engine
price (sometimes called freight). See also charter party. room command to drive the ship forward.
Aoat: Buoyantly riding on water. Ahoy!: The standard nautical hail used to gain at-
Aoat prepositioning: Refers to the forward de- tention. Believed to be descended from a Viking war-
ployment near a potential crisis area, or to support cry, it now says essentially Hello there!
amphibious operations of merchantmen tactically- Ahull: Said of a sailing vessel under bare poles with
loaded with equipment, supplies, and ammunition. helm lashed.
Afore: Obsolete term for before. Aid to navigation: Any xed device such as a buoy,
Afoul: Entangled. light, or sound signal, to assist mariners or warn them
AFS: Hull classication symbol of a eet replen- of potential hazards such as reefs (cf. navigational
ishment combat stores ship. aids).
Aft/After: At or towards the back of a vessel. In Aide-de-camp: Condential assistant on the per-
nautical terminology, aft is an adverb and after is an sonal staff of an admiral or ofcial.
adjective as in let us go aft to the after cabin. Aiguille: A small shing boat formerly used in the
After ladder: Stairs leading to a sailing ships Garonne region of France.
ofcers quarters and only used by them. Aiguillettes: Ornamental braided loops or cords
Afterguard: [1] Sailing warship term for seamen worn as identication by aides-de-camp, the style des-
and landsmen assigned to sail-handling on poop and ignating the rank or status of their principals.
quarterdeck. [2] Term for the owner, captain, or nav- Aileron: Either of two moveable control surfaces
igator of a yacht. [3] Infrequently used to refer to a on opposite sides of an aircraft wing which move
merchantmans ofcers. asymmetrically (one going up when the other goes
Aftermost: Nearest the stern. down) to control rolling and banking.
Afternoon effect: Reduction in sonar effectiveness AIMS: American Institute of Merchant Shipping.
caused by the sun warming the sea surface. Air and naval gunre liaison company: A group
Afternoon watch: The work shift beginning at of U.S. naval and marine personnel that controls naval
1200 and ending at 1600 (noon to 4 PM). Also noon gunre and close air support from an amphibious
watch. beachhead.
Against the sun: [1] A counter-clockwise horizon- Air bedding!: Command to bring bedding on deck
tal circular motion. [2] Said of rope laid-up left- for exposure to sun and wind.
handed. Cf. with the sun. Air boss: The watchkeeper responsible for safe op-
A-Gang: USN slang for engineering department erations on an aircraft carriers ight deck, including
personnel responsible for auxiliary equipment such as the placement of aircraft, operation of catapults and
air-conditioning, water distillation, etc. arresting gear, and reghting when required.
Age of Sail: This term could be considered an oxy- Air bunting!: Command to hoist signal ags for
moron, since ships with sails have existed from pre-his- drying in the wind.
tory to the present day. However, a Eurocentric view Air burst : A nuclear explosion high enough to
holds that the great age of sail began in the mid15th avoid interaction with ground or water, thereby re-
century when Europeans began to embark on ducing fallout.
worldwide voyages lasting until the mid19th when Air capable: Said of a vessel that can launch or land
iron and steam superseded wood and wind in com- aircraft or provide them with logistic support. May
mercial trade and naval warfare. be equipped with cranes for seaplane recovery, or have
Age of tide: The time lapse between a transit of a landing pad from which helicopters or v/stol air-
the moon and the resultant tide. Also retard of tide. craft can be launched and recovered without the need
Aghulas current: A current that ows through the for ight deck, catapults or arresting gear.
Mozambique Channel to the Aghulas Bank and then Air course: A longitudinal ventilation channel run-
southward. ning along the side of a wooden sailing vessel to pre-
Agility: Said of the ability of forces to react faster vent mildew and rot of frames and planking.
than their enemy can. Air cover: The use of military aircraft to provide
Agonic line: A line on the earths surface connect- protection against attack by enemy aircraft during
ing points of zero magnetic variation. ground or naval operations.
Aground: Sitting on the bottom (cf. Ground). Air cushion vessel: See Ground-effect vessel.
Aguardiente: [1] In Spain and Portugal, an infe- Air frame: The structural components of an air-
rior brandy, often supplied to British warships before craft, excluding its engines.
rum became standard issue. [2] In Spanish America, Air gap: See Atlantic air gap.
a coarse, potent liquor, based on sugar cane and some- Air independent propulsion: Before the advent
times avored with anise. (Contraction of Spanish of nuclear power, submariners were eager to free their
agua = water + ardiente = burning.) boats from the need to surface or use snorkels to ac-
AH: [1] Aircraft Handler [RN]. [2] Hull classi- cess the atmospheric oxygen demanded by the inter-
cation symbol of a hospital ship [USN]. nal combustion engines that charged their batteries.
Air 22

This requirement still exists with small submersibles ships during the American War of Independence. The
for littoral operations where nuclear would be too ex- term caught on and was used until the late 19th century.
pensive. During the 1930s the German Kriegsmarine Albatrosses: There are many varieties of this mem-
experimented with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 ) as an ber of the petrel family including the mollymawk and
oxidant, but it proved too unstable creating a safety wandering albatross. The latter is the largest of all
hazard. Currently, developers are pursuing four ge- ying birds, with a wingspan of up to ve meters (15
neric approaches to augment or replace diesel-electric feet), weighing up to 11 kilograms (24 lbs), and ying
propulsion systems: at up to 53 km/h (33 mph). Completely oceanic, they
1. Closed-cycle diesel engines with stored liquid land only to lay eggs and raise chicks. Sailors believe
oxygen. that killing one is an horrendous maritime crime
2. Closed-cycle steam turbines. which will bring disaster to the ship committing the
3. Stirling-cycle engines with external combustion. murder. This is because seamen have long believed
4. Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells. that when a shipmate dies, his body goes to Davy
Air trafc controller: Naval air trafc controllers Jones locker, but his soul is transferred to an alba-
perform duties similar to those of civilian counter- tross whose supernatural nature seems to be conrmed
parts and play a key role in the effective use of Naval when it is seen to remain aloft without apping its
airpower. They may be enlisted/ratings, or limited wings for days on end (using the technique of dy-
duty commissioned ofcers. namic soaring to exploit and glide over cross-cur-
Aircraft: Generic term for any vehicle capable of rents of air). Since World War II, the albatross has
ight, whether heavier or lighter than air. been losing its ght for existence. Pirate shermen
Aircraft carrier: A major capital ship using aircraft troll for toothsh, their principal food, with long lines
as its offensive weapon. Usually has a hangar for stor- that trap and drown the birds as well as destroying
ing aircraft and a ight deck equipped with launch- their food supply. (See also Mother Careys chickens.)
ing catapults and arresting gear. Aldis lamp: A hand-held Morse code signaling de-
Aircrew: The pilot and other personnel manning an vice used by ships and aircraft.
aircraft. Alectons monster: In November 1861, cruising off
Airdale: USN slang for a naval aviator. Also Airedale. the Canary Islands, under sail with her auxiliary pro-
Airhead: Refers to an area in hostile territory seized pulsion machinery silent, the crew of Alecton a
and held during the assault phase of an airborne op- French Navy paddle-wheel aviso (courier boat)
eration. See also beachhead, bridgehead, lodgement. sighted a strange creature with a long tail, multiple
Airlock: A pair of doors giving access to a pressur- arms, and eyes the size of dinner plates. Cannon and
ized space. When opened and closed in sequence, they musket re missed the animal, but they chased and
preserve interior pressure. came close enough to harpoon it, then throw the bight
AIS: Automatic Identication System. of a rope around its mantle. However, when they tried
Ait: A small riverine island. Mainly British and to haul the creature inboard, the rope cut through its
pronounced ate. soft tissue and all they recovered was the tail, which
AK : [1] Aviation Storekeeper (USN). [2] Hull Alectons captain delivered to the French consul at
classication symbol of a commercial cargo ship. Tenerife who forwarded it to the Academy of Sciences
AKA: [1] Also Known As. [2] Former Hull clas- in Paris.
sication symbol of an attack cargo ship. Being unable to identify the specimen, the Acad-
Alabama: [1] The most famous of Confederate emys scientists ridiculed Alectons report as either fab-
raiders was CSS Alabama, one of three warships built ricated or the result of mass hallucination. One aca-
secretly in England. She sank, burned, or captured demician, Arthur Mangin, proclaimed that no man of
sixty-four Union merchantmen and whalers before science should give credence to such stories, because,
being sunk by USS Kearsage outside Cherbourg, ...the existence of such a creature would contradict the
France, on 19 June 1864. After the Civil War, Britain great laws of harmony and equilibrium which have
had to pay $15-million compensation for the damage sovereign rule over living nature.... In fact, it may
inicted by English-built Confederate raiders, the set- well have been a giant squid (see appendix).
tlement being known as the Alabama claims. [2] USS Alee : [1] Downwind. [2] Position of the Helm
Alabama was the battleship that led the U.S. Fleet into when turning to leeward.
Tokyo Bay to receive the Japanese surrender in 1945. Aleutian current: An easterly-owing North Pa-
Decommissioned in 1947, she is now the centerpiece cic current that divides to form the north-owing
of Battleship Memorial Park in Mobile Bay. Alaska Current and the south-owing California Cur-
Alamottie: Another mariners name for the stormy rent.
petrel. Alfa: NATO phonetic notation for the letter A.
Alaska current: A counter-clockwise current that Also Alpha, but see table 11.
follows the coast of Canada to Alaska. ALG: Hull classication symbol of an amphibious
Albany beef: British seamens slang for sturgeon force agship.
caught in the Hudson River and served to Royal Navy Algal bloom: See red tide.
23 Amphibious

Alidade: Telescopic-sighted instrument used by Aloof: Obsolete sailing ship term for lying at a dis-
navigators to measure angles or bearings. tance off to windward, now in general use to signify
Alist: Leaning to one side, listing. distant or unsympathetic.
Alive: Alert. The command look alive! means Alow: Obsolete Old English term for on or near
get with it or pay attention. the deck. The converse of aloft.
All Ataut-O: Obsolete description of rigging that Alphabets: See phonetic alphabet, signal ags, and
is properly installed, shipshape and taut. tables 8 and 11.
All balls: USN enlisted slang for an all-male crew. Always aoat: A Charter Party term specifying
All hands: [1] The entire ships company, its crew. that the vessel must not enter any berth where she
[2] Boatswains pipe calling the entire crew either to would be aground part of the time.
pay attention to a following announcement, or to AM: Former Hull classication symbol of a mine-
muster immediately on deck. sweeper.
Alleyway: British Merchant Navy term for a ships Amain: An archaic term meaning with full force,
interior corridor. The RN uses alley and the USN at once, or suddenly.
term is passageway (see Burma road and ships ver- Ambergris: A secretion in the intestines of sperm
sus houses). whales that is sometimes found oating on the sea or
Allision: Term in admiralty law referring to the washed up on the shore. This solid, waxy, ammable
collision of a moving vessel with a stationary object. substance with a sweet, earthy smell is used as a xa-
Alls well!: Oil-burning navigation lights used to be tive in perfumery. During the Renaissance, it was
checked every hour and reported with the cry lights molded and dried, to be worn as beads or jewelry.
burning bright and alls well. Today, provided there AMC: American Maritime Congress.
have been no untoward incidents, the traditional cry American Bureau of Shipping: Founded in 1862
at the end of each four-hour watch is still eight bells and based in Houston, Texas, with regional ofces in
and alls well. However, similar or identical calls had London, Singapore, and Dubai, ABS is one of the
long been made ashore by night-watchmen, so at- big three in ship classication, the others being
tempts to attribute the phrase to a nautical origin are Lloyds Register and Det Norske Veritas.
probably inappropriate. Americas Cup: An ornate silver trophy, presented
Almagest: A comprehensive treatise on astronomy to the winner of the worlds most prestigious sailing
and geography developed by Ptolemy at the Alexan- competition which circles nine times around the Isle
drian observatory during the second century B.C.E. of Wight off the south coast of England. Originally
Almanac: An annual publication containing lists, called the Royal Yacht Squadron Cup, it was renamed
charts, tables, and other information for navigators. after the U.S. schooner America which won the rst
Some, such as the British HM Nautical Almanac cover contest in 1851. From then until 1983 it remained in
only astronomical data for ocean navigation with a American hands; the longest winning streak in sport-
sextant. Others, such as the American Reeds Nauti- ing history.
cal Almanac include additional information about Amidships: [1] In general: At, near, or toward the
tides, tidal currents, sunrises, sunsets, and other crit- center of a ship relative to its length or breadth (i.e.,
ical items. halfway between bow and stern or halfway between
ALNAV: USN prex indicating the following mes- the sides). [2] Specically: Halfway from the forward-
sage applies to all naval personnel. most point on the waterline to the rearmost point on
Aloft: [1] Upward on masts or rigging. [2] Above the waterline. [3] Of the helm: When the rudder blade
the upper deck (cf. topside). [3] Used in a gurative is aligned precisely with the keel. [4] Formerly: The
sense for heaven (hes gone aloft). timbers at the broadest part of the vessel. Also Mid-
Aloft there!: Deck ofcers attention-getting hail ships, Amidward.
to men on the yards and in the rigging. Amidward: The 18th century term for amidships.
Alongshore: Along or beside the shore (cf. long- Ammunition: The explosive and propellant com-
shore). ponents of military projectiles, including bullets,
Alongside: At or beside something (another ship, bombs, cartridges, fuses, grenades, mines, missiles,
a pier, etc.). powder, primers, pyrotechnics, rockets, shot, shrap-
Alongside replenishment: Since World War II, nel, and the like.
the most common method of replenishment at sea. Amphibian: [1] A small self-propelled craft,
The supply ship holds a steady course, the receiving equipped with wheels or air cushions enabling it to
ship comes alongside and conforms to the others move on land as well as water. [2] An aircraft capable
speed. A messenger line is then used to pull across of operating from land or water.
transfer lines and a telephone link. The operation is Amphibious assault: An operation in which an
risky. With two or three ships running side-by-side, attack is launched from seaward against a hostile
even a slight speed or steering error could be disas- shore. After marines or sea-transported soldiers have
trous. See also vertical replenishment and astern fu- secured a beachhead, the attack becomes a conven-
elling. tional military ground operation.
Amphibious 24

Amphibious demonstration: An amphibious op- AMR: Auxiliary Machinery Room.

eration conducted as a feint to deceive enemy forces AMVER : Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel
and divert them away from other operations. Rescue System.
Amphibious agship: During World War II, Analemma: The gure eight scale on terrestrial
wanting to remove tactical force commanders and globes showing the declination of the sun and time
their staffs from overcrowded combat ships, the USN equation on a daily basis.
converted a number of merchantmen and naval ves- Anan: An ancient nautical response, no longer in
sels to serve as oating command posts during large- use, signifying I did not understand your order, sir.
scale amphibious operations in the Pacic. See also Anaumachion: The ancient Greek punishment of
command ship and LCC. infamy, for the crime of refusing to serve in the eet.
Amphibious lift: The carrying capacity of assault Anchor: [1] A device fastened to a chain or line,
shipping assigned to an amphibious operation, ex- consisting either of a hook which embeds itself in the
pressed in terms of personnel, vehicles, and weight (or sea oor or of a heavy weight to hold the ship in place.
measurement) of supplies. The concept is said to have been developed in China
Amphibious operation: A military operation that for Emperor Yu (22052197 B.C.). [2] To place such
uses the exibility and mobility of water transport to a device. (From the Anglo-Saxon ancor.)
launch (preferably surprise) assaults, raids, or demon- Anchor ball: A black ball or circle displayed in the
strations from ships at sea against hostile or poten- forepart of a ship to indicate it is at anchor.
tially hostile ground forces, or to extract friendly forces Anchor bed: Permanent chocks which hold a
from a hostile shore The complexity of such operations stored anchor in place.
demands closely coordinated efforts by specially trained Anchor bell: A warning bell rung by anchored
sea, air, and ground forces. ships during poor visibility.
Amphibious raid: A type of amphibious opera- Anchor bend: A knot used to fasten an anchor to
tion involving swift incursion of a hostile objective, its cable.
followed by scheduled withdrawal after temporary oc- Anchor buoy: A small oat attached to the anchor
cupation. by light line to indicate its position.
Amphibious ready group: A USN formation usu- Anchor cable: A cable attached to an anchor for
ally consisting of a helicopter carrier and several am- raising and lowering it. It is generally conceded that
phibious assault ships with embarked marines. a vessel should never ride to a shorter scope of cable
Amphibious ship: A vessel designed to transport than six times the depth of water. That is to say, if an-
supplies, put them on shore, and support forces en- chored in ten fathoms of water she should not have out
gaged in amphibious operations. Capable of being less than sixty fathoms of cable for ordinary security.
loaded or unloaded by naval personnel without exter- See also anchor chain.
nal equipment or assistance. May have a oodable well Anchor chain: A chain attached to an anchor for
deck. raising and lowering it. The links act as weights which
Amphibious transport dock : A ship with em- help keep the ship in position, and also hold the an-
barked landing craft, amphibious vehicles, and heli- chor close to the ground so that it digs in better than
copters to land troops, equipment, and supplies. with a cable. RN terminology is anchor cable, or
Amphibious warfare: The use of naval forces to chain cable.
project military power onto a hostile shore, requiring Anchor ice: Ice forming on and attached to the sea
the coordination of aviation, repower, transport, and oor.
logistics. Anchor lights: See riding lights.
Amphibious withdrawal: The seaward extraction Anchor watch: [1] A detail of seamen in overnight
of friendly forces from a hostile or potentially hostile readiness for emergency when the ship is moored or
shore. This is the most complex of all military ma- at anchor. [2] Crew member(s) detailed to watch the
neuvers. anchor chain and ensure the anchor is not dragging.
Amphibiousness: The ability to operate on land Often an ofcer on the bridge takes crossbearings for
or water. the same purpose.
Amphitrite: This Greek goddess, who was one of Anchorage: A coastal area with secure holding for
the Oceanides, personies the sea, of which she is anchors.
queen. She is usually depicted in a seashell chariot Anchoromachus: A barge-like boat of the middle
drawn by marine animals, and Homer calls her She ages, used for transporting anchors and naval stores.
who beats the billows against the rocks, and has the Anchors afoul!: Report that the anchor cable is
creatures of the deep in her care. According to leg- caught around the uke, or that another object is
end, she was abducted by dolphins and carried to Po- caught around the anchor.
seidon who married her. She is an important gure Anchors apeak!: Report that the anchor is under
in the crossing-the-line ceremony. Amphitrite is not the hawse.
to be confused with Aphrodite, who is not a sea-god- Anchors atrip!: Report that the anchor has broken
dess despite the legend of her origin. out of the ground.
25 Antisubmarine

Anchors aweigh!: [1] Report that the anchor has negotiating a bilateral agreement giving Germany the
been hoisted clear of the bottom, at which point the right to build a navy beyond the limits of the Treaty.
vessel is underway, but does not necessarily have way The total tonnage of the Kriegsmarine (ghting navy)
on. [2] Unofcial anthem of the USN (see March was allowed to increase to 35 percent of that of the
Music). Royal Navy, and remain permanently at that level.
Anchors clear!: Report that the anchor is not foul More signicantly, Britain agreed that Germany could
or otherwise obstructed. build a U-boat eet equal to the total submarine ton-
Anchors in sight!: Report that the anchor is visi- nage of the Commonwealth a decision it would re-
ble coming out of the water. Immediately followed gret (see Battle of the Atlantic).
by a report that the anchor is either clear or fouled. Annunciator: A device [1] Indicating which of sev-
AND: Anti-torpedo net device. eral electric circuits is active. [2] On a ships bridge
Anderson turn: See Person Overboard. for signaling orders to the engine room. [3] To alert
Andrew Millar: A notorious Crimp (person who gun crews that target designations are forthcoming.
entrapped seamen to be pressed into naval service, Answer: To respond. Said of a vessel when it re-
usually offering to advance money, then plying the acts to movement of helm and rudder.
victim with liquor, persuading him to sign articles Answering pennant: A pennant with red-white-
while intoxicated, and delivering him on board red-white-red vertical stripes. When at the dip it
stripped of all valuables). So many sailors came into the signies a message has been received. When hoisted to
service through his efforts that it seemed as though the truck it acknowledges the message has been under-
he personally owned it. To this day, Royal Navy per- stood.
sonnel informally call their service The Andrew. Antarctic: The area lying south of an imaginary
Anemometer: An instrument for measuring wind line drawn along the northern limit of the South
speed. Frigid Zone (approximately latitude 6633'S).
Aneroid: A mechanical barometer. Anti-aircraft artillery: weapons capable of rapid
Angary: The right under International Law of a traversing and ring at high angles of elevation against
belligerent to destroy, seize, force into service, or oth- aircraft. Sometimes called Triple-A or abbreviated to
erwise use the vessels or goods of neutral nations, sub- AAA.
ject to compensation of the owners. Anticyclone: An intense wind system rotating out-
Angle bar: An angled metal bar forming the gut- ward from an area of high barometric pressure; turn-
ter or waterway leading to the scuppers. ing clockwise in the northern hemisphere and
Angle of attack: [1] The angle between the sail and counter-clockwise in the southern (cf. cyclone).
the apparent wind direction. [2] The angle between the Anti-ash gear: RN term for clothing with anti-
rudder or centerline and the water ow. [3] The dif- ash and splinter-resistant properties for wear in com-
ference between where an aircrafts wing is pointed bat. The USN term is battle dress.
and the direction of the air owing over it. Antifoulant: Preparation painted on a hull to dis-
Angle of heel: The degree of list. An early indica- courage barnacles, teredo worms and other undesirable
tor of the need to reef the sails. growths.
Angle of repose: The greatest degree to which a Antigallicans: Additional backstays rigged tem-
cargo can tilt without shifting. porarily on square-rigged merchantmen when run-
Angled deck: Developed by Captain (later Rear ning before the trade winds. They were unnecessary on
Admiral) D. R. F. Campbell RN, and adopted by the warships, which were more heavily stayed in the rst
USN, the angled ight deck has enormous operational place.
advantages. It allows aircraft to be launched while oth- Antilles current: This ow originates in the West
ers are landing, and it clears the forward section of Indies and joins the Florida Current to form the Gulf
the ight deck for use as an aircraft park. It also allows Stream.
aircraft missing the arrester wires to take off and y Antipodean day: The twenty-four hours gained
around for another try previously they would ei- when eastbound or lost when westbound on crossing
ther crash into a barrier, or miss it to destroy parked the International Date Line, which follows (approxi-
aircraft or injure ight deck personnel. mately) the meridian of 180.
Angles and dangles: USN submariner slang for Antirecovery device: A mechanism incorporated
placing the boat in extreme up/down attitudes shortly into a mine or missile which causes it to detonate if dis-
after leaving port to see if anything breaks loose. turbed.
Loose objects can then be stowed or tightened to avoid Antisubmarine air support: Flight operations to
unwanted noise while on patrol. protect a specic force or convoy against hostile un-
ANGLICO: Air & Naval Gunre Liaison Com- derwater forces. Close air support is normally pro-
pany. vided within 80 nautical miles of the protected force.
Anglo-German Naval Agreement: In June 1935, Distant air support is further from, but still directly re-
without consulting the other signatories of the Treaty lated to, the specic force.
of Versailles, Britain attempted to appease Hitler by Antisubmarine barrier: A line of static devices or
Antisubmarine 26

mobile units formed to detect, deny passage to, or de- AP: [1] Armor piercing. [2] Anti-personnel. [3] Ad-
stroy, hostile underwater forces. miralty Pattern [RN].
Antisubmarine rocket: A self-propelled, surface- APA: [1] Army pre-positioned aoat. [2] Former
launched, nuclear depth charge or homing torpedo Hull classication symbol of an attack transport.
(see ASROC). APD: Former hull classication symbol of 32 de-
Antisubmarine screen: An arrangement of ships stroyers converted for amphibious raiding operations
and/or aircraft for the protection of a force or unit during World War II.
against underwater attack. Apeak: [1] Straight up-and-down, as of an anchor
Antisubmarine torpedo: A torpedo with conven- cable or chain. [2] At the masthead.
tional or nuclear warhead capable of being launched APF : Aoat pre-positioning force.
from air, surface, or subsurface and guided by wire Aphrodite: This goddess of erotic love (who is not
and/or passive or active acoustics. to be confused with Poseidons wife Amphitrite). was
Antisubmarine warfare (ASW): The use against a nymphomaniac who had affairs with virtually every
hostile submarines of weaponry, listening and track- male god in the Greek pantheon, as well as most of the
ing devices, and other techniques. great heroes, and a large number of ordinary mortals.
Antisweep mine: A small explosive device designed There are conicting myths about her genesis. Homer
to make minesweeping more difcult. When the says she was the daughter of the chief Greek god Zeus
sweep wire makes contact the mine slides along it until and an oceeanide named Dione; but Hesiod tells us she
it strikes and is detonated by the sweep. sprang from frothy bubbles which gathered about the
Anti-torpedo net device: A net suspended from severed genitals of Uranus as they oated on the sea to-
booms on British merchantmen during World War wards the Island of Cyprus (her name supports Hes-
II. It was intended to catch or explode torpedoes at a iods version, because aphros means sea foam in
safe distance from the hull (the author can conrm Greek).
that it worked, if not this book might never have been APO: Aoat pre-positioning operations.
produced!). Usually known as AND Gear. Apogee: The point in a missile trajectory or satel-
Any port in a storm: This metaphor, which equates lite orbit that is furthest from the earth (cf. Perigee).
to beggars cant be choosers, obviously has a nauti- Aport: To the left.
cal origin. Apostles: A pair of large bollards found on the
Anzio landing: The Allied amphibious assault on main deck of square-rigged sailing vessels.
Anzio, Italy in 1944 was code-named Shingle. The Apparel: This formal word for costume, together
invasion force arrived without detection and landed with the modern charter-party term apparel and
with virtually no opposition. However, as was demon- tackle, encompassing a ships appurtenances (sails, rig-
strated at Calamita Bay in 1854 and Gallipoli (Suvla ging, anchors, and the like) goes back to the seventh
Bay) in 1915, a strange lethargy sometimes comes over century, at which time items of equipment were col-
the commanders of unopposed landings. Only two lectively apparel after the French appareil meaning
understrength and exhausted German divisions were apparatus or machinery.
nearby and the road to Rome lay open, but U.S. gen- Apparent wind: Refers to Wind speed and direc-
erals Clark and Lucas decided to wait for heavy tion as they appear to a shipborne observer, being a
weapons, tanks, supplies, and reserve troops to land. vector of the true wind and the motion of the ship.
Churchill was exasperated, saying I thought we were Apple stern: A rounded stern sometimes found on
hurling a wildcat onto the shore, but all we got was a Dutch sailing vessels.
stranded whale! By the fourth day, the panicked Ger- Apple-pie order: Neat and precise. There are nu-
mans had rushed reinforcements from northern Italy, merous theories as to the origin of this phrase, two of
southern France, Yugoslavia, and Germany itself. Al- the most likely being cap--pie from the French for
though aware of this, Lucas was still intent on build- head-to-toe (describing a knight in perfect armor) or
ing up his own force. When Supreme Allied Com- nappe plie, also French (describing well-folded
mander, British General Alexander, urged him to linen).
advance, he replied I will not be stampeded. It was Appointment: In military or governmental service,
not until the ninth day that he launched his offensive, refers to the designation or assignment of a person to
and by then it was far too late. Counter-attacks drove perform a duty, or hold an ofce, station, or position.
the Anglo-Americans back to their beachhead where, Appurtenances: Under Admiralty Law, all equip-
for three months, they suffered the privations of trench ment and tackle belonging to and essential to the use
warfare, under continuous observation, swept by of a vessel for its intended purpose. The marine insur-
gunre, and pummeled by aerial bombardment. ance term is apparel.
AO: [1] Hull classication symbol of a eet oiler. Apron: [1] A strengthening timber between the
[2] Aviation Ordnanceman (USN). lower part of the stem and the foremost part of the
AOA: Amphibious objective area. keel in a wooden vessel. [2] A gentle, smooth slope
AOL: Absent over leave. USN term now preferred on a sea oor, usually at the base of a steeper slope.
to AWOL. [3] A sloping underwater extension of an iceberg.
27 Armament

[4] Part of a wharf extending on piles beyond the land- state from the 14th to 18th centuries. Not in nautical
ll. [5] A World War I line of tethered barrage balloons. use.
APS: Aoat pre-positioning ship. Arizona Memorial: This Pearl Harbor relic com-
Aqualung: An underwater breathing device, in- memorates the site where World War II began for the
vented by Captain Jacques Cousteau and French en- United States and is the nal resting place for 1,777 of
gineer Emile Gagnon in 1943 to enable divers to op- USS Arizonas crew killed during the surprise Japa-
erate independently of surface support. This was one nese attack on December 7, 1941. Article 1282 of Navy
of the earliest examples of scuba, which has since been Regulations directs all persons on deck between sun-
considerably improved to allow dives of longer dura- rise and sunset to come to attention and render hand
tion and greater depth. Also hyphenated (Aqua-lung) salutes when passing the semi-submerged battleship.
and two words (Aqua Lung). In fact most USN and USCG warships and many for-
Aquatic: [1] Pertaining to water. [2] Growing in eign ones go beyond individual honors and man the
water (e.g., aquatic plants or mosquito larvae). [3] Liv- rails as they pass. Although Arizona is not a commis-
ing or swimming in water (aquatic mammals or rep- sioned vessel of war she has special dispensation to y
tiles). [4] Frequenting the margins of waters (aquatic the national ensign on a staff attached to the severed
birds). [5] Taking place in or on water (aquatic sports). remains of her mainmast.
AR: Hull classication symbol of a repair ship. Arm: [1] To equip with weapons. [2] To prepare a
Arbalest: [1] Stone-throwing naval artillery of the weapon for use. [3] The area between crown and uke
classical era. [2] A medieval missile launcher designed of an anchor. [4] The upright member of a davit. [5] To
on the principle of the crossbow. Also arbalest. apply soap or tallow to a sounding lead to pick up a
Arch of steel: The tradition of brother ofcers bottom sample. [6] A deep and narrow sea inlet.
forming two lines and raising swords to create an arch- Arm badges: There are specic rules concerning
way at a shipmates nuptials is said to symbolize their on which sleeve rate and rating badges are to be worn.
commitment to protect the couple throughout their [1] The Royal Navy introduced substantive petty
married life. The weapons are presented with cutting ofcer rate badges to be worn on the left sleeve In
edges upward in the guard position, facing away from 1827, then added non-substantive specialty rating
the newly-weds as they walk underneath. Although (trade) badges to be worn on the right sleeve in 1860.
not traditional, non-commissioned personnel some- [2] The U.S. Navy changed the positioning of rate
times form such an arch with bayonets or cutlasses. badges several times:
Archipelagic sea lanes passage: The right of con- Regulations of February 1841 introduced the petty
tinuous and expeditious transit through and over ofcers badge (known familiarly as the crow).
archipelagic waters via routes normally used for nav- Boatswains Mates, Gunners Mates, Carpenters
igation and overight. Mates, Ships Stewards, and Ships Cooks, were to
Archipelago: A group of related islands forming a wear an eagle and anchor on the right sleeve. Quar-
geographical entity. termasters, Quartergunners, Captains of Fore-Cas-
ARCS: Admiralty Raster Chart Service. tle, Corporals and Captains of the Hold were to
Arctic: The area north of the arctic circle. wear the same device on the left.
Arctic circle: An imaginary line drawn along the Regulations of December 1866 specied that petty
southern limit of the North Frigid Zone (approxi- ofcers of the starboard watch should wear their
mately latitude 6633'N). rate badges on the right sleeve, while those of the
Arctic current: Another name for the West Green- port watch should wear them on the left. At this
land Current. time specialty marks were added to the enlisted
Arctic sea smoke: See steam fog. mens uniform, consisting of the tools or instru-
Ardent: Obsolete term describing a sailing vessel ments used in performing specic duties.
whose head tends to come into the wind when close- Regulations of January 1913 cancelled the identi-
hauled. cation by watch and ordered petty ofcers of the
ARG: Amphibious Ready Group. seaman branch to wear their rate badges on the
Argo: [1] An international oceanographic project right, all other petty ofcers on the left.
designed to observe the effect of climate change on In April 1949 right arm rates were disestablished by
the worlds oceans in real time. Three thousand sub- the USN.
marine robots called Argo oats, launched in 2007, Armada: The Latin armata (ghting force) from
drift along at 1,000 meters, rising to beam data to which is also derived the English term army is the
satellites and on to control centers in France and the source of this Spanish term for the national navy or a
U.S. [2] In Greek mythology, Argo was the name of large eet.
the ship Jason and the Argonauts used to nd the Armador: A Spanish privateer.
Golden Fleece. Armament: [1] The weapons or weapon systems
Argosy: Poetical name for a large merchantman, with which a warship or other military unit is equipped.
especially one with rich cargo. Originally ragusy after [2] The military strength of a nation. [3] Sailor slang
Ragusa (now Dubrovnik) a wealthy maritime city for the genitals.
Armed 28

Armed forces: The military forces of a nation. Its Arsenal: A storehouse for munitions. Originally a
naval, air, and land services. nautical term referring to the docks and wharves of a
Armed Guard: Naval gun crews assigned to protect seaport. From the Italian arsenale = wharf.
U.S. merchant vessels in time of war (cf. DEMS). Articles: [1] The employment contract between a
Armed to the teeth: This descriptive metaphor merchantmans master and its crew, specifying rates
probably originated with naval or piratical boarding of pay, hours of work, scale of rations, etc. [2] For-
parties who clamped weapons between their teeth to merly, an agreement between members of a pirate
leave both hands free for gripping enemy rigging or ships company, outlining the terms and conditions
bulwarks. of service, including the election or deposition of
Armor: Protective material for ships, aircraft, vehi- ofcers, rules for handling the ship, terms of engage-
cles, or personnel. ment in combat, division of booty, compensation for
Armor belt: A strip of lightly-armored compart- injuries, punishment of crimes, and the like. Piratical
ments girdling a ships hull just above and below the articles were almost invariably far more democratic
waterline. When struck by a torpedo, the outer armor than would have been found in contemporary civil or
detonates the device before it penetrates the inner plat- military society. [3] Articles of War.
ing, thereby minimizing damage. Also known as side Articles of War: In 1653, the British Admiralty is-
protection or torpedo belt. sued a disciplinary code entitled Articles of War, in-
Armored cruiser: Former USN designation of a tended to standardize shipboard punishment, which
battlecruiser. had previously been largely at the discretion of indi-
Armorer: [1] The Petty ofcer responsible for the vidual captains. These were incorporated in the Naval
upkeep and issue of a vessels small arms. [2] A man- Discipline Act of 1661, and amended by acts of Par-
ufacturer or repairer of weapons. liament in 1749 and 1757. Thirty-ve articles dened
Armory: [1] Place where weapons are stored, an ar- what constituted a crime on naval vessels, and pre-
senal. [2] Place where weapons are manufactured. scribed the appropriate punishment, which was death
Arms: [1] The heraldic symbols of a family, state, in about one-third of the cases. They fall into seven
etc. [2] weapons considered collectively. See pole arms, principal categories, covering a wide range of activi-
side arms, small arms, stand of arms. ties (not all of which are listed):
Arms control: See Anglo-German Naval Agreement, 1. Offenses against God and religion (blasphemy,
Versailles Treaty, and Washington Naval Agreement. observance of faith).
Armstrong: [1] Merchant mariner slang, referring 2. Offenses against Crown or Government (arson,
to a ship without mechanical aids, forcing the crew desertion, disobedience, espionage, mutiny, treason).
to use their strong arms to work it. Also handraulic. 3. Offenses against humanity (ghting, murder,
[2] A term peculiar to air support radar indicating quarrelling, sodomy, theft).
both the command and the response for arming and 4. Conditions of service (treatment of prisoners
fusing circuit activation. and prizes, carriage of merchandise, complaints about
Array: Two or more components feeding a com- victuals, waste of ammunition).
mon system (e.g., hydrophones for sonar, antennae 5. Failure of responsibility (errors, incompetence,
for radar). infractions of duty).
Arresting gear: A system of cables running across 6. Actions in combat (cowardice, lack of initiative,
the ight deck of an aircraft carrier; attached to a indecision).
below deck complex of pulleys, blocks, and hydraulics 7. A catch-all clause, known colloquially as The
designed to engage the tailhook of a landing aircraft, Captains Cloak, gave considerable scope to local dis-
apply graduated resistance, and bring it smoothly to cretion, saying:
rest (also arrester gear). There are four arresting wires All other crimes not capital committed by any per-
(cross deck pendants) and, if its done right, the point son or persons in the eet, which are not mentioned
of the tailhook lands in the middle of themthe ideal in this act, or for which no punishment is hereby di-
is a three-wire landing. The failure of an arresting rected to be inicted, shall be punished by the laws
wire or its attached ttings could produce a cata- and customs in such cases used at sea.
strophic accident, involving loss of a multi-million The Articles were treated with the gravity of Holy
dollar aircraft, high risk of death or severe injury to Writ, being read publicly at the commissioning of new
pilot and crew, and endangerment of sailors on the warships, and to the entire ships company at timely
ight deck. See also deck landing modes. intervals, usually by the captain when church was
Arrt de Prince: See restraint of princes. rigged on a Sunday. They were amended many times,
Arrive: This word began as a nautical term mean- and remained in effect after the consolidation of
ing to make landfall at ones destination. It is derived Britains armed forces in 1971. In 2004 they were
from the French rive meaning to the shore. changed to reect European Union human rights re-
Arse : [1] The area at the choke end of a block quirements, and in 2005 they were consolidated under
through which the fall emerges. [2] The human but- the Army, Air Force and Naval Discipline (Continu-
tocks or, more crudely, the anus. ation) Order. Comparable regulations for the United
29 At

States Navy, called Articles for the Government of the ployed principally for landing troops and equipment
Navy, were superseded by the Uniform Code of Mil- during the assault phase of amphibious operations.
itary Justice in 1951. Assault group: Sub-division of an attack force,
Articer: The generic naval rate for a skilled me- consisting of naval units designed to protect, transport,
chanic, engineering technician, artisan, or other place on shore, and support a landing force.
craftsperson. Many specialties include air engineer- Assault phase: [1] In a seaborne operation; the pe-
ing, carpentry, marine engineering, ordnance, radio riod between landing the amphibious task force and
and radar, etc. consolidation of an initial beachhead. [2] In an air-
Artillery: This is a collective term for heavy projec- borne operation; the period between air delivery of
tile-ring weaponry of all kinds, including over the the assault echelon and consolidation of an initial air-
ages arbalests, ballistas, catapults, onagers, smoothbore head.
cannon, ried guns, howitzers, and missile-launch- Assets: [1] In naval and military terminology; All
ers. It excludes personal missile weapons such as bow, the personnel, weapons, equipment, devices, and ca-
javelin, pistol, rie, and sling; also intermediate crew- pabilities available to a commander. [2] In espionage;
portable weapons such as the Roman arrow-ring Controlled spies working in enemy territory. [3] In
scorpione and the modern heavy machine-gun. accounting; Anything on a companys books consid-
AS: Hull classication symbol of an aviation ered as having a positive monetary value. [4] In bank-
ship. ruptcy law; The property owned by a person and
As the crow ies: When visibility became too bad available to settle debts. [5] In general; Useful or valu-
to see the shore, it is said that Norse navigators would able qualities, persons, or things.
release one of the birds from the crows nest. Like Astern: [1] Behind the vessel. [2] To move back-
Noahs dove it invariably headed straight for the near- ward (go astern).
est land, giving them a bearing to follow. The term en- Astern all!: The shout of a harpooner telling the
tered common usage as referring to the fastest or most boats crew to backwater when a whale is struck.
direct route between two places. Astern refueling: The transfer of fuel at sea dur-
As you were!: The order given to revoke a preced- ing which the receiving ship keeps station astern of
ing drill command or to resume the position held be- the delivering ship. See underway replenishment, re-
fore moving. plenishment at sea.
ASAP: As soon as possible. Astrolabe: A Medieval navigation instrument used
Ascending mine: A submerged oating mine that to determine a ships latitude from the position of
rises or cuts its cable, based on elapsed time or when heavenly bodies. A primitive form is said to have been
it detects a potential target. invented as early the second century BCE by the Greek
Asdic: British World War I submarine detection astronomer Hipparchus, but it was improved consid-
device, using a trainable sound transmitter and re- erably by Islamic navigators before reaching European
ceiver to calculate the range and bearing of a target. mariners in the 14th century. It consists of a rotating
The rst such device and forerunner of sonar, it was arm attached to the centre of a metal circle divided
developed by and named after the initials of Allied into 360 degrees like a protractor. An attached frame-
Submarine Detection Investigation Committee. work, with spikes representing xed stars, rotates over
Asea: At sea. a plate engraved with a grid showing coordinates for
Ashcan: USN slang for a depth charge. geographic latitude. When zero on the scale is aligned
Ashore: [1] Of a ship = aground. [2] Of a seaman with the horizon and the arm is pointed at a star or
= on leave or liberty. [3] In general = on land. other celestial body, the elevation of that object can be
ASL: Archipelagic sea lane. read off the scale. After adjusting the instrument for
ASM: [1] Air to Surface Missile. [2] Hull classi- time of day, the position of the star can be read off
cation symbol of an assault ship, multi-purpose. the grid. Conversely, the instrument can be adjusted
Aspect ratio: [1] The depth of a rudder relative to to the measured position and time read off the grid.
its fore-and-aft length. [2] The height of a ships hull Accuracy was limited by the dimensions and toler-
relative to its beam. [3] The length of the luff of a sail ances of the instrument, and by the fact that its meas-
relative to the length of its foot. [4] The ratio of the urements were relative to the scale rather than the
span of an aerofoil to its mean chord. horizon. These shortcomings caused the astrolabe to
ASROC: USN abbreviation of Anti-Submarine be superseded by the Jackstaff in the 16th century and
Rocket referring to an all-weather anti-submarine by the sextant during the 1700s.
missile system, developed in the 1950s for deployment ASW: [1] Anti-submarine Warfare. [2] Average sur-
on surface ships, mostly cruisers and destroyers. face wind.
Assault area: The area in amphibious operations ASW screen: Ships and aircraft patrolling ahead of
that embraces transport and landing ship areas, lines a main force to protect it against underwater attack.
of departure, boat lanes, landing beaches, and re sup- AT: Aviation Electronics Technician [USN].
port areas. At ease!: USN command for those standing at at-
Assault craft: Vessels or amphibious vehicles em- tention to assume a more relaxed but still formal pos-
At 30

ture. (The equivalent British command is stand at leading the RAF to nally provide suitable aircraft.
ease!) More importantly, escort carriers began to be deployed
At loggerheads: To quarrel or be at strife with in hunter-killer groups and, by 1944, virtually every
someone. There are two credible explanations of the convoy enjoyed air cover.
origin of this term. [1] In the 15th and 16th centuries, Atmosphere: [1] The envelope of air surrounding
a loggerhead was a big long-handled ladle used to pour the globe. [2] A unit of pressure equal to 76 centime-
boiling liquids onto a grappled enemy. When both ters (29.9 inches) of mercury, or 1033.2 grams/sq. cen-
sides were doing this, they were literally at logger- timeter (2116.3 pounds/sq. foot). (Cf. hydrosphere,
heads. [2] Later, the loggerhead was a heavy iron ball lithosphere.)
mounted on an iron shaft, used to heat pitch for Atoll: A horseshoe-shaped or circular coral reef en-
caulking. Being readily available on deck, a couple of circling a lagoon.
them could be seized as weapons in disputes between Atrip: Said of [1] A sail, hoisted to the cap, sheeted
seamen, who thus found themselves at loggerheads. home, and ready to be trimmed. [2] A yard, swayed
At rest!: USN command to adopt an informal up and ready to have the stops cut. [3] An anchor,
stance. Posture is relaxed, right foot remains in place, that has just broken ground and is aweigh.
but body movement and quiet talking are permitted. Attached: A person or unit (ship, squadron, task el-
(The equivalent RN command is stand easy!) ement, etc.) formally assigned to a specic unit or
At sea: [1] Marine insurance term indicating a ship command on a temporary or permanent basis.
is free from its moorings and ready to sail. [2] Away Attack center: A submarines combat engagement
from port. [3] In common speech, confused. center.
Ataut: [1] Said of rigging that is in place and tightly Attack force: All the ships, aircraft, and personnel
drawn without give or slack. [2] Said of a vessel that assigned to an amphibious assault.
is shipshape. From the ancient phrase all ataut-o. Attack submarine : A military submersible de-
ATB: All the best [salutation]. signed and armed to locate and destroy hostile ship-
ATC: Air Trafc Control. ping, usually with torpedoes. See also hunter-killer.
Ategar: A hand-thrown dart used in Saxon naval Attend the side: To provide a guard of honor, the
combat. From the Saxon aeton = ing + gar = weapon. Ofcer of the Day or Watch assembles the quarter-
ATG: Amphibious task group. master, corporal of the watch, side boys, and quarter-
Athwartships: [1] At right angles to the centerline deck messengers at the gangway to greet or say farewell
of a vessel. [2] Said of a cocked hat with its points to a visiting ofcer or dignitary. Also known as tend the
facing the wearers sides. side (USN) or man the side (RN), and see side honors.
Atlantic (battle): The Battle of the Atlantic lasted Attention: A military drill posture in which the
throughout the European phase of World War II, from heels are touching with feet turned out equally at 45-
the fall of 1939 to the spring of 1945. There were a degrees; legs are straight without stiffening or lock-
few surface actions, but it was essentially a contest be- ing the knees; body is erect with chest lifted; shoul-
tween Allied antisubmarine forces and German U- ders are square and even; arms hang straight down,
boats attempting to sink the ships on which Britains thumbs along the seams of the trousers or skirt and
survival and the eventual liberation of Nazi occupied palms facing the leg; head is kept erect and to the
Europe depended. After the fall of France, advance front with the line of sight parallel to the ground. Si-
bases on the Atlantic coast allowed the U-boats to lence and immobility are required.
penetrate deeper into the Atlantic air gap and mount Attention-getting signals: See table 10.
highly effective night attacks by surfaced wolfpacks. Attention to port (or starboard)!: This command
A series of convoy battles in March 1943 turned the calls all on deck to come to attention, face a passing
tide, but the U-boats were only contained and were ship being honored, and salute if so ordered.
still at sea when the war ended. They had sunk 2,753 Attrition: [1] Becoming fewer in number and de-
merchantmen totalling 14.6 million gross tons, plus creasing in power as a result of long-drawn-out com-
about 90 warships, but 733 submarines about two- bat or other causes. [2] The act or process of gradu-
thirds of the total had been destroyed. ally wearing out, especially due to friction.
Atlantic air gap: That area too distant from North ATVB: All the very best [salutation].
America, Iceland, or Great Britain to be covered by air Australia current: Part of the South Equatorial
support during the Battle of the Atlantic (19391945). Current that branches off near the Fiji Islands to ow
There, German U-boats enjoyed freedom of surface to the east coast of Australia.
movement and assembled in extremely large wolf- Authentication: A communications procedure de-
packs that overwhelmed convoy escorts. Despite des- signed to conrm genuine signals, and hence identify
perate pleas from the Admiralty, the Royal Air Force spurious ones.
consistently refused to divert long range aviation from Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue: A
strategic bombing to convoy protection. Shipping U.S. Coast Guard system that coordinates ocean
losses in the gap, which had been heavy at all times, search and rescue efforts. Based on a worldwide plot
became cripplingly so during the winter of 194243, of merchant vessel locations.
31 Away

Automatic re suppression: A damage control sys- items as maintenance efciency, personnel training
tem which detects, isolates, and contains outbreaks and support, material and equipment supply, physi-
of re with minimal human intervention. cal facilities, computer resources, etc.
Automatic pilot: A device that controls the course Aviation Readiness Evaluation: A bi-annual eval-
of a ship or aircraft so that it follows a pre-determined uation preceding the certication of air-capable USN
path. Known colloquially as Iron Mike by U.S. ships.
naval aviators. Aviation support : When Army Aviation or Air
Automatic station-keeping: A system of surface Force units are embarked on United States Navy or
and submerged sensors that detect forces such as wind, Coast Guard air-capable vessels, the ship provides the
currents, and wave-action. The ships computers use combined benets of landing zone, maintenance and
this data to activate thrusters which keep it in position. work areas, fuel farm, air operations planning facili-
Autonomous operation: A mode in which the unit ties, and command and control, while also providing
commander assumes full operational responsibility for for sustainment, creature comforts, and daily neces-
a ship or other unit which has lost contact with higher sities. The shipboard environment demands the ulti-
echelons. mate in teamwork. At any time there can be an event
Autopilot: See automatic pilot. that may affect every person embarked. Navy and
Auxiliary: [1] A non-combatant naval vessel such Coast Guard regulations set forth the authority of the
as a tug, transport, hospital ship, or supply ship. ships Commanding Ofcer (CO) with respect to air-
[2] Machinery used to power non-propulsion equip- craft embarked in or operating from the ship. The
ment such as pumps, winches, and the anchor engine. joint force commanders operation order will dene
[3] The stand-by propulsion engine of a sailing ship. command relationships apply throughout the assigned
[4] A support group, such as the U.S. Coast Guard mission from initial embarkation until nal debarka-
Auxiliary. tion but, in all cases, the ships CO retains authority
Availability factor: The percentage of operationally over embarked units in all areas involving safety of
ready aircraft on a carrier or shore station. (See Avia- the ship or its crew.
tion readiness.) Aviator: One who ies in an aircraft as pilot or
Avast!: Emergency command to stop an action, crew.
often abbreviated (as in vast heaving, which means Avionics: Electrical and electronic devices used by
stop pulling). aircraft.
Average: Marine insurance term referring to the AW: All Weather.
equitable apportionment between owners and insur- AWACS: Airborne Warning and Control System.
ers of loss or damage to ship or cargo. For example, Awake: Obsolete term meaning ready for use.
goods thrown overboard to lighten ship in foul Award ags & pennants: USN ships that have
weather are jetissoned for the good of all, and the loss been awarded citations or commendations are author-
thus sustained is covered by a general average (contri- ized to y identifying ags or pennants from sunrise
bution from all the parties concerned). to sunset when not underway. These are own on the
Avgas: Fuel for aircraft. Abbreviation of Aviation foremast on a single halyard in the following order of
Gasoline. seniority:
Aviation: The skill or practice of operating aircraft. 1. Presidential Unit Citation
See also naval aviation. 2. Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Aviation Midshipman: This almost-forgotten and 3. Navy Unit Commendation
little-understood USN title existed for about ve years 4. Meritorious Unit Commendation
during the immediate postWorld War II period. The 5. Battle efciency pennant
appointment was devised as a means of rapidly re- Each of the foregoing awards is described separately.
placing seasoned combat pilots who were then return- Medals are awarded to individuals serving in the hon-
ing to civilian life by the thousand. Aviation midship- ored unit and carry the same seniority. Flags or pen-
men wore wings but no rank insignia, did not get nants are also awarded in recognition of excellence in
service credit, and were not commissioned as ensigns submarine or surface warfare, and for achievements
until completion of two years service, during which in non-combat areas such as safety, environmental
time they were assigned to the eet and treated as protection, and energy conservation.
ofcers. Some ew combat missions in the Korean Awash: [1] Level with or scarcely above the water.
War (where three were killed in action), several be- [2] Overowing due to waves breaking on board in a
came astronauts (including Neil Armstrong, rst per- heavy sea.
son on the moon), and eighteen eventually reached Away: [1] To prepare a boat for service, e.g., call
ag rank. away the barge. [2] Assemble a group of USN en-
Aviation readiness: A process to ensure the com- listed seamen, e.g., call away damage control party
bat-worthiness of naval aviation by providing the right (the RN would muster the party). [3] Former query,
logistic support elements at the right time within cur- not in current use, as to the bearing of a sighted ob-
rent budgetary constraints. Elements include such ject, e.g., Where away?
Aweigh 32

Aweigh: Just clear of the ground, referring exclu- Backing & lling: Said of a sailing ship that is
sively to the anchor (cf. atrip, weigh). marking time; staying more or less in the same place
AWOL: Formerly, Absent Without Ofcial Leave. by alternately spilling wind and allowing the sails to
AX: Aftercastle. draw.
Axis: [1] A reference line for the positioning of ships Backrope: A guy that secures the dolphin striker,
relative to the center of a task force or other formation. counterbalancing the pull of the bowsprit.
[2] The imaginary line around which a rotating body Backrush: Alternate name for backwash.
(such as the earth) turns. [3] World War II term for Backset: [1] A surface current contrary to the main
the military alliance of Germany, Japan, and Italy. ow. [2] An eddy.
Axle-tree: See gun-carriage and transom. Backspring : Mooring line leading aft from the
Aye: [1] The correct and seamanlike naval acknowl- bow to a cleat or bollard ashore.
edgement of an order. Aye signies it has been un- Backstaff: Obsolete instrument for determining
derstood, while Aye-Aye means it is understood and the suns altitude while facing away from it, thereby
will be obeyed. From an archaic form of yes. [2] A avoiding eye damage. Invented in 1590 by John Davis
boat recognition call in the RN, signifying the pres- and sometimes called Davis quadrant.
ence of an ofcer. Backstay: Standing rigging running from an upper
Azimuth: [1] In navigation; the angle measured masthead to the sides or stern, serving to protect the
clockwise between north and the celestial body being mast against forward pull.
sighted. [2] In gunnery; the angle of horizontal devi- Backwash: [1] Water retreating from a broken wave
ation measured clockwise from north or south. (cf. backrush). [2] Mud and water thrown up by a
Azimuth ring: See pelorus. ships propellers in shallow water. [3] To clean a lter
Azores current: A slow and constant branch of the by reversing the ow of uid through it.
North Atlantic Current, which itself is part of the Gulf Backwater: [1] Water held back by a dam or reser-
Stream. voir. [2] Water held back by a tide. [3] An isolated,
backward, or peaceful place. [4] The boondocks
(USN) or Ulu (RN).
B Backwind: Wind deected backward by a sail.
Backwinding: Turning mainsail or jib so that the
Baboon watch: USN slang for those assigned to wind blows into its rear side, thereby slowing the ves-
anchor or harbor watch while the rest of the crew re- sel. Pronounced to rhyme with sinned not whined.
laxes or goes ashore on liberty. Bad conduct: Behavior violating regulations or
Bac: [1] A French ferry-boat. [2] A punt used by disturbing others. If consistent, it justies a bad con-
shipwrights for carrying tar, pitch, etc. duct discharge from the USN or an SNLR (serv-
Back: [1] Wind changing direction anti-clockwise. ices no longer required) discharge from the RN. Nei-
A backing wind portends weather worsening in the ther is quite as prejudicial as a dishonorable discharge.
Northern Hemisphere, but improving in the South- A USN bad conduct discharge may only be awarded
ern (cf. veer). [2] To trim sails so as to catch the wind by a general or special court-martial.
on the wrong side and check the vessels movement. Bad hat: This British slang for a dishonorable or
[3] USN command to reverse engines to go astern. untrustworthy person goes back to the days when sea-
[4] The surface of a propeller blade which faces for- men were expected to make their own headgear from
ward. tarred canvas or woven straw. The clumsy sailor who
Back the anchor: To increase the holding power of could not come up with something well-made be-
an anchor by planting a smaller one ahead of it, and came known initially as a bad hatter, a term which was
connecting the two with chain or cable. later abbreviated and acquired its present meaning.
Back to battery: [1] USN term describing the Bad relief: A person who is late in taking over the
re-alignment of a gun muzzle to its ring position. watch.
[2] USN slang for a return to duty after illness or in- Badan: Small sailboat used in the Gulf of Oman.
jury. Characterized by straight stem and sharp stern with a
Back Water: [1] Command to oarsmen to reverse false sternpost.
the usual method of rowing, usually to slow down the Badgerbag: Nickame for Neptune.
boat. [2] Water thrown back by the turning of a pad- Badra: An Australian double-rigged shing dugout.
dle-wheel or propeller. Bafe: [1] A plate or plates installed to reduce the
Backfreight : Payment for the cost of returning destabilizing fore-and-aft movement of tanked uids.
goods due to the fault of either consignees or con- [2] To confuse or deect radar or sonar signals: [3]
signors. An acoustic bafe.
Background: Sound or noise that interferes with Bafe zone : An cone-shaped area in the water
radio or sonar reception. roughly 30 on either side of the stern of a ship or
Backhaul: A return trip carrying merchandise submarine where its acoustic bafe and propeller noise
rather than ballast. create a blind area known as the sonar gap in which a
33 Ballast

hostile submarine can hide to avoid detection (sub- of older sailing men-o-war. Usually ornately deco-
mariners call this area The Bafes). See also clearing rated with much carving known as gingerbread work
the bafes and crazy Ivan. and many glazed windows. The latter made the ship
Bagged cargo: Refers to commodities that are usu- vulnerable to raking from astern. Also stern gallery.
ally packaged in sacks or bags (e.g., sugar, cement, Baldheaded: Said of a sailing ship underway with-
onions, grains, our, etc.). out topmasts or headsails.
Baggywrinkle: Protection against wear or chang. Bale : [1] A bundle of merchandise wrapped or
Made from old rope and used where the sail might bound with rope or wire for shipping as cargo. [2]
rub against the rigging. (See also Bolster.) Alternate spelling of bail.
Baghla: A fast-sailing two-masted lateen-rigged Baleira: A Brazilian whaling boat propelled by sails
vessel used in the Red Sea, Persian/Arabian Gulf, and or oars.
Indian Ocean for both commerce and piracy. Also Balener: A whaling vessel similar to a brig. From
Bagala. the French baleine = whale.
Bagpipe: A mizzen is bagpiped when it is laid Balinger: [1] A 15th century European sloop-of-
aback by bringing the sheet to the shrouds. war. [2] A trading vessel found in the Philippines and
Baie de Chaleur Fireship: The large inlet of Baie Moluccas.
de Chaleur lies at the boundary of the Canadian prov- Balk: [1] A roughly-squared timber beam formerly
inces of Qubec and New Brunswick and has been imported from the Baltic and used for house construc-
listed as one of the thirty most beautiful bays of the tion as well as shipbuilding. [2] To refuse or to hin-
world. It is the site of the 200-year-old legend of the der. From Old Norse blkr. Also baulk.
ghostly apparition of a triple-masted ship with red Ball: [1] Short form of cannon ball. [2] See anchor
and orange ames bursting through its decks and ball, tide ball, time ball.
sailors scrambling up its burning rigging. There are Ballahou: [1] A fast-sailing West Indian schooner,
numerous quasi-historical interpretations of the phan- with no topsails, forward raked foremast and back-
toms origin, including: ward sloped mainmast. [2] The term was sometimes
A French frigate, burning its crew alive after being applied to men-of-war in which the masts were not
set alight by British gunre. properly stayed, or which were slovenly in other re-
A Portuguese slave-trader, attacked and set are by spects.
vengeful Indians. Ballam: A dugout shing boat used on the Mal-
A pirate ship, condemned to the ames as Divine abar Coast of India.
retribution for having abducted and ravaged a Ballast: [1] Heavy material such as gravel or pig
beautiful young bride. iron stowed low in a ship to improve its stability. [2]
Literally thousands claim to have seen it over the Water or other liquid used for the same purpose (see
centuries and since the name is French for Bay of ballast bag, ballast tank). [3] To ballast a merchantman
Heat it seems likely the phenomenon had been requires disposing the ballast so that the ship will
seen by the explorers who named it. Some form of maintain her proper equilibrium, and be neither too
ickering ethereal light undoubtedly does occur there, stiff nor too crank. It is not merely the weight of bal-
and in January 1981 a local high school teacher took last which has to be considered, but also its distribu-
a reasonably clear photograph. Most probably, it is tion relative to the weight and distribution of cargo.
an as yet unexplained natural phenomenon such as [4] In a man-of-war the ballast is permanent, and
self-ignition of rotting vegetation, release of natural arranged to balance the guns and other top-weights
gas from nearby oilelds, or an unusual form of cor- carried.
posant. Ballast bag: A waterproof bag laid on the oor of
Bail: To scoop water from a boat by bucket or other a hold, and lled or emptied by means of a pump and
utensil. From old French nautical term baille = tub, hose.
bucket or pail. Ballast-shooting: The illegal practice of throwing
Bail out: [1] To parachute-jump or eject from an ballast overboard while in port.
aircraft in distress. [2] To empty a boat of water by Ballast tank: [1] On surface vessels, a container for
bailing. [3] To rescue someone from a predicament. liquid ballast, which can be pumped from tank-to-
Bait: To entice or deceive an enemy, especially a tank to adjust trim and buoyancy, or be discharged
submarine, into exposing itself to detection. overboard via a pipe, which is usually, but not neces-
Balance: [1] A submarine using a density layer to sarily, underwater. [2] A submarine uses ballast tanks
hover with no way on is balanced. [2] A sailing ves- to submerge and auxiliary trim tanks, to control its
sel which remains on course with little or no assis- buoyancy. When the boat is surfaced, the ballast tanks
tance from the helm is in balance. are lled with air and the submarines overall density
Balandra: [1] A type of Spanish schooner. [2] A is less than that of the surrounding water. As the ves-
Philippine sailing dugout with double outriggers. sel dives, its ballast tanks are ooded with water while,
Balandrina: A sloop-rigged Peruvian shing boat. simultaneously, the air is vented, giving it negative
Balcony: An open gallery projecting over the stern buoyancy so that it sinks. A supply of compressed air
Ballista 34

is maintained on board, for life support as well as to a boilers coals with ash to reduce draft and slow down
blow water out of the ballast tanks for surfacing. the combustion process. [7] To rotate a ying aircraft
Ballista: Ancient naval stone-throwing artillery. about its longitudinal axis.
See also scorpione. Bank effect: Phenomenon encountered in narrow
Ballistic bulkhead: A strengthened barrier to pro- channels, where the nearest bank tends to create a
tect crew and equipment from the effects of gunre. cushion which repels the bow, and a suction which
Ballistic correction: [1] Adjustment to the aim of attracts the stern, making steering difcult.
a gun. [2] Regulation of a gyro-compass. Bank res: To conserve fuel by allowing the furnace
Ballistic damping: A gyro-compass error caused by to burn down low, then cutting off the supply of oxy-
the momentum of its damping uid during a sudden gen by covering the res with ashes and closing the
change of course or speed. doors of the furnace and ash-pit. Since the fuel is still
Ballistic missile: A guided missile which ies like smoldering, res can be spread and steam rapidly gen-
a bullet, without relying on aerofoil surfaces for lift. erated when required.
(See cruise missile.) Banyan: [1] Formerly a meatless day aboard ship.
Ballistic missile submarine : A military sub- [2] A wide-spreading g tree whose high branches ex-
mersible designed and armed to attack strategic land tend horizontally for 18 to 24 meters (6080 feet) and
targets with conventional (e.g., Tomahawk) or nu- then drop tendrils to the ground where they take root,
clear missiles. forming a tent-like enclosure. The name originally
Ballistic wind: The effective wind, determined by applied to a specic tree, under which the Hindu mer-
computation, whose action on a projectile during chant caste (VIn,iyo, pronounced banio) had built a
ight will be the same as the combined actions of the pagoda. In tropical service, parties were often held in
true winds in each of the strata through which the its shade; hence Banyan Party became RN slang for a
projectiles trajectory passes. picnic ashore, later spreading to the USN.
Ballistics: The science and study of the motion of Baptism: A ceremony performed on those cross-
projectiles. From the Greek ballista = throw. ing the equator for the rst time (see crossing the line).
Balloen: The great Siamese (Thai) state-galley. Bar: [1] A shoal across the mouth of a tidal estuary.
Built to imitate a sea-monster and pulling seventy to [2] A unit of atmospheric pressure. [3] A turning-bar.
a hundred oars on each side. Bar shot: A pair of cannonballs or half-balls joined
Balok: A lug-rigged Malayan trading vessel. by a bar. When red from cannon, it would open up
Baltic bow: One which recedes sharply to ride over and spin around its center to slice through enemy rig-
ice and crush a pathway by the ships own weight. ging (cf. chain shot, star shot).
Baltic Exchange: The worlds oldest global market- Baratarian: A Pirate-Privateer-Smuggler operat-
place for the matching of ships and cargoes, founded ing in the Mississippi Delta and the Gulf of Mexico.
in 1744 at the Virginia & Baltick Coffee House in Barbary Coast: [1] The littoral of North Africa,
London and still UK based. It provides six daily in- extending from Egypt to the Atlantic, inhabited
dices of shipping markets, runs related training chiey by and named after the Berbers. [2] the water-
courses, and resolves maritime disputes. front district in San Francisco. Renowned for the
Baltimore Clipper: A lengthy, tall, and speedy 19th many saloons, gambling dens, and brothels established
century schooner with sharply raked stem and masts, during the gold rush of 1849 and mostly destroyed by
used extensively by American slavers and smugglers. the earthquake of 1906.
Baluk: A six-oared Istanbul harbor rowboat. Barbary piracy: Piracy and the slave trade had long
Bamboozle : Was originally a piratical term for been major sources of revenue for states on the Bar-
hoisting a false national ag to deceive potential prey bary Coast. During the sixteenth and seventeenth cen-
into thinking they were friendly. It has entered com- turies, Corsair galleys and sailing ships ranged well
mon usage to mean getting the better of someone by beyond the Mediterranean, terrorizing European ship-
trickery. ping along the Atlantic seaboard. Between 1569 and
Bandanna: This bright cotton scarf, popular with 1616 they are reported to have taken 466 ships off the
sailors and pirates as a head covering or neckerchief, British Isles, and in 1631 they sacked Baltimore in Ire-
was originally purchased by seamen from Hindu land, taking its entire population away. Only a lucky
merchants whose name for tie-dyed material was few were ransomed; 20,000 Christians were sold in
bandhnu. Algiers slave bazaar during rst half of the seventeenth
Banderole: A small streamer own at the mast- century, and there were many other markets.
head to indicate wind direction. Barbary States: Formerly, Algiers, Morocco, Trip-
Bangkong : Variation of the prahu, favored by oli, Tunis, and some minor states along the Barbary
Dyaks. Coast, nominally under Ottoman rule, but effectively
Bank: [1] A navigable but shallow elevated seaoor, independent under rulers known as Pasha, Dey, or
usually on a continental shelf. [2] The side of a lake Bey.
or river. [3] A bench for rowers in a galley. [4] A row Barbary Wars: By the late eighteenth century, most
or tier of oars. [5] A row or tier of guns. [6] To cover European nations found it easier to pay exorbitant
35 Bartleys

Tribute (protection money) than try to stamp out the Barrage balloons: Unmanned, lighter-than-air,
Corsair trade. Only the French and British Mediter- gas-lled blimps, anchored by steel cables to winches
ranean eets were powerful enough to win their mer- on the ground. Their purpose was to create genuine
chants a degree of immunity without payment. With and psychological hazards which would deter low-
its Declaration of Independence, not only did the level air attack. During World War One they were
edgling American Republic lose the protection of tethered together by steel cables to form a barrier
the Royal Navy, but Britain actively encouraged the called an apron. In the Second World War they were
Corsairs to attack vessels wearing the rebel Stars and own individuallyby merchant ships in convoy, and
Stripes. Soon, the United States was paying one-fth over the approaches to ports and other military or
of its annual revenue as tribute to the Barbary States, civilian targets.
but the Corsairs had no compunction about break- Barratry: [1] Fraud or gross negligence by a ships
ing treaties and capturing ships whenever they felt like master or crew. [2] Generally, any act committed with
it. In 1803, Congress resolved More effectually to criminal intent by a master or crew. [3] Specically,
protect the commerce of the United States against the willful and illegal sinking, casting away, or damaging
Barbary Powers and this led to several Barbary Wars. any part of a ship or its cargo while at sea.
(See United States Navy, United States Marine Corps, Barrel: [1] A cylindrical container, usually bulging
and Mameluke sword.) at the middle, consisting of wooden staves bound with
Barbecue: When they roasted a whole goat or ox, metal hoops. [2] The tube, forming the main part of
boucaniers said they were cooking it from beard to a gun, through which shells or bullets are discharged.
tail which, in French, is barbe-a-queue. [3] A volumetric measure (42 U.S. gallons = 35 imp
Barber: A form of frost smoke in which vapor tends gallons = 159 liters) used in the petroleum and ship-
to hug the water in eddies, resembling soap-suds. ping industries.
Barbette: An armored column which both sup- Barricoe: A small cask, keg, or barrel. From the
ports a rotating gun mount and protects its ammuni- Spanish barca. (See also breaker.)
tion hoist. Barrier/Barricade: A net suspended transversely
Barca-longa: [1] A large Spanish coasting vessel across an aircraft carriers deck, to prevent aircraft
with two or three pole-masts and lug-sails. Very com- which miss the arrester wires from crashing into
mon in the Mediterranean and off South America dur- parked planes or going over the side.
ing the 17th and 18th centuries. [2] The name is also Barrier CAP: A combat air patrol forward-de-
applied to Spanish gunboats. ployed to intercept incoming air attacks before they
BARCAP: Barrier Combat Air Patrol. reach the carrier group.
Bare boat: Charter party term indicating that only Barrier ice: Ice which has broken off the outer edge
the vessel is chartered. The charterer appoints master of an ice sheet.
and crew, and assumes all operating expenses. Barrier patrol: A detachment of warships, possibly
Bare poles: Masts with sails removed or fully- accompanied by aircraft, deployed to intercept hostile
furled. air, surface, or submarine forces before they reach a
Barge: [1] A boat used by an admiral or the senior designated line.
ofcers of a warship. [2] A long at-bottomed, often Barrier reef: A partially-submerged coral outcrop,
non-powered, vessel for carrying freight on inland wa- running roughly parallel to the shore and separated
ters. [3] An ornamental ceremonial boat. from it by deep water.
Barge boards: English term for bilge boards, so- Bartleys ordeal: In February 1891, James Bartley,
called because they were a feature of Dutch barges. an apprentice seaman, was on his rst voyage aboard
Bark: A small three-masted ship, square-rigged on the whaler Star of the East. Near the Falkland Islands,
fore and main masts, with fore-and-aft sails on the the lookout spotted a sperm whale and two boats were
mizzen. launched. One succeeded in harpooning the animal,
Barkentine: Similar to a bark, but square-rigged but the second was upended by the creatures thrash-
only on the foremast. ing tail and its crew tossed into the water. One
Barker: 18th century slang for a pistol. Hence, drowned body was recovered, but Bartley had disap-
barking-irons = dueling pistols. peared.
Barnacle: A small shellsh prone to attach itself to The dead whale was hauled to the side of the ship,
the underwater hull of ships. where the crew set to work carving up the carcass by
Barograph: An instrument for recording atmos- lantern light. Next morning they winched the stom-
pheric pressure; usually on a paper drum. ach on deck and slit it open. To their amazement,
Barometer: An instrument which indicates, but Bartley was inside, alive but raving. By the end of the
does not record, atmospheric pressure. third week he was sufciently recovered to recount
Barque: See Bark. being engulfed by total darkness and slipping along a
Barquentine: See Barkentine. smooth passage until he came to an open space. He felt
Barracks: RN term for the Royal Marines mess slimy stuff around him and realized hed been swal-
and quarters in a warship. lowed by the whale. There was enough trapped air to
Base 36

breathe, but the animals high body heat sucked the Basilisk : Ancient name for a long 48-pounder
energy out of him and he passed out. naval gun adorned with fanciful reptiles known as
After reaching England Bartley was treated at a basilisks whose exhalation was supposed to be deadly.
London hospital, and the only lasting effect of his Basin: [1] A body of water enclosed by quays, where
fteen hours inside the whales stomach was losing all ships can remain aoat regardless of the state of the
the hair on his body, while his skin was bleached to the tides. [2] A depression in the earths surface, wholly or
color of parchment (some accounts say he also lost his completely surrounded by higher ground and usually
eyesight). He never made another ocean trip, but set- containing a lake, sea, ocean or river.
tled down as a cobbler in his native city of Glouces- Batavia mutiny: The Dutch East India Companys
ter, England. His tombstone in a local churchyard is VOC Batavia left Holland on her maiden voyage to
said to carry a brief account of his experience and a Batavia (now Jakarta, Indonesia) in company with
footnote reading: James Bartley 18701909. A seven other ships of various sizes. She was the nest In-
Modern Jonah. diaman aoat and the Companys treasure ship. In
This story was headlined in newspapers and found command of the eet was Francesco Pelsaert, a senior
its way into numerous other publications, both secu- merchant. The VOCs policy of appointing a busi-
lar and religious, the latter including serious Bible ness man to command was hated by the ships master,
commentaries on the Jonah story. But did it really Adriaen Jacobszoon. Moreover, the men were ene-
happen? Sperm whales are certainly capable of swal- mies from a previous journey, and their relationship
lowing a human being because they gulp their prey became more and more acrimonious as the journey
whole. In 1955 a 405-pound squid was removed in- progressed.
tact from the belly of one and on another occasion a Conspiring with his rst mate, Jeronimus Cornelis-
sixteen foot long shark was found. Edward B. Davis, zoon, Jacobszoon conceived a plan to hijack the ship
a professor at Messiah College in Grantham, Penn- and either turn to piracy, or perhaps start a new life
sylvania, decided to check it out. He extensively re- using the treasure ships gold and silver. To that end
searched the story and summarized his ndings in an he deliberately steered the ship off course and away
1891 article in The American Scientic Afliation. from the rest of the eet but, on 4 June 1629, before
Records showed that Star of the East, British reg- they could mount their mutiny, he ran Batavia onto
istry, John B. Killam, Master, set sail from New Zea- Morning Reef, near Beacon Island, in the Western
land in December 1890 and arrived at New York in Australian archipelago known as Houtman Abrolhos
April 1891, so she could have been near the Falklands (appropriately, Abrolhos is a Portuguese lookouts cry,
in February. But otherwise, he found no credible evi- meaning Beware!)
dence to support the story. The ship was not a whaler, Water was desperately short on the islands, and Ja-
and no James Bartley was on the crew list. Moreover, cobszoon agreed to join Pelsaert and search for some
no London hospital was able to conrm reports that any on the mainland. After failing to nd any, they set sail
patient had been treated for the effect of gastric juices for Batavia, arriving on 7 July after an epic voyage.
on his skin. The nal and most damaging evidence Corneliszoon, the senior ofcer left behind on Bea-
was provided by captain Killams widow who, in a let- con Island, instituted a reign of terror, taking charge
ter, published in 1907 in The Expository Times, said: of all weapons and the remaining water, ordering the
There is not one word of truth to the whale story. I execution of anyone who might challenge his author-
was with my husband all the years he was in the Star ity or be a burden on their limited resources. The mu-
of the East. There was never a man lost overboard tineers became intoxicated with rape, savagery, and
while my husband was with her. That sailor has told killing as daily entertainment. Most women were
a great sea yarn. murdered after being used, but a few of the more
Base ring: See carriage. comely were saved for common service.
Base speed: The speed made good by a zigzagging Eventually, the mutineers were rounded up, ques-
vessel. tioned by waterboarding, and tried in a formal court
Baseline: A line dividing internal waters from ter- convened by Pelsaert on the island. Some were
ritorial sea. It generally follows the low-water line, ex- hanged, on the spot, including Corneliszoon, who
cept in highly-indented coasts where it jumps from rst had both his hands chopped off. Others were
one headland to another. The right of innocent pas- taken to Batavia to face execution there. On the way,
sage in foreign waters terminates at the baseline, and two lesser mutineers, Wouter Loos, a soldier, and Jan
maritime zones are measured from it. Pelgrom de Bye, a cabin boy, were marooned on the
Baseplate: See bedplate. Australian mainland, near the mouth of the Murchi-
Basic seamanship: When an apprentice seaman son River, thereby becoming Australias rst European
rst comes on board he or she has to begin by learn- settlers. (Early British explorers encountered unusu-
ing three fundamentals of the mariners trade. These ally light-skinned Aborigines in that area., but other
are [1] To know the ropes. [2] To box the compass, European shipwreck survivors could have made con-
and [3] To identify the marks and deeps of the lead- tact with and been adopted into a local clan.)
line by sight and by feel. In Batavia, on Pelsaerts indictment, Jacobszoon
37 Battle

was arrested for navigational negligence but, despite electrical charge and providing a source of supple-
being tortured, he refused to admit planning the mentary energy (e.g., in a diesel-engined submarine).
mutiny, and thereby escaped execution. What nally Battery reference plane : An arbitrarily chosen
happened to him is not known, but it is suspected he plane, usually within the ship, from which angles of
died in prison. Pelsaert was held partly responsible for elevation are measured. See deckplane and naval sur-
what had happened. His nances and belongings were face re control.
seized and he died a broken man within a year. Battle bowler: World Wars I and II RN slang for
Bathymetric chart: A map showing bottom con- an anti-shrapnel steel helmet, whose shape resembled
tours by means of lines and color-coding. a bowler hat. (Also tin hat.)
Bathymetric current: A deep ow that does not Battle dress: USN term for ash-protective and
reach the surface. splinter-resistant clothing for wear in combat. The
Bathymetry: The measurement of water depth. RN term is anti-ash gear.
May include other qualities such as salinity, temper- Battle efciency: Ability to meet exacting stan-
ature, and bottom contour. From the Greek bathos = dards of combat readiness. The USN holds an annual
deep. battle efciency competition and the winning unit is
Bathyscaphe: A small submersible designed for entitled to paint a white E on each side of the bridge
deep ocean exploration. and y a triangular red pennant with a black ball. A
Bathy-thermograph: A device for measuring water ship which wins the ve consecutive competitions re-
temperature at various depths. places the white E with a gold one, and ies a tri-
Batsman: Person who directed pilots landing on angular blue pennant with a yellow ball. See also prize
an aircraft carrier before the introduction of auto- money.
mated techniques for high-speed aircraft. So-called Battle fatigue: See combat fatigue.
because he signaled the incoming pilots with a pair Battle ags: In the days of sail it was common prac-
of hand-held paddles similar to table-tennis bats. tice for warships to wear at least two and often three
Known colloquially as bats, but properly called oversized ensigns, one on each mast. This served to
Landing Signal Ofcer in the USN and Deck Land- identify their nationality in the smoke and confusion
ing Control Ofcer in the RN. of combat; also to prevent an enemy from assuming
Battalion Landing Team: For amphibious land- they had struck their colors if one was shot away. The
ings, the United States Marine Corps assembles task practice gradually fell into disuse but, as recently as the
organized teams, typically consisting of an infantry Battle of the River Plate in 1940, the command Hoist
battalion reinforced with an artillery battery; a pla- battle ensigns! was issued, mainly as a means of en-
toon each of tanks, amphibious assault vehicles, and couraging crew morale and raising their ghting in-
light armored reconnaissance vehicles; and combat stinct. To avoid confusion, it is still the practice for a
engineers. ag ofcers command ag to be kept aloft even if he
Battard: An ancient lightweight cannon. is killed or incapacitated during combat.
Batteau: Former type of North American river- Battle group: See strike group.
boat, usually pole-propelled. Battle honors: The names of eet or individual ac-
Batten: [1] A thin strip of wood or synthetic mate- tions in which a warship has taken honorable part. In
rial inserted in a sail to keep it at. [2] A strip of wood the RN they are usually displayed on a Battle Honours
or metal used to secure the tarpaulin cover of a hatch Board, mounted on the quarterdeck and include hon-
[3] To put battens in place, in the case of hatches by ors won by earlier ships with the same name. They
hammering a wedge in between the coamings and the are known as Battle Stars in the USN (see Award Flags
batten. & Pennants). The rules governing their award are
Batten down the hatches: A hatch (or hatchway) strictly governed in both navies.
is an opening in the deck which allows people or cargo Battle lamp/lantern: Battery-powered light which
to move from one level to the next. It is surrounded turns on automatically if the ships power is cut off in
by coamings (raised frameworks to prevent deck water action. Known as Emergency lighting in the RN.
pouring in) and covered with trapdoor-like covers. Battle lights: Dim red lights used below decks in
When foul weather is expected the hatch is battened order to preserve the night vision of seamen going out
down by stretching a tarpaulin across the covers and on deck.
securing it with battens. The phrase has been taken Battle line: A row of warships formed to engage
into common usage to mean preparing for a difcult an enemy in surface warfare. The formation origi-
problem or crisis. nated in the seventeenth century and has been essen-
Batten pocket: A pouch in a sail to hold stiffening tially obsolete since the Battle of Jutland in 1916, al-
battens. though it was employed during the Battle of Surigao
Battery: [1] Two or more artillery pieces of the same Strait in October 1944. (Also called line of battle.)
caliber, or used for a shared purpose (e.g., anti-air- Battle messing: The process of feeding personnel
craft). [2] The entire armament of a warship. [3] A set on ships during prolonged periods at general quarters
of interconnected galvanic cells capable of holding an or action stations.
Battle 38

Battle Stars: See battle honors. shore designated for amphibious landing (e.g., Gold,
Battle station: Crew members place of duty dur- Juno, Sword, Omaha, and Utah Beaches, in Nor-
ing combat (cf. action station, general quarters). mandy June 1944). [4] The beach is a Mariners term
Battlecruiser: Heavily-armed but lightly-armored for land.
early 20th century class of warship. Intended to be Beach marker: Colored dye, panel, or other de-
fast enough to escape anything more powerful and vice delineating the specied limit of an amphibious
powerful enough to overcome anything it could catch. landing beach.
The same concept applied to the American super Beach netting: Steel mesh laid on an amphibious
frigates and the German pocket battleships. landing beach to improve the traction of vehicles.
Battleship: [1] A sailing ship-of-the-line. [2] The Beach party: The naval personnel in a landing
most heavily-armed and armored of power-driven party.
warships (cf. Dreadnought). Beach ranger: [1] A term formerly applied to a sea-
Battleship row: The area of Pearl Harbor that was man who had been discharged for bad conduct but
the primary target of the surprise Japanese air raid that continued to hang around the waterfront. [2] A term
precipitated the United States into World War II. (See sometimes applied to waterfront prostitutes.
Taranto.) Beachcomber: [1] A wave (comber) crashing onto
Battlespace : The U S Department of Defense the shore (beach). [2] A vagrant who subsists by
denes battlespace as: searching (combing) the beach for articles of value.
The environment, factors, and conditions that must Beachhead: The area of a hostile shore seized and
be understood to successfully apply combat power, held by an amphibious landing party. Frequently, but
protect the force, or complete the mission. This in- incorrectly called a bridgehead. See also airhead, lodge-
cludes the air, land, sea, space, and the included ment, amphibious.
enemy and friendly forces; facilities; weather; ter- Beachman: [1] A West African who acts as inter-
rain; the electromagnetic spectrum; and the infor- preter to shipmasters, and assists them in conducting
mation environment within the operational areas trade. [2] A West African boatman who lands people
and areas of interest. through heavy surf.
Battlewagon: Colloquialism for battleship. Beachmaster: An Ofcer who goes ashore after the
Baulk: The British form of balk. assault phase to assume responsibility for the logistics
Bay: A body of water partially enclosed by land. of amphibious operations.
Larger than a cove and smaller than a gulf. Beacon: A xed aid to navigation, either lighted
Bay boat: A Chesapeake Bay oyster dredger, usu- or unlit.
ally a bugeye or skipjack. Beak: Ram on the prow of a ghting galley.
Bay of Pigs: An area on the southern coast of Cuba Beaked whales (Ziphiidea): Are one of the least-
(Bahia de Cochinos in Spanish) that was the site of a known families of large aquatic mammals. Several
CIA inspired counter-revolutionary amphibious as- species have only recently been identied, and it is en-
sault by Cuban migrs against the Marxist Castro tirely possible more remain undiscovered. They are
rgime. Most of the 1,400 invaders were captured or creatures of the ocean deeps, diving for long periods
killed. (85 minutes have been recorded) and to great depths
Bayonet: A close-combat weapon of last-resort; (1,000 fathoms or more) making them the deepest-
shaped like a knife, dagger, or spike and designed to diving air-breathing animals. They are highly sensi-
t on or over the muzzle of a rie or similar weapon, tive to underwater sound and have been reported to
effectively turning it into a spear. It is believed to be mass strand during naval sonar exercises.
named after the French town of Bayonne where, dur- Beakhead: [1] Projection under the bowsprit and
ing a 17th century insurrection, Basque peasants ran beyond the bows of a sailing vessel. [2] Space imme-
out of powder and rammed hunting knives into the diately ahead of the forecastle, often used as a toilet via
mouths of their muskets. a grating open to the sea below (cf. head).
BB: [1] Hull classication symbol of a battleship. [2] Beakhead beam: See catbeam.
Breakbulk. Beam: [1] A ships width at its widest point. [2] A
BC: Bottom current. horizontal timber supporting a deck or at: [3] The
BCD: Bad conduct discharge. rays, waves, or signals emitted by radio, radar, or
BCU: Beach clearance unit. sonar. [4] The ray of light emitted by a searchlight.
BDA: Battle (or Bomb) Damage Assessment. Beam ends: A vessel is said to be on beam ends
BDL: Beach discharge lighter. when she is heeled so far over that her deck beams are
BDR: Battle damage repair. almost vertical.
Beach: [1] Sandy or pebbly strip of shore between Beam reach: Sailing at right angles to the wind.
low and high water marks; sometimes extending in- Beam sea, tide, or wind: Waves, tidal currents, or
land to the point where topography changes or vege- winds coming at right angles to the ship.
tation begins. From the Anglo-Saxon bece = brook or Beamy: Describes a vessel which is unusually wide
stream. [2] To run a ship aground. [3] The section of compared to its length.
39 Bell buoy

Bear: [1] Heavy coconut matting which was Becket: [1] A loop or eye at the end of a rope or
weighted with sand or shot and dragged across a block. [2] An eye in the uke of an anchor, used to se-
wooden deck to scour it. [2] To lie in a certain direc- cure it while underway. [3] Formerly, anything used
tion (bearing) from the ship. [3] To carry. [4] To sup- to conne loose ropes, tackles, oars, or spars until they
port, sustain, or hold up. [5] To wear as a mark of au- are wanted. [4] In tailoring, the slots on trousers or
thority or distinction. raincoat through which a belt is passed. [5] In RN
Bear a hand!: Request or Command to provide as- slang, beckets means pockets in clothing.
sistance. Bedini: A trading dhow used on the Gulf of Oman.
Bear down: [1] To approach from upwind. [2] To Bedplate: A plate, platform, deck, or frame sup-
change course further downwind. [3] Command to porting all or part of an engine, pump, or other ma-
work harder. [4] Instruction to contract the abdomi- chine. Also soleplate.
nal muscles and diaphragm during childbirth. Bedundered: Formerly said of a seaman who had
Bear off: To steer away from something, especially been deafened and stupeed by the roar of repeated
the shore or another vessel. Also bear away. broadsides.
Bear up!: Nowadays, this is an admonition to keep Beedle: A large mallet used in caulking. Also Bee-
ones spirits up and not despair, but it was originally tle.
a naval command to alter course towards the wind, Beeper: Slang term for a device used to control a
or an object by keeping the tiller to windward. pilotless aircraft or drone.
Beards: See facial hair and permission to grow. Beer: Before brandy or rum was issued to sailors,
Bearing: [1] Direction or position relative to the beer was the accepted ration, but it seems to have been
ship. [2] The support and guide for a reciprocating, of very low quality. In his 1634 Advice of a Seaman,
oscillating, or rotating shaft, pivot, or wheel. Nathaniel Knott wrote, Whilst it is new, it shall
Bearing drift: The shift in bearing of a vessel in seemingly be worthy of praise, but in one month wax
motion relative to another. If there is no bearing drift worse than stinking water. It was no better 127 years
and the range is decreasing, collision is inevitable. later, when William Thompson wrote, It stank as
Beat: [1] To sail as close to the wind as possible. abominably as the foul stagnant water which is
[2] Work to windward by successive tacks (also beat pumped out of many cellars in London at the mid-
up). night hour. Nevertheless, most captains considered
Beat to quarters: 18th century Royal Navy com- a good supply to be essential when asked how long
mand to prepare for combat, announced by drums a cruise could continue, the great explorer Martin
beating to the rhythm of Heart of Oak (see march Frobisher is said to have replied As long as the beer
music). lasts.
Beating the booby: Sailing ship slang for swinging Beetle crushers: RN slang for the heavy boots
the arms from side to side to create warmth by accel- worn by Royal Marines.
erating blood circulation. Before: Ahead, in front of.
Beaufort Scale: In 1805 Royal Navy Commander Before the mast: Said of seamen (who originally
Francis Beaufort devised a 12-point scale for the indi- berthed in the forecastle ahead of the foremast).
cation of wind-strength based on observation of the Before the wind: Sailing with the wind coming
speed of a square-rigged frigate running before the from astern or across one of the quarters.
wind with sails clean-full (bellying) for forces 2 Belay: [1] Order to ignore or cancel the preceding
through 4 and, for higher forces, the amount of sail command (e.g., belay that!). [2] To x or secure some-
which could safely be carried in pursuit of an enemy thing, especially a running rope. [3] To stop doing
when sailing full and bye (as close as possible to the something (nautical slang).
wind without having the sails shiver). Belaying pin: A short round bar of wood or metal,
In 1838, by then Rear-admiral and Hydrographer inserted into a rail to secure a line and provide a form
of the Navy, Beaufort persuaded the Admiralty to of quick-release device, since removing the pin re-
adopt his scale For all Her Majestys Ships and Ves- leases the line.
sels of War. Then in 1853, the First International Belfast bow: A bow that rakes forward above the
Meteorological Conference, held in Brussels, adopted waterline to give more cargo space.
Beauforts scale as the standard format for recording Belfry: A protective canopy over a ships bell.
weather conditions in ships logbooks. In 1912, with Bell-bottoms: Wide trousers ared from the knee
fewer and fewer seamen sailing in square-riggers, the down to enable seamen to roll them up when swab-
scale was revised to a system based on the visual con- bing decks or doing other wet jobs. This was not the
dition of the sea; in 1926 wind speed ranges in knots original purpose; in the days when sailors tailored their
were applied to each force; and in 1946, the World own clothes they made the trouser legs wide all the
Meteorological Organization (WMO) added ve more way down, so as not to waste any of the cloth they
hurricane force wind speeds. (See table 1 for details.) had bought. Only later was the utility of a are dis-
Becalmed: Said of a sailing ship which is motion- covered.
less for lack of wind. Bell buoy: An anchored buoy with a warning bell
Bell 40

which is frequently wave-activated, but may be me- tide. Vessels beneaped at an equinox might have to
chanically-rung in quiet waters. wait six months.
Bell routine: For timekeeping at sea, the ships bell Benguela Current: A slow-moving northwest ow
is rung every half hour during each watch; starting along the coast of West Africa to join the South Equa-
with one bell at the end of the rst thirty minutes, torial Current.
and ending with eight bells at the end of each four- Bergy bits: Pieces of ice which have broken off a
hour watch. A light stoke on the bell, known as the glacier, usually about the size of a small house.
little one is sometimes struck ve minutes after the Bering Current : Flows northerly through the
beginning of a night watch. Its origin and signicance Bering Strait.
are obscure. Berm: [1] The attish strip at the back of a beach,
At midnight on 31st December, sixteen bells are formed of material deposited by wave action. [2] A
traditionally struck; eight by the oldest person aboard, narrow embankment.
irrespective of rank, to signify the old years passing, Bermuda rig : A fore-and-aft rig developed in
followed by an additional eight, struck by the young- Bermuda during the 17th century and widely used by
est to welcome the incoming new year. modern cruising and racing yachts. It is distinguished
In the days before reliable chronometers, every day by sharply raked masts and a tall triangular mainsail
at sea, just after seven bells of the forenoon watch, the with one point going straight up. Also Marconi rig.
captain and his senior ofcers would assemble to cal- Bermuda Triangle: In contrast to the ancient ori-
culate the ships latitude. At the moment when the gins of most myths and legends, that of the roughly
sun was observed to be at its zenith, signifying local triangular imaginary area bounded by the southern
noon, the navigator would sing out There he goes!, coast of Florida and the islands of Bermuda and
whereupon the half-hour glass would be turned and Puerto Rico is relatively modern. Its notoriety is based
eight bells rung, re-setting ships time for the next on the large number of ships and aircraft which have
twenty-four hours. (See also timekeeping and watch- vanished there since 1800 without any trace of wreck-
keeping.) age or survivors. Also known as the Devils Trian-
Bells: The rules of navigation (table 7) require reg- gle, it is one of only two places on earth where a mag-
ular bells to be sounded when anchored, aground, or netic compass points due north with no variation
fogbound. See also bell routine. toward the magnetic pole. (The other, which lies off
Belly: [1] The bulging part of a sail as it captures the the east coast of Japan, is also renowned for mysteri-
wind. [2] The bulbous part of a trawlers shing net. ous disappearances and Japanese and Filipino seamen
Belly robber: Naval slang for a Chief Steward or call it the Devils Sea.)
Purser who kept the crew on short rations in order to Proposed explanations of these disappearances in-
line his own pockets. clude extraterrestrial interference by visitors from
Belly rope/strap: Rope or strap passed around a outer space, interference by underwater-dwelling sur-
boat to carry a kedging anchor suspended below the vivors from the lost continent of Atlantis, and the ac-
keel. tion of physical forces hitherto unknown to science,
Below: Beneath the main or weather deck (i.e., in including cosmic electro-magnetic effects, and time-
a cabin or inside a hold). distorting tunnels. The U.S. Coast Guard, however,
Bench: Fore-and-aft seat in a small boat (cf. is not impressed with supernatural explanations
thwart, sheet). pointing out that the combination of natural forces
Benchhook: Also called a sailhook or stretching and human unpredictability outdoes even the most
hook and, colloquially, third hand. Used to hold far-fetched science ction.
canvas for stitching, pulling it taut with the left hand The Caribbean-Atlantic area has long been recog-
and sewing with the right. nized for freakish weather, sudden erce but local
Benchmark: [1] Specically, a xed point of refer- storms and waterspouts, and as a breeding ground for
ence used in surveying, navigation, or weapon align- hurricanes. As early as 1596, Sir Walter Raleigh com-
ment. [2] Generically, any standard or average against plained of the regions hellish sea, thunder, lighten-
which similar items can be compared. [3] In infor- ing, and storms. In addition, the interaction of strong
mation technology, a program or set of programs currents with deep marine trenches and shallow reefs
which can be run on different computers to give an ap- or shoals puts the ocean oor topography in constant
proximate measure of their relative performance. ux, so that the development of new navigational haz-
Bend: [1] To attach a sail, line, cable, or signal ag ards is rapid, while the swift and turbulent Gulf
with a knot. [2] The knot itself (e.g., Sheet Bend; Stream can quickly erase any physical evidence of dis-
Carrick Bend). [3] A curve in a river. aster.
Bends: A painful ailment aficting divers due to Skeptics point out that many of the reported events
over-rapid decompression. actually occurred outside the triangle; some were pre-
Beneaped: Formerly said of a vessel that went ceded by reports of instrument failure or loss of power,
aground at the height of the spring tide and was thus and others happened during periods of unusual fog
forced to wait two weeks until the subsequent high or strange sea conditions. In fact, scientic analysis
41 Between

shows that the number and frequency of disappear- achusetts historian J.L. Bell says Admiral Jemm
ances is not abnormal. Nonetheless, the belief in para- was used by English author and diarist Fanny Bur-
normal inuences is widespread and persistent. ney as an affectionate nickname for her brother
Berserker: One of a band of Norse or Viking shock James, who was only a captain at the time, but was
troops, famed for extreme ferocity and frenzy in com- yellowed to rear-admiral on retirement.
bat. The name translates roughly as bearskin man Some suggest there was a real Betty Martin, vari-
and berserkers did indeed wear bear or wolf skins over ously reported to be either a contemporary Lon-
light chain mail armor. They used a variety of weap- don actress or a notorious waterfront prostitute.
ons, the most feared being a deadly throwing ax. Nu- However, it is unclear why seamen would have
merous speculations of their fearless and furious be- added her name to a perfectly good expression al-
havior include the inuence of herbal drugs mixed ready in common use.
with alcohol, belief in possession by the spirit of the It has been proposed that the entire phrase is a cor-
wild animal whose pelt they wore, and a psychologi- ruption of Roman Catholic prayers overheard and
cal state induced by rituals and ceremonies. misunderstood by a Protestant English sailor visit-
Berth: [1] Place for a ship to moor or anchor: [ 2] ing a foreign port. When asked what it was like
Place for crew to sleep. [3] To provide either of these. ashore, he is supposed to have replied All I heard
[4] A shipboard job (e.g., Ive got a berth on a Cruise them say was My eye and Betty Martin. The
Liner). [5] To give something a wide berth is to allow most commonly accepted version of this garbled
it plenty of space. prayer comes from a French book of hours, dated
Berthon boat: A collapsible craft made with dou- 1500, in the Royal Danish Library which reads,
ble canvas linings stretched on a folding wooden frame Ora pro mihi, beate Martine, meaning Pray for
to form watertight envelopes that assist buoyancy and me, blessed Martin. However the Latin is ungram-
give protection should the outer canvas be acciden- matical and the supplication does not appear in any
tally torn. Invented by Edward Berthon in 1850. See- liturgy. An alternative is Mihi, Beate Mater,
ing it on display at the Great Exhibition of 1851, the meaning (roughly) Grant my wish, Holy Mother.
Prince of Wales commented that a cannonball would Neither seems very credible, although mee hye is
easily penetrate the canvas. To the amusement of how my eye would have been pronounced by a
Queen Victoria, Berthon replied, What, sir, could cockney-speaking seaman.
not be penetrated by a cannonball?. In 1873 the Royal Between a rock and a hard place: This phrase,
Navy adopted Berthon boats for destroyers, other meaning to have no acceptable alternatives, is some-
small craft, and (later) submarines where storage space times said to refer to Odysseus dilemma when row-
was at a premium. It is frequently reported that RMS ing between Scylla (a monster on the rocky cliff ) and
Titanic carried four Berthon boats, but these were ac- Charybdis (a dangerous whirlpool). More probably it
tually similar, but larger and single-skinned, Engle- is simply a colorful idiom without any nautical con-
hardt boats. nection.
Beset: Trapped in ice with no rudder control. Between decks: The space between any two decks
Best bower: Sailing ship term for the starboard of (not to be confused with tween deck which is any
two bow anchors. The one on the port side was called deck below the main deck, nor the plural tween decks
the small anchor, even though it was the same size. meaning inside the ship).
Betty Martin: The origin of the 18th century sea- Between the devil and the deep (blue sea): It is
farers expression of disbelief All My Eye and Betty widely believed that this idiom (to which blue sea is
Martin is obscure. The rst part clearly comes from a recent addition) refers to a sailor being lowered over
the ancient French dismissive phrase mon oeil and the side to caulk the space between keel and garboard
the translation my eye is still used to indicate skep- strake (one of two long seams known as devils be-
ticism. The British prexed it with all, and for some cause they were so difcult to maintain). However,
uncertain reason later added the sufx Betty Mar- that derivation is apocryphal, because the phrase was
tin. There are at least three explanations for this, none in use ashore long before it found its way aboard ship
of which seems credible or satisfactory. and, in any case, the garboard seam was so far down
The Oxford English Dictionary cites the earliest ap- that it could only be caulked when the ship was ca-
pearance of the phrase as being in a 1781 letter from reened or dry-docked. In fact, the idiom should be
Samuel Crisp to his sister Sophia, which refers to it taken at face value. The Devil is evil and deep water
as A sea phrase that Admiral Jemm frequently is dangerous, so being between them means facing
makes use of. From this, it has been postulated undesirable alternatives.
that a Betty Martin was an item of nautical equip- Between two res: Now used to indicate that
ment whose name has long been forgotten. But it someone is being verbally or physically assaulted from
would be most unusual for such a term to totally several sources, the term undoubtedly originated with
disappear from the extensive records and dictionar- the sailing ship naval tactic of doubling (placing ships
ies of the time. There is no Admiral Jemm in the on both sides of an opponent during combat).
16601815 List of Royal Navy Sea Ofcers, but Mass- Between wind and water: [1] Refers to the water-
BGC 42

line. This area is alternately submerged and raised as Bilge keel: Small n extending fore-and-aft along
the ship rolls, so a cannon ball striking a wooden hull a ships bilge to reduce rolling.
in this area could sink it. [2] Hence, a metaphor for Bilge pump: Pump to remove water from the
being in a hazardous situation. [3] Coincidentally, in bilges. May be mechanical, electric, or manual.
Chinese Feng Shui (literally wind-water), correct po- Bilge rat: Derogatory slang used by USN deck sea-
sitioning between the two is essential for balancing men for a person who works in the engineering spaces
the Chi (life force). of the ship. Also snipe.
BGC: Boat group commander. Bilged: [1] Stove-in at or near the bilge. [2] USN
Bib: Sailing ship sailors seldom cut their hair which slang for being failed, as in He was bilged on the in-
grew long enough to blow in the face when aloft or get spection, or the act of denying as in I bilged his pro-
caught in equipment and machinery. To overcome motion.
these problems, they would braid their tresses into Bilgewater: Filthy water accumulated in the bilge.
pigtails and hold them in place with tar. However, Bill: [1] The point of an anchor uke. [2] A slen-
even top-quality Stockholm Tar left stains on the der promontory. [3] An assignment of duties (e.g.,
backs of shirts and made a mess of the collars of their the watch bill). [4] A pike or halberd.
best dress when going ashore, so they took to arrang- Bill of Health: Certicate that a ships port of de-
ing a protective scarf or bib around the back of the parture was free of contagious disease, and that the
neck. By the time this evolved into the traditional crew was healthy at time of sailing.
square collar seen on the uniforms of naval ratings or Bill of Lading: Detailed listing of cargo, compris-
enlisted personnel, pigtails were no longer in fashion. ing a receipt for the goods, a transportation contract,
The three stripes, which appear on both RN and USN and a denition of legal title to the property.
seamens bibs, have nothing to do with Nelsons three Billboard: [1] The anchor bed; a sloping and
victories as is popularly believed. slightly projecting platform at the bow, serving to
Bible: Slang for a large holystone. Cf. prayer-book. protect it against damage by the anchor bill and to
BIBO: Bulk In, Bags Out in reference to bulkers support the anchor when not in use. [2] A ships no-
that are specially equipped to bag dry cargo while tice board. [3] An outdoor advertising sign, especially
loading. One such ship can load and package 300 theatrical. It is unclear whether the latter use of the
tonnes of bulk sugar into 50 kg sacks every hour. term has a nautical origin or was independently de-
Big chicken dinner: USN enlisted slang for a bad rived.
conduct discharge (Thatll earn him a big chicken Billet: A job, appointment, or place assigned to a
dinner). member of the ships company.
Bight: [1] Any part of a line between its two ends. Billhead: A carved ornamental scroll or volute ter-
[2] A bend or loop in a line. [3] A bend or curve in minating the upper end of a stem or cutwater and
the shoreline. [4] The body of water enclosed by such serving in place of a gurehead.
a bend. [5] A bay or gulf. Billow: A soft upward-curving surge or wave. A
Bigwig: This derisory term for a senior ofcer has poetical term rather than a nautical one.
carried on from the days when status was reected in Bimmy: Slang for a teaser.
the size of the incumbents wig. The term may or may Binge: [1] To rinse out a cask . [2] An eating or
not have originated at sea before transferring to com- drinking spree. Possibly derived from seamen assigned
mon English. to cask cleaning gulping down any food or spirits left
Bilander: Small two-masted sailing vessel, square- at the bottom before rinsing it out.
rigged on foremast, lateen-rigged on main. Used on Bingo: The NATO command Bingo! which is
canals in the Low Countries and in the Mediter- always accompanied by a bearing, distance, and des-
ranean. tination orders a pilot to divert to an emergency
Bilbo: A 16th century term for a exible type of landing eld or airport known as the Bingo Field,
cutlass. Named after Bilboa where some of the nest while Bingo Fuel refers to the minimum quantity re-
Spanish blades were forged. quired to safely reach that eld.
Bilboes: Long bars padlocked at one end, on which Binnacle: Housing for the compass.
iron leg-shackles could slide. Used to conne prison- Binnacle list: A record of sick crew members. The
ers on board ship. name derives from the former practice of maintaining
Bilge: [1] The lowest, almost at part of a ships such a list beside the compass, where it could be up-
interior space nearest the keel where water is likely to dated by the Ofcer of the Watch for review by the
accumulate. [2] The lthy water that collects in that captain. The name lives on in a USN medical report
area. [3] a colloquialism for nonsense. (Navmed 6320/18) recommending that binnacle-
Bilge blocks: Supports for a vessel in dry dock. listed personnel be excused from duty for 24 hours,
Also keel blocks. subject to approval from the commanding ofcer.
Bilge boards: Retractable keels on both sides of Binoculars: A pair of identical telescopes, mounted
small sailing boats to reduce leeway due to wind pres- side-by-side and aligned to point accurately in the
sure. See also barge boards. same direction, allowing the viewer to use both eyes
43 Blasphemy

when viewing distant objects. Most can be hand-held, drowning. Being bound in black leather, and having
but much larger types are pivot-mounted. such an unwieldy title, it soon became known collo-
Biological weapons: The offensive use of living quially as The Black Book and was an important
organisms (such as anthrax) to create injury, incapac- reference for the High Court of Admiralty for almost
itation, or death. Cf. chemical weapons. ve hundred years. See also Blue Book.
Biologics: The sounds generated by marine life as Black cargo: Goods banned or blacklisted by a
picked up on sonar. See bloop. cargo workers union.
Bioluminescence: Emission of light by marine or- Black dog : [1] To give a black dog for a white
ganisms when stirred up by wave motion or the bow monkey is an old naval way of expressing a fair ex-
wave of a ship or its propellers. Popularly, but incor- change. [2] Winston Churchill called depression The
rectly, known as phosphorescence. black dog.
Biometrics: Also known as biomimicry, is a rela- Black-down: To coat hull or rigging with blacking
tively new engineering science which examines na- as a protective against salt water damage.
ture for biological solutions that can lead to the devel- Black gang: U.S. and RN slang for stokers and
opment of mechanisms or capabilities which achieve other engineering personnel who always appeared
human goals. A good example is the GhostSwimmer. dirty due to ubiquitous coal dust. The term is still
Bird farm: Formerly, USN surface seamens derog- sometimes used, although the days of coal-ring are
atory slang for an aircraft carrier. Seldom used since long gone (cf. Snipe).
aircraft gained prestige and replaced guns as the pri- Black Jack: [1] Nautical slang for bubonic plague.
mary naval weapon. [2] Slang for the Jolly Roger (pirate ag).
Birds Free: Permission to re missiles is granted. Black-shoe: USN slang for an ofcer of the surface
Birds nest: A small round seat or tub placed at the eet (cf. Brown-shoe).
masthead to provide a lookout position higher than the Black tot day: See rum ration, and spirits in the
crows nest. USN.
Birds Tight: Permission to re missiles is withheld. Blackbirder: Slang for a vessel or person engaged
Bireme: An ancient battle galley, propelled by two in the slave trade or transporting indentured labor.
banks of oars. Probably invented by Phoenicians in Blacking: A mixture of coal dust, coal-tar, and
the 7th or 6th century BCE, the design rapidly spread pitch, blended with salt water, boiled, and applied
all around the Mediterranean. It was gradually super- while piping hot as a protective coating for yards,
seded by the trireme, beginning in the mid5th cen- masts, standing-rigging, and hulls.
tury BCE. Blackwall frigate: 18th19th century merchant-
Biscuit : Ships bread, made from well-kneaded man, built on the lines of a frigate with high bulwarks
our, mixed with the least possible quantity of water, to the main deck, little sheer, limited cargo space, and
and slowly baked into at, hard, doughy cakes. staterooms for passengers in the poop. (Blackwall was
Bisquine: A French lug-rigged shing boat with a London shipyard.)
two or three masts, the foremost being placed well Blackwall hitch: Way of attaching a rope to a
forward in the eyes of the ship. hook, so that it is loose until weight is applied but
Bite: An anchor is said to bite when its ukes dig gets tighter as the load increases.
in without dragging. Blade: [1] The at end of an oar, thrust into the
Bittacle: An ancient spelling of binnacle. water when rowing. [2] A at or shaped surface that
Bitter end: [1] The absolute end of a piece of line rotates in air or water to provide thrust for a propeller
or cable. [2] The last link of an anchor chain in the or paddle-wheel, or to produce power from a turbine.
chain locker. [3] The at surface of a rudder. [4] The at cutting
Bitts: [1] Heavy timbers to which a wooden ships part of a sword, cutlass, or knife.
anchor chains are attached. [2] Strong spool-shaped Blank: A cartridge with no bullet, or a cannon red
posts projecting, usually in pairs, above the deck of a without shot.
ship, for securing cables or towing lines. [3] Bollards. Blanket: Move to windward of another sailing ves-
B/L: Bill of Lading. sel so as to block its wind.
Black Book of Admiralty: Semi-ofcial name for Blasphemy: The punishment of blasphemers has
the earliest codication in English of Admiralty Law, had ups and downs with changing standards of pro-
compiled in 1336 to consolidate a collection of earlier priety. Under the twelfth century Code of Olron,
maritime law and customs. Its lengthy ofcial title profane speech at sea brought no more than a ne in
was: Rules for the Ofce of Lord High Admiral; Or- silver coin, but by the late sixteenth century ethical
dinances for the Admiralty in Time of War; The Laws criteria had begun to harden and the culprit had his
of Olron for the Ofce of Constable Marshall; and tongue scraped and was gagged. In the puritanical sev-
Other Rules and Precedents. These included the enteenth century, it was ordained that blasphemy be
authority of ship captains to enforce discipline and punished by burning the offenders tongue with a red-
mete out punishments, which then included hang- hot iron. Then, in the eighteenth century, religious
ing, marooning, keelhauling, ogging, starvation, and fervor diminished, and sentences also declined. The
Blazer 44

1757 British Articles of War left the punishment for a was cleared of all blame and promoted to Rear Ad-
court to decide: miral of the Blue, while Johnston was cashiered. He
All ag ofcers, and all persons in or belonging to died a well-respected Vice Admiral of the Blue in 1817
His Majestys ships or vessels of war, being guilty of and it was not until later that his reputation was sullied.
profane oaths, cursings, execrations, drunkenness, Blimp: A small, non-rigid, gas-lled airship.
uncleanness, or other scandalous actions, in deroga- Blind eye: At the Battle of Copenhagen in 1801,
tion of Gods honor, and corruption of good man- Admiral Sir Hyde Parker hoisted signal 43 (break off
ners, shall incur such punishment as a court-martial the action). Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson, who sensed
shall think t to impose, and as the nature and de- victory was at hand, raised his telescope to his blind
gree of their offence shall deserve. eye, said he could see no signal, and told his ag cap-
The United States Colonial Naval Rules of 1775 tain not to strike signal 16 (engage the enemy). The
were more specic: phrase Turn a blind eye later entered colloquial
If any shall be heard to swear, curse, or blaspheme speech meaning to overlook an indiscretion.
the name of God, the Commander is strictly en- Blind zone: An area in which signals or echoes can-
joined to punish them for every offense by causing not be received.
them to wear a wooden collar or some shameful Blink : Light reected from ice, snow, or white
badge for as long as he shall judge proper. sand.
Blazer: This name for a plain or striped colored Blip: Informal term for the spot of light on a radar
jacket, usually worn with contrasting trousers, owes its or sonar screen, indicating the presence of a contact.
origin to Captain J.W. Washington of HMS Blazer Blister: [1] A bulge built into the side of a warship
who, in 1845 (before uniform clothing was introduced to protect against mines and torpedoes. Many can be
into the Royal Navy) dressed his boat crew in match- ooded or pumped to adjust stability. [2] A bulge in
ing blue-and-white striped jackets. the fuselage of an aircraft, housing guns or equip-
BLCP: Beach lighterage control point. ment.
Bleed the monkey: In this case, the monkey (a Block: A pulley, or multiple pulleys, mounted in a
generic term for something small) was a tall pyramid- case.
shaped bucket, used to transfer grog from the point of Block and tackle: A system of pulleys and ropes.
issue to the seamens mess, and the expression means See also sheave, and block and tackle individually.
to sneak a drink before delivering it. (Also Suck the Block Island Phantom: The Dutch ship Palatine,
Monkey.) out of Amsterdam, and bound for Philadelphia, had
Bligh: The events of 28 April 1789 and Captain had a harrowing crossing. After murdering the captain,
William Blighs subsequent magnicent feat of small a mutinous crew had terrorized and robbed the 300
boat navigation are tales too often told to bear repeat- well-to-do immigrant Hollanders on board. The
ing, except for some explanatory remarks (see Bounty drunken seamen were far off course when, just before
mutiny). It is less well-known that Bligh went on to Christmas 1752, they ran Palatine onto the shoals of
a distinguished naval career. He fought HMS Direc- Block Island, where most of the passengers drowned.
tor with distinction at the Battle of Camperdown, and Soon local wreckers swarmed on board the abandoned
commanded HMS Glatton at the Battle of Copen- vessel and, after taking everything of value, set it on
hagen, where he was the only captain in his squadron re to remove evidence of their crime. A rising tide re-
in position see both the Admirals and Vice Admirals oated the burning vessel which drifted into Long Is-
signals (see blind eye). By choosing to repeat the lat- land Sound but, as it went, a terried shrieking could
ter, he ensured that all the vessels behind him kept be heard and a young woman appeared on deck from
ghting, and was personally praised by Nelson for his wherever she had been hiding from the rapacious crew
contribution to the victory. Later, as Governor of New and wreckers. She stood on the deck screaming for
South Wales, he gained the respect of local settlers help until it collapsed and she disappeared in a shower
and Lord Castlereagh commended his zealous and of bright red sparks. Shortly afterward Palatine
patriotic exertions. foundered, leaving nothing but a few charred timbers
Nevertheless his achievements were marred by in- behind. Since then many people have claimed to have
volvement in three more insurrections. In April 1797, heard female screams and seen the specter of a burn-
his ship was one of those whose crews joined the Sp- ing vessel oating in Long Island Sound, sometimes
ithead mutiny and, a month later, was involved in near the December anniversary of the event, some-
events at the Nore (see Great Mutiny). In 1808 he tried times as the portent of a coming gale.
to end the corrupt practices of ofcers of the New Blockade: Closing a port, harbor, coastline, or
South Wales garrison who had monopolized the im- shipping lane to prevent passage, entrance, or exit by
port of spirits and re-sold them at 200 percent to 300 hostile and (possibly) neutral vessels.
percent prot. This culminated in the Rum Rebel- Blockade-runner: A vessel which risks all hazards
lion led by Major George Johnston and wool mer- to pass through a blockade.
chant John Macarthur who forcibly deposed Bligh Blockship: A vessel deliberately scuttled to restrict
and imprisoned him for two years. On his release he access to a channel or harbor entrance.
45 Bluff

Bloke : RN lower deck slang for the executive netic notation for letter P and, although it has been
ofcer of a large ship holding the rank of Comman- changed to Papa, the name of the ag remains. See
der. (XOs of lower rank are called Jimmy-the-One.) also morning colors.
Blood money: [1] Compensation paid to the rela- Blue Riband: The concept of honoring the fastest
tives of a slain person. [2] Payment for information average speed achieved during an Atlantic crossing
leading to the arrest of smugglers or pirates. [3] arose on 18th April 1838 when Sirius averaged 8.03
Bounty paid to a crimp or tavern keeper for assisting knots, only to be beaten next day by Great Western at
in the impressment of sailors. 8.66 knots (GW had set sail four days after Sirius, but
Bloom: A proliferation of algae and/or higher arrived only four hours later). The media interest in
aquatic plants in a body of water; often related to pol- this quasi-race led a group of shipping magnates to
lution, especially when pollutants accelerate growth. decide that it would be excellent public relations to
See algal bloom, plankton bloom, and red tide. give the passenger liner making the fastest crossing
BLOS: Beyond line of sight. the unique distinction of ying a large blue ribbon as
Blow the gaff: To disclose secret information. The a pendant on her mainmast. Crossing times rapidly
word gaff has nothing to do with the spar or boat- diminished, as can be seen in the following table
hook of the same name, but is a variant of gab (as showing the dates and vessels rst exceeding selected
in gift of ) which in turn is derived from the Mid- speeds:
dle English gabbe meaning idle chatter.
BLS Beach landing site. Speed Westbound Eastbound
BLT: Battalion Landing Team. 10 1838 Great Western 1843 Great Western
Blubber: This is the layer of fat from which whale @ 10.43 knots @ 10.17 knots
oil is derived, found between the skin and muscles of 15 1875 City of Berlin 1873 Baltic
whales and other cetaceans. @ 15.21 knots @ 15.09 knots
Blubbing: In common usage, the term means cry- 20 1889 City of Paris 1889 City of Paris
ing or shedding tears, but it is one of the few words to @ 20.01 knots @ 20.03 knots
come from the whaling industry. When blubber is 25 1908 Lusitania 1909 Mauretania
@ 25.01 knots @ 25.16 knots
cut, oil seeps from it in small globules which run 30 1936 Queen Mary 1935 Normandie
down the animals skin like tears, leading whalers to @ 30.14 knots @ 30.31 knots
call weeping blubbing or blubbering. 35 1952 United States
Blue Book: [1] Generically, any report published by @ 35.59 knots
the U S government. [2] Specically, Regulations for 40 1998 Cat-link V
the United States Navy, listing the lineal precedence @ 41.3 knots
and seniority of its ofcers. Cf. Black Book of Admi-
ralty. During the late 19th and early 20th century winning
Blue ensign: One of three United Kingdom naval this privilege became a matter of intense national pride
ags carrying the Union in the hoist canton (upper and rivalry, but it lost its signicance with the arrival
left quadrant). See British ensigns. of mass air transport and has not been ofcially
Blue light: A pyrotechnic used by pilot boats to awarded since 1952. (See also Hales Trophy.)
attract attention. Blue shirt: [1] Personnel working on a USN air-
Blue paint: During 17th century, being attacked craft carrier ight deck wear colored shirts for easy
by blue devils (possibly derived from the leaping identication; blue shirts chock and chain aircraft on
blue ames of burning brimstone) described a bout the ight deck. [2] USN slang for any enlisted person
of despondency or despair. Later, the expression was below Chief Petty Ofcer (E.7) at which grade and
abbreviated and blue as a stand-alone adjective im- above khaki shirts are worn.
plied melancholy. Hence, when a sailing ship returned Blue tile country: An area on the main starboard
to its home port after a long voyage, it was customary passageway of an aircraft carrier where the Strike
to give people on shore advance notice of the death of Group ag ofcer and his staff live and work. In many
the captain or a mate by ying a blue ag and, often, ships the deck is indeed painted blue here.
painting a blue stripe along both sides of the hull. If Blue water operations: Naval activity on the high
the dead man was especially loved by the crew, they seas about 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) from land.
would carry the stripe around the bow and over the See also brown water, green water.
gurehead (which had powerful signicance for sea- Bluejacket: A naval rating or enlisted person (after
men). The practice has long since died out, but the the rst ofcial uniform for seamen).
concept of blue being the color of depression lives on Bluenose: [1] A seaman who has served north of
when people who are sad say Im feeling blue or the Arctic Circle. [2] Any ship or seaman from Nova
Afro-Americans sing The Blues. Scotia.
Blue Peter: A square blue ag with a white center Bluewater: Said of [1] A seaman with oceangoing
(P in international code) is displayed to indicate a experience. [2] A navy with oceangoing capability.
ship is about to depart. Peter was originally the pho- Bluff: [1] An almost-perpendicular headland, cape,
Blunderbuss 46

or cliff. [2] A ship with broad, blunt, clumsy bows tion to the 1370s, when the Privy Wardrobe, one of the
(probably from Old Dutch blaf = at). [3] To mis- departments of the Royal Household, with ofces in
lead by a display of strength, self-condence, or the like the Tower of London, was designated to administer
(probably Dutch bluffen = brag). weapons, arsenals and castles. The Tower became the
Blunderbuss: This was a small, compact, large most important arsenal in the kingdom, with its own
bore, weapon with a unique funnel-shaped barrel, de- workforce of armourers, bowyers, etchers, etc. Prior
signed (like todays shotguns) to deliver a large quan- to the establishment of a standing army or navy, it was
tity of small projectiles over a wide area. It was more the only permanent military department in England.
like a hand-held cannon than a musket, not red from In 1544, King Henry VIII created the Ofce of
the shoulder, but braced against the hip to steady its Ordnance, which became the Board of Ordnance in
enormous kick Such a weapon was excellent for per- 1597. There was still no standing army, and its prin-
sonal security, but had no real value on land battle- cipal duties were to supply guns, ammunition, stores
elds, being ineffective beyond about forty feet. How- and equipment to the Navy Royal. The Great Mas-
ever, infantry combat had little in common with the ter of Ordnance ranked immediately below the Lord
tactics of a naval boarding party. At a range of about High Admiral.
thirty feet it spread a six to ten foot cone of shot that In 1683, the Board became a Civil Department of
was devastating on the deck of a warship. (The name State, under a Master General, responsible for sup-
is probably derived from the German donnerbusche plying both Navy and Army with military hardware.
meaning thunder gun.) In 1855, the War Ofce (army) took over control of the
BM: [1] Boatswains Mate. [2] Ballistic missile. [3] Board, but the Admiralty did not establish its own
Beachmaster. Naval Ordnance Department until 1891. See also Bu-
BMCT: Begin morning civil twilight. reau of Ordnance.
BMNT: Begin morning nautical twilight. Boarding net: [1] Net hung over the side to assist
BMU: Beachmaster unit. people (often embarking soldiers) to climb the side.
Boanga: An oared Malayan pirate vessel. Also called scrambling net. [2] Netting hung from the
Board: [1] In general, the side of a hull. [2] Spe- masts of a sailing vessel to prevent an enemy alongside
cically, the uppermost plank of a bulwark. [3] To from boarding.
enter or go on board a vessel; whether by invitation, Boarding party: An ad hoc group of seamen and
by armed force, or for inspection (e.g., by Customs). marines, formed to board another vessel.
Board of Admiralty: In 1546, King Henry VIII Boarding pike: A long, sharp, pointed spear used
created a Council of the Marine (later to become the to repel hostile boarders. See half pike and pole arms.
Navy Board) to oversee administrative affairs of the Boat : [1] Small vessel for specialized use (e.g.,
naval service, leaving policy direction and operational shing boat) or carried for use by a larger one (e.g.,
control in the hands of the Lord High Admiraluntil lifeboat). The U.S. Coast Guard denes a boat as
1628 when King Charles I transferred the latter pow- being less than 300 tons, anything larger being a ship.
ers to a committee known as the Board of Admiralty. [2] Traditional term for tugs, submarines and Coastal
For the next two centuries, the Navy was run by these Forces or amphibious craft regardless of size. [3] Term
two boards, but they were frequently at odds with used by landlubbers for any waterborne craft.
each other and, in 1832, a reforming political head of Boat ahoy!: Traditional hail or challenge to an ap-
the Navy abolished the Navy Board, bringing its func- proaching boat.
tions under the Board of Admiralty, which consisted Boat barn: Submariners slang for a submarine pen.
of Sea Lords (always admirals) and Civil Lords (usu- Boat boom: A spar which can be swung out at
ally politicians). The professional head of the Royal right angles to the hull as a mooring point for small
Navy was (and still is) called First Sea Lord. The po- boats when a ship is at anchor. Also riding boom.
litical head, who was President of the Board and a Boat cloak: A sleeveless outer garment, worn to
Cabinet Minister, was known as First Lord of the Ad- protect uniforms from spray while in small boats, and
miralty. usually left with the coxswain until the return trip.
The United States briey had a Board of Admi- Originally a mandatory part of an ofcers uniform, it
ralty, founded in 1780. But it was renamed Depart- was a combination of cape with coat, but later con-
ment of the Navy in 1798. In 1949, it was absorbed by sisted of cape only. This was lined with white satin
the Department of Defense. In a similar consolida- for naval ofcers and crimson satin for marines. RN
tion, fteen years later in 1964, the British Admiralty and USN designs were similar with the latter being
came under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of De- dened in Article 3501.4 of Uniform Regulations as:
fence. Made of dark blue woolen fabric, three-quarters
Board of Investigation: A military judicial body of a circle, with a circular bent collar, an extending
consisting of one or more persons (usually ofcers). It 2 inches below the kneecap. May be water repellent.
is lower than Court of Inquiry and has no power of Cloak is closed at the neck with hooks and eyes
subpoena. and on the chest by one set of silk or mohair fasten-
Board of Ordnance: This agency traces its evolu- ers.
47 Boat

The cloak was ofcially discontinued by the USN in (title) arriving. A bell is then struck as many times
March 2000. It remains optional in the RN, but is as the number of sideboys required to greet the visi-
very seldom worn. In the 1840s Lieutenant (later Cap- tor eight for a vice admiral or above, six for a rear
tain) Peter Halkett, RN invented what was literally a admiral, four for a captain or commander, and two for
boat-cloak. Made of Mackintosh India-rubber cloth, any other commissioned ofcer with one more bell
it could be inated to form a canoe-like life raft, while being sounded as the visitor steps aboard. The tones
an accompanying umbrella could be used as a sail. It are sounded in pairs as are the half hours of a watch.
was displayed at the Great Exhibition of 1851 and For example the captain commanding destroyer
taken on several Arctic expeditions, but never came squadron twenty-ve would be announced as Des-
into naval use. Ron25 arriving, followed by Ding-ding ... Ding-
Boat deck: Superstructure deck for lifeboat storage ding, plus a nal Ding as his foot touches the deck.
on a passenger ship. Normally the boats are lowered This procedure is reversed upon departure.
until level with the deck below, from where passengers Boat group: The basic unit of landing craft in an
clamber into them. amphibious operation.
Boat drill: A mandatory assembly of passengers Boat lane: The pathway from line of departure to
and crew for familiarization with lifeboat stations and landing beach designated for landing craft to follow
to practice donning life preservers. The lifeboats are during an amphibious assault. The width of a boat
normally lowered, but not boarded. Provisions of the lane is determined by the length of the corresponding
Canada Shipping Act (here abbreviated) are typical landing beach.
of those applied throughout the industry: Boat oars!: Command to place the oars fore-and-
Before commencement, the master must ensure that aft across the thwarts, ready to be shipped. See also
all passengers are notied that a drill will take place oars, ship oars, toss oars, trail oars.
and that there is no actual emergency. Boat paint: In the Royal Navy, ag ofcers barges
The master must ensure that drills, in so far as is are blue, a commander in chief s is green, and all other
practicable, are carried out as if there were an actual boats are painted grey or at the captains discretion.
emergency. By tradition dinghies are not painted, but varnished
The master must ensure that any equipment or in- over plain wood.
stallations used during a drill are immediately re- Boat recall: Small boats are called back to the
turned to their full operational condition and are mother ship by a pre-arranged ag or pennant, usu-
ready for immediate reuse. ally accompanied by a sound signal.
If the general emergency alarm signal or the re Boat recognition: The United States and Royal
alarm signal is sounded, passengers must proceed to Navies share some of the conventions for responding
their designated muster stations and the crew mem- to a sentinels call of boat ahoy! challenging an ap-
bers must report to their designated muster stations proaching boat. If not intending to come alongside,
and prepare to perform their assigned duties. the coxswain replies Passing. Otherwise, the single
Boat etiquette : Traditionally, small boats are word Flag signies the presence of an admiral. If a
boarded in reverse order of rank, and exited the other captain (ship commander rather than rank) is carried,
way around. By going rst, juniors are on board to the coxswain replies with the name of his ship. When
steady the craft and provide a helping hand to sen- the passengers include a commissioned ofcer, the re-
iors when they climb down the ships ladder or step off sponse is Aye-Aye. (If the boat carries a very distin-
a quay. The convention also ensures that seniors do not guished civil passenger a bishop, for example an
have to wait in the boat while subordinates clamber on astute coxswain will use the Aye-Aye response to
board at one end or disembark at the other. This ensure that the visitor is properly received.)
works especially well when the senior ofcer is visit- Other responses differ. In the RN the response
ing a ship. On arrival, the captain can greet the visi- No-No indicates that no one senior to midshipman
tor and lead him to his cabin without disembarking is on board, but in the USN this indicates the presence
juniors getting in the way while, on departure, it al- of a petty ofcer, while Hello is used when only jun-
lows the senior to linger in conversation after the jun- ior enlisted personnel are aboard. In addition the USN
iors have boarded. By extension, the same courtesy uses Fleet for a eet, force, or group commander;
applies to automobiles and aircraft, where the senior and type/Ron/number for a squadron commander.
is always last to enter and rst to leave. In the RN it For example, DesRon25 would identify the com-
is customary that, when a ag or commanding ofcer mander of destroyer squadron 25. Each navy has its
leaves his command, the boat taking him ashore be own responses for senior ofcials and heads of state.
crewed entirely by ofcers. Boat station: [1] In a warship, the allotted position
Boat fall: A purchase for hoisting a boat to its in a boat for each member of its crew. [2] In a mer-
davits. chant vessel, the assigned place on deck for each pas-
Boat gongs: In the USN, when the coxswain of an senger to board a lifeboat.
approaching boat identies the rank of its most sen- Boat waves: Successive lines of landing craft tak-
ior passenger (see boat recognition) word is passed ing part in an amphibious assault.
Boathook 48

Boathook: A wooden pole ending in a metal cap mand were used throughout English eets for the
and hook, used for holding-on (with the hook) or transmission of orders by shipmasters, boatswains and
fending-off (with the butt-end). Also gaff. coxswains. Today, wearing one is restricted to quarter-
Boatman: A person who hires out boats or pro- masters and boatswains mates. All its parts have nau-
vides transport by boat. (Cf. waterman.) tical names; the mouth is the gun; the ball is the
Boats: Traditional slang name for a boatswain. buoy; the leaf is its keel; and the suspending ring
Boatswain: This is the oldest extant naval title, is the shackle.
dating back to the 6th century Anglo-Saxon Batswe- In the USN the instrument is known as the boat-
gen (boat-servant) who was essentially the ships mas- swains pipe, and the message or order it conveys is
ter responsible for its sailing and navigation. In 1040, a call. In the RN the terms are reversed, with the
the title was brought back (as boatswain) for one of instrument called boatswains call, while sounding
four non-military warrant ofcers created for warships (playing) it is known as piping, and the message is
provided and crewed by the Cinque Ports. a pipe. Neither service ever uses the term whistle.
In days of sail the boatswain had to be a rst-class Some calls/pipes have to be followed by an explana-
seaman, able to command the respect of highly-skilled tory verbal command, but many are time-honored
professional sailors. He was responsible for sails, rig- and understood as orders by themselves. This was a
ging, anchors, cables, and boats; could stand watch, great advantage in 17th/18th century navies when
but was not eligible to command ships. The sailmaker many members of a ships company might be foreign-
and boatswains mates reported to him. U.S. Naval ers with little understanding of languages other than
Regulations of the late 19th century specied: their own. When the pipe is not self-explanatory, the
A candidate for a boatswains appointment must be crew is called to attention and the verbal order is pre-
of correct habits, not less than 21 nor more than 35 ceded by Dye hear there in the British and Now
years of age; must have been at least seven years at hear this in the U.S. navy.
sea, and have served at least one year as a petty Boatswains chair: A rope-suspended plank on
ofcer; he must be a thorough practical seaman, and which a person can be hoisted aloft, transferred across
understand cutting, tting, and rigging according to open water to another vessel, or swung over the side
regulations, the weighing, catting, shing, securing, for work such as painting.
and transportation of anchors and the working of Boatswains locker: Compartment where deck gear
cables, the erection and securing of sheers, the han- is stored. Usually forward.
dling of purchases, masting, securing yards, etc., and Boatswains Mate: A petty ofcer who reports to
be able to write sufciently to keep an account of and assists the boatswain.
stores. Boatswains pipe: See boatswains call.
Nowadays, in naval service, the boatswain is the war- Boatwright: A person who builds or repairs boats.
rant or petty ofcer responsible for a vessels equip- Bobbing the light: A technique for determining if
ment and deck crew. In merchant service he is a petty an observer is within the geographic range of a navi-
ofcer who performs somewhat like the foreman in gation light. If the light disappears when the observer
an industrial plant, being the principal contact be- ducks down to a lower line-of-sight, it is at the limit
tween the deck crew and the Chief or First Mate. The of its range.
title is frequently but differently abbreviated to Bobstay: A cable, chain, or rod holding down the
Bosun in the USN, Bosn in the RN, or Bosun in end of a bowsprit.
merchant service. BOG: Beach operations group.
Boatswains call or pipe: This high-pitched metal Bogey: An unidentied or potentially hostile air-
whistle is unique to sea services, where it is used to craft (Battle of Britain RAF slang, now in common
convey orders and honor visitors. For centuries it was use in both RN and USN). Also Bogy or Bogie.
the sailing ships PA system, emitting shrill penetrat- Boiler: The pressure vessel in which water is con-
ing notes that could be heard by topmen high in the verted into steam for propulsion, heating, and auxil-
rigging and seamen down in the deep, dark orlop. The iary purposes. Common forms are re tube and
current instrument has been used in English ships water tube. The term is used to loosely to include
since at least 1248, when it was used to call crossbow- the rebox and ancillary equipment.
men to action stations, but it has much earlier ori- Boiler room: See furnace room.
gins. In the Classical era, Greek and Roman galleys Boll: A half-decked, single-masted Dutch shing
cadenced the stroke of their oars by drum and ute or boat, gaff-rigged with fore-and-aft sails.
whistle. Bollard: Thick low post mounted on a wharf or
Because it has always served to pass orders, it has pier, to which ships mooring lines are attached (cf.
often been worn as an honorable symbol of authority. bitts).
From 1485 to 1562 the Whistle of Honour was a Bollock block: A block at the head of a topmast,
golden version suspended from a golden chain and through which the tye of a topsail yard is rove.
worn as a badge of ofce by the Lord High Admiral of Bollocking: RN slang for a severe reprimand (cf.
England. Silver versions known as Whistles of Com- bottle).
49 Bootlegger

Bolo: USN term for a heaving line. Also bola. toms-controlled (bonded) warehouse. They may not
Bolster: In sailing ship days, this referred to a piece be opened or consumed until the vessel is in interna-
of soft wood or bag of tarred canvas placed to prevent tional waters.
chang of stays against the mast when the ship Bone : [1] The white foam or spray thrown out
pitched. The modern term is baggywrinkle. under the bow of a fast-moving vessel, which is said
Bolt: The short arrow-like missile red by a cross- to have a bone in her teeth. [2] 18th century RN
bow. slang for pilfer, steal or scrounge. The word comes
Bolter: Slang for an aircraft which touches down on from the name of the boatswain in Admiral Cornwal-
a carrier but misses the arrester gear and, thanks to an liss agship, who became notorious for making good
angled ight deck, takes off for another try. deciencies in his stores by stealing from other ships.
Boltrope : A rope to which the edge of a sail is The admiral is reported to have said after one such
stitched to prevent splitting. It is made of the best agrant event: I trust, Mr. Bone, you will leave me
hemp and nest yarns, and is the most superior kind with my anchors.
of cordage. Bongo: A boat made of a hollowed-out bonga tree.
Boltsprit: Antique term for a bowsprit. Formerly popular in what are now the southern
Bomb: [1] A hollow projectile containing an explo- United States.
sive or nuclear charge for dropping from aircraft or Bonnet: A supplementary sail laced to the foot of
ring from mortars. [2] To drop such a projectile. [3] a square-sail or jib.
A bomb vessel. [4] A great success (Brit.). [5] A great Booby: This tropical sea bird liked to perch on the
failure (U.S.). Probably from Latin bombus or Greek yards of sailing ships where, because it had few pred-
bombos = a deep hollow sound. ators and no fear, sailors could approach near enough
Bomb vessel: Formerly, a small ketch-rigged war- to easily catch it. This led Spanish seamen to call it
ship carrying one or more high trajectory heavy mor- bobada (stupid) and the word was adopted into En-
tars for ring at shore targets. The foremast was re- glish as both the name of the bird and slang for a fool.
moved and the hull strengthened to take the heavy The birds puffed out chest also reminded sex-starved
weapons and absorb their recoil. These purpose-built seamen of a womans breasts, which they colloquially
vessels often landed their mortars and operated as called boobs. All three terms found their way into
sloops, sometimes re-installing the foremast for that common usage.
purpose. Book: [1] To be listed as a member of the ships
The concept originated in 1681 when the French company is to be ofcially on the books. [2] The
Navy mounted a pair of forward-pointing mortars colloquial phrase in the black book (meaning to be
side-by-side on the foredeck. These could only be in disfavor or deserving punishment) is almost cer-
aimed by turning the entire ship with a spring an- tainly derived from the Black Book of Admiralty.
chor, but later that year the Royal Navy improved the Boom: [1] A oating barrier protecting a harbor or
design by mounting the mortars on revolving plat- containing something. [2] The sound of distant
forms at the centerline. Space was created by stepping gunre. [3] A spar extending the foot of a sail. [4] A
the remaining masts farther aft than normal, thus boat boom. (From the Dutch boom = tree.)
making the vessels difcult to handle. The rigging of Boom vang: A device to hold a boom down and
the forward mast was often made of chain to protect maintain the shape of its sail. Cf. martingale.
it from muzzle blast. Boomer: USN slang for a ballistic missile subma-
Bomb vessels saw their rst action in the British rine.
bombardment of Algiers in 1682. They were tradi- Boondocks: USN slang for any remote or isolated
tionally given names suggestive of explosive or fright- place. The word (which derives from the Tagalog word
ening qualities, especially volcanoes and underworld bundok = mountain) was brought to the United States
characters. They were often used for polar expeditions by military personnel returning from the brutal and
because their sturdy hulls fared well in ice. Two of bloody colonial Philippines campaign of 18991902.
themHMS Erebus and HMS Terroraccompanied The RN equivalent is ulu from the Malayan for
Sir James Clark Ross on his 1841 discovery of Ross Is- headwaters. Hence, out in the boondocks = up the
land, which is formed by three volcanoes. Ross named ulu.
the one active volcano Mount Erebus, and the bigger Boot camp: USN term for recruit training. Named
of two dormant volcanoes Mount Terror. With no after the leggings called boots worn by trainees dur-
more ships to give him inspiration, he named the third ing the Spanish-American War.
one Mount Bird. Boot stripe: A stripe painted along the waterline to
Bombard: [1] To attack with artillery, bombs, or delineate side paint from bottom paint. Called boot-
mortars. [2] A 15th century large-bore, short-barreled topping in the RN.
cannon. Boot topping: [1] The RN term for a boot stripe.
Bombay Marine: The maritime force of the British [2] The activity of painting a boot stripe.
East India Company. See Indian Navy. Bootlegger: This term for an illegal trafcker in
Bonded: Stores kept in or delivered from a Cus- alcohol originated with seamen who smuggled per-
Bootneck 50

fume or liquor by stufng bottles into their high Boucan: [1] A grill or barbeque used to smoke
seaboots when going ashore or embarking. meat. [2] Strips of cured meat similar to biltong.
Bootneck: RN slang for a marine. After the heavy Boucanier: The user of a boucan grill. Applied to
leathern stock worn by 18th century soldiery. The French religious and political refugees who eked out
USN equivalent is leatherneck. a living on the island of Hispaniola by hunting cattle
Booty: Plunder gained by war or piracy. Originally and selling their hides, tallow, and cured meat to pass-
restricted to things that could be picked up by hand ing ships. Boucaniers were far from prepossessing.
on the open deck, but now more general. From the Their faces were almost hidden by long tresses and
Viking byti = loot. thick beards. They stank to the heavens, and were so
Bording: A at-bottomed Baltic coastal cargo ves- heavily-tanned that they might have been smoked on
sel. their own curing res. Clothing was usually a blood-
Bore: [1] The inside of a gun barrel. [2] Its diam- stained, fat-impregnated, cotton vest or coarse linen
eter or caliber. [3] A tidal wave rushing upstream from shirt. Their rawhide leggings had been donned while
an estuary, an eagre. [4] To proceed steadily or labo- still reeking and worn until they stiffened to the proper
riously (e.g., a destroyer boring through heavy seas, or shape. When Spain destroyed their herds and drove
an icebreaker boring through an iceeld). [5] To make them from their homes, many boucaniers settled on
a hole or tunnel by drilling, digging, or burrowing. [6] the island of Tortuga and turned to piracy. The name
A dull or tedious person. was eventually anglicized to buccaneer and applied to
Boreas: Greek god of the cold and powerful north all 17th century Caribbean pirates. See also Filibuster.
wind, whose name was still common among seafarers Bounce line: The point off a hostile beach at which
in the 19th century. Ancient artists usually depicted underwater demolition teams launch their rubber
him as an old man with shaggy hair and beard, boats, usually at night.
whistling through a conch shell, clad in a short pleated Bound: [1] Proceeding in a specic direction or to
tunic and wearing a billowing cloak. Often he had a specic destination (e.g., bound for New York). [2]
serpent tails instead of feet. See also gods of the wind. A constraint (e.g., fogbound, icebound, tidebound).
Boss: The rounded hub of a propeller. [3] A leap forward. [4] To be fettered, fastened, tied,
Bosun: See boatswain. restrained, or obligated.
Botte: The Anglo-Saxon word for boat. Boundary current : A warm, deep, narrow, fast
Bottes-carle: The Anglo-Saxon word for a cox- owing current that occurs along the side of an ocean
swain. It translates as boat-person. basin. Fast-owing Western Boundary Currents are
Bottle: RN slang for a reprimand (cf. bollocking, an important factor in climate control, bringing warm
gig). water northward from the equator. In contrast, East-
Bottom: [1] A vessels lower hull, from bilge-to- ern Boundary Currents are generally broad and shal-
bilge, including the keel. [2] The sea bed or oor. [3] low, creeping slowly along carrying cold water towards
To sink to and rest on the sea bed (of a submarine). the tropics.
Bottom board: A removable grating in a small Boundary wave: A subsurface wave between dif-
open boat. ferent density layers. Often much larger than wind-
Bottom bounce: The technique of increasing ef- driven surface waves. Also called an internal wave.
fective sonar range by allowing transmitted sound Bounded sea: Any sea space surrounded by land
waves to ricochet off the ocean oor. with restricted entry and exit routes and limited op-
Bottom effect: The drag on sonar or other sound erating space.
waves caused by contact with the oor in shallow- Bounty: [1] A premium or reward offered by a gov-
water. ernment for specic actions. [2] An incentive to en-
Bottom mine: An explosive device that detonates listment. [3] A death benet paid to widows of sea-
when its pressure sensitive sensor detects a passing men.
vessel. It lies on or is anchored to the sea bed at depths Bounty mutiny: Thanks to novelists and Holly-
of about 30 fathoms (55 meters/180 feet) for attacks wood, this event is popularly believed to have been a
on surface vessels, or down to about 110 fathoms (200 reaction to the cruel behavior of a despotic shipmas-
meters/660 feet) when submarines are the prey. Rocket ter. In fact, Lieutenant Bligh tended to scold when
mines and torpedo mines are specialized varieties. other captains would have ogged, and to og when
Bottomry: A form of mortgage executed by a mas- others would have hanged. He only imposed one sen-
ter who is unable to contact his owners but needs tence on the outward journey, writing in the log,
funds for repairs, or to continue and complete a voy- Until this afternoon I had hoped I could have per-
age. Either the vessel and its cargo, or the ship alone formed this voyage without punishment to anyone.
can be hypothecated as security. See also responden- He was uncommonly concerned with the physical
tia. health of his men, but he had little empathy for their
Bottoms: Term sometimes used to count an assem- sensitivities, his temper was ferocious, and his tongue-
bly of disparate types of vessel (e.g., there were 15 bot- lashings became legendary. The public insults of a
toms in the anchorage). captain who had long been his personal friend deeply
51 BPF

affected Masters Mate Fletcher Christian, who was the boathook (pronounced bau-man). [2] An archer
already psychologically disturbed by having to leave his (pronounced bo-man).
Tahitian wife-mistress. He planned to desert but at the Bowplane: A forward-mounted n which can be
last minute instigated mutiny instead. See also Bligh. rotated to help a submarine rise or dive.
Bouquet mine : An anti-minesweeping device, Bows-on: Heading directly towards.
consisting of a sinker or anchor with a number of Bowse: To tighten with a tackle.
buoyant mines attached. One is raised to a pre-deter- Bowser boat: A vessel equipped with tanks for re-
mined depth, while the others are held near the bot- fuelling boats or seaplanes.
tom. If the mooring of the raised one is cut, or the Bowsheets: A platform or seat at the front of a
mine is detonated, another rises from the sinker to small boat (see sheets).
take its place. Bowsprit: A heavy spar pointing forward from the
Bourrelet: One of the features of a naval projectile, stem of a vessel, supporting parts of the standing rig-
being a machined surface that acts as bearing for the ging, and usually carrying its own sail or jib (pro-
projectile during its travel along the bore of a gun. nounced bo-sprit).
Some projectiles have a single bourrelet forward; oth- Bowsprit-ends: Former RN name for the jackstaff.
ers also have one or two at the rear. Bow-wave : The transverse wave created by the
Bow(s): The angled forward end of a boat or ship, stem of a vessel cutting through the water. Reducing
as it widens from the stem. the size of bow waves is a major goal of naval archi-
Bow-chaser: A gun mounted so as to re forward tects because they create friction which has a negative
of the ship (cf. Stern-chaser). effect on fuel economy. A blunt bow produces a large
Bow door(s): [1] On landing craft, a bottom- wave, while a bulbous bow reduces its size (cf. wave-
hinged door is dropped to form a ramp for the disem- resistance).
barkation of troops and vehicles. [2] On landing ships Box: [1] A container with rm at sides, used for
or ro-ro ferries, a pair of side-hinged doors opens for certain types of solid cargo. [2] See box the compass,
the same purpose. boxhaul, and carrier box.
Bow insignia: Symbols attached to the bows of a Box the compass: To recite all thirty-two points of
boat, indicating the rank of the ofcer on board. See the compass clockwise from north (see table 17). This
visual recognition of approaching boats. is one of three basics an apprentice seaman would have
Bow line: A mooring line attached to the bow. Not to master, the others being to know the ropes and to
to be confused with bowline. recognize the marks and deeps of the lead line. (From
Bow number: Identication number painted on the Spanish boxar = go around.)
the bow of U.S. warships. Also hull number or ofcial Boxhaul: A maneuver in which sails are backed,
number. helm is put hard-alee, and the ship gains sternway to
Bow thruster: A tunnel-mounted propeller which turn on her heel. Only performed in cases of extreme
pushes the bow laterally to assist maneuvering in tight emergency, since no sailing ship seaman was comfort-
spaces (pronounced bau-thruster). able running astern.
Bower: Either of two anchors carried at the bow. Boy: From its earliest days, ships of the Royal Navy
They are called best and small, not because of carried male children, who served in many capacities,
size, but because that to starboard is the most-used including powder-monkey and apprentice seaman.
(or best) while the one to port has only occasional The ofcial rating of Boy Seaman evolved during the
(small) use. eighteenth century and eventually created a pool of
Bowing & scraping: This term for extreme hu- men, trained in the ways of the Navy (but knowing
mility originated in the 18th century when a small tri- virtually nothing else). In 1903, the rating of Boy
angular sail, called a skyscraper, was sometimes set at Articer was introduced, to provide training in the
the peak of the mast (above the skysail which itself sat emerging technologies of steam, aircraft, and signals.
above the royal). By analogy, a naval ofcers cocked The recruitment and training of boys continued until
hat, being worn at the peak of his body, was known its abolition in 1956.
colloquially as a scraper. Supplementing the conven- Boy was an enlisted rating in the United States
tional salute to a superior by bowing as well as remov- Navy from 1797 until 1893. Meanwhile, an apprentice
ing the hat consequently came to be associated with system, introduced in 1875, had begun to form a
unusual servility. major part of the training program for enlisted men.
Bowline: [1] A knot which neither jambs nor slips Its purpose was to attract high caliber youngsters to en-
(pronounced bo-lin). Not to be confused with bow- list as Apprentice Boys for instruction in seamanship,
line (bau-line). [2] A rope made fast to the weather gunnery and the rudiments of a general education.
leech of a square-sail to keep it as at as possible when This program was discontinued in 1904.
close-hauled. Boyer: A Flemish boat with high bow and stern
Bowline-on-a-bight: A bowline tied using dou- works.
bled line when a free end is not available. BP: [1] Beach party. [2] Black powder.
Bowman: [1] The foremost oarsman, who manages BPF : British Pacic Fleet (World War II).
Brace 52

Brace: [1] To stiffen or support something (from shaped indentations on its face, made of brass because
this is derived the term brace yourself, meaning pre- iron balls would have rusted to an iron one, and called
pare to meet a challenge or disappointment). [2] A a monkey because that term then signied small. Nine
device that holds something rmly. [3] To swing or balls could be nested in the gaps between the sixteen
turn the yards of a square-rigged vessel. [4] A brace is sitting directly on the plate, four could t on top of the
also running rigging consisting of a line rove through nine, and a thirtieth ball could rest on those four,
a block and stropped to the end of a square-rig yard forming a neat and stable pyramid.
to control its horizontal movement so that the sails According to this theory, a problem arose when
catch the wind as efciently as possible. temperatures fell, because the coefcients of linear ex-
Bracket: Gunnery term referring to establishing pansion of brass and iron are different, thus causing the
the range of a target by ring one shot short and an- indentations to contract faster than the balls resting in
other beyond. A correction equal to half the distance them. Hence when it got cold enough to freeze the
between the two will then bring the shot to fall closer balls off a brass monkey the bottom layer would slide
to the target, perhaps to straddle it or score a hit. off, spilling all thirty balls across the deck. This the-
Brackish: [1] Slightly salty or briny. [2] a mixture ory fell down when engineers calculated the differ-
of fresh and sea water. ence in contraction over any probable temperature
Braid: [1] To weave the strands of a rope together range would be far too small to dislodge the balls. Un-
(cf. splice). [2] Gold decoration on an ofcers uni- deterred, supporters of the theory suggested that a
form. drop in temperature would cause condensation to
Braided line: This type of line does not stretch to form on the metals, which would then turn to ice and
the degree that twisted rope does, and is more difcult lock the balls in position, so the phrase should really
to splice. However, it goes through a pulley or block be freeze the balls onto a brass monkey.
very well because of its rounded shape, and is stronger These ingenious theories are questionable, rstly
than equivalent sized twisted line. However, it tends because no contemporary nautical glossary mentions
to snag when used as docking line if the pilings are the device, secondly because none of the vast collec-
rough. Several types are available: tions of maritime artifacts includes one, and thirdly be-
Hollow Braid has no core. It is very exible but can cause round shot was normally carried in wooden
atten during use and is only found in small sized racks or stacked on rope garlands, and there would
rope. have been no reason to use expensive brass when these
Braid on Braid has a braided core inside a braided cheaper materials worked perfectly well. Probably the
sheath. It will stretch less, and has less exibility, phrase is nothing more than a traditional, crude, and
than a hollow braid. colorful idiom describing exceptionally bitter weather.
Multibraid is braided with 2 pairs of Z-laid and Brass rags: In the days when sailors were required
two pairs of S-laid strands. It is exible and does not to provide their own cleaning materials, it was a sign
kink. of friendship for two of them to share gear, especially
Parallel Core has a braided sheath over a core of their brass-cleaning rags. Those who did so were called
straight or lightly twisted yarns. it is very strong. raggies and when the friendship broke up they were
Brail(s): [1] Rope(s) passed through blocks and fas- said to have parted brass rags.
tened to the leech of a fore-and-aft sail. [2] To haul Brassard: An identifying armband (e.g., for mem-
on these so as to reduce sail. bers of shore patrols).
Branding: At one time, those dishonorably-dis- Bravo: NATO phonetic notation for the letter B
charged from the Royal Navy were physically branded (see table 11).
D for deserter or B for bad character. Later, the Bravo Zulu: Phonetic rendering of the NATO sig-
name was applied to a dishonorable-discharge certi- nal code BZ meaning Well done (see table 11).
cate or ticket which had its corner cut off, thereby Brazil Current: A warm and saline branch of the
branding the recipient. south equatorial current that ows southward along the
Brash: [1] Small fragments of crushed ice collected coast of Brazil.
by the wind. [2] Timber that does not splinter when Breach: Said of [1] A sea crashing over the side of
stressed (usually a sign of rot). a vessel and breaking: (if the waves roll over the ves-
Brass hat: slang term for a senior ofcer (entitled sel without breaking it is said to be a clear breach. [2]
to wear gold braid on the cap). Collectively the A whale leaping out of the water, falling back at an
brass. angle, splashing and making a loud noise. (This may
Brass monkey: According to some sources, the be a form of communication with other whales, or
phrase Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass may clean off some of the encrustations of parasites
monkey is not a crude reference to simian anatomy, such as barnacles and lice.) [3] A gap or opening made
but concerned a device for storing ready-use cannon- by breaking or battering a wall or fortication. [4]
balls near each gun without having them rolling dan- Non-fulllment of an obligation (e.g., breach of con-
gerously around the deck. The foundation is said to tract; breach of promise). Cf. breech.
have been a square plate with sixteen cannonball- Break: [1] To unfold and display a ag that was still
53 Brendan

furled when previously-hoisted. [2] The point of dis- upper deck of a ship. [2] A structure used to reduce the
continuity between two levels on the deck of a ship. force of incoming waves on a shore.
One deck stops and a ladder leads to another at a Bream: To burn weeds off a wooden ships hull
lower level. [3] An improvement in the weather. [4] while in dry dock.
To reduce in rank or rate. [5] To fold over and form Breast: [1] To head directly into the waves. [2] The
a breaker (said of a wave). [6] To part the surface (said end of a block opposite to that through which the fall
of an ascending submarine). runs.
Break ground: [1] Said of an anchor as it comes Breast & sleeve insignia: USN personnel wear
clear of the bottom. [2] Seabee term for starting a con- various gold, silver, or pewter insignia over the left
struction project. breast to indicate special qualications such as avia-
Break out : [1] To open something or make it tion, surface, or submarine warfare. Some are worn
available. [2] To release an anchor from the bottom. above medal ribbons, others below. Special service
[3] Stevedore term for the removal of cargo from the badges such as command-at-sea or presidential serv-
hold to the lifting area below the hatch (i.e., to un- ice are worn on the right breast while on that duty;
stow). afterward they are transferred to the left below the
Break step: To stop marching in cadence. medal ribbons. The RN uses only the submariners
Breakaway: To disconnect and retrieve all lines and dolphins in this fashion. RN aviators wear their
hoses used for refueling at sea. wings on the left sleeve, above their distinction lace.
Breakaway music: A modern U.S. Naval practice, Royal Naval and Royal Marine personnel wear para-
intended to motivate sailors. When underway replen- chute wings on the left sleeve just below the shoul-
ishment is complete and the breakaway begins, the der.
receiving ships signature song is played in recogni- Breastband: Safety belt worn by a leadsman in the
tion of a difcult job well done. USN.
Breakbulk: [1] To begin the discharge of cargo. Breastbeam: A timber at the forward end of quar-
[2] To assemble numerous small shipments at a cen- terdeck or after end of forecastle.
tral point so that economies of scale can be realized. Breastline/Breastrope: A lateral mooring line to
[3] Short for breakbulk cargo. prevent movement away from the dock.
Breakbulk cargo: [1] Any commodity whose Breech: [1] The rear end of a gun enclosing the
weight, dimensions, or incompatibility with other chamber of a muzzle-loader, or where the shells and
cargo require it to be shipped by special means. [2] See cartridges of a breech-loader are inserted. [2] A trunk
general cargo. connecting two boilers to a single funnel, resembling
Breakbulk ship: A ship equipped with cargo-han- a pair of breeches or an upside down Y. [3] the lower
dling gear and conventional holds for the stowage of end of a pulley block. Cf. breach.
breakbulk cargo, which may be stored above as well as Breech block: A locking device that seals the ring
below deck. Breakbulk ships are sometimes capable chamber of a gun.
of carrying a limited number of containers, above or Breech-loader: A gun loaded from the breech (cf.
below deck. muzzle-loader).
Breaker: [1] A heavy wave, rising up, curling over, Breeches buoy: Short canvas trousers attached to
and dissolving into foam near the shore. As the wave a lifebuoy, suspended from a highline by block-and-
moves into shallower water, friction with the sea bed tackle, and used to transfer people from ship-to-ship
starts to slow it down. The energy released causes a or from shipwreck-to-shore.
steeper sea, often higher than the wavelength can sup- Breeching ropes: See Gun tackles.
port. A marked increase in roughness and much Brendan the Navigator: Legend has it that this
breaking of waves is then likely to occur. [2] large sixth century Irish Abbot had a vision of the Land
swells may also become unstable and form deep water of Delight across the Western (Atlantic) Ocean. His
breakers or combers in mid ocean. [3] A small cask, rst attempt to nd it was unsuccessful, so he and the
keg, or barrel. From the Spanish barca, hence also monks of his crew prayed and fasted for forty days
Barricoe. before setting out again. Their second voyage is said
Breaking strength: The quoted strength of rope to have lasted seven years and taken them to many
or cable is usually determined using new product, unidentied islands. These may have included the
under laboratory conditions, pulling at a slow, Orkneys and Shetlands; while places as far south as
steady rate, in a straight line, and in accordance with Madeira and the Canaries, and as far west as the
prescribed test procedures until it snaps. In real life, Azores have also been suggested. However, based on
however, forces often change direction and intensity, prevailing winds and the sailing qualities of an Irish
while factors of wear, tear, and type of service can curragh as tested by British scholar-adventurer Tim
cause the rope to fail at much reduced loads. Accord- Severin, their most probable route would have been via
ingly, the safe working load of any rope is much lower the Hebrides and Faroes to Iceland, and possibly on
than its nominal strength. to Newfoundland.
Breakwater: [1] A low forward bulkhead on the Whatever their ultimate landfall, they claimed to
Brethren 54

have found a large land mass which they called The tached to its mid-point. Used especially when tow-
Promised Land of the Saints at the far side of the ing another ship or catapulting an aircraft.
Western Ocean. This was shown (in various locations) Bridport dagger: The rope used for a naval hang-
on maritime charts for several centuries and, along ing (see Preface).
with Viking reports of Vineland, may have helped Brief: To instruct assigned personnel before they
convince Christopher Columbus there was land across begin a mission or operation (cf. debrief ).
the Atlantic. Brig: [1] A small two-masted square-rigged ship
Some skeptics refused to believe that a fragile oxhide with a fore-and-aft sail on the lower part of the main-
curragh could have survived an open sea crossing, but mast. Brigs often carried long sweeps so that they
Severins expedition proved it possible. Others pointed could maneuver in calm weather. [2] USN term for a
to implausible statements that they claimed proved ships prison, formerly but no longer used in the RN.
the story to be mythical. But crystals that rose to the One theory holds that the name refers to a jail for
sky could well have been icebergs; the aming, foul- brigands, but it more probably originated when Ad-
smelling rocks with which they were pelted could miral Nelson used brigs to transport prisoners of war
easily have come from Icelandic volcanoes; and their from the Mediterranean to English prisons or hulks.
being raised up on the back of sea monsters could Brigantine : A small two-masted ship, square-
simply mean that a whale breeched under their little rigged on the foremast and main topmast, and fore-
craft. Far from being a medieval fantasy, the Naviga- and-aft on the lower mainmast.
tio Santi Brendani Abatis (Voyage of Saint Brendan Brightwork: [1] Polished metal shipboard ttings.
the Abbot) could be the distorted report of an actual [2] Scoured woodwork, plain or varnished, but ex-
exploration. Brendan himself lived well into his cluding painted surfaces.
nineties, and must be having a busy afterlife as he is Brine: [1] Water saturated or strongly impregnated
considered the patron saint of boatmen, watermen, with salt. Used before refrigeration to preserve food-
mariners, sailors, travelers, and whales. stuffs, especially meats, during long voyages. [2] Sea
Brethren of the Coast: This is said to have been a water.
loose confederation of Caribbean buccaneers based Bring about: Change onto a new course.
on Tortuga Island during the Golden Age. Some Bring em near: 18th century term for a telescope.
such organization may have existed, but the name is Bring to: Check movement by arranging sails so
probably one of several 19th century ctional inven- that they counteract each other.
tions such as walking the plank. Bring up: Stop quickly by running aground or
Brevet: Military or naval commission in a higher dropping an anchor with way on.
grade or rank, usually without pay and with limited Briny: [1] As a verb = saline. [2] As a noun = the sea
authority. Sometimes granted for the duration of hos- (British slang).
tilities, at others as a retirement honor. No longer used Bristol fashion: In the heyday of sail, the port of
in the British armed forces. Bristol on the Severn Estuary in south-western En-
Brevity code: An insecure method which serves gland had a worldwide reputation for prociency in
to shorten messages but does not conceal their con- shipbuilding and repair. Hence the term Shipshape
tent. and Bristol Fashion came to be applied to vessels
Bride of the Adriatic: Since the 11th century, the which were exceptionally well-maintained, clean,
marriage of Venice to the sea has been celebrated on trim, and tidy.
Ascension Day. Originally, the elected chief magis- British ensigns: From the 17th to the 19th cen-
trate, known as the Doge, was rowed out to the Adri- turies the British eet was divided into three squad-
atic in his magnicent state barge Bucentaur to throw rons which took their names from the color of distin-
a golden ring into the waters, symbolizing the city- guishing ensigns worn at the maintop in combat.
states marriage to Neptune who granted his bride su- Originally the order of seniority was red-blue-white,
premacy at sea. The ceremony continues to this day, but that was changed to red-white-blue in 1653 dur-
with the Mayor replacing the Doge. ing the First Anglo-Dutch War. Thereafter, in the line
Bridge: [1] A raised transverse platform from where of battle the red squadron stood at the center and was
a powered vessel is controlled, docked, and navigated; commanded by the admiral. The white squadron took
usually includes chart room and pilot house. [2] The the van under command of the vice-admiral, while
open area on top of a submarines sail or conning the blue squadron lay at the back under the rear-ad-
tower. [3] To ride the waves from crest-to-crest with- miral. These were appointments rather than ranks,
out sinking into the troughs. and an individual might, for example, be in overall
Bridgehead: Refers to an area in hostile territory command as Admiral of the Red in one engagement
that has been captured and is held awaiting further but commanding the White or Blue squadron (as
troops and supplies. See also airhead, beachhead, vice- or rear-admiral) in the next. In 1743 permanent
lodgement . ag ranks, still color-identied, were introduced (see
Bridle: A line or wire rope secured at both ends, Admirals in the Royal Navy).
used to distribute the load of another line or object at- Color-coding ended In 1864, when the entire navy
55 Brunswicks

adopted the white ensign (as Nelson had recom- ships, a long-handled broom worn at the masthead
mended decades before). Thereafter, the blue ensign signied that the vessel was for sale and bids would
was reserved for government departments and vessels be welcome. [2] There is a tradition (possibly apoc-
crewed or commanded by members of the naval re- ryphal) that Dutch Admiral Michael Adriaansoon de
serve, while the red ensign was made ofcially avail- Ruyter hoisted a broom on his agship to signify he
able to the general public as well as merchantmen had swept the British eet aside during his daring raid
(which had been using it unofcially for some time). in the Thames Estuary in 1667. [3] In the modern
Special warrants were issued authorizing various yacht USN a broom is sometimes raised to the masthead to
clubs to use one of the three ensigns, usually with a show that the vessel has been awarded a battle ef-
defacing badge or emblem superimposed. ciency pennant.
Broach: [1] Of a sailing vessel; to head into a quar- Brow: The Navy term for a gangplank used to
tering wind due either to waves striking the stern or bridge the gap between ship and shore or between two
to bad helmsmanship. [2] Of any vessel; to veer un- vessels. Often equipped with handrails and wheels to
intentionally broadside-on to wind and waves and be allow movement when the tide rises or falls.
overwhelmed. [3] Of a submarine; to break without Brown Bess: Familiar nickname for the regulation-
rising completely to the cruising position. [4] To tap issue, large-caliber (0.75 inch) British intlock mus-
a barrel or break into cargo. ket, a short version of which was in naval and marine
Broad: [1] In hydrology: a wide river that is shal- service from about 1730 to 1863.
low over long stretches. [2] USN slang for a female. Brown paper warrant: One issued on a captains
Broad in/on: [1] Broad in the beam refers to a authority and revocable by him.
wide-hulled ship. [2] Broad on the beam signies Brown shirt: Personnel working on a USN aircraft
90 from dead ahead on either side. [3] Broad on the carrier ight deck wear colored shirts for easy identi-
bow means a relative bearing of 45 (to starboard) cation. Brown shirts are worn by plane captains and
or 315 (to port). [4] Broad on the quarter means ight deck petty ofcers.
midway between abeam and astern (135 from dead Brown-shoe : Former USN slang for ofcers in
ahead). naval aviation (cf. Black-shoe). Seldom used since
Broad pennant: The distinctive mark of a com- khakis were introduced and all ofcers wear brown
modore, worn at the masthead of his command ship. shoes.
Broad reach: Sailing away from the wind, but not Brown water operations: Naval activity along
directly downwind. the littoral in navigable riverine and estuarine areas
Broadside: [1] The side of a ship, above the water and extending perhaps 150 kilometers (about 100
between bow and stern. [2] All the guns on one side miles) offshore. This is the area in which navies inter-
of a ship. [3] Their simultaneous ring. [4] The act with land forces, coastal trafc, and much of a na-
weight of shot then red. See also naval tactics in the tions economic activity by making close offshore and
age of sail. inshore approaches to hostile or friendly land masses.
Broadside on: [1] Facing a ships side. [2] With See also blue water, green water, and littoral opera-
waves on the beam. tions.
Broke: Today an ofcer convicted by court-martial Brunswicks Kraken: Shortly after World War II,
is dismissed, but in earlier days he was sentenced to be Captain Arne Grnningster reported that, during
broke(n). As most had been at sea since the age of the 1930s, the Royal Norwegian Navys auxiliary
twelve or thereabouts, they had few skills for survival tanker Brunswick had been attacked three times off
in civilian life and many soon found themselves pen- Samoa by a giant squid. In each case the creature had
niless. Thus, the term came into general use to mean pulled alongside, paced the ship for a while and then,
bankrupt or short of funds. See also break. possibly mistaking it for a whale, wrapped its tenta-
Broken water: Ripples, eddies, or small waves on cles around the hull and attempted to overturn or pull
otherwise smooth seas. the vessel down. It eventually slipped off the greasy
Broker: [1] In general: An agent employed to effect steel plates and was minced by the ships propellers, but
bargains and contracts, as a middleman or negotia- might well have succeeded if it had attacked a wooden
tor, for a fee or commission. The broker does not take vessel of one-tenth the burden. This story raises three
possession of the subject matter of the negotiation, questions.
and generally contracts in the names of those who em- How could the creature have mistaken a 15,000 ton
ploy him, rather than his own. [2] In insurance: An tanker for a 200 ton whale?
agent procuring marine insurance on vessels, or against Why did a (presumably) sound-sensitive animal ig-
re. [3] In shipping: One who acts as agent in buy- nore the noise of Brunswicks propulsion system to
ing and selling ships; also in procuring freight, ar- approach the ship?
ranging loading and discharge, etc. Why did Captain Grnningster wait two decades
Brokerage: The fee or commission paid to a bro- before reporting the incident?
ker. The rst two remain open, but it seems reasonable to
Broom at the masthead: [1] In the days of sailing assume that the captain waited until retirement, fear-
BSA 56

ing ridicule that would harm his naval career. (See also a conical bore of increasing diameter. Pitch is con-
Kraken, monsters of the deep, and the appendix.) trolled by varying the shape of the players mouth.
BSA: Beach support area. The British bugle, introduced in 1870, is twice-coiled,
BTU: British Thermal Unit. as is the regulation American instrument of 1882. This
Buccaneer: Specically refers to a pirate operating design is short and easy to handle on shipboard.
in the Caribbean during the so-called Golden Age The high-pitched notes of wind instruments can
(16801730). Sometimes incorrectly used as a generic penetrate the noise of battle, so their use to issue com-
term for any pirate. See Boucanier. mands has a long history. There are many references
Bucentaur: The large and splendid state galley of to horns and trumpets in the Old Testament, includ-
Venetian Doges. See Bride of the Adriatic. ing (Numbers 10:9) And if ye go to war ... sound an
Buck : The phrase pass the buck, meaning to alarm with the trumpets. At least forty-three signals
evade responsibility by shifting the blame to some- were used in the Roman Legions in De Re Militari
one else, has two possible origins. [1] During the hey- (A.D. 390) Vegetius wrote; The music of the legion
day of poker in the 19th century, a marker called the consists of trumpets, cornets and buccinae. The trum-
buck was placed beside the player next due to deal. pet sounds the charge and the retreat ... but in time of
Accepting the buck was to accept responsibility for action, the trumpets and cornets sound together. The
dealing. [2] The card players may have got the idea rst reliable record of horn commands in the post-
from an earlier egalitarian USN tradition that is still classical era, comes from William of Brittany, who
followed. At formal dinners, a marker, also called the wrote of the Battle of Bouvines in 1214; the trum-
buck, is placed on the wardroom table to indicate pets sounded terrifyingly, inviting the warriors to
which ofcer is to be served rst. This buck is moved promptly charge the enemy (Phillipiad XI:64)
around the table before the next dining-in, so that a Bugle calls: In the 16th century English army,
different ofcer has that privilege at each meal. [3] No trumpets were used for cavalry commands and drums
one knows where the term came from, but it has been for infantry, but gradually the bugle took over from the
suggested that the original markers were silver dol- latter (a Royal Marines bugler is still called a drum-
lars raising the question, was the marker named mer). To avoid confusion between different units,
after the coin, or the coin after the marker? British bugle calls were standardized late in the reign
Bucket: To lose a bucket over the side was consid- of King George III. In the United States, some bugle
ered a major calamity, far beyond its obvious utility on calls were inherited from the British, most were
shipboard since, for some unrecorded reason, anyone adopted from the French by the Continental Army,
who deliberately or accidentally pushed or kicked one and a few are home-grown.
overboard was believed to be inviting Death on board. The wide range of bugle calls for command and
This superstitious seafarers fear of disaster probably control are made easier to remember by mnemon-
underlies the phrase kick the bucket. ics (systematic methods for helping the memory
Bucko: [1] American Merchant Marine slang for when recall is required). In this case, words or rhymes
the mate of a sailing ship who was frequently a bru- are developed which are both relevant to the activity
tal and violent slave-driver, especially while striving and have a cadence matching the rhythm of the bugle
for speed in the grueling passage around Cape Horn. notes. There may be many calls during a day, but some
[2] British Merchant Navy slang for a manly and of the most important are those which begin and end
swaggering sailor. it, known respectively as Reveille and Last Post
Buffer: RN slang for the Chief Boatswains Mate. (Brit.) or Taps (U.S.).
Bugeye : A Chesapeake Bay oyster dredger, de- The custom of rousing troops with music goes back
scended from both the Log Canoe and the Baltimore to the Roman Legions who were awakened by horns
Clipper. About 60 feet (18 m) long, with a graceful playing a hymn to the goddess Diana even though
clipper bow, ample midship section, and sharp stern. English-speaking nations name their wake-up calls
It was originally built of nine long logs, but later used after the French word rveiller (to awaken) the French
frame and planking construction. Two tall masts, still call theirs La Diana. Music of the American
raked sharply aft, carried sails that were sharp-headed Reveille was composed in 1890 by John Philip
long before Marconi rig was introduced. Sousa, then leader of the Marine Corps Band, to
Bugle: Although the boatswains call (or pipe) is words written by Robert J. Burdett. The best-known
the principal sound signal used on smaller naval ves- mnemonic phrase comes at the end of each stanza:
sels, the bugle is traditionally used to convey orders I cant get em up! I cant get em up!
on shore stations and on ships large enough to carry I cant get em up in the morning!
marine detachments. Originally called the buglehorn I cant get em up! I cant get em up!
it rst appeared in England during the 13th century, I cant get em up at all!
and traces its roots to the Latin buculus meaning ox The British army bugle call which most lay-people
or young bull. The modern instrument, which owes call Reveille is correctly known as Rouse. The real
its development to the British infantry and came to the reveille is seldom played because it is so long. Neither
navy via the marines, is made of copper or brass with of these is played in the Royal Navy, which uses a third
57 Bulls

bugle call named for some obscure reason Charlie followed, after a moment of silence, by Reveille or
Reveille. One Royal Marine drummer (i.e., bugler) Rouse to symbolize rebirth.
told the author he thought this might be because it is Built: Said of a vessel that is fully-constructed but
the third wake-up call and Charlie is the third letter has not been launched (cf. complete).
of the phonetic alphabet. Another suggested that the Bulb: A cylindrical or spherical underwater protu-
opening mnemonics were originally Charley! berance at the fore-end of a vessel to reduce bow wave
Charley! rather than Wakey! Wakey! but no one and modify the ow of water around the hull, reduc-
seems to know for sure. There are numerous unofcial ing drag while increasing speed, range, and fuel
mnemonics, many totally unprintable. The most gen- efciency. Also bulbous bow.
erally accepted version beginning with: Bulk cargo: Goods shipped unpackaged in loose
Wakey! Wakey! Time to get out of bed! condition, usually in specialized ships (tankers or
Wakey! Wakey! Rise up and shine! bulkers). May be liquid such as petroleum products,
Wakey! Wakey! Get up and wash yourself! wine, cooking oils, or chemicals; or dry such as grain,
Wakey! Wakey! Lash up and stow! sugar, sand, ores, coal, or chemicals.
Americans mark the end of the day with Taps Bulker: A merchant ship designed to carry dry car-
which probably got its name either from a British in- goes, shipped in large quantities that do not need to
fantry signal for the spigots on beer barrels to be closed be packaged. The principal bulk products are coal,
(see tattoo) or from the drum tapping which was an al- iron ore, bauxite, phosphate, nitrate and grains. The
ternative to a bugle call. There are conicting stories standard bulker design is a single double bottomed
about how the current version came about, both set in hull with a large holds, hopper tanks, and topside
1862. One says that Union Army Captain Robert El- tanks. As with oil tankers the engine room, navigat-
licombe rescued a mortally-wounded Confederate sol- ing bridge, and crew quarters are nearly always lo-
dier, only to nd it was his musician son who had en- cated at the stern of the ship, making the two vessels
listed on the other side without telling his father. In look very similar. The simplest way of telling them
the boys pocket were some musical notes he had been apart is that the deck of a tanker is covered with pipes,
working on and Ellicombe had them played at the fu- while that of a bulker has raised hatches. Large hatch-
neral. However, the story generally accepted by the ways are essential for efcient cargo handling, but pose
U.S. military says that General Daniel Buttereld, a the risk of catastrophic ooding. Bulker cargoes are
brigade commander in the Union Army of the Po- often dense, corrosive, or abrasive, and prone to shift-
tomac, found the borrowed French bugle call LEx- ing which can cause the ship to capsize or break in
tinction des Feux too formal and summoned Bugler half. Hence, loading and discharging is time-consum-
Oliver Norton to play revisions he had made to an ing and dangerous. International regulations require
earlier tune. The result was so hauntingly beautiful the captain and terminal master agree on a detailed
that it rapidly spread throughout the army, and was plan before operations begin. See also BIBO carrier,
even usurped by some Confederate units. After the gearless bulker, OBO carrier, and self-discharging
Civil War, it was ofcially adopted by the navy, and bulker.
is now used by all U.S. armed forces. Unofcial mne- Bulkhead: Interior wall in a ship, dividing it into
monic words are in part: compartments.
Day is done, gone the sun. Bull: [1] To ram a buoy. [2] Naval slang for a ships
From the lakes, from the hills, from the sky. policeman. [3] A slang expletive describing a ludi-
All is well, safely rest. crously false statement; nonsense.
God is nigh Bull Ensign: USN slang for the senior Ensign on
The British Last Post originated as part of the 17th board (reputedly named after Admiral Bull Halsey
century Tattoo ceremony. As night approached, the who assigned specic duties to that ofcer). See also
duty ofcer, orderly sergeant, and a drummer-bugler George Ensign.
made the rounds of all sentry posts to ensure they were Bullet: A small, solid, round or cylindrical, pro-
properly manned. When they began, First Post was jectile with a round or pointed end, red from a per-
sounded on the bugle. The party then went from sta- sonal rearm such as rie, pistol, or machine gun.
tion to station, accompanied by the beating drum Bullhorn: A powerful directional electric mega-
until another bugle call signaled that the Last Post phone.
had been reached. Unofcial mnemonics begin: Bullnose: A closed chock at the apex of a vessels
Come home! Come home! bow, looking like a ared nostril.
The last post is sounding for you to hear Bullrope: [1] The most weight-bearing line in a
All good soldiers know very well cargo hoist. [2] The line used to hoist a topgallant or
There is nothing to fear topmast.
While they do what is right Bulls eye: [1] A thick convex glass disc tted to a
Both the Last Post and Taps are closure music, door, deck, or skylight c to admit light. [2] A similar
and have been widely-used at funerals and remem- disc used to concentrate the rays of articial light from
brance ceremonies. On those occasions, they are often a lamp or candle.
Bully 58

Bully: [1] Coercion or intimidation by fear or vio- Bunts: RN slang for a signalman (short for
lence. [2] Corned meat. [3] Excellent, splendid (U.S. bunting-tosser).
slang). Buoy: An anchored oat serving as a navigational
Bully beef (or mutton): Originally a naval and marker, or ships mooring (pronounced boy or
military designation of meat that had been corned or boo-ee). Basic navigational shapes are nun (cone-
pickled to preserve it for use in the eld or at sea. It topped), and can (at-topped). A lateral system
is derived from the French bouilli = meat left over includes one or more buoys equipped with lights,
after lengthy simmering to produce the soup known bells, gongs, or whistles.
as bouillon. Buoyage: [1] The act of placing buoys. [2] An es-
Bully boy: [1] In normal conversation this term tablished system of buoys. See also uniform buoyage
refers to a hired rufan. [2] It is also a term of endear- systems.
ment, as in my bully boy (from the Old Dutch boele Buoyage region: The International Association of
= sweetheart). [3] In naval poems and chanteys it orig- Lighthouse Authorities designates virtually every sys-
inally meant beef-eating seaman in reference to the tem of maritime buoyage as belonging to one of two
pickled meat served at sea. [4] The dictionary deni- regions. The coastal countries of North and South
tion of bully includes dashing, jovial, blustering, quar- America and Japan form Region B, while almost all
relsome, and good friend, all of which could be con- other coastal countries are in Region A. The shape
sidered to refer to Jolly Jack Tar. of buoys is the same in both regions but, confusingly,
Bulwark: Part of a ships side projecting above its inbound ships are required to keep red-painted ones
upper deck to prevent people falling overboard and to port in region A and to starboard in region B.
provide protection from the waves. Buoyancy: Ability to oat on water. A vessel oats
Bumboat: A boat peddling goods to a ship at an- when the weight of water it displaces is equal to the
chor. May be a corruption of boom boat (i.e., one al- weight of the craft. This displacement of water creates
lowed to tie up to the boom for trade). an upward thrust called the buoyant force, which acts
Bummaree: A variant of bottomry. in opposition to gravity tending to pull the ship down.
Bumper: A protective guard hung over the side of Unlike a ship, a submarine can control its buoyancy,
a ship and left in place when underway (see fender). thus allowing it to sink and surface at will.
Bumph: RN slang for toilet paper and hence ad- BUPERS: Bureau of Naval Personnel (USN).
ministrative paperwork. Burden/Burthen: The cargo capacity of a ship.
Bumwad: USN slang for toilet paper. Originally based on how many 252-gallon tuns of
Bundleman: Former slang for a married sailor. wine it could hold. (See tonnage.)
When paying off, seamen were allowed to buy provi- Burdened vessel: One which must give way to the
sions at bargain prices, so one with a family to support privileged vessel under the Navigation Rules (table
could be recognized by the bundle he carried ashore. 7).
Bunga-Bunga: Seldom used today, this RN slang Bureau of Ordnance: In 1862, the functions of
for a hoax is based on an anecdote (possibly apoc- twenty-year-old U.S. Navy Bureau of Ordnance and
ryphal) telling how the Channel Fleet, lying in Wey- Hydrography were split between separate and inde-
mouth Bay, was alerted to the arrival of a Siamese pendent Bureaus of Ordnance and Navigation, with
prince on an ofcial tour of inspection. The side was the former responsible for the procurement, storage,
manned to greet the distinguished visitor with all the and deployment of all naval weaponry.
courtesies appropriate to his rank. The prince could During the early 20th century, the Bureaus devel-
speak no English and had no interpreter, but praised opment of guided missiles led to friction with the Bu-
everything he was shown with the comment bunga- reau of Aeronautics , which was responsible for the
bunga. Only after he and his entourage had been development of Naval aircraft, including pilotless (un-
piped over the side and taken ashore was it revealed manned) drones. In 1959, the Navy decided to end
that they were students from Oxford University re- the conict by merging the two organizations into a
sponding to a dare. new Bureau of Naval Weapons. This, in turn, was dis-
Bunk: A built-in bed, often arranged in tiers one established in 1966 and replaced by the Naval Air Sys-
above another. tems Command. See also Board of Ordnance.
Bunker: [1] A bin, tank, or compartment for fuel Burgee : A small ag used for identication by
storage. [2] To load coal or oil as fuel. yachts and yacht clubs.
Bunkers: Fuel to be consumed by the engines of a Burgoo: A sea dish from the age of sail, consisting
ship. of buttered oatmeal porridge, seasoned with salt and
Bunket: The blade of a paddle-wheel. (Also oat.) sugar. From Hindi bar-goo = holy cow-dung.
Bunt: The middle section of a sail. Burial at sea: In this simple but dignied cere-
Bunting: [1] Decorative streamers or ags. [2] The mony the body is sewn into a canvas sheet or bag, tra-
cotton or woolen material for ag-making. ditionally the deceaseds own hammock. The sewer
Buntline : The line used to haul the foot of a was formerly awarded one guinea for each corpse sewn
square-sail up to its yard. up. The last stitch of the huge sailmakers needle tra-
59 Cable

ditionally goes through the nose of the corpse to en- market for resale, thus enabling the working boats to
sure no spark of life remains this practice probably stay out longer. These vessels are still in service to
originated in the early 1790s, when Captain William carry and plant seed oysters on behalf of the state.
Hargood of HMS Hyna, who had succumbed to a Buy the farm: This euphemism for being killed
fever, was being prepared for burial, but came back to originated during World War I when the United States
life when the needle accidentally pierced his nose. Navy issued life insurance policies to enlisted seamen.
(Hargood recovered to lead a distinguished career. At At a time when the vast majority had rural origins,
the Battle of Trafalgar, his ship HMS Belleisle fought they saw the face value of these policies as enough to
on after being completely dismasted, leading Nelson pay off the mortgage on their families acreage.
to exclaim Nobly done, Hargood! Later, he became Buys-Ballots Law: Rule-of-thumb which allows
honorary Colonel-Commandant of the Royal Marines mariners to estimate the location and direction of a
and naval Commander in chief at Plymouth.) storm center. Dutch meteorologist C.H.D. Buys-Bal-
Heavy weights (originally cannonballs) are placed lot (181790) showed that this will lie about 90 to
inside the bag to prevent the body from being raised the right of an observer facing the wind in the North-
to the surface by the gases of decomposition. The bur- ern Hemisphere, or to the left in the Southern. Peri-
ial ships ensign and those of nearby vessels are half- odic observations will then indicate its relative move-
masted while the captain or chaplain reads the burial ment, and on which side of its track the observer is
service. Then the body is piped over the side as it located.
slides gently from under an ensign draped over it. Buza: A Viking cargo ship, similar to a knorr but
After the funeral its an RN custom for the master- with higher gunwhales.
at-arms or coxswain to auction off the decedents kit. BVR: Beyond visual range.
(See Personal Effects Disposal.) By and large: Command to sail to the wind and off
Burma Road: RN colloquialism for the main cor- it. This imprecise helm order has come into general use
ridor in a warship. Named after a World War II sup- to mean on the whole.
ply route used to deliver Allied aid to China. By guess and by God: This expression, which
Burn bag: A receptacle for classied or secret pa- today means embarking on an enterprise without ad-
pers that are to be burned or otherwise destroyed. equate preparation, was originally applied to naviga-
Burrel: A form of langrage. tion by dead (deduced) reckoning. This involved ap-
Bursar: The original title of the ships ofcer re- proximating the ships position by calculating the
sponsible for supplies and accounting was clerk of the distance run on various headings, adjusting for esti-
bursar, later abbreviated to bursar, and nally changed mated winds and currents, and modifying the result
to purser. The word comes from the Latin busarius, according to the navigators experience. In the nal
meaning purse or purse-keeper. analysis, this was little more than guesswork, leaving
Burton: [1] A small two-block tackle. [2] RN slang it up to the Supreme Being to guide the ship safely.
for lost or destroyed, as in the phrase Gone for a Bur- By the: [1] By the head = bow lying deeper than
ton (a brand of ale). the stern. [2] By the stern = drawing more water aft
Buscarle: An Anglo-Saxon ship captain. (See Saxon than forward. [3] By the wind = sailing close-
Seapower.) hauled. [4] By the lee = sailing downwind with the
Bushing: A metal bearing for a shaft. wind blowing over the leeward side. [5] By the
Busk: To cruise as a pirate in search of prey. board = (a) In the water close to the ships side; (b)
Buss: [1] A two-masted shing vessel, sometimes To go over the side; (c) To be forgotten.
armed for naval service. [2] Originally an Anglo- By your leave: USN courtesy request to overtake
Saxon cargo vessel with an exceptionally spacious a senior ofcer while walking. The senior returns the
cargo hold. juniors salute and responds permission granted or
Bust : [1] To break something. [2] To reduce in carry on.
rank. [3] A failure. [4] A drinking spree. Byrdingur: A Viking coastal cargo vessel.
Butchers bill: Slang for battle casualties in gen-
eral, but especially referring to the terrible carnage
during conict between wooden warships, typically
inicted more by splinters than by shot.
Butt: [1] A large cask or barrel. [2] The squared-off Cabane: A at-bottomed passenger boat, formerly
end of a plank. [3] The bottom of a mast. popular in the Loire Estuary.
Butter Bars: USN enlisted slang for an Ensign Cabin: Shipboard accommodation for ofcers or
(based on the color of his rank insignia). passengers (cf. Stateroom).
Buttock: [1] The beam where the hull rounds down Cable: [1] A measure of distance equal to (a) In
to the stern. general use, 100 fathoms = 600 feet = 182.9 meters (b)
Buy boat: A large vessel, at least 50 feet (15m) long, In the RN, 1/10 nautical mile = 608 feet = 185.3 me-
that cruised up and down Chesapeake Bay, buying ters (c) In Australia and (sometimes) the USA, 120
the daily catch from oyster dredgers and taking it to fathoms = 720 feet = 219.5 meters. [2] A large rope or
Cable 60

hawser of wire or hemp. [3] Electric wiring. [4] A out of the water a thing with about a ve or six foot
message sent by submarine cable. neck on it. It had a head something like a camel....
Cable-laid: Three triple-stranded ropes laid to- Judging by the length of the neck, I imagined it to
gether. be another 20 feet or so in the water, but I couldnt
Cable markings: Colored stripes or twist of wire on see below the surface.... I have seen sea lions, basking
the anchor chain to indicate how much of it is out. sharks, whales, but I have never seen anything like
Cable ship: Vessel specically designed for laying, this in my life.
maintaining, and repairing submarine telegraph cables. Other sightings of a smaller but similar creature
Cable-tier: The compartment where cables are without whiskers or mane are believed to have been of
coiled for storage. the creatures mate, dubbed Amy. In 1968, Captain
Caboose: Most people think of this as referring to Bill Hagelund claimed to have captured a 40 cm (16
the crew compartment which used to be required by inch) infant of the same species. He planned to take
law to be attached to the rear of all North American the creature to the Pacic Biological Station, but re-
trains. However the word originated at sea from Low leased it when he feared its frantic struggles would re-
German kabhaus which referred to a wooden cabin sult in death. In 1992, after extensive study, marine
on the weather deck of a ship. The term was later scientists Paul Leblond of the University of British
picked up by Dutch mariners who called a deck- Columbia and E.L. Bouseld of the Royal British Co-
mounted galley the kabuis. Transliterated into ca- lumbia Museum notied the American Society of Zo-
boose, the term was for a while used in the British ologists of the probable existence of a surviving ma-
merchant marine, from where it was adopted by the rine dinosaur, which they baptized with the scientic
railroads, probably because the rail vehicle (also name Cadborosaurus Willsi, category CryptidCad-
known as brake car in the U.S. and guards van in boro, after the bay; Saurus, meaning lizard-like;
Britain) served as a kitchen for the train crew. The Willsi, after Archie Wills the newspaper editor who
term is still used in the Royal Navy (where it is pro- rst drew world attention to the creature; and Cryp-
nounced caboosh), referring specically to a com- tid, meaning species for which there is no conrma-
partment for storing cleaning materials, and generically tion see cryptozoology.
to any small compartment. For example, the ship- Cadence: The uniform measure or beat essential
wrights workshop is known as chippys caboose. for pulling oars or for marching.
Cabotage: The coastal carriage of goods or passen- Cadet: This title for an ofcer in training comes
gers between ports in the same country. The French from the Latin capitellum (lesser captain). It applies
word for coastal navigation. to students at the United States Coast Guard Academy,
Caddie of Cadboro Bay: The existence of a sea to apprentices in the British Merchant Navy, to jun-
serpent in the waters off South Vancouver Island is ior students at the British Royal Naval College (where
recorded by the Salish Indians, in folk tales which senior students may be rated midshipman) and to stu-
speak of TChain-Ko, a strange but friendly aquatic dents under the USN aviation cadet program.
creature. The rst reports, made by white settlers in the Cag: Informal nickname for the commander of a
1920s, have been followed by some 200 reported sight- USN carrier air wing. Acronym of the obsolete title
ings up to the present day. As well as individual sight- Commander Air Group.
ings, the creature has been seen by groups of up to 30 Caique: [1] A small single-masted Levantine sail-
people. Once called the Sea Hag, it is now popularly ing vessel with a sprit mainsail and square topsail.
known as Caddie. Described as being the size of a [2] A Turkish 1012 oared skiff used on the Golden
whale, it is said to be long and thin, with a slender Horn of Istanbul.
neck, supporting a horse- or camel-like head topped Caisson: [1] A watertight chamber in which under-
by a jagged mane-like crest, well-dened nostrils, no water work can be done. [2] A oating vessel used as a
visible ears, a lengthy beard and whiskers, long sharp oodgate in docks. [3] An ammunition chest or wagon.
fangs, a snakelike tongue, and huge bulbous black (Also spelled cassoon and sometimes so pronounced.)
eyes, glowing with reddish-green luminosity. Cakes and wine : USN slang for the bread and
Eyewitnesses have called the beasts visage every- water served to prisoners under punishment.
thing from loveable to horrifying. They include such Caldera: A collapsed or partially-collapsed sea-
reputable persons as Major W. H. Langley, a well- mount, commonly of annular shape.
known barrister and amateur marine biologist; F. W. Calender: To press sailcloth between hot steel
Kemp, an ofcial of the Provincial Archives; J. T. rollers to atten it and make it more durable.
Brown, Chief Justice of Saskatchewan; and Captain Caliber/Calibre: [1] The internal diameter (bore)
Paul Sowerby of West Vancouver. On another occa- of a gun barrel. [2] The external diameter of a bullet
sion, sherman David Webb reported in some detail: or shell. [3] Quality or strength of character (e.g., a
I was shing out of Cadboro Bay in 1941 ... and a high-caliber candidate).
southeast gale started blowing so I decided it was California Current: A southeastward ow along
time to go into the harbour.... Suddenly, near where the coast of Baja California which swings westward
I moored my boat, I saw a strange animal come up to form part of the north equatorial current.
61 Canton

Calk: Alternate spelling of caulk. moorings, and it was not until 1910 that the Royal
Call: [1] In the RN, the boatswains call or whistle. Canadian Navy was ofcially created. When World
[2] In the USN, a tune played on that instrument. [3] War II broke out, that force amounted to six destroy-
Also in the USN, an informal visit by an ofcer to an- ers, four minesweepers, and three auxiliaries, but when
other warship. [4] In both RN and USN, a social visit it ended, it was the worlds third largest, with 434 ves-
to another ofcer. sels in commission. In 1968, Canadas Armed Forces
Call away: Pipe ordering a crew to prepare for a merged, with the naval component being named Mar-
specic evolution such as call away boat crew, or itime Command. It is now 28th in the world.
call away working party. Can buoy: A at-topped buoy.
Call mission: An air support sortie mounted extem- Can-do: [1] Slang abbreviation of it can be done
poraneously by naval aircraft in response to a request or I can do it. Probably derived from pidgin Chinese.
by the supported unit. [2] In the USN the term is used to praise a ship which
Call sign: Radio, visual, or ag signal identifying is efcient or an individual who gets things done.
a vessel or aircraft by letters and numbers. Canal: A man-made waterway. Transiting vessels
Callianti: A long, slow rowing style, in which the may be raised and lowered in locks to connect with dif-
oarsmen rise from their thwarts with each stroke. Pop- ferent levels of water.
ular in Malta, Italy, and elsewhere in the Mediter- Canal effect: See channel effect.
ranean. Canaries Current: A broad, shallow, slow-moving
Calm: Force 0 on the Beaufort Scale (winds less than drift current that ows southwestward from the Bay of
1 knot = 1.15 mph, or 1.85 km/h). Sometimes at calm. Biscay along the coast of Africa to Senegal where it
Calve: [1] Of an iceberg or glacier, to shed ice into turns westward towards the Canary Islands.
the sea. [2] Of a marine mammal, to give birth. Canister: A container of musket balls or other small
Cam: A disc or cylinder irregularly-shaped so that projectiles (langrage), red from a cannon as an anti-
its motion (usually rotational) gives a rocking or recip- personnel weapon or to sever rigging. Also called case-
rocating motion to parts in contact with it. shot, and similar to grape shot or shrapnel.
Cam cleat: A pair of spring-loaded cam-shaped Cannibalize: To remove serviceable parts from one
cleats which close automatically to secure a line. aircraft, ship, or piece of equipment in order to re-
CAM ship: The Catapult Aircraft Merchantman pair another.
was a British World War II attempt to cover the At- Cannon: [1] In the 18th19th centuries, a large,
lantic air gap by equipping merchantmen with bow- smoothbore, muzzle-loading gun mounted on a
mounted catapults to launch ghter planes against wheeled carriage. Usually classied by the weight of
German long-range aircraft that located convoys and round-shot it red, but See also Great Gun. The
directed U-boats to them. The CAM ship had no word comes from the Latin canna = tube, and a muz-
ying-off or landing deck, so the pilot had to ditch zle-loading cannon is essentially a tube sealed at one
near a recovery vessel and the plane would be lost. end to form a chamber. The preferred naval term is
Thirty-ve conversions were made, the rst ve being gun. [2] Today, any large tubular rearm, with a cal-
taken into the Royal Navy, while the rest sailed with iber in excess of 20 mm, designed to re over consid-
their regular merchant crews. The aircraft were own erable distances.
by RAF pilots from a specially formed Merchant Ship Cannon ring: See gun ring.
Fighter Unit. In the two years they were in service Cannonade: Continuous heavy gunre (cf. bom-
(194041) twelve CAM ships were sunk through bardment).
enemy action. Eight catapult launchings were made, Cannon ball: [1] A large round solid metal projec-
and six enemy aircraft were shot down. This short- tile. The preferred naval term is shot. [2] U.S. Naval
term emergency solution was discontinued after ar- Academy slang for baked candied apples served to
rival of the MAC ship. midshipmen on special occasions. A dozen are served
Camber: The curvature or arch of a weather deck to each table and tradition holds that any volunteer
which causes water to drain athwartships into the who manages to eat all twelve is granted carry on
scuppers and thence overboard. privileges (freedom from harassment by upperclass-
Camel: [1] A hollow vessel of wood or metal which men) for the rest of the semester.
can be submerged and attached to a sunken vessel. Canoe: A small narrow boat with pointed ends,
When pumped out, its buoyancy will lift the other usually propelled by paddles.
vessel. (Named after the Camel Dock at Amsterdam, Canoe stern: A pointed stern, similar to that of a
where the technique was rst used early in the 14th canoe.
century.) [2] A protective oat placed between ships Cant: [1]To tilt, tip, or place in an oblique posi-
or between a ship and a quay. tion (e.g., for careening). [2] Insincere, pious, or
Canadian Navy: A half-hearted attempt to found moralistic speech.
a Canadian maritime force was made in 1881 when Canton: Any quarter of a ag, but most commonly
the country was just 14 years old. A steam-powered the upper corner at the hoist, which is also known as
wooden vessel was purchased but allowed to rot at the union.
Canvas 62

Canvas: [1] A strong coarse cloth, made from hemp Capital ship: A large warship with heavy striking
or ax. [2] Slang for a sail. power. Usually larger than 10,000 tons. Originally a
Canyon: A relatively narrow, deep, steep-sided de- battleship or battlecruiser, now includes aircraft car-
pression on the sea oor, the bottom of which usually rier.
deepens continuously. Characteristically found on Capitaner: The Command ship of a Mediter-
continental slopes. ranean galley eet.
Cap: [1] A metal collar for joining two spars or Caprail: The top of a bulwark.
masts. [2] The top of a mast (cf. truck). [3] A cover- Capsize: To overturn, usually inadvertently. Prior
ing for a ropes-end, usually made of leather or tarred to the 19th century, the preferred term was overset.
canvas. [4] See combat air patrol. Capstan: A vertical revolving drum or winch used
Cape: A headland or promontory jutting into the for hauling the anchor or other cables (cf. Windlass).
sea. Formerly turned by bars inserted in its rim, now pow-
Cape Agulhas: The southernmost point of the ered.
African continent. The name, which is Portuguese for Capstan drill: The former practice of making boys
needles, refers to the rocks and reefs that have and younger seamen jump repeatedly off the drum of
wrecked many ships. Its meridian of 20E is the a capstan while keeping their legs straight. For some
ofcial boundary between the Atlantic and Indian obscure reason, this was supposed to deepen their
oceans. high-pitched voices.
Cape Breton Current: A ow originating in the Captain: [1] A commissioned naval ofcer ranking
Gulf of St. Lawrence and owing through the south- below one-star ag ofcer and above commander.
western part of Cabot Strait to merge with the [2] A commissioned military ofcer equivalent to a
Labrador Current Extension. naval lieutenant. [3] The courtesy title of the ofcer
Cape Hatteras Mystery: On January 29, 1921, the commanding any naval vessel regardless of rank. [4] A
ve-masted schooner Carroll A. Deering passed the courtesy title for the certicated master of a merchant-
Cape Lookout Lightship whose keeper reported that man. [5] Used in the sense of foreman to describe
the crew seemed to be milling about aimlessly. Next some of the petty ofcers in a man-of-war for ex-
day, the ship passed the SS Lake Elon whose log noted ample, Captain of the Foretop, or Gun Captain.
Deering seemed to be steering a peculiar course. The Originally, the basic military unit, whether serving
day after that, C.P. Brady of the Cape Hatteras Coast on land or in a ship, was a company of troops. Each
Guard Station spotted a vessel aground and helpless on was commanded by a captain who still commands
the shoals with decks awash. Due to heavy seas, boats a company in armies. In navies, however, ships grew
failed to reach the wreck, whose sails were set, while bigger and required ever larger crews. Hence, the com-
lifeboats and anchors were missing. Finally, on the mand responsibility of a capital ship grew closer to
morning of February 4, USCG cutter Manning and that of a regiment than of a company. As a result, in
the wrecker Rescue reached the battered ship. Captain RN and USN usage, captain is unique in being both
James Carlson boarded and conrmed it was the Deer- a title and a rank. The naval rank of captain is equiv-
ing. He found food laid out in preparation for a meal, alent to that of army colonel, but is also the title of the
but no sign of the crew or their personal belongings. person commanding a vessel of any size or type, no
Key navigational equipment and the ships papers were matter what their rank. No other person on board
also missing. No trace of any of them has ever been may use that title, which is one reason why a captain
discovered. of Royal Marines is addressed as major when aoat.
Cape Horn: A promontory at the southern tip of Many other navies have escaped this dual meaning
South America, famous for the severity of its storms by developing rank titles that indicate the kind of ves-
and the difculty of making an east-west passage sel to be commanded. For example, in French, Cap-
under sail. itaine de Vaisseau is the equivalent of full captain,
Cape of Good Hope: A rocky headland on the At- Capitaine de Frgate equates to commander and
lantic coast of South Africa. Although it is about 150 Capitaine de Corvette to lieutenant commander.
kilometers (90 miles) from the southernmost point of See table 16.
Africa (Cape Aguhlas), it is the place where a West-to- No matter whether the ship is large or small, tak-
East circumnavigation becomes more eastward than ing command is an awesome duty. The captain has
southward. Thus, rounding the cape in 1488 was a full and nal responsibility for security of the vessel,
psychologically important milestone in the Portuguese for navigating and ghting it, and for the discipline,
effort to establish a trade route to the Orient. health and efciency of its crew. An admiral may order
Caper: [1] A lightly-armed 17th century Dutch pri- the captain to do something, but has no more author-
vateering vessel. [2] To run and jump joyously. ity than any other passenger to say how it is to be
Capesize: A vessel too large to pass through the done. The title has its root in the Latin capitus mean-
Suez Canal and hence forced to circumnavigate the ing headman or chief which, in turn, comes from
South African Cape of Good Hope. Cf. panamax, caput meaning head.
mallacamax. Captain of the Fleet/Fleet Captain: This title was
63 Caravel

rst used by the Venetians for the ofcer in command from the lower deck; otherwise they would hire from
of their entire galley eet. Only a noble was entitled civil life. Initially, the clerk seems to have been a mem-
to that rank, but a commoner could become Armir- ber of the captains personal staff rather than one of the
riao (admiral) commanding a division of the main crew but, so far as the author can ascertain, was un-
eet. During the 18th century an overworked Royal ofcially given petty ofcer status. Sometime in the
Navy ag ofcer sometimes unofcially appointed one 18th century, the post became ofcial and at least a
of his ofcers to act as his chief of staff, with the post year in that position was mandatory before appoint-
being variously titled Assistant to the Admiral, First ment to the rank of bursar or purser. The closest mod-
Captain, Adjutant of the Fleet, or Captain of the ern equivalents are yeoman in the USN and writer in
Fleet. the RN. Also Quill-pusher (slang).
This arrangement, and the latter title, became of- Captains daughter: Lower deck slang for the cat-
cial in 1782 when King George III proclaimed that o-nine-tails. See non-naval ogging.
a Captain of the Fleet, no matter what his substantive Captains Mast : A hearing at which the ofcer
rank, should hold effective seniority below the most commanding a U.S. naval or coast guard vessel awards
junior rear admiral and be entitled to the pay and al- non-judicial punishment or non-punitive disciplinary
lowances of a rear admiral so long as he held the post. measures for minor offenses, commends work excep-
This settled a longstanding dispute over the relative tionally well-done, and listens to complains from en-
standing of a captain of the eet, but did not dene listed personnel. A mast may be held by a more sen-
his specic responsibilities and authority. These were ior ofcer, in which case it is called admirals mast or
not ofcially detailed until 1913, when Kings Regula- ag mast. The RN term is captains table.
tions & Admiralty Instructions, Chapter XII dened Captains Servant: In addition to voluntary enlist-
that ofcers General Duties: ment on the lower deck in the hope of advancement,
Item 521: The Captain of the Fleet is, under the di- there were two routes by which young men of good
rection of the Commander in chief, or Senior Flag family could enter the Royal Navy to be trained for
Ofcer of the eet, to attend to the various details commissioned rank. One, beginning in the reign of
and arrangements for the management of such eet Henry VIII (14911547), was as Captains Servant.
and for the maintenance of it in the most efcient The other, instituted in 1676, was to obtain a Kings
state possible, giving, as may be necessary, with the Letter. The former usually signed on between the
sanction of the Commander in chief or Senior Flag ages of nine and twelve, but entry as young as ve was
Ofcer, such orders for the above subjects as circum- not unusual. Britains greatest naval hero, Horatio
stances may require; and all orders so given by him Nelson, began his career in 1771 as a twelve-year-old
are to obeyed by every person in the eet as well as servant to his uncle who commanded 64-gun HMS
by ofcers superior to him as by those inferior. Raisonnable.
In about 1920, the post of Chief of Staff was intro- Initially, every post-captain was allowed an unlim-
duced to assume responsibility for operational matters. ited number of servants who were carried on the
Since then the Captain of the Fleet has been limited books for pay and victuals, with the captain usually
essentially to personnel matters. pocketing the former. This was so seriously abused
The United States Navy used the title unofcially that, towards the end of Queen Elizabeths reign, a
before, during, and after the Civil War, and so did limit was imposed of two for every fty or part of fty
the Navy of the Confederate States during that con- in the ships company. Captains servants were not me-
ict. Early in World War II, the Navy Department nial domestics as the name implies, but dependant
proposed introducing the ve-stripe rank of Fleet protgs. Seamanship training was informal, rough,
Captain, positioned between captain and rear admi- and rudimentary, frequently involving little more than
ral but, when the rank of Commodore was reintro- assisting ABs to perform their duties. The older boys
duced in 1943, the proposal was modied to give ve- received navigational instruction from the sailing mas-
stripe rank to the commanders of vessels such as ter or one of his mates. The system lasted roughly two
carriers and battleships that had multiple four-stripe hundred years before being abolished.
captains on board. That proposal was withdrawn a Captains Table: The Royal navy term for captains
year later, having never been implemented. mast.
Captain of the Heads: Slang term for the seaman CAPTOR: This abbreviation of encapsulated tor-
assigned to cleaning toilets. pedo is the USN designation of the Mk.60 deepwa-
Captain of the Port : The title of a U.S. Coast ter moored torpedo launcher or torpedo mine.
Guard ofcer responsible for maritime law enforce- Caramousal: A 16th/17th century Turkish mer-
ment in a designated area (cf. port admiral). chantman with a narrow pink-like stern. Used espe-
Captains Clerk: From the earliest days of English cially for grain transport.
seapower, captains needed someone to copy outgo- Caravel: A small 15th century two or three-masted
ing letters and maintain les of records and correspon- trading and exploration vessel, that could be either
dence. If they could nd a literate seaman who could lateen or square-rigged on the forward masts, but was
write a fair and round hand they might appoint normally lateen-rigged on the mizzen. When lateen-
Carbine 64

rigged, a caravel could speedily navigate rivers and Cargo net: Meshed rope netting used to lift and
shallow coastal waters. When square-rigged it was a load or off-load cargo.
fast oceangoing sailer. (Two of Christopher Colum- Cargo preference: Ofcial policy giving preferen-
bus ships Pinta and Nina were caravels, but his tial treatment to cargoes carried by a nations own
agship Santa Maria was a carrack.) merchant marine. Also known as ag discrimina-
Carbine: [1] A long rearm, shorter and lighter tion.
than a musket. Developed for mounted troops, but Cargo space: Denes all areas available for stow-
preferred over muskets for naval use, being easier to ing cargo, as opposed to engine room, crew quarters,
manipulate in boats or on ghting tops. [2] The mod- passenger space, etc.
ern carbine is lighter and shorter than a rie, result- Cargo ton: A measure of volume equal to 100 cubic
ing in reduced range and power, but still providing feet (2,832 liters). See also freight ton.
a compact weapon with more stopping power than Caribbean Current : An ocean current owing
the traditional pistol. This makes it especially useful westward through the Caribbean Sea to the Yucatan
for special operations. Pronounced carb-eyen or car- Channel.
bean. Carney: RN lower deck slang for hypocrisy, de-
Carcatus: The legal term for a fully-freighted ship. ception, or double-dealing. Based on 18th century
Cardinal points: The four principal points of a Captain Carney, who was said to have been charming
compass (N, S, E, W). See table 17. when recruiting seamen ashore, but became a brutal
Cards: For a long time decks of cards were forbid- disciplinarian once aoat.
den at sea. Because of their connection with fortune Carpenter: [1] One of four non-military warrant
telling they were thought of as the Devils picture ofcers created in the 11th century for warships pro-
books. Some said that tearing up a deck, and tossing vided and crewed by the Cinque Ports. Unlike other
it overboard, would produce a favorable change in the warrant ofcers, who had risen from the lower deck,
wind. the carpenters in sailing ship navies had usually served
Careen: To heel a ship so that one side of its hull a shipwrights apprenticeship in a dockyard before
can be cleaned, maintained, or repaired in the absence going to sea. There they were responsible for mainte-
of a dry dock. Derived from the Latin for keel = ca- nance of the hull, masts, spars, and other woodwork.
rina (cf. grave). [2] By the 20th century, their work was no longer
Career tracking: In most navies, surface warfare conned to timber, so Royal Navy carpenters were
ofcers follow career specialties until they reach ag initially re-titled Warrant Shipwrights, and later Ma-
rank, the three main areas of expertise being deck (sea- rine Engineering Articers (Hull), with responsibility
manship and navigation), engineering, and weaponry. for all hull structures (including watertight integrity)
Ofcers on each track are expected to acquire broad and domestic ttings (water, sewage, etc.). [3] The
understanding of the other two, but to concentrate title is obsolete in the USN, but lives on in the RN for
on mastering the increasingly complex details of their a senior petty ofcer responsible for securing hatches,
specialty. One of the major exceptions is the United sounding shipboard tanks, and maintaining wooden
States Navy, which expects all its line ofcers to be ttings. [4] The duties of a modern merchantmans
trained in and rotate through each of these functions. carpenter are numerous, extending far beyond what the
This tends to produce very capable and well-rounded job title implies ashore. In addition to all wood work
generalists, but fewer experts in any one eld of en- on board, he or she is responsible for the secure lash-
deavor this is especially true of shiphandling, where ing of deck cargo; the placement of hatch battens;
some destroyer and cruiser captains lack the experience keeping lifeboat davits in good order; repairing
and condence to dock these maneuverable vessels blocks; shoring or bracing weak or damaged bulk-
under their own power and engage tugboats and pi- heads; rigging collision mats, building soft patches as
lots even to enter easy berths on calm days. required, and replacing broken rivets. Also assumes
Cargo: [1] Refers to goods carried as freight by ship command of emergency crews in case of accident or
or aircraft (the term is not normally used for road or collision.
rail transportation). From the Spanish cargar = load . Carpet: [1] Some sources claim that the phrase on
[2] A term used by religious cults of the Southwest the carpet meaning to be severely reprimanded by
Pacic which anticipate the millennium when the spir- someone in authority originated because only the
its of the dead will return bearing vast quantities of Masters cabin was carpeted. However, a nautical ori-
cargo (benecial modern merchandise). gin is suspect since the phrase could refer to almost any
Cargo boom: A heavy-duty boom used like a crane managers ofce. [2] Carpet bombing refers to a tac-
for handling freight. tical air assault on a strategic area using a great num-
Cargo box: See shipping container. ber of unguided gravity bombs.
Cargo classication: To sort military cargo by type Carrack: An armed merchantman; similar to a car-
or function for tactical loading. avel, but larger and more robust with heavy cannon on
Cargo cluster: An assemblage of ultra-bright lights tall fore- and stern-castles. In 1560 English admiral
that facilitates cargo handling at night. John Hawkins discovered that lowering the excep-
65 Casualty

tionally high forecastle made the ship faster and more tively and quickly. Since planet Earth is a three-di-
maneuverable, thereby creating the forerunner of the mensional curved surface that must be represented in
galleon. two dimensions, cartographers (mapmakers) have to
Carragh: The Irish word for coracle. develop map projections that minimize distortion.
Carriage: [1] The conveyance of goods. [2] The fee The word comes from the Greek chartis = map +
charged for such conveyance. [3] Formerly, a wheeled graphein = write.
wooden support for a muzzle-loading cannon (see Cartouche: Panel on a chart or map enclosing its
gun-carriage). [4] That part of a modern gun mount name and scale. French for cartridge.
that supports the actual gun. Its lower element con- Cartridge : [1] A case containing the propellant
sists of a rotating platform known as the base ring, charge for a gun or rearm. One of the jobs of a sea-
while the upper element is a massive pair of brackets man sentenced to punishment was the sewing of car-
that hold the trunnion bearings. tridges for the guns. [2] The paper used by hydro-
Carrick bend: A knot used to join different sizes of graphic surveyors for their fair charts.
cables or hawsers or two same-size hawsers when the Carvel-built: A boat whose side planks are ush
join will have to pass round the capstan. against each other (cf. Clinker-built).
Carrier: [1] A person, company, or vessel under- Cascabel: A knob behind the breech of a muzzle-
taking to transport goods or passengers for a fee. [2] loading cannon. It usually narrowed to a neck and
A widely-used colloquialism for aircraft carrier. there was sometimes a at disc-like section known as
Carrier Air Group/Wing: The former USN term the let between it and the breech.
for two or more squadrons of naval aircraft under the Case shot: See canister.
administrative and tactical control of one command- Casemate: An armored enclosure for a warships
ing ofcer (see Cag) was Carrier Air Group. It is now guns.
known as a Carrier Air Wing. Cashier: To dishonorably discharge an ofcer.
Carrier box: When a large convoy is accompanied Casks: These barrel-like containers were widely
by an aircraft carrier, the last three positions in the used in the days of wooden ships, and developed a ter-
commodores column and the adjacent columns on minology of their own. The curved pieces of wood
either side are left vacant to provide space for aircraft forming the sides of a cask are called staves, and their ends
launching and landing. projecting above the head are called chines. The stopper
Carrier qualication: Training and tests which closing the hole in its side is the bung, and its rounded
make pilots and aircraft eligible to land on aircraft belly is the bilge. The rack on which they are stored
carriers. Pilot re-qualication is required when car- is the gantry, designed to hold them Bung up and
rier landings are not regularly performed. Properly bilge free (with the stopper on top to avoid leakage
called deck landing qualication. and the belly clear of the deck). In the Royal Navy
Carrier Strike Group: Former name of a task force the chines were color-coded, with rum casks painted
built around an aircraft carrier, usually accompanied red, lime juice casks green, and vinegar casks white.
by guided-missile cruisers, antisubmarine and air de- Casrep: USN abbreviation of casualty report.
fense destroyers or frigates, and attack submarines. Cast adrift: To set loose without anchor, moor-
Now called simply strike group. ing., or any form of motive power.
Carronade: A short-barreled, very large caliber, Cast off !: Command to throw off mooring lines to
muzzle-loaded gun for use at short ranges. Named get underway. See also take in.
after the foundry at Carron in Scotland. Prior to 1817, Cast ship: To turn a complete 360 without chang-
carronades were not counted when rating warships. ing position. Achieved by alternately backing and for-
Carry: [1] To take a vessel by boarding (or a fortress warding engines, with appropriate rudder movements.
by assault). [2] The range of a gun. [3] To transport Cast the lead: To take soundings by throwing the
goods or passengers to a specied point. leadline.
Carry away: To break or snap off. Castaway: [1] A shipwrecked sailor, as opposed to
Carry on: [1] Originally, a sailing ship command to one who has been marooned or landed deliberately. [2]
hoist all possible canvas. [2] In modern naval usage, An outcast. [3] Formerly, a drunk.
the command to resume whatever was previously Castle: Structure at the bow, stern, or masthead of
being done: [3] In common usage, to manage some- a ship, originally a ghting platform.
thing or persevere. CASU: Carrier Aircraft Service Unit. A self-con-
Cartel: [1] A ship commissioned to exchange pris- tained USN mobile unit, designed to operate from
oners or messages between hostile powers. Apart from advance Pacic island bases, to provide full support to
one signal are pistol, she may carry no weapons, am- carrier air groups while they were separated from their
munition, or cargo, and usually wears the ensigns of carriers.
both parties. [2] An informal agreement between car- Casualty report: [1] Surgeons report of personnel
riers aimed at maintaining articially high prices. killed or wounded by accident or in combat. [2] A re-
Cartography: The art and practice of creating port of material breakdown or equipment not work-
maps capable of communicating information effec- ing properly.
Cat 66

Cat: [1] To raise an anchor to forecastle level at the October, author Tom Clancy gives a Russian subma-
cathead. [2] The cat-o-nine-tails. [3] Slang for an rine a revolutionary stealth propulsion system which
aircraft carriers catapult. [4] A oating platform to he called caterpillar drive. It is described as a hydro-
keep the ship away from a jetty. Contraction of cata- jet system in the book, but in the lm it is shown as
maran and preferred over camel by the RN. [5] being magnetohydrodynamic.
Also in the RN, a paint cat is a oating platform Catfall: The rope used to raise an anchor. It is rove
with a variable scaffolding tower used in painting a through the blocks of the cat purchase and the cathead
ships side. sheaves.
Cat purchase: A two or three-fold block, tted Cat-harpings: Dened in Admiral Smyths Sailors
with an iron strop and hook, used to cat (draw) an Word-Book as: legs which cross from futtock-staff to
anchor up to the cathead, which also carries three futtock-staff, below the tops, to girt in the rigging,
sheaves. See cat davit. and allow the lower yards to brace sharp up. A more
Cat ship: A Norwegian vessel formerly used in the modern denition, short ropes or iron cramps used
coal and timber carrying trade. Distinguished by its to brace the shrouds towards the mast so as to give
narrow stern, projecting quarters, deep waist, and lack freer sweep to the yards, may be easier to follow.
of any gurehead. Cathead sheaves: Triple sheaves attached to the
Cat the anchor: Keep the anchor clear of the hull cathead through which the catfall is rove.
by hanging it on the cathead before securing it for sea Cathead-stopper: A length of rope or chain rove
in its anchor-bed. through the ring of an anchor to secure it for sea.
Cat yawl: Similar to a catboat but bigger with a Catheads: Large wooden beams projecting on ei-
second mast stepped abaft the rudder post. ther side of the bows to which an anchor is raised and
Catamaran: [1] A type of raft with two or more secured. They are set as square as possible to the deck
oats. [2] A boat with twin hulls linked by a deck or and bolted to it above the catbeam. The end of each
crossbeams. From the Tamil katta = tied + maran = cathead was traditionally carved into the semblance
wood. of a lions head.
Catapult: [1] A device for launching aircraft from Cathole: One of two holes in the stern of a sailing
an aircraft carrier. [2] Ancient artillery throwing ar- man-o-war level with the capstan, through which a
rows, stones, or other missiles. From the Greek kata = stern hawser could be passed to heave the ship astern.
hurler. Cat-o-nine-tails: The origin of the name for this
Catbeam: The longest beam in a wooden ship, fearsome ogging device is uncertain. One theory is
usually made from two beams bolted together. Some- that the scars left on the victims back looked as
times called beakhead beam. though he had been mauled by a cats claws. Another
Catboat: This American Cape Cod design is tra- says it dates back to Pharaonic Egypt, where the cat
ditionally tted with a gaff-rigged sail on a single mast was a sacred and benecial animal and each lash (made
set well forward in the boat, though some are Marconi- of cat skin) represented one of its nine lives. Being
rigged. Some have passenger cabins, while others are scourged was then believed to transfer the cats good-
fully or partially decked. Centerboards are standard, ness from the lashes to the victim.
but keeled versions exist. Cats are shallow draft and The naval version consisted of a handle made of
broad beamed the classic beam measurement being thick rope with nine triple-knotted tails or thongs,
half the waterline length which makes them very each about 24 inches (61 cms) long, attached to it.
stable. The nished article weighed about 14 ounces (400
Catch a crab: To dig an oar so deeply into the grams). Each was traditionally made by its intended
water that the rower cannot recover it quickly enough victim for one-time use. Even so, it was no crude,
to avoid being knocked over backward by the boats hastily-assembled and roughly-tied instrument. Mak-
momentum. ing a good one was considered a test of seamanship
Catch a turn!: Command to belay rapidly for tem- and self-respect, so most were beautiful examples of
porary holding. skilled ropework. Construction began by selecting
Cat-davit: A device used to swing an anchor to the four feet (1.2 meters) of three-stranded 1.5-inch (38-
cathead. See cat purchase. mm) diameter line. It was unlayed for half its length
Catenary: The sag in a line or chain that is sus- and each of the strands was divided into three parts.
pended between two points. The deeper the curve the Then the nine parts were braided into tails, which
more the catenary. When its cable is almost straight the were knotted at the tip and tarred (to inict punish-
anchor is easily snubbed or lifted from the ground, ment for theft, a particularly offensive crime on board
but with a full catenary it lies along the bottom so ship, each of the thongs was knotted three times to
that any pull tends to dig the ukes in deeper. The cause additional pain). Then, the unraveled half was
word is derived from the Latin for chain, and one of whipped and covered with red (or sometimes green)
the main reasons chain is used for anchor cables is that baize to serve as the handle and, nally, the traditional
its weight tends to form a natural catenary. blood-red baize carrying bag was sewn.
Caterpillar drive: In his novel, The Hunt for Red Later the cat became a ready-made naval issue,
67 Chain

losing its individuality and ne nish. Often a Celestial navigation: The science of determining
wooden baton replaced the rope handle and a faintly position by means of heavenly bodies rather than by
discernible strand of red cotton ran through each tail surface landmarks as in pilotage.
as an example of the Admiraltys marking of rope to Celestial sphere: A conceptual ball of innite ra-
prevent theft. A quasi-scientic test of the instruments dius, concentric with the earth, and rotating around
power was carried out by the Anatomy Department of an axis aligned with the terrestrial poles. This imagi-
the University of Edinburgh Medical School, using nary sphere is bisected by a projection of the earths
an exact replica of an original rope-handled cat. Pieces equator into space, dividing it into north and south ce-
of knot-free pitch pine (chosen because of its elastic- lestial hemispheres. All heavenly bodies, no matter
ity) were lashed by a 5'10" (178 cm) man of average how distant, can then be thought of as lying on the
build and musculature. A single blow shattered a sphere, allowing astronomers to keep track of the sky
three-quarter inch (1.9 cm) square piece, while a one- despite the earths constant movement.
inch (2.54 cm) square piece broke on the second Centerboard/Centreboard: A plate which can be
stroke. lowered through the keel of a small sailboat to pre-
Catspaw: [1] A wind ripple on the surface of an vent leeway. Sometimes written as two words with ei-
otherwise calm sea. [2] A hitch made by double twist- ther spelling.
ing the bight of a rope to form a pair of eyes through Centerline/Centreline : A straight line running
which a hook can be inserted. fore-and-aft from stem to stern midway between the
Catwalk: A narrow platform or walkway across or sides of the hull.
around some form of obstruction, for example the Certicate of Inspection: A document issued by a
raised structure connecting the amidships bridge competent maritime authority certifying a vessels
structure to the forecastle and poop deck of a three- compliance with all laws and regulations.
island freighter, or the walkways around and just Certicate of Origin: Document issued by a con-
below the ight deck of an aircraft carrier. sular authority at port of shipment, giving the con-
Caulk : To waterproof by packing seams with signee certain privileges at port of discharge.
oakum or other brous material and sealing them with Certicate of Registry: A document conrming
pitch (known as pay). Pronounced cork. Also calk. the national registry of a vessel.
Caulk-off: Sailor slang for stealing a nap on deck. Certicated: A ship, seaman, or ofcer having a
So-called because the culprit would often be betrayed document conrming seaworthiness or prociency.
by streaks of caulking on his back. Modern RN usage Cessation: A temporary or complete end to hostil-
omits the off. ities. An armistice, truce, or cease-re.
Caulking iron: A chisel-like tool used when hit by Cetaceans: Mammals that evolved from terrestrial
a caulking mallet to drive bers into the wedge-shaped habitats to become fully adapted to aquatic life, liv-
seam between planks. ing, breeding, resting, and carrying out all other func-
Causeway: [1] A raised road or track across a body tions in the water. They are nearly hairless, but insu-
of water. [2] A long, narrow, barge-like craft, used to lated by a thick layer of blubber. The order contains
assist the discharge of cargo during amphibious oper- upwards of ninety species, and is divided into one ex-
ations. tinct and two extant suborders. Archaeoceti (ancient
Caution: A non-punitive disciplinary action. See whales) are believed to be extinct, but if there are sur-
admonition, reprimand, and caution. vivors it is possible they could be mistaken for sea ser-
Cavitation: The formation and collapse of air bub- pents (see appendix). The extant sub-orders, both
bles created by a ships propeller. This reduces effec- thought to be descendants of archaeocetes, are Mys-
tive thrust, creates noise detectible by an enemy, and ticeti (baleen whales) and Odontoceti (toothed whales).
may cause structural damage. The latter includes beaked whales, dolphins, and por-
Cay: A small low-lying islet. Also Key. poises. All are noted for their high intelligence.
Cease re: A truce, armistice, or cessation of hos- CFR (Cost and Freight): See Incoterms.
tilities. Chafe: To damage rope, canvas, hull, or any other
Cease ring!: Naval gunnery command to stop object by rubbing against another object.
shooting. (See also check ring.) Chaff: Strips of metal, foil, or glass ber with a
Cease loading!: Naval gunnery command to stop metal content, cut into various lengths and having
inserting rounds into the weapon. varying frequency responses, that are used to reect
CEC: Civil Engineer Corps (USN). electromagnetic energy as a radar countermeasure.
Ceiling: [1] An overhead lining or oor covering Chaff is usually dropped from aircraft, but can also
in a cargo hold or other interior space. [2] The max- be deployed from shells or rockets.
imum height an aircraft is capable of attaining. [3] Chang gear: Canvas, cloth, rubber, leather, or
The distance between the surface of earth or sea and other material wrapped around a line to protect it
the lowest cloud bank. from wear and abrasion.
Celestial equator: The plane of the terrestrial Chain: [1] A series of metal links (rings) passing
equator extended to the celestial sphere. through one another to form a exible tie with high
Chain 68

tensile strength. [2] A group of related islands form- Channel effect: Phenomenon similar to bank ef-
ing a more-or-less straight line (if the line is curved fect encountered in shallow channels, where interac-
they form an arc). tion with the bottom makes steering difcult. Also
Chain locker: The Compartment in which the an- called canal effect.
chor chain is stored. Channel fever: The sense of euphoria and excite-
Chain of command: The military hierarchy via ment that grips homeward-bound seafarers on the
which orders are passed downward by superior ranks, nal stretch. Originally used by British seamen on en-
and requests passed upward from junior ranks. tering the English Channel.
Chain pipe: A trunk running from the windlass to Chantey/Chanty: A seamans working chant of
the chain locker (also deck pipe). calls and responses. From the French chantez = sing
Chain reaction: [1] A self-sustaining nuclear event. (pronounced shanty). In the days when navigation
[2] The sequential explosion of a series of proximate depended on massive squares of canvas manhandled
mines or other munitions, caused by the deliberate or by human musclepower, work was synchronized and
accidental detonation of one of them (as in counter- made easier by these work-songs. Sailors with ne
mining). singing voices found they could avoid some of the
Chain shot : A pair of cannonballs or half-balls nastier shipboard tasks by volunteering as chantey-
linked together with a short length of chain. When men, singing melodies which helped to soften the rig-
red they spin to wreak havoc on masts, sails, and rig- ors of shipboard life. On one hand, listening to the
ging (cf. bar shot, star shot). songs was enjoyable and relieved boredom, especially
Chain slings: Short lengths of chain used to raise when a ddler accompanied the singer. On the other,
and lower the yards of a square-rigger. the rhythm of calls and responses served to synchro-
Chainplates: Iron strips bolted to a wooden sailing nize the movements of repetitive tasks.
ships sides, with deadeyes on their upper ends to As early as 1493, a Dominican friar named Felix
which shrouds are secured. Fabri reported hearing mariners on a Venetian galley
Chains: [1] The position or platform in the bow singing as they worked, writing: There is a concert be-
from where the leadsman takes soundings. [2] A plat- tween one who sings out orders and the laborers who
form outboard of the bulwarks to which the lower sing in response. This technique is similar to the ca-
shrouds of sailing ships are attached. Also chainwale. dence calls of military units, except that chanteys came
Chainwale: See Chains. Pronounced channel. in several categories. Short-haul songs were used
Challenge: [1] A signal requiring another ship, air- when the job would be over after a few quick pulls on
craft, or unit to respond with an authenticating or a line. An example is Boney (referring to Emperor
identifying code. [2] The demand made by a sentinel Napoleon) where the crew would pull as they hollered
or lookout for boats or persons approaching to iden- each response:
tify themselves. Singer: Boney was a warrior
Challenger Deep: Situated in the Mariana Trench, Crew: Away, hey, yah!
and named after the British survey ship Challenger II Singer: A warrior and a terrior
which discovered it in 1951, this is the deepest known Crew: Jean-Franois!
point in the earths oceans. The bottom here is Long-haul chanteys were sung when the job was
5,973.35 fathoms (10,924 metres; 35,840 feet) below expected to be a prolonged. Usually the crew would
sea level. This is about 23 percent more than Mount only pull at the second response, thus giving them-
Everest, the highest point on land, is above sea level. selves a brief rest between hauls. For example:
Chamade: Formerly a drumbeat signaling the de- Singer: Blow the man down, me boys,
sire to parlay. blow the man down!
Chamber: [1] The enclosed part of the bore of a Crew (hauling): Away, hey, blow the man down
muzzle-loading cannon that holds the charge. [2] The Singer: Oh, blow the man down, bullies,
blow im right down!
compartment in a rearm (such as the breech of a rie,
Crew (resting): Oh, gimme some time to blow the
or the cylinder of a revolver) that holds a cartridge man down.
preparatory to ring. The other important working chanteys were stomp-
Chancery: See in chancery. and-go (also stamp-and-go) songs, to be sung
Chandelle: An abrupt climbing turn in which an while walking steadily around the capstan. Because
aircraft almost stalls while exploiting its own momen- there was no hauling to be timed, the crew sometimes
tum to achieve a higher rate of climb. sang a short chorus as well as calls-and-responses:
Chandler: A dealer in maritime supplies and pro- Singer: Ill sing you a song, a good song of
visions. the sea
Changey-changey: Lower deck RN slang for Crew: Away, Rio
barter. From Chinese pidgin English. Singer: Ill sing you a song, if youll sing it
Channel: [1] The navigable part of a waterway. with me
[2] A length of water, wider than a strait, linking two Crew: And were bound for the Rio
seas or oceans. [3] A gutter. Grande. Away Rio. Away Rio
69 Chaplain

Singer: Its fare ye well my pretty young designated non-combatants under the Geneva Con-
girl vention.
Crew: And were bound for the Rio The Royal Naval Chaplaincy Service: As early as
Grande the seventh century, Anglo-Saxon kings sent Roman
Singer: Well man up the capstan and run Catholic priests to sea to Exercise the ministry of
her around... etc. the Gospel through Word and Sacrament. After
There were also pumping chanteys for clearing the Reformation, English naval chaplains were ex-
the bilges; and forecastle chanteys, which were not clusively Church of England (Anglican) priests, but
working rhythms at all, but songs to while away the they were not ofcially regulated until 1677 when
time off watch or in port. One of the latter (that may it was required that they should be warranted by
also have been sung while holystoning) was the al- the Admiralty and also hold a certicate of spiritual
phabet song, in which each stanza (often improvised tness from either the Archbishop of Canterbury
by each seaman in turn) is bawdier that the one before: or the Bishop of London. In 1808 they were granted
A is for anchor as everyone knows, and wardroom status and in 1843 became commis-
B is the sharp bit, that we call the bows! sioned ofcers without distinction of rank,
C is the captain that spoils all the fun, and being assumed to hold the rank or rate of whomever
D is for damn him hes watered me rum. is being counseled. To be more accessible and en-
So hey derry, ho derry, hi derry dee. courage condence, they have the option of wear-
No man on the lands like a sailor at sea. ing civilian clerical dress or naval uniform without
So turn the glass and ring the bell, keep sailing insignia. Today, the Royal Naval Chaplaincy Service
along, recruits ordained clergy of virtually all English and
When its time for our grog, then its time for this Scottish, Catholic and Protestant, Christian de-
song. nominations. When required, the Ministry of De-
E is for ensign, At the stern its now seen, and fence provides naval units with civilian chaplains of
F is for fo rard there to liberty clean. Then the Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and Sikh,
G is the gangway, where to shoreward we go! and Faiths.
H is the Harlot, whose body well know. The United States Navy Chaplain Corps: Counts its
Chapeling: When a sailing ship came to against origin from 28 November 1775, only 38 days after
the helm, or was taken aback by a shift of wind, or by the Continental Navy was formed. Early chaplains
negligence of the helmsman, she could be recovered were recruited more for teaching ability than ec-
on the same tack without bracing the head-yards, by clesiastical duties. They were mainly Methodist or
making a complete circle. This maneuver was called Episcopalian, and ordination was not mandated
chapeling ship, or building a chapel. until 1841. The rst Roman Catholic priest was
Chaplain: A priest, rabbi, minister, or other eccle- commissioned in 1888 and the rst Jewish rabbi in
siastic attached to a ship or military unit. Seafaring is 1917. Today ofcers of the Chaplain Corps hold
extremely hazardous, and the presence of spiritual naval rank and include clergy from over 100 de-
guides or mentors has long brought comfort to nominations and faith groups. They offer spiritual
mariners. As early as the Bronze Age merchant sailors care to Naval, Coast Guard, and Marine person-
of Crete celebrated an unnamed seagoing goddess, nel, and are supported by enlisted RP (Religious
who is depicted as traveling in a boat. However, there Program) specialists. Specialty chaplain insignia
is no evidence that her priestesses actually went to sea identify Christians (Catholic, Orthodox, and Pro-
with the Minoan Navy. It is however probable that testant) with a Cross; Buddhists with an 8-spoke
the great Phoenician and Carthaginian navigators Prayer Wheel; Muslims with the Crescent, and Jews
were accompanied by priests of Asherah (Our Lady with Mosaic Tablets surmounted by the Mogen
of the Sea), while Roman eets were invariably ac- David. As in the British Service, ofcers of the
companied by priestly augers who had no spiritual or Corps are expected to work collegially in a plural-
counseling duties, their task being to read omens and istic environment, cooperating with chaplains of
predict the outcome of any campaign or battle. other religious faiths. Also like the British, they
Todays seagoing clergy are normally endorsed by have the option of wearing clerical dress rather than
their religious superiors and are given naval orienta- uniform, but the privilege is less often exercised
tion and chaplaincy indoctrination before being than in the RN.
posted to their initial ship, shore station, or marine Chaplain of the Fleet/Chief of Chaplains: This
detachment. They conduct religious services, provide ofce originated in 1695, when the chaplain of Ad-
social, ethical and moral counseling, and give spiritual miral Rookes agship was appointed by the Admi-
and emotional support to their parishioners (the ralty Board inspect and oversee the lives and be-
ships company and their dependants). In most navies haviors of the rest of the chaplains of His Majestys
they are expected to provide pastoral care and solace eet in the Mediterranean. Six years later King
to members of other denominations or faiths when William III authorized the appointment of a Chap-
no appropriate counselor is available. Chaplains are lain Generall of the Fleet, but when the ofce was
Characteristics 70

implemented by Order in Council the title was freightment, in which shipowner and freighter or
changed to Overseer and Inspector of Naval Chap- shipper agree that: the vessel Being tight, staunch
lains. In 1712, King Williams title of Chaplain Gen- and strong, and in every way tted for the voyage
eral was reinstated. Over the next 115 years the ofce shall load specied cargo at a designated port and pro-
was abolished and reinstated several times. ceedwith all possible despatch to a designated place
In 1857, the Chaplains of all Royal Navy ships were and there deliver the cargo to the freighter or his as-
directed To correspond with (the Senior Chaplain at signs. The document should include at least:
Greenwich Naval Hospital) on all matters relating to Name and tonnage of the vessel.
the religious instruction given by them to the ships Name of its master.
companies and generally regarding their sacred du- Name of the freighter.
ties. This marks the beginning of the modern Chap- Time and place for loading.
laincy Service. Two years later the ofce was dened Time and place for discharge.
by Order in Council as Head of the Naval Chap- Price of the freight.
lains with the title of Chaplain to the Fleet. Today, Demurrage or indemnity in case of delay.
the Service is headed by a Director General, known as Any other terms agreed by the parties.
Chaplain of the Fleet, who is normally an Archdea- Chase: [1] To pursue another vessel. [2] The ves-
con of the Church of England, or the equivalent in sel being pursued. [3] The tapering outer part of a
other denominations. The USN Chaplain Corps is gun barrel, lying ahead of the trunnions.
headed by a Chief of Chaplains who ranks as Rear Chaser: A cannon mounted to re ahead when pur-
Admiral. suing another vessel (bow-chaser), or behind when
Characteristics: The distinguishing qualities of a being followed by an enemy (stern-chaser). Also
navigation aid or buoy, including shape and color, chase-gun.
whether xed or ashing, and ashing sequence. Chasse Mare : A lugger-rigged two or three-
Charge: [1] The explosive or propellant with which masted French coastal vessel. Used by shermen to
a gun or shell is loaded. [2] To load a gun or a vessel. carry fresh-caught sh to market. Often used by
[3] A formal accusation of infraction of discipline or smugglers and as a naval courier or aviso.
crime. [4] To store electrical energy in a battery. [5] Chatham Chest: This is one of the earliest of mar-
To pressurize a pneumatic or hydraulic system. [6] A itime charitable organizations, established in 1590 by
gure, badge, or heraldic symbol on the eld of a ag. Queen Elizabeth I, to pay gratuities known as smart
Charlie: [1] NATO phonetic notation for the let- money to seamen who had been hurt or wounded in
ter C. [2] Naval aviation term directing an aircraft royal service. It was funded by compulsory payroll de-
into the carrier landing pattern. duction from every seaman and apprentice according
Charlie Noble: This mariners nickname for the to their wages.
galley funnel undoubtedly refers to a real person who Chearly!: Obsolete command to do something
was fanatical about keeping the brass or copper stove- heartily or quickly.
pipe brilliantly polished. Unfortunately its not ab- Check!: [1] Command to stop or slow down. [2]
solutely certain who that was and, confusingly, the To ease a line a little and then belay it.
name is sometimes spelt Charley Nobel. Uncertainty Check ring!: Command ordering a temporary
is increased because he has been positively identied halt in naval gunre. See cease ring!
as being both British and American; in merchant and Check valve: One that allows liquid to ow in one
in naval service; and as cook, mate, and master. De- direction but not in the other.
spite these ambiguities, the most likely candidate Checkers/Draughts: The game, known as check-
seems Captain Charles Noble who served in the ers by Americans and draughts by the British, was
British merchant service during the 1850s. so much enjoyed by sailing ship seamen that it
Charlie reveille: See bugle calls. was not unusual to nd a checkered board carved
Chart: A geographical, hydrographical, or marine into the wood of a ghting top so that those on duty
map designed for navigation. Nowadays frequently could play (when they should have been keeping look-
kept in electronic form. out).
Chart datum: [1] The water level below which Checklist: A written sequence of procedures to en-
depths on a chart are measured, and above which sure nothing is overlooked when performing a com-
heights of tide are expressed. [2] The geodetic refer- plex or vital task.
ence used to establish spatial relativity of objects de- Cheek block: A block with one end permanently
picted on a chart. Despite their shared name, these attached to something such as a mast.
are separate entities. Cheeks: The side pieces of a gun carriage. Each
Chart room: A small room adjacent to the bridge cheek of Spanish and most other European carriages
in which charts are stored and navigators work. Also was usually made from a single great plank, but En-
charthouse. glish and American construction called for a built-up
Charter: To lease or hire a vessel. cheek of several planks, jigged or mortised together
Charter Party: The legal contract covering af- to prevent starting under the strain of ring.
71 Chinese

Cheese: A tight coil of rope lying at on the deck ship (known colloquially as The Chief ) is commis-
with the end in its center. sioned and has much greater status.]
Chemical weapons: Toxic substances solid, liq- Chief of Naval Operations: Created in 1915, the
uid or gaseous used to cause injury, incapacitation, CNO is the senior ag ofcer and professional head of
or death. They are classied as weapons of mass de- the United States Navy. He or she takes precedence
struction by the United Nations, and their produc- over all other ofcers in the naval service except when
tion and stockpiling was outlawed by the Chemical an admiral is Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Joint
Weapons Convention of 1993. Cf. biological weapons. Chiefs of Staff. With administrative rather than com-
Cheerful but subdued: The RN ceremonial drill mand responsibility, the CNO is a member of the
book description of the aspect the honor guard and Joint Chiefs of Staff, and is responsible to the Secre-
mourners should assume at naval funerals. tary of the Navy for management of the Navy and its
Cheese Whizzo: Derogatory USN enlisted slang operational efciency. The RN equivalent is Chief of
for a Commissioned Warrant Ofcer (based on the Naval Staff(also see First Sea Lord). A ViceCNO is
initials of the job title). appointed from ofcers on the active-duty list eligible
Cheops ship: See Khufu ship. for command at sea and serving in grades above cap-
Cherry-picker: USN ight deck slang for a device tain. The VCNO holds the temporary rank of admi-
used to clear crashed aircraft. See crash dolly, jumbo. ral for the duration of the appointment.
Chesapeake Bay (battle): See Virginia Capes (bat- Chief of the Boat: The senior enlisted person in a
tle). USN submarine.
Chesapeake incident: On 22nd June 1807, HMS Chief Ofcer: The second-in-command of a
Leopard intercepted USS Chesapeake, forced her to merchantman, responsible for deck operations and
heave to by ring across her bow, then boarded, and cargo stowage (also called Mate, First Mate, or First
seized four seamen, claimed to be deserters from the Ofcer).
Royal Navy. The incident was one of the factors con- Chief Petty Ofcer: A naval non-commissioned
tributing to the War of 1812. ofcer rate. [1] In the USN it is in pay grade E-7, sen-
Chesapeake log canoe: This design was used by the ior to petty ofcer rst class, junior to Senior Chief
indigenous Indians and later developed into a family Petty Ofcer, and equivalent to Gunnery Sergeant in
of vessels that included the bugeye and skipjack. It the Marine Corps. [2] In the RN it is in NATO rank
was built of ve 3040 foot (912 m) logs hand hewn code OR-7, senior to Petty Ofcer, junior to Warrant
into a dugout with a xed bowsprit, raked mast, and Ofcer, and equivalent to Colour Sergeant in the
narrow open deck. Royal Marines.
Chew the fat: Even after long-term boiling in the Chief Warrant Ofcer: A former enlisted petty
galley kettles, salted pork or beef was tough and ofcer or chief petty ofcer, expert in a technical spe-
difcult to swallow. The worst part was the fat, which cialty. CWOs take the same oath and receive the same
sailors would often cut off and save to gnaw sitting commission as regular commissioned ofcers, rank-
on deck during their time off watch. The ships ofcers ing with but after ensigns, and are saluted by war-
would correctly tell passengers they were chewing the rant ofcers and all enlisted personnel. They can and
fat, but from a distance it looked as though they were do assume limited command responsibility, but are
sitting around gossiping, so the phrase came into com- primarily technical experts, providing valuable skills,
mon usage to mean idle chatter. guidance, and expertise in their particular eld.
Chief Engineer: The title of what could be con- CWOs differ from limited duty ofcers only in de-
sidered a merchantmans technical manager, respon- gree of authority and responsibility. After 3 years of ac-
sible for structural integrity of the vessel, the opera- tive duty, a CWO may apply for the designation of
tion and upkeep of machinery and mechanical LDO and, if accepted, he or she is appointed as lieu-
equipment, fuel bunkers, and related anti-pollution tenant, junior grade.
measures. Like the ships master, its chief engineer Chiefs of Staff Committee: The British equiva-
stands no watches, which are kept by assistant engi- lent of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. Formed in 1924
neer ofcers. In highly-automated ships, however, to give military advice to the Prime Minister, and pro-
machinery spaces are monitored by data loggers and vide administrative and tactical coordination, and
left unmanned, thus allowing junior engineers to fol- strategic direction to the British armed forces.
low daywork routines, only standing watches when in Chinch: See chinse.
coastal waters, during pilotage, or under adverse Chine: [1] The line along a hull where sides and
weather. bottom meet. [2] The rim of a cask formed by project-
[It is interesting to note that, when the RN Corps ing staves. [3] A water channel above the deck on
of Naval Engineers (then civilian employees)was wooden ships. [4] In south-central England, a steep-
formed in 1835, the profession was so little regarded sided river valley leading to the sea though easily-
that even the chief engineer ranked below the carpen- eroded cliffs (Anglo-Saxon cinan = gap).
ter, with other grades of engineer having even less sta- Chinese jibe: An unintentional jibe in which the
tus. Today, the senior engineer ofcer of a Royal Navy boom and bottom of a gaff- or lug-sail changes side
Chinese 72

leaving the top behind. A frequent problem with Chi- Chow: USN slang for a meal (from the Mandarin
nese junks. Chao = to cook or fry).
Chinese landing: USN terminology for [1] Com- Christening: [1] Landlubbers say a ship is chris-
ing bow to stern with another vessel. [2] Coming along- tened, seamen say she is named. [2] In some navies a
side down-current. [3] Landing an aircraft downwind. chaplain, using the ships bell inverted as a baptismal
Chinse: To seal a small seam by working in oakum font, may christen children of members of the ships
with a knife or chisel. A temporary measure when the company. Afterwards, the consecrated water is re-
opening would not stand the force of full caulking. turned to the sea.
Chips/Chippy: Nicknames for a carpenter or ship- Chronometer: An especially accurate and highly
wright. consistent marine timepiece designed to facilitate
Chit: A memorandum, note, voucher, or requisi- course-plotting. Before the fteenth century, the only
tion (from the Hindi citthi = pass). reliable means of navigation was to follow known fea-
Chock : [1] Deck-mounted guide for an anchor tures on the shore. Then acquisition of the compass
chain or mooring line. [2] Wedge-shaped block to from China via Arabia, and the astrolabe from Islam
stop aircraft or cargo from moving. [3] One of several allowed European mariners to calculate their approx-
blocks supporting a boat under repair. imate north-south position (latitude) while out of
Chock-a-block: This term describes the situation sight of land. However, in the absence of a reliable
when two blocks (pulleys) in a tackle have been pulled means of measuring time, their east-west location
so close together that no further movement is possi- (longitude) could only be guesstimated through a
ble. In Britain and Australia the term has come into complex process known as dead reckoning. The re-
slang use to mean overcrowded, full up, or fed sultant errors caused numerous shipwrecks.
up. In 1713, the British Parliament offered the then im-
Chocker: British slang for fed up. Probably an mense reward of 20,000 for any means of determin-
abbreviation of chock-a-block. ing longitude with an error of less than thirty miles (48
Chockman: Flight deck person who places chocks kms) after six weeks at sea. This demanded precise
under aircraft wheels. timekeeping to within three seconds per day while
Choke: To deliberately foul a line in a block to pitching and tossing and traveling from frigid arctic to
temporarily secure the fall. Short form of choke the steaming equator; a degree of accuracy which had sel-
luff. dom been achieved by the nest stationary clocks in
Choke point: A narrow passage, such as a strait, temperate zones. Sixty years later, the prize was won
creating a bottleneck through which shipping must by John Harrison, a Yorkshire carpenter and self-
pass. The most signicant are: taught horologist. His rst machines were costly, com-
Bab-el-Mandeb: between the Arabian and Red plicated, and delicate; but soon he and Pierre Le Roy
Seas. of Paris (independently) developed more rugged ma-
Gibraltar Strait: between Atlantic Ocean and rine timekeepers with all the essential features of a
Mediterranean Sea. modern chronometer.
Hormuz Strait: at the entrance to the Persian/Ara- By then, invention of the sextant had provided a
bian Gulf. more accurate means of calculating latitude. Thus, by
Malacca Strait: between Malaysia and Indonesia. the great naval wars of late 18th and early 19th cen-
Panama Canal: connecting the Pacic and Atlantic turies, shipmasters could set out on long voyages with
Oceans. condence in making an accurate landfall or ren-
Suez Canal: connecting the Red and Mediterranean dezvous. Today, after more than two centuries of use,
Seas. chronometers are being replaced by electronic time-
Turkish Straits: linking the Black and Mediter- keepers.
ranean Seas. Church pendant/pennant : Worn by RN and
Chop: [1] Short, steep, irregular waves (see choppy). USN ships holding religious services, these are the
[2] To signify approval of something by initialing only ags which may be own above the national en-
it (from the Chinese for a seal denoting authority). sign, and then only during church services.
[3] USN term for the transfer of a ship or unit from CIF : See Incoterms.
one command to another. [4] Slang for food (from Cimarrnes: Spanish for mountain-dwellers, ap-
West African Pidgin-English). plied to runaway African or (sometimes) American
Chop-chop: Asian Pidgin-English for quickly- Indian slaves, many of whom took to piracy. In the
quickly (from the Chinese kwai-kwai = nimbly- 1570s, the Cimarrnes of Panama allied with Sir Fran-
nimbly). cis Drake who described them as A black people
Chop line: The boundary between two USN com- which about eighty years past ed from the Spaniards
mands. their masters, by reason of their cruelty, and are since
Chopper: Colloquialism for helicopter. grown to a nation. Also called maroons.
Choppy: [1] Of the sea: Having many small waves; Cinderella liberty: USN enlisted slang for shore
rough. [2] Of the wind: Abruptly shifting; variable. leave ending at midnight.
73 Clearing

Cinque Ports: A group of ports (pronounced open message not in cipher or code. [3] To authorize
sink) on the SE coast of England granted special access to classied information . [4] To safely pass over
privileges during the 11th century, including exemp- or by an obstruction or hazard such as a reef. [5] To
tion from the jurisdiction of Admiralty Courts, in re- round a cape or promontory or pass a landmark.
turn for coastal defense and providing warships. The [6] Free-running, not fouled. [7] To remove stop-
original ve were Hastings, Romney, Hythe, Dover, pages or fouling of a gun. [8] To remove ammunition
and Sandwich. Rye and Winchelsea were added later. from a gun. [9] To complete all formalities necessary
Cipher: A text in which symbols or substitutions to enter or leave a port. [10] To remove all cargo from
replace ordinary letters in order to conceal its mean- a ship. [11] To drive or force out (e.g., clear the seas).
ing from those who do not possess the key. See also Clear anchor!: Report to the commanding ofcer
code, cryptography. that the anchor is in sight and free from any entangle-
Circumnavigation: A voyage around the world or ment.
a feature such as a cape or promontory. Clear away!: Command to lay out rope in a coil
Civil Engineer Corps: A staff corps of the United that will run freely.
States Navy that includes the Seabees. Its ofcers are Clear datum: Said of a submarine which leaves an
professional engineers, architects, acquisitions special- area after being detected.
ists, and construction managers. They plan, design, ac- Clear days: A charter party term referring to the
quire, construct, operate, and maintain naval shore number of days (rst and last excluded) available for
facilities. work.
Clamp down: USN term for light cleaning with a Clear for action!: Command [1] In the days of sail-
dry mop, as opposed to swabbing with a wet mop. ing ships with broadside gun batteries, to open up the
Clamshell bucket: See grab bucket. gun decks by removing all interior bulkheads and can-
Clandestine: Said of an operation conducted in vas screens, rolling and lashing hammocks to be placed
such a way as to ensure secrecy or concealment. A in nettings above the bulwarks, etc. [2] Today, to re-
clandestine operation differs from a covert operation move all encumbrances from the decks, and prepare
in that emphasis is placed on concealment of the op- for an engagement (cf. clear ship, strip ship).
eration rather than on concealment of the identity of Clear for Guam: To set sail for an unknown des-
its sponsor. tination. At the height of the Australian gold rush,
Clap: Seamans slang for venereal disease (from Old ships which carried prospectors to Melbourne had to
French clapier = low-class brothel). leave in ballast to search for return cargoes. Australian
Clap on: [1] To add a temporary feature, such as an Customs regulations required that vessels clearing out-
extra sail. [2] Command to catch hold of a rope and ward declare their destination. Since this was usually
haul it. unknown it became customary to Clear for Guam
Class: [1] A group of warships or racing yachts shar- an island in the Western Pacic Ocean with the sta-
ing design and other characteristics. See also sister tus of United States unincorporated territory.
ships. [2] Ships of the same type (e.g., tankers, break- Clear ship: Prepare for combat by removing the
bulk vessels). jackstaff and other spars not required for navigation,
Classied: A general term dening information clearing ammable items from the deck, and laying out
which must be controlled in the interest of national se- ready-use ammunition (cf. strip ship, clear for action).
curity. See condential, secret, and top secret. Clear the decks!: Command to remove all unnec-
Claw off: Beat to windward to escape a lee shore. essary gear and objects from the open decks in prepa-
Clean full: Sailing so as to keep the sails full and ration for foul weather.
bellying in the wind. Clear the yardarm: [1] In common usage: To ab-
Clean into: Former RN command to change into solve oneself of blame, either before or after an embar-
the rig (uniform) specied in the instruction. This led rassing incident, mistake, or omission has occurred.
to the ridiculous order clean into coaling rig to do [2] In communications parlance: Make no signals
the dirtiest job on shipboard. (outstanding hoists are not executed).
Clean ship: Refers to [1] A vessel whose lines are Clear visibility: Weather conditions allowing visual
clear and unobstructed from bow to stern so that she range of at least 10 nautical miles.
moves smoothly through the water. [2] A bulk oil car- Clear water: Ice-free Polar seas.
rier whose cargo tanks are free of all traces of heavy fuel Clearance: A document indicating that a vessel has
or crude oils previously carried. completed all Customs requirements and is free to
Clean slate: This term which now implies the leave.
removal of (unfavorable) items from a persons rec- Clearance bearing: A pre-calculated bearing to a
ord probably originated at sea in the days of sailing charted object, warning of a navigational hazard on the
ships when changes of course were temporarily re- vessels course. The American term is danger bearing.
corded on a slate. At the end of each watch the data Also called clearing bearing, limit bearing or
was logged and the slate was wiped clean. index bearing.
Clear: [1] To obtain approval of something. [2] An Clearing bafes: Good submarine warfare tactics
Clearview 74

require the vessel to turn sharply and abruptly to one Close: To approach another vessel or place (pro-
side or the other at irregular intervals so that its sonar nounced cloze).
can scan the previous bafe zone for any hostile sub- Close aboard: [1] The distance at which naval hon-
marine which might be hiding there. This maneuver ors should normally be rendered (600 yards or me-
is properly known as clearing the bafes and collo- ters for a ship, 400 for a boat). [2] Said of enemy re
quially as a crazy ivan. Modern boats usually deploy which falls near the ship (pronounced as written).
a towed sonar array within the bafed area, thereby Close air support: Aerial action to assist ground
making the maneuver redundant. forces in combat. Requires careful coordination to
Clearview screen: A fast-rotating glass disc that avoid friendly re casualties.
throws off spray or rain water to allow bridge ofcers Close-hauled: Steering towards the wind as much
to see ahead. as possible.
Cleat: [1] A tting to which a line can be secured Close-quarters: [1] Fighting yardarm-to-yardarm
without needing a hitch. [2] To secure a line to such or man-to-man on deck. Although long in naval use
a tting. and sometimes said to have a naval origin, the phrase
Clench: [1] A knot made by a half hitch with the almost certainly began ashore as an infantry term for
end of the rope fastened back by seizing. [2] To secure hand-to-hand combat. [2] Loopholed bulwarks across
a nail or screw by beating over the protruding point. the upper decks of merchantmen for defense against
[3] To settle denitely and conclusively, to make pirates. [3] A barrier across the deck of a slave-trader
nal. [4] To grip, grasp, or close tightly. Also clinch, to guard against an uprising. [4] Any small conned
and both forms are used in common speech (e.g., place or position.
When she clinched the deal, it made him clench his Close reach: The point of sail between a beam
teeth). reach and close-hauled.
Clew: [1] The lower corners of a square sail. [2] The Close-reefed: Said of square-rig topsails when all
lower corner of the leech of a lugsail or a triangular sail. possible reefs have to taken in to minimize sail area.
Cliff: A steep or vertical rock face, especially one Close support : Gunre by a supporting unit
facing the sea. against targets or objectives engaged by another unit
Clinch: [1] That part of a cable, or rope that is fas- that are sufciently near to that unit as to require co-
tened to the ring of the anchor. [2] Alternate spelling ordination with the supported units re, movement,
of clench. or other actions.
Clinker: [1] A chunk of soot emanating from the Close-up: [1] The act of hoisting a ag or sail to the
stack or exhaust of a ship. [2] The stony residue from highest position (pronounced cloze). [2] Said of ags
burnt coal. [3] Code-name for a system which senses or sails which are as high as possible (pronounced as
the heat generated by a submarines wake. written). This term derives from visual signaling.
Clinker knocker: RN slang for a stoker. When the agship hoisted a signal the addressee
Clinker-built: Boatbuilding style in which side hoisted the same signal at the dip to conrm it had
planks overlap (cf. Carvel-built). been seen. After looking it up in the signal book the
Clinking glasses: 18th century superstition held hoist was brought close-up to indicate it was fully
that a seafarer drowned each time a drinking glass was understood. When the admirals hoist was hauled
knocked and rang. However, he could be saved if the down, the addressee immediately lowered the signal
sound was silenced with a nger and someone simul- and executed the order.
taneously cried out save the sailor. Some believed Closed-cycle diesel: An engine that can be oper-
that two soldiers would then be taken instead. This ated underwater to provide air-independent propul-
widespread civilian courtesy is still occasionally frowned sion by running on an articial atmosphere synthe-
upon by seamen. sized from liquid oxygen, an inert gas, and recycled
Clinometer: An instrument for measuring the in- exhaust products. The exhaust largely carbon diox-
clination of a vessels roll, heel, or list. Also, but ide, nitrogen, water vapor, and argon is cooled,
slightly incorrect, inclinometer. scrubbed, and separated, with the argon being recycled
Clipper: A 19th century fast-sailing merchantman, and the remaining products mixed with seawater and
fully-rigged with an exceptionally large sail area, de- discharged overboard. The engine can also be operated
signed for speed rather than cargo capacity, with a conventionally when on the surface or while snorkel-
long, low, narrow hull, sharply concave knife-edged ing.
bow, and three to seven tall square-sailed masts. Built Closed-cycle steam turbine: In this form of air-
specically for the East Indian tea trade, they were the independent propulsion, steam is generated by the
fastest commercial sailing ships ever built. Speeds in combustion of ethanol and liquid oxygen at a pres-
excess of 15 knots were usual, and in 1854 Sovereign of sure of about 60 atmospheres. Pressure-ring allows
the Seas reported making 22 knots while running exhaust carbon dioxide to be discharged overboard at
down to Australia. any depth without an exhaust compressor.
Clipper bow: A forward-curved stem and sides Closed-up: To be au fait with a situation, to un-
with lots of are. Also schooner bow. derstand what is going on (pronounced clozed).
75 CODAGElectric

Cloth: Refers to the canvas of a sail. For example, Coastwise: Shipping routes which remain within
a ship with wide sails was said to spread much cloth. twenty nautical miles of the shore.
Clothing: [1] During the seventh century sails were Cobbing and rking: These were unofcial pun-
known as clothing after the cloth from which they ishments awarded by messdeck court-martial to
were made. [2] Today the term is used for insulating cooks who spoiled a meal or consistently served un-
material wrapped around pipes and then covered with palatable food. Cobbing involved all members of the
lagging. [3] Garments collectively. mess beating the offender with socks lled with sand
Cloudburst: Brief but very heavy rainfall, unof- or a at piece of wood called a cobbing-board, while
cially specied as more than 100 mms (4 inches)/hour. rking was similar treatment using the staves of the
Clove hitch: A knot formed of two half-hitches small cask called a rkin. Those who did not remove
made in opposite directions. Often used for securing their hats when the watch was called were also subject
mooring lines. to cobbing. The practice got out of hand and was
Club-haul: A seldom-performed and hazardous ofcially forbidden in 1811.
emergency maneuver in which the lee anchor is Coble: A at-bottomed, square-sterned boat used
dropped to bring the ships head to the wind, at which by Yorkshire turbot shers.
moment the cable is cut and sails are trimmed on the Cock: The naval term for a tap or faucet.
new tack. Only performed in the most perilous and Cockbill: To place the yards of a square-rigger at
rarest of situations (such as in 1814 when HMS Mag- random angles (acockbill) as a sign of mourning.
nicent was caught between two reefs in the Basque Cocked hat: [1] In navigation, three observed po-
Roads). sition lines should properly pass through a single point
Clue: Either of the lower corners of a square sail. to make the x, but if there is any compass error, or
Clutter: Radar distortion due to precipitation, elec- if a sight has been less than perfect, the lines will form
tronic interference, or wave reection. a triangle known as a cocked hat. [2] Headgear,
Coach: The cabin or compartment just ahead of pointed at front, back, and crown, universally worn by
the Great Cabin in a sailing man-o-war. Used by the naval ofcers until World War II, and still occasion-
ag-captain when carrying an admiral. ally at formal events with full-dress uniform. Also (in-
Coaling bag: A large canvas bag used by the USN correctly) called a tricorne. [3] The phrase knocked
to transport supplies during replenishment at sea. into a cocked hat means to be soundly and swiftly
Coaming: A raised frame to keep water from run- defeated.
ning into a hatch or opening in the deck to ood the Cockpit: [1] Originally a compartment below the
space below. There is a rabett (incised shelf ) in the waterline of a man-o-war, used as junior ofcers
upper inside edge to receive a hatch cover or grating. quarters and a dressing station for men wounded in
In the days of ghting sail, loopholes in the coamings combat. [2] Nowadays, the space containing helm and
allowed muskets to be red from below to clear the compass in a small boat. Also [3] the crew compart-
deck of boarders. Also (incorrectly) combing. ment in an aircraft.
Coast: The land near to the sea, the seashore. Cock-up: RN slang for a bungle.
Coast Guard: The U.S. Coast Guard is primary CODAD propulsion: This acronym of Combined
guardian of United States maritime borders, charged Diesel And Diesel refers to a propulsion system using
with preventing illegal incursions into the exclusive two diesel engines, connected by a gearbox and
economic zone (EEZ), and halting the inow of ille- clutches that allow either or both of them to power a
gal drugs, migrants, and contraband. It is unique in single propeller shaft.
operating as both a civil authority and a branch of the CODAG propulsion: Combined Diesel And Gas
national armed forces, reporting to the Secretary of turbine, refers to a propulsion system for ships which
Homeland Security in peacetime, and to the Secre- need a maximum speed (using the combined system)
tary of the Navy in war. that is considerably faster (usually 50 percent) than
Coast is clear: This was originally a smugglers their cruising speed with diesel power alone. Linking
term indicating there were no revenuers lurking ashore the two power sources requires complex and potentially
or coast guard vessels nearby. troublesome gearing, so an alternative is to let each
Coastal current: A stream owing parallel to the system use its own drive shafts to turn smaller pro-
shore outside the surf line (cf. longshore current). pellers. However, this is less efcient and the pro-
Coaster: A vessel engaged in coastwise trade, nor- pellers of the idling system cause drag. CODAG
mally unsuitable or uncertied for blue-water service. propulsion is employed by Norways Nansen Class
Coastguard: The British Coastguard is part of the frigates and Germanys Kln Class frigates.
civilian Maritime & Coastguard Agency and is pri- CODAGElectric propulsion: In this variation,
marily concerned with search and rescue at sea, ensur- each of the CODAG power sources is connected to a
ing that passage is safe, and preventing coastal pollu- generator, and the propellers are driven by electric
tion. motors. This design is employed by RMS Queen Mary
Coastie : Slang for a member of the U.S. Coast 2 which mounts the propulsion motors inside pods
Guard. and places the gas turbines directly under the funnel

where fresh air is more easily accessed than in the en- Cold move: To shift a cold ship by means of tugs,
gine room. or wires and dockside capstan.
CODAGWARP propulsion: In this system the Cold ship: A vessel with no source of power for
second acronym does not come from Star Wars, but propulsion, heat, communication, or any other pur-
refers to Waterjet And Rened Propeller. Two diesel pose. Also cold iron, dead ship.
engines drive two propellers in a CODAD arrange- Cold shot: [1] A catapult launch lacking sufcient
ment, with a water jet powered by a gas turbine at the power to propel the aircraft to ying speed, causing it
centerline. When idling the water jet causes no drag to crash. [2] Unheated cannon balls.
and since its nozzle can be placed further aft and Cold War: A state of political tension and military
higher it does not affect the size of the propellers. rivalry between nations that stops short of full-
Code: [1] A systematic collection of laws. [2] A text scale combat. Especially the nuclear standoff between
in which whole words or phrases (rather than indi- the United States and Soviet Union following World
vidual letters) have been substituted in order to con- War II.
ceal its meaning from those who do not possess the Collateral duty: A function assigned to a person
key. See also cipher, cryptography. whose primary task is unrelated.
Code ag: A red-and-white striped pennant used Collier: A vessel designed to carry coal as its sole
to signal that International Code (table 8) will be used cargo.
for the subsequent message. Collision: The impact (usually violent) of one
Codger: This term for an odd or eccentric person, moving body (e.g., a ship) with another, or with a
especially one who is old and miserly, was originally xed object (e.g., a wharf ). See Colregs.
a seamans name for a lazy or easy-going shipmate Collision Avoidance System: An electronic sys-
who would never move faster than he had to. tem designed to prevent collisions in conned water-
Cofferdam: [1] A sealed double bulkhead used for ways.
insulation or to prevent the escape of vapors or liq- Collision bulkhead: A watertight enclosure ex-
uids. [2] A watertight chamber or enclosure for con- tending from keel to main deck to prevent the entire
struction or repairs. ship from being ooded in the event of head-on col-
Cofn ship: Colloquial description of a vessel of lision.
dubious safety or seaworthiness. Collision mat: A heavy pad for covering under-
Cog : A capacious sailing merchantman of the water holes in the hull caused by battle or collision
Baltic and Mediterranean. Characterized by high damage. The pressure of sea water holds it in place.
sides, at bottom, and single square-sail. Popular from (Cf. fother.)
10th to 15th centuries. Colors/Colours: [1] The Flag or ensign, indicating
COGAG propulsion: A combination power plant a vessels nationality. [2] A ceremonial bugle call made
consisting of Combined Gas turbine And Gas tur- when raising the national ag in the morning and
bine in which one is employed for cruise economy, (USN only) lowering it in the evening. The RN term
and is supplemented by a second, larger one, to pro- for the latter is sunset.
vide boost power. Colregs: This abbreviation of Collision Regula-
COGOG propulsion: A combination of gas tur- tions refers to rules formalized at a 1972 Convention
bines in which one is used for cruise economy, and a on International Regulations for the Prevention of
second larger one provides boost power. It differs from Collisions at Sea (see table 7). Based on concepts of
a COGAG conguration in that the smaller turbine seamanship and nautical wisdom that had evolved
must be physically disengaged when the boost tur- over centuries of seafaring, Colregs became effective in
bine is employed, hence the acronym comes from July 1977, and are periodically updated. They are
Combined Gas turbine Or Gas turbine. binding on the vessels of all States while in interna-
Coil: [1] To lay down a line in fakes. [2] To loop a tional waters. In inland waters, vessels obey the reg-
line for storage. [3] Anything arranged in concentric ulations of the State having jurisdiction, but these are
circles. [4] A standard 120-fathom length of line as usually based on and similar to Colregs.
purchased. Although mandatory, these international rules do
Coin: See quoin. not stie initiative, because Rule 2 makes it clear that
Coir: Fiber made from coconut husk, used to make blindly following them does not exonerate any mas-
buoyant matting and low-grade rope. Pronounced ter or navigator from personal responsibility for pru-
coyer. dent and responsible behavior; even to the extent of
Coir rope: Is the weakest of all cordage, but it has ignoring the rules when circumstances dictate alterna-
the advantage of being so light that it oats on water. tive emergency action. In addition to steering and sail-
It is also exible and very springy, but rots if stowed ing regulations, Colregs prescribe lights and shapes
while wet, and does not stand up well to chafe or that respectively identify the types and relative posi-
weather. It is half the weight, and one-fth the tions of watercraft by night and by day; sound and
strength, of equal size manila or sisal rope. light signals (table 9) which allow masters or pilots to
Cold iron: See cold ship. communicate their vessels present situation and im-
77 Commander

minent maneuvers; and a wide range of methods for Command: [1] The authority exercised by virtue of
mariners to signal distress (see table 10). rank or assignment. [2] A ship or unit under the ju-
Colt: See Starter and Unofcial Beating. risdiction of an individual commander. [3] An in-
Column: [1] One of the dimensions of a convoy, struction requiring immediate execution (cf. order).
which is traditionally assembled in a rectangular for- Command and control: [1] This phrase has long
mation of columns running from front-to-back been used generically to describe the exercise of author-
(counted from the left); and lines running from side- ity and direction by a properly designated commander
to-side (counted from the front). For example, the over assigned forces for the accomplishment of a mis-
second ship in the rst column would be in Station 12, sion. [2] Recently, it has acquired the specic mean-
while the third ship in the fth column would be in ing of a data system for the direction of tactical, strate-
Station 53. [2] The USN and NATO term for line- gic, or combat activities in real time as is demanded
ahead (single le). See also open order column. by the speed of 21st century warfare. A commander in
Comb: [1] To roll and break (used of waves). [2] the eld or at sea uses such a system as the tool to di-
To make a thorough search (e.g., He combed through rect and coordinate forces in order to accomplish the
the le, looking for the contract). assigned mission and cope with the inevitable uncer-
Combat Air Patrol: A defensive umbrella of ghter tainties of battle. The more remote from the scene of
aircraft, deployed over a naval force or operating area action, the more dependant he or she is on commu-
for the purposes of combating hostile air attacks and nications.
of destroying scout aircraft before they can gather or The activity is usually abbreviated C2, but has re-
transmit intelligence information. Usually known as cently been referred to as C3 (C2 plus communica-
the Cap. tions) or even as C4I (adding computers and intelli-
Combat Direction Center: See combat informa- gence). These additions seem superuous because
tion center. without accurate information and speedy data pro-
Combat Engagement Center: The nerve center cessing, no commander can make meaningful deci-
of an RN warship in combat. Formerly known as Gun sions; without rapid, effective, and dependable com-
Direction Room. munication he or she is unable to pass timely
Combat Information Center: The communica- instructions to subordinates; and without some form
tions and electronics hub of a warship, staffed and of feedback from those subordinates effective control
outtted to collect, display, evaluate, and disseminate is impossible.
tactical information from radar, sonar, and other Command of the Sea: Accrues when a seapower is
equipment, for use by the commanding ofcer or em- able to protect its own commerce by keeping open
barked ag ofcer during an engagement. During nor- trade routes, while denying or controlling the use of
mal operations, CIC supports the bridge and the such routes by hostile powers. The means of achieve-
OOD by tracking and identifying surface and air con- ment are threefold: [1] Aerial and surface combat, to
tacts, coordinating with shoreside command centers, destroy enemy naval forces. [2] Blockade, to neutral-
and communicating with other vessels. Also called ize enemy naval and merchant shipping, by conning
Action Information Center and, on aircraft carriers, them to their ports, or destroying them if they venture
Combat Direction Center. forth. [3] Amphibious operations, when necessary to
Combat loading: Embarking troops and equip- invade enemy territory. In the 21st century, all three are
ment in the order required for rapid and effective dis- increasingly dependent on the Command of Space.
embarkation during an amphibious assault (cf. com- [4] Another possibility, attempted by Germany in
mercial loading; tactical loading). both World Wars, is to mount a guerre de course.
Combers: Deep water waves with foamy crests (cf. Command ship: Encouraged by the success of am-
breakers). phibious force agships in World War II the post-war
Combined operations: [1] Military action in con- USN planned to convert several incomplete heavy
junction with allied forces. [2] Operations involving cruisers and small aircraft carriers to tactical command
at least two of a nations land, sea, and air forces. ships equipped with advanced communications and
Combing: See coaming. extensive combat information spaces. Only a few were
Come about: To bring a boat from one tack to the actually completed and commissioned in that role,
other by turning into the eye of the wind. which became extinct in 1980.
Come home: Said of an anchor when its ukes are Commandant: [1] The highest ranking ofcer in
not holding and it drags. the United States Marine Corps. By statute a four-
Comingle: To mix two or more petroleum prod- star General and member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
ucts. Usually the result of improper handling proce- the Commandant reports directly to the Secretary of
dures. the Navy (a political appointee) not to the Chief of
Comito: The title of a galley ofcer whose rank Naval Operations. [2] The ofcer in command of a
and status diminished over time. In antiquity the title naval base irrespective of rank.
signied an admiral, in the Byzantine navy it referred Commander: [1] A person who exercises authority.
to a captain, and by the Renaissance it meant rst mate. [2] The ofcer in tactical command (OTC) of a group
Commanding 78

of specically designated warships. [3] A naval rank in- quarter of its length with seven evenly spaced white
stituted by the Royal Navy in 1814 to replace the for- stars (there were originally thirteen, but the number
mer Master and Commander and then achievable only was reduced when the pennant was shortened). The re-
by being appointed to the command of a vessel smaller maining three-fourths is divided horizontally, red over
than a post-ship but larger than a lieutenants com- white. The Royal Navys equivalent is known as the
mand. It soon became an essential stepping stone to Masthead Pendant.
post-captain. In 1827, the rst lieutenants (seconds-in- Commodity: General commercial term for any
command) of battleships were also made command- product or raw material available for trade.
ers. [4] A naval rank instituted by the United States Commodore: [1] A Royal Navy one-star ag rank
Navy in 1837 to replace the former Master Comman- created in 1999. [2] The commander of a convoy of
dant (table 15). Today, commanders rank below cap- merchantmen. [3] The senior captain of a line of mer-
tain and above lieutenant-commander. chant vessels. [4] The president or head of a yacht
Commanding Ofcer: The senior commissioned, squadron or boat club. [5] Formerly, an RN or USN
warrant, or petty ofcer of a vessel, air squadron, unit, ofcer appointed to assume operational command of
post, base, station, or other shore establishment. Also a group of specically designated warships (today, this
Ofcer-in-Command. appointment would be termed ofcer in tactical com-
Commando: British name for an elite amphibious mand).
raiding force. Adopted from the South African Boer During the 17th century Anglo-Dutch Wars, want-
term for an irregular cavalry unit which, in turn, was ing to create additional squadron commanders with-
taken from the Portuguese for a small military com- out having to pay admirals salaries, the Dutch Navy
mand. See special forces. introduced the position of Komondeur which was a
Commendatory Mast: USN term for a ceremony title rather than a rank. In 1689 the Dutch Stadholder,
at which the commanding ofcer congratulates or dec- Prince William of Orange, became King William III
orates members of the command. See also captains of the United Kingdom, and a year later gave the title
mast. to the senior captains of detached squadrons, and the
Commerce: Trade: business transactions; the buy- commanders of shore establishments where no ag
ing selling, and movement of merchandise on a large ofcer was present. As in the Dutch prototype, these
scale between countries or regions. were only temporary appointments, and incumbents
Commerce raiding: See Guerre de Course. retained their seniority on the captains list. In 1747,
Commercial loading : Embarking troops and although commodores were still neither permanent
equipment to ensure optimum use of available space nor a rank, captains serving as such were given the
without regard for combat readiness, as opposed to status of brigadier general in the rst ofcial British list
tactical or combat loading. of army-navy equivalents. During the Napoleonic
Commissary: Shore-based grocery and general Warswhen admirals were appointed strictly on sen-
goods store for USN personnel and dependants. iority the ofce of commodore allowed command-
Commission: [1] To place a warship on active serv- ers-in-chief to reach far down into the captains list,
ice. [2] The period during which a warship is assigned to give young and energetic ofcers the chance to
to specic duties. [3] A document conferring ofcer prove themselves in command of squadrons, or even
rank on an individual (excluding warrant, petty, and small eets.
other non-commissioned ofcers). [4] A percentage In 1805, RN commodores were divided into First
of the selling price paid to a salesperson as payment Class, who were virtually junior admirals and entitled
for making the transaction. [5] A fee charged by a bro- to ag captains, and those of the Second Class who
ker or agent for service in facilitating a business deal. captained their own ships as well as commanding a
[6] An ofcial investigative body. [7] To contract for squadron. Both remained temporary appointments
the production of something (e.g., a work of art). until 1996, when the second class was abandoned and
Commission of War: Authorization to operate as the rst was made substantive with one-star rank. The
a private warship (privateer) against enemies of the ups-and-downs of commodores in the U.S. Navy
issuing authority, empowering the person to whom it from temporary appointment to permanent rank are
is granted to carry on all forms of hostility which are outlined above under Admirals and below under
permissible at sea under the usages of war. Frequently, Commodore Admiral. The title has now reverted
but slightly incorrectly, called a Letter of Marque. to its original 18th century usage as the courtesy title
Commission Pennant: Under Article 1259 of Navy of a senior captain commanding a squadron.
Regulations, a United States warship ies a special Commodore Admiral: This is perhaps the rarest of
pennant from the main truck, day and night; from all naval titles, having been held by only a handful of
the moment it is commissioned until the moment it is USN ofcers appointed during the last eleven months
decommissioned, except when displaced by an admi- of 1982. The rank was created to appease army and
rals ag or a command pennant. When a pennant is air force complaints that both upper and lower halves
to be changed, the new one is closed up before the old of rear admiral wore two stars, giving naval captains
is struck. The pennant is blue from the hoist for one- the advantage of skipping one-star rank. Congress es-
79 Complete

tablished the rank of Commodore Admiral with a sin- rim into the cardinal or inter-cardinal points of the
gle star, but faced immediate and numerous objec- compass, or into degrees. A lubbers line on the xed
tions that this violated centuries of naval tradition. In compass bowl is aligned to the bow, and hence its in-
response, the admiral was dropped at the beginning tersection with the card shows the vessels heading. To
of 1983. Two years later, the rank was abolished and a shipboard observer the card seems to rotate when the
rear admiral lower half was re-designated one-star vessel turns, but in fact it remains aligned to the north
(with no change in pay grade). while the ship turns around it. Also compass rose.
Common carrier: Refers to an individual or com- Almost without exception, the northward direction
pany engaged in transporting goods or passengers for on a compass card is indicated by a eur-de-lys a
prot. stylized lily ower, formerly the emblem of French
Communication countermeasures: Techniques royalty. Few mariners would be able to explain why, but
designed to detect, intercept, confuse, interfere with, the practice dates back to the twelfth century when
or otherwise disrupt hostile communications. See also the French called their water compasses Mariniere.
radar countermeasures, radio countermeasures, and In 1258, the Florentine Brunetto Latini wrote; Even
electronic warfare. as our august King is our guide on the land, so does the
Communication system: A system or facility ca- eur-de-lys on the Mariniere guide the seafarer by
pable of providing information transfer between per- constantly pointing to Boreas (the ancient Greek god
sons and equipment, usually consisting of communi- of the north wind) no matter how the ship may go.
cation networks, transmission systems, relay stations, Compass compensation: Adjustments to a mag-
tributary stations, and terminal equipment capable of netic compass to counteract the effects of degaussing.
interconnection and interoperation so as to form an in- Compass course: The angle between the direction
tegrated whole. of compass north and the ships fore-and-aft line,
Communications: [1] General: The transfer of in- measured clockwise from compass north.
formation according to agreed conventions. [2] In- Compass error: Consists of two components. [1]
formation technology; the representation, transfer, Variation, which is caused by the difference between
interpretation, and processing of data between and the geographic and magnetic poles, and changes with
among persons, places, and machines: [3] Military: the observers position on the earths surface; and [2]
The conveyance of information of any kind, but es- Deviation, which is due to the magnetic effect of the
pecially orders and decisions, from one command, iron in the ship itself.
person, or place to another, usually by means of elec- Compass needle: A device used to determine ge-
tronic equipment. ographic direction, usually consisting of a small bar
Companion: [1] Formerly an opening that allowed magnet horizontally mounted or suspended and free
light to enter cabins below the quarterdeck. [2] The to pivot until aligned with the earths magnetic eld.
cover over a cabin hatchway. From the Dutch kam- Compass points: Before the arrival of modern in-
panje = quarterdeck. struments accurate enough to be calibrated from 0
Companionway: A hatch or opening with a ladder to 360 (with ner readings possible) compasses used
giving access to a lower compartment (traditionally, the a less-precise 32-point system. Each of these points
captains or embarked ag ofcers quarters). Also covered an arc of 111/4 and had a unique name as fol-
companion ladder. lows: North, North by East, North-Northeast, North-
Company: The oldest military unit, typically con- east by North, Northeast, Northeast by East, East-
sisting of 75200 soldiers or marines. Most contain Northeast, East by North, East, and so on around the
from three to ve platoons, the number varying by other three quadrants (see cardinal points and intercar-
country, service, and structure. Several companies dinal points). To recite them in sequence was to box
form a battalion, and several battalions a regiment (see the compass (table 17).
military organization). The current meaning as the Compass rose: [1] A circle divided into 32 points
subdivision of an infantry regiment dates from about or 360 degrees, numbered clockwise from true or
1590, but the word compaignie appears as early as magnetic north, printed on a map or chart for purposes
twelfth century French to describe a body of soldiers of navigation or orientation. [2] A compass card.
of any size. See also ships company. Complaint: Refers to the creaking noise made by
Compartment: Any space enclosed by bulkheads. spars or timbers when under stress but in no danger
Compass: A direction-nding instrument show- of breaking.
ing the heading of a ship. Magnetic compasses orient Complement: [1] The number of ofcers and crew
themselves to the earths magnetic eld and can only required for safe operation and navigation of a mer-
show magnetic north. A gyrocompass depends on the chantman. [2] The number of ofcers and ratings/en-
tendency of freely-spinning rotors to maintain spatial listed required and authorized to form a warships
orientation, and can be set to indicate true north. company at full operational readiness.
Compass bowl: A round dish in which the com- Complete: Traditionally a ship is not complete
pass card is mounted. until she has been launched. A nished but un-
Compass card: A circular card, divided around its launched vessel is built.
Composite 80

Composite sailing: See sailings. Consignee: The person or organization to whom

Con: [1] To pilot or direct the steering of a ship. something is consigned.
[2] In American terminology, the location from which Consignment: [1] Something that is consigned. [2]
the ship is conned. Also conn. From Anglo-Saxon con- The act of consigning something. [3] Something sent
nan = skillful or cunning. to an agent for storage, sale, or shipment. See also on
Condemnable: Said of goods declared to be contra- consignment.
band and thus subject to seizure and condemnation. Consignor: The person or organization making a
Goods contaminated by infection are also condemnable. consignment.
Condemnation: [1] General: an expression of Consolato de Mare: An important sourcebook of
strong disapproval, severe reproof; or strong censure. maritime legislation that made a major contribution
[2] Ecclesiastical: a formal curse, often accompanied to the codication and development of shipping law
by excommunication. [3] Civil law: the act of (a) for- and laid the basis for present-day maritime law. It was
feiting land for public use, or (b) judging a food prod- rst published in Spanish at Barcelona in 1494, but
uct unt for consumption or a building unsafe for achieved its widest circulation in Italian (specically
use. [4] Admiralty law: The sentence of an admiralty Venetian) editions during the 16th and 17th centuries.
court declaring a captured vessel to be a lawful prize. In addition to legal detail, it provides extensive infor-
Without such a ruling, the vessel may not legally be mation on the practical running of a ship, maritime or-
sold. Goods declared contraband are also subject to ganization, and taxes and tariffs. See Laws and Con-
condemnation. ventions of the Sea.
Condition: See material condition and readiness Consort: A vessel keeping company with another.
condition. Constant helm: See sinuating.
Cone of Silence: [1] Space directly above a radio Constitution: Was one of six super-frigates au-
transmitter where its signal is indistinct or cannot be thorized for construction by the Naval Act of 1794
heard. [2] Space directly below a sonar where sub- (see warship rating). Launched in 1797, and known
marines cannot be detected. affectionately as Old Ironsides, she is frequently
Confederate States Navy: An armed naval force claimed to be the oldest commissioned warship in the
formed in 1861 to harass the Unions maritime trade world, but in fact that honor belongs to HMS Victory
and establish local control of the coasts of southern who is 32 years older. However, the latter is in dry
states. Confederate raiders destroyed 257 Union ships dock, while Constitution is still aoat.
and forced some 700 others to switch ags to avoid at- Constrained by draft: A classication under the
tack. Navigation Rules (table 7) of a power-driven vessel
Condential: The lowest classication of material whose size (beam or draft) restricts its ability to devi-
or information which would be harmful to national in- ate from its course in a waterway.
terests if disclosed. See also secret and top secret. Construction Battalion: A formation of the USNs
Condential Report : A periodic assessment of Civil Engineer Corps, specially trained for building
Royal Navy ofcers performance, made by the com- ports, airelds, and other facilities in combat areas.
manding ofcer and forming the basis for promotion Its ofcers enjoy line status, and members are often
to higher rank. The USN equivalent is called Fitness called Seabees after the initials CB. Motto We Build,
Report. We Fight. See also Song of the Seabees.
Conformality: A term used in cartography. When Constructive presence: A doctrine of international
the scale of a map at any point is the same in all di- law which allows a coastal state to exercise jurisdic-
rections, the map projection is said to be conformal. tion over a foreign-agged vessel that is hovering to
Shape is preserved locally, and meridians and parallels seaward of its territorial waters while acting in concert
intersect at right angles. No projection can be simul- with another vessel which is violating the coastal states
taneously conformal and area-preserving. laws while inside its territorial waters (e.g., a mother
Confused sea: Force 9 on the Douglas Scale. ship that remains in international waters after launch-
Conning tower: [1] A watertight compartment in- ing a fast-running boat to carry contraband ashore
side the sail of some submarines, from which may be boarded and seized by the coastal state).
periscopes can be raised to direct the boat and launch Contact: A Radar or sonar echo, that is neither a
torpedo attacks. [2] Frequently, but incorrectly, the false reading, nor evaluated as clutter, but has not
sail itself. [3] The place from which armored ships of been identied as a specic target.
an earlier generation were supposed to be controlled Contact mine: This is the original type of moored
in combat. (In practice the surrounding iron struc- mine and is still in naval use. Usually it consists of a
ture made it difcult to correct the magnetic compass, round, oval, or cylindrical explosive-packed container
while the tower was ill-ventilated with poor external with positive buoyancy, tethered to the sea bed by a
visibility, often leading the responsible ofcers to move cable that holds it below the surface at approximately
outside.) keel depth. Protuberances around the top and sides
Consign: To hand over or deliver goods or mer- of the container, known as Hertz horns, contain glass
chandise, usually for shipment by a common carrier. vials lled with acid. When a ships hull makes con-
81 Convey

tact with one of these horns the vial is crushed allow- feet) deep, extending from the low water mark to the
ing acid to ow into an electrolyte-free lead-acid bat- point where rapid deepening occurs.
tery and activate it. The energized battery then deto- Continental Slope : The descent of the sea bed
nates the explosive charge. See also Mine (Naval). from the continental shelf to the abyss.
Container: A cargo box or shipping container. Continuous re: All guns ring independently, as
Container ship: A vessel designed to accommo- fast as they can re-load rather than in timed salvoes.
date large standardized cargo boxes in stacks. Continuous voyage: When a blockading power
Contiguous Zone: Is dened in international law has reason to believe that a neutral vessel heading for
as an area extending no more than 12 miles from the a neutral port and carrying contraband of war intends
outer limit of a nations territorial sea. to trans-ship that cargo for onward carriage to the
Continent: A large, contiguous, discrete landmass enemy, it can invoke the doctrine that the two voyages
separated from other landmasses by expanses of water. are in fact one and seize both the vessel and its cargo.
By this geographical denition, there are ve, namely Contraband: Goods prohibited by law from import
Africa, America, Antarctica, Australia, and Eurasia. or export.
However, seven are generally identied by conven- Contraband of war: Under international law, a
tion, with the westernmost peninsula of Eurasia con- belligerent power may seize goods essential or useful
sidered to be the continent of Europe, and the two in the prosecution of war from a neutral who is at-
Americas treated as separate entities. tempting to deliver them to the opposing power. Such
Continental Navy: This was the name of the mar- goods and (often) the vessel carrying them are sub-
itime force of the United States from 1776 until 1794 ject to lawful conscation (seizure). All classes of goods
when the United States Navy was founded. Also that are contraband of war have not been precisely
known as Navy of the Thirteen United Colonies, it dened. Offensive matriel such as arms and ammu-
had an inauspicious beginning and a generally undis- nition are clearly included, but the status of food and
tinguished War of Independence. Commissions were other goods indirectly supporting military action is
awarded as political patronage with little consideration often in doubt. At the beginning of World War II the
of seafaring or military experience. Drunkenness and belligerents agreed lists of absolute and conditional
desertion were as common in the wardroom as on the contraband, but later the total absorption of national
lower deck. economies in warfare eventually led to interdiction,
There was no time for purpose-building, so most to the extent possible, of all shipping destined for the
of the ships were merchantmen with gunports hastily enemy.
sawn into their hulls. American shipwrights had vir- Control room: The nerve center of a submarine,
tually no experience of warship design and made many containing the devices and instrumentation for sub-
mistakes. None was delivered on time, and those that merging, surfacing, steering, and operational control.
were launched often lay at the docks waiting for ord- Control ship: [1] One that directs the boats of an
nance, rigging, stores, and crews. When equipment amphibious assault. Also marker ship. [2] One that
did arrive, much of it was substandard. Only two of sets course and speed during underway replenishment.
the frigates survived the War; seven having been cap- Also control vessel.
tured and inducted into the Royal Navy, while four Control surfaces: [1] The diving planes, hydro-
more were scuttled to avoid a similar fate. The last planes, rudders, and sailplanes used to direct the mo-
one, USS Alliance, was abandoned on a mudbank in tion of submarines and surface vessels. [2] The aile-
the Delaware River, where her rotting hulk remained rons, elevator, and rudder that allow a pilot to adjust
until the 1920s. and control the ight path of an aircraft.
Overall, Continental privateers did better than the Controllable pitch: Ability to alter the pitch of an
navy; about 2,000 Letters of Marque were issued and aerial or marine propeller to improve efciency and/or
their holders wreaked havoc on British trade. However, increase or decrease speed. Also called adjustable pitch,
two Continental Navy ofcers managed to seriously and more fully described under variable pitch.
damage the Royal Navys feeling of invincibility. Cap- Controlling depth: The least depth of water in a
tains Lambert Wicks in 18-gun brig Reprisal and John channel or approach to a port or anchorage. This de-
Paul Jones in 18-gun corvette Ranger raided and took termines the maximum draft of vessels entering.
prizes off the English coast, and shortly afterward Convening authority: A person or body authorized
Jones obtained command of Bonhomme Richard, a to organize courts-martial, courts of inquiry, and
French East Indiaman converted to 42-gun frigate. boards of investigation.
In her, Jones circumnavigated the British Isles, creat- Conventional weaponry: All military hardware
ing turmoil along the English, Irish, and Scottish other than nuclear, chemical, or biological.
coasts, and topping it off with a victorious single-ship Convey: [1] To take or carry from one place to an-
action against HMS Serapis, a new, faster, purpose- other; to transport. [2] To legally transfer ownership
built 44-gun frigate. or title. [3] To communicate or make known (convey
Continental Shelf: A zone of relatively shallow sympathy). [4] To serve as a medium of transmission
water, usually less than 100 fathoms (200 meters/600 (convey electricity by wire).
Conveyance 82

Conveyance: [1] A vehicle or vessel. [2] A means or ghting arsenal would gain a signicant advantage
method of transporting something: [3] The action of over less-integrated opponents. Copernicus is the
transporting or moving something: [4] An instrument Navys code-name for an initiative intended:
by which title to property is transferred. To make command, control, communications, com-
Convoy: [1] A group of merchantmen traveling to- puters and intelligence (C4I) systems responsive to
gether for mutual security. [2] To provide an armed the warghter; to eld these systems quickly; to cap-
escort to such a group. italize on advances in technology; and to shape doc-
Cook: This is one of the oldest naval rates, having trine to reect these changes.
been created in the 11th century as one of four non- Copper-bottomed: [1] A wooden ship whose bot-
military standing warrant ofcers appointed to serve tom has been covered with a thin sheet of copper to
in warships provided and crewed by the Cinque Ports. inhibit the formation of barnacles and seaweed or in-
Originally an appointee required previous experience festation by the teredo worm. [2] Sailor slang for safe
in food preparation ashore, but the post gradually di- and secure. [3] Financial term for solid and reliable.
minished in importance until, by the eighteenth cen- Coracle: An ancient round Celtic boat made of
tury, it had become a sinecure for superannuated, skin-covered wickerwork. Also curragh.
wounded, or disabled seamen, appointed as a reward Coral: A material made by tiny carnivorous ani-
for faithful service without regard for culinary ability. mals called polyps that live in immense colonies. The
For a while, the crews suffered accordingly but, dur- polyp is related to the anemone, and consists of a
ing the Napoleonic Wars, it became obvious that a stomach and a mouth surrounded by tentacles. These
warships combat capability depended on the proper tentacles resemble feet (polyp is a Greek word mean-
nutrition of its ships company, so cooks gradually be- ing many feet). The tentacles are covered with tiny
came professionals again. In modern navies, senior stinging cells and, when a small creature brushes
cook-stewards at the chief petty or warrant ofcer level against them, it is killed and brought into the stom-
are culinary specialists, expected to meet the highest ach to be digested.
of hotel and restaurant standards in supervising all as- Each polyp also extracts calcium from the water to
pects of onboard food service. build a protective limestone case. After it dies, the case
Cook-off: USN term for the unwanted explosion remains and forms the foundation for another polyp
of a projectile due to excessive heat build-up in a gun to build on. Colonies form different shapes according
barrel. to their environment smooth and rounded where
Cooler: Slang for cells or a jail. See Brig. wave action is strong, and branched in calmer, deeper
Cooper: This rating (usually nicknamed Jimmy water. When these limestone formations aggregate,
Bungs) made and repaired the casks, barrels, rkins, they are called a coral reef.
and tubs which were essential to the victualing and Corals grow in clear, fairly shallow water, and are
operation of sailing warships. highly sensitive to environmental change. They can-
Coordinated Universal Time: This is a high-pre- not grow in polluted water, or in water carrying soil
cision standard which conforms to International from the land, or if the salinity of the water drops.
Atomic Time (TAI) and replaced Greenwich Mean They will be swamped by algae if there are too many
Time (GMT) on 19720101 00:00 (see table 12). It nutrients in the water, and will also die if the water
forms the basis for legal civil time all around the globe temperature changes by more than a degree or two
and has been adopted by virtually all military forces. beyond their preferred 18 to 33 C range.
Seconds in UTC are uniform in length, but the sys- Coral reefs: Are the largest structures created by
tem is based on the earths angular rotation, which is any group of animals in the world (humans included).
not quite steady and requires the insertion of leap sec- They are found in a variety of forms as follow:
onds at irregular intervals. A date and time written as Apron: A sloping reef, extending outward and
above without qualication (or with J appended) is downward from the shore.
usually assumed to be local. However appending a Atoll: A more or less circular reef extending all the
capital Z, which stands for the Prime or Zero way around a lagoon. Formerly the barrier reef sur-
Meridian at Greenwich, England, and is phonetically rounding a now sunken island.
pronounced Zulu, indicates UTC. See also Date & Bank: Is essentially a large patch reef and may be lin-
Time Notation and Time Zones. ear or semi-circular in outline.
Coordinates: Intersecting lines of latitude and lon- Barrier: A reef separated from a mainland or an is-
gitude which dene an exact position on the surface land by deep water. It is formed when the land
of the globe. sinks or the sea rises, causing the polyps to build
Copernicus: In 1990, the USN recognized we had upwards. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest nat-
crossed the threshold into the Information Age and ural feature on earth stretching more than 2,300
were facing a Revolution in Military Affairs that kms along the northeast coast of Australia.
moved information and information dominance to Fringing: A reef that is directly attached to the
center stage, holding that the rst to implement offen- shore, or separated only by a shallow, narrow chan-
sive and defensive information tactics into the war- nel or lagoon.
83 Counter

Patch: An isolated, often circular reef, usually within each other, as opposed to a regular turn during which
a lagoon or embayment. they maintain true bearings. The term is an abbrevi-
Ribbon: A long, narrow, somewhat winding reef, ation of Course Pennant. (In the RN, this maneuver
usually associated with a lagoon. is called a wheel.)
Table: A small, isolated organic reef which has a at Corporal: [1] In the Navy, a ships policeman re-
top and does not enclose a lagoon. sponsible to the master-at-arms for small-arms train-
Coral reefs have existed on earth for over 200 mil- ing, attending the gangway when entering port, and
lion years, but a combination of temperature change, ensuring that no alcohol is illegally brought on board.
pollution, overuse by divers, and harvesting for jew- [2] In the Army and Marines, a non-commissioned
elry has already led to the destruction of many; lead- ofcer, subordinate to sergeant.
ing scientists predict that over 50 percent may be de- Corposant: A luminous electrical discharge, ac-
stroyed by the year 2030. companied by ionization of the surrounding atmos-
Coral Sea: This May 8, 1942, battle was the rst phere, manifesting itself as glowing brushlike jets
fought entirely by naval aviation during which the around ships masts, aircraft wings, the tops of tall
opposing warships never sighted each other. Although buildings such as church steeples, and even the horns
losses were even (one carrier sunk and another seriously of cattle. Also called Corona Discharge, Saint Elmos
damaged on each side) it was a tactical victory for Fire, or Jack OLantern.
Japan, but a strategic one for the United States. A Corpsman: A paramedical enlisted member of the
Japanese attack on Port Moresby was thwarted and United States Navy Hospital Corps specially trained
their invasion forces turned back. On the other hand, in combat rst aid.
two additional modern USN carriers at next months Corsair: A privateer licensed by one of the Barbary
Battle of Midway might have contributed to a more States to attack the vessels of Christian powers.
decisive victory. Corsaire: A French privateer of the 18th19th cen-
Corbita: A Roman merchantman with a stout turies.
wooden hull secured by mortise and tenon. It carried Corvette: [1] In the sailing ship era, a sixth-rate
a large square-sail on the mainmast, with a pair of naval vessel usually carrying 9-gun broadsides on an
small triangular sails above it on either side of the open ush-deck. [2] In the transitional navy of the
mast. One or two helmsmen handled each of two late Victorian era, an unarmored cruising vessel, car-
steering oars. A long forward-sloping mast, carrying rying all her guns on an open weather deck. Later, re-
an artemon, was forerunner of the long bowsprit of a classied as a 3rd class or light cruiser. [3] In modern
19th century clipper. The after castle was frequently navies, a small escort vessel.
decorated with a large goose or swans head. Corvus: A Roman spiked boarding plank, mounted
Cord: Several yarns hand-twisted together. on a swivel base and secured vertically against a mast.
Cordage: [1] Ropes, lines, cords, hawsers, and ca- When dropped onto an enemy deck, the spike held
bles taken as a whole. [2] The non-metallic running rm, allowing marines to swarm across. The name is
rigging of a ship. Latin for raven (see also grab).
Corinthian: Nineteenth century term for an am- COSAG propulsion: A power plant consisting of
ateur yachtsman who sailed without a professional a Combination of Steam And Gas turbines. For nor-
skipper. mal operations, the steam turbine is employed while
Coriolis effect: The movement of air (and hence the gas turbine provides boost power as needed.
storms) is deected clockwise in the northern hemi- Coston gun: A rearm invented by Benjamin
sphere and counter-clockwise in the southern by a Franklin Coston and used to shoot a messenger line
hypothetical force postulated in 1843 by French math- to another ship or to stranded people. It was also used
ematician Gaspard Coriolis. Although the angular as a signaling device, igniting a are that remained in
speed of terrestrial rotation is constant, its linear speed the gun which was waved at arms length. See Very
varies with latitude, being fastest at the equator and pistol.
diminishing towards the poles. This has a geostrophic Cot: Bed used by sailing warship ofcers, consist-
effect on the air, also tending to amplify surface cur- ing of canvas stretched on a wooden frame and con-
rents by imposing circular motion on surface water, taining a mattress. More comfortable than a ham-
clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anti-clock- mock, but slung like one to permit rapid removal
wise in the southern. when the ship cleared for action (from Hindi khat =
Corned: [1] Ground into grains and sorted as to bed).
size (e.g., gunpowder). [2] Preserved and seasoned Cotidal chart: A map of the shoreline connecting
(e.g., beef or mutton). [3] Slightly intoxicated (slang). places where high tide arrives simultaneously.
Corocoro: An Indonesian pirate vessel of up to 100 Coubais: A heavily-ornamented 40-oared Japanese
tonnes, propelled by sail and/or oars on outriggers. barge or galley.
Corpen turn: USN term for a change of course in Council of the Marine: See Board of Admiralty.
which ships in company move their rudders sequen- Counter: That part of a vessel which overhangs
tially in so as to maintain the same relative bearings to and projects abaft the sternpost (cf. cruiser stern).
Counterbattery 84

Counter-ood: To allow water into one compart- ofcers and has subpoena authority. Senior to board
ment to compensate for the imbalance caused by pre- of investigation and junior to court-martial.
vious ooding of another compartment. This emer- Courtesy: An act of civility or respect, tradition-
gency measure rightens the vessel, but reduces its ally given or done as a polite gesture:
overall buoyancy. Courtesy ag: A small national ensign of the host
Counterbattery re: Fire directed against active country, own at the starboard yardarm or spreader
hostile artillery or re-control systems. (crosstree) as a token of respect while visiting a foreign
Counterbrace: To turn the yards of a square-rigged nation. Concurrently, the national ensign of the visi-
vessel so that the sails face in a contrary direction and tor is own on the ensign staff at the stern.
stop the ship. Cove: [1] A small, sheltered inlet, bay, or creek (Old
Countercurrent: A current that ows in opposition English cofa = cave). [2] An ornamental groove in-
to the main current or stream (cf. eddy). cised high along a vessels sides and usually painted or
Counterforce: [1] General: A force or action that gold-leafed. Also cove stripe. [3] Slang for a fellow or
opposes or checks another. [2] Specic: The employ- chap (Romany cofa = man).
ment of strategic air and missile forces in an effort to Cover: [1] To protect or screen (e.g., airpower cov-
destroy, or render impotent, selected military capa- ering ground forces). [2] The correct nautical term
bilities of an enemy force, especially as an opening ac- for headgear.
tion in hostilities. This tactic, which is called counter- Covering re : To provide gunre support to a
force, is generally associated with nuclear warfare. Cf. force or an operation.
rst strike. Covert: Said of an operation that is planned and ex-
Countermeasures: Actions taken to eliminate or ecuted so as to conceal the identity of, or permit plau-
reduce the effectiveness of enemy equipment or oper- sible denial by, the sponsor. A covert operation differs
ations. from a clandestine one in that emphasis is placed on
Countermining radius: The distance between concealing the identity of the sponsor rather than the
mines that will avoid the explosion of one setting off operation.
a chain-reaction among the others. Cow hitch: [1] Any improvised fastening or inter-
Country: USN term for a specied area within a weaving of line which is not a recognized maritime
ship (e.g., admirals country, ofcers country, knot. [2] Any bend or hitch which is improperly tied
etc.). Also Territory. and slips.
Coupling: A metal tting at the end of a hose, de- Cowl: A scoop-like device which directs fresh air
signed to connect with a matched tting on a stand- into a vessel for ventilation, or to provide combustion
pipe, hydrant, or another hose. air to the boiler rooms below.
Course: [1] The direction in which a vessel is being Cowling: A removable streamlined covering for an
steered; usually designated as true, magnetic, or grid. aircraft engine.
The type of compass may also be referenced as in Coxswain/Cockswain: This is another ancient
Steer 030 true pgc (per gyro-compass). [2] A term title, referring to the sailor who takes charge of a ships
sometimes used for the actual path followed by a ves- boat and its crew, and usually handles its steering. The
sel, but the preferred nautical term is track. word is a combination of the Anglo-Saxon cok mean-
Course made good: Progress along the direct track ing a small boat with swain meaning husband. It is
from point of departure to destination irrespective of pronounced coxn. In both USN and RN, coxswain
course changes made along the way. still carries its original meaning and refers especially to
Courses: The name for sails suspended on the low- the sailor commanding a captains gig or admirals
ermost yards of a fully square-rigged ship (thus main- barge. In the RN, it is also the rating of the senior
course, fore-course, and mizzen-course). A trysail is petty ofcer on board a submarine or a small ship
also a course when used in place of one of these sails (such as a corvette), who performs as the vessels quar-
during a storm. The term was sometimes extended to termaster and assumes disciplinary duties that are per-
include the main staysails of brigs and schooners. A formed by the master-at-arms and chief boatswains
ship driven by one or more of these with no other sails mate in larger ships.
set used to be called under courses but the term is CPO: Chief petty ofcer.
now seldom used. CQD: [1] Close Quarters Defense. [2] The rst
Court-martial: One of three levels of trial held radio (Morse Code) distress signal, introduced in Feb-
under naval or military law. The lowest level is termed ruary 1904, and replaced by SOS in July 1908.
summary and deals with relatively minor misdeeds; CQR anchor: A single plow-shaped uke mounted
an intermediate level is called special; and the high- on a pivoting shank. Widely used by yachts, especially
est, covering serious misdemeanors up to and includ- for holding in mud or weed (CQR is a verbal pun on
ing capital offenses, is a general court martial. secure). Also plow anchor.
Court of Inquiry: An investigative court that re- Crab: [1] To drift sideways under wind or current.
views and reports on questionable activities involving [2] To adjust course to remain on track under the
naval personnel or property. Consists of three or more inuence of wind or current.
85 Crimping

Crack: First-class or excellent (e.g., A crack ship Crate: A (usually) slatted wooden box, custom-
is uncommonly smart in evolutions or discipline). made to pack fragile goods for transportation.
Crack on: Add sail to the limit of masts, yards, and Crazy Ivan: Submariners Cold War slang for the
rigging. abrupt and unexpected turns made by Soviet sub-
Crackerjack: [1] A sea dish from the age of sail, marines when clearing the bafes in search of a shad-
made from of salt meat mixed with broken ships bis- owing American or NATO boat.
cuit and sundry other ingredients as available. Also Creek : [1] In USA, Canada, Australia, a water-
cracker hash. [2] USN slang for an enlisted seamans course smaller than a river. [2] In Britain, a narrow
uniform. inlet in the sea-coast smaller than a cove.
Cradle: [1] A framework on which a hull rests dur- Creep: To search for a sunken object by dragging
ing construction or repair in a shipyard. [2] A shaped a grapnel along the bottom.
frame to support a small boat: [3] An artillery device Creeping attack: An antisubmarine technique in
on which a recoiling gun slides while its mount re- which a relatively distant ship echo-ranges the target
mains stationary. and relays the information to a consort which remains
Craft: [1] A generic term for one or more water ve- silent so that the target is unaware of its approach until
hicles. This is the widest of four such terms, embrac- actually attacked.
ing boats, ships, and vessels and covering all other Crest: [1] The highest point of a wave, which may
forms of water transportation such as rafts. [2] A or may not be foamy. [2] The heraldic device identi-
trade. [3] Art or skill. fying a ship or person.
Craig-Gowans monster: In 1905, steam trawler Crew: [1] The group of sailors who work a ship,
Craig-Gowan was off Scotlands Rattray Head when excluding its captain or master. In this sense the term
her skipper, Captain Ballard, was alerted to the pres- applies mainly to merchantmen, the preferred naval
ence of a large creature following the ship. He later term being ships company or (informally) the troops.
reported: [2] A group detailed to specic duty such as gun crew
On reaching the deck ... I saw a very large animal of or boat crew. [3] The personnel of an aircraft.
a dark color, which seemed to be racing with us, but Crime: [1] General: The breach of a rule or law for
was about fty feet to windward.... I at once saw which a punishment may ultimately be prescribed.
that the animal was not a whale but some sea mon- [2] Military: Special codes supplement regular
ster, the like of which I have never seen in my life. crimes with specic ones such as mutiny, and a num-
As it rose several portions of the body were visible at ber of misdemeanors (still classied as crimes) such
one time. It seemed to snake its way through the as desertion, insubordination, mutilation, and unau-
water, showing repeated portions of its brown body. thorized absence. [3] International law: Acts such as
The animal was now uncomfortably near. We could crimes against humanity, war crimes, hate crimes, etc.
even see that the skin was covered with some sub- [4] Religion: Offenses against codes of religious
stance like a rough coating of hair. morality, such as Islamic Sharia or Christian Canon
Ballard tried to drive off the creature with the trawlers Law.
furnace rake, but he monster raised its fore part clean Crimp: [1] A crease formed in sheet or plate metal
out of the water, made direct for the trawler, and... as a fastener or to reduce exibility. [2] To press some-
... I plainly saw the monster rise up until its head was thing into a locking seam (e.g., to close the soft metal
over our gaff peak, when it lowered itself with a mo- mouth of a detonator over the raw end of a length of
tion as sudden as lightning carrying away all the safety fuse). [3] Slang for impede or hinder as in it
peak halliards and sending the gaff, sail and all, will put a crimp in their plans. [4] A person who en-
down on deck. trapped or kidnapped seamen to be sold to merchant
By the time the crew had squared away, the creature captains (see sailor-monger). [5] The act of crimping.
had disappeared. Crimping: During the late eighteenth and early
Cramp: [1] A metal device that can be screwed up nineteenth centuries the competing manpower needs
to clamp things together. [2] A painful involuntary of naval, merchant, and privateer captains encour-
muscle-spasm, especially dangerous to swimmers. aged illicit recruiters known as crimpers or crimps
Crane: Any of various shipboard or land-based ma- to trade in this scarce commodity for prot. Becom-
chines for lifting or moving heavy weights by means ing the private enterprise equivalent of the Navys Im-
of a movable projecting arm or a horizontal beam trav- press Service, they supplied merchantmen and priva-
eling on an overhead support. teers with prime seamen in return for head money or
Crank: Unstable. Top-heavy and prone to capsize a lien on future wages, as well as pocketing any valu-
(cf. tender). ables the man might be carrying. Often a crimp plied
Crannequin: A portable device for applying ten- the victim with liquor and persuaded him to sign ar-
sion to a crossbow. ticles while intoxicated.
Crash dolly: Term for a wheeled device or crane Sometimes crimps acted as money lenders, encour-
used to move crashed aircraft from the ight deck. aging a man to spend himself into debt, and then fac-
(Affectionately called Jumbo in the RN.) ing him with the alternatives of jail or signing on. Fre-
Cringle 86

quently they offered a small bounty to the owners of Cromwell Current: A sub-surface Pacic current
taverns, brothels, and waterfront boarding houses who owing from east to west below the north equatorial
turned over merchant sailors or shermen when they current.
were too drunk to offer serious resistance. Cross: To sail or steam across another vessels bow.
At Liverpool, a sisterhood of crimp-prostitutes was Cross deck pendant: The correct but seldom used
said to decoy naval ratings ashore, and then sell them term for an arresting wire.
for three pounds a month on their future wages. The Cross re: Lines of gunre converging from differ-
going rate for a man with naval experience was at least ent directions.
twenty guineas, so crimps also visited naval hospitals, Cross jack : The lowermost square-sail on the
debauching convalescent seamen with alcohol, and mizzen mast of a ship or bark with four or more masts
bribing them with promises of high wages if they de- (pronounced crojack).
serted naval service to sign on with a privateer or mer- Cross seas: Confused waves going in different di-
chantman on recovery. This was such a serious drain rections due to varying winds.
of naval manpower that it led Admiral Holbourne to Cross signal: To answer another ships two-blast
declare The crimp is worse than the deserter and whistle signal with a single blast or vice versa. If this
ought to be hanged in his stead. signaled intention was carried out, a collision would
Cringle: A tting which allows a line to be fas- be inevitable (see table 9).
tened to a sail. Cross staff: Early navigational device for deter-
Crippens Curse: In July 1910, Canadian Pacic mining the angle of elevation of heavenly bodies.
liner Montrose was about to leave Antwerp, when a Cross the line: To sail over the equator. Tradition-
late-arriving couple bought tickets for Qubec. Their ally celebrated with an initiation ceremony (see line-
behavior soon aroused Captain Henry Kendalls sus- crossing).
picions. At mealtimes the father would transfer tasty Cross the tee: A classic surface warfare tactic, in
morsels from his own plate to the sons and on deck which one battle line crosses the enemy line at right
they wandered around holding hands. In the rst-ever angles, thus being able to concentrate all its broad-
use of wireless-telegraphy for police purposes Kendall sides on the leading ship, while itself exposed only to
told Scotland Yard he believed Mr. Robinson was the the forward-ring guns of that ship. Last employed
notorious Harvey Crippen an American doctor at the Battle of Surigao Strait in 1944.
wanted in England for the brutal murder and dis- Cross wind: A wind blowing across the line of ad-
memberment of his nagging wife* while the youth vance of a ship or aircraft.
was his poorly-disguised paramour Ethel le Neve. Crossbar shot : An American invention. When
Detective Chief Inspector Walter Dew promptly folded, it looked like conventional bar shot and could
set off in pursuit aboard White Star liner Laurentic. He be loaded into cannon. But it expanded on leaving
was three days behind, but Kendall slowed down, al- the muzzle, to form a cross with one-quarter of a ball
lowing the faster vessel to pass and land the police- at each of its radial points. Spinning violently, it could
man at Father Point. In order to get on board with- be red low as an anti-personnel weapon, or high as
out being seen and recognized by Crippen (whom he a rigging-cutter. See also Star shot.
had previously interrogated) the inspector donned a Crossbeam: The transverse member connecting
pilots uniform and took an oar in the pilot boat. the hulls of a catamaran or trimaran.
As the handcuffed felon was being hustled down Crossbearings: Two or more bearings taken from
the accommodation ladder, he turned to the captain, a vessel to determine its position. (See Cocked Hat.)
screaming: Youll suffer for this treachery sir! Youll Crossbones: A pair of thigh bones, placed cross-
soon join me in Hell. Four years later, Kendall was wise, usually below a skull, symbolizing death. A fa-
in command of Empress of Ireland when she was vorite device on pirate ags, but more common in
rammed and foundered at almost exactly the place ction than life, because most pirates preferred a per-
where Crippen had been arrested. The superstitious sonalized emblem (see jolly roger).
believed the curse had been fullled. But it had been Crossbow: A bow xed transversely across a
against the captain rather than his ship, and he sur- wooden stock with a groove for a bolt or arrow, and
vived to the ripe old age of 91. equipped with a trigger mechanism to release the mis-
*Crippen eventually went to the gallows, but was prob- sile. Often incorporating or accompanied by a device
ably unjustly convicted. In 2008, almost a century later, such as a crannequin for bending the powerful bow.
American forensic toxicologist John Harris Trestrail and as- Frequently used in pre-gunpowder and early-gun-
sociates, using modern techniques that include mitochondr- powder sea battles.
ial DNA, have shown that the wifes body parts were ac- Crosscurrent: A current running across the main
tually those of a male, unrelated to Crippen, allegedly ow.
planted by the police to secure conviction of the man they Cross-cut: Said of a sail with seams at right angles
believed guilty. to the leech.
Critical: Said of a nuclear reactor when it is produc- Crossdeck: [1] To temporarily transfer personnel
ing enough neutrons to be self-sustaining. to another ship for training or experience. [2] To land
87 Cuckolds

an aircraft from one carrier on another this used to extended voyage with no specic destination. From
be a routine exercise between allies, but has become less the Dutch kruise(n) = cross.
common with more specialized aircraft and ight op- Cruise missile: An aerofoil-equipped guided mis-
erations procedures. sile, that ies aerodynamically rather than as a pro-
Cross-hairs: Ultra ne wires in the focal plane of jectile (cf. ballistic missile).
an optical instrument or gunsight, serving to dene Cruise ship: A passenger vessel used almost exclu-
line of sight or point of aim. Also cross-wires. sively for pleasure, normally making extended circu-
Crossing the line: See line-crossing. lar voyages, stopping at various points of interest, and
Cross-trade: Trade between two nations, carried returning to disembark passengers at the port of de-
by the ships of a third nation. parture. Modern cruise ships are some of the biggest
Crosstree: [1] One of a pair of horizontal timbers non-naval vessels aoat, combining the attributes of
at the top of a lower mast, supporting the topmast: See luxury hotel, upscale shopping mall, theater complex,
also hounds, trestletrees. [2] British term for a strut gambling casino, theme park, and spa.
for separating the shrouds on a mast (the American Cruiser: [1] Formerly, any warship sent on detached
term is spreader). operations (see cruise). [2] The biggest surface war-
Crosword coincidence: In the weeks immediately ship after the capital ships. Classied as light (six-inch
before the 1944 Allied amphibious invasion of Nor- guns or smaller) or heavy (eight-inch or larger). [3] Any
mandy, consecutive crossword puzzles in the London boat or power yacht designed and used for cruising.
Daily Telegraph contained clues to which the answers Cruiser stern: A broad, almost at stern, with no
were top secret code words Overlord (the invasion counter and wider at the waterline.
itself ), Neptune (the naval operational component), Crush depth: The depth at which a submarines
Mulberry (prefabricated harbors), and Omaha and pressure hull will cave in.
Utah (the American landing beaches). Convinced Crusher: Lower deck RN slang for a regulating
there had been a major breach of security and the clues petty ofcer (see also master-at-arms).
had been planted by a spy, Military Police and Scot- Crutch: A support for a spar that is not in use.
land Yard detectives grilled a bewildered (and inno- Cryptanalysis: The processes, procedures, and
cent) amateur crossword composer who just happened methods used to uncover the clear meaning of enci-
to have used those words. phered or encoded texts.
Crow: USN slang for the eagle emblem worn by Cryptid: See cryptozoology.
petty ofcers. Cryptography: The science of turning plain lan-
Crowdie: A seamans delicacy made from milk, guage into unintelligible text for secrecy and security.
thickened with meal, and eaten with butter and trea- Typically the development of codes or ciphers.
cle. Cryptozoology: Generally considered a pseudo-
Crown: The point where the arms of an anchor science, cryptozoology refers to the study of hidden
join the shank. animals (Greek krypts = hidden + zon = animal +
Crown-and-Anchor: Board game, formerly pop- logos = knowledge or study). It involves the search for
ular with British naval ratings but now banned due living examples of animals believed extinct, as well as
to excessive gambling. undiscovered creatures for whom anecdotal evidence
Crows nest: A platform or shelter for a lookout exists in the form of myths, legends, or unconrmed
near the top of a mast. Viking longships are believed sightings. Its practitioners are known as cryptozoolo-
to have carried crows in cages attached to their mast- gists and the animals that they study are called cryp-
heads (see as the crow ies). Later, when sailing ships tids.
began to carry lookouts in a tub strapped to their main The discipline, has not been embraced by the sci-
masthead, this inevitably became known as the crows entic community, which claims that many self-styled
nest. Whaling ships often carried a second smaller cryptozoologists are amateurs who make fundamen-
tub mounted even higher on an upper mast and called tal errors of reasoning and fact, or tend to give undue
the birds nest. weight to unreliable eyewitness accounts. Scientists
Crud: [1] A corrosive deposit inside a nuclear reac- generally agree that thousands of unknown animals
tor, which can break loose and cause a temporary in- await discovery, but argue that mega-fauna are un-
crease in radioactivity known as a crud burst. [2] A likely to exist in sufcient numbers to sustain a breed-
person or thing that is loathsome, despicable, disgust- ing population without being detected. Cryptozool-
ing, or worthless. [3] A slang term for lth or muck. ogists counter that they have been seen and reported,
[4] A game played on a billiard table. albeit mostly by non-scientists, moreover, that much
Cruise: [1] To be detached from a main eet to of the planet remains unexplored, especially ocean
roam in search of hostile forces and return to alert the deeps, while the comparatively recent discoveries of
main body. A favored frigate captain might be given coelacanth, giant squid, and megamouth shark
a cruise to harass trade and take prizes to his own conrm that large sea creatures can remain undetected
(and the admirals) pecuniary advantage. [2] To travel for centuries (see appendix).
to a specic region as a pleasure trip. [3] To make an Cuckolds knot: The hitch used to secure a rope to
Cuddy 88

a spar, consisting of a single loop with overlapping The Spanish crew hoped robbery would satisfy the
parts seized together (also cuckolds neck). bloodthirsty corsair, but Dahuls lust had been
Cuddy: [1] A small cabin or compartment at the aroused by an exceptionally attractive young woman
bow or (usually) stern. [2] The galley or pantry on a cowering behind the terried passengers and he or-
small sailing ship. [3] The dining compartment for dered her brought to him. The ships chaplain, a Je-
ofcers in a larger sailing merchantman. [4] Lower suit priest, stepped boldly forward, urging the corsair
deck RN slang for an admirals or captains quarters. not to ravish the mother of a newborn babe. The Ras
[5] The platform on a shing vessel where nets are was impressed by this effrontery and laughingly said
coiled. he would leave the woman alone, and free all the other
Culverin: A long-barreled 16th Century cannon passengers unharmed provided the courageous
ring an 18-pound ball. Frequently cast in the form of priest agreed to his demands.
a dragon. The Jesuit said would do whatever was asked of
Cummerbund: The sash worn with dress uniform him, but balked when ordered to remove his cassock,
in both RN and USN. It originated with the waistband foreswear Christianity, embrace Islam, and join the
(kamarband) worn by Persian and Hindu warriors to Corsairs crew. Dahul was enraged by the broken
hold their swords and other weapons. promise and ordered all the passengers bound while the
Cumshaw: [1] In the USN, work performed with- priest was nailed to the mast. Then he had the
out authorization, or equipment obtained through womans baby brought on deck, ordering Fetch me
unofcial channels (cf. Rabbit). [2] In the RN, a gift the cook, well have roast Spanish piglet for supper!
or gratuity. The word is a corruption of kam siI = The woman can wait until after weve eaten. When
grateful thanks in the dialect of Xiamen, a port in the baby had been cooked and carved, the corsair told
southeast China. It was probably picked up by British the crucied priest to say grace: Instead, the Jesuit
sailors who heard it from dockside beggars and raised his eyes to heaven and called on the Almighty
thought they were asking for handouts. [3] In gen- for delivery from these grisly captors.
eral, its meaning ranges from bending the rules to bla- Immediately, the waves were stilled, the corsairs
tent bribery. were miraculously transferred back to their own gal-
Cunningham: A line used to control the shape of ley, and a powerful voice rolled out of the sky, saying:
a Bermuda-rig sail. Oh Dahul, you shall wander the sea until the end of
Cuntline: [1] The space between the bilges of casks centuries, never approaching the shore, and seeing all
stowed side-by-side. When casks are tiered they are other ships y before you! Since then Mediterranean
said to be stowed bilge-to-cuntline. [2] The groove mariners report seeing a corsair galley, sailing at
in a twisted line. (In response to political correct- tremendous speed through calm and storm, sur-
ness the rst vowel is sometimes incorrectly changed rounded by fearful ames rising from waterline to
to an a.) masthead, while the ghastly howls of torturing ghouls
Cup of Joe : In 1913, United States President are almost drowned out by the horrendous screams of
Woodrow Wilson appointed Josephus Daniels as Sec- Dahul and his crew.
retary of the Navy. Daniels, a teetotaler, immediately Customary dispatch: [1] Naval command to do
embarked on a host of reforms, among which was the something at the habitual (expected) speed. [2] Char-
banishment of liquor from all United States Navy ter party term requiring discharge and loading to be
ships. From that time forward the strongest drink made with speed and diligence according to the reg-
available aoat has been a cup of coffee which, in- ulations of the port in question.
evitably, was nick-named after its introducer. Customary phraseology: Naval commands are al-
Current: [1] A steady ow of water in a denite ways issued in standardized format using specic
horizontal direction. [2] The speed of such a ow. See words. This is to ensure that orders are clearly and
also Oceanic Circulation. immediately understood and promptly obeyed, even
Current ow: It is conventional to dene currents in the noise and confusion of combat. For example, in
by the direction they are owing towards rather than the USN, Starboard ahead one-third, port back one-
from as is the case with wind direction. third would be an engine order. Steering orders, by
Current sailing: See sailings. contrast, are not given as port or starboard, but as
Cursed Corsair: This Spanish tale is far more grue- right or left: right standard rudder, for instance.
some than that of the more famous Flying Dutchman. Thus, from the conning ofcers rst word, the entire
On the morning after a terrible storm, Dahul Ras bridge watch knows whether the change is to engines
looked out from the port of Algiers and saw a tempt- or steering and in what direction, and can start react-
ing Christian prize. A Spanish brig traveling from ing even before the order is completed.
Barcelona to Palermo had been dismasted by the tem- Customs: Government ofcials charged with reg-
pest and was drifting towards the Algerian coast. His ulating the entry of goods, services, and supplies into
swift galley soon reached and boarded the helpless a country, charging duty as applicable.
craft, plundering baggage and a rich cargo destined Customs of Amsterdam: See laws and conventions
for Sicily. of the sea.
89 D

Customs of the Service: Unwritten but traditional Cutting-out: Entering a hostile port or anchorage
naval practices. to seize and remove an enemy ship, usually by stealth
Cut: A passage or channel, usually dug out, but and surprise.
possibly eroded. Cutting stage: A platform lowered from a whale
Cut and run: When faced with an emergency, such ships rail for use by the ensing crew.
as a rapidly approaching storm or enemy vessel, the Cutting the line: The doctrine of Line-ahead gov-
captain would sometimes order the mooring cable to erned naval warfare through most of the 18th century,
be severed with an ax so that he could set sail as but was challenged by Sir John Clerke of Eldin, a
quickly as possible. The term endures on shore, with Scottish landlubber who was obsessed with naval mat-
the meaning of hurriedly backing away from an awk- ters. Using cork models and mathematical techniques
ward situation. he developed a number of tactical theories, one of
Cut of the jib: The phrase I dont like the cut of which recommended directing the attacking vessels
your jib, signifying dislike or even hostility, can be at right angles to the enemy line a radical and po-
traced to the days of sail when a vessels nationality tentially dangerous maneuver which temporarily
could usually be determined from the shape and con- caused the enemy to cross the tee of the attacker
guration of its sails and rigging. As a rule of thumb, breaking through to concentrate overwhelming re-
English ships normally carried a single large jib, while power on a section of the hostile line (especially the rear
a Spaniards was noticeably smaller, and a Frenchman since the center and van would then have to turn and
would often y two. sail against the wind to engage).
Cut the painter: To die. A painter is a line attached In 1780 Clerke began to discuss his conclusions
to the bow of a boat for securing it to a quay. If it was with various naval ofcers and issued a series of pam-
cut, the boat drifted quietly away and its crew was left phlets (published ten years later in book form). After
stranded on the dock. By analogy, a seamans lifeline hearing these ideas British Admiral Rodney is reported
was his metaphorical painter, so if it was severed his to have said to Henry Dundas, the future Lord
soul drifted quietly to heaven while his body was left Melville, There is one Clerk, a countryman of yours,
dead on earth. Sometimes used as the threat of a more who ... appears to know more about the matter than
violent death; as in Ill cut your painter! any of us. If I ever meet the French eet, I intend to
Cutlass: A naval sword, with a basket guard giv- try his way. Rodney did meet the French in the April
ing maximum protection to the striking hand, a 1782 Battle of the Saintes, during which he took ad-
slightly curved, sharp-edged blade suitable for both vantage of a change in the wind to break through in
thrusting and slashing, and short enough for use at three places and achieve a decisive victory. (Clerkes
close-quarters (from the French coutelas = small knife, ideas had previously been tested by the brilliant
but known colloquially in the French Navy as cuil- French admiral Pierre Andr de Suffren during the
lre-a-pot = ladle). The weapon was ofcially dropped Battle of Sadras in February 1782 when he managed
from the RN arsenal in 1936, but is known to have to double the British line, but the outcome then had
been used during World War II. It remained a USN not been decisive.) See also ghting instructions.
stores item until 1949, and is still sometimes carried as Cutwater: The leading edge of a bow, its stem.
a symbol of ofce by regulating petty ofcers during CW candidate: This RN term refers to ratings se-
recruit training. lected for Commission and Warrant training. The
Cutter: [1] A small single-masted vessel, fore-and- USN equivalent is ofcer candidate.
aft rigged, with a gaff mainsail, two or more headsails, CWO: [1] Commissioned warrant ofcer. [2] Chief
a bowsprit with jib, and a mast set further aft than in warrant ofcer.
a sloop. May also be Marconi rigged. [2] A ships boat, Cycle: [1] The time interval in which a series of
powered by oars, sails or motor, smaller than a whaler events or phenomena is completed, and then repeats,
but larger than a yawl or jollyboat. [3] An armed pa- uniformly and continually in the same order. [2] A
trol craft used by the U S Coast Guard and similar periodical space of time marked by the recurrence of
services. something peculiar; as the cycle of the seasons or year.
Cutting-in: A sailing whalers term. After the an- Cycloidal drive: See Voith-Schneider Drive.
imal had been killed it was tied up alongside the cut- Cyclone: An intense tropical windstorm rotating
ting stage to be ensed. This was an exceptionally te- inward towards an area of low-pressure; turning
dious, messy, and dangerous task, not only because clockwise in the southern hemisphere and counter-
rolling of the vessel dunked the stage with danger of clockwise in the northern due to the Coriolis effect.
being swept overboard, but also because blood in the (See tropical rotating windstorm.)
water attracted hordes of sharks. Nowadays the carcass
is winched up a slipway onto the ensing deck of a
factory ship (see Processing a Whale).
Cutting iron: A tool used to trim threads of oakum
which might get caught to pull out sections of caulk- D: Prex used to designate the day on which an
ing. operation is scheduled to be launched. Thus D-7

means one week before the operation, D is the date clear of mines. [2] A oat, often equipped with a staff-
of the operation, and D+3 would be three days after mounted radar reector and/or strobe light, used by
it. See also H. commercial shermen to mark the location of gear.
DADT: Dont Ask, Dont Tell. Controversial U.S. Dandy: [1] British term for a yawl or ketch-rigged
DoD policy concerning sexual orientation. boat. [2] A man who affects extreme elegance in
Ddalus Creature: One of the most famous sea clothes and manners; a fop. [3] Something very good
serpent sightings was reported by Captain Peter or agreeable (slang).
MQuahe of the frigate HMS Ddalus. On 6th August Dandyfunk: An oven-baked sea dish from the age
1848, off the Cape of Good Hope, the midshipman of of sail, consisting of broken ships biscuit mixed with
the watch reported a strange object approaching. The molasses, sometimes with jam or fat added.
captain and ve others moved to the gunwale, where Danforth anchor: A brand of lightweight anchor
they watched the creature for twenty minutes using tel- with pivoting ukes, capable of holding in most types
escopes. MQuahe later reported that all seven wit- of bottom.
nesses saw... Danger angle: A Navigational warning, referring
... an enormous serpent with head and shoulders to the angle subtended by two xed points on shore,
kept about four feet constantly above the sea and at or by the top and base of a landmark. It is safe to steer
the very least sixty feet of the animal eur deau a course between the maximum and minimum angles
(just above the water) ... so close under our lee quar- observed from the vessel.
ter that, had it been a man of my acquaintance, I Danger bearing : A pre-calculated bearing to a
should have recognized his features with the naked charted object, warning of a navigational hazard on the
eye.... The diameter of the serpent was about 15 or vessels course. Also called clearing bearing, limit
16 inches behind the head, which was without a bearing or index bearing. The British term is
doubt that of a snake ... its colour a dark brown with clearance bearing.
yellowish-white about the throat. Danger buoy: A oat marking a submerged haz-
When eminent scientists poured scorn on the sighting, ard to navigation. Those with a red upper ring are to
Captain MQuahe issued a public rebuttal saying, I be left to starboard of a vessel approaching from sea-
adhere to the statements ... in my ofcial report to the ward, those with black or green top rings should be left
Admiralty. (See also appendix.) to port.
Daggerboard: A centerboard which slides verti- Danger signals: Under nautical Rules of the Road,
cally rather than on a pivot. ve or more short blasts of the ships whistle or short
Dahlgren gun: A smoothbore, barrel-shaped, naval ashes of light warn of possible collision or other
gun developed in 1850 by Commander (later Rear- emergency. See also table 9.
admiral) John Adolphus Dahlgen of the USN Ord- Dangerous Semicircle: The more-violent half of
nance Department. (See also Paixhan.) a circular storm, where winds are complemented and
Damage area: The space around a minesweeper in accelerated by the movement of the cyclone, which
which a mine detonation is likely to impede ongoing tends to bring vessels into its path. The dangerous
operations. side is to the right of clockwise moving winds in the
Damage claims: Under Admiralty Law, when both southern hemisphere and to the left of counterclock-
vessels are established to be at fault, each is guilty of wise winds in the northern. See also navigable semi-
contributory negligence and neither can obtain judg- circle.
ment against the other. Instead, damages are divided Danube rudder: See salmontail.
equally between them. Daphnes Serpent: In September 1848, less than
Damage control: A self-explanatory naval term re- two months after the Ddalus incident, the brig USS
ferring to actions which enable a wounded vessel to Daphne was about 1200 miles north of the Ddalus
oat, move, and ght. These include the preservation sighting when, as reported by Captain Henderson, he
or re-establishment of watertight integrity, stability, and nine of his crew saw a sea serpent with a dragon-
maneuverability, and offensive capability; the control like head rise from the water and stare at them with
of list and trim; the rapid repair of material damage; huge glaring eyes. It seemed about to attack the brig,
limiting the spread of and providing protection but Captain Henderson ordered the quarterdeck can-
against re or ood; limiting the spread of, removing non to be loaded with nails and old iron and red at
contamination by, and providing protection against the monster. It immediately plunged, exposing an un-
chemical, biological, radiological, or other toxic dulating body estimated to be at least 100 feet long,
agents; and facilitating the care of wounded person- and made off at 15 to 16 knots.
nel. Darken ship!: Command to extinguish all lights
Damage Control Central: A protected compart- which might be visible from outside the vessel.
ment in a warship from where action can be taken to DAS: [1] Deep Air Support. [2] Days at Sea.
preserve the vessels integrity and ghting capability. Date and time notation: While an American
Dan buoy: [1] A temporary marker carrying a ag would immediately recognize 03/04/08 as symbol-
or light, placed to show the boundary of an area swept izing March 4, citizens of the Commonwealth would
91 Dazzle

be equally condent it stood for April 3 (but none Death.) Seamen believed that Davy could not keep
would know if the year was 2008, 1908, or even ear- the bodies of truly devout Christians sealed in his
lier). Most Europeans and many Asians, accustomed locker, having to relinquish their souls to Mother
to totally different formats, would nd it basically Careys Chickens who carried them to ddlers green,
unintelligible, but might tentatively interpret it as but this conicts with the albatross superstition.
April 8 (in 1903 or 2003). Commercial organizations Day: In modern usage every kind of solar time has
with global operations attempted to overcome these se- its zero or stating point at midnight, but this has not
quencing incompatibilities by requiring months to be always been so. In recent times there have been four
presented alphabetically (usually abbreviated to allow conventions for measuring the start and nish of a
standard eld lengths). But computer programmers day. [1] The civil or calendar day began at midnight,
preferred a numerical format that avoided wasting as it still does. [2] Until January 1, 1925, the astro-
space on tables for alpha-numeric conversion. nomical day began at noon, 12 hours later than the
In the mid20th century, many of them saved space start of the calendar day of the same date. [3] Until
and encoding time (both then very costly) by using October 11, 1805, the nautical day also began at noon,
only the last two digits of the year. This came to a but 12 hours earlier than the calendar day, and a full
head in what was known as the Y2K Crisis, when it day (24 hours) earlier than the astronomical day of
was realized that many computers around the world the same date. [4] The sidereal day is not a solar meas-
would interpret 00 as 1900 rather than 2000. Dooms- urement like the rst three, but rather the time re-
day predictions for 1 January 2000 included newborns quired for a complete rotation of the earth in reference
being registered as 100 years old, elderly people to any star or to the vernal equinox at the meridian,
recorded as dying on the day they were born, ATMs equal to 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.09 seconds in units
seizing credit cards as long-since expired, and the in- of mean solar time.
terest on loans issued on 31 December 1999 being cal- Day of departure: Ancient maritime superstition
culated on minus 36,524 days instead of plus one. held that no voyage should begin on a biblically inaus-
Ultimately the crisis was a blessing in disguise, as it picious day, but should preferably be deferred until
forced the International Standards Organization to the omens were favorable. [1] The rst Monday in
develop ISO 8601, promulgated in 1988 to pre-empt April was a no-no, being both Cains birthday and the
the Y2K problem, along with many others by using day on which he killed his brother Abel. [2] Any Fri-
the format year/month/day. Its salient points are given day was especially ill-omened, because that was sup-
in table 12. posedly the day on which Jesus was crucied. An old
Date line: See International Date Line. seafarers rhyme says:
Date-Time Group: A set of characters, usually in On a Friday she was launched
prescribed format, placed in the header of a message, On a Friday she set sail
as an indicator of when and where it originates. For ex- On a Friday met a storm
ample, in NATO protocol, 071945N means the And was lost in the gale
message was sent on the 7th day of the month (07), at [3] On the other hand, December 31 was considered
7:45 P.M. (1945 hours), in time zone November (near lucky, since that is when the Bible says Judas Escariot
the Azores Islands). See coordinated universal time. hanged himself. [4] And, drawing from preChrist-
Davits: Small cranes used for lowering or raising a ian belief, Wednesday was propitious since it is named
boat or other load, often mounted in pairs. after and dedicated to Wotan (Odin), erroneously be-
Davy Jones: The end who presides over all the lieved to have been the Viking protector of seafarers
evil spirits of the ocean and is often seen perched in (actually he was chief of all the gods and the seafarers
the rigging on the eve of hurricanes or other maritime guardian was Njord).
disasters. In 1751 naval surgeon and author Tobias Day shape: See shapes.
Smollett painted this word picture: Know him by Daybeacon: A xed unlighted daytime aid to nav-
his saucer eyes, his three rows of rotting teeth and tail, igation (also daymark).
and the blue smoke which comes out of his nostrils. Dayman: A non-watchkeeping member of a ships
The origin of the legend is obscure, but the name company (also day worker, idler).
seems to have originated in the Caribbean during the Days of grace: The period of time allowed in time
17th century and probably comes from duffy a West of war for; [1] A neutral vessel to clear a port before
Indian slave word for ghost or devil and jonah refer- being blockaded by a belligerent. [2] A belligerent
ring to the biblical bringer of ill fortune at sea. Hence warship to stay in a neutral port for essential repairs.
Davy Jones means Ghost of Jonah. Dazzle paint: Former method of disguising a war-
Davy Jones Locker: The ocean oor was Davys ship by lines painted randomly on hull and super-
storage place or locker, the destination of all things structure. Designed in World War I by British ma-
jettisoned and nal resting place of people drowned or rine artist Noman Williamson and intended to break
buried at sea. (It has been suggested that this phrase up the vessels prole, making it hard to determine
originated independently of the ends name and is a size, speed, class, course or range. Now generally re-
corruption of Deva Lokka, the Hindu goddess of placed by camouage paint.
DC 92

DC: Damage control. whose origin can perhaps be traced. Rear-admiral

DCO: Damage control ofcer. HRH the Duke of Clarence (later King William IV)
DCPO: Damage control Petty Ofcer. is alleged to have been dining aboard his agship when
DCT: Depth charge thrower. he pointed at a pile of empty wine bottles and ordered
DD: [1] The traditional and authorized RN nota- his steward to Clear away those dead Marines. A
tion that an ofcer or seaman has been discharged major of Marines immediately objected to the slur on
dead. [2] Hull classication symbol of a destroyer. his Corps and the astute duke replied that Like
D-Day: [1] June 6, 1944, the day of the Normandy Marines these bottles have given their lives nobly in the
invasion, on which Allied troops invaded France and cause of duty and, given the chance, would willingly
fought in heavy battles against Nazi troops. [2] do so again.
Generic term designating the unnamed day on which The authenticity of this anecdote is suspect because
any military operation commences or is scheduled to none of its sources cites the name of the agship or the
begin (see D). date of the incident. Moreover there is a more earthy
DDG: Hull classication symbol of a guided mis- alternative explanation. According to the lore of the
sile destroyer. Royal Navys lower deck, an empty bottle resembles
DE: Former Hull classication symbol of an ocean dead marine because it is of no further use to anyone;
escort destroyer. if thrown overboard, a bottle oats neck down, and so
Deactivate : [1] To close down a unit that is no does a marine due to the buoyancy of air trapped in
longer needed. [2] To lay up a ship for possible fu- his huge boots.
ture use. See also Mothball, In Ordinary, Inactivate. The term seems to have been introduced independ-
Dead: Adjective meaning [1] Exactly (e.g., dead ently in Australia long after it was in circulation else-
ahead; dead astern; dead on target; dead level). [2] where. Because beer bottles were returnable to licensed
Completely (e.g., dead stop; dead calm). [3] Ex- recyclers called Marine Dealers, it seemed natural to
tremely (e.g., dead easy). the Aussies to call the empties dead marines.
Dead as the Dodo: Refers to the dodo bird, which Dead men: Refers to the ends of gaskets and points
was driven to extinction by the predation of seamen. that have been left dangling under the yards, but
Dead-end: To secure the end of a rope, usually on should have been tucked in when the sail was furled.
a cleat. Dead reckoning: An estimate of position arrived
Dead freight: Unused cargo space reserved by a at by calculating course, speed, and drift, without the
shipper on which freight must be paid. benet of observations. Abbreviation of deduced reck-
Dead horse: It was customary for merchant sea- oning. (See also estimated position.)
man to be given a cash advance against their rst Dead rope: Loose ends of rope not attached or led
months wages, in order to buy clothing and neces- through a block.
saries for the voyage. Working the dead horse was Dead sheave: A half block with no rotating parts.
their slang for the subsequent period of laboring Dead ship: One with no power. Also cold ship or
against pay which had already been drawn and spent. cold iron.
When they began to earn money again, they cele- Dead slow: The lowest speed which can be main-
brated the end of their unpaid month by Flogging tained without losing steerage way.
the dead horse. This involved hoisting a straw-lled Dead space: [1] An area or compartment which
canvas horse into the rigging and belaboring it to cannot be used, especially in a hold. [2] An area within
pieces, all the while singing the Dead Horse Chantey, the range of sight, radar, or a weapon, which is ob-
of which there are numerous versions, one of them scured by an obstacle or inherent limitation.
being: Dead ticket: A discharge certicate issued to clear
The horse is gone and will come no more. a ships books of the name of a deceased crew mem-
Goodbye old horse! ber.
They say so and they hope for. Dead water: Eddies forming along or behind a
Goodbye old man! ships hull.
Theyll hoist him to the fore yardarm. Deadeye : Either of a pair of circular wooden
Goodbye old horse! blocks, having holes through which a lanyard is rove.
There he wont do sailors no more harm. One is xed to the ship, while a strop from a stay or
Goodbye old man! shroud is attached to the other. Tension in the shroud
Dead in the water: Said of a vessel which is not or stay can be adjusted by pulling or slackening the
moored, anchored, or made fast, but remains station- lanyard.
ary with no way on. Deadhead: [1] To sail without cargo, usually on a
Dead load: A wheeled device used to simulate an return trip. [2] A non-paying passenger. [3] A useless
aircraft when catapult-testing. member of the crew. [4] A partially-submerged log
Dead marine: An empty wine, beer, or liquor bot- or pile. [5] A bollard. [6] A wooden block used as an
tle is familiarly known as a dead marine or dead anchor marker.
soldier. This is one of the very few colloquialisms Deadlight: [1] The hinged metal cover of a port or
93 Deck

scuttle. [2] In American usage, a thick glass pane set had gone Lieutenant Lagresville, one of the ofcers of
in hull or deck to admit light. the gunboat, said that when cruising off this coast in
Deadman control: A device which works only so 1898, in the gunboat Avalanche, he had seen a simi-
long as its operator maintains pressure on a pedal or larpossibly the samecreature. (See also appendix.)
handle and stops immediately that pressure is relieved. Decipher: To convert an enciphered message into
Deadweight: The difference between the displace- intelligible text. See also decode, decrypt.
ment of a merchantman when light and when fully Deck: The term comes from the Dutch dek, mean-
laden. ing roof or covering and was originally used in the
Deadweight tonnage: The weight in long tons of same sense in English. Only later did it come to mean
cargo, passengers and provisions which brings a ves- a oor or platform connecting the sides of a ship and
sel from its light displacement to its summer load-line dividing it into layers. Unlike ats, decks are funda-
(also deadweight capacity). See tonnage. mental structural elements of the vessel.
Deadwood: Blocks of timber used to ll voids be- Deck ape: USN slang for a deckhand.
tween keel and stem or sternpost without adding Deck beam: Any transverse beam supporting a
structural strength. deck.
Deaf as the mainmast: Is the nautical equivalent Deck boy: An unqualied member of a merchant-
of deaf as a doorpost, except that it was said of a mans crew who must acquire six months sea time be-
sailor who did not readily catch an order or respond fore being rated ordinary seaman.
to it, even if his hearing was otherwise acute. Deck cargo: Goods carried on the deck and open
De-arm: To change a weapon from ready to to the weather.
safe. See also disarm, unarm. Deck engineer: The member of a merchantmans
Debacle: This word for a sudden downfall or utter crew responsible for the maintenance and repair of
defeat has French nautical origins. Dbcler meaning deck machinery such as capstans and winches.
to clear (literally unbar) referred to the break-up of Deck gang: The ofcers and seamen assigned to
ice on a river or navigable channel. work the ship as opposed to in the engine space or
Debark: To put or go ashore, usually by walking. specialty services (also Deck Department, or just plain
Variation of disembark. Deck).
Debrief : [1] To interrogate personnel returning Deck Landing Control Ofcer: One who directs
from a mission to determine the conduct and results pilots landing on an RN aircraft carrier. The USN
of the operation. [2] To remove the bark from a felled term is Landing Signal Ofcer. See also batsman, deck
tree when making a spar or mast. landing modes, and mirror landing aid.
Decco: To take a look at something. Adopted by the Deck landing modes: The most demanding task
British Army from the Hindi dekko = look, and facing a naval aviator is landing on an aircraft carrier
thence to the Royal Navy. in anything but the smoothest seas. Landing on a sta-
Dcides Monster: In April 1904, the ofcer com- tionary runway is hard enough. Added to that task
manding screw-gunboat Dcide submitted the fol- are the pitching and rolling motions of the ship, the
lowing ofcial report to the ag ofcer commanding vortex of air caused by the island, and the need to po-
the French Indochina Station. sition the tailhook accurately on the third arresting
I was standing on the bridge when my attention was wire. No wonder a deck landing has been compared
directed to a round dark mass in the water some to a controlled crash. There are six ways in which a
three hundred meters to port. I took it to be a rock pilot can land on a ight deck, three conventional and
but, on seeing it move, presumed it to be an enor- three electronic modes:
mous turtle four or ve meters in diameter. Soon af- Unassisted: Without any guidance, deck landing is
terward it rose out of the water, and from the undu- difcult and hazardous even for experienced iers,
latory movement that followed, I understood I was and theoretically suicidal for neophytes although
in the presence of an enormous sea monster, shaped land-based military pilots ying aircraft without
like a at-bodied serpent about one hundred feet in
tailhooks have occasionally succeeded during calm
It appeared to have a soft black skin covered with
marbled spots, and the head, which rose about six- With a batsman: This tried and true method (see
teen feet out of the water, closely resembled that of landing signal ofcer) was employed from the 1920s
an enormous turtle with huge scales. It blew two jets until the advent of jet aircraft whose high landing
of water to a height of about fty feet. It moved speeds made human reaction capacity too slow.
slowly through the water at a speed of about eight With a mirror aid: The approach is semi-auto-
knots, and when one hundred and fty meters from mated, but still depends on skill and observation.
the gunboat, plunged beneath it like a submarine, Moreover, since the pilot is watching the meatball
reappearing on the surface about four hundred me- rather than the deck, the solid thump of every land-
ters away. ing is a surprise.
A number of the ofcers and crew watched the mon- Todays Naval air trafc controllers guide aircraft
ster, which gradually disappeared from view. After it onto the deck relying on electronic technology:
Deck 94

In Mode I, a radar-controlled Precision Approach Deckhead: British term for an interior ceiling in a
Landing System takes over to provide a hands-off ship (the American term is overhead).
touch down. Pilots have an aversion to relinquish- Deckhouse: A small superstructure or cabin on a
ing their controls to a computer, but automatic car- ships weather deck containing the helm and naviga-
rier landing systems are important when all other tional instruments.
methods fail. Decking: Material for covering a deck to make it
In a Mode II approach, pilots approach using a more waterproof and durable, or less slippery.
crosshair display, and get conrmation of their read- Deckplane: The standard re-control reference on
ings from the carrier air trafc control center com- a warship, taking the place of the horizon which is
puter. unreliable at sea. See battery reference plane.
Mode III, involves an air trafc controller or land- Declassify: To declare information no longer secret.
ing signal ofcer talking down the pilot, by pro- Declination: In navigation, the angular distance
viding him or her with precise instructions for a of a heavenly body north or south of the celestial
safe landing. equator.
Deck landing qualication: Is part of normal Decode: To convert a coded message into intelli-
training to enable air crews to obtain or retain the gible language. See also decipher, decrypt.
considerable skills needed to land aboard a ship at sea. Decorate: In military terminology, decorate means
For navy and marine pilots it entails taking off from to bestow medals or other honors on someone.
the ight deck, ying around the ship and landing Decorations: See medals.
again for a short time before taking to the air again. Decrypt: To decipher a cryptographic message.
Following DoD doctrine that stresses unied air, Deduced reckoning: See dead reckoning.
land, sea, and special operations Army and Air Force Deducted space: The enclosed spaces in a ship that
aviators are sometimes assigned missions that require are deducted from gross tonnage to calculate net ton-
landing on, and operating from, U.S. Navy or Coast nage.
Guard air-capable ships (see aviation support). This Deep: [1] Any of the intermediate levels between
dictates that non-naval aviation units complete pre- fathom marks on a leadline. [2]See oceanic deep. [3]
paratory and sustainment training for operations in A generic term for the ocean.
the maritime environment, including naval radio pro- Deep air support: Aerial action at such a distance
cedures, hand and arm signals, light signals and how that the possibility of friendly re casualties is not
to exit an aircraft under water. After the academic a consideration (cf. close air support).
portion of their training, pilots have to make ve real Deep scattering layers: Strata of ocean organisms
or simulated deck landings to acquire deck landing which scatter or echo sound waves such as sonar. The
qualication. organisms migrate downward to 150200 fathoms
Deck load: Cargo stowed on the weather deck. during the day, but come close to the surface at night.
Deck log: A rough book maintained by the ofcer Deep sea exploration: The investigation of phys-
of the watch, recording events such as changes of ical, chemical, and biological conditions on the abyssal
course or speed, arrivals and departures, deaths and sea bed, an area we know less about than the surface
injuries, soundings and sea conditions, land or sea of Mars. Beyond the continental shelf, the bottom
marks passed or sighted, and any other unusual hap- slopes into deeper water known as the abyssal plain.
penings. Later transcribed to a fair copy, but always This is a vast, mostly at, and generally unexplored
taking precedence if the two disagree. area comprising about 40 percent of the ocean oor
Deck Ofcer: [1] A merchant ofcer certicated to and lying between one and three thousand fathoms
assist the master with navigation at sea, and to super- (6,000 to 18,000 feet/1,830 to 5,490 meters) below
vise the handling of cargo when in port. [2] A USN the surface. At these depths it is permanently dark,
ofcer qualied, or under training to stand deck bone-chillingly cold, and pressure can reach more than
watches (the RN term is Seaman Ofcer). 1,125 kg/ (16,000 pounds/ Sensing from air
Deck passenger: One who travels without a berth and space provides an overview, and photographs
or cabin. taken by cameras towed along the bottom can be stud-
Deck pipe: See chain pipe. ied to determine places worthy of examination. but
Deck status light: A tri-colored light which dis- detailed observation relies on submersible vehicles.
plays an aircraft carriers status and ability to support Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and Un-
ight operations. manned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) excel at large
Deck Steward: The merchant petty ofcer respon- area exploration, but periodically have to have their
sible for deck chairs and serving refreshments to pas- batteries recharged or replaced. Oceanographers have
sengers on the promenade and open decks of liners begun to replace them with sea gliders that do not
and cruise ships. have engines and propellers, but y through the
Deckhand: A seaman who works on the deck or in water on stubby wings, moving vertically by changing
the wheelhouse under direct orders of the boatswain. buoyancy. Their electricity demands are minimal, giv-
See deck ape. ing them much longer endurance. But as yet there is
95 Delta

no substitute for human eyes, so manned submersibles south along the coasts of the Americas to Antarctica,
usually make the nal observations. However, with where it joins another deep current caused by evapo-
the expanded use of ber optics, satellites, and more ration in the Drake Passage off the southern tip of
advanced remote-controlled robots, scientists may South America. This dense water then splits into two
eventually be able to explore from computer screens in streams that cross the Indian Ocean and resurface in
laboratories without having to venture into the depths the Pacic about 1200 years later. The colder, denser
themselves. water eventually warms and returns to the surface
Deep-sea line: (pronounced dipsyline). The heavy layer.
leadline used for sounding deep waters before the ad- Deepwater layer: The water between the thermo-
vent of echo sounders. The standard weight was 50 cline and the sea oor, representing some 90 percent
pounds (22.7 kg) and the line was normally 100 fath- of all ocean water. It is extremely cold (close to 0C),
oms, but occasionally longer. William Falconers de- non-circulating, and almost devoid of oxygen. Nev-
scription in his 1780 Dictionary of the Marine is still ap- ertheless, recent studies show that it houses a wide
propriate: range of living creatures and organisms. Also called
The deep-sea-lead is marked with two knots at 20 the hypolimnion.
fathom, 3 at 30, 4 at 40, and so on to the end. It is Deepwater mooring: See offshore mooring.
also marked with a single knot in the middle of each Deepwater zone: See density levels.
interval, as at 25, 35, 45 fathoms, &c. To use this Defaulter: A person accused of committing a naval
lead more effectually at sea, or in deep water on the or military offense.
sea-coast, it is usual previously to bring to the ship, Defcon: Defense readiness condition (USN).
in order to retard her course: the lead is then thrown
Defensively Equipped Merchant Shipping: Brit-
as far as possible from the ship on the line of her
ish World War II term for merchant vessels equipped
drift, so that, as it sinks, the ship drives more per-
pendicularly over it. The pilot, feeling the lead strike with weapons crewed by Royal Navy ratings and/or
the bottom, readily discovers the depth of the water members of the Maritime Royal Artillery. See Armed
by the mark on the line nearest its surface. The bot- Guard for a comparison with American practice.
tom of the lead being also well rubbed over with tal- Delade: Protection against horizontal re pro-
low, retains the distinguishing marks of the bottom, vided by a hill or other obstruction.
as shells, ooze, gravel, &c. which naturally adhere to Delade re: Gunnery term for the plunging re
it. needed to over-pass a delade.
Deep six: USN slang for throwing something over- Deection: [1] Gunnery term for the angle between
board (cf. jettison). Based on the leadsmans call by the line-of-sight to the target and the line-of-sight to
the deep, six made when the water is more than six which the gun must be pointed to compensate for
but less than seven fathoms deep. movement, wind, etc. [2] Deviation of a compass nee-
Deep tank: A compartment for the carriage of liq- dle caused by local magnetic inuence, especially on
uids, usually extending from the double bottom to a ship.
the lower deck and equipped with bafes to minimize Degauss: To permanently wrap a steel vessel with
surging. electrical cable running fore and aft. This can be ac-
Deep-waisted: Refers to a vessel whose poop and tivated when required to reduce the ships variable
forecastle are much elevated above the weather deck. magnetic eld and minimize the threat posed by mag-
Deepwater circulation: Movement below the netically-activated mines and torpedoes. Rhymes with
upper layer inuenced by surface currents is driven delouse (cf. deperm).
by density (a function of temperature and salinity) Degrees of freedom: A term referring to the six
and by gravity which pulls the water downhill into possible motions of vessels in response to action of the
ocean basins. These currents, which ow under the sea, three of which (pitch, roll, and yaw) are rotational
surface of the ocean, hidden from immediate detec- oscillations and three (heave, surge, and sway) are lin-
tion, are sometimes called submarine rivers, but are ear displacements. (See also ship motions.)
properly named thermohaline circulation (thermo = Delivered Ex-Quay (DEQ): An Incoterm similar
heat, haline = salt), or meridional overturning circu- to DES, except that the seller must clear the goods for
lation, or density-driven circulation. Over a very long import and pay discharge costs. Risks and costs are
period of time, thermohaline circulation mixes the transferred to the buyer when the goods are on the
waters of all the oceans and turns them into a global quay.
system. It is this system that climatologists fear may be Deliverer: Medieval term for a carpenter or articer
impacted by global warming and alter worldwide cli- employed to construct castles on the decks of mer-
mates (see Argo). chantmen being converted for war.
Popularly described as the great oceanic conveyor Delta: [1] Alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river
belt, it originates in the North Atlantic where evap- or tidal inlet. [2] NATO phonetic notation for letter
oration increases the salinity and hence the density of D which, when used as a single-letter signal, signi-
surface water, which is also cooled by water from the es Stand clear I am maneuvering with difculty
Arctic Ocean. Sinking to the abyssal plain, it moves (see table 8). [3] A triangular-shaped aerofoil.
Demi- 96

Demi-culverin: A 16th century cannon ring a winds circulate clockwise in the Southern and anti-
9-pound ball. clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere (see Coriolis ef-
Demise Charter: Seldom-used term for a Bare- fect). [2] Physical Geography: A depressed or sunken
boat Charter. area lower than the surrounding surface. [3] Astron-
Demonstration: A feint or deceptive military op- omy. The angular distance of a celestial body below
eration. the horizon. [4] Economics: A period during which
Demotion: A disciplinary reduction in grade, rank, business, employment, and stock-market values de-
or status. cline severely or remain at a very low level of activity.
DEMS: Defensively Equipped Merchant Shipping [5] General: The state of being depressed sadness;
(British). gloom; dejection.
Demure : [1] Applied to persons in the sense of Depth charge/bomb: An explosive container set
modest, shy, quiet, sober, or sedate. [2] Formerly used to detonate at a predetermined depth or when in prox-
to describe a quiet untroubled sea. From Old French imity to a submarine. A depth charge is dropped or
demoure. thrown from a warship, while a depth bomb is usually
Demurrage: [1] The detention of a vessel beyond delivered by aircraft. (See also antisubmarine rocket.)
the agreed time for loading or discharging. [2] The Depth measurement: Sounding by leadline, while
rate or amount paid to a shipowner for revenue lost still practiced, has largely been replaced by: [1] An in-
due to such a delay. strument known as an echo sounder. This sends a
Density: The weight of water divided by the pulse of sound energy downward from a transducer on
amount of space it occupies. This is determined by a ships hull; when the pulse strikes the bottom or a
the combined effect of temperature, salinity, and at- submerged object it bounces back as an echo, the tim-
mospheric pressure. Cold, salt-laden water is denser ing of which can be converted to depth measurement.
than warmer, fresher water and will sink below it. See [2] A sounding sonar, which works in the same fash-
Density levels. ion but uses ultrasonic waves rather than audible
Density current: See turbidity current. sound. [3] In a submarine, a depth gauge measures
Density levels: Ocean waters can be divided into the pressure of overlying water to determine its depth.
three layers, depending on their density. At the top is DEQ: Delivered exQuay.
the surface or mixed zone. This is unstable due to at- DER: Former hull classication symbol of a De-
mospheric interference. For example, evaporation stroyer Escort Radar Picket.
could increase its salinity, or a cold front could reduce Derelict: [1] A vessel abandoned in open water, to
its temperature. In the middle is a transition zone which its crew has no hope or intention of returning.
known as the pycnocline layer (Greek pycno = dense It may be boarded and claimed as salvage, provided no
+ cline = slope). This forms a barrier between the lay- cat, dog, or other domestic animal is still on board
ers above and below, allowing little movement be- and alive, in which case the owner may reclaim the
tween them. At the bottom is the deepwater zone, ship on payment of salvaging costs. [2] Land left dry
which is cold, saline, dense and more or less stable, by a permanent change in the water line. (Latin dere-
never interacting with the atmosphere (except in polar lictus = abandoned.)
regions where the pycnocline is not always present). Dereliction of duty: Failure to perform assigned
Departure: [1] The act of leaving. [2] The time of duties, whether willful or negligent.
leaving. [3] Starting a voyage or a new course of ac- Derrick: A xed-base crane with a pivoted arm,
tion. [4] Divergence or deviation from an established used as a lifting device to raise or lower cargo (named
rule, plan, or procedure. [5] Distance traveled due after the portable gallows designed by Thomas Der-
east or west along a parallel of latitude. [6] Bearings rick, a 17th century hangman).
of prominent landmarks taken as a ship clears harbor DES (Delivered Ex Ship): See Incoterms.
for a voyage. See also day of departure, line of depar- Deserter: A person who has deliberately run away
ture, and point of departure. from military service with no intention of returning.
Departure buoy: The last and furthest from shore Desertion: The crime committed by a deserter.
of a series of buoys marking a channel. Also sea buoy. Desig: A USN signal ag indicating that the follow-
Deperming: Removal of a steel vessels permanent ing hoist is to be read literally, rather than as code.
magnetism by energizing coils of electrical cable tem- Designator: A four-digit USN code identifying an
porarily wrapped, vertically and athwartships, around ofcers qualications and specialties (if any).
its hull. Unlike degaussing, where a cable is attached Destination: The point at which a voyage ends or
to and travels with the ship, this is a one-time proce- is scheduled to end.
dure performed in port. Destroyer: A versatile class of high-speed warship
Deploy: [1] To spread out and position ships for that evolved from the torpedo-boat destroyer. These
combat or amphibious assault. [2] To dispatch for vessels are themselves armed with torpedoes, enabling
duty in foreign waters. them to operate offensively and attack much larger
Depression: [1] Meteorology: An area of low baro- opponents. Modern destroyers are equipped with
metric pressure a bad weather system in which ASW and AAA weaponry and operate: [1] Offensively
97 Dingbat

with strike forces and hunter-killer antisubmarine verse-transferred back to the shore after the alternate
groups. [2] Defensively to screen convoys and task nautical meaning had been established.
forces against submarine, air, or surface attack . [3] Dew point: A meteorological term for the temper-
In support of amphibious operations. ature at which atmospheric water vapor begins to pre-
Destroyer Escort: The USNs World War II des- cipitate.
ignation of an ocean escort frigate. DF : Direction nding/nder.
Destructor: A device to destroy classied docu- Dghaisa: A Maltese harbor boat in which the oars
ments or secret equipment in danger of compromise are pushed instead of pulled. Pronounced di-sar.
or enemy capture. DGUTS: USN admonition to persevere (a very in-
Det Norske Veritas: Established in 1864, DNV is formal abbreviation of Dont give up the ship used
one of the big three in ship classication, along with only in private correspondence).
the American Bureau of Shipping and Lloyds Regis- Dhobi/Dhobey: To wash or launder clothes (from
ter, but it also has many other interests. With some Hindi dohb).
300 ofces in 100 countries, it is a leading provider of Dhow: A at-bottomed sailing vessel, usually la-
services for managing risk in maritime, rail, and au- teen-rigged with two or three forward-sloping masts.
tomotive transportation, and in the oil and gas indus- Used by Arab traders on the African, Arabian, and
tries. Asian coasts of the Indian Ocean.
Detachable link: A connector designed to join two DI: Drill Instructor [USMC].
sections of anchor chain. Unlike a shackle, it can pass DIA: Defense Intelligence Agency [US].
through the hawsepipe or round the capstan like any Diaphone : A foghorn producing a low-pitched
other link. two-toned signal as an aid to navigation. Many older
Detached: [1] A ship is detached from its eet or devices, especially those on land, used diaphones to
station when assigned elsewhere. [2] In the USN, an produce the distinctive deep and penetrating tone fol-
ofcer is detached when ordered away from a ship lowed by an audible grunt that most people associ-
or unit (enlisted personnel are assigned or transferred). ate with foghorns and the sea.
[3] In the RN, the term refers to a person assigned to Dicing: Naval aviators slang for high-speed, low-
serve temporarily in another ship or unit while retain- altitude photographic operations.
ing attachment to the regular ship or unit. Dieppe Raid: An Allied assault on this small
Detachment: A group or unit separated from a French port in August 1942 was intended to probe
larger force for a specic assignment or operation. German defenses and test Allied amphibious tactics.
Detail: [1] A person or (usually small) group as- It discovered the former to be formidable and the lat-
signed to a specic task. [2] To issue orders appoint- ter abysmal. Tactical intelligence was woefully inad-
ing such a group. equate, and planning was inept. Inter-service cooper-
Deviation: The error in a ships compass due to its ation barely existed. Promised close air support did
own magnetic eld. not materialize and, with nothing larger than a de-
Deviation Clause: A Charter Party item permit- stroyer, naval gunre alone was inadequate. Approx-
ting a ships master to visit ports other than the con- imately 75 percent of the attack force (5,100 Canadi-
tractual destination. ans, 1,000 British commandos, and a handful of U.S.
Devil: Any of various long seams that are difcult Rangers) was killed, wounded, or captured.
to caulk due to shape or position (e.g., between keel Diesel-electric: A propulsion system consisting of
and garboard strake, or between deck planking and a diesel engine connected to a generator whose elec-
an adjacent waterway). tricity powers the propellers.
Devil to pay: Despite claims of a naval origin, this Diesel engine: A form of internal-combustion en-
phrase almost certainly originated on shore during the gine in which the heat generated by compression of air
15th century, as a forecast of future retribution for an in a cylinder ignites the fuel. Named after its inven-
action about to be taken, the reference being clearly tor, German engineer Rudolf Diesel, who was pre-
to the inevitable outcome of a Faustian bargain with sumed drowned after disappearing from the Antwerp-
Old Nick. After the clich had been established, the Harwich ferry in 1913.
punning instinct of seamen probably led them to Difculty: According to Admiral Smyths 1887
apply it to one of the most despised and unpleasant of Sailors Word-Book, this word is unknown to true
shipboard duties, frequently considered a minor form salts. (See impossible.)
of punishment. Digestive systems: An old saying holds that mid-
The long outermost deck seam in a wooden ship shipmen have guts, wardroom ofcers have stomachs,
was one of several known to seamen as a difcult (the and ag ofcers have palates.
devil) to caulk with pitch (pay). The job involved Dilbert: USN slang for a stupid or ineffective avi-
squatting uncomfortably in the bilges for hours on ator (Dilbert was the anti-hero of World War II in-
end, pressed tight against the bulwark, without structional cartoons for naval airmen).
enough space to properly hammer in the oakum. The Dingbat: In England this term refers to something
later addition of and no pitch hot was probably re- undened, a thingamabob; in the United States it
Dinghy 98

means a foolish or ighty woman; and in Australia Dirt sailor: USN enlisted seaman slang for a See-
and New Zealand it applies to a mad or eccentric per- bee (considered to spend all his time on the muddy
son, especially one with delirium tremens. Each of shore, never going to sea)
these terms can trace its origin to sailor slang for a Dirty: [1] Rainy, squally, stormy, or otherwise foul
mop made of teased-out old ropes ends, whose weather. [2] Confused or bafed wind on the leeward
strands opped around uncontrollably when swab- side of a sail.
bing the decks. Disabled: Unable to proceed and not under com-
Dinghy: [1] Formerly a single-banked ships boat mand.
with four oars and a spritsail. [2] Now any small Disarm: [1] To deprive of weapons. [2] To lay down
oared, sailed, or motor-driven boat used as a tender. weapons, either voluntarily or following defeat. [3] To
[3] A rowing boat used on Indian coastal and inland remove the fuse from a bomb, shell, or mine. [4] To
waters for the transport of passengers and freight de-arm or unarm.
(from the Hindi dingi). Disburse: To distribute, pay out, or expend money.
Dining-in: The RN has long-standing traditions Disc area: The zone swept by the tips of rotating
and the USN an ofcial directive (OpNavInst 1710.7) propeller blades.
prescribing procedures for the formal dinner known as Discharge: [1] To unload cargo. [2] To re a gun
Dining-in or Mess Night. Ofcers wear dress uni- or missile. [3] The ow of electricity between two
forms and civilians black tie. Unlike military and air points of different electrical potential. If the supply
force mess dinners where the commanding ofcer pre- of electrical charge is continuous, so is the discharge;
sides, the ships captain is considered a guest in the otherwise it is temporary, and serves to equalize the po-
wardroom and the second-in-command is mess pres- tentials. [4] To release a rating or enlisted person from
ident. A vice-president, known as Mister or Madam service, with or without honor. The USN awards ve
Vice, acts as organizer of the function and enforcer classes of discharge, namely: Honorable, General,
of wardroom rules. (See also Passing the Port, and Other than honorable, Bad conduct, and Dishonor-
Toasts.) able. (See also DD.)
Dining-out : Similar to dining-in except that Discharge Certicate: An essential document
ofcers civilian spouses are invited to attend. which conrms the sea-time and experience of mer-
Dip: [1] To partially lower the national ensign and chant ofcers and seamen.
then raise it as a form of salute. [2] A correction for the Discrepancy: An navigation aid which is not
height of eye above the water when making a sextant watching properly (out of position).
observation. [3] Downward inclination of a compass Discrepancy buoy: A temporary replacement for
needle due to the earths magnetic eld. [4] To lower a navigation aid that is not in its assigned position.
the shorter end of a lugsail yard so as to shift it to the Disembark: To put or go ashore from a vessel. Also
opposite side of the mast when tacking. [5] A heav- debark.
enly body crossing the meridian is said to dip. [6] Any Dish up: In general use this means putting food
ag or pennant not fully-raised is at the dip (the au- onto a plate before a meal, but in the RN it means
thor recalls being summoned to the bridge and his clearing away and washing dishes after eating.
captain demanding who is dead? followed by you Dishonorable discharge: The most severe form of
hoisted the ensign at the dip when in fact it was only separation from naval service. May only be ordered
about two inches below the cap!). for warrant ofcers and enlisted personnel convicted
Dire straits: Geographers and mariners use the of serious offenses by a general court-martial. The
Middle English word strait, meaning conned or equivalent punishment for commissioned ofcers is
narrow, to describe a narrow passage connecting dismissal. See rogues march.
two larger bodies of water. Combined with the Latin Dismantle: To remove all guns, stores, masts, spars,
word for fearful or unlucky, the phrase now refers to and rigging from a sailing warship in preparation for
being in position of danger, difculty, distress, or laying it up in ordinary.
need. Dismast: Loss of a ships mast(s) by storm, collision,
Direct drive: Said of a reciprocating engine con- accident, or battle damage (cf. unstep).
nected directly to the propeller shaft without gearing. Dismiss!: The command giving a person or assem-
With this arrangement, engine and propeller revolu- bly permission to leave or disperse.
tions are the same. Dismissal: To discharge or remove an ofcer from
Direct re: Gunre aimed by line-of-sight at the service, usually without honor following court-mar-
target (cf. delade re, indirect re). tial (cf. cashier, dishonorable discharge).
Direct steering: With the Helm directly connected Displacement: Weight of a vessel expressed as ei-
to the rudder having no intermediate ropes, chains, ther the number of long tons, or the cubic feet of
shafting, or steering engine. water, displaced by the hull (1 ton = 35 cu.ft of sea-
Dirk : A small dagger-like naval sword worn by water or 35.9 cu.ft of fresh).
midshipmen and others in full dress uniform. Origi- Displacement hull: A type of hull that plows
nally the Scots word for a long dagger. through the water rather than skimming the surface
99 Dog

(planeing hull) or hovering above it (ground-effect sic helmet and suit, connected to a copious air sup-
vessel). ply from the surface. An air hose and a safety tether
Displacement speed: The maximum economical limit movement, but allow much deeper dives and
speed attainable by a displacement hull vessel. This is longer time underwater.
a function of hull shape, waterline length, displace- Diving planes: Horizontal aerofoil-like surfaces
ment, and drag. Additional power may increase this used to control vertical movement of a submarine.
speed by a small amount but is not economical (cf. May be mounted on the bow, stern, or conning tower
hull speed). (sailplane). Also called hydroplane.
Displacement tonnage : Displacement when Diving trim: The condition of a submarine when
loaded to the summer load line. The normal measure its trimming tanks contain the amount of water req-
of warship size. See tonnage. uisite to maintain submerged stability and buoyancy.
Display: [1] The visual representation on a cath- Division: [1] An administrative and tactical Ma-
ode ray tube of the output of an electronic device. rine or Army unit, bigger than a brigade but smaller
[2] USN ships display their ags, RN ships wear than a corps, normally commanded by a major-gen-
them, and merchantmen y them. eral. [2] The basic administrative unit into which a
Disposition: The arrangement of ships or aircraft warships personnel are organized. [3] In the USN, a
for a specic mission or purpose. tactical group of four or more warships forming part
Disrate: To reduce a rating or enlisted seaman to of a eet or squadron.
a lower rate. See downgrade. Divisions: Every division aboard a warship assem-
Distress: [1] General: That which occasions suffer- bled on parade.
ing, pain, misfortune, afiction, or misery. [2] Physics: Dixie Cup: USN enlisted slang for their white uni-
The process whereby materials are worn down by time form hat.
and natural forces. [3] Maritime: A state of danger or DLCO: Deck Landing Control Ofcer [RN]
necessity (e.g., leaking, dismasted, or without provi- DLQ: Deck landing qualication
sions or water). [4] Law: The seizure and detention DMB: Datum marker buoy
of goods as a pledge or to satisfy a claim. [5] Medicine: DND: Department of National Defence (Canada)
Extreme pain or suffering of body or mind. [6] Wood- DNI: Director of Naval Intelligence (U.S.).
work: The art of aging furniture and other objects. DOA: [1] Date of arrival. [2] Dead on arrival.
(Middle English destresse, from Vulgar Latin distric- Doa: A Persian coastal trader.
tia.) DOB: Date of birth.
Distress signals: See table 10. Dock: [1] A wharf, jetty, pier, or quay. [2] The
Ditch: [1] Slang name for the sea. [2] To land a water next to one of them. [3] An articially enclosed
crippled aircraft on water. [3] To throw something basin for loading, unloading, or repairing vessels.
overboard (cf. deep six; jettison). [4] To enter such a space.
Ditty bag/box: A small bag or box used by sea- Dockage: [1] The charge for berthing at a dock.
men to hold sewing materials and odds and ends. [2] The docking fee.
From Anglo-Saxon dite = tidy. Docker: One who works on the docks, a stevedore
Diurnal: Occurring once a day, having a daily or longshoreman. Also dockhand, dockworker.
cycle. Docking fee : The fee charged by a tugboat for
Dive: To submerge, said especially of submarines. helping a vessel to dock.
Dive tonnage: The difference between a subma- Docking telegraph: Formerly a set of telltale dials
rines displacement when surfaced and submerged. advising the docking ofcer of the speed of engines
Diver: Refers to a person who plunges and moves and direction of rudder. Nowadays replaced by wire-
below the surface of the water. See diving. less voice communication.
Diving: Refers to [1] plunging into water (espe- Dockyard: [1] Waterside area with docks and
cially headrst). [2] Submerging and moving under- equipment for outtting, building, or repairing ships.
water. This may be done in several different ways. [2] In Britain, especially for naval use (cf. Navy Yard).
In self-contained diving swimmers hold their breath DOD: Date of departure.
and surface for air. DoD: Department of Defense (U.S.).
In snorkeling the diver breathes through a short Dodger: A canvas wind screen.
tube and cannot go deeper than it is long. Dodo bird: A large ightless creature which once
When hookah diving the person breathes through inhabited islands in the southwest Indian Ocean.
a mask connected to a small air pump on the sur- Having no natural predators, it was easily captured
face by a hose that restricts movement. by foraging sailors who hunted it to extinction in the
In scuba diving air is supplied from portable tanks 17th century. The Portuguese to call it frango doudo
via complicated delivery valves. Movement is un- (= stupid chicken), and the name stuck.
restricted, but underwater time is limited by tank DOG: Deployable Operations Group [USCG].
capacity. Dog: [1] A lever, bolt, or other device for securing
With full surface support the diver wears the clas- a hatch, scuttle, or watertight door. Also dog-bolt,
Dog 100

snib. [2] To activate such a device. [3] A hinged catch outcome depended on morale, experience, and train-
or pawl that ts into a notch of a ratchet to move a ing, where there were marked differences.
wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward. Sir Philip Bowes Vere Broke had been in command
[4] A metal support, especially one with fangs fasten- of HMS Shannon for over six years, during which
ing a log in a saw pit. [5] The last support to be he had obsessively trained his gun captains and
knocked away when a ship is being launched. [6] For- crews to re individually as their weapons came to
merly, an iron hook or bar, with a sharp fang at one bear some being detailed to aim at the enemys
end that could be easily driven into a plank or spar helm and quarterdeck to destroy command and
and used to drag it along the deck or lift it out of a control, others at its gunports to inict maximum
hold. (See also top dog, underdog.) damage on offensive capability. Condence was
Dog tag: U.S. military slang for a metal identica- high, and the British crew was anxious to come to
tion label worn on a chain around the neck. grips with the Americans.
Dog Zebra: USN term for the darken ship con- In contrast, James Lawrence, who had recently been
dition, during which all hull openings marked DZ promoted to captain, had just taken command of
(dog zebra in the World War II Allied phonetic al- USS Chesapeake, a ship with a bad luck reputation,
phabet today it would be delta zulu) must be and a surly rag-tag crew who did not know their
closed. captain and had not had time to train together as
Dogger: A ketch-like Dutch vessel designed for a team. Some even staged a minor mutiny, refusing
shing on the Dogger Bank. to man the guns until the purser issued chits for
Doggie or Dogsbody: A ships boy or midship- prize money they claimed was owing to them.
man under training, who found himself at the beck In the rst exchange of re, virtually everyone on
and call of every petty and commissioned ofcer. Chesapeakes quarterdeck was killed or wounded, in-
Dogs breakfast (or dinner): Naval colloquialism cluding the captain, his executive ofcer, the lieuten-
for a nasty mess. ant of marines, three midshipmen, and both helms-
Dogwatch: One of two short (2-hour) shifts of men. Lawrences wounds were mortal but, as he was
duty intended to ensure that seamen do not always being carried below, he shouted deantly Tell the
have to work the same 4-hour shifts (see watch). men to re faster and not to give up the ship; ght
Doldrums: Belt of calms and light bafing winds her until she sinks ... (or) blow her up. Brave words
lying on both sides of the equator and between the were not enough. Within 15 minutes, half of Chesa-
northern and southern trade winds. peakes crew and every one of her ofcers had been
Dolphin striker: A strut, stayed in place by mar- killed or wounded. The butcher bill was exceptionally
tingales and backropes, reinforcing the bowsprit or high, probably because Chesapeakes upperworks had
jib-boom against the upward pull of headstays. been built of easily-splintered pine when more shot-
Dolphins: [1] Pilings in a harbor, used for moor- resistant oak was not available. Despite defeat and
ing. [2] Slang for submariners insignia consisting of death, Lawrence entered the immortal pantheon of
heraldic dolphins anking the prow of a World War II naval heroes since his dying order became the un-
submarine (USN) or an anchor surrounded by a ofcial motto of the United States Navy.
crown (RN). [3] An aquatic mammal. Ancient Medi- Dont spoil the ship: See spoil the ship.
terranean myth holds that, when the island of Atlantis Doppler effect : The change in frequency of an
sank into the sea, some of its human inhabitants, es- electronic wave due to the relative motion of receiver
pecially those who were advanced metaphysicians, and transmitter. This phenomenon is used in anti-
miraculously learned to breathe underwater and be- submarine warfare and to measure the speed of a ves-
came dolphins. Being cousins of humankind, they sel over the sea oor.
have always been highly protective of mariners in Doppler radar: A device which uses the Doppler
difculty. effect to differentiate xed and moving targets.
DOM: Day of month. Dorade: A ventilator cowl designed to keep water
Domestic registry: A Merchantman which ies the out.
same national ag as its registry (cf. Flag of Conve- Dory: An exceptionally seaworthy small at-bot-
nience). tomed boat with high bows and freeboard. Of Amer-
Don: The title of a Spanish aristocrat, formerly used ican origin and formerly much favored by shers and
by British seamen to refer to a Spaniard of any rank. whalers.
Donkey: A small engine used for hoisting or haul- Dosimeter: A badge or device carried by personnel
ing. working near nuclear equipment, giving a direct read-
Donkeys breakfast: Seamans slang for the straw ing of the individuals exposure to radiation.
which formerly stuffed the mattresses of those who Double: [1] To attack an enemy vessel from both
had beds instead of hammocks. sides simultaneously. [2] To sail around a headland,
Dont give up the ship: On June 1, 1813, two 38- cape, or peninsula. [3] To overlap two sections of a
gun frigates met in a duel off Boston. In size, tonnage, mast or spar. [4] To cover a ships hull with extra
and armament the ships were evenly matched, so the planking when the original has loosened. [5] When
101 Downhaul

preceded by on the or at the a command to move powerful. A ruse frequently practiced by the Bombay
at a running pace. Marine. See also gundeck stripes, quaker, mask paint.
Double block: A pulley with two sheaves side-by- Double-up: To use two sets of mooring lines.
side (cf. ddle block). Doughboy: [1] A seafarers dumpling made from
Double bollard: One with two columns on a sin- our and slush. [2] An outdated slang term for an
gle base. American infantryman, used in the Mexican-Ameri-
Double bottom: A watertight false bottom run- can War and World War I.
ning fore-and-aft above the real one, effectively form- Doughnut: Legend has it that a 19th century New
ing a sort of miniature hull within the main structure England sea captain called Hansen Gregory wanted
to increase its strength and ability to survive damage. some way of feeding the helmsman during long night
In case of grounding or minor underwater damage, watches, so he instructed his cook to deep-fry rings of
only the space between the bottoms will ood, leav- dough avored with molasses. When delivered to the
ing occupied areas intact. The space between the bot- man at the wheel, they could be slipped over the
toms is often sectioned by watertight bulkheads to spokes where they would be handy for consumption
provide compartments for ballast, fuel, or fresh water. hot and fresh, or could be saved for eating cold later.
Double capstan: A capstan constructed so that it The circular shape was later adopted on shore, where
can be worked from either of two decks. round balls of fried dough were already known as
Double drift: A method of calculating wind di- Dough Nuts.
rection and velocity by observing the drift of a vessel Douglas scales: In 1917 Royal Navy Captain (later
on two different headings. Vice-Admiral) H.P. Douglas devised two nine-level
Double Dutch: Unintelligible gibberish. Another scales for expressing the condition of waves and swell.
term that originated during the Anglo-Dutch Wars. The rst, which he termed Wind-Sea, expresses the
Double paddle: An oar with blades at each end, as size of waves attributable to immediate and local wind
used in a kayak. effects. The second, which he named Swell, refers to
Double purchase: A tackle composed of a fall rove waves generated by distant weather conditions and
through two single-sheaved blocks with its standing characterized by regular period and at crests. These
end attached to one of them so as to gain a mechan- scales were adopted by the 1929 International Mete-
ical advantage. Formerly used as a gun tackle. orological Conference at Copenhagen in an attempt
Double shot: The loading of two balls into a sin- to improve on the complexity of the Pierson-
gle cannon. This 17th19th century practice was more Moskowitch sea spectrum, and the rather vague wave
lethal, but reduced range and accuracy. Hence it was descriptions in the Beaufort Scale. Taken together the
usually restricted to actions at close-quarters. two Douglas scales indicate the state of roughness of
Double Spanish Burton: A tackle having the load the sea. Details are given in table 2.
suspended from one of two single running blocks, Douse: [1] To extinguish a lantern [2] To take in or
which is supported both by the fall which is rove lower a sail [3] To abruptly slacken a line.
through it, and by one end of a runner which is rove DOW: Died of Wounds.
through the standing block and supports at its other Down: In the direction toward which a current is
end the running block. owing or a wind is blowing.
Double-banked: [1] Two rowers pulling on the Down and out : Nowadays meaning destitute,
same oar. [2] Two rowers side-by-side pulling individ- lacking friends, money, or prospects, this phrase comes
ual oars. [3] A galley with two rows of oars. [4] A from one of the many shouts boatswains used to roust
frigate with a second set of broadside guns on a spar sailors out of their hammocks. The cry out or down!
deck above the main gun deck. meant that the man had better turn out, or the bosun
Double-bitted: Said of a cable that makes two would cut the lanyard of his hammock. Once this had
turns around the bitts instead of one. been done, the unfortunate man would be both down
Double-breeching: Additional ropes on a guns and out of bed.
recoil system, for extra security in heavy weather. Down by: Riding lower forward (down by the bow
Double-decker: A ship with two decks above the or head) or aft (by the stern).
waterline. Down the hatch: Although its origins are obscure,
Double-ender: [1] A powered vessel, such as a ferry, this drinking expression obviously began as a mer-
capable of going in either direction equally well. [2] A chant seamans comparison of a hatchway waiting for
sailing vessel with both bow and stern coming to a freight to a mouth waiting to receive a drink.
point. Down-Easter: A full-rigged 19th century New En-
Double-uked: An anchor hinged at the crown so gland ship. Slower than a clipper, but still relatively
that both ukes dig into the ground simultaneously. speedy.
Double-headed shot: Similar to bar-shot, except Downgrade: To reduce in rank or rating; to disrate.
that the heads are hemispherical rather than round. Downhaul: [1] A line attached to the bottom of a
Double-siding: Painting a row of dummy ports be- boom and used to atten the sail. [2] The line used to
low the real ones, to make a single-decker look twice as pull down a jib or staysail.
Downtime 102

Downtime: [1] A period when equipment is out of DRe: Dead reckoning error.
service due to failure of parts, lack or power, or other Dreadnought: [1] Generic term for a battleship.
factors [2] A period when personnel are idle due to [2] Name of a British warship launched in 1906; the
lack of assigned work. rst to be heavily armored and carry a battery of uni-
Downwind: In the same direction as the wind is form caliber heavy guns a revolutionary design
blowing. which made all previous battleships obsolete. (Said to
Doxy: 19th century sailors slang for a dockyard have been named after the family motto of her spon-
prostitute. From the Flemish dockesy = little doll. sor, First Sea Lord John Arbuthnot [Jackie] Fisher,
DOY: Day of year. Fear God and Dread Nought.)
DPV: Delivery point verication. Dredge: [1] A vessel equipped with machinery de-
DR: Dead Reckoning. signed to scoop or siphon the sea bottom (also
Draft/Draught: [1] The depth of water needed to dredger). [2] To use such a vessel to deepen a channel,
oat a ship or boat. [2] RN term for a group of men remove silt from waterways, or harvest oysters.
transferred from on ship or station to another. [3] The Dredgy: Former name for the specter of a drowned
forward curvature of a sail under wind pressure. person.
Draft/Draught marks: Numerals on both sides of Dreki: A large broad-beamed oceangoing Viking
bow and stern indicating how much of the hull is un- cargo vessel. The name means dragon (cf. drakkar).
derwater. Dress: To organize ships or persons in formation or
Drag: [1] Resistance of a hull to movement. [2] To in ranks.
search the bottom with a grapnel. [3] To move under Dress ship: To decorate a vessel with national ags
the inuence of wind or current when the ukes of at each masthead and on the agstaff. When a rainbow
the anchor do not grip the bottom. [4] The amount of signal ags strung is from the bow, across all mast-
a ship is down by the stern. [5] A drag chain. [6] U.S. heads, to the stern, it is known as full dress. USN
Naval Academy slang for a midshipmans date. ships never dress while underway, but some other
Drag chains: Coils of chain attached to a new ves- navies do, including the RN. The term is derived from
sels hull so as to slow it down when being launched the French dresser meaning to put up or erect, but
into a narrow waterway where it might create danger- the Marine de Guerre (French Navy) calls it grand
ous waves or even strike the opposite bank. pavoisn, meaning great ag display. With random
Drakes Drum: Legend has it that in 1596, when order, there is always the danger of inadvertently in-
he was dying of yellow fever in the Caribbean, Sir serting readable text or (sailors being sailors) of the
Francis Drake prophesized that if ever England was yeoman deliberately sneaking in a crude message. To
in serious danger the drum, carried aboard his ship avoid this most yacht clubs and navies specify a stan-
to summon the crew to quarters, would miraculously dard sequence. Both RN and USN use NATO ags for
beat spontaneously to awaken Englishmen to defend their dressing lines.
their country. In 1897, the poet Sir Henry Newbolt Dressed to the nines: This phrase can be traced
turned Drakes prophesy into a patriotic song: to the 17th century, and it has been claimed it refers
Take my drum to England, hang it by the shore to wearing a full set of mens clothing (waistcoat,
Strike it when your powders running low breeches, and great coat). Tailoring these garments
If the Dons sight Devon, Ill quit the port of heaven (with a minimal amount of waste) required nine
And drum them up the channel yards of cloth. This seems less convincing than the
as we drummed them long ago. competing explanation that a ship-of-the-line had
Drake hes in his hammock till the three masts, each with three principal yards (course,
great armadas come topsail, and topgallant) and, when they were all as el-
(Capn art thou sleepin there below?) egantly-decorated as possible, it was dressed to the
Slung atween the round shot, alistenin for the drum nines.
And dreamin all the time of Plymouth Hoe. Drift: [1] That component of a vessels or aircrafts
The music was played on the great armada of Al- movement attributable to the inuence of wind, cur-
lied warships which sailed from Plymouth to the rent or tide. [2] A vessels leeway, expressed in knots.
D-Day invasion of Normandy on 6 June 1944. [3] An alternate name for current. [4] The speed of a
Drakkar: The largest of Viking ghting ships, pro- current expressed in knots at sea, but statute miles/
pelled by as many as 72 oars and carrying some 300 hour in rivers. [5] To oat or be driven along by a cur-
warriors. Drakkar means dragon. Commercial cargo- rent of water or air. [6] A short length of anchor chain
carrying versions were called dreki and knorr. laid on deck for working purposes. [7] The distance
Draughts: See Checkers. between two blocks in a tackle.
Draw: [1] To haul or pull. [2] To require a specic Drift angle: The angle between the path of a drift-
depth of water to oat in. [3] To ll a sail with wind. ing vessel and its heading.
[4] To requisition something from an arsenal, dock- Drift ice : Loose oating pack ice which moves
yard, or magazine [5] To remove wad, shot, and car- under the inuence of wind and current and is gen-
tridge from a loaded cannon. erally navigable.
103 Dueling

Drifter: A shing boat that allows its net to oat Drug trafcking: Buying, smuggling, and selling
along with the current. illegal drugs and narcotics.
Drill: Systemized instruction in naval or military Drummer: This is the traditional name for a Royal
exercises and movements. Marine bugler.
Drink: Mariners slang for the sea. Drumming out: This was an humiliating cere-
Drive: [1] Generically, to push in some direction. mony applied to those sentenced to dishonorable dis-
[2] The force of the wind pushing to leeward. [3] To charge. If an ofcer was cashiered, a deserter recap-
carry as much sail as is possible in heavy wind. [4] A tured, or a seaman declared incorrigible, he would be
ship is said to drive if her anchor fails to hold. paraded in front of the ships company. All buttons
Drive shaft: See shaft. and badges of rank would be ripped off. An ofcers
Driver: [1] The fth mast from the bow in a six- sword would be snapped in half; a deserter would be
masted schooner. [2] A large sail or spanker suspended ogged and branded D on the forehead to prevent
from the mizzen gaff. re-enlistment; an incorrigible seaman might also be
Driving band: One of the features of a gun-red ogged.
naval projectile, consisting of a band of copper, alloy, Then they would be put ashore, or marched off the
or plastic, seated in a groove cut at the rear of the pro- station, to the accompaniment of the Rogues March
jectile body. Its purpose is three-fold: [1] To seal played by drums and possibly a band. Usually the
against the escape of propellant gas around the projec- ships company would turn their backs on the depart-
tile. [2] To engage the riing of the guns bore and ing person, and sometimes the junior marine drum-
cause the projectile to rotate. [3] To act as a rear bour- mer would follow behind, repeatedly kicking his back-
relet on those projectiles which have none. Also rotat- side. By the 20th century the ceremony had been
ing band. generally discontinued by the Royal and U.S. Navies,
Driving sail: One which tends to push the hull but continued in the U.S. Marine Corps until 1962
downward. when adverse media publicity forced its abandon-
Drogher: A small West Indian coastal trader. ment.
Drogue: [1] A canvas or wooden device, resistant to Dry cargo: See dry goods.
being pulled through the water, attached to a line and Dry dock: A gated dock or basin from which water
dropped ahead or astern of a vessel to hold its bow can be pumped or drained (cf. graving dock, wet
into the wind during heavy weather, or to minimize dock).
drift in water too deep to anchor. Also sea-anchor. Dry-ogging: Punishment applied with the culprit
[2] A canvas sleeve towed behind an aircraft for tar- fully-dressed, thereby inicting less trauma than a
get practice. ogging on the bare back.
Droits of Admiralty: [1] Rights claimed by a Dry goods: [1] On shore; textile fabrics and related
government over the property of an enemy nation. merchandise as distinct from groceries, hardware, etc.
[2] Ancient English law giving the Lord High Ad- [2] To the mariner; non-liquid bulk merchandise such
miral rights, in the name of the Crown, to property as grains, coal, and mineral ores.
found upon the sea or shore, including otsam, jet- Dry run: A rehearsal.
sam, lagan, and salvage; wrecked and derelict ves- Dry steam: See superheated steam.
sels; prizes taken at sea or by arrt de prince ; many va- DSN: Defense switched network. A U.S. military
rieties of sh, etc. These rights were surrendered to voice telephone system.
the public benet in 1702. Droits, the French word DSRV: Deep submergence rescue vehicle.
for rights is properly pronounced dwa, but En- DTG: Date-time group.
glish-speaking seamen usually make it rhyme with Duck Up!: When square-sails obstructed the
quoits. helmsmans view, he would sing out duck up! In re-
Dromon: A large Byzantine battle galley. sponse the clew-lines would be hauled to raise the
Drone: A remote-controlled pilotless aircraft. Now lower corners of main- and fore-sail until he could
known as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). see properly ahead.
Drop: [1] To move gently with tide or current. [2] Dueling: A number of Royal Navy customs orig-
The depth of a square-sail measured amidships. inated when dueling was prevalent and eighteenth
Drop keel: A centerboard. century Admiralty instructions clearly stated Any
Drop mooring : To drop a bow anchor, drift ofcer who shall ... refuse to accept a challenge will
downstream to drop a stern anchor, and then haul in be deemed to have acted honorably. It was (and still
the bow cable until the vessel is rmly anchored at the is) considered bad manners to enter a strange ward-
chosen position. room while wearing a sword, since that implies hav-
Drop rudder: One which can be lowered beneath ing come to force a quarrel. Drawing the sword
the level of the keel. brought serious punishment. There are also nes and
Drop sail: Formerly, to salute by lowering topsails. penalties for placing a bet, or for mentioning a ladys
Drown: [1] To be killed by the inhalation of water. name during formal wardroom proceedings, either of
[2] to submerge or ood something. which could give rise to argument.
Duff 104

Duff: A boiled pudding (phonetic corruption of destroyers, plus sloops, minesweepers, and other
dough). warships. A large number of civilian craft yachts,
Duffel/Dufe: [1] Coarse woolen cloth originally ferries, shing boats, pleasure steamers, etc. volun-
from the Flemish town of Duffel near Antwerp. [2] A teered to assist under T-124 articles. While the war-
seamans kit and personal effects (USN slang). ships embarked soldiers from the ports piers and jet-
Dufe bag: A cylindrical canvas bag closed by a ties, the small boats picked up men from ten miles
drawstring and carried over the shoulder. (16 kms) of beaches and ferried them to the bigger
Dufe coat: A hooded overcoat of duffel cloth, vessels.
usually knee-length with toggle fasteners. Originally In the event, the estimate of evacuees was vastly ex-
a naval issue, but adapted for civilian use after World ceeded in the chaos of withdrawal under re, accu-
War II. rate gures were not compiled, and several different
Dugout : A canoe made by hollowing-out and estimates exist, though all agree on order of magni-
shaping a tree trunk or large log. tude in round gures, approximately 203,000
Dumb: Said of a barge or any vessel without pro- British and 135,000 Allied troops were landed in En-
pulsion system or steering. gland; the former being almost the entire Expedi-
Dumb sheave: A sheave-less block through which tionary Force (less casualties). The allies were about
a rope is rove. 10 percent Belgian, the rest being French support
Dummy funnel: [1] a false smokestack added to a troops the French combat units, who were valiantly
warship to disguise its identity. [2] One added to a defending the perimeter so that others could escape,
passenger vessel to improve its appearance. were all killed or taken prisoner.
Dummy ports: False gunports painted on the hull Dunnage: [1] Personal gear or baggage. [2] Loose
of a sailing ship to make it look more heavily-armed material used to protect, secure, or ventilate cargo and
than it actually was. A 19th century practice of (espe- supplies. From the Dutch dunneje = loosely-packed.
cially) American, British, Dutch, and French mer- Dutch bar: A structural element spanning the af-
chantmen intended to deter pirates. See also double- terdeck of a tugboat and serving to keep the towing
siding, gundeck stripes, quaker, mask paint. hawser above the heads of crew.
Dump: Temporary storage place for ammunition Dutch built: Formerly said by English seamen to
and supplies on shore. describe a ship or a person who was broad and bluff
Dundee Star Mystery: This Scottish barque is said without a hint of gracefulness.
to have run aground on Midway Island during a gale Dutch courage : Today, this means alcohol-in-
in 1887. After the crew abandoned ship, the vessel spired bravado. The term originated in the 17th cen-
oated off and disappeared. Four years later, she ran tury when there were three, essentially naval, Anglo-
aground again, very close to the spot of her rst Dutch wars. During these, English seamen became
grounding. Apparently she had spent four years drift- convinced that the reckless bravery of their opponents
ing around the Pacic, unmanned and unsighted. could only be explained by the excessive consump-
This phantom voyage is reported in a number of tion of Geneva gin or Schnapps before combat.
works on maritime mysteries, but is not conrmed by (Netherlanders were well aware of the Royal Navys
more serious publications. rum or brandy ration, but they do not seem to have
Dunes: Wind-formed mounds or ridges of drifted responded with the term English Valor.)
sand along a sea shore. The word survives from Anglo- Dutch landfall: An illusion of land on the hori-
Saxon. zon.
Dungaree: A sturdy Indian sailcloth (dungri in Dutch pump: A reputed 17th century punishment,
Hindi). The work trousers worn by seamen were orig- which has been described in two different ways.
inally cut from time-worn or battle-damaged sails and [1] The sailor was thrown overboard and had to tread
hence became known as dungarees. water (pump the feet) to keep from drowning. [2] The
Dungiyah: A broad-beamed, at-bottomed Ara- Rasphouse, an old Amsterdam prison, had a punish-
bian vessel trading between the Red Sea and the Mal- ment cell for lazy prisoners. In one corner was a pump,
abar Coast of India. and in another, a pipe through which a steady stream
Dunking sonar: An underwater submarine detec- of water was admitted. The prisoner could stand still
tion device, usually deployed in the water by a heli- and be drowned or pump frantically until the jailer
copter. chose to relieve him. This concept is said to have been
Dunkirk : This important seaport in northern transferred to sea by holing a small compartment
France was the site of Operation Dynamo, the below the waterline.
largest amphibious withdrawal under re from a hos- Dutchman: Old maritime name for a German ship
tile shore in history. During the 1940 Battle of France, (corruption of Deutsch). An actual Dutch ship was
a German army trapped the entire British Expedi- referred to as a Hollander.
tionary Force and a number of its allies in a large Dutchmans anchor: Former naval term, now ob-
beachhead around Dunkirk. In the hope of evacuat- solete, for anything left behind. Supposed to refer to
ing up to 45,000 troops, the Royal Navy assembled 41 an apocryphal Netherlands shipmaster who, when
105 Easterly/Westerly

asked why he had run aground replied, I have an ex- sive mooring, mainly because of the human interface
cellent anchor but unfortunately left it behind. required for monitoring and automated control, and
Dutchmans breeches: Patches of blue in an oth- may become prohibitive in extreme weather condi-
erwise stormy sky. tions.
Dutchmans log: A primitive method of calculat- Dynamo: [1] A machine or device that converts ki-
ing speed by throwing a wooden block into the sea netic energy to electrical energy, generally using elec-
well forward and timing its passage between two tromagnetic induction. The term is usually used for the
marks on the hull. generation of direct current. See also generator, elec-
Duty: [1] Tax on imported goods. [2] An assigned tric motor. [2] Code-name for the Dunkirk evacua-
task (e.g., guard duty). [3] Prex identifying that a tion in 1940.
person currently has a specic assignment (e.g., duty
DV: [1] Distinguished visitor. [2] Deo volente (God
wills it).
Dvorak Technique: This method of evaluating Eagre: A tidal bore or ood.
tropical rotating windstorms (cyclones) was developed Ear banger: USN enlisted slang for a sycophant or
in 19734 by Vernon Dvorak, of the U.S. National toady.
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations environ- Earing: A small line used to fasten the upper cor-
mental satellite service. It did not come into general ners of a square-sail to its yard.
use until the 1980s, but is now the worldwide standard Earring: An item of jewelry worn in the ear or on
for determining present and near-future intensity. Cy- its lobe. Plain gold earrings have been worn by seamen
clones tend to be self-amplifying systems that grow since the sixteenth century, reecting an even older
predictably until they reach maximum potential in- shermans tradition that pierced ears made a man
tensity. But direct measurements of temperature, wind lively and improved his eyesight. Latterly they became
speed, and pressure are seldom available, so forecast- a deep-sea sailors insurance policy against drown-
ers rely on satellite imagery of cloud patterns which ing. He would buy a pair of rings (which had to be of
have visual characteristics, known as signatures, that pure gold), cut one and push it through his ear lobe,
change predictably allowing them to use the com- then throw the other overboard as an offering, calling
plicated rules and procedures of Dvorak technique to out Oh Davy Jones! I pray you to protect me. The
estimate future changes in intensity over time. theory was that the demon would recognize the
Dwt: Deadweight tonnage. drowning mans ring as one of a pair he had already ac-
Dyak: A pirate of Borneo or Sarawak. cepted and, having had his due, would guide the man
Dye hear there?: [1] Conventional 18th century to shore.
follow-up to a Command, intended to ensure it had Ease/Easy: [1] Command to do something slowly.
been fully understood. The proper response would [2] To gradually reduce the amount of rudder as a ship
have been anan. [2] Nowadays it is a heads up call nears the desired course. [3] To slacken a line care-
preceding any routine announcement on an RN war- fully. [4] A ship is said to roll easy when she does so
ships main broadcast system. Cf. now hear this. slowly and smoothly without sudden jerks.
Dye marker: Brilliant coloring matter which is East Greenland Current: Consists of low salinity
dropped to spread in or on the water to indicate the and low temperature water owing south along the
position of a person overboard, or a point of action east cost of Greenland and into the Denmark Strait.
(e.g., where to execute a turn, drop an amphibious East India Company: The Honourable East India
craft, etc.). Company, often colloquially referred to as John
Dynamic positioning: As the exploitation of sea Company, was one of the earliest joint-stock compa-
bed resources moves into deeper waters, it becomes nies. A Royal Charter, issued by Elizabeth I on 31st
increasingly difcult and costly to employ conven- December 1600, gave the company a monopoly on all
tional offshore mooring techniques. One alternative is trade in the East Indies, which gradually evolved from
dynamic positioning, in which thrusters and pro- a commercial venture to one that virtually ruled India,
pellers keep an unmoored vessel in position or on with a large bureaucracy, an army, and a navy known
course. A computer-control system calculates the as the Bombay Marine. It was dissolved following the
forces that thrusters must produce in order to control Indian Rebellion of 1857.
the vessels motion in its three horizontal degrees of East Siberian Current: Flows through the Chuk-
freedom surge, sway, and yaw while under the chi Sea to join the Bering Current.
inuence of winds, waves, and currents. Some vessels, Easterly/Westerly: [1] Coming from the east or
such as dredgers, and cable laying vessels need to fol- west (wind, for example). [2] Situated or moving to-
low a pre-determined track. Others, such as those as- ward the east or west (e.g., side, course, voyage, or
sociated with the oil and gas industry, need to weath- current). Even sailors can be confused by these con-
ervane about a specied spot. Operating costs for tradictory conventions which call movement from east
dynamic positioning are always higher than for pas- to west easterly if referring to a current, but west-
Easting 106

erly if speaking of wind or the movement of a ship. our main-top. Its snout was long and sharp, and it
It is therefore preferable to avoid ambiguity by using blew water almost like a whale. It had broad large
the sufx -ward for currents, since an eastward cur- paws or ippers and the body was, as it were, cov-
rent moves toward the east, as does an easterly wind. ered with a hard scaly skin, very wrinkled rough
Easting: The distance actually made good in an and uneven. In other respects it was as a serpent;
easterly direction on any course that has an easterly and when it dived, its tail, which was raised in the
component. air, appeared to be a whole ships length from its
Eastward/Westward: See Easterly/Westerly.
EAT: Earliest arrival time (ETA is more common). A reproduction of Egedes original sketch of the
Eat: [1]To make progress slowly in difcult condi- monster now appears in Dragons, Unicorns, and Sea
tions (e.g., eat to windward): {2] To corrode, as metal, Serpents by Charles Gould (Dover, 2002). His depic-
by rust. [3] To wear away or destroy gradually. [4] To tion of a possible Kraken doesnt quite t a giant squid
eat the wind out of another vessel, is to gain slowly to or the speculative super-eel (see appendix), but could
windward of her. be either if we allow for the unreliability of eyewitness
Ebb: Tide falling and owing away from the shore accounts, especially of things seen for only a few sec-
(cf. rise). onds while under considerable stress.
E-Boat: Allied World War II designation of the Egg code: The World Meteorological Organiza-
German Schnellboot. tion system of sea ice symbology is popularly referred
ECCM: Counter-electronic countermeasures. to as the egg code because it presents data inside an
ECDIS: Electronic Chart Display and Informa- oval designed to make a large amount of information
tion System. available at a glance. The egg is divided into four
Echo: [1] The reection of a sound or electronic sections: [1] gives the ice coverage of an area deter-
signal from a target to a receiver (e.g., radar or sonar). mined by its concentration. [2] breaks down the con-
[2] The letter E in the NATO phonetic alphabet. centration in terms of thickness. [3] shows the stage
Echo sounder: A depth-measuring instrument in of development of the ice as determined by its age,
which a pulse of energy is converted to sound and from new and thin to multi-year and thick, and [4]
transmitted downward to bounce from the bottom or denes the form and type of the ice and its oes.
intermediate object back to a transducer. Egyptian naval architecture : Dispersed in a
Echograph: The recording made by an echo desert-bound strip along the banks of the mighty
sounder. River Nile, Egyptians took naturally to the water and
ECL: Equator crossing longitude. were among the rst serious shipwrights. Nile winds
Eddy: A frequently circular local current of water are so constant that the hieroglyph for northbound
or air running counter to the main ow (cf. counter- movement (even on land) was a boat under sail, while
current, eddy-resistance). that for southbound travel was one under oars. Bun-
Eddy-resistance: One of the three principal causes dles of papyrus stalks lashed together were their ear-
of opposition to movement through water and is es- liest form of transport. These were cheap and easily
sentially created by any projection on the surface of the manufactured, but had short service lives. During the
hull that causes swirls and whirlpools to form. It takes Predynastic Period, around 3000 BCE, larger reed boats
energy to make these phenomena and that energy is were characterized by sharply-upturned bows and
subtracted from the power available to drive the ves- sterns, the classical Egyptian hull shape for centuries
sel forward (cf. skin-friction, wave-resistance). to come. They were propelled by paddles or a rectan-
EDD: Estimated delivery date. gular sail, and equipped with one or two large steer-
EDO: Engineering duty only (USN). ing oars.
EEC: European Economic Community. By the Old Kingdom (25752134 BCE), wood was
EEZ: Exclusive economic zone. the preferred construction material, retaining the tra-
EFZ: Exclusive shing zone. ditional upward angling above the water line at both
Egedes serpent: Hans Poulsen Egede was a Nor- ends. The Nile is a tranquil river, even in spate, so
wegian Lutheran missionary who went to Greenland shipwrights did not have to provide the rigidity
in 1721, with the support of the Danish government, needed to cope with storms or ocean waves. Dispens-
to set up missions among the Inuit. He translated ing with ribs, keel, and planking, they pegged together
Christian texts into the native language and became thick blocks of acacia wood, with a few athwartship
known as the Apostle of Greenland. In 1741, he pub- beams. As late as the fth century BCE, the historian
lished A Full and Particular Relation of my Voyage to Herodotus reported that Egyptian trading craft were
Greenland, in which he tells of sighting a sea serpent. assembled as though building a brick wall.
Translations vary, and this is a composite based on In the absence of a keel to support the butt of a
various versions of his description: mast, bi-pod spars were stepped from the side walls of
On the 6th of July 1734, when off the south coast of the hull in an inverted V. These could easily be un-
Greenland, there appeared to us a very terrible sea- stepped for changes of propulsion between oars and
animal, whose head, when raised, was on level with sail. Depending on the size of ship, from one to six
107 El Nio

large steering oars were controlled by helmsmen stand- December. Her master, Captain Harvie, was surprised
ing on the high stern. This design proved so effective not to be greeted by the usual happily waving keep-
that it remained essentially unchanged through the ers. Nor was there any response to blasts of the steam
thousand years of the Middle and New Kingdoms whistle and siren, followed by a signal rocket. Relief
(20401070 BCE). With minor modications, it was keeper Joe Moore landed, but soon returned, pale and
applied to a wide range of river craft from small skiffs agitated, to report that all three keepers had vanished.
to much larger vessels. Buoymaster Allan Macdonald with seamen Lamont
In the early 1950s, a dismantled river boat prob- and Campbell then climbed up to the lighthouse 101
ably rst used to transport the corpse of Pharaoh meters (330 feet) above sea level. Everything seemed
Khufu (Cheops) to its place of purication and em- to be in order. The gate was closed and secured, beds
balmment, and then stored ready for his voyage to the had been made, the table was laid for the keepers din-
afterworld was discovered close to the face of the ner, and their lunch plates and pans had been washed
large pyramid at Giza (see Khufu ship). This vessel, and put away. The lamp had been trimmed and its
which dates to 2528 BCE or thereabouts, has now been reservoir lled, the last entry in the log, made at 0900
reassembled. It is 43.6 metres (143 ft) long with a dis- hrs on 15th December, mentioned nothing untoward,
placement of about forty tonnes (39 long tons). Egyp- while the duty slateboard recorded weather and wind
tians of this period must also have constructed spe- conditions, plus the times the lantern should be illu-
cial load-carrying river barges for the transportation of minated that night and extinguished next morning.
obelisks and immense pyramid building blocks. However the full fuel reservoir indicated it had never
The successful river design lacked the rigidity been lit.
needed by seagoing vessels, but a model found in An inventory of clothing showed that Thomas
Pharaoh Sahures mortuary temple shows that Egypt- Marshall had been wearing full foul weather gear,
ian naval architects had contrived ingenious methods James Ducat had on a jacket with seaboots, and Don-
of preparing vessels for service in open waters. As a ald McArthur was in his shirtsleeves. This seemed to
substitute for ribs, they provided athwartships sup- indicate that Marshall had been outside and the oth-
port by girdling the entire vessel with a pair of ropes, ers had hurriedly joined him. Then it was noticed that
pulled taut by a third rope zig-zagged between them. the iron tramway rails and railings between landing
Then, in the absence of a keel, they provided fore- platform and lighthouse had been displaced and
and-aft support by running a huge hawser, known as twisted in a manner difcult to believe, that the life-
a hogging truss, over a series of props from bow to boat normally securely roped to them had been torn
stern, tightening it with a pole, like a tourniquet. The away and was missing, and that a rock weighing more
sophistication of this design indicates a long period than a ton had been displaced.
of previous maritime activity. Sahures ships, which As with many inexplicable maritime phenomena,
lacked the sharply-angled bow and stern typical of speculation was rife. Land-based rumors suggested
Nile boats, must have been fast and reasonably sea- that one of the keepers had gone mad, murdered the
worthy, but could never have been as reliable as keeled others, and thrown himself into the sea in remorse,
vessels. or that all the men had been abducted by foreign spies,
Eight up!: When signal ag number 8 is hoisted it or that a gigantic seabird had swooped down and
means enemy in sight. Hence, eight up! whispered taken them. Superstitious and imaginative seamen
by an RN signalman warns that a senior ofcer is ap- subscribed to the idea that Davy Jones had been so
proaching. furious when the newly-constructed lighthouse cheated
Eilean Mr Mystery: Known as The Hunters be- him of his accustomed harvest of shipwrecked
cause of their toll on shipping, the Flannan Isles are a mariners that he had risen out of the sea to register
group of 45 rocks and islets in the outer Hebrides off his displeasure by wreaking havoc on the island be-
the northwest coast of Scotland. Only seven are big fore abducting the keepers and imprisoning them.
enough to be called islands, the two largest of these A more mundane explanation substantiated by
being steep-cliffed Eilean Tighe (house island) and the fact that 35 feet (11 meters) of turf had been ripped
Eilean Mr (big island). In the 10th century, Scottish off the top of a 200 foot (61 meter) headland is that
monks eeing Viking raiders arrived on the latter and a powerful rogue wave crashed over the high cliffs and
dedicated a chapel to Saint Flann. Having given the swept on up the steep hill, washing the men away as
saints name to the islands, their monastery was aban- they rushed out to secure vital equipment at the land-
doned during the 16th century, leaving the island un- ing platform. On the other hand, perhaps the wave
inhabited until a manned lighthouse was built in 1899. really was Davys manifestation and Ducat, Marshall,
Early in 1901, Captain Holman, master of the and McArthur are still languishing in his locker.
freighter Tennessee, complained to the Northern Light- Eke: [1] In general use, to supply something lack-
house Board that no warning beam had been visible ing or make short supply last longer. [2] In shipbuild-
when he passed the islands at midnight on 15th De- ing, to lengthen a timber by joining another to it.
cember. Meanwhile, lighthouse tender Hesperus had El Nio Southern Oscillation Event: A periodic
left on a routine visit, arriving off Eilean Mr on 26th disruption of the ocean-atmosphere system in the
Elbow 108

tropical Pacic that can have important consequences re the weapon and, since the high-velocity projectiles
for weather and climate around the globe, including destroy targets by kinetic energy, no explosive rounds
destructive oods and devastating bush res. Known need to be stored in the ships magazine. A successful
as ENSO events, they occur irregularly every 27 years experimental ring was conducted at the United States
due to warmer than usual sea surface temperatures. Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Virginia,
The name was coined by South American shers who on January 31, 2008.
noted that the phenomenon often appears near Electronic chart display and information sys-
Christmastime (El Nio, which means The Little tem: A specic form of shipborne computer-based
Boy is a synonym for Christ Child). An El Nio is navigation information system that complies with In-
often followed by a La Nia event. ternational Maritime Organization regulations and
Elbow: [1] A sharp change of direction in a river or can be used in lieu of paper navigation charts in some
channel. [2] A promontory. [3] A pipe or pipe connec- areas. A true ECDIS displays information from elec-
tion having a right-angle bend. tronic navigational charts and integrates position in-
Electric drive: A propulsion system in which main formation from the global positioning System and
engines drive generators that send electrical power to other navigational sensors, such as radar, fathometer
motors which drive the propellers. With this system, and automatic identication systems. It may also dis-
overall efciency can be improved by taking surplus play additional navigation-related information, such
units off-line and running the remaining generators at as Sailing Directions. The term is often incorrectly
close to full output. It is also a partial answer to the used to refer to nonIMO-compliant types of elec-
problem of propulsion machinery and drive shafts that tronic chart display (cf. Raster chart display system).
occupy space otherwise available for weaponry and Electronic countermeasures: That division of
ammunition in warships, or passengers and cargo in electronic warfare involving actions taken to prevent
merchantmen. Moreover, electric drives can be placed or reduce an enemys effective use of the electromag-
further aft, reducing the length of propeller shafts for netic spectrum.
in-hull motors, or to zero for those in external pods. Electronic navigational chart: An ofcial data-
Electric drive is far from new. A battery-powered base created by a national hydrographic ofce for use
boat motored along Moscows Neva River as early as with an Electronic Chart Display and Information
1834, and by the 1880s electric propulsion was a viable System. An electronic chart must conform to Interna-
competitor to mechanical drives for passenger liners. tional Hydrographic Organization standards before it
When launched in 1932, SS Normandie was the largest can be certied as meeting International Maritime
and fastest ship in the world (see Blue Riband), and is Organisation performance requirements (cf. Raster
still the most powerful steam-turbo-electric propelled navigational chart).
passenger vessel ever built. Todays largest is the cruise Electronic warfare: The use of electromagnetic or
ship Freedom of the Seas whose diesel-electric engines directed energy to [1] Determine, exploit, degrade,
power podded drive propulsion. neutralize, or prevent hostile use of the electromagnetic
As for warships, submarines have, of necessity, al- spectrum. [2] Jam or distort enemy communications.
ways relied on electric propulsion, while the USN en- [3] Generally mislead the foe, while preserving that
thusiastically adopted the system for surface ships in spectrum for friendly use.
the early 1900s. Its rst aircraft carrier USS Langley Electro-Technical Ofcer (ETO): This relatively
(the former collier Jupiter) had hybrid-electric drive, new merchant rank refers to a certicated marine en-
and the system was installed in Lexington Class carri- gineer with supplementary qualications in the op-
ers, and Tennessee and Colorado Class battleships. Both eration and maintenance of increasingly complex and
the United States and Royal Navies have announced vital electrical, radar, and computer-control equip-
that their next generation surface warships will fea- ment.
ture electrical propulsion. See also CODAGelectric. Elevation: [1] The vertical angle of a gun barrel
Electric motor: A machine that converts electrical above the horizontal. [2] The angle of sight of a heav-
energy into mechanical energy. Motors and generators enly body above the horizontal. [3] The height of a
have many similarities, being essentially the same ma- place above sea level.
chine operating in the opposite direction. Elevator: [1] The moving platform used to raise or
Electro-ballistics: The art or science of measuring lower aircraft between hangar deck and ight deck.
the velocity of projectiles by means of electricity. [2] The hinged horizontal surface used to control the
Electromagnetic Railgun: This emerging technol- pitch of an aircraft.
ogy uses high power electromagnetic energy instead of ELINT: Electronic Intelligence.
chemical propellants to propel a projectile farther and Elliptic stem: A rounded bow, frequently seen on
faster than conventional artillery. Two parallel metal- tugboats, where a curve is more suitable for pushing
lic rails are connected to a power supply. When a con- than a sharp stem.
ductive projectile is placed on them, it completes the Elliptic stern: A short rounded counter.
circuit, creating a magnetic eld which accelerates the Elmo: See Saint Erasmus.
projectile along the rails. No explosives are required to Elokomin fuelling rig: An arrangement of hoses
109 Entry

and tackles developed on board USS Elokomin to im- Enlade: Gunre directed along the long axis of a
prove fuel transfer while underway. target.
EM: [1] Enlisted Man (USN). [2] Electricians Engaged in shing: Classication under the Nav-
Mate (USN). igation Rules covering any vessel deploying sh-
Embankment: An earth, stone, or concrete con- ing apparatus which restricts its maneuverability.
struction erected to shut in or conne a river. Trolling lines and similar non-restrictive gear are ex-
Embargo: An order by a state forbidding foreign cluded.
merchantmen to enter its ports, or preventing any Engagement : In military terminology, an en-
merchantmen from leaving them. counter, conict, or battle.
Embark: [1] To enter into a ship as passengers or Engine: A mechanical contrivance for converting
troops (but not as crew who normally come aboard). thermal energy into mechanical energy.
[2] To put or receive something into a vessel. Engine room: Space set aside for the operation of
Embarked aviation: See aviation support. main propulsion and auxiliary engines (cf. propulsion
Embay: To put, force into, or conne a vessel in a machinery, machinery spaces).
bay. Engine-room/engine-order telegraph: See Tele-
Emcon: Emissions control (in electronic warfare). graph.
Emergency power system: A battery- or generator- Engineering Duty Ofcer: A USN line ofcer re-
operated backup electrical system capable of supply- stricted to engineering and designated EDO.
ing power to all essential areas of a ship. Normally Englehardt boat: A collapsible lifeboat with a ca-
placed as high as possible in the superstructure so as pacity of about 40 persons, having a slatted wooden
to be above any water entering a damaged vessel. See bottom and canvas sides that could be collapsed to
also uninterruptible power supply. allow compact stowage. The ill-fated RMS Titanic
Emergency speed: The command to run a vessels carried four such collapsibles three of which were
propulsion machinery as rapidly as possible, with no successfully opened and launched. Often confused
consideration of normal safety precautions such as with the Berthon boat.
limiting lubricating oil temperature or controlling Enlist: To engage voluntarily in military service.
steam pressure. Such conditions can only be briey Enlisted: Refers to a non-commissioned or war-
sustained due to the strain on machinery and equip- ranted person in the United States armed forces (see
ment. (See standard speed, full speed, ank speed.) rating). Usually followed by man or woman.
EMP: Electromagnetic Pulse. Enlistment: The period of time for which a person
Empress of Ireland: This Canadian Pacic passen- agrees to enlist.
ger liner was rammed and sunk by Norwegian collier Ensign: [1] The ag denoting nationality (cf. col-
Storstad in the St. Lawrence River on 30th May 1914 ors). [2] The lowest commissioned rank in a British
with the loss of 1,078 lives (73 percent of all those on guards regiment. [3] The lowest commissioned rank
board). See also Crippens curse. in the United States and Royal New Zealand navies.
EMRG: Electromagnetic rail gun. Essentially, a naval Ensign is an on-the-job apprentice,
En ute: Placing a ship en te means removing similar to and ranking with a Midshipman in the
some or all of its artillery (the open gunports being British navy, or an Acting Sub-lieutenant in the Aus-
said to look like the nger-holes of a ute). This is tralian and Canadian navies (although none of these
usually done either to make room for cargo or troops, is commissioned). In the USN, the most junior ensign
or to demonstrate peaceful intent. (The term is French.) on board is colloquially called the George Ensign
ENC: Electronic navigational chart. (from JORG = Junior Ofcer Requiring Guidance),
Encapsulated: Said of a torpedo that is enclosed while the most senior is the Bull Ensign (reputedly
in a deep-water mine to be automatically released for after Admiral Bull Halsey who assigned specic du-
attack when stimulated by a passing vessel. ties to that ofcer).
Encipher: To convert plain text into unintelligible Ensign staff: A short agpole at the stern of a ves-
language using a letter-substitution cipher. sel, on which the national ensign is own (see ag eti-
Encode: To convert plain text into unintelligible quette).
language using a word-substitution code. ENSO: El Nio Southern Oscillation Event.
Encrypt: Generic term for the conversion of plain Entrance: The immersed portion of the hull for-
text into unintelligible language, including codes and ward of the beam. In general, the slimmer the en-
ciphers. trance the faster the ship.
End of mission: In the USN, a command to ter- Entrept: [1] A warehouse where goods are received
minate gunre on a specic target. for distribution, trans-shipment, or repackaging. [2]
Endurance: The length of time an aircraft can con- In the original French, the term also refers to a port
tinue ying, or a ship can continue operating, with- which serves as a centre for import and export.
out refueling. Entry port: [1] In a merchantman, a large opening
Endurance distance: The total distance that a ship in the side for loading cargo or boarding crew. [2] In
can be self-propelled at a specied speed. a three-decker warship, a port cut down to the level
EOB 110

of the middle deck. Not to be confused with port of Escort: [1] To accompany in order to protect or
entry. honor. [2] The ships, aircraft, or personnel providing
EOB: Enemy order of battle. an escort.
EOD: Explosive Ordnance Disposal. Escort Carrier: Towards the middle of World War
EOM: End of message. II, the large and expensive eet carriers were supple-
EOOW: Engineer ofcer of the watch. mented by small versions built on merchantman hulls
Episodic wave: A freak wave produced by swells as an emergency response to the inability of land-
which are in opposition to the main tidal current. based aircraft to patrol or attack U-boats in midAt-
Eplimnion: The uppermost layer of sea water. See lantic. In the words of British naval aviator Hugh
thermocline, hypolimnion, and mixed layer. Popham, they were unlovable little ships, slow (17
Equator: See terrestrial equator. knots), jerry-built, utilitarian, and vulnerable, but the
Equatorial currents: North of the terrestrial equa- amount of work they did was prodigious. As well as
tor, ocean currents tend to ow clockwise, while to being highly successful convoy escorts, baby attops,
the south they ow counter-clockwise (see Coriolis as they were nicknamed, proved invaluable as assault
effect). In between are weak countercurrents owing carriers to support amphibious operations, ferried re-
in the opposite directions. placement aircraft to theaters of war, and supple-
Equinoctial gale: A storm with violent winds and mented full-size carriers in combat. Seventy-seven
rain occurring at or near the time of an equinox and were used by the USN and another thirty-three were
popularly, but erroneously, believed to be associated leased to the RN and RCN. Also Jeep Carrier (cf. eet
with it. carrier, light eet carrier, and MAC-Ship).
Equinox: Either of two times a year, midway be- Escutcheon: A board or raised lettering on the stern
tween the solstices, when the lengths of night and day of a vessel indicating its name and port of registry.
are approximately equal. Esk: A type of Viking longship mentioned in the
Equipage: [1] In general, requisites for an under- Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Little is known about it, but
taking. [2] In naval terminology, all non-consumable the text indicates it had fewer than sixty oars (see
material needed for a vessel to perform her mission, in- Saxon seapower). The vessel may have been named
cluding personnel, gear, tackle, and other essential after the River Esk in northern England, on which the
equipment (cf. supplies). Norsemen had a settlement called Hvitely (white
Equipment: In logistics, all nonexpendable items town) now transliterated to Whitby.
needed to outt or equip an individual or organiza- Establishment : The complement or quota of
tion. ofcers and rates assigned to a ship or station.
Erasmus: Was Bishop of Formiae in Italy, who ed Estimated position: An approximation based on
to Mount Lebanon to escape the persecutions of tides, winds, currents, course, speed, and elapsed time
Roman Emperor Diocletian. There he is said to have since the last known position. These are more factors
been fed by a raven until captured, tortured, and dis- than are involved in estimating a position by dead
emboweled, his intestines being pierced with red hot reckoning.
hooks and wound out of his body onto a nautical cap- Estuarine: Of or pertaining to an estuary.
stan while he was still alive. According to legend he Estuary: The wide tidal mouth of a river.
survived this and numerous other torments under var- ETA: Estimated time of arrival (also EAT).
ious Roman emperors to die a natural death in or ETD: Estimated time of departure.
about 303. He was canonized in 1610 by Pope Paul V. Evacuation control ship: In an amphibious oper-
Also known as Saint Elmo, he is the patron of boat- ation, a ship designated as the control point for land-
men, sailors, and navigators, with authority over sea- ing craft, amphibious vehicles, and helicopters remov-
sickness and storms. Not surprisingly, considering the ing casualties from the beaches. Embarked medical
nature of his martyrdom, he also exercises authority personnel perform emergency surgery, and distribute
over abdominal pains, stomach problems, and related wounded throughout the attack force in accordance
diseases. (See also Saint Elmos Fire.) with available beds and specialized medical facilities.
Escape hatch: A watertight cover which allows Evaporator: A device for vaporizing seawater to
emergency exit from a compartment when the nor- make it salt-free.
mal way out is inaccessible. Evasive action: Tactics such as sinuating or zigzag-
Escape trunk: [1] A compartment on a submarine ging designed to confuse a would-be attacker.
capable of accepting a rescue chamber or deep-dive Even keel: Floating on the designated waterline so
rescue vehicle. [2] A vertical passage with ladders and that draft is the same both fore and aft. Is not inu-
emergency lighting rising from the lowest deck to enced by heel, which is a sideways list.
allow rapid exit in case of re or ooding. Evening watch: The duty shift from 2000 to 2400
Escarpment: An elongated, characteristically linear, (8 P.M. to midnight). Also rst watch or rst night
steep slope, separating horizontal or gently sloping watch.
sectors of the sea oor in non-shelf areas. Often ab- Evergreens: Since the 18th century, British war-
breviated to scarp. ships have hoisted a garland of evergreens to the mast-
111 Extraterritoriality

head to signify that discipline has been relaxed and those of (for example) the engineering, medical, or
women visitors will be welcomed on board. A similar supply branches. The USN equivalent is Line Ofcer.
garland is hoisted on the day any member of the crew Executive curl: A twist of braid above the upper-
is to be married. most stripe of an RN ofcers rank insignia. initially
Evolution: [1] A movement or one of a series of restricted to ofcers of the Seaman (now executive)
movements to deploy warships in order of combat. Branch. Since 1918, however, non-executive ofcers
[2] A tactical maneuver. [3] A sequence of actions have also worn the curl, with their specialties identi-
such as those involved in setting a sail. [4] Gradual ed by stripes of colored cloth (see specialist ofcers).
development from simple to more complex form. Executive Ofcer: [1] In the USN, this is not a
EW: [1] Electronic warfare. [2] Early warning. rank but a title, applied to the second-in-command of
Exceptions clause: A standard provision of char- a ship, shore establishment, or air squadron. The ex-
ter parties or bills of lading which exempts a ship- ecutive ofcer (usually abbreviated to Exec or XO)
owner or carrier from liability for losses, damage, or is responsible for day-to-day operations, thus freeing
delays due to any one or more of: the captain to concentrate on planning and directing
Act or omission of shipper. the mission (the RN equivalent was rst lieutenant, but
Act of God. XO is now common). [2] In the RN, the term also
Acts of public enemies, thieves, or pirates. refers to an ofcer fully qualied to navigate and ght
Acts of war. a ship at sea and eligible for command of a naval ves-
Arrest. sel (the USN equivalent is line ofcer).
Assailment (assault). Exercise: A rehearsal, drill, or practice simulation.
Embargo. May be as large as eet maneuvers or as small as
Fire or arson. lifeboat drill.
Force majeure. Exonerate: [1] To free from responsibility or blame.
Hijacking. [2] This term, which has completely lost its nautical
Latent defect. meaning, formerly referred to the discharge of cargo.
Quarantine. (Latin ex onustus = from freight.)
Restraint of princes or people. Expansion hatch: A hatch with high coamings, set
Riots or civil commotion. above a liquid cargo tank to allow its contents to ex-
Seizure under legal process. pand or contract with rise or fall in temperature.
Strikes or lockouts. Expansion tank: A small tank, pipe-connected to
Stoppage or restraint of labor. the main cargo tank, which serves the same purpose
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): A sea area be- as an expansion hatch, but on a larger scale.
yond and adjacent to a nations territorial sea, extend- Expansion trunk: A trunk rising from the main
ing up to 200 nautical miles (370 kilometers) from cargo tank, providing greater expansion space than
its baseline. In this zone, as dened in The United either an expansion hatch or tank.
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, a coastal Expeditionary Strike Force: One or more carrier
state has strike groups combined with one or more amphibious
sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and ex- ready groups, and supplemented by additional ships
ploiting, conserving and managing the natural re- and aircraft for a particular offensive operation.
sources, whether living or non-living, of the waters Explosion vessel: Similar to a reship, but crammed
superjacent to the sea bed and its subsoil, and with with explosives rather than combustibles. Used as early
regard to other activities for the economic exploita- as the 17th century, and as recently as 1942 when the
tion and exploration of the zone, such as the produc- old destroyer HMS Campbeltown was rammed into
tion of energy from the water, currents and winds. the dock at St. Nazire and exploded.
The Convention also gives jurisdiction over other Explosive: Any substance tending to expand with
dened activities such as marine scientic research. force and noise due to rapid chemical change.
The United States has not ratied this section of the Exposed waters: [1] United States Coast Guard
UN convention. (See also patrimonial sea.) term for sea areas more than twenty nautical miles (37
Exclusive Fishing Zone (EFZ): Since the 1960s it kilometers) from the mouth of a harbor providing safe
has been generally recognized that a coastal nation can refuge. [2] Any other waters the USCG or another
claim extensive, but not exclusive, shing rights sea- national authority determines present special hazards.
ward from its baseline. These are normally extensions Exposure suit: Special survival clothing designed
of and follow the limits prescribed for the nations ex- to partially withstand immersion in cold water.
clusive economic zone. Coastal nations such as the Extraterritoriality: This exemption from local laws
United States who have not chosen to ratify the UN and regulations, similar to that still accorded to diplo-
convention may unilaterally claim what the U.S. calls mats, was formerly extended to the merchantmen of
a shery conservation zone. See also right of shery. certain powerful nations. Nowadays, all vessels have to
Executive Branch: RN term for ofcers concerned obey local laws and regulations as well as those of their
with working and navigating a ship, as opposed to ag country.
Eye 112

Eye: [1] A circular or tear-shaped metal tting (also the British military, Article 1105 of Queens Regula-
eyelet). [2] A loop in a rope. [3] A hole in the shank tions and Admiralty Instructions forbids the wearing
of an anchor. [4] The direction from which the wind of moustaches without beards by ofcers and men of
is blowing. [5] The circular region of relatively light the Royal Navy (see permission to grow). Personnel of
winds and fair weather at the center of a tropical cy- the Royal Marines, Army, and Air Force may wear
clone. moustaches, but not beards, except in extreme cli-
Eyebolt: A bolt with an eye at one end. matic conditions or for medical reasons. Special forces
Eyebrow: A metal ange or lip just above a port- may wear beards when on covert intelligence opera-
(hole) that shields it from water, whether falling as tions or behind enemy lines. See also haircutting.
rain or running off the deck. Also rigol. Factory ship: A oating base for sher or whaling
Eyes: Term for the foremost part of the weather eets, tted with equipment to prepare catch for the
deck, as far forward as it is possible for a lookout to marketprocessing and canning for the former, en-
stand. The term may refer to the eyes of the gure- sing and barreling for the latter. See also processing a
heads which used to decorate wooden ships, or to the whale.
eyes (oculi) painted on Mediterranean craft from the Fag: [1] RN lower deck slang for a cigarette. [2] De-
age of Pharaohs to the present day. rogatory term for a homosexual (short for faggot).
Eyes right/left: In feudal days, military personnel Fag-end: Nautical slang for the extreme end of a
had the privilege of looking their overlords straight in rope.
the eye while raising their caps or visors as a sign of re- Fag out: [1] To fray the end of a rope. [2] In com-
spect. By contrast serfs and slaves were forbidden to mon usage, to tire or exhaust.
stare at their betters and had to stand aside with Fair: [1] To adjust or align a hull or its component
heads bowed and eyes averted. In 1740 a military text- parts. [2] Wind that blows in the desired direction
book entitled The New Art of War stated; Each ofcer (called fair even if of gale force). [3] Tide which ows
is to time his salute so as to pull off his hat when the in the desired direction. [4] Clement weather. [5] In
person he salutes is almost opposite him. An integral reasonably good condition.
part of the military salute is still to look directly at the Fairing: A streamlining structure added to a ship
person being saluted. Hence the command eyes right! or aircraft.
(or left) is given to columns passing in review. Fairlead: A tting through or over which a rope,
Eyesplice: A splice at the end of a line which cre- line, or cable can be led so as to change direction. Un-
ates a loop for hanging over bollards or cleats. Usually like a tackle, a fairlead provides no mechanical ad-
protected by a thimble. vantage.
Fairwater: A casting, or an assembly of plate, that
improves the ow of water past an area or feature of
F the hull.
Fairwater cap/sleeve : A conical cap or casting
FAA: Fleet Air Arm (RN). which serves as a fairwater for the propeller shaft.
Face: [1] USN command to turn on the heel to left Fairway: [1] The navigable part of a river or en-
or right as ordered (the RN term is turn). [2] The after closed body of water. [2] The usual course for en-
surface of a propeller blade (confusingly, the forward tering a harbor. [3] The usual path between ports.
surface is the back). [4] This nautical term has been adopted by golfers to
Face curtain: A sheet of heavy fabric installed in refer to the mowed area of a course lying between tee
an aircraft cockpit. When pulled down it both activates and green.
the ejection seat and protects pilot and crew from Fake: [1] A single turn or tier of rope. [2] To lay out
wind blast. a rope in a coil or series of loops so that it will run
Face the music: First recorded in the mid1800s, freely without kinking or fouling. Also ake. [3] A
this phrase, meaning to confront the consequences of coil of rope which has been faked down and is ready
ones actions, is believed to refer to the Rogues for running (aka Flemish coil or French coil).
March which was played when a dishonorably-dis- Falklands Current : A north-easterly ow from
charged person was drummed out of naval or mil- Cape Horn into the Atlantic Ocean. Also Maldives
itary service. Current.
Facial hair: [1] In the United States military, mous- Fall(s): [1] Generally, the line(s) that, together with
taches are allowed in all branches, but beards are gen- blocks, constitute a hoisting tackle. [2] Specically,
erally forbidden on the basis of hygiene and the need the running part of the line that is between the blocks.
to seal gas masks. The Navy did allow beards for a Fall! A Fall!: Traditional whalers cry to indicate a
time in the 1970s and 1980s, but subsequently banned harpoon has been effectively delivered.
them again. The Coast Guard allowed beards until Fall astern: To drop behind.
1986. Special Operations Forces have been allowed to Fall in: [1] The Command for troops to assemble
wear beards in middle-eastern countries in order to in ranks. [2] To fall in with is to meet another ves-
better t in with the indigenous population. [2] In sel.
113 Feather

Fall of shot: The point of impact of shellre. Used FAST: Fleet antiterrorism security team (USN/
to calculate corrections to the aim. USMC).
Fall off: To change course to leeward. Fast: [1] Firmly xed in place (cf. make fast, hold
Fall out: [1] The Command for troops to disperse fast). [2] Speedy.
from their ranks. [2] Of a hull, to get wider or broaden. Fast cruise: USN term for a series of drills and ex-
Falling tide: That part of the tide cycle between ercises which simulate duties and activities while un-
high and low water when the depth of water is de- derway, but are carried out at moorings.
creasing. The opposite condition is a rising tide. Fast ice: Sea ice attached to the shore, to an ice
False colors: Improper national identication. front, or between icebergs.
Often used illegally by pirates, but otherwise an ac- Fata Morgana: A maritime mirage which makes
cepted ruse de guerre for [1] A merchantman hoping objects oat in the air and seem taller than they really
to avoid capture by a belligerent, or [2] A warship are. The original Fata Morgana, also known as Mor-
running down on an enemy (provided the proper col- gan le Fay, was a fairy enchantress skilled in the art of
ors are hoisted before combat starts). See also bam- changing shape. In one traditional story she was King
boozle and ag verication. Arthurs sister and learned many of her skills from
False keel: An extension to the keel intended to Merlin the Magician.
provide lateral resistance and thus reduce leeway. It Father: Affectionate RN slang for a well-liked com-
also protects the true keel if the vessel runs aground. manding ag ofcer.
False ports: See dummy ports. Fathom: Many units of measurement are named
Fan: To brace the upper yardarms slightly aft to after body parts. We still measure horses in hands, al-
benet from differences in wind speed at their height most everything in feet, and depth of water by the
above the water. six-foot span known as a fathom. [1] As a noun, the
Fancywork: Ornamental decoration, gingerbread. term is derived from Old Norse fathmr (via Old En-
Fanning: Sailing slowly in a light breeze. glish fthm) meaning outstretched arms, and an early
Fanny: The semi-ofcial name attached to a small Act of the British Parliament quaintly dened it as
round mess kettle of about eight pints (41 2 liters) The length of a mans arms around the object of his
capacity issued to British seamen. It had a grisly ori- affections. [2] As a verb, the term refers to the nau-
gin. In April 1867 a nine-year-old girl named Frances tical practice of casting a leadline to determine the
(Fanny) Adams was murdered. Her killer cut the body depth of water and nature of the bottom. [3] In com-
into small pieces, and some of these were rumored to mon usage, fathom is a metaphor for grasping or com-
have been found in nearby Royal Clarence Victual- prehending the nature of a problem or difculty by
ing Yard. This was almost exactly at the time that vict- getting to the bottom of it.
ualing yards began to issue cans of corned mutton to Fathom Marks: See leadline.
the eet and, inevitably, the meat was nicknamed Fathometer: Proprietary trade name for a type of
Fanny Adams. Sailors found the opened cans (which echo sounder.
resembled small paint pots) useful for carrying food Favorable/favourable: Said of a wind or current
and the name carried over to the ofcial issue which which assists movement in the desired direction.
appeared later. Fax: Facsimile.
Fanny Adams: [1] RN lower deck slang for canned Fay: A shipbuilding term, meaning to join two
meat or stew. [2] Nothing at all; in phrases such as pieces together with no perceptible space between
Sweet Fanny Adams or All my eye and Fanny them. Formerly applied to timbers, but now extended
Adams. See also Fanny. to cover riveted or welded joints.
Fantail: [1] A rounded counter extending beyond Fayfena: A thirty-oared Japanese galley.
the sternpost of a vessel to create an exaggerated over- FCS: Fire Control System.
hang. [2] USN term for the open after section of a Feather: [1] The plume created by a submarine
warships main deck. periscope moving through the water. [2] The foamy
FAO: [1] Forward Air Observer. [2)] Forward Ar- spray at the stem of a moving craft. [3] To sail so close
tillery Observer. [3] Finance & Accounting Ofcer. to the wind that the forward edge of the sail luffs. [4]
Fare: [1] An archaic word for travel or wander. To turn the blade of an oar parallel to the water dur-
Still used in composite words such as seafarer and ing the return stroke. [5] To adjust the pitch of a naval
farewell. [2] The price charged for transportation. or aviation propeller so that it creates no forward
[3] A paying passenger on a ship, aircraft, train, or thrust.
other means of public transport. [4] Range of food, for Feather merchant: [1] Formerly, described an un-
example, the fare served by a restaurant. scrupulous supplier who added stones or other heavy
FAS (Free Alongside Ship): See Incoterms. material to the feathers sold in bulk by weight to the
Fashion Show: USN slang for a form of remedial U.S. government for soldiers pillows and mattresses.
instruction in which a slovenly sailor is required to [2] In the U.S. Military, a person in a comfortable or
stand inspection dressed consecutively in each serv- easy assignment such as headquarters duty or other
ice uniform. staff billet. [3] Often used for any civilian working
Feedback 114

for the U.S. military. [4] USN derogatory slang for a across a bay or gulf. [4] The distance a vessel must
novice seaman, a newcomer to naval service, or a run to reach open water. [5] To begin to move or ac-
landlubber. [5] In general, a person who avoids re- celerate. [6] To reach or arrive at a destination. [7] To
sponsibility and effort; a loafer (not in general use come to a halt. [8] To sight a landmark or another
outside the USA). vessel. [9] To come onto a new tack (16th century,
Feedback : Evaluative or corrective information now obsolete).
about the effect or result of an action or process. FEU: Forty-foot equivalent unit (shipping con-
Feeder current: A current that runs parallel to the tainer).
beach, drawn by the suction of an outward-owing Feu de Joie: This French term for a celebratory
rip current. bonre also applies to a military salute performed on
Feedwater: Preheated distilled water provided to special occasions of public rejoicing. It consists of
a steamships boilers. riemen or musketeers ring sequentially, so that the
Feel the way: To navigate strange waters with cau- noise of their shots passes rapidly and steadily from
tion and frequent soundings. one to the next, down one rank and up another, to
Feint: [1] In general use; something designed to produce a long and continuous roll of sound.
distract or mislead, feigned or counterfeit, a pretence FF : Hull classication symbol of a frigate.
or stratagem. [2] In military parlance, a tactic in- FFG: Hull classication symbol of a guided missile
tended to giving the impression that a certain maneu- frigate.
ver will take place, while in fact something else is in- Fiber: [1] Any substance (such as cotton, ax, or
tended. hemp) that can be separated into threads and twisted
Felloe: [1] The rim of a wheel (or segment of the or braided together (i.e., to make rope). [2] The word
rim) into which spokes are inserted. [2] One of the has other meanings in anatomy (nerve, muscle, or
arched pieces that form the outer ring of a ships steer- connective tissue), botany (slender, threadlike root),
ing wheel, into which both spokes and handles are nutrition (bulk, dietary ber, roughage), optics (op-
tted. tical ber), and as a character trait (moral ber).
Felucca: A small Mediterranean coasting vessel Fiber optics: Guiding light by refraction, the prin-
with lateen sails on one or two masts and a small ciple that makes ber optics possible, was rst demon-
mizzen. strated by French scientists in the 1840s, and in 1870
Fencible : A limited service soldier during the Englishman John Tyndall discovered that light uses
Napoleonic Wars, senior to yeomanry or volunteers, internal reection to follow a specic path. Practical
but junior to line regiments and Royal Marines. Only applications of this principle appeared early in the
occasionally employed in sea service, but there was a twentieth century, but it was not until the late 1950s
land-based force of sea fencibles. that modern optical bers appeared.
Fend off: To push away from, or prevent crashing Unlike copper wire, an optical ber cable is not
into something. electrical in nature, carrying information from one
Fender: A protective guard temporarily placed be- point to another in the form of light. A basic system
tween a ships side and another vessel or a pier and re- consists of a transmitting device, to generate the light
moved before getting under way. If left in place it is signal; an optical ber cable, which carries the light;
called a bumper. and a receiver, to accept the transmitted signal. Fiber
Ferja: A Viking boat used for local cargo move- optic networks are more powerful and versatile than
ment. traditional copper-wire networks, operating at very
Ferret: A ship or aircraft equipped for the detection, high speeds and providing high bandwidth.
location, recording, and analysis of electromagnetic During the second half of the twentieth century,
radiation. this technology experienced a phenomenal rate of
Ferrocement: A method of ship construction in progress, and the U.S. military moved quickly to in-
which the hull is fabricated by laying a special cement stall ber optic networks that provide increased in-
over a basic shape of wire mesh. formation capability to users of high-tech weaponry,
Ferry: [1] To transport passengers, vehicles, or command and control systems, global positioning sys-
cargo. [2] A ship, boat, or raft, frequently purpose- tems, inventory/transportation management pro-
built, employed for the transportation of people, au- grams, personnel/payroll record-keeping, and med-
tomobiles or goods on a scheduled route across a rel- ical apparatus. Fiber optic systems, using oating radio
atively short body of water. [3] A complete system of antennae, provide submerged submarines with two-
boats, terminals and warehouses for the transporta- way communications for the rst time in history, while
tion or people, automobiles or goods across broader similar technology allows them to deploy a oating
bodies of water. optical ber periscope from well below conventional
Fetch: [1] The distance wind and waves can travel periscope depth.
without interference. [2] The distance between the Fid: [1] A square bar of iron or wood used to secure
weather shore and the point where waves begin to or support a spar. [2] A wooden marlinspike. [3] A
form. [3] The stretch from headland to headland metal sailmakers tool used for shaping grommets;
115 Figurehead

similar to a marlinspike but without the bulbous housing term for a method of storage designed to
head. minimize spoilage.
Fiddle: [1] A small board forming a ledge or bar- Figgie-dowdie: RN slang for boiled suet pudding,
rier to prevent things from sliding off a shelf or table speckled with bits of dried fruit. Figgie obviously
in heavy weather. The name originated when the same refers to the fruit (see plum duff ), while dowdie is
purpose was achieved by cords stretched tightly be- thought to refer to the desserts plain or dowdy ap-
tween pegs so that they resembled violin strings. pearance. Closely-related to spotted dick.
[2] To cheat, swindle, or falsify. Fighting Instructions: During the latter part of
Fiddle block: A pair of sheaves in a single housing, the 17th century, the British Royal Navy developed a
one above the other, the lower being smaller than the system of Permanent Fighting Instructions, which
upper. It lies atter and more snugly to the yard than tried to establish uniform and easily-understood doc-
a double block, in which the sheaves are abreast of trines and procedures for dealing with every contin-
one another. gency. However, during the eighteenth century, pro-
Fiddlehead: A billethead shaped like the scroll at cedures which were state-of-the-art when codied in
the head of a violin. Used when there is no gurehead 1691 became so rigidly interpreted by traditional or
(cf. scrollhead). formalist commanders as to become initiative-freez-
Fiddler: See fer & ddler. ing dogma the nautical equivalent of forcing fast-
Fiddlers Green: According to an old jingle, this is moving World War II generals, such as Rommel or
a nautical nirvana where dead seamen nd unlimited Patton, to practice the static trench warfare of World
rum, tobacco, and compliant women in a paradise of War I, or face court-martial and execution. Starting in
perfect bliss and beauty. the 1750s a series of British naval ofcers, proponents
Now Fiddlers Green is the place Ive heard tell of the mele (or gunnery) school, rst challenged,
Where sailormen go when they dont go to hell then ignored, and nally discredited these inexible
Just tell me old shipmates, Im taking a trip mates rules. By 1800 the Permanent Fighting Instructions
And Ill see them some day in Fiddlers Green were effectively a dead issue. (See also naval tactics in
Various superstitions say that their spirits are carried the age of sail and cutting the line.)
there by soul ships from European waters, and by birds Fighting sails: When going into close-combat, sails
of the petrel family from more distant seas. (See alba- were reduced, usually to courses and topsails only.
tross, stormy petrel.) Fighting top: A platform on the mast of a sailing
Fid-hole: An opening in the heel of a mast or spar, warship, from which sharpshooters could re down-
through which a d is passed to rest on the trestle- ward, aiming especially at ofcers on the enemy quar-
trees on either side. terdeck.
Fidley: [1] An open ventilation area above boilers Figurehead: A carved wooden sculpture that dec-
or machinery spaces. [2] The grating covering such orates the prows of a ship. The custom originated in
an area. [3] The steel frame around a ladder or hatch antiquity. Minoan, Phoenician, Greek, and Roman
(also ddley). craft carried carved idols (acrostolia) with prominent
Field: [1] The background color or area of a ag. [2] oculi on the bows, believing on the one hand that the
A scene of action. [3] A range (eld of view/vision). eyes would guide the ship and, on the other, that the
Field day: Time set aside for housekeeping prior to god depicted would protect the vessel and its crew
an inspection (primarily USN). from the many perils of seafaring. Vikings and Nor-
Field ice: A large ice pack whose limits cannot be mans carved their upturned stems of their longships
seen from shipboard. into the likenesses of serpents and dragons, hoping to
Field of view: The area in the eyepiece of an opti- intimidate and terrify their enemies.
cal instrument in which the image is visible. In 13th century Europe, a swan gurehead was sup-
Field of vision: The entire area that can be seen by posed to help the ship glide gracefully over the water.
the eyes when they are kept xed in one direction. By this time, seafarers had turned their backs on idol
Fife rail: A rail with holes for belaying pins, usu- worship, but remained ercely superstitious, going to
ally at the base of a mast. great lengths to protect their gureheads which many
Fifer & Fiddler: These were sailing navy musi- believed contained the spirit of the vessel, ready to
cians, rated as petty ofcers, who played to encourage protect them from the perils of the deep and guide
manual labor at the capstan, and when hoisting, warp- them safely to their destination. They rmly believed
ing, or heaving (see Chanteys). any harm to the icon would bring disaster to the ship.
Fie: A wide-beam Scottish herring drifter, with a (See gurehead lore.)
dipping lugsail on the mainmast and a standing lug- During the Middle Ages, oculi and gureheads
sail on the mizzen, both stepped far forward to allow were eclipsed by the installation of forecastle ghting
maximum net-handling space at the stern. (Fife is an platforms, but the tradition died hard and gureheads
area of Scotland, situated between the Firth of Tay were back by the Tudor era. Earlier, they had been
and the Firth of Forth.) mounted, or carved directly, on the ships stem but
FIFO: Acronym for rst-in rst-out. A ware- with the forecastle overhanging the bow they were
Figurehead 116

repositioned below the bowsprit. Throughout the 16th June, the gurehead of HMS Brunswick represented
and 17th centuries, lions were greatly favored gure- the duke of that name, wearing cocked hat and kilt.
heads, but by the 18th they tended to be replaced by When a French cannonball shot away the dukes hat,
classical or mythological gures usually representing the crew was appalled and its ghting spirit noticeably
the name of the ship, and often the head and torso of fell away. Morale was restored when the captain gave
a warrior or a partially naked female. Whether the his own cocked hat to the carpenter with orders to
sculpture was full-length, cut off at the waist, a head- nail it on the dukes head.
and-shoulders bust, or a mere ornament (billethead, Filadiere : A at-bottomed French boat of the
ddlehead, or scrollhead) depended to a large extent Garonne region.
on the design of the bow and proportions of the ves- File: [1] Military term for a single column of per-
sel. But, whatever size it was, its eyes continued to be sonnel one behind the other when on parade or in
a prominent and important feature, remaining in fash- formation (cf. rank). [2] A dossier or collection of
ion until the arrival of iron hulls. documents. [3] Computer data stored under one iden-
By the turn of the 19th century gureheads had be- tier. [4] A tool for smoothing surfaces.
come so large and elaborate that they were not only ex- Filibuster: [1] Currently, the obstruction of legisla-
tremely expensive, but were easily damaged in acci- tive action by prolonged speaking in a senate or assem-
dents and deteriorated by the weather. The Admiralty bly. [2] Formerly, an irregular military adventurer en-
rst restricted their size (along with the amount of gaging in unauthorized warfare against a state. [3] A
other carved decoration) and ofcially abolished them buccaneer. Early Caribbean pirates favored a small,
in 1840, but they did not disappear completely until swift craft with superior handling qualities which the
the advent of ironclad warships some twenty years Dutch called a vlieboot, naming its sailors a vlie-
later. Figureheads could be seen on merchantmen into buiters. The French adapted this to call seagoing pi-
the early 20th century, and can still be seen on some rates libustiers, in order to distinguish them from
private yachts and cruise ships. shore hunting boucaniers although, in fact, the pur-
Figurehead lore: The gurehead had immense sig- suits were interchangeable. Boucanier, anglicized to
nicance for superstitious sailors, who regarded it on buccaneer, eventually became the generic name for
one hand as the incarnation of their ship, and on the Caribbean pirates during their Golden Age (roughly
other as a protector who would placate the gods of 16801730), while libustier was anglicized to li-
the sea. In an era when ships themselves were treated buster and then to freebooter.
as living things, their gureheads were often endowed Fill: To trim a sail or change course to catch the
with human traits and most seamen believed any hurt wind better.
to one would be followed by disaster. Although Filling-room: A lead-lined compartment in a sail-
women were considered unlucky aboard ship, the re- ing man-o-war, in which powder was broken out to
verse was true of gureheads. Superstitious seamen ll cartridges.
believed that the sight of a womans body would calm Fimbriation: A narrow decorative edging or bor-
an angry sea, so female gureheads were popular, al- der on a ag, usually gold, white, or silver.
most invariably with one or both breasts exposed. Fin: [1] A stabilizing or steering projection on boats
Figurehead tales: In 1778, during a minor en- or submarines. [2] A vertical airfoil, xed or movable,
counter in the English Channel, a British squadron whose chief function is to give stability to an aircraft
was ordered to turn and retreat without engaging an in ight. [3] A winglike, membranous organ on the
inferior French force. A boatswains mate in HMS body of a sh, dolphin, etc., used in swimming, turn-
Royal George promptly ran to the bows and lashed a ing, and balancing.
folded hammock over the eyes of the gurehead, Final destination: In naval control of shipping,
which depicted George II in gilded Roman armor the ultimate objective of a convoy or individual ves-
mounted on a rearing steed. An ofcer asked him what sel irrespective of whether or not routing instructions
he thought he was doing, and the sailor is said to have have been issued.
replied We aint ordered to break the old boys heart, Find: To equip or t out a ship.
are we? If he was to turn and see this days work, not Finger signals: [1] When the appropriate boat
all the patience in heaven would hold him a minute. recognition device is not available, or is obscured, a
In 1781, HMS Atlas was under construction when USN coxswain will indicate the presence of a ag
it was discovered that, due to a design error, the ofcer by holding up the same number of ngers as
bowsprit could only be installed if part of the gure- there are stars in the ofcers rank. [2] Finger signals
head of Atlas with the terrestrial globe on his shoul- are also used by RN coxswains, especially for the ex-
ders was cut away. The part which was excised in- change of courtesies between boats. A ag ofcer is
cluded Britains North American colonies, and obvious from the color of his barge; otherwise the
superstitious seamen considered this an omen. Sure coxswain indicates the rank of his most senior pas-
enough, two years later, the United States won their senger by raising four ngers for a captain and three
War of Independence. for a commander (representing the number of stripes
Thirteen years later, on the Glorious First of in the lace of their rank markings).
117 First

Fire!: Command to discharge ordnance or launch Firing cannon: See gun ring.
missiles. (The preferred RN term is shoot!) Firing party: A detachment of seamen, marines,
Fire bulkhead: Must be capable of resisting tem- or soldiers selected to re over the grave of a person
peratures up to 1,500F (850C) for at least an hour. being buried with military honors. See also funerary
Fire classication: The USN and NATO divide salutes.
res into four classes: Firing squad: A detachment detailed to carry out
Alpha: Fires of simple combustibles such as wood, a sentence of execution by shooting.
paper, or textiles, which leave residual ash. Firing tube: See priming tube.
Bravo: Fires involving liquid or semi-liquid sub- Firkin: [1] A small wooden barrel or covered ves-
stances such as paint, gasoline, oil, and grease. sel. [2]. Any of several former units of capacity, usu-
Charlie: Electrical res. ally equal to about 1 4 of a barrel or 9 gallons (34 liters).
Delta: All other types of re. See Cobbing & Firking.
Fire control: Centralized direction of a ships arma- First call: A warning bugle sounded ve minutes
ment. The material, personnel, methods, communi- before colors, quarters, or tattoo.
cations, and organization necessary to direct a gun or First Lieutenant: [1] USN name for the executive
battery in such a way that projectile(s) red will hit the ofcers deputy, responsible for a vessels deck seaman-
designated target. See battery reference plane, deck- ship and topside cleanliness. [2] U.S. Army, Marine,
plane, and naval surface re control. or Air Force ofcer next below captain. [3] In the sail-
Fire-eater: Obsolete term for one who relishes the ing RN and USN this title applied to a warships sen-
thought of going into combat. ior lieutenant, who did not usually have to stand a
Fire main: A saltwater piping system used through- watch, nor command a division of guns as the others
out a warship for damage control and washing decks did. During combat, his station was on the quarter-
or bulkheads. deck, ready to assist the captain, or to take over if nec-
Fire support: The use of artillery or aircraft to as- essary. [3] In the 20th century RN, it referred to the
sist advancing ground forces. ships second-in-command no matter what his or her
Fire swab: A mop or bunch of rope yarn soaked in rank. The rst lieutenants of larger ships were usu-
water and used to swab up any loose grains of pow- ally commanders and referred to as such in conversa-
der or to cool a cannon in action. tion. [4] Today the 400-year-old title is increasingly
Fire tube: Refers to a type of boiler in which hot being replaced by the USN term executive ofcer.
gases from the re pass through tubes producing low First light: The moment at which morning twi-
pressure steam. This type of boiler was used on small light begins (technically, when the center of the rising
vessels and steam locomotives, and extensively in sta- sun is 12 below the horizon).
tionary applications. Marine units were often called First Lord of the Admiralty: Formerly, the polit-
donkey boilers (see donkey engine) and used mainly ical head of the Royal Navy (cf. First Sea Lord).
for auxiliary power. Main propulsion steam engines are First Mate: The second-in-command of a mer-
almost exclusively of the water tube variety. chantman, responsible for all deck operations and
Firearm: Any weapon which discharges projectiles cargo stowage (also Mate, First Ofcer, or Chief
by ignition, from the smallest pistol to the largest gun. Ofcer).
Firebox : The chamber of a boilers furnace in First Navy Jack: A jack consisting of a rampant
which fuel is burned. rattlesnake and the words Dont Tread on Me super-
Fireman: [1] In general, a person who tends res; imposed on thirteen alternating red-and-white stripes.
a stoker. [2] In the USN, an enlisted person ranking [1] Used by the Continental Navy from 1775 until re-
below petty ofcer third class, whose general duties placed by the Union Jack in 1777. [2] Revived to be
are concerned with ships engines, boilers, etc. [3] In own by all USN ships during the bicentennial year
merchant service, A non-certicated seaman who of 1976. [3] A year later, authorized to be worn by the
stands engine room watches in care of oil-burning USN ship with the longest period of active service.
equipment. [4] In 2002, ordered by President Bush to be own by
Firemans chair knot: See man-owar sheepshank. all USN ships for the duration of the War on Terror.
Firepower: The destructive capacity of a military First open water: Charter Party term dening the
unit or gun. time at which a port is sufciently clear of ice for a
Fireroom: A compartment for boilers and related vessel to enter.
equipment (cf. furnace room). First-rate: This adjective, which today refers to
Fireship: A vessel crammed with combustibles to something of the best or highest available quality, was
be set are and released to sail or drift down on a hos- originally used by the Royal Navy to identify the
tile eet to create chaos and, hopefully, set re to largest and most powerful of its sailing warships (see
enemy ships. A very ancient practice going back to at Warship Rating). Second-rate and third-rate, used as
least the Hellenistic era. (See also explosion vessel.) adjectives for things of inferior quality, come from the
Firewall: A re-resistant bulkhead isolating an air- same source.
crafts crew compartment from its engines. First Sea Lord: The professional head of the Royal
First 118

Navy (cf. Chief of Naval Operations, First Lord of efcient than variable pitch, but only at the speed
the Admiralty). (rpm), horsepower, and load condition for which it
First strike: A preemptive surprise attack employ- was specically designed. In those conditions, the pro-
ing overwhelming force to destroy the enemys arse- peller can utilize all the power the propulsion system
nal to the point where the opposing side is unable to can produce, otherwise it cannot. Also uniform pitch.
continue ghting. This tactic is generally associated Fjord/Fiord: A long and deep arm of the sea be-
with nuclear warfare. tween high steep-sided mountains. From the Scandi-
First watch: The duty shift between 2000 an 2400 navian (cf. Firth).
(8:00 P.M. to midnight). Also known as rst night Flag: A piece of rectangular or square cloth, usu-
watch and as evening watch. ally bunting, attachable at one edge to a pole or rope,
Firth: Scottish name for a Fjord, often lying be- used to identify national or corporate identity or as a
tween high hills rather than mountains as in Scandi- signal. See also ensign, pennant, y, display, and wear.
navia. Flag bag: USN term for the place where signal ags
Fish: [1] A long strip of wood or iron used to are stored. No longer an actual bag, but usually a com-
strengthen a spar or joint. [2] To apply such a strip. partmented metal container.
[3] To hoist an anchor until its ukes reach the gun- Flag bridge: A bridge set aside on larger warships
wale. [4] Slang for a torpedo (also tin sh). [4] a crea- for exclusive use by an embarked ag ofcer and staff.
ture that lives in water, characteristically having gills Flag Captain: The title given to the ofcer ap-
for underwater breathing, ns, and a streamlined pointed to command, ght, and navigate a agship,
body. [5] To catch or try to catch such a creature (also leaving the ag ofcer free to focus on strategy and
shing). the eet.
Fisher: Politically correct variation of sher- Flag command: A unit, station, activity or area for
man. which a ag ofcer is responsible.
Fisherman: A person engaged in shing. Flag discrimination: See cargo preference.
Fishermans bend: A knot used to fasten a rope to Flag etiquette: [1] USN ships never display their
a spar, anchor, or other object. Its simplicity has led ensigns at night, and in daytime only when specied
it to be called king of knots. by Navy Regulations (cruising in sight of land, falling
Fishing: The activity of catching creatures living in in with other ships, coming to anchor, during com-
water. bat, etc.). [2] 1808 Kings Regulations were essentially
Fishing Zone: See exclusive shing zone. the same, ordering colours never to be hoisted at sea
Fist: Radio operators term for the distinctive and except on meeting with other ships, or for the pur-
recognizable touch of an individual operator on the pose of being dried. [3] Nowadays, RN warships
sending key. Cf. signature. wear their ensigns twenty-four hours a day; in har-
Fitness report: Periodic assessment of USN of- bor, at the ensign staff, where it is also worn at sea, ex-
cers performance, made by the commanding ofcer cept in bad weather or wartime when it is worn at the
and forming the basis for promotion to higher rank. peak of a gaff, usually on the mainmast. [4] In com-
The RN equivalent is called Condential Report. bat it is traditional to y two or more ensigns. This
Fitting out: [1] Installing propulsion machinery, goes back to the age of sail, when masts were targets
masts, and other xed equipment in a new hull after and a hit on one could drop a single ag and seem to
launching. [2] Bringing aboard all the items author- imply surrender; the additional one(s) ensured the
ized for a vessel about to depart on a cruise or active colors would keep on ying. The usual rule that no ag
service. should be above the national ag does not apply on
Fittings: Refers to miscellaneous small but essen- board ship. Since the position of honor is the quarter-
tial parts and devices required for the operation of a deck, an ensign there is always superior to a ag any-
vessel and care of its crew. where else on the ship, even if higher up.
Fives and dimes: U.S. slang for a watch rotation Flag hoist: See hoist.
with ve hours on and ten off (for other work and Flag Lieutenant: Is the title given to the personal
training as well as meals and relaxation). With three aide-de-camp to a ag ofcer.
sections, each stands watch at a different time of day Flag mast: See captains mast.
and night, repeating every three days. Flag of convenience: The national ag of a coun-
Fix: An accurate navigational position determined try worn by a vessel whose owner is not a citizen of that
by observation. country but has registered there in order to avoid
Fixed ammunition: A projectile with the cartridge stricter laws or higher taxes at home.
case crimped around its base (cf. separated ammuni- Flag Ofcer: An admiral, commodore, or other
tion). commissioned ofcer entitled to y a special ag in-
Fixed light: A navigation light showing a steady dicating rank. See Flags of Rank.
beam with no interval of darkness. Flag salutes: Early in the 13th century, it became
Fixed pitch: Said of an aerial or marine propeller customary for converging warships to signify peace-
that does not change its pitch. This can be more ful intent by lowering their topsails or letting y their
119 Flags

sheets, thus making themselves less maneuverable. As which allows a warship to stop and board any vessel
gestures of respect and submission, merchantmen suspected of wearing false colors.
saluted warships in the same way. Over the next 200 Flags: Nickname for a signalman in both USN and
years the practice of dipping the ensign instead be- RN.
came generally accepted. There are no formal treaties Flagship: [1] A warship from which the senior ofcer
or regulations regarding such salutes, which are merely of a eet, squadron, convoy, or other assembly of ships
a matter of international courtesy and custom. How- exercises command. [2] A passenger liner commanded
ever, when the Royal Navy enjoyed undisputed com- by the lines senior captain or commodore.
mand of the sea, it insisted on being saluted by all for- Flags of distress: [1] A ships national ag or ensign
eign vessels. As early as 1638, Captain Richard Bullen own upside down was formerly an internationally-
of HMS Nicodemus was severely punished for failing recognized signal of distress (it is difcult to understand
to force a passing French ship-of-war to salute. how this could be done with a vertically-striped tri-
Flag share: An admiral received one-eighth of all color). [2] A weft at the masthead was also considered
prize money awarded within his command, even if a distress signal, but this also is no longer recognized.
the actual capture was made by a different admiral. [3] Today International Code ags N (November) and
Flag signals: Flags have been used to convey com- C (Charlie) own together indicate the vessel is in dis-
mands at sea since the classical era. For example, in his tress (see tables 8 and 10). [4] The United States Coast
military treatise Tactica, East Roman (Byzantine) Em- Guard prescribes an orange ag bearing a black square
peror Leo VI (886912) gives an indication of the so- over a black disc for use by small craft in inland and
phisticated signaling system used to control and ma- territorial waters.
neuver large galley eets in action: Flags of rank: The practice of ying a personal ag
All will watch the agship and guide themselves by to indicate the rank or position of a eet commander
her and watch for new orders. Each order must be or senior ofcial dates back to the Middle Ages, but
issued by some particular signal previously agreed formal instructions were not issued until 1530 (to
upon. Either the ag is held upright, or leaning to Henry VIIIs navy). Nowadays, the appropriate ag
right or left, or held high or low, or made to disap- of rank is broken at the aftermost masthead as soon as
pear. The shape of the signal may be altered, or only command is assumed and is only hauled down when
the color.... The battle signal should be red, raised there is a change of command or under specic cir-
on a long staff. You should practice the different sig- cumstances outlined in naval regulations.
nals ... so that mistakes will not be made. U.S. Navy Flag Ofcers: Personal ags are rectan-
Nine centuries later little had changed. Early 18th cen- gular with white stars on a blue ground for ofcers
tury signaling systems still relied on the placement of qualied for command at sea, and blue stars on a
individual ags. Thus, for example, a ag at the fore white ground for ofcers of staff corps or on re-
peak ordered the eet to close its order, while the same stricted duty. The latter may be worn by boats or
ag at the mizzen peak meant weigh anchor. This rel- own at shore establishments but are never hoisted
atively clumsy system demanded a lot of ags (one-half on ships. The number of stars matches the ofcers
to one-third as many as the number of orders to be rank insignia, namely: Fleet Admiral, a circle of
transmitted) and were sometimes modied by audible ve white stars on a blue eld: Admiral, four stars
signals. For example, in Admiral Rodneys system, distributed evenly on the eld in a diamond pat-
which is preserved by the Historical Society of Penn- tern: Vice Admiral, three stars arrayed as an apex-
sylvania, a red pendant at the mizzen peak required the up triangle: Rear Admiral, two stars in a vertical
eet to wear ship in succession if the agship red line centered on the ag: Rear Admiral (lower
a single cannon, or simultaneously if two were red. Half ), a single star centered on the ag.
(The designer of the code had clearly not considered Royal Navy Flag Ofcers: The personal ag of an
how these signals were to be distinguished when the Admiral of the Fleet is the Union Flag with dimen-
agship was already engaged and ring.) sions of 1:2 rather than the usual 2:3 of British ad-
By mid-century, most navies, led by the French, mirals ags. Originally, all Admirals used a red
changed to numerically coded systems. A set of ten Saint Georges cross centered on a white ground. It
basic ags representing numbers from 0 to 9 and was own by a rear-admiral at the mizzen, vice-ad-
raised in hoists of three could send 1,000 different sig- miral at the fore, and admiral at the main. When 3-
nals. For example the hoist of ag four, over ag ve, masted ships disappeared, a full admiral retained
over ag two, would tell the receiver to look up the the plain Saint Georges Cross, with subordinate
message or instruction numbered 452 in the signal ranks identied by red roundels. A Vice Admiral
code book. Repeater and designator ags extended has the same ag with a single red ball centered in
the range of information which could be sent. Today, the upper hoist canton, while a Rear Admirals ag
the International Signaling Code (table 8) consists of has red balls centered in both the upper and lower
26 alphabetical ags, 10 numeral pendants, an answer- hoist cantons. A Commodore, who ranks as a one-
ing pendant, and three substitutes or repeaters. star, has a swallow-tailed broad pendant with a red
Flag verication: A provision of International Law Saint Georges Cross on a white ground.
Flagstaff 120

Commanders in Chief: The ag worn on a British Flannel: [1] RN slang for bluff and bluster, full of
warship whenever the Lord High Admiral (cur- conceit. [2] Using long-winded but meaningless
rently the monarch) is embarked was designed in speech to talk ones way out of a difcult situation
1929 and is a golden anchor displayed horizontally (mainly British). [3] A glib, insincere, boastful, or in-
on a crimson ground with twin gold ropes, coiled gratiating talker (called a annel-mouth in the
but not fouled. In the United States, the Presidents United States). [4] A soft wool or cotton fabric.
ag (designated by Executive Order 10860 which Flap: [1] One of a pair of hinged surfaces on the
came into effect on July 4, 1960) is a dark blue rec- trailing edges of an aircraft wing which, when de-
tangle bearing a shield of thirteen red and white ployed, increase lift or drag by changing the camber
stripes on the breast of an eagle holding the na- of the aerofoil. Usually used to slow the aircraft when
tional motto in his beak, a sheaf of arrows in his landing. [2] A hinged plate used as a cover or as a sim-
right talon, and an olive branch in his left. Behind ple valve. [3] A chaotic situation, or state of panic
the eagle is a radiating glory and the whole is sur- (slang).
rounded by a circle of fty stars. Flare: [1] Upward and outward curvature of a hull
Other Personal Flags: The CNOs ag is blue over above the waterline. [2] A pyrotechnic distress signal
white, divided diagonally from lower hoist to upper (see Very light).
y, with the device of the ofce centered on the Flareback: [1] Combustion of hot gases in a boilers
ag. This is an eagle with the U.S. shield on its rebox spreading outward into the boiler room.
breast and holding an anchor horizontally in its [2] Flame and hot gas emitting from the breech of a
talons. Four stars in a diamond pattern, white on the gun when it is opened after ring.
blue and blue on the white indicate the CNOs Flash: The highest precedence that can be assigned
rank. The British equivalent, ofcially known as to a USN or NATO message.
Chief of Naval Staff (but sometimes using the for- Flash burn: Injury caused by sudden, brief but in-
mer title of First Sea Lord), has no individual ag, tense heat, typically from a conventional or nuclear
but unofcially ies an admiral of the eets ag explosion.
even though he does not hold that rank, which is Flash pan: See pan.
in abeyance. The ViceCNO has a personal ag Flashing light: A navigation light which blinks
divided into four by crossed diagonal lines, colored on-and-off with the period of light being shorter than
blue in the hoist and y, and white in the upper that of darkness.
and lower sections, but otherwise identical to the Flashless powder: A charge for large-caliber naval
CNOs. guns designed to minimize muzzle-illumination when
Flagstaff : [1] A tall pole on which a ag is dis- ring at night.
played: [1] A vertical staff at the stern of a vessel for dis- Flashplate : A metal plate on which the anchor
playing the national ensign. [2] A vertical staff at the chain rests. The name refers to the fact that it creates
bow of a small naval boat. sparks when the chain runs out.
Flagstaff insignia: These are devices attached to Flashproof gear: Clothing specially-designed to
the top of USN agstaffs to indicate the rank of a sen- resist ash burns.
ior ofcer or civil ofcial. A star signies commander Flat: A partial deck between two full decks. Often
or civil equivalent; a ball captain or equivalent; a hal- made of plates or gratings.
berd a ag or general ofcer; and an eagle an ofcial Flat aback: [1] A square-sail with the wind beating
entitled to a 19-gun salute. on its forward side. [2] RN term for a seamans cap
Flak: Colloquialism for anti-aircraft re, derived worn (against regulations) on the back of the head.
from the World War II German acronym for Flieger Flat calm: No wind. See calm.
Abwehr Kanone (aircraft defense cannon). Flat top: Slang term for an aircraft carrier. Also
Flake: A variant of fake. attop.
Flameout: Failure of a jet aircrafts engine due to Flats: A broad expanse of shallows and marshland.
extinction of the ame in the combustion chamber. Flatted cargo: Cargo placed at the bottom of the
This can be caused by a number of factors, including holds, covered with planks and dunnage, and held for
lack of fuel, oxygen starvation, ingestion of foreign future use, frequently serving in lieu of ballast. There
object debris, etc. is usually space above for the loading of vehicles that
Flammable: Easily or spontaneously set on re. may be moved without interfering with the atted
This variant came into widespread use because the cargo. Also called understowed cargo.
original term inammable was all too frequently Flatten in: To trim the sheets.
mistaken for non-ammable or re-resistant. Flax: Fibers from any of several small plants, which
Flank speed: A USN term for a speed one quarter can be fabricated into ne linen, sail canvas, or strong
more than standard speed except for cruisers, destroy- cordage.
ers, light minelayers, and fast aircraft carriers where Fleet: [1] At least ve ships working together under
it is ten knots more than standard speed. See also full unied command (cf. Flotilla, squadron, task group,
speed, emergency speed. etc.). [2] An organization of ships, aircraft, marine
121 Flight

forces, and shore support facilities under a single com- Flemish mat: A at or horizontal coil of rope, start-
mander in chief. [3] The generic term for a national ing with a tight fake at the center with each successive
navy. See also United States numbered eets. fake butting close against the previous one. Used
Fleet Admiral: In the United States, the denitive mainly for its decorative appearance.
ve-star ranks General of the Army and Fleet Admi- Flense : [1] Whalers term for stripping blubber
ral were created in 1944, to honor a limited number from a whale (see whale processing). [2] Sealers term
of victorious senior commanders of World War II. for skinning a carcass.
With the advice and consent of Congress, President Flettner rotators: During the 1920s, German en-
Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed four army and four gineer Anton Flettner developed a method of ship
naval ofcers to serve in the ve-star grade for life. propulsion based on the Magnus effect. Magnus had
The admirals were William F. Halsey Jr., Ernest J. noted that when air ow is perpendicular to a verti-
King, William D. Leahy, and Chester W. Nimitz. An cal cylinder, the air current simply splits to pass on
overlooked fth World War II general was promoted both sides of the cylinder. However, if the cylinder is
in 1950 by President Truman, and Revolutionary War rotating, the air current on one side is augmented by
commander in chief George Washington was posthu- the cylinders rotation; while the current on the oppo-
mously given the rank by President Ford in the cen- site side is slowed down. This creates a pressure dif-
tennial year of 1976. No other appointments have ferential, which results in a force pushing in one di-
since been made, and the titles are effectively in rection.
abeyance. See also Admiral of the Fleet. Flettners experimental prototype, a converted
Fleet Air Arm: From 1937 to the end of World schooner named Baden-Baden, made a successful
War II, the Royal Navy tried desperately to throw off transAtlantic crossing, arriving at New York in May
this hated Royal Air Force designation in favor of air 1926. This led the German Naval Transport Service to
branch or naval aviation, but the old term was used commission Barbara, a 92 meter (300 foot) vessel,
consistently by the media, gaining general public ac- with three Flettner rotators mounted vertically on the
ceptance. Reluctantly the Admiralty gave in and the weather deck. Each was 17 meters (55 feet) tall and 4
name became ofcial in 1946. meters (13 feet) in diameter, driven at 250 rpm by an
Fleet Captain: See Captain of the Fleet. electric motor. For six years, Barbara carried freight
Fleet Carrier: World War II term used to distin- and passengers between Hamburg and Italy. How-
guish full-size aircraft carriers from the smaller light ever, with an abundance of low cost fossil fuels, the ro-
eet and escort carriers. tator system was unable to compete with conventional
Fleet-in-being: Refers to a naval force that exerts engines and fell into disuse.
inuence without seeking battle. By simply remain- Flettner then turned his attention to aerodynamics,
ing in port, it forces a (usually superior) enemy to de- using the Magnus principle to create lift. His proto-
ploy forces to guard against it. Such a stance can be an type rotary wing aircraft ew in 1932 and, seven years
effective element in a strategy of sea denial, but not in later, the Kriegsmarine (Nazi German Navy) ordered
one of sea control. a more advanced model, the Fl-282 Kolibri. It ew
Fleet Marine Force: A balanced force of land, air, anti-submarine patrols from surface warships in the
and service elements of the U.S. Marine Corps, form- Baltic, Mediterranean, and Aegean Sea, thus becom-
ing part of a naval eet with the status of a type com- ing the worlds rst operational military helicopter.
mand. Recently, with rising costs and restricted fuel sup-
Fleet Rehabilitation & Modernization: A former plies, interest in the marine system has revived. In Au-
USN program intended to extend the useful life of gust 2008, Enercon, one of Europes biggest wind tur-
World War II destroyers by converting them from sur- bine manufacturers, launched E-ship 1 (this name was
face warfare to antisubmarine role. only meant to identify the project, but it caught on so
Fleet train: Auxiliary vessels carrying replacement well that Enercon decided to use it for the actual ship).
personnel, fuel, ammunition, food, repair facilities, Fuel savings of 3040 percent are expected, thanks to
spare parts and replacement aircraft, which follow a the auxiliary power of paired 27-meter (89-foot) high,
eet to re-provision it, enabling it to stay at sea for 4-meter diameter, Flettner rotators, mounted two for-
long periods. ward and two aft. A ship equipped with turbosails
Fleet up: USN term for an advancement in posi- looks virtually identical to one with Flettner rotators,
tion or importance. Usually within the same ship or but operates on a different principle. It is hard to be-
unit to replace a casualty or transfer. lieve that either of these vessels having tall wind-
Flemish coil: A stacked or vertical coil of rope in catching elements that cannot be furled would fare
which each fake rides on top of the previous one in well in a storm.
order to ensure that the coil will run clear. Flight: The basic aviation tactical unit, consisting
Flemish down: To lay down coils of rope or line in of at least two (usually four or six) naval aircraft.
decorative gures-of-eight. Flight deck: The at weather deck of an aircraft
Flemish horse: A short foot-rope at the outer end carrier which serves as aircraft park, launching pad,
of a yardarm for the man at the earing. and landing strip (see also angled deck).
Flinders 122

Flinders bar: A bar of soft iron placed in the bin- Operating depth is constrained only by the strength
nacle of a magnetic compass to neutralize the deec- of the pressure hull and the length of the tether.
tion caused by induced magnetism. Named after 18th Floating production, storage, and ofoading sys-
century RN Captain Mathew Flinders (see quadran- tem: This involves anchoring a vessel near one or more
tal deviation). producing platform(s) to accept crude oil for process-
Flintlock: This early product of the industrial rev- ing, and store it until it can be ofoaded into tankers
olution replaced the slow-match and greatly increased for transfer to facilities on shore. Often called by the
the speed of naval gunre. The device consists of a abbreviation FPSO, these systems are especially effec-
spring-powered hammer into which a int is inserted. tive in deepwater locations where an underwater
When the hammer is released by pulling a lanyard the pipeline would be infeasible, or when oil deposits are
int strikes a steel element known as the frizzen, cre- too small to justify the cost of a pipeline. See also off-
ating a spark which ignites a small quantity of gun- shore mooring.
powder sitting in a pan above the touch-hole (vent), Floating reserve: Troops kept on board ship in case
this in turn ignites the main charge. they are needed to reinforce a beachhead.
In 1778, Captain (later rear admiral) Sir Charles Floatplane : A seaplane equipped with buoyant
Douglas, recommended the use of intlocks for naval pontoons as landing gear.
ordnance and, when the Admiralty rejected the idea, Floe: See ice oe.
bought musket locks at his own expense and installed Flo-Flo ship: See heavy loads and vehicles.
them on his own ship. By 1790 the Admiralty had Flog the dead horse: This term, which has come
nally been convinced of the superiority of this form to mean expending energy without reward, comes
of ignition and installed them throughout the navy. from merchant seamens slang for a period of laboring
(Army gunners were yet more conservative andeven to earn pay which had already been drawn and spent.
though the infantry introduced Brown Bess int- (See Dead Horse for details.)
lock muskets in the early 1720s intlocks were not Flog the glass: See watchkeeping manipulation.
adopted for land artillery until thirty years after the Flogging excess and abuse: Before 1735, Royal
navy, and even then the gunners retained their Navy sailors were literally ogged to death. A dozen
portres as backup.) lashes was the norm, but many captains routinely or-
FLIR: Forward-looking infrared. dered a hundred or more, and a thousand lashes was the
Float: [1] To remain on the surface of a liquid. [2] penalty for mutiny. Flogging around the eet was the
A buoyant platform attached to a wharf or bank as a sentence for attempted desertion or striking an ofcer.
landing stage. [3] Any oating device. [4] A hollow The offender was tied to an upright in the ships boat
structure xed underneath a boat or aircraft to keep it and rowed from ship to ship, pulling alongside the
from sinking. [5] The blade or bunket of a paddle gangway so that each ships bosun could inict the
wheel. prescribed number of lashes (at least twelve at each stop),
Float coat: Jacket worn by the ight deck person- usually to the accompaniment of drum rolls. When a
nel of an aircraft carrier. Should a wearer be blown crime was especially nasty, the bosun might be in-
overboard during ight operations, the coat will inate structed to tie a fourth knot, known as a thieves
automatically when it hits salt water. The garment is knot, in each of the cats nine tails, thereby increasing
color-coded to identify the crewmembers job. Also the victims suffering. See also Non-Naval Flogging.
otation jacket. Flogging in Naval Service: With origins going
Floating dock: [1] A wharf built on pontoons. [2] back to the galleys of the Roman Navy (but not the
A dry-dock facility that can submerge to accept a ves- Greeks or Carthaginians, whose oarsmen were volun-
sel and, after that vessel has been shored, be pumped teers), ogging was by far the most common form of
out to rise for repairs below the waterline. nautical punishment from the eleventh to twentieth
Floating dump: Emergency supplies preloaded in centuries. The practice, administered by an instru-
landing craft, amphibious vehicles, or in landing ment known as the cat-o-nine-tails, was said to make
ships. Floating dumps are not brought ashore until a bad man worse and break the heart of a good one.
requested by the assault force commander. In the Royal and United States Navies ogging was a
Floating ber optic scanner: A device that allows formal occasion. At six bells of the forenoon watch,
a submarine to scan the surface without the need for musket-armed marines would assemble on the quar-
an optical periscope. While the boat remains at depth, terdeck, and all the ships ofcers would gather wear-
scanning equipmentwhich includes high-denition ing full-dress uniforms with swords. When all was
color and monochrome television cameras, thermal ready, and the ships company had been assembled to
imager, eyesafe laser rangender, electronic support witness punishment, the victim was tied hand and
measures sensor, communications receiver, and global foot and lashed to a grating or to the rigging, or some-
positioning system receiveris raised to the surface on times spread-eagled over the barrel (of a gun) to ex-
a buoyant platform tethered to the submarine by a re- pose his naked back or buttocks. The captain would
inforced ber optics cable that transmits visual images then read the section of the Articles of War covering
to large-screen displays in the boats control room. the offense to be punished, ending with Bosun, do
123 Flowers

your duty! The bosun would then let the cat out of Public opinion, especially in the North, tended to
the bag and set to his task, accompanied by rolls on associate ogging with the treatment of convicts and
the drum. slaves, and thus contrary to the democratic spirit of the
Before long, the nine separate lashes would be mat- times. Warnings against excessive use of the cat were
ted with the victims blood, forming a single heavy written as early as 1797 by Captain Thomas Truxtun,
lash which could cause serious damage, so a compas- and in 1808 by Surgeon Edward Cutbush. An unsuc-
sionate bosun would periodically comb the cat with cessful proposal to abolish naval ogging altogether
his ngers to separate the tails. If several dozen lashes was introduced in Congress in 1820 by Representa-
had been decreed, each set would be administered by tive Samuel Foot, but in the 1840s a number of civil-
a fresh bosuns mate. Left-handed ones were especially ian groups began to petition Congress to abolish the
popular with sadistic captains because they could practice entirely. This led the Secretary of the Navy to
cross the cuts of the preceding bosun and really ask a number of naval ofcers if ogging could be
mangle the esh. They needed space to lay on their eliminated without damage to the Navy, but only
strokes so, when the area was too tight, or too close to eight percent thought the practice should be discon-
standing rigging, there would be no room to swing tinued. Flogging was outlawed in the American armed
a cat. See also juvenile punishment. forces by Act of Congress in 1851, but only sus-
Flogging in the United States Navy: At its for- pended by the British Parliament in 1881, not be-
mation, the USN initially followed British practice ing ofcially abolished until 1939 on the eve of World
which by then was limited to twelve lashes (except by War II.
Admiralty warrant). Punishments awarded by USN Flood: [1] Inowing tide. [2] To admit seawater to
captains during 18489 included: a compartment, especially to extinguish re.
Throwing soapsuds in the eyes 6 lashes Flood tide: A tide which is owing shoreward or
Missing muster 8 lashes has reached its peak.
Swindling a shipmate 9 lashes Flooder: In naval mine warfare, a device tted to
Profane language 11 lashes a buoyant mine which, at a preset time, oods the
Endangering the ship with re 12 lashes case and causes the mine to sink to the bottom.
Beating a colored seaman 12 lashes Floodgate: A gate or sluice designed to regulate
In 1840 William M. Murrell published Cruise of the the ow of water by shutting it out, admitting it, or
Frigate Columbia, in which he recounts how he him- releasing it.
self received twelve lashes for failing to properly mark Floor: [1] The bottom of the ocean, the sea bed.
a piece of clothing, and for accidentally spilling ink on [2] The deck of a ship. [3] Said of a submarine when
the deck; while other men received twelve lashes for it settles to lie on the bottom.
trivial offenses such as having dirty pots or failing to Floorheads: The outboard ends of oor timbers.
close the door of a toilet. Murrell condemned such Flooring off: Stowing the lower tier of cargo in a
agrant abuse of authority, but believed that ogging hold.
should be retained for offenses such as stealing. Floors: Timbers on which the bottom of a wooden
In 1841 another former enlisted seaman named ship was framed. All the oor timbers were rst laid
Solomon Sandborn published An Exposition of Ofcial across the keel. Next, the rst futtocks were erected on
Tyranny in the United States Navy which set forth in- either the forward or after sides of the oor timbers (ei-
stances of the abuse of various regulations by ofcers ther with, or without spacer chocks) and bolted to
and called for the abolition of ogging. Other former them. Then the second futtocks were chock-bolted
enlisted men also published accounts of their naval to the oorheads and through-bolted to the upper
service and of abuses of authority by ofcers. sections of the rst futtocks and so-on until the full
Flogging limitation: Abuse in the Royal Navy frame was erected. The keelson was then placed on
ended in 1735, when maximum punishments were top and bolted to the oor timbers.
clearly spelled out in Admiralty regulations. After that, Florida Current: An Atlantic Ocean current that
even the most brutal Royal Navy captain could order ows easterly through the Florida straits to join the
no more than 12 lashes without requesting and receiv- Gulf Stream.
ing an Admiralty Warrant which, after 1866, was it- Flotilla: From the Spanish for little eet. [1] Gener-
self limited to 48 strokes. The British precedent was ically, any small eet. [2] In the USN, formerly a tac-
recognized in Article Four of Rules for Regulation of tical unit of two or more squadrons under a agship.
the Navy of the United Colonies, issued by the Con- [3] In the RN, a squadron of destroyers.
tinental Congress on 28 November 1775: Flotsam: Floating wreckage or debris (cf. jetsam,
No commander shall inict any punishments upon a lagen).
seaman beyond twelve lashes upon his bare back Flow: Said of an incoming tide.
with a cat-onine-tails; if the fault shall deserve a Flowers: Probably because of their association with
greater punishment, he is to apply to the Comman- funerals, it was long considered bad luck to bring
der in chief of the Navy in order to the trying of him owers on board ship. Modern cruise ships and liners
by a Court-Martial. ignore this superstition.
Flt 124

Flt: Fleet. Flying Dutchman: This famous maritime appari-

Fluke: [1] The spade-shaped or pointed tip of an tion, which has become the generic term for any ghost
anchor which digs into the sea bed. [2] An unexpected ship, is essentially a reprise of the medieval German tale
shift in wind direction. [3] Either of the two triangu- of the North Sea Wraith. It is unclear whether
lar segments of a whales tail. Dutchman refers to the ship or its master. If the lat-
Fluky: Said of a light and constantly variable wind. ter, some sources point to the real Captain Bernard
Flummery: A sailing ship seamans dish, made Fokke (see Libera Nos Specter), while others give him
from soured oatmeal. ctitious names such as Ramhout van Damme, Joost
Flushdecked: Having a continuous weather deck van Straaten or, most frequently, Hendrick (or Cor-
with no breaks at poop, deckhouse, or forecastle. nelius) Vanderdecken (of the deck).
Flute: [1] A variation of Fluyt. [2] Obsolete slang Versions of the story are varied and legion, but most
term for a Royal Marines ofcer who, for some ob- tell of a hard-driving 17th century Dutch sea captain,
scure reason, was by tradition the only person aboard who encountered a brutal storm off the Cape of Good
to own or play that instrument. [3] See en ute. Hope, but refused to enter the safe anchorage of Table
Fluyt: Popular Dutch-designed 1718th century Bay. After days of battling erce winds, there was a
cargo ship. Carvel-built, with a at bottom and terrible crunch as the ship struck a submerged rock.
curved sides bent to wrap around the stern. Square- As she went down the master stood on deck scream-
rigged on fore and main masts, with a lateen sail on ing blasphemously, I shall round this cape, even if I
the mizzen. Could carry 2040 cannon, but was fre- have to sail until doomsday! God himself cannot stop
quently unarmed to maximize carrying capacity. me!
Fly: [1] The length of a ag from the hoist to its Over the ensuing centuries, thousands of sailors
outer edge. [2] If an ensign, the length from union to claim to have seen the dreaded vessel. Even today, su-
outer edge. [3] The outer edge itself. [4] The half of perstitious mariners believe that those who look into
a ag furthest from the pole or mast. [5] A masthead the eye of a storm off the Cape of Good Hope may be
wind direction indicator. [6] Merchantmen y their confronted by a phantom Indiaman, its luminous hull
ags (as opposed to RN ships which wear them, and surmounted by mists instead of sails. Unless they
USN ships which display them). quickly look away, they will be damned to join the
Fly-boat: [1] A small, fast, sailing vessel. [2] A at- Dutchmans ghostly crew, sailing for eternity into the
bottomed Dutch sailing vessel, distinguished by a high teeth of the raging storm.
stern resembling a Gothic turret. Here comes the Flying Dutchman
Fly-by-wire: A system in which primary maneu- Comes fast through hissing spray
vering control of submarines is achieved by replacing And driven by the tempest he heads for Table Bay
traditional hydraulic and mechanical systems with With bird-like speed hes borne along
computers and software that transmit command sig- before the howling blast
nals, via redundant ber optic cable networks, to con- But never can cast anchor, for the Bays already passed
trol surfaces. With this system, the four traditional (Old English Folksong)
submarine watch stations can be reduced to two chief The term has become generic. Spectral ships, mov-
petty ofcers serving as pilot and co-pilot. In place of ing rapidly under sail on windless days, have also been
traditional wheeled control yokes, each pilot operates called Flying Dutchmen, with the rst printed ref-
a at-panel touch screen (or joystick) to input orders. erence being in George Barringtons Voyage to Botany
Control algorithms in the computer system then di- Bay (1795):
rect the submarine to the desired course and depth. In the night watch some of the people saw, or imag-
Secondary mechanical indicators a gauge for depth ined they saw, a vessel standing for them under a
measurement, an inclinometer to indicate pitch, and press of sail, as though she would run them down:
a clinometer to show heel or roll are only required the story spread like wild-re, and the supposed
to backup primary digital indicators on the at panel phantom was called the Flying Dutchman.
displays. One of the more famous sightings was by Prince
Flyer: Colloquialism for a clipper or other fast-sail- George (later King George V) and his elder brother Al-
ing boat. bert when they were midshipmen, cruising around
Flying boat: An aircraft with a boat-like fuselage the world in a wooden training frigate. They were ac-
which allows it to take off and land on water. companied by their tutor, Canon John Neale Dalton
Flying bridge: A bridge above the navigation and who, in 1886, published The Cruise of HMS Baccha-
ag bridges on a ship, or above the conning tower of nte 18791882, in which he claims they were off the
a submarine. Usually open to the weather. coast of Australia on the night of 11/12 July, 1881 when:
Flying colors: After combat, a ship which struck its At 4 A.M. the Flying Dutchman crossed our bows. A
ag had surrendered, whereas one with its colors still strange red light as of a phantom ship all aglow, in
ying had won. Hence the use of this term to signify the midst of which light the masts, spars, and sails of
success or victory, whether in sport or after some kind a brig ... stood out in strong relief as she came up on
of trial. the port bow.... Thirteen persons altogether saw her.
125 Food

More recently, on 3rd August 1942, HMS Jubilee regulations to accompany a captain when he was
was heading for Simonstown, the Royal Navy base transferred from one ship to another. [2] A machine
near Cape Town, when an unidentied schooner was part activated by the movement of another part. [3] A
sighted, moving rapidly under full sail, even though spring-loaded plate in a rearms magazine that angles
there was no wind. The ofcer of the watch, Lieuten- cartridges for insertion into the chamber.
ant Davies, altered course to avoid a collision and en- Following sea: Waves running in the same direc-
tered the event in the ships log. Sharing the watch tion as the vessel, usually making it hard to steer.
was Sub-lieutenant Nicholas Monsarrat, the novelist, Following wind: Wind blowing in the same di-
who said the incident inspired his two-volume work rection as the ship is traveling. See soldiers wind.
The Master Mariner (published posthumously) which Follow-up: In amphibious operations, the landing
tells of an Elizabethan seaman doomed to sail the of supplies and reinforcements on a beachhead after the
worlds seas until the end of time. initial assault.
Flying jib: [1] The outermost headsail. [2] A light Follow-up shipping: Ships not originally part of
sail set on the foretopgallant royal stay. the amphibious task force.
Flying jib-boom: A spar extending beyond the jib- Food distribution: Today a mess is a military din-
boom. ing hall where communal meals are served, but in sail-
Flying moor: A amboyant shiphandling evolu- ing ship navies the term referred to a group of men
tion in which the vessel drops one anchor, steams up- who ate together. The arrangement was not immut-
stream to drop the second, and then heaves in the rst able and a member of one mess was free to request
chain to reach its centered position. Formerly popu- transfer to another. One member of each group would
lar with destroyer captains. be designated mess cook with responsibility for the
Flying sail: Any sail that is set from the deck with- preparation of raw foodstuffs for the galley and, later,
out attachment to a yard or mast. the collection and distribution of cooked victuals. No
FMCS: Freight Movement Control System. actual cooking was involved and his reward for this
FMF : Fleet Marine Force (USMC). duty was usually an extra tot of rum.
FN: Fireman (USN). According to Janet Macdonald in Feeding Nelsons
FNOC: Future Naval Operations Concept (RN). Navy (Greenhill 2006), the mess cook was expected
Foam: A substance that is formed when bubbles of and required to whistle constantly while mixing the in-
air (or a gas) are trapped in a liquid (or solid). See sea gredients for duff or pudding. This ensured he could
foam. not surreptitiously pop a few of the precious plums
FOB: Free On Board. See Incoterms. or raisins in his mouth while stirring them into our
Focsle: Abbreviation of forecastle. and suet. When portions of food were unequal in size,
FOD: [1] Foreign object damage, caused by [2] it was the practice for one sailor to turn his back while
Foreign object debris. another pointed to a serving and asked Who shall
Fod walk : A safety procedure in which carrier have this one? The rst would then nominate a mem-
crews line up from side-to-side and walk the entire ber of the mess to receive the selected portion.
length of the ight deck, picking up any and every Food in sailing ships: Much has been written
item which might cause Foreign Object Damage by about the abysmal quality of meals served aboard
being sucked into a jet engine, or cause personal in- naval and merchant ships during the 18th and early
jury when blown by jet blast. 19th centuries. However, every effort was made to en-
Fog bank: A dense haze with at least one clearly- sure seamen received the nourishment needed to sus-
dened edge, looking like a thick cloud resting on the tain their hard manual labor. Samuel Pepys, when Sec-
horizon. Often the precursor of wind, especially in retary of the Admiralty in the 1660s, wrote...
high latitudes. ... seamen love their bellies above anything else and
Fog buoy: A oating device towed behind a lead- therefore it must always be remembered in the man-
ing vessel so that another, immediately astern, will be aging of the victualling of the navy that to make any
able to keep station in bad visibility. Also called tow- abatement from them in the quality and agreeable-
ing spar. ness of the victuals is to discourage and provoke
Fog signals: See table 9. them in the tenderest point, and will soon render
Fogbound: Immobilized by bad visibility. them disgusted with the Kings service more than
Fogbow: A dim, broad, arc of white or yellow ce- any other hardship that can be put upon them.
lestial light similar to a rainbow. Usually seen across The majority of captains were well aware that in the
the sun in high latitudes when mists are clearing. Also words of Horatio Nelson It is easier to keep the men
called white rainbows or cloudbows, while mari- healthy than to cure their ills and they replenished
ners sometimes call them sea dogs. their stores of fresh water and vegetables as frequently
Folding anchor: One designed so that ukes and as they could. In most cases, sailors were fed much
shank can be laid back against the stock for easy better than their counterparts on land.
stowage. But, even with a well stocked larder, problems arose
Follower: [1] A person permitted by former naval on long voyages or extended periods of blockade duty.
Foot 126

Once their fodder ran out, the poultry and livestock bunk for the storage of personal possessions, especially
which provided fresh milk and eggs had to be slaugh- in a barracks. An army and marines term, not gener-
tered. Salted sh and meats soon began to smell. ally in naval use.
Without proper refrigeration fresh fruit and vegetables Footlocks: Wooden strips on the decks of cattle
deteriorated rapidly and scurvy became a problem carriers to prevent animals from sliding in heavy seas.
after six or seven weeks at sea. More durable grocery Footloose: Sailors use this term to describe a fore-
supplies such as rice, our, and dried pease eventually and-aft sail set without a boom, so that its foot is un-
became infested with worms and weevils, not to men- secured and free to ap around. According to some
tion rat urine and droppings. sources, the nautical term came ashore to describe a
Another problem was that the ships cook, who person not conned by responsibility and able to
rated as a warrant ofcer, was almost invariably a naval travel around freely, but it seems more likely to have
pensioner, invalided out of active service due to am- developed on land, since foot and loose in their
putation or injury, who applied for the job to supple- normal senses have the same connotation.
ment his pension. The culinary abilities of many were Foot-rope: A rope suspended below a yard to pro-
limited to boiling meat for stew, or pease to make a vide footing for sailors reeng or furling square-sails.
soup. The food may have been nourishing, but it was Also horse.
always monotonous and seldom tasty. Each man re- Forage cap: [1] Formerly, a small, low, undress cap
ceived about 5,000 calories a day, served in three of the American Civil War. [2] The British term for
meals: a garrison cap, worn by the Army and Air Force, but
Breakfast was usually the cereal dish known as Bur- not in the Navy.
goo. This was boiled oatmeal porridge, seasoned Force: [1] A body of troops, ships, aircraft, or com-
with salt and sugar, and butter if available. Easy to bination thereof. [2] A major sub-division of a eet,
serve and prepare even in rough seas, and palatable tasked for a specic mission. [3] A measure of wind in-
if served cold, it provided a solid foundation for tensity (see Beaufort Scale).
the days work. It would normally be washed down Force Majeure: [1] A clause in commercial con-
with cocoa, but an alternative was Scottish Coffee, tracts which exempts the parties for non-fulllment of
made by stirring into hot water a powder of ships obligations due to forces beyond their control, such as
biscuit charred over the galley re. earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, or war. [2] A princi-
The main dish at Luncheon (always known as din- ple of international law which holds that a vessel
ner) was a hearty soup or stew, sometimes made forced into a coastal states waters by virtue of distress,
with salt sh, but usually containing 12 ounces (340 whether natural or man-made, is not subject to ju-
grammes) of salt beef per man on Sunday, Tuesday, risdiction of the coastal state during a reasonable pe-
Thursday, and Saturday; and the same quantity of riod of time necessary to remedy the distress. However,
salt pork on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The the coastal state does have the right to board the ves-
soup was often thickened with our, and raisins. sel in order to verify its claim of distress.
Currents, or suet might also be added, while fresh Forced: The piratical equivalent of impressed, re-
or dried vegetables would be put in when available. ferring to crew members taken aboard against their
Many seamen suspected the origin of the beef, will after refusing to sign articles.
giving rise to the chantey cited by Richard Henry Fore: [1] Abbreviation of forward. [2] Prex de-
Dana in Two Years Before the Mast: noting something located towards the front of a ves-
Old Horse! Old Horse! sel; for example, forecastle, foredeck, foremast, etc.
What brought you here?... Fore-and-aft: [1] Lengthwise, parallel to the cen-
Killed by blows and sore abuse, ter line of a vessel. [2] A rig whose sails are mounted
They salted me down for sailors use. on yards running lengthwise along the ship and at-
The sailors they do me despise, tached to the masts at their butt ends. This type of
They turn me over, damn my eyes: sail is easy to manage, because it does not usually need
Cut off my meat, and pick my bones; to be re-laid when the ship changes course (cf. square-
And pitch the rest to Davy Jones. rig). [3] Said of a cocked hat worn with the peak fac-
Supper was almost always cheese or butter, served ing forward (cf. athwartships).
with bread or occasionally rice. Early in the voy- Forecastle: (pronounced foak-sel) [1] A deck above
age, the bread would be soft (fresh) with each the forward end of the main deck. [2] Formerly, crew
man getting 1.5 lbs (680 grammes), but this would accommodation below that deck. [3] The term now
soon have to be replaced by 1 lb (453 g) of hard applies to the berths for deck crews wherever they may
bread, often called ship biscuit or hard tack. be located. Often abbreviated Focsle.
Foot: The lower edge of a mast or sail. Forecastle head: The extreme forward part of the
Foot-it: To sail close-hauled. weather deck of a ushdecker or of a forecastle super-
Footband: A strip of canvas sewn along the after structure
side of a square-sail to strengthen it. Forecourse: [1] The lowermost sail on a square-
Footlocker: A trunk kept at the end of a bed or rigged foremast. [2] A staysail, genoa, or jib set on the
127 Frapping

forestay of cutter, sloop, yawl, or ketch. Also Fore- Foul: [1] To entangle or twist rope or chain. [2] Bad
sail. weather. [3] A weed-and-barnacle covered hull. [4]
Fore-deck: The upper deck between foremast and An obstructed ight deck unsafe for take-off or land-
bow. ing. [5] Wind blowing contrary to the desired direc-
Forefoot: That part of the stem which joins the tion. [6] A coast beset with reefs and breakers. [7] A
keel. gun barrel partially clogged by gunpowder-residue or
Foreland: A cape, promontory, or headland. other deposits. [8] Disgusting.
Foremast: The mast nearest the bow. Fouled: [1] Any piece of equipment that is jammed
Foremaster: [1] A seaman assigned to work on the or entangled. [2] Anything which is dirtied.
forecastle. [2] A seaman who berths in the forecastle. Fouled anchor: This traditional maritime heraldic
Foremost : [1] First in time or place; most ad- emblem consists of an old-fashioned stocked anchor
vanced; chief in rank or dignity. [2] situated closest to with a slack length of cable twisted around its stock,
the bow. shank, and uke. It originated as the ofcial seal of
Forenoon watch: The nautical work shift beginning the Lord High Admiral of Scotland in the 15th cen-
at 0800 and ending at 1200 (8 A.M. to noon). tury, was adopted by the Lord High Admiral of En-
Forepeak: A compartment between the foremost gland about a century later, and is prominent in the
bulkhead and the stem, often used for stowage or bal- insignia of the United States and British as well as
last. many other navies. The device is singularly inappro-
Forereach: [1] To maintain headway after taking priate, since an anchor in that condition is a seafaring
in sail or stopping engines. [2] To overtake another disaster, commonly known as the seamans disgrace.
vessel. Fouling: General term for the seaweed and marine
Forerunner: [1] A small piece of red bunting set organisms which gather on a ships hull and slow it
into a logline before the rst knot, thus allowing some down.
1214 fathoms (7085 feet) to run out and clear the Found: Equipped. A properly supplied, and ap-
ships deadwater before estimating its speed. [2] One pointed vessel is said to be well-found.
of a series of long low swells which sometimes presage Founder: To ll with water and sink.
a storm. [3] A portent or omen. FOV: Field of view.
Foresail: The sail on the foremast of a schooner, Fox: A small rope of twisted yarns, normally
or the lowest square-sail on the foremast of a square- smoothed and parceled with tarred canvas, for use as
rigger. a gasket or seizing.
Foresheets: Platform or seat at the bow of a small Foxtrot: NATO phonetic notation for the letter
boat (cf. sheets, sternsheets). F.
Foreshore: That part of the shore lying between Foyst: A form of brigantine.
low and high water marks. FPO: Fleet post ofce.
Forestaff: See cross staff. FPSO: Floating production, storage and ofoading.
Forestay: See headstay. Frahm stabilizer: This system consists of a U-shaped
Fork in the beam: An old gunroom custom was tank, partially lled with water, located above the
for the senior sub-lieutenant to take a fork from the ships centre of gravity and running transversely from
table, and thrust it into an overhead beam, as a sign port to starboard. It is designed so that the natural
that junior members of the mess were to leave with- period of sloshing is approximately equal to the ships
out delay. natural period of oscillation. Roll of the vessel is thus
Form: The shape of a ships hull, especially the un- transferred to the water which dissipates itprovided
derwater segment. the waters frequency of motion harmonizes with the
Forms of address: See address. frequency of the exciting waves. At inharmonious fre-
Forward: (pronounced forrard) Towards the front quencies a tank stabilizer can actually increase roll.
of a vessel. Often abbreviated to fore. FRAM: Fleet Rehabilitation and Modernization
Forward-looking infrared: Also known as ther- Program (USN).
mal imaging, FLIR involves using infrared cameras Frame: [1] Rib-like or longitudinal members form-
that detect radiation emitted by objects based on their ing the skeleton of a ship. [2] A case or border enclos-
temperature. Digital techniques are often employed to ing something.
improve picture quality. FLIR can be used at night Framing mold/mould: A full-size pattern or tem-
and in fog, smoke, or other atmospheric obscurity. plate for laying out the shape of a vessels frames and
The technology is used for individual night vision other structural parts. See lofting, mold/mould maker.
goggles and by naval vessels, military aircraft, and ar- Frap: [1] To wrap with line or canvas for protection.
mored ghting vehicles. [2] To bind tightly together for strength. [3] U.S.
Fother: [1] To thread many lengths of oakum or Naval Academy slang for being put on disciplinary
old rope yarn through a sail or tarpaulin to make it into report.
a hairy mat. [2] To seal a hole below the waterline by Frapping lines: Lines wound around falls to stabi-
hanging such a mat over the side. lize the boat when being lowered into a rough sea.
Fratricide 128

Fratricide: See friendly re. Fresh gale: Term sometimes used instead of Gale
Free: Running with the wind astern or on the quar- for Force 8 on the Beaufort Scale (winds 3440 knots
ter. A square-rigged vessel is said to be running free = 3946 mph = 6274 km/h).
when it is unnecessary to fully brace its yards. Fresh hand on the bellows: Now meaning a new
Free in and out: Commercial term indicating that start, or a change of management, this phrase was
the cost of loading and discharging is to be borne by originally (according to some sources) the sailing ship
the shipper. seamans colloquialism for a sudden increase in wind.
Free pilotage: Authorizes specied classes of vessel Far more probably it originally referred to a black-
to enter a port without having to engage a local pilot. smiths forge and was later adopted by seamen.
Free port: [1] A port offering equal facilities to ves- Fresh water: In nautical usage this does not mean
sels of all ags. [2] A trans-shipment port or part of a salt-free or potable, but is a technical term relating to
port in which imported cargoes can be unloaded, stored, hull displacement. Fresh water is dened as having a
and reloaded for onward shipment without paying a density of one kilogram/liter (62.428 lbs/cuft). This
fee. [3] A port or part of a port designated for free includes slightly brackish water.
trade, in which goods are subject to minimum customs Freshen: [1] To relieve stress or danger of chang by
regulation and may be exported without paying duty. shifting or removing a rope or hawser. [2] Said of a
Free ship: Piratical term for a vessel whose articles wind gaining strength.
specify equal shares for all irrespective of rank or rat- Freshwater mark: Load line marking the maxi-
ing. mum draft allowable in fresh water.
Free trade: A market model in which goods and Fresnel lens: Numerous small lenses assembled to
services ow between or within countries without form a single large lens of short focal length. Devel-
government interference, or regulation such as cus- oped in the early 19th century by French physicist A.J.
toms tariffs or duties. Fresnel (pronounced freynel) originally used in search-
Freeboard: Height of ships side from the water- lights, it was later adapted for the mirror landing aid.
line to the freeboard deck (cf. topside). Friday: It is widely believed that the reluctance of
Freeboard deck: The uppermost watertight deck. seamen to sail on a Friday (see day of departure)
Freebooter: A pirate. Anglicization of the Dutch reached such epic proportions by the eighteenth cen-
vrijbuiter. See libuster. tury that the British Admiralty decided to take dras-
Freedom of the Seas: A principle of international tic measures to prove the fallacy of the superstition.
law which allows neutral vessels to sail anywhere on the They are said to have laid the keel of a frigate one Fri-
high seas beyond territorial waters without interference day, arranged her launch for another Friday, given the
from belligerent powers. Until the sixteenth century, command to Captain James Friday, named her HMS
the seas or parts of them were considered to be owned Friday, and sent her to sea on a Friday. There was only
by any country powerful enough to exercise sover- one drawbackship and crew disappeared never to be
eignty, but in the seventeenth the development of seen again, or so the story goes. This tale cannot be
seaborne trade led to the concept of open seas. Since veried from Admiralty records and is almost certainly
then the basic principles of maritime law have been de- apocryphal. (Former Merchant Navy ofcer James
signed to satisfy and reconcile the requirements of na- Logan claims it originated as a hoax perpetuated by
tional security with freedom of trade and navigation. Irish comedian Dave Allen on one of his popular BBC
Accordingly, only a narrow strip of coastal water is radio shows of the 1970s.)
considered under the exclusive sovereignty of the Fried hamsters: USN slang for chicken or beef cor-
coastal state, while the high seas beyond are freely ac- don bleu.
cessible to all. See also exclusive economic zone, ex- Friendly: A contact positively identied as non-
clusive shing zone, right of shery. hostile.
Freeze the balls off: See brass monkey. Friendly re: Bombing, strang, shelling, or small-
Freight : [1] Cargo. [2] The charge for carrying arms re which inadvertently strikes ones own or al-
goods. [3] See tonnage. lied forces. Also fratricide.
Freight ton: A long ton (2,240 lbs or 1,016 kg) usu- Friendship sloop: A gaff-rigged centerboard sail-
ally considered equivalent to 40 cubic feet (see ship- boat designed for oystering, lobstering, and shing.
ping container). Characterized by a high clipper bow, it originated in,
Freighter: [1] Any vessel designed and used prima- and takes its name from, the seaport of Friendship in
rily for carrying cargo. [2] Any person consigning Knox County, Maine, USA.
freight for transportation by sea. Frigate: [1] A small and speedy 17th century war-
French coil: See Flemish coil. ship. [2] An 18th19th century triple-masted, square-
French ake: See Flemish Mat. rigged, sixth to fourth-rate naval vessel, smaller and
French leave: Colloquialism for being absent with- faster than a ship-of-the-line, carrying 20 to 60 guns
out permission. usually on a single gun-deck but occasionally double-
Fresh breeze: Force 5 on the Beaufort Scale (winds banked. [3] A British World War II escort vessel.
1721 knots = 2024 mph = 2639 km/h). [4] After World War II the USN developed ships mid-
129 Full

way in size between cruisers and destroyers. Techni- versed the procedure, creating an electrochemical de-
cally light cruisers, these vessels were briey called vice that combined hydrogen and oxygen to produce
frigates. [5] During the 1970s, USN nomenclature electricity with water and heat as by-products. No
was revised to include a distinct class of frigates, other energy generation technology offers the same
smaller than destroyers, reecting the practice of other combination of benets. The process is clean, quiet,
navies. highly efcient, and will generate power for as long
Frock: [1] To allow an ofcer or enlisted seaman as fuel is supplied, but the technology remained exper-
selected for advancement to assume the new insignia imental until the late 20th century.
and title (but not the pay) before the promotion be- Currently (2008) the cruise industry is interested in
comes effective. [2] The white woolen polo-necked the possibility of improving passenger comfort with
sweaters worn by British submariners are known as a silent, non-polluting power source that produces no
frocks. detectable exhaust heat, while most of the worlds
Frock coat: A mans outer garment characterized by navies have active fuel cell programs, especially for
knee-length skirts all around the base. Popular for submersibles. The Hellenic Navy Class 214 subma-
both civil and military dress wear during the 19th cen- rine has a fuel cell-generated power supply that al-
tury. Although obsolete in RN and USN, frock coats lows it to cruise under water for up to three weeks
remain part of some contemporary military uniforms, without resurfacing. By contrast, conventional diesel-
usually single-breasted in army use, or double- electric submarines typically deplete their batteries
breasted for naval wear. after a few days cruising. In addition, the fuel cell
Frockers and cockers: PreWorld War II RN makes the submarine virtually undetectable. The U.S.
ofcers slang for frock coat and cocked hat which, and other Navies are also looking into fuel cell propul-
until 1939, were the required uniform (with a sword) sion for surface warships. In addition to the foregoing
for making formal calls on an Admiral. advantages are reduced fuel consumption and the po-
Frogman: Slang term for a swimmer equipped with tential to have a number of separate units to provide
wetsuit, ns, mask and breathing equipment. Usually redundancy in case of combat damage.
trained in demolition, salvage, or other underwater Fuel trunk: A connection used for refueling.
operations, which are frequently clandestine. Fu-Fu: A sailing ship seamans dish of barley and
Front: Meteorological term for the discontinuous treacle.
surface between two air masses of different tempera- Fujita Tornado Scale: Was developed in 1971 by Dr
ture. Tetsuya Theodore Fujita of the University of Chicago,
Frost: A covering of minute ice needles, formed in conjunction with Allan Pearson, Director of the
from the atmosphere upon exposed objects that have National Severe Storm Forecast Center at Kansas City
cooled by radiation below the dew point when that is Missouri. Because its seven-level scale relies on after-
below the freezing point. the-event visual inspection of damage to structures
Frost smoke: A thick mist rising from the surface and trees ashore, it is not applicable to waterspouts.
when temperatures are close to freezing. (See bar- However, it does indicate wind speeds up to and be-
ber.) yond those which might be anticipated in phenomena
Frustration: A charter party term referring to an of the tornado type. It is therefore included in table
unanticipated delay when neither party is at fault and 6 which compares it with the Beaufort, Douglas, Pier-
either can void the contract. Properly called Frustra- son-Moskowitch, Safr-Simpson, and WMO Scales.
tion of the adventure. Full: The state of sails when bellied-out by wind.
FST: Fleet surgical team. Full and by: Following a course as close as possi-
FSW: Feet of seawater. ble to the wind while keeping the sails full without
FTN: Fuck The Navy. Term used by sailors having any shiver.
a bad day. Full and down: Said of a vessel when all cargo
Fubar: Fouled Up Beyond All Repair (pronounced spaces are lled and she is down to her load line.
foobar). The politically correct rst word is often Full dress: [1] Uniform worn on special and cere-
changed by seamen. monial occasions (see frockers and cockers). [2] A ship
Fudge: This term meaning to dodge an issue, cheat that is dressed to the nines is fully-dressed.
on an exam, or renege on a promise is said to refer to Full-rigged: A vessel carrying square-sails on at
a notorious 17th century ship captain known as Lying least three masts.
Fudge. Full rudder: As far as the rudder can go. The USN
Fudge factor: A colloquialism referring to a quan- steering command is Left (or right) full rudder. The
tity introduced to compensate for uncertainty. equivalent RN command is Hard aport (or a-star-
Fuel: Material such as coal, wood, petroleum prod- board).
ucts, and the like used as a source of heat or power. Full sail/spread: All sails set with none of them
Fuel cell: British scientist Sir William Grove in- reefed.
vented this device in 1839. Noting that water could be Full speed: To proceed at the maximum sustainable
split into hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis, he re- rate. The USN denes full speed as one eighth more
Fully 130

than standard speed except for cruisers, destroyers, standing on a heaving, pitching, swaying, and rolling
light mine layers and fast aircraft carriers, for which it deck.
is ve knots more than standard speed (see also emer- Furnishings: General term for a ships moveable
gency speed, ank speed). equipment, such as anchors, davits, masts, rigging,
Fully dressed: Said of a ship adorned for a special winches, cables, boats, and the like, but excluding fuel
occasion with ensigns at all masts and a rainbow of and consumable stores. (See also ttings, furniture,
signal ags stretched from bow-to-stern over the mast- supplies.)
heads. See also dressed to the nines. Furniture: A marine insurance term referring to
Funerary salutes: During important military funer- removable items of equipment necessary for safe op-
als, minute guns are red at 60-second intervals, eration and navigation of a vessel such as masts, rig-
paralleling the minute bells tolled by churches dur- ging, tackles, guns, and the like. (See also ttings, fur-
ing civil ceremonies. If a band is deployed, its drums nishings, supplies.)
are mufed by passing their carrying plaits through Fuse/Fuze: A combustible, mechanical, magnetic,
the snares or cords at the base of the drums. The ring electric, or electronic means of detonating an explo-
of three rie or musket volleys over the grave of a fallen sive charge as a result of time, proximity, or contact.
warrior has military rather than naval origins. Dur- Futtock shrouds: Part of a sailing vessels stand-
ing the dynastic wars of Europe, a truce for evacuat- ing rigging. The word is believed to be a contraction
ing the wounded and burying the dead would often of foot-hooks because the sailors toes had to be
be called after a erce engagement. The signal that hooked around the ratlines.
the eld had been cleared of casualties and conict Futtocks: The middle timbers of a wooden ships
could be resumed was three rounds of musket re into frame.
the air. (American media frequently refer to a 21-gun Future Navy: This British concept envisages a ver-
salute at military funerals, presumably because three satile and exible maritime contribution to the over-
rounds from seven ries total twenty-one. However, all defense mission, while retaining core emphasis on
although three volleys is traditional, no regulation or combat capability. As visualized, the future navy will
tradition requires the ring detail to be seven or any have global reach and endurance, will adapt to change
other number.) In fact, the custom may have older efciently and effectively, and will be fully interop-
roots in the primitive idea that loud noises will erable with future army and future air force as well
frighten evil spirits away from a grave. as with other national and international military and
After the volleys, the bugler will sound the eloquent civil partners in joint, combined, or integrated oper-
and haunting tune of Last Post at British funerals or ations. Based on the NATO Swing concept, the pro-
Taps at American ones. As they do for the living, posed versatile maritime force will have platforms and
these tunes symbolize that the days duty is over and equipment that can deliver a range of military capa-
the deceased may rest in peace. Then, following a brief bilities either simultaneously, or thorough operational,
silence, the bugler often sounds Reveille to symbol- tactical, or strategic reconguration. Simplicity of
ize rebirth in a better world (the term is French and equipment operation and procedures, reinforced by
means awaken again). effective training, will be essential in the future navy,
Funnel: [1] A ships smokestack or chimney. Naval because each seaman will have to be capable of han-
architects often gave ocean liners dummy funnels, ei- dling multiple tasks rather than a single specialty.
ther for esthetic reasons or to give a greater impression Fwd: Forward.
of power and speed. [2] A shaft, ue, or stack for ven- FWO: Fleet Watch Ofcer (USN).
tilation. FX: Forecastle.
Funnel cloud: See tornado and waterspout.
Furl: To roll up and secure a sail or awning. From
Old English fardle = wrap or bundle.
Furlough: An approved absence. From German
urlaub. G: Gravitational acceleration force.
Furnace: An enclosed place in which heat is pro- GA: General Average.
duced by the combustion of fuel. Gaff: [1] A pole with a barbed tip, a boathook (from
Furnace room: The engineering compartment in Portuguese gafe). [2] A spar on the mainmast of a
which the boilers of a steam-powered ship are located, USN vessel from which the national ensign is own.
along with the furnaces that heat them. So long as [3] A short spar to which the head of a fore-and-aft
ships were coal-red the stokers and trimmers had a sail is bent. See also Sailing Rigs.
lthy job in appalling conditions badly lighted and Gaff-rigged: Refers to a fore-and-aft sail shaped like
noisy; intensely hot (around 45C/112F); smelling of a truncated triangle, with its upper edge made fast to a
steam, burning sulfurous coal, and human sweat gaff. The top of a gaff-rigged sail tends to twist away
physically manhandling tons of dusty coal from the from the wind reducing its efciency when close-hauled.
bunkers to the furnace doors and shoveling white hot Gain the wind: To get upwind of another sailing
ash and clinker away from the grates all the while vessel.
131 Gallipoli

Gained day: The 24 hours which are won when Galley yarn: USN slang for a rumor, especially a
crossing the International Date Line in an easterly di- false one. Also scuttlebutt.
rection. In the Royal Navy this formerly entitled the Galligaskins: See petticoat-trowsers.
crew to an additional days pay (but of course they Gallipoli: The Dardanelles Campaign of 1915 was
lost it going the other way). the rst modern amphibious operation and introduced
Gaiters: [1] A leather covering for the leg, extend- a number of innovations. However, with the exception
ing from above the instep to below the knee. Nor- of its closing episode, it was a classic example of how
mally white in USN, polished black in RN. [2] RN not to run an invasion. In his book Gallipoli (MacMil-
slang for a gunnery instructor, said to be all gas and lan 1956) Alan Morehead says:
gaiters (cf. gunny, liquorice legs). No similar exploit in the past bore any real compari-
Gale: Force 8 on the Beaufort Scale (winds 3440 son ... or had had to face such entrenched positions
knots = 3946 mph = 6374 km/h). From the Norse ... the only operation that could be compared with
gale = furious. this lay thirty years ahead on the beaches of Nor-
Galileo: A satellite navigation system, launched by mandy in the Second World War; and planning the
the European Union and the European Space Agency. Normandy landing was to take not three weeks but
It will be compatible with the current Global Posi- nearly two years.
tioning System. Nevertheless, the operation began encouragingly with
Galiot/Galliot : A smaller version of the galley feint attacks on 25th April 1915, one of which found
powered by oars and a large lateen sail on a single the key strategic height of Achi Baba virtually unde-
mast. [2] A small ketch-like vessel in the Baltic coastal fended but the troops orders were only to create a
trade. [3] A powered craft used on the Rhine River diversion, so they made no attempt to seize it, staying
and North Sea. put until ordered to withdraw. Amid a welter of mis-
Gall: To chafe or wear (e.g., a hawser, anchor cable, management the main attacks were made by British
bearing, etc.). and French troops on the tip of the peninsula, and by
Galleass: A large vessel, driven by lateen sails on Australians & New Zealanders (Anzacs) at its narrow
three masts and thirty to forty oars. Equipped with a neck.
pointed ram at the bow and cannon on raised ghting After four months bogged down in trench warfare
platforms at bow and stern. An unsatisfactory compro- near the beachheads, Allied C-in-C Sir Ian Hamilton
mise between rowing galley and sailing galleon. mounted a new landing at Suvla Bay a few kilometers
Galleon: A large armed merchantman with two or north of Anzac Cove. For the rst time in amphibi-
three decks, square-rigged on fore and mainmasts, la- ous warfare using purpose-built, self-propelled, ar-
teen-sailed on the mizzen, plus a large square-sail on mored landing craft instead of cutters and whalers
the bowsprit. Spanish galleons were heavily armed towed by steam pinnaces.
with (mostly) close-range anti-personnel weapons; The new divisions had been hastily-trained for
English ones carried fewer but longer-range cannon. static warfare on the Western Front, where as little as
Gallery: [1] A projecting balcony or structure on fty meters was considered a signicant advance, while
the stern or quarter of a vessel, often enclosed with in command was General Stopford, who had never
elaborate glass windows and carved woodwork (gin- led troops in battle and had been retired for fteen
gerbread). [2] A partial deck below an aircraft carriers years. With the old-and-outdated leading the young-
ight deck between it and the hangar deck. and-inexperienced, no one seems to have understood
Galley: [1] A ships kitchen, probably a corruption the urgency of rushing to secure a defensible perime-
of cooking gallery. [2] A relatively long and narrow ter on high ground. Stopford allowed the rst wave
sail and oar-propelled, single-decked commercial or to swim and sunbathe on the beach while waiting for
combat vessel, which originated in the Aegean and the rest to land. They too were soon stalemated.
Mediterranean during the classical era. Sails and masts With all his beachheads pinned down. Hamilton
were normally unshipped and left ashore before com- planned to open a new front on the Plain of Troy with
bat. Early ghting galleys depended on short bursts of six combat-ready divisions from France. However,
speed to ram enemy vessels with sharp beaks. Later they were diverted to Salonika, and the blow was ex-
ones carried heavy forward-ring cannon mounted on acerbated when three of the divisions already on Gal-
a platform at the bow. [3] A large clinker-built open lipoli were ordered to Salonika as well. In October,
rowing boat, usually with a crew of twelve. Hamilton was replaced by General Sir Charles Monro,
Galley packet: RN slang for a rumor. See galley who made a unilateral decision to withdraw. Winston
yarn, scuttlebutt. Churchill bitterly paraphrased Julius Caesar, He
Galley pepper: Sailors slang for the soot and ashes came, he saw, he capitulated!
which sometimes land on the food while cooking. The troops had to be lifted from open beaches, dur-
Galley ranger: An unpopular sailor who has been ing bad weather, in waters suitable for U-boat attack,
rejected by all the messes in a ship and has to eat alone. while exposed to the close-range re of an undefeated
Galley staysail: A windsail adjusted so as to ven- enemy. Planners predicted a minimum casualty rate of
tilate the galley. 30 percent, with a high probability of exceeding 50
Gallivat 132

percent. Hospitals in Egypt were alerted to prepare ments of spices. [2] With the meaning changed from
for at least thirty thousand casualties. removal to insertion, garbling referred to the prac-
Thanks to meticulous planning by Australian Gen- tice of mixing rubbish with bulk cargo to increase its
eral William Birdwood, effective cooperation between weight or volume. [3] Nowadays a distorted or mixed
naval and military, ingenious deception devices, and up message is said to be garbled.
a short break in the weather, Anzac Cove and Suvla Garboard strake : The rst continuous row of
Bay were evacuated in midDecember with no sol- planks or plates on either side of a ships keel.
diers killed, and only two lightly wounded. At Cape Gare up: A Suez Canal term. When two ships
Hellas, neither the enemy nor the weather was so co- meet, one will gare up (moor to) the bank to allow
operative. Nevertheless, casualties were far fewer than the other to pass.
expected. The German General Staff called the evac- Garland: Formerly [1] A rope collar round the head
uation A military feat without equal. of a mast to keep the shrouds from chang. [2] A strap
The objective of forcing the Straits, knocking lashed to a spar for hoisting. [3] A large rope grom-
Turkey out of the war, reinforcing Russia, and bring- met used to hold shot in place or move it around.
ing Balkan States in on the allied side was a far-sighted [4] A net with a hooped neck, hung from an overhead
strategic concept which should have been attainable beam, and used by sailors to store the days provisions
the ofcial Turkish War History said, If Sir Ian way from cats and insects. [5] Three hoops wrapped
Hamilton had been given six divisions instead of four together by silk and ribbons to form a wreath, hoisted
at the outset, the invading troops could have forced the to the main top-gallant stay on the day of a captains
Straits. wedding. [6] A similar wreath hoisted on any other
Gallivat: A small vessel with sails and oars, armed spar or stay to celebrate a seamans nuptials.
with 48 cannon. Used on the Malabar Coast and in Garnet: [1] A gun tackle with two single blocks.
the Persian/Arabian Gulf. [2] A purchase for lifting goods or freight in or out of
Gallows: [1] A support on the open deck consist- a cargo ship.
ing of uprights and a cross-piece, used for the storage Garnish: Profuse decoration on a ships head, stern,
of boats, spars, and the like. [2] A support for the or quarters (cf. gingerbread).
boom of a sailing vessel. Garrison: [1] A military post. [2] The troops sta-
Gam: A whaling term for a news-exchanging visit tioned there.
between the crews of two or more ships when stopped Garrison cap: A soft wedge-shaped fore-and-aft
at sea. cap which folds at. Used by all U.S. armed services.
Gammon: To lash a bowsprit to the bows. The ac- Also overseas cap. The British equivalent is forage
tual lashing is called gammoning. cap.
Gangboard: [1] A raised walk on a sailing ship, Garters: Seamans slang for the leg-irons used in
crossing the waist and connecting forecastle to quar- punishment.
terdeck. [2] The longitudinal timber on an open boat, Gas and gaiters: See gaiters.
connecting the foresheets and the after thwart. From Gash: Nautical slang for anything spare or super-
Old English gang = alley. [3] Formerly, the merchant uous. Hence waste food is put in the gash-bucket,
sailors name for a brow or gangplank. waste paper goes in a gash-bin, and slops are sent
Gangplank: A at bridge-like structure with cleats, down a gash-chute.
used for boarding or leaving a vessel at a pier (see brow, Gasket: [1] A light line used for fastening sails when
which is the more correct term). furling. [2] A rubber, metal, or ber ring, used to seal
Gangway: [1] An opening in the bulwark into a piston or to make something watertight.
which an accommodation ladder, brow, or gangplank, Gat: A passage or channel extending inland through
ts. [2] Incorrectly, but frequently, the accommoda- shoals or banks. From the Dutch for hole as in the
tion ladder, brow, or gangplank itself. [3] A seaman Kattegat (Cats hole) between Sweden and Denmark.
under punishment is said to have been brought to the Gate: [1] A moveable barrier across the mouth of a
gangway when he is lashed to a grating for ogging. harbor or anchorage. [2] Ancient name for a port or
Gangway!: Shouted command to make way and landing place (as in Billingsgate, Margate, Ramsgate,
stand clear of a person or thing passing through. etc.).
Gannet: [1] A diving seabird with voracious appe- Gateship: A vessel used to open or close antisub-
tite. [2] Slang term for a greedy person or gourmand. marine nets or booms protecting the entrance to a
Gantelope: See running the gauntlet. harbor or narrow passage.
Gantlet: See gauntlet. Gather way: To start moving or speed up, thereby
Gantline: A line passing through a single block increasing headway or sternway.
aloft, used for hoisting. Gator: USN slang for [1] An amphibious warfare
Gantry: A framework, specically one for storing ship. [2] One who serves in such a ship (short for alli-
casks or barrels in a cargo hold. gator). [3] A ships navigating ofcer (from navigator).
Garble: [1] Originally the Middle English word GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
garbelen meant to remove impurities from ship- Gauge: The position of one vessel relative to the
133 Geneva

position of another vessel and the wind. In sailing ship equity which holds that when a peril threatening a
combat, the downwind vessel has the lee gauge, ships survival has been averted by jettisoning cargo,
which favors disengagement (if wanted) and heels the supplies, or furniture, the voluntary sacrice has been
vessel so that gunre tends to break masts and cut rig- for the good of all and must be shared pro rata by all
ging. The upwind vessel has the weather gauge parties concerned (shipowners, cargo owners, and own-
which favors offensive action and allows broadsides ers of freight revenue). The principle was established
to be aimed at the enemy hull. at least as early as the Laws of Rhodes (ca. 916 BCE).
Gauntlet: See Running the gauntlet. General cargo: Freight composed of different
GBS: Global Broadcast Satellite. goods carried in non-specialized containers which may
GCA: Ground-Controlled Approach (of aircraft). vary in size and shape (e.g., bales, boxes, barrels, bun-
GCI: Ground-Controlled Intercept (of aircraft). dles, casks, crates, packages, pallets, etc.). Until the
Gear: A catchall nautical term covering [1] Any as- early 20th century most goods at sea were carried in
sembly of sails, lines, tackles, etc. [2] The personal ef- this form; few liquids were transported, and those that
fects of a crew member. [3] A toothed wheel that meshes were usually carried in barrels. Today everything has
with another to provide a mechanical advantage, to in- changed; containerization is common and the general
crease force or speed, or to reverse direction. cargo ship has largely been replaced by specialized ves-
Gearless carrier: A large bulker without loading sels such as tankers, grain and ore ships, container
and discharging capability. Although avoiding the ex- ships, ro-ro ships, and car carriers.
pense of installing, operating, and maintaining cranes General Court Martial: The highest-level trial
or conveyors, it is dependent on shore-based facilities court in the military justice system.
and can only dock at large, well-equipped ports. General discharge : One of ve USN discharge
Gedunk: USN slang, believed to be derived from the classications, awarded to personnel who separate
sound of a candy bar dropping from a vending ma- from the service with good conduct but an insuf-
chine, and hence, [1] Generic term for ice cream, candy, ciently meritorious record to deserve an honorable
and the like. [2] A ships store which sells snacks (often discharge. See also other than honorable, bad conduct,
Gedunk Stand). [3] An enticement for female com- and dishonorable.
panionship; see also pogey bait. [4] A Gedunk Ribbon General mess: USN eating area for all hands (ex-
is a decoration awarded for non-combatant service. cept those with a designated area of their own such as
Gender: In naval parlance, ships are almost invari- wardroom, chief petty ofcers mess, etc.).
ably referred to as female. The origin of this tradition General of the Sea: The title enjoyed by admirals
is unknown, but there have been numerous explana- under the British Commonwealth (republic) of 164960.
tions. As early as the second century BCE the play- General Ofcer: The army and marine equivalent
wright Plautus made a feminine connection when he of a ag ofcer (i.e., above the rank of colonel).
wrote A man looking for trouble only has to buy a General orders: Instructions issued by a senior
ship or take a wife. Twenty-two centuries later, U.S. commander to an entire force, eet, or service.
Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz gave an equally cynical General prudential rule: Caveat in the Rules of
explanation, saying Its because a ship costs so much the Road permitting a privileged or stand-on vessel
to keep in paint and powder. Most probably the cus- to depart from the rules if necessary to avoid imme-
tom arose in classical times, when each newly- diate danger.
launched vessel was dedicated as a bride to Poseidon General quarters!: USN voice or bugle call for all
(or Neptune). In consequence, ships became femi- hands to don combat gear and go to battle stations. All
nine in Latin and all the Romance languages and, even guns are loaded and ready-use ammunition is placed
though English nouns do not have gender, it would to hand (cf. Action Stations).
have been natural to follow suit (see also Names). Generator: A machine or device that converts ki-
General: A senior military title, equivalent to ad- netic energy to electrical energy, generally using elec-
miral (see table 13). tromagnetic induction. The term is generally used for
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: This the generation of alternating current. See also dynamo,
1947 treaty is designed to provide an international electric motor.
forum that encourages free trade between member Geneva Conventions: A series of international
states by regulating and reducing tariffs on trade goods agreements, rst reached at Geneva in 1864, covering
and by providing a common mechanism for resolving the status and treatment of captured and wounded
trade disputes. GATT membership now includes military personnel in wartime. The most recent mari-
more than 110 countries. time treatyThe Geneva Convention for the Wounded,
General alarm: A loud bell or klaxon with differ- Sick, & Shipwrecked Members of the Armed Forces
ent patterns that call the crew to battle stations, sig- at Sea was negotiated on 12 August 1949. It species
nal chemical emergencies, or raise collision alerts. All the treatment and protection of prisoners of war;
three are tested daily and, to avoid misunderstand- wounded and sick enemy persons who are not prison-
ings, no similar alarms are permitted on shipboard. ers of war; religious, medical, and hospital personnel
General average: An ancient principle of maritime caring for enemy wounded and sick; military hospi-
Genoa 134

tal ships, and coastal rescue craft and lifeboats. After tible wind. [2] A secondary, duplicate, or false image
9/11 the Bush administration withheld its protection on a radar screen due to echoes or interference. Also
from unlawful enemy combatants of the USA. See phantom.
also humanitarian emblems. Ghost ships: There are several types of maritime
Genoa: A large headsail or jib used mainly by rac- apparition. Some are thought to warn of coming dis-
ing yachts. aster while others recall earlier tragedies. The Block Is-
Gentle breeze : Force 3 on the Beaufort Scale land Phantom does both. Some, such as the Cursed
(winds 710 knots = 811.5 mph = 1318.5 km/h). Corsair, the Flying Dutchman, and the Japanese
Geodesy: The branch of mathematics dealing with Yureisen, are sinister specters that appear out of no-
the terrestrial globe or large sections thereof. where. Others were mystery ships like Mary Celeste,
Geodetic: Of or relating to geodesy. Also geodesic. discovered intact with crew mysteriously vanished. And
Geographic coordinates: The latitude and longi- some appear to be explicable phenomena such as the
tude whose intersection denes the position of a point Chaleur Bay Phantom and Jenny the Glacial Ghost. In-
on the surface of the globe. terestingly, some 90 percent of all phantom ship sight-
Geographic poles: The latitudes of 90 North and ings are between the fortieth and ftieth latitudes.
90 South, forming the extremes of the earths axis of Ghosts: It was a common belief among sailing ship
rotation. sailors that any vessel which has been sunk and raised
Geographic referencing: By denition, all geo- again is haunted by the souls of those who perished
graphic data can be spatially referenced to identify its when she went down.
location on the globe. See World Geographic Reference GhostSwimmer: A sophisticated biomimetic sub-
System. marine robot or UAV (underwater autonomous ve-
Geographic spatial data: International conven- hicle) developed for the U.S. Navy in 2008 and ex-
tions specify the signs to be used by map and chart pected to be deployed in 2009. Based on the tuna sh,
makers and geodeticists. Latitude references are signed its mechanism includes a spine with vertebrae and
as positive (+) westward and negative (-) eastward synthetic muscles that drive ns and a tail, turning
from the meridian of Greenwich to 180. Longitude waves of body motion into propulsion, just as those
references are positive north and negative south of the components perform the same task for the real sh.
equator to 90 in each direction. Bearings are meas- The tuna was chosen because its family (Scombridae)
ured clockwise from north through 360. Azimuths are varies in length from 100 cms (Blackn) to 450 cms
also measured clockwise and continuing to 360, but (Northern Bluen), indicating hydrodynamic design
beginning at south. adaptable to a wide range of sizes, and so efcient that
Geographical rotation: Refers to the sequence of it allows tuna to make trans-oceanic migrations at
ports to be visited by a merchant vessel. speeds of up to 70 km/h. The system is expected to use
Geographical zones: Based essentially on climate less power than conventional propeller-drive, to have
and behavior of the sun, geographers divide the sur- approximately three times the endurance, and to be
face of the earth latitudinally into ve principal re- relatively silent and stealthy. The tuna-like size and
gions, namely: shape of prototypes will allow them to blend into the
North Frigid Zone north of the Arctic Circle. underwater background, making them perfect for in-
North Temperate Zone between the Arctic Cir- telligence-gathering. If these small versions perform as
cle and the Tropic of Cancer. expected, the Navy hopes to adapt the concept for
Torrid Zone between the Tropics of Cancer and full-size submarines.
Capricorn. GI: Government Issue (U.S.).
South Temperate Zone between the Tropic of Gig: A light oared-and-sailed boat, now frequently
Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle. powered, usually reserved for personal use by the ships
South Frigid Zone south of the Antarctic Circle. captain. [2] USN slang for a reprimand (cf. bottle).
Georef: See World Geographic Reference System. Gimbals: A system of rings and pivots which sus-
George Ensign: USN slang for the most junior en- pends an object such as compass, chronometer, or gal-
sign on board a warship. Reputed to be derived from ley stove so that it can move freely in two planes at
JORG = Junior Ofcer Requiring Guidance (cf. bull the same time, thus remaining horizontal even when
ensign). its support is tilted.
Get cracking: Now meaning to push ahead, this Gimblet: To rotate a suspended anchor to a de-
term derives from the days of sail, when a shipmaster sired position. Also gimlet.
in a hurry would raise so much canvas that masts and Gimlet: [1] The name of a cocktail, now made of
standing rigging became taut to the point of creaking gin or vodka and sweetened lime juice, that was effec-
and cracking. tively invented by Admiral Edward Vernon who used
Ghanja: Two- or three-masted lateen-rigged craft rum in the original recipe (see Grog). However, the
used in the Persian/Arabian Gulf and along the East name refers to Thomas D. Gimlette, a naval surgeon
African littoral. (later Surgeon General) who introduced the cocktail
Ghost: [1] To sail slowly when there is no percep- in the late nineteenth century as a means of inducing
135 Global

wardroom ofcers to take lime juice as an anti-scor- of ofce; also long-glass. [2] A barometer. [3] For-
butic. [2] See gimblet. merly the half-hour glass used to tell time aboard ship,
Gin pendant: A green-white-green pendant un- and hence [4] a thirty-minute period of time.
ofcially own by an RN ship to indicate: [1] That Glass ringing: See Clinking glasses.
visitors from other ships in the squadron or otilla Glasses: Binoculars.
will be welcomed in the wardroom, or [2] That one of Glide bomb: An air-launched bomb tted with
the wardroom ofcers is personally entertaining airfoils to provide lift.
(birthday, promotion, birth of a baby, etc.). Glide path indicator: See mirror landing aid.
Gingerbread: The elaborate, usually gilded, carv- Global Command & Control System: A highly
ings decorating the bow and stern sections of warships mobile, deployable system for the support of joint or
from the 15th to 18th centuries. Also extremely pop- multinational military operations, providing inte-
ular on 19th century riverine steamboats in the United grated command, control, communication, computer,
States. The term is said to have come from Germany, and intelligence systems.
where the gingerbread sold at country fairs was tradi- Global Maritime Distress & Safety System: An
tionally splashed with gilt to make its appearance more internationally agreed set of communication proto-
attractive. cols, equipment, and safety procedures, based on a
Gingerbread hatch: Obsolete slang for a luxuri- combination of satellite and terrestrial radio services.
ous cabin or stateroom. These have changed distress communication from
Girdle: To improve the buoyancy and stability of mainly between ships to mainly ship-to-shore, with
a wooden ship by adding planking along the waterline. alert and location signals being automatically trans-
Girth: The measurement from one gunwale to the mitted when the radio operator doesnt have time to
other, passing under the keel. Taken at any frame. issue a mayday or contact the Rescue Coordination
Girthline: See gantline. Also girtline. Center.
Give way!: Command, [1] To begin pulling the oars Global Maritime Partnership: In response to the
of a boat. [2] To stand clear or make room. need for and difculties of international naval co-op-
Give-way vessel: The one which must yield when eration a group of senior United States admirals is
meeting, crossing, or being overtaken by another. See currently advocating an ambitious concept that envi-
also Stand-on vessel, privileged vessel. sions a global coalition of navies, standing watch over
Glacial Ghost: The whaler Hope had chased a quarry the seas, standing watch over each other and coop-
as far as the ice cliffs of Antarctica where it managed erating in law enforcement with coast guards, port
to give them the slip. They were about to sail away in operators, commercial shippers, governments, and
search of other prey when the great ice barrier began non-governmental agencies. Recognizing that, despite
to break up and calve. Large chunks fell away open- their good intentions, there is grave danger this will be
ing up several chasms. Suddenly, to the horror of Hopes viewed as an attempt to make the international mar-
crew, a spectral ship sailed out of one of the inlets, itime community dance to an American tune, they
sails in tatters and hull splintered, with seven ice-en- emphasize this is not the case. In an opinion piece
crusted human gures standing or sitting on deck. published by The Honolulu Advertiser on 29 October
Quelling his crews terried mutterings of Flying 2007, Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Mike
Dutchman, Captain Brighton ordered a whaleboat to Mullen, said:
be launched and rowed across to the phantom. In the Membership in this navy is purely voluntary and
masters cabin he found a man sitting at his desk, pen would have no legal or encumbering ties. It would
in hand, apparently entering something in the log be a free-form, self-organizing network of maritime
book. He was, however, as solidly ash-frozen as the partners good neighbors interested in using the
men on deck and his wife in the next door cabin. His power of the sea to unite, rather than to divide. The
nal entry in the log read No food for 71 days. I am barriers for entry are low. Respect for sovereignty is
the only one left alive, and the date of May 4, 1823, high.
indicated that the schooner Jenny had been trapped The proposal was originally and evocatively entitled
in the ice for thirty-seven and one-half years. The thousand ship Navy.
Glacier: A compacted mass of snow and ice that is Global Positioning System: A space-based navi-
continuously moving to lower ground or outward gation system in which orbiting satellites provide ex-
from a continental center of accumulation. tremely accurate three-dimensional coordinates. It is
Glacier tongue: A seaward extension of a glacier, ofcially called NAVSTAR-GPS, which is short for
usually oating. (Navigational Signal Timing And Ranging Global
Glad rags: 19th century sailors were skilled needle Positioning System) but is commonly known as GPS.
workers and would spend many off-watch hours mak- It was designed for and is operated by the U.S. mili-
ing ne shore-going clothes which they called glad tary, which makes segments of it available for civilian
rags, presumably because they were happy to leave use as a public good without charge. It can be con-
the ship for a while. Also go-ashores. veniently divided into three parts.
Glass: [1] A telescope. Often an important symbol Control Segment consists of tracking stations lo-
Globe 136

cated around the world, under the overall control creating the roar of the seas, while another son Proteus
of a master facility at Schriever AFB in Colorado. was guardian of the seal herds; both being revered as
Space Segment consists of at least 24 satellites that sea-elders able to foretell the future. Leucothea and
orbit the earth twice daily and are known as space her son Palmon were invoked by Roman seamen as
vehicles (SVs). These are spaced so that between ve powerful protectors against shipwreck. Portunus the
and eight can be sighted from any point on earth at god of ports and harbors could ensure safe and pros-
any time. After locating at least four of them, a perous voyages. See also water deities.
GPS receiver can use a simple mathematical tech- Gods of the wind: Winds were as important to
nique called trilateration to deduce its location. sailing seamen as the waves were, and all seafaring cul-
Public User Segment has been intentionally down- tures had their own wind gods and goddesses. The
graded from military precision, but still allows any- Greeks had ve major and many minor ones, most of
one with a GPS receiver to determine latitude and which were adopted by the Romans under different
longitude within 100 meters; altitude within 156 names. Here we shall consider only Greek mythol-
meters, and time of day within 340 nanoseconds. ogy, which called the principal wind gods Anemoi,
Like any electronic device, a GPS receiver can fail or each of which was associated with a cardinal direc-
malfunction, so the prudent navigator will always tion and specic weather conditions:
carry back-up in the form of traditional devices such Aeolus was a son of Poseidon, viceroy of the gods,
as leadline and logline, sextant and navigation tables, and regent of all the Winds, which he kept in vast
chronometer, etc. See also Galileo, satellite navigation. caves on the mythical island of Aeolia.
Globe : [1] The terraqueous ball of planet earth Zephyrus personied, the gentle and friendly west
(usually preceded by the denite article). [2] A round wind, bringer of light spring and early summer
scale model of the world (preceded by an indenite breezes.
article). Eurus was the strong, but unlucky, wind that
Globsters: The name given to mysterious rotting brought warmth and rain from the east.
carcasses that have sometimes been taken as dead sea Notus was the warm and moist south or southwest
monsters. wind, much feared by mariners because he not only
GLONASS: An acronym of Global Navigation brought the erce storms of late summer and au-
Satellite System, referring to a Russian version of tumn, but his fog, mist, and rain hindered visibility.
global positioning that provides three-dimensional Boreas blew from the north, bringing cold winter air.
position, range, and time references. Like GPS it re- He is the only one who seems to have been remem-
lies on 24 satellites and offers two levels of service bered and invoked by European sailors.
standard for the general public and high precision for Godsend: Wreckers term for a vessel thrown ashore
military use. fortuitously rather than deliberately lured onto the rocks.
Glory bar: USN slang for a campaign medal. Going large: Advancing freely before the wind;
Glory hole: [1] The lazarette, or any enclosed space the opposite of close-hauled.
in which small items can be stowed until needed. [2] Gold braid: Popular term for a naval ofcers rank
Jocular name for the stewards or remens accommo- insignia. More correctly, gold lace.
dation. Gold lace: The proper name of the stripes indicat-
GM: Gunners Mate. ing a naval ofcers rank. Frequently splashed with sea
GMDSS: Global Maritime Distress and Safety Sys- water by junior ofcers hoping to achieve a less-inex-
tem. perienced look. Also Gold braid.
GMT: Greenwich Mean Time. Goldbrick: USN slang for a slacker or loafer.
Go about: To change to the opposite tack by pass- Golden Age (of Piracy): The 16th to 18th centuries.
ing the bow through the wind. Golden Dragon: See line-crossing.
Go-ashores: Slang for a seamans best walking out Golden rivet: The mythical and magical last item
clothes or glad rags. which completes construction of a ship.
Gob: [1] U.S. civilian slang for a naval enlisted man. Golden Shellback: See line-crossing.
The term is never used in the USN which banned it as Golf: NATO phonetic notation for the letter G.
undignied in the 1920s. [2] In the RN, Gobby used Gondola: A small, highly-ornamented, boat with
to be a derogatory term for a naval reservist assigned high rising stem and stern. Used on the Venetian
to Coastguard service, but is seldom heard today. canals and propelled with a single oar by a Gondo-
Gods of the sea: Many sea-dwelling beings have es- lier standing at the stern.
tablished themselves in myth, but the Graeco-Roman Gone aloft: Slang for a dead shipmate.
deities are the ones which have persisted in European Gone by the board: [1] Originally an article in-
tradition. In over-simplied form, their history starts tentionally or accidentally dropped over the side (see
with Oceanus and Tethys, who ruled over all the deep six). [2] The term now implies something which
worlds watery elements but were later succeeded by has been destroyed, neglected, or forgotten.
Poseidon (Neptune) and his wife Amphitrite. Their Gone goose : Slang for a vessel abandoned and
son Triton became his fathers conch-horn trumpeter given up in despair.
137 Grave

Gone west: This term signifying death can possi- centre.

bly be traced back to the Viking funeral practice of Grab bucket: [1] A grab bucket, with interlock-
putting a dead chieftain or great warrior in his long- ing teeth to aid penetration of the soil, is used for
ship and setting it to sail towards the setting sun. dredging and onshore excavation. [2] A clamshell
Gong: [1] A ships bell, especially when used as a bucket with no teeth, is used for stock-piling bulk
boat gong. [2] Slang for a decoration. cargo such as sand.
Good Conduct Badge: The RN name for a serv- Grab ropes: Lines suspended from a boat boom so
ice stripe, with one stripe being awarded for each ve that occupants of a boat may steady themselves when
years of certied good conduct free from disciplinary standing.
offenses. Grade: Relative degree of rank or rate.
Good Humor Man: USN enlisted slang for a sailor Grain: An obsolete term for the line extending in
wearing summer white uniform thought to resemble front of a vessel; the opposite of wake.
an ice cream vendors dress. Also Milkman. Granny: A reef knot tied backward so as to be in-
Goods: [1] A charter party term that includes ev- secure. Not only does it slip, but tends to jam and
erything loaded with the exception of live animals and cannot readily be cast loose. Landlubbers tend to tie
deck cargo. [2] A marine insurance term covering it naturally. Also grannys knot.
merchandise but excluding personal effects and supplies. Grape: [1] Layers of small iron balls kept in place
Goong stations: [1] RN naval aviators slang for the round a central spindle by holes or indentations in
catwalks and open gallery on an aircraft carriers island, circular iron plates which would just t the bore of
where spectators often gather to view take-offs and the appropriate cannon. When red the balls freed
landings. Cf. vultures row. [2] A pipe peculiar to the themselves from their retaining plates and scattered.
Canadian navy, made to alert off-watch seamen that Also grapeshot (cf. canister, langrage). [2] Informal
there is something unusual to be seen from the upper term for a ight deck aircraft refueler, who wears a
deck. The term originated in HMCS Labrador, the purple (grape-colored) shirt.
icebreaking arctic patrol ship, during her rst voyage Grapnel: [1] A small iron-shafted multi-pronged
through the Northwest Passage in 1954. The pipe was device which can be used (a) as a boat anchor; (b) to
made so that they would not miss seeing polar bears, drag the bottom for sunken articles; or (c) as a grap-
walruses and icebergs close at hand. pling iron. [2] A device tted to the mooring of a naval
Goof-off: A person who habitually evades respon- mine, designed to catch and hold a sweep wire when
sibility. it cuts the mooring. [3] USN term for the painter of
Goof-up: To spoil things or get into trouble, es- a pulling boat.
pecially due to carelessness or irresponsibility. Grapple : [1] To come to close quarters with an
Gooseneck: [1] A universal joint which secures a enemy vessel, take hold of it with grappling irons, and
boom to its mast. [2] A exible jointed metal pipe, or pull it alongside for boarding. Along with ramming,
something similar, curved like the neck of a goose or this was the preferred method of naval combat un-
U-shaped. til the advent of effective artillery. [2] A grappling
Goosewing: [1] The weather clew of a square-sail iron.
held taut when the lee clew is furled. [2] Setting the Grappling iron: A clawed device with a rope at-
main boom of fore-and-aft sails on the opposite side tached; thrown to catch onto the bulwarks of an
to the fore-sail or mizzen. [3] A sail which has caught enemy ship, pull it close, and hold it for boarding.
on a spreader during a jibe. [4] A triangular studding Also grapple, grapnel, grappling hook.
sail. Graticule: [1] Originally a network of lines on a map
Gorget: A crescent-shaped metal plate (the last ves- or chart, usually marked as parallels and meridians.
tige of armor) suspended on a neck-chain by ofcers [2] More usually used today to refer to a compass-
as a symbol of rank when on duty. Mostly 17th and rose type of grid, marked in degrees from zero to 360,
18th century, but continued into the 21st by some na- and showing range in yards or thousands of yards.
tions. Grating: [1] In general: any regularly spaced open
Gouge: USN slang for inside information. grid of essentially identical, parallel, elongated ele-
GP: General Purpose. ments, made of wood, metal, or plastic. [2] In optics:
GPS: Global Positioning System (or Satellite). A system of close equidistant and parallel lines or bars,
GQ: General Quarters. especially ruled on a polished surface, used for produc-
Grab: [1] Formerly, an Indian two-masted, shal- ing spectra by diffraction. [3] In sailing ships: A strong
low-draft warship with excellent handling quali- open woodwork of crossed battens, forming the cover
ties, especially in light winds. Armed with forward- of a hatchway, to allow light and fresh air into the
ring artillery and a long overhanging bow which space below. Frequently lifted and used to support a
could be run over a targets quarterdeck or poop for defaulter being ogged. [4] A movable lattice used for
boarding. The name is derived from the Arabic the ooring of small boats. [5] Decorative gratings
Ghorab, meaning raven. [2] A crane tted with a were used to cover ttings on the quarterdeck.
grab bucket consisting of two half shells hinged at the Grave: To run a ship aground so that its hull can
Gravel 138

be cleaned, maintained, or repaired at low tide. Also Phase I: In April, at Spithead, an anchorage in
greave (cf. careen). southern England, sailors of the Channel Fleet com-
Gravel: [1] A loose mixture of pebbles and rock plained of shipboard living conditions; demanding
fragments coarser than sand. Frequently accumulated better pay, abolishment of the 14-ounce pussers
in terraces at river mouths, or rounded and polished pound, and removal of a handful of unpopular
by wave action and deposited on beaches. [2] Obso- ofcers. Meanwhile, they maintained regular naval
lete term for running aground. routine and discipline, allowed ships to leave for con-
Graveyard watch: USN slang for the middle (or voy escort or patrol, and promised to take the eet to
mid-) watch (midnight4 A.M.). sea if French ships hove into sight. After a month, Ad-
Graving dock: A dry dock used specically for hull miral Lord Howe, intervened to arrange reassignment
cleaning, painting, and repair. of the unpopular ofcers, increased pay, and abolish-
Gravity tank: A container in which water or other ment of the pursers pound. He also arranged a Royal
liquid can be stored to ow under its own weight pardon for the mutineers. But that was not the end of
when a valve or tap is opened. the discontent.
Great cabin: A compartment extending across the Phase II: Next month the crews of several ships at
stern of a wooden sailing ship. Usually occupied by the the Nore, an anchorage in the Thames estuary, seized
ships captain or embarked ag ofcer. control of their ships. These crews were less disci-
Great circle: [1] A circle on a sphere such that the plined than those at Spithead. Some of the more un-
plane containing the circle passes through the center popular ofcers were tarred-and-feathered before
of the sphere. [2] The shortest route between two being ejected, nearby farms were looted, and local
points on the earths surface. [3] The basis for the nau- sher boats were seized or terrorized. However, unlike
tical or sea mile. Spithead, where there was a unied eet, the ships in
Great circle navigation: To accurately follow a the estuary were independent and widely spread out.
great circle would require continuous changes of Some remained loyal and managed to slip away despite
course, so in practice a series of points along the course gunre from the rebellious ships who tried to stop
are established and the rhumb lines between them are them.
followed. The mutineers then elected quotaman Richard
Great gun: Generic term for cannon during the Parker to be President of the Delegates of the Fleet,
15th to 17th centuries. Some of the principal names in and he formulated a list of eight demands, the most
descending order of size (with their approximate signicant being rectication of the six grievances
weight of shot in pounds) were: Cannon-Royal (74), mentioned above. Parker had previously served as
Cannon (60), Serpentine-Cannon (42), Demi-Can- masters mate and probationary lieutenant, but had
non (32), Culverin (18), Demi-Culverin [10], Saker been court-martialed, disrated, and discharged.
[6], and Minion [5]. Smaller (essentially anti-person- Shortly before the mutiny he had accepted 20 for
nel) ordnance included Falcon, Falconette, Serpen- reenlistment. These experiences had made him a rad-
tine, and Rabinet. As more and more types and sizes ical French sympathizer. Under his guidance, legiti-
were introduced, this nomenclature became too com- mate grievances were escalated into a near social rev-
plicated and, starting in the late 17th century, smooth- olution, demanding the dissolution of Parliament and
bore, muzzle-loading guns began to be classied sim- immediate peace with France.
ply by the weight of round-shot they red. The Admiralty response offered nothing except the
Great guns: Slang for foul weather (Its blowing concessions already made at Spithead and a pardon in
great guns!). return for immediate return to duty. Parker then
Great Mutiny: During 1797, there were rumblings declared the eet to be a Floating Republic and
of discontent throughout the Royal Navy due to harsh mounted a blockade to prevent merchantmen from
shipboard conditions and half a dozen primary griev- entering the port of London. The Admiralty re-
ances. sponded by cutting off food supplies to the mutinous
Despite ination, pay rates had not been revised for ships, whereupon Parker hoisted the signal for them
139 years. An AB in the Navy was paid less than to sail to France. He had gone too farthe other ships
one-third of a merchant ABs wage. refused to follow and the mutiny zzled out.
A ships purser was allowed to keep two ounces of Aftermath: The government feared a wider uprising
every pound of meat as a perquisite, resulting in similar to the French Revolution, hence retribution
short rations for the troops. was rapid and brutal. Parker was convicted of treason
Due to the introduction of copper-bottoming, and piracy, and hanged from the yardarm of HMS
crews were required to spend longer periods at sea. Sandwich where he had started the mutiny. Twenty-
When in harbor, they were seldom allowed time to nine subordinate leaders were also hanged, while oth-
visit friends and families ers of the Sandwich crew were ogged, imprisoned, or
The distribution of prize money was unjust. transported to Australia. Crews that had refused to
The Articles of War permitted unfair and excessive defect to France were pardoned without punishment.
punishments. News of the mutinies spread around the eets and led
139 Grog

to minor incidents off Spain, Ireland, and South tory at Greenwich in England. Although ofcially re-
Africa. These were contained by their ofcers, but a placed by Coordinated Universal Time the term and
major mutiny occurred in September aboard HMS its abbreviation GMT are still in common use.
Hermione. Greenwich Naval Hospital: In 1694, by Royal
Great White Fleet: Sixteen battleships and four Charter, King William and Queen Mary founded the
destroyers, all painted white, sent on a world cruise Royal Naval Hospital for Seamen (later abbreviated
by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1907 as a demon- to Greenwich Hospital), its stated aims being in part:
stration of rising United States naval power. The reliefe and support of Seamen belonging to the
Greek re: In 672, the Byzantine Navy unveiled a Navy Royall ... who by reason of Age, Woundes, or
secret chemical weapon, which destroyed an Arab eet other Disabilities shall be incapable for further serv-
at the Battle of Cyzicus on the Sea of Marmara. Said ice.... And for the Sustentation of Widows and the
to have been invented by a Syrian architect named Maintenance and Education of the Children of Sea-
Callinicus, the Byzantines actually called it Roman men happening to be slain or disabled.
Fire, but it is usually known as Greek. It was an The rst of eventually over three thousand seamen
early form of napalm, consisting of a liquid which arrived in 1705. Despite their magnicent accommo-
would ignite spontaneously and continue to burn, dation (in a former royal palace) there were numerous
even on water, not to mention human esh. It was as complaints of poor food and petty humiliations. For
unstable as nitro-glycerin, and even the slightest shock even minor offenses the proud old sea dogs were
would ignite or explode it. For this reason it was sel- forced to wear their uniform coats inside out, the yel-
dom used by eld armies, but conned to warships low linings proclaiming their shame to all the world.
and xed land fortications. Numbers fell after the Napoleonic Wars, and in 1869
It was sometimes encased in clay containers, to be the hospital closed. However, the institution lived on
dropped over a wall or thrown by catapult; sometimes and still provides charitable support to serving and
discharged from a hand-held spray gun; but the most retired men and women of the Royal Navy and Royal
usual practice was to pack it into brass-bound wooden Marines and their dependents. It also runs a co-edu-
tubes, known as siphons, and blow it out with high- cational school for the children and grandchildren of
pressure hoses. The mixture would explode on contact naval and other seafaring families.
with air and water, and be propelled by its own com- Grey funnel line: It is traditional for merchant
bustion as well as being sprayed by the pressure in the shipping companies to identify their ships by paint-
hose. ing the funnels with the lines distinctive color and
For two centuries the formula (now believed to have logo. Royal Navy ofcers jokingly refer to their serv-
been a mixture of quicklime, saltpeter, sulfur, pitch, ice as the Grey Funnel Line.
and naphtha) was a closely guarded secret. To reveal Grid navigation: A system, often used in polar wa-
it was a capital offense the charge being sacrilege as ters and polar ying, in which grid coordinates on the
well as treason. Greek Fire was the decisive factor in chart replace latitude and longitude. A map projection
one sea ght after another, and was all the more effec- is used in which north and south lie along the great cir-
tive because it could be directed sideways or down- cle which creates the 0 (Greenwich) and 180 merid-
wards. ians, the latter being taken as Grid North. Hence any
Green ash: A phenomenon which occurs at the great circle course approximates a straight line and
moment the sun sinks or rises below or above the hori- makes equal angles with all other lines on the grid.
zon when atmospheric refraction causes its rays to Being independent of meridian convergence, a con-
bend and appear green, or occasionally violet. stant heading can be followed from departure to des-
Green sea: A wave which comes aboard without tination.
spume and in such volume that it appears green. Gridiron: Formerly, a framework installed just
Green shirt: Personnel working on a USN aircraft above the low water mark. A vessel could be oated
carriers ight deck wear colored shirts for easy identi- over it at high tide to settle on a cradle as the tide fell,
cation. Green shirts are worn by catapult and arrest- allowing work to be performed on the hull.
ing gear crews. Gripe: [1] The joint between keel and stem; the
Green water: The area between the outer edge of forefoot. [2] The lashing holding a boat on deck or on
brown water (roughly 150 kms or 100 miles offshore) davits. [3] The tendency of a sailing vessel to be ardent.
and the inner edge of blue water (1200 kms or 750 [4] U.S. naval aviation term for a pilot reporting air-
miles from land). craft material discrepancies. [5] To complain (slang).
Greens: USN slang for the green working uniforms Grog : Edward Vernon joined the British Royal
worn by aviators and Seabees. Navy in 1700 and was a rear-admiral by the age of
Greenwich: The site east of London where Charles twenty-four (14 years earlier than Nelson achieved
II established a Royal Observatory in 1676. Through that rank). He served as a Member of Parliament, but
it passes the prime meridian. was recalled to naval service in 1739 when the War of
Greenwich Mean Time: Former universal stan- Jenkins Ear broke out. Almost immediately he led his
dard of time based on the meridian of the observa- eet in the capture of Porto Bello, where it found a
Groggy 140

large cache of gold and silver. Contrary to Admiralty surface such as water, marshland, or attish terrain,
regulations, he divided the money among the sailors while oating on a trapped cushion of low pressure
of the eet who would normally have received little or air provided by two or more downward-thrusting
nothing. The delighted sailors affectionately nick- fans. Often called air-cushion vessel, surface effect
named him Old Grog because at sea, when out of vessel, or Hovercraft.
sight of land or other ships, he wore a timeworn cloak Ground log: A weight with a line attached that
made of grogram (a coarse mixture of wool, mohair can be dropped to the bottom in water too shallow
and silk stiffened with gum) which was so well-used for a regular logline; speed over the ground being de-
that it was threadbare. termined by the rate at which the line pays out.
Later they were less enthusiastic when concerned Ground swell: [1] A wave which passes over a shoal
by widespread drunkenness, disciplinary problems, without breaking, being increased in height but
and Observing that recent frequent desertions have slowed down and reduced in wavelength. [2] A large
principally arisen from men stupefying themselves oceanic swell or roller on a calm sea, presaging a gale
with Spirituous Liquors he ordered their daily al- in otherwise clear weather.
lowance of 96-proof liquor to be cut with water in Ground tackle: Equipment used for anchoring and
the ratio of 3:1. At the same time he suggested that mooring, excluding deck gear.
Men that are good husbands may from the savings of Ground zero: That point on the earths surface at
their Salt and Bread purchase Sugar and Lime to make or under which a nuclear weapon explodes, or some
the water more palatable to them (see Gimlet). They other disastrous event (e.g., 9/11) occurs.
contemptuously called the weakened drink grog Groundpounder: One of many slightly deroga-
since it was as thinned-out as his cloak. Shortly after- tory naval slang terms for a marine or infantry sol-
ward diluted liquor became standard throughout the dier, including pongo and grunt.
Fleet, although petty ofcers and above could still Group: [1] USN term for a number of ships or air-
draw their ration undiluted. (See also Royal Navy rum craft temporarily operating together for a specic pur-
ration.) pose (see task organization). [2] The collections of let-
Groggy: This originally meant the result of over- ters forming words in a cipher or code.
indulgence in grog, but now it implies staggering or Group rate marks: USN enlisted personnel in
dazedusually when weakened by exhaustion, lack of non-rated pay grades (E-1 through E-3) are considered
sleep, or blows to the head rather than intoxication. to be apprentices in a specialty group, working their
Groin: One of a series of jetties constructed perpen- way towards Petty Ofcer (for example, a recruit who
dicular to the shore to protect the beach against ero- wishes to be an Electricians Mate will join the Engi-
sion. neering & Hull Group). The groups are identied by
Gromet: A boy or youthful member of a Cinque short diagonal colored stripes worn on the upper left
Ports crew, responsible for tending the vessel when in sleeve:
harbor. White for deck, administrative, medical, and den-
Grommet: [1] A sealing gasket of oakum and white tal specialties.
lead. [2] A strop or ring made by laying a strand of Red for engineering and hull.
rope three times around. [3] A metal eye set in a sail Green for aviation.
or other fabric as reinforcement. [4] A stiff ring in- Blue for construction, including Seabees.
side a service cap to keep the top stretched at (fre- E-1s wear no rate mark, E-2s wear two stripes, E-3s
quently and illegally removed by junior ofcers want- wear three. Those who earn a rating through training
ing to look rakish or sea-beaten). school or by passing a Navy-wide examination wear
Groove: An aircraft making a perfect approach to the appropriate insignia above the stripes.
a carrier landing is said to be in the groove. Growler: A small piece of oating ice; less than one
Ground: [1] The sea bed. [2] To strike bottom meter (three feet) above the water but large enough to
if accidental, the vessel runs aground; if intentional, be a navigational hazard.
she takes the ground. [3] The land surface of the GRT: Gross Registered Tonnage.
earth. [4] In electrical engineering; (a) A conducting Grunt : USN slang for an infantry soldier (cf.
body such as the earth, an object connected to the Pongo, groundpounder).
earth, or a ship, aircraft, or vehicle whose potential Guard boat: A small boat assigned to patrol the
is taken as zero; (b) The connection of an electrical anchored ships of a eet, to ensure that lookouts are
conductor to such a ground; (c) The device such as posted and alert, also that they challenge passing boats
a stake or iron pipe that makes such a connection. and prohibit close approach unless a counter-sign or
Ground-control: Guidance of naval aircraft by a password is given.
controller on the ground or aboard ship to intercept Guard ag: The ag worn by a USN guard ship
an enemy, reach a target, or to land on the carrier or dening its specic duty.
ashore. Guard ship: [1] A vessel assigned specic local duty
Ground-effect vehicle : A (usually) propeller- such as collecting and delivering mail. [2] In former
driven machine that can move over a relatively even usage, a vessel assigned to protect a harbor.
141 Gun

Guardrail: A protective barrier around a ships Gun: [1] A generic term for the carriage-mounted
upper deck to prevent people falling overboard. cannon of sailing warships. [2] Any piece of ordnance
Gudgeon: [1] A socket on the stern frame of a ves- from which missiles are propelled by explosion
sel which secures the rudder while allowing it to pivot. through a metallic tube.
[2] The trunnion of a cannon. [3] A small freshwater Gunar: A USN electronic system that controls
sh. gunre by radar.
Guernsey: A close-tting jumper, originally made Gun Captain: The petty ofcer in charge of a gun
on the Island of Guernsey and introduced into the crew.
Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars. Gun carriage : [1] Generically, any structure on
Guerre de Course: A French phrase meaning lit- which a gun is mounted and red, whether wheeled or
erally war of running and involving hit-and-run at- not. [2] Specically, a 4-wheeled wooden framework
tacks on the merchant shipping of an enemy, with the on which a sailing warships cannon was mounted.
goal of cutting off supplies and damaging the domes- The rst carriages for ships cannon sat upon two large
tic economy. Also known as commerce raiding, it is a cart-wheels, like the guns used on land. But, by the
strategy usually followed by secondary maritime pow- mid1500s, the English had developed the truck car-
ers that are unable to concentrate enough force to win riage which had four small solid wooden wheels, one
a eet engagement (guerre de main or guerre des- on each corner. Compared to the earlier two-wheeled
cadre). Famous guerre de course campaigns include: design, weight was more evenly distributed, it could
British and Dutch actions against Spanish treasure be rolled right up to the gunport, and was easier to
eets during the 16th century. train left or right using a lever known as a trailspike.
French privateers during the Revolutionary and At rst the carriages had solid at beds, but by about
Napoleonic Wars. 1700 most were fabricated from two thick side pieces
The United States against Great Britain in the War known as cheeks, linked by stout baulks of timber
of 1812. known as transoms or axle-trees, with metal re-
Confederate naval raiders against Union shipping inforcing bolts to hold the parts together. The cheeks
during the Civil War. were stepped from front to back, providing points of
Germanys U-boat campaigns in World Wars I and purchase when the gunners were elevating the barrel
II. of the gun using trailspikes. This design became the
The USNs submarine campaign against Japan in standard form of maritime gun carriage throughout the
World War II. muzzle-loading era, except for the Spanish Armada
Guiana Current : A northward ow along the which used two-wheeled sea carriages until the early
northeast coast of South America. 17th century.
Guide ship: The vessel designated for a convoy or Gun crew: From the 16th to 19th centuries, the
other formation to keep station on. basic division of labor remained the same, core roles
Guided missile: An aerial projectile whose trajectory being gun captain, loader, and spunger. The size of the
can be controlled by internal or remote mechanisms. crew ranged from four or ve for a small gun such as
Guinea Current: An eastward-owing counter- a six-pounder to up to fteen to re and service each
current in the Gulf of Guinea off West Africa. heavy cannon in a line of battle ships broadside. Their
Guinea-pig: [1] A vessel used in naval mine war- roles and responsibilities were:
fare to determine whether an area can be considered
free from mines. [2] Derisive slang for the midship- Rating Duties
man of an East Indiaman. Captain Command the crew, aim and re the
Gulf: An area of sea or ocean partially enclosed by gun
2nd Captain Assist the captain and run out the gun
land. Similar to but deeper, longer, and larger than a
Loader/Rammer Load the powder and ram home the
bay. Frequently with a narrow mouth. shot. Help run out and train the gun
Gulf Stream: A clockwise-owing system of cur- Assistant loader Pass powder and shot to the loader.
rents which encircles most of the North Atlantic Help run out and train the gun
Ocean incorporating the Antilles and Florida currents Spunger Spunge and worm the gun. Assist the
and the North Atlantic Drift. Powerful, warm, and rammer. Help run out and train the
fast-moving, it heats the east coast of North America, gun
then heads westward to about 30W, 40N, where it Assistant spunger Pass spunge and worm to spunger and
rammer to loader. Help run out and
splits in two, one stream warming the shores of north-
western Europe and the other recirculating off West Auxiliaries Use trailspikes to elevate the gun; man-
Africa. (up to nine) age breeching ropes (which check re-
Gulf weed: Seaweed with berry-like air-oats that coil) and tackles (for running out and
collects into island masses in the North Atlantic. training); bring powder and shot
Gull: [1] A deceptive device consisting of a oating from ready-use storage; perform re-
radar reector that simulates a surface vessel. [2] A man duty
seabird. Gun direction room: Former name for the nerve
Gun 142

center of an RN warship in combat, now part of the the magazines of shore batteries could store more am-
Operations Room. Known as Combat Information munition than a ship could carry, they would nor-
Center in the USN. mally reply to an incoming vessels salute with more
Gun director: A shipboard system which tracks a guns than they received.
vessels course and speed relative to enemy ships, and Shakespeare wrote good luck lies in odd numbers
adjusts for wind velocity, air and water temperature, reecting an ancient superstition that even numbers are
and other factors to calculate elevation and bearing unlucky. For this reason, gun salutes are normally ren-
for the guns. dered in odd numbers. The only exception covers un-
Gun ring: Firing a smoothbore muzzle-loading happy occasions homecoming ships formerly red
naval cannon required a great amount of hard work even numbers to signify that an admiral or captain
and manpower. The weapon was essentially just a pipe had died on the voyage and even numbers were red
(the barrel), sealed at one end to form a chamber. A at funerals. See also funerary salutes, national gun
wet swab was rst thrust down the pipe, to extinguish salutes, personal gun salutes, and salutes and courte-
any embers from a previous ring which might pre- sies.
maturely ignite the next charge. Coarse gunpowder Gun tackles: Motion of the sea, along with ring
was then put into the open end (the mouth) either recoil, made it necessary to secure and control the
loose with a powder spoon, or pre-wrapped in a cloth muzzle-loading cannon of sailing ships by means of
or paper cartridge, and pushed down to the chamber ropes and pulleys known as breechings and tackles.
with a rammer. A quantity of wadding was then Breechings were ropes attached to ring-bolts on
rammed on top of the powder, a cannonball or other the ships side and fastened to the cascabel (hind-
form of shot was pushed home on top of the wadding, most knob) of the gun, serving to prevent it from
and another wad was rammed on top of the ball. This recoiling further than was necessary for reloading.
not only created a better seal, but also stopped the Side tackles came in pairs consisting of double
shot from rolling out due to swaying of the ship. blocks attached by ring-bolts to the ship, and sin-
The gun was then run out, its crew heaving on the gle blocks eye-bolted to the left and right cheeks of
gun tackles until the front of the carriage was hard up the gun-carriage. They were used to run the gun
against the bulwark, and the barrel protruded through out from the recoil-and-reload position, train it left
the port. This took the majority of the manpower, or right, or stop it from running in due to heeling
since a naval cannon and its carriage could weigh more of the ship.
than two tons and be hard to move if the ship was Train tackle was identical, but attached to the axle-
rolling. A small amount of ne-quality mealed gun- tree, serving mainly to prevent the gun from run-
powder was then put into the vent (touchhole) and ning out when the ship heeled, but also to bring it
the gun was ready to re. in after ring blanks in salute (which created no
Ignition was initially achieved by thrusting a red- signicant recoil), or when the slant of the deck
hot priming iron (spike) down the vent. This worked made a manual pull in necessary.
well but required an open furnace on the gundeck, Gun tub: Chest-high armor around an open gun
creating a re hazard. The next solution was a slow mount.
match applied with a linstock. This also worked well, Gun vessel: A late 19th century wind and steam
but progressively eroded the vent, leading to a loss of powered vessel similar to the former sloop-of-war.
muzzle velocity due to leakage of propellant gas. In Gunboat: A shallow-draft unarmored boat equipped
1697, metal ring tubes were introduced. After remov- with one or more forward-ring guns. Used for patrol
ing its paper seal, the tube was placed in the vent and and escort duties and to cannonade shore positions, es-
ignited by slow-match or portre. However, hot and pecially in support of amphibious landings.
possibly ragged metal tubes lying on the deck after Gundalow: A scow-like 19th century freight-car-
ring were a hazard to the bare feet of gun crews, so rying New England barge with round bows and stern
they were replaced by goose quills in 1778. However, and a large triangular lateen-like sail on a very short
the quills burned completely on ring, bringing back mast.
the problem of vent erosion. Finally, in 1790, the Gundeck: [1] Generally; any deck below the weather
problem was effectively solved by introduction of the deck of a sailing warship, containing broadside ar-
intlock. tillery. [2] Specically; the main (lowest) gun deck in
Gun mount: The carriage, assembly, or other sup- a line-of-battle ship. [3] In USN slang, to falsify or
port on which a gun is positioned. fabricate entries in ofcial documents, reports, or
Gun salutes: Nowadays a ceremonial act of respect records, especially of work required but not per-
between ships or on entering foreign port, the gun formed. The origin of the term is obscure, but it prob-
salute originated when loading cannon was a slow and ably derived from the practice of creating a false im-
laborious business. Hence, discharging all a ships pression of strength by painting a row of dummy ports
weapons was a sign of friendly intentions. Tradition- on the side of a sailing man-o-war between the gun-
ally, the junior ship always salutes rst, with the cour- deck and the weather deck.
tesy to be returned immediately by the senior. Since Gundeck stripes: Sailing warships frequently
143 Gunroom

painted horizontal stripes along the gundecks of their opening in a ships side tted with a hinged water-
generally black hulls for both decoration and national proof door. He probably didnt know it, but he had fa-
identication. Britain favored yellow stripes with black cilitated revolutions in naval architecture and tactics
gunport covers. Spain usually used red stripes with even greater than the introduction of wind propul-
black covers. The United States used white with black sion. Until then, naval combat had been fought like
covers, but occasionally made the stripes yellow as a land battles, with ships laying alongside and boarding
ruse to deceive the British. France tended towards to ght on deck. Anti-personnel gunpowder weapons
monocolor hulls with no stripes. Merchantmen often had been mounted on forward and after-castles and
painted one or more stripes with dummy gunport cov- along the bulwarks, but only light guns could be used
ers as a ruse against attack. This practice was some- for fear of making the vessel capsize.
times known as mask painting. See also dummy ports. Scottish shipwrights were the rst to realize that,
Gunre support: Fire provided by naval guns in by using hublots for artillery to re through, they
support of military forces on shore. A subset of sur- could move the gun-decks down into the bowels of the
face re support. ship, placing heavier weapons well below the ships
Gung-Ho: This Chinese term for working to- center-of-gravity, where they steadied rather than
gether is used in the U.S. Marine Corps to express the destabilized. In 1511, the idea was implemented by
enthusiasm and team spirit expected of its personnel. King James IV of Scotland for his new agship, Great
Gunkholing: A yachtsmans term for cruising in Michael, which, in addition to three long bow guns and
shoal water and/or overnighting in small coves. about three hundred bulwark-mounted anti-person-
Gunlayers: A two-man team that lays (aims) a nel weapons, carried twenty-four large cannon ring
manually-controlled gun. The pointer or layer controls broadsides through hublots which the Scots re-named
its elevation (range) and the trainer sets its deection ports after the Latin porta (door). This started a
(direction of ring). naval arms race and, a year later, Henry VIII of En-
Gun-lock: The mechanism by which the explo- gland adopted the concept for Great Harry, which car-
sive charge of a rearm is exploded. ried 141 light pieces and forty-three heavy guns.
Gunner: [1] Generically, a person trained to oper- Shipwrights did not immediately realize that gun-
ate a gun or cannon. [2] Specically, one of a sailing ports near the waterline posed a dangerous hazard. In
warships senior standing warrant ofcers, examined by, 1545, Henrys heavily-gunned Mary Rose shipped
appointed by, and responsible to the Ordnance Board. water through open lower-gundeck ports, heeled over
In addition to the maintenance of cannon and their and sank, as did the Swedish Vasa in 1628.
equipment, the gunner manufactured tackle and Gunport cover: The hinged wooden door that
breeches for the guns as required, and was responsible weatherproofed a gunport when not opened for ring.
for ensuring that powder in the magazines remained Gunpowder: A powder made from sulfur, char-
dry. He was in charge of the junior ofcers messing in coal and potassium nitrate that burns to produce hot
the gunroom, and supervised the security of small gases that can be used as a propellant. First developed
arms (but not their upkeep which belonged to the ar- by the Chinese many centuries ago, it was not used for
morer, nor training in their use which was done by anything but entertainment (reworks) for a long
the master-at-arms). time. The idea of using an explosion to shoot a pro-
Gunners Daughter: Slang name for the gun to jectile from a tube is said to have arisen accidentally
which ships boys were married (spread over) for in the thirteenth century, when an alchemist was try-
caning. See juvenile punishment. ing to turn mercury into gold. According to legend,
Gunners Mate: [1] Formerly, a petty ofcer ap- he caused his mixture to explode, blowing the top off
pointed to assist the gunner of a sailing warship. his kettle. In its natural form, gunpowder burns
[2] Now, a naval occupational rating that operates, slowly, even when conned in the breech of a gun.
maintains, and repairs all ordnance and related equip- But by the end of the 15th century the product was
ment, and ammunition including missiles. being manufactured in grains of varying size known
Gunnery: The art, science, and management of as corned gunpowder. Thanks to air trapped be-
ring of large artillery pieces. tween the grains, this ignited and burned faster, mak-
Gunnery Ofcer: Formerly the commissioned ing the explosion more powerful and producing less
ofcer in charge of and responsible for a vessels ar- fouling. Large grained powder was used in the main
tillery. Now that other types of weapon are widespread charge, while smaller grained mealed powder was
the term has been superseded by weapons ofcer. used for priming.
Gunning: Obsolete USN term for shooting. Gunroom: Royal Navy term for an eating com-
Gunny: [1] USN slang for a Marine Corps Gunnery partment. Originally it was the one where commis-
Sergeant. [2] A coarse jute or hemp fabric. [3] A bag sioned ofcers dined (midshipmen and masters mates
made of such fabric. then lived and ate in the cockpit), but from about
Gunport: Early in the sixteenth century, to facili- 1800 the ofcers mess became known as the ward-
tate the loading of cargo, an ingenious French ship- room and the term gunroom was applied to the mess
wright named Descharges invented the hublot, an for midshipmen and mates (later sub-lieutenants).
Guns 144

Following World War II midshipmen stopped going to Gyropilot: An automatic steering device controlled
sea in large numbers, so RN ships no longer have gun- by a gyrocompass repeater which holds a vessel on
rooms. However, the midshipmens mess at Britannia course without the intervention of a helmsman.
Royal Naval College, Dartmouth still bears that name. Gyroscope: A stabilization device based on an elec-
Guns: Slang for a ships gunnery ofcer. trically-driven rotor whose axis is free to turn, but
Gunsling : [1] A looped strap used to hoist and whose inertia maintains it in a xed spatial position de-
move gun barrels on board ship (a long 32-pounder spite movement of its mounting.
barrel weighed some three tons). [2] A strap used to Gyroscopic compass: See gyrocompass.
hold a personal rearm horizontally or diagonally Gyrostabilizer: A heavy (usually about 1 percent
across the front of the body. of the vessels displacement) gyroscopic device de-
Gunwale : (rhymes with funnel). The topmost signed to dampen side-to-side roll.
plank of a bulwark, forming its rail. Also Gunnel. Gyves: An old term for handcuffs.
Gunwale tank: A ballast tank positioned just below
the weather deck, used to lower the metacentric height
of a lightly-laden vessel.
Guppy: USN slang for a snorkel-equipped World
War II submarine. H-: Prex used to designate the time at which an
Gusset: A triangular brace, used to reinforce a cor- operation is scheduled to take place. Thus H-5
ner or an angle in a framework. means ve hours before the start, H-Hour is the
Gust: A brief but rapid increase in wind speed. opening time, and H+3 would be three hours after
Gut: A narrow channel connecting two bodies of it began. (See also D.)
water. HA: High Altitude.
Guy: A wire or rope stay used to secure spars, Habiliments: Obsolete term for furnishings,
booms, and the like. equipment, provisions, and weapons.
Guyot: A at-topped seamount, found mainly in Hack: In hack is USN slang for being conned
the Pacic Ocean. to quarters as a non-judicial punishment.
GWS Sea: Short form of Geneva Convention for Hague Convention: This arose from a 1907 meet-
the Wounded, Sick, & Shipwrecked Members of the ing, which agreed, on thirteen protocols of wartime
Armed Forces At Sea. maritime law, covering the status of merchantmen at
Gybe: See jibe. the outbreak of hostilities, the conversion of mer-
Gypsy head: A anged drum on a winch, used for chantmen to warships, rights of capture during naval
heaving. warfare, and establishment of an international prize
Gyre: (pronounced jire) A circular or spiral mo- court.
tion, much larger than a whirlpool or an eddy. It is Hague Rules: These were developed by a 1921 con-
gyre which gives the Gulf Stream its clockwise course vention which introduced proposals for the codi-
around the North Atlantic. See also surface current. cation of international maritime law, especially re-
Gyrene: USN slang for a marine (phonetic com- garding steamships. They were widely accepted by
pound of GI = soldier + Marine). maritime nations, including minimum conditions for
Gyres: Large ocean currents are constrained by the the carriage of cargo under Bill of Lading.
continental masses that border oceanic basins. These Hail: [1] Pellets of frozen rain. [2] To belong to
force them into almost-closed, circular or spiral pat- or come from a particular place. [3] To call or shout
terns called gyres. Each basin has a large gyre at ap- in order to greet, attract attention, or announce ar-
proximately 30 North and South latitude, driven by rival.
the atmospheric ow produced by subtropical high Haircutting: Ancient nautical superstition, prob-
pressure systems. Smaller gyres occur in the North ably Rhodian or Roman, holds that cutting hair or
Atlantic and Pacic Oceans centered at 50 North, nails constitutes a votive offering to Persephone, god-
propelled by the circulation due to polar low pressure dess of the underworld, and is therefore an insult to
centers (pronounced jire). See also surface currents, Neptune, king of the sea, to whom all mariners are
deep ocean currents, and oceanic circulation. subject. Even today, with the notable exception of
Gyro: Abbreviation of gyroscope. cruise ship passengers, many seafarers honor the super-
Gyro angle : In submarine warfare; the relative stition by waiting until they go ashore to visit a hair-
angle between a boats keel and the nal track of a dresser or barber. See also facial hair.
torpedo to be red from it, measured clockwise from Halcyon days: This term for a happy, carefree, and
the bow. prosperous time has a nautical origin. The halcyon is
Gyrocompass: A compass having one or more gy- a mythical bird (usually identied as the kingsher),
roscopes torqued to indicate true north without inter- believed by Greek seamen to breed at about the time
ference from either the earths magnetic eld or the of the winter solstice and lay its eggs on a oating nest
ships own electromagnetism. Often linked to re- of seaweed. Incubation took fourteen days, during
peaters throughout the ship. which time the birds used their mystical powers to
145 Half-staff

charm winds and waves into tranquility, providing a The modern practice seems to have originated in 1612
mid-winter window for safe navigation. when William Hall, the master of Hearts Ease, was
Hales Trophy: In 1934 hoping to encourage in- murdered by Eskimos while in search of the north-
novation in ocean passenger transport and to provide west passage. On her return to London, the vessel ew
a more tangible token than the ephemeral Blue her ag so low that it draped over the stern, and the
Riband British parliamentarian, engineer, and en- sorrowful aspect of this was recognized as a more
trepreneur Harold Keates Hales commissioned a tting indication of mourning than the previously-
handsome souvenir to be awarded to the ship which used black ag. At a distance colors are difcult to
shall for the time being have crossed the Atlantic distinguish but a lowered ag is instantly recogniza-
Ocean at the highest average speed. Made of solid ble.
silver and heavy gilt, the Trophy weighs almost 100 Half pay in the RN: To ensure their availability
pounds (45 kgs) and stands some four feet (122 cms) when required, King Charles II introduced the con-
high on an onyx base. It consists of a globe upheld by cept of paying a few selected captains 50 percent of
two winged gures symbolizing Victory and sur- their salaries while unemployed. At that time an
mounted by a gure representing Speed pushing a ofcers commission appointed him to a specic ship,
triple-stacked liner against the forces of nature. It also so when it paid off (usually after two or three years in
features statues of Neptune and Amphitrite together service), he became unemployed until able to secure
with models of old galleons and modern vessels. appointment to another ship. However, unlike rated
In 1979, United States Lines (which had held the personnel, whose pay ended when they were dis-
Trophy since 1952) went into bankruptcy and donated charged, ofcers kept their seniority and, from 1693,
it to the Merchant Marine Academy Museum at Kings were given half-pay as a retainer. After 1860, commis-
Point, Long Island. In 1990, however, it was claimed sions appointed ofcers to the eet rather than to in-
by the British Hoverspeed Great Britain which had dividual ships; however, half pay remained a fact of
achieved an average speed of 36.65 knots, beating the service until 1919/20 for ofcers of captains rank or
SS United States 1952 record by more than a knot. below, and for ag ofcers until 1938. Half pay still
The museum and the maritime community initially applies as a ne or punishment for RN ofcers who
denied the demand on grounds that Hoverspeed was have been dismissed from a ship by court-martial, and
a ferry without accommodation for overnight passen- continues until their re-appointment to another ship.
gers. However, to avoid a costly legal battle, the Mu- Half pay in the USN: During the 1790s United
seum eventually relinquished the Trophy. Hoverspeed States naval personnel disabled in the line of duty were
held the award for eight years until 1998, when Span- entitled to a pension not to exceed half pay and in
ish high-speed ferry Catalonia won it with an aver- March 1801 a Congressional Order enacted:
age speed of 38.877 knots. Six weeks later, and in That the President ... be authorized to discharge ...
spite of a two-hour diversion to assist a search and ofcers in the navy service of the United States, but
rescue operation, the Danish high-speed ferry Cat- such of the aforesaid ofcers as shall be retained in
Link V took it with an average speed of 41.284 knots. the service shall be entitled to receive no more than
All three of the recent winners were Australian built. half their monthly pay during the time when they
For over a decade, the Merchant Marine Museum shall not be under orders for actual service.
nostalgically displayed the empty glass case that had By mid-century, however, according to the Soylent
previously held the Trophy, but it was re-lled in 2002 biography of Admiral Farragut, the practice had been
when Carnival Cruise Lines provided an exact replica discontinued:
to be held on permanent loan. Ofcers of the U. S. Navy have one great advantage
Half deck: [1] Any partial deck located between which British ofcers are without; when on shore
decks. [2] Formerly a deckhouse aft of the mainmast they are not necessarily parted from the service, but
where carpenter and sailmaker were quartered, along are employed in their several ranks in the dockyards,
with their apprentices. [3] A short deck above the escaping thus not only the ... pecuniary difculties of
upper deck, but below the quarterdeck. [4] the space a very narrow half pay, but also ... the loss of profes-
aft of the gundeck in a wooden battleship, excluding sional aptitude, and of that skill which comes from
the captains or ag ofcers quarters. unceasing practice.
Half-decked: Said of a small boat that is partially Half pike : An iron spike attached to a short
open and partially decked. wooden shaft that can be wielded in conned spaces.
Half gale: Formerly Force 7 on the Beaufort Scale, Sometimes used by boarders. See spontoon, pole arms,
now called near gale. and boarding pike.
Half-hitch: An underhand loop used to temporar- Half seas over: [1] Said of a vessel which is
ily bend a line to a post. grounded and awash. [2] Slang for almost intoxicated.
Half-mast/staff : to lower, a ag as a mourning Half speed: To proceed at 50 percent of standard
salute. The tradition began centuries ago to allow the speed. The term is used in merchant service and the
invisible ag of Death to y on top of the mast, thus RN, but not by the USN.
signifying Deaths presence, power, and prominence. Half-staff: See half-mast and mourning salute.
Halls 146

Halls of Montezuma: The annexation of Texas in from the saying one hand for the ship and one for
1845 did not end territorial disputes between Mexico yourself ). [2] A side of the vessel (e.g., the starboard
and the United States, leading to a formal declaration hand). [3] To furl a square-sail (able seamen had to be
of war in May 1846. Next year, Commodore David qualied to hand, reef, and steer).
Connor landed 15,000 U.S. troops, a small detach- Hand lead: See lead.
ment of Marines, and a large siege train at Veracruz, Hand-over-st: Today the phrase implies advanc-
using at-bottomed, double-ended rowboats, con- ing rapidly towards nancial gain or personal success,
structed especially for the purpose. From there they but it originated in the days of sail when speed and
made a ghting advance up the Camino Nacional agility in climbing aloft were essential skills and a
(route of the conquistadors) toward the capital. The source of pride for individual sailors. The original En-
Mexicans made a last stand at Castillo de Chapulte- glish expression was hand-over-hand, describing the
pec (known as the Halls of Montezuma). action of hauling a line as well as climbing the rig-
This castle, built of heavy stone masonry, standing ging. However, at some time in the 19th century,
on a steep and rocky, 60-meter (200-foot) high hill, American sailors changed it to hand-over-st.
was a splendid specimen of military architecture. Two Hand salutes: These are personal greetings between
strongly built 15-foot walls, 10 feet apart, surrounded individuals that began with the army custom of re-
the complex, and the whole hill bristled with forts moving the cap. Later, when military headdress be-
and outworks. The 1,000-man garrison included some came more ornate and difcult to remove, the now
expert French gunners, plus about 100 cadets from the familiar raising of an open hand to the head was
Mexican Military College. adopted to represent the rst movement of uncover-
Fighting extended from September 8 to 13, 1847, ing. Removing headgear, touching its peak, or raising
with both sides taking some of heaviest casualties of a nger to the uncovered forehead remained the tra-
the war. Captain Caseys storming party of 40 Marines ditional naval mark of respect until Queen Victoria
led the nal assault, taking over 90 percent casualties. who did not like to see uniformed personnel with bare
Their efforts are memorialized in the blood stripe heads ordered it replaced with an army-style salute.
worn on the dress blues uniforms of Ofcers and However, the navy adopted a at-handed, straight
NCOs, and in the opening lyrics of the Marines up-and-down salute, because the British armys open-
Hymn (see march music). handed wide swing would be likely to strike a bulk-
Halyard: A rope or tackle used to hoist a ag, sail, head aboard ship.
or yard. Probably an abbreviation of haulyard line. Until 1923, either hand could be used by British
Also halliard. seamen, with the left hand preferred, but this was dis-
Hammer: To mount a heavy bombardment from continued when using that hand was determined of-
close-range. fensive to Indians, Africans, and some Europeans.
Hammock: This old-fashioned swinging sailors Left-hand saluting is still practiced in the USN when-
bed made of canvas and slung from hooks on the ever the right hand is injured or encumbered. The
overhead/deckhead is said to have been introduced to British normally remain silent while saluting, but U.S.
the Athenian eet by Alcibiades in the fth century naval personnel are expected to greet the person being
BCE; but the name is more recent, dating to 1493 when saluted by name or rank. Unlike the United States
Christopher Columbus reported that natives of San army and air force, British armed forces and United
Salvador slept in beds which they called hamaca and States naval and marine personnel never salute when
suspended from trees. These beds were introduced seated or if the head is uncovered.
into the Royal Navy about 1600, and shortly after- Hand salutes are uniquely military courtesies in-
ward it became customary to place rolled hammocks tended to signify mutual respect between individual
on the bulwarks for extra protection during combat. warriors. But, sadly, the practice is often misinter-
Until well into the 19th century, they were made from preted as elitist by civilians and some service person-
the heavy brown canvas of damaged sails (as were nel. In consequence, it is frequently abused. For ex-
sailors trousers). Later, the standard RN issue could ample, if a newly-commissioned junior ofcer is
also be lashed-up to form a life preserver that reput- saluted by a highly-decorated Master Chief Petty
edly could keep someone aoat for up to 24 hours. Ofcer he has two optionshe can acknowledge with
U.S. Navy enlisted men including petty ofcers slept a casual wave of the hand, implying that he accepts
in hammocks, each of which was provided with a the courtesy as rightful deference to his superior
mattress and two blankets. rank; or he can return the salute with parade ground
Hammock netting: Nets placed above the bul- clat, showing his recognition of the others greater
warks of a sailing warship at focsle, waist, and quar- service and experience. (For hand salutes to the quar-
ters, to receive rolled and lashed hammocks as a shield terdeck, see salutes and courtesies.)
against musket re during combat. In the USN, each Handcuff knot: See hobbling knot.
hammock was rolled around its mattresses and blan- Handle: A part that is designed to be grasped by the
kets for even better protection. human hand (e.g., the grips around the outer ring of
Hand: [1] A member of the crew (probably derived a ships steering wheel).
147 Harbor

Handmaiden: Term used in the navy of Eliza- Dancing the Hempen Jig. The felons hands were
beth I for a logistic support vessel or tender, usually a bound or fettered in front, rather than behind the
pinnace. body as was more usual, and he was stood on a stool
Handrail: A narrow barrier consisting of vertical or barrel rather than the trapdoor used for the more
supports and a horizontal bar to be grasped with the humane long-drop. When the support was kicked out
hand for support. from under, he only fell a foot or two to be suspended
Handraulic: Slang for a ship without any mechan- by the neck, kicking and struggling. Starved of oxy-
ical aids. Also Armstrong. gen, his skin would soon begin to turn purple. Then
Handrope: [1] A line on a raft or lifeboat used for his tongue would begin to protrude. A few minutes
steadying. [2] A rope forming the side-rail of a brow. later, the eyes would bulge horribly, or even pop out
Handsomely!: A command to hoist or move some- of their sockets. Most were pronounced dead within
thing slowly and carefully. ten minutes, but some lasted upward of an hour, in
Handspike: An iron-tipped wooden rod used as a constant agony and humiliatingly soiled by relaxed
lever by seamen and gunners. Also trailspike. bladder and bowels. After execution, the pirates
Handy: Easily maneuverable. corpse was often suspended near a shipping lane,
Handy Billy: [1] Any of various small tackles used wrapped in chains or enclosed in an iron cage, and
on shipboard, usually combining a single and a dou- left to rot as a warning to others. Otherwise, he would
ble block. [2] A small portable water pump, manual be buried between the tides (somewhere between
or powered, used for reghting and damage control. high and low water marks), face down so that his soul
[3] New England name for a traditional powerboat could nd no rest.
built of wood or berglass. Hanging compass: One attached to or suspended
Handysize: Refers to a bulker of between 22,000 from the deckhead/overhead and designed to be read
and 38,000 deadweight tonnage. from below.
Hang: [1] To execute by tying a rope about the Hanging Judas: Obsolete RN term for any rope
neck and dropping the body so as to snap the neck or that has not been made fast or belayed properly. The
cause strangulation (see hanging). [2] To attach to inference being it is as treacherous and unreliable as
something above with no support from below (sus- Judas Iscariot.
pend). [3] To attach with free motion at the point of Hanging pendant: The line that holds an anchor
attachment (hang a door on its hinges). [4] To remain to the belly-rope while it is being carried out sus-
poised or stationary (clouds hang low above). Mid- pended from a small boat.
dle English hangen, from Old English hangian. Hanging stage: A platform hung over the vessels
Hangar: A large compartment below the ight side for workers to stand on.
deck of an aircraft carrier, where aircraft are parked and Hank: [1] A coil of line or cordage. [2] To form
serviced. such a coil. [3] A tting on the luff of a sail by which
Hanger: An 18th century short and light, naval it is attached to the stay.
sword, with a curved blade. Used mainly by warrant Hanseatic Ordinances: Trade in the middle ages
ofcers. was a dangerous and risky business, so merchants pro-
Hangre: The delayed detonation of an explosive tected themselves, rst by traveling in groups and later
charge, usually due to an overheated gun barrel or de- forming alliances. The German word for guild or as-
fective fuse. sociation is hanse, and the Hansa (Hanseatic League
Hanging (naval): Unlike land-based execution in English) was an alliance of merchant guilds from
where gradual strangulation was humanely avoided prosperous trading ports throughout northern Europe
by dropping the victim through a trapdoor; naval con- and the Baltic region, forming an early European free
victs were traditionally hauled aloft slowly. Eventu- trade zone, with over sixty member cities. Each city
ally, crews became so sickened by the sight of a ship- had its own merchant guild, but they formed a loose
mate kicking and struggling as he fought for breath diet (parliament) to govern inter-city trade and de-
that it became standard practice to tie a second knot velop common policies which, in most respects, were
six feet above the hangmans noose, leaving a fathom secret, protectionist, and monopolistic. The Hansa
of rope in a loose bight. The execution party would was wealthy and powerful between the 12th and 15th
place the noose around the condemned mans neck centuries, but had passed its zenith by 1597 when its
and take the slack out of the bitter end, which passed long-established, but previously private, ordinances
though a block at the yardarm. As soon as the com- were rst published (at Lubeck). These laws were re-
mand was given, they would run as fast as possible vised and enlarged in 1614, but gradually fell into dis-
along the deck until the second knot hit the block and use.
opened, releasing the bight and allowing the victim Harassing re: Intermittent shore bombardment,
to fall six feet and snap his neck. intended to inhibit hostile troop movement or re-
Hanging (pirates): The usual penalty for piracy grouping, also to deny the enemy rest or sleep.
was shore-based hanging by slow-drop, an exception- Harbor/Harbour: A body of water along the shore,
ally nasty form of execution known colloquially as deep enough for anchoring a ship and protected from
Harbor 148

winds, waves, and currents by natural or articial fea- attached, red from a gun or hand-thrown to impale
tures, thus forming a safe haven for seagoing vessels. large marine mammals. [2] A surface-to-surface, all-
A harbor equipped with cargo and passenger handling weather, anti-ship missile, equipped with a conven-
equipment, and providing ship-berthing facilities is tional warhead, active radar guidance, and low-level
called a port. cruise capability.
Harbor duty: Work ashore assigned to superan- Hash: [1] Nautical slang for food. [2] Originally a
nuated seamen or those unt for sea service. specic cooking term covering leftovers from the joint,
Harbor log: That part of a ships logbook covering chopped, mixed with cooked vegetables and re-heated,
only events and transactions that occur while the ves- usually baked or browned. [3] Slang term for can-
sel is in port. nabis.
Harbor watch: A detail tasked to look after a ves- Hash mark: USN slang for a service stripe.
sel while it is moored or docked. See anchor watch, Hasty pudding: Seafarers batter made by stirring
baboon watch. our and/or oatmeal in boiling water and sweetened
Hard: [1] A rm or paved beach or slope conven- with treacle or sugar.
ient for hauling boats or small vessels out of the water. Hat : Never used in naval parlance, the correct
[2] The pad on which wooden warships used to be terms being cover or headgear.
constructed. [3] A beach prepared for amphibious Hatch: [1] A watertight trapdoor-like cover for a
maneuvers. [4] Helm order denoting that the tiller hatchway. [2] A frequently used, but slightly incor-
should be moved with the utmost energy, hard over in rect, abbreviation of hatchway. [From Old English
the direction indicated (i.e., Hard aport! Hard astar- haecc = opening.]
board! Hard alee! Hard aweather!). Hatch beam: Steel support for the edges of a cargo
Hard aground: Stuck on the bottom and unable to hold.
move without assistance. Hatch boom: A shipboard derrick used to raise or
Hard alee: Command to move the tiller of a sail- lower cargo to or from deck level, at which point the
ing vessel rapidly to leeward, thus turning the boat to load is transferred to a yard boom.
windward. Hatch coaming: A raised framework to prevent
Hard and fast: Describes a vessel which is grounded water pouring into an open hatchway from the deck.
and immovable on rocks, a shoal, or a rm beach. Hatch davit : A small portable hoist used when
Also hard aground. working with light cargo inside a hold.
Hard aport (or astarboard): [1] Position of the Hatch-deck: The lower deck of a gun brig.
helm when the rudder is turned as far as possible to the Hatch list: An inventory of items stowed in each
left (or right). [2] Command to place the helm in that section of the hold, giving their descriptions, volumes,
position. weights, and consignees.
Hard bargain: An intractable seaman, a skulker. Hatch-ring: A metal ring used to lift and move a
Short for Kings hard bargain. hatch.
Hard bread: [1] Refers to a Jamaican staple made Hatchway: [1] A square or rectangular opening in
with heavily sweetened our. [2] The term was in oc- the deck, affording passage up and down from one
casional naval use as an antonym to soft bread, but deck to the next usually via a ladder. [2] A larger
the preferred term was hard tack. opening in the deck through which cargo can be low-
Hard chine: An abrupt intersection of hull and ered or hoisted. This is the proper name, although
bottom (see chine). the abbreviation hatch is frequently used.
Hard horse: Slang for a tyrannical or unreasonable Hatchway netting: Nets placed over open hatch-
merchant ofcer. ways, to allow air circulation while stopping anyone
Hard over: Said of the helm or tiller when it is from falling down.
turned as far as possible in either direction. Hatchway screens: Curtains of heavy cloth, often
Hard tack: Slang for ships biscuit or hard bread. dampened, placed around man-o-war hatchways in
HARM: High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile. action to screen passages to the magazines.
Harness cask: A tapered wooden cask with two Haul: [1] To pull something. [2] To alter course
compartments, each lled with fresh water, formerly into the wind. [3] Said of wind changing clockwise.
used to extract the brine from corned meat. After a Haul bowling: The ancient name for an able sea-
few days soaking in the rst compartment, the meat man.
was moved to the second to complete the process with Haul off: To increase the distance from another
fresher water. The proper name is steep tub, but sea- ship or the land, especially to windward.
men decided the meat was so tough and leathery that Haulser: An obsolete form of hawser.
it must have came from old cab horses who had been Haulyard lines: The ancient name for halyards
wearing harness when they were pickled. (halliards).
Harpings: Strengthening structural elements at the Haven: [1] In general: A refuge from the violence
bow of a ship (see also cat-harpings). of wind and sea. From the Anglo-Saxon hfen. [2]
Harpoon: [1] A barbed spearlike missile with a rope In surface warfare: A safe area located in the forward
149 Headgear

operating area where ships can be staged for provi- teasing to become savage, sadistic, and degrading (see
sioning or repair, or to await tasking. [3] In subma- line-crossing). To a large extent (but by no means uni-
rine warfare: A depth band in which a submarine will versally) orientation is now much gentler, often being
be safe from torpedo attack due to stratum inhibits. no more than a practical joke. The innocent trainee
(See also moving submarine haven.) may be told to Ask the carpenter for a punch, which
Hawse: [1] That part of a ships bows at and ahead will usually get him a st in the solar plexus, or he
of the anchors. [2] The water between the hull and may be told to do something with a non-existent item.
the anchor chain when the anchor is down. [3] To For example:
caulk planking. [4] To ride uneasily while at anchor Fetch a hammock ladder from your quarters.
(also horse). Ask the engine room for a bucket of steam.
Hawse bag : A canvas bag stuffed with oakum, Bring the key of the keelson to the bridge.
pushed into a hawse-hole during heavy weather to Get some grease for the relative bearing.
prevent water coming in. Clean the deck with non-skid wax.
Hawse block : A wooden plug, used to seal the Another trick is to post the recruit on the bow with
hawse-hole in rough weather. instructions to keep a sharp lookout and report as
Hawse buckler: A steel plate, used to seal a hawse- soon as the mail buoy is sighted, so that post bags
pipe in rough weather. for the ship can be collected from it.
Hawse fallen: Said of a ship in rough seas, when she HD: Heavy Duty.
is pitching bows-under so that water spouts through HE: High Explosive.
the hawse holes or pipes. Head: [1] The upper edge of a sail or mast. [2] The
Hawsehole: An opening or pipe in a ships side stem of a ship. [3] USN slang for a ships toilet (see also
through which the anchor chain or cable passes. When heads). [4] When hyphenated or conjoined, the top of
the anchor is hove up and secured, its shank lies in something (e.g., head-gasket, beakhead, masthead,
the hawse-pipe or hole. etc.). [5] To move towards something.
Hawsepiece: A large timber attached to the bow Head down/off: To steer away from the wind.
through which the hawseholes were cut. Head money: [1] A supplement to prize money
Hawsepipe: A cast iron tube which ts into the paid for the capture of enemy warships, based on the
hawsehole to protect it from wear and tear caused by head-count of their crews. [2] A bounty paid to anti-
the anchor chain or cable. slave-trade naval patrols, based on the number of
Hawser: Heavy rope (nowadays usually steel) for slaves released.
warping, mooring, or towing. Made of three hawser- Head on: Said of vessels on reciprocal courses in
laid ropes, laid up in the opposite direction to their danger of collision.
own lay so that they form a cable-laid, or water- Head rail: A curved rail extending from the gure-
laid rope. Since virtually all hawser-laid ropes are head to the bow of a sailing ship.
made-up right-handed (with the sun), most cable- Head reach: [1] To make headway to windward
laid hawsers will be left-handed (against the sun) with difculty (e.g., working off a lee shore during a
but not by denition. Originally called haulser. storm). [2] To gain on, overtake, or escape from an-
Hawser-laid: Rope made of three strands which other vessel.
are almost always made up right-handed, although Head sail: Refers to any canvas set on the foremast,
left-handed is sometimes encountered. bowsprit,
Hazard: A danger to navigation, such as a sub- Head sea: One which is running contrary to the
merged rock or wreck. ships heading.
Hazardous: Said of cargo, goods, material, or waste Head spar: Any spar forward of the foremast, es-
products which pose a risk to human health or the pecially the bowsprit.
environment. Head up: To change direction, moving into the
Haze: [1] A mist of suspended water droplets, often wind (not to be confused with heads up!).
contaminated with dust particles. From Middle En- Header: [1] A wind unfavorable to sailing in the
glish Hasu = murky. [2] Originally, to award extra desired direction. [2] A framing member inserted to
duty as a punishment. [3] Nowadays, to inict un- distribute load to other construction members after a
necessary humiliation or hardship on trainees or main member has been cut. [3] A chamber into which
novices as part of their indoctrination (see hazing). the ends of several pipes are connected so that water
Haze Grey and Underway: USN sailor slang refer- or steam may pass from one to the other.
ring to arduous sea duty as opposed to ceremonial du- Headgear: Although dofng head covering has
ties in port, or the soft life supposedly enjoyed by long since been abolished as a form of salute, there
aviators and submariners because they work away are occasions when it is still considered appropriate.
from wind and wave. One obvious example is during religious services. In
Hazing : The word comes from the Old French addition, it is unwritten law that junior and warrant
haser, meaning to tease, irritate, or annoy; but the ofcers remove their caps when in the wardroom,
initiation of rookie seamen frequently went beyond while all ofcers uncover when passing through cap-
Heading 150

tains country or ag territory (although they do not Heave in: [1] To furl a sail. [2] To apply tension to
do so when in full dress and wearing a sword). It is a cable.
also considered courteous for ofcers to pass bare- Heave out: [1] To shake out or loosen a sail. [2] To
headed through crew quarters at mealtimes, and to slacken a cable.
remove caps if visiting the sick bay. Unlike the United Heave out and trice up!: USN command to get
States army and air force, British armed forces and up and lash hammocks. Although hammocks are no
United States naval and marine personnel never salute longer used, the phrase is still called out at reveille
when the head is uncovered. aboard USN vessels. The RN equivalent is lash up
Heading: The direction a ship is pointing, usually and stow!
expressed as a compass point or in degrees clockwise Heave short: To haul in the anchor cable until it
from north. is almost up-and-down but maintains its grip on the
Headland: A promontory with high cliffs. sea bed. This holds the vessel in place, but allows rapid
Headroom: The distance between deck and over- response when the command to up-anchor arrives.
head/deckhead. Heave the lead: To take depth soundings by means
Heads: Slang for the ships toilet. Early warships of a leadline.
were equipped with a beak or ram with which to im- Heave the log: To throw a log-chip over the side
pale hostile galleys. Later, around the tenth century, to determine speed through the water.
platforms for archers were built above and on either Heave to: [1] To bring a vessel to a halt. [2] To hold
side of the beakhead, forward of the bow. Known sim- a vessel as nearly motionless as possible. [3] To turn
ply as heads, these platforms were low enough to ship into the wind so that a sailing ship makes no headway.
water from waves striking the bow, so were given retic- Heaves: The rise and fall of waves or swell.
ulated decks to allow drainage. It was not long be- Heaving line: A light line with a weighted end
fore crews realized they could defecate through the which can be thrown to another vessel or to the shore
grids, which would be washed clean by the next and used to pull a heavier rope or hawser. Also used
wave. Long after ghting heads were replaced by cas- by personnel working aloft to haul up tools or com-
tles and they in turn fell out of favor, a ships toilet con- ponents. See also bolo.
tinues to be called the head (USN) or the heads Heavy cruiser: Twentieth century term for a cruiser
(RN). armed with eight-inch guns.
Heads up!: [1] A shouted warning of an overhead Heavy loads and vehicles: There are seven prin-
danger such as swinging cargo. [2] A demand to clear cipal methods of loading and discharging heavy cargo
a passage. [3] An alert to take advantage of an oppor- and/or vehicles. They are usually known by their ab-
tunity. breviations (written with or without hyphens):
Headsail: A jib or staysail set on the stays between Lift-on/lift-off (Lo-Lo): Theses operations follow
foremast and bowsprit. the conventional practice of using the ships booms
Headstay: Standing rigging running from the bow or dockside cranes, to hoist cargo on board and dis-
to support the foremost mast. Also forestay. charge it at the destination.
Headway: Forward motion in the desired direction. Roll-on/roll-off (Ro-Ro): These are ships designed
A vessel moving forward relative to the water, but specically to carry wheeled or tracked cargo such
pushed backward by a faster countercurrent would as automobiles, truck trailers, railroad cars, or ght-
have negative headway. In sailing ship days headway ing vehicles. They have doors at bow and stern with
was tested by throwing a oating object over the bow built-in ramps that allow vehicles to drive on board
and watching to see if it passed astern into the wake. at one end and drive away at the other.
Headwind: A wind blowing from directly in front Lift-on/roll-off (Lo-Ro): Involves ships designed
of the vessel, pushing square sails back against the for combination operation. They usually have con-
masts. ventional bows and ramped doors at the stern.
Heart of Oak: Ofcial march music of the RN. Float-on/Float-off (Flo-Flo): These operations in-
Heave: [1] To pull something. [2] To throw some- volve specialized vessels that operate like oating
thing. [3] To come into view. [4] The scend of the dry docks by submerging their open decks until a
waves. [5] One of six possible responses of a vessel to laden barge, another vessel, or an oil rig can be ma-
movement of the sea (see linear displacement, ship neuvered on board, then pumping out ballast tanks
motion). to rise before proceeding to destination where the
Heave away!: Command to start pulling or heav- procedure is reversed.
ing and continue until ordered to stop (see vast heav- Lighter aboard ship (Lash): Refers to a system of
ing). carrying pre-laden barges or lighters on board spe-
Heave down: To careen a vessel, pulling it onto its cially adapted merchantmen. These are single-
side by hauling on purchases attached to the masts. decked vessels with large hatches and clear access to
Heave ho!: [1] The cry formerly made by sailors the stern. They are equipped with heavy-lift gantry
while manually raising an anchor. [2] Colloquially, to cranes, used to stow barges or lighters athwartships
give someone the old heave ho is to dismiss them. throughout the vessel. At destination, the crane
151 Hemp

moves the craft from their stowed locations and Helipad: A deck area designated and used for take-
lowers them into the water at the stern. Some Lash off and landing of helicopters.
ships are equipped with additional gantry cranes Helm: [1] A lever (tiller) or wheel controlling the
for handling an onboard complement of containers. rudder of a ship for steering. [2] The entire assembly
Submersible Lash: These ships have ballast tanks comprising a ships steering mechanism. [3] The per-
that allow them to partially-submerge, oat lighters son at the wheel, the helmsman. [4] The duty of steer-
into the cargo hold through an opening stern door, ing (have the helm). [5] The position of the wheel
secure them in place, and raise the ship to its fully- or tiller with respect to amidships (e.g., helm alee).
oating position by evacuating the ballast tanks. [6] By extension, any controlling position (the presi-
They are unloaded in the reverse manner. Ships of dent-elect takes the helm of state). From Old High
this type (essentially Lash-Flo although the term German helmo = tiller, via Middle English helme.
is not in use) are commonly used in inland water- Helm orders: On a tiller-controlled boat, putting
ways, seldom for ocean-going. the helm to port turns the rudder to starboard which
Heavy-lift (HL): These ships are specially designed also swings the bow to starboard. On a vessel with a
to carry heavy or oversized objects as cargo on a wheel-driven steering mechanism, the reverse is true,
main deck at least 100 meters (330 ft) long. They but for many decades tiller commands were used for
are tted with multiple booms or cranes, each ca- both types of rudder-control. Hence, confusingly, the
pable of a single lift of at least 100 tons, such as a command port your helm then meant turning the
railway locomotive or main battle tank. wheel to starboard, which resulted in turning the rud-
Heavy metal: [1] A colloquialism for large-caliber der to starboard and swinging the bow to starboard.
ordnance. [2] A genre of rock music that developed in At an International Conference in London in 1928, it
the late 1960s. was determined that helm orders were to indicate the
Heavy seas: Large waves or breakers. direction in which the ships head was to be turned, re-
Heavy weather: Stormy conditions, involving in gardless of the steering mechanism. British practice
high winds, extreme sea states, and heavy rain, snow, tends to retain the traditional port and starboard,
or hail. Weather of this type results in extremely un- while Americans tend to use the revised left and
comfortable conditions on board ship. Excessive rolls, right.
yaws, and pitches make working and living dangerous. Whenever a helm order is given, the Helm repeats
Dinner plates may slide over the ddles. Objects can the order back to the Conn verbatim. This assures the
slide or fall on personnel, causing injury. Personnel conning ofcer that the order was heard and under-
can fall into machinery or equipment. Those working stood correctly (e.g., Conn orders: Right standard
outside can be washed overboard or banged against rudder, steady course 260. To which Helm replies:
xed objects. Right standard rudder, steady course 260, aye).
Heavy-lift: See heavy loads and vehicles. Helmed: An obsolete term for [1] Steered. [2] wear-
Hedgehog : An ASW weapon thrown by bow- ing a helmet or protective hat.
mounted mortar-like projectors to land ahead of the Helmsman: The person responsible for steering a
vessel in an elliptical pattern. ship. In the USN the principal helmsman is normally
Heel: [1] To lean temporarily to one side (cf. list). paired with a lee helmsman. The politically-correct
[2] The foot of a mast or rudder. [3] The inboard end say helmsperson.
of a bowsprit. [4] The after end of the keel. [5] A Helmsmanship: The art and skill of steering a ship.
small quantity of liquid left in a tank or other con- Hemiola: [1] A speedy, oar-propelled double-
tainer. banked pirate ship of the Hellenistic era. For com-
Heel-and-toe : Slang for working watch-and- bat, the mast with its single sail and part of the upper
watch. bank of oars was removed and stored on deck, clear-
Heeling error: Compass deviation caused by the ing space for a boarding party to assemble. Mediter-
ships list. ranean pirates found this one-and-a-half decker the
Heeling tanks: Ballast tanks, placed amidships on perfect commerce raider because it could maintain
either side of an icebreaker and used to produce a ghting trim while under sail. [2] A musical rhythm
rolling action that breaks the ship clear of enclosing ice. developed independently in both Europe and Africa
HEIC: The Honourable East India Company. (from the Greek hemiolios, meaning one and a
Height of eye: The distance above the water sur- half ).
face of an observers line of sight. (A standard height Hemp: An herbaceous Asian plant, whose bers
of eye of 15 feet is used to determine the range at are used to make rope and stout fabrics. It is also the
which a light can be seen.) source of narcotics such as marijuana and hashish.
Height of tide : The distance between a given Hemp rope: Is made from the stems of the hemp
datum (usually mean low water) and high water. Not plant, which is the strongest vegetable ber used in
to be confused with depth of water. rope manufacture, and is much softer and more ex-
Helicopter: A highly maneuverable aircraft which ible. than most other rope bers. It is used mainly for
ies by means of horizontally rotating blades. light lines and small stuff.
Hen 152

Hen frigate: Merchant sailors slang for any ship in H-hour: Time of seaborne assault landing. See H-.
which the master was dominated by his embarked Hidden harbor: One where the outer points over-
wife. lap so that the shore line appears continuous from sea-
Hermaphrodite brig: U.S. term for a brigantine. ward.
Hermione mutiny: In 1797 Captain Hugh Pigot, High-and-dry: Above the high-water mark.
a ruthless disciplinarian, was posted to command 32- High latitudes: Regions far removed from the
gun frigate HMS Hermione. On September 21, cruis- equator and nearing the poles.
ing off Puerto Rico, he ordered the topsails reefed, High seas: In the rst two of the following deni-
saying the last man off the mainyard should be tions, the word high means chief or principal,
ogged. In their panic to get down, three young sailors but in the third and fourth it means tall or tower-
fell to their deaths and Pigot ordered, Throw the lub- ing. [1] The navigable ocean highways, across which
bers overboard (citations are from Naval History of the ships of all nations have the right of innocent pas-
Great Britain, William James, 1837). All the other top- sage (territorial waters and exclusive economic zones
men were then severely reprimanded and threatened excluded). [2] In maritime law, areas under the juris-
with punishment. When some sailors complained, diction of admiralty courts. [3] Force 6 on the Doug-
Pigot had them ogged. las Scale, meaning waves of 1524 feet (4.67.3 me-
Discontent ... kept increasing until the next evening, ters) in height. [4] Any large waves.
when it fatally burst forth. The men in addition to High water: The maximum height reached by a
the loud murmurs they uttered, now began throwing tide. See also height of tide.
double-headed shot about the deck; and on the rst High water mark: The line along the shore reached
lieutenants advancing to inquire into the cause of by the mean high water.
the disturbance, they wounded him in the arm with Highline: USN term for a line used to support a
a tomahawk. He retired, for a while, and then re- cargo bag or breeches buoy for the transfer of goods
turned ... the wretches knocked him down with a or personnel between two ships under way and run-
tomahawk, cut his throat, and threw him overboard. ning parallel to each other. The RN term is Jackstay,
The captain, hearing a noise, ran on deck, but was qualied by light if made of ber or heavy when
driven back with repeated wounds: seated in his made of wire.
cabin he was stabbed by his cockswain and three Highliner: A shing boat or skipper that consis-
other mutineers, and forced out of the cabin win- tently brings in the nest catch of the eet.
dows. Hike: [1] To hang out over the windward side of a
The mutineers then murdered the other three lieu- sailboat to counter-balance the force of wind in the
tenants; the purser, surgeon, and captains clerk; one sails. [2] Informal USN/USMC term for a route
of the midshipmen, the boatswain, and the lieutenant march.
of marines, cutting and mangling their victims in the Hindcastle: Ancient term for the poop or quarter-
most cruel and barbarous manner. It was one of the deck. More usually aftercastle.
bloodiest and most violent mutinies in Royal Navy Hinterland: [1] The area or region supplying trade
history. goods to and receiving cargo from a port. [2] The land
The mutineers sailed for La Guaira, Venezuela, lying behind a coastal district (termed near up to 5
where on September 27 they handed the ship over to miles/8 kms inland, and far up to 100 miles/160
the Spanish, claiming they had set the ofcers adrift in kms. Thereafter it is no longer hinterland but inte-
the jollyboat, but the truth soon emerged. Rear-admi- rior).
ral Henry Harvey, commander-in-chief, Leeward Is- Hit the deck!: [1] Warning to fall to the prone po-
lands, fully explained the ghastly circumstances in sition when under re. [2] Command to assume the
which the ship had been taken, but the Spanish ig- push-up position during physical training. [3] USN
nored him and tted Hermione for sea as a Spanish command to rise from bed (see also heave out and
national frigate named Santa Cecilia. Two years later rise and shine).
she was recaptured by a cutting-out expedition and Hit the rack/sack: USN slang for go to bed.
remained in British service until 1805. Eventually, 33 Hit the silk: Aviators slang for making a parachute
of the mutineers were captured and 24 of them were jump.
hanged. See also Great Mutiny. Hitch: [1] Any knot which fastens a line to some-
Hertz horn: The upper half of a naval contact mine thing, holding it rmly yet easily released. [2] USN
is studded with hollow lead protuberances called slang for a period of enlistment.
Hertz horns. When a ships hull hits one of these HMAS: Her/His Majestys Australian Ship.
horns, its lead casing is crushed, cracking a glass vial HMCS: Her/His Majestys Canadian Ship.
lled with sulfuric acid. The acid runs down a tube HMIS: Formerly, Her/His Majestys Indian Ship,
into an empty lead-acid battery, forming the elec- now INS.
trolyte and energizing the battery, which detonates HMNZS: Her/His Majestys New Zealand Ship.
the explosive. HMS: Her/His (Britannic) Majestys Ship.
HF : High Frequency. Hobbling knot: A knot tied in the bight having
153 Homeland

two adjustable loops in opposing directions. Able to Holdfast: A brace, catch, clamp, dog, hook, or
be tightened around a pair of human or animal limbs, other device used to secure cargo or equipment. Cf.
and originally used on the legs of horses to limit the hold fast.
distance they could wander overnight. Also known as Holding: Said of an anchor which has embedded
the handcuff knot, but not always effective for that itself in the sea bottom and is not dragging.
use, since it does not have inherent locking action and Holes in sails: In antiquity holes were deliberately
is fairly easy for a human to wriggle out of. cut in the canvas so that evil spiritsbelieved to dwell
Hobby-horse: To rock up-and-down when head- in the depths and y on the windcould pass through
ing into waves, usually due to excess weight at bow without being trapped on board where they might
and stern. harm the vessel or its crew.
Hobnob: [1] In the 18th century, when sea captains Holiday: Naval slang for an area missed while per-
met, they would drink (hob) and toast (nob) one forming chores such as painting, scrubbing, dusting,
another. [2] Today, to associate familiarly (hobnob and the like.
with ones cronies). Holiday routine: USN term for a rest period when
Hody: The traditional dugout outrigger catama- only essential work or drill is carried out.
ran of the Nicobar Islands. Currently used mainly by Hollow shot: A cannon ball with an empty center,
shermen but, long before Europeans arrived in that introduced for naval use in the early 19th century be-
part of the world, the Nicobars and natives of adjoin- cause with only two-thirds the weight of solid
ing archipelagic peoples used this unique sickle- shot they required less powder, to inict the same
shaped craft to explore the Indian Ocean. (The logo or greater damage. They did not last long, because it
of the Indian Navys MILAN initiative depicts a soon became apparent that the hollow could be lled
hody.) with explosive, thereby becoming a shell with greatly
Hog: [1] To support a vessel amidships so that both increased destructive power.
ends droop (e.g., hull balanced on a midships crest Holmes light: In 1876, with J.H. Player as co-ap-
with bow and stern hanging over troughs). The oppo- plicant, Nathaniel John Holmes patented Self-ignit-
site of sag. [2] To scrape a ships bottom. [3] A hog- ing and inextinguishable signal lights for marine and
ging brush. other purposes. This widely-used distress signaling
Hogging brush: A heavy-duty broom for clean- device consists of a canister, containing calcium car-
ing the underside of a submerged hull. Made of birch bide and calcium phosphide, attached to a lifebuoy
twigs tightly enclosed between long planks and cut off or oat. On contact with water, the phosphide ignites
so as to form a wide brush, it was pushed under the acetylene emitted by the carbonide, producing con-
ship by a long pole on one side and pulled upward and spicuous re and smoke.
across by ropes on the other, thus scouring the bottom. Holy Ghost: See up spirits!
Hogging line: A line attached to the corner of a Holy Joe: USN slang for a naval Chaplain (see sky
collision mat or hogging mat. pilot).
Hogging mat: An abrasive mat that is pulled under Holystone : [1] Wooden decks were cleaned by
a ships keel to remove weeds and barnacles. scrubbing with sandstone blocks which were popularly
Hogging strap: A line used to keep a towing line believed to have been named Holy because they
close to the fantail of the towing vessel. brought seamen to their knees. In fact they were called
Hoist: [1] A display of signal ags. [2] The vertical holey because they are full of cavities. Seamen called
edge of a ag alongside the mast. [3] The half of a ag the bigger blocks Bibles and the little ones, used to
nearest to the mast. [4] To lift something. [5] A lift- scrub narrow spaces, Prayer-books. [2] To scour the
ing apparatus. deck with such a stone.
Hoist the pendant: To commission a warship. Home: [1] To steer towards a beacon. [2] To close
Hold: A storage space or compartment in the hull in on a target. [3] Something which has been brought
of a ship. to its proper position (e.g., the anchor is home).
Hold captain: The person responsible for tactical Home port: [1] The port at which a seaman signed
loading and unloading of a ships cargo hold during an on. [2] The port from which a merchantman normally
amphibious operation. operates (which may or may not be its port of regis-
Hold crew: Longshoremen working in the ships tration). [3] The naval establishment or air station at
hold rather than ashore. which a ship or aircraft is normally based. USN usu-
Hold fast: [1] To attach rmly. [2] to stop an op- ally writes as one word homeport.
eration, to belay it. [3] To refuse to surrender a mili- Homeland Security: The United States Depart-
tary position. [4] To refuse to abandon an idea or con- ment of Homeland Security was created in 2003, to
cept. No to be confused with holdfast. consolidate the then current confusing patchwork of
Hold water: To slow down a rowing boat by hold- government activities into a single department whose
ing the at of the blade against the water. primary mission is to protect our homeland. A large
Holdback: A tting that restrains an aircraft until number of independent agencies were absorbed and
it is time for catapult launching. merged into four major directorates Border and
Homeward-bound 154

Transportation Security, Emergency Preparedness and to the lower deck as belly roughn) faced a difcult
Response, Science and Technology, and Information problem of protocol. Napoleon Bonaparte, who had
Analysis and Infrastructure Protection with the Se- abdicated following military defeat at Waterloo, was
cret Service and the Coast Guard left intact and report- coming aboard. Should the former Emperor of France
ing directly to the Secretary of Homeland Security. he be given full honors as a head of state (manning
Homeward-bound pennant: A United States war- the yards, ring a royal gun salute, etc.), or should he
ship which has been in service outside home waters for be considered a prisoner of war entitled to no hon-
nine months or longer is authorized to wear a special ors? Taking advantage of the Royal Navy custom of
streamer on its homeward voyage. Its length is tradi- normally rendering honors only between 8 A.M. and
tionally one foot for every member of the ships com- sunset, he came up with an astute compromise. It was
pany who has been on board for at least nine months, daylight, but only 6 A.M., so Napoleon was piped
provided the length of the pennant does not exceed aboard and greeted by an honor guard of Royal
that of the ship. The pennant is hoisted as soon as the Marines, who snapped to attention, but did not pres-
vessel gets under way bound for a U.S. port and it re- ent arms.
mains aloft until sunset on the day of arrival. After Hood: This 42,100 ton battlecruiser was the pride
being struck, the starred blue portion is presented to of the Royal Navy and became to the British public the
the commanding ofcer. The remainder is cut into ultimate symbol of imperial naval power. When she
foot-long pieces, with each eligible member of the was destroyed by plunging re through her lightly-
ships company getting a piece. (The RN equivalent armored deck during the Battle of Denmark Strait in
is paying-off pendant.) May 1941, with the loss of all but three of her 1,420
Homing anti-sonar torpedo: This is a torpedo crew, the psychological impact was immense. Naval
equipped with a passive sonar detection device that storyteller Douglas Reeman writes: Hood had been
treats the ping emitted by a hostile vessel or hom- different. She had been more than just a ship. Huge,
ing torpedo as its target. The hostile sonars signature beautiful and arrogant ... to the public at large she
is stored in memory, and the torpedo will not be di- was the Royal Navy.
verted by any other sonar source, but continues to Hook: [1] A curved point of land, often terminat-
home in on the original target. ing in a spit. [2] A curved or bent piece of metal or
Homing guidance: [1] In navigation: A process by other material used to hold, suspend, or pull some-
which a destination is approached by keeping some thing. [3] Slang for an anchor.
parameter constant (such as the relative bearing of a Hooker: [1] Contemptuous term for an old-fash-
signal emitted from or near the destination point). [2] ioned or clumsy ship. [2] Slang for a prostitute.
In military use: A system by which a missile steers it- Hooky: RN slang for a leading seaman, whose
self towards the target by means of an electronic de- badge is an anchor (cf. Killick).
vice activated by some distinguishing characteristic. It Hooligan Navy: World War II USN pejorative for
is termed Active if the source for illuminating the tar- the Coast Guard.
get and the receiver for detecting reected energy are Hopper: General term for a chute with additional
both carried within the missile; Semi-active if it car- width and depth to provide volume for the tempo-
ries only a receiver and the target is illuminated by an rary storage of dry goods in bulk. The bottom typi-
outside source; and Passive if it relies on detecting ra- cally has a mechanism to control the ow, thus allow-
diation from the target (such as the transmissions of ing cargo to be metered into a bulker at the desired
a radio, radar, or navigational aid; or the infrared rate.
emitted by a hot engine or exhaust system). The hom- Hopper barge: A dumb barge designed to carry
ing run goes through three phases enabling which materials, like rocks, sand, soil and garbage, for dump-
takes the missile to the general vicinity of the target, ing into the ocean, a river, or a lake, usually for land
searching in which it maneuvers to locate the target, reclamation. It has several transverse hopper-shaped
and homing during which it actively pursues the tar- compartments between its forward and after bulk-
get. heads, each equipped with a large door that opens
Homing torpedo: A torpedo equipped with active downwards to dump its load. See also splitbarge.
or passive sonar or other device that detects and tracks Hopper tank: A side compartment at the bottom
a target by the sounds coming from its propulsion ma- of a cargo ships hull. Used to contain water ballast
chinery, its magnetic signature, or the turbulence of its which can be pumped in or dumped to compensate for
wake. the changing weight of cargo. See also topside tank.
Honors: Collective term covering traditional com- Horizon: The line or circle which forms the ap-
pliments to greet a distinguished guest, salute a pass- parent boundary between sky and earth or sea from
ing vessel, respect the colors, or recognize a special any specic point of observation.
occasion. See salutes and courtesies, passing honors, Horizontal stowage: Placing similar items in lay-
side honors, battle honors. ers throughout all a merchantmans holds, to enable si-
At 4:30 A.M. on 15th July 1815, Captain Frederick multaneous unloading from two or more of them.
Maitland of HMS Bellerophon (affectionately known Hornpipe: [1] A single-reed wooden pipe of Celtic
155 Hospital

origin: with spaced holes and a mouthpiece made of Im Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines
oxhorn. In the 14th century, Chaucer wrote about I feed my horse on corn and beans
hornepypes of cornewayle, but the instrument is And often live beyond the means
much older than that, its origins being lost in pre- Of a Captain in the Army.
history. [2] A lively jig-like dance. The small space Horse-up: To harden the oakum in a vessels seams.
required and the fact that no partner was necessary Horseshoe maneuver: A U-shaped tactic for the
made it particularly suitable for shipboard use. In his inspection of a vessel suspected of carrying contra-
diary, Samuel Pepys called it The Jig of the Ship and band or terrorists. The inspecting craft, usually a high-
Captain Cook ordered his crews to dance the hornpipe speed rigid-hull inatable boat or Zodiac, approaches
daily to keep them in good health during long voyages the vessel from ahead, passes down and inspects the
in the cramped space of sailing ships. rst side, comes around the stern, and runs up the
Despite claims to the contrary, the jig originally had other side to make sure there is nothing there.
no nautical connection, having been danced from an- Horsing iron: A tool used when caulking deck
cient times as a solo in three-time to the music of the seams. Also caulking iron.
Celtic hornpipe. Later it evolved into a group per- Horus: For millennia, the eyes of Horus have had
formance featured in pageants by many different immense signicance for Mediterranean mariners (see
trades, each of which added movements symbolizing oculi). This falcon-headed god of ancient Egypt had
their work. Early in the 18th century, it became pop- many manifestations, all of which involved light, the
ular with seamen, who changed the measure to two- sky, and kingship. The sun was his right eye, and the
time and danced to the music of the ships ddler. moon his left. When neither was visible (as on the
During the 19th century the Sailors Hornpipe night of a new moon) he went blind and was known
was a popular feature of theatrical productions in as Mekhenty-er-irty, but when they returned he be-
which actors dressed as seamen danced with arms came Khenty-irty (he who has eyes).
crossed, unfolding them to mimic climbing rigging, Hospital corpsman: A U.S. Navy enlisted med-
rowing a boat, hauling ropes, and saluting. This ver- ical rating. In 1861, a Navy Department Order re-
sion was performed well into the 20th century, long placed loblolly boy with Nurse, and Navy Regu-
after ddlers had had ceased to be part of a ships com- lations of 1876 changed the title to Bayman, (one
pany and seamen had found other diversions. who staffed the sick bay). Since 1898, enlisted medical
Horns: [1] The jaws of a boom or gaff which em- personnel have been called hospital corpsmen. They
brace the mast. [2] The outer ends of the crosstrees. assist health care professionals in providing medical
[3] Projections on the casing of a contact mine which care to Navy people and their families, and may func-
detonate it when touched or broken (see Hertz horn). tion as clinical or specialty technicians, medical admin-
Horse : [1] A foot-rope for topmen to stand on istrative personnel and health care providers at med-
while working aloft (furling, reeng, etc.). [2] A rope ical treatment facilities. They also serve as battleeld
to keep spritsail sheets clear of the anchor ukes. corpsmen with the Marine Corps.
[3] A rope made fast to the shrouds to protect the Hospital ship: A vessel staffed and equipped to
leadsman. [4] A metal rail across the stern of a small provide medical and surgical care. The use of such
sailing vessel to which the sheet of the nearest fore- vessels is protected under the Geneva Conventions as
and-aft sail (mainsail in a cutter, schooner or brigan- follows:
tine; mizzen in a ketch) is hooked, enabling the sheet Article 22: Military hospital ships, that is to say,
to traverse when tacking. [5] Part of the caulking op- ships built or equipped by the Powers specially and
eration which involved forcing oakum between the solely with a view to assisting the wounded, sick and
planks with a caulking iron and mallet, preparatory to shipwrecked, to treating them and to transporting
paying the seam. [6] To ride uneasily at anchor (see them, may in no circumstances be attacked or cap-
hawse). [7] A period of unpaid work (see dead horse). tured, but shall at all times be respected and pro-
[8] Slang for salted or corned meat (see salt horse). tected, on condition that their names and descrip-
Horse about : Slang for to play the clown, fool tions have been notied to the Parties to the conict
around, or indulge in horseplay. ten days before those ships are employed. The char-
Horse latitudes: Regions of weak pressure in both acteristics which must appear in the notication shall
northern and southern hemispheres where winds are include registered gross tonnage, the length from
light and variable. So named because becalmed ships stem to stern and the number of masts and funnels.
Article 43: The ships ... shall be distinctively
often had to jettison embarked horses which had died
marked as follows: (a) All exterior surfaces shall be
of heat or dehydration. white. (b) One or more dark red crosses, as large as
Horse Marine: [1] Today, a person out of his or possible, shall be painted and displayed on each side
her proper or natural place. [2] Formerly, a marine of the hull and on the horizontal surfaces, so placed
mounted on horseback or a cavalryman serving on as to afford the greatest possible visibility from the
shipboard, a rare creature at the best of times. A music sea and from the air.... Nevertheless, in the case of
hall jingle that was very popular in United States countries which already use as emblem, in place of
vaudeville in the late 19th century was: the red cross, the red crescent or the red lion and sun
Hostile 156

on a white ground, these emblems are also recog- probably in the 15th century, but the size, shape, and
nized by the terms of the present Convention. purpose of this vessel changed over time and from
Similar clauses extend the same protections and cri- country-to-country, the most common being [1] In
teria to non-military hospital ships, with the proviso the 16th17th centuries, a sloop-rigged European
that Merchant vessels which have been transformed coastal trader. [2] In the 18th19th centuries, a sin-
into hospital ships cannot be put to any other use gle-masted, square-rigged sailing barge.
throughout the duration of hostilities. See also hu- HQ: Headquarters.
manitarian emblems. HT: Hull Technician (USN).
Hostile ice: Submariners term for an ice canopy HUD: Head-Up Display.
too thick to break through and surface. Hug: [1] To run as close to the shore as possible.
Hot bunk: Term for a single berth used in rota- [2] To sail as close to the wind as possible.
tion by the members of several watches. Huissier: Today, this Venetian-developed military
Hot fuel: To refuel an aircraft without stopping its transport vessel would be called a Landing Ship,
engine(s). Horse. Large for their age (about 2,000 tons), with
Hot pursuit: Doctrine of International Maritime two or three masts carrying lateen sails, these ships
Law which allows a military, police, or coastguard ves- were called usciere after their large ports (usci) de-
sel or aircraft to follow a foreign-agged vessel and signed to facilitate the loading of horses. These were
arrest it in waters where it would not normally have normally cut into rounded sterns, but for assault land-
jurisdiction, provided the following criteria have been ings by the Fourth and Seventh Crusades (1202 and
met: 1248) they were placed in the bow to allow mounted
The foreign vessel is suspected of violating a law knights to ride directly into action. This innovation an-
within the jurisdiction of the pursuing vessel. ticipated the Landing Ship, Tank by roughly three-
The pursuing vessel visually or audibly (radio sig- fourths of a millennium.
nals excluded) orders the foreign vessel to stop while HUK: USN designation of an ASW hunter-killer
still within its jurisdiction. group.
Pursuit begins within the coastal zone of jurisdic- Hulk: [1] Slang for a clumsy or unwieldy vessel.
tion. [2] The shell of a wrecked, burned-out, or abandoned
The foreign vessel subsequently ees into interna- vessel. [3] Formerly and guratively, an old sailor worn
tional waters. out in the service. [4] During the 17th to 19th cen-
Pursuit is continuous without loss of visual or radar turies, the hull of a vessel condemned as unt for sea
contact. service, dismasted and moored for use as a training or
The foreign vessel does not enter another states ter- receiving ship, or a oating crane (sheer hulk), or a
ritorial waters. oating storage facility (warehouse hulk), or to house
Hot suit : [1] Fire-resistant protective clothing, convicts or prisoners-of-war (prison hulk). Lack of
worn by ight deck rescue crews. [2] A member of space in the dockyards and the ready availability of
such a crew. ships retired from ghting careers were some of the
Hotel: NATO phonetic notation for the letter H. reasons why the Navy used hulks rather than build-
Hounds: A pair of fore-and-aft members at the ing on land.
lower end of a mast supporting athwartships trestle- Hull: [1] The principal structure, outer shell, or
trees that support the crosstrees that support the heel body of a vessel. [2] To puncture the skin of a vessel,
of the upper mast. usually by gunre. From the Gothic hulga = husk or
House: [1] A structure built on the main deck of a shell.
vessel (pronounced howse). [2] To stow something in Hull classication: A USNdeveloped system of
its proper place (pronounced howze). alphabetical symbols that identify types of vessel,
House ag: A ag own at the mainmast of a mer- many of which have been adopted by NATO. For ex-
chantman, bearing the emblem and/or in the colors of ample FF signies a frigate, while CV refers to an
its owners or operators. aircraft carrier. Sufxes include G = equipped with
Hove: The past participle of heave. guided missiles, N = nuclear powered, and the prex
Hove to: Stopped. T = operated by Military Sealift Command.
Hovercraft : [1] The registered trademark of a Hull down: Over the horizon so that only masts
specic manufacturer of ground-effect vehicles. [2] can be seen.
Frequently, but incorrectly, used to refer to any air- Hull number: See ofcial number.
cushion vessel. Hull speed: The theoretical maximum speed a ves-
Hovering: [1] Term for a vessel which lurks off- sel can achieve without planeing. This is usually
shore for what appears to be a nefarious purpose (e.g., slightly faster than its displacement speed. (A rule of
drug smuggling, landing contraband, launching ter- thumb for calculating potential hull speed is to mul-
rorism, etc.). [2] Said of a helicopter which remains tiply the square root of the vessels waterline length
airborne over a xed point. by 1.34.)
Hoy: The name originated in the Low Countries, Hull up: Fully visible above the horizon.
157 Hymns

Humanitarian emblems: The Geneva Conven- Huzzah!: British cry of triumph during the Napo-
tions recognize several emblems to be displayed by leonic Wars. Derived from the hudsa shout of Hun-
humanitarian and medical ships, vehicles, and build- garian light cavalry who were themselves called hus-
ings, to protect them from military attack. zrs. See vocal salutes.
The Red Cross, adopted in 1864, is simply a re- H VAC: Heating, Ventilating, & Air Condition-
verse image of the ag of historically neutral Swit- ing.
zerland, originally intended to be a unique, uni- HWM: High water mark.
versal, and easily recognizable symbol, free from Hydraulic current: A ow generated by the inter-
political or a religious connotations. action of two out-of-phase tidal bodies in a strait.
Unfortunately, Muslims objected to an emblem that Hydraulics: [1] The scientic study of water and
reminded them of Crusaders, giving rise to the 1929 other liquids, in particular their behavior under the
adoption of the Red Crescent as a recognized alter- inuence of mechanical forces and their related uses
native. in engineering. [2] A mechanical device or system
Then in December 2005, the Third Protocol Em- using hydraulic cylinders and machinery.
blem (diamond-shaped and commonly known as Hydrofoil: [1] A winglike blade which creates an
the red crystal) was adopted for use by cultures upward thrust when moved through water. This lifts
wishing to avoid the implied religious connotation the hull of a vessel above the surface, reducing drag and
of the rst two. No country or society is obliged to increasing speed. [2] A vessel equipped with such
use the new emblem; but all are required to respect blades.
it in the same manner as the other emblems. Hydrographic chart : A marine map showing
Because the Mogen David (Solomons Seal: a six- depths, contours, nature of the bottom, the coastline,
pointed star formed from two equilateral triangles) and tides and currents.
is not recognized outside Israel, that country en- Hydrography: The science dealing with the phys-
sures international protection by using the red crys- ical properties and measurements of oceans, seas,
tal, either alone, or surrounding a red Mogen lakes, rivers, and adjoining coastal areas, especially
David. with reference to their use in navigation.
The Red Lion and Sun emblem of Iran is also rec- Hydrojet propulsion: See Water jet.
ognized by the Geneva Conventions, but is no Hydrology: [1] In general, the branch of geology
longer in use, having been discontinued by the Is- dealing with the distribution, properties, and effects
lamic Republic in 1980. of water on or under the surface of the earth. [2] In
Humbolt current: Named after Prussian natural- naval use, the study of the physical properties of salt
ist Freinrich Heinrich Alexander von Humbolt, this is water. See also limnology.
a cold, low salinity ocean current owing northward Hydrometer: An instrument used to determine the
along the west coast of South America, generated by salinity or specic gravity of sea or brackish water.
a major upwelling that supports an abundance of ma- Hydrophone: A device for detecting submerged
rine life. submarines by the sound of their engines or other
Hummock ice: A eld of pressure ice marked by noise emissions.
numerous hillocks or ridges. Hydroplane: [1] A horizontal rudder (diving plane)
Hunky-dory: This phrase meaning things are okay mounted on the bow, stern, or conning tower (see
or enjoyable originated as USN slang. When the sailplane) of a submarine to control the steepness of its
American eet visited Yokohama, Japan, Libertymen dive. For example, stern hydroplanes are angled so
used to head for a dockside street called Honkidori that the ow of water over them forces the stern up-
whose female inhabitants catered to their every pleas- ward, angling the submarine downward. [2] A high-
ure. powered boat equipped with hydrofoils or a stepped
Hunter-killer group: A fast antisubmarine naval hull, designed to skim the water at high speed. [3] To
force comprising an aircraft or helicopter carrier and skim over the water.
a number of ASW vessels such as corvettes, destroy- Hydrosphere: The earths liquid water and sur-
ers, and frigates. rounding water vapor, as distinct from the land (litho-
Hunter-killer submarine: A military submersible sphere) and air (atmosphere).
designed and armed to detect and destroy hostile sub- Hygrometer: An instrument for measuring atmos-
marines, especially those armed with strategic ballis- pheric humidity.
tic missiles. Hymns: In 1861, English clergyman John Dykes, a
Hurricane: A violent cyclonic storm of force 12 on prolic writer of religious music, adapted his compo-
the Beaufort Scale (wind >64 knots = 73.7 mph = sition Melita (then the name of Malta) to t a prayer
118.6 km/h). See also table 1. written a year earlier by another English clergyman,
Hurricane deck: A promenade deck mounted high William Whiting, after he had survived a furious
on the superstructure of a passenger vessel. storm in the Mediterranean:
Husky: Code-name for the Allied invasion of Sicily Eternal Father, strong to save,
in January 1943. Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Hyperbaric 158

Who biddst the mighty ocean deep substance; crystalline, brittle, and viscoidal; that oats
Its own appointed limits keep; because its specic gravity is less than that of water.
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee, Ice anchor: [1] A timber frozen in ice to serve as a
For those in peril on the sea! mooring post. [2] A hook-like device specially de-
Both the United States and Royal Navies consider signed for securing vessels in ice or dragging them
this to be their ofcial hymn, usually sung at the close along with a hawser. Also called an ice drag.
of Sunday services. It is also played as a background Ice blink: Luminosity at the horizon or on the un-
to the Benediction at USN changes of command. derside of clouds, warning of a distant accumulation
Eternal Father has tremendous emotional appeal to of ice.
naval veterans and is often played at funerals, includ- Ice canopy: Submariners term for overhead pack
ing those of U.S. Presidents Franklin Delano Roo- ice.
sevelt (1945) and John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1963), and Ice chart: A graphic representation showing the
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (1965) each prevalence of ice, usually with reference to navigable
of whom had strong naval connections. waters and showing factors such as extent of ice cover,
Hyperbaric chamber: A pressure-controlled room thickness, topography, temperature, salinity and the
used in the treatment of decompression sickness due location of icebergs. Navigational sea ice charts are ex-
to deep-water diving or high-altitude ying. Also tremely important for operations in the polar oceans.
compression chamber, diving chamber. Ice chart symbology: Codes and symbols are es-
Hyperbolic navigation: A system of long-range sential for effective use of the limited space available
radio navigation in which a x is obtained by making for recording sea ice and icebergs on charts. The
use of two or more families of constant phase hyper- World Meteorology Organization system for sea ice
bolae established by a master and two or more slave symbology is more frequently referred to as the Egg
transmitters working on different but related frequen- Code due to the oval shape of the symbol.
cies. Ice clause: A Charter Party proviso that allows a
Hypolimnion: The lowest of three layers of sea master to divert to an alternate port when the sched-
water. See deep water layer. uled destination is icebound.
Hypothecation: See bottomry. Ice cover: The ratio of ice to total sea surface in a
specied area. Often expressed as tenths. Also ice con-
I Ice drag: See ice anchor.
Ice egg: See egg code.
I: Immediate. Military and diplomatic communi- Ice eld: An area of oating ice measuring at least
cations precedence higher than Priority and below 5.4 nautical miles (10 kms) across.
Flash. Ice oe: A large at mass of oating ice, too small
IA: Intelligence Assessment. to be classied as an ice eld.
IACA: International Association of Classication Ice fog: A concentration of air-suspended ice crys-
Societies. tals reducing visibility in otherwise clear and calm
IALA: International Association of Lighthouse Au- weather. Occurs at low temperatures in high latitudes.
thorities. Ice free: Said of any harbor or channel where ice
IB: [1] Inbound. [2] Inboard. formation does not normally impede navigation.
Iberians crocodilian: On 30th July 1915, Kapitn- Ice front: The place at which a glacier or ice eld
leutnant Georg von Forstner, commanding German thins and ends.
submarine U-28 torpedoed British steamer Iberian in Ice island: An exceptionally-large ice eld.
the North Atlantic. The sinking vessel suffered a vi- Ice master: A ships pilot qualied for arctic wa-
olent underwater explosion and, according to von ters.
Forstners testimony he saw: Ice pack: An expanse of pack ice. A large mass of
Pieces of wreckage, and among them a gigantic sea oating ice, formed over many years by winds and
animal writhing and struggling wildly, shot out of currents pushing smaller pieces of ice together.
the water to a height of 18 to 30 meters (60100 Ice reports: The timely and accurate reporting of
feet). At that moment I had with me in the conning ice conditions is the responsibility of national govern-
tower my ofcers of the watch, the chief engineer, ments, whose capabilities and resources vary widely,
the navigator, and the helmsman. Simultaneously we and which use different conventions for digitizing and
all drew one anothers attention to this wonder of the color coding. Hence, as additions to its existing egg
seas.... It was about 18 meters (60 feet) long, was like code, the World Meteorological Organization is
a crocodile in shape and had four limbs with power- working to standardize international reporting of such
ful webbed feet and a long tail tapering to a point. items as ice/water boundary, percent coverage, stage of
ICBM: Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile. development, oe size, thickness and strength, topog-
Ice: Water or brine frozen or reduced to its solid raphy and roughness, and the location of leads and
state by low temperature. It is a white or transparent polynyas.
159 Impressment

Ice shelf: The end of an ice sheet or glacier, pro- ILO: International Labour Organization.
jecting into coastal waters and forming a steep ice Im all right Jack: Essentially a paraphrase of look
front or cliff. after number one this phrase originated as 19th cen-
Ice sheet: A mass of glacier ice that covers an area tury RN slang, and is abbreviated from the more typ-
greater than 50,000 km2 (19,305 mile2). The only cur- ically seamanlike Fuck you Jack, Im all right.
rent such sheets are off Antarctica and Greenland. Im for all waters: Though this expression sounds
Iceberg: [1] Part of a glacier which has broken off as if it might have a nautical derivation, it rst ap-
and is oating freely at sea. It is dened a large if it pears in Shakespeares Twelfth Night (IV.ii).
rises at least 15 meters (50 feet) above the surface and Immatriculation: The procedure by which a mer-
is more than 120 meters (400 feet) long. Many are chantman acquires a nationality. The term is French
much bigger, forming oating islands. [2] Code-name for registration.
for the 1945 invasion of Okinawa. Immediate: The second-highest order of prece-
Iceboat : [1] A sail or power-driven racing boat dence for a NATO message.
mounted on runners or skates. [2] A small (5-meter; Immediately vital: A cargo which the consignee
16-foot) boat, used as a winter ferry across Northum- nation regards as essential for the prosecution of a war
berland Strait until the early 20th century. The hull or for national survival, to be delivered immediately,
was tin-clad for ice protection, with twin metal run- notwithstanding any risk to the ship or its crew.
ners on either side of the keel. It would be rowed or IMO: International Maritime Organization.
sailed until it reached thick ice; then all male passen- Import: To bring in merchandise or commodities
gers had to disembark, don leather harnesses, and help from another country.
the crew to haul it across. Impossible: Admiral Smyth calls this A hateful
Icebound: [1] An area such as a harbor which is word, generally supplanted among good seamen by
obstructed or shut off by ice. [2] Said of a vessel well try. See difculty.
hemmed in by frozen water and unable to move. Impost: A tax or customs duty on imported mer-
Icebreaker: A vessel designed to force navigable chandise.
passages through ice, usually with extra-powerful en- Impressment: To force an individual into naval,
gines, shielded propellers, and a convex stem that rides military, or piratical service. Prior to the invention of
over the ice and crushes it with the vessels own conscription and the draft, many countries used
weight. Some have forward screws which run astern to forcible recruitment to ll vacancies in both military
pull water from beneath the ice and weaken it. and naval service. Abducting shermen or sailors in
ICRC: International Committee of the Red Cross. ports, or compelling captured crews to volunteer for
Idler: Although this term now refers to someone service was common practice among pirates as well as
who shirks work and takes things easy, it originally regular navies (see also Crimping).
had no negative connotation, simply referring to a In Britain, compulsory sea service was sanctioned
member of the ships company who worked a day shift by long-standing tradition going back to at least the
and was not required to stand watch. Idlers included eleventh century, and was used extensively during the
boatswain, carpenter, cook, painter, purser, and sail- reign of Queen Elizabeth I and by Lord Protector
maker. They worked as hard as anyone aboard, but Oliver Cromwell. But the practice will always be as-
only during a daylight shift, and were much envied sociated with the Napoleonic Wars, during which the
for their ability to enjoy regular bunktime. The mod- Royal Navy had immense manpower needs. Not only
ern term is dayman. did it have to replace battle casualties and heavier
IFF : Identication, friend or foe. losses from disease but, between 1793 and 1800, the
IFFN: Identication, friend, foe, or neutral. eet expanded by 290 percent (from 45,000 to
IFS: Inshore Fire Support. 130,000 men). As a result, there was intense compe-
IGO: Im departing (informal closing of commu- tition for seamen between the navy, the merchant serv-
nication). ice, and privateers. Thus despite generous enlist-
IHB: International Hydrographic Bureau. ment bounties, improved conditions of service, and the
IHO: International Hydrographic Organization. prospect of prize money it proved impossible to ll
Ilanuns: Filipino pirates operating in the South all these vacancies with volunteers, and three other
China Sea and Malaccan Strait. methods were employed.
Ill wind: The rst known reference to this phrase The quota system proved unsatisfactory, since it
seems to have been in John Heywoods Book of Prov- wasnt worth the time and effort required to train a
erbs, published in 1562, where he cites, It ys an yll novice in what was the most complex technology of
wynde that blowth no man to good. Although Hey- the age.
wood did not say so, it seems virtually certain that the The Imprest Service provided the vast majority of
aphorism had a nautical origin, since a contrary wind for skilled mariners. The popular belief that press gangs
one sailing vessel will always be favorable for another. seized innocent landsmen and forced them to learn
Illuminate: To direct radar at a target for weapons seamanship by brutal indoctrination is a Holly-
guidance purposes (cf. paint). wood-inspired falsehood. Those liable to lawful
Imprest 160

impressment were eligible men of seafaring habits In company: Said of a group of two or more ves-
between the ages of 18 and 55 years (authors em- sels traveling together.
phasis). The navy had little interest in people who In irons: [1] Facing the wind with no way on, un-
were would be of no immediate use on board a ship. able to take off on either tack. [2] Shackled as a pris-
Slightly more than half of the seamen acquired by oner. [3] Sailors slang for restricted activity due to
this method were classied as volunteers, but it is lack of money.
probable that most of these had made the best of a In ordinary: [1] A warship in reserve (cf. mothball,
bad situation by signing-up after being taken, in deactivate, inactivate). [2] An ofcer on half-pay with
order to enjoy the enlistment bounty and a better no appointment. The term formerly referred to pay-
position on board. Those who believed they had ments under the ordinary (regular) naval budget as op-
been seized unfairly had the right of appeal, and posed to an extraordinary one, and is now obsolete in
were often successful. both senses. [3] The command Lie in ordinary! re-
The third method was impressment at sea. A cap- quired topmen to resume their normal positions.
tain could halt a merchantman and legally compel In soundings: Obsolescent term for being in less
its master to hand over some of his prime seamen than 100 fathoms of water, signifying it was practical
(ofcers, sailors with less than two-years service, to cast a standard length leadline.
and apprentices were exempt). Such men were valu- In step: Term used in towing, when both tug and
able recruits, since they had not only been trained tow ride over troughs and crests at the same time.
at someone elses expense, but were usually schooled In the Black Book: To be in someones black book
in handling weapons for defense against pirates. now means to be in disfavor. The term probably orig-
While still a post-captain, Horatio Nelson used inated with the 14th century Black Book of Admiralty
cannon to force homeward-bound East Indiamen which specied the punishments to be awarded to
to heave-to and transfer men to his ship. Since miscreants and malefactors at sea.
Britain considered all those born under British rule Inactivate: To remove a vessel from operational
to be the kings subjects, over six thousand seamen status (cf. in ordinary, mothball, deactivate).
who claimed United States citizenship were im- Inboard: [1] Between the sides or towards the cen-
pressed in this manner. This was one of the factors ter of a vessel. [2] When two or more vessels are
leading to the War of 1812. moored side-by-side, the one nearest the shore is in-
The Impressment Act was revised in 1835, limiting board of the others.
compulsory service to ve years and prohibiting re-im- Inbound: Heading toward the shore, homeward
pressment. These laws have never been repealed in spite bound.
of the fact that impressment has not been used by the Inchop: USN term for crossing a chopline
Royal Navy since Napoleons nal defeat in 1815. (boundary) so as to come under different operational
Imprest: [1] An advance or loan of funds, espe- control (e.g., USS Anyship will inchop to 5th Fleet
cially for services rendered to a government. [2] An ad- in July).
vance payment of wages (known as the Kings shil- Inclinometer: [1] An instrument for measuring
ling) given to military recruits or impressed seamen pitch (the angle a ship or aircrafts longitudinal axis
so as to make their enlistment legal. From obsolete makes with the horizontal). [2] An instrument for
Italian impresto = loan. measuring the dip of the earths magnetic force. [3]
Imprest Service : A service manned by Naval Often incorrectly used to refer to a clinometer.
ofcers and ratings for the express purpose of induct- Incoterms: A set of thirteen trade terms which
ing men without their consent. Press gangs, armed dene the responsibilities of buyer and seller at vari-
with saps, cutlasses and truncheons, would lie in am- ous stages of international sales transactions. These
bush outside taverns and pubs; brothels, and other were promulgated by the International Chamber of
places where mariners such as local shermen or paid Commerce in 1936, and are updated roughly every
off merchant seamen could be waylaid. Wise ones ten years to reect changing commercial environ-
made the best of a bad bargain by taking the kings ments. Six of these terms are exclusive to marine trans-
shilling as a volunteer. Others were dragged aboard portation (in boldface below). The others are inter-
by force. The Army had a similar arrangement. modal or land-based, but all are listed below for
In: Said of [1] An anchor that has been hove up and completeness. [In global trade, delivery refers to the
secured. [2] Sails which have been stowed or furled. seller fullling the terms of sale or completing con-
[3] A tide that has reached its highest point. tractual obligations. Thus it can occur while the goods
In!: Command to shorten sail (e.g., in topgal- are in a vessel on the high seas and the parties involved
lants!). are nowhere near.]
In a brace of shakes: This phrase, which means CFR (Cost and Freight): It is the shipper/sellers re-
soon in everyday speech, has a maritime origin. The sponsibility to get goods to the port of destination.
uttering of sails when a sailing ship turned into the Delivery is accomplished at this time and the
wind could be used as a measurement of time, as for buyer coves insurance from the port of origin or
example in Ill be with you in two shakes of the sails. port of shipment to buyers door.
161 Infection

CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight): This arrange- moves the merchandise to the designated port or
ment similar to CFR, but instead of the buyer in- point of origin. Delivery is accomplished when
suring the goods for the maritime phase of the the shipper/seller releases the goods to the buyers
voyage, the shipper/seller will do so. As above, de- agent, at which moment the buyer assumes respon-
livery is accomplished at the port of destination. sibility for insurance and transportation.
CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid): This term is Indemnity: Marine insurance term for security
primarily used for multimodal transport. It relies against loss or damage.
on the carriers insurance, so the shipper/seller is Indent: RN term for a stores requisition.
only required to purchase minimum coverage. The Indenture: A contract binding one person to the
buyers insurance is effective when the goods are service of another (e.g., an apprenticeship).
turned over to the Forwarder. Independent: A merchant ship under naval control,
CPT (Carriage Paid To): The shipper/seller has the but sailing alone and unescorted by any warship.
same obligations as with CIF, with the addition of India: NATO phonetic notation for the letter I.
buying cargo insurance, naming the buyer as the Indiaman: [1] Properly, a large sailing ship ofcered
insured while the goods are in transit. and operated by the British East India Company be-
DAF (Delivered At Frontier): The sellers responsi- tween the 17th and 19th centuries. Used for carrying
bility is to get the goods to a named border cross- passengers and cargo, but armed and run like a naval
ing and clear them for export. Delivery occurs at vessel. Many were Blackwall Frigates. [2] Colloquially,
this time. The buyers responsibility is to arrange the any vessel engaged in trade with the Orient. Also East
pickup of the goods after they are cleared for ex- Indiaman.
port, carry them across the border, clear them for Indian Navy: The maritime branch of Indian
importation and effect delivery. Armed Forces is (in 2008) the worlds fourth largest
DDP (Delivered Duty Paid): The shipper/seller is navy. India enjoys a long maritime tradition that goes
responsible for insuring the goods, and moving back to over 4000 years, but the genesis of its mod-
them from the manufacturing plant to the buyer/ ern navy came in 1612, when the East India Company
consignees door, absorbing all risks and costs, in- was established and almost immediately encountered
cluding the payment of duty and fees. This ar- local piracy and Portuguese naval rivalry. This forced
rangement tends to be used in intermodal or the Company to establish a maritime force, which has
courier-type shipments. since had many changes of name. In 1686, it was
DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid): This is basically the named Bombay Marine, but in 1830 was re-titled Her
same as DDP, except that the buyer is responsible Majestys Indian Navy. It reverted to Bombay Marine
for duty, fees and taxes. from 1863 to 1877, when it became Her Majestys In-
DEQ (Delivered Ex-Quay): The seller is respon- dian Marine. In 1892, recognizing its service in vari-
sible for delivering the goods to the quay, wharf or ous campaigns, Her Majestys was replaced by
port of destination, while the buyer/consignee is Royal. When India gained independence in 1947,
responsible for duties, charges, and customs clear- Royal Indian Marine became Royal Indian Navy,
ance. dropping the prex Royal in 1950 when India be-
DES (Delivered Ex-Ship): The sellers responsi- came a Republic. See also Milan, Pakistan Navy, and
bility is to get uncleared goods to the port of des- RIN Mutiny.
tination. Delivery occurs at this time and any Indian Ocean: The third largest of the worlds
charges that occur after the ship docks are the oceanic divisions, covering about 20 percent of the
buyers responsibility. water on the Earths surface. It is bounded on the
EXW (Ex-Works): One of the simplest and most north by Asia (including the Indian subcontinent,
basic arrangements, with the buyer responsible for after which it is named); on the west by Africa; on the
picking-up the goods at the shipper or sellers fac- east by Indochina, the Sunda Islands, and Australia;
tory or warehouse. and on the south by the Southern Ocean or (accord-
FAS (Free Alongside Ship): The buyer bears trans- ing to some authorities) Antarctica.
portation costs and the risk of loss, while the ship- Indirect re: Aiming at a theoretical point when the
per/seller clears the goods for export. Delivery is actual target cannot be seen.
accomplished when the goods are turned over to Indulgence passenger: RN term for a civilian
the buyers forwarder for insurance and transporta- given passage in a warship or Royal Fleet Auxiliary,
tion. usually on compassionate or family grounds.
FCA (Free Carrier): The seller is responsible for ar- Inertial guidance: A gyroscopic system which di-
ranging transportation, but at the risk and expense rects the path of a missile without external informa-
of the buyer. Delivery is accomplished at a pre- tion or commands.
determined port or destination point and the buyer Inertial navigation: A computer-based system
is responsible for Insurance. which continuously calculates direction and distance
FOB (Free on Board): Specically refers to trans- traveled from a specied starting position.
portation of goods by water. The shipper/seller Infection: Doctrine under the maritime law of
Inflammable 162

prize, holding that permitted goods belonging to the INS: [1] Inertial navigation system. [2] Integrated
same owner as contraband cargo found in the same navigation system. [3] Indian Navy Ship.
vessel, have been contaminated and are con- Inshore: Close to or towards the coast.
demnable as if they too were contraband. This doctrine Inshore re-support ship: A postWorld War II
is not universal and has only been adopted by certain addition to the U.S. eet, designed to provide close
maritime states (notably USA, UK, and Japan). support for troops during amphibious assault land-
Inammable : Easily ignited. Because it is fre- ings. Now discontinued, its major armament consisted
quently mistaken for a negative (i.e., non-ammable) of rapid re rocket launchers. See also littoral combat
this term has been generally replaced by ammable. ship, rocket support ship.
Inuence mine: A naval mine actuated by sound, Inside passage : A relatively sheltered route for
magnetism, pressure, or other physical conditions em- oceangoing vessels along a series of passages between
anating from a target. the mainland and coastal islands off the Alaska Pan-
Inhaul: [1] Specically, a line used to pull the clew handle and British Columbia. It is heavily traveled by
of a sail away from the head of a boom. [2] In general, ferries, cruise ships, freighters, tugs with tows, and
any line used to pull something toward the hauler (cf. shing craft.
outhaul). Insignia: Badges or emblems of rank, authority,
Inherent vice: [1] The characteristic of goods which honor, or occupation. See breast and sleeve insignia.
might change so as to endanger nearby cargo (e.g., by Insubordination: Willful refusal to obey a super-
spontaneous combustion, or the leakage of corrosive visors lawful order given by and with proper author-
uid). The shipper has a legal obligation to advise the ity. This is a crime under military law.
carrier of any such possibility. [2] A loss caused by Insular shelf: The island equivalent of a continen-
the intrinsic nature of the thing insured and not the tal shelf.
result of a casualty or external cause. Integrated navigation system: An inertial navi-
Initial path: In naval mine warfare, a path cleared gation system enhanced with star tracker, multi-speed
by a precursor sweep to reduce the danger to follow- repeater, and instrumentation to provide data on roll,
ing minesweepers. pitch, and heading.
Inland: Away from the sea. See hinterland and in- Integrated Undersea Surveillance System: This
terior. U.S. Navy network for deep ocean observation dur-
Inland rules: A states regulations governing the ing the Cold War consisted of a mobile component,
navigation and conduct of vessels in its inland waters, known as the surveillance towed array sensor system,
also specifying the visual and sound signals to be used and a xed sound surveillance system.
in those waters. Intelligence: [1] Information of military or polit-
Inland Sea: [1] The waters enclosed by the Japanese ical value. [2] Gathering such information.
islands of Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku. [2] The Intercardinal points: Four primary intercardinal
Mediterranean. points are those lying midway between any two of the
Inland waters: Unless otherwise specied by local cardinal points (i.e., northeast, southeast, southwest,
ordinances, inland waters are those which lie shoreward and northwest). Eight secondary intercardinal points
of a line drawn through the outermost buoy, light- lie between these primary points (in abbreviated form
house, or other aid to navigation. Not to be confused they are NNE, ENE, ESE, SSE, SSW, WSW, WNW,
with internal or territorial waters. and NNW). See table 17.
Inlet: [1] An indentation of the shoreline, usually Intercoastal waterways: Refers to U.S. domestic
long and narrow. [2] A passage between two nearby is- shipping routes between the Atlantic, Pacic, and
lands. [3] A pass through a barrier reef. Gulf coasts (cf. intracoastal).
INMARSAT: International Maritime Satellite sys- Interdiction: Attacks on supply lines and infra-
tem. structures to prevent or inhibit support or reinforce-
Innocent Passage: The right, under the United ment of enemy ghting units.
Nations Convention on Law of the Sea, of traversing Interior: The land more than 100 miles (160 kilo-
territorial waters without entering internal waters or meters) from the shore. See hinterland.
calling at a roadstead or port facility. The passage must Intermodal transportation: Occurs when a single
be continuous and expeditious, but may include stop- carrier coordinates movement by, and documentation
ping and anchoring in specied circumstances, and it of, different modes of transport (air, sea, road, rail) in
is innocent so long as it is lawful and not prejudi- order to provide door-to-door rather than port-to-
cial to the peace, good order, or security of the terri- port service.
torial state. The ships of all states, whether coastal or Internal combustion engine: An auxiliary or main
landlocked, enjoy innocent passage; with the exception propulsion system powered by the ignition of a com-
of submerged submarines which are specically de- bustible mixture inside cylinders.
nied this right (see also right of transit). Internal waters: Are dened in international law as
Inshore current: The motion of water inside the all waters on the shoreward side of the territorial wa-
surf line and parallel to the coast (cf. offshore current). ters baseline.
163 International

International Association of Classication Soci- ual percentage of the total cargo tonnage transiting
eties: See ship classication societies. the patrolled area. Originally operated by surface cut-
International Association of Lighthouse Author- ters, the patrols are now carried out by radar-equipped
ities: A non-prot association founded in 1957 to har- aircraft, which track about 1,000 icebergs each year.
monize aids to navigation worldwide, and to ensure International Labour Organization (ILO):
that vessel movement is safe, expeditious, cost effec- Geneva-based UN Agency involved in the appraisal
tive, and environmentally friendly. Its committees and and regulation of conditions in the workplace, includ-
workshops are aimed at developing common stan- ing labor rights for seafarers.
dards for such things as buoyage systems, automatic International Maritime Law: See maritime law.
navigation devices, lightships, and lighthouses. International Maritime Organization (IMO):
International Convention for the Prevention of Shipping is perhaps the most international of all the
Pollution from Ships (MARPOL): This is the main worlds great industries, and one of the most danger-
international treaty concerning regulations aimed at ous. It has long been recognized that the best way of
preventing pollution of the maritime environment by improving safety at sea is by developing international
ships, whether due to routine operation or accident. regulations that are followed by all shipping nations.
It was introduced in 1973, modied in 1978, and is The Convention establishing this London-based UN
regularly updated. Agency was adopted at Geneva in 1948, with its remit
International Convention for the Safety of Life described as being:
at Sea (SOLAS): The most important international To provide machinery for co-operation among Gov-
treaty concerning regulations for protecting the safety ernments in the eld of governmental regulation and
of merchant mariners and ships. Its rst version was practices relating to technical matters of all kinds af-
enacted in 1914 in response to the Titanic disaster, fecting shipping engaged in international trade; to
prescribing the number of lifeboats and emergency encourage and facilitate the general adoption of the
equipment to be carried, along with safety procedures. highest practicable standards in matters concerning
It has since been brought under the auspices of the maritime safety, efciency of navigation and preven-
International Maritime Organization (IMO), which tion and control of marine pollution from ships.
attempts to keep up with changing technology and The IMO rst met in 1959 and the key treaties devel-
procedures. However, with many member countries oped by the organization include SOLAS, STCW, and
to be consulted, the amending procedure is cumber- MARPOL.
some and slow. International maritime satellite: One exclusively
International Convention on Standards for Sea- dedicated to worldwide maritime support in such
farers: See Standards of Training, Certication, and areas as distress, medical, weather, and navigation.
Watch-keeping. International naval co-operation: Much of the
International date line: A theoretical line follow- work that navies do can be thought of as constabulary.
ing the 180th meridian with adjustments for inhabited Together with miscellaneous law enforcement agencies,
regions. Calendar dates to the east of this line are one they try to ght piracy, terrorism, weapons prolifera-
day earlier than to the west of it. tion, the drugs trade, smuggling, human trafcking,
International Hydrographic Bureau: The origi- illegal immigration, organized crime, and other forms
nal name of the International Hydrographic Organi- of illicit commerce and maritime mayhem. However,
zation, whose present name was adopted in 1970, at international co-operation in these matters is patchy,
which time this name was retained by the small staff and frequently obstructed by bureaucracies, judicial is-
at the organizations headquarters in Monaco. sues and political in-ghting. Moreover, language and
International Hydrographic Organization: This cultural differences hinder co-operation, while con-
intergovernmental consultative and technical organ- cerns about national sovereignty often make outside
ization, was established in 1921 as the International help appear threatening to some governments. For ex-
Hydrographic Bureau. It coordinates the activities of ample, when naval co-operation is initiated by pow-
national hydrographic ofces, ensures the greatest pos- ers such as the United States or European Union it
sible uniformity of nautical charts and documents, may be construed as an attempt to impose the pro-
develops reliable and efcient methodology for hy- posers agenda.
drographic surveying, and fosters the development of Organized criminals, terrorists, smugglers, and pi-
hydrographic science and descriptive oceanography. rates have become adept at exploiting these cracks be-
International Ice Patrol: After the Titanic collided tween nations and navies. Hence the need for a trans-
with an iceberg and sank, a group of thirteen nations national co-operative network of navies, coastguards,
with North Atlantic maritime interests agreed that the shipping interests, and law enforcement agencies. An
United States Coast Guard would operate patrols dur- ambitious concept of persuading all naval nations to
ing the iceberg season (normally MarchAugust) lo- collaborate in countering global maritime threats was
cating and tracking icebergs and issuing warnings to originally called the thousand ship navy, but this
ships, Membership later expanded to seventeen na- imaginative and evocative name has been replaced by
tions, who share costs in proportion to their individ- the more mundane Global Maritime Partnership. At
International 164

time of writing (2008) world-wide maritime co-op- operative naval agreements between South Ameri-
eration remains conceptual and only local and regional can nations and between them and South Africa.
examples exist: International Organization for Standardization:
Operation Active Endeavour, is an initiative of the The proper and self-explanatory name of the worlds
North Atlantic Treaty Organization that conducts largest developer and publisher of international stan-
maritime constabulary work in the Mediterranean dards, more commonly known as the International
in collaboration with nonNATO countries as dis- Standards Organization. With a Central Secretariat
parate as Egypt, Morocco, Portugal, Russia, Tu- in Geneva, Switzerland, the ISO is a non-governmen-
nisia, and Ukraine. It is one of a number of NATO tal organization that bridges the public and private
responses to the September 11, 2001, terrorist at- sectors of 157 countries.
tacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. International Regulations for Preventing Colli-
NATO, led by the United States, wants to expand sions at Sea: Known colloquially as Rules of the
Active Endeavour into the Black Sea, but would road or ColRegs these regulations (table 7) reect
require exemption from the Montreux Convention. the agreement of major maritime powers to adopt
To preempt this Turkey has made the following co- rules that are binding on their public and private ship-
operative and unilateral initiatives. ping while on the high seas. They also apply to in-
The Black Sea Naval Task Force, was set up in land waterways unless superseded by the responsible
2001. This Turkish-led squadron, which com- state. (The United States has its own Inland Rules of
prises all six riparian states Turkey, Russia, the Road.)
Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania and Ukraineaims International rules: Regulations governing the
at preventing the illicit trafcking of humans, navigation and conduct of vessels on the high seas
heroin from Afghanistan, and weapons (from (seaward of internal waters), and specifying visual and
small arms to instruments of mass destruction.) sound signals to be used in those waters. See tables
Three years later Turkey (whose navy is bigger 810.
than the other ve combined) unilaterally International signaling code: See table 8.
launched Operation Black Sea Harmony to pa- International Standards Organization: See Inter-
trol its own Black Sea coast. Recently, Ankara national Organization for Standardization.
invited other littoral countries to join this secu- International time-date notation: See table 12.
rity initiative. International waters: The open waters of a sea or
The Caspian Sea Naval Co-operation Task Force is ocean beyond the territorial jurisdiction of any state
intended to consist of warships from the littoral or nation. Also high seas.
states of Iran, Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and International waterways: Consist of inter-ocean
Turkmenistan. Russia promotes this force as the canals, and straits, inland canals, and rivers which sep-
most effective way to counter terrorism, and traf- arate the territories of two or more nations. Provided
cking in arms, narcotics and weapons of mass de- no treaty specically declares otherwise, both mer-
struction. No doubt there is also a hidden wish to chantmen and warships enjoy the right of free and
keep the United States and NATO out of the land- unrestricted navigation.
locked Sea. Iran is lukewarm Abbas Maleki, Interrogative: Term used in naval communication
Chief of the International Institute for Caspian to signify failure to understand a message or any other
Studies in Tehran, warns it will be necessary to question.
determine the legal status of the Caspian Sea be- Interrogator: A transmitter that emits a signal to
fore successfully implementing the CasFor proj- activate a transponder.
ect. Intertidal: Between mean high water and mean
On the other side of the world, United States Pacic low water.
Command has sponsored a communications net- Interval: The space between adjacent groups of
work that links the various navies of the region in ships or boats measured in any direction between the
an effort to spread effective methods of policing the corresponding vessels in each group.
seas and make co-operation easier. Intervalometer: A device which controls the re-
China is cultivating naval co-operation with Bang- lease of mines or missiles in sequence at specied in-
ladesh and Burma (Myanmar) to gain access to the tervals.
Bay of Bengal, and is strengthening its military ties Intracoastal: Domestic shipping along a single
with Sri Lanka, including the development of port coast. Not to be confused with intercoastal.
and bunker facilities in that island nation. Inverse Mercator: The projection normally used for
In the Strait of Malacca, Indonesia, Malaysia and navigational charts. It is based on a cylinder tangent
Singapore have created a highly successful maritime to a meridian, in contrast to the more common map
network to counter piracy and terrorist movements. projection based on a cylinder tangent to the equa-
In the Indian Ocean, India initiated the Milan naval tor. (See Mercator Projection.)
forum in 1995. Irish horse: Sailing ship seamens derisory slang
In the southern hemisphere there are various co- for salt beef.
165 Jackstaff

Irish hurricane : Sailing ship seamans derisory

slang for dead calm. J
Irish pennant: Seamans derisory slang for a line left
dangling untidily. Jack: [1] A small national ag or ensign, worn for-
Iron Mike: U.S. naval aviators slang for an auto- ward by warships, such as the First Navy Jack or
matic pilot. Union Jack. [2] A small house ag worn forward by
Ironbottom Sound: USN slang for the area be- merchantmen. [3] A crosstree at the head of a topgal-
tween Guadalcanal and the Florida islands, so-called lant mast serving to spread the royal shrouds. [4] To
because erce ghting in 1942 sent so many American turn a propeller shaft prevent it from bowing when
and Japanese warships to its bottom. engines are stopped. [5] Formerly, a nickname for a
Ironbound: Said of a rocky coast devoid of an- seaman (cf. Tar, Jack Tar). [6] To skin a seal. [7] A
chorage or shelter. type of Newfoundland shing schooner.
Ironclad: [1] A 19th century warship with protec- Jack Nastyface: [1] Sailing ship seamans nickname
tive iron plates mounted on a heavy wooden backing. for the cooks assistant. [2] Pseudonym of William
[2] Generic term for any armor-plated vessel. The Robinson who wrote Memoirs of an English Seaman
concept originated in the Far East during the 16th (ca. 1836).
century (see turtle ship). Jack o Dover: A very old sea dish, the composition
Irons: See in irons. of which is no longer known. It is mentioned by
Isherwood-built : A vessel in which the main Chaucer (Cooks Tale ca. 1390): Many a Jakke of
frames are longitudinal rather than transverse to pro- Dovre hastow sold, that hath been twies hoote and
vide extra ice-breaking capability. Named after Rear tweis colde (Many a Jack of Dover have you sold,
Admiral Benjamin Franklin Isherwood, the USNs that has been twice hot and twice cold).
chief engineer (d. 1915). Jack o dust: USN and USCG slang for the cook
Island: [1] A tract of land completely surrounded or other rating in charge of food distribution.
by water at high tide. [2] The superstructure of an Jack o lantern: Sailor slang for a corposant (Saint
aircraft carrier, rising above the ight deck and en- Elmos Fire).
closing the command and ag bridges, primary ight Jack of all trades: Although this phrase is now
control, radars, and similar equipment. The island is derogatory, usually followed by is master of none, it
off to one side of the ight deck so that the takeoff originally had the opposite meaning, referring to an
and landing runways remain clear. Starboard was orig- able-seaman who being a True Jack Tar could
inally chosen because the torque of propeller-driven turn his hand to any job aboard ship.
engines tended to pull aircraft to port. Later it be- Jack Tar: A seaman (see tarpaulin).
came customary, but the Japanese briey experi- Jackass: A bark (barque) carrying a fore-and-aft
mented with islands on the left of carriers expected sail on the lower mainmast.
to, operate in concert with standard right-island ships. Jackass-rigged: Term applied to any unconven-
No advantages were discovered. tionally rigged vessel.
Islet: A very small island, larger than a key or rock. Jackknife: A large pocket knife whose blade folds
ISO: See International Organization for Standard- into its handle. A safe and convenient alternative to
ization. long or sheath knives, which are generally forbidden
Isochronal roll: Occurs when the period of each on British and United States ships. Modern jackknives
roll is the same. have rounded tips, but in days of sail it was common
Isodate: Calendar date expressed in accord with practice for the mate to snap off the pointed tip of
ISO 8601 (see table 12). each seamans knife as he came on board. Commonly
Isotainer: A shipping container meeting Interna- thought to refer to the knife of a Jack Tar, but the
tional Standards Organization specications. name actually honors its inventor, French cutler
ISR : Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnais- Jacques de Liege.
sance. Jackscrew: A small portable machine formerly used
ISS: Information System Security. to stow compressible cargo such as wool or cotton.
Isthmus: A narrow strip of land, bordered on both Jackstaff: [1] A short pole at the bow for carrying
sides by water, and connecting two larger landmasses, a warships jack. The Jack was originally carried on
especially the land connecting a peninsula to its main- the bowsprit and, until 1913, the RN continued to call
land. the jackstaff bowsprit ends. [2] A navigational in-
Is-was: Slang designation of any improvised de- strument, rst mentioned in the early sixteenth cen-
vice used to measure or calculate position. tury, consisting of a long staff with a vertical sliding
IT: Information Technology. wooden crosspiece called the transom. The navigator
Iurram: The Gaelic word for sea chantey. aimed the staff at the Pole Star as if it were a rie, then
IUSS: Integrated Undersea Surveillance System. slid the transom until the top of it marked the star
and the bottom the horizon. By measuring how far
along the pole the transom was he was able to calcu-
Jackstay 166

late the angle and hence make a reasonable estimate of Jebel Ali: The worlds largest man-made harbor
the ships latitude. (At the North Pole the Pole Star is and largest port in the Middle East, with berths for 67
directly overhead [90 above the horizon], while at vessels. It occupies 168 square kilometers (65 sq. miles)
the equator it is on the horizon [0].) The jackstaff and is located 35 kilometres (22 miles) south of Dubai
could more readily adapt itself to swaying of the ob- in the United Arab Emirates.
servers body in a seaway and progressively superseded Jeep carrier: USN slang for an escort carrier. The
the astrolabe until it itself was superseded by the sex- name is popularly believed to be a phonetic rendering
tant in the eighteenth century. of GP (general purpose) but, like the land-based
Jackstay: [1] A rod on a yard, gaff, or boom to army vehicle, was more probably derived from Eu-
which one edge of a sail is bent. [2] A rail for guiding gene the Jeep, a fabulous animal in the Popeye
the hanks of a sail. [3] A stiffening stay for a mizzen comic strip.
or gaff-rigged mast. [4] A suspension wire (e.g., for Jeers: Heavy tackle used to hoist the lower yards
hanging seabags). See also highline. of square-riggers.
Jacobs Ladder: Slang for a wooden-runged rope Jeheemy: Salvage equipment used to recover boats
ladder. Slung over the side or from a mast for tempo- swamped or stranded during amphibious operations.
rary use, it is awkward and difcult to ascend and ap- Jemmy ducks: Sailor slang for a warships poulterer.
pears interminable to a climber, hence the reference to Jerky: Meat cut into strips and sun-dried, with or
the Old Testament ladder which rose all the way from without salt. English variation of Charqui, which is an
earth to heaven (Gen.28:12). abbreviation of the Spanish quechua charki = dried
JAG: Judge Advocate General (U.S.). meat.
Jamaica Discipline: Buccaneer regulations gov- Jerque: Search of a vessel by Customs authorities,
erning the distribution of prizes. for undeclared goods.
Jamboree: Now inextricably related to the inter- Jet: See water jet.
national Boy Scout movement, this was originally a Jetsam: Material thrown overboard to lighten ship
nautical term for a dockside gathering of crews for (cf. otsam, lagen).
merrymaking, dancing, and boozing. Its origin is un- Jettison: [1] To voluntarily throw something over-
certain, but it may be a combination of jam in the board. From the French jeter la cargaison la mer =
sense of crowd and the jolly French dance known as throw the cargo into the sea (see deep six). [2] To dis-
a boure. card a weapon from its delivery vehicle when normal
JAN: Joint Army & Navy (U.S.). operation is not possible or intended.
JAN Grid: A system used jointly by the U.S. Army Jetty: A wharf, pier, quay, or mole, built out from
and Navy to reference geographical positions around the shore and serving as a breakwater.
the world. Jewel block: Part of the running rigging used to
JANAF : Joint Army, Navy & Air Force (U.S.). hoist studding sails.
Janes: Abbreviation of Janes Fighting Ships, the Jews harp: [1] A heart-shaped shackle, especially
primary source of information on world navies, one used to attach an anchor to its chain. Named after
founded in 1898 by Fred T. Jane and published peri- [2] a small lyre-shaped musical instrument held be-
odically ever since. tween the teeth and plucked with a nger, often used
Jankers: RN lower deck slang for undergoing de- to accompany chanteys along with the ddler.
faulters punishment. JFSC: Joint Forces Staff College (U.S.).
Japan Stream: An ocean current that ows north- JG: Junior Grade (USN).
eastward from Taiwan, along the coast of Japan, and JHSV: Joint high speed vessel.
then splits, with the smaller component passing Jib: A triangular headsail, hoisted between fore-
around the Hawaiian Islands and the larger merging mast and bowsprit.
with the Oyashio current to form the North Pacic Jib-boom: A spar extending the bowsprit of larger
Current. See also Kuroshio. sailing vessels.
Jarhead: USN slang for a marine. Jibber-kibber: Wreckers term for walking a hob-
Jaunty: [1] RN nickname for the Master-at-Arms. bled horse along the cliffs with a lantern on its back.
Probably a corruption of the French gendarme, via At night the motion, resembling that of a ships light
the intermediate form John Damme. [2] Slightly bobbing on waves, was intended to decoy vessels onto
derisory term for a vessel bedecked with too many the rocks for plunder.
ags. [3] Self-condent, debonair, fashionable, cheer- Jibe: [1] To swing across. [2] To change tack by
ful. From the French gentil = nobly-born. bringing the stern through the wind (the opposite of
Jaw-breaker: Sailing ship sailor slang for an un- tacking, in which the bow crosses the wind). A con-
usual word difcult to pronounce. Such words were trolled jibe is called wearing. Also gybe or gibe.
often adapted to t the sailors vocabularyfor exam- Jibstay: The wire on which a jib is raised.
ple, HMS Bellerophon was known throughout the Jigger: [1] The mizzen mast and sail of a yawl. [2]
British eet as Billy rufan or Belly ruff n. A handy billy tackle.
JCS: Joint Chiefs of Staff (U.S.). Jilalo: A Pilipino passenger craft with outriggers.
167 Jones

Jimmy Bungs: Nickname for a ships cooper. joint military missions of great signicance, whether
Jimmy Legs: USN seamans derisive term for the in combat, during a declared national emergency, or
master-at-arms (cf. Jaunty). while providing extraordinary services in the national
Jimmy-the-one: RN seamans term for the First interest. Personnel serving in any of the units at the
Lieutenant (cf. number one, executive ofcer). time the award was earned are entitled to wear the
JIT: Just in time. Joint Meritorious Unit Medal.
Jock: Slang for a Scottish seaman (or any Scot). Jolly: RN slang for a marine, or any soldier serv-
Joe: USN slang for coffee (see Cup of Joe). ing aoat. Origin uncertain.
Joggle: [1] An abrupt bend to enable a plate or rod Jolly jumper: A sail mounted above the moon-
to pass round a projection. [2] Matched positive and raker.
negative bends which prevent slippage when joined Jolly Roger: Slang for the pirate ensign. Popularly
together. understood to be a black ag with white crossed bones
Join: [1] To enlist in the armed forces, especially as surmounted by a deaths head, this version was only oc-
a volunteer. [2] To become a member of the ships casionally used. In practice, each buccaneer wanted a
company. [3] To attach, connect, unite, or combine. distinct personal emblem, so there were numerous
Joiner: [1] A carpenter who specializes in nished variations, almost invariably on black or scarlet
work. [2] A merchantman connecting with a convoy grounds, adorned with multiple skulls, jawless skulls,
already at sea. complete skeletons, hourglasses, cutlasses, spears, and
Joint Chiefs of Staff : A group consisting of a other weapons. (During the Golden Age of Piracy,
Chairman and Vice Chairman, along with the Chiefs Roger referred to a rogue or scoundrel.)
of Staff of the Army and Air Force, the Chief of Naval Jollyboat: A clinker built ships boat, smaller than
Operations, and the Commandant of the Marine a cutter, often suspended at the ships stern. From the
Corps. Its primary responsibility is to oversee the co- Dutch jolle = yawl.
ordination, policy, planning, training, and personnel Jonah: This name for a shipmate or passenger who
readiness of the United States military services. In ad- brings bad luck on board is based on a story that ap-
dition, the Chairman acts as the chief military advi- pears in the Hebrew Tanakh, Christian Bible, and Is-
sor to the President and the Secretary of Defense. The lamic Qran. Jonah (or Jonas) tries to escape Gods
concept arose in 1942, when President Roosevelt and command by sailing away, but his disobedience causes
Prime Minister Churchill agreed to establish a su- the Lord to send a mighty tempest ... so that the ship
preme military body for strategic direction of the was like to be broken [Jonah 1;4]. The sailors cast
Anglo-American war effort. However, the United lots to determine whose transgressions have brought
States had no equivalent to the British Chiefs of Staff the storm upon them and throw Jonah overboard.
Committee, and had to establish an ad hoc group of The seas instantly calm, and three days later Jonah
service heads. This group worked throughout the war comes to the shore, still alive.
without legislative sanction or even formal Presiden- What happened during those days is open to con-
tial denition, and it was not until 1947 that the Na- jecture. According to the story, he had been swallowed
tional Security Act formally established the Joint by a great sh (commonly considered to have been
Chiefs of Staff. a whale, but possibly a large shark) which vomited
Joint High Speed Vessel: Launched in 2005, the him up after he begged God for forgiveness. This is
JHSV program plans to take advantage of inherent far-fetched, but not impossible (see Bartleys ordeal) al-
commonality of hull forms and purpose by combin- though it is difcult to understand how three days in
ing independent U.S. Army and Navy programs as a stomach acid would not have burned out Jonahs eye-
cooperative multi-service venture. Development balls. Jonah himself never mentions a sh but says to
specications include speed of 3545 knots and draft God:
of less than 15 feet. The vessel will have a helicopter Thou hadst cast me into the deep, in the midst of
ight deck, and a ramp to allow vehicles to drive the seas; and the oods compassed me about; all thy
quickly off the ship, even onto the austere piers and billows and thy waves passed over me.... The waters
quays common in developing countries. Hence, the compassed me about, even to the soul; the depth
JHSV envisions an extremely exible asset, able to closed me round about, the weeds were wrapped
operate in shallow waters, or small or damaged ports, around my head. ( Jonah 2:3,5).
and support a wide range of military or relief opera- Based on this, it has been hypothesized that great
tions, provide exible logistic support, and be the key sh was an ancient seafarers term for a powerful cur-
enabler of rapid transport and deployment of conven- rent, which swept Jonah away and carried him to
tional or special forces as well as equipment and sup- shore.
plies. Jonathon: 18th19th century RN slang for an
Joint Meritorious Unit Award (U.S.): Established American seaman. Also Jonathan and sometimes pre-
in 1979, this honor is awarded to each unit of a com- ceded by Brother.
bined services or allied task force that distinguishes Jones Act: U.S. legislation requiring all domestic
itself by exceptionally meritorious achievement in waterborne trade to be carried in U.S.agged, built,
Jrmungandr 168

and crewed vessels. The federal law also provides for obedience, gradually won a limited number of privi-
benets to workers who are injured on seagoing ves- leges.
sels on navigable waters and offshore oil rigs which Juvenile Punishment: A document in the British
are not permanently attached to the ocean oor. Museum recounts the treatment of young boys in the
Jrmungandr: In Norse mythology this sea ser- Elizabethan navy:
pent was so long that it encircled the entire world and Petty pilferings and commissiones of that kinde ...
sailors would mistake its humps for a chain of islands were generallie punished with the whippe, the of-
(cf. Kraken: Leviathan: Zaratan). fender beinge to that purpose bounde faste to the
Journal: [1] A term synonymous with log-book. capstan; and the waggerie and idlenesse of ship boys
[2] The portion of a shaft or axle contained by a plain paid by the boatswayne with a rodde, and common-
bearing. lie this execution is done upon Mondaye morninges,
JSFP: [1] Joint Strike Force. [2] Joint Strike Fighter and ... some meere seamen and saylers doe believe ...
that they shalle never have a faire winde until the
poor boyes be duly brought to the chest; that is,
JSP: Joint Strategic Planning. whipped every Mondaye morninge.
JTG: Joint Task Group. For minor disciplinary infractions, boys of all social
Judge Advocate: A naval law ofcer whose duty is backgrounds were later subjected to bare-bottom
to investigate offenses and dispense military justice. beatings, latterly with a cane, but originally with a
Juliett: NATO phonetic notation for the letter J. teaser or bimmy an eighteen-inch length of rope,
Also (incorrectly) Juliet. See phonetic alphabets and knotted at the receiving end and dipped in hot tar
table 11. for stiffness. As reported by S. Humphries in Hooli-
Jumbo: RN slang for a crash dolly. gans or Rebels? An Oral History of Working Class Child-
Jump ship: To go ashore without permission and hood and Youth 18891939 (Blackwell 1981), such
with no intention of returning. To become a deserter. punishment was readily accepted by upper-class
Jumper: [1] A seamans loose outer blouse or jacket. youths who had attended public (elite private)
[2] A line which prevents a boom, yard, or spar from schools, but resented by those with little or no formal
being lifted out of place. [3] A short strut that adds education:
stiffness to a mast. The most determined resistance ... occurred when
Junior ofcer: Term usually applied to commis- boys refused to remove their trousers to be beaten on
sioned naval ofcers of ranks up to and including lieu- their bare bottoms ... although these ritual humilia-
tenant. Theoretically the term embraces lieutenant tions were for many years an integral part of public
commander, but is seldom applied to that rank. school life ... working-class ... children were resolute
Junk: [1] An Oriental sailing ship historically with in their resistance ... would stoically endure tradi-
up to nine masts, but nowadays from one to three, tional punishments of the sort their parents might
carrying lugsails made of bamboo, rattan, or grass inict but refused to submit to the more degrading
matting stiffened with poles. Typically with a at disciplinary measures.
stem, high stern, retractable rudder and no keel. Junks More serious juvenile offenders received full-scale og-
are the rst vessels known to have been constructed ging as their summary punishment, but with a light
with watertight compartments (see Ming Maritime ve-tailed whip, known as the pussy-cat and re-
Decrees). From the Javanese djong. [2] Old ropes or served for use on youths. However, if the punishment
cables cut up for oakum. [3] Anything regarded as had been awarded by a court-martial use of the adult
having little value. cat-o-nine-tails was mandatory. Many boys felt this
Jurisdiction: The geographical area or territorial to be a badge of honor.
range over which a state has the right and power to ex-
ercise judicial authority and maintain law and order.
Jury: [1] To make temporary, makeshift arrange-
ments to replace lost or damaged spars, rigging, or
rudder. The origin of the term is uncertain, but prob- Kamikaze: A Japanese compound word that can
ably derives from the French Journe, signifying the be translated as Divine Wind. It refers to [1] Major
repair could only be expected to last the length of a typhoons in 1274 and 1281 which dispersed Mongo-
day. [2] The panel of a court-martial is often (incor- lian invasion eets. [2] Suicide attacks, launched in a
rectly) called a jury by laypeople and the media. desperate attempt to stop or slow down the Allied ad-
Jute : A rough ber made from an East Indian vance towards the Japanese home islands in the clos-
plant, used to make twine, rope, and sacking. ing stages of World War II. They were mounted by
Juvenile detention: During the 18th century, hulks submariners, human torpedoes, speedboats, divers,
anchored in Sydney Harbour, New South Wales, Aus- and even a super-battleship; but by far the most com-
tralia, served as youth correction centers. Every boy was mon were mass air attacks, code-named kikusui after
closely supervised under strict discipline, strenuous the oating chrysanthemum imperial symbol. Pi-
physical drill, and a system of grading. New admissions lots attempted to crash their aircraft laden with ex-
began in the lowest grade and, through hard work and plosives, bombs, or torpedoes, and frequently with
169 Ketch

full fuel tanks into Allied ships, hoping to cause was dragged the entire length of the vessel from stem-
greater damage than a conventional bombing or tor- to-stern.
pedo attack. The rst to be hit by a kamikaze was the Keelrope: Another name for limber-rope.
Royal Australian Navys agship, heavy cruiser HMAS Keelson: Any of various fore-and-aft structural
Australia, during the Battle of Leyte Gulf. members lying above and parallel to the keel at the
Karbatz: A Laplander boat. bottom of the hull (pronounced kelsun).
Kar: A small Viking warship, usually reserved for Keep off: To stay clear of something (another ves-
a king or great chieftain. sel, land, etc.).
Kayak: The traditional Inuit canoe. Keep ship: USN term for normal shipboard rou-
K-Day: The scheduled date for introduction of a tine, when neither exercising nor operating.
convoy system on any particular convoy route. Keep station: Maintain position relative to a
Keckling: [1] Old rope wrapped around a line to specied marker, usually another ship.
prevent chang. [2] Newer line wrapped around Keep watch: [1] to be in charge of the ship. [2] To
mooring lines to give them a more nished look. stand watch-duty.
Kedge: [1] To carry an anchor forward in a small Keks: Lower deck RN slang for underwear (see
boat, drop it and haul in the line to drag (kedge) the skivvies).
vessel ahead. [2] The anchor used for this purpose. Kellet: A weight which is slid partway down the
Keel: [1] The lengthwise timber along the bottom cable of a cast anchor to reduce drag by laying the
of a wooden ship, on which its framework is built. outer part of the cable closer to the sea bed, thus caus-
[2] An assembly of plates serving the same structural ing the stock to move parallel to the oor and the
purpose on an iron vessel. [3] A poetic synonym for ukes to dig in better. The combined weight of kel-
ship (No keel has ever ploughed that path before, let and cable do more to hold the ship in place than
Shelley). the anchor itself (also killick, sentinel).
Keelage: A fee levied against ships using a port or Kelpie: This malevolent Celtic water sprite was
harbor. said to haunt Irish and Scottish lochs, lakes, and rivers
Keelboat: Shallow-draft fully decked Mississippi in the form of a young horse which delighted in
river barge, propelled by sweeps or poles. drowning unsuspecting travelers.
Keeles: Anglo-Saxon name for a longboat. Also Kelter: Good order and readiness.
written ceoles and cyulis. Kenning: [1] Whaling term for basing wages on
Keelhauling: [1] Modern USN term for receiving the performance of assigned duties. [2] Sixteenth-cen-
an exceptionally severe reprimand. [2] A gruesome tury term for the distance at which high land could be
punishment dating back to antiquity. Keelhauling was observed from shipboard.
never used in the USN and was discontinued by the Kenning glass: Obsolete name for a telescope or
RN in 1720, but was practiced by the French and long glass.
Dutch for at least another thirty years. A stout line Kentledge: Pig iron ingots placed along each side
was rove through a block on a lower yardarm, passed of the keelson as permanent ballast. The name is
under the hull, and attached to the culprits ankles. sometimes applied to permanent ballast of any shape.
Another line, running from the yardarm on the other Kerlanguishe : A fast-sailing boat used on the
side, was secured around the victims chest below his Bosphorus. Named after the swallow.
arms. His wrists were bound behind his back. On the Kersausons squid: On a moonless night in Janu-
captains command, the victim was hoisted over the ary 2003, veteran French yachtsman Olivier de Ker-
side by the chest line, which was slowly played out, sauson, competing in the round-the-world Jules Verne
while the slack was taken up by the ankle line. In this Trophy, was off the Portuguese island of Madeira when
way the victim was dragged underneath the vessels his 110-foot trimaran Geronimo shuddered as if it had
hull, to appear feet rst on the other side. As extra run aground. Some of the crew shone spotlights on
punishment, a cannon was often red over the delin- the water, and rst mate Didier Ragot saw something
quents head to astonish and confound him as he by the rudder bigger than a human leg. He called
emerged from the water and also to give warning to Kersauson who took the ashlight, and saw Two
all others of the eet to look out and be wary by his giant tentacles right beneath us ... really pulling the
harm (Nathanial Boteler, 1634). In addition to nearly boat hard. A giant squid had clamped on to the hull.
drowning, the victims thighs, stomach, chest, and It was enormous, Kersauson recalled. Ive been sail-
face would be severely ripped by barnacles grow- ing for forty years ... but this was terrifying. The
ing on the ships hull. These wounds often became yacht rocked violently and the rudder started to bend.
infected, which sometimes resulted in agonizing Then, suddenly, everything went still, and the creature
death days or weeks after apparently surviving the or- swam away leaving impressions on the hull from the
deal. suckers on its long arms.
Keelraking: A particularly vicious, brutal, and al- Ketch: A small vessel, square or fore-and-aft rigged
most invariably lethal variation of keelhauling. In this on a tall mainmast, with a shorter mizzen stepped for-
rarely-employed punishment the unfortunate victim ward of the rudder post.
Key 170

Key: [1] A reef or low islet. Also cay, from the Span- only purchased a slothful, incompetent, or unruly sea-
ish cayo = rock. Usually pronounced kay, but kee man.
in certain place names such as Key West. [2] A quay. Kings Letter Man: In 1676, King Charles II wrote
[3] A lug or angle-iron connecting the keelson to the to Samuel Pepys, Secretary of the Admiralty:
oor plate. [4] The means of deciphering a code or Whereas out of our Royal desire of giving encour-
cryptogram. Pronounced kee. agement to the families of better quality ... to breed
Key of the Keelson: [1] See key. [2] See hazing. up their younger sons to the art and practice of navi-
Khaki: A yellowish-brown color for clothing. gation.... We have ... been graciously pleased ... to
Originated in India in 1846 as a form of camouage admit the bearing of several young gentlemen to the
when British soldiers unofcially soaked their con- end aforesaid on board Our ships, in the quality of
spicuous white uniforms in a blend of mud, coffee, volunteers.
and curry powder to blend in with the landscape. Pepys accordingly issued regulations covering the
Ofcially approved in 1861. Pronounced kaki in Amer- ofcial rating of Volunteer-per-Order more popularly
ican English, Karki in British usage, after the Hindi known as Kings Letter Man (or Boy). These lads, who
and Urdu for dust or earth. were the earliest form of naval cadet, had to be under
Khufu ship: An intact full-size ceremonial oared sixteen years of age and were paid 2 per month di-
barge, discovered in 1954 sealed in a pit near the Great rectly from the Royal purse. Each received a letter
Pyramid at Giza. Typical of Egyptian naval architec- from the monarch virtually guaranteeing a commission
ture, its more than 1,200 pieces were laid out in log- by the age of twenty, subject only to having served
ical order for re-assembly and use in the afterlife. Now three years aoat, at least one of them with midship-
complete and on display, it is believed to date to the man rating, and passing the lieutenants examination.
mid-third millennium BCE and is of the type known In 1703, the required practical experience was dou-
as a solar barge intended for the reincarnated bled to six years, but the system still failed to properly
pharaohs journey across the heavens with the sun god teach most of the young men their profession. A no-
Ra. However, it appears to have been previously used, table exception who was also the last Kings Letter
and probably carried the embalmed body from Mem- Boy to be appointed was George Rodney, later to
phis to Giza. It is also possible Khufu used it ceremo- become one of Britains greatest admirals. In 1732, the
nially while still alive. program was abandoned and cadets received formal
KIA: Killed in Action. training at a Naval Academy in Portsmouth before
Kick: The swirl left in a ships wake after a change going to sea.
of course. Used as a reference point for following ships Kings parade: 18th century term for the quarter-
to turn at. deck.
Kiftis: An Indian passenger boat with stem-to- Kink: An unintended twist or turn in a rope or
stern cabins along both sides. cable.
Killick: [1] Originally, a stone-weighted wooden Kip: RN slang for a brief sleep or nap. The term
anchor. From the Erse kellagh. [2] A type of stocked originally referred to a brothel, but by the latter part
and shanked anchor for small boats. [3] A Leading of the nineteenth century had come to mean a com-
Seaman in the RN, so called because his badge of rank mon lodging-house. Soon after, the sense transferred
is such an anchor. [4] A kellet. from the place of sleep to the act of sleeping.
Killter: A sailing ship in prime condition and well Kippage : Former name for the equipment and
rigged was formerly said to be in ne killter. crew of a vessel.
Kilo: NATO phonetic notation for the letter K. Kiss the Gunners Daughter: See Marry and Gun-
See table 11. ners Daughter.
King post : [1] A short mast supporting a cargo Kit: Clothing or equipment.
boom. [2] A pillar in a merchantmans hold, between Kit up: To outt or equip (mainly British).
the lower deck and the keelson. It serves to support the Kitbag : A tubular canvas bag, closed by draw-
deck-beam, and strengthen the vessel, also prevents string, used by seamen to carry personal belongings.
cargo or materials contained in the hold from shifting Also Seabag.
to the opposite side when the vessel rolls. A king post Kitchens reversing rudder: In 1916, recognizing
under the edge of a hatchway is often furnished with that conventional rudders are relatively ineffective at
notches that serve as steps to mount or descend. Also low speed, Royal Navy Admiral Jack Kitchen designed
samson post. and patented a combination steering-and-propulsion
King spoke : The spoke or handle on an old- device to provide slow-speed maneuvering capability
fashioned ships wheel that stands vertically when the for small powerboats. In Kitchens device, a pair of
rudder is exactly amidships. Usually carved or curved plates shroud the propeller. When they are
wrapped to make it easily identiable when coming out parallel to the propeller race, they cause almost no in-
of a turn. terference, allowing rapid forward movement, but
Kings hard bargain: Referred to the waste of the when both are turned in the same direction, they
sovereigns money when the shilling given to a recruit deect the race, causing a lateral thrust that turns the
171 KR&AI

boat. And when they are moved so that they reduce the wooden block, and when the knocking stopped, it
space behind the propeller, they gradually decrease was the signal to stop pulling.) [3] To kill or murder
forward thrust until, when fully closed, they direct someone. [4] To hold up or rob. [5] To copy or imi-
the ow forward, producing an astern thrust. This in- tate, especially without permission.
genious device has never achieved signicant maritime Knock the gilt off the gingerbread: This expres-
success, but Kitchens principle is widely used in the sion meaning to spoil the best part of a thing or story
reverse thrust deectors of modern jet aircraft. has a nautical origin. Knocking the gold trim off a
Kite: [1] A device designed to be own in the air at ships gingerbread not only incurred the displeasure
the end of a long tether. [2] A light sail used in a gen- of the captain but, depending on age and condition,
tle breeze, usually to supplement regular working sails could damage the vessel.
(see spinnaker). [3] In naval mine warfare, a towed Knockabout: A sloop- or schooner-rigged sailing
device that submerges and planes at a predetermined vessel with no bowsprit.
depth without sideways displacement. Knocked into a cocked hat: Attempts to give this
Kite sail: A large kite used to harness higher winds phrase a nautical origin are fruitless. In the game of
above the water. Auxiliary kite-sails can be used on ninepins, when six pins had been knocked down, the
all vessels to reduce fuel consumption. remaining three sometimes formed a triangle said to
Kite sailing: In this form of propulsion a kite sail resemble a cocked hat.
provides power for a vessel. The basic principles of Knoll: The top of an underwater shoal or hillock,
kite sailing are the same as those of traditional sail- characteristically of rounded prole and rising less
ing, except that a kite is used to harness the wind in- than 500 fathoms above the oor. If higher, it is called
stead of a xed sail. The advantages include being able a seamount or guyot. Knolls sometimes form clusters
to access wind that is free of surface turbulence, and on the sea oor.
the ability to create apparent wind through the Knorr: A seagoing Viking cargo ship, shorter,
movement of the kitexed sails move in unison with beamier, and deeper than a raiding longship. Unlike
the craft they are propelling, while a kite can move its ghting version (the drakkar) it had no oars amid-
relative to the vessel, thus creating more apparent wind ships to maximize carrying capacity.
than a traditional xed sail, and being capable of sail- Knot : [1] Any of countless ways of interlacing,
ing any course, including up wind. twining, or looping cord, rope, or line, for fastening,
A Hamburg-based company has developed a kite binding, or connecting them together or to something
sail propulsion system that can be retrotted to large else. [2] A speed equal to one nautical mile per hour
ships, enabling mariners to re-harness the enormous (1.1516 mph; 1.853 km/h). Landlubbers frequently
energy potential of the wind. The minimal operating refer to a rate of knots or speak of knots per hour,
costs of wind-powered systems make shipping more both of which are considered needless repetition (but
protable and more independent of declining oil re- see counter-argument below).
serves. The motive force that powered ocean voyages Knots per hour: Although most seamen consider
for millennia may yet enjoy a revival. this term to be a landlubberly tautology, there is an ar-
Knee knocker: Slang for the raised coaming at the gument in some nautical circles that, rather than being
bottom of a doorway. Intended to strengthen the a speed, a knot is actually the distance between two
bulkhead by minimizing the size of the opening, but divisions on the logline. Therefore a cast could be re-
also a hazard to knees and shins. ported as a rate of X knots per hour.
Knees: Timber or metal braces used to strengthen Know the ropes: This phrase, today meaning to
two parts being joined together. When used for the completely understand a business or operation, started
knees of wooden ships, the timbers are carefully se- out meaning to know only the bare minimum. One
lected so that their grain approximates the required of the rst things a novice seaman had to learn was the
angle, thereby minimizing splitting. names and locations of all the complex running and
Knife & Fork School: USN slang for Ofcer Ini- standing rigging (i.e., the ropes). This was no simple
tiation School, where professionals entering the serv- task, as he had to be able to nd and identify every line
ice are taught the basics of naval etiquette. and block on a dark and moonless night, but even
Knighthead: One of several baulks of timber to when he knew all that, he still had a great deal more
which the heel of a bowsprit was secured. to learn before being rated able.
Knittle: [1] A small hand-laid line used to sling a Knuckle : [1] Persistent wake turbulence having
hammock from the deck beam. [2] Kittles were knot- caused by the tight turn of a surface ship or subma-
ted two or three times and used to belabor a victim rine. Easily misinterpreted as the target by a sonar op-
running the gauntlet. The word is derived from the erator. [2] Raise the knuckles to the forehead in salute.
verb knit and is pronounced nittles. Koff: A round-bellied Dutch sailing merchantman,
Knock off: [1] To blow a sailing vessel off course. which could carry a large load but was a poor sailer due
[2] To quit suddenly or stop working. (Some sources to its at bottom.
claim a nautical origin for this usage, since galleys KR&AI: Formerly, Kings Regulations and Admi-
were rowed to the rhythm of a mallet striking a ralty Instructions. Now replaced by QRO.
Krabla 172

Krabla: A Russian whaling or sealing vessel. resulting in its dismissal. Ancient French lachesse =
The Kraken: One of the most terrifying legendary loose.
monsters of the deep is the Norwegian Kraken. It is Ladder: Except on passenger and cruise ships,
claimed to be the size of a small island (see Zaratan). where conventional terminology is used, all shipboard
In 1752, Eric Ludvigsen Pontoppidan, Bishop of staircases are called ladders, whether they are verti-
Bergen, wrote that its arms are so large and powerful cal with rungs, or inclined with steps-and-risers.
that if they were to lay hold of the largest man-o- Ladders: A former USN gunnery technique in
war, they would pull it down to the bottom. This which secondary batteries deliberately opened short,
may not be as fantastic as it sounds if the report then red salvos as quickly as possible, with small in-
of Captain Arne Grnningster (see Brunswicks crements in range, until the target had been crossed,
Kraken) can be believed. In fact, when scaled down then reversed to re-cross the target in the opposite di-
to a reasonable size, there are possibilities of truth be- rection.
hind the myth. For example, Egedes Serpent, sighted Laden: An adjective describing [1] A ship charged
in 1734, could have been such a creature. to full capacity, or [2] How the vessel is loaded (e.g.,
Krang: A whale carcass stripped of its blubber and fully-laden, partially-laden, lightly-laden, or in bal-
abandoned. last). See also lading.
Kruman: Slave traders name for African seamen Lading: [1] A ships cargo or freight. [2] The act
recruited to serve on a slaver making the Middle Pas- of loading a ship. See also bill of lading, overloading,
sage. Some sources suggest the word is a pidgin En- and plimsoll mark.
glish corruption of crew-man, but in fact Kru is Ladys ladder: Topmans derogatory term for rat-
both an ethnic group and a sub-dialect of the Niger- lines set close together and easy to climb.
Congo language family, spoken by shers and seamen Lagen: Term in maritime law for cargo ditched
along the West coast of Africa. In addition to crewing (often by intercepted smugglers) with a buoy attached
slave ships, Krumen are reported working on the Suez for ease of later recovery. Also Ligan. Cf. Jetsam, otsam.
Canal in 1869, on the Panama Canal in 1880, and at Lagoon: An area of relatively-calm shallow water
various times as stevedores on the docks. Also Kroo- separated from the sea by sandbars or (usually) coral
man. reefs.
Kuroshio: This name which means black ow is Laid down: Said of a ship under construction once
the Japanese name for the Japan Stream. its keel has been put in place.
Kye: RN slang for extra-strong cocoa mixed with Laid up: Said of a ship which is docked and out of
condensed milk and served piping hot to watchkeep- service for a short period (e.g., for the winter), but
ers. has not been mothballed for long-term storage.
Kymatology: Seldom-used term for the study of Laker: A vessel trading exclusively in the Great
waves and wave motion. Lakes of North America.
LAMPS: Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System.
An integrated avionics weapon system that extends
ASW search and attack capabilities by combining the
L endurance of surface vessels with the speed and ex-
ibility of deployed helicopters.
LA: Leading Airman (RN). Land: [1] Any part of the earths surface not covered
La Nia: An ENSO event which occurs irregularly by water. [2] Of a vessel, to come to rest alongside a
every 27 years due to cooler than usual sea surface pier or wharf. [3] Of passengers, to leave the ship for
temperatures. The term, which means The Little the shore. [4] Of an aircraft, to alight on the ground
Girl, was coined to represent the opposite of El Nio, or on a ight deck.
which La Nia frequently follows. Pronounced Lah Land ho!: The hail traditionally given by the rst
Neenya. person on board to sight land after an ocean voyage.
Labor/Labour: To roll or pitch excessively in a sea- Landfall: The rst sighting of land after an ocean
way; probably pounding, hogging, and sagging. voyage.
Lace: [1] A cord, string, or light line. [2] To secure Landing beach: That portion of a shoreline over
a sail to mast or spar by spirally-wrapping a cord which an invasion force (usually a battalion landing
through the eyes on the sail. [3] The proper term for team) may be put ashore.
the gold braid or stripes of a naval ofcers rank in- Landing craft: A at-bottomed purpose-built ves-
signia. sel for conveying troops and equipment to an am-
Lacepiece: A timber closely-tted to the back of a phibious landing beach usually equipped with a bot-
gurehead so as to steady it. tom-hinged ramp for rapid disembarkation. These
LACH: Lightweight amphibious container han- vessels have an ancient history. As early as the fth
dler. century BCE, Darius I of Persia seems to have been the
Laches: Legal term for sloppy practice or undue rst to commission function-built warships, includ-
delay in bringing a case to a civil or admiralty court, ing prototype landing craft. Fifteen hundred years
173 Larboard

later, when making opposed amphibious landings, nally called this job Deck Landing Control ofcer,
the Byzantine navys horse-transports rowed directly now it is Air Trafc Controller.) From the 1920s until
onto the beach and lowered hinged bow-ramps, al- after World War II, LSOs used colored paddles to
lowing already-mounted armored cataphracts (heavy control the approach and touch-down of airplanes
cavalry) to charge ashore without delay. For the fourth (hence the colloquialism Batsman). Their signals
Crusade (1202) the Venetian navy rened the concept gave pilots information on lining-up with the ight
in the Huissier. deck, height relative to the proper glide slope, air-
The rst modern self-propelled infantry landing speed (fast or slow), and whether tailhook and wheels
craft were deployed at Gallipoli in World War I, and were down. The nal signal was a slashing motion at
by World War II there were designs to handle various the throat ordering the pilot to reduce power and land.
combinations of troops, weapons, and vehicles. These LSO signals were mostly advisory in the U.S. Navy, but
were adapted for special purposes such as re-sup- usually mandatory in the Royal Navy. Hence, when
port, medical evacuation, and ghter direction. Such crossdecking they had to agree on which system
craft were only capable of relatively short-duration would be used: The duties of todays LSO are de-
voyages (see landing ship). There are innumerable ver- scribed by the USN (Navair 00-80T-104) as...
sions of the modern landing craft, identied by initials ... the safe and expeditious recovery of nonV/STOL
starting with LC. Some, but by no means all, are xed-wing aircraft aboard ship.... Through training
listed alphabetically herein. and experience, he is capable of correlating factors of
Landing gear: Undercarriage components such as wind, weather, aircraft capabilities, ship congura-
wheels, skis, or oats, that enable a grounded aircraft tion, pilot experience, etc.... The LSO is also di-
to move on land, snow, or water respectively. rectly responsible for training pilots in carrier land-
Landing mats: Prefabricated units which can be ing techniques. In this regard, he must ... certify
joined together to form hard surfaces for landing their carrier readiness and qualication. The pilot
beaches, emergency runways, etc. Many materials and LSO form a professional and disciplined team,
have been used; including wood, bamboo, steel, and both ashore and aoat.
aluminum. See also deck landing modes.
Landing operation: See amphibious assault. Landing stage: A platform attached to the shore at
Landing party: Members of a ships company de- one end and the ship at the other, for use when load-
tailed to go ashore for some (usually military) duty or ing or disembarking passengers and cargo.
operation. Landlocked: Said of a country without access to the
Landing point: In amphibious operations, a loca- sea.
tion within a beachhead where helicopters or VTOL Landlubber: Derisive term for a non-seaman (land
aircraft can land. + lubber).
Landing ship: A shallow-draft vessel at least 60 Landmark: Any prominent feature on the shore
meters (200 feet) long, purpose-built for landing which can be easily identied as a guide for ships at sea.
heavy equipment on an invasion beach. Usually with Landsman: [1] Formerly, a naval rating below or-
bows consisting of a pair of side-hinged doors to allow dinary seaman. [2] Now, any inexperienced sailor, un-
easy exit of tanks, vehicles, and equipment. These familiar with ships and the sea.
large vessels were capable of long ocean voyages. Dur- Lane: A channel or lead. See also sea lane.
ing an assault landing, some remained offshore, send- Langrage/Langridge: Musket balls, nails, or metal
ing their troops and hardware to the beach in smaller scrap formerly used as the lling for case shot to be
landing craft. Others such as the LST were at-bot- red as an anti-personnel projectile or to damage sails
tomed, designed to drop their ramps directly on the and masts.
beach, allowing trucks, tanks, self-propelled artillery, Lanyard/Laniard: [1] A short length of cord or line
and armored engineer vehicles to drive straight off connecting or securing something. [2] A cord attached
through the double doors in the bow. Some were to the breech mechanism for ring a gun. [3] A cord
modied for service as repair depots or hospital ships; hung around the neck or looped over the shoulder of
others were oating command posts, staffed by naval, a seaman to which a whistle or knife may be attached.
air, and military personnel, to ensure inter-service Lap: In naval mine warfare, that section or strip of
control and cooperation. The biggest of these vessels a mineeld assigned to one or more minesweepers for
was the LSD which had quarters for troops, along a single run through the eld.
with their vehicles and landing craft. It could also pro- Lapland Witch: Formerly, a charlatan at a north-
vide docking and repair services to small craft, and ern Scandinavian port, who would offer to sell favor-
act as control ship for amphibious assaults. There are able winds to credulous sailors.
innumerable landing ship versions, identied by ini- Lapstraked: See clinker-built.
tials starting with LS or LH. Some, but by no Larboard: Archaic term for the left (port) side of
means all, are listed herein. a vessel when looking forward. Abandoned because
Landing Signal Ofcer: A naval aviator who directs of possible confusion with starboard when orders were
landings on a USN aircraft carrier. (The RN origi- shouted during a storm or in combat.
Larbolin 174

Larbolin: Formerly, a member of the larboard Latitude: The angular distance north or south of
(port) watch. A member of the starboard watch was a the equator expressed in minutes and seconds. The
starbolin, hence the cant rhyme: equator is at 0 latitude, the poles at 90 North and
Larbolins stout, you must turn out South respectively (cf. longitude).
And sleep no more within Launch: [1] A large, powered, open boat. [2] The
For if you do, well cut your clue largest pulling or sailing boat of a man-o-war (called
And let starbolins in the longboat in merchant service). [3] To set a small
Clue refers to the combination of small lines from boat in the water. [4] To oat a newly-constructed
which a hammock is suspended. vessel, usually by sliding it down a slope or slipway.
Lascar: An East Indian seaman (Hindi lashkari = [5] To re a rocket or torpedo. [6] To catapult an air-
soldier). craft off a ight deck. [7] To commence a project or
Lash: [1] To bind or secure something by wrapping expedition. The rst two come from the Portuguese
it with rope or wire and tying off with a knot. [2] To lancha meaning pinnace: the others from Middle En-
og someone. [3] Acronym for Lighter Aboard Ship glish lancer, which derives from the Latin lancear re-
(see heavy loads and vehicles). ferring to a javelin, or a spear with a leather thong
Lash up and stow!: RN command to bind ones that could be thrown (launched) as well as used for
hammock with cord and store it out of the way. The stabbing.
USN equivalent command is heave up and trice. Launcher: A device for holding and ring a rocket,
Lashing: The rope, line, or wire used to secure missile, depth charge, or other projectile.
something in place. Launching rituals: Since the beginning of naviga-
Lassie: Few people would associate the famous ca- tion, newly-built vessels have been held to need pro-
nine movie star with the sea, but there is a direct con- tection by and from the gods of the sea. There are
nection. On New Years Day 1915, a British eet was records of a ship-dedication ceremony as early as 2100
steaming off the Devon coast, when HMS Formida- BCE. A little later, the ancient Chinese developed elab-
ble, the fourth of ve Royal Navy ships to bear that orate launching rituals to propitiate the Mother of the
name, developed engine trouble and fell behind the Dragon, and many of them are still performed today.
line. At 2:30 in the morning the crippled battleship In Europe, Scandinavia, and Tahiti, human sacrice
was struck by two torpedoes red from German sub- was thought necessary to propitiate the sea deities,
marine U-24. She sank in less than two hours, to be- but later generations of priest substituted blood-red
come the rst British battleship to be lost in World wine. The practice, if not the superstition, lives on
War I. Only 199 men were saved, out of a comple- when the sponsor of a new vessel smashes a cham-
ment of 750, and the wreck is an ofcial war grave. pagne bottle against the bow as the hull slides down
Seventy-one survivors crammed into a pinnace the ways.
which required constant bailing in ten-meter (30- Law enforcement: Military services have their own
foot) waves and high winds. All day long and through police and security forces that perform some or all of
the following night the little boat was battered by rain the following duties:
and hail, but it was spotted next morning by a Miss Enforce military law
Gwen Harding walking along the Marine Parade at Develop policies and programs to prevent crime
Lyme Regis. By this time, fourteen had died and been and reduce trafc accidents
buried at sea, but a rapidly-mounted rescue operation Supervise the arrest, custody, transfer, and release of
found fty-one still alive (three of whom died after offenders
being rescued) along with six dead bodies. The corpses Plan and direct criminal investigations
were brought ashore and laid out on the oor of the Investigate suspected treason, sabotage, or espionage
Pilot Boat Inn, where the landladys collie dog Lassie Plan the security of military bases and ofce build-
persistently licked the face of Seaman James Cowan ings
until he miraculously coughed and returned to life. Direct security procedures
Decades later, the incident (very loosely interpreted) Manage military correctional facilities
inspired the series of movies and a television pro- Conduct or assist in ballistics, forgery, ngerprint-
gram. ing, and polygraph examinations
Last Post: The British bugle call blown at military See also naval police and master-at-arms.
funerals and at the sunset ceremony (cf. Taps). Laws and conventions of the sea: Ancient Egyp-
Lateen rig: A triangular sail on a long yard, angled tians, Minoans, and Phoenicians were extensively en-
to the mast. This is the ancient and typical rig of the gaged in sophisticated maritime activity, and must
East Mediterranean Sea, the Persian/Arabian Gulf, have had governing rules, although none has yet been
and the Indian Ocean, and is one of the lowest wind- discovered. By about 800 BCE, however, Rhodian Law
age sails, easy to manage. See also sailing rigs. had become a long-lasting and major international
Lateral marks: Those parts of the lateral system source of maritime regulation. In the ninth century, the
which designate the sides of a channel. Byzantine adaptation of that law applied internation-
Lateral system: See uniform lateral system. ally across the western commercial world but, by the
175 LCG

eleventh century, Italian coastal city-states, such as at Wisby (or Wisbuy), the capital of the island of
Trani, Amal, and Venice, were compiling their own Gothland in the Baltic Sea. Claimed to be older than
maritime regulations. the Rles de Olron, many of its clauses are virtually
These were consolidated into and superseded by identical and it seems certain that one was copied from
the Consolato del Mare, developed in Spain around the other. During the 12th and 13th centuries, Goth-
1300, which became accepted throughout the Medi- land was a wealthy commercial center and, as a result,
terranean. Meanwhile, a separate code had emerged on the Wisby laws carried great authority in the Baltic
the Atlantic coasts of Europe. The Rles de Olron region, until superseded by the Hanseatic Ordinances.
were of Anglo-Norman origin, but rapidly became Lay: [1] To aim a gun. [2] To plan a ships course.
accepted in Castile, England, Flanders, France, Prus- [3] To place a vessel in a specied position (e.g., lay
sia, and Scotland. Their terms were closely followed alongside). [4] To order a person to go to a specic
by the Laws of Wisby, and the Customs of Amsterdam. location (e.g., lay aloft, or lay below). [5] To drop an
Later, the Hanseatic Ordinances drew heavily on anchor. [6] To place strands together ready to be
Wisby. twisted into rope. [7] To twist the strands to form a
Even today, these early codes are still occasionally rope. [8] The direction in which the strands have been
(though rarely) cited as precedent or authority by ad- twisted (see rope & hawser lay).
miralty courts. They had the immense advantage of Lay aloft!: Command for topmen to climb to their
applying uniform and consistent rules and principles stations.
to international disputes, but the panEuropean sys- Lay boat: A boat anchored for some specic pur-
tem began to dissipate when the rise of nationalism in pose, such as marking a location.
the 17th century led Britain, Denmark, France, Swe- Lay-by: A place where vessels can anchor away
den, and others to develop their own ordinances. Dis- from trafc and out of the current.
advantages soon became obvious, and maritime law Lay off: [1] To wait at a specic location pending
gradually reverted to todays more-or-less uniform further instructions. [2] To chart or plot a course.
and comprehensive supranational body of jurispru- [3] To discharge personnel.
dence. See also United Nations Convention on the Lay out!: Command to topmen to spread out at
Law of the Sea. evenly spaced intervals across the yard.
Laws and usages of war: The idea that the conduct Lay up: See laid up.
of armed conict can be governed, or at least limited Layer: [1] One of the pair of gunlayers who work
to mitigate excessive evils, can be found in almost all as a team. [2] A thermocline.
societies from antiquity onward. (The classical name Laytime: Contractual term for the period allowed
of the laws of war is jus in bello a separate body of for loading or discharge of cargo. May be expressed in
law, jus ad bellum, determines whether entering into terms of days, hours, or tons/day.
war is justiable.) There have been many international Lazaret: [1] A between decks paint locker. [2] A
declarations, conventions, treaties and judgments, en- small cupboard for anything (especially food) in a
compassing a wide range of matters, such as the rights merchantman. [3] A storage compartment at the stern
and duties of neutrals; treatment of POWs and those of a small craft. [4] A quarantine station for conta-
wounded in battle; negotiation and implementation gious diseases. The rst lazaret was established by
of truces; limitations on means and methods of com- Venice in 1403 on Santa Maria di Nazareth (today
bat; and war crimes. As an example, eight of twelve Lazzaretto Vecchio), an island in the Venetian La-
sections in the 1907 Hague Conventions concern the goon.
following aspects of naval warfare: Lazy: Extra or spare (e.g., a lazy painter is the
VI The Status of Enemy Merchant Ships at the rope used for hauling a boat to a boom ladder, while
Outbreak of Hostilities a lazy guy is an additional guy on a boom or spar to
VII The Conversion of Merchant Ships into prevent it swinging).
War-Ships LCA: World War II Hull classication symbol of a
VIII The Laying of Automatic Submarine Con- Landing Craft, Assault. Designed to carry an infantry
tact Mines platoon of 30 soldiers, and usually carried on a ships
IX Bombardment by Naval Forces in Time of lifeboat davits.
War LCAC: Hull classication symbol of a Landing
X Adaptation to Maritime War of the Principles Craft, Air cushion.
of the Geneva Convention LCAP: Low combat air patrol.
XI Restrictions with Regard to the Exercise of LCB: Line of constant bearing.
the Right of Capture in Naval War LCC: Hull classication symbol of an amphibious
XIIThe Creation of an International Prize Court command ship.
[Not Ratied] LCCS: Hull classication symbol of a Landing
XIII The Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers Craft Control Ship.
in Naval War LCG: World War II Hull classication symbol of
Laws of Wisby: This maritime code was developed a Landing Craft, Gun. Designed to provide close ar-
LCH 176

tillery support for troops landing on a defended beach. hand-thrown version and 100 fathoms for the deep-
A number of variations were produced based on the sea type. The lead sinkers weigh 7 or 14 pounds (3 or
LCT hull, some carrying light anti-tank weaponry, 6 kg) and have a hollow at their ends that can be
others small naval guns. armed (lled) with soap or tallow to pick up a sam-
LCH: Hull classication symbol of a Landing ple of the sea bed. The hand line has nine marks
Craft, Heavy. designed to be read by feel at night (experienced leads-
LCI: Hull classication symbol of a Landing Craft, men often put them in their mouths, which tend to
Infantry. be more sensitive than work-hardened ngers). The
LCI(L): Hull classication symbol of a Landing marks are:
Craft, Infantry (large). 2 fathoms Two leather strips
LCL: Less than container load. 3 fathoms Three leather strips
LCM: Hull classication symbol of a Landing 5 fathoms White cotton calico
Craft, Mechanized. 7 fathoms Red woolen bunting
LCP: Lighterage control point. 10 fathoms Leather pierced with a round hole
LCPL: Hull classication symbol of a Landing 13 fathoms Three leather strips (sometimes blue
Craft, Personnel (large). woolen serge)
LCS: Hull classication symbol of a Littoral Com- 15 fathoms White cotton calico
bat Ship. 17 fathoms Red woolen bunting
LCSL: Hull classication symbol of a Landing 20 fathoms Leather with two round holes or
Craft, Support (large). light line with two knots
LCT: Hull classication symbol of a Landing Craft, It will be noted that marks for the second set of ten
Tank. fathoms are virtually a repeat of those for the rst, ex-
LCU: Hull classication symbol of a Landing cept that twelve fathoms is skipped and twenty is modi-
Craft, Utility. ed. Intermediate deeps are unmarked, to be estimated
LCVP: Hull classication symbol of a Landing by the leadsman on the basis of experience. A deep-
Craft, Vehicle and Personnel. sea leadline is marked in the same way for the rst
LDO: Limited duty ofcer. twenty fathoms. Thereafter it is marked with a knot
Lead: [1] An inshore channel, especially one every ve fathoms and a double knot every ten fath-
through an ice pack. Pronounced leed. Also lode. [2] oms, terminating with a strip of leather at 100 fathoms.
A leadline. Pronounced led. Leadsman: A seaman who takes soundings by cast-
Leading edge: [1] The edge of a sail or mast that ing the lead. Pronounced leds-man.
faces the wind. [2] The forward periphery of an air- League: See nautical league.
craft propeller blade or wing. [3] The foremost posi- Leak: [1] An unintended seepage of water through
tion in a trend or movement; a vanguard. a crack or hole. Anglo-Saxon lekka = drip. [2] To di-
Leading marks: See range beacons. vulge condential or secret information.
Leading part: One of three divisions or segments Leatherneck: U.S. slang for a Marine (cf. Boot-
of a line rove through a tackle, being the section be- neck).
yond the tackle that will be hauled. The others are Leave: Permission to be relieved of all duties and be
running part and standing part. (See also fall.) absent from a ship or station for more than 48 hours
Leading Seaman: A non-commissioned rank or (cf. liberty, shore leave, French leave, sick leave, long
rate in many navies, also known as leading rate. The leave).
military equivalent is corporal. In Commonwealth Leaver: A merchantman that breaks away from a
navies a leading seaman rates above able seaman and convoy to proceed independently.
below petty ofcer. The insignia is a fouled anchor in Ledge: A compact row of rocks running parallel to
British and Australian service; in the Canadian navy the shore.
it is two point down chevrons. The USN equivalent Lee: [1] The side away from the wind, the down-
is Petty Ofcer 3rd Class (E-4) whose insignia is an wind side. [2] The protection provided by an upwind
eagle over crossed anchors and a single point down object (In the lee of the islet). From Old English
chevron. (See also table 14.) hl`o = shelter.
Leadline: [1] A weighted line used in shing for Lee gauge: To be downwind of an enemy is to hold
holding down nets or traps. May have a lead lament the lee gauge.
or core (also called bottom line). [2] A depth-meas- Lee helm: Sailing with helm alee to compensate
uring device, originally used by the Vikings, who for wind pressure.
dropped a lead-weighted line until it touched bot- Lee helmsman: [1] A bridge watchkeeper desig-
tom, and then measured the length played out in nated to take the wheel if the helmsman is incapaci-
terms of the length of outstretched arms, which they tated. [2] In the USN the lee helmsman handles the
called fathmr. Today we call it a fathom. [3] The mod- engine-order telegraph and is paired with a regular
ern leadline is made of 3 4-inch braided cotton twine helmsman. The two normally switch duties every half-
in standard lengths of 20 fathoms for the traditional hour (at each bell) during their watch.
177 Libera

Lee shore: The coast toward which the wind is all the correspondence and orders issued by a war-
blowing a hazardous one for sailing ships to be ships captain.
near. Letter of Marque: A commission or license to em-
Lee tide: A tide running parallel to the wind. ploy a private armed vessel against enemy merchant
Leeboard: A triangular or pear-shaped board, low- shipping. King Henry III of England issued the rst
ered on the lee side of a keelless sailing barge to min- such authorizations in 1243. Originally called Letter
imize drift when beating against the wind. of Marque and Reprisal it predated privateer Com-
Leech: [1] The vertical side of a square-sail. [2] The missions of War and differed from them in that it al-
longer side of a lugsail. [3] The vertical edge of a tri- lowed private individuals to seek redress for wrongs
angular sail. suffered at the hands of others on the high seas. If, for
Leechline: Rope attached to the leech of a square- instance, a French ship was attacked and robbed by a
sail, running through a block under the top, and serv- Spanish one, the Letter of Marque and Reprisal would
ing to truss the sail up to its yard. reect the theory of collective responsibility by au-
Leeward: In or moving toward the side away from thorizing its owner to seize goods of equal value from
the wind. Pronounced loo-ard. From the Old En- any Spanish ship that might be encountered.
glish hl`ow-ward (cf. windward). Letterman: See Kings Letter Man.
Leeway: Extent to which a ship is blown to lee- Leviathan: Longer than twenty winding rivers
ward of her intended course. joined end-to-end, this primordial water serpent is
Left arm rates: See arm badges. said to have been formed on the fth day of creation.
Left bank: The ground beside a river on the left of Living in the Mediterranean Sea, he is a brilliant and
an observer facing downstream. beautiful sight, with dazzling bright eyes and luminous
Left hand lay: An s-twist. See rope & hawser lay. shiny scales. As with other creations, he was originally
Left hand salute: See hand salutes. given a female companion, but she was taken away
Left in the lurch: Some sources claim that this when the Creator realized that, if something of that size
phrase, commonly meaning to be trapped helplessly was allowed to multiply, its progeny would soon over-
while others make their escape, refers to a ship failing ll all the oceans of the world.
to recover from the heavy roll known as a lurch. In Leyte Gulf: The Battle of Leyte Gulf (2326 Oc-
fact, it is probably derived from the popular 16th cen- tober 1944) included four major naval engagements
tury French game of Lourche. In this game, which is in the Sibuyan Sea and Surigao Strait; and off Samar
said to have resembled backgammon, anyone who fell Island and Cape Engaowhich, together with other
so far behind that a win was virtually impossible was related actions, are generally considered to form the
said to demeurer lourche (live in lurch). The word largest naval battle of World War II and, possibly, the
also occurs in the more recent game of cribbage, where largest naval battle in history. The Imperial Japanese
a player who is less than half-way around the board Navy mobilized nearly all of its remaining major sur-
when the winner nishes is said to have been lurched face vessels in an attempt to defeat the Allied inva-
and loses double the stake. sion of Leyte but was repulsed by the U.S. Navys 3rd
Leg: [1] The distance sailed on a tack. [2] The por- and 7th Fleets, suffering extremely heavy losses in-
tion of a cruise between ports. cluding the super-battleship Musashi, two other bat-
Legs: A fast-sailing vessel is said to have legs. tleships, four aircraft carriers, and eight cruisers.
Lend a hand: In naval parlance this means please LF : [1] Landing force. [2] Low frequency.
help. The command to do so is bear a hand. LHA: Hull classication symbol of an amphibious
Lens: [1] Physics; A transparent optical element, so assault ship. Embarks and deploys the ground per-
constructed that it serves to change the degree of con- sonnel of a landing force.
vergence or divergence of the transmitted rays. [2] Sea LHD: Hull classication symbol of an amphibi-
service; The glass sealing a port or window. See also ous assault ship (dock).
Fresnel lens. Libera Nos Specter: Seventeenth century Dutch
LENS: Light Enhanced Naval Surveillance. shipmaster Bernard Fokke was a skilled and audacious
Let y!: Command [1] To release sails. [2] To re mariner, who encased his masts in iron in order to
a weapon (slang). carry a greater spread of canvas than any of his con-
Let go!: Command to release and drop the anchor. temporaries. In consequence, his voyages from Hol-
Let go and haul!: Command to simultaneously land to Java were so uncannily rapid that seamen be-
slacken the weather braces and pull the lee braces, is- lieved he must have been in league with and helped
sued when tacking a square-rigged vessel. along by the Devil. After his Indiaman Libera Nos
Let the cat out of the bag: This phrase, which (Deliver Us) disappeared without a trace on the re-
today implies divulging secret information, originated turn voyage from Batavia, it was suspected he had of-
when a shipboard ogging was about to occur and the fended his supernatural helper and been condemned
boatswain ceremoniously removed the cat-o-nine- to sail on forever. This forerunner of the Flying
tails from its blood-red storage bag. Dutchman is said to travel with a crew of spectral
Letter book: A le or folder in which are preserved skeletons that bring misfortune to all who see them.
Liberty 178

Liberty: Permission to be relieved of all duties and their purely military role to become professional com-
be absent from a USN ship or station for less than 48 missioned sea ofcers.
hours. The RN uses the term shore leave, but calls In about 1677, shortly after his appointment as Sec-
those who get it libertymen and sends them ashore retary of the Admiralty, Samuel Pepys introduced for-
in a liberty boat. Authorized absence longer than mal examinations which had to be passed to qualify
48 hours is called leave in both RN and USN. for a third lieutenants commission. Thereafter ad-
Liberty Ship: World War II U.S. built merchant- vancement depended entirely on seniority. Third and
man, based on vessels ordered by Britain to replace second lieutenants each had specic shipboard duties
ships torpedoed by German U-boats. It had ve cargo in addition to their prime responsibilities of standing
holds, eight watertight bulkheads, and displacement watch and commanding a division of guns in battle (see
of 14,245 tons. For rapid and inexpensive mass-pro- separate entry for rst lieutenant). In the days of rated
duction, faster than U-boats could sink them, they warships, a rst-rate normally carried seven to nine
had welded hulls, made assembly-line style from pre- lieutenants (one rst, one or two seconds, and ve or
fabricated sections. By 1943, three new Liberty ships six thirds). The complement diminished with the ves-
were completed every day, and the total of 2,751 was sels rating (for example a third-rate had ve lieu-
by far the largest number ever made to a single de- tenants, while a sixth rate had only two). Nowadays,
sign. See also Victory Ship. a naval lieutenant is senior to lieutenant (jg) or sub-
Liburnian: [1] Originally, a single-banked pirate lieutenant, and junior to lieutenant commander. At its
vessel, developed in the Adriatic around 300 BCE and inception in 1775, the Continental Navy essentially
named after the pirate tribe called Liburnii. [2] adopted the then current Royal Navy rank structure,
Later, it was adopted by the Roman navy, which used including that of lieutenant (see table 15). An Army
it in the role of frigate for scouting and message car- or marine lieutenant is senior to second lieutenant and
rying. [3] Later still, the Romans used the name for a junior to captain.
triple-banked warship of different design. Pronunciation is Loo-tenant in America. Until
License: Certicate of competence required by the World War II all British Commonwealth navies said
ofcers and crew of merchantmen of virtually all mar- Let-enant, but the inux of temporary non-career
itime nations. ofcers overwhelmed that tradition and substituted
Lie: To take up position in response to commands the armys Lef-tenant, the former pronunciation being
such as: [1] To topmen; lie out! meaning spread retained only by the Canadian Armed Forces Mar-
themselves along the yards for reeng or furling, or itime Command.
lie in ordinary to reverse the procedure. [2] To an Lieutenant-at-arms: Formerly, a warships most
approaching boat; lie off! meaning remain at a dis- junior lieutenant, responsible for assisting the mas-
tance until permission to come alongside is given. [3] ter-at-arms in training seamen to handle small arms.
To a helmsman; lie to! meaning hold the ships head Lieutenant Commander: A commissioned naval
steady in a gale and come almost to a stop, usually ofcer ranking above lieutenant and below com-
facing the wind. mander. In sailing ship navies, senior lieutenants were
Lien: A legal claim against the property of another often given command of vessels too small to justify a
as security for the payment of debt. A lien gives the captain or commander. In the RN they were given
holder the right to sell the property to satisfy the debt the courtesy title lieutenant-in-command, while the
if it is not otherwise paid. On the other hand, a lien USN used lieutenant commanding or lieutenant com-
is removed when the debt is discharged or a contract mandant. In 1882, the USN replaced those courtesy
is paid. titles with the distinct rank of lieutenant commander.
Lieutenant : [1] A deputy or substitute (Latin Thirty-two years later the RN followed suit inserting
locum tenens = in place of ). [2] A Junior naval or mil- a hyphen. Both navies used the rank insignia previ-
itary ofcer. [3] Used in combination with another ously used by a lieutenant with eight years seniority
military title denotes an ofcer of the next lower rank (two stripes with a thinner one in between). The
(e.g., Lieutenant-general). equivalent army and marine rank is major (consid-
This is one of the oldest military titles, and in naval ered a eld or senior rank, while Lt.Cdr is theoret-
use can be traced back to the twelfth century when a ically still a junior ofcer).
sailing master had full command of the ship, while Lieutenant, Junior Grade: This USN title was
the captain was responsible for embarked soldiers, created in 1883 when Congress ruled that the rank
with a non-commissioned lieutenant as his military of Master (formerly Sailing Master) be changed to
deputy. By about 1580 the captain had assumed com- that of lieutenant, the masters now on the list to
mand of the ship, with the master as a subordinate constitute a junior grade of, and be commissioned
responsible for shiphandling and navigation. The lieu- as lieutenants, having the same rank and pay as now
tenant was expected to replace the captain in case of provided by law for masters. The equivalent RN rank
death or incapacitation, but was still non-commis- is Sub-Lieutenant, which had been introduced in
sioned, being appointed with no ofcial rank. Some much the same way 22 years earlier (see tables 13 and
50 years later, naval lieutenants had evolved beyond 15).
179 Lightship

Life preserver: A personal oatation device. Also Light load line: The hull mark indicating water-
life jacket or vest. line level when all cargo has been discharged (see Plim-
Life raft: An emergency oatation device which soll marks).
can accommodate a number of crew members. Can be Light lock : A system of doors or passageways
manually launched to abandon ship, or simply untied which allows personnel to pass to and from darkened
and allowed to oat off a sinking vessel. spaces without showing light outside.
Lifeboat: [1] A ships boat for emergency use. Usu- Light phase characteristic: The distinctive se-
ally slung from davits on the boat deck of a passenger quences of ashes and dark intervals that identify an
ship. [2] A specially-constructed boat, resistant to aid to navigation.
sinking or swamping, launched from land to rescue Light ship: An merchant vessel that is empty ex-
people in distress at sea. cept for supplies, fuel, and ballast; carrying no freight
Lifeboat drill: A mandatory test of a passenger or cargo (not to be confused with lightship).
ships emergency procedures that must be carried out Light signals: See sound signals and table 9.
before or within 24 hours of sailing. Lighter: [1] A self-propelled barge, usually used
Lifebuoy: A buoyant ring, usually equipped with to transport goods or people over short distances
a light and a smoke generator, for throwing to some- within a harbor or from ship-to-shore. [2] Sometimes
one overboard. A USCG Type IV personal oatation applied to unpowered barges maneuvered by tug-
device. boats.
Lifeguard: [1] A surface vessel or helicopter detailed Lighter aboard ship: See heavy loads and vehicles.
to stand by to recover aircrew forced to land in the sea. Lighterage: [1] The fee for transporting goods by
[2] A submarine assigned to similar rescue work, nor- barge or lighter. [2] The process of using small craft
mally in an area which cannot be covered by surface to transport cargo or personnel from ship to shore.
ship or helicopter because of enemy proximity. Also Lightering.
Lifeline: [1] A line strung along the weather deck Lightening: The transfer (normally carried out at
for the support and protection of seamen in heavy anchor) of liquid cargo from a large tanker to a smaller
weather. [2] Formerly, line strung between guns on one, to reduce the draft of the larger vessel and en-
the gun deck for the support of gun crews in rough able it to enter port. Not to be confused with light-
weather. [3] A hand-line stretched above square-rig ning.
yards for topmen to steady themselves when manning Lighthouse: [1] Popular name for an onshore tower
the yards in salute. or other structure displaying a light or lights for the
LIFO: Last-in rst-out. [1] In accounting, the term guidance of mariners and to warn of maritime hazards.
refers to a method of inventory valuation, in which Previously attended but now usually automated. [2]
the last units purchased are recorded as the rst units The shipboard housing for a port or starboard navi-
sold. [2] In computing, the term is used when the last gation light.
data entered is the rst to be removed or evaluated. Lightning: A discharge of atmospheric electricity,
Lift: [1] A specied quantity or weight of cargo. accompanied by a vivid ash of light, commonly from
[2] The capacity of shipping required for an assault one cloud to another, sometimes from a cloud to earth
landing. [3] A crane, derrick, or topping lift. [4] One or sea. Standing out as they do above the vast at ex-
of the ropes used to hold the yards of a square rigged panse of ocean water, marine vessels, especially those
ship level. [5] The forward pressure exerted by air with masts, can be prime targets for lightning seeking
owing over a sail. [6] The upward pressure exerted the most attractive path to ground. The most at risk
by air owing over or an airfoil. are people on small boats, which are frequently made
Lift-off: The instant at which an aircraft becomes of wood or berglass that are poor conductors of elec-
airborne, a missile leaves its ring tube, or a rocket tricity compared to the human body! Hence the need
rises from its launching pad. for lightning conductors.
Ligan: See Lagen. Lightning conductor: A device designed to protect
Light: [1] The correct name for a lighthouse. [2] buildings or ships from the destructive effects of light-
The proper term for a navigation light. [3] The glass ning. On watercraft, a metal plate (the lightning pro-
in a port or other opening in the hull, whether hinged tector) is mounted at the main truck, or high on the
or xed. superstructure of a vessel that does not have a mast.
Light air: Force 1 on the Beaufort Scale (winds 13 Electrical conductors attached to the device run
knots = 1.15-.45 mph = 1.855.56 km/h). downward to a grounding conductor in contact with
Light breeze: Force 2 on the Beaufort Scale (winds the water. On wooden ships the ground is usually the
46 knots = 4.66.9 mph = 7.411.1 km/h). copper-bottoming, but for an iron or steel vessel it is
Light cruiser: Twentieth century term for a cruiser the hull itself. For small vessels the grounding con-
armed with six-inch guns or smaller. ductor may be retractable, part of the hull, or attached
Light eet carrier: World War II designation of a to a centerboard.
purpose-built and militarized improvement of the es- Lightship: A purpose-built, crewed vessel with dis-
cort carrier. tinctive markings, anchored at a specied and charted
Lightweight 180

location, and carrying a light for the guidance of Next day, the Bears re-appear to proclaim the arrival
mariners (not to be confused with light ship). of His Majesty King Neptune, by the Grace of
Lightweight amphibious container handler: Mythology, Lord of the Waters and Master of the
USMC equipment, usually maneuvered by a bull- Waves, Sovereign of the Oceans, Governor and Lord
dozer, that retrieves twenty-foot equivalent contain- High Admiral of the Bath who assisted by his wife
ers from landing craft in the surf and places them on Amphritite, his crony Davy Jones, and sundry pirates,
atbed truck trailers on the beach. mermaids, and the like supervises the trusty shell-
Lima: NATO phonetic notation for the letter L. backs (who have crossed before) as they force the
Liman: A coastal lagoon, bay, or delta, character- slimy polliwogs (who have not) to perform increas-
ized by a muddy or slimy bottom (from the Russian ingly disgusting and degrading tasks as retribution for
for estuary). their lack of respect for him and his realm.
Limber holes: [1] In a ship, holes on either side of In earlier times the ceremony could be vicious and
the keelson which allow bilge water to ow freely to brutal, involving such things as beating the polliwogs
the pump well. [2] In a boat, openings between com- with cobbing boards and wet knotted ropes, or drag-
partments that allow water to ow into the bilge. ging them in the disturbed wake behind the stern.
Limber rope: A rope threaded through the limber Deaths were not unknown and hospitalization was
holes along the length of the ship. Pulling it back and common until World War II, when most of the worlds
forth kept the holes from becoming plugged. navies instituted strict regulations limiting abuse and
Limey: The Royal Navy, and later British Mer- humiliation. Even today, without the oversight of mil-
chant Marine, virtually eliminated scurvy by requir- itary discipline, line-crossing hazing can still get out
ing its sailors to drink lime juice. This led American of hand on merchantmen.
seamen to call Britishers Lime-juicers, later abbrevi- After the ceremony the initiates are given elaborate
ated to Limeys. Royal Certicates of their newly-acquired status re-
Limited duty ofcer: A former USN enlisted per- quiring, among other things, all sharks, dolphins,
son (usually a CWO, CPO, or PO1) who has earned whales, mermaids, and other dwellers of the deep to
a commission through superior performance, but is abstain from maltreating them should they fall over-
limited to duties in his or her eld of expertise. Lim- board. Similar maritime fraternities include the
ited refers not to authority, but rather career progres- Order of the Blue Nose for crossing the Arctic Cir-
sion and restrictions. LDOs qualify for the full range cle, the Order of the Red Nose for crossing the
of promotions up to rear admiral (lower half ) but, Antarctic Circle, and the Order of the Golden
unlike unrestricted line ofcers, cannot normally as- Dragon for crossing the International Date Line. A
pire to command a warship or auxiliary vessel, although seaman who crosses the equator at the date line be-
such appointments have occasionally been made. comes a Golden Shellback.
Limnology: The study of the physical properties of Line gun: A rearm used to shoot a messenger line
fresh water. See also hydrology. to another ship or to stranded people. See also Coston
Limpet mine: A timed explosive device which can Gun.
be attached to a ships hull by a frogman. Line of battle: Refers to [1] The disposition of a
Line: [1] Is generally dened as being cordage of eet at the moment of engagement. [2] The line ahead
less than 1-inch (2.5 cm) in circumference. [2] In the formation favored by sailing navies. [3] Warships con-
USN it refers to rope that has been unspooled and sidered powerful enough to join that line (see War-
cut for use. [3] One of the dimensions of a convoy, see ship Ratings).
column. See also braided line. Line of bearing: Formation in which ships lie in
Line abreast: Formation in which ships sail side- a straight line at a predetermined angle to their
by-side on the same course. course.
Line ahead: Formation in which each ship follows Line of departure: Conceptual line from which
the one ahead (cf. column). successive waves of landing craft leave for an amphibi-
Line crossing: Ceremonies for passing an impor- ous assault.
tant landmark have been performed by seamen since Line of re: The expected path of gunre or a mis-
at least the days of classical Greece. Several still exist sile.
today, one of the most signicant being the initiation Line of sight: [1] The straight line along which an
rite to commemorate a rst crossing of the equator. observer looks (also line of vision). [2] Radio-com-
The night before the ship is due to cross, she is munications term, referring to a line between two
boarded via the hawsepipes by Bears claiming to be points that does not follow the earths curvature.
agents of the Watery Realms Secretary of State and Line ofcer: This USN term (which carries over
demanding to meet to the captain and deliver a from the 18th century tactical formation line of bat-
Proclamation announcing a Royal Court to be held tle) refers to someone qualied in all respects to take
on the morrow to determine the eligibility of ship and command of a warship, aviation unit, marine detach-
passengers to continue their voyage. The Bears then ment, or other line unit such as a seal team (the Royal
exit by the way they came. Navy uses the term executive ofcer). Line ofcers
181 Lloyds

in the USN wear a star above their stripes of rank on be controlled to support operations on shore, and (b)
sleeve or shoulder boards to distinguish them from Landward, the area beyond the coast that can be sup-
specialist ofcers. All USMC commissioned ofcers, ported and defended from the sea.
other than those on limited duty, are trained to com- Littoral Combat Ship (LCS): A frigate-type ves-
mand combat units, so are considered line ofcers. sel intended for inshore operations in support of in-
See career tracking. telligence, reconnaissance, anti-terrorism, intercep-
Line squall: A violent wind-and-rainstorm ad- tion, and special forces missions. In these roles it
vancing along the line of a weather front, and ob- sacrices air defense and surface-to-surface capabili-
served as a dark line across the horizon. ties in favor of speed and shallow draft. However, it
Line unit: Term used in the United States Navy, can be rapidly recongured for other roles such as an-
Coast Guard and Marine Corps to describe a surface tisubmarine warfare, mine countermeasures, and sur-
warship, submarine, ground combat team, or com- face warfare by changing mission modules that can
bat aviation unit. be moved on or off the ship in standard shipping con-
Lineal number: A number dening and determin- tainers. The LCS can carry a number of unmanned
ing the precedence and seniority of USN commis- surface vessels.
sioned ofcers. Littoral warfare : Combat operations launched
Linear displacement: See ship motion. from the sea across a shoreline and as far inland as can
Liner: [1] Formerly, a colloquialism for line of bat- be attacked, supported, and defended by seaborne as-
tle ship. [2] Now, any vessel following a regular sched- sets.
uled route, especially a passenger ship or container Lively!: Command to [1] do something rapidly, or
ship running between xed ports. [2] move quickly.
Linstock: A short staff for holding the slow-match Lizard: [1] Any short length of rope used for a
used in gun ring. specic purpose. [2] An iron thimble spliced into a
Liquorice Legs: RN slang for a gunnery ofcer main bowline with one end formed into a hook to
(after the black patent leather leggings he wore see take a tackle. [3] The line hung from a lower yard or
gaiters). boom for small boats to make fast to when mooring.
List: [1] A prolonged tilting to one side or another LKA: Hull classication symbol of an attack (am-
caused by internal forces such as shifting cargo or un- phibious assault) cargo ship.
even ballast (cf. heel). [2] A document recording Lloyds List: A daily newspaper published by
names or items. Lloyds of London and devoted to shipping news.
Listless: Some sources have claimed that this word, Lloyds medals: The decision to award a medal for
meaning languid and without interest in doing any- Saving Life (at Sea) was made by the Lloyds of Lon-
thing, originated in the days of sail, when the wind don Committee in 1836, and the rst award was made
dropped leaving a ship becalmed without the list nor- in 1837. It was joined by a medal for Meritorious Ser-
mally caused by wind in the sails. In fact, it comes di- vices in 1893, another for Services to Lloyds in 1913,
rectly from Middle English, being a combination of and one for Bravery at Sea in 1940. Issued in gold, sil-
liste, meaning to desire, plus-laes, a sufx signifying ver and bronze versions, they have become highly val-
without. ued and prestigious.
Lithosphere: The rigid outer layer of the Earth Lloyds of London: In the late 17th century, Ed-
comprising the continental and oceanic crust and a ward Lloyds coffee house became a convenient meet-
portion of the upper mantle. It is divided into twelve ing place for a society or association of English marine
major plates, the boundaries of which are zones of in- insurance underwriters (known as names) who met
tense geological activity. See also atmosphere, hydros- to auction captured vessels and prize goods. Soon mer-
phere. chants with voyages to insure would engage a broker
A little child shall lead them: This is, of course, to go from name to name until their risk was fully
a biblical quotation (Isaiah xi.6), but it has been ap- covered. They relied on the broker to ensure that poli-
plied to the amphibious assault on Gibraltar in 1704 cies were placed only with underwriters who had
when nineteen hundred British and four hundred sufcient nancial integrity to meet their commit-
Dutch marines landed on the isthmus connecting the ments.
Rock with mainland Spain. Well-ensconced Span- In an age when communications were unreliable,
ish troops bravely repulsed repeated frontal attacks Lloyds gradually became a center for maritime intel-
until a young girl told Colonel Edward Fox about a ligence, information on seagoing vessels, and ship-
steep but unguarded pathway. Led by the child, the ping news generally. Moreover, with half of the entire
marines clambered up to outank the defenders and worlds shipping British-agged, the society became
take them by surprise. the hub of the international marine insurance mar-
Littoral: [1] In general, pertaining to the shore of ket. In 1871 an Act of Parliament gave Lloyds a for-
a lake, sea, or ocean. [2] In terms of battlespace con- mal legal foundation as a business institution with the
trol, the littoral comprises two segments (a) Seaward, full weight of the (then super-powerful) British gov-
the area from the open ocean to the coast, which must ernment behind it.
Lloyds 182

Today insurance continues to be underwritten by useful customs died out, and it was not until the 19th
individual names, but all manner of non-marine century that the use of load lines became widespread
risks are covered, including such things as cyber-lia- (see plimsoll mark and overloading).
bility and kidnap-and-ransom. A major activity is Load on top: After a tankers cargo tanks have been
known as reinsurance. If an underwriter has un- steam-washed, residual oil separates to oat on the
wisely or inadvertently offered coverage beyond the condensed steam which is then drained into the sea.
amount he or she would be able to discharge, they can New oil is then loaded on top of the water-free resid-
shift part or all of the risk by obtaining reinsurance ual oil.
from others. Loader: The member of a gun crew responsible for
Lloyds Register: In the second half of the 18th putting powder, wad, and shot into the barrel of a
century, marine surveyors, based at Lloyds coffee muzzle loader cannon, ramming home the shot, and
house in London, developed a system for the inde- helping to run out and train the gun.
pendent inspection of ships presented for insurance Loblolly: Eighteenth century mariners term for
cover. Produced independently of the underwriters in food that had to be eaten with a spoon, such as gruel
Lloyds of London, Lloyds Register is an annual pub- or porridge.
lication listing the specications of all British-agged Loblolly Boy: Obsolete term for an assistant to a
and many other merchantmen, with details of their naval surgeon. Principal duties were to care for and
ages, tonnage, construction, and seaworthiness in- feed the sick and injured, and the name derives from
cluding ground tackle (anchors, cables, etc.). The con- the porridge the boys served to patients. In combat
dition of the hull was classied A, E, I, O or U, accord- they provided braziers to heat cauterizing irons, pots
ing to the excellence of its construction and its of hot tar for sealing wounds, and containers for sev-
adjudged continuing soundness (or otherwise). ered limbs. They also helped to hold down patients
Equipment was rated G, M, or B (Good, Middling during amputations. The current U.S. Navy title is
or Bad) later replaced by 1, 2 and 3, which is the ori- Hospital Corpsman, while the Royal Navy rating is
gin of the well-known expression A1, meaning rst Medical Assistant.
or highest class. See also ship classication, and ship Lobscouse: A seamans dish from the age of sail,
classication societies. consisting of salt meat mixed with broken ships bis-
LNG: Liqueed Natural Gas. cuit, onions, beans or potatoes, and any available
LNG carrier: A vessel specically designed for the spices.
transport of liqueed natural gas in specialized contain- Lobster: Formerly, sailors derogatory slang for a
ment systems resembling huge Thermos bottles. red-coated British soldier.
Under atmospheric pressure, natural gas liquees at Lock: [1] A section of waterway enclosed by gates
163C, shrinking to 1 600 of its original volume. While at each end, within which ships can be raised or low-
in transit this temperature is maintained by allowing ered by pumping water in or out. [2] A mechanism
small quantities of gas to boil off so that the remain- used to ignite the charge of a rearm (see intlock).
der of the cargo is kept cool by the latent heat of evap- Lock-on: To acquire and track a target with radar,
oration. sonar, or the like.
LOA: Length overall (i.e., the distance between the Locker: [1] A chest or compartment for clothes,
forwardmost and aftermost points on the hull of a ves- stores, ammunition, etc. [2] Any place of safekeep-
sel). ing. [3] The lair to which Davy Jones takes drowned
Load: [1] To stow cargo or supplies in a ship, air- seafarers, hence the bottom of the sea.
craft, or vehicle. [2] The cargo carried or to be carried LOD: Line of departure.
at one time or in one trip. [3] the amount that can be Lode : A water course or way; a reach of water.
or is usually carried. [4] the weight or stress that a line Variation of lead.
or structure can bear. [5] The charge for a rearm. Lodestar: Sailors name for Polaris, the North Star.
[6] To put ammunition into a weapon. Lodestone: A magnetized natural mineral used as
Load factor: The ratio of possible cargo or passen- an early form of compass.
gers to the quantity actually carried, expressed as a Lodgement: [1] In general military use, an enclave
percentage. For example, a 10,000-ton capacity mer- made by increasing the size of a bridgehead, beachhead,
chantman laden with 6,000 tons of cargo, or a 2500- or airhead. [2] Specically, in amphibious operations,
passenger cruise ship with 1500 on board, has a 60 the area created by consolidation of two or more
percent load factor. beachheads as a base for future advances inland.
Load lines: The sides of ships have long carried Lodia: A large White Sea trading vessel.
marks to show how low they may safely rest in the Loft: [1] A sail loft is a large room or space where
water. As early as the twelfth century, Venetian ships canvas is spread out, to be cut and assembled by sail-
were marked with a cross whose intersection repre- makers. [2] A rigging loft is a raised area or gallery in
sented the safe water level, while Genoese vessels car- a shipyard on which riggers stand to step masts and in-
ried three horizontal bars to indicate the appropriate stall rigging. [3] A mold loft is a very large space or
load level under different conditions. However, these building with a smooth oor on which naval architects
183 Long

lay out the lines of a vessel and mold makers prepare ship) shaped like a quarter-circle with a lead weight on
full-scale templates of hull shape and structure. [4] A its circular stern and a long light line, wound on a
parachute loft is an area in which aviators parachutes reel, made fast to its pointed bow by a triangular
are inspected, repaired, and repacked. towing bridle secured with a wooden peg. When the
Lofting: See mold lofting. chip was thrown overboard to drag in the water behind
Log: [1] A device for measuring the speed of a ves- the vessel, the lead weight held it upright and caused
sel, see logline. [2] To make a written record of events. the line to unreel as the ship moved along. The log-
[3] The book in which such records are maintained. line was knotted at regular intervals of 14.4 meters
Log canoe: [1] A dugout canoe. [2] See Chesapeake (47'3"), with one knot after the rst interval, two after
log canoe. the second, and so on. After 28 seconds, timed by a
Logbook : Early ships records were written on special log-glass (sometimes misnamed half-minute
shingles (cut from logs) which were hinged together glass), the number of knots run out was noted. After
to open like a book. The name survives for modern the reading had been taken, a twitch on a stray-line
paper records. pulled out the peg, releasing the bridle to make reel-
Log-chip: The name for the wooden block used ing-in easier. Twenty-eight seconds are to one hour
with a logline. Also log ship. what 14.4 meters are to a nautical mile, so the knots
Loggerhead: [1] In the 15th and 16th centuries, a run out represented speed in nautical miles per hour.
loggerhead was a big long-handled ladle used for There was also a 14 second glass, for a ship going
scalding a grappled enemy by pouring hot oil, tar, or fast above about ten knots. The routine was the
water from caldrons set up on deck and heated to boil- same, but the number of knots read off was doubled
ing point in sand-lled brick pits. [2] Later, the name to give the speed. This obviated letting out too much
was applied to a caulking tool consisting of a long iron logline, with the attendant time penalty for reeling it
rod with a ball at the end. The latter was heated until in. (See also knots per hour.)
red and then plunged into pitch to soften it. [3] An Loll: To wallow uneasily as when a vessel is top-
alternate name for bar shot. [4] A wooden xture at heavy or waterlogged.
the stem of a rowing whaleboat around which the har- LO/LO: lift-on/lift-off (see heavy loads and vehi-
poon line was controlled. [5] An endangered species cles).
of sea turtle. (See also at loggerheads.) London Naval Treaties: See Washington Naval
Logistical support: Known to the United States Agreement.
armed forces as combat service support, logistical sup- Long glass: Venerable mariners name for a tele-
port refers to the provision of supply, maintenance, scope. Originally used to identify ships or read signals,
transportation, medical, and other services required by but now more frequently carried as a traditional sym-
combat units to continue their missions. bol of ofce by ofcers of the day or deck when in
Logistics: [1] The organization and methods of port. Traditionally a ag ofcer carries his under the
moving, lodging, and supplying troops and materil. right arm with the eyepiece facing forward; other
[2] The detailed organization and implementation of ofcers under the left arm with the eyepiece facing
a plan or operation. aft.
Logistics Branch: Founded in 2004, this branch of The long glass still plays an important role during
the Royal Navy has a long history under other names. the formal commissioning of a United States naval
These and its current responsibilities are outlined vessel. As soon as the commanding ofcer announces
under logistics ofcer. The USN equivalent is the sup- he has assumed command, he directs the executive
ply corps. ofcer to set the watch. The XO responds Aye-aye
Logistics Ofcer: This Royal Navy title, estab- sir (or maam), salutes, and turns to the prospective
lished in 2004, is the nal metamorphosis of a job ofcer of the deck, handing him the long glass sym-
which may have begun as early as the 14th century bolic of his ofce and saying Set the watch, naviga-
and has been variously titled captains clerk, bursar, tor. After the boatswains mates have piped, and duty
purser, paymaster, and supply ofcer. A logistics stations have been manned, the OOD makes his rst
ofcers responsibilities involve ensuring that her/his entry in the log and the XO salutes and reports Cap-
ship has all the personnel and equipment needed for tain, the watch has been set. The sponsor of the ves-
operational efciency, and providing essential services sel then orders, Man our ship and bring her to life,
through the ships chefs, caterers, stores accountants, and the crew les aboard to the tune of Anchors
stewards, and writers. He or she may also be required Aweigh.
to advise the commanding ofcer on personnel mat- Long leave : Permission to be absent for an ex-
ters and questions of probity and propriety. Like all tended period.
non-combatant naval personnel, the logistics ofcer Long seas: Waves with widely-separated crests.
has a battle station, usually related to damage control Long shot : This colloquialism for an endeavor
or rst aid. which has little chance of success has been claimed
Logline: The sailing ship mariners speedometer as a naval expression designating a distant target
consisting of a block of wood (called log-chip or log- which would be difcult to hit with smoothbore can-
Long 184

non. More probably it originated long before gun- Loophole: An opening in the side of a ship (or wall
powder weapons, as an archery term with the same of a building) through light weapons can be red.
meaning. Loose: To release a rope, or unfurl or cast off a sail.
Long splice: [1] A join connecting two pieces of Loose cannon: In common speech this refers to
same-size cordage in such a way that the diameter of someone, especially a politician, who is unpredictable,
the splice is no larger than the original cordage en- uncontrollable, and likely to speak or act without con-
abling it to pass through a block or thimble (a short sidering either consequences or the party line. The
splice is faster to make, but thicker). [2] Sailors slang origin is obvious two or more tons of wood and
for marriage. metal trundling up and down the rolling gundeck of
Long Tom: Slang term for a long-barreled cannon a sailing man-of-war was not only a terrible hazard
often used as a chase-gun, especially by pirates. to life and limb, but could seriously damage other
Longboat: The largest pulling boat carried by a guns, or even crash through the side to plunge into
merchantman, often weighing several tons. The term the sea.
is not used in the navy (see launch). LORAD: Long-Range Active Detection. A sonar
Longitude: The angular distance east or west of system.
the standard meridian at Greenwich (cf. latitude). LORAN: Long-Range Aid to Navigation. A former
Longitudinal: [1] Extending in the lengthwise di- electronic system which determined hyperbolic lines
rection, as distinguished from transverse. [2] Said of of position by measuring the difference in time of re-
any fore-and-aft structural member, such as a frame ception of synchronized pulses from two xed trans-
or bulkhead. mitters. It has effectively been replaced by Global Po-
Longitudinal stability: The tendency of a vessel to sitioning.
return to its original longitudinal position after being Lorcha: A speedy, armed Chinese sailing vessel,
displaced. featuring oriental rigging on a western-style hull.
Longitudinal waves: See wave motion. Lord High Admiral: The ofce of Lord Admiral of
Long-legged: Said of a vessel which is [1] speedy, England was effectively created early in the 15th cen-
or [2] has a extended unrefueled radius. tury when Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter, was ap-
Longliner: A commercial shing vessel employing pointed Admiral of the Northern and Western Seas
the longlining technique. (previously separate) for life. A Lord High Admiral
Longlining: Fishing by towing a heavy main line of Scotland was created at about the same time and ap-
with lighter branch lines carrying baited hooks at- pears to have initially been an hereditary ofce for the
tached to it. There are two main types. Surface lines Dukes of Bothwell. By the Act of Union of 1707 the
can be extremely long and are supported by oats at two ofces were combined as Lord High Admiral of
periodic intervals. Bottom lines are much shorter, an- Great Britain. Today the ofce is held by the reigning
chored at one end and weighted at the other. Long- monarch. See also Board of Admiralty.
line shing results in high quality catch, because the LO/RO: Lift-on/roll-off (see heavy loads and vehi-
sh are not crushed together as they are in net shing. cles).
On the other hand, it tends to produce high mortal- LOS: Line of Sight.
ity among sharks and seabirds. Lost!: Whalers cry when the quarry sounds (dives)
Longship: The basic Norse warship of the eleventh or swims too rapidly to be chased.
century. Undecked, double-ended, oared and with a Lost day: The 24 hours which disappear when
single square-sail. crossing the International Date Line in a westerly di-
Longshore: Abbreviation of alongshore. rection.
Longshore current: A water ow parallel to the Low and aloft: Sailors term for a vessel carrying all
shoreline and within the surf zone (cf. coastal current). possible sail on both lower and upper masts.
Longshoreman: A dockyard worker (mainly U.S.). Low latitudes: Those less than 10 north or south
Cf. stevedore, lumper. of the equator.
Look alive!: Command to be alert and move Low water mark: The lowest level reached by a
quickly. falling tide.
Lookout: A person stationed to maintain a visual Lower-deck: The non-commissioned members of
watch and report specied events, or sightings such a RN ships company.
as hazards on the ships track or strange vessels heav- Lower-mast: The lowest of several spars joined to
ing into sight. make a tall mast.
Loom: [1] The shaft of an oar between blade and Loxodrome: See rhumb line.
handle. [2] The reection or glow of a light which is LPA: Hull classication symbol of an amphibious
below or at the horizon. [3] To appear from below the assault transport.
horizon as an indistinct and enlarged mirage. LPD: Hull classication symbol of an amphibious
Loop: A line, rope, cord, thread, etc. that has assault dock. Equipped with helicopters, landing craft,
curved and doubled over itself leaving a circular open- and amphibious vehicles for landing troops.
ing. LPG: Liqueed Petroleum Gas.
185 MAC

LPH: Hull classication symbol of an amphibious secutive returns of the moon to the same terrestrial
helicopter landing platform. meridian. [2] The tidal day.
LPSS: Former hull classication symbol of an am- Lurch: A sudden long roll in a seaway. See also left
phibious assault submarine. in the lurch.
Ls of navigation: Traditionally, these were Lead, Lutine Bell: The French frigate La Lutine (The
Log, Latitude, and Lookout the four items con- Sprite) was captured by the British at Toulon in 1793.
sidered essential for non-astronomical calculation of Six years later, renamed HMS Lutine and carrying a
course and position. large quantity of gold and silver bullion, she sank in
LS: Leading Seaman (RN). a gale off the Dutch coast, with the loss of all hands
LSD: Hull classication symbol of a landing ship, except one, who died after being rescued. Lloyds un-
dock. derwriters, who had insured the ship and its cargo,
LSH: Hull classication symbol of a landing ship, paid the 1-million claim in full and instituted sal-
heavy. vage operations, but it was almost sixty years before
LSI: Hull classication symbol of a landing ship, in- some of the bullion was recovered, along with the
fantry. ships wooden rudder and its bronze bell.
LSL: Hull classication symbol of a landing ship, The former was made into a desk and chair for
logistics. Lloyds chairman, while the 106-pound bell (engraved
LSM: Hull classication symbol of a landing ship, St Jean 1799, so it must have been transferred to Lu-
medium. tine from another ship) was hung in Lloyds underwrit-
LSMR: Hull classication symbol of a landing ship, ing room, where it became the custom to ring it twice
medium, rocket. An amphibious assault vessel used whenever a ship was reported overdue. This ensured
for shore bombardment using 5-inch rockets. that all underwriters became aware of the situation si-
LSO: Landing Signal Ofcer (USN). multaneously, and gave them the opportunity of re-
LST: Ofcially the hull classication symbol of a insuring with specialist brokers against the event of
landing ship, tank, but their crews insisted the acro- total loss. If such a loss occurred the bell was only
nym stood for Large Slow Target. tolled once. That practice has ended, but the bell is still
LSV: Hull classication symbol of a landing ship, rung on ceremonial occasions and to record special
vehicle. events, including the deaths of President John F.
Lubber: An incompetent or clumsy seaman. Kennedy in 1963 and Sir Winston Churchill in 1965,
Lubberland: A mythical place where there is no and the attack on New Yorks World Trade Center on
work to be done and the pursuit of pleasure is every- 9/11/2001.
thing. LWL: Length along waterline.
Lubbers hole: An easy means of reaching the plat- LWM: Low water mark.
form at the head of the lower masts of a square-rigged Lying: Whalers term for a whale basking on the
ship. It was considered cowardly and unseamanlike to surface to form an easy target.
go through it rather than climb around on the fut- Lying to: Said of a vessel which is hove to and sta-
tock shrouds. tionary.
Lubbers line: A reference mark in the bowl of a Lyle Gun: A short-barreled cannon used to throw
compass, showing the forward direction parallel to a line to a boat or person in distress. Invented by
the keel and used to steer the ship. David Lyle, a graduate of West Point and MIT, and
Lucky bag : USN term for the place where lost used from the mid19th century until replaced by
items can be reclaimed (cf. Scran bag) rockets in the 1950s. See also Coston Gun.
Luff: [1] The leading edge of a fore-and-aft sail
(usually the shorter side of a lugsail and the angled
side of a triangular sail). [2] To bring a sailboat into
the wind until the luff begins to tremble.
Luff up: To head into the wind in order to slow or MAA: Master at Arms.
stop a sailing vessel. Maash: A large Nilotic trading vessel (see Egyptian
Lugger: A small ship carrying two or three masts naval architecture).
with lugsails. Used for coastal trade, privateering, and MAC ships: Precursors of the escort carrier (MAC
smuggling around England and France. stands for merchant aircraft carrier). Six bulkers and
Lugsail: A quadrilateral fore-and-aft sail tied to thirteen tankers were equipped with ight decks and
and hoisted from a yard, usually suspended about one- miniature islands, but no catapult or other aircraft
third of the way along its length. support facilities. The tanker conversions carried three
Lumper: Obsolete term for a dockyard worker, Royal Navy torpedo bombers on deck, the grain ships
stevedore or longshoreman. So-called because paid a carried four in a small hangar. They operated with
lump sum when the job was done, rather than an their normal civilian crews, under merchant colors,
hourly wage. and carried their regular cargo. In addition to aircrew,
Lunar day: [1] The elapsed time between two con- the naval party included an Air Staff Ofcer (Lt-Com-
Machinery 186

mander), a surgeon, a landing control ofcer (bats- ation in the earths magnetic eld due to forces within
man), about a dozen gunners, several signalmen, and its crust.
a few Able Seamen. The naval aircraft carried out anti- Magnetic compass: A compass using a magnetic
submarine patrols, and no convoy with an accompa- needle or card which points in the direction of the
nying MAC ship ever lost a vessel to U-boats. north magnetic pole. The ux-gate version enhances
Machinery control room: [1] In merchant and its features by employing small coils of wire wound
some older naval ships, the MCR is an elevated space around a magnetic core to directly sense the horizon-
with a grand view over the engine room, providing a tal component of the earths magnetic eld, providing
platform from which engineering watchkeepers can readings in electronic form that can be digitized and
monitor the machinery and change some engine set- used by an autopilot for course correction. Readout
tings. [2] In modern warships, it is the central area may also be analogue.
from which engineer ofcers and technicians control The principle of magnetism was known in China
and monitor propulsion, power generation, and aux- as early as the third century BCE, and the compass it-
iliary systems. Engine orders from the bridge are ex- self was probably invented there during the ninth cen-
ecuted in the MCR which also doubles as damage tury of the current era. Its use for navigation is rst
control headquarters, locating and coordinating ac- mentioned by Zhu Yu in 1119; The navigator knows
tion against re, ood and battle damage. the geography, he watches the stars at night, watches
Machinery spaces: Term referring to the engine the sun at day (but) when it is dark and cloudy, he
room, and where applicable furnace room, gearing watches the compass. Seventy years later, the com-
room, and auxiliary machinery spaces. pass had appeared in Europe but it is unclear whether
Mad: Said of a compass needle whose polarity has it was transferred from China or invented independ-
been impaired. ently. The latter is likely because European instru-
Made: In the sailing ship navy, a midshipman was ments used a different number of compass points, and
said to be made once he had passed the lieutenants the needle indicated north, whereas the Chinese ver-
examination. Similarly, a lieutenant was made when sion pointed south. In an unusual reverse direction of
he won a command. Primary use of the term, however, technology transfer, Arabs who call the instrument
was when an ofcer was made post and reached the al-konbas seem to have adopted the European de-
rank of Captain. sign.
Made good: A navigational term referring to dis- Magnetic course : A course based on magnetic
tance traveled in the desired direction, ignoring devi- compass readings (cf. true course).
ations. Magnetic declination: The angular difference be-
Made mast: A wooden mast fabricated from sev- tween true north and magnetic north at any given lo-
eral sections. cation. This is an earth scientists term, the preferred
Mae West: An inatable life vest. Named after a maritime usage being magnetic variation, or fre-
full-bosomed 1930s lm star. See personal oatation quently just plain variation.
devices. Magnetic deviation: The error in a ships compass
Maelstrom: An exceptionally dangerous whirlpool. due to its own magnetic eld.
Sometimes claimed to be a corruption of Mosktrau- Magnetic eld: Lines of magnetic force that sur-
men (one of the worlds most powerful sea-whirlpools, round a metal object such as a ships hull. They can
off the Lofoten Islands) but more probably from Old be neutralized by degaussing.
Dutch maal = swirling + stroom = stream. Magnetic islands: In Geographia, written in the
MAF : Marine Amphibious Force. second century of the current era, the great Egyptian
Magazine : [1] A compartment aboard ship, or geographer Ptolemy reported that ten of the islands in
building ashore, for the storage of ammunition and the Maniolae group near India contained large quan-
explosives. [2] A replaceable receptacle for the car- tities of lodestone (magnetic iron oxide, or magnetite).
tridges of an automatic rearm. He claimed that iron-bearing ships which entered
Magazine dress: Spark-proof clothing to be worn their magnetic eld would be inexorably attracted to-
in a powder magazine, made chiey of worsted wards them, overcoming efforts to sail away. Finally,
woolen material, without buttons or anything metal- when they had been drawn close enough, all their iron
lic, worn with cotton canvas slippers. nails would be pulled out, dumping the luckless crew
Magged: Somewhat obsolete term for worn, fret- into the water and leaving them clinging to pieces of
ted, and stretched, said of a brace for example. frame and planking. (Lodestone mountains do exist,
Magnet chamber: That part of a compass, below but their elds are far too weak to have any such ef-
the card, which contains magnets to compensate for fect.)
the vessels magnetic eld. Magnetic mine: A mine designed to be detonated
Magnetic airborne detector: A device carried by by the magnetic eld of a passing vessel. Such weapons
low-ying aircraft, that locates a submerged subma- tend to disable vessels by buckling plates rather than
rine by sensing its magnetic eld. punching holes in them.
Magnetic anomaly: A natural and localized vari- Magnetic north: North indicated by a magnetic
187 Make

compass, as opposed to true north. Also compass Main truck: The top of the mainmast, rigged with
north. blocks and halyards for signals. The site for mounting
Magnetic poles: The ends of a dipole forming the a lightning conductor.
earths magnetic eld. A line joining the north and Mainboom: The spar that stretches the foot of the
south magnetic poles would be inclined approximately mainsail in a fore-and-aft rigged vessel.
11.3 away from the planets axis of rotation, whereas Mainbrace: A purchase attached to the mainyard
a line between geographic poles would coincide with for trimming it to the wind. See also brace.
that axis. Maincourse: The lowest square-sail on the main-
Magnetic signature: The distinctive magnetic eld mast.
of an individual vessel. This must be determined be- Mainmast: [1] The mast of a single-masted vessel.
fore the vessel can be degaussed. [2] The heavy forward mast of a yawl, ketch, or dandy.
Magnetic storm: Abnormal solar activity produc- [3] The second mast from forward in any other ves-
ing streams of radiation which temporarily disrupt sel carrying two or more masts.
the earths magnetic eld and interfere with wireless Mainsail: See main-course.
communication and magnetic devices such as a com- Mainshaft: The principal drive shaft in a ships
pass. propulsion system.
Magnetic variation: See magnetic declination and Mainstay: [1] The biggest stay supporting the mast
variation. of a square-rigged ship, being up to 20 inches (50
Magnetohydrodynamic drive: See MHD propul- cms) in diameter. [2] Something which is greatly re-
sion. lied upon.
Magnetosphere: The extension of the earths mag- Maintenance carrier: A vessel designed to main-
netic eld into outer space. tain and repair aircraft. The layout usually includes
Magnus effect: During the 1850s, German scien- conventional aircraft carrier features such as ight deck
tist Heinrich Gustav Magnus developed a theory to ex- and hangars, with the former supplemented by cranes
plain anomalies in the curved trajectory of cannon- for hoisting damaged aircraft, and the latter contain-
balls. (Similar phenomena are seen in baseball, tennis, ing extensive workshops and spare parts storage.
cricket, and other ball sports; including golf, where Mainyard: The lowest yard on the mainmast, from
dimples on the ball extend the distance of ight.) which the mainsail was hung.
The commonly-accepted explanation is that the spin- Mainyard man: [1] A topman assigned to work on
ning object creates a whirlpool in the surrounding the mainyard. [2] Obsolete slang term for a seaman on
air. On one side, rotation complements the wind- the binnacle list.
stream, enhancing its velocity. On the opposite side, Major warship: The Washington Naval Agreement
the motions are opposed and velocity is decreased. and London Naval Treaties dene major surface war-
Consequently, there is an unbalanced force, creating ships as being battleships, aircraft carriers, cruisers,
pull at right angles to the wind. (Recent studies and destroyers. However, the 1936 Treaty makes an ex-
show that this explanation is not entirely valid; rather ception for smaller craft that meet criteria dened in
that the Magnus force is due to asymmetric distor- Part I, Article 1, Section B(5):
tion of the boundary layer by the combination of spin Minor war vessels are surface vessels of war ... the
and ow.) Magnus effect is fundamental to the oper- standard displacement of which exceeds 100 tons
ation of Flettner rotators. (102 metric tons) and does not exceed 2,000 tons
Magnus-hitch: A round turn taken around a spar (2,032 metric tons), provided they have none of the
and then jammed by a half-hitch around the spar on following characteristics: (a) Mount a gun with a
the opposite side to the standing part. caliber exceeding 6.1 in. (155 mm.); (b) Are designed
Maiden voyage: The rst outing made by new ves- or tted to launch torpedoes; (c) Are designed for a
sel. speed greater than twenty knots.
Mail boat : [1] Any vessel carrying mail on any After the October 1973 Battle of Latakia, fought en-
route. [2] One under post ofce contract to carry mail tirely with cruise missiles on both sides, it is clear that
on a specic route and schedule. these weapons also make small warships not minor.
Mail buoy watch: See Hazing. Make!: The RN command to send a signal (the
Main: [1] A prex indicating a principal compo- term send is never used).
nent (e.g., mainbrace). [2] Of or pertaining to the Make and mend: Time off for a British ships com-
mainmast. [3] The Spanish Main. [4] Incorrectly, the pany to tailor or repair clothing (cf. rope yarn Sunday).
sea bounded by the Spanish Main(land). [5] As a lit- Make bad weather: Said of a vessel experiencing
erary term, the oceans or high seas (...the fretful el- undue pitching, rolling, or leakage during a storm.
ements ... swell the curled waters bove the main. Make colors!: USN command to hoist the national
King Lear iii.i.4). ag.
Main deck: [1] The uppermost weatherproof deck Make fast!: Command [1] To x something se-
extending the full length of the ship from bow to curely (make fast the rope). [2] To fasten or tie up
stern. [2] A ships principal deck. to an object (make fast to the jetty).
Make 188

Make it so!: Captains traditional response con- cavalry ofcers adopted the curved sword as their
rming that the time (of sunrise, noon, or sunset) re- personal sidearm. Later it was taken up by naval
ported to him by the ofcer of the watch is to be ofcers:
ofcial ships time. Britain: Throughout his career The Duke of Wel-
Make land(fall): To sight land from the sea. lington carried a Mameluke sword that he adopted
Make number: Signal the four-letters of the num- while serving in India. In the post Napoleonic pe-
ber which identies a warship. riod, he was instrumental in introducing the
Make ready: Be prepared to do something. weapon to most Light Cavalry and Hussar, and
Make sail: [1] Set the sails. [2] Start a voyage. some Heavy Cavalry regiments, and in 1831 made
Make sunset!: USN command to lower the na- it the regulation sword for General ofcers. Between
tional ag. 1842 and 1857 the Mameluke sword was also worn
Make up: Said of waves which are increasing or by Royal Navy ag ofcers, being abolished at the
building up. end of the latter year:
Make water: To leak. United States: A Mameluke sword is the personal
Make way: [1] To move through the water (make sidearm of Marine Corps ofcers and NCOs. They
sternway, headway, or leeway). [2] Command or re- could initially wear swords of any pattern, so long
quest to move aside for something or someone to pass. as the hilts were yellow-mounted, but in 1825 it
Making iron: A grooved caulking tool, used to was mandated that their sidearm should take the
nish off a seam. Also meaking Iron. form of an Arab scimitar, reputedly modeled after
Making off: Whalers term for slicing ensed blub- one presented to Marine First Lieutenant Presley
ber into pieces small enough to pass through the bilge OBannon by the Bey of Tunis. The story behind
holes of storage butts. this, which began some twenty years earlier, is re-
Malacca Strait: Connecting the Indian and Pacic counted in Shores of Tripoli.
Oceans, the Malacca and Singapore straits form a Man: [1] To provide sufcient personnel to crew a
choke point approximately 960 kilometers (600 miles) ship or to perform a task (e.g., man the guns). In this
long, but only 2.8 kilometers (1.5 miles) wide at the sense, the word does not indicate gender, but is derived
Phillips Channel. Over 50,000 vessels pass through from the Anglo-Saxon manu, meaning to work or
annually, carrying about one-quarter of the worlds service something. [2] Although ships are usually con-
trade goods and half of the worlds oil shipments, sidered feminine, the word man is often applied to
making it one of the most valuable and vulnerable in- them, as in man-of-war, merchantman, Indiaman,
ternational sea lanes in the world. Petty piracy has etc.
long been a problem in these congested waters, and if Man-of-war: Generic term for a warship, espe-
terrorists were to launch coordinated attacks, the cially of the age of sail. Also man-o-war.
shock to world commodities markets would be im- Man overboard maneuvers: These are methods of
mense. shiphandling to return to the position at which a ca-
Malaccamax: The largest vessel capable of transit- sualty fell off the ship. Common ones (described under
ing the Malacca Strait, where length and width are the more politically-correct person overboard) are
not constraints, but a 25 meter long shallow section re- the Anderson, Racetrack, Scharnow, and Williamson
stricts draft to 11 fathoms (20 meters; 66.6 feet). Turns.
Mameluke: [1] In most Muslim countries, a slave. Man-owar sheepshank : A sheepshank with a
[2] In Egypt, a member of a military caste that evolved hobbling knot in the middle. This conguration with
from a body of mounted soldiers (recruited from the half-hitches formed close to the central knot is
Balkan slaves converted to Mohammedanism) and used in rope rescue, when it is called a Firemans chair
ruled Egypt from 1250 until 1517. They remained knot.
powerful until dispersed by Mehemet Ali in 1811. Man the rail: See man the ship.
Mameluke Sword: The common name for a scim- Man the ship: By 1873, many steam ships no
itar (pronounced simiter). The name probably comes longer had masts and yards, so the salute of manning
from the Persian shamshir, and refers to almost any the yards was modied to manning the ship in which
Middle Eastern sword with a curved blade sharpened the off-watch ships company falls in along the sides
on the convex side. It evolved from a Turko-Mongol of the upper deck when entering harbor, or to honor
weapon and although not necessarily in the same a special occasion, an important visitor, or a passing
line of descentthe cutlass, saber, and samurai sword dignitary. Also called manning the rail (mainly USN)
are of similar design. Many armies and navies have and manning the side (mainly RN).
adopted scimitar-like sidearms, including: Man the side: [1] To attend the side [2] To man the
France: When Napoleon landed in Egypt in 1798, ship.
he was impressed by the magnicence of the color- Man the yards: A form of salute that involved top-
ful Mameluke warriors, especially the elegance of men assembling on the yards, shoulder-to-shoulder
their scimitars. After defeating them at the Battle of between mast and yardarm, while the rest of the crew
the Pyramids, the future emperor and many of his congregated on deck, hands grasping the rigging, to
189 March

show that no guns were manned and no small arms also grid navigation, inverse Mercator, Mercator pro-
were carried. This demonstration of friendly intent jection, orthomorphic projection, and rhumb lines.
goes back at least to the navies of Henry VIII and Marad: Maritime Administration, a U.S. govern-
Elizabeth I of England. See also manning the ship, ment agency.
manning the rail, and manning the side. March music: In ancient times, beating drums set
Manannan: This Celtic sea god is known as Man- the time for galley oarsmen and marching columns;
annan in Ireland, Manawyddan in Wales, and Man- drums and trumpets were used for signaling; and all
annan MacLir in Scotland. His principal domain is manner of instruments served as noise-makers to de-
the Irish Sea, where the Isle of Man is named after moralize the foe. After the Crusades, Europeans repli-
him. His fast ship Wave Sweeper can take him wher- cated Islamic military bands that employed a range of
ever he wants to go without need of crew, but (like wind, brass, and percussion instruments. Their music
Poseidon) he sometimes drives a chariot across the served to enhance military drill, since the beat of
surface of the water instead. He is a shape-shifter drums encourages troops to keep in step, while ac-
able to manifest himself in any form he chooses, but companiment by lively airs keeps their spirits up.
is seldom seen at all, because he uses the sea fog as a Marine Marches: Sailors seldom have to march, so
magic all-concealing cloak. it was left to seagoing soldiers to introduce the rst
Manbound: Unable to sail due to lack of crew. nautical marching music. For a long time, each unit
Maneuver/Manoeuvre: The planned and regu- of Britains Royal Marines had its own unique
lated movement or evolution of ships or troops. march, but in the mid1800s the Soldiers Chorus
Maneuverability: The capability of making rapid from Gounods Faust was unofcially adopted by
controlled changes of course. the entire corps. In 1838, American poet-playwright
Manger: A sunken underside in a chain locker, Epes Sargent presented one of his poems to English
covered by a perforated grating which allows wet chain composer Henry Russell who later said I hummed
to drain into it. an air or two, ran my ngers over the keys, then
Mangonel: An ancient artillery weapon in the form stopped, feeling bafed; suddenly an idea struck me
of an immense crossbow. and ... that bright little air rang out which is now
Manifest: A document listing the cargo carried by so well known. Fifty years later, the Royal Marines
a commercial vessel, including the marking and num- ditched Gounod and made the bright little air its
bers of each separate package, the names of shippers unofcial march, but it did not become ofcial until
and consignees, the quantity of goods contained in 11th March 1927. The opening stanzas are:
each package, and an account of the freight corre- A life on the ocean wave,
sponding with the bills of lading. A home on the rolling deep,
Manifold: A pipe or chamber with several ttings Where the scattered waters rave,
for interconnecting pumps, water pipes, fuel hoses And the winds their revels keep:
and the like. Like an eagle caged I pine
Manila rope: Is made from abaca plant bers (orig- On this dull unchanging shore:
inally shipped from the port of Manila, whence its Oh! Give me the ashing brine,
name). It is impervious to salt water, exible, durable, The spray and the tempests roar!
strong, stands up well to wear and weather, and is
The United States Marine Corps acquired its rst
more pliable and buoyant than hemp. Manila rope is
march (ofcially Hymn) at about the same time.
suitable for slings, hawsers, light running rigging, and
Reecting achievements at the siege of Derna
gun-tackle falls.
(1805) and the capture of Mexico City (1847), the
Manrope: [1] A line used instead of a handrail (e.g.,
colors of the Corps were emblazoned From the
at a gangway or accommodation ladder. [2] A rope or
Shores of Tripoli to the Halls of Montezuma.
ladder used for climbing the sides or masts of a ves-
Some time in the 1850s, an anonymous Marine
sel. [3] A foot-rope under a yard or boom.
wrote the Hymn, transposing the inscription for
Mantillis: A kind of shield anciently xed above
the sake of euphony:
the deck as a cover for archers.
Manzera: A cattle-carrying boat of the Adriatic. From the Halls of Montezuma
Maon: Formerly, a at-bottomed Turkish vessel To the Shores of Tripoli
carrying heavy cargoes. We ght our countrys battles
Map projection: A method used in cartography to On the land as on the sea.
portray the curved surface of the globe, or a portion First to ght for right and freedom
of it, on a at surface. Some distortions of conformal- And to keep our honor clean;
ity, distance, direction, scale, and area inevitably re- We are proud to bear the title
sult. Hence a projection may deliberately maximize Of United States Marine.
distortion of some of these properties in order to min- Later, a melody from Jacques Offenbachs 1859
imize errors in others, or it may attempt to achieve a comic opera Genevive de Brabant was adapted to
balance that only moderately alters each of them. See t the poem, and the march version was born. In
March 190

1942, the Commandant of the Marine Corps au- Stand Navy down the eld, sails set to the sky.
thorized a change in the fourth line to read In air, Well never change our course,
on land, and sea. so Army you steer shy-y-y-y.
The Corps adopted the motto Semper Fidelis Roll up the score, Navy, Anchors Aweigh.
(always faithful) in 1883. Six years later, John Philip Sail Navy down the eld and sink the Army,
Sousa, director of the USMC Band, used the phrase sink the Army Grey.
as the title of a second march for the Corps. Charles Get underway, Navy, Decks cleared for the fray,
Burr wrote the following lyrics (which the author Well hoist true Navy Blue So Army
has trouble matching to the music): down your Grey-y-y-y.
Semper delis is a fabulous Latin motto Full speed ahead, Navy; Army heave to,
meaning that in centuries of Roman might Furl Black and Grey and Gold and hoist the Navy,
the soldier swore that he would ght hoist the Navy Blue
For Caesar, never questioning if he might return This version was rst sung publicly during the
or if the enemy when they attack could be driven 1906 Army-Navy game (when the new song must
aback and thats what it means. have inspired the Midshipmen because they shut
Were ever faithful is the general gist out the Cadets with a 10 to 0 victory). Since then
in countries that are Christian there have been numerous attempts to make the
Though it means almost the same we pledge lyric less football-oriented, the best-known having
no longer to the name been written by saxophonist-composer George D.
Of Caesar, but to principles of the land Lottman in or about 1926:
we know and love, Stand, Navy, out to sea, Fight our battle cry;
Bestowing the motto in war of our Well never change our course,
readiest corps the mighty Marines. So vicious foe steer shy-y-y-y.
Naval Marches: In 1759, the Royal Navy facilitated Roll out the TNT, Anchors aweigh. Sail on to victory
the amphibious captures of Canada, Guadeloupe, And sink their bones to Davy Jones, hooray!
and Dominica; and was victorious in the naval bat- Anchors Aweigh, my boys, Anchors Aweigh.
tles of Lagos, Pondicherry, and Quiberon Bay, crip- Farewell to college joys, we sail at
pling French naval power almost beyond repair. In- break of day-ay-ay-ay.
spired by these events, famous English actor David Through our last night on shore, drink to the foam,
Garrick collaborated with Royal Chapel composer Until we meet once more. Heres wishing you
William Boyce to produce a song glorifying the a happy voyage home.
wonderful year: The music remains the widely-accepted, though
Come cheer up my lads! Tis to glory we steer still unofcial, United States Navy march. How-
To add something more to this wonderful year ever, at time of writing (2008) there is a proposal
To honor we call you, not press you as slaves to make it ofcial by adding a protocol to Navy
For who are so free as the sons of the waves? Regulations.
Heart of oak are our ships, The U.S. Coast Guard march is named after its
Heart of oak are our men; motto Semper Paratus (always ready). The music
We always are ready, steady, boys, steady! was composed in 1927 by Captain Francis Van
Well ght and well conquer again and again. Boskerck to match lyrics he had written ve years
This was the Royal Navys unauthorized march earlier.
for centuries before being ofcially adopted on 11th From Aztec Shore to Arctic Zone,
March 1927 by Admiralty Fleet Order 626 (at the To Europe and Far East,
same time as the Royal Marines march). When the The Flag is carried by our ships
Royal Navy advances in review order, it does so to In times of war and peace;
the tune of Nancy Lee, of which two verses are: And never have we struck it yet,
In spite of foemens might,
Of all the wives yell ever know, Who cheered our crews and cheered again
Yeo ho! Me lads, yeo ho! For showing how to ght.
Theres none like Nancy Lee, I trow,
Yeo ho! Yeo ho! Yeo ho! Were always ready for the call,
We place our trust in Thee.
While Im away shell watch for me, Through surf and storm and howling gale,
And whisper low when tempests blow, High shall our purpose be,
For Jack upon the sea, Semper Paratus is our guide,
Yeo ho! Me lads, yeo ho! Our fame, our glory, too.
The U.S. Navy march was written In 1906 by To ght to save or ght and die!
Lieutenant Charles Zimmerman, bandmaster at the Aye! Coast Guard, we are for you.
Naval Academy, originally as a football song for the Rogues March: This is played when a person is dis-
Class of 1907. Midshipman (later Captain) Alfred honorably discharged. An anonymous 19th century
Miles wrote the lyric: soldier wrote the following words to t the tune:
191 Marine

Poor old soldier, cantile marine). [3] A soldier trained to serve on both
Poor old soldier, land and at sea (see Marines).
Tarred and feathered and sent to Hell Marine aviation: Ofcers of the United States Ma-
Because he wouldnt soldier well rine Corps began to train with naval aviators in 1912,
Marconi rigged: A sailing vessel with triangular and two years later established a separate section
(Bermuda) sails. within the Navy Flying School. But in 1915 the Com-
Mare clausum: [1] The Latin term for closed sea, mandant authorized the creation of an independent
used by Romans to refer to winter months when the aviation company, making the United States the
eet remained in port deeming the seas too dangerous. only seapower to have a dedicated marine air arm
[2] Waters to which a nation with command of the sea (other nations have marine airmen, but they y as part
denies entry by the ships of other nations. [3] Navi- of naval aviation). In accordance with the tradition
gable waters under the sole jurisdiction of one nation. Every man a rieman, enlisted aviation personnel
[4] Title of a 1631 pamphlet by John Seldon arguing are trained in infantry combat, and all ofcers are
that waters contiguous to a coastline should be under qualied platoon commanders. The Corps operates
the dominion of that country. Issued in response to both rotary-wing and xed-wing aircraft that provide
Grotius Mare liberum. transport capability as well as close air support to its
Mare liberum: [1] Waters open to navigation by ground forces. Ofcers of the Royal Marines y with
the ships of all nations. (Latin = free sea.) [2] Title the Fleet Air Arm, but do not have a separate organ-
of a treatise by Hugo Grotius arguing that no nation ization.
had the right to claim any part of the open sea as it Marine Electronic Highway: This Regional
own. Demonstration Project in the Straits of Malacca and
Mare nostrum: Latin for our sea, the Roman Singapore is scheduled for completion by 2010. Based
name for the Mediterranean. It was adopted by Ben- on electronic navigational charts and global position-
ito Mussolini the Duce (leader) of Italy from 1922 ing technology, the system will allow faster response
through World War II, during which the Royal Navy to hijackings and incidents such as oil spills, and will
proved the bombastic claim to be baseless. help ships in transit to share information, lessening
MARG: Marine Amphibious Ready Group. the dangers of collision or grounding. Captain Raja
Marginal sea: [1] Sea area that extends three nau- Malik Saripulazan, Director-General of the Marine
tical miles from mean low water line; deemed to be Department of Peninsular Malaysia, says maneu-
under the jurisdiction of the coastal state. [2] The wa- vering a VLCC in the Straits will no longer be a night-
ters lying between a chain of islands and a continent mare.
(e.g., The Caribbean or South China Sea). Marine Hospital Service of the United States:
Marianas trench: An oceanic trough extending This service dates its establishment from July 16, 1798,
from southeast of Guam to northeast of the Marianas when an act for the relief of disabled and sick seamen
Islands in the Pacic Ocean. It includes the deepest was passed by Congress. During the 19th century
place in the world (see Challenger Deep). seven hospitals were built by the Marine Hospital Ser-
Marie Celeste: A decade after the Mary Celeste in- vice (the only one still standing is in Louisville, Ken-
cident, in 1883, Arthur Conan Doyle, then a struggling tucky, built in 1845 and considered the best remain-
writer who had not yet invented Sherlock Holmes, ing antebellum hospital in the United States). A
turned that minor maritime disaster into an endur- reorganization in 1870 converted the loose network
ing supernatural mystery with his short story, written of local hospitals into a centrally controlled Service,
under a pseudonym and entitled J. Habakuk Jephsons headquartered in Washington, DC. The name was
Statement. The ctional vessel, which he called Marie changed in 1902 to Public Health and Marine Hospi-
Celeste, was taken over by mutineers, who murdered tal Service, and in 1912 to Public Health Service. The
all on board and sailed the ship to Africa. Doyles vivid latter has a uniformed division known as the Public
account, written as if it were an eyewitness report, Health Service Corps.
somehow became confused with that of the genuine Marine insurance: A contract whereby one party,
Mary Celeste, and the story grew into an enduring for a consideration or premium, undertakes to indem-
maritime legend, at various times incorporating mys- nify the other against certain risks or perils of the sea
terious bloodstains, half-eaten meals, piracy, subma- to which his ship, freight, and cargo, or some of them,
rine attack, monsters from the deep, ravening sharks, may be exposed during a certain voyage or for a xed
alien abduction, and even disappearance through time period of time. The party who assumes the risk, or
travel. undertakes to indemnify, is called the assurer, insurer,
Marigraph: A device that automatically registers or underwriter (the latter referring to the practice of
the rise and fall of tides. Also mareograph. signing at the bottom of the contract). The party pro-
Marina: A boat basin offering dockage and sup- tected by the contract is the assured or insured, and the
plies for pleasure craft. money paid as the price of the indemnity is the pre-
Marine: [1] Of or pertaining to the sea, maritime. mium. The written instrument evidencing the con-
[2] A synonym for navy (e.g., merchant navy = mer- tract is called a policy of insurance. Marine insur-
Marine 192

ance preceded onshore coverage. See Lloyds of Lon- ing and repair facilities, efcient ports, effective inter-
don. modal sealift capacity, and reserve shipping for na-
Marine railway: A tracked inclined plane equipped tional emergencies.
with a rolling cradle for hauling ships out of the water. Maritime & Coastguard Agency: This branch of
Marine surveyor: A person qualied to inspect a the British government is responsible for maritime
ship or boat for the purpose of determining its current safety policy and the prevention of accidents or loss of
condition and seaworthinessin particular if it is safe life at sea or on the coast. This includes coordinating
for use in the conditions for which it was designed search and rescue operations, checking that ships con-
and what maintenance and repairs are required to form to national and international safety rules, and
maintain its integrity. Surveys typically cover the ves- preventing coastal pollution.
sels structure and machinery, and its navigational, Maritime Industrial Development Area: A com-
safety, radio, and cargo-handling equipment, and may mercial zone with easy access to port facilities, where
involve verifying compliance with international industries dependent on water transportation are en-
treaties concerning pollution, security, and safety. See couraged to congregate.
also Lloyds Register. Maritime law: Is a complete legal system, with
Mariner: An experienced blue water seaman of three major components or sources common legal
any rank or rate, but especially one who directs or as- principles (evolved over millennia of civil usage), na-
sists in navigation. tional statutes, and international conventions. Col-
Marines: Naval persons organized and equipped lectively, these cover the laws of:
as soldiers and specializing in amphibious operations. Contract (charter parties)
According to sailors, the name marine is an acronym Sale (of ships)
of Muscles Are Required, Intelligence Not Essential, Service (towage)
but this jocular sentiment is refuted by naval person- Lease (chartering)
alities, such as Horatio Nelson who remarked every Carriage (affreightment)
eet should have a perfect battalion of marines; Ad- Agency (chandlery)
miral Lord St. Vincent who said, without a large body Pledge (bottomry and respondentia)
of marines we shall be long, very long, before an Hire and employment (masters and crews)
efcient eet can be sent to sea; and David Dixon Porter Risk distribution (general average)
(one of the rst U.S. Navy ofcers to bear the rank of Compensation (injury or illness)
admiral) who declared: If the marines are abolished, Indemnity (marine insurance)
half the efciency of the navy will be destroyed. Also known as Admiralty law, it includes such con-
The practice is ancient. At least ve centuries before cepts as Constructive Presence, Force Majeure, Hot
the current era, ghting men were part of the regular Pursuit, Innocent Passage, and Right of Visit, as well
complement of Phoenician, Persian, and Greek war- as dening Contiguous Zones, Exclusive Economic
ships. Later, cohorts of troops, known as classiarii, Zones, Territorial Seas, and the like. (See also Laws &
served in the Roman navy. Today, most of the worlds Conventions of the sea, and United Nations Conven-
marines operate in their traditional roles of preserving tion on Law of the Sea.)
discipline on board ship and projecting naval power Maritime lien: A feature of admiralty law that
inland when required. They generally consider them- holds a vessel liable for the non-payment of obliga-
selves to be soldiers who go to sea rather than sailors tions. This makes it very different from a land lien,
who ght ashore (see naval infantry). since it does not reect personal liability of the
An exception is the United States Marine Corps shipowner, or its captain or operator, but holds the
which no longer provides detachments to serve in in- vessel itself to be a legal entity with obligations that can
dividual warships, but is a fully-integrated, rapid-re- be breached. Once issued, a maritime lien can only
sponse, combined-arms service, larger than the total be foreclosed (executed in maritime parlance) by an
armed forces of many a sovereign state, falling admin- admiralty court and cannot be modied by agreement
istratively under the Navy Department, but independ- between the parties. It follows the vessel wherever it
ent of the naval chain of command. goes and can be enforced by any country which ob-
Maritime: Connected with, bordering on or per- tains jurisdiction. Claims must be maritime by nature
taining to ships and the sea. and only certain types apply, the most important (in
Maritime Administration: This agency of the descending order of precedence) being:
United States Department of Transportation is tasked Seamens unpaid wages
to promote the development and maintenance of an Salvage fees
adequate and balanced merchant marine, to carry all Tort, including collision and personal injury
domestic and a large part of foreign waterborne com- General average claims
merce in peacetime and be capable of serving as a Preferred ship mortgages
naval and military auxiliary in time of war or national Necessaries, supplies, and repairs
emergency. The Maritime Administration is also re- Towage, lighterage, wharfage, stevedoring, pilotage,
quired to ensure the availability of adequate shipbuild- and the like
193 Martingale

Cargo damage due to improper loading, storage, which made the esh creep.... The rst mate exam-
or custody ined the still faint letters on the bow and after much
Unpaid freight trouble read Marlborough, Glasgow.
Breach of Charter Party In spite of extensive investigation, no explanation of
Marine pollution. the tragedy has ever emerged.
Maritime power: A coastal nation possessing a Marline : A light double-stranded, left-handed
substantial navy. cord, sometimes tarred, used to join (seize) ropes or fas-
Maritime signals: See tables 810. ten (parcel) canvas to a rope. Pronounced marlin.
Mark : [1] One of the fathom indicators on a Marlinespike: A straight-shafted pointed instru-
sounding line. [2] A navigational aid or marker which ment used to separate strands of rope or wire for splic-
must be passed on a specic side. [3] A target. [4] An ing. Also marlin-spike.
equipment identier, always followed by a Roman Maroon: [1] A rework used as a warning signal. [2]
numeral indicating the production version of the A fugitive black or Indian slave (abbreviation of the
specied item, and possibly a modication number Spanish Cimarrnes). [3] See marooning.
indicating the number of changes made to the origi- Marooner: Synonym for a Caribbean pirate of the
nal design (e.g., Mark III/2 binoculars identies the 17th18th centuries.
third version which has been twice modied). Marooning: A punishment in which the accused
Mark!: A call given to indicate that a prescribed was abandoned on an isolated shore or island from
reading must be recorded at the specic time of the whence rescue or escape was unlikely. Usually given no
call. supplies other than a musket and powder ask, a few
Marker: General term covering all forms of navi- shot, and a cask of water. A surprisingly large num-
gational aids such as buoys, beacons, and the like. ber survived to tell the tale of their privations.
Marker ship: The vessel providing a reference Apart from Richard Lionhearts Ordinance (see tar-
point and control for an amphibious operation. ring), marooning was practiced mainly by pirates and
Marks and deeps: The depth indicators on hand- privateers, although occasional instances of naval and
held leadline, each designated by bits of cloth or merchant use have been recorded, these often seeming
leather are called marks. The intermediate fathoms, es- to be based more on antipathy between the victim and
timated by the leadsman, are called deeps. his captain than on any specic offense. The term is
Marl: To wrap a small line around a larger one, se- believed to have originated when Sir Francis Drake
curing each turn by a knot so that it remains in place came upon and rescued a group of Cimarrnes who
if others are cut. Also marle. had been abandoned by their Spanish masters at some
Marlborough mystery: On 13 January 1890, a few remote place.
days out from Littleton (New Zealand), British ship Marpol: See International Convention for the Pre-
Marlborough was greeted by a passing vessel but then vention of Pollution from Ships.
disappeared. After she was posted at Lloyds as miss- Marriage customs: See Arch of Steel.
ing, an inquiry determined that cargo was properly Marry: [1] To join two ends of rope (cf. splice). [2]
stowed, and the ship was in good trim for her voyage When ships boys were to be punished they were tied
to Scotland. The general opinion was she had been over (married to) a cannon known as the gunners
sunk by an iceberg off Cape Horn. Twenty-three years daughter. As a result the term came to mean being
later, in 1913, the Wellington Evening Post reported that caned or beaten. See also kiss the gunners daughter.
British ship Johnson had discovered an abandoned sail- MARS: Marine Accident Reporting System.
ing ship near Cape Horn. After his return to Scot- Marsiliana: A square-sterned Venetian sailing mer-
land, Johnsons master told the Glasgow Herald... chantman. Named after a small town in Tuscany.
Off the rocky coves near Punta Arenas ... we Martial law: A system of rules proclaimed when
rounded a point into a deep cleft rock. Before us, a normal or civil law has broken down due to insurrec-
mile or more across the water, stood a vessel, with tion, mutiny, natural disaster, or the like. Once the
the barest shreds of canvas uttering in the breeze. proclamation has been made, military authorities as-
We signaled and hove to. No answer came. We sume the administration of justice and maintenance of
searched the stranger with our glasses. Not a soul law and order, usually with restrictions on normal
could we see; not a movement of any sort. Masts civil rights. Not to be confused with Military Law
and yards were picked out in the green of decay.
which governs the conduct of members of the armed
... After an interval, our rst mate, with a number of
the crew, boarded her.... Below the wheel lay the
skeleton of a man. Treading warily on the rotten Martinet: This name for a strict disciplinarian is
decks, which cracked and broke in places as they also the French name for a cat-o-nine-tails. Both refer
walked, they encountered three skeletons in the to the Marquis de Martinet, who was a rst-class mil-
hatchway. In the mess-room were the remains of ten itary engineer and tactician, but became so hated for
bodies, and six others were found, one alone, possi- his brutality that he was accidentally killed by
bly the captain, on the bridge. There was an un- friendly re during the 1672 Siege of Duisberg.
canny stillness around, and a dank smell of mould, Martingale: [1] Nautical: A stay running from the
Maru 194

dolphin striker to the bowsprit or jib-boom, serving igational ability; trying to escape predation from other
to strengthen them against the force of the head stays. marine creatures; environmental effects such as El
[2] Swordsmanship: A strap attached to the sword Nino, salinity and temperature changes; pollution
handle to prevent it from being dropped if disarmed. from river runoff, man-made chemicals, oil spills, and
[3] Equestrian: A harness strap fastened from girth to litter; behavioral changes such as new feeding pat-
noseband to restrain a horse from throwing its head terns; and human intervention such as shing activ-
back. The latter is probably the earliest usage, with ity and sonar testing. (See beaked whales.)
the word coming, via the Spanish almrtiga, from the Mast: [1] A long upright pole stepped on a ships
Arabic for rein or harness. keel and rising above the hull to support sails or sig-
Maru: A sufx to the name of virtually every Japa- nal equipment. Taller ones are composed of two parts
nese merchant ship. The word refers to the complete- known as lower-mast and topmast, while extremely
ness and perfection of a sphere or circle, and has con- high ones will add a third spar called topgallant mast.
notations of good luck. Hence it is essentially a prayer [2] A non-judicial USN disciplinary proceeding at
to safeguard the round trip from origin to destination which the captain or other senior ofcer reviews charges
and return. and awards summary punishment. See captains mast.
Mary Celeste: On 7th November 1872, a Cana- Mast step: The place where the butt or foot of a
dian-built half-brig (brigantine), sailed from New mast is secured, usually on the keel (cf. tabernacle).
York with a cargo of 1701 barrels of alcohol bound for Master: [1] One eminently skilled at something
Genoa in Italy. Her master Benjamin Briggs was an ex- (e.g., master craftsman, master shipwright, master
perienced mariner and a known teetotaler; his mate gunner, etc.). [2] The proper title of the ofcer com-
Albert Richardson was fully qualied and licensed for manding a merchantman (who is often called cap-
command. Also on board were a crew of six, plus tain as a courtesy). The Master stands no regular
Briggs wife Sarah, and his 2-year-old daughter So- watches, but oversees navigation of the vessel when
phia. On 4th December British brigantine Dei Gra- under pilotage, in close waters, or during foul weather.
tia overhauled Mary Celeste about halfway between He or she is ofcially the owners representative rather
the Azores and Portugal. Captain Morehouse was than a member of the crew, and as such deals with
about to hail his friend Captain Briggs when he real- port authorities, charterers, and the like. Being effec-
ized the other ship was unmanned and out of control. tively the vessels CEO, the Master is responsible for
A painter was seen dangling over the stern. all its operations, including safety, cargo, records, etc.,
He boarded the vessel, nding it relatively undam- as well as navigation, catering, and engineering.
aged and well-stocked with food and water. The cargo [3] Formerly, the warrant ofcer responsible for a war-
was intact except for nine barrels of alcohol which had ships navigation (see also Sailing Master and Mas-
been stove in and the contents drained into the bilges. ter Mariner). The relationship between the ships mas-
The longboat was missing, along with most of the ter and its captain was described by John Smith in 1627:
ships navigation instruments, and there was no sign The Captains charge is to command all and tell the
of anyone on board. Maister to which port hee will go ... in a ght hee is
A Court of Inquiry reached no denitive conclu- to give direction to the managing thereof. The Mais-
sion, but suggested that Briggs possibly fearing al- ter is to see to the cunning (conning) of the shippe
cohol leaking from the broken barrels might ex- ... and his mates are to direct the course, command
plodemight have abandoned ship, intending to trail all the sailers, for stearing, trimming the sailes, and
astern in the longboat until it was safe to board again, sailing the shippe.
but the painter snapped in a storm, casting them adrift Master and Commander: This Royal Navy rank
to perish. was instituted in 1794, and was then equivalent to an
Mashoof: A shallow-draft raft-like boat used by army major. It was awarded only to ofcers appointed
the Marsh Arabs of Southern Iraq. Traditionally made to command a vessel larger than a lieutenants com-
of reeds, but nowadays often of wood. mand, but smaller than a post-ship. In 1814 the title
Mask paint: See Gundeck stripes. became Commander and equivalent to Lieutenant-
Mass stranding: Refers to events in which groups Colonel.
of distressed cetaceans (whales, dolphins, porpoises) Master-at-Arms: [1] During the 18th century this
swim ashore alive and apparently healthy, but usually junior warrant or petty ofcer was often a former ma-
end up dying on the beach. Such strandings occur rine, responsible for training the crew in small arms
regularly in various parts of the world but unlike combat, with subsidiary duty as a shipborne police
die-off events which usually have a well-dened constable. [2] In modern navies, the MAA is chief of
cause, such as an epidemic or red tide deliberate the ships police force, responsible for maintaining
mass stranding is still very mysterious with no uni- discipline and good order among the ships company.
versally accepted explanation. See also law enforcement and naval police.
Among suggested possibilities are the creatures re- Master Chief Petty Ofcer: This is the highest en-
action to illnesses; geomagnetic disturbances that listed rate in the USN and USCG. MCPOs carry a
upset their biological travel clocks disorienting nav- specialty rating and are normally assigned to major
195 Match

commands aoat as technical experts in their elds. A In 1840, the rank of Mate was established as subor-
master chief who successfully completes additional dinate to Lieutenant, and twenty years later was re-
leadership training qualies as Command Master named Sub-Lieutenant, which remains the most
Chief Petty Ofcer. This is not a higher rate but, in- junior commissioned rank in the RN.
stead of practicing a specialty, a CMCPO provides li- In the USN, Masters Mate remained a warrant rank
aison between the Command and its enlisted person- and promotion to commissioned rank was rare.
nel on issues of quality-of-life, discipline, training, During the Civil War the warranted rank was al-
and morale. lowed to lapse and the title became simply Mate,
Still in the CMCPO rate, but unquestionably the authorized to be rated from seamen who had served
most senior enlisted person in the USN is the Mas- at least two years aoat. This was thus the highest
ter Chief Petty Ofcer of the Navy (known as Mick- enlisted rate, somewhat like a petty ofcer, but with
pon). This unique appointment was created in 1967 status and pay similar to a warrant ofcer. No ap-
to provide a channel for the enlisted force to provide pointment was made after 1894 and the rate lapsed
direct input to the CNO and Deputy CNO/Person- as its incumbents faded away.
nel. Based at the Pentagon, the MCPON regularly Masters ticket: Today a master mariner has to be
travels around the eet obtaining input from enlisted certicated as able to chart a course over open waters,
sailors and their families. Since 1988, the MCPONs and as being procient with sextant, chronometer,
spouse (if any) has been authorized to travel with her and barometer. The certicate, which is often called
husband, representing the interests of the spouses of a Masters Ticket, is usually held by a ships rst
enlisted members. mate or chief ofcer as well as its captain. See Interna-
Master Commandant : In 1806, this U.S. Navy tional Convention on Standards of Training, Certi-
rank was awarded to warrant or commissioned sail- cation, and Watch-keeping for Seafarers (STCW).
ing masters appointed to the command of ships. It Masthead: The uppermost part of a mast to which
was equivalent to the British Master and Comman- standing rigging is attached.
der and, in 1837, it too was renamed Commander. Masthead light: One of a ships mandatory navi-
Master Mariner: A person certicated to com- gation lights placed high over the fore-and-aft cen-
mand a merchant vessel. This venerable title origi- terline of the vessel, but not necessarily at the top of
nated in the 11th or 12th century, when it referred to a mast. It must shine a bright white light over an arc
a skilled and experienced seaman, probably a former of the horizon from dead ahead to 22.5 abaft the
boatswain, qualied as competent to command an beam on both sides of the vessel.
oceangoing merchantman. See masters ticket. Masthead pendant: A Royal Navy vessel ies a
Master of the Fleet: The senior sailing master on pendant at the main truck, indicating it is a private
board a agship. He reported to the ag captain and warship (one that does not have a ag ofcer aboard)
had general responsibilities for the issuance of stores in commission. Red, white, and blue versions were
to the eet and observing any deviations from rule by ofcially authorized by the Navy Commissioners in
the sailing masters of other ships. March 1653 (see British ensigns), but are believed to
Master Seaman: This rank is unique to the Cana- have been introduced at least 20 years earlier. Today
dian Navy, and was created to accommodate the only the white is in use. The pendant is extremely
unied rank structure of the Canadian Armed Forces. long relative to its width, tapering to a square tip. The
It is equivalent to Master Corporal in the Army and eld is white, with a Saint Georges Cross at the hoist.
Air Force. The rank insignia of a Master Seaman is Like the U.S. commissioning pennant, it is worn at
two chevrons surmounted by a maple leaf. Sometimes all times, except when it is replaced by the Royal Stan-
referred to as master killick. dard or a ag of rank.
Masters Mate: Originally a senior petty ofcer and Mastheading: An obsolete form of naval punish-
later a junior warrant ofcer, a masters mate in the ment for (mainly) midshipmen who were sent aloft
Royal Navy was an assistant to the sailing master and to the crows nest (not to the truck, despite the name)
more or less his apprentice. By passing appropriate where they had to stay without food in all kinds of
examinations, masters mates could become qualied weather until relieved.
to command prizes or tenders, and eventually become Masting sheers: A sheerlegs mounted ashore or on
sailing masters themselves. a hulk, used as a crane to hoist a mast or heavy spar
During the Napoleonic Wars, midshipmen tired of and lower it into place on a ship.
the long wait for a lieutenancy began to take mas- Mat: A fender woven from old rope or yarns (cf.
ters mates appointments for the greater pay and collision mat).
responsibility. Eventually, this became one of the Match: See slow match, quick match, gun ring,
accepted routes to commissioned rank. linstock, and portre.
In 1824 the rating was split, with those who wanted Match tub: A container with a perforated cover for
to become sailing masters becoming Masters Assis- holding the slow matches formerly used to re cannon.
tants, and those who aspired to commissioned rank Water in the bottom of the tub extinguished sparks
retaining the previous rating. falling from the matches. See also gun ring.
Matchlock 196

Matchlock: This was the rst mechanism for ignit- from fraying, and provides a secure stopper that can-
ing the charge of a hand-held rearm. By automati- not be untied without unraveling the rope. It was used
cally lowering a lighted match into the ash pan, it on topmast rigging lanyards, the rope loop of bunt
allowed the rer to grip the weapon with both hands beckets, and the beckets of tubs and buckets.
and keep both eyes on the target. The device origi- Little is known about the man who gave his name
nated in China early in the 14th century and spread to the knot. He may have been a master rigger in one
westward. By mid15th century it had reached Eu- of the British naval dockyards, but alternative myths
rope via Ottoman Turkey. Then, during the 16th cen- and theories abound. One of the more colorful tells us
tury, Portuguese mariners introduced it to India and he was a sailor, convicted of some crime by a judge
Japan. It was progressively replaced by wheellock, who had formerly been a seaman. Calling on their
snaphance, and intlock. maritime fellowship, he asked for clemency if he could
Mate: Derived from the Dutch Mateloot = com- tie a knot the judge could neither make nor undo.
panion (and sometimes replaced by Ofcer), this Returning to the privacy of his cell, he un-laid half
title refers to: [1] An assistant (i.e., Boatswains mate, of a ten-fathom line, put in his special knot, then re-
Carpenters mate, etc.). [2] One of a merchantmans laid the rope to the end. This secured his reprieve,
ofcers including: and gave the world an excellent knot.
The First (or Chief ) Mate (or Ofcer) who is sec- Maul: [1] A heavy caulking hammer [2] To inict
ond-in-command to the Master, responsible for all severe damage on an enemy ship by raking or broad-
deck operations including supplies, maintenance, side.
cargo handling, and stowage with particular atten- MAW: Marine Air Wing (USMC).
tion to the vessels stability. At sea, he or she stands Mayday: Internationally-recognized radio call for
the morning and evening (48) bridge watches. immediate help by ships and aircraft. Much more ur-
The Second Mate/Ofcer is the ships navigator, gent than pan-pan. From the French maidez = help
with prime responsibility for the upkeep of charts, me. See table 10.
monitoring navigation equipment, and (frequently) Mayonnaise: There are several explanations of the
re-ghting equipment. Keeps the mid and after- origin of this name, the most popular being that it
noon (124) watches at sea. arose after the naval Battle of Minorca In 1756. At the
The Third Mate/Ofcer assists the chief and sec- beginning of the Seven Years War, Admiral John Byng
ond mates as required, supervises the vessels load- sailed from Gibraltar with reinforcements for British-
ing, and is responsible for emergency survival held Minorca. By the time he arrived, the island had
equipment (lifeboats and rafts, personal oatation been overrun by a French invasion force, which was
gear, etc.). At sea, he or she stands the rst and besieging the garrison at Port Mahon, and a French
forenoon (812) watches. eet stood in his way. The ensuing battle was incon-
Large ships have additional (numbered) junior clusive, but Byng returned to Gibraltar, making no
mates or ofcers. attempt to land his embarked troops. Fort Saint Philip
Matelot/Matlo: A seaman (English slang, derived fell, and Byng was later court-martialed and shot for
from the French Matelot). failure to complete his mission. Meanwhile, the
Mater Cara: The Latin for Beloved Mother (The French ground commander, Marchal Duc Louis de
Virgin Mary) has been anglicized to Mother Carey Richelieu, had ordered a victory dinner, for which his
(which see). See also stormy petrel. chef invented a new sauce of eggs and oil beaten onto
Material condition: [1] Generally, the readiness of an emulsion, naming it Mannaise, after Ma the
equipment and systems installed in a warship. [2] Catalan name for Port Mahon.
Specically, a USN term denoting the required level MB: Marine Barracks (USMC).
of damage control readiness. All doors, hatches, ports, MC: Mission critical.
valves and the like are designated W, X, Y, or Z. If, for MCA: Maritime & Coastguard Agency (Brit.).
example, Condition X-Ray (the lowest level of MCAS: Marine Corps Air Station (USMC).
readiness) is set, all ttings marked X must be MCS: Hull classication symbol of a mine coun-
closed. Condition Yoke is intermediate, and Con- termeasures support ship.
dition Zebra is the highest level, set during General MCM: [1] Manual for Courts-Martial. [2] Mine
Quarters. Condition Whiskey is invoked only to countermeasures. [3] Hull classication symbol of a
counter chemical, biological, or radiological threats. mine countermeasures ship.
Matriel: The supplies, arms, ammunition, and MCPO: Master Chief Petty Ofcer.
equipment; excluding personnel; required by or fur- MCPON: Master Chief Petty Ofcer of the Navy.
nished to a naval or military force. Pronounced Mickpon.
Matey: Slang term for a stevedore or other dock- MDP: Ministry of Defence Police (Brit.).
yard worker. MDZ: Maritime Defense Zone (USN).
Matthew Walker: A decorative knot, tied by un- MEA: Marine Engineering Articer (RN).
raveling the strands of a line, knotting them, and lay- Meal pennant: A USN warship at anchor hoists
ing them together again. It keeps the end of the rope the E (Echo) ag to indicate that its crew is at dinner.
197 Medical

Mealed: [1] Coarsely ground foodstuff; especially Medical Assistant: A Royal Navy medical rating,
the seeds of various cereal grasses or pulse. [2] Corned equivalent to the USNs Hospital Corpsman. Med-
gunpowder treated with spirits of wine and pulver- ical Assistants serve on all types of ship in the surface
ized into smaller grains, making it cleaner and faster and submarine eet, or ashore in a sick bay, hospital,
burning for use in priming tubes and pans. or other establishment. Until shortly after World War
Mean: [1] An average (e.g., mean high water is the II, Medical Assistants were known as Sick Berth At-
average depth of water at high tide). [2] Equidistant tendants, and earlier as Loblolly Boys. Medical Assis-
from two extremes. tants who volunteer for service with the Royal Marines
Mean sea level: Refers to [1] The level of the oceans must pass the All Arms Commando Course.
surface especially the halfway level between mean Medical services: Modern and effective medical
high and mean low tide used as a standard datum support is a fundamental part of any nations military
for reckoning land elevation or sea depths. [2] More capability and effectiveness. To that end, medical and
accurately, the average height of the sea surface at all dental services promote and maintain the health,
stages over a lengthy period (usually the nineteen-year tness, and well being of naval and marine personnel.
cycle for sun, moon and earth to return to any given Initially: In both the Royal and United States
alignment). See also sea level. navies, the medical section of larger ships consisted
Measurement of ships: Ships are measured in of the surgeon, who was a physician, and his mate,
terms of overall length, waterline length, beam, depth who might have some medical experience or rudi-
(distance from weather deck to keelson), draft (dis- mentary qualications. They were civilians with
tance between the ships bottom and the highest wa- status similar to that of modern warrant ofces, ap-
terline), and tonnage. pointed only for a specic cruise. They were as-
Measurement of wind & wave: Wind, which was sisted by a number of loblolly boys, who were
absolutely vital to sailing mariners, remains a poten- landsmen with nothing more than on-the-job-
tial hazard and important consideration for naviga- training. Article 16 of Rules for the Regulation of the
tors in the age of powered and nuclear propulsion Navy of the United Colonies of North America of
systems. In consequence, several conventions for 1775. stated:
measuring or estimating wind speeds and the waves A convenient place shall be set apart for sick or
they generate have been developed. These include the hurt men, to be removed with their hammocks
Beaufort, Douglas, Fujita, Pierson-Moskowitch, and and bedding when the surgeon shall advise the same
Safr-Simpson scales (see tables 15). to be necessary: and some of the crew shall be ap-
Measurement ton: Cargo volume equal to 40 pointed to attend to and serve them and to keep
cubic feet. the place clean. The cooper shall make buckets
Meatball: [1] World War II slang for the red iden- with covers and cradles if necessary for their use.
tication disc painted on Japanese aircraft. [2] USN The USN Medical Corps: Surgeons became com-
slang for a battle efciency pennant. [3] Naval aviators missioned ofcers in 1872, but it was not until 1898
slang for the orange ball which, when seen at the cen- that this staff corps was founded, covering a wide
ter of a mirror landing aid and in alignment with hor- range of medical specialties. A century later, facing
izontal green lights, indicates to the pilot of an in- a shortage of trained physicians, the Uniformed
coming aircraft that it is on the proper glide path for Services Health Professions Revitalization Act
a deck landing. (1972) created programs under which medical stu-
Mechanical advantage: The ratio of the output dents are given reserve commissions as Ensign (O-
force exerted by a mechanism to the input force ap- 1) which they hold during four years of medical edu-
plied to it. cation. Upon graduation, they supersede to the rank
Mechanical sweep: In naval mine warfare, a sweep of Lieutenant (O-3) and are called to active duty as
with the objective of physically contacting the mine or interns at a Navy or Marine Corps hospital. After
its appendages. a years internship, they may deploy to the eet as
Medals: Flat pieces of metal usually in the shape a General Medical Ofcer, undergo six months of
of crosses, discs, or stars, bearing an inscription or de- additional training as a Flight Surgeon or Undersea
sign and (usually) accompanied by an identifying rib- Medical Ofcer, or apply to complete a full residency
bon, serving to recognize accomplishments or com- in the eld of their choice. See Hospital Corpsman.
memorate events. Medals for courage or bravery in The Royal Navy Medical Service operates in very
action are called Decorations. Those for presence in similar ways. Medical, Dental and Nursing ofcers
a theatre of operations or during a specic operation and medical assistants work in primary and sec-
are Campaign Medals, and those issued for other rea- ondary health care, ashore and aoat. Experienced
sons are Service Medals. Medals are conventionally doctors enter on Short Service Commissions of
worn on the left breast, reputedly because that is where three to six years duration (prior experience being
Crusaders wore the sign of the cross, but the USN considered when calculating seniority). Undergrad-
places Unit Citations on the right. uate cadetships are available to medical students,
Medevac: Medical Evacuation. paying a salary as well as course fees. During three
Mediterranean 198

months at the Institute of Naval Medicine (Gos- Merchant venturer: [1] A trader willing to accept
port) qualied physicians learn to manage clinical the risks and dangers of a trading gamble, especially
problems in the absence of hospital or specialist as- one that sends goods across unpredictable seas. [2]
sistance, and are introduced to the fundamentals The Society of Merchant Venturers is a private char-
of aviation and underwater medicine. They can itable organization in the English city of Bristol, which
then elect to serve as generalists at sea, qualify in avi- dates back to the 13th century. At one time it was so
ation or submarine medicine, or undertake further powerful that it effectively ran the city. [3] During
professional training in a specialist eld. the 16th century, the Company of Merchant-Ventur-
Mediterranean moor: A maneuver commonly ers traded with distant places, especially Russia and
used when harbor space is limited. Twin anchors are Turkey. The hazards are described by Richard Barn-
dropped from the bow and the vessel is backed into the eld in his 1594 poem, The Affectionate Shepherd:
seawall with the brow being put over the stern. The wealthie merchant that dothe crosse the sease
Meet her!: A steering command to reduce the To Denmarke, Polande, Spaine, and Barbarie
swing of a turning vessel without stopping the turn al- For all his ritches, lives not still at ease
together. Sometimes he feares ship-spoyling pyracie
MEF : Marine Expeditionary Force (USMC). Another while deceipt and treacherie
Megaton: A measure of the explosive power of a Of his owne factors in a forren land
nuclear weapon, equal to one-million tons of TNT. Thus doth he still in dread and danger stand
MEH: Marine Electronic Highway. Well is he tearmde a merchant-venturer
Men: the ships company in general, also crew, Since he doth venter lands, and goods and all
troops, people. When he doth travell for his trafque far
Mercantile Marine: Obsolete British term for the Little he knowes what fortune may befalle
Merchant Navy. Or rather, what mis-fortune happen shall
Mercator projection: Method of charting in which Sometimes he splits his ship against a rocke
the parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude Loosing his men, his goods, his wealth, his stocke
intersect at right angles. Developed by Flemish cartog- Merchantman: A vessel engaged in commercial
rapher Gerhardus Mercator about 1556 and used in trade, excluding vessels operating solely within harbor
navigation, although the dimensions of polar areas are limits, and river and estuarial craft (also merchant
signicantly distorted by this projection. See also ship, cargo ship, freighter).
rhumb lines. Meridian: An imaginary circle on the earths sur-
Merchandise: Goods, especially commodities or face running through the north and south poles. The
manufactured wares. longitudinal equivalent of a latitudinal parallel.
Merchant: [1] A person who buys, ships, and sells Meridional overturning circulation: See Deep
commodities for prot. [2] Pertaining to trade or com- Water Circulation, Oceanic Circulation, and Ther-
merce, mercantile, commercial, or industrial. [3] mohaline Circulation.
Often used in the sense of non-military (i.e., Mer- MERINT: USN/USCG term for national security
chant Navy). intelligence provided by a merchant ship.
Merchant aircraft carrier: See MAC ship. Meritorious Unit Commendation: Each U.S. mil-
Merchant Marine: [1] American collective term itary service issues its own version of this award. The
for the vessels of a nation engaged in commercial Naval version, established in 1967, is given for valor-
trade. [2] Frequently used but incorrect term for a ous or meritorious achievement in battle or non-com-
merchant mariner. bat operations at a level that would justify the award
Merchant mariner: A member of a merchantmans of a Bronze Star to an individual. Naval units awarded
crew. It is little appreciated that merchant mariner an MUC are authorized to y a red, yellow, blue, and
was one of the most hazardous occupations in World green striped pennant, up to ve bronze stars being
War II. Although technically non-combatant, the U.S. placed on the central red stripe for additional cita-
Merchant Marine and British Merchant Navy each tions. Those who were on board and actually partic-
suffered a higher overall casualty rate than their re- ipated in the action are entitled to wear the MUC
spective armies, navies, and air forces. medal.
Merchant Navy: British collective term for the ves- Mermaids: Mysterious female sea creatures are fea-
sels of the nation engaged in commercial trade. tured in the oral traditions of almost every culture,
Adopted during World War II to honor the wartime one of the earliest being the Assyrian goddess Atar-
contribution and sacrice of what had previously been gatis, who is sometimes depicted as having the body
called the Mercantile Marine. of a sh with a human head and legs. More frequently
Merchant ship: See merchantman. she has the conventional mermaid form of human
Merchant Ship Reporting and Control Message above, sh below, which is exactly how the Phoene-
System: A U.S. and NATO worldwide system for cian Derketo is described. The 14th century French
recording the movement of merchantmen and infor- Melusine is sometimes said to have bifurcated twin
mation relating to their control. sh tails below a female torso.
199 Middle

The Sirens of classical Greece part woman, part Message: Any thought, idea, or report expressed
bird sang so sweetly that sailors forgot their native briey in plain language, code, or cipher.
lands and families, landing to waste away on the Messenger: [1] A seaman who carries messages or
Sirens island, which grew white with their bleaching runs errands for ofcers on watch. [2] An endless rope,
bones. The mythical Lorelei of the Rhine River, whose wound around the capstan, attached to the anchor ca-
beautiful song lured mariners onto her fateful rock, ble by nippers and used to haul it in, especially when
was a typical blonde-haired, blue-eyed madchen with it is too thick and heavy for the capstan (also voyo). [3]
no bird or sh-like features. Neither of these water A light, weighted line which can be thrown across water
spirits really ts the mermaid image. and then tied to a heavier line to be pulled after it.
Reports of mermaid sightings by European explor- Messmates: Members of the same mess.
ers and navigators were common, widespread, and Metacenter/Metacentre: Dened in naval architec-
amazingly consistent, describing creatures with the ture as the point of intersection between a line drawn
tail of a sh or porpoise and the head and torso of a through the center of gravity of a hull (vertical when
naked young woman. Their hair was variously re- in equilibrium) and a vertical line through the center
ported as golden, green, or jet black, but invariably of pressure under slight angular displacement.
said to be waist-length and brilliant. Beyond the phys- Metacentric height: Distance between the center
ical similarity of eyewitness reports there were huge of gravity and the metacenter. When the latter is
differences. Many called them beautiful, but others below the center of gravity, the ship is unstable. The
recorded disappointment at their ugliness. greater its distance above the center of gravity, the
Mer-myths (if we may call them such) include greater the stability.
tales of compassionate mermaids who rescued drown- Meteorology: The study of the processes and phe-
ing seamen and deposited them gently ashore; of friv- nomena of the earths atmosphere, especially insofar as
olous mermaids who gamboled around a ship like they facilitate forecasting weather conditions.
playful dolphins; and of amorous mermaids who Metric ton: See ton.
snatched watchkeepers off the deck at night, carrying Mexico Current: A seasonal extension of the Cal-
them to be sex slaves in deep underwater grottoes. ifornia current that ows southeastward along the
Sometimes, it was said, a mermaid would fall deeply coast from late October until April.
in love with a mortal man, leaving her watery home MFN: Most Favored Nation.
to adopt human form, marry him, and bear his chil- MGB: RN designation of a motor gunboat.
dren, but the day usually came when she heard the MHD propulsion: The magnetohydrodynamic
oceans call and slipped away never to return. drive is a tentative and untried method that creates
There were also stories of malicious mermaids, with thrust (known as the Lorentz force) by passing an elec-
siren-like powers to lure seafarers to their deaths; of tric current through seawater in the presence of an in-
mermaid seers, who could foretell the future, and tense magnetic eld. The seawater effectively becomes
mer-witches who could control it. Early European the moving conductive part of an electric motor, push-
mariners believed that the sight of a mermaids breast ing the water out at the back to accelerate the vehicle.
could calm angry seas, while ancient Japanese legend Due to their lack of moving parts, MHD drives are (in
held that eating the esh of a mermaid would result principle) reliable, economical, efcient, silent, and me-
in immortality and eternal youth. chanically elegant. They may eventually prove a via-
Mermen: Frequently considered to be the spirits ble alternative to the propeller, but experimental pro-
of sailors lost at sea, mermen were usually depicted as totype seagoing vessels tested by Mitsubishi during
ugly old fellows with straggly black beards and hair. the 1990s failed to achieve the anticipated performance.
No wonder there were far fewer tales of merman sight- MHS: Maritime Homeland Security (U.S.).
ings what seaman would not prefer to see a young, MHW: Mean high-water (of tides).
attractive, bare-breasted creature combing her long MIA: Missing in action.
and lustrous tresses? Mickey Mouse: [1] USN slang for (a) Rules, reg-
Mess: [1] A shipboard eating area. [2] A segment of ulations, and restrictions which make no sense, or
the ships company eating together, often divided ac- (b) A chaotic and disorganized construction, or
cording to rank. [3] Formerly, in the age of sail, a seg- (c) Anything as trite and contrived as the silly and
ment of the ships company drawing victuals in bulk childish Disney cartoons featuring this character.
and sharing them out. At that time being invited to [2] In Australia the term has exactly the opposite
join the right (or wrong) mess could have immense meaning of good or excellent.
impact on a sailors social life. (The word may be de- MIDAS: Maritime Industrial Development Areas.
rived from either the Old French mes = portion of Middle: To fold a rope back on itself so that the two
food, or the Spanish mesa = table.) lengths are equal.
Mess dress: A naval ofcers formal uniform for Middle ground: A length of relatively shallow
evening wear. water between deeper channels.
Mess gear/kit/traps: Eating utensils (knives, forks, Middle passage: This was the longest, toughest,
plates, cups, etc.). and most horric segment of the triangular trade.
Middle 200

Africans, purchased from local chiefs and warlords, Midships: Abbreviation of amidships.
were literally packed like sardines (see spooning) into Midships your helm!: Command to align the rud-
the holds of specially-designed slave ships, chained der exactly fore-and-aft in line with the keel.
together (usually in pairs), only occasionally (if ever) Midwatch: The middle watch.
allowed a turn around the decks, and fed barely Midway: The year 1942 was the pivotal year of
enough food to sustain life. The passage lasted be- World War II. The British turned the Nazi tide at El
tween ve weeks and ve months, and every day the Alamein (after 37 months of defensive war), Soviet
stench of fear, unwashed bodies, and human excre- Russia won the battle of attrition at Stalingrad (after
ment got worse. Malnutrition, scurvy, dysentery, and 16 months of constant retreat), and the United States
infectious diseases, along with severe depression took crippled Japanese naval aviation at the Battle of Mid-
a terrible toll. Nevertheless, there were enough sur- way (after 6 months of humiliating setbacks). The lat-
vivors to make the slave trade immensely protable. ter was due to a combination of accurate intelligence,
Middle watch: The duty shift from 0000 to 0400 superior admiralship, and a tremendous slice of seren-
(midnight to 4:00 A.M.). Also midwatch. dipitous luck.
Mid-ocean dynamics: Study of the uctuations of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto had devised a typically
ocean currents using the dynamics of eddies. complex Japanese naval plan of stealth, ruse, and di-
Midrats: USN slang for rations served to the mid- vision of forces, involving a diversion intended to lure
dle watch. the U.S. Navy north to the Aleutians, an invasion
Midship oar: [1] The longest of ve oars on the force to occupy the islands inside Midway Atoll and
port side of a whaleboat. [2] The crew member pulling bring the Americans rushing back, a four-carrier strike
this oar. force to intercept and cripple them, and a powerful
Midshipman: Formerly, a senior petty ofcer be- seven-battleship main force to deliver the coup de grace.
longing to a group from which commissioned ofcers The United States had broken the Japanese naval
would be chosen. So-called because they berthed code, and decoded messages made it clear that a major
amidships, between the crew who berthed forward operation was being mounted at a place designated
and the commissioned ofcers who lived aft. To be AF. Suspecting this to be Midway, commanders
rated midshipman, a candidate had to have served at arranged for the garrison there to report breakdown of
least two years at sea, either before the mast or as a their water distillation plant in plain language. Two
captains servant, the latter position being reserved for days later Tokyo told the eet AF is short of water.
young gentlemen with patronage connections. After Knowing the enemys destination and objectives al-
a minimum of six years of sea service a midshipman lowed Admirals Frank Jack Fletcher and Raymond
could take the examination for third lieutenant, but Ames Spruance to strategically pre-position their task
might have to wait many more years before a vacancy forces for the action which began on 4th June.
arose. Thereafter advancement depended entirely on Luck favored the Americans when a gap in the
seniority (see also Masters Mate). During the Napo- enemy reconnaissance let their forces go unseen and
leonic Wars midshipmen tended to fall into three dis- then, when they were nally sighted, the Japanese pilot
tinct categories: misidentied the carriers as cruisers. Meanwhile, their
Well-connected teenage gentlemen, condently own scouts had found the Japanese. A low-level
expecting to pass the lieutenants examination and American torpedo strike was destroyed by the Japanese
be commissioned. combat air patrol, but that left the upper level unde-
Ambitious but embittered 3040 year-olds, who fended, allowing U.S. dive-bombers to swoop down
had either repeatedly failed that exam or, worse, on three of the Japanese carriers. The fourth carrier,
had passed but lacked the essential patron. Hiryu, managed to launch a strike that crippled car-
Hard-bitten professional seamen, promoted from rier USS Yorktown (later sunk by torpedoes from Japa-
the lower deck and not expecting to go further. nese submarine I-168), but she herself was located and
Nowadays it is the rank of the most junior British dive-bombed. Two of the blazing Japanese carriers
naval ofcer, equivalent to U.S. Ensign but not com- sank; the other two were nished off by torpedoes
missioned and classied as Subordinate Ofcer. The from their own destroyers.
rank insignia, which originated in 1758, is a white col- Midway had profound consequences; not only had
lar patch that some say can be traced all the way back the Japanese lost two-thirds of their eet carrier force,
to Roman times when a white toga was the badge of but the loss of an lite cadre of highly-trained and ex-
aspirants to higher ofce. perienced naval aviators was even more serious. From
In the United States the title refers to members of then on the naval initiative passed to the United
the Naval Reserve Ofcer Training Corps at a U.S. States.
university and to students at the U.S. Naval and Mer- Mike: NATO phonetic notation for the letter M.
chant Marine Academies. Navy Regulations give them Milan Naval Forum: A 1995 initiative of the Indian
an ambiguous status, saying Midshipmen are, by law, Navy, involving a biennial gathering of Indian Ocean
ofcers in a qualied sense (authors emphasis). See navies to discuss common concerns, forge co-opera-
also Passed Midshipman and Aviation Midshipman. tion, and build friendship and mutual understand-
201 Military

ing. Current participants are Australia, Bangladesh, to forestall an amphibious assault on Libya. The
India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar [Burma], Sin- Allies encouraged this belief with two ruses. First
gapore, Srilanka, and Thailand. (Milan is Hindi for HMS Janine (undamaged) radioed a plain language
tryst or meeting.) distress message, saying she was sinking hundreds
Mile: See nautical mile. of miles east of where she really was. Then, the
Military: [1] In general, of, related to, or concern- Central and Eastern Task Forces steamed well be-
ing armed forces as distinct from police or civilians. yond their objectives as though heading for Libya,
[2] Specically, of, related to, or concerning soldiers waiting for darkness before reversing course to head
and the army. for the real invasion beaches.
Military deception: Concerns misleading the 1943; Operation Mincemeat: The capture of Sicily
enemy as to ones capabilities, intentions, and opera- which would open the Mediterranean to Allied
tions; thereby causing him to take specic actions (or shipping and give them a foothold in Europewas
inactions) that will contribute to the accomplishment such an obvious strategic objective that Winston
of the mission. Ultimately, the intent is to favorably Churchill said Everyone but a bloody fool would
shape the enemys behavior, or to cause him to form know it. Accordingly, British naval intelligence
an inaccurate impression of the battlespace. Notable mounted an elaborate deception plan. The corpse
naval examples, one from antiquity and ve during of a 34-year-old man was given the identity papers
World War II, were: of a ctional Major of Royal Marines, placed in a
480 BCE; Salamis: The Persian eet enjoyed a huge steel canister lled with dry ice, and taken on board
numerical superiority, so Greek commander The- British submarine HMS Seraph. A briefcase, at-
mistocles planned to lure them into the narrow tached to his wrist by a bank-couriers chain, con-
Gulf of Salamis, where numbers would be less de- tained forged ofcial documents and a series of let-
cisive. He had his trusted slave Sicinnus defect to ters from senior ofcers in England to commanders
the Persian camp, to tell young King Xerxes the in the eld, covering subjects so sensitive that they
Greeks were quarrelling among themselves (true) justied being hand-carried rather than sent
and would fall apart if attacked (false). Xerxes leaped through regular channels.
into the trap. After sending a 200-ship squadron One of these was a personal letter from the Vice
to block the Greek line of retreat at the far end of Chief of the Imperial General Staff (Sir Archibald
the Gulf, and a detachment of marines to seize the Nye) to My dear Alex (Sir Harold Alexander,
islet of Psyttaleia at its mouth, he ordered the main commander, 18th Army Group). Among other
eet to cut off any attempt at escape by embarking things, Nye discussed two totally ctitious am-
at sunset and remaining at sea overnight. phibious landings. Operation Husky (the real code
At dawn, ve hundred and fty triremes in line name for the Sicily invasion) was identied as a
abreast rowed towards three hundred Greek war- major assault on Greece, while a secondary inva-
ships inside the Gulf. But they were tired after their sion of Sardinia was given the invented code name
night at the oars and lost cohesion splitting to pass Operation Brimstone. Nye then outlined purported
on either side of Psyttaleia. Then, as they emerged deception plans, ending with we stand a very good
on the other side, they saw the second deception chance of making them think we are going for
a Corinthian squadron backing-water and hoisting Sicily. There was also a letter from Admiral Lord
sails in a feigned attempt at escape each Persian Louis Mountbatten (Chief of Combined Opera-
vessel surged forward, racing its neighbor for the tions) introducing his subordinate Major Martin
honor of being rst to strike, further distorting their to ABC (Andrew Browne Cunningham, Allied
battle line. The trap was sprung. Greek trumpets naval C-in-C in the Mediterranean) and ending
blared, and the main eet surged forward to grap- with a rather forced joke about sardines, hoping
ple. The Corinthians downed sail and rowed back the Germans would see it as a veiled reference to the
to join them, and a detached squadron charged in Brimstone operation.
from the ank to smash through the banks of oars To give verisimilitude to the impersonation, the
and thrust their wicked beaks into the fragile side stubs of recent theater tickets were stuffed into the
planks of enemy ships. The rout was close to total. marines battledress pockets along with fabricated
1942; Operation Torch: When its agents reported personal objects. Several private letters included
large numbers of ships passing through the Strait of one from his bank manager demanding payment
Gibraltar for the North African Invasion, the Ger- of an overdraft, while more intimate items included
man High Command assumed they were another love letters from a ctitious ance, her photograph
supply convoy heading for Malta. Hitler, however, (actually of an Admiralty clerk), and the jewelers
believed they were an invasion force. So did Italian bill for her engagement ring.
dictator Mussolini, who correctly forecast Vichy Before dawn on 30 April, Seraph surfaced near
French North Africa as the objective, but Hitler the town of Huelva, where with the Spanish au-
disregarded his ally and ordered large air and sub- thorities were known to be friendly to German in-
marine forces to assemble in the Sicilian narrows telligence. The major was removed from his can-
Military 202

ister and gently pushed overboard. Before tide and Third Fleet, bombed Tokyo; then headed north
currents could wash him ashore as intended, the under strict radio silence to strike southern Hok-
body was found by a local sherman and handed kaido and northern Honshu. Simultaneously, USS
over to the Spanish Armada, whose pathologists (as Tucson (CL-98) turned south. After several hours of
hoped) diagnosed that uid in his lungs due to high-speed steaming she broke radio silence with
the pneumonia that killed him was consistent the rst of several urgent messages purporting to
with death by drowning after an airplane crash. come from USS Missouri (BB-63) Admiral Halseys
To further the deception, the British Naval At- agship (one of Missouris radio operators was as-
tach was directed to demand immediate return of signed to Tucson so that Japanese intercepts would
the papers. After twelve days, the briefcase was hear a familiar st). They also used voice commu-
handed over and British forensic experts were able nication to simulate conversations between TF-38s
to conrm that the envelopes had been opened and carriers and their aircraft; placing each speaker in a
resealed. Mussolini still believed Sicily would be separate compartment so that the background
the primary target, but Hitler believed the decep- noise was different. After an air strike on the
tion, redirecting reinforcements from Sicily to Sar- southern island of Kyushu by carrier-type aircraft
dinia and Corsica, and sending renowned general (that were actually land-based on Okinawa) Tucson
Rommel to assume command in Greece, where faked their return and recovery by TF-38. All of
German forces were augmented by an entire panzer this convinced the Japanese that Halsey was off the
division moved all the way from France. southern tip of their homeland to support an am-
Even after the Sicily landings, the Germans re- phibious invasion. Troops and aircraft were rushed
mained convinced the main attacks would come southward, and TF-38s actual strike in the north
later in Sardinia and Greece, keeping forces there achieved total surprise. According to Rear Admiral
until after the Allied beachhead was secure. This Robert Carney, Halseys Chief of Staff, There was
embarrassing sting made German intelligence no resistance to the strike at all.
ofcers so suspicious that they dismissed genuine Military independent: A merchantman or naval
top-secret documents found in an abandoned land- auxiliary sailing alone but controlled and reported as
ing craft that washed ashore in Normandy shortly a military unit.
after D-Day, and others found in a crashed glider Military law: The body of laws, rules, and regula-
near Arnhem in September 1944. tions that have been developed to meet the needs of
1944; Fortitude North: This deception plan was the military. It encompasses conditions of service in the
aimed at keeping the 27 German divisions in Nor- armed forces, the constitutional rights of service mem-
way from reinforcing Normandy when the am- bers, the military criminal justice system, and the in-
phibious invasion began. A ctitious British ternational laws of armed conict. Not to be confused
Fourth Army, supposedly headquartered in Ed- with martial law. (See also naval law, articles of war, and
inburgh Castle, swamped the radio waves with uniform code of military justice.)
messages such as VII Corps needs instructors in the Military operations other than war: This con-
Bilgeri method of mountain climbing and 80 Di- cept involves using non-lethal pathways for the reso-
vision requires 1,800 pairs of Kandahar ski bind- lution of conict. Maritime forces are capable of pro-
ings. Russian agents compounded the deception, viding mobile communication-control centers that
and the Nazi troops remained in Scandinavia. coordinate the wide range of diplomatic, military, and
1944; Fortitude South: A much larger ctitious non-governmental agencies that respond to political
unit First United States Army Group (FU- or humanitarian crises in areas such as:
SAG), said to be commanded by American General Arms control
George Patton, whom the Germans considered the Counterdrug operations
best Allied tactician also used false signals and Counterterrorism
the messages of double agents to persuade the Humanitarian assistance and noncombatant evac-
enemy that the Allies could muster 95 to 97 divi- uation
sions when only 35 were available. While the real Peace enforcement and peacekeeping
invasion force under British General Bernard Protecting freedom of navigation and overight
Montgomery was secretly assembling in southwest- Protection of shipping
ern England, German radio intercept and intelli- Sanctions enforcement
gence organizations were persuaded that FUSAG Support to civil authorities
would mount the main assault on the Pas-de- Support of insurgency or counterinsurgency
Calais. Consequently, Hitler considered the Nor- Military organization: The following is an over-
mandy landings only a diversion and withheld simplied outline of army and marine hierarchies,
strategic reserves, making the German response to which vary greatly between and within national forces.
the beachhead far weaker than it could have been. Each unit in the hierarchy is composed of at least two
1945; Operation Tucson: On 10th July, Task Force of the preceding unit, and three is a popular number,
38, the powerful striking force of the United States because it allows the unit commander to commit two
203 Mine

while holding the third in reserve. The basic unit is a re- ing the person at the helm that the vessel has veered
team, whose size and composition varies, but usually off course due to inattention or a crosscurrent.
includes four or ve soldiers or marines. Squads (U.S.) Mine (naval): An explosive device in a watertight
or Sections (British) are composed of two or more container, oating on, or moored below the surface
reteams; and a Platoon includes two or more squads. of the water, or lying on the sea bed. Designed to det-
The oldest structural component is a Company, com- onate when a hostile vessel strikes it, generates a pres-
manded by a Captain or Major, and composed of two sure wave, or exerts acoustic or magnetic inuence on
or more platoons. Two or more companies form a Bat- it. Mines can be deployed [1] Offensively, to divert or
talion, commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel. Two or destroy hostile shipping. [2] Strategically, to lock
more battalions may make up a Regiment, commanded enemy ships in harbor. [3] Defensively, to protect
by a Colonel, or a Brigade, led by a Brigadier (Brit.) friendly ports or routes, or [4] Psychologically, to in-
or Brigadier General (U.S.). A Division of two or more hibit enemy use of trade routes.
brigades or regiments is a Major Generals command, The rst recorded mention of naval mining was by
while a Lieutenant General commands a Corps of two 14th century Chinese artillery ofcer Jiao Yu, whose
or more divisions. A full General commands an Army early examples consisted of explosives enclosed in
or Army Corps of two or more corps. Finally, only en- putty-sealed wooden boxes, equipped with time fuses,
countered in major conicts, is the Army Group, con- or rip cords pulled by a concealed ambusher. An
sisting of several armies and commanded by a Field American, David Bushnell invented the rst practical
Marshal (Brit.) or a ve-star Army General (U.S.). Western mine for use against the British during the
Military Sealift Command: A component of U.S. War of Independence. It was a watertight keg lled
Transportation Command (the British equivalent is with gunpowder that was oated toward the enemy
Royal Fleet Auxiliary). Responsible for freight and and detonated by a percussion lock if it struck a ship.
passenger sealift service, including the ocean trans- (See also Anti-sweep Mine, Ascending Mine, Bottom
portation of ammunition, equipment, fuel, and sup- Mine, Contact Mine, Limpet Mine, Magnetic Mine,
plies to U.S. forces worldwide. Vessels may be gov- Rocket Mine, and Torpedo Mine.)
ernment-owned (usually with civilian crews) or Mine clearance & disposal: The processes of de-
chartered commercial merchantmen. The command tecting and destroying, removing, or neutralizing ex-
operates in three principal modes: plosive marine mines.
Surge sealift Used to move equipment to active Mine countermeasures: Any method used to re-
theaters of operation around the world. duce or prevent damage or danger from naval mines.
Sustainment sealift Serves to keep forces already Mine countermeasures ship: A vessel carrying
in the eld continuously supplied. high-technology sonar and video systems, cable cut-
Aoat prepositioning In which fuel, equipment, ters and mine detonating devices that can be released
and supplies are stored on ships at sea, ready meet and activated by remote control. It is also capable of
the initial requirements of a contingency anywhere conventional minesweeping. A hull of berglass
in the world. sheathed wood to reduces or eliminates the hazards
Military Trafc Management Command: Now posed by magnetic mines.
called Surface Deployment & Distribution Command. Mine countermeasures support ship: A converted
Milkman: USN enlisted slang for a sailor wearing amphibious assault ship that provides alongside serv-
summer white uniform. Also Good Humor Man. ices and command and control for up to four mine
Mimic: A console displaying information on the countermeasures ships. It has enhanced C4I capabil-
status of processes or equipment controlled elsewhere. ities, upgraded close-in weapon systems, various
Mind your Ps and Qs: Numerous explanations of radars, and an embarked helicopter squadron. It pro-
the origin of this phrase have been advanced, none of vides repair facilities for weapons, aircraft, etc., and can
which is completely convincing; least of all the theory accommodate four explosive ordnance disposal groups
that seamen said it to bartenders to ensure they were with their equipment.
not charged for quarts of beer when they had con- Mine damage: Mines harm ships in three different
sumed pints. Another possible naval origin (which ways. The injury inicted depends on the distance of
also seems far-fetched) says it was a warning to sailors the hull from the detonation and, surprisingly, dam-
not to get tar from their queues (pigtails) smeared on age initially tends to increase with distance until the
their pea jackets. Even less likely is the suggestion that range becomes too great and it falls rapidly to zero.
the term is an abbreviation of please and thank you. Contact damage: When a mine explodes close be-
Most probably it was a simple warning to scholars side the hull, it blows a hole that oods one or more
learning to read or perhaps printers apprentices compartments. Pieces of casing or hull may wound
learning to typeset not to confuse the lower case some of the crew, but the ship will possibly stay aoat.
letters p and q. If thats the case one wonders why Bubble Jet impact: If the mine detonates a small
the idiom is not mind your ds and bs, which has the distance from the ship, it creates an expanding cav-
benet of rhyming. itation bubble with walls that move faster than the
Mind your rudder!: Cautionary command, warn- speed of sound in water, striking the hull and tear-
Mineeld 204

ing plates apart. When this initial force has ex- to compartmentalization by watertight bulkheads. It
pended itself, the bubble collapses and then re-ex- would be centuries before ships of such size and sophis-
pands, creating a shaped water-jet that blasts in tication were built in the West.
through the original hole and breaches the next The ofcial Ming history records visits to Java,
bulkhead in line. Such heavy damage almost cer- Sumatra, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines,
tainly sinks the ship and may break it apart. Ceylon, India, Bangladesh, Yemen, Arabia, Somalia,
Shaking injury: If the mine detonates a little further and Mogadishu. It also mentions Franca (believed to
from the ship, the change in water pressure causes be Iberia and France) and a people called Hollan-
the hull to resonate, shaking the entire vessel, rip- ders. If they really did meet Europeans, they must
ping engines from their beds, and loosening hun- have circumnavigated the Cape of Good Hope. In
dreds, perhaps thousands, of rivets. With a myriad 1434, Venetian merchant Nicolo da Conti claimed to
of tiny leaks and no power for the pumps, this can have traveled to Australia with a Chinese eet. He
often be the most damaging outcome of all. also presented Chinese maps, now lost, said to show
Mineeld: An area of sea (or land) sown with the outline of North America. In 2002 British naval
mines. Offensive naval mineelds are placed along ofcer and historian Gavin Menzies claimed to have
trade routes or at or choke points to damage enemy located the remains of nine large Chinese junks
vessels, while defensive ones are placed in home wa- wrecked in the Caribbean in 1421, but this has been
ters to deter hostile intrusion. discounted by most naval historians and archeologists.
Minelayer: A vessel or aircraft designed or con- Admiral Zheng-He may have circumnavigated
verted for the purpose of placing mines. Africa before Vasco de Gama, sailed around Cape
Minesweeper: A vessel or aircraft designed or Horn ahead of Magellan, visited America before Co-
modied for the purpose of clearing mines. lumbus, and reached Australia well in advance of
Minesweeping: The activity of detecting and de- James Cook. Even if he did not, his voyages were
stroying, removing, or neutralizing explosive marine magnicent achievements. However, soon after his
mines. Mines cut loose are either collected for intel- death in 1435, xenophobic scholar-ofcials challenged
ligence analysis or destroyed by gunre. the value of foreign trade, and advocated cultural iso-
Contact minesweeping: a special cutting wire is lationism. In 1500, they gained the ear of Emperor
dragged though the water, either between two ships Ming Xiao Zong, persuading him to order the de-
or between a ship and a paravane. When it hits the struction of Zhengs logs and nautical charts, and
mooring wire of the mine it severs it. make it a capital crime to build or go to sea in any
Distance minesweeping: A device towed behind the vessel with more than three masts. Chinas command-
minesweeper emits sounds and magnetism that ing lead was lost, never to be regained. Had it been
mimic the signature of a real ship, thereby explod- otherwise the history of the world could have been
ing the mine. Chinese dominated.
Airborne minesweeping: Traditionally used towed Minion: A 16th century shipborne cannon ring a
cutter arrays and sleds equipped for acoustic and four-pound ball about 3 inches in diameter.
magnetic detonation, but ying with a tow is a Ministry of Defence (MoD): Until World War II,
difcult and highly-skilled activity. the British armed servicesNavy, headed by the First
Advanced airborne techniques: Have no in-water Lord of the Admiralty; Army, led by a Secretary of
components, contributing to faster sweeps, easing State for War; and Air Force, under the Secretary of
pilot fatigue, and maximizing time on station. They State for Air operated independently. During the
include multiple sonars and electro-optical or laser War, Prime Minister Winston Churchill was de facto
sensors that scan large areas of ocean quickly, detect Minister of Defence, coordinating the activities of
oating and moored mines down to at least keel these, still nominally independent forces.
depth, and detonate them with laser-aimed rapid- In 1946 the three existing service ministers while
re cannon. retaining their titles and operational control of their
Ming Maritime Decrees: 15th century Chinese respective services relinquished their Cabinet seats,
naval technology was state-of-the-art, including the becoming part of a newly-created Ministry of De-
magnetic compass, stern-post rudder, and fore-and- fence that is both a policy-making department and
aft lugsails (much more efcient for beating upwind Britains highest-level military command, headed by
than the square-rig and lateen sails used by contem- a Secretary of State enjoying Cabinet status.
porary Europeans and Arabs). In 1403, Emperor Ming In 1964, the MoD assumed operational control of
Zhu Di ordered construction of a huge Imperial Navy, all three services, whose individual ministers were re-
and embarked on an ambitious program of ocean ex- placed by a single Minister of State for Armed Forces,
ploration with a eet of some 350 warships and sup- who is not a member of Cabinet. In 1971, MoD as-
port vessels, many of them immense for example, sumed responsibility for procuring military aircraft
Nelsons Victory was 61 meters long with three masts, and guided weapons, formerly a function of the Min-
whereas the Ming Treasure Ship was 145 meters long istry of Aviation Supply.
with nine masts. It was also virtually unsinkable due Minute: One 60th of a degree. For all practical
205 Mobile

purposes, one minute of latitude represents one nau- In contrast, during the 191418 war, telegraphic
tical mile. communications allowed chateau-generals to ignore
Minute guns: Guns red at 60-second intervals to Helmuth von Moltkes admonition No operational
salute entitled personnel, or to honor the deceased at plan will ever extend with any sort of certainty beyond
a military funeral. the rst encounter with a hostile force, and pre-plan
MIO: Maritime interdiction operation. the tactical minutiae of local actions in trenches they
Mirage: An optical illusion caused by atmospheric seldom visited. The author fears the possibility that
refraction. The preferred maritime term is loom. See information age concepts such as command and con-
also fata morgana. trol and network-centric operations will produce cen-
Mirror Landing Aid: In the 1950s, the high land- tralized naval staffs who will stie local initiative with
ing speeds of jet aircraft proved too fast for the reexes a similar we-know-best attitude. This may, how-
of the traditional batsman. This led Royal Navy Com- ever, be offset by the concept of power to the edge.
mander H.C.N (Nick) Goodheart to produce an au- Mission Critical: Any system, component, or ac-
tomatic carrier landing aid. In essence, this consisted tion, the failure of which could prevent accomplish-
of a gyroscopically-controlled convex mirror (later re- ment of the mission.
placed by a Fresnel lens) on the port side of the ight Mitts: Coverings for the hands, worn to defend
deck. A glowing yellow-orange image (the meatball) them from cold or injury, but differing from gloves in
is visible to an approaching pilot, anked by a horizon- leaving thumb and ngers open. Because seamen
tal row of green lights (the datum) representing the wearing them can still handle rope, some sources claim
glidepath for a perfect landing. If the ball is above or a nautical origin, but this is far from proven.
below the datum, the aircraft is too high or low. If it is Mixed bag: In naval mine warfare, an assembly of
far too low, red lights ash in warning of potential crash. mines of various types, with different ring systems,
Trials on British carriers HMS Indomitable and arming delays, sensitivities, and counter settings.
HMS Illustrious in 1953 showed the potential of the Mixed layer: Almost all the sunlight falling on
system. Two years later tests on USS Bennington con- the sea is absorbed in the surface water which it heats
rmed its effectiveness. Together with the angled deck up. Winds and waves stir up this water distributing
(another British invention), the mirror sight (also the heat so that the temperature tends to be quite uni-
called glide path indicator) contributed to a tremen- form for the rst few hundred feet, after which it de-
dous leap forward in the safety of naval ying. creases rapidly through a transition layer called the
Misre: Refers to a charge that failed to ignite, or thermocline until it reaches the much colder hypo-
a weapon that discharged at the wrong time. limnion or deep water layer. The mixed layer is also
Miss stays: To fail to turn from one tack to an- called surface layer or epilimnion. See density levels.
other, come to a standstill, and then fall back on the Mizzen: [1] The mast at the back (stern) of a three-
original tack. masted ship, or of a two-masted one if the forward
Missile: Any projectile propelled by force of any kind. mast is the main. [2] A term qualifying any of the
Missile tube: The vertical pipe on a submarine, spars, sails, rigging, or ttings pertaining to that mast
from which missiles are red. (e.g., mizzen staysail). Also mizen.
Missing: A term applied by Lloyds of London to ML: RN designation of a motor launch.
a vessel reported as overdue by its owners. After being MLE: Maritime law enforcement.
missing for a week, the vessel is presumed lost and MLW: Mean low-water (of tides).
the underwriters assume liability. See Lutine Bell. MM: Machinists Mate.
Mission: The task, purpose, or required outcome MN: [1] Magnetic North. [2] Merchant Navy
of a military operation or assignment. (Brit.). [3] Multi-National.
Mission command: This is a time-honored style or Mnemonic: [1] A memory aid, such as an abbrevi-
concept of decentralized military command and con- ation, rhyme or mental image that helps someone to
trol in which mutual trust between superiors and sub- remember something. For example, the word Homes
ordinates allows the former to set goals while giving is a mnemonic that conjures up the names of the ve
the latter free rein to implement them. This worked Great Lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and
well for at least three centuries, especially in pre-radio Superior (from the Ancient Greek mnemonikos = of
navies when centralized commanders could tell a cap- memory, pronounced nem-on-ik, plural nem-on-ix).
tain what to achieve and why it was necessary, but [2] In military bugle calls, mnemonics are used as re-
once on a remote station the captain had to use his minders of the meaning of the call. For example,
own initiative to decide how best to reach the goal; mnemonics for the British call to form up in ranks
even to the extent of disobedience as Nelson dem- are Fall in A, Fall in B, Fall in every Companee.
onstrated more than once. In July 1799, then a captain, MOB: Man overboard.
he wrote, The orders I have given ... are, in a great MOB point: Designates the reference position to
measure, contrary to those he (the admiral) gave me; which a person overboard maneuver must return.
but the Service requires strong and vigorous measures Mobile mine: [1] A naval mine propelled to its lay-
to bring the war to a conclusion. ing position by torpedo-like propulsion machinery.
Mobile 206

At the end of its run, it sinks to operate like any other Mom & Dad: USN enlisted slang for the CO and
mine. [2] A mine laid in the normal way, but with its XO (as in Mom and Dad are making rounds).
own propulsion system and homing device so that, Momsen lung: A submarine breathing apparatus
when actuated by a ships magnetic signature, it is re- which serves as a gas mask if toxic fumes arise while
leased to act like a homing torpedo. submerged. It also allows its wearer to breathe nor-
Mobile naval air base: Self-explanatory name used mally while escaping from a sunken boat and, once
by both the USN and RN in the Far East and Pacic on the surface, serves as a life preserver. It was devel-
during World War II. These self-contained units, nor- oped in the 1930s by Lieutenant (later Vice Admiral)
mally called Monabs, were equipped to service and Charles B. Momsen, USN, in conjunction with Chief
repair aircraft, engines, and components as required for Gunners Mate Clarence L. Tibbals and Frank M.
their respective eets. Some of the British Monabs Hobson, a civilian employee of the Bureau of Ships.
were also used as airelds and re-titled Mobile Oper- The guided missile destroyer USS Momsen (DDG-
ational Naval Air Base. 92) is named in Momsens honor. The device was
Mobile support group: A USN oating naval base clumsy to use, and the Royal Navy adopted an appa-
which can be forward-deployed to provide logistic ratus-free escape technique in which the sailor would
support to ships in an anchorage. exhale during ascent in order to keep expanding air
Moby Dick: The mythical great white whale fea- from rupturing the lungs.
tured in Herman Melvilles 1851 classic novel was Monab: [1] Mobile naval air base (USN and RN).
based on Mocha Dick, a scarred bull whale who at- [2] Mobile naval operational air base (RN).
tacked many whaleboats, the rst being near Mocha Money for old rope: Old worn-out line had many
Island off South America in 1810. His ctitious de- shipboard uses and this phrase meaning to get
scription of Moby Dicks attack on Pequod was doubt- something for nothing has nautical origins. After
less inspired by the true story of Nantucket whaler being picked apart, the yarn made oakum for plugging
Essex, sunk by a whale in midPacic in 1820. the seams of a wooden vessel; or could be used like
MOC: Meridional Overturning Circulation. cotton wool to make earplugs when exercising the
MoD: Ministry of Defence (Brit.). guns; or be stashed near the heads for use as toilet
MODE: Mid-ocean dynamics experiment. paper. Beyond these, old rope was useless to sailors, but
Moderate breeze: Force 3 on the Beaufort wind some of them discovered that the surplus could be
scale, with 710 kt winds and wavelets just starting sold for cash to manufacturers of rag-paper.
to break. (See table 1b.) Money under the mast: Until the late nineteenth
Moderate rough swell: Force 5 on the Douglas century, it was common practice for shipbuilders to
swell scale. (See table 2.) place a coin under the heel of the mainmast before it
Moderate sea: Force 4 on the Douglas wind-sea was stepped for the rst time. This was a symbolic
scale, with waves 1.252.50 m high. (See table 2.) payment to the spirits of the deep to buy their protec-
Moderate swell: Force 4 on the Douglas swell tion. The practice is believed to parallel the ancient
scale. (See table 2.) Greek custom of placing a coin in the mouth or hand
Modication Number: See Mark. of a corpse for payment of the fee charged by Charon
Mold/Mould lofting: Shipbuilding, whether in the ferryman for carrying the deceased across the River
wood or metal, is complicated by the various curves Styx to Elysium.
of the hull, the complex angles formed by the joints Monitor: A heavily-armored vessel equipped with
of structural members, and the need to produce a hull large-caliber artillery. Its shallow draft and low free-
that is perfectly symmetrical and smooth. These make board restrict it to relatively calm coastal waters.
it almost impossible to work from small-scale plans Named after USS Monitor, the rst of the class, de-
as is normal in most structural projects. Instead, the signed by Swedish-born American inventor and naval
shipbuilder must lay out a full-size replica of the hull, architect John Ericsson in 1861.
from which the exact dimensions and shapes of Monkey: [1] Obsolete term for anything small. [2]
frames, planks, plates, and other structural compo- A small version of the pile-driver, used to hammer in
nents can be determined. This process is called loft- small bolts. [3] See brass monkey.
ing. See also loft. Monkey cask: A small container in which grog was
Mold/Mould maker: A craftsperson who constructs formerly carried.
templates and molds to be used as patterns and guides Monkey gaff: A small spar extending from the af-
for the layout and fabrication of structural parts and termast carrying the halyard for the national ensign
hull components of a ship. Unless previously done by of USN vessels.
a naval architect, the mold maker may also lay out the Monkey jacket: A close-tting serge coat formerly
lines of the vessel to full scale on the mold loft oor. worn by sailors. Being cut short to facilitate climbing
Mole: A breakwater or long pier covering a harbor the rigging, it was said to resemble the garment worn
entrance. by organ-grinders monkeys.
Mollymawk: A medium-sized albatross species that Monkey rail: A light rail attached above an ordi-
frequently follows ships in the southern hemisphere. nary one.
207 Moorings

Monkeys st: A heavy knot at the end of a heav- fancifully nicknamed, may well be emanating from
ing line, making it easier to throw. Often tied around an unknown giant beast lurking in the ocean depths.
a lump of lead wrapped in a rag. There is a huge body of conjecture concerning real
Monkeys tail: A length of rope attached to running or as yet undiscovered creatures which might have
rigging or to a bar allowing more people to pull on it. been mistaken for sea monsters. These include at least
Monsoon: [1] Refers to strong, often violent, wind four bony sh, a crocodilian, and three invertebrate
systems that change direction with the season and are cephalopods whose visual characteristics might fool
accompanied by heavy rains. Monsoons blow from cold even experienced observers into thinking they had
to warm regions because cold air takes up more space seen a monster. There is also an order of marine mam-
than warm air. They blow from the land toward the sea mals which may have given rise to the mermaid leg-
in winter, and from the sea toward land in summer. end. These are discussed in the appendix.
The name was derived from the Arabic word mausim, Montreux Convention: This 1936 treaty is de-
referring to seasonal winds experienced in the Arabian signed to control use of the Turkish Straits (Dard-
Sea. [2] Although primarily associated with southeast anelles & Bosporus). Its salient points are:
Asia, the hydrological denition includes any major In times of peace (or war when Turkey is non-bel-
wind and rain system that changes direction seasonally. ligerent) merchant vessels, under any ag or with
Monsoon current: An ocean current that replaces any kind of cargo, enjoy of right of transit and free-
the north equatorial current and equatorial counter- dom of navigation in the Straits.
current during the winter months when monsoon When Turkey is at war, neutral merchant vessels
winds are blowing. It ows across the Bay of Bengal enjoy the same freedoms on condition they do not
and Arabian Sea. in any way assist the enemy.
Monsters of the deep: Sea serpents and monsters Foreign naval forces in transit through the Straits
have been reported in all the worlds seas and oceans, may not exceed an aggregate of 15,000 tons, and
being variously described as swimming dragons, may not comprise more than nine vessels.
writhing serpents, multi-armed horrors, and dinosaur The aggregate tonnage which nonBlack Sea Pow-
survivors. Reports have generally been dismissed as ers may have in that sea in time of peace shall not
myth, legend, misidentication of known species, or exceed 30,000 tons.
the ramblings of over-imaginative seafarers, even though Vessels of war belonging to nonBlack Sea Powers
some of those claiming to be eyewitnesses have been shall not remain in the Black Sea more than twenty-
scientists, naturalists, and experienced naval ofcers. one days.
The vast majority of the earths waters are unex- Moonraker: A small square-sail set above a sky-
plored, except for a few fathoms below the surface, so sail. Also moonsail (and see skyscraper).
it is conceivable that unknown creatures dwell in re- Moor: To hold a ship in place by tying it to a pier,
mote areas or in troughs (going down further than the buoy, or another ship.
Himalayas rise) which are far less explored and un- Mooring: [1] The act of conning a ship to a par-
derstood than the planets of our solar system. Such ticular place. [2] That which serves to conne a ship,
creatures might, on rare occasions, nd their way to such as anchors, cables, bridles, etc. [3] A berth or
the surface, to be briey glimpsed before sounding anchorage where a vessel can moor.
again or dying in the unfamiliar environment. Indeed, Mooring buoy: A rmly-anchored oat carrying a
new species of marine animals or specimens of ani- heavy shackle to which a vessel may attach itself with-
mals believed extinct are discovered almost every year. out dropping its own anchor.
For example, the giant squid was thought to be a Mooring lines: Ropes, cables, or springs used to
creature of myth and legend until 1878; the coelanth make a vessel fast to a wharf. Mooring lines (also called
was found alive and well in 1938, seventy million years docking lines) are dened by their function and position:
after it was supposed to have become extinct; and the Bow lines (not to be confused with bowlines) lead
four to six meter (1319 foot) long megamouth shark forward from the bow.
was unknown until one was accidentally caught in Stern lines are led aft from the stern.
1976. In the ensuing thirty years there have only been Springs are led forward or aft from a point on the
35 reported sightings or captures of this creature. An- hull, ending ahead of stern lines and abaft of bow
other new species of shark was identied in Mexican lines. Together, they prevent the ship from drift-
waters as recently as March 2006. ing ahead or astern.
Other prehistoric animals may also have survived far Breast lines run directly to the shore at right angles
from human eyes. In 1997, U.S. naval underwater sen- to the keel and, assisted by the springs, stop outward
sors, placed to track Soviet submarines, detected an movement away from the dock.
unexplained sound with frequency characteristics typ- Moorings: A vessel is said to be at moorings when
ical of marine animals, but not matching any known she is anchored or attached to a mooring buoy in the
vocalization pattern. Although certainly of biological harbor, rather than moored alongside a jetty. Moor-
origin, the signal was far too loud to be produced by ings may be forward and aft, or at bow only (termed
any recognized creature. The Bloop, as it has been swinging). See also offshore mooring.

MOOTW: Military operations other than war. Theres plenty of them replied Shedden, laughing.
Mop: The tool used ashore for cleaning oors and I tell you that there will be but three sent, replied
walls is always called a swab in naval and merchant the old woman who then sunk down her head and
service. said no more.... In about ten minutes afterwards,
Morning-call book: A list of personnel who must three large sharks swam up to the vessel, with their
be roused before the rest of the ships company, in ns above water.... Then three are doomed, said
order to prepare the vessel for early departure. the old woman, and here we stay, and the waves
shall not run, nor the wind blow, till the three sharks
Morning colors/colours: The naval ceremony of
have their food. I say three are doomed! Next
raising the national ensign aft and Union Jack for- morning ... the three large sharks were still slowly
ward at exactly 0800 (8 A.M.) local time when warships swimming round and round the schooner. All that
are in port. If more than one ship is present, all fol- day it remained a dead calm, and the heat was
low the senior ships timing immediately and precisely, dreadful, and the people, becoming more frightened,
having been given ve minutes warning by the blue questioned old Etau, but all the answer she gave was,
peter hoisted at the senior ships foremast yardarm. Three are doomed!...
Morning gun: A single shot red by a agship to That night, Shedden developed yellow fever, joined
announce ofcial daybreak. shortly afterwards by a sailor and a African slave. No
Morning watch: The work shift beginning at 0400 one else was taken ill. Shedden jumped overboard and
and ending at 0800 (48 A.M.). next morning one of the predators had disappeared.
Morse: A code or language consisting of dots and Then the sailor died and another shark vanished after
dashes used to send messages by signal lamp or radio. his body was committed to the deep. Finally the slave
Mortar: A short, large-bore cannon, designed to died and was carried off by the third shark...
lob projectiles at high angles so that they drop almost
... old Etau cried out, Three! the price is paid! ...
vertically to break through decks, roofs, etc. In the
every one crowded round the old woman ... and they
age of sail, mortars were the only naval ordnance to re asked her ... whether they should have any wind?
explosive shells rather than solid shot. It was consid- and her reply was, When the three birds come from
ered dangerous to have large stocks of shells on board the sea to replace those which were killed.... Well,
and, moreover, below-deck reinforcing supports for after a time, although we never saw them rise, three
mortar platforms occupied most potential magazine Mother Careys chickens were seen dipping and
space, so bomb vessels were usually accompanied by ying about astern of the schooner; and they told
an ammunition tender. old Etau, who said, Now youll have wind ... and
Moses Law: A punishment under pirate law, sen- plenty of waves to make up for the calm and so they
tencing the miscreant to thirty-nine lashes on the bare had, sure enough, for it came on almost a hurricane,
back. Presumably the reference was to the 40 days and the schooner scudded before it under bare poles
Moses spent fasting in the wilderness before receiv- until she arrived at Antigua.
ing the Ten Commandments, but why the last stroke Mother of wages: Former sailor slang for freight
was withheld is unclear. (see wages).
Most Favored Nation: A trade agreement by which Motion: A oating vessel has six degrees of free-
one country guarantees that the favored country will dom to move in response to wave action. Heave,
not be subject to worse duties and restrictions than surge, and sway are linear, while pitch, roll, and yaw
any other country. are rotational.
Mothball: To protect a ship and place it in reserve Motor: [1] A machine that converts electrical energy
(cf. In ordinary, deactivate, inactivate). to mechanical energy. [2] A relatively small but pow-
Mother Careys chickens: The seamans name for erful engine (usually internal combustion).
stormy petrels. Seafaring tradition holds it extremely Motor gunboat: A small, fast, shallow-draft pa-
unlucky to kill one since each bird is thought to carry trol vessel, armed with relatively heavy artillery.
the soul of a dead sailor on his way to Fiddlers Green. Motor launch: A small, general-purpose patrol
(There is a similar belief concerning the albatross, an- vessel, of similar size to a large motor torpedo boat, but
other member of the petrel family.) The superstition slower and less heavily armed. Used for antisubma-
is clearly described in Chapter 41 of Captain Marry- rine and other patrol duties, harbor defense, shery
atts book Poor Jack, which tells of a schooner en route protection, coastal convoy escort, and minesweeping,
to Antigua but becalmed near the Virgin islands. On Motor torpedo boat: A small high-speed vessel,
board were a young man called Shedden and Etau, a equipped with torpedo tubes, rapid-re weapons and
female Obi (powerful sorcerer). Some stormy petrels (possibly) missiles. Often used for armed high speed
were ying about the stern and... air sea rescue.
... Shedden must needs get at his gun to shoot Motor vessel/ship: One propelled by internal com-
them.... There are three down! cried out some of bustion engines, as opposed to a sails or steam.
the other passengers. How many? said the old Motorboat: A small craft propelled by an internal-
woman, Then count the sharks which are coming combustion engine or other motor. Also called power-
up. Count the sharks, mother! why count them? boat.
209 MTMC

Mouldy: Obsolete RN lower deck term for a tor- Mourning salute: As a token of grief, the national
pedo (origin uncertain). ensign is raised fully, then lowered from the masthead
Mount: [1] To place artillery aboard ship. [2] A and secured. The U.S. Army, Air Force, and Marine
housing for a gun or guns. [3] To launch a mission. Corps call the lowered position half-staff, while the
Mount Vernon: The rst U.S. President was buried U.S. Navy and all British forces call it half-mast.
on this estate (which was originally owned by his half- Originally the gap was equal to the width of a ag to
brother Lawrence Washington, who changed the name allow the invisible Flag of Death (which is superior
from Epsewasson Plantation on his return from serv- to all human entities) to take its place above the en-
ing under Vice-Admiral Edward Vernon as a Captain sign. Nowadays the Royal Navy lowers the ensign by
of Royal Marines aboard the agship HMS Burford ). one-third of the length of the pole and the United
In his autobiography Commodore Charles Morris re- States Navy by exactly one-half. In non-military
lates the beginning one of the U.S. Navys oldest and usage, anywhere from one-third to two-thirds of the
most honored ceremonies. In May of 1801, then a young way up the agpole or ships mast is acceptable. The
midshipman, he was on board USS Congress when: modern practice is rst mentioned in 1612, but origi-
About 10 oclock in the morning of a beautifully serene nated much earlier. When striking a half-masted en-
day, we passed Mount Vernon.... When opposite the sign, it is always raised to the truck before lowering.
house, by order of Captain Sever, the sails were low- See half-mast/staff.
ered, the colors displayed half-masted, and a mourn- Mouse: [1] To wrap line or wire around the jaw of
ing salute of thirteen guns was red as a mark of re- a lifting hook to prevent the load from slipping out.
spect to the memory of Washington, whose life had [2] Formerly used on stays to prevent the eye from
so recently closed, and whose tomb was in our view. slipping up to the mast, but making it extremely
In 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt was much difcult to remove the stay from the masthead, when
impressed with this ceremony and, learning that the necessary. [3] A pointing device used in computing.
honors were only traditional he immediately made Moustaches: See facial hair.
them ofcial with General Order No. 22 of June 2nd Movement Report System: USN system which
1906. Todays ceremony includes (whenever possible) maintains current information on the status, location,
parading the Marine guard and band, manning the and movement of ag commands, vessels in commis-
side, playing the national anthem, and tolling the sion, and other ships under USN operational control.
ships bell. All on deck face the tomb and salute, while Moving submarine haven: An area established via
buglers sound taps and the ensign is half-masted. notices issued by a submarine operating authority to
Civilian personnel on board customarily uncover and prevent mutual interference among moving sub-
place their hands or hats over their hearts. Smaller marines, or between submarines and ships operating
naval ships do not have bands or buglers nor do they towed arrays or other bodies. The area around a sub-
have a regularly detailed guard. However, each has a mersible in transit extends 50 miles ahead, 100 miles
national ensign and a bell. The tolling of the latter is astern, and 15 miles on each side of the estimated po-
thus the most distinctive aspect of the ceremony. sition of the submarine along its stated track.
Other tributes have been paid to the USNs rst MoW: Man-of-War.
commander-in-chief. In August 1814, Rear Admiral MPA: Maritime patrol aircraft (USCG).
Sir George Cockburn sealifted a British ground force MPF : Maritime pre-positioned force.
to Benedict, Maryland, from where they marched into MPG: Military Pay Grade (U.S.).
Washington, D.C., and set re to almost all public MPR: Maritime patrol and reconnaissance
buildings and a few private residences. Before evacu- MRS: Movement report system.
ating, Navy Secretary William Jones ordered the Navy MS: [1] Mess Specialist (USN). [2] Mission Sup-
Yard destroyed, saving the British the trouble. After port. [3] Mission Specic. [5] Manuscript.
being repaired, the Presidents Mansion was white- MSC: Military Sealift Command.
washed to cover smoke discoloration, thereafter being MSL: Mean sea level.
known as the White House. Withdrawing from the MSO: [1] Hull classication symbol of an ocean
raid on 26th August, Admiral Cockburn paid his minesweeper. [2] Military Service Obligation (U.S.).
enemys rst president the courtesy of ordering the MSP: Maritime Security Program. Designed to
bell of his agship HMS Sea Horse to be tolled as she maintain the nucleus of a eet of militarily-useful
came opposite Mount Vernon. (Cockburn later con- U.S.agged vessels.
veyed Napoleon to St. Helena, staying on as the ex- MSS: Maritime Safety & Security.
iled emperors jailer and the islands governor.) Dur- MSTS: Military Sea Transport Service (U.S.). For-
ing the Civil War, Mount Vernon was (unofcially) mer name of the MSC.
neutral ground. Soldiers in blue and grey left their mt: Metric tonne.
arms outside the gates and met fraternally at the tomb MTB: RN designation of a motor torpedo boat.
of the Father of their divided country. mtm: Million Ton-Miles.
Mourning: See a-cockbill, blue paint, mourning MTMC: Military Trafc Management Command.
salute. Former name of the SDDC.
MUC 210

MUC: Meritorious Unit Commendation. sages between ships during the 18th and early 19th
Mudhook: Seamans slang for an anchor. centuries.
Mufe: [1] To cover a drum with cloth to soften Musket shot : The range at which sailing ship
its sound (at funerals, for example). [2] To wrap can- navies liked to open broadside re. Usually consid-
vas or other material around the shafts of oars in order ered to be 400 yards. See Wait til you see the whites
to silence them for surprise assaults or funerals. With- of their eyes.
out wrapping they might rub against the rowlocks Musketoon: A short-barreled, large-bore, blun-
and squeak. derbuss-like rearm, usually loaded with langrage,
Mufti: British Army term for civilian dress worn by four or ve musket balls, or a handful of pistol shot,
a person usually wearing uniform. Sometimes used in and swivel-mounted at the bow of a boat, barge, or
the Royal Navy, but the preferred naval term is plain pinnace for use as an anti-personnel weapon.
clothes. Mustang : In USN slang, a Mustang is a career
Mulberry: The code-name for a pair of articial sailor, commissioned from the enlisted ranks to Chief
harbors built to maintain the momentum of Opera- Warrant Ofcer or Limited Duty Ofcer. A mustang
tion Overlord, the 1944 Normandy invasion. Vast has the experience and technical background to per-
quantities of materil had to be brought ashore rap- form tasks that call for ofcer rank and protocol, but
idly, along with substantial reinforcements, but the are better performed with enlisted experience. The
invasion beaches were unsuitable for this task. Each Navy and Marine Corps are the only branches of the
Mulberry was assembled from prefabricated concrete, U.S. armed forces to have such commissioning pro-
and had 10 miles (15 km) of oating roadways to land grams in place.
men and vehicles on the beach. A large number of old Muster: To assemble the crew on deck (see open
merchant ships was scuttled to protect them from list muster). From the Latin monstrare = to show.
rough weather. Muster book: A document recording the names of
Mulberries were about the size of Dover Harbor, a ships company.
but were thought of as short-term and disposable, de- Muster in/out: To enlist for or be discharged from
signed to last up to three months, or until one or more active duty.
French ports were captured. In the event, after only ten Mute: When a prisoner arraigned before a court-
days, a storm destroyed the American Mulberry at martial is called upon to plead but remains silent this
Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer which had not been strongly is technically termed standing mute. A prisoner may
anchored to the sea bed. However, the more rmly also stand mute by visitation of God (inability to
secured British one at Arromanches (known as Port articulate). Under old English common law, standing
Winston) remained in service for eight months. (Its re- mute was deemed equivalent to conviction, upon which
mains are still visible from the beach at Arromanches.) judgment followed. Nowadays, the court proceeds as
By D+100 four million tons of supplies, half-a-million though a plea of not guilty had been made. The same
vehicles, and over 2.5 million troops had been landed course is pursued when the prisoner refuses to plead
there. (See also crossword coincidence.) properly in an attempt to obstruct the proceedings.
Mulct: To impose a ne as punishment for some Mutilation: The term for a naval crime involving
fault or misdemeanor. a self-inicted wound or maiming to avoid service or
Mule: When aircraft are launching into wind, the obtain a discharge.
maxim for escorting vessels is Never stand behind Mutiny: Organized and open revolt against consti-
a mule or cross ahead of a carrier! tuted authority, especially by soldiers or seamen against
Multipurpose vessel: A cargo ship equipped to their ofcers. Mutiny becomes piracy when it is fol-
carry standard shipping containers, with retractable lowed or accompanied by the seizure of physical assets,
tweendecks that can be moved out of the way so that including the vessel. See Batavia, Bounty, Hermione,
the ship can carry bulk cargo. and Somers Mutinies; Great Mutiny, and RIN Mutiny.
Munition: An explosive, propellant, pyrotechnic, Muzzle: [1] The open end or front part of the bar-
nuclear, biological, or chemical device for use in mil- rel of a gun or other rearm. [2] To attach a cable to
itary operations, demolitions, or on ceremonial occa- the stock of an anchor by a light line.
sions (see also ammunition, ordnance). Muzzle-loader: A gun loaded from the front (cf.
Munitions: Naval or military stores (see matriel). breech-loader).
Murderer: Naval slang for a carronade or large MV: Prex designating a motor vessel.
blunderbuss loaded with langredge and used as an MWL: Mean Water Level.
anti-personnel weapon. Myoparo: A small, speedy galley, much favored by
Murmansk Current: A warm southeasterly cur- Mediterranean pirates during the Hellenistic and
rent of the Barents Sea, responsible for keeping the Roman periods.
Russian port of Murmansk ice free in winter. Myrmidon: Obsolete (and somewhat poetical)
Musket: A smooth-bore, long-barreled personal name for a sea captain. After the people of Thessaly,
rearm. mythologically said to have been the rst to construct
Musket arrow: A projectile used to transfer mes- ships.
211 National

ame-throwers. [2] The thickening agent (powdered

N aluminum soap) used to make this product.
Nacelle: The streamlined outer casing of an air- Narrows: A constricted section of navigable water-
craft engine or compartment. way.
NAEC: Naval air engineering center. NAS: Naval Air Station.
NAF : Naval Air Facility. National Cargo Bureau: Was created as a non-
Nail: To nail a gun is to spike it. prot organization in 1952, to render assistance to the
Nail colors to the mast: A sailing warships captain United States Coast Guard in discharging its respon-
would frequently order this action before combat, ei- sibilities under the 1948 International Convention for
ther to warn the crew he intended to ght to the Safety of Life at Sea and for other purposes closely re-
death, or to prevent the ag falling in apparent surren- lated thereto. By assignment from and under author-
der if its halyard was cut by enemy gunre. It was an ity of the USCG, certicates issued by NCB are ac-
easy transition to the modern civilian meaning of tak- cepted as prima facie evidence of compliance with the
ing a rm position which all can see. Dangerous Cargo Act and the Rules and Regulations
Nail trimming: See haircutting. for Bulk Grain Cargo.
Naked: Said of a wooden-hulled vessel whose cop- National ensign: The ag identifying a vessels na-
per sheathing has been removed. tionality.
Naked female: [1] Sailing ship seamen believed National gun salutes: As mentioned under gun
that gales and high winds would subside if confronted salutes the practice of greeting by gunre originated in
by an unclothed woman. For this reason, many gure- the early days of muzzle-loaded rearms, when it took
heads depicted women with bare breasts. [2] There was several minutes to charge and prime a musket and up
also an old superstition that a chance encounter with to twenty to reload a cannon. When entering a foreign
a naked woman while going to board the ship foretold port or meeting a foreign vessel it became customary
a lucky voyage, the more fortunate the more comely for the ship to discharge seven cannon and the crew to
she was (one doubts this happened very often!). re muskets into the air, to signify friendly intentions
Naming: There are conicting ship-naming tradi- by effectively disarming themselves. Since land bat-
tions in the merchant and naval services. For cen- teries could store larger amounts of powder and shot,
turies, merchant seamen would no more use the it was traditional for them to reciprocate by ring
denite article when referring to their ship, than they twenty-one guns in return (three for each one red
would when speaking of their wife (e.g., The Mary), by the ship).
but this convention has been increasingly ignored A similar procedure was followed when two war-
since the mid20th century. In the RN and USN, ships met. Each would steer towards the other on par-
however, the rst mention of a ships name should al- allel paths, bows-on so that broadsides could not bear
ways be preceded by the denite article The or by until they passed, sequentially ring the broadside that
the dening prex HMS or USS, although it is would face the approaching vessel when they met.
acceptable to drop the article or prex in subsequent The guns were red one-by-one, at ve-second inter-
references. In RN signals, as a form of shorthand, the vals, to prove that none had been covertly kept loaded.
ship name alone is taken to refer to its captain (e.g., Eventually, recharging became much faster (British
Ark Royal will report to the admiral). Once a ship has gunners at Trafalgar were expected to re once every
been christened (usually at its launch) it is considered 90 seconds) so that some weapons could have been
extremely bad luck to change the name. See also Gen- reloaded before the feu de joie had nished, making
der and reptiles. the ceremony entirely symbolic.
Nancy Dawson: The tune adopted by the Royal For many years the number of guns red varied
Navy to summon a ships company to receive their from country to country (with monarchies usually re-
grog ration is also used for the childrens song Here ceiving more than republics) and the differing con-
we go round the mulberry bush. It was originally a ventions caused considerable confusion. Moreover,
popular 18th century song whose rst stanza was: the practice showed every sign of getting out of con-
Of all the girls in our town, trol, as shots would sometimes be red for hours on
The black, the fair, the red, the brown, end and the expenditure of gunpowder was becoming
That dance and prance it up and down, prohibitive. In 1730 the British Admiralty proposed a
Theres none like Nancy Dawson. maximum of twenty-one guns, but this was not
It must have had more appropriate mnemonics in mandatory in the RN until 1808. By then Britain was
the navy, but the author has been unable to trace them. the predominant seapower and forced most weaker
Nantucket sleighride: Said of the wild run of a powers to follow suit.
whaleboat being towed behind a rampaging har- The United States followed a different path to the
pooned whale. (Nantucket Island off Massachusetts same end. On 16th November 1776, Continental Navy
was a major whaling port in the 19th century.) brig Andrew Doria visited the island of Sint Eustatius
Nao: The Spanish name for a carrack. to pick up munitions and other contraband of war
Napalm: [1] Jellied petroleum used in bombs and which the theoretically-neutral Dutch were clandes-
National 212

tinely supplying to the American rebels. Entering the Nautical Almanac: For over 150 years the United
harbor, Captain Isaiah Robinson ordered an 11-gun States Nautical Almanac Ofce has published this
salute (some accounts say 13), to which Johannes de book in collaboration with Her/His Majestys Nauti-
Graaff, the colonial governor replied with 9 guns, then cal Almanac Ofce in the UK, to provide the U.S.
the salute to a republic. The rebel states gave this great and Royal Navies with a standard resource for marine
publicity because it was the rst international recog- celestial navigation.
nition of their independence. Nautical day: In order to avoid a change of date
The British took the incident far less seriously, al- during the night watches, and because midday was
though they strongly protested ongoing American when the ships position, course, and run distance
trade with the Netherlands Antilles. In 1778, David were recorded, the mariners day formerly began and
Murray, Lord Stormont told Parliament, If Sint Eu- ended with the noon observation. However, a ship at
statius had sunk into the sea three years ago, the sea was thus twelve hours ahead of the civil day and,
United Kingdom would already have dealt with to add to the confusion (see day), when it entered port
George Washington. Two years later this trade pre- the civil day took precedence. On 11th October 1805,
cipitated the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War, and in Feb- the RN switched to the civil day beginning at mid-
ruary 1781, Admiral Rodney seized Sint Eustatius and night. The USN automatically followed suit, because
its companion island Sint Maarten, removing what it used the British Nautical Almanac until 1852 when
had been one of the Americans most important the American version was published.
sources of loans and weaponry, but by then the revo- Nautical distance: The length in nautical miles of
lution had enough momentum to carry on. the rhumb line joining any two places on the earths
Andrew Dorias ensign, which governor de Graaff surface.
later claimed not to have recognized as that of the Nautical league: A distance of three nautical miles
rebels, was the Grand Union Flag, consisting of thir- = 3.45 land miles, or 5.56 kilometers.
teen alternating red and white stripes, with the British Nautical mile: A unit of distance theoretically de-
Jack in the union. It was not until 14th June 1777 that ned as one minute of arc on a terrestrial great circle.
Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as the Ofcial Since earth is not a perfect sphere a minute of arc varies
Flag of the Thirteen United States. On that same day, from 1,862 meters at the equator to 1,843 at the poles.
Congress appointed John Paul Jones to command the The international denition standardizes the nautical
newly-constructed sloop-of-war Ranger Eight months mile at the mid-point of 1,853 meters, which converts
later, on Valentines Day 1778, Ranger entered Qui- to approximately 2026.8 yds or 1.1516 statute miles.
beron Bay and Jones ordered a 13-gun salute (one for NAVAIR: Naval Air Systems Command.
each state in the union) to the French squadron an- Naval: [1] Of or pertaining to ships and the sea.
chored there. In the rst foreign recognition of the new [2] Concerning the customs, equipment, personnel,
American ag Admiral LaMotte Piquets agship Ro- and infrastructure of a navy. [3] Sometimes used to dif-
buste responded with the 9-gun salute to a republic. ferentiate between ships of war and those of commerce.
Following Jones example, United States warships Naval Air Systems Command: Established in 1966
unofcially red one shot for each state until 1810 as successor to the U.S. Navys Bureau of Naval
when the Department of War made it ofcial. How- Weapons (see Bureau of Ordnance). According to its
ever, by 1841 there were twenty-six states and the website, NAVAIR provides unique engineering, de-
number was obviously going to increase, so the United velopment, testing, evaluation, in-service support,
States followed the rest of the world and adopted a and program management capabilities to deliver air-
national salute of twenty-one guns. (Some Americans borne weapons systems that are technologically supe-
now claim that the salute is a tribute to Independence, rior and readily available. Using a full-spectrum ap-
since 1+7+7+6 = 21 but this is clearly incorrect since the proach, the command delivers optimal capability and
practice was well established internationally before the reliability for the Sailor and the Marine.
U.S. adopted it.) See also personal gun salutes and Naval architecture: The art and science of design-
salutes and courtesies. ing waterborne craft. Cf. naval construction.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- Naval arms control: See Anglo-German Naval
tion: Formerly the United States Coast and Geodetic Agreement, Treaty of Versailles, and Washington
Survey, this agency is an important source of marine Naval Agreement.
charts in the United States. Naval attach: An ofcer attached to an Embassy
NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization. as adviser on naval affairs, and to gather information
Nau: Portuguese name for a carrack. on the host nations navy. Depending on the state of
Naufragiate: A 15th century expression meaning relations between the countries this might involve
to suffer shipwreck. (From the French naufrage.) anything from friendly exchanges of information to
Nausea: [1] Dizziness and the urge to vomit. [2] covert activity verging on espionage.
Originally Greek, and later Latin, for seasickness. Naval aviation: Refers to the land and carrier-
Nautical: Of or pertaining to seas and oceans, based aircraft operated by a navy. Early growth of the
ships, seamen, and navigation. latter capability was nurtured by a small group of
213 Naval

American and British, and to a lesser extent, Japanese which was ofcially recognized and named Royal
pioneers. Each developed in its own unique fashion: Naval Air Service (RNAS) on July 1, 1914.
In the United States: On November 14, 1910, a civil- A month later, when the First World War began,
ian aviator named Eugene Ely took off from a tem- the RNAS had more aircraft than the RFC, and
porary platform erected on the forecastle of light four years after that it was by far the largest, most
cruiser USS Birmingham. His aircraft briey experienced, and best equipped aeronaval force in
touched the water, damaging its propeller, but rose the world. Then appropriately on April Fools
again and landed on a sandspit. The ight covered Day 1918 disaster struck! The government de-
less than two and a half miles and took barely ve cided to create the Royal Air Force (RAF). forcing
minutes. Two months later, after landing on a naval aviators to choose between love of the sea and
wooden platform built on the after turret of ar- enthusiasm for ying. Most chose the latter, many
mored cruiser USS Pennsylvania, Ely launched from rising to high rank in the RAF.
the platform and ew back to shore, proving that The new service was obsessed with the concept
the aircraft carrier was a viable concept. of strategic bombing and, apart from ghters for
When the U.S. declared war on Germany on 6 home defense, virtually ignored the requirements of
April 1917, the Navy had only 54 aircraft, 1 airship, carrier operation, coastal patrol, and army tactical
3 balloons and 287 personnel. Nevertheless, one of support. British naval aviation had lost its momen-
its units was the rst to reach France, while naval tum. Insufcient numbers of inferior and unsuitable
aircraft ew more than 3 million nautical miles and aircraft were crewed mainly by pilots on two-year
damaged a dozen U-boats. By the end of WWI, assignments, none of whom had joined the Air Force
personnel numbered 37,400, with 252 land-based in order to go to sea. Many could not distinguish
aircraft, and 1,865 ying boats and seaplanes. U.S. warships from merchantmen, and by the time they
Naval aviation had grown enormously and was well became procient, they returned to land-based
on its way. But in the inter-war years it was treated squadrons. Naval ofcers could apply for ying duty,
as second-class by battleship-minded admirals and but many considered it career suicide, especially as
not until the Battle of Midway did it come into its they had to accept RAF commissions to do so.
own. (See also marine aviation.) Unlike the United States and Japan, there was
The Japanese military followed the development of no specic naval staff or institution responsible for
aviation with great interest, and acquired their rst studying the role of aviation, no naval air lobby to
aircraft in 1910. When World War I broke out, challenge the doctrine of battleship supremacy, and
Japan joined the Allies and, during the siege of Ger- no naval air engineers to mastermind the design
man held Tsingtao (SeptemberNovember 1914), and development of carrier aircraft . But the worst
the seaplane carrier Wakamiya launched the rst shortages were at top and bottom. All the highly-
shipborne aerial raids in history. During the late specialized technical cadres were Air Force person-
1920s and early 1930s, while the United States and nel, while transfer of the rst generation of naval
Britain were disarming, the militarist dominated aviators to the RAF meant that the Royal Navy had
government spent heavily on its armed forces. no ag ofcers, and few carrier commanders, with
When World War II began, Japans ten aircraft car- personal ying experience.
riers had a combined tonnage three times that al- In 1937, after a long and bitter inter-service bat-
lowed under the Washington Naval Treaties. More- tle, the Navy regained control of its carrier-borne
over, unlike most British and American admirals, aircraft but, against all logic, the RAF managed to
Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief of the retain responsibility for anti-submarine coastal pa-
Imperial Combined Fleet, had abandoned belief in trol. In 1918, the RNAS had contributed 55,000
the battleship and become an enthusiastic advocate men and 2,950 aircraft to the edgling Air Force.
of naval air power. By 1940, Japan had the largest Nineteen years later, on the eve of World War II, the
and most powerful navy in the Pacic, and had Fleet Air Arm of the RAF returned 700 person-
built the biggest and most effective naval aviation nel and 232 operational aircraft, most of them out-
service in the world. Japanese carrier aircraft were dated canvas-covered biplanes, vastly inferior to the
arguably the best, while their aircrews were superbly land-based and carrier-borne monoplanes of the
trained, and had been battle tested during four years U.S. and Japanese navies, each of which had kept
of war with China. control of its air component.
Great Britain got off to a good start. A Royal Fly- During World War II a few high-performance
ing Corps (RFC) was founded in April 1912, in- aircraft were adapted for naval service, including
tended to encompass both naval and military y- the famous Spitre (re-named Seare) but it was
ing. However, even though the soldier-dominated thanks to the United States lend-lease program,
RFC arranged Britains rst ight from a moving that the Royal Navy was able to obtain the pur-
ship a month later, the Navy was not comfortable pose-built modern carrier aircraft that played im-
having its aircraft under Army control. Without portant roles in every maritime theater of opera-
authorization, it formed its own ying branch, tion.
Naval 214

Naval base: A shore station providing administra- nized as the ofcial anthem of both the United States
tive and logistic support to forces aoat. and Royal Navies. See Hymns for more information.
Naval brigade : A temporary organization of Naval Infantry: Competency in limited-scale land
marines and seamen, larger than a landing party, but warfare sailors performing as soldiers and some-
smaller than a division formed to undertake opera- times providing land based artillery support was an
tions ashore in the role of naval infantry. integral part of 19th century naval operations. In the
Naval construction: See Civil Engineer Corps and Royal Navy, ofcers and seamen were specically
Royal Corps of Naval Constructors. trained in land-based warfare by the gunnery school
Naval Construction Corps: A unit of the U S Navys at HMS Excellent in Portsmouth. In the United States
Civil Engineer Corps, abolished in 1940 with its Navy individual ships and ag ofcers were largely on
ofcers being given line status but designated EDO. their own until 1891 when the Bureau of Ordnance
Naval Co-operation and Guidance for Shipping: issued Instructions for Infantry and Artillery, United
An organization set up by NATO to establish and pro- States Navy which was generally compatible with
vide advice for the safe passage of merchant ships Army operations ashore.
worldwide. It provides liaison between military com- The Achilles heel of naval infantry was invariably
manders and civil authorities during times of peace, weak logistical support without which they could not
tension, terrorism, crisis, or war. In the latter, it may sustain themselves for long. During World War I
be responsible for establishing convoys. Britain elded a complete naval division (the 63rd)
Seaborne trade is of fundamental strategic interest which fought in France and Gallipoli but, unlike the
to those nations whose economic well-being depends typical naval brigade, it was created, equipped, and
on freedom of movement on the seas. Commercial trained on shore rather than formed extemporane-
movement may affect military operations while, con- ously by the ships of a eet or squadron.
versely, naval operations frequently involve, or have Naval law: The rules and regulations governing
some impact, on merchant shipping . Hence, cooper- personnel in a national naval service. Not to be con-
ation between military and shipping interests can fused with maritime or admiralty law. See Articles of
minimize delays or confusion and afford protection War.
to merchantmen transiting maritime areas of opera- Naval police: During the 17th century Ships Mar-
tion. See also Pacic and Indian Oceans Shipping shals, assisted by Ships Corporals, were accountable for
Working Group. the good order, discipline, and conduct of a ships
Naval crown: An ancient heraldic device consist- company. Then, in 1699, the rate of Marshal was re-
ing of a coronet adorned with alternating depictions placed by that of Master-at-arms, reporting to the
of square-rigged masts and the sterns of antique ships. Lieutenant-at-arms, and responsible for small arms
The design concept is reputed to have originated with training as well as supervising discipline through the
Roman Emperor Claudius as a trophy (rostral) to be ships corporals. By 1860, small arms training in the
awarded to the rst seaman or marine to board an RN had been transferred to a junior lieutenant, and
enemy ship. the MAA became head of a new Police Branch. In
Naval district: A U.S. concept under which a des- 1919, Admiralty Fleet Order 2290 re-named the po-
ignated commandant is direct representative of the lice branch Regulating Branch, and replaced ships
Secretary of the Navy and the Chief of Naval Opera- corporals with Regulating Petty Ofcers. In 1967, the
tions for defense, security, and naval operations within Royal Navy was the rst British armed service to in-
a dened geographical area. troduce a Drugs Squad. Finally, in 2006, the regula-
Naval dockyard: Generic term for a facility tors were re-named Service Police.
equipped with cranes, drydocks, slipways, warehouses The military police of the U.S. Navy also fall into
and the like; responsible for building, repairing, mod- the Master-at-arms rating, which can be traced back
ifying, and replenishing naval vessels. to the Continental Navy of 1775. However, it was a
Naval doctrine: With the end of the Cold War, collateral duty until 1973, when it became an ofcial
the advent of global terrorism, an increase in the num- rating, open to sailors in the Petty Ofcer 3rd Class
ber of failed or failing states, and accelerating tech- (E-4) grade or above who are able to specialize in a
nological development; military and diplomatic range of law enforcement duties.
organizations nd themselves confronted with previ- Naval ranks & rates: In naval terminology, rank
ously-unconsidered, rapidly-uctuating challenges. refers to the status conferred by warrant or commis-
In consequence, twenty-rst century strategic and tac- sion. The equivalent term for enlisted personnel
tical planners are actively developing radical new ap- (USN) and ratings (RN) is rate. The term rating
proaches and concepts. See Future Navy, Global Mar- does not apply to status, but refers to an individuals
itime Partnership, Military Operations other than job classication or specialty (e.g., able-seaman,
War, Network Centric Warfare, Revolution in Mili- boatswains mate, etc.). Together, rank and rate fol-
tary Affairs, and Swing. low the chain of command and give an indication of
Naval hymn: William Whitings poem, whose rst relative status. Equivalent British and United States
stanza is: Eternal Father! Strong to save! is recog- Commissioned Ofcer Ranks (Air Forces excluded)
215 Naval

are shown in Table 13. Ranks and rates are identied ties used on shipboard, such as food, fuel, clothing,
by codes in both NATO and United States Armed medical items, and ammunition. (In the RN, food
Forces. These codes with representative job titles and clothing are known as victualling stores.)
(there may be several within each) are shown in Table Naval surface re control: The complexity of re
14. They fall into four general categories as follows: control systems varies widely depending on the ship,
1. Commissioned Ofcers its armament, how many guns are controlled, and
NATO codes OF-6 to OF-10, and U.S. codes other factors. If the ring ship and its target are both
O-7 to O-11 cover admirals and generals, who stationary, gun settings can easily be determined, but
sit at the apex of the military hierarchy and are in practice both target and ship are in motion. Hence,
known as Flag Ofcers and General Ofcers range and bearing continually change, demanding
respectively. (An exception is a Royal Navy constant adjustment of elevation and deection. More-
captain with six years seniority, who ranks as over, the roll and pitch of a moving ship require cor-
NATO OF-6 but is not a ag ofcer.) rections to compensate for deck motion. (One early con-
NATO codes OF-3-to OF-5 and U.S. codes trivance was to suspend a round shot from a spar. The
O-4 to O-6 apply to naval ofcers of mid- gunner red his piece just before this improvised pen-
grade and marine ofcers of eld grade. (These dulum was parallel to the mast, meaning the deck was
might better be known as command grades.) horizontal.) This principle was later incorporated in
NATO codes OF-1 & 2 and U.S. O-1 to stable element and stable vertical, devices that act
O-3 are the codes for junior and subordinate like spinning tops to establish a reference plane from
grade naval ofcers and company grade ma- which angles of deection and elevation can be meas-
rine ofcers. ured. Another factor is the fact that the velocity of the
2. Commissioned Warrant Ofcers ship is imparted to the projectile at the instant of ring,
U.S. WO-2 to WO-5. (These ranks do not with direct effect on its trajectory. See also ballistic wind.
exist in most other navies, and are not rec- Naval tactics in the age of sail: Until the 16th cen-
ognized by the NATO code system.) Com- tury (with the exception of ramming), naval tactics
missioned warrant ofcers derive their au- were virtually non-existent; the purpose of ships being
thority from presidential commissions but, simply to lay alongside the enemy so that embarked
in contrast to commissioned line ofcers, who soldiers could board to ght a land battle on deck.
are generalists, they remain specialists. The arrival of gunpowder initially did little to change
3. Non-Commissioned (Petty) Ofcers things, merely adding light anti-personnel weapons
NATO OR-7 to OR-9 and U.S. E-7 to E-9 on the weather deck. Then, after invention of the gun-
are senior NCOs with signicant command port, British seamen seem to have been the rst to
responsibility (U.S. code WO-1, currently grasp, dimly at rst, the tactical changes made possi-
dormant, was equivalent to NATO OR-9). ble by broadside artillery, allowing them to decimate
NATO OR-4 to OR-6 and U.S. E-4 to E6 the Spanish Armada.
cover junior non-commissioned or enlisted In mid17th century, British Parliamentary Gen-
personnel with limited command responsi- eral of the Sea Robert Blake developed the concept of
bility. line-ahead (column), to achieve the twin goals of max-
4. Other Ranks and Rates imizing repower and creating an orderly formation
NATO codes OR-3 and -4 and U.S. codes responsive to command. This gave the British an im-
E-3 and -4 cover rates with minor or no com- mense tactical advantage. A French observer of the
mand responsibility. Most of these will have Second Anglo-Dutch War (16651667) compared the
an rating (occupational specialty), of which old and new tactical styles, writing:
there are over fty in modern navies. NATO Nothing equals the beautiful order of the English at
codes OR-1 and 2 and U.S. codes E-1 and 2 sea. Never was a line drawn straighter than that
refer to junior unrated personnel in training. drawn by their ships; thus they bring all their re to
Naval shower: Water aboard ship is manufactured bear on those who come near them.... They ght like
and strictly rationed, so the proper way to take a a line of cavalry which is handled according to rule
shower at sea is to wet the body, turn off the water to ... whereas the Dutch advance like cavalry whose
wash, and turn it on again to rinse. squadrons leave their ranks and come separately to
Naval special warfare: Refers to operations char- the charge.
acterized by stealth, speed, and violent application of However, the concept was soon imitated by other
force; conducted by small, exible, mobile units op- major powers, and combat at sea became as blunt as
erating from or under the sea in coastal and riverine a sledgehammera matter of two eets sailing in par-
environments (cf. commando, seal team). allel lines and ring point blank broadsides at each
Naval station: Similar to a naval base, but smaller. other. French and Spanish tried to re on the upward
Naval stores: [1] Historically, sailing ship necessaries roll, to bring down rigging and disable an opponent;
such as cordage, canvas, pine resin, pitch and turpen- while British and Dutch usually red on the downward
tine. [2] Currently, consumable supplies or commodi- roll, so their shot would strike the hull creating a lethal
Naval 216

shower of razor-sharp splinters. As long as eets were Ofcers in merchant service are civilians and, in
reasonably well-matched, such battles were seldom many ways, more like business executives than mili-
conclusive. (See Fighting Instructions.) tary commanders. The British Merchant Navy and
The ambiguity of battles with no clear victor in- United States Merchant Marine have similar job ti-
trigued Sir John Clerke, whose writings (see cutting the tles (Master, Mate, Chief Engineer, etc.), but the for-
line) greatly inuenced British naval ofcers who mer has a naval-style rank structure, while the latter
during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic considers the jobs to be positions rather than ranks
Wars (17921815) increasingly tended to leave the (Merchant Marine Ofcers do, however, hold naval re-
line of battle, sail directly at the foe, break through serve commissions).
the hostile line, and destroy the enemy piecemeal, re- Navarino Bay (battle): In October 1825, during a
lying on individual initiative, superior seamanship, temporary cease-re in the War of Greek Indepen-
and faster gunnery to win the day (see also raking). dence, a three-nation eet, commanded by British
The tactics of warfare under sail were brought close Vice Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, accompanied
to perfection by Horatio Nelson at the 1805 Battle of by French Vice Admiral Compte Henri de Rigny, and
Trafalgar, where they were facilitated by a greatly-im- Russian Kontr-Admiral Count Login Petrovich van
proved signaling system invented by Sir Home Pop- der Heiden was sent with orders to enforce the ar-
ham, but the contest was still a pounding match. Not mistice but avoid hostilities except in self-defense.
until seven years later was rate of re joined by accu- They advised the Ottoman commander, Ibrahim
racy of aim as the deciding factors (see Dont give up Reis-Pasha, they planned to enter the harbor peacefully
the ship). After that, no further improvements in naval for further negotiations. However, noting that the
tactics were developed until the introduction of iron- Turco-Egyptian guns were run out, the allied ships
clad steamships during the late 19th century. cleared for action, but kept their cannon inboard with
Naval time: In common with other military or- ports in the half-open, ne-weather cruising position.
ganizations, naval time is expressed as four digits, Codrington ordered his Marine band to play cheerful
based on a 24-hour day starting 0000 and ending music as they anchored in the middle of a semi-circle
2400. (For example 3:15 A.M. would be Oh-three- of Turkish warships.
fteen, while 3:15 P.M. would be fteen-fteen.) A British frigate sent its cutter to ask one of the
See also Naval day, Date & Time Notation, Time Turkish ships to make space by moving its anchor-
Zones, and table 12. age. The boat was unarmed, but a trigger-happy Turk-
Naval titles & hierarchies: During the Middle ish marine decided it was hostile and red a single
Ages and Renaissance, navies were essentially part- musket shot. His aim was good and he hit the boats
time services. When war broke out, merchantmen ofcer. In return the frigates marines gave covering
were taken over and tted with ghting platforms. musket re and, on hearing their fusillade, an overex-
Their regular crews remained on board under direct cited Egyptian cannoneer discharged his weapon at
command of the master, who received a warrant for the French agship, which replied with a full broad-
royal service and was responsible for navigation and side. Like Nelsons famous engagement at Aboukir
seamanship. When the vessel was ready for combat, a Bay, the ensuing battle was a duel between anchored
detachment of soldiers marched on board, led by a gun batteries, rather than a conventional eet action.
captain, who held a royal commission as military com- Muzzle-to-muzzle, the two sides blazed away at each
mander. As such he was senior to the master, directed other until the Franco-Russian-British Alliance
the ghting and movement of the ship, but had no with fewer, but larger and more heavily-gunned
direct control over the crew or shiphandling. ships had sunk or destroyed more than three-quar-
By the 17th century, national navies had begun to ters of the Turco-Egyptians, inicting tremendous
evolve, and ships were being purpose-built for com- loss of life, but suffering few casualties themselves.
bat, but the old arrangement persisted, with a cap- In an unintended action, nominally neutral pow-
tain in overall military command, assisted by a mas- ers had irreparably crippled Turko-Egyptian sea power
ter who was a professional seaman. Additional orders and paved the way for Russian imperialism. Six
of precedence and hierarchical chains of command months later, Russia attacked Turkey on the pretext of
gradually evolved and can be arbitrarily divided into supporting the still-undecided Greek struggle for in-
eight broad categories discussed under naval ranks dependence. With Constantinople threatened, Turkey
and rates, and repeated below (with U.S. rank codes): sued for peace. Under the 1829 Treaty of Adrianople,
Flag Ranks (O-7 to 10) Russia gained the Mouth of the Danube, and the
Command Ranks (O-4 to 6) Eastern Black Sea coast; while Serbia, Wallachia, and
Other Commissioned Ofcers (O-3 to 5) Moldavia were granted full autonomy. Then the Great
Subordinate Ofcers (O-1 and 2) Powers got into the act and, three years later, the
Warrant Ofcers (W-2 to 5) Treaty of London recognized Greece as an independ-
Petty Ofcers (E-4 to 9) ent Kingdom.
Rated personnel (E-3) Navel pipe: A deck tting that guides the anchor
Junior Unrated Personnel (E-1 and 2) chain into the chain locker.
217 Navy

NAVFAC: Naval facility (especially one associated Towing: Yellow, showing over the same arc as a
with SOSUS). stern light.
Navicert: A document issued in a neutral country Navigation rules: See Rules of the Road, Colregs,
by the consular or diplomatic representative of a bel- and Table 7.
ligerent nation, certifying that a vessel of that neutral Navigational aid: Any instrument, chart, marker,
country is carrying no contraband of war and may or other device designed to assist in navigation (cf.
therefore travel to another neutral country without aid to navigation).
being liable to search or seizure. Navigator: A naval or merchant ofcer who prac-
Navigable: [1] Waters deep and wide enough for a tices, is responsible for, or is skilled in navigation.
given vessel to pass through or over. [2] Any vessel NAVSTAR: See global positioning system.
capable of being steered even if not under sail or power. NAVSUP: Naval Supply Systems Command (see
Navigable semicircle: The less-violent half of a victualing).
circular storm, in which the rotary motion and forward Navy: The maritime component of a nations
translation of the storm tend to counteract each other, armed forces, including ships, aircraft, shore-based
and winds are in such a direction as to blow vessels infrastructure, and personnel including seamen, air-
away from the storm track. The navigable side is to the men, specialists, soldiers serving as marines, and naval
right of clockwise-moving winds in the southern ancillary services.
hemisphere and to the left of counter-clockwise winds Navy Board: See Board of Admiralty.
in the northern. Also navigable quadrant and safe Navy exchange: USN term for a store providing
quadrant. The opposite side is understandably known household and personal items for naval personnel and
as the dangerous semicircle. their dependants. Prots are donated to the Welfare
Navigant: An ancient word for a seaman. and Recreation Fund.
Navigation: The science or art of planning, ascer- Navy League : The latter half of the nineteenth
taining, and recording the course of a vessel or air- century saw rapid expansion and development of the
craft; including xing present and predicting future lo- British Empire and, with it, the dependence on ocean
cation, and collision avoidance. The word comes from shipping routes for its trade and defense. At the same
the Sanskrit navagati. time the German Empire was becoming increasingly
Navigation Acts: Several British Parliamentary or- aggressive. Concern as to the adequacy of the Royal
dinances issued between 1651 and 1847, designed to Navy of that day to defend the widely separated Em-
expand the countrys waterborne commerce and limit pire and its essential shipping gave rise to the forma-
trade by its colonies with Britains commercial rivals. tion in Britain in 1895 of a society with the primary
Navigation certicate: See navicert. aim of ensuring an adequate naval defense, mainly
Navigation lights: Illumination mandated by Rules through the training and indoctrination of young peo-
of the Road to be shown from sunset to sunrise; dur- ple. This was the Navy League. The movement ex-
ing poor visibility; and when deemed necessary to pre- panded rapidly and before the end of that year branches
vent collisions by alerting vessels to each others pres- had been established in Canada, Hong Kong, Malta,
ence, indicating their relative bearings, giving hints and South Africa. Within ve years fty-three
as to each vessels size, and determining which has right- branches had been formed throughout the Empire.
of-way. The location, color, range and arc-of-visibil- Navy League of the United States: This organiza-
ity of these lights are clearly specied by law and reg- tion was founded in 1902 with the support and en-
ulation, and no other lights which might be mistaken couragement of ardent navy supporter President
for them may be shown at the times mentioned above. Theodore Roosevelt. Despite its title, it is closer to
The basic lights (also known as running lights) are: the Royal Naval Association than the British Navy
Side: Red to port and green to starboard, showing League and, like the former it is military-oriented but
an unbroken arc of light from dead ahead to 22.5 run by civilians. Its objectives include the support of
abaft the beam on their respective sides. men and women of the sea services and their fami-
Masthead: White, over the fore-and-aft centerline, lies, and the naval education of civilians including
showing an unbroken arc of light from 22.5 abaft elected ofcials. Members are not required to have
the beam on one side to 22.5 abaft the beam on the served in the military.
other. Powered vessels over 50 meters in length are Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society: This is a pri-
required to have a second such light abaft and vate non-prot United States charitable organization
higher than the rst (different regulations apply to founded in 1904. Its directors are all active duty or re-
vessels less than 20 meters long and also for those tired members of the sea services or their spouses.
less than 12 meters long). The white masthead light Sponsored by the United States Department of the
is not required for vessels under sail but they may Navy, it operates some 250 ofces ashore and aoat.
carry a red light above a green one at the masthead, In partnership with the Navy and Marine Corps, it
both visible over 360. provides nancial, educational, and other assistance to
Stern: White, showing an unbroken arc of light needy members of the naval services of the United
over 67.5 on each side of dead astern. States, eligible family members, and survivors.
Navy 218

Navy Unit Commendation: Established by the Sec- the vessel will not return to the upright after being
retary of the Navy in 1944, this award is given to any inclined.
ship, aircraft, marine detachment, or allied unit which Nelsons blood: On 21st October 1805, off Cape
distinguishes itself in combat with collective heroism Trafalgar, British Vice-Admiral Horatio Viscount Nel-
that would justify the award of a Silver Star to an in- son with 27 ships of the line engaged Contre-Amiral
dividual. It may also be awarded for outstanding non- Pierre Charles Jean Baptiste Sylvestre de Villeneuve
combat service in support of military operations, at a with a combined Franco-Spanish eet of 33. The
level which would justify award of the Legion of Merit British sank or captured 17 of the enemy, losing no
to an individual. Naval units winning an NUC are ships of their own, but Nelson was mortally wounded
authorized to y a pennant with blue, yellow, red, and by a sharpshooters bullet, dying shortly after victory
green stripes, up to ve bronze stars being placed on was declared.
the central green stripe for additional citations. Those His body was placed in a large cask lled with rum
who were on board and actually participated in the or brandy to preserve it on the long passage back to
action are entitled to wear the NUC medal. England; but on arrival the barrel was almost empty
Navy yard: [1] In general, any naval dockyard or ar- and its lid had blown open due to the gases of putre-
senal. [2] In the USN, specically the Navy Yard at faction. This may have been due to leakage; but leg-
Washington, D.C. end has it that Victorys crew had drilled a small hole
NBP: Naval beach party. so that they could suck the monkey and enjoy the
NCAGS: Naval cooperation and guidance for ship- liquor. This is highly unlikely, since any sailor who
ping. desecrated the beloved heros remains would have been
NCB: [1] National Cargo Bureau. [2] Naval con- lynched by the rest of the crew.
struction brigade. However, whether the story is true or apocryphal,
NCCS: Naval Command & Control System. an alcoholic who would indiscriminately drink any-
NCF : Naval construction force. thing was known throughout the 19th century as one
NCFSU: Naval construction force support unit. who would even tap the Admiral. That derogatory
NCHB: Navy cargo handling battalion. term is now obsolete, but navy-issue rum was called
NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigation Service (U.S.). Nelsons Blood until its issue was discontinued in
NCO: Non-Commissioned Ofcer. 1970.
NCTC: Naval Computer & Telecommunications Neptune : [1] The Roman name for Poseidon,
Command (USN). brother of the supreme god Zeus, and chief of all the
NCW: Network-Centric Warfare. water deities. The symbol of his power was the triple-
NDRF : National Defense Reserve Fleet (U.S.). pointed spear or trident, which he used to shatter
Neap: Tide of least range occurring twice each rocks, shake the earth, and summon or dismiss storms.
month (cf. Spring). He created the horse, including steeds with brazen
Near gale: Force 7 on the Beaufort Scale (winds hooves and golden manes to race his chariot over the
2833 knots = 32.238 mph = 51.961.1 km/h). waves, which became smooth before him, while mon-
NEC : Navy Enlisted Classication; a system of sters of the deep gamboled in his honor. Assisted by
four-digit codes which identify the special skills or Amphitrite and Davy Jones, he plays a prominent role
training of USN enlisted personnel. in the Line-crossing ceremony. [2] The code-name
Necessaries: Term in admiralty law referring to the given to the naval assault phase of Operation Overlord,
equipment and supplies that a prudent owner would the Allied invasion of Normandy on D-Day 1944. See
order for a vessel of the class and in the service spe- also crossword coincidence. [3] The eighth and farthest
cied. The list is exhaustive and would include such planet from the Sun in the Solar System.
things as anchors, cables, fuel, propellers, and rigging Neptunes sheep: Slang for waves breaking into
for the vessel; clothing and provisions for crew; money foam (cf. sea horses).
to pay wages, bills, and fees; and so on. Necessaries Nerus: Nerus belongs to an older generation of
are subject to lien under maritime law. Greek gods than Neptune. He lived in a large and com-
Neck: A narrow strip of water such as a strait; or of fortable cave deep in the Aegean Sea, had the gifts of
land such as an isthmus. prophecy and shape-shifting, and was especially benevo-
Negat: Short form of negative used in conjunction lent. Homer referred to him as being trusty and gen-
with naval signals. For example, Bravo Zulu is tle, who thinks just kindly thoughts. He is some-
shorthand for well done and hence Negat Bravo times identied with the Old Man of the Sea, but
Zulu means badly done. Proteus is a more likely candidate for that personage.
Negative: [1] Command or response meaning not Nest: [1] Two or more vessels moored side-by-side.
to be done, not granted, or do not agree. [2] Cancel- [2] Method of small boat stowage with one boat fully
lation of a previous Command, as in negative that. or partially inside the other.
Also negat. Net: [1] A crisscross grid of rope or line used for
Negative stability: Occurs when a vessels center of shing or to secure hammocks, sails, etc. [2] A heavy
gravity coincides with its metacenter, meaning that mesh screen, often suspended from oating booms,
219 Njord

placed across the entrance of a harbor for protection to adjust to diminishing illumination, and in semi-
against hostile vessels, submarines, and torpedoes, or darkness becomes unable to detect moving or con-
as AND Gear. [3] Telecommunications links and trasting objects that are clearly visible to others. Hence
nodes arranged so that messages may be passed from the problem would not become evident until a night
one part of the network to another. [4] Slang for the lookout failed to spot something important and, even
Internet. [5] The amount remaining after certain de- then, the unfortunate sufferer was likely to be punished
ductions or allowances have been made. for inattention rather than given medical attention.
Net sweep: In naval mine warfare, a netlike device When highly advanced the eyes become visibly ul-
suspended between two ships, designed to collect cerated and the lids develop triangular silver-grey
drifting mines or scoop them off the sea bottom. deposits known as Bitots Spots. The disease was as
Net weight: Cargo term for the weight of contents common as scurvy in sailing ship navies and far more
after the tare has been deducted from the gross weight. pernicious because it has no noticeable symptoms in
Netlayer: A vessel equipped for placing and tend- its early stages, only beginning to appear after about
ing antisubmarine and anti-torpedo nets. twenty-four months on an unvaried seafarers diet. The
Network: [1] A group of radio stations sharing the principal cause is deciency of vitamin A and/or zinc,
same frequency. [2] Interconnected computer systems. both of which are found in egg yolks, butter, cream,
Network-centric: This is a doctrine made possible liver, and sh oil, while leafy green and yellow vegeta-
by the Information Age and related to the Revolution bles provide the pro-vitamin A carotene. None of
in Military Affairs debate. As dened by the Penta- these foodstuffs has a long storage life and could only
gon in its Report to Congress: be served for a short while after a ship set sail.
It involves new ways of thinking about how we ac- Night glasses: Binoculars with high light-gather-
complish our missions, how we organize and interre- ing capability.
late, and how we acquire and eld the systems that Night order book : A record of the captains or
support us.... This monumental task will span a chief engineers instructions concerning activities dur-
quarter century or more. It will involve ways of op- ing the night watches.
erating that have yet to be conceived, and will em- Night stick: A club or truncheon carried by USN
ploy technologies yet to be invented ... (and) has the seamen on shore patrol.
potential to increase warghting capabilities by or- Night vision: The ability to see in dim light. The
ders of magnitude. illumination in submarines and certain areas of sur-
The concept treats geographically dispersed plat- face vessels is red in order to preserve this ability.
forms not as individual weapons, but as components Nilas: A highly-saline elastic crust of relatively thin,
in a vast network that allows messages and data to be matte-surfaced ice.
exchanged between tactical elements without having La Nia: See under La...
to be passed up and down the chain of command. Nine yards: When changing tack a sailing warship
Being inter-connected via high-speed satellite com- would reposition its yards sequentially. In the early
munication networks to form a global inter-service stages of this maneuver it was possible to abort with-
information grid, data will be centrally collated to cre- out any serious repercussion, but by the time the ninth
ate a coherent overall picture of the battleeld instantly and nal yard of a three-master had been set the ship
available to all units, giving each of them enhanced sit- was fully committed. The modern explanation that
uation awareness and enabling more rapid, more in- the phrase the whole nine yards meaning all or
formed, and more effective decision-making (but see everything is a construction workers term, based
authors comment under mission command). on the capacity of a cement-mixer, is baseless, since the
Neutralization: [1] Heavy gunre to immobilize expression was in nautical use long before that equip-
enemy activity in the area bombarded. [2] To render ment existed.
a mine incapable of ring, even though it may remain El Nio: See under El...
dangerous to handle. Nip: A sharp bend in a rope or cable which causes
NFAF : Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force. A division of it to jam.
Military Sealift Command. Nipped: Said of a vessel caught between ice on
NGF : Naval gunre. both sides.
NGFS: Naval gunre support. Nipper: [1] A short rope, clamp, or stopper for se-
NGLO: Naval gunre Liaison Ofcer. curing an anchor cable to a messenger from the cap-
NGO: Non-governmental organization. stan. [2] A young ships boy responsible for placing
Nicholson tube: An instrument formerly used to such stoppers.
measure a ships speed by reading the inboard pres- Njord: The Viking god of wind, waves, seashores,
sure in a tube whose end was outboard, underwater seamanship, sailing, and shing. He is one of the
and facing forward. See also Pitot tube. Vanir (older gods as opposed to the Aesir who are a
Night blindness (Nyctalopia): A sufferer from this younger generation). His wife, the giantess Skadi, was
vitamin deciency disease has normal vision in ade- owed a favor by the gods who said she could choose
quate light, but gradually requires more and more time any male god as her husband, but only by looking at
NJP 220

their feet. She chose Njord because his beautiful feet within specied limits impose one or more of the fol-
had been washed clean by the sea. lowing disciplinary punishments for minor offenses,
NJP: Non-judicial punishment. committed by ofcers or enlisted ratings:
NLOS: Not in line of sight. Restriction to specied limits.
NLW: Non-lethal weapon. Suspension from duty.
NMC: Not mission capable. Extra duties or fatigues.
NMCB: Naval mobile construction battalion. Arrest in quarters.
NMCI: Navy-Marine Corps Internet (U.S.). Connement in correctional custody.
NMETL: Navy Mission Essential Task List (USN). Forfeiture of pay.
NMHS: National Meteorological & Hydrological Reduction of rate or pay grade.
Service (U.S.). Diminished rations, or bread and water diet.
NMU: National Maritime Union (U.S.). In virtually all cases, the accused has the right to
No bottom!: Leadsmans cry when no sounding is demand court-martial in lieu of summary punish-
reached (i.e., the water is deeper than the leadline is ment. See also captains mast, non-punitive disciplinary
long). action, and Uniform Code of Military Justice.
No mans land: This World War I term for the Non-naval ogging: No ofcial restrictions hin-
space between the trenches was originally maritime. It dered 17th through 19th century merchant masters,
referred to the area amidships on a sailing ship, where whose power was virtually unlimited. Alexander Pope
no man lived since ofcer accommodation lay aft and wrote that a sea captain possesses more crude, naked
crew were quartered in the forecastle. power over any one of his seamen than the King over
No! No!: Traditional boat coxwains response to a his entire nation. The cruelty of brutish shipmasters
night challenge. In the RN this response indicates that often led merchant seamen to desert and seek gentler
no-one senior to midshipman is on board, but in the employment by volunteering for the Navy, or going
USN it indicates the presence of a petty ofcer. See on the account. (Pirate Articles, which had to be
boat recognition. agreed by the crew, usually specied limits to og-
No room to swing a cat: This metaphor, today ging.) The cat-o-nine-tails (known colloquially as
meaning to be cramped or conned, originated be- the captains daughter) is featured in one of the best-
cause, in order to conduct a proper ogging, the known chanteys for hoisting an anchor:
boatswain needed enough space for the lashes of the What shall we do with a drunken sailor?
cat-o-nine-tails to swing clear of bulwarks, bulk- What shall we do with a drunken sailor?
heads, masts, standing rigging, bystanders, and other What shall we do with a drunken sailor?
impediments. This implied having a clear arc of about Err-lie in the morning
eight feet (21 2 meters) behind him. Give im a taste of the captains daughter!
NOA: Notice of Arrival. Put im in bed with the captains daughter!
NOAA: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Admin- Marry im off to the captains daughter!
istration. Err-lie in the morning
Nodal point: [1] To the mariner, a point of land Wey-hay and up she rises
from where the current ows up the coast on one side Heave-ho and up she rises
and down the coast on the other. [2] The term node Hoo-ray and up she rises
is used in many other elds including astronomy, Err-lie in the morning
computer science, medicine, and photography to But in spite of its fearful reputation and nasty wounds,
denote a position of change or connection. the rope-based cat was too gentle for some masters. Es-
NOIC: Naval Ofcer in Charge (RN). pecially sadistic ones might (illegally) order nails, steel
Noise: Unwanted interference of a radio signal. balls, or wire barbs to be inserted in the tips of the
Non-commissioned: The term is self-explanatory, tails to maximize pain and injury, while others re-
and refers to enlisted personnel and ratings. sorted to leather whips or thick wooden birch-rods
Non-commissioned ofcer: An enlisted member which were more damaging and painful. In his auto-
of an armed force who has been given junior com- biographical Two Years Before the Mast (1840), Richard
mand authority by a commissioned ofcer. In the Henry Dana described a terrible ogging in the brig
United States and British armies, air forces and Pilgrim, during which the captain screamed If you
marines, all ranks of sergeant and corporal are termed want to know what I og you for, Ill tell you. Its be-
NCOs, as are all ranks of Petty Ofcer in the United cause I like to do it! Because I like to do it! It suits
States Navy and Coast Guard. The Royal Navy, how- me! Thats what I do it for! Nevertheless, in his clos-
ever, does not refer to its Petty Ofcers as NCOs, but ing chapter, Dana said he doubted the expediency of
calls them Senior Ratings (or Senior Rates). abolishing ogging altogether.
Non-executive: See Specialist Ofcers. Non-punitive disciplinary action: Is dened as
Non-judicial punishment: Commanding ofcers one or more corrective measures such as counseling,
in both the RN and USN may, in addition to, or in admonition, reprimand, caution, exhortation, disap-
lieu of, admonition, caution, or reprimand, may proval, criticism, censure, reproach, rebuke, extra mil-
221 North

itary instruction, and withholding of privileges [U.S. Norse: Pertaining to ancient Scandinavia, includ-
Manual for Court Martial, RCM 306(c)(2)]. See also ing both its inhabitants and the language spoken there.
captains mast, non-judicial punishment, and Uni- Norsemen: A collective term for the peoples of an-
form Code of Military Justice. cient Scandinavia, especially during the Viking pe-
Non-rated: A USN term referring to enlisted per- riod (9th to 11th centuries).
sonnel in pay grades below petty ofcer, these are re- North: One of the four cardinal directions, nor-
cruit (E-1), apprentice (E-2), and seaman (E-3). See mally treated (explicitly or implicitly) as the funda-
also rank and rate. mental direction used to dene all other directions.
Noon: [1] Midday. [2] The time at which the suns See Table 16.
elevation is highest. [3] The moment of the suns tran- North Africa current: The most permanent current
sit of the upper branch of the meridian at any given in the non-tidal Mediterranean Sea, owing eastward
point on earth. from Gibraltar to the Sicily Strait.
Noon observation: This is when the ships time, North Africa Invasion: In 1942, with barely two
position, course, and distance made good over 24 months of planning, the Allies simultaneously mounted
hours are calculated. Also known as the noon sighting. two amphibious operations inside the Mediterranean,
This was formerly the beginning of the nautical day. and a third on the Atlantic Coast. Code-named Op-
Noon watch: See afternoon watch. eration Torch, it is the largest and most complex am-
Nore mutiny: See great mutiny. phibious lift ever convened, involving almost a million
Normandy invasion: Code-named Overlord, the soldiers and sailors; some eight-hundred merchantmen;
Allied amphibious assault that began on June 6, 1944 six battleships, ve eet and nine escort carriers, twenty
(commonly known as D-Day), remains the largest cruisers, eighty-one destroyers, and thirty-eight ocean
seaborne invasion in history. The initial landing forces escort vessels. The initial assaults sailed in nine con-
were smaller than those in Operation Husky (Sicily), voys from Britain, and three from the United States;
but eventually increased to 47 divisions (3 million the slowest leaving on 2nd October, the fastest on 1st
men). It also posed logistical issues greater than any November, each scheduled to arrive precisely on time.
previously encountered. While the British convoys were converging on Gi-
To compensate for the lack of deepwater ports to braltar, a large German U-boat wolfpack lay across
handle reinforcements and the vast quantities of sup- their path. Suddenly it was directed to move south to
plies, weapons and vehicles needed to support the intercept another convoy (SL.125) heading north. Dur-
landing forces, the components of two articial har- ing a six-day battle, several merchantmen in ballast
bors (code-named Mulberry) were towed or carried (without cargo) were sunk, but the diversion had saved
across the English Channel, and an underwater pipe- the invasion eet. After the war, the escort commander,
line (code-name Pluto) was laid to supply gasoline British Rear Admiral C.N. Reyne said It was the only
from England to France. time I had ever been congratulated for losing ships.
On the outcome of the invasion hung the fate of Not only was Torch the largest, it was also the
Europe. If it was repulsed, the United States might longest-range amphibious operation. Never before
well turn its full attention to the Pacic War, leaving had a major invasion been launched from bases so far
Britain with most of its resources exhausted by the ef- away from their targets. The Eastern Assault Force,
fort. Hitler could then turn all his strength against commanded by Rear-Admiral Sir Harold Burrough
the Soviet Union and conceivably become master of RN, sailed from Britain bound for Algiers. It carried
the entire continent before U.S. forces returned (if 33,000 British troops in thirty-four ships and had to
ever). In the event, a comprehensive military decep- steam roughly 3500 km (2200 miles). The Central
tion (code-named operation fortitude) persuaded Assault Force, commanded by Commodore Thomas
Hitler the invasion was only a feint. Elite armored di- Troubridge RN, headed for Oran (with the author
visions, that could easily have overrun the tenuous aboard). It consisted of forty-seven vessels, carrying
Allied beachheads, were held in the Pas de Calais to 39,000 U.S. troops and British Commandos. It also
counter the expected full-scale assault by Fortitudes sailed from Britain and had to travel some 4000 km
ctitious army corps. (2500 miles). The Western Assault Force was entirely
Following massive overnight air and naval bom- American. It consisted of 35,000 troops in thirty-nine
bardments, and inland parachute and glider landings, ships, under Rear Admiral Henry Hewitt USN. It
over 5,300 ships and 11,000 aircraft, with aerial cover sailed directly from the United States to Casablanca,
provided by some 5,000 ghters, crossed the English roughly 5,000 km (3000 miles).
Channel to land troops on ve code-named beaches Air support for the Casablanca assault was provided
in Normandy. Omaha and Utah beaches were as- inshore by four U.S. assault carriers, offshore by eet
signed to American troops, Gold and Sword to British, carrier Ranger. For the Mediterranean landings it was
and Juno to Canadians. The landings were an overall provided inshore by ve British assault carriers, while
success (with minor casualties except at Juno and offshore air cover depended on 3 British eet carri-
Omaha) but only the Canadians achieved their ers. To reassure the French, and assist American troops
D-Day objectives. (See also crossword coincidence.) identify unfamiliar but friendly carrier aircraft, most
North 222

were painted with the American star, rather than the and lost his eternal soul. The Devil then condemned
British roundel. him and his ship to sail the North Sea until Judgment
The entire movement had to pass over waters in- Day, driven helpless before the winds, without helm
fested with German U-boat wolf packs, enter Axis- or helmsman. But the Fiend gave him an escape
controlled air space, and face large and potentially clause once every century, he may go ashore for one
hostile Vichy French forces ashore and aoat. Elabo- hour: If in that short time he can nd a virgin who will
rate disinformation campaigns were mounted (see mil- take him as husband, he may reclaim his soul and live
itary deception), successfully leading Hitler to con- on land with her.
centrate air and submarine forces off Libya, some 1600 Northeast Passage: The route from Europe to the
km (1000 miles) east of the invasion beaches. With- Orient passing to the north of Europe and Asia.
out German help, Vichy French resistance was erce Northing: The distance actually made good in a
but brief. northerly direction on any course with a northerly
North Atlantic current: This northwestward ex- component.
tension of the Gulf Stream is a powerful, warm, clock- Northwest Passage: The route from Europe to the
wise-setting ocean current, extending from southeast Orient passing to the north of Canada and Alaska.
of the Grand Banks to west of Ireland, where it splits Norway current: Part of the northeast drift (see
in two, one branch (northeast drift) heading for the North Atlantic current) that ows northeastward along
Norwegian Sea, the other (southeast drift) towards the Norwegian coast to merge with the North Cape
the Canary islands. This ow has major impact on current.
the climate of Europe. NOSC: Naval Oceans Systems Center. Former name
North Atlantic Treaty Organization: A military al- of the Space & Naval Warfare Systems Center (U.S.).
liance established by the signing of the North Atlantic Not under command: Refers to any vessel unable
Treaty on 4 April 1949. Signatories included the to maneuver or keep out of the way of another.
United States and Canada and eight (now expanded NOTAL: USN abbreviation of not to all, indicat-
to 24) European nations. Article 1 expressed the non- ing that the attached message or document may only
aggressive nature of the alliance, while Article 5 dened be seen by authorized eyes.
its military purpose: Nothing off !: Steering command to keep a vessel
[1] The Parties undertake, as set forth in the Char- as close as possible to the wind.
ter of the United Nations, to settle any international NOTMAR: Notice to Mariners.
dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful November: NATO phonetic notation for the let-
means in such a manner that international peace and ter N.
security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain Now hear this!: Traditional USN preliminary to
in their international relations from the threat or use an announcement intended to get the attention of all
of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes hands. The RN equivalent is dye hear there!
of the United Nations. NRT: Net Registered Tonnage.
[5] The Parties agree that an armed attack against NS: Prex designating a nuclear-powered ship.
one or more of them in Europe or North America shall NSC: [1] Naval Supply Corps. [2] National Secu-
be considered an attack against them all and conse- rity Council (both U.S.).
quently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, NSFS: Naval surface re support.
each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or NSRS: NATO Submarine Rescue System.
collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the NSW: Naval Special Warfare.
Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party NSY: Naval Shipyard (USN).
or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individu- NTDS: Navy Tactical Data System (U.S.).
ally and in concert with the other Parties, such action NUC: Navy Unit Commendation.
as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, Nuckelavee: This Scottish sea monster is a slip-
to restore and maintain the security of the North At- pery, skinless, creature with two heads, the smaller
lantic area. one mounted on a hump behind the bigger. When he
North Cape current: An extension of the Norway rises dripping from the grey Scottish waters, they make
current that ows eastward around northern Norway him look like a formless, slimy, decomposing horse
and northeastward into the Barents Sea. with a rider on its back. His corpselike stench and
North Pacic current: Also called North Pacic stinking breath roll like a sea mist onto the land,
drift, this warm ocean current is formed by conjunc- spreading disease and death over sher villages.
tion of the Koroshio and Oyashio currents and ows Nuclear explosion: The rapid release of energy
west-to-east across the North Pacic. from a high-acceleration nuclear reaction, driven by
North Sea Wraith: In this medieval German pre- ssion, fusion, or a multistage cascading combination
cursor of the Flying Dutchman legend, Captain von of the two.
Falkenburg was an inveterate gambler and terrible Nuclear ssion: Although they are tiny, atoms have
blasphemer. One night Satan, disguised as a fellow a large amount of energy holding their nuclei together.
seaman, lured him into a dice game, in which he bet Certain isotopes of some elements can be split and
223 Observation

will release part of their energy as heat. This splitting under his tail, and a mans head which spoke with a
is called ssion, and a series of ssions is called a chain human voice sitting on top of his sh head. Accord-
reaction. The heat released in a self-sustaining chain ing to legend he brought civilization to humankind at
reaction can be used in lieu of other fuels to boil water the beginning of the ages, and since then has risen
and generate steam that turns turbines as a source of from the sea every morning to give any who would
power. listen the benet of his deep wisdom. In the beginning
Nuclear fusion: The process by which multiple he taught humans how to use writing and devise laws;
atomic particles join together to form a heavier nucleus how to develop arts and sciences; how to build boats
accompanied by the release or absorption of energy. and construct cities; how to establish temples; and
This process occurs naturally in stars and has been how to distinguish the seeds of the earth and harvest
used in nuclear weaponry, but has not yet been their fruits. According to Babylonian priest Berossus,
sufciently controlled to be a source of power. From that time to this nothing material has been
Nuclear power: [1] A nation armed with nuclear added by way of improvement to his instructions.
weapons. [2] Power derived from ssion or fusion re- Oar: A long shaft with a handgrip at one end and
actors, usually to produce steam for ship propulsion a broad blade at the other, used as a lever for the man-
or to generate electricity. ual propulsion of small boats or galleys. From Old
Nuclear weapons: There are two basic types of Norse ar.
these infernal devices. [1] Atomic bombs produce Oared boats: The small craft, generically called
explosive energy through nuclear ssion reactions. rowing boats by landlubbers, are differentiated into
[2] Thermonuclear bombs produce energy through several categories by seamen:
nuclear fusion reactions, and can be over a thousand Rowing boats have xed thwarts (seats) and no
times more powerful than ssion bombs. coxswain.
Nugger: A small Nilotic sailboat combining square Pulling boats are similar, except that they are
with lateen rig. steered by a coxswain.
Nugget: USN informal designation of a newcomer Sculling boats are equipped with seats that move.
on their rst cruise. Stern-scullers are propelled by a standing rower
Number: An identication code assigned to both driving a single oar over the stern.
naval ships and merchantmen (see ofcial number and Oarlock: U.S. term for a device which holds oars
hull number). A vessel hoisting the appropriate ags or in place and allows them to pivot while being pulled
otherwise signaling it is said to make her number. (cf. rowlock, thole pin).
Number-in-Grade: A USN register of precedence Oars!: Verbal command for a boats crew to cease
among ofcers of the same rank. The lower the num- rowing and hold their oars horizontally above the
ber the greater the seniority. water with blades feathered. See also boat oars, ship
Number One: RN ofcers colloquialism for the oars toss oars, trail oars.
First Lieutenant (XO) of a warship (cf. Jimmy-the- Oarsman: A person who rows a boat, galley, or
one). other vessel.
Numbered eets: See United States numbered OBFS: Offshore bulk fuel system.
eets. Objective: In military terminology; [1] To dene
Numbers up: See your numbers up. the overall goal of a campaign (e.g., to capture the
Nun buoy: A buoy with a cone-shaped top. enemy capital, or force unconditional surrender).
Nurse: RN lower deck nickname for the rst lieu- [2] To describe the purpose of a given mission (e.g.,
tenant of a ship that is commanded by a captain whom to seize a beachhead, take a hill, reach a river, or res-
the crew considers incompetent or having insufcient cue hostages). [3] In a narrower sense, it refers to a
seagoing experience. specic target for neutralization or destruction.
NWC: Naval War College (U.S.). OBO: Describes a bulker which carries a combina-
NWTS: Navy Warfare Training System (USN). tion of ore, bulk, and oil.
Nyctalopia: See night blindness. Observation: [1] General; the act of measuring
some magnitude with an instrument, such as the time
of an occultation (with a clock); the right ascension of
O a star (with a transit instrument and clock); the suns
altitude, or the distance of the moon from a star (with
O: The fourth classication in Lloyds Register, sig- a sextant); the temperature (with a thermometer); etc.
nifying condition so poor as to barely qualify for ma- [2] Nautical; A celestial sighting, taken in order to
rine insurance coverage. calculate a time or position. [3] The information so ac-
Oakum: Unraveled rope ber, mixed with resin and quired.
pitch, for use in caulking the seams of wooden vessels. Observation balloon: An aerial platform for in-
Oannes: One of the earliest sea-dwelling deities telligence gathering and artillery spotting, consisting
was this ancient Sumerian god, whose head and body of a fabric envelope lled with hydrogen gas, tethered
were entirely sh, but had human feet emerging from by a steel cable attached to a winch that reeled an ob-
Obstacle 224

server to the desired height and down again at the end Ocean Escort : Former USN designation of a
of an observation session. Military observation bal- frigate.
loons rst appeared in 1794 at the Battle of Fleurus, Ocean liner: See Liner (denition 2).
were used in the American Civil War and Franco- Ocean Sea: The ancient Greeks believed that the
Prussian War, reaching their zenith in World War I, river of Oceanus rose in the underworld and owed in
during which naval observation balloons were used to a great circle all around the Earth (to them Europe
spot submarines and direct the re of a battleships and Asia Minor). The name stuck to waters beyond the
main armament. They were also used for anti-sub- Pillars of Hercules (Strait of Gibraltar), and hence
marine work during World War II. Christopher Columbus was named Admiral of the
Obstacle: A chain, boom, sunken vessel, or any Ocean Sea (Atlantic).
other object placed to prevent or hinder an enemy Oceangoing: The legal and marine insurance term
vessels progress. for any vessel designed and equipped for, and nor-
Obstruction: [1] A reef, shoal, wreck, or other ob- mally engaged in, travel on international waters.
ject making it necessary to change course in avoid- Oceanic: Living in, belonging to, produced by, or
ance. [2] Something that impedes a radar beam. Be- pertaining to the oceans.
cause of diffraction there is some illumination behind Oceanic circulation: Ocean waters are restless,
an obstruction, with lower frequency beams tending constantly on the move and affecting not only seafar-
to illuminate more of the shadow region than beams ers, but the climate and living conditions of animal and
of higher frequency or shorter wavelength. plant life all around the globe. Their movement
Obstructor: In naval mine warfare, a device laid which ows in complex patterns dictated by wind,
with the purpose of inhibiting or damaging mechan- salinity, density, temperature, bottom contours, grav-
ical minesweeping equipment. ity (of both earth and moon), and planetary spincan
Occulting light: A beacon alternating a period of be divided into surface currents, upwellings, and deep-
light with a shorter period of darkness. water circulation.
Ocean: [1] The vast, uninterrupted, body of salt Oceanic conveyor belt: A popular name for deep-
water that covers some three-quarters of the earths water circulation.
surface, lling its depressions and surrounding the Oceanic deep: A depression in the sea oor deeper
continents. [2] One of ve geographical regions than 3,000 fathoms. There are deeps in each of the
known as the Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacic, and thirteen oceanic trenches that form the ring of re,
Southern Oceans. See seven seas. and six of them descend below sea level for more than
Ocean acoustics: Refers to the study of sound and 5,000 fathoms (9,144 meters: 30,000 feet). This depth
its behavior in the sea. When underwater objects vi- can be compared to the height of Mount Everest, the
brate, they create a sound wave that alternately com- highest point on Earth, whose summit is 8,848 me-
presses and decompresses the water molecules. The ters (29,029 ft) above sea level. These six are:
speed of the wave is the rate at which the vibrations
Trench name Fathoms Meters Feet
travel through the sea. Because the mechanical prop-
Izu Bonin 5,348 9,780 32,086
erties of the mediums differ, sound moves faster in
Kermadec 5,494 10,047 32,962
water (1500 meters/sec) than in air (about 340 Philippine 5,740 10,497 34,438
meters/sec). It also travels faster in warm water than Kurile 5,764 10,542 34,586
in cold. Sound waves radiate in all directions away Tonga 5,950 10,882 35,702
from the source, like ripples on the surface of a pond, Marianas 5,973 10,924 35,839
and are detected as changes in pressure by the human
ear, as well as by man-made sound receptors such as The hydrostatic pressure at such depths is in the
a hydrophone, or underwater microphone. See also order of 16,000 pounds per square inch (1,125 kg/m2).
oceanic sound channel, sound surveillance system, Oceanic sound channel: Sounds in the sea can
and sound xing and ranging. often be trapped within this channel, which is
Ocean basin: The great depression that covers caused by temperature and pressure differences that
about one-third of the surface of the lithosphere be- allow low-frequency acoustic waves to travel long dis-
yond the continental shelves. It is occupied by the tances without signicant loss of energy. Descending
oceans, and has features, such as abyssal plains, through the epilimnion, temperature drops and the
trenches and seamounts. speed of sound decreases until at the bottom of the
Ocean convoy: A convoy whose course lies gener- thermoclineboth speed and temperature reach their
ally beyond the continental shelf. minimums. This is the axis of the sound channel.
Ocean currents: Continuous river-like movements Below this level, in the hypolimnion, temperature re-
of water that can ow for thousands of kilometers, mains constant, but pressure increases, causing the
determining the climates of the continents, especially speed of sound to rise again. Because acoustic waves
those regions bordering on the ocean. See oceanic cir- tend to refract towards the area of minimum speed, a
culation, surface ocean currents, and subsurface ocean wave will be conned within the sound channel,
currents. bending alternately up and down as it travels.
225 Offshore

The channel lies between 330 and 660 fathoms Odie and Jodie: USN enlisted slang for the OOD
(6001200 feet) below the surface, being deepest near and Junior OOD.
the tropics and moving closer to the surface at high lat- Off and on: Now in general use to mean occasion-
itudes. By placing hydrophones on the axis of the ally, the expression was originally nautical to describe
channel it is possible to detect whale calls, seismic ac- keeping close to the shore by sailing alternately away
tivity, propeller signatures, and other human-made from (off ) and toward (on) it.
noises from far away, sometimes across entire ocean Off duty: Part of the watch below.
basins. This is the principle behind the sound xing Off soundings: In blue water, beyond the 100
and ranging and sound surveillance systems. See also fathom line.
ocean acoustics. Off station: Said of [1] An aid to navigation which
Oceanic trench: A long, narrow depression of the has drifted from its assigned location or been taken
sea oor. The scale of oceanic trenches is hemispheric out of service for repair. [2] A vessel which has left its
and they are also the deepest parts of the ocean oor. position in a formation. [3] A vessel which is away
They dene one of the most important natural bound- from its assigned patrol area.
aries on the Earth, that between two lithospheric Off wind: Any point of sailing away from the wind.
plates. A trench marks the position at which one litho- Ofcer: [1] A person who holds a commission or
spheric slab begins to descend beneath another. warrant in a national armed force. In the United States
Oceanic plates, being made of denser material, sink Navy, ofcers are assigned to one of four communi-
more readily than continental plates. Oceanic litho- ties based on education, training and assignment;
sphere disappears into trenches at a global rate of namely line, staff, limited duty, and commissioned
about a tenth of a square meter per second. See also warrant: Royal Navy ofcers are classied as execu-
oceanic deeps and ring of re. tive, special duties, and warrant. [2] A person certi-
Oceanide: [1] In Greek and Roman mythology, cated to control or navigate a merchantman (see mate).
the Oceanides were the three thousand daughters of [3] Any person exercising rank and authority with-
the Titans Oceanus and Tethys. They controlled all out necessarily holding a certicate, warrant, or com-
sources of fresh-water, from rainclouds to springs. [2] mission (see non-commissioned).
The modern name for a sea nymph in English French, Ofcer candidate: USN term for an enlisted per-
Greek, Portuguese, and Spanish. son training to become a commissioned ofcer. (The
Oceanographer: [1] A practitioner of oceanography. RN term is CW Candidate.)
[2] A scientist who researches ocean life. Ofcer-in-command: See commanding ofcer.
Oceanography: That body of science concerned Ofcer of the day: RN term for the ofcer respon-
with the physical, chemical, biological, and geologi- sible for a naval vessel while in port.
cal properties of the oceans. Ofcer of the deck: USN term for the ofcer re-
Oceanus: This Greek sea-god was lord of the great sponsible for controlling and navigating a naval ves-
river called Ocean, which completely surrounded the sel during a specied watch at sea, or for the vessel
earth, rose in the underworld of Hades, and housed while in port.
sun and moon between their setting and rising. He is Ofcer of the watch: [1] RN term for the ofcer re-
normally depicted as an elderly man with bulls horns sponsible for controlling and navigating a naval ves-
on his head and crabs running around in his hair. The sel during a specied watch at sea. [2] USN term for
concept probably originated with the Sumerians and the senior engineering ofcer on duty.
Egyptians, whose cosmology saw the earth as a raft Ofcers call: Bugle call or voice message instruct-
oating on primeval waters. ing ofcers to go to their stations. Usually sounded
OCS: Ofcer candidate school (U.S.). before all hands is called or piped.
OCTU: Ofcer cadet training unit (Brit.). Ofcial number: As soon as documentation has
Oculi: Eyes painted on the bows of ships. The prac- been completed every merchantman is assigned a
tice began in ancient China, where sh eyes were unique number that serves to identify it irrespective
thought to help the vessel nd its way, while dragon of name and description. This number must be
eyes would scare away evil spirits. In ancient Egypt, the burned, engraved, or otherwise marked on the vessel
bi-colored falcon eyes of Horus on a boats bow were in such a way that alteration, removal, or replacement
assumed to be highly protective, with the white right would be obvious due to hull damage or scarring. Also
eye representing solar and masculine qualities, while hull number.
the black left one stood for the lunar and feminine. To- Ofcial visit: A formal courtesy call to a warship,
gether they exerted the full power of the universe in requiring special honors and greeting ceremonies.
the form of Ra-Herakhty or Horus of the two horizons. Ofng: [1] The more distant part of the visible sea.
The Egyptian custom was adopted by Phoenicia and [2] A safe distance from the shore, towards the hori-
then by classical Greece, becoming so enduring that zon.
the eyes of Horus can still be found on many Mediter- Ofoad: To unload or discharge cargo.
ranean vessels even including some giant cruise ships. Offshore: [1] Located or operating at a distance
OD: Ordinary Seaman. from the shore (e.g., a drilling platform). [2] Near to
Offshore 226

but going away from the shore (e.g., a boat moving off- Near the islands ... we met with a storm ... the cap-
shore). [3] Moving from land towards the sea (e.g., tain found himself obliged for greater safety in wear-
an offshore wind). ing the ship to pour oil into the sea to prevent the
Offshore current: A non-tidal water movement waves breaking over her, which had an excellent ef-
away from the shore, beyond the surf zone and inde- fect and succeeded in preserving us.... The East
pendent of shoal inuence or river discharge (cf. in- India Company owes perhaps its ship to only six
shore current). demi-ames of oil-olive.... (But) we have found peo-
ple here so prejudiced against the experiment as to
Offshore mooring : This technique, also called
make it necessary for the ofcers on board and my-
deepwater mooring, is used by the oil and gas indus- self to give a certicate of the truth on this head.
try to secure mobile drilling platforms and oating
production, storage, and ofoading vessels by attach- There are records of the technique having been suc-
ing them to anchors embedded in the sea bed. The cessfully used at least as recently as World War II, but
mooring system must withstand environmental forces diehard skeptics still deny it would work.
(waves, winds, currents) from all directions to avoid Oilbag: A container which allows oil to drip slowly
movement that could damage subsurface equipment. into the sea. Used in emergencies, especially by small
The there is a wide variety of congurations avail- boats. The oil slick tends to prevent waves breaking
able, but most common is the catenary mooring sys- over the deck. See oil on troubled waters.
tem in which chains and/or wire ropes are allowed to Oiler: A tanker designed to replenish a warships
sag under their own weight to lie on the oor. Some- fuel while underway.
times, kellets are used to supplement the weight of Oilskin: Cotton cloth treated with linseed or other
the lines, at others submersible buoys are used to re- oil for waterproong.
duce the vertical load on the surface vessel. At depths Oilskins: Slang for foul-weather clothing.
greater than 550 fathoms (1000 meters), however, the Oker: A sort of red chalk used by shipwrights to
weight of the line(s) becomes a limiting factor and mark timber when hewing and forming it. Also ocher.
taut leg mooring is preferred. The major difference is Okinawa invasion: In April 1945, the Ryukyu Is-
that the catenary line arrives at the anchor horizontally, land chain was the next target for United States is-
while the taut line comes in at an angle and subjects land-hopping forces. This would move the USNs
the anchor to vertical forces as well as horizontal. Pacic War away from atolls and tropical jungles sep-
Offshore wind: Refers to the movement of air from arated by great ocean expanses, and toward the pop-
land towards the sea. ulation centers and cultivated terraces of Asia.
Oggin: Twentieth century RN lower deck slang for Possession of Okinawastrategically located a mere
the ocean. It is said to be derived from hogwash, 400 miles from Japanwould enable the Allies to cut
though the connection seems hard to make. Japans access to vital sources of raw materials, while
Ogive: Dened in the NASA Aerospace Science & its harbors, anchorages, and airelds could be used to
Technology Dictionary as the nose of a projectile, shaped stage ships, troops, aircraft, and supplies for the an-
by rotating a circular arc about an axis that intersects that ticipated amphibious assault on the Japanese homeland.
arc. The most common shape is the tangent ogive, Code-named Operation Iceberg, Okinawa was the
which has the outline of a Gothic arch, with its center last, largest, and bloodiest amphibious operation of
of rotation in the plane of the base, thereby blending the Pacic War. Admiral Raymond A. Spruances 5th
tangentially (smoothly) into the body contour. Other eet which included the British Pacic Fleet (see
shapes include the secant ogive, where the center of ro- Royal Navy) was the greatest naval armada ever as-
tation lies abaft of the plane of the base and hence joins sembled. Some 1,400 vessels included more than 40
the body contour at an angle, and the parabolic ogive, aircraft carriers, 18 battleships, 200 destroyers, hun-
which is similar to the tangential form except that it is dreds of assorted support ships, and 365 amphibious
generated by a parabola rather than a circle. vessels. More troops were put ashore, more supplies
OHMS: On Her/His Majestys Service (Brit.). transported, more bombs dropped, and more naval
OIC: Ofcer in charge (or command). guns red against shore targets than in any other op-
Oil canning: The snapping in-and-out of a thin eration in the Pacic.
plating in heavy seas. Various combinations of beams, Ground combat: On 1st April 1945 two Marine
frames, and stringers may be installed to counteract and two Army divisions landed with little opposi-
this phenomenon which is also known as panting. tion. In an attempt to negate overwhelming Amer-
Oil on troubled waters: This term for calming a ican air and re power, the Japanese had chosen
difcult situation refers to a disputed remedy for not to contest the beaches in favor of defense in
smoothing a rough sea, going back to at least the rst depth from prepared positions in caves and tunnels
century when Plutarch wrote Why does pouring oil on the high ground inland. Naval gunre and air
on the sea make it clear and calm? Is it that the winds, bombardment were generally ineffective against
slipping over the smooth oil, have no force nor cause these entrenchments leaving the troops to pit ex-
any waves? More recently, on 5th January 1770, a plosives and amethrowers against determined
Mr. Tengnagel of Batavia reported: pockets of resistance.
227 On

Monsoon rains turned contested slopes into a like a vise. When at last he had grown tired of his
muddy morass that mired troops in a noxious stew magic repertory, he broke into speech and began
of maggots feasting on unburied Japanese bodies. asking me questions.... I answered, Tell me ... how I
Casualties totaled more than 38,000 Americans can get home across the playgrounds of the sh.
wounded and 12,000 killed or missing, more than Hesiods Theogony, also written in the 8th century
107,000 Japanese and Okinawan conscripts killed. BCE, relates virtually the same story, except that the
Perhaps 100,000 civilians perished, many by sui- Old Man is there identied as Heracles. The tale crops
cide. The battle ended on 7th September but, long up yet again in the fteenth century Thousand-and-
before the ring stopped, engineers and Seabee con- one Arabian Nights where the Old Man is called by his
struction battalions, following close on the heels of Arabic name of Sheik-al-Bahr (chieftain of the sea).
the combat forces, were transforming the island Old Salt: Colloquialism describing a very experi-
into a major base for the projected invasion of the enced, retired, or elderly sailor.
Japanese homeland. Oldster: Formerly described a midshipman with
The Naval battle : Delay in securing the island more than four years seniority who had failed to pass
caused consternation among naval commanders the lieutenants examination. Oldsters messed with
since the eet was exposed to potential surface at- warrant ofcers rather than in the gunroom with
tack and heavy air bombardment. In fact, the Japa- youngsters.
nese high command did launch Operation Ten- Oleron: See Rles de Olron.
Go, a combined air-sea suicide mission. Almost On beam ends: Refers to a ship that has heeled so
1,500 kamikaze ights sank 30 American ships and far over that the beams supporting its decks and ats
damaged 164 others. Simultaneously, super-bat- are almost vertical. This is a dangerous situation from
tleship Yamato, accompanied by a cruiser and eight which there may be no recovery. The term has en-
destroyers, was dispatched with orders to beach her- tered common parlance to mean being in dire nan-
self at Okinawa and ght until eliminated. She cial straits without further resources.
never got there. Intercepted by Vice Admiral Marc On board: Anywhere in or on the vessel.
Mitschers carrier-launched air strikes, and with no On consignment : Goods consigned to a agent
protective air cover, she took twelve bombs and with title held by the consignor until the goods are
seven torpedoes before blowing up and sinking on sold.
7th April 1945. The cruiser Yahagi was also sunk, On course: Heading in the desired direction.
three destroyers were so badly damaged they had On deck : [1] Outside, as opposed to below.
to be scuttled, and the four remaining destroyers [2] Awake and on duty, not abed or resting.
could not return to Japan. There were few survivors On report: Facing a disciplinary charge, mast, or
from this last Japanese naval action of the war. table.
Old horse: Tough, stale salt beef. On soundings: In water shallow enough to be
Old Ironsides: See USS Constitution. sounded by a standard 100-fathom deep sea lead. Also
Old Man: Popular term, combining affection with in soundings.
a hint of disrespect, for the master of a merchantman On station: Said of [1] An aid to navigation that is
or captain of a warship, used regardless of age or gen- at its assigned location. [2] A vessel that is at its proper
der. Less frequently, a ag ofcer is referred to as Old position in a formation. [3] A warship that is in its
Gentleman. Neither term is used face-to-face. patrol area or at its assigned base.
Old Man of the Sea: In Greek mythology the Old On the: Prex describing where something lies rel-
Man of the Sea, often called The Ancient, is usually ative to the vessel [1] On the bow = dead ahead. [2] On
identied as the minor deity Proteus, although Nerus the port (or starboard) bow = ahead and off to one
and Pontus have also been suggested. The old mans side. [3] On the beam = at right angles to the ship.
shape-changing capability is illustrated in Homers [4] On the port (or starboard) quarter = behind and
Odyssey after Odysseus and his crew are marooned off to one side.
on an island off Egypt, they disguise themselves as On the account: This term for getting something
seals in order to extract information from him: on credit had a special meaning during the Golden
Age of piracy. In that era, journeymen ashore were
At midday the old man himself emerged, found his frequently not paid until the job was done, with their
fat seals already there, and went the rounds to make wages being held on account. Articles of piratical
his count. Entirely unsuspicious of the fraud, he in-
service usually followed a similar principle, specifying
cluded us as the rst four of his ock. When he had
done he lay down to sleep. Then with a shout, we no prey, no pay or no purchase, no pay. Purchase
leapt upon him and ung our arms round his back. was their term for loot, so both phrases meant they
But the old mans skill and cunning had not deserted would receive no return from their labor until they
him. He began by turning into a bearded lion and took a prize. Even after making a capture their shares
then into a snake, and after that a panther and a of the booty would be credited to an account until
giant boar. He changed into running water too and a settlement time. Eventually, going on the account be-
great tree in leaf. But we set our teeth and held him came a slang term for engaging in piracy.
On 228

On the beach: [1] A seaman who is unemployed Open coast: A littoral with few harbors or anchor-
or retired. [2] One who has temporarily gone ashore. ages.
On the beam: Positioned at right angles to the ship. Open list muster: One of the pursers more prot-
Also abeam. able enterprises was to issue pay tickets to non-exis-
On the bow: [1] When qualied by port or star- tent crew members, then sell them to moneylenders at
board, positioned somewhere between straight ahead a discount. This practice eventually led to open list
and four points to the side indicated: (i.e., between rel- musters, held quarterly at random, during which each
ative bearings 45 and 315). [2] When not so quali- crew member reported name, rank or rating, and
ed, straight ahead (but seldom used, the term dead shipboard duty directly to the captain, who checked
ahead being preferred). them against the pursers pay records.
On the double!: Command to do something Open order column: USN term for a line-ahead
quickly or move rapidly (also at the double). formation in which odd-numbered ships are staggered
On the line: Said of [1] Naval aircraft spotted ready a few degrees to the right, and even-numbered ships
for launching. [2] Engines or boilers currently in op- to the left.
eration. [3] A person or location connected to a com- Open port: [1] A seaport without regulations gov-
munication circuit. erning the health of passengers or crew. [2] One that
On the quarter: When qualied by port or star- is almost never closed by winter ice. [3] One exposed
board, positioned somewhere between four points on to the open sea. [4] A scuttle that is not closed.
either side of dead astern (i.e., between relative bear- Open registry: Said of a vessel under a ag of con-
ings 135 and 225). venience.
On the rocks: [1] To have run aground on a stony Open roadstead: A hazardous anchorage, offering
bottom. [2] Colloquially, to be short of money. [3] to little protection from wind and wave.
serve undiluted liquor on ice. Open sea: [1] The sea beyond territorial jurisdic-
On the ship: In the Royal and U.S. navies, and the tion. [2] Any expanse of water not partially enclosed
British Merchant Navy one sails and lives in a ship. by headlands or barrier islands.
In the American Merchant Marine and civilian con- Open spaces: Enclosed areas above the upper deck
versation on is the preferred term. which are not tted with doors or other means of clo-
On the skids: Before the invention of davits, ships sure.
boats were launched on beams known as skids (from Open water: [1] See open sea. [2] An sea area where
the Scandinavian skith), following a downward path ice covers less than 12.5 percent (one-eighth) of the
to the water. Hence the analogy that a person on the surface.
downward path to ruin, poverty, or depravity is on Operation: A military action or mission. May be
the skids. offensive or defensive, and dened as tactical, strate-
On the ways: Out of the water for repair or stor- gic, covert, logistic, or training.
age on a slipway. Operations Ofcer: [1] In the USN, the ofcer re-
On the wind: Close-hauled. sponsible for collecting, analyzing and disseminating
One good turn deserves another: The current operational and combat information (the RN equiv-
meaning of this phrase, that a kindness should be re- alent is Principal Warfare Ofcer). [2] In the RN, the
ciprocated, has moved a long way from its original use ships operational planner, responsible to the captain
by seamen, who found it wise to take a second turn for the program of the ship.
around the bitts when the object being secured was Operations Room: RN term for the tactical con-
especially valuable. trol center of a warship, from where warfare opera-
ONI: Ofce of Naval Intelligence (U.S.). tions and exercises are conducted, combining the
Onshore: [1] Towards the shore (e.g., an onshore functions of the USN Combat Information Center,
wind). [2] On dry land. and the former RN Gun Direction Room (now Com-
OOB: Order of battle. bat Engagement Centre).
OOD: Ofcer of the deck (or day). OPK: Oceanic Peacekeeping.
OOS: Out of service. OPNAV: Collective term for the CNOs staff at the
OOTW: Operations other than war. Pentagon (USN).
OOW: Ofcer of the watch. Oppignoration: Obsolete term for pawning part of
Ooze: Soft and slimy marine sediment, consisting a cargo in order to raise funds for the payment of duty
mainly of the shells of small organisms, offering poor on the remainder.
holding ground for an anchor. Opposite Number: [1] The person having the same
Opanova: The acronym for a hypothetical Orga- station and duties as oneself but in a different watch.
nization of People Ascribing Nautical Origins to Vir- [2] Ofcers (national or foreign) having correspon-
tually Anything. ding duty assignments within their respective mili-
Open berth: A place to moor or anchor within an tary services or establishments: (3) RN slang for a
unprotected roadstead. close friend (usually abbreviated to oppo).
Open boat: Any small undecked craft. OPREP: Operational Report.
229 Over

OPS: Operations. end and by a oat at the outer end. Named after HMS
Optical ber systems: See ber optics. Oropesa which developed the technique.
Optical Landing System: A gyrostabilized ship- ORP: Ocean reception point.
board device which informs an approaching aircraft of Orthomorphic projection: A map projection in
deviation from the proper glide path for landing. See which the scale, although varying throughout, is the
mirror landing aid. same in all directions at any point, so that very small
Optical mine hunting : In naval mine warfare, areas are represented by correct shape and bearings are
the use of a towed television camera (or a human accurate locally.
diver) to detect and classify mine-like objects on the Oscar: [1] The NATO phonetic notation for the
sea bed. letter O. [2] A single Oscar ag is the signal for per-
Optimum height: In naval gunnery, the altitude son overboard. [3] Nickname for the dummy used in
at which an airburst will produce the greatest damage man overboard drills.
to a given target. Oscillating mine: In naval mine warfare, a hydro-
Optional Cargo: A bill of lading term that allows statically-controlled mine which maintains its preset
the shipper or consignee discretion to decide the port distance below the surface irrespective of the rise and
at which cargo will be delivered, provided 24 hours fall of tides.
notice is given. OTC: Ofcers Training Corps (Brit.). See ROTC.
Oramby: Malaccan state barge propelled by 50 to OTH: Over the horizon.
100 paddlers. Other than honorable: One of ve USN discharge
Order: Technically an instruction to do something classications, applicable to personnel separated for
which, unlike a command, does not require instanta- misconduct or security reasons that are too minor to
neous compliance. In practice, however, if a recalci- deserve a bad conduct discharge. See also honorable
trant sailor seems unwilling to respond, the ofcer will discharge, general discharge, and dishonorable dis-
probably say That is an order rather than That is charge.
a command. Otter: [1] A minesweeping device which keeps the
Order of battle: The composition, arrangement, sweep wire extended laterally. [2] A similar device
disposition, and command structure of a military or used to hold open the mouth of a shing trawl.
naval force. Outboard: Towards or beyond the side of a vessel.
Order-book: A written record of the instructions Outchop: USN term for leaving one eet or area
issued by a ag or other senior ofcer. of operational control for another. Cf. inchop.
Orderly: An ofcers messenger or personal atten- Outer Space: [1] Beyond the Earths atmosphere.
dant. [3] The lowest altitude above sea level at which satel-
Ordinances or Usages of the Sea: A set of laws lites can orbit the Earth (approximately 100 km or
promulgated by Richard Lionheart to his Crusader 62.1 miles).
eet in 1190. (One of his draconian rules will be found Outt: To provide a vessel with the supplies and
under Tarring, others under Punishment.) equipage needed for its operation.
Ordinary: See In Ordinary. Outfoot: To move faster than another vessel.
Ordinary Seaman (OD): One not rated as Able Outhaul: [1] A line used to haul the clew of a sail
(procient). Today, the OD is the humblest of a mer- toward the end of a boom. [2] A line used to pull
chantmans deck crew and may be called upon to do something away from the person hauling.
any task that does not require the expertise of an AB. Outpoint: To sail closer to the wind than another
For example, chipping and scaling paint, standing vessel on the same tack.
lookout, handling mooring lines, taking a trick at the Outrigger: [1] A spar-mounted pontoon running
wheel, cleaning the heads, or waking ofcers due to go parallel to the hull of a small boat to give it stability
on watch. Thanks to rate ination this rating no on the leeward side. [2] A bracket extending the oar-
longer exists in the Royal or U.S. Navies. lock of a racing shell. [3] A exible pole at the stern
Ordnance: Collective term for heavy weaponry and of a shing boat to hold lines clear of the wake when
munitions. See Board of Ordnance and Bureau of trolling. [4] Timber used to reinforce rigging when a
Ordnance. ship is careened. [5] A projecting beam to support a
Originator: Communications term for the author- tackle. [6] A spar used to extend a sail.
ity initiating a message. Outrow/outsail: To row or sail faster than another
Orlop: The lowest deck above the beams of the boat.
hold in a four-decked sailing warship. Being well Outside: Passenger liner term describing a cabin
below the waterline it was used to store ammunition with a port or window overlooking the sea.
and became a surgery during combat. From the Dutch Over a barrel: This term meaning unable to move,
overloop = running above. or being in an embarrassing situation, originated when
Oropesa: In naval mine warfare, a single-ship an offender would be spreadeagled over the barrel of
sweep in which lateral displacement is caused by an a gun for punishment (see ogging and marry the gun-
otter, and depth is controlled by a kite at the inboard ners daughter).
Over-the-hill 230

Over-the-hill: Slang, said of [1] A deserter; [2] An partially-qualied men might be left alive to ll im-
elderly person. portant vacancies. A seaman promoted beyond his
Over-the-horizon: Said of a radar system that uses skill or capability was said to be over-rated. Similarly,
the phenomena of atmospheric reection and refrac- one who was qualied for promotion was under-rated.
tion to extend its range of detection beyond the visi- Both terms are now in common use to signify being
ble line of sight. valued too highly or not highly enough.
Overbear: To have the advantage over another sail- Overrigged: Having heavier rigging than is nec-
ing vessel by being able to carry more canvas in any essary or desirable.
given wind. Overrisen: Former description of a ship which
Overboard: Over the side and into the water. Lit- rides too high above the water for her length and
erally, over the board (of the gunwale). breadth, making her prone to lurching and rolling.
Overcanvassed: Carrying too much sail for ef- The 80-gun British three-deckers of the Napoleonic
cient ship handling. Wars suffered from this defect.
Overcarried: Cargo inadvertently taken beyond its Overseas cap: See garrison cap.
destination, possibly due to overstowage. Overset: An early term for capsize.
Overfall: Dangerously steep breaking waves, due to Overstow: To load cargo inefciently so that goods
opposing currents in shallow waters. to be unloaded later are placed on top of those sched-
Overhang : The area of bow or stern projecting uled to be off earlier, possibly resulting in overcarriage.
above and beyond the perpendicular. Overt: Said of intelligence activity which is open
Overhatted: Carrying too many spars or over- with no attempt at concealment. The opposite of covert.
masted. Overtaking vessel: Dened under the Navigation
Overhaul: [1] Nautical term for overtake. [2] To Rules as a ship overhauling another from more than
repair something and return it to service. [3] To sep- two points abaft the beam.
arate the blocks of a tackle. [4] To slacken a rope by Overwhelm: [1] Colloquially, to overpower by
pulling in the opposite direction to that in which it was emotion or to crush something. [2] In its original nau-
drawn taut. [5] USN reghting term for the phase in tical sense the term referred to a vessel being swamped
which all remaining traces of re are located and ex- by onrushing and breaking seas. From Old English
tinguished. ofer = over, plus hwylfan = submerge or capsize.
Overhead: American term for an interior ceiling Owler: An old term for a smuggler who works by
in a ship (cf. Deckhead). night.
Overlay: [1] A transparent sheet placed over a chart Owner: [1] The proprietor of a ship. [2] Slang for
to superimpose special information. [2] The number its captain or master. [3] A person who has title (legal
of days for which demurrage can be charged. right of possession) to goods or property.
Overloading: Until the late nineteenth century Oyashio Current: A cold ocean current that ows
ships could be (and often were) laden until their decks counterclockwise from the Arctic Ocean, through the
were almost awash. Shipwrecks and crew losses be- Bering Sea, to merge with the Japan stream (kuroshio)
came endemic, but any seaman who signed articles and form the North Pacic current.
had to sail or risk being named a deserter and arrested.
In 1856, an inspector of prisons reported that three-
quarters of the inmates of jails in south-western En-
gland were sailors, imprisoned for twelve weeks for
refusing to sail in ships they considered unseaworthy. P: Priority. Military/diplomatic communications
A decade later, four entire crews were jailed in suc- precedence level above Routine and below Immediate.
cession for refusing to sail in a decrepit old tub named PA: Position approximate. Chart notation indicat-
Harkaway. She nally set sail for the West Indies, ing that the position of a wreck, shoal, or other haz-
manned by a fth crew, but still hazardously over- ard has not been accurately determined.
loaded. Shipowners strongly resisted all attempts at Pacic and Indian Oceans Shipping Working
regulation, and it was not until 1876 British vessels Group: A forum in which participating nations dis-
were legally required to indicate their safe laden draft. cuss and reach consensus on how Naval Co-operation
(See load lines, plimsoll mark.) and Guidance for Shipping doctrine and procedures
Overlord: Code-name for the Normandy invasion can be applied and exercised in the Pacic and Indian
that began on June 6, 1944, commonly known as Oceans. In 2008, participants include: Australia,
D-Day. (See also crossword coincidence.) Canada, Chile, Republic of Korea, United Kingdom,
Overmasted: Having masts that are too long or United States of America, and South Africa.
too heavy for the ship. Pacic Ocean: The worlds largest geographic fea-
Over-rated: A seaman who has been given a rate for ture, and the largest of ve divisions of the World
which his skill or temperament is unsuitable. Cap- Ocean, covering about 32 percent of the Earths sur-
tains had the power to rate their own men and some- face, making up nearly half of the area covered by the
times after a battle or epidemic, for instance only earths oceans. It is larger than all land areas combined.
231 Paixhan

It extends from the Arctic in the north to Antarctica Pack: Term sometimes used for a group of sub-
in the south, and is bounded by Asia and Australia to marines hunting together (see wolfpack).
the west and the Americas in the east. It is nominally Pack ice: Floating ice cover found in polar regions.
divided by the equator into the North and South Driven by winds and ocean currents, ice fragments of
Pacic Oceans. Volcanic arcs and oceanic trenches varying size and age are squeezed together across the
partly encircling the Pacic Basin form the so-called sea surface, leaving little or no open water. At maxi-
Ring of Fire, a zone of frequent earthquakes and mum expansion during winter, pack ice covers about
volcanic eruptions. The name (which it seldom de- ve percent of Arctic waters and about eight percent
serves) is derived from the Latin for peaceful, be- of Antarctic waters. See also drift ice, fast ice, ice pack.
stowed upon it by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Packet: A small vessel carrying mail, passengers
Magellan. and freight on a regularly-scheduled xed route.
Pacic War: This brutal conict of World War II (From the French paquet = parcel.) Also packet-boat
included all ve carrier-versus-carrier battles ever (re-translated to French as paquebot).
fought, the largest surface battle in history; the rst PACOM: Pacic Command (USN).
battle in which opposing surface forces never saw each Padding: Communications term for meaningless
other, and the greatest ever series of night encoun- words or phrases inserted in a message to confuse
ters. It also saw a record number of amphibious op- enemy codebreakers by concealing its beginning, end-
erations, although even Okinawa, the largest, was ing, and length. An infamous example during the
smaller than Husky, Overlord, or Torch in the Euro- 1944 Battle of Leyte Gulf read (with padding itali-
pean theater. cized and in parentheses) (Turkey trots to water GG)
The War began on 7th July 1937 when the Empire Where is rpt where is Task Force thirty-four (RR the
of Japan invaded China, and intensied after 7th De- world wonders). The decrypting ofcer removed the
cember 1941 when, to secure much needed resources, padding before GG but left that after RR, upset-
Japanese forces mounted simultaneous assaults on Eu- ting Admiral Halsey who assumed his command de-
ropean and United States Asian and Pacic bases. The cision to pursue enemy carriers was being criticized.
rst and most famous of these was a dawn attack Paddle: [1] A short oar, used without a rowlock,
against American bases on Oahu, Hawaii (see Pearl usually held with both hands and moved in a more-
Harbor) executed with clock-like precision by the or-less vertical arc. [2] To use such an oar to propel a
cream of Japans lite naval aviation. This sneak at- canoe, boat, or raft. [3] The blade, oat, or bunket of
tack without declaration of war united public opin- a paddle wheel.
ion in ways that the U.S. government could never have Paddle beams: Two large timbers projecting over
achieved, or Japanese planners could have anticipated, the side of a steamer, between which the paddle wheel
virtually guaranteeing ruthless counter-attacks with rotates.
no possibility of negotiated settlement. Paddle box: A wooden frame enclosing one of the
Having occupied most of Southeast Asia and the wheels of a paddle-steamer.
Dutch East Indies, Japan advanced against the cru- Paddle-steamer: A steam-powered vessel propelled
cial Australian position at Port Moresby in New by paddle wheels. Those with a single wheel at the
Guinea, and planned to seize the U.S. atoll of Midway. back are called sternwheelers, those with one on either
While offensive in appearance, these moves were ac- side are sidewheelers.
tually defensive, intended to establish a perimeter that Paddle wheel: An engine-driven wheel for propel-
the Allies would nd impregnable. Both were repulsed ling a vessel by the action of paddles (known as blades,
by the naval air battles of Coral Sea and Midway, after oats or bunkets) spaced around its circumference;
which the initiative shifted to the Allies. They adopted the bottom 25 percent or so of the paddles enter the
a triple-pronged strategy: water more-or-less vertically to give forward thrust.
United States and Australian ground forces would Padre: Slang for a chaplain (Latin for father).
advance through the Solomon Islands and New Paduan: A small Malayan pirate vessel usually
Guinea toward the Philippines. armed with a pair of cannon.
The U.S. Navy would island-hop across the cen- Paint: [1] To coat or cover something with a pro-
tral Pacic towards Japan itself. tective or colorful liquid. [2] To illuminate or track a
British forces would halt the advance on India, then target with radar.
pursue the enemy into Burma. Painted ports: See dummy ports.
The American naval achievement was prodigious: Painter: A short line attached to the bow of a small
a sweep across thousands of miles of ocean from Coral boat for towing or making fast.
Sea to East China Sea, with forces that made every Paixhan gun: The forerunner of the Dahlgren gun,
previous important naval campaign seem puny and developed by French General Henri-Joseph Paixhans
insignicant. In August 1945, the nuclear bombard- about 1825 for the horizontal ring of heavy shells.
ment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended World War II The invention has also been attributed to Colonel
before an even more ambitious amphibious assault on George Bomford, the U.S. Armys chief of ordnance,
the Japanese homeland had to be mounted. 182142.
Pakistan 232

Pakistan Navy: The early history of this maritime Panel: A group of ofcers, selected by the conven-
force is identical to that of the Indian Navy. Then, ing authority in U.S. practice, or randomly from the
with independence and partition in 1947, the exist- list of ofcers in British armed forces, to serve (essen-
ing RIN eet was divided the between the two new tially) as the Jury at a court-martial.
countries and the Royal Pakistan Navy was born. In Panic party: See Q-ship.
1956 an Islamic Republic was proclaimed and the Pan-Pan: Alert that the following radio voice mes-
prex Royal was dropped. sage should be given priority as it concerns matters of
Palermo Protocol: These United Nations Rules to safety which, however, do not involve immediate dan-
Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafcking in Persons ger to ship or crew (for which Mayday or Scurit
Especially Women and Children, which were adopted should be used). From the French panne = breakdown.
in November 2000, are supplementary to the United Panting: Describes [1] The in-and-out pulsation
Nations Convention against Transnational Organized of a ships plating which occurs in heavy weather (also
Crime. oil canning). [2] The noise made by a boiler starved
Pallet: A portable platform used to move goods, of oxygen for combustion.
usually by fork-lift truck. Pantry: [1] USN term for the galley in which
Palm: [1] Flattened end of an anchor arm or inner ofcers meals are prepared. [2] RN term for the area
face of its uke. [2] A stiff rawhide or metal device from which meals are served.
serving as a sailmakers thimble. [3] Blade of an oar. Panzerschiffe: This was the Nazi-German designa-
[4] The at surface at the end of a strut or stanchion. tion of the warship commonly known in English as a
PALS: Precision approach landing system (see deck pocket battleship. The word translates as armor-
landing modes). ship, and had been used by the Imperial Austrian
Pamban: A Vietnamese dugout canoe, made from Navy as early as the 1866 Battle of Lissa.
a single tree and propelled by about twenty paddlers. Papa: NATO phonetic notation for the letter P.
Pan: In the heat of battle, it was too difcult to re Paper Jack: U.S. merchant marine derogatory slang
a primitive hand gonne by using one hand to apply for a master advanced by favoritism rather than for
a lighted match to the open touch hole in the gun professional ability.
barrel while trying to hold the gun steady with the Parachute: [1] A soft fabric dome-shaped device
other. To solve the problem, the touch hole was moved used to slow the descent of a person or object, usually
to the side of the barrel, and a cup called the ash from an aircraft. [2] To use such a device. [3] A semi-
pan or priming pan was placed next to it to hold a rigid wing, that is maneuverable to facilitate a con-
small priming charge of gunpowder. This was pro- trolled descent (skydiving). From the French para =
tected from wind and rain by a closable lid. When the protect and chute = fall.
powder in the pan was ignited, the ash traveled Parachute anchor: See drogue, sea anchor.
through the touch hole to ignite the main charge of Parachute are: A pyrotechnic device attached to
propellant inside the barrel, thereby ring the gun. a parachute. Used to provide intense illumination for
Panama Canal: An articial waterway crossing the a short period.
Isthmus of Panama, connecting the Caribbean Sea Parade: [1] A military assembly for inspection or
with the Pacic Ocean, and providing a much shorter display. [2] That section of a USN warships deck
route than sailing around Cape Horn. It consists of where divisions muster for inspections.
dredged approaches, articially created lakes, excavated Parallax : The error which can result from not
channels, and three sets of locks at each end. On the viewing an instrument directly from its front, due to
Atlantic side, they form continuous steps, but small separation of the indicator (needle) from the scale
Lake Miraores separates the middle and upper locks being read.
on the Pacic side. Line handlers attach steel mooring Parallel: An imaginary east-west circle on the
cables, controlled by powerful electric locomotives earths surface running parallel to the equator. The
(called mules) which guide ships through the locks latitudinal equivalent of a longitudinal meridian.
and steady them as the chambers ll with water. Built Parametric roll: A large movement generated in
by the United States between 1904 and 1914, the moun- head-on or stern-on sea conditions. Its period is about
tainous terrain of central Panama posed major engi- half the natural roll period and occurs in phase with
neering challenges, such as damming a major river and large pitch angle. This relatively new phenomenon is
cutting through a mountain ridge. See also Panamax. caused by the wide beams and ared bows of post
Panamax: Describes a vessel whose maximum di- Panamax container ships. When the bow is down due
mensions just allow it to transit the Panama Canal. to moderate pitching and there is a slight roll, the
(32.3 m wide, 294.1 m long, and 12 m draft). Pro- large are can be abruptly immersed in a wave crest.
posed Canal expansion includes installing new locks The restoring buoyancy force, coupled with the wave
and widening the Culebra Cut to accommodate post- excitation force, pushes the ship to one side. Similar
panamax and capesize vessels. action happens on the other side when the bow pitches
Pancake ice: Small circular sheets of newly-formed down in the next cycle.
ice which do not impede navigation. The effect is unpredictable when multiple waves
233 Passenger

and swells are coming from different directions, and point to the rst mobile block; the running part or
even moderately high waves can reach the critical thresh- fall passes over the sheaves, and the leading part lies be-
old for any specic hull design, especially in head/stern yond the tackle and is the section that is hauled.
or near head/stern conditions. Maximum roll always Particulates: Solid contaminants, especially in
occurs when the bow is pitched down, and unusually fuel.
large roll angles can be quickly generated, oscillating Parting strop: A strop joining two hawsers and
rapidly with about half the ships natural roll period. slightly weaker than both. Under excess strain it will
The roll can increase unexpectedly, from minimal break before either of the hawsers is damaged.
to over 30 degrees in just a few cycles. leaving little Partition: A non-structural bulkhead subdividing
time for corrective action (changing the heading to a main compartment.
beam seas is the quickest). Violent parametric rolls Partizan: [1] A pike with a long, tapering, serrated,
have caused hundreds of containers to break their con- double-edged blade. [2] A guerrilla ghter in an or-
straints and be damaged or slide overboard. ganized civilian force ghting covertly to drive out an
Pararaft: A parachute-supported life raft provided occupying force. [3] A person who strongly supports
to naval aviators. a specic cause, party, or person, often unreasonably
Parasitic drag: Refers to the resistance of a uid to or emotionally. Also partisan.
movement of an object (such as a ship) through it. Party: A group assembled for a specic task (e.g.,
This occurs in four principal ways known as eddy-re- repair party, working party).
sistance, prole-drag, skin-friction, and wave-resist- Pass: [1] To throw or project a line. [2] To lead a line
ance. through a block or fairlead. [4] Generally, any navi-
Paravane: A single or one of a pair of torpedo- gable channel [3] Specically, a narrow passage
shaped devices streamed at the end of long cutting through a reef.
wires on either side of a minesweeper or other vessel Pass down the line: [1] To successively repeat a
at a depth regulated by attached vanes. The cutting signal from the agship when other vessels in the for-
wires sever the tethers of moored mines, cutting them mation are out of visual contact. [2] In the USN a
adrift to surface and be destroyed by gunre. PDL book is kept by each watch station to ensure
Parbuckle: A sling made from the bights of two that subsequent watchkeepers are aware of previously-
ropes and used to move or raise casks or other cylin- issued instructions.
drical objects. Pass the buck: See Buck.
Parcel: [1] To wrap a rope with heavy cloth to pre- Pass the word!: Command to relay a message or
vent chang or to provide a smooth surface for serv- instruction to persons who might have been unable
ing. The latter is the second of a three-stage process to hear an original announcement.
exemplied in the old sailors rhyme Worm and par- Passage: [1] A voyage from one point to another
cel with the lay. Then turn and serve the other way. by sea or air, often including the return trip. [2] The
[2] To lay a narrow piece of canvas over a freshly- route or course followed. [3] A navigable channel or
caulked seam and seal it with hot pitch or tar. pass. [4] Permission to travel through territorial wa-
Pardon my rig: It is customary in RN wardrooms ters (right of passage). [5] The purchased right of con-
for ofcers to wear uniform unless going immediately veyance as a passenger.
ashore or just returned aboard. If planning to remain Passageway: USN term for a ships interior corri-
on board in plain clothes it is proper for the ofcer dor (cf. alleyway).
concerned to say Pardon my rig, Sir/Maam to the Passed: Having successfully taken an examination
senior uniformed ofcer present, even if the latter is of for an appointment or promotion.
junior rank. Passed Midshipman: Formerly referred to a mid-
Parish-rigged: 18th century English term for a ship shipman who had successfully completed the lieuten-
which had been cheaply and meagerly outtted. ants examination and was awaiting a vacancy (in ef-
Parking harness: Device preventing accidental ac- fect, an Acting Sub-Lieutenant without the title).
tivation of the controls of a parked aircraft. Such an ofcer could be appointed to command a
Parole: The word of honor or written promise of prize or tender, but many chose to be rated Masters
a prisoner-of-war not to attempt escape or take up Mate instead.
arms again. Usually given in return for release from Passenger: [1] One who pays for and takes passage
close connement. aboard a ship or other form of conveyance. [2] One
Parrel: A band of rope or an iron collar by which who works on a ship in return for unpaid passage.
a yard is fastened to its mast, so as to slide freely up Passenger liner: A passenger ship carrying goods,
or down. mail, and people on a regularly scheduled route be-
Parrot: The transponder of an IFF (Identication tween standard destinations.
Friend or Foe) system. Passenger mile: [1] One passenger transported over
Part: [1] To break (e.g., the line parted). [2] One one nautical mile. [2] A measure of trafc economics
of three divisions or segments of a line rove through calculated by multiplying the number of revenue-pay-
a tackle. The standing part extends from the xed ing passengers by the distance traveled.
Passenger 234

Passenger ship: A vessel licensed to carry more the log-chip and line. The original version, patented
than twelve passengers (six in some jurisdictions). by Connecticut Captain Truman Hotchkiss in 1864,
Passenger space: An area required to be set aside replaced the chip with a nned torpedo-shaped rota-
for the accommodation, safety, and convenience of tor or spinner which was streamed at the end of a log-
each permitted passenger. It cannot legally be used line the other end of which was attached to a register
for mail, cargo or other goods. showing either speed or distance traveled. Some ver-
Passing from behind: In the USN, a fast-walking sions use electronic sensors to indicate the vessels
junior overtaking a senior from behind is required to speed. The line of a patent log did not need to be
ask By your leave sir (maam)? and receive the reply knotted, but was braided to prevent the rotation from
very well or permission granted before passing. In unlaying it or twisting it into knots. This type of de-
the RN the question used to be May I cross your vice was superseded rst by the pitot tube and later by
bows sir (maam)? with the response being carry on global positioning systems.
but that tradition seems to be dying out. Pathnder: An experienced aircraft crew which
Passing honors: When warships of the same or leads a strike formation to a target, release point, or
foreign navies pass one another, or when a boat car- drop zone.
rying an important dignitary passes by, it is custom- Patrimonial sea: This term, which originated with
ary for all on deck to respond to piped commands in the Santo Domingo Conference of 1972, is frequently
small ships or bugle commands in bigger ones, by used by Caribbean countries to reference exclusive
coming to attention and facing outboard toward the economic and/or shing zones, but is seldom used
passing vessel. In the USN, all personnel on deck elsewhere.
salute; but in the RN, only the Ofcer of the Watch, Patriotic songs: In the late 18th and early 19th cen-
or Captain (if present) renders that honor. See also turies, the rise of industrialized warfare with large cit-
salutes & courtesies. izen involvement gave rise to patriotic war songs, of
Passing wine: Both RN and USN follow the same which the British Rule Britannia and French Mar-
tradition when dining in. After the port (or Ma- seillaise were prototypical. Singing them was sup-
deira) decanter has been unstoppered, no toasts are posed to improve martial ardor, raise the spirits of
proposed or drunk until the decanter has passed around troops and civilians, and encourage national chauvin-
the entire table from right to left and all glasses have ism. To some extent this was a throwback to the war
been charged. The decanter continues to circulate so chants of primitive societies which served not only to
that no glass remains empty, but the port always moves intimidate enemies, but also to fortify morale.
to port, never anti-clockwise, even to a next-seat British songs: In the days of Julius Caesar, Britan-
neighbor. If both port and Madeira are provided, it is nia was a place (England) rather than a person.
traditional for the former to precede the latter as they Then Emperor Hadrian issued a coin with a female
circulate. The decanters are traditionally stoppered be- gure, resembling the goddess Minerva but identi-
tween circuits of the table and during the Loyal Toast. ed as Britannia and wearing a centurions helmet,
Passive sonar: Sound-sensing equipment that lis- wrapped in a toga, carrying spear and shield. In
tens without transmitting, detecting noise emitted by typical Roman fashion this young woman was al-
the target rather than a return of its own outgoing sig- most immediately identied as a goddess in her own
nal (as in active sonar). With passive sonar, hydro- right. During the Elizabethan Renaissance, she was
phones may be towed behind a ship or submarine in considered the personication of England and, after
order to reduce the effect of noise generated by the union with Scotland, was used a rallying image for
watercraft itself. Towed units can be towed above or all Britons. As British sea power and inuence
below the thermocline, to combat thermocline effect. began a gradual resurgence, the national goddess
Passport: [1] A document issued by governments to became an increasingly important naval symbol.
individuals conrming identity and citizenship and With her spear replaced by Neptunes trident she
authorizing the holder to travel abroad. [2] A docu- was the centerpiece of a London pageant in 1602,
ment issued by belligerents to neutral vessels grant- appeared on coinage in 1672, and was the subject of
ing permission to proceed unmolested through speci- a poem by James Thompson entitled Rule Britan-
ed waters in time of war (cf. Sea Letter). nia and written around 1725:
Patache : An armed Portuguese sailing boat of When Britain rst at Heavens command
about 300 tons, formerly used as a eet tender. Arose from out the azure main;
Patallah: A large and unhandy Indian cattle boat. This was the charter of the land
Patch: [1] Communications term for temporary And guardian angels sang this strain;
connection to a specic radio station. [2] Sailmakers Rule Britannia!
term for reinforcing canvas. Britannia rule the waves
Patent anchor: Any of several proprietary stockless Britons never, never, never
anchors. Shall be slaves!
Patent log: Also called taffrail log or screw log. Any At that time, the Royal Navy was tactically ahead
of several speed measuring devices designed to replace of all its rivals, but had no real claim to rule the
235 Pawl

waves. Both Dutch and French had large navies 32 by the Rev. Samuel Francis Smith of Bostons
with arguably better ships, while the Spanish Ar- Park Street Church:
mada was still a signicant factor. British maritime My country, tis of thee,
hegemony was almost in sight, but the poem was re- Sweet land of liberty,
ally intended to be a nostalgic remembrance of the Of thee I sing;
ninth century when Alfred the Great (known as Land where my fathers died,
Father of the English Navy) had humbled the Land of the pilgrims pride,
Danes (see Saxon seapower). Thompsons poem was From every mountainside,
set to music by Thomas Augustine Arne in 1740, Let freedom ring!
just at the beginning of the Royal Navys rise to During the late 19th and early 20th centuries
world domination. Throughout the 19th century these three hymns competed for national recogni-
and into the 20th Rule Britannia was a chauvin- tion with a fourth written in 1814 by Francis Scott
istic musical celebration of Britains overwhelming Key and set to the tune of a popular British drink-
naval power. Even after the British eet has been re- ing song by John Stafford Smith.
duced to a shadow of its former self the song re- O! say can you see by the dawns early light
mains, unofcially, an alternative national anthem; What so proudly we hailed at the twilights
sharing that status with Arthur Bensons poem, set last gleaming?
to Sir Edward Elgars music Pomp and Circum- Whose broad stripes and bright stars through
stance for use as a coronation ode in 1902: the perilous ght,
Oer the ramparts we watched were so
Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the Free,
gallantly streaming?
How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee?
Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set; And the rockets red glare, the bombs
God who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet. bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our ag
The United States has no fewer than ve patriotic
was still there.
songs with anthem-like status. Unlike Rule Britan-
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
nia, none has direct maritime connections. For Oer the land of the free and the home
most of the 19th century, Hail Columbia was the of the brave?
unofcial national hymn. Originally titled The In 1889, The Star Spangled Banner was recog-
Presidents March, it was composed by Philip Phile nized for ofcial use by the United States Navy
in 1789 for the inauguration of George Washington. when visiting foreign ports, but the nation itself re-
Lyrics by Joseph Hopkinson were added in 1798. mained without a hymn of national praise. Mean-
Hail Columbia, happy land! while, a fth patriotic song gained national recog-
Hail, ye heroes, heavn-born band, nition. It was written in 1918 by Russian-born
Who fought and bled in freedoms cause, composer Israel Baline under his adopted American
Who fought and bled in freedoms cause, name of Irving Berlin. Its key lyrics are:
And when the storm of war was gone God Bless America
Enjoyd the peace your valor won. Land that I love
Firm and united let us be, Stand beside her and guide her
Rallying round our liberty, Thru the night with light from above
As a band of brothers joined, From the mountains, to the prairies,
Peace and safety we shall nd. To the oceans bright with foam
Another anthem, America the Beautiful, was God bless America
written in 1893 by writer-poet Katherine Lee Bates, My home sweet home
an instructor at Wellesley College, Massachusetts, It was not until March 1931 that a Congressional
and set to music by Samuel Ward in 1910. It too resolution was signed by President Herbert Hoover,
won national support. making The Star Spangled Banner the undis-
O beautiful for spacious skies, puted United States national anthem.
For amber waves of grain. Patrol: A force sent out to gather information, or
For purple mountain majesties to carry out a destructive, harassing, mopping-up, or
Above the fruited plain. security mission.
America! America! Patrol craft: See motor launch, motor gunboat,
God shed his grace on thee, motor torpedo boat, patrol torpedo boat, submarine
And crown thy good with brotherhood chaser, swift boat, and cutter.
From sea to shining sea. Patrol torpedo boat : This was a USN World
The melody of the third patriotic song, was orig- War II vessel adapted from the fast rum-runners used
inally the German Kaiserhymne, which has also to outpace Coast Guard cutters during Prohibition.
served as the national anthems of Denmark, Rus- Pawl: A pivoted metal bar which engages the teeth
sia, Sweden, and Switzerland, and is still that of the of a ratchet wheel allowing a mechanism (especially a
United Kingdom. The lyric was written in 1831 or capstan) to turn in one direction but not in the other.
Pax 236

Pax: Travel industry shorthand for Passengers. Peak: [1] The upper outer corner of a gaffed sail.
Pay: [1] To coat with pitch or tar, especially when [2] The point of an anchor uke that digs into the
caulking a seam (see horse). [2] To let out or slacken ground. [3] The narrow part of a ships hull at bow
off. [3] To distribute wages earned. (forepeak) or stern (afterpeak).
Pay grade: Rate of remuneration for all USN per- Peak tank: A liquid storage compartment, either
sonnel, dened by a letter-number code covering all low in the bow or, occasionally, the stern.
ranks from recruit (E-1) to admiral (O-10). See also Pearl Harbor: After the successful British naval air
rank and table 14. raid on Taranto, Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
Pay off: [1] Turn to leeward by movement of the planned a similar attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl
helm. [2] Discharge the entire ships company with Harbor. The raid, launched on 7th December 1941,
full wages. [3] Terminate an individual seamans serv- from 274 miles off the coast of Oahu, achieved com-
ice with the payment of outstanding wages. plete surprise. The aircraft came in two waves, at 7:53
Pay out: Release a line slowly. and 8:55. By 9:55 it was all over. Three hours later all
Paying-off pendant: Although there is no proper surviving aircraft had landed and the carriers were
specication or authorization, it has long been the heading back to Japan. It is instructive to compare the
custom of RN ships returning to pay off after a foreign two actions.
commission to unofcially wear a long white pendant Italy was in a state of war and Taranto received ad-
with a Saint Georges Cross at the hoist and a balloon vance warning of the approaching strike, whereas
or bladder at the y to keep it clear of the water. It is Pearl Harbors defenses were unmanned, unsuspect-
hoisted on leaving the foreign station, and worn when ing, and on peacetime Sunday routines.
arriving at the home port to pay off, as well as when The British attack had been mounted by a mere
entering and leaving any intermediate stops. Origi- twenty-one obsolete open-cockpit fabric biplanes,
nally, crews stitched all their cleaning rags together launched from a lone carrier, with only two being
and hoisted them to show they were no longer needed. shot down. Japan launched 354 state-of-the-art
Later, proper pendants were made on board as a com- aircraft from six carriers, and lost 29.
munal effort, with each member of the ships com- Damage inicted was not proportional to the num-
pany putting in a few stitches. More recently, they are ber of aircraft. Half of Italys six battleships were
purchased ashore by the ships welfare fund. There are sunk at their moorings, as were three cruisers. Japa-
several unofcial rules (customs, really) concerning nese aircraft also sank three battleships (Arizona
the length of the pendant; most of them relating to ei- was claimed by a midget submarine), crippled four
ther the length of the ship or the height of its fore- more, and sank three cruisers.
mast, which is incremented for each month on a for- At Taranto, valuable oil storage tanks were set
eign station (often by 12 inches). U.S. naval vessels do ablaze; but at Pearl four-and-a-half million tons of
not pay off, but continue the tradition with their fuel storage were not even targeted neither were
homeward-bound pennants. the huge supply dumps, dry-docks, and precision
Payload: [1] the weight of cargo or passengers that machine shops, which would allow the U.S. Navy
can be carried by a ship or aircraft. [2] The sum of to make a rapid recovery.
the weight of explosive material, its container, and ac- In both operations, nearby airelds and oat plane
tivating devices in the warhead of a conventional mil- bases were attacked, but the scale of that assault was
itary missile. [3] The explosive energy in the warhead greater at Pearl.
of a nuclear missile (e.g., a payload of 50 megatons). Taranto was a strategic success, while Pearl Harbor
Paymaster: [1] USN term for any disbursing of- was a failure. In the Mediterranean, where gunpower
cer, especially a member of the Supply Corps. [2] For- was still a major factor, the loss of fty percent of its
mer RN name for a member of the Paymaster Branch. capital ships was a crippling blow to Regia Marina,
(See Purser, Logistics Ofcer.) which seldom ventured out of harbor again. In the
PC: Patrol craft. Pacic, however, naval aviation would be the supreme
PCE: Patrol craft, Escort. weapon, and not one American carrier had been in
PCF : Patrol craft, Fast. Also Swift boat. port at the time of the attack.
PCG: Patrol craft, Guided Missile. Pease porridge: [1] A mixture of resin, tallow, and
PCH: Patrol craft, Hydrofoil. sulfur used during the process of boot topping. [2]
Pea jacket: Seamans short coat of coarse woolen Pease pudding.
cloth, usually double-breasted and navy-blue in color. Pease pudding: Boiled and mashed split yellow
(from the Dutch Pijekket.) Also reefer. peas, salted and spiced. Similar in texture to hum-
Peacehead: In the early days of naval torpedoes, mus, with a mild taste, it is usually served with ham.
an unarmed version intended for training or test ring Sometimes known as pease pottage or pease por-
was referred to as having a peacehead. The explosive ridge.
payload intended for use in combat inevitability be- Pecuniary liability: A personal, joint, or corpo-
came known as a warhead, and that name survived rate monetary obligation to make good property lost,
after peacehead fell into disuse. damaged, or destroyed due to fault or neglect.
237 Personal

Peeway: USN submariner slang for the main cor- to see what is happening on the surface. Lenses and
ridor in a nuclear boat. prisms collect, reect, and bend images down the tube
Pelican hook: A long shackle, tted with a hinged to the eye of a sailor in the boats control room.
rod which closes against the end of the shackle and is The navigation or observation periscope used to
secured by a sliding ring. scan the surrounding sea and sky for targets and
Pelorus: [1] A sighting device tted over a compass threats has a wide eld of vision at low-power mag-
for taking bearings and azimuths. [2] In the RN, this nication. The targeting or attack periscope has a
device is called an azimuth ring, while pelorus refers more focused eld of view and higher magnication.
to the main compass repeater mounted at the center These conventional optical periscopes have three in-
of the bridge, on which an azimuth ring is mounted. herent hazards:
Pendant: [1] A line secured to a spar or bulkhead, The hull must be pierced to allow the periscope
having an eye or hook at the other end and used to se- tubes to pass through, creating points of potential
cure something in place. [2] A pennant (mainly weakness.
British). The boat can remain hidden underwater, but must
Peninsula: An area of land almost entirely sur- sacrice stealth by rising to periscope depth, where
rounded by water except for an isthmus connecting it the tip of the periscope breaks the surface creating
to a larger body of land. a feather that betrays its location to surface ves-
Pennant: A long narrow ag, sometimes swallow- sels or aircraft.
tailed, often indicating command status, a special oc- Unprotected periscope operators are especially vul-
casion (church, homeward-bound, paying-off, etc.), nerable to hostile laser radiation, which can dazzle
or distinguishing a warship from a merchantman. Also or blind them. Protection may take the form of a
spelled pendant but always pronounced pennant. lter or an optical switch.
Pens: A series of parallel jetties for berthing sub- Technological developments have eliminated these ex-
marines or small craft. posures and modern submarines no longer use opti-
Penteconter: An ancient battle galley, propelled by cal periscopes. One alternative is the photonic mast,
fty oars. another, the oating ber optic scanner.
People: An early term for crew or ships company. Periscope depth: Refers to a submarine that is com-
Still used occasionally. pletely but shallowly submerged, at a depth where its
Peotta: Former Adriatic craft, propelled by oars periscopes and antenna masts are just able to break the
and sail. surface. This is a hazardous situation, since the boats
Perigee: The point in a missile trajectory or satel- shadow may be plainly visible from the air, while
lite orbit closest to the earth (cf. Apogee). modern radar can detect even a slender periscope.
Periko: Bengalese barge-like cargo boat. Periscope feather: The plume of spray raised by
Peril: In marine insurance, the term Peril (or Peril the periscope of a submerged submarine moving
of the Sea) does not refer to danger or hazard, but to through the water.
accident beyond the control of master or crew (known Perishable cargo: Shipments requiring refrigera-
ashore as Act of God). See also risk. tion, such as meat, fruit, fresh vegetables, and biologi-
Periodic current: An ocean current that changes cals.
speed or direction cyclically or at regular intervals, as Permanent ballast: Weighty material carried to
opposed to a permanent current. improve stability or trim and never removed to pro-
Peripheral vertical launch: A shipboard launching vide space for cargo or goods. See kentledge.
system designed to maintain second strike capability Permanent current: An ocean current that exhibits
by protecting a missile and its crew from blast and little or no seasonal or periodic variation of speed or
fragmentation. direction (e.g., Gulf Stream, Japan Stream). See also pe-
Periplus: [1] A 5th century BCE tactical naval ma- riodic current.
neuver in which a galley would circle an enemy ves- Permanent echo: Any dense and xed radar return
sel to attack it from the rear. From the Greek for sail- caused by the reection of energy from the earths sur-
ing around. [2] An ancient manuscript listing the face. Distinguished from ground clutter by being from
ports and landmarks a navigator could expect to nd denable locations.
along the shore and the distances between them. Permission to grow: The traditional Royal Navy
Periscope: This device for observation from a con- request to cultivate facial hair is permission to grow,
cealed position has ancient roots, its principle having sir please? Without this authorization, sailors must be
been demonstrated at least as early as 1430, by Johann clean-shaven.
Gutenberg, inventor of the printing press, but devel- Personal effects disposal: If an individual left a
opment of a retractable version for use by submarines British warship and it was obvious they were not going
is usually credited to American naval architect Simon to return, it was customary for the master-at-arms or
Lake in 1902. A long (up to 18 meters = 60 feet) and coxswain to auction off any kit they had left behind.
narrow (length : diameter ratio = 50 or more), tele- If the discharge was marked R (run) indicating the
scopic tube that is raised from a submerged submarine person had deserted, the goods would be sold at give-
Personal 238

away prices, but if it was marked DD (discharged rank or status of the person being honored. (Even
dead) articles would often sell for more than their orig- numbers are never red see gun salutes.)
inal cost, with proceeds going to the widow or estate. Heads of state and reigning monarchs each receive
In cases of known family hardship, most of the pur- 21 guns, while other civilians are saluted in accordance
chased items would be returned to the auctioneer for with their protocol status, the lowest being a vice-
re-sale at inated prices. In this traditional way, ship- consul who rates ve guns. Naval and their equiva-
mates could provide for needy dependents without lent army or air force ofcers are saluted in accordance
making it seem like charity. with rank. Nineteen guns are awarded to British Ad-
Personal ags: See ags of rank. mirals of the Fleet and U.S. Fleet Admirals, Chiefs of
Personal otation device : United States Coast Naval Operations, and Commandants of the Marine
Guard term for any apparatus designed to keep a Corps. Seventeen go to Admirals, fteen to Vice-Ad-
wearer aoat with head above water. The term in- mirals, thirteen to Rear Admirals (upper half in the
cludes all types of such devices from simple life pre- USN), and eleven to RN Commodores and USN Rear
servers to complex survival suits. USCG rates ve ver- Admirals (lower half ). See also salutes and courtesies.
sions: Person overboard: This is the politically correct
Type I Offshore life jacket: Suitable for rough version of the traditional mariners cry Man over-
open water, especially where rescue may be delayed. board! The victim may have inadvertently gone over
This type provides the greatest buoyancy, and au- the side after being hit by a spar, tripping on a line,
tomatically turns unconscious wearers into a face- being caught off balance by unexpected movement of
up position with their head out of the water. It is the vessel, sliding on a slippery deck, or thrown into
typically jacket-shaped but sleeveless, usually the water for any number of other reasons. If it is not
equipped with emergency light and whistle, and possible to reach the victim with a pole, lifebuoy, or
has multiple ties and belts for closure. hand-thrown line, the vessel must return for rescue
Type II Near-shore buoyancy vest : For use and recovery. The following maneuvers allow it to
where quick rescue is likely. It is similar to type I, reach the point of the accident as quickly as possible
but with lesser buoyancy and reduced ability to depending on the relative location of the casualty,
turn an unconscious wearer face upward. Usually known as the MOB Point.
bright orange for easy sighting. Anderson Turn: This maneuver is most appropri-
Type III Flotation aid: Best for conscious wear- ate in the immediate action situation, just after the
ers who can keep their own faces out of the water. accident while the MOB is still visible from the
Typically jacket-style, tting the wearer closely with deck. The rudder is put full over to turn the vessel
many zippers and buckles to close. in a 360 circle. If the person fell over the port side,
Type IV Throwable devices: For areas where the rudder is turned to port, and vice versa. This
there is constant boat trafc and rescue is likely to brings the vessel back to the casualty as quickly as
be immediate. Commonly ring-shaped and known possible. The author has found no record of when
as lifebuoys, but horseshoe and cushion shapes are this turn was invented or who Anderson was.
also made. It is difcult for an inexperienced rescuer Williamson Turn: This turn is appropriate in a
to aim the device properly, especially when throw- delayed action situation, when the MOB is out of
ing in rougher water. sight, but known to be relatively near. It starts like
Type V Special purpose: Intended for specic the Anderson by turning the rudder towards the
conditions and activities and to be used only for side of the accident but, after deviating from the
the designated use. Special purpose PFDs come in original course by about 60, the rudder is shifted
a variety of styles, from full-body suits to work full to the opposite side to start a forward circle,
vests. Some have a safety harness and provide pro- turning back towards the original course, which the
tection against hypothermia. helmsman will ease onto and follow its reciprocal
PFDs are also known as life preservers, Mae Wests, until the casualty is reached. This maneuver was
life vests, life savers, life jackets, and life belts. developed in 1943 by Lt. John Williamson, USNR.
Personal gun salutes: Having started as a friendly Scharnow Turn: This one is appropriate in person
gesture to other countries (see National Gun Salutes) missing circumstances, when the MOB has dis-
the practice of ring cannon evolved into a ceremonial appeared and probably lies far behind the vessels
act of respect for individuals. (In the 16th century, in- turning radius. It also starts like the Anderson, but
tending to honor Elizabeth I, a warship accidentally unlike the Williamson continues as a backward cir-
red shot instead of blank rounds, damaging Green- cle for about 240. Then the rudder is shifted to
wich Palace, the Queens residence. Since then naval the opposite side and the vessel is steered onto the
gun salutes have been prohibited on the Thames River reciprocal of its original course, reaching it much
above Gravesend.) In 1875, Britain and the United further astern than would be the case with a Wil-
States agreed on salutes ranging from ve to twenty- liamson turn. It was developed after World War II
one guns in increments of two, the number of shots by Professor Ulrich Scharnow, a maritime expert
depending on the importance of the occasion and the and author of several books on seamanship.
239 PhM

Global positioning systems: Often have an MOB as the refraction of air over a hot road creates a mirage.
button which can be pressed as soon as the cry reaches Tests are reported to have taken place at the Philadel-
the bridge. This immediately records the position phia Navy Yard and at sea.
at which the accident occurred and gives continu- At 0900 hours on 22nd July 1943 (so the story goes)
ous readings of the MOBs bearing and distance power was turned on and a greenish fog slowly en-
from the ship as it returns to pick up the casualty. veloped Eldridge temporarily concealing her from
Personnel: The body of people, as opposed to view. When the fog dispersed, leaving only undis-
matriel, comprising a naval or military force. turbed water where the vessel had been, the watching
Persuader: Sailing ship seamans slang for the ropes naval ofcers and scientists were ecstatic. It seemed
end or starter used by a bosuns mate to speed up lag- they had achieved not only a cloak of radar invisi-
gards. bility but visual disappearance as well. After fteen
Pesage : The fee or duty charged for weighing minutes, they ordered the generators switched off (as
cargo. From the French. these were on board Eldridge, their radio command
Petrel: The name given to various ocean birds be- must have been able to penetrate the magnetic eld
longing, like the albatross, shearwater, and molly- even if radar could not!). The green fog reappeared,
mawk, to the order of tube nosed swimmers. Tireless and then slowly dispersed disclosing the ship. Dis-
iers by day, at night they rest on the water, many re- turbingly, crew members on Eldridges deck were
turning to land only to breed. Wilsons petrel (stormy found to be completely disoriented and nauseous.
petrel or Mother Careys chicken) is a surface skimmer Navy scientists decided to repeat the experiment
and habitual boat follower. Leachs petrel has a bound- with another crew, using increased power to create a
ing, erratic ight and breeds on islands off the New more intense magnetic eld. According to legend, the
England coast. Other species include the auk-like div- second experiment developed very differently, and far
ing petrel, the albatross-sized giant petrel or fulmar, more dangerously than they had anticipated. At 17:15
and the smaller fulmar petrel. The word comes from the on 28th October the electromagnetic equipment was
Latin name Petrus, and refers to the birds habit of hov- switched on again and Eldridge gradually began to
ering just above the ocean waves, thus appearing to fade from view. Suddenly, there was a blinding blue
walk on the water, as Christians believe Saint Peter did. ash and the destroyer completely disappeared. Seconds
Petticoat-trowsers: 17th century seamans breeches later, she was reportedly seen and identied at Nor-
with kilt-like legs. Much favored by buccaneers. Also folk, Virginia, 400 kilometers (250 miles) away. Four
galligaskins. hours after that, when the power on-board was turned
Petty Ofcer: Naval non-commissioned rate, sen- off (by whom one might ask, and under whose orders?)
ior to seaman but junior to chief petty Ofcer. the destroyer disappeared from Norfolk as mysteri-
PF : Former Hull classication symbol of a patrol ously as it had arrived and reappeared at Philadelphia.
frigate. Believers in the story say the 1,240-ton ship had
PFD: Personal Floatation Device. been dematerialized and transported using alien tech-
PG: Patrol gunboat. nology reverse-engineered from a crashed UFO. This
PGH: Patrol gunboat, Hydrofoil. time, it is said, several crew members had disappeared,
PGM: Patrol gunboat, missile. several more had been fused to the metal of the ships
PGR: Precision graphic recorder. Supplementary structure, and the rest were violently sick with no recol-
equipment used with a hydrographic echo sounder lection of what had happened. According to the leg-
when depth cannot be recorded on the standard ex- end, all who survived were discharged as mentally unt
panded scale. for duty but, years later people claiming to have wit-
Phalanx: A fast-reaction, rapid-re, radar-con- nessed the experiment said they had began to remem-
trolled, 20-mm weapon system for last-chance de- ber details which had been erased from their memories.
fense against air or surface attacks which have pene- The Ofce of Naval Research claims that records
trated outer defenses. in the Operational Archives Branch of the Naval His-
Phantom: [1] A false bottom recorded by a depth torical Center have been repeatedly searched without
indicator. [2] A non-existent object sighted by radar turning up any evidence that any such event was ever
(also ghost). [3] A ghost ship. attempted or achieved. In fact, the Navy states that
The Philadelphia Experiment: This is alleged to Eldridges War Diary indicates she was never in Nor-
have been a USN attempt to investigate whether Ein- folk or Philadelphia during the time frame of the re-
steins Unied Field Theory could be used to create puted experiment. Proponents of the story retort that
electronic camouage which would make vessels in- this is another massive governmental cover-up simi-
visible to the eye and undetectable by enemy radar. lar to the Manhattan Project which developed the
Tons of sophisticated electronic equipment are said atomic bomb, but this time hiding experiments with
to have been installed in place of the forward turret of alien technology, such as those reputed to have come
destroyer escort USS Eldridge (DE 173) in order to from the capture of an Unidentied Flying Object at
generate an intense magnetic eld. This was expected Roswell a few years later. Who knows?
to bend light or radar waves around the vessel, much PhM: Pharmacists Mate (USN).
Phonetic 240

Phonetic alphabets: [1] Originally, a phonetic al- Phosphorescence: [1] The residual glow on a radar
phabet (or more properly phonetic notation) was a screen after the indicator sweep has moved on [2] In-
system for transcribing the sounds of human speech correctly, bioluminescence.
into writing as a guide to pronunciation. Systems for Photonics mast: A device similar in concept to a
true phonetic notation include the International Pho- submarine periscope, that provides many benets a
netic Alphabet (IPA) and Speech Assessment Methods periscope is unable to offer. It replaces line-of-sight
Phonetic Alphabet (SAMPA) a computer-readable viewing with equipment, similar to a digital camera,
and printable script based on IPA. [2] Later, the name mounted on telescoping arms that are contained en-
was appropriated by military and aviation interests to tirely within the sail without penetrating the pressure
describe conventions for the identication of individ- hull. The hull opening for cables is much smaller and
ual letters in radio and telephonic communication. more easily sealed, minimizing the risk of water leak-
Standardized and easy to remember words represent age. Moreover, being connected by exible cables in-
letters of the alphabet, especially those which might stead of rigid tubes, the control room need not be placed
otherwise be misunderstood or confused when ver- directly below the sail, but can be moved to a lower
bally spelled out such as M and N or F and S. deck away from the hulls curvature where there is more
Despite their name, such alphabets are not truly pho- space. Sailors throughout the boat can view color, high-
netic since they do not describe the sound of each resolution black and white, or infrared images, on at-
letter but merely identify it. During World War I there panel displays; and these images can be shared with
was little inter-service or inter-allied communication, other ships in the theater, or with command centers
so national armies and navies each developed their ashore. However, photonic masts can not operate at
own systems. In the Second World War, however, the depths possible for oating ber optic scanners.
combined operations were frequent and a joint version PHS: Packaging, handling, & storage.
was adopted in 1942 by all Allied armed forces except Picaroon: A pirate vessel (from the Spanish picaro
the British Royal Air Force which maintained its own = pirate).
system for another year. Picket: [1] A small armed boat performing sentinel
In between the wars, the International Telecom- duty. [2] A vessel or aircraft assigned to patrol an area
munications Union (ITU) introduced the rst inter- away from the main force.
nationally-recognized phonetic alphabet. In spite of Pidgin: A form of communication consisting of
clumsy choice of multi-syllabic words, it was adopted words and phrases from the languages of two people
by the International Commission for Air Navigation, without a common tongue and often quite different
and was used by civil aviation until the 1950s, when from either. Hence, the forms of Pidgin-English spo-
a new version was developed by the International Air ken in China, West Africa, and New Guinea, are com-
Transport Association (IATA). This version was pletely different from each other, and all are essen-
adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organi- tially unintelligible to English-speakers.
zation (ICAO), the United States Federal Aviation Pier: [1] An iron or wooden structure on piles pro-
Administration (FAA), and the International Mari- jecting into the sea. [2] The support for a bridge or
time Organization (IMO), making it the most widely other structure over water.
used civilian phonetic alphabet. However, it gained Pierhead: The offshore end of a pier.
even greater prominence when it was taken over by Pierhead jump: [1] A leap ashore by a would-be de-
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for its military serter. [2] A leap on board by a late-arriving crew mem-
communications. In consequence it is generally ber. [3] RN slang for an ofcers appointment (usually
known as the NATO version. to somewhere unpleasant) with minimum notice.
Although basically English, a few words were modi- Pierson-Moskowitch: See sea spectrum and table 3.
ed so that the system would be suitable for French Pig: The pig was treated with great trepidation and
or Spanish pronunciation. For example, the English respect by sailors because it had cloven hooves (like the
word Alpha would be pronounced Alpa in Spanish, devil). An ancient superstition of unknown origin,
so Alfa was substituted. Similarly, French speakers now seldom observed, is that use of the word pig on
would treat a single t as silent, so Juliet was replaced board ship would bring bad luck, so synonyms such
by Juliett, but not by the French Juliette which Span- as hog, sow, curly-tail, or porker were always substi-
ish-speakers would read as Juliet-uh. Also, Papa is pro- tuted. Combined with the shipboard ban on whis-
nounced with the accent on the second syllable. There tling, this led to many harbor-side taverns being called
are dozens of similar alphabets in ofcial and unofcial The Pig and Whistle to help seafarers realize they were
use by various police forces and business organiza- ashore and could speak of the one and do the other.
tions, including a number of ad hoc systems created (See tattooing for a more benecial pig-related super-
by individual telecommunications operators using fa- stition.)
miliar words that sound right to them. The style and Pig iron: This intermediate product of smelting is
structure of selected English-language systems can be very brittle, cannot be forged, and is not useful di-
seen in table 11, which gives historical and current ex- rectly except for limited applications. In the mid18th
amples of two civil and ve military alphabets. century it progressively replaced stone and gravel for
241 Pipe

ships ballast (see kentledge). The traditional shape of Pinch: To sail so close to the wind that the sails
ingot molds was a branching structure that reminded shiver and the vessel loses speed.
ironworkers of a litter of piglets suckling on a sow. Ping!: [1] Verbal representation of the sound emit-
Hence the name. ted by sonar or other sound-ranging equipment.
Pigboat: USN slang for a diesel-electric submarine. [2] To emit such a sound.
Pigeons: NATO preface to the transmission of a Pingle: Small coastal sailing vessel of northern En-
magnetic bearing (course) and distance to an aircraft. gland.
Piglet: Royal Marines derisive slang for a midship- Pink: Formerly a small, narrow-sterned, square-
man (cf. snotty). rigged, cargo vessel of northern Europe and the Medi-
Pigs: RN lower deck slang for commissioned terranean. Also pinque.
ofcers (see pigsty). Pinnace : [1] Lugsail or schooner-rigged, eight-
Pigsty: RN lower deck slang for the wardroom. oared, ships boat. [2] Formerly a small galleon-type
(The terms pigs and pigsty are normally only used in warship. [3] Coal-red powerboat, known as a steam
unhappy ships.) pinnace.
Pigtail: A braid of hair (usually tarred by sailors) Pinrail: A stout hardwood rail with holes for belay-
hanging down at the back of the neck. A pigtail (prop- ing pins in its projecting edge, attached to a sailing
erly queue) was often considered the symbol of sail- ships bulwark below its caprail.
ing ship seamen, especially during the Napoleonic Pintle: The hook or pin on a rudder which ts into
Wars. In those days both pressed men and volunteers the gudgeon and allows the rudder to swing from side
were likely to come aboard with lice, so their heads to side.
were shaved on arrival. Starting earlier, but especially Pipe: [1] To transmit an order by boatswains call
from the mid-eighteenth century to about 1825, long (whistle), when necessary followed by a verbal Com-
tresses became a symbol of service and were worn as mand. [2] To give a traditional visitors salute by
a matter of pride by both ofcers and seamen to boatswains call. (From the Latin pipare = cheep like
demonstrate their trade and seniority. a bird.) [3] A measure of wine equal to two hogsheads
Pike: A shafted spear-like weapon with a pointed = 125 gallons or 568 liters. (Probably from the French
iron tip, used to repel boarders. A shorter version is for a barrel in which wine was shipped.)
known as a half-pike or boarding pike. Pipe down: When an outside job had been com-
Pile: A at or cylindrical column, driven into the pleted, the boatswain would pipe a command for the
ground to provide support and protection for a struc- crew to disperse and retire below deck. Once they had
ture such as a pier. gone, the deck became much quieter, so it was natu-
Piled ice: Slabs of ice, stacked one upon another ral for the term to become synonymous with be
and resembling an iceberg. silent and hence a verbal command to shut up!
Pile-driver: [1] Machine used to hammer piles into Pipe the eye: Seamans slang for weeping.
the ground. [2] Said of a vessel that is too short to Pipe the side: This uniquely nautical ceremony
bridge consecutive waves and consequently slams vi- dates back to at least 1645, when it was ordained that:
olently into the second of each pair. When a barge carrying an important visitor ap-
Pilferage: A marine insurance term referring to the proaches the ship, trumpets are to sound ... until the
illicit removal of part of the contents of a shipping barge comes within less than musket shot. At that
package. Stealing the entire package is theft. time the trumpets are to cease and all as carry whis-
Pillow: A wedge or block supporting the inboard tles are to whistle a welcome three several times.
end of a bowsprit. Later, visiting dignitaries would be hoisted in a bosuns
Pillow block: A cast-iron or steel support for a chair while the boatswain passed orders by pipe (whis-
journal or bearing. Also pillar block. tle) to the sideboys (hoisting crew). The heavier the
Pilot: [1] A mariner with extensive local knowl- person to be raised, the bigger the side-party would
edge, certicated to guide ship captains through haz- have to be, and different pipes (calls) were developed
ardous waters. [2] A book of detailed navigational to summon an even number of sideboys depending on
instructions. [3] A person qualied to y an airplane. the visitors size. It was quite usual for the persons weight
[4] Naval slang for a ships navigating ofcer. to increase with his status and eventually the practice
Pilotage: [1] The act, occupation, or skill of being applied to the visitors rank rather than avoirdupois.
a pilot. [2] The fee payable for the services of a pilot. Nowadays, the call is piped twice, rst as the visitors
Pilotage waters: Refers to coastal waterways where boat pulls alongside, and again when the dignitary
pilotage is either [1] Legally required. [2] Recommended mounts the accommodation ladder and steps inboard.
because of local hazards: or [3] Available on request. This procedure is reversed when the visitor leaves.
Pilothouse: The structure or space from which a When coming aboard via a brow from the quay, there
ship is navigated. Also charthouse or chart room. is only one pipe. Traditionally, the side is piped when-
Piloting : Navigation by use of visual reference ever the corpse of a naval ofcer or seaman is carried
points. on board, taken ashore for burial, or committed over
PIM: Point of intended movement. the side to the deep. (See also side honors.)
Piping 242

Piping hot: The boatswain used to pipe the call vice in 1858 by Henry Darcy, another member of the
for a representative of each mess to report to the gal- French Corps of Roads and Bridges.
ley and pick up their food. If he was tardy, the meal Pivot: [1] A central pin around which something
would be cold, but if he was quick, it would still be as turns. [2] To rotate on an axis; to turn about a cen-
hot as when it was piped. tral pin.
Piracy: Robbery or other act of violence done upon Pivot-gun: A small anti-personnel rearm,
the high seas or the air above the seas, or through de- mounted on a shaft which can rotate in a housing to
scent from sea or air, by a body of men acting for pri- point in any direction.
vate ends and independently of any politically organ- Pivot point: The point around which a ship ro-
ized society. tates when turning. This is usually about one-third
Piragua: Amazon River dugout canoe made from of the vessels length from the bow when moving for-
a single tree trunk. ward and about one-quarter of its length from the
Pirate: [1] A person who practices piracy. [2] A ship stern when going backward.
used by pirates. Pivot ship: The ship in a line abreast around which
Pirogue: [1] A at-bottomed keelless open boat a wheeling maneuver is executed.
used in the bayous of Louisiana (pronounced pee-row Pivotal: [1] Pertaining to a pivot; axial. [2] Fun-
in Cajun). [2] A Caribbean dugout canoe (pro- damental, central, important, signicant. [3] See the
nounced as written). authors specic denition in the Introduction.
Pissdale: An 18th century urinal, usually located Plain clothes: RN term for civilian dress (cf. mufti).
near the ofcers quarters and consisting of a tapered Plain sailing: Sailing on waters free of obstructions
lead pipe leading to the sea. or hazards (not to be confused with plane sailing).
Pistol: A small personal rearm, red from one Plan of the Day: Developed by the Executive
hand. Available in many patterns, and bearing a great Ofcer (XO), the POD is the primary means of an-
variety of names. From Pistoja, a town in Italy where nouncing each days schedule of important events.
such weapons originated. Commanders of embarked units should be included
Pistol-proof: A term used by pirates to describe a in POD development to ensure their people fully un-
shipmate courageous enough to stand for election as derstand shipboard responsibilities.
captain. Plan Position Indicator: A radar display that pres-
Pitch: [1] A distillation of tar or turpentine, mixed ents a picture of the area surrounding the vessel, show-
with coarse rosin; hard when cold but semi-liquid ing the range and bearing of nearby objects, either rel-
when heated and used for caulking. [2] Degree of in- ative to the ships head or, when gyro stabilization is
clination of a propeller blade relative to its axis of ro- applied, at the true compass bearing and range. See
tation. [3] The distance a propeller would travel in radarscope.
one revolution if there were no slippage. [4] Rota- Plane: [1] To gain enough speed to lift the forward
tion of an aircraft about its lateral axis. [5] One of the part of a vessels hull so that it rides on the surface of
six responses of a vessel to movement of the sea, caus- the water with minimum resistance. [2] Abbreviation
ing it to plunge, dipping stem and stern alternately into of hydroplane or diving plane. [3] Abbreviation of
the waves. (See ship motion, rotational oscillation.) aeroplane or airplane.
Pitch ladle : A long-handled iron bowl with a Plane Captain: USN ight deck enlisted person
spout. Used to pour boiling pitch or tar into deck responsible for the material condition, start-up, move-
seams to make them watertight. ment, launch, and recovery of a specic naval aircraft.
Pitchpole: Said of a vessel tossed and turned stern These brown shirted airmen are usually the youngest
over stem by a following wave. and least experienced in a squadron, too fresh to have yet
Pitot tube: An instrument widely used to meas- chosen a rate or occupational specialty, but they carry
ure the speed of aircraft that has also been installed huge responsibilities, serving as liaison between pilot
on ships. Projecting through the bottom of the hull, and ground crew and even having their names and
a co-axial tube is bent at right angles to point forward home towns stenciled on their aircraft. They conduct
in the direction of motion. The inner tube is open at safety checks and inspections, take the pilots through
its forward end to record dynamic pressure, which is start-up procedures and no aircraft may take off or
proportional to speed through the water; while the even taxi without clearance from its plane captain.
outer one has holes in its side to record static pres- Plane guard: A fast vessel or helicopter stationed off
sure, which depends on the depth and density of the the beam or quarter of an aircraft carrier in order to
water. When the vessel is stationary, the two pressures pick up aircrew forced to land in the water.
are equal, but when it moves dynamic pressure be- Plane handler: Enlisted person who moves aircraft
comes greater, the difference varying with the square on the ight deck of a carrier.
of the ships speed which can be calculated by Ber- Plane sailing: A form of navigation that ignores
nouillis Equation. This concept for measuring rates of curvature of the earth, treating its surface (over small
uid ow was postulated by French hydraulic engineer ranges of latitude and longitude) as if it were at. It is
Henri Pitot in 1732 and developed into a practical de- based on the preposition that that the meridian through
243 Plumb

the point of departure and the parallel through the tarian Samuel Plimsoll was able to push through a bill
destination form a right triangle of which the course requiring all British vessels to be painted with a load
is the hypotenuse. line to indicate maximum safe laden draft. In recog-
Plane scale : A navigators tool, graduated with nition of his long ght and many legal battles, this is
scales showing chords, sines, tangents, secants, rhumbs, known as the Plimsoll mark or line.
nautical miles, etc. Initially, it was left to each owner to determine
Planeing hull: A type of hull that hydroplanes where the mark should be, and some were so disdain-
(skims over the surface of the water). Also planing ful that they placed it on the vessels superstructure,
hull (cf. displacement hull). sometimes even as high as the funnel. Finally, in 1890,
Planesman: The person responsible for operating stricter regulations were introduced, making it manda-
the bow and stern diving planes of a submarine. tory to have markings located amidships at the of-
Plank owner: USN slang for a member of the crew cially approved level on each side. The original and
when the ship was rst placed in commission. Tradi- basic mark is a circle crossed by a horizontal line in-
tionally, entitled to a souvenir piece of planking when dicating the water level at maximum permitted load.
the ship is decommissioned and destroyed. Also However, because water density varies with climate
plankowner. and salinity, subsequent regulations have resulted in a
Planking: Wooden boards covering a deck or hull. ladder of load lines painted beside the Plimsoll Mark
Plankton: Minute oating forms of microscopic to indicate the safe amount of freeboard under each set
plants and animals that cannot move under their own of conditions.
power to any extent. They form the important begin- Plot: [1] A map, chart, or graph, drawn to scale.
nings of food chains for larger sea creatures. [2] To show graphically the coordinates of a direction
Plankton bloom: A large accumulation of plank- or location. [3]To mark a ships position or other data
ton giving water a denite color. The majority of these on a chart.
organisms are greenish, but plankton blooms may also Plow anchor: See CQR anchor.
appear to be blue-green, black, yellow, red, or brown. Plow-steel: A high-strength steel, with a carbon
Cf. algal bloom, red tide. content of 0.5 to 0.95 percent, used originally to make
Plant: A term covering a vessels main propulsion the line used to attach a plow to a steam engine, and
system. still the preferred metal for making wire rope. The
Plastic range: The range in which a material will three primary grades are:
suffer permanent deformation, but not completely fail Mild: Can stand repeated strain and stress and has
when external force is applied. a tensile strength of 200,000 to 220,000 psi (214
Plate: [1] Term in maritime law covering jewels and 235 kg/cm2). It is used for cable drilling and other
treasure shipped as freight. [2] Gold or silver bullion. jobs where abrasion is a factor, but seldom in ma-
[3] One of the metal sheets of a ships hull. [4] A tec- rine applications.
tonic plate. Regular: Is tough and strong with a tensile strength
Platform: [1] A partial deck below the lowest full of 220240,000 psi (235257 kg/cm2). It is used
deck, usually placed in a section of the hold or over the for hauling and hoisting cargo.
magazine. [2] A plated engine room deck from which Improved: Is the best wire rope for towing hawsers
propulsion machinery is controlled. [3] Any military and is regularly used by naval construction forces.
structure, vehicle, or vessel forming the base for a It is stronger, tougher, and more wear-resistant than
weapon system. [4] Any at or horizontal surface; the other types and can stand strains of 240
especially, one that is raised above a particular level. 260,000 psi (257278 kg/cm2).
[5] A framework or staging that can be raised or low- PLS: Pallet loading system.
ered to form a standing place for workers. Plug-and-play: [1] The ability to add a new com-
Platform endorsement: Different ship types be- ponent to an electronic system and have it work au-
have differently under way, so a USN ofcer qualied tomatically without having to do any technical analy-
to stand watch on one platform has to re-qualify when sis or manual conguration. [2] Slang for a person
transferred to another. A platform endorsement is the who can be assigned to a task without further train-
document certifying such re-qualication. ing.
Plating: The metal sheets forming part of a ves- Plum duff : A stiff our pudding, boiled or
sels hull. steamed, and often avored with currants, citron, and
Plebe: A rst-year midshipman at the U.S. Naval spices (duff is a corruption of dough). Desserts con-
Academy. taining dried plums (prunes) or gs, were popular in
Plimsoll mark: Until the late nineteenth century, medieval times, but gradually the fruits of choice be-
the dangerous overloading of merchantmen was com- came currants or raisins. The dishes made with them,
mon. One of the rst attempts to introduce loading however, retained their original names as in plum
marks for safety was made in 1835 by Lloyds Regis- pudding, plum cake, plum duff, and Figgie-dowdie.
ter, but shipowners violently opposed all attempts at Plumb: [1] To rig a tackle directly over a hatch. [2]
regulation, and it was not until 1876 that parliamen- To measure depth with a weighted line.
Plummer 244

Plummer block: A pillow block supporting the Podded drive: An electric or hydraulic propulsion
propeller shaft. system in which shaft, rudder, gearbox, and propel-
Plunging re: Shell or shot red from an eleva- ler(s) are enclosed in single or multiple pairs of stream-
tion, or by a howitzer, so that it falls at a steep angle lined pods suspended below the hull. Access to under-
and does not ricochet. water equipment for repairs or maintenance is a
Pluto: Code-name (and acronym of Pipe Line problem, although damaged units can fairly easily be
Under The Ocean) for a vital component of Opera- replaced and repaired ashore.
tion Overlord, the 1944 Normandy invasion. A reli- The cruise industry has eagerly embraced pod tech-
able supply of fuel was of the highest priority; with- nology because units capable of 360 horizontal rota-
out it any inland advance would at best slow down tion (known as azimuth thrusters) provide unlimited
and at worst grind to a halt, giving German forces direction of thrust and give previously undreamed of
time to regroup and counter-attack. However, tankers maneuverability without the need for tugs. Moreover,
and ship-to-shore pipelines would clutter up the mul- since the propulsion system is independent of its
berry harbors, obstruct the movement of troops and power source, engines can be placed at any convenient
materil, be subject to vagaries of the weather, and location that reduces noise within the vessel.
provide easy targets for air attack. Naval services are less enthusiastic. Flexibility in
Because storage facilities near the English Channel layout could reduce the vulnerability of equipment
were also vulnerable to air attack, a secret network of to blast or shock but, ironically, the benet of low in-
pipelines already carried fuel from safer ports and stor- ternal noise, so important in cruise ships, could po-
age facilities to the south coast, with its terminals and tentially lead to risk in naval combat. When vibrating
pumping stations disguised as bungalows, gravel pits, equipment, previously masked by the hull, is re-po-
garages and even an ice cream parlor. Pluto was linked sitioned in direct contact with the water, it could
to this network, ingeniously using submarine cable, transmit a louder external signature and, once de-
minus the core, as the underwater pipe. It was essen- tected, the pods could be identied as targets.
tial in war time to use terminology that would con- POE: [1] Port of embarkation. [2] Port of entry.
vey nothing to the enemy, so all concerned were en- Pogey bait: USN slang for [1] Candy or sweet-
couraged to think and speak of cables rather than meats. [2] Something to attract female companion-
pipes or pipelines. ship (Pogey is the rough transliteration of a Chinese
The initial installation was laid in a mere 10 hours word meaning prostitute). The term originated be-
on D-Day. It consisted of four lines totaling 280 miles fore Word War II with U.S. Marines in China, who
(450 kms) of cable/pipe, running from the Isle of found that sugar and assorted sweets were almost un-
Wight to the Cherbourg peninsula. As the Allies ad- available on shore, while they had a generous candy ra-
vanced eastward, a second Pluto with 17 lines totaling tion available for barter.
500 miles (800 kms) was laid from Dungeness in En- Point: [1] Any of the 32 horizontal directions
gland to Boulogne in France. The latter supplied Al- shown on a compass card (table 17). [2] To taper the
lied forces with over a million gallons a day. end of a rope for ease in reeving it through a block.
PO: [1] Petty Ofcer. [2] Purchase order. [3] A narrow bit of land projecting into the sea. [4] A
POB: Persons on board. short length of cord attached to the lower edge of a sail
Pocket battleship: Popular name for a Nazi-Ger- for passing through an eyelet and tying to reef the sail.
man class of heavy cruiser (schwere kreuzer) designed [5] To sail close to the wind.
to by-pass Treaty restrictions by mounting powerful Point-blank: Fire aimed directly at a target with-
11-inch (250 mm) guns in a relatively small (10,000 out deection or elevation.
ton) lightly-armored hull. Known to the Germans as Point-blank range: The distance a projectile will
Panzerschiffe (armored ships) they followed the pat- carry if laid with zero elevation.
tern set in the 18th century by United States super Point oars!: USN command to oarsmen to thrust
frigates (see warship rating), being more powerful their blades forward and downward in order to push
than anything speedy enough to catch them, but faster off when the boat is aground.
than anything able to outgun them. The Germans Point of contact: A person designated as coordina-
initially liked the battleship designation because it tor, action ofcer, or focus of an activity.
magnied the power and prestige of these super cruis- Point of departure: See departure.
ers in the public eye. Later the British used the term Point of destination: See destination.
to overemphasize the magnitude of their 1939 victory Point of impact: [1] The spot at which a bomb or
in the Battle of the River Plate. projectile is expected to impact. [2] The position
POD: [1] Port of delivery. [2] Port of disembarka- where air-dropped cargo or a parachutist is expected
tion. [3] Plan of the day. to land.
Pod: [1] A streamlined container attached to a ves- Point of intended movement: A theoretical ref-
sels hull or an aircraft to enclose engines, fuel, or guns. erence point for the planned navigational progress of
[2] A group of marine mammals such as whales, seals, a vessel regardless of deviations such as zig-zagging,
dolphins, or porpoises. unscheduled changes of course, maneuvers, response
245 Port

to emergencies, or other distractions. The vessels in a Polynya: Word of Russian origin signifying an area
dispersed strike group take and hold positions rela- of open water within an ice eld. (cf. lead).
tive to the PIM of the agship. Pond: Slang for the Atlantic Ocean.
Point of no return: The point along an aircraft Pongo: RN slang for a soldier. Probably derived
track beyond which its fuel supply will not permit from the Congolese for an ape = mpongo (cf. Grunt).
reaching its carrier or the nearest bingo eld. Pontoon: [1] A oat with watertight tanks which
Pointer: One of the pair of gunners who work as a can be pumped out to raise a heavily-laden or sunken
team, the pointer (also known as layer) controls ele- vessel (cf. caisson, camel). [2] A similarly-constructed
vation and hence the range of shot (see also trainer). platform to support a bridge or derrick. [3] A lifeboat
Pointing: See rope pointing. with buoyancy established by a watertight double bot-
POL: Petroleum oils and lubricants. tom. Named after Pontus.
Polacca: A former Mediterranean vessel with two Pontus: An abstract personication of the ocean,
or three masts. In the Levant they usually carried sometimes (unconvincingly) given human form and
square sails on the main-mast, and lateen sails on the identied as the Old Man of the Sea.
fore-mast and mizzen, but western versions, particu- Pooling: The sharing of cargo and the prot or loss
larly those of Provence, carried square sails on all three thereon.
masts. Also polacre. Poop: A superstructure or partial deck at the stern
Polar Lights: Celestial displays associated with of a vessel. From the Latin puppis = stern.
sunspots or magnetic storms. Known as Aurora Bore- Poop lantern: A light formerly carried by agships
alis in the northern, and Aurora Australis in the south- to denote the admirals location at night.
ern hemisphere. Poop-royal: A short deck above the poop of a
Polar surface currents: Polar gyres occur only in man-of-war, serving as accommodation for the ships
the Northern Hemisphere. They are propelled by the masters and pilots. The naval equivalent of a mer-
counterclockwise winds associated with the develop- chantmans roundhouse.
ment of permanent low pressure centers at 50 North Pooped: Receiving one or more waves over the
latitude over the Atlantic and Pacic basins. In the stern. Potentially very dangerous.
Southern Hemisphere, gyre systems do not develop Popple: Seldom-used term for a short and con-
because of the lack of constraining land masses. fused sea.
Polaris: [1] The North Star. [2] A surface or sub- Porkchop: USN slang for an ofcer of the Supply
marine launched, surface-to-surface, solid propellant Corps based on the corps insignia (actually a stylized
ballistic missile. oak leaf with acorns).
Pole: [1] A spar, especially one used to position a Porpoise : [1] Any of several gregarious toothed
sail. [2] Any spar higher than a topmast, topgallant- cetaceans, related to but distinct from whales and dol-
mast, or royal-mast. [3] Either of two points on the phins, characterized by a blunt snout and a triangu-
earths surface, marking the ends of the axis around lar dorsal n. Also called sea hog. [2] Said of a vessel
which it spins. [4] To propel a punt, raft, or other whose bow repeatedly plunges beneath the waves and
craft with a pole. rises like a porpoise.
Pole arms: Also called staff weapons, were used by Port: [1] The left side of a vessel when looking for-
virtually every culture from the stone age to the 19th ward (see port & starboard). [2] A gunport. [3] The
century. They are edged or pointed, and may be British Merchant Navy term for an opening or win-
mounted on either a relatively short handle (up to 5 dow in the side of a ship (the Royal Navy says scuttle,
feet = 1.5 meters) or a much longer shaft (20 feet = 6 while the United States Navy and Merchant Marine
meters or more) wielded with two hands. An exam- prefer Porthole). [4] A coastal town or harbor equipped
ple of the latter was the boarding pike, normally used with cargo and passenger handling equipment, and
to repel boarders, but too unwieldy for use by board- which provides berthing facilities. [5] A place where
ing parties, which sometimes used a shorter version ships may take refuge from foul weather (hence the
called a half pike, although axes, cutlasses, or toma- phrase any port in a storm). [6] A fortied wine tra-
hawks were more common. ditionally served when dining-in (see passing wine).
Police : [1] To tidy or clean-up an area (USN). Port Admiral: This 18th/19th century British title
[2] See naval police, law enforcement and master-at- refers to an appointment rather than a rank. Typically
arms. given to a superannuated senior naval captain who
Polishing: U.S. Navy tradition has it that the cook served as shore commander of a naval port, allocating
shines the bell and the bugler shines the whistle. This docking or anchorage space to incoming vessels and re-
tradition may still be observed in some ships of the sponsible for crewing, victualing, retting, and main-
modern Navy, but the task is now normally assigned taining all vessels within the harbor.
to a member of the division responsible for upkeep of Port & starboard: Before invention of the rudder,
that part of the ship. boats and ships were steered by one or two oars se-
Polliwog : A seaman who has never crossed the cured by leather straps to pegs on the gunwale. Be-
equator (cf. Shellback). cause most seamen were right-handed, it made sense
Port 246

to place them on the right of the ship which by Cook did not record how he managed to make his
combining the Old English words st`or meaning crew eat the soup, but he used psychology with sauer-
steering, and borde meaning sidebecome known as kraut by ordering it to be served to ofcers only, after
starboard. The steering oar(s) made it difcult to tie up which the sailors insisted on having their portion.
to a pier or jetty, so it became customary to dock with Portre: A device used to ignite the charge of a
the left side facing the shore. The Old English for load- cannon. It consisted of a half-inch (13 mm) paper
ing was ladde, so that side became known as ladde- tube, lled with a combustible mixture of saltpeter,
borde, soon corrupted to larboard to match starboard. gunpowder, sulfur, and antimony sulde, carried in a
However, those words were too similar-sounding special holder. A linstock was placed behind each gun
when shouted in the noise and confusion of a storm crew and its slow match was used to ignite the portre,
so, early in the eighteenth century, merchant mariners which in turn was applied to the vent to set off the
began using port to signify the side facing the quay charge. At cease ring the smoldering tip of the
for unloading when docked. The confusion must have portre was cut off and extinguished. The device was
been even more disastrous in the heat of combat, but then ready to be used again. It was probably invented
conservative navies hung on to the old term long after during the late 1750s in the arsenal at Essonne, France,
their civilian counterparts had converted. The British and the name comes from the French porte feu = re-
Royal Navy did not abandon larboard until 1844 and carrier. See also gun ring.
the United States Navy waited two years longer. Porthole: The USN and USMM term for a small,
Port capacity: Refers to the estimated quantity of round, ships window. Also used by civilians rather
cargo a port or anchorage can clear in 24 hours (usu- than port or scuttle.
ally expressed in tons). Portolano: See Waggoner.
Port light: [1] The red-colored navigation light Ports of call: If specied in the charter party, ports
mounted on the left side of a vessel. [2] The glass must be visited in the order listed. Otherwise they
(lens) sealing a port or window. [3] A light on a pier- should be visited in geographical sequence.
head or at a harbor entry. [4] A cocktail (bourbon, Portugal Current: A slow-moving and variable
lemon juice, honey, passionfruit, and eggwhite). current that ows southward off the Atlantic coast of
Port of entry: One at which a countrys customs Iberia.
service provides facilities for processing vessels arriv- Portunus: The Roman god of harbors, who gave us
ing from foreign ports. the word port.
Port of registry: The legally-documented home POS: [1] Port of support: [2] Point of sight.
port of a vessel. Poseidon: [1] A 2-stage solid-propellant subma-
Port watch: [1] Formerly, watches were divided into rine-launched ballistic missile with multiple nuclear
port and starboard. [2] USN term for the duty detail warheads. [2] The Greek god of the sea he and his
when in harbor (which may include ofcers and en- brothers overthrew the ruling Titans and drew lots to
listed personnel who are idlers at sea). divide the universe between themselves, Hades re-
Portable soup: In 1756, a London tradeswoman ceived the underworld, Zeus the heavens, and Posei-
called Mrs. Dubois won a contract from the Victual- don the seas. He lived in a watery palace at Aegae on
ing Ofce to supply portable soup to the Royal the northern Peloponnesus, from where he sortied
Navy. This was made by boiling meat, bones, offal, across the waves in a two-horse chariot. He later be-
vegetables, and herbs for long enough to reduce the came identied with the Roman god Neptune, and
mixture to a thick paste which, when allowed to con- his spouse Amphitrite with Neptunes wife Salacia.
geal and dry, formed a solid rubbery slab with a strong (The line-crossing ceremony traditionally reverses the
meaty taste. For ease of transportation and storage, spouses to pair Neptune with Amphitrite.)
each slab was cut into cakes and issued to warships Posh: The origin of this synonym for luxurious and
embarking on long sea voyages at the rate of fty elegant is popularly believed to have originated when
pounds per hundred men. the luggage of wealthy travelers on the Peninsular &
When reconstituted by boiling in water, portable Oriental Steam Navigation Company was labeled
soup formed a thick stock. The vegetable content was POSH to signify they had paid for cabins on the
intended to be a preventive against scurvy, but in fact shady and cooler side while in the inferno of the Red
prolonged boiling must have destroyed all the origi- Sea, namely port outbound and starboard homeward.
nal Vitamin C, which is highly heat-sensitive. The Sadly, P&O cannot verify this ingenious explanation
product was disliked by seamen, perhaps because of its and the word may be an abbreviation of polished or,
nasty taste, or perhaps, as Captain James Cook re- more probably, was adopted from the Romany (Gypsy)
ported, simply due to innate conservatism: word posh which means money.
Every innovation whatever, tho ever so much to their Position: The location of an object [1] Relative to
advantage, is sure to meet with the highest disappro- a reference point. [2] In terms of its coordinates of
bation from Seamen: Portable Soup and Sour Krout latitude and longitude.
were at rst condemned by them as stuff not t for Position of honor: The tradition that the right
human beings to eat. (starboard) side is the honorable one goes back at least
247 Prayer

to the Greeks and Romans, when the right side of a POW: Prisoner of War.
combat formation was reserved for the strongest war- Powder: Short form of gunpowder.
riors so that their ghting arms would be unimpeded Powder room: Former name for a warships mag-
by a neighbor. With this in mind, aides and junior azine.
ofcers are required to position themselves to the left Powder-monkey: A ships boy formerly employed
of their senior. If there are three, however, the most to carry gunpowder from the magazine to the guns
senior should be in the center, the next on the right, and during combat. Because of limited space and head-
the junior to the left. An exception is walking along a room, a child could maneuver between and along
wall, when the senior should be nearest to the struc- decks more easily than a man.
ture whether left or right. Similar rules apply to seat- Power to the edge: This concept, sponsored by
ing in cars or carriages. When a ship has two gangways, John Stenbit (U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for
the starboard one is reserved for ofcers, while crew use Networks and Information Integration), is outlined
the port. The second place of honor is in front, so in a 300-page document published in 2003 by DoDs
seniors are always allowed to precede juniors (for ex- Command & Control Research Program:
ample, through a doorway) except when entering a ... technological advances ... will, in the coming
car or boarding a boat or aircraft, in which case the decade ... remove the last remaining technical barri-
senior is always last in and rst out (see boat etiquette). ers to information sharing and collaboration ... we
Post: [1] The place or station of duty. [2] A stout see the soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, and civil-
piece of timber or metal set upright in the ground. ians of DoD all connected by a network they can
[3] In the sailing navy, to be made post signied trust.... Empowered by access to quality information
promotion to command a frigate or ship-of-the-line. ... there is no limit to what (these) men and women
Post-Captain: This semi-obsolete term was not a can accomplish.... (In) a network-centric organiza-
tion ... the leader for a particular task at a particular
title, but referred to a captain of three years seniority,
time and place emerges. Exactly who takes charge
who was entitled to command a rated warship (frigate will differ as a function of the characteristics of the
or larger), and whose name was posted in the sen- individuals and the situation. When the most well
iority list of the Royal Navy. A junior post-captain suited or situated individual or organization is in
(wearing a single epaulette) would usually command charge ... it can be said to be a meritocracy.... Em-
a frigate, while a senior (with two epaulettes) com- powered individuals ... have a greater bandwidth
manded a ship-of-the-line. The commanders of for action than their unempowered counterparts in
smaller unrated vessels were not listed, and an ofcer traditional hierarchies....
only made post when appointed to command a rated See also mission control and network-centric.
vessel. Once he had taken post, further promotion Powerboat: A boat propelled by any mechanical
was strictly by seniority, moving progressively to power source. Also motorboat.
higher-rated vessels and eventually, if lucky, to ag Powered: Having, using, or propelled by some
ofcer even if only as a yellow admiral. form of mechanical or physical energy. Often used in
In 1956, when the downsizing RN had a surplus of combination, as in nuclear-powered, powered
captains relative to potential seagoing commands, they ight, battery-powered, etc.
were divided into two parts. Those on the so-called PPI: Plan position indicator.
dry list were assigned to command shore establish- Prahu: [1] Formerly, an Ilanun double-deck war-
ments or given ag-rank appointments in the MoD, ship, wide in the beam and sharp at the prow. Up to
while those on the wet list were considered potential one hundred rowers sat cross-legged on the lower
eet or squadron commanders and were semi-ofcially deck, while warriors massed on the upper. [2] Now,
referred to as post-captains. The distinction was un- the generic Malayan name for a boat of any size.
popular and after a short while it was abolished. Today, Pram: [1] Generic term for various small craft used
the term is occasionally used informally for a four- in the Baltic and North Seas (also prame). [2] A small
stripe Royal Navy captain with a seagoing command. open-decked Norwegian shing vessel with a pram
It has never been used by the United States Navy. bow. [3] A ships dinghy.
Post-Panamax : A vessel too large to transit the Pram bow: A bow into which the side planks are
Panama Canal. See also panamax, capesize, and malac- gathered together and the bottom planks are raised,
camax. both meeting a small raked transom-like board well
Post-ship: A designation from the age of sail, used above the waterline.
for an unrated vessel which, for some reason, was tem- Prao/Proa: [1] A small Malaysian lateen-sailed boat,
porarily commanded by a post-captain rather than with a at lee side balanced by a single outrigger. [2] Any
the usual commander or lieutenant. of the small boats used by South Pacic islanders.
PostTraumatic Stress Disorder: See combat fa- Pratique : Permission or clearance to enter port
tigue. with a clean bill of health, either after inspection by
Pounder: A sufx denoting the size of a cannon ac- a port ofcial, or release from quarantine.
cording to the weight of solid shot it res. See also Prayer book: A small holystone for use in conned
groundpounder. spaces. A large one was a bible.
Preamble 248

Preamble: The opening clause in a charter party Press: [1] To cram on as much sail as a vessels rig-
agreement describing the vessel and its principal cargo ging can sustain. [2] See impressment.
ttings. Press gang: See Imprest Service.
Preassault: An operation conducted in the area of Pressed man: A seaman or landsman brought
an amphibious objective before the actual assault is aboard ship by legal force.
launched. Pressure hull: The compression-resistant cylinder
Precedence: [1] Priority in order of rank and sen- which encloses the operating and accommodation
iority. [2] The right to precede others at diplomatic or spaces of a submarine.
social functions. [3] The sequence in which messages Pressure ice: Sea, lake, or river ice that has been al-
should be handled USN, NATO, and diplomatic tered or deformed by the lateral stress of any combi-
messages are labeled ash, immediate, priority, nation of wind, wave, tide, surf, or current.
and routine in descending order of urgency and Pressure suit: Body covering which can be inated
hence of precedence. to maintain approximately normal atmospheric pres-
Precipitous: Term sometimes used instead of very sure (and hence normal bodily function) for an avia-
high for seas of Force 8 on the Douglas Wave Scale tor at high altitude.
(table 2). Prevailing wind: The wind direction which is pre-
Precision approach landing system: See deck dominant or normally encountered at a given location.
landing modes. Preventer: [1] A rope used to ease the strain on an-
Preemptive right: A belligerents prerogative under other rope. [2] Any device used to limit the swing of
international law to seize contraband of war from neu- a boom.
tral vessels on the high seas, subject to just compen- Pricker: [1] A sailmakers tool used to make eyes.
sation of the owners. [2] A needle-like device, pushed through the touch
Prep ag : USN slang for the yellow and green hole of a cannon to make a hole in the cloth or parch-
preparative pendant own by all NATO navies as ment cartridge (see gun ring). [3] Slang for a small
ve-minute advance warning of morning and evening marlinspike.
colors. Primage: A bonus (usually about one-percent of
Present arms: See small arms salutes. the value of cargo) formerly paid by shippers to mas-
President: One of the American super-frigates ters to ensue diligence in handling and taking care of
which caused the Royal Navy so much grief during their goods.
the War of 1812 was USS President. On 15th January Prime: [1] To put powder, a priming tube, or a
1815, she was captured by the British who commis- quill into the touch-hole (vent) of a muzzle-loading
sioned her into the Royal Navy, making her the fourth gun, after it has been loaded with powder and shot
British warship of that name. The fth HMS President (Today, the primer is an integral part of the cartridge).
was a 52-gun fourth-rate, built in 1829. In 1862 she [2] To put a small amount of uid on to the discharge
became a drillship for the Royal Naval Reserve (RNR), side of a pump to enable it to more easily draw from
and was moored in the Thames River next to Lon- the suction side. [3] To prepare a metal surface for
dons Victoria Embankment. In 1903 she was replaced painting by the application of a base coat. [4] Excel-
at that location by a sloop, formerly HMS Buzzard, re- lent, superior, of the highest quality.
christened President to maintain continuity. She in Prime meridian: Longitude zero degrees. Gener-
turn was replaced in 1921 by HMS Saxifrage, also re- ally accepted as the meridian passing over a marker at
named President. Saxifrage had been built in 1917 as a Britains Royal Observatory at Greenwich.
Q-Ship and is the last such vessel still in service. Today Prime seaman: An able-seaman.
she is the headquarters of the Royal Naval Reserve Priming iron: An iron spike, heated to red-heat in
Medway Division and also serves as a conference and a furnace on deck and used to ignite the charge of can-
entertainment center. non prior to arrival of the slow-match and linstock.
Presidential Unit Citation: The senior award for Priming pan: See pan.
exceptionally distinguished service by a United States Priming tube: A short, narrow, metal pipe with a
military unit, established by Executive Order in 1942, bell mouth. The pipe was lled with quick match, while
to be awarded in the name of the President to units of the cup held a paste of mealed gunpowder, gum, and
United States and cobelligerent armed forces for ex- water. A little dry powder was sprinkled on top and
traordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy, sealed with a paper cover. The tube was inserted into
at a level which would earn the award of a Navy Cross the vent of a cannon, holed with a pricker, and ig-
or its equivalent to an individual. Naval units win- nited by slow-match or portre to explode the charge.
ning the award are authorized to y a pennant with The tubes were originally made of tin or copper,
yellow, blue, and red horizontal stripes. Up to ve but hot expended tubes with sharp edges lying on the
bronze stars being placed on the central yellow stripe deck were a hazard to sailors with bare feet, so goose
for additional citations. Persons who were on board quills of the same size and shape were substituted. The
and actually participated in the action are entitled to tube was too short to make contact with the cartridge
wear the Presidential Unit Citation medal. but, when ignited the quick match exploded instan-
249 Prize

taneously, producing a powerful spurt of ame which Private warship: Formerly, a sailing man-o-war
easily penetrated the cartridge bag. See gun ring. not carrying a ag ofcer.
Principal Warfare Ofcer: One of the most de- Privateer: An armed vessel belonging to a private
manding jobs in the Royal Navy and an essential step owner, and sailing under a Commission of War or
on the way to command of a major warship. The PWO Letter of Marque issued by a belligerent state and au-
(pronounced Peewoh) is the captains adviser on war- thorizing it to commit hostile acts against an enemy.
fare, controls the operations room, makes all tactical The term is also applied to the ships captain and in-
decisions, and has direct responsibility for ghting the dividual members of its crew. Privateering is no longer
ship, deciding which targets to engage and in what permissible under international law.
order. The USN equivalent is Operations Ofcer. Privileged vessel: Former term for the ship hav-
Priority: The second-lowest order of precedence ing right of way under the Navigation Rules. Now
for a NATO message. called the stand-on vessel.
Prismatic compass: A hand-held compass on Prize: a captured ship, the value of which is di-
which a prism makes it possible to observe an object vided into shares as prize money. (The word comes
while simultaneously reading its bearing. Often pro- from the French prise = capture.)
vided to small boats. Prize court: A tribunal convened under admiralty
Prison hulks: Ships too worn-out to use in com- law to adjudicate seizures on the high seas and deter-
bat, but still aoat, were a common form of internment mine whether the ship and cargo were liable to cap-
in Britain and elsewhere during the 18th and 19th cen- ture and whether the seizure was lawfully made.
turies. In Great Expectations, Dickens describes A Prize master: The ofcer appointed to take com-
black hulk lying out a little way from the shore, cribbed mand of a prize and sail her to port.
and barred, and moored by massive rusty chains. Prize money: Under Maritime Law, the captors of
Such ships were used to detain prisoners-of-war a legally-seized vessel are entitled to a percentage of the
during the American Revolutionary and Napoleonic value of the captured ship and any goods it might be
wars. Private companies owned and operated convict carrying. [1] The Royal Navys heyday for such pay-
hulks and the harbor location of these oating prisons ment was during the Napoleonic Wars. If the prize
was also convenient for the temporary accommodation was a warship, the government bought it at a fair price
of persons awaiting penal transportation. The con- and added head money for each member of its crew.
version of a famous ghting ship into a prison hulk is If it was a merchantman, prize money was the pro-
described by David Cordingly in his book Billy Rufan ceeds of selling both the vessel and its cargo. [2] Brit-
(Bloomsbury, 2003): ain also awarded prize money in both World Wars.
The crew stripped her of everything that had made [3] In the United States, the principle has been upheld
her a warship The guns were removed and the stores by the Constitution, and federal courts have awarded
of the bosun, the cook, the carpenter, the gunner, prize money to USN ofcers and crews. The last dis-
and the sailmaker were taken out. The rigging was tribution being to USS Omaha for the capture in No-
dismantled, and the masts and bowsprit lifted out by vember 1941 of German blockade-runner Odenwald,
the sheer hulk. Out too came the barrels of food and disguised as an American merchantman. [4] The term
water, the coal for the galley, and several tons of currently refers to a bonus paid to the crews of USN
shingle ballast. The last job of the crew was to scrub ships winning a battle efciency pennant. [5] Pirates
the hammocks and wash down the decks.... The Pay referred to prize money as purchase.
Captain from the dockyard came aboard and paid Prize money distribution: [1] Naval entitlement
the sailors of the ships company. The marines had to share prize money has varied from time to time and
already been discharged.... The ships log-book ... service to service. As an example, in the RN during the
concluded with the words Sunset, haul down the Napoleonic Wars, the money was divided into eight
(commissioning) pendant. equal parts, with the rst share going to the respon-
Then shipwrights and carpenters from the dockyard sible ag ofcer unless the ship was under direct
removed her gunport covers, tted bars in the open- Admiralty orders, when it went to the captain, who re-
ings, ripped out her internal bulkheads, and installed ceived the second and third shares in his own right.
long lines of cages below deck. A variation of the The fourth share was divided by wardroom ofcers
prison hulk was the juvenile detention vessel. and the fth by principal warrant ofcers. The sixth
Private: [1] Said of a soldier, seaman or marine was split between junior warrant ofcers, petty ofcers
holding no rank. [2] Non-governmental. and their mates, sergeants of marines, and midship-
Private armed vessel: A non-governmental vessel men. The remaining two-eighths were divided among
which carries weapons and ammunition for defensive the crew, according to their ratings (i.e., ABs got more
purposes only. Under admiralty law such a vessel is than ODs who got more than landsmen, who got
non-combatant and does not acquire the legal status more than boys). [2] Piratical entitlement to partici-
of warship or privateer. (See also public armed vessel.) pate in the division of booty was normally specied in
Private vessel: One neither owned nor chartered by their Articles. Typically the captain might get two
a government. shares of the plunder, other ofcers one-and-a-half
Proa 250

shares each, an able seaman a single share, and the rule-of-thumb technique developed by the Royal Ar-
cabin boy a quarter-share, while black slaves would senal, each purser was required to draw a sample of the
get nothing: Those who had lost a limb or eye would rum to be issued, mix it with a little water and add some
often be given an extra quarter share. grains of black gunpowder. When the sun heated the
Proa: see prao. mixture through a magnifying glass, it was supposed
Procedures: Standard, detailed steps that prescribe to ignite and gently burn, indicating it was up to
how to perform specic tasks. proof. If it was stronger than required, the mixture ex-
Proceed: It is customary for Royal Navy ships to ask ploded, but if it failed to ignite, the purser could be
the senior ofcer present for permission to proceed ned or otherwise punished for over-diluting. In 1816
when about to set sail. This custom is carried out even the Admiralty tested one-hundred samples by both the
when the ofcer addressed has no authority to refuse. gunpowder and hydrometer methods and found the
It is recorded that one ofcer discourteous enough to former surprisingly accurate, establishing the speci-
leave without asking permission was ordered to re- cation of naval issue rum at a powerful 95.5 proof.
turn to the anchorage, the senior ship going to Ac- Propellant: [1] The charge used to expel the pro-
tion Stations and threatening to open re unless the jectile from a cannon. [2] the substance (usually fuel
junior obeyed. It was commanded by an ofcer of the and an oxidant) used to give impetus to a rocket or
same rank with only a few days seniority over the missile.
other commanding ofcer, but that was sufcient to Propeller: A shaft-mounted mechanical device,
entitle him to act as he did. having a hub with radiating blades that rotate to pro-
Processing a whale: See whale processing. vide thrust that drives a ship through water or an air-
Procurement Executive: See Royal Corps of Naval craft through air. Also screw.
Constructors. Propeller boss: The hub of a propeller.
Prole-drag: One of the four principal causes of re- Propeller guard: A framework that protects that
sistance to movement of a vessel through water, deriv- part of a propeller projecting beyond the ships hull.
ing essentially from the shape of the hull. A sleek or Propeller horsepower: A measure of the power
streamlined form produces less drag than does a larger available to drive a propeller after all frictional and
cross-section, and gradual changes of shape have less other losses have been deducted. See shaft horsepower.
effect than abrupt ones. See also eddy-resistance, par- Propeller post: A vertical member of the stern frame
asitic drag, skin-friction, and wave-resistance. through which the tailshaft passes. Also sternpost.
Progressive ood: Refers to water passing from Propeller shaft: A long round rotating bar sup-
one compartment to the next, due to [1] Lack of wa- ported on bearings and driven by gears, transmitting
tertight bulkheads. [2] Watertight doors being left torque and motion from a vessels engines to its pro-
open. [3] Short bulkheads that allow water to ow peller. Also tailshaft.
over their tops. The latter type of progressive ood Propeller walk: Sideways movement created by
sank Titanic. the torque of propeller spin.
Projectile: An arrow, bullet, shell, rocket, or any Propeller wash: [1] The rough or broken water cre-
other missile. ated by a ships propeller. [2] The backwash from an
Projection: In cartography, a systematic construc- aircrafts propeller.
tion of lines on a plane surface, representative of and Propulsion: Marine propulsion is the act of mov-
corresponding to the meridians and parallels of the ing an object through the water or across its surface.
curved surface of the earth. Poles, paddles, and oars were the earliest forms, while
Prolonged blast: Occurs when the ships whistle sails represented the most signicant historical method.
is blown for between four and six seconds (cf. short Today, common types are underwater propeller,
blast, and see table 9). water-jet, paddle wheel and, experimentally, magne-
Promenade deck: The uppermost deck on a pas- tohydrodynamic drive.
senger liner, usually railed with no solid bulwarks. Propulsion machinery: The assembly of mechan-
Promontory: A point of high land jutting into the ical devices that serve to drive a vessel forward. See
sea, a headland. propulsion systems.
Prompt: Said of a ship which is ready to accept cargo. Propulsion systems: Whether providing thwarts
Proof: [1] To test a gun by ring it. [2] An arbitrary for oarsmen, masts for sails, bunkers and boilers for
benchmark used by the distillery industry to rate the coal-red vessels, or generators and motors for electri-
strength of an alcoholic liquor against a standard of 100 cal propulsion, the primary concern of shipbuilders
(dened as representing 50 percent alcohol by volume). has always been to accommodate currently available
Proong the rum ration: Naturally the Royal systems rather than create new ones to t individual
Navy wanted to ensure that rum purchased for the hulls.
eet was not illegally diluted by a ships purser before Even in modern merchantmen powered by diesel
being issued but, until the hydrometer was invented, engines, gas or steam turbines, or hybrid-electric sys-
it was virtually impossible to determine how much tems, the size and weight of propulsion machinery
water had been added. As an approximation, using a dictates ship design, reduces the space available for
251 Punishment

passengers and goods, and inhibits the loading and ing contraband of war, a neutral public vessel, may
discharge of cargo; while in warships, machinery and not be visited, searched, detained, or seized by a bel-
drive shafts occupy space which could otherwise be ligerent.
available for weaponry or ammunition. PUC: Presidential Unit Citation.
One partial answer seems be integrated electric Puddening: A sausage-like pad or fender to prevent
drive, with which efciency can be improved by tak- chang or scraping. Often made of twisted rope yarn
ing surplus machines off-line and running the required and seen on the bows of tugboats.
generators at close to full output. Moreover, electric Puff : [1] A sudden, brief, gentle burst of wind.
drives can be placed further aft, reducing the length [2] Force 1 on the Beaufort scale (table 1).
of propeller shafts for in-hull motors, or to zero for Pull your nger out: This colloquialism mean-
those in external pods. Both the United States and ing essentially stop procrastinating and get on with
Royal Navies have announced that their next genera- it originally applied to a specic task in naval gun-
tion surface warships will feature electrical propul- nery. While powder and shot were being rammed into
sion. See also CODAD, CODAG, CODAG-electric, a muzzle-loading cannon, there was a danger of self-
CODAG-WASH, COGAG, COGOG, COSAG, ignition due to the heat of previous rings, so one
Cycloidal drive, Diesel-electric, Direct drive, MHD member of the gun-crew would press his thumb
drive, Podded drive, Propulsion machinery, Stern against the vent to keep oxygen out. When the gun was
drive, Turbo-electric drive, and Water jet. loaded, the command nger out! would warn him
Protected waters: Sheltered anchorages with few to withdraw smartly or be burned by the approaching
hazards due to winds or weather. slow-match.
Protection: Formerly, a certicate giving exemp- Pull: [1] An oar. [2] To row.
tion from impressment. Pulley: One or more grooved wheels set in a block
Protective deck: The most heavily-armored deck for a rope to pass over; used to change the direction
of a warship (cf. splinter deck). or power of hauling.
Proteus: Was Poseidons sealherd and one of many Pulling boat: A large boat propelled by rowers with
gods identied as the Old Man of the Sea. individual or shared oars.
Provision: To provide supplies of foodstuffs. Also Pulpit: An elevated guard rail at the bow of a ves-
victual. sel.
Prow: The bow or stem of a ship projecting above Pulse: A brief emission of radio energy by a radar
the waterline. system. The detection and ranging part of the
Proword: Word used in voice communication to acronym is accomplished by timing the delay between
express standard messages (e.g., roger, wilco, over, transmission of radio energy and its subsequent re-
etc.). Abbreviation of procedure word. turn.
Proximity fuse: A device for detonating a mine or Pulse duration: The length of time a radar trans-
missile when near to, but not in contact with, a tar- mitter is energized during each cycle.
get. Pulsing: In naval mine warfare, a method of ener-
PSU: Port security unit. gizing magnetic and acoustic sweeps by intermittent
PT: Patrol torpedo boat (USN). or variable current.
Public armed vessel: A privately-owned craft con- Pungy: An adaptation of the marvelously success-
verted for naval use, commissioned by a state and ful Baltimore Clipper design to meet the needs of
crewed by its military, but not part of the ofcial navy. merchants shipping perishable cargo and luxury goods
(See private armed vessel.) around the Chesapeake Bay region.
Public Health Service Corps: This service evolved Punishment: Rules of conduct and penalties for
from the United States Marine Hospital Service. Its outing them are essential to all forms of society, es-
commissioned ofcers wear United States Navy uni- pecially so in ships at sea, which were historically in-
form, and rank insignia identical to that of naval dependent of land-based authority, giving ship cap-
ofcers with unique and distinctive Corps devices. tains unfettered power over their crews. The earliest
Two different sets of rank titles are used. Most com- extant English-language laws and punishments are the
mon are the standard naval ranks, but there are also ti- Ordinances or Usages of the Sea promulgated in 1190
tles that identify the specialty of the ofcer. For exam- by Richard Lionheart (who himself spoke little or no
ple, a Commander (O-5) is also a Senior Surgeon, English) for the English Crusader eet. In part, these
and the head of the corps, known as the Surgeon stated:
General, is a Vice Admiral (O-9). He who kills a man on shipboard, shall be bound to
Public reprimand: A humiliating court-martial the dead man and thrown into the sea: if the man is
sentence, falling short of dismissal. Cf. admonitions, killed on shore, the slayer shall be bound to the dead
reprimands, and cautions. body and buried with it.... Anyone convicted by
Public vessel: One owned or chartered by a state lawful witness of having drawn his knife or weapon
for governmental duties and effectively enjoying to strike another or who shall have drawn blood of
diplomatic immunity. Even if suspected of carry- him, he is to lose his hand. If he shall have only
Punt 252

struck with the palm of the hand without drawing and, in 1870, they were consolidated into the Pay
blood, he shall be thrice ducked in the sea. Corps which, in turn, was re-designated Supply Corps
Punishments of this type remained in force for cen- in 1919. In todays USN, the purser is a junior supply
turies, but gradually became slightly less draconian. ofcer who performs shipboard organizational tasks
Flogging and execution by hanging were by far the related to meal and mail services, record-keeping, and
most common disciplinary penalties from the 17th to the like.
the early 20th century, but other punishments were In modern merchantmen, especially passenger lin-
available, many of them being close to unofcial sen- ers, the Purser is a three-stripe senior ofcer (ranking
tences of death. See blasphemy, cobbing & rking, with Chief Ofcer) who handles passenger relations,
ogging, juvenile punishment, keelhauling, keelrak- general administration, fees and charges, currency ex-
ing, marooning, running the gauntlet, sleeping on change, and other needs of passengers and crew. In
watch, Spanish mare, spreadeagling, tarring, yardarm very large cruise ships the pursers job is often split
ducking, captains mast, non-judicial punishment, between several four-stripe ofcers with civilian-style
non-punitive disciplinary action, and Uniform Code titles such as Hotel Manager and Passenger Relations
of Military Justice. Manager.
Punt: [1] A small dinghy-like boat with a at bot- Pursers pound: Formerly a weight equal to 14
tom and square bow and stern. [2] A at-bottomed, ounces (7 8 pound). The purser was allowed to deduct
raft-like craft used when painting a ships side above 2 ounces (1 8 pound) for wastage (read prot!). Also
the waterline. [3] To propel a small craft by means of pussers pound.
a pushing pole. Pursuit: See hot pursuit and right of pursuit.
Purchase: [1] Pirate slang for loot, booty, or prize Pusser: RN slang for [1] An ofcer in the logistics
money. [2] The mechanical advantage provided by an branch. [2] Anything ofcial, whether tangible or in-
arrangement of ropes and pulleys. [3] To loosen the tangible (the U.S. equivalent is GI).
anchor from the ground. Pussers grin: RN slang for a hypocritical smile,
Purple Shirt: Personnel working on a USN air- sneer, or grimace.
craft carriers ight deck wear colored shirts for easy Pussy-cat: See juvenile punishment.
identication. Purple shirts are worn by handlers of Put about: To tack or wear onto the opposite tack.
aviation fuel, who are known colloquially as grapes. Put away: To leave the ship by boat.
Purser: This title for the person responsible for ac- Put in: To enter a port or harbor, usually on an
counts and victualing goes back to the 14th century. unscheduled basis to avoid bad weather or make emer-
It is related to bursar or treasurer, and comes from the gency repairs.
Latin bursarius meaning bag or purse. Put off: [1] To leave the shore by boat. [2] To defer
In the Royal Navy: During the 18th and 19th cen- something.
turies pursers were unpaid warrant ofcers of ward- Pyrotechnics: Ammunition, ares, star shells, or
room rank, expected to turn a prot even after buy- reworks used for entertainment or military purposes
ing the job. In the 18th century, a candidate had to such as signaling and target illumination.
serve at least one year as captains clerk before apply-
ing; then a pursers warrant cost him 65 and in ad-
dition he had to provide a security deposit of at least
2,100. These were signicant amounts when the an-
nual pay of an able-seaman was 14. QM: Quartermaster.
They easily recovered these outlays by claiming Q-Message: A classied NATO communication
inated prices for purchased supplies, overcharging concerning navigational aids and dangers, or mined
for goods re-sold to the crew, and even taking a 5 per- areas and swept channels.
cent commission on items seamen purchased directly QRO: Queens Regulations and Orders (Brit.).
from slop dealers. One of their more protable enter- Q-Route: A pre-planned shipping lane through
prises was to issue pay tickets to non-existent crew, mined or potentially-mined waters.
then sell them to moneylenders at a discount (see open Q-Ship: An RN-crewed merchantman used during
list musters). Word War I to deceive German U-boats. When a sub-
In 1825 the title became Purser and Paymaster, and marine surfaced to attack with its deck gun, a panic
in 1843 it became a commissioned rank. Nine years party, including seamen dressed as women, took to
later the venerable title nally disappeared to become the boats, tempting the submarine to close in. Hinged
simply Paymaster. This lasted until 1944 when pay- bulkheads then opened to reveal hidden armament
masters became Supply Ofcers. Finally, in 2004, they which destroyed the sitting target. Their success led U-
became Logistics Ofcers (but are still referred to col- boats to remain submerged for torpedo attack. Q-
loquially as pusser). ships were unsuccessfully deployed by the USN in
The United States Navy followed a similar path. Word War II. (The Q comes from the Latin quaere
Pursers were warrant ofcers until 1812 when they were = query.) See also HMS President.
commissioned. In 1860 they were re-titled Paymaster Quadrant: A former navigational instrument, con-
253 Quartermaster

sisting of a at piece of metal cut like a quarter-circle, merly extended outside the quarter netting from the
with a 90 angle at the top and a curved side marked upper part of the gallery to the gangway. It was usu-
with a scale of degrees at the bottom. A weighted ally decorated with martial instruments or allegorical
thread hung from the top. The navigator lined up one gures.
straight edge with the sun or a star and noted where Quarter gallery: A windowed balcony across the
the thread crossed the scale. Since a celestial body is stern of wooden sailing ships.
directly overhead (90) at the pole and lies on the hori- Quarter gunner: A sailing ship seaman responsi-
zon (0) at the equator, the angle indicated the ships ble for assisting in the maintenance and handling of
latitude. four of the ships great guns.
Quadrantal deviation: Deection of a magnetic Quarter netting: Mesh placed on the quarters to
compass due to the induced magnetism of a ships hold rolled hammocks as protection against musket
hull. re.
Quadrantal spheres: Hollow balls of soft iron Quarter watch: In exceptionally clear weather with
placed on either side of a magnetic compass in order light winds, a sailing merchantmans master might re-
to compensate for quadrantal deviation by neutraliz- quire only half of the port or starboard watch (i.e.,
ing induced magnetism. Sometimes known colloqui- one-quarter of the watchkeepers) to be on duty at any
ally as navigators balls (cf. Flinders bars). given time, so that each has four hours on and twelve
Quadrireme: In classical antiquity, a galley with hours off.
four banks of oars. The fastest and most maneuverable Quarterboard: A carved plank on a vessels quar-
Roman and Carthaginian naval vessel, it could make ter bearing its name and port of registry. Cf. Es-
lightning turns in ram-and-board combat, and was cutcheon.
ideal for pirate-chasing. Quarterdeck: [1] When decks were in tiers, a half-
Quaker: A dummy wooden gun intended to make deck was half the length of the vessel, and the quar-
a vessel look more heavily-armed. The name is an al- ter-deck was half of that. [2] Formerly, a deck above
lusion to the Society of Friends opposition to war and the main deck on the after part of the ship, contain-
violence. See also dummy ports. ing helm and compass, used by captain and ofcers
Quarantinable diseases: The World Health Or- to control a sailing warship. The weather side was tra-
ganization denes quarantinable diseases as cholera, ditionally reserved for the captain when on deck; other
plague, and yellow fever. Other infections or conta- ofcers were free to use it while he was below, but
gions which may cause a ship to be detained and iso- scurried to clear it as soon as he appeared. If there
lated include anthrax, leprosy, pandemic inuenza, was no weather side, the captain took the starboard.
psittacosis, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), [3] Nowadays, a warships quarters are frequently clut-
and typhus. tered with AAA guns, depth charge racks and other
Quarantine: [1] The isolation and detention of in- paraphernalia, so the quarterdeck is that part of the
coming vessels and their passenger or animal cargo main or upper deck designated by the captain for
which might be carrying or have been exposed to in- ofcial functions, honors, and ceremonies, and as the
fectious or contagious disease. [2] The period of such station of the ofcer-of-the-deck. It is usually, but not
imposed isolation, which is seldom more than the im- necessarily, aft near the principal accommodation lad-
plied 40 days (quarenta is forty in Italian). The prac- der or brow. [4] The quarterdeck has immense ritual
tice originated when Venice tried to limit the spread signicance to naval seamen see salutes and courte-
of the Black Death by requiring all incoming vessels sies.
to remain at anchor for forty-two days. See also Laza- Quarterdecker: Derisive slang for an ofcer more
retto. concerned with appearance and etiquette than sea-
Quarantine signal: The International Code ag manship and combat efciency.
Q (a yellow square) is displayed alone or in combi- Quartering: Seas or winds approaching a vessel at
nation by vessels entering or leaving a port. See table approximately 45 abaft the beam.
8. Quarterman: A junior supervisor or foreman in a
Quarrel: A short bolt red by crossbow or arbalest. naval dockyard.
Quarter: [1] To face the waves somewhere between Quartermaster: [1] The second-in-command to
head-on and abeam. [2] Mercy offered to a ships com- the captain of a pirate ship and, like him, elected by
pany surrendering in combat (probably derived from the crew. [2] The army ofcer responsible for rations
the custom of allowing ofcers to ransom themselves and accommodation. [3] In naval use the title was
by paying a one-fourth part of their annual pay). originally Master of the Quarterdeck and referred to
Quarter bill: A document dening the action sta- a petty ofcer with all the qualications of an AB, who
tion (general quarters) for each member of a ships attended to the ships helm, binnacle, and signals and
company. maintained the quarterdeck and its equipment in good
Quarter boat: A small boat carried on davits at the order. He was also an assistant to the ships navigat-
ships quarter, ready for rapid launching while at sea. ing ofcer, responsible for updating charts, repairing
Quarter cloth: A long piece of painted canvas, for- clocks, servicing navigational instruments, and train-
Quarters 254

ing helmsmen and lookouts. [4] Today, a United Quill-pusher: Formerly, a slang term for the cap-
States Navy quartermaster is a senior or chief petty tains clerk. Also quill-driver.
ofcer who specializes in navigation and is familiar Quilting: Matting used to protect a vessel from ice
with electronic aids as well as conventional naviga- damage.
tional instruments. The quartermaster of the watch Quinquereme: A classical galley with three banks
maintains a dead reckoning of the ships position and of oars. Two rowers known as thranites pulled a sin-
projected path, plots them on the chart, and main- gle sweep on the upper level, two zygites on the mid-
tains the ships deck log. Reporting to the navigator, dle oar, and one thalamite on the lower one. (Latin
he or she supervises and administers the work of the quinque = ve + remus = oar.)
ships quartermaster force, and is sometimes respon- Quintal: [1] Seldom-used commercial term for a
sible for supervising its signal force as well. [5] In the weight of 100 pounds. [2] Metric term for 100 kilo-
Royal Navy and in merchant service, quartermaster grams.
is not a rate but a duty for (usually) a senior AB or Quintant: Formerly, a sextant whose arc was equal
leading seaman. In harbor the QM stands gangway to one-fth of a circle.
watch with a bosns mate, and at sea is the senior hand Quoddy: A New England lobster shing boat with
in the wheelhouse steering position. a gaff mainsail and jib on a detachable bowsprit.
Quarters: [1] The after parts of a ships sides ex- Named after Pasamaquoddy Bay. Pronounce kwaddy.
tending roughly to 45 abaft the beam on each side. Quoin: [1] A wedge used to adjust the elevation of
[2] In naval use, the positions assigned for combat (see a cannon [2] A block or chock used to prevent casks
general quarters). [3] In military use, the place as- or other round cargo from shifting. Pronounced
signed for rest or sleep. [4] An assemblage of person- koin.
nel for inspection or special duties. [5] Shipboard liv- Quota system: This British naval recruitment
ing spaces. [6] A Bugle call requiring all personnel not scheme, introduced in 1795, required local authorities
authorized to be absent to return to their quarters for to provide a xed number of (supposedly) prime sea-
the night. men, for which they received a bounty of between
Quarters!: An exclamation to implore mercy from 20 and 60 a head, much of which they earned by
a victorious enemy. rounding up vagabonds and emptying the jails of
Quay: A mole, bank, or wharf, usually of concrete felons. Such untrained men (known as scrovies)
or stone, built parallel to the edge of a waterway for could holystone decks, haul ropes, and manhandle
use as a landing place and for the discharge of cargo. guns, but were useless for handling sails and working
Pronounced key and sometimes so written. the ship. See also impressment.
Quebec: NATO phonetic notation for the letter Quotaman: One raised for naval service through
Q. Pronounced kay-bec. the quota system.
Queche: A small Portuguese smack.
Queen topsail: A small staysail mounted between
the fore and main masts.
Quenching: Air bubbles forming around the out-
side of the sonar dome, reducing underwater sound re- R: [1] Symbol in the sailing navy muster book
ception by absorbing the pulse. meaning run (i.e., deserted or missed muster three
Queue: See pigtail. consecutive times). [2] Routine (military and diplo-
Quick asher: A navigation light that ashes about matic communications precedence).
once a second. R&D: Research and development.
Quick match: Formerly, threads of cotton or cot- R&R: [1] Rest and Recreation. [2] Ret and Repair.
ton wick soaked in a solution of gunpowder, mixed R&S: Reconnaissance and surveillance.
with gum arabic and boiling water, and strewn with Rabbet: A groove in a piece of wood into which
mealed gunpowder. It burned at the rate of approxi- another wooden member ts.
mately one foot (300 mm) in ve seconds and was Rabbit: In the RN, work performed without au-
used as a primer for heavy cannon. See also gunring, thorization, or equipment obtained through unofcial
portre, slow match. channels (cf. Cumshaw).
Quickwater: The backwash from propellers when Race: A channel through which tide ebbs or ows
a vessel is going astern. Starting from behind the stern, as a fast turbulent current.
the quickwater moves forward along the vessel as it Racetrack turn: A person overboard maneuver in
loses headway, reaching amidships when the vessel has which the vessel turns onto a reverse course and then
no way on and is about to make sternway. turns again to follow the original course until the ca-
Quid: [1] An individual wad of chewing tobacco. sualty is sighted and rescued.
[2] British slang for a pound (1). Rack: [1] To lash two ropes together. [2] A frame-
Quill: The hollow stem of a large birds feather, work from which depth charges are rolled to drop
formerly used [1] As a pen, when sharpened to a point. overboard. [3] USN slang for a sleeping bunk. [4] A
[2] As the ring tube of a ships cannon. ddle-board.
255 Raking

Rack time: USN slang for time to sleep while off Radio navigation: The use of radio waves to deter-
watch. mine a vessels course, speed, and position. See Loran,
Racking: Seizing made by passing cord around two radio direction nder, satellite navigation.
lines in gure-eight turns. Radio silence: [1] A tactical means of escaping hos-
Radar: System for detecting the presence, range tile detection by closing down all equipment capable
and direction of objects by emitting pulses of high-fre- of emitting radio signals. [2] A period during which
quency electromagnetic waves and measuring the time radio chatter is prohibited in order to leave channels
for an echo to return and the direction it returns from clear for emergency signals.
(acronym of radio detection and ranging). Radiolocation: The original name of radar.
Radar countermeasures: Means of reducing the Radiosonde: A balloon with an instrument pack-
effectiveness of hostile radar. These may be electronic age payload that automatically transmits meteorolog-
such as jamming, physical such as chaff, or inherent ical information as the balloon ascends.
such as stealth technology. Radius of action: The maximum distance a ship or
Radar dome : The protective housing for radar aircraft can travel away from its base and return with-
equipment and antennae; transparent to radio waves out refueling, allowing for safety and operational fac-
(also radome). Cf. sonar dome. tors.
Radar echo: An electronic signal that has been Radome: See radar dome.
reected back to the transmitting radar antenna; pro- Raft: [1] Ice oes overlapping so that some are sup-
viding information about the location and distance ported by others. [2] A small inatable craft. [3] A
of the reecting object. at oating structure made of wood or other mate-
Radar picket: A vessel or aircraft assigned to patrol rial.
an outlying area to supplement the radar coverage of Raid: An operation to temporarily seize an area in
the main force. order to secure information, confuse an adversary, cap-
Radar reector: A device designed to increase the ture personnel or equipment, or to destroy a capabil-
returned radar echo. Often provided to lifeboats or ity. The raid ends with a planned withdrawal.
rafts to assist search and rescue efforts. Rail: [1] The rounded cap of a bulwark. [2] A rigid
Radar scan: The rotating motion of a radar an- fence-like structure on a weather deck or in a machin-
tenna. ery space. [3] A track that provides initial support and
Radar shadow: The area obscured by an obstruc- guidance to a missile being launched in a nonvertical
tion that returns no radar echo. position.
Radar trap: An atmospheric condition which can Railgun: See Electromagnetic rail gun.
seal radar pulses between adjacent layers, sometimes Railroad tracks: USN enlisted slang for the twin
leading to signal disappearance, at others greatly ex- bars of a lieutenants rank insignia.
tending its range of detection. Rainbow sideboys: A special formation mounted
Radarscope: The screen which displays an image to render side honors aboard aircraft carriers. It con-
of received radar echoes. See also plan position indi- sists of ight deck personnel wearing their different
cator. colored shirts or jerseys.
Radiated noise: Sonic or electronic energy emit- Ras/Ras-Pasha: In Ottoman Turkish, a Ras is a
ted by ships, submarines, or torpedoes, making them ship-captain while a Pasha is a general. Hence a Ras-
more detectable. Cf. signature. Pasha is an admiral. These titles were used by Turks,
Radiation fog: Condensation of warm water vapor Arabs, Egyptians, and Barbary Corsairs. Sometimes
as it passes over a cooler landmass. spelled Reis.
Radio beacon: An electronic aid to navigation Raise: [1] To come within sight of something (e.g.,
which emits signals which can be detected by a radio land or another ship). [2] To establish radio commu-
direction nding (RDF) antenna. nication. [3] To bring a sunken vessel to the surface.
Radio central: USN term for a ships principal Rake: [1] To re along the entire length of a vessel
communications room, which is usually soundproof (see raking). [2] The fore-and-aft angle from the ver-
and located near the navigation bridge. tical of a mast or funnel. [3] The forward pitch of a
Radio countermeasures: Jamming or other means stem or backward slope of a stern. [4] Term for observ-
of reducing the effectiveness of hostile radio commu- ing and calling the accuracy of gunre. [5] A dissolute
nication. person.
Radio direction nder: A navigational device Raking: Sailing warships were immensely strong
which uses a directional antenna to determine the along the sides, but weaker forward and aft, being es-
bearings of radio beacons or commercial radio trans- pecially vulnerable at the stern where large windows
mitters whose positions are known. The ships posi- pierced the structure to bring light into ofcers cab-
tion can be determined by triangulation. ins and around the gallery. Hence, a favorite tactic in
Radio guard: A ship or shore establishment that the age of sail was to cross an enemys stern (or bow)
assumes responsibility for the radio communication and rake it, causing tremendous damage while the
of other ships or facilities. ship being attacked was unable to bring its broadside
Ram 256

to bear and could only reply with light chasers. See as on parade (cf. le). [2] Status conferred by warrant
also naval tactics in the age of sail. or commission. See naval ranks and rates, and tables
Ram: [1] A heavy bronze-reinforced timber pro- 1315.
jecting from the front of a wooden galley in order to Ransack: [1] To re-arrange the contents of a hold.
pierce the hull of an opponent. [2] A similar armored [2] To loot or pillage. [3] to search thoroughly.
projection at the bow of a steel warship. [3] A ram- Rasing-iron: A tool for clearing old pitch and
equipped warship. [4] To attack with a ram. [5] A hy- oakum from a seam in preparation for re-caulking it.
draulic device used to apply heavy pressure. [6] The Also reaming-iron.
dangerous underwater projection of an iceberg or ice Ransom: Money paid to secure the release of a cap-
cliff. [7] To use a rammer. tured person or vessel, or to pre-empt the spoil of a
RAM: [1] Radar Absorbent Material (substance that captured city.
changes radar waves into small electromagnetic elds RAS: Replenishment at Sea.
and reduces the radar image). [2] Random Access Raster Chart: A digital facsimile of a paper nauti-
Memory (the most common type of computer mem- cal chart, produced by or distributed on the author-
ory). ity of a government authorized hydrographic ofce.
Rammer: [1] A cylindrical wooden block the size The image can be zoomed in on for detailed infor-
of a cannons bore, fastened to a wooden staff and used mation (cf. Electronic navigational chart).
as a tool to drive home the charge of gunpowder. Raster Chart Display System: A navigational in-
[2] A person using such a tool. formation system displaying Raster charts, with posi-
Ramp: [1] The bottom-hinged forward section of tional information from navigation sensors to assist
a landing craft, across which troops or vehicles land on the mariner in route planning and monitoring and, if
a beach. [2] The after end of an aircraft carriers ight required, display additional navigation-related infor-
deck. [3] To sail on a tack with all sails lled. [4] An mation (cf. Electronic chart display and information
inclined surface for launching ships, a slipway. [5] Any system).
sloping surface accommodating foot or vehicular Rat guard: A large, hinged, conical, circular disc with
trafc (as for boarding a ferry). a central hole through which mooring lines are run
RAN: Royal Australian Navy. so that rats cannot clamber aboard carrying diseases.
Ran: In Scandinavian mythology, Ran was a sea- Ratan: Radio And Television Aids to Navigation.
goddess who dragged down ships and drowned their Information transmitted from a central station to ships
crews. equipped to receive the signals.
Randan: [1] A peculiar mode of rowing using alter- Ratbars: See ratlines.
nate long oars and short sculls. [2] A boat rowed by Ratchet: A bar or wheel with teeth that engage a
three persons, with the central person pulling a pair of pawl either [1] To convert reciprocating to rotary mo-
sculls and those at stern and bow each using a single tion: or [2] To allow motion in only one direction.
oar. Ratchet block: A block tted with a ratchet to pre-
Range : [1] The distance to a target or object. vent reverse motion.
[2] The horizontal distance at which something can be Rate: [1] Seamans job title, indicating rank in the
effective (range of re, range of sight). [3] An area des- USN; both trade and rank in the RN (see naval ranks
ignated for target practice. [4] The distance a pow- and rates). [2] To assign a specic rate to a particular
ered vessel can travel without refueling. [5] To organ- seaman. [3] The division of sailing warships into
ize the placement of aircraft on a ight deck. [6] To classes (see warship ratings).
lay out anchor cable or another rope. [7] To follow a Rate of knots: See knots per hour.
course parallel to the shore. [8] To swerve or sheer Rating: [1] In the USN, a general grouping of en-
while anchored. [9] The difference between consecu- listed personnel according to their naval skills or trade.
tive high and low tides. [10] A heavy two-armed cleat [2] In the RN, a non-commissioned or private sea-
in the waist of a sailing ship. [11] To come alongside man. [3] See warship ratings. [4] A yachting rule,
without making physical contact. based on factors that affect a vessels potential speed,
Range beacons: Two or more beacons lined up applied to allow different types to compete on more-
with the taller behind the shorter to indicate a safe or-less equal terms.
course to follow. Called leading marks in Britain and Ration: The ofcial daily food allowance for one
(sometimes) range lights in the USA. member of a ships company.
Range light: A second white light, mounted above Rations: The allotted portion of food resources
and behind the masthead light, which allows other being distributed on a particular day or at a particu-
vessels to estimate a ships course. lar time.
Range markers: A pair of upright markers or bea- Ratlines: [1] Small tarred lines laid like the rungs of
cons which can be lit at night. Used in amphibious op- a ladder across the shrouds as part of the standing rig-
erations to aid in properly beaching landing ships or ging of a sailing ship to serve as steps for sailors ascend-
craft. ing the mast. Sometimes, especially on the lower
Rank: [1] A line of personnel standing side-by-side shrouds, they are made of wood and called ratbars.
257 Red

The seizings and clove hitches of each ratline are tra- Ready room: The aircraft carrier compartment in
ditionally tied from the top down, with the sailors which aircrews are briefed or debriefed.
standing on temporary wooden battens that keep the Ready use: Said of ammunition removed from the
shrouds at the right distance apart and prevent their magazine and stored near its weapon, making it avail-
weight causing the shrouds to sag. (Pronounced able for rapid loading, but creating an explosion haz-
ratlins.) [2] In U.S. military terminology, an organ- ard.
ized effort for moving personnel and/or material by Reaming: Caulkers term for opening-up the seams
clandestine means across a denied area or border. of planking to better permit lling with oakum (also
Rattan: The cane used by a sailing boatswain (see reeming).
also starter). Made from the East Indian climbing Reaming-beetle: The heaviest caulking mallet.
plant of the same name. Reaming-iron: An iron wedge used to open up
RATO: Rocket-Assisted Take-Off (cf. JATO). seams for caulking. Also rasing-iron.
Raze: To reduce the height of a ship by cutting off Rear Admiral: This ag rank originally designated
its upper deck. the third-in-command of a eet or squadron, who
Razee: A ship which has been razed. In the RN, a also commanded the squadron bringing up the rear.
razee was usually a line-of-battle ship that had been cut See Rank, and tables 1315.
down to become an extra-powerful, shallow-draft Recall: Signal directing all boats and personnel to
frigate. In the USN it was often a frigate converted return immediately to the ship.
to a powerful sloop-of-war. Receiver: A person appointed by admiralty court
RCDS: Raster Chart Display System. to arrange the disposition of wrecks for the benet of
RCN: Royal Canadian Navy. shipping interests.
RCNC: Royal Corps of Naval Constructors. Receiving ship: RN term for a vessel assigned to
RDF : Radio direction nding. hold volunteers, pressed men, and supernumerary
Reach: [1] To sail with the wind abeam or abaft the sailors until assigned to a specic ship.
beam. [2] A straight stretch of river or canal between Reciprocal: A course or bearing 180 opposed to
bends or locks. the one specied or being followed.
Reactivate: To restore a de-commissioned (moth- Reciprocating engine: An engine in which pres-
balled, in ordinary) ship to service. sure in cylinders drives a shaft via pistons, connecting
Readiness: A USN term indicating the required rods, and cranks.
condition of a warship relative to its immediate task. Reckoning: Calculation of a position (cf. Dead
Readiness covers a range of items, including availabil- Reckoning).
ity and crewing of weapons, state of propulsion ma- Recoil: The backward motion imparted to a rearm
chinery, maximum speed available, closure of water- by the force of its discharge.
tight doors or hatches, and many other considerations Recoil mechanism: A system, usually consisting
depending on which of the following six conditions has of springs and/or hydraulic pistons with metered
been declared. orices which, slows down the recoil of a gun.
Condition I: Requires the ship to be closed for Reconnaissance: The military or naval survey of a
combat, with all hands at general quarters (battle place or region to locate an enemy or to gather tacti-
stations). Sub-divisions of this condition apply dur- cal or strategic intelligence.
ing: Reconnoiter: To make a reconnaissance.
(1-a) Amphibious operations Red Cross: [1] An internationally-recognized hu-
(1-aa) Threat of air attack manitarian emblem, worn as a ag and painted on the
(1-as) Submarine alert hull of unarmed hospital ships. [2] The International
(1-m) Minesweeping Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial,
(1-e) A temporary lull in combat neutral and independent organization whose exclu-
Condition II: Still on high alert, but specied com- sively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and
bat stations may stand down to minimize fatigue dignity of victims of war and internal violence and to
and some watertight doors may be opened. provide them with assistance.
Condition III: General state of readiness with only Red Ensign: One of three United Kingdom naval
selected weapon systems and combat stations crewed ags carrying the union in the upper left quadrant.
and ready. Used by merchantmen and the general public and
Condition IV: Normal peacetime sea duties. Most popularly known as the Red Duster. See British en-
combat systems un-crewed. signs.
Condition V: Normal peacetime harbor routines. Red lead: An anti-corrosion primer for metal hulls.
Condition VI: Relaxed condition at moorings with Red sector: Danger area on a chart.
only minimal personnel on board for re and se- Red shirt: Personnel working on a USN aircraft
curity watch. carrier ight deck wear colored shirts for easy identi-
Ready about!: Command ordering a sailing crew to cation. Red shirts are worn by ordnance personnel,
stand by to move onto the opposite tack. reghters, and crash or salvage crews.
Red 258

Red tide: The common name for algal bloom, a into the new medium. The transmitted wave under-
phenomenon in which photosynthetic algae thrive goes refraction when it approaches the boundary
and multiply in response to increased intensity of obliquely.
light, plus favorable levels of salinity and nutrients in Regatta: A boat or yacht race, or more frequently
ocean water. During the growth period (or bloom) series of races (from the Italian regatta, originally re-
each cell may replicate itself a million times in mat- ferring to Venetian gondola races).
ter of days, to accumulate in dense, visible clumps of Registration Certicate: A vessels ofcial identi-
algae seeking sunlight. The surface may turn pink, fying document, showing the issuing government and
violet, orange, yellow, blue, green, or brown, but red port of registry; and recording the name, measure-
is the most common pigment, giving the phenomenon ments and description of the vessel; along with the
its name. Cf. plankton bloom. names of its master, owners, and any other person or
REDCON: Readiness condition (USN). corporation with a custody entitlement.
Reduce: [1] To degrade a person to lower rank or Registry: The nationality and port of a merchant-
rate. [2] To ration supplies or provisions. [3] To com- mans registration, either or both of which must be
pel a place to surrender. placed below its name on either a quarter-board or
Reduction gear: Device which reduces engine the escutcheon at the stern of the vessel.
speed to propeller speed. Regular: On full-time active duty as opposed to
Reed boat: A craft made from grass (in Mesopo- being in reserve or on temporary wartime enlistment.
tamia) or papyrus (in Egypt) at least as early as 5,000 Regulating Branch: Former title of the British
B.C.E. Similar boats are still used by the Marsh Arabs naval police.
of Iraq and on Lake Titicaca in South America. See Regulation lights: Lights required by the Naviga-
also Mashoof and Egyptian naval architecture. tion Rules (see table 9).
Reef: [1] A shallow ridge of submerged rocks, coral, Reis/Reis-Pasha: See Ras/Ras-Pasha.
or sand, lying at or near the sea surface that may con- Relative bearing: Position off the port (red) or star-
stitute a hazard to surface navigation. [2] The area of board (green) bow of a ship, expressed in degrees with
a sail that can be rolled and tied down to reduce its ex- zero at the bow, 90 on the beam, and 180 at the
posure to wind. [3] To reduce the area of a sail by se- stern. (e.g., an object directly abeam to the left would
curing it at its reef points or by rolling it around a be designated as red nine-zero. See true bearing,
boom or inside a mast. steady bearing, and hazing.
Reef knot : A double knot made symmetrically Relative motion: See Reference Ship.
with two half hitches. Designed for tying reef points Relief: [1] A change of watch. [2] A person desig-
so that they hold securely but cast off easily, allowing nated to take over duties being performed by another.
a topman to quickly release the reef. [3] The depiction of land surface or sea bed contours
Reef point: Short length of line sewn into a sail, to on a map or chart.
be tied around a boom or yard when shortening sail. Relieve: [1] To replace a person on watch or other
Reefer: [1] USN name for a pea jacket. [2] RN duty. [2] To take over a station from another ship.
name for a double-breasted navy blue uniform jacket. Relieving boards: Planks placed on top of one
[3] Slang for a cold compartment or refrigerator ship. layer of cargo to more evenly distribute the weight of
[3] Formerly, a slang term for marijuana. cargo placed above it.
Reem: See reaming. Relieving tackle: A multi-sheaved purchase that
Reeve: To thread a length of rope, line, or wire applies extra force to turn the rudder under condi-
though a block, eye, or other aperture. tions of stress, also serving to reduce the strain on a
Reference position: The estimated navigational steering engine due to rudder kick-back during heavy
position announced daily by the vessel in tactical com- weather.
mand of several ships in company. Religious service (church) pendants/pennants:
Reference ship: One designated as the base for de- By naval custom, these are the only ags which may
termining relative motion. It is considered stationary, be worn above the national ensign, and then only dur-
while the other vessels move around it (e.g., if the ref- ing religious services held by an authorized chaplain.
erence ship is moving at ten knots and a maneuver- [1] The USN has two religious service pennants both
ing ship is making 15, their relative speeds will be ve with rounded tips and white grounds. The Christian
knots if they are on the same course, or 25 knots if version has a dark blue Latin cross oriented sideways
on reciprocal tracks). near the hoist, while the Jewish version has dark blue
Reag: To change the national registry of a ship. tablets of Moses topped with a Mogen David, simi-
Refraction: A wave phenomenon involving change larly oriented. [2] The Royal Navys Church pendant
of direction or bending. When a wave of any kind originated during the Anglo-Dutch Wars, when it was
light, sound, sonar, radar, etc. passes between ma- own by both sides to signify a temporary (usually
terials of different density, its behavior changes as it religious) truce. It consists of the English Cross of
exits the old medium. and encounters the new one. Saint George at the hoist and the Dutch red, white,
There is reection off the boundary and transmission and blue tricolor on a tapered y (The Kerkwimpel of
259 Reveille

the Royal Netherlands Navy is, unsurprisingly, iden- Rescue chamber: A cable-suspended bell-like de-
tical). [3] Royal Navy signalmen are taught that, if a vice which can be lowered to a stricken submarine
ag ofcer unexpectedly comes on board, they can cut and attached to its escape hatch in order to take off en-
off the y and use the hoist portion in lieu of a per- trapped personnel.
sonal ag, leaving it plain for an admiral and paint- Rescue ship: A vessel stationed at the rear of a con-
ing on balls for vice or rear admirals if required. [4] An voy to pick up survivors of sinkings.
old navigators joke holds that hoisting the Church Reserve: A military force that is not on active duty
pendant over the interrogative ag can be used to say, but can be mobilized as needed.
blasphemously, Jesus Christ, Where am I. Reserve buoyancy: The volume of watertight hull
Remberge: A long, narrow, English, 15th century above the water level. If the ship sinks deeper (due to
oar-propelled ghting barge. battle damage, for example) reserve buoyancy will
Render: [1] To clarify or extract by melting (ren- provide spare lifting power until it reaches zero, at
der fat). [2] To free up a line, rope, hawser or cable so which point the ship will descend to the bottom.
that it can be let out easily (render the main halyard). Reserve salute: USN slang for a shrug of the shoul-
[3] To surrender (render the ship to the enemy). [4] To ders.
observe traditional naval etiquette (render honors to Resistance: The property of opposing movement,
a visitor). [5] To provide (render assistance). [6] To for example [1] Electrical conductors offer resistance to
submit (render an account). the ow of electricity and dissipate some of its energy,
Repeat: To copy a ag hoist [1] So that other ships usually as heat. [2] Water resists the movement of ves-
in company may read it, despite greater distance or sels or other objects by parasitic drag, consuming some
poor visibility. [2] Often accompanied by an awak- of the power available to drive the vessel forward.
ening cannon shot, to reprimand a subordinate ves- Respondentia: A form of cargo mortgage executed
sel for not responding to the original signal. by a master who is unable to contact his owners but
Repeater: [1] A device that remotely displays the needs funds for repairs, or to continue and complete
readings of an instrument or piece of equipment such a voyage. See also bottomry.
as compass or radar. [2] USN name for a substitute Restraint of Princes: Originating in 15th century
pennant (see table 8). English maritime law, and frequently referred to by
Replenishment at sea: The transfer of personnel the French arrt de prince, the term refers to [1] In
and/or supplies from one vessel to another while at charter party exception clauses: Forcible interference
sea. Also underway replenishment. by a government which prevents performance of the
Replenishment group: A force consisting of oilers, contract (e.g., trade embargoes, restrictions, block-
ammunition, and supply ships with accompanying ade, seizure of ships, and conscation of contraband).
escort vessels. [2] Under International Law: A belligerents right to
Report: A member of the ships company charged hold a neutral vessel in port to prevent it carrying in-
with an infraction of rules and regulations is placed on telligence of use to the enemy.
report, meaning that their name is recorded for ap- Restricted area: A section of land or water where
pearance before a senior ofcer (see mast). access is prevented or limited either for security (e.g.,
Reprimand: A non-punitive disciplinary action. an ammunition dump or secret testing area) or for
See admonition, reprimand, and caution. public safety (e.g., a bombing range).
Reprisal: [1] A act of retaliation. [2] The use of Restriction: [1] A limitation on the movement of a
force short of war to secure the redress of harm or person within a warship or shore establishment, ei-
grievance caused by the actions of another nation. See ther as a form of punishment or because of illness.
also Letter of Marque. [2] A limitation on the movement of goods or of a
Reptiles: Seamen used to consider snakes, lizards, vessel.
and other creepy-crawly animals dire omens at sea. Ret: To soak in water as a means of seasoning (of
The superstition seemed to be conrmed when, over timber, hemp, etc.).
time, the Royal Navy lost four Vipers, four Serpents, Retard of tide: See age of tide.
two Snakes, two Dragons, a Lizard, a Cobra, an Adder, Retinue: Term for a ag ofcers suite or staff.
an Alligator, and a Crocodile. Even today, ships are al- Retire: [1] To make a tactical withdrawal. [2] To
most never given reptile names. leave the service at the end of a career.
Request mast: In the Navy, Marines, and Coast Retract: [1] In amphibious operations, to pull back
Guard, an enlisted may request mast in order to from a beachhead. [2] In general use, to recant or dis-
present a concern over the heads of immediate supe- avow a statement. [3] To withdraw (e.g., cats retract
riors. their claws).
Rescue basket : A lightweight tubular frame Retreat: A bugle call, drum beat, or boatswains
stretcher designed for the safe retrieval of casualties pipe announcing sunset. See taps, last post.
from the sea, especially by helicopter. Also known as Reveille: A signal on a bugle, drum, etc. at some
a Stokes litter, it is narrow enough to carry a casualty xed time early in the morning to awaken soldiers or
along a ships passageway. sailors.
Revenue 260

Revenue Service: Established in 1790 as an armed Revolution telegraph: A mechanical device used to
maritime law enforcement agency of the Treasury De- advise the engine room of the shaft speed (in rpm) re-
partment. In 1915 it merged with the Lifesaving Ser- quired.
vice to form the United States Coast Guard. RFA: Royal Fleet Auxiliary (Brit.).
Revenuer: Old term for an ofcial charged with RFR: Royal Fleet Reserve (Brit.).
intercepting smugglers. RHIB: Rigid hull inatable boat.
Reverse engineering: The process of discovering Rhodian Law: A code of customary sea laws that
the technological principles of a device, object, evolved in ancient times on the Island of Rhodes. By
weapon, or system in order to replicate it, or make about 800 BCE it had become a major international
something that performs the same function(s). source of maritime regulation, which was later
Reverse slope: A shore target area on the far side adopted by the Romans in the second century of
of a hill or mountain which can only be reached by the current era, Emperor Antoninus recognized this by
high-angle plunging re. declining to rule on a case of plunder following ship-
Reversible propeller: A propeller with pivot- wreck, saying: I am indeed lord of the world, but the
mounted blades which can be rotated along their long Law is lord of the sea. This matter must be decided by
axes to change their pitch. When set to negative val- the maritime law of the Rhodians, provided that no
ues, it creates reverse thrust for braking or moving law of ours is opposed to it. The Lex Rhodia were
backward without the need for reversing gears or re- largely concerned with merchant shipping and com-
versible engines. Because the pitch of the propeller mercial practice, and were surprisingly democratic,
controls the speed of the vessel, engine speed can re- sometimes requiring consultation with the crew:
main steady, reducing wear on it and on the shaft. If a ship is in Haven and stays to await her time, and
Also known a variable or controllable pitch. Such pro- the time comes for departure, the Master is to take
pellers are also used on aircraft. counsel with his companions and say to them
Reversing current : A tidal current that ows Sirs, you have this weather. There will be some
through a channel rst in one direction and then the who will say The weather is not good and some
other. who will say the weather is ne and good. The
Reviewing authority: A senior ofcer charged with Master is bound to agree with the better part of his
scrutinizing and approving the ndings of a court- companions, and if he does otherwise he is bound to
martial. replace the ship and the goods if they are lost.
Revolution counter: A display that records shaft Rhodian law was codied by Byzantine Emperor Jus-
revolutions. Also called shaft tachometer. tinian in the 6th century, with regulations that di-
Revolution in Military Affairs: This U.S. Depart- vided liability for loss of cargo due to piracy, or by
ment of Defense doctrine holds that information tech- jettison during storms, between the shipowner, the
nology is ushering in new military concepts as radi- owner of the cargo, and the passengers. Rhodian law
cal in their impact on strategy and tactics as the inuenced development of the 12th century Rles
Swedish adoption of massed volley re in the 16th of Olron, and persisted in the maritime laws of Ital-
century, Napoleons Leve en Masse in the 18th, or ian medieval cities until at least the 14th century.
the advent of telegraph and railway in the 19th. By See also laws and conventions of the sea, maritime law
about 2020, the Pentagon envisages: and United Nations Convention on the Law of the
A major change in the nature of warfare brought Sea.
about by the innovative application of new tech- Rhumb line: This concept was invented by Por-
nologies which, combined with dramatic changes in tuguese mathematician Pedro Nunes in the 1530s. It
military doctrine and operational and organizational refers to: [1] An imaginary line on the surface of the
concepts, fundamentally alters the character and Earth intersecting all meridians at the same angle. On
conduct of ... military operations. a globe, rhumb lines spiral from one pole to the
The revolution will be based on three technological ad- other except at bearings of 90 (the poles) and 270
vances. (the equator) which are lines of constant latitude.
New systems of intelligence, surveillance and re- [2] The course of a ship that follows a xed compass
connaissance to provide a complete battleeld pic- bearing this is easier to steer than a great circle
ture in real time. route, which is shorter but requires constant changes
New and more effective data processing systems to of heading on a Mercator or grid navigation chart,
change the nature of command and control. rhumb lines are straight, because those projections
Satellite-controlled long-range precision munitions distort the spherical globe to t a at surface. (also
to apply lethal force with extreme accuracy. loxodrome, from the Greek loxos = slanted + drome
The RMA concept was originally developed by the = path).
Soviet Unions armed forces, and has been adopted to RIB: Rubberized inatable boat.
some extent by every important military power. Ribs: A vessels frames or timbers that are perpen-
Revolution table: A listing of the vessel speeds ex- dicular to the keel (as opposed to strakes and stringers
pected to be achieved at different shaft turning speeds. that run fore-and-aft.)
261 Right

Ricochet: The movement of a projectile bouncing term for the combination of ropes, chains, and tackle
off a surface with which it comes in contact. used to support and control masts, sails, and yards
Ride: [1] To rest on the water, especially when lying (not be confused with rig, which refers to the style
at anchor. [2] The manner in which a vessel rests on of rigging). The function of all rigging is to pull, ei-
the water. [3] Said of a rope that overlays another ther to hold something still or to move it. Fixed
causing a jam. (standing) rigging applies tension that keeps masts in
Ride down!: Command to throw the entire body their proper places, while moveable (running) rigging
weight onto a sail in order to stretch it. manipulates the spars and sails attached to those
Ride out: [1] To sustain a gale or storm, usually masts.
without serious damage. Rather than face the danger Rigging loft: See loft.
of being blown onto a lee shore, mariners frequently Rigging-mat: A mat seized onto a vessels standing
choose to stand out to sea when foul weather threat- rigging, to prevent chang.
ens. By hoisting a few small but stout sails, or apply- Right: To return a vessel to an upright position,
ing just enough engine power to maintain steerage whether spontaneously or with assistance.
way, and possibly dropping a sea-anchor or drogue, a Right arm rates: See arm badges.
vessel can lie offshore in relative comfort and safety. Right away!: A sailing ship lookouts cry to indi-
[2] Adopted into colloquial usage, the term means to cate the direction of a sighting (e.g., right away on the
survive a series of blows or outlast a difcult situation. port beam).
Ride to hawse : To ride with two bow anchors Right-laid: A rope or strand laid clockwise. Also
down, one from each hawse. right-handed, or with the sun.
Ridge : [1] A long, narrow wall of rst-year ice. Right of angary: See angary.
[2] An narrow, extended area of high atmospheric Right of approach: International law allowing a
pressure. [3] A long, narrow elevation on the ocean warship to come close enough to a merchant vessel to
oor. determine its nationality, but not to board or require
Ridge rope: [1] A lifeline running along the side the other vessel to heave to.
of a bowsprit. [2] A rope rove through stanchions to Right of convoy: A widely-contested concept that
form a railing. [3] A rope supporting the sides or cen- a convoy of neutral merchantmen, escorted by one or
ter of an awning. [4] A gundeck safety line stretched more warships of their own nationality, shall be al-
from gun-to-gun in bad weather. lowed to proceed after establishing that none of the
Riding: See position of honor. merchantmen carries contraband. This right was not
Riding anchor: The one that takes the strain when recognized by combatants in either of the World Wars.
two bow anchors are deployed. Right of shery: The 1982 United Nations Con-
Riding boom: Alternate name for a boat boom. vention on Law of the Sea gave coastal nations exclu-
Riding lights: Lights required when at anchor. sive shing rights within 200 miles (320 kms) of their
Also anchor lights (see table 9). shores, but beyond that limit all states had the right to
RIF : Reduction in Force. unregulated shing on the high seas. Fish, however, do
Riing: Spiral grooves cut on the interior of the not respect articial boundaries and swim from high
bore of a rearm, giving rotary motion to the projec- seas into coastal waters and back again, and from one
tile and increasing the accuracy of its ight. nations exclusive economic zone to anothers.
Rig: [1] To prepare or set up something. [2] The Soon coastal states began to complain that unre-
type, style, or conguration of a ships rigging (i.e., stricted industrial-scale sh harvesting by distant na-
square, fore-and-aft, or lateen. [3] An RN seamans tions was destroying their domestic sh stocks. To-
clothing. Both rig and rigging are derived from wards the end of 1995 a supplementary treaty on the
the Anglo-Saxon wriggan meaning clothing. Management & Conservation of Straddling Fish
Rig for red!: Command to extinguish all internal Stocks & Highly Migratory Fish Stocks attempted to
lights other than red ones, enabling rapid visual adjust- establish legally-binding conservation and dispute-
ment to external conditions when personnel have to go settlement rules. Unfortunately, some of the worst of-
on deck at night. fenders have yet to sign and ratify this treaty, leaving
Rig for visitors!: Command to post sentries, close the problem only partially resolved. See also exclusive
off restricted areas, detail personnel as guides, and so shing zone.
on. Right of passage: See innocent passage.
Rig of the day: The uniform to be worn for the Right of pursuit: See hot pursuit.
day, or for a specic activity as laid down in routine Right of search: International law that allows a
orders, or by announcement to the ships company. combatant to stop neutral ships and board them to
Rigger: [1] A shipboard or dockyard specialist in search them for contraband of war.
tting or repairing the running and standing rigging Right of seizure: An international law allowing:
of ships. [2] An aviation mechanic skilled in the main- [1] A local or national government to take possession
tenance of aircraft controls. of a vessel which fails to observe local navigation rules,
Rigging: [1] Equipping or outtting. [2] Generic trade laws, or revenue requirements while in territo-
Right 262

rial waters. [2] A belligerent to conscate contraband were raised from the decks to announce surrender,
of war destined for an opposing power. but not before and number of violent confrontations,
Right of transit : Permits foreign ships to pass including an exchange of gunre between HMIS Hin-
through a territorial strait from one section of the high dustan and a troop of British Royal Artillery. Eigh-
seas (or exclusive economic zone) to another. Unlike teen months later, India achieved independence.
innocent passage, this right applies to submerged sub- Ring-bolt: An eyebolt with a ring through its eye.
marines. Usually found at bow or stern of a small boat and used
Right of visitation: This principle of international for towing.
law allows a warship to board a non-military vessel Ring-knocker: USN slang for a Naval Academy
on the High Seas if it has reason to suspect [1] The graduate who aunts his class ring to ofcers commis-
vessel is without nationality; [2] it shares the warships sioned via another (supposedly less-prestigious) route.
nationality; [3] it is engaged in piracy or slavery; or [4] Ring of Fire: Popular name for an arc stretching
it is operating an illegal radio or television station. from New Zealand, clockwise around the Pacic
Unless unlawful activity is discovered, the boarding Ocean via the eastern edge of Asia, north across the
party must leave as soon as it has completed its inves- Aleutian Islands, and south along the coasts of the
tigation. Americas. It contains over 75 percent of the worlds ac-
Right of way: The privilege of proceeding ahead of tive and dormant volcanoes. Around the Ring of Fire,
another vessel based on relative position and other the Pacic tectonic plate is colliding with and sliding
maritime conventions. See table 7 and stand-on. underneath other plates. The tremendous amount of
Right rudder!: USN command to turn the wheel energy created by this tectonic activity melts rock into
(and hence the ships heading) to starboard. See helm magma that rises to the surface as lava, forming vol-
orders. canoes.
Righting moment: The force tending to return a Ring-rope: A line rove through the ring of an an-
heeled vessel to its upright position. chor, passed through the hawse-hole, and made fast
Rigol: A curved metal element installed above a to the cable, to secure the anchor in foul weather.
port/porthole/scuttle to prevent water running down Ringer: Lower deck slang denoting an ofcers rank
the ships side from entering the opening. Known col- (e.g., a captain is a four-ringer). See also striper.
loquially as eyebrows. Ringing glass: See glass ringing.
RIN Mutiny: On 18th February 1946, while India Rip: Turbulent water with short steep waves where
was still within the British Empire, ratings of the two tidal currents intersect.
Royal Indian Navy cruiser HMIS Talwaar, moored Rip current: A strong, relatively narrow, seaward
at Bombay, went on hunger strike in protest against ow, created by the backwash from surf breaking on
substandard food and adverse conditions. But there a beach. Also known as a riptide and (incorrectly) as
were more fundamental issues such as racism and im- undertow (which has a downward component).
pending independence, and the strike soon escalated Ripping-iron: A tool used for stripping sheathing
to mutiny. from a wooden ships bottom, or tearing oakum out
On virtually all RIN ships at Bombay, the Union of a seam.
Flag was struck and replaced by those of either the Ripples: Little wavelets or undulations produced by
Congress, Muslim League, or Communist party. a light breeze. Force 1 on both the Beaufort and Doug-
Naval personnel stationed in the fortress and in the las scales (see tables 1 and 2).
Naval Barracks hoisted red ags on trucks and started Rise: [1] A portion of the lower parts of a ship, just
patrolling the city of Bombay. They were supported outboard of the keel. [2] Tide owing inward (cf.
by a one-day general strike in Bombay which spread ebb).
to other cities, and was joined by units of the Indian Rising tide: That part of the tide cycle in between
Army, Air Force, and Police. low and high water when the depth is increasing. The
Alerted to the situation by Talwaars radio, mutiny opposite condition is a falling tide.
broke out on board HMIS Hindustan off Manora Is- Risk: A marine insurance term referring to losses
land, and spread rst to shore establishments at nearby against which the insurer agrees to indemnify the in-
Karachi, nally spreading to seventy-eight RIN war- sured. These involve peril of the sea or fortuitous
ships and twenty shore establishments located at Bom- events incident to the voyage. They may be occasioned
bay, Calcutta, Karachi, Madras, Cochin and Vishap- by storm, shipwreck, jetsom, prize, pillage, re, war,
atam. Indian naval ofcers who opposed the strike reprisals, detention by foreign government, losses ex-
were thrown off their ships. British armed forces per- perienced for the common benet, or expenses which
sonnel were beaten up. would not have taken place absent such events.
The mutinies got no support from national leaders. Cargo insurance covers most perils except strikes,
Mahatma Gandhi criticized them for mutinying with- riots, civil unrest, capture, war, seizure, civil war,
out the guidance and intervention ... (of ) political piracy, loss of market, and inherent vice. Coverage
leaders of their choice, and the Muslim League is- may be comprehensive, or limited to enumerated per-
sued similar statements. On February 24, black ags ils, or for the benet of particular persons, or for a
263 Rogue

specic time period. It may be restricted to voyage phibious assault. In Word War II vessels designated
out, or voyage in, or part of the route, or from port to Landing ship, Medium (Rocket) carried ten power-
port. Terrorism may be excluded or subject to sup- driven twin launchers, capable of propelling 380 spin-
plementary coverage. stabilized ve-inch rockets a minute over a maximum
Riverine: Of or pertaining to a river. range of about 11,000 yards. The LSM(R) could be
Riverine operations: Operations conducted by used for deep support or harassing re, as well as for
land, naval, and air forces as appropriate, organized to beach neutralization where, being equipped with a
cope with and exploit the unique characteristics of a re control system, it could aim closer to friendly
riverine area, to locate and destroy hostile forces, and/ troops than rocket-equipped landing craft. See also
or to achieve or maintain control of the area. inshore re support ship.
RMA: [1] Revolution in Military Affairs. [2] For- Rocks and shoals: USN slang for excerpts from
merly, Royal Marine artillery. [3] Royal Military the Uniform Code of Military Justice which are peri-
Academy. odically read to enlisted members of a warships com-
RMLI: Formerly, Royal Marine Light Infantry. pany. The phrase comes from a passage in Articles for
RMS: Royal Mail Ship. Starting in 1840, British the Government of the United States Navy concern-
overseas mail was carried in vessels operated by the ing punishment for anyone who intentionally or will-
Admiralty, but titled RMS rather than HMS. Later, fully suffers any vessel of the Navy to be stranded, or
private liners were contracted to perform this duty run upon rocks and shoals....
and for them and their passengers the RMS designa- Rod rigging: Standing rigging made of stiff steel
tion became a mark of prestige with implications of rods rather than more exible wire rope.
speed and timely arrival. See Titanic Mailmen. Roger: [1] Voice communication shorthand (pro-
RN: Royal Navy. word) meaning message received (cf. Wilco). [2] A
RNAS: Royal Naval Air Service (see naval aviation). rogue or scoundrel (See jolly roger).
RNC: Raster navigational chart. Roger-dodger: Informal USN voice communica-
RNNS: Royal Naval Nursing Service. tion term meaning okay, will do that.
RNR: Royal Naval Reserve. Rogue waves: Freak waves are the stuff of legend.
RNVR : Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (now It is common for mid-ocean waves to reach seven me-
folded into RNR). ters (23 feet) in height, and not unusual for extreme
RNZN: Royal New Zealand Navy. conditions to produce waves of up to twice that size.
ROAD: Retired On Active Duty (USN.) But for centuries mariners have reported a seamans
Roadstead: An open anchorage. Also Road. nightmare great walls of water, preceded by abyssal
Roaring Forties: A popular term among sailing troughs appearing without warning, often in clear
ship sailors for the stormy ocean latitudes between weather, running against prevailing winds and cur-
40 and 50 South where strong prevailing westerly rents, and with no connection to tsunamis caused by
winds would rumble and howl in the rigging, accom- earthquakes or submarine landslides.
panied by high seas due to the long fetch of almost For decades, oceanographers and meteorologists
completely uninterrupted ocean. dismissed these reports as pure superstition and mar-
Roast beast: USN enlisted slang for meat that even itime myth, on a par with mermaids and the kraken
the cooks cant identify. walls of water simply dont come from nowhere, they
Robinet: Ancient naval artillery for throwing rocks said. Over the past sixty or so years, however, there
and darts. have been many well-documented instances. These
Rock: A segment of the earths hard mineral crust include:
projecting above the sea bed and forming a potential 1943: British liner Queen Elizabeth plunges into a
hazard to navigation. trough and is struck by two massive waves in suc-
Rocket: A self-propelled projectile carrying a pro- cession. Their impact shatters windows on the
pellant, a combustion chamber in which it is burned, bridge 28 meters (92 feet) above the waterline.
and a nozzle through which combustion gases are ex- 1966: Italian liner Michelangelo is hit by a 21 meter
hausted provide propulsive force (thrust). It was prob- (70 foot) wave which crashes through the bridge
ably developed in China during the 13th century for and into cabins, killing two passengers and a crew
use as a signaling device, pyrotechnic, or weapon (re member.
arrows were used during the siege of Kaifung-fu 1982: Semi-submersible oil rig Ocean Ranger is in a
[Peiping] in 1232). storm on the Grand Banks. The rig is designed to
Rocket mine: This is a Russian-designed type of withstand winds of up to 100 knots and waves up
bottom mine that res a high-speed homing rocket to 34 meters (110 feet), well above the 80-knot gusts
(not a torpedo) upward towards the target. This allows and 18 meter (60 foot) waves of the storm. But sud-
it to attack both submarine and surface vessels from denly a giant wave, far larger than the others, breaks
greater depth than a conventional bottom mine. a port light in the ballast control room, allowing
Rocket ship: A shallow-draft vessel providing water to ood into the rig which eventually cap-
heavy and rapid rocket re as close-support for an am- sizes and sinks with the loss of 84 lives. An inves-
Rogues 264

tigation decides that, although the rogue wave was Rogues march: Music played when a person is dis-
the proximate cause, design aws and inadequate honorably discharged. See march music.
crew training contributed to the loss. Rogues salute: RN slang for the single gun red
1995: British liner QE2 encounters a wall of water to signal the opening of court-martial proceedings
which Captain Ronald Warwick described as look- under the Naval Discipline Act.
ing like the White Cliffs of Dover and estimated Rogues yarn: Rope with a colored strand making
to be 2930 meters (9498 feet) high. it identiable if pilfered or stolen.
2005: Norwegian liner Norwegian Dawn is dam- Rles de Olron: This Medieval code, ancestor of
aged by a 2022 meter (6672 foot) wave which todays maritime law, was commissioned by Elinor of
seemed to come out of thin air, long after the sea Aquitaine on the Island of Olron in 1152 (The term
had calmed down. German cruise ship Bremen is rles refers to the rolls of parchment on which it was
hit by a 35 meter (115 foot) monster which smashes written). Originally in French, it was translated and
bridge windows and cuts the ships electricity sup- adopted into English law in 1190 while she was acting
ply leaving her drifting helplessly. as Regent while her husband King Richard Lionheart
The disputes were nally laid to rest in 2004, just be- was in the Holy Land. It was probably copied from
fore the last two incidents, when data collected by Rhodian law, which she would have seen while on cru-
satellites identied many brief-lived giant wave phe- sade with her rst husband King Louis VII of France.
nomena, indicating that up to ten may be raging Its 47 articles are amazingly modern and compre-
through the worlds oceans at any given moment. How- hensive. They cover the duties and responsibilities of
ever, even though the existence of such waves has now the owners of the vessel, the ships master and pilots,
been established, they cannot be predicted and their the crew, merchants consigning goods, and dockyard
cause remains a mystery. Ongoing research includes: workers. For example, Article VII denies the captain
Forecasting: At time of writing (2008), a European authority to dispose of the ship, but allows limited
Union project called MaxWave, led by Dr. Susanne bottomry subject to consultation with the crew:
Lehner of the German Aerospace Center, with Drs. One man is made maister of a shippe, and the
Wolfgang Rosenthal and Norbert Winkel, is sub- shippe belongeth to many parteners, and departeth
jecting satellite images of the ocean surface to sta- from the countre of whiches it is, and commeth to ...
tistical analysis aimed at developing WaveAtlas a a strange countre, the mayster ought not to sell the
set of global maps showing extreme wave occur- shyp without he have a procuration or lycence of the
rence, and their height, steepness, and period, with ouners. But yf he have need of monnie for the
related parameters such as wind speed as an aid exspences of the shyppe, he may lay to guage (pawn)
to forecasting the arrival of giant rogue waves. some of the takelyng (tackle), by the councel of the
Modelling: Conventional linear models of wave mariners of the shyp. This is the judgement howe
build-up cannot explain rogue formation, so math- the maister is to governe himself.
ematicians have begun using the complex theorems Some of the penalties could be quite harsh, for exam-
of hyperphysics, chaos theory, and quantum me- ple Article XXIII required a pilot who damaged a ves-
chanics to nd a solution. Using the Schrdinger sel through incompetence to repay the merchants for
equation which predicts the probable future be- any consequential loss. If he failed to do so, the mer-
havior of dynamic systems Professor Al Osborne chants (or the master) were entitled under Article
of the Italian University of Turin, working on be- XXIV to cut off his head. By the time Elinor issued the
half of the U.S. Ofce of Naval Research, has shown Rles, Richard had separately promulgated his own
that waves of up to four times the average height can Ordinances or Usages of the Sea.
rear up from nowhere and as rapidly die down. Dr. Roll: [1] To rock from side-to-side in response to
Em Pelinovsky of the Russian Institute of Applied waves. One of the six responses of a vessel to movement
Physics at Nizhny Novgorod has produced similar of the sea, as outlined in ship motion and rotational
results using the Kortweg-de Vries equation oscillation. [2] A long continuous beat of the drum, for-
which uses the Theory of Solitons and inverse scat- merly used to summon ships companies to divisions.
tering transform. Roll control: Naval architects have made numer-
Research: Practical experiments have also shown ous attempts to minimize roll, the most widespread
that monster waves are possible. Oceanographers being the construction of bilge keels. These long nar-
from the Technical University of Berlin, using a row ns projecting from the hull at the junction of
computer-controlled hydraulically-powered wave- side and bottom are relatively inexpensive but have
making machine at Hanover University, have minimal damping effect. Other anti-roll devices in-
shown that, when slow-moving waves are overtaken clude the passive Frahm tank stabilizer and active gy-
by faster waves, they can pile up to create a verti- rostabilizers, but stabilizer ns are probably the most
cal wall of water. The exploding wave was so pow- functional and effective.
erful that it broke through the ceiling of the build- Roll-in-on: Describes an initial maneuver in aer-
ing in which the tank is located, reported Professor ial combat.
Gunther Clauss. Roll-on/Roll-off: See heavy loads and vehicles.
265 Rope

Roll period: The time for a ship to roll from one Rope characteristics: Rope has tensile strength.
extremity to the other and back again. Used to deter- This allows it to be used for pulling or connecting,
mine its metacentric height. The roll motion of a ship but not for pushing, as is too exible to provide com-
can be described by a second order differential equa- pressive strength. Rope will stretch under load, but
tion where the angle of roll is used as the independ- normally regains its normal length when loosened.
ent variable. On the basis of this equation, it is pos- The older and more worn the rope, the less elasticity
sible to dene a natural roll period. The longer the it will possess and the weaker it will become. Rope
period, the more unstable the vessel. under load will tend to twist in the opposite direc-
Roller: [1] A long steadily-advancing ocean swell, tion to that of its lay and thereby tend to unlay itself,
usually smooth and non-breaking. [2] A cylindrical but it should regain its normal form when slackened.
piece of timber which revolves on an axis and pre- However, the strands tend to unlay unless the end of
vents the chang of a cable, hawser, or running rigging. the rope is whipped. When wet, rope will usually
Romeo: NATO phonetic notation for the letter R. shrink in length in proportion to the amount by which
Romper: A ship which has advanced more than ten it swells in diameter, but it will recover its original
nautical miles ahead of its convoy (see also straggler). length when released from tension and allowed to dry.
Room to swing a cat: See punishment. Rope history: Lines for pulling, fastening, and lift-
Rooster tail: The plume of water thrown up by a ing, must have been one of mankinds earliest techno-
fast-moving motor boat. logical innovations, probably beginning with the use
Rope: [1] A number of bers, twisted or braided of naturally occurring vines. But what seem to be fos-
together. In most nautical usage, rope is generally silized fragments of primitive laid rope were found in
dened as cordage greater than one-inch (2.5 cm) in Lascaux cave, dating to approximately 17,000 BCE. By
circumference, while smaller cordage is generally the fth century BCE, ropes were being made from
called line. However, the USN calls all cordage rope leather, or animal hair, and the bers of water reeds,
as long as it remains on the suppliers spool; once un- date palms, ax, grass, and papyrus. By about 4,000
spooled the USN calls it line, irrespective of size BCE, Egypt had developed special tools for reed rope
(with the exception of cordage for specic purposes manufacture, but it was not until the third century
such as manropes, bell-ropes, wheelropes, footropes, BCE that modern hemp ber rope was introduced in
etc.). Natural rope bers include hemp, manila, sisal, China. From there, the rope making craft spread
and coir, but wire may also be twisted to form rope. across Asia and into Europe.
Synthetic bers, such as nylon, polyester, and poly- Rope ladder: A ladder with rigid wood or metal
propylene, are increasingly used for rope manufac- rungs, held together by ropes. Used for boarding ships
ture. They are stronger than plant bers, but melt at from pilot vessels and small boats (cf. Jacobs Ladder).
lower temperatures. (See also rope history, rope char- Rope manufacture: The traditional method in-
acteristics and rope manufacture.) [2] To bind, fas- volves stretching rope yarns along a ropewalk and lay-
ten, or tie with line, rope, or cord (e.g., rope a bale of ing them with a twisting machine (not unlike a large
goods). spinning wheel) and a sledge (a traveling structure of
Rope & hawser lay: Twisted rope, also called laid considerable weight that anchors one end of the yarn).
rope, is the most prevalent form of cordage. The gen- This machinery rst twists each yarn, then twists the
eral principle of rope-making is to gather groups of yarns into strands, and nally twists the strands into
bers into yarns, that are twisted together to form rope.
strands, several of which are then twisted together in Rope pointing: Unlaying and tapering the end of
the opposite direction to form a rope. When under a rope by taking out some of the yarns, then weaving
tension, the tendency for individual strands to un- the remaining yarns into a point and whipping them
ravel is opposed by the tendency of the rope as a whole with twine or yarn A stick is often put in the upper
to untwist in the opposite direction. Most twisted part to strengthen it or the tip may be nished with a
rope consists of three strands and is normally plain-laid small eye. An ordinary seizing or whipping will pre-
(given a right-handed twist). Large heavy-duty ropes, vent the strands from unraveling, but the ends are
called hawsers or cables, are made of three or four pri- often too large to pass through a block or eye large
mary ropes, laid in opposition to their own lay. enough for the rest of the rope. If properly done a
The most common lay, with strands spiraling up- pointed rope overcomes this problem, and is thus use-
ward to the right, is known variously as right-laid, ful as well as ornamental,
hawser-laid, z-twist, clockwise, or with-the-sun. The Rope yarn: A single thread made from bers
strands of a left-laid rope, also known as s-twist, left- loosely twisted together. When several are twisted to-
hand, counter-clockwise, or water-laid, spiral upward gether they form a strand of cordage, and strands
to the left. When the yarns twist in the opposite way twisted together then become line or rope depending
to the strands the lay is said to be regular, when they on their size.
go the same way they are lang-laid. In reverse-lay the Rope yarn Sunday: Time off for a USN ships
lay of individual yarns alternates between regular and company to tailor or repair clothing when at sea, or to
lang. (See also cable-laid.) take liberty if in port. Paradoxically, it is always on a
Ropes 266

weekday, never on Saturday or Sunday (cf. make and half wavelength the water next to the rudder will be
mend). moving in the same direction as the vessel, com-
Ropes end: A length of rope, knotted, pointed, or pounding the helmsmans problems.
whipped, formerly used for unofcial encourage- The winds and waves that cause these motions may
ment or punishment (see starter). Bosuns Mates usu- come from anywhere and can rapidly change direc-
ally carried one concealed in their hats. tion, but the ships period of encounter is more impor-
Ropewalk: A long, straight, narrow pathway, usu- tant than the absolute period of the wave-form or its
ally covered, along which long strands of rope yarn direction. This is because the ship is moving relative
were laid before being twisted into line or rope. See to the seaway and will meet crests and troughs more
rope manufacture and ropeyard. frequently or less depending on its speed, and whether
Ropeyard: A facility for making cordage. it is headed into the waves, diagonally across them, or
Ro-Ro ship: See heavy loads and vehicles. broadside on.
Rosin: A yellowish or brownish solid, left after dis- ROTC: Reserve Ofcer Training Corps (U.S.).
tilling oil of turpentine from the crude oleoresin of Rotor: Contraction of rotator, meaning; [1] The
pine trees and other conifers. Formerly called Greek rotary part of an electrical or mechanical device.
pitch or colophony, it is a component of caulking [2] An assembly of gyratory horizontal airfoils, such
pitch, and is commonly used in varnishes, paint dri- as those of a helicopter.
ers, printing inks, and for rubbing on the bows of such Rotor propulsion: See Flettner rotators.
string instruments (precious metals such as gold or Rotten: [1] A marine underwriting clause that ab-
silver are often added to violin rosin, purportedly to solves the insurer from liability if the vessel is found
enhance sound production, but one suspects mainly to be unseaworthy by reason of rot. [2] A term ap-
to increase prots). plied to ice that has become brittle after the brine has
Rotating band: See Driving Band. settled out leaving it honeycombed and liable to dis-
Rotational oscillation: Three of the six possible integration.
ship motions in response to the sea are pivoting move- Rough music: This is sailing navy slang for the
ments. noise made when discontented, but not yet mutinous,
Roll is due to waves hitting the ship abeam, tipping seaman expressed their unhappiness by rolling can-
it over on its side, pivoting around its longitudinal nonballs around the gundecks and making other dis-
axis until the centre of gravity pulls it up again. An cordant noises.
extra heavy roll is seldom due to inherent lack of Round: [1] To pass by or circle something (e.g., a
stability, but probably indicates that the encounter cape). [2] A single cartridge or load of ammunition.
period is close to the natural period of the vessel. [3] A single discharge of a rearm. [4] The outward
(See also synchronous roll and parametric roll.) curve at the foot of a sail.
Pitch occurs when crests and troughs moving par- Round dozen: This is the nautical equivalent of a
allel to the ship toss its stem and stern upward and bakers dozen, being a punishment sentencing the
downward. This is effectively roll around the ves- miscreant to receive thirteen strokes of the cat-o-
sels transverse axis but, because a ship is far longer nine-tails.
than it is wide, the effects are quite different. The Round in!: Command to bring the blocks of a
period is longer and even a small angle is so tackle closer together.
magnied by the time it reaches the extremities that Round robin: Today, this term refers to a method
they may be lifted clear of the water. A raised bow of scheduling sports tournaments so that each con-
can then slam back, producing a cascade of water testant plays all of the others before being disqualied.
across the forward weather deck and, possibly, a It is also a method of computer programming in
whipping effect throughout the length of the hull; which each process is given a time-slice in sequence.
while a rising stern can lift the propeller out of the However, the term rst appears in English in 1546.
water, with a danger of engine damage due to rac- Its meaning then is unknown, but by the 17th cen-
ing. Experiments with anti-pitch ns have met with tury it seems to have applied to a certain type or cat-
little success, and changing the vessels speed or egory of person. The meaning changed again in 1731,
course remains the most effective response. when discontented Royal Navy seamen went beyond
Yaw is oscillation horizontally around the vertical making rough music to submit a petition of griev-
axis. In conditions of yaw, the vessels centre of ances. Because of the danger that the rst to sign such
buoyancy moves steadily forward in the desired di- a remonstrance would be accused of being the ring-
rection while its stem and stern skid alternately to leader and guilty of counseling mutiny (a capital of-
port and starboard. Yaw caused by wave action in fense), they adopted an earlier French practice called
a seaway is especially difcult to control because ruban rond, meaning round ribbon. This involved
wave proles and pressures are not usually the same signing their names like the spokes of a wheel radiat-
to port and starboard and these inequalities are ing from its hub.
compounded by orbital motion of water in the sea- Round shot: Cannonballs.
way as wave proles change. Moreover, at every Round turn: [1] A complete turn of a line around
267 Royal

a cleat, spar, or another line. Often used with a pair today its land and buildings are being redeveloped as
of half-hitches to make fast to a post or bollard. [2] To a residential and commercial community.
turn a vessel through a complete circle. [3] USN slang Royal Corps of Naval Constructors: France
for a reprimand. formed the Gnie Maritime a professional corps of
Roundhouse: A small structure on the after part of naval constructorsin 1765, but it was not until 1883
a sailing merchantmans quarterdeck. It was normally that the British Admiralty followed suit and formed
square, and the term indicated it was possible to walk the RCNC. Its members were civilian, but had mili-
round it on the deck. tary rank and were required to wear uniforms in cer-
Roundline: Refers to three-stranded, right-handed tain postings. They alternated between designing ships
line. at the admiralty and practical work in the dockyards.
Roundly!: Command to do something briskly and In 1993, the Ministry of Defence began consolidating
efciently. the RCNC into a centralized Procurement Executive
Rounds: A tour of inspection by the captain or for all the armed services. This is a civilian agency,
other ofcer. separate from the military and organized by function
Rouse: [1] To handle a rope, cable, or tackle, using rather than service. Naval units oversee warship ac-
main strength without the help of windlass or cap- quisition, but actual design is assigned to the ship-
stan. [2] To awaken one or more seamen to turn out building industry.
for duty. Royal Fleet Auxiliary: A otilla of supply ships,
Route: [1] The course to be followed by a ship, for- hospital ships, and repair vessels, tasked with keep-
mation, or convoy. [2] The path to be followed by a ing warships of the Royal Navy supplied with arma-
message, including the method of transmission. ments, ammunition, fuel, victuals, electronic equip-
Route march: A long march for recruits in train- ment, and other needs (including amphibious assault
ing, frequently over rough ground and carrying heavy craft when needed for operations away from their
equipment as training in physical endurance. Nor- home bases). The RFAs civilian-crewed merchant-
mally, the unit retains its formation but individuals men are owned and operated by the Ministry of De-
are allowed to break step. fence (cf. United States Military Sealift Command).
Routine: [1] The lowest precedence classication Royal Funerals: See state funerals.
of a military or diplomatic message. [2] The procedure Royal Marines: The seagoing and amphibious in-
to be followed in certain circumstances (e.g., Sunday fantry of the United Kingdom, and its specialists in
Routine). mountain and arctic warfare. All male marines are
Rove: [1] The past tense of reeve. [2] A small plate commando trained. The RM provides bands for the
or ring for a rivet to pass through and be clenched in Royal Navy, with musicians having secondary roles as
boat building. [3] To wander. eld hospital orderlies. (See also women marines.)
Rover: A pirate or freebooter (Dutch rover = rob- The force originated on 28 October 1664, when
ber) King Charles II directed that Twelve hundred land
Row: To propel a boat with oars. soldiers be forthwith raised to be distributed into his
Rowboat: A civilian term for a boat propelled ex- Majestys Fleets prepared for sea service. The rst
clusively by oars. Not in naval use. Maritime Regiment was formed from the Trained
Rowing port: One of a row of small openings on Bands of the City of London (from whom the Royal
the lower deck of a sloop or other small sailing vessel, Marines inherited the nickname Jollies). In conse-
through which oars or sweeps could propel the craft quence, since 1746 the Royal Marines have had the
in calm weather. unique privilege of marching through the City of
Rowlock: British term for a Y-shaped device that London with drums beating, colors ying, and bay-
holds oars in place and allows them to pivot while onets xed. Ofcially the Duke of York and Albanys
being pulled (cf. oarlock, thole pin). Pronounced Maritime Regiment of Foot but commonly known
rolok. as the Admirals Regimentthis initial formation was
Royal: [1] A mast set above or forming an extension owned by the army but controlled by the Admiralty.
to the topgallant. [2] A square-sail set on the royal It and other maritime regiments returned to land serv-
mast. [3] Affectionate slang for a member of the Royal ice in 1715, but twenty-six years later were reinstated
Marines. for the War of Jenkins Ear.
Royal Arsenal: In the early 1500s, King Henry VIII In 1747, they were transferred to full Admiralty
established a dockyard at Woolwich, on the Thames command, but a year later peace was declared and they
downstream from London. Its original facilities in- were again disbanded. Then, in 1755, Parliament ap-
cluded naval stores, victualing, weaponry, and a rope- proved the establishment of 5,000 Marines to pro-
yard. In 1696 an ammunition factory was built, and vide detachments for ships of the eet (ranging from
In 1717 the Royal Brass Foundry began to cast artillery. a hundred or more marines, commanded by a captain
The arsenal expanded greatly over time to become the or major in a ship-of-the-line, to a sergeant and
largest military-industrial complex in Europe. It re- twenty marines in a small vessel). At that time Marines
mained in operation until after World War II, and were expected to assist with running the ship and some
Royal 268

qualied as able seamen, then leaving the corps to lowed it to decline again, and Elizabeth I inherited
earn considerably higher pay in that capacity. It was only 27 royal warships in 1558.
not until the Napoleonic Wars that the Marines nally At this time, the English whose early impact on
gained recognition as an elite and potent ghting the Spanish Empire had been modest, compared to
force. that of the Scots, French, and Dutch had achieved
In 1827 King George IV ruled that they had too a remarkably rapid transformation from coastal traders
many battle honors to be recorded on their regimen- and shermen to blue water navigators. English ship-
tal colors, ordering that their distinguishing badge wrights were designing heavily-armed galleon-type
should be a Globe as the most appropriate emblem vessels with ne underwater lines, which made them
of the Corps whose duties carried them to all parts of fast, weatherly, and maneuverable, although at the ex-
the Globe, in every quarter of which they earned lau- pense of cargo space.
rels... The modern Royal Marines had been born. However, instead of building up the Navy Royal,
Originally, they were two separate but allied forces, Queen Elizabeth encouraged private enterprise, in ef-
the Royal Marine Light Infantry (Red Marines) and fect piracy, against Spains new Atlantic empire. When
the Royal Marine Artillery (Blue Marines); but they Spain counter-attacked with its Armada of 1588 the
amalgamated in 1923. See also horse marines, and eets of England, both Royal and private, were mo-
United States Marine Corps. bilized to successfully defend the realm.
Royal Naval Air Service: See Naval Aviation. The Navy Royal changed little in size from Eliza-
Royal Naval Association: This British fraternal beths death in 1603 to the accession in 1625 of King
society was granted a Royal Charter in 1954. With the Charles I who began to build up his eet. By 1633
motto Once Navy Always Navy, it aims to preserve there were 50 kings ships, but nancial problems and
naval traditions and the well-being of the Service, to poor administration saw this reduced to forty-two by
perpetuate the memory of deceased naval personnel, 1642 when Civil War broke out and the eet declared
to foster comradeship among those who serve or have for Parliament.
served in British and Commonwealth naval forces, The Commonwealth (republican) regime then cre-
and to provide nancial relief from conditions of need, ated the most powerful and effectively run eet Britain
hardship or distress suffered by those who serve or had yet seen. This magnicent new force proved itself
have served and their dependants. ghting the Dutch and Spanish and, when monarchy
Royal Navy: Alfred the Great is traditionally rec- was restored in 1660, Charles II inherited 154 ships
ognized as founder of the English navy (see Saxon crewed and administered by permanent professional
Seapower) but after his death the force slowly fell into ofcers and bureaucrats.
disrepair. In consequence, there was little or no mar- The Royal Navy had come of age, but still had a
itime opposition to the invasions of Sweyn Forkbeard powerful French eet to contend with. The latter fell
in 1003, Knut Sveisson in 1016, or William of Nor- apart after the excesses of the Revolution and, from
mandy in 1066. After the Conquest, Norman kings the late 18th until the early 20th century, Britain was
required the Cinque Ports to provide and crew fty- unquestionably the most powerful maritime force in
seven ships but otherwise paid little attention to the world. Then, under the 1922 Washington Naval
seapower. For almost four centuries there was virtu- Treaties it was co-equal with the United States Navy,
ally no permanent force and the eet waxed and until World War II brought the latters exponential
waned with merchantmen being rented or requisi- expansion to superpower status.
tioned when required for combat. During Word War II naval operations in Atlantic
In the early fteenth century Henry V briey main- and European waters were overwhelmingly British
tained large and impressive eets, but after he died and Canadian, while the Indian Ocean conict was
most of his ships were sold off. In The Governance of entirely British. The Pacic naval war was overwhelm-
England, written in the mid1470s, Sir John Fortes- ingly a United States commitment but, as the Euro-
cue warned: Though we have not alway war upon pean war wound down, Britain was nally able to
the sea, yet it shall be necessary that the king have muster a Pacic Fleet.
alway some eet upon the sea for the repressing of The BPF was the largest force ever put to sea by
rovers, saving of our merchants, our shers, and the the Royal Navy, with its sharp end consisting of six
dwellers upon our coasts. He went unheeded and, eet, four light, and nine escort carriers, supported
by the turn of the sixteenth century, Henry VII only by four battleships, ten cruisers, two maintenance car-
had about a dozen warships in service. However, when riers, hundreds of lesser warships, and a huge eet
Henry VIII was crowned in 1509, the growing naval train. However, the torch of maritime supremacy had
power of Scotland was both an affront to his prestige been passed, U.S. naval expansion had been so great
and a threat to the realm. that the BPF served under American command as one
Henry quickly built up the Navy Royal as it was of seven task forces in the Fifth and later Third Fleet.
then known. By his death in 1547 it had grown to 58 Royal Navy Sailors Fund: This charity was es-
state-of-the-art vessels supported by an administration tablished by the British Admiralty when it ended the
with storehouses and dockyards, but his successors al- daily rum ration on Black Tot Day in 1970. It was
269 Rules

initially capitalized by the money which would have neously with ourishes, which are fanfares played by
been used to buy the next two years supply of rum for bugle or other brass instrument (the sound of a sin-
the entire Navy, and receives an ongoing inow of gle ourish is roughly dum-ditti-dum-ditti-daah).
funds from the voluntary donation of a share of the These were originally a British tradition which is now
prots of the commercial sale of Pussers Rum which seldom observed but continues in the U.S. armed
is blended from the same ve West Indian rums for- forces, being sounded to render personal honors to
merly used for the navy issue. The tot fund, as it is selected individuals on the basis of rank or appoint-
familiarly known, provides nancial assistance to serv- ment. They are played only for ofcial arrivals and
ing seamen of the Royal Navy, and has made donations ceremonies, never on informal occasions, and are al-
to the United States Navy Memorial Foundation, the ways followed by a prescribed march or other music,
Royal Naval Foundation, and numerous other mar- played when the person being honored arrives, and
itime-connected institutions. before the national anthem is played. All uniformed
Royal United Services Institute: Claiming to be personnel within earshot stand to attention, face the
the Professional Forum in the UK for those Con- person being honored and hand salute or, if appropri-
cerned with National and International Defence and ate, present arms. If a senior ofcer is in the audience
Security, the RUSI is believed to be the oldest or- when a junior is being honored, the senior faces the
ganization of its kind in the world, having been junior and salutes along with everyone else. Military
founded in 1831 by the Duke of Wellington and personnel out of uniform and civilians remove their
granted its Royal Charter in 1860. The latter charges hats and place their right hands over their hearts.
it with the promotion and study of naval and mili- The full protocol is extremely complicated, recog-
tary sciences and literature. nizing some thirty-seven groups of civilian and mil-
RP: [1] Radar Picket. [2] River Patrol. [3] Recom- itary ranks to be honored. The U.S. Army and Air
mended Practice. Force share one table of honors, but the Navy has a
RR: Radar reective. slightly different one, according more R&Fs to some
RRF : Reserve Ready Force (USN). and fewer to others; often with different music to fol-
RRR: Former emergency signal by merchantman low. Four rufes and ourishes are the highest civil
under attack by surface raider. honor, going to the President (followed by Hail to the
RTM: Ready to move. Chief ), former Presidents (the U.S. National An-
RTR: [1] Real-time report. [2] Ready to return. them), the Vice-President (Hail Columbia) and for-
Rubbing strake: A protective molding running eign heads of state or government (the appropriate
longitudinally along the side of a ship or boat. Also National Anthem). Beyond these, a broad selection
rubrail or wale. of other civilians is entitled to one, two, three, or four
Rudder: A vertical underwater plate or blade with sets (followed by The Stars & Stripes Forever). In
a long shank, forming part of the steering mechanism contrast, the entitlements for military ofcers are sim-
of a boat or ship. It is usually fastened outside the hull ple because the number of rufes and ourishes is
at or near the stern, hinged at its forward edge to the equal to the number of stars in their rank, followed by
rudder post. The device operates on the principle of the Generals March (Army and Air Force) or Flag
unequal pressures, forcing the stern to turn or yaw in Ofcers March (Navy).
one direction by diverting the ow of water in the op- Ruin your day: This commonly-used phrase prob-
posite direction. Research in the early 1980s showed ably originated with 5th century BCE. Greek historian
it feasible to use rudder(s) for roll damping, while si- Thucydides who wrote a collision at sea can ruin your
multaneously controlling the ships heading. The entire day.
Voith-Schneider Drive eliminates the need for a rud- Rule of sixty: In ocean navigation a change in
der by combining propulsion and steering systems. bearing of one degree will result in an offset of 1 60 of
(From the Anglo-Saxon roth or = turning oar.) distance traveled. For ease of calculation, one can as-
Rudder chains: Copper chains, formerly attached sume the nautical mile to be six thousand feet, mak-
to the after side of the rudder at one end and to the ing the offset 100 feet per mile. Hence, if a hazard is
stern at the other, with enough slack to allow free ve miles dead ahead, a course alteration of one degree
movement of the rudder. They served to save the rud- will avoid the object by approximately 500 feet (the
der if it was unshipped by striking a reef or shoal. actual clearance would be almost seven feet greater,
Rudder post: The element of the stern frame on an insignicant error and on the safe side). A similar
which the rudder is hung. See also sternpost. rule applies in aerial navigation.
Rudder quadrant: A frame xed to the head of a Rules of the road: Every day hundreds, sometimes
ships rudder shank, to which the steering mechanism thousands, of vessels pass through each of the worlds
is attached. major shipping choke points. Accidents would be in-
Rudder stock: The shank of a rudder that extends evitable in such crowded waters without strict rules of
through the hull to the steering engine. behavior and segregation. Moreover, many other wa-
Rufes & ourishes: Rufes are the low continu- terways have the potential to be equally congested,
ous vibration of one or more drums, played simulta- chaotic, and hazardous, leading the International
Rum 270

Maritime Organization (IMO) to develop principles The last ration was served on 31st July 1970, now
and practices providing common standards for the known to the Royal Navy as Black Tot Day. There
safe navigation of any type of watercraft, whether was considerable resentment, and not a few old salts
under sail or power, commercial or military manage- elected early retirement. (See also: Grog, Nelsons
ment, and including tugboats, dredges, shing craft, Blood, Spirits in the USN, Splice the Mainbrace, and
non-displacement (air cushion) vehicles, and water-ca- Proong the Rum Ration.)
pable aircraft. See table 7. Rummage: [1] This is an ancient nautical term, de-
Rum rat: Describes a seaman with the ability to rived from the French faire larrimage meaning stow
smell out the location of liquor storage and devise cargo. [2] Nowadays it refers to searching for some-
ways of tapping into it without being detected. thing, or delving through a collection of miscella-
Rum ration: For 315 years Great Britains Royal neous articles (as in rummage sale).
Navy issued a daily tot of rum to its crews, making Run: [1] To sail downwind. [2] To abscond or
this one of the oldest and longest-lasting maritime desert. [3] The distance traveled in a given period.
traditions. Originally, beer was carried to give the men Run aground: To accidentally touch, or become
a boost and replace water which deteriorated rapidly stuck upon, a reef, sandbar, or sea bed.
and became undrinkable. However, even that went Run ashore: [1] A trip on land. [2] A short leave or
off after a while, and this was compounded when un- liberty.
scrupulous brewers, in cahoots with corrupt pursers, Run down: [1] To collide. [2] To sail north or south
provided sub-standard product, of which one report until the latitude of a port of call is reached, then east
says; Sailors were under the necessity of shutting their or west along that latitude until the port is reached. For
eyes and ... holding their noses before they could drink some unknown reason, French admiral Jean dEstres
it. habitually reversed this procedure, sailing along a lat-
To replace this disgusting stuff ships began to load itude (which could be calculated) until he thought he
wine of the country, which meant arrack in Asia, had reached the appropriate longitude (which could
wine in the Mediterranean, and rum or brandy else- only be estimated at that time), then turning north
where. Distilled liquors required less space in the or south towards his destination. On 11 May 1678, he
cramped hold and did not spoil like beer or wine thought he was headed for Curaao but ran his entire
because higher alcohol content acted as a preserva- eet onto Las Aves reef, almost 90 miles (150 kilome-
tive. Rum was very inexpensive, being made from mo- ters) east of his intended landfall.
lasses which was a waste by-product of sugar manu- Run money: [1] Bounty paid for the capture of a
facture. deserter. [2] Extra pay awarded to a merchant seaman
After the capture of Jamaica in 1655, West Indian for a hazardous voyage.
sugar interests gained considerable political inuence Run out: [1] To open the gunports and pull the
and, by 1731, had succeeded in making rum the Royal cannon into ring position. [2] To carry out a moor-
Navys almost universal drink. At this time the sailors ing line or hawser.
received a whole pint (568 ccs) of 95.5 proof rum Runner: [1] A deserter. [2] A smuggler. [3] A
every day at noon, more than enough to lead to intox- blockade evader. [4] A line rove through a block.
ication and disciplinary problems. In 1740, Admiral Runner crew: Seamen hired to move a vessel from
Edward Vernon ordered the quantity of rum to be one place to another after its regular crew has been
halved and the rest to be cut with a quart of water (a paid off.
4:1 ratio) before being issued to seamen. Petty ofcers Running: Freely moving, such as a rope through a
and above received their half-ration undiluted and pulley (cf. standing).
one hour earlier. The addition of lime juice and sugar Running boat: A small craft that runs a ferry serv-
made the cocktail more palatable (see gimlet). ice between anchored ships and the nearby port or
In 1850, the rum ration was halved again, but the shore.
mixture was made more powerful by changing the di- Running bowline: A type of knot that tightens
lution to 3:1, and grog money was paid to teeto- under load.
talers. This remained in effect until 1937 when sea- Running bowsprit: One which can be reefed by
men needed less fortication against the rigors of sea sliding in through d-holes.
service, and more ability to concentrate on increas- Running free : Sailing with the wind abaft the
ingly complex technology, so the rum ration was beam.
halved again to one-eighth pint, but at a stronger 2:1 Running lights: Variation of Navigation Lights.
mixture. See table 9.
After World War II weapon systems and nuclear Running part: The moveable segment of a fall in
propulsion systems became increasingly complex, de- a tackle (cf. leading part, standing part).
manding intense concentration. First, a number of Running rigging: Consists of ropes and lines rove
captains unilaterally moved the issue to the end of the through blocks and used to manipulate spars and sails.
working day rather than the traditional noontime, and It may be divided into those used to control the sails
then the Admiralty abolished the practice entirely. (tacks, cunninghams and sheets) and those which raise
271 SAI

and lower (jeers, lifts, downhauls, and halyards). One SAC: [1] Supreme Allied Commander. [2] Strate-
end is fastened and known as the standing part. The gic Air Command (USAF).
other is loose end and known as the fall. Saccoleva: A Levantine craft with steep sheer, car-
Square-rigged ships have lifts that control the fore- rying a huge spritsail.
and-aft angle of yards; and braces which adjust their Sack: USN slang for a bunk bed. Also rack.
up-and-down angle. Braces demand large hauling SAD: Search and Destroy.
crews because, although they carry heavy loads, their Saddle: [1] A bracket attached to one spar for an-
controlling tackles have too few blocks to give them other spar or boom to rest in (e.g., a saddle on the
adequate mechanical advantage. (See also rig, rigging, bowsprit supports the jib-boom). [2] A plate used to
standing rigging.) shunt coal into side bunkers. [3] A support for a re-
Running the gauntlet: This punishment for theft fueling hose.
was seldom fatal. It involved lining up the ships com- SAF : Surface action force.
pany in two parallel rows along the length of the ves- Safe conduct: A written guarantee by a belligerent
sel and forcing the delinquent, stripped naked above that a ship or person will be allowed to proceed on a
the waist, to walk between them while each man be- specied voyage without let or hindrance.
labored him with a ropes-end or a small twisted cord Safe working load: Equipment should never be
with two or three knots, called a knittle. To stop him stressed close to its breaking strength, and knowing its
moving too quickly, the Master-at-Arms would walk limitations can help prevent accidents. Safe working
backwards in front of the victim with a cutlass pointed load dened as minimum breaking load divided by
at his chest. safety factor refers to the maximum stress that can
This might be repeated two or three times, during be applied while obtaining efcient service and pro-
which an unpopular shipmate, or one whose crime longing life. Most manufacturers provide tables that
had incensed the crew, might be tripped and severely show their equipments safe working load under var-
beaten while lying down. On the other hand, when he ious conditions, but in their absence rules of thumb
was well-liked, or when the seamen did not feel the must apply. In the case of cordage the load should
charge was justied, he might walk through without never exceed one-fth of its breaking strength or, said
receiving a single blow. In exceptionally bad cases, the another way, the breaking strength should be at least
culprit would be given a dozen strokes of the triple- ve times the weight the line is expected to hold.
knotted thieves cat before this ordeal. Both gaunt- Safety factor: The ratio of the breaking stress of
let and its alternative gantelope come from the an item to the maximum stress it is designed to han-
Swedish gattlogge meaning narrow path. In the USN dle in ordinary use. Also known as safety factor.
the pronunciation is gontlet; in the RN it is gant- Safety harness: An article of clothing or combina-
let or gantlope. tion of straps and bands, worn around a persons body
Ruse de guerre: Literally, hoax of war. A strata- and tethered to lines which keep the wearer from
gem or deceptive maneuver taken by a belligerent to falling overboard.
fool the enemy in order to achieve a tactical advantage, Safety hook: A hook with a spring-loaded hinged
or gain intelligence. In international law, a ruse de catch which effectively turns the hook into an eye and
guerre is lawful provided it does not involve treach- prevents its load from slipping off. Also snap hook.
ery and falsehood. The phrase is French. Safety track: A longitudinal track and runner on
Rust bucket: Any vessel which has been allowed the upper hull of a submarine between the forward
to corrode and deteriorate. and after escape hatches. A person working on deck
Rutter: See waggoner. can attach a safety harness to the runner with free-
RV: [1] Rescue vessel. [2] Research vessel. dom to move along the deck.
Safr-Simpson Hurricane Scale: Although the
1926 revision of the Beaufort Scale added visual land
S effects, these were not completely suitable for deter-
mining the potential destructive power of tropical cy-
SA: Stores Accountant (RN rating) see also SK. clonic windstorms after crossing the coast. In 1969,
Sabot: [1] Formerly, a wooden or metal disc at- consulting engineer Herbert Safr, working with
tached to the projectile red by muzzle-loading can- Robert Simpson, director of the U.S. National Hur-
non. [2] A bushing or carrier used with sub-caliber ricane Center, produced a ve-level scale for the
ammunition. It conforms to riing, seals against the World Meteorological Ofce. Each level is based on
escape of propulsive gas, centers the projectile in wind speed, but is essentially concerned with antici-
the barrel, and falls away when the assembly leaves pated shore-based damage. See table 5.
the muzzle. (From French for shoe, pronounced Sag: Longitudinal deformation of a vessel under
Sabo.) stress, causing the waist to drop below stem and stern
Sabotage: Willfully injuring, destroying, interfer- when they are supported (e.g., by waves). From the
ing with, or obstructing physical assets or an operation, Swedish saka.
especially as an act of war. SAI: Sea-to-air interface.
Saic 272

Saic: A Greek vessel, like a ketch, but without top Rank, with pay and status comparable to those of
gallant or mizzen sails. a commissioned lieutenant, and eligible to com-
Sail: [1] A piece of cloth extended on a yard sup- mand ships on non-combatant duty. In 1864, sen-
ported by mast and rigging so as to catch the wind ior masters became staff commanders and staff cap-
and propel a boat or ship (see also sailing rigs, sails, and tains, and three years later they and the remaining
sail nomenclature). [2] The number of sailing vessels masters and masters mates were commissioned into
in a squadron or convoy. [3] To set out on a voyage by the newly-formed Navigating Branch. However,
water. [4] To navigate or travel in a waterborne ves- after about 15 years it was decided to phase out that
sel. [5] The superstructure of a submarines hull, branch. No new appointments to it were made after
housing periscope(s), communications antennae, elec- 1883, when the rst Executive Branch lieutenant
tronic warfare masts, and conning tower. When sur- graduated as a qualied navigator, and the last Nav-
faced, the top of the sail serves as the boats bridge. igating Branch staff commander retired in 1913.
Sail ho!: Traditional cry of a lookout who has In the United States, Sailing Master was the sen-
sighted another vessel. The traditional response from ior warrant rank authorized in 1794 when the Fed-
the watch ofcer being where away? (in which direc- eral Navy was established. Like their British coun-
tion?). terparts they were experienced merchant seamen,
Sail loft: A manufactory making sails, tarpaulins, but unlike them could and did command small
awnings, and other canvas items. See loft. combat vessels. In 1837, sailing was dropped from
Sail nomenclature: Although there are many dif- the title and some masters were commissioned to
ferent types of sailing rig, the sides and corners of all rank between ensign and lieutenant, while others re-
sails share a common terminology. See clew, foot, mained warrant ofcers. After 1855, graduates of
head, leech, luff, peak, tack, and throat. the Naval Academy were appointed as Masters in
Sail palm: An oversized thimble used to drive nee- line for Promotion. In 1883, Congress mandated
dles through heavy canvas. the remaining warrant masters to be commissioned
Sailboat: A vessel propelled entirely by sails with- as lieutenants, junior grade and Naval Academy
out auxiliary power. The term applies only to smaller graduates became ensigns (see also table 15).
craft. Sailing orders: Instructions to a shipmaster con-
Sailcloth: Few people would associate the heavy cerning time of departure (sailing), destination, etc.
cloth used for sail-making with the drug culture, but Sailing rigs: Wind propulsion systems evolved over
canvas is a close relative of marijuana and hashish, all millennia to become highly-sophisticated assemblages
three being derived from hemp (Latin cannabis). of cloth or canvas, supported by various congura-
Sailhook: See benchhook. tions of masts, spars, lines, and battens. There are two
Sailing: [1] Describes a vessel driven by sails. [2] main divisions. They and eight of the many basic sub-
The activity of conning a sailing craft. [3] To be trav- types are:
eling in a sailing craft. [4] The departure of a vessel Rigs running Athwartship
(shell be sailing at noon). 1. Square rig: Most of the sails hang from spars
Sailing Master: This is among the oldest of naval known as yards, which run across the ship and are
titles, going back to the 12th century when there were attached horizontally to the masts at their mid-
no standing navies and merchantmen were converted points. The yards can be adjusted to suit wind di-
into warships whenever needed for national service. As rection, but this requires considerable manual effort,
already mentioned, when a military captain took com- so this rig was mostly used by big ships with rela-
mand the civilian master remained on board with re- tively large crews, making long ocean voyages where
sponsibility for operating and navigating, but not the force and direction of wind were reasonably
ghting, the vessel. Later, permanent naval forces were constant.
established and the military captain and his lieutenants 2. Lug rig : Similar to square rig except that
became competent seamen, but the division between spar(s) are asymmetrically attached to the mast(s)
ghting and shiphandling survived. with greater length on one side. This allows the
A Sailing Master, often known simply as The sail(s) to be swung into a more fore-and-aft posi-
Master, was a well-educated and certicated profes- tion to give better upwind performance than with
sional seaman. He had few military duties, but was fully square rigged sails.
responsible for navigation, steering, setting sails, 3. Junk rig: A type of square rig, similar to lug
maintenance of ropes, rigging, canvas and anchors, rig, developed in the Chinese Far East. Several full-
and the stowage of stores and provisions. At sea he width battens stiffen and support the canvas to give
stood watches, plotted the ships position using his more efcient performance at most points of sail-
own charts and instruments, and supervised observa- ing.
tions taken by midshipmen and masters mates. In Rigs running lengthwise
conned waters he conned (piloted) the vessel. 4. Fore-and-aft rig: One long edge of the sail
In the Royal Navy of 1808 the sailing master was is attached to the mast, while its lower edge is fas-
the most senior Warrant Ofcer of Wardroom tened to a spar called the boom which is hinged
273 Sails

near the foot of the mast. The top of the sail is at- Composite sailing: A modication of great circle
tached to another pole called the gaff. Fore-and- sailing used when it is desired to limit the highest
aft sails are easier to adjust than square ones, mak- latitude.
ing them suitable for craft with small crews, sailing Current sailing: A term occasionally used to refer
in waters where changes in wind direction or course to the process of determining the effect of a cur-
are frequent. rent on the direction of motion of a vessel or its
5. Bermuda rig: A triangular fore-and-aft sail predicted course made good.
is set behind the mast which is frequently slanted Dead Reckoning: Not really a sailing so much as
backward to improve performance in higher winds. an estimate of position arrived at by calculating
The sail may or may not have a boom at its foot. course, speed, and drift, without the benet of ob-
6. Gaff rig: A four-sided fore-and-aft sail with servations (see also estimated position).
two supporting spars; a gaff at the top, angled up- Sailing warship rating: See warship rating.
ward and backward from the mast, and a boom at Sailmaker: [1] Ashore: The person in one of the
the bottom, perpendicular to the mast. large factories called sail lofts responsible for design-
7. Lateen rig: A long triangular fore-and aft sail ing, making and repairing complete suits of sails.
with one very short side, strung from a long droop- [2] Aoat: A junior warrant ofcer who reported to the
ing spar which crosses a relatively short mast at an boatswain. He and his mates were idlers who did
angle of about 45. Prevalent in the Mediterranean not stand watches. They were responsible for main-
and Arab world, and probably derived from the taining and repairing the ships sails and making other
Romans (the name is believed to be a corruption of canvas items such as hatch covers and buckets. They
Latin). Its aerodynamic shape performs well up- also cut and stitched ags, pennants and the like. They
wind, but tacking is a laborious process which re- would normally have served an apprenticeship in a
quires moving spar and sail to the far side of the mast. loft, so would have had the skill to make complete
8. Sprit rig: In this variation of fore-and-aft suits of sails, but there was not enough space to spread
rig, a spar runs from the lower part of the mast di- them out aboard ship, so new ones were made ashore.
agonally across the sail to support its top outer cor- [3] Modern: The trade might be expected to have
ner. faded away when power-driven ships came into use,
Sailing ship: [1] A vessel bigger then a sailboat pro- but a visitor to the bowels of many a modern warship
pelled entirely by sails. [2] Under the Navigation Rules will nd sailmakers making all manner of awnings,
a power-equipped vessel is classied as a sailing ves- covers, and other canvas items. Today they work
sel when it is being propelled by wind without the aid mainly with electric sewing machines, but still use
of its engines. some of the traditional tools such as benchhooks, ds,
Sailings: A navigators collective term for various sail palms, and sailmakers needles.
methods of calculating course, distance, latitude, lon- Sailmakers needle: Similar to a leatherworkers
gitude, and departure. A dozen examples are given, needle, but the triangular point (for piercing without
some of which are no longer used. tearing) extends further up the shaft. Used for sewing
Plane sailing: Following a course plotted without thick canvas or heavy leather.
considering the curvature of the earth. Sailor: [1] A sailing ship seaman. [2] Any naviga-
Spherical sailing: A sailing that does consider the tor, mariner, or seaman knowledgeable in the ways of
spherical (spheroidal) shape of the earth. ships and the sea. [3] A seaman below the rank of
Traverse sailing: Uses the principles of plane sail- petty ofcer. [4] A person who does not suffer sea-
ing to determine the equivalent course and distance sickness.
made good while following a track consisting of a Sailor-monger: U.S. legal term for a person who
series of rhumb lines. uses alcohol or violence to kidnap seamen and sell
Middle-latitude sailing: A method of converting them to outgoing ships for nancial gain (see crimp,
departure into difference of longitude, or vice versa, press gang).
by assuming that such a course is steered at the Sailors disgrace: See fouled anchor.
middle or mean latitude. Sailplane: A rotatable, horizontal control surface,
Parallel sailing: Occurs when the course is 090 located on a submarines sail and used to help it rise
or 270 true. or dive.
Meridian sailing: Occurs when the course is 000 Sails: [1] Lower deck nickname for a ships sail-
or 180. maker. [2] Sheets of canvas or other fabric, suspended
Mercator sailing: Applies when the various ele- by an assemblage of spars and rigging in such a way
ments are considered in their relation on a Merca- as to transmit the force of the wind to a vessels hull
tor projection. and thus drive it along. The windward side is under
Rhumb-line sailing: The term used when a rhumb higher air pressure than the leeward and this causes
line is followed. the sail to be pulled forward by the phenomenon
Great-circle sailing: Occurs when a great circle known as lift. For maximum efciency, the canvas
track is followed. should assume the shape of a curve, known as its draft.
Saint Elmos Fire 274

The larger the curvature the more powerful the pull SALT: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty.
and, in very strong winds, it may be desirable to atten Salt: [1] Slang term for a seaman with many years
the sail. experience. Often preceded by old. [2] A preserva-
Saint Elmos Fire : A nautical event that occurs tive and condiment.
when the atmosphere develops an electrical potential, Salt horse: A sailors nickname for the corned beef,
and the phenomenon known as a corposant creates a mutton, or pork which was formerly a staple of the
non-dangerous electrical discharge between solid ob- sailors diet. See food in sailing ships.
jects and the surrounding air. The glowing halo and Salting: Filling the spaces between the frame tim-
ery jets sprouting from masts and yards were long bers of a wooden ship with coarse salt which attracts
regarded with superstitious awe by seamen who be- moisture, turns to brine, and pickles the wood as a
lieved them a supernatural manifestation of their pa- preservative.
tron saint (Erasmus), giving them a warning of foul Saltpeter: Potassium nitrate, the oxidizing com-
weather. ponent of black powder gunpowder and several kinds
Saker: An ancient cannon, ring a ball of about 5 of burning fuse, including the slow match. Also salt-
pounds. petre from Medieval Latin sal petrae = stone salt.
Salamis (battle): In 480 BCE, according to the his- Salutes and courtesies: Nowadays, salutes are
torian Herodotus, Persian Emperor Xerxes planned marks of respect or honor, but most began as sym-
to rule Europe as well as Asia, but was repulsed at this bols of friendship, through some formal act such as
battle (see military deception) with tremendous impact raising a hand to the head, discharging a gun or guns,
on the course of human history. Many historians argue presenting arms, pointing a sword to the ground, low-
that Greeces ensuing independence laid the foun- ering the colors, dipping the topsails, or raising oars.
dations for Western democracy, art, and architec- This demonstration of peaceful intent seems univer-
ture, which would have developed differently under a sal, irrespective of time and place. For example, me-
Farsi-speaking, Zoroaster-worshipping, Persian au- dieval knights would raise their visors with their ght-
tocracy. ing hand to expose unprotected faces for recognition,
Salinity: The amount of mineral salts dissolved in while African tribal warriors used to lower their shields
water measured in parts-per-thousand. Seawater is and trail spear points on the ground to show peaceful
typically 35 2 ppt. intent. Tradition holds that the junior person or ship
Sally: [1] To rock a ship by having the crew rush always salutes rst, with the courtesy to be immedi-
from side-to-side. Ships are often sallied to release ately returned by the senior. See also gun salutes, na-
them when icebound or lightly aground on mud. [2] A tional gun salutes, personal gun salutes.
sortie from a besieged place. (From the Latin salire = When boarding or leaving a USN ship it is cus-
leap or rush forward.) tomary to salute rst the colors on the ensign staff and
Sally port: [1] A large access hatch in a ships side. then turn to salute the quarterdeck. This is not, as is
[2] A small, easily secured door in a castle wall or other popularly believed, because it used to be the site of a
fortication. [3] A secure entryway consisting of a se- crucix, but because it is the seat of power and au-
ries of doors or gates (sally is derived ultimately from thority. In the RN the boarder merely faces aft and
Latin salire = leap and port is ultimately from Latin salutes once. In both cases, the OOD acknowledges
portus = door). the salute and gives permission to come aboard.
Salmagundi: A food dish that has gone through a Saluting ship: USN term for a warship large
series of manifestations. [1] It originated ashore in En- enough to carry a band and therefore capable of ren-
gland, late in the 16th century, being comprised of dering full honors.
cooked meats, seafood, vegetables, fruit, leaves, nuts Salvage: [1] The act of rescuing a ship or its cargo
and owers, dressed with oil, vinegar and spices. from perils of the sea. [2] Property so saved. [3] The
There was no single recipe, but it was usually pre- fee or compensation given to those who voluntarily
sented as a large salad, drizzled with dressing and pro- save a ship or its cargo. From Latin salvagium.
ducing a wide range of avors, colors, and textures on Salvage Master: See wreck master.
a single plate. [2] In the age of sail, the term referred Salvage-money: A bonus paid to the crew of a ves-
to a favorite seamans dish of sliced cured turtle meat sel which has salvaged another.
or sh, boiled with pickled onions and cabbage. Salvo: A discharge of artillery or other rearms red
[3] Today, most recipes involve ground meat, served simultaneously, or in rapid succession at the same tar-
on a bed of lettuce with anchovies, eggs, onion, and get, or as a salute. Whereas a broadside involves all
spices. From Italian salami conditi = pickled sausage. guns ring together, a salvo may only involve some
Salmontail: An extension to the after edge of a rud- of them.
der designed to increase its effectiveness in narrow wa- Salvor: The claimant of salvage-money.
terways. Also Danube rudder and Suez Canal rudder. SAM: Surface to air missile.
Saloon/Salon: [1] A large public room in a passen- Samakeen: A Turkish coasting sailing freighter.
ger ship. [2] The ofcers dining room in a U.S. mer- Sampan: Any of several types of small open-deck
chantman. work boats found in China, Japan, and Southeast
275 Saxon

Asia, usually propelled by a single stern-mounted scull Sarre : An early form of long cannon, slightly
and roofed with matting. smaller than a bombard.
Samson post: [1] A vertical timber on the forward Satellite navigation: People have always looked to
deck of a boat, used for towing or tying-up. [2] A the heavens to nd their way, and they still can. Each
stanchion resting on the keelson and supporting the of a constellation of man-made satellites emits signals
deck beams of a wooden ship. [3] A king post. indicating the precise time by atomic clock. A ground
Sand: A loose granular material that results from the receiver has in its memory the orbit of every satellite
disintegration of rocks, consisting of particles smaller and can calculate its own exact position by simultane-
than gravel but coarser than silt. Sand can be described ously reading the signals of four or more. See Galileo
in terms of grain size, color, composition, morphol- and Global positioning system.
ogy (angularity and shape) and surface texture. Hence Saturated steam: Steam at the temperature of its
the term means different things to different people. boiling point. Sometimes (somewhat incorrectly) ap-
To the seafarer, it is essentially a mineral substance plied to wet steam. See also superheated steam.
deposited along the shores of bodies of water and in Sausage: A long gunpowder-lled linen tube, used
river beds, usually containing shells, fossils, corals, as the fuse for a mine or reship, burning slowly
algae, volcanic material, and the remains of marine enough to allow the igniters to retire and reach safety.
plants and animals. The original French term saucisson is also used.
Sand bar: A sand barrier formed by the action of Sawbones: Seamans slang for the ships surgeon
tides or currents. and his assistants.
Sand jack: A series of sand-lled containers driven Saxon seapower: In 871, a brilliant and energetic
beneath the hull of a vessel as temporary support, later 22 year old, later known as Alfred the Great and called
to be drained of sand to lower the hull onto a launch- Father of the English Navy, came to the Saxon
ing cradle. throne, just as another wave of Viking invaders was
Sand strake: See garboard strake. threatening to destroy his country. At that time Corn-
Sandbagger: American type of broad, shallow, par- wall, Wales, and north-west England were occupied by
tially-decked, centreboard sailing craft, carrying im- Celts (Welsh and Britons), while Scotland still be-
mense sail area for its size. longed largely to the Picts, except for a small enclave
Sandbank: A large mass of sand forming a shoal. of Scots (from Ireland) in its south-western corner.
Sandshot: Cannon balls cast in moulds made of The rest of Britain had been divided by Scandinavian
sand. These cheap but irregular-shaped items could invaders into a number of warring kingdoms. In the
damage the bore of a large gun, so they were generally south-east the Jutes held sway in what is roughly mod-
manufactured small enough to be used as case or grape ern Kent. Angles controlled Mercia in the center, An-
shot. glia in the east, and Northumbria in the north-east,
Sandspit: A small sandy island or peninsula, fre- known collectively as Angle-Land (later corrupted to
quently submerged at high tide and supporting little England). Across the south, from Welsh Marches to
or no vegetation. Thames Estuary, lay Alfreds Saxon kingdom of Wes-
SANF : South African Naval Forces. sex.
Sap: A leather-covered hand weapon; similar to a [The following italicized citations are from the
blackjack and much favored by press gangs. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle which can be found at www.
SAR : Search & Rescue (often pronounced as a]
word). Alfred saw that Wessex would never be safe until
Saraband: A popular forecastle dance, derived from he had command of the sea. He not only built gal-
the Moors of North Africa. leys and longships but established ports and maritime
Sardine can: RN lower deck slang for a subma- districts to support them. Saxons were landsmen, so
rine. he crewed his eet with mercenary Frisians and hired
Sargasso: [1] In general, a tangled mass of seaweed, pirates to teach his people seamanship. With Alfred
usually encountered in relatively calm and warm areas himself in command, this initial eet fended off in-
of water. From the Portuguese Sargao = gulfweed. vaders, but suffered a severe setback when the navy
[2] Specically, in 1492, Christopher Columbus, head- sailed west about until they met with a great mist at sea
ing (he hoped) for the fabled riches of Asia, sailed and there perished one hundred and twenty ships. Later,
through what he termed the Mar de Sargazo (Sea of Danish plunderers greatly harassed the land of the West
Weed) that covers upwards of 518,000,000 square Saxons by piracies on the southern coast, most of all by the
hectares (two-million square miles). As Columbus dis- esks (a class of ship) which they built many years be-
covered, even in light winds its extensive patches of fore. In response, the king ordered a new eet con-
oating seaweed are easily parted by sailing ships. structed, based on an improved class of ghting ves-
Nevertheless, generations of sailors were terried by the sel that he personally designed.
belief that any ship which ventured into the Sargasso King Alfred gave orders for building long ships against
would be held in its grip until the crew died of star- the esks, which were nigh twice as long as the others.
vation. Some had sixty oars, some with more; and they were
SBR 276

both swifter and steadier, and also higher than the oth- Schooner: A fore-and-aft-rigged sailing ship, oc-
ers. They were not shaped either after the Frisian or the casionally carrying square topsails. The classic version
Danish model, but so as he himself thought that they has two masts, but up to seven have been used. Pre-
might be most serviceable. cursor vessels were being built in Holland during the
In the summer of 897 these new ships engaged and de- late 16th and early 17th centuries, but the current de-
stroyed a Viking eet along the south coast of En- sign was rened and improved in British North Amer-
gland. When Alfred died two years later, the rst gen- ica in 1713, eventually becoming ubiquitous. The
uine English navy controlled the Channel. (For name is said to derive from the Scottish scoon,
subsequent developments, see Royal Navy.) meaning to make a stone skip or glide across the water.
SBR: [1] Special boat squadron (USN). [2] Sea- According to legend, the rst of this type was built by
based Radar (a oating, self-propelled, mobile unit, Captain Andrew Robinson, at Gloucester, Massachu-
designed to roam the Pacic Ocean to detect incom- setts. When the vessel slid off the stocks into the water,
ing ballistic missiles). [3] Short Barrel Rie. a bystander cried out, Look how she scoons! and
SBS: Special Boat Service (Brit.). Robinson replied, Then a scooner let her be.
Scaling : [1] Cleaning the bore of a cannon. Schooner barge: A barge formerly found on the
[2] Chipping salt deposits off the inside of a boiler east coast of the United States. Essentially dumb, but
(also de-scaling). [3] Climbing the wall of a fortress. equipped with small masts that gave it limited ma-
Scampavia: A low, capacious, armed Venetian neuverability in the absence of a towing vessel.
barge or pinnace, pulled by 40 oarsmen who slept Schooner brig: See brigantine.
aboard in bunks under their thwarts. Carried a huge Schooner ketch: A triple-masted schooner with a
lateen sail on a single mast. short mizzenmast.
Scan: One complete (360) turn during the contin- Schooner on the rocks: Former sailor slang for a
uous rotational search of a sonar or radar. slice of meat surrounded by roast potatoes.
Scandalize: To set sails askew or acockbill as a sign Schooner yawl: A fore-and-aft rigged vessel carry-
of mourning. See also blue paint and mourning salute. ing a large mainmast with a short boom and a jigger
Scant: To sail as close as possible to the wind. mast stepped abaft the sternpost.
Scantlings: The structural dimensions of a ships Schuyt: A Dutch riverine and coastal vessel.
hull frames. From Middle English scantilon = to gauge SCM: Summary Court Martial.
or measure. Scope: The ratio of anchor cable or chain deployed
Scarng: Obsolete term for dressing ship. to depth of water. Normally 3:1 is adequate, but be-
Scarp: See escarpment. tween 5:1 and 10:1 may be required in heavy weather.
Scarph: To taper or otherwise shape two pieces of Score: An almost obsolete term for the number
timber so that they can be joined together. Also scarf. twenty, or twenty of something (e.g., Fourscore and
From the Swedish scarf = join. seven years Abraham Lincoln). Commercial use
Scend: [1] To lurch forward from the motion of a must have been confusing, because a score could
heavy sea. [2] The swell-imparted upward heave or sometimes be effectively 162 3, as recorded in the fol-
pitch of a plunging vessel. (Abbreviation of ascend.) lowing mnemonic:
Scharnow turn: See Person Overboard. Five scores a hundred of men, money, or pins;
Schellboot: Before the beginning of World War II But six scores a hundred of all other things.
the Kreigsmarine (German Navy) developed this fast Scorpione: Arrow-ring naval artillery of the clas-
and seaworthy speedboat under the guise of a pleas- sical era. See also ballista.
ure craft that could travel fast even in heavy seas, and Scotch mist: Light soaking rain.
had brilliant maneuverability. The design was so suc- Scotch prize: Slang for a vessel taken illegally by
cessful that it was built as a torpedo or gun boat until mistake.
the end of the war. The Type S-100 (introduced in Scottish coffee: Seamens slang for a beverage made
1943) was up 50 percent longer than any Allied boat from ships biscuit, charred over the galley stove,
and, unlike them, was not based on a planing hull but crushed, and stirred into hot water.
had a deeper rounded bottom, more suitable for heavy Scottish-rigged: A four-masted bark with double
seas. Three Daimler-Benz 2500 hp diesel engines gave topgallants and a pole jigger.
it an outstanding top speed of 43.5 knots, with an Scour: The erosive force of moving water on bot-
emergency speed of 48 knots. They were approxi- tom sediment.
mately twice the size of their American and British Scouse: [1] Formerly, a generic term and nickname
counterparts, more seaworthy, and enjoyed two to for a sailing ship sailor. [2] British seamans slang for
three times the range (approximately 700 nautical a person from the port of Liverpool. [3] Abbreviation
miles). In 1945, future U.S. president John F. of lobscouse.
Kennedy, himself a former patrol craft captain, in- Scout: [1] To reconnoiter or make a reconnaissance.
spected an intact E-Boat (as it was called by the Al- [2] A person (usually a soldier or marine) or a ship
lies), writing in his diary, It was far superior to our PT sent out to gather intelligence on a hostile force and
boat. its disposition.
277 Scurvy

Scow: [1] An open at-bottomed boat used to carry SCS: Shipboard Computing System.
sand, gravel, or other bulk material over short dis- Scuba: Acronym of Self-Contained Underwater
tances. [2] Slang term for a barge or lighter. (From Breathing Apparatus. A portable device that allows
the Dutch schouw.) independent underwater movement. One or two
Scow schooner: A former San Francisco market tanks of compressed air are strapped onto the back of
boat with two masts on a punt-shaped hull with a a diver, connected by tubing to a mouthpiece through
centerboard and a false cutwater. which the diver breathes at a valve-controlled rate.
Scram: Emergency shut-down of a nuclear reac- This allows the scuba diver to stay underwater longer
tor. Reputed to be an acronym of Safety Cut Rope than with the simple breath-holding techniques used
Ax Man, which was the actual job title of a lumber- in snorkeling and free-diving, and is not hindered by
jack who stood atop the rst experimental reactor, air lines to a remote air source as with hookah or full
ready to sever the rope supporting a protective cad- surface support. Also called by the trade name aqua-
mium shield if anything went wrong. lung.
Scramble: [1] To make a radio or telegraphic mes- Scud: [1] Low-lying, fast-moving mist or clouds.
sage unintelligible, usually by random changes of fre- [2] To run before a gale with minimum sails set.
quency. [2] An emergency launch of ghter aircraft. [3] NATO code-name for an obsolete series of short-
Scrambled eggs: Naval and military slang for the range land-based Russian tactical ballistic missiles.
gold braid on the visor of a senior ofcers cap. Scull: [1] An oar light enough to be pulled with
Scrambling net: Mesh hung over the side to assist one hand, and long enough for two to be managed by
people (often embarking soldiers) to climb the side. an oarsman seated at the center of the boat. [2] To
Also called boarding net and scramble net. propel a boat by the twisting motion of an oar placed
Scran: A old word for eatables, especially, leftovers. over the stern of a boat. [3] To row.
Scran bag: [1] Originally, a receptacle to store ships Scunner: A sealers lookout posted in the foretop
biscuit or the remainder of a meal. [2] Now, an RN to watch for seals or to guide the vessel through ice
lost and found depository. By tradition, articles can elds.
only be redeemed by payment in bars of soap. (The Scupper: [1] A small opening to drain water from
USN equivalent is lucky bag.) the open deck. [2] An underwater drain pipe tted
Screen: [1] A formation of warships positioned to with a non-return valve. [3] To sink a ship deliberately
protect a main force or convoy. [2] The large end of by opening the underwater drains (cf. scuttle).
a radar or sonar tube on which an image is projected Scurvy: (From the Anglo-Saxon scurf = scabby.)
electronically. [3] A shield or mask used to limit the Until the 18th century, seamen on long voyages were
arc of visibility of a light. seriously aficted by this vitamin C deciency dis-
Screw: A propeller. ease, characterized by swollen gums oozing black
Screw anchor: [1] A device with broad helical blood, tooth loss, stinking breath, ulcers, breathing
anges welded to a long shaft, designed to be screwed difculty, and the re-opening of previously-healed
into ground that is too soft for a normal anchor to wounds. The disease usually appeared after about six
hold. Usually power-installed and used to perma- weeks at sea, when fresh produce ran out, and by the
nently secure a mooring buoy. [2] A small, portable, end of ten weeks it was raging. Prolonged cases fre-
corkscrew-like device, installed manually for the tem- quently resulted in death. It has been reliably esti-
porary mooring of yachts and small craft. mated that scurvy killed two million seamen during
Screw log: A rotor trailed astern by a cable attached the age of sail more than the combined total due to
to an onboard revolution counter scaled to indicate combat, shipwreck, and all other illnesses.
distance traveled (also taffrail log, patent log). On a trip to India in 1499, Vasco da Gama lost two-
Scrimshaw: [1] The art or technique of engraving thirds of his crew to the disease, and in 1520 Magel-
or carving the byproducts of marine mammals (most lan lost 80 percent while crossing the Pacic. The con-
commonly the bones, teeth, or baleen of whales, and nection with diet was well understood by experienced
the tusks of walruses). The practice began on Pacic ship captains, who tried to bring as many fruits and
Ocean whaling ships between 1817 to 1824, and sur- vegetables on board as possible. But, on extended voy-
vived into the 20th century. Because most whalers did ages, spoilage limited foodstuffs to such things as
not have to stand night watches they enjoyed more corned beef or pork, dried peas, oatmeal bread, but-
free time than other sailors and made scrimshaw as a ter, and cheese, none of which contains signicant vi-
leisure activity. [2] Handicraft articles so produced. tamin C. For a long time it was widely believed that
Scrollhead: A billethead shaped like the scroll of a daily consumption of beer would protect seamen
violin, but turning outward and facing forward as op- against the disease, but it did not.
posed to the inward and aft-facing volute of a ddle- Then, in 1612, John Woodall, Surgeon-General of
head. Used when there is no gurehead. the East India Company, persuaded the Bombay Ma-
Scrovies: A derisory term for useless vagabonds rine to provide lemon juice for its sailors. Five years
picked up by crimps or the quota system and passed later, in his book The Surgeons Mate, Woodall de-
off as qualied seamen. scribed the benets, saying Lemmons, Limes, Tama-
Scuttle 278

rinds, Oranges and other ... good helps available in later, apparently not cognizant of the superiority of
the Indies ... do farre exceede any that can be carried lemons, the British Board of Trade mandated a daily
tither from England. A decade after that, naval writer ration of lime juice for every sailor in the merchant
John Smith recommended The juyce of limmons for eet. Thus British seamen became known as limeys.
the Scurvy. All these important observations were ig- Scuttle: [1] To sink a ship deliberately by opening
nored by the Royal Navy. its sea cocks. [2] To make a hole in something, such
Next, in 1753, James Lind, a physician known as the as a cask. [3] A small hole or port for light or ventila-
father of nautical medicine, published his classic tion. [4] The hinged cover of such a port, a deadlight.
work A Treatise of the Scurvy, reporting the medical [5] A small circular watertight hatch. [5] A conduit to
worlds rst example of a controlled clinical nutrition carry water over the side.
study on human patients, which Lind had performed Scuttle drill: A duty assigned to junior midshipmen
while a Royal Navy surgeons mate. This provided in the days of sail. During heavy weather one would
clear evidence of the curative and preventative value be stationed at each gunroom scuttle, opening it to
of citrus fruits. Linds work won the attention of First ventilate the fuggy compartment, standing by to rap-
Lord of the Admiralty George Anson, who, during idly close and secure it when a wave approached.
his circumnavigation of the globe in 174044 had lost Scuttlebutt: [1] Formerly an open-topped cask for
two-thirds of his crew, mostly to scurvy. Anson se- drinking water, now a water fountain. In order to pre-
cured Linds appointment to Haslar Royal Naval Hos- vent seamen from becoming dehydrated, shipmasters
pital at Gosport, where one of his rst publications would often order a butt or cask to be lashed some-
was An Essay on the Most Effectual Means of Preserv- where on deck with its lid scuttled so that a ladle could
ing the Health of Seamen of the Royal Navy. This too be used to scoop out drinking water. [2] A visit to the
was ignored. scuttled butt was a good opportunity for sailors to ex-
In 1768, on the recommendation of David Mc- change gossip, rumors, or chatter, and these activities
Bride, author of A New Method of Treating Scurvy at soon took on the slang name of the water cask itself.
Sea, published four years earlier, Captain James Cooks SDDC: Surface Deployment & Distribution Com-
Pacic expedition was issued with substantial experi- mand.
mental supplies of malt, portable soup, and sauer- SDO: [1] Special duties ofcer. [2] Ships debarka-
kraut, plus a small quantity of lemon juice. The rel- tion ofcer.
ative Vitamin C content of 100 grams of each of these Sea: [1] A body of saline water, smaller than an
foods is: ocean, either (a) surrounded by land on most sides
Malt negligible (about 0.1 mg) (Mediterranean Sea), or (b) part of one of the oceans
Portable soup Probably close to zero (due to pro- (Caribbean Sea). [2] An inland body of water (Caspian
longed boiling) Sea). [3] The condition of the water (calm sea, heavy
Sauerkraut 15 mg sea). [4] An action of the water (ship sea). [5] A large
Lemon Juice 230 mg area or great number of something (sea of faces).
Cook lost no seamen to scurvy but, because the Sea anchor: A device such as a heavy spar, or
supply of lemon juice was so limited, mistakenly at- drogue dropped from the bow to keep a vessel headed
tributed that good fortune to the efcacy of the rst into the wind or sea, and to reduce drift, usually dur-
three only. In consequence, Linds work on lemon ing a storm.
juice was ignored by the Royal Navy for decades Sea barge: [1] In naval use, a large logistical support
longer. It was not until 1795 that an Admiralty Order vessel for beach landing operations. It carries such
was issued requiring the supply of lemon juice to things as heavy lifting equipment, causeway sections,
ships. Almost immediately, this antiscorbutic virtu- tugboats, pre-loaded barges, and other watercraft.
ally eliminated the disease, halving the number of [2] In civilian use, a carrier of pre-loaded self-pro-
sailors sent to naval hospitals. At about the same time, pelled lighters, equipped with rollers to facilitate load-
the French Navy decided to replace its traditional daily ing them onto seagoing container ships.
issue of 750 ml of red wine (which contains just Sea bed: The oor or bottom beyond the conti-
enough vitamin C to partially deter scurvy) with 200 nental shelf.
ml of eau-de-vie (brandy, which has none). Having in- Sea beggar: One of the Dutch Protestant revolu-
advertently moved in the opposite direction, the Im- tionary seamen who led a popular 16th17th century
perial Napoleonic Navy re-introduced the disease just revolt against Spanish rule in the Low Countries. After
as the British Royal Navy escaped from it. independence they formed the nucleus of the Dutch
Shortly afterward, the Admiralty bowed to the Navy.
powerful planters lobby and switched to lime juice Sea biscuit or sea bread: See hardtack.
which was freely and cheaply available from the British Sea born: [1] Produced in the sea (e.g., a coral reef ).
West Indies. However, limes are far less effective de- [2] Created of or by the sea (e.g., an oceanide). [3] Born
liverers of vitamin C than lemons (roughly 4:1), and at sea (e.g., a whale calf ).
the latter juice was re-introduced along with orange Sea breeze: A light wind blowing from the sea to-
juice after a serious scurvy outbreak in 1875. A year ward the land.
279 Sea

Sea buoy: See departure buoy. damp air passing over water that is colder than its dew
Sea cabin: A commanding ofcers quarters, used point.
when in combat or during foul weather, adjacent to the Sea fret: A morning mist or light sea fog.
bridge and smaller than that ofcers regular accom- Sea frontier: USN term established in July 1941 to
modation. designate an area command responsible for coastal de-
Sea Captain: The certicated master of a mer- fense and antisubmarine patrol off the continental
chantman. Also shipmaster. United States.
Sea change: This phrase for a major transformation Sea-gait: A long, rolling swell of the sea. Also sea-
is sometimes attributed to the ebb and ow of the gate or sea gate.
tide, or to the uncertainty of weather at sea. In fact, Sea gate: [1] A gate which serves to protect a har-
it comes from Shakespeare, specically The Tempest bor or tidal basin from the sea. [2] A channel giving
(I.ii.394) where the sprite Ariel sings: access to the sea. [3] A sea-gait.
Full fathom ve thy father lies: Sea girt: Surrounded by sea.
Of his bones are coral made: Sea grocer: Another of the many derogatory names
Those are pearls that were his eyes: for a purser.
Nothing of him that doth fade Sea horse: [1] Fanciful name for the foam of a wave
But doth suffer a sea-change breaking at sea, said to resemble the white mane of a
Into something rich and strange. horse. [2] Any member of the pipesh family. [3] A
Sea chest: [1] A seamans wooden trunk, frequently fabulous sea creature with a shs tail and the foreparts
decorated with pictures of ships and sea creatures. of a horse. [4] A walrus.
[2] A compartment in a ships hull below the water- Sea ice: Ice formed from seawater.
line through which sea water can be admitted or dirty Sea-kindly: Said of a vessel that is easy on its crew
water discharged. and undemanding on its gear.
Sea cock: A valve on a pipe open to the sea below Sea ladder: [1] Metal rungs welded to a ships hull
a ships waterline, used to obtain salt water when re- above the waterline. [2] An aluminum or steel device
quired, or to scuttle the vessel. made of pipes and treads and long enough to reach
Sea condition: The size of waves and state of from the waterline to the main deck of smaller ships.
weather over the sea. See tables 14 and sea spectrum. When in use it is bolted to anges permanently
Sea daddy: Slang for an experienced seaman or welded to the deck; otherwise it is removed and
marine assigned to help a recruit learn the ropes. stowed. (Also called a pipe ladder.)
Sea dog: [1] A highly-experienced older seaman. Sea lane: A permanent or frequently-used ship-
[2] A pirate or privateer. [3] Slang for a fogbow. ping route.
Sea echelon: A portion of the assault shipping Sea lawyer: [1] An argumentative seaman inclined
which withdraws from or remains out of the trans- to grumble about or question orders. [2] Person with
port area during an amphibious landing and operates too ne a knowledge of naval rules and regulations.
in designated areas to seaward in an on-call or un- Sea legs: Acquired ability to keep balance and avoid
scheduled status. nausea while aoat.
Sea Fencibles: This organization was developed for Sea Letter: A form of certicate issued in time of
naval defense during the French Revolutionary and war to prove a vessels neutrality and nationality (cf.
Napoleonic Wars. It consisted of shermen, smug- passport).
glers, and coastal seamen who volunteered to serve in Sea level: Refers to the position of the air-sea
time of invasion. They were trained to use pikes and boundary, used as a standard in reckoning land eleva-
to man coastal gun batteries, as well as in the opera- tions or sea depths. The concept is based on the as-
tion of any gunboats that might be available. In return sumption that, because the oceans are interconnected
they received protection against impressment. Dis- and water tends to nd its own level, the ocean sur-
tricts were commanded by naval Captains, with from face around the world conforms to the ellipsoid (at-
three to six Lieutenants under them, according to the tened sphere) shape of the earth. In fact, the waters are
number of Fencibles enrolled. in constant motion, inuenced by tides, atmospheric
Sea foam: [1] An accumulation of ne, frothy bub- pressure, gravitational effects, and wind conditions,
bles formed in or on the surface of the sea, by the ag- while longer-term levels are affected by climate
itation of breaking waves. The appearance and thick- change. Hence it is impossible to determine a gure
ness of this foam accumulation varies with the size of for the entire planet. Even on a local basis, levels vary
the waves and strength of the wind. Hence, foam is an quite a lot and the best that can be done is calculate
important factor in the visual descriptions of the mean sea level at a specic point and use that as a
Beaufort Scale (table 1). [2] A similar phenomenon is datum.
seen when plankton washes ashore, dies and disinte- Sea Lord: A naval member of the former British
grates, creating foam-like bubbles, which are left in Board of Admiralty (now Admiralty Board of the De-
tide pools after the ocean retreats. fence Council).
Sea fog: A cloud of water droplets caused by warm Sea maiden: [1] A mermaid. [2] A sea goddess.
Sea 280

Sea mile: See nautical mile. Sea smoke: A type of fog created when very cold
Sea ofcer: The 17th century term for a naval air moves across cold water to produce steam.
ofcer. Sea spectrum: The sea is a spectrum or continuum
Sea People: A loose confederation of tribes from the of waves, each of which has a distinct height (distance
eastern Mediterranean, the Aegean, Asia Minor, the between trough and crest) and period (time be-
Black Sea region and (possibly) survivors of Troy. tween succeeding crests). This spectrum can be
Their relentless land and sea advance between 1200 characterized by the signicant wave height and the
and 1176 BCE brought dramatic changes to Asia Minor modal period, as is done by Pierson-Moskowitch (see
and the civilized world of that time. Rather than pure table 3).
military and naval operations, there seems to have Sea state: A numerical or written representation of
been a mass migration of warriors, accompanied by the roughness of the ocean surface, categorizing the
women and children in ox-carts, probably displaced force of progressively higher seas by wave characteris-
by widespread crop failures and famine. The land tics, and the relationship of wind to waves. The large
army was attacked and routed as it crossed the Egypt- number of variables involved cannot be quickly and
ian border, but the navy continued towards the Nile easily summarized, so simpler scales are used to give
delta, intending to force entry up the great river. concise, approximate, descriptions, primarily for re-
In the brutal hand-to-hand ghting which ensued, porting in a ships log or similar record. See Beaufort
the Sea People were utterly defeated, vanishing from scale, Douglas scale, and tables 15.
political records, but leaving a legacy second to none Sea surveillance: Is dened by DoD and NATO as:
in the history of the western world. Superpower The systematic observation of surface and subsurface
Egypt, which had won the battles but lost the Lev- sea areas by all available and practicable means pri-
ant, wasted away to become a shadow of its former marily for the purpose of locating, identifying and
self. In the Levant, where several of the tribes settled, determining the movements of ships, submarines,
Philistines and Phoenicians revived and spread much and other vehicles, friendly and enemy, proceeding
of the inventiveness in metallurgy, seafaring, warfare on or under the surface of the worlds seas and
and trade that had characterized fallen Troy. Most im- oceans.
portantly, by virtually destroying all the major pow- See also surveillance and integrated undersea surveil-
ers of the Mediterranean, the Sea People cleared the lance systems.
way for the rise of Greece, Rome, and ultimately Sea swap: Occurs when a U.S. warship remains on
Western civilization itself. Surprisingly, the events of foreign assignment but replaces its crew with a fresh
such a pivotal moment in world history are little un- one. The exchange does not usually take place at sea,
derstood and widely disputed. but in a friendly foreign port.
Sea pie: A seamans dish consisting of meat or sh Sea trial: A series of tests conducted at sea by a
and vegetables layered between bread crusts or ships shipbuilder or dockyard in order to conrm that a
biscuit. newly-constructed or repaired vessel is acceptable to
Sea pod: A capsule maintained at underwater pres- its owners.
sure, in which off-duty deep-sea divers can relax with- Sea wolf: One of the beasts rumored to exist in the
out having to adjust to surface pressure and re-adjust 17th and 18th centuries was the sea wolf. According to
to underwater conditions before their next shift. the lore of the time, as reported by Conrad Gesner in
Sea return: Radar signals reected off the faces of The History of Four-footed Beasts and Serpents (1658),
breaking waves. This phenomenon hampers target the sea wolf liveth both on sea and land.
identication and is usually worse upwind. Seabag : A tubular canvas bag, closed by draw-
Sea room: [1] Enough space to maneuver a vessel. string, used by seamen to carry personal belongings.
[2] Clear of inshore shoals. Also kitbag (mainly British).
Sea rover: A pirate. Seabee: [1] Semi-formal USN nickname for an en-
Sea serpent: A dragonlike or snakelike marine an- listed person in a construction battalion. [2] Informal
imal, generally considered mythical. Numerous eye- designation of USN construction personnel, whether
witnesses have claimed to have seen some such crea- or not attached to a construction battalion. See also
ture, many of them qualied observers including song of the Seabees.
experienced naval ofcers and marine biologists. De- Seaboard: [1] The line where land and sea meet,
spite many theories about what might have been the shore or coast. [2] Land bordering or adjoining
sighted, their existence has yet to be proven. See index the sea, the seacoast or littoral.
for individual monsters, and the appendix for possi- Seaborne: Carried by or transported on the sea.
ble explanations. Seaclergy: During the 16th17th centuries, it was
Sea service: The cumulative amount of time actu- widely believed that some aquatic creatures resembled
ally spent aoat. See service. Christian priests. In Des Monstres (1578), Ambroise
Sea shed: A temporary deck installed in a container Par described a marine monster resembling a
ship to transport large military vehicles and outsized Bishop dressed in full Pontical garments; while in
cargo that will not t into containers. Physica Curiosa (1662), the illustrations of Caspar
281 Seasickness

Schott show an assortment of sea monsters, includ- Seam: [1] The space between adjacent planks or
ing a sh resembling a monk, a marine monster look- strakes of a ship essential to allow for expansion
ing like a bishop, and two chimerical creatures with when the wood is wetted and swells, but needing
long, shy tails. Similar depictions appeared in nu- caulking to be watertight. [2] The junction formed
merous other works, and it has been suggested that by a sailmaker sewing two pieces of canvas together.
religious tensions might have contributed to the de- [3] The joint between two steel hull plates welded or
piction of clerical gures as alleged monsters. In 1854, riveted together. [4] A similar line, ridge, or groove
naturalist Japetus Steenstrup compared 16th century made by tting, joining, or lapping together any two
illustrations of sea monks to that of a giant squid objects.
captured in 1853, coming to the conclusion, The Sea Seaman: [1] Correctly, a person skilled in every as-
Monk is rstly a cephalopod. pect of the seafarers craft. [2] Colloquially, any per-
Seacoast: The land adjacent to the sea. son familiar with ships and the sea. [3] A naval rating
SEACOP: Strategic Sealift Contingency Planning. or enlisted man below petty ofcer and above appren-
Seafarer: One who fares (travels or wanders) over tice.
the sea by way of trade, business, or calling. Seaman-gunner: A seaman who has received spe-
Seagoing: [1] A vessel designed for or capable of cial training in the theory of projectiles, and the man-
going to sea. [2] A seafarer. [3] in admiralty law, a ner of constructing and using ordnance, and is quali-
vessel ordinarily engaged in deep-sea navigation. ed to instruct others in these matters.
Seagull: [1] USN slang for (a) Chicken served Seaman Ofcer: An RN ofcer qualied, or under
aboard ship, or (b) A woman who follows her man training to stand deck watches. The USN term is
from port to port. [2] Seagull has no meaning in or- Deck Ofcer.
nithology, but is used by laypeople to refer to all birds Seamanship: Skill in the operation, management,
of the Laridae family. These are typically coastal or maintenance, and safety of a vessel in all kinds of
inland, rarely venturing far out to sea. An ancient su- weather and under all conditions. Does not necessar-
perstition holds that gulls landing in ocks on a ship, ily include navigational ability. See also basic seaman-
or making a loud noise along the coast, prognosti- ship.
cates a storm. This belief goes back to the classical era, Seamark: A conspicuous land object visible from
being mentioned by Pliny, while Virgil writes in The the sea and serving as a guide to mariners.
Georgics: Seamount: A conical underwater mountain rising
Scarce can the billow spare the curved keels, at least 500 fathoms above the sea bed, with its sum-
When swift the sea-gulls from the middle main mit usually about the same distance below the sur-
Come winging, and their shrieks are shoreward borne face. Cf. guyot.
Seakeeping: The ability of a vessel to accomplish Seaplane: An aircraft designed with a boat-like
its dened purpose while maintaining equipment op- hull or equipped with oats enabling it to take off
erability and crew comfort. from, land on, or oat on water. Handling a seaplane
Seal: [1] A sh-eating amphibious sea mammal on the water requires a great deal of skill and judg-
with webbed feet and ippers. [2] To hunt such a ment. In addition to ying ability, it is essential that
creature. [3] A member of a seal team. the pilot has water handling skills; what might one
Seal team: An lite USN special forces unit, em- day be a simple beaching or docking could change
ployed in unconventional covert operations and guer- greatly the next morning, depending on wind, water
rilla-style warfare, including reconnaissance, counter- condition, available space, and the like.
terrorism, and hostage rescue. Acronym of Sea Air Seaport: Any coastal or riverine port capable of
Land. handling seagoing ships.
Sealed orders: Secret instructions given to the Seapower: [1] Any nation with a navy. [2] One
commander of a warship not to be opened until a with sufcient strength to assume command of the
specic time or when the vessel is out of contact with sea.
the shore. A security measure to ensure that mission Seaquake: Disturbance of the sea due to submarine
or destination is not disclosed by loose lips. earth tremor or volcanic eruption.
Sealer: A ship or person engaged in hunting seals. Search: See right of search.
Sealift: The movement of military supplies or per- Search and Rescue: A mission mounted to locate
sonnel by ship. and assist a person or vessel in distress.
Sealift enhancement: Special features, equipment, Seas: [1] The salty waters that cover the greater part
and modications applied to merchant tankers and of the earths surface. [2] The hydrosphere as distinct
dry cargo ships, to adapt them for specic military from the lithosphere and atmosphere. [3] Disturbance
missions. of the water, as waves or swells. (From Greek sei =
Sealift readiness: A standby contractual agreement shaken.)
between Military Sealift Command and ship operators Seashore: Legally dened as the ground between
for the voluntary provision of private vessels when normal high-water and low-water marks.
needed for defense purposes. Seasickness: Nausea and dizziness, frequently ac-
Seasoning 282

companied by vomiting, caused by the activity of a Secure: [1] To prepare a ship for wave action by
vessel. A specic form of motion sickness suffered tying down all loose objects and covering all open-
every time he went to sea by no other than Vice-Ad- ings. [2] To fasten two or more objects together. [3]
miral Horatio Nelson! One who can defy this afic- To tighten something (e.g., a hatch cover). [4] To end
tion is said to have sea legs which Nelson always ac- some condition (e.g., general quarters). [5] To stop
quired after a few days of misery. using something (e.g., main engines). [6] A former
Seasoning: [1] Allowing the frame of a newly-con- gunnery command to arrange breeching and tackles so
structed wooden vessel time to settle down and ma- that the guns shall be in no danger of breaking loose
ture by exposure to the air and weather before its in a seaway.
planking is installed. [2] Using spices or herbs to im- Scurit: Verbal preface to a radio message indi-
prove the avor of food. cating that it contains important safety information.
Seaspout: When powerful waves hit a rocky shore, This is the lowest priority of three prefaces, the oth-
water may be compressed into and forced up a narrow ers being pan-pan and mayday. (From the French,
cleft or ssure, forming a jet that shoots across adja- and pronounced say-cure-ee-tay.)
cent land, often with a load roar. Not to be confused Security classication: Information, that could se-
with waterspout. riously damage national defense or foreign relations
Seawall: A barrier or embankment to prevent ero- if disclosed, is classied in rising order of importance
sion of the shoreline. as sensitive, condential, secret, and top-secret.
Seaward: [1] At or towards the sea. [2] Away from Sedition: Incitement of discontent or mutiny. A
the land. serious offense aoat.
Seaway: [1] A designated shipping lane. [2] An in- SEDR : Sea Emergency Deployment Readiness
land waterway for oceangoing vessels. [3] A vessels (USN).
headway. [4] Moderately heavy waves or swell. See service: See service.
Seaweed: Generic term for marine algae, kelp, and Seiche: A periodic wave oscillation due to seismic
other ocean-growing plants. or atmospheric disturbance. Seiches move rhythmically
Seaworthy: In all respects ready to go to sea, sound, back and forth as they bounce off opposites sides of an
furnished, and fully equipped. enclosed body of water such as a bay. In harbors they
SECNAV: Secretary of the United States Navy. Re- may cause ships to break mooring lines (pronounced
ports to the Secretary of Defense as civilian head of the saysh).
Navy, the Marine Corps, and (in wartime only) the SEIE: Submarine escape immersion equipment.
Coast Guard. Seine: A shing net which hangs vertically with
Second-in-command: Someone who relieves a weights on the bottom edge and oats at the top (pro-
commanding ofcer with power to act when the su- nounced sayn).
perior is absent. Synonyms are deputy, lieutenant, ex- Seismic wave: A powerful sea wave of long period
ecutive ofcer. and amplitude, caused by earthquake, volcanic ac-
Second strike: The rst counterblow of a war, con- tion, tectonic plate movement, or submarine land-
ducted with weapons designed to withstand an ini- slide. Also tsunami.
tial assault (rst strike) and deliver a retaliatory at- Seize: [1] To conscate or take possession by right
tack. This tactic is generally associated with nuclear of law. [2] To capture by force. [3] To fasten two ropes
warfare. together by wrapping with light line. [4] To wrap the
Secondary wave: [1] The follow-up to an amphibi- end of a rope to its standing part to form an eye. [5] Of
ous landing. [2] An earthquake phenomenon in which machinery, to stop working due to lack of lubrication
rock particles vibrate at right angles to the direction (often followed by -up).
of primary wave travel. It can travel through solids Seizing: The cord, marline, yarn, or wire used to
but not through liquids. seize ropes.
Secondary wave breaker system: A series of Seizure: The act or an instance of taking possession.
water waves superimposed on another series and dif- See also seize and right of seizure.
fering in height, period, or angle of approach to the Selection board: [1] A panel of senior ofcers con-
beach. vened to review service records and recommend or re-
Secret : Security classication falling between ject the promotion of more junior ofcers. [2] A group
condential and top secret. assembled to interview candidates for some specic
Secretary: [1] A politician who holds signicant appointment.
public ofce in a national or regional government Selective unloading: The controlled unloading
(e.g., Secretary of the Navy). [2] A former USN rank and movement ashore from assault shipping of specic
corresponding to lieutenant, bestowed on the ofcer cargo items at the request of the landing force com-
employed as the private clerk of a ag ofcer. mander.
Section: [1] A subdivision of a division of enlisted Self-righting : [1] Specically, a rescue lifeboat
personnel or ratings. [2] A tactical group of ships (usu- equipped with air tanks in its elevated bow and stern
ally half a division) or of aircraft (usually two). and stabilized by a heavy keel. [2] In general, any wa-
283 Serving

tercraft, personal oatation device, or other mechanism Sentinel: [1] A seaman, marine, or soldier posted as
able, or designed, to return itself to the upright posi- a guard. [2] A kellet.
tion after tumbling or capsizing. Separated ammunition: Consists of a projectile
Self-sustaining : Said of [1] A vessel capable of containing the load and fuses, and one or more car-
loading and unloading containers at ports not tridges containing primer and propellant. Also called
equipped with suitable lifting equipment. [2] A con- semi-xed (cf. xed ammunition).
tinuous chain reaction in nuclear fusion, creating a Separation zone: An area delimiting shipping lanes
great deal of heat as a power source. [3] A nuclear re- moving in opposite directions.
actor that is producing enough power to operate all of Serang: The boatswain of a Lascar crew.
a vessels auxiliary equipment. Serendipity: The ability to make valuable discov-
Self-trimming: A vessel whose holds are shaped in eries by chance. Few people realize that this word has
such a way that cargo levels itself. a loose nautical connection. Sarandib was what Arab
Selkies: In Celtic folklore Selkies (derived from the and Persian seafarers called Sri Lanka, and it entered
Scottish selch = seal) are shape-shifters who are able the English language thanks to Horace Walpole who,
to transform from seals into handsome, graceful, sex- in 1754, wrote I read a silly fairy tale, called The
ually-attractive human beings by casting off their Three Princes of Serendip (who) ... were always mak-
skins. If one of these magical pelts is lost, its owner is ing discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things
doomed to remain in human form, so if a cunning which they were not in quest of.
man managed to steal a beautiful selkie girls skin she Serpentine: An early 24-pounder gun, usually dec-
was unable to return to the sea and forced to marry orated with serpents.
him. If a human female wanted an affair with a selkie Serve: [1] To provide artillery with ammunition.
man, she only had to go to the shore at high tide and [2] To tightly bind with continuous rounds of small
shed exactly seven tears into the sea for one to come stuff to protect a cable or standing rigging from
to her. Sometimes, however, the selkie would not wait chang. The nal step in the sequence worm, parcel,
to be invited but would creep into a humans bed, and serve (see also serving). [3] To carry out duties (es-
leaving before their lover realized who had been there. pecially in a nations armed services).
Selsyn: See synchro. Serve ones time: Refers to undergoing a period of
Selvage: Finishing on the edge of a canvas to pre- probation or apprenticeship, including the slow path
vent it unraveling. Also selvedge. to commissioned rank in the sailing ship navy. Typi-
Semaphore: A signaling system in which a pair of cally a youth would embark as a captains servant, su-
hand-held ags or lever-operated wooden arms are pernumerary to the ships complement. After about
placed in various positions to indicate numbers and three years, he would be rated midshipman and taken
letters of the alphabet. The intention to send a mes- on the books, but it required another three years of sea
sage by semaphore is signaled to the receiver by the service to be eligible to sit for the lieutenants exami-
triple ag hoist YZ1 or at close range by the sema- nation. Even if this were passed at the rst attempt, he
phore letter J (left hand out to the side and right would have to continue serving his time until a va-
hand above the head, forming a right angle). cancy appeared.
Semper Paratus: Always Ready (Latin), the motto Service : [1] Employment in one of the armed
of the United States Marine Corps. See Spars. forces. [2] The service refers to the Navy. [3] See serv-
Senior Ofcer Present Aoat: Self-explanatory ice means to experience combat. [4] Sea service refers
USN/NATO term designating the individual who to time aoat.
will assume administrative and operational command Service craft: USN term for auxiliary craft such as
of a group of unrelated ships (gathered in a foreign lighters and tenders which are too small to be commis-
harbor, for example) in the event that some special or sioned as warships. Elizabethans called them hand-
emergency action is required by the group as a whole. maidens.
Referred to as Sopa. Service force: USN term for a logistical support
Seniority: The difference in rank or priority of ap- unit (cf. eet train).
pointment of one individual or ship relative to an- Service life extension: An extensive USN rehabil-
other. itation program intended to add 1015 years to a ves-
Sennit: [1] Flat braided cordage used to make mats, sels effective working life. See also Fleet Rehabilita-
fenders, stoppers, ornamental ropes, and the like. tion and Modernization.
[2] Plaited straw, grass, or similar material, used for Service stripe: USN sleeve marking showing the
making hats. Also sennet. length of service of enlisted personnel. One red stripe
Sennit hat: A stiff sun-hat made of braided and is awarded for each four years irrespective of discipli-
coiled straw with a at crown and brim, worn by naval nary record. A gold stripe is awarded after twelve years
seamen during the 19th century and until 1921. It was without any disciplinary offense. See hash mark and
worn in summer with blue uniform, weather permit- good conduct badge.
ting, but not at sea unless required as protection from Serving board: A at piece of hard wood having a
the sun. handle attached, used in serving small ropes.
Serving 284

Serving mallet: A short wooden hammer with a lower half of a lens, while viewing the sky in the mir-
groove on the underside, used in serving larger ropes. rored upper half. When an assistant calls out a time-
Serving stuff: Small lines for serving ropes. Spun- mark, the user adjusts the image of the celestial body
yarn is generally used, but hambroline, houseline, or (normally the sun), bringing it down until it just
roundline are sometimes preferred. touches the horizon. The angle of elevation can then
Servosystem: A control system that compares ac- be read from a vernier scale with accuracy to the near-
tual to required conditions and uses negative feedback est ten seconds (1 360) and can be translated into a po-
to drive the controlled mechanism in the direction sition by any one of several mathematical procedures.
necessary to reduce or eliminate the error. Also ser- SFCP: Shore re control party.
vomechanism, often abbreviated to servo. From SH: Ship Serviceman (USN enlisted rating).
the Latin word for slave. Shackle: [1] A metal loop or link, usually U-shaped,
SES: Surface effect ship. closed by a threaded pin which slides through a hole
Set: [1] The direction of ow of a wind or current. on one side and screws into a hole on the other. [2] To
[2] The arrangement of spars and sails. [3] To raise a link two sections of chain with a shackle. [3] A meas-
sail. [4] To dig in as an anchor. [5] To establish some- ure of cable length equal to 15 fathoms (known as a
thing (e.g., set the watch). [6] To move a boat, punt, shot in the USN). [4] To place a prisoner in fetters.
or barge with poles. [7] To adjust the sights of a (Anglo-Saxon sceacul.)
weapon. Shadow: [1] To follow covertly. [2] An area on a
Set in: [1] Likely to remain in a particular condition, radar or sonar screen which appears devoid of targets
unlikely to change (the weather seems set in). [2] To due to the obstruction of an intervening object. [3] A
blow toward the shore (a gale could set in with the quadrilateral spinnaker.
next high tide). [3] To become established (winter has Shadow pin: A vertical rod at the center of a com-
set in). pass card, the direction of its shadow indicating the
Set sail: [1] To begin a waterborne journey. [2] To suns azimuth.
raise a ships sails. [3] To loosen or extend a previously Shaft: A reciprocating or oscillating straight round
set sail. bar, for transmitting motion and torque. Usually sup-
Set the course: To prescribe the direction to be ported by bearings, and connected to gears, wheels,
steered. Also shape the course. propellers, or the like. Also drive shaft.
Set the watch: [1] To establish the regular routine Shaft tachometer: See revolution counter.
of watchkeeping in a ship or shore establishment. Shaft tube: The watertight opening though which
[2] Command to return to normal watchkeeping from the propeller shaft exits the hull. Also stern tube.
some other routine (e.g., general quarters). Shaft tunnel: A housing surrounding and protect-
Setback: [1] General; Something which hinders ing the propeller shaft and providing a walkway for oil-
progress. [2] Gunnery; A term for the inertial force ers. Also shaft alley.
which arms a fuse when a projectile is red. Shag Harbour Incident: This airborne and un-
Settling tank: A temporary holding tank in which derwater mystery is well-documented. On the night
oil-contaminated water is allowed to separate into its of 4th October 1967 the skies over Eastern Canada
component parts, after which the oil is transferred to seemed unusually busy. Early in the evening the pilot
fuel bunkers and the water is discharged to a bilge or and co-pilot of Air Canada ight 305 led ofcial re-
holding tank. ports of several unidentied ying objects sighted over
Seven Seas: In antiquity these were Persian/Ara- the Canadian province of Qubec. A little later, from
bian Gulf, plus the Red, Mediterranean, Indian, near Shelburne in Nova Scotia, insurance salesman
China, East African, and West African Seas. The Grandy Irwin and 12-year-old Darrel Dorey inde-
modern version, which should really be called Seven pendently called police to report strange lights in the
Oceans, covers the North and South Atlantic, North sky. Then, at about 8:30 P.M. the 18-man crew of MV
and South Pacic, Indian, Arctic and Southern Nickerson a dragger shing off Sambro Island near
(Antarctic) Oceans. Halifaxmade a similar sighting and claimed to have
Sextant : This navigational instrument, which used their radar to track four aerial objects for about
measures the angle of elevation of a celestial object, was two hours.
invented independently by American Thomas Godfrey At about 11 P.M., half an hour after Nickerson
and Englishman John Hadley in or about 1730. It rap- stopped tracking, several residents of Shag Harbour
idly replaced the astrolabe, being capable of taking a tiny shing village at the western tip of the Nova
sights at wider angles, and providing more precise Scotia peninsula, opposite Portland, Maine spot-
measurements, by using a long beam of light rather ted strange orange lights in the sky. According to ve
than a short arm with inherent errors. Moreover, even teenage witnesses there were four of them, ashing in
on a moving ship, the horizon and the celestial object sequence. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
seem to remain steady when viewed through oppos- Constable Ron Pound, driving toward Shag Harbour
ing mirrors which compensate for movement. on the coast road, also saw four lights which seemed
The user looks at the horizon through the clear attached to an airborne object about sixty feet (18 me-
285 Shear

ters) long with unusual ight characteristics. Sud- Shake the sails: To luff up in the wind, causing the
denly, the lights changed shape and dived steeply into sails to shiver.
the water, striking about 900 meters (1000 yards) off- Shakedown: A period for testing equipment and
shore with a loud roar and a bright ash, and then training a ships company, frequently including a
seeming to oat. Convinced they had seen an airplane cruise to another port. Usually follows the construc-
ditching, Constable Pound and several witnesses tele- tion or major repair of a vessel.
phoned the nearest RCMP detachment, which dis- Shakes: [1] Shipwrights term for the cracks which
patched Corporal Victor Werbieki and Constable Ron appear in weathered timber. [2] See stave.
OBrien to join Constable Pound. All three police Shakings: Pieces of cordage, canvas, or oakum
ofcers and a number of local residents reported see- swept up from the decks.
ing at least one orange light moving slowly on the Shallop: [1] Any of several types of sailing or row-
water, leaving yellowish foam in its wake. ing vessels formerly used in shallows. [2] A small cruis-
Canadian Coast Guard Cutter 101 and a number of ing warship of the 17th/18th centuries, usually with
shing boats rushed to the scene only to nd the light two schooner-rigged masts.
gone. However, an area of about 37 by 60 meters (120 Shallows: An area of sea with little depth of water.
300 feet) above the apparent point of submergence Shanghai: To kidnap and enroll a seaman as crew
was densely covered by glowing yellow foam with a by unscrupulous means such as drugs, liquor, or force.
foul sulfurous smell. None of the local shermen Named after the port city in eastern China, where
could recall ever having seen anything even vaguely such incidents were common.
like it. Meanwhile, the police had contacted Halifax Shank: That part of an instrument, tool, or other
Rescue Coordination Centre (HRCC), which had no thing, which connects the working part with a han-
reports of missing civilian or military aircraft, and it dle, or other part by which it is held or moved. Hence:
advised Canadian Armed Forces Headquarters that a [1] An anchor shank is the long straight bar that con-
ying object of unknown origin had hit the water nects the transverse bar called a stock with the crown,
just outside Shag Harbor. The military classied it as from which ukes branch out at a suitable angle to
a UFO incident (which, as previously mentioned, does enter the ground. [2] A rudder shank is a long bar fas-
not imply alien origins). The HRCC report was for- tened on one side to the rudder blade and on the other
warded to Canadian Armed Forces Maritime Com- to the sternpost of the vessel in such a way that it can
mand which ordered minesweeper HMCS Granby to be turned from side to side in the water by means of
investigate. However, extensive underwater search by a tiller, wheel, or other steering mechanism.
seven naval divers found nothing. Shanty/Shantey: [1] Properly, an 18th century
(Up to this point the story is well-documented, working song of American lumbermen and railroad
much of it in Canadas National Archives. In contrast, workers (after the shanties providing accommodation
the following is mostly anecdotal, much of it from in their work camps). [2] Slightly incorrect, but in
ofcers and ofcials demanding anonymity to protect common usage, a seamans working song (properly
their jobs and pensions, and avoid public ridicule.) chanty or chantey).
The submerged craft is said to have been joined by Shape the course: To prescribe the direction to be
another, apparently for underwater repairs or rescue, steered. Also set the course.
both being watched by Granby and other Canadian Shape up: Instruction to begin to act properly or
naval vessels for about a week. Then the small otilla look smart.
was diverted to challenge a Soviet submarine which Shape up or ship out: Instruction to improve per-
had violated Canadian territorial waters in an appar- formance; otherwise go away.
ent attempt to communicate with the submerged Shapes: Visual aids hung in the rigging of a vessel
craft. Shortly afterward both underwater vehicles during daylight hours to indicate its navigational sta-
began moving into the Gulf of Maine, where they sur- tus. Day shapes, as they are properly called, include
faced and became airborne. On that day, 11th Octo- balls, baskets, cones, cylinders, and diamonds.
ber 1967, numerous independent witnesses reported Share: [1] Piratical entitlement to participate in the
strange ying objects in the sky over western Nova division of booty. [2] Naval entitlement to receive
Scotia. No explanation has ever been given, but forty prize money.
years later, at the end of April 2007, the Shag Harbor Sharp: [1] Command to make haste (look sharp!)
Incident Society opened a temporary museum dedi- or remain alert and vigilant (be sharp!). [2] Said of a
cated to recording the event while eyewitnesses are square-rigger with sails trimmed as close as possible to
still available. Fundraising for a permanent structure the wind (also sharp up).
is ongoing. Sharpie: A long at-bottomed centerboard boat
Shake a cask: Take it to pieces and pack the staves with triangular sails on one or two masts. Used mainly
(shakes). for pleasure shing and racing on the NE coast of USA.
Shake a leg!: Admonishment to move faster, hurry She: All vessels are traditionally female.
up! be quick! (not to be confused with show a leg). Shear link: A connecting device designed to break
Shake out: To undo reefs and spread a sail. at a specied mechanical load.
Shear 286

Shear pin: A soft metal pin used to attach a pro- ried sheet anchors. [3] The term is sometimes used
peller to its shaft. If the propeller hits an obstacle the incorrectly for a bower.
pin fractures minimizing damage to shaft and engine. Sheet bend: A knot which temporarily fastens one
Shears: See sheerlegs. rope through the bight of another. Especially useful
Shearwater: This tube-nosed seabird of the petrel when the ropes are of different diameters. Also called
family ies with stiff wings, using a shearing tech- becket bend and weavers knot or hitch.
nique to move across wave fronts with the minimum Sheet home: To haul in a sheet until curvature of
of active ight. the sail is minimized.
Sheathe: To cover a ships underwater hull with Sheet ice: A thin smooth covering of fresh ice.
copper as protection against shipworm damage. Sheet winch: A pawled winch used for handling a
Sheave: The grooved wheel in a block, over which sheet. The barrel is usually vertical on small boats and
the fall (rope, wire or chain) is led (pronounced horizontal on larger ships.
shiv). Sheets: Small platforms or seats at the forward and
Sheepshank : A versatile hitch for temporarily after ends of a small boat, ahead and astern of the
shortening a rope, taking up slack, or strengthening thwarts for oarsmen or boathandlers. Used mainly by
or bypassing a chafed line. It is made by taking two passengers. Naval tradition requires junior ofcers to
long bights and half-hitching each part over opposite seat themselves on the bowsheets, leaving the drier
ends of the resulting loop. This unknot remains secure sternsheets for their seniors.
under tension but unlike ordinary knots that bind Shelf: A submerged sandbank or rock ledge ex-
tightly under tension, becoming almost impossible to tending from the low water line to the depth at which
undo easily comes apart when tension is removed. there is usually a marked increase of downward slope
Also, the loops at each end can be used to pass an- (cf. continental shelf, insular shelf ).
other rope through. Shelf ice: Layers of compressed snow, which have
Sheer: [1] To alter course sharply (sheer off ). [2] become rm but have not yet turned to glacier ice.
The upward slope of a ships hull towards bow (sheer Shell: [1] A hollow explosive-lled projectile, fused
stem) or stern (sheer counter). [3] The position a ves- to explode in ight, upon impact, or after penetra-
sel assumes to stay clear of its own anchor cable (rid- tion. [2] To bombard with such projectiles. [3] The
ing sheer). [4] To approach a ship or pier at an angle plates or planking forming the exterior hull of a ship.
(sheer alongside). [4] The casing of a block in which its sheave rotates.
Sheer batten: In shipbuilding, a long strip of wood [5] A long, light and narrow racing canoe, equipped
to guide carpenters in following the sheer plan. with outriggers for oars, and sliding seats for one, two,
Sheer hulk: A sort of oating crane, used in the four, or eight oarsmen.
days of sail to position the heavy yards and lower masts Shellback: [1] An older, more experienced seaman
of a ship under construction or repair. Masting sheers (said to have been at sea so long that his back is en-
were suspended at an angle from the cut-off main crusted with mollusks and barnacles). [2] Any sailor
mast of the hulk. who has crossed the equator (cf. Polliwog).
Sheer masted: Having a sheerlegs instead of a mast Shellroom: Storage area for projectiles, usually at
on which to hoist and sling the sail. Found on Malayan the base of a barbette.
pirate prahus and Spanish riverine rafts. Shellshock : World War I term for combat fa-
Sheer off: To avoid a danger by turning the ship s tigue.
head away from it. Shelter deck: A full or partial weather deck above
Sheer plan: A diagrammatic fore-and-aft elevation the main deck.
of the hull of a vessel, showing bow and buttock lines, Shelving: Said of a rocky beach which rises with a
stations, water lines, diagonals, decks, bulwarks, etc. gradual slope making approach from seaward difcult.
Also called prole plan. Sheriff: USN slang for a warships Master-at-Arms.
Sheer strake: The uppermost plank in the side of Shibah: A small Indian vessel.
a wooden vessel, just below the main deck and run- Shift: [1] A change in the direction of wind or cur-
ning the full length from stem to stern. rent. [2] To move a vessel from one berth to another.
Sheerlegs: A hoisting apparatus of spars, joined at [3] An unintended movement of cargo, usually due
the top and separated at the bottom to form a trian- to wave motion. [4] Shipwrights term for overlap-
gle, supported by guys, and having purchases to install ping timbers that give strength and stability.
masts or raise cargo and other heavy objects. Also Shift colors: See shifting colors.
sheers, sheer legs, shears, shearlegs. Shift rudder!: USN steering command to turn the
Sheet: A line attached to the corner of a sail and helm to exactly the same angle on the opposite side.
used to control its position. Shifting: Movement of cargo which can unbalance
Sheet anchor: [1] A heavy anchor stowed well for- and endanger the ship.
ward on the waist of sailing ships and used only in Shifting ballast: Bags of sand, pigs of iron, or other
emergencies. One of a pair, the other being called the ballast which can easily be moved to trim the ship.
spare. [2] Until the 1950s warships of cruiser size car- Also shiftable or moveable ballast.
287 Ship

Shifting board: A temporary bulkhead, installed to Ship chandler: A retail and wholesale dealer in
prevent cargo shifting. supplies and equipment for both individual seamen
Shifting colors: When a British or United States and vessels. Traditional sailing ship items would have
warship is at anchor or on moorings it ies its national included blocks, brooms and mops, carpenters tools,
ensign on the agstaff (ensign staff ) at the stern and cordage, galley supplies, hemp, lard, leather goods,
its union jack on the jackstaff at the prow. As soon as linseed oil, oakum, paper, pitch, rope, rosin, ship-
the ship gets under way, both are struck while a sail- wrights tools, tallow, tar, turpentine, twine, and var-
ing (or steaming) ensign is simultaneously hoisted to nish. A modern chandlery will carry items such as
the gaff (a spar projecting diagonally from the main- cabin stores, bridge and deck equipment, engine room
mast). The ensign is struck when out of sight of land, spares and equipment, safety items, chemical stores,
but raised to the gaff when falling in with other ships, and marine paints. In both periods the chandlery
cruising near land, or going into battle. The switch would supply fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy prod-
from one conguration to the other is known as shift- ucts, meats and seafood, liquor, beer, and tobacco.
ing colors. Because commercial ships discharge and turn around
The practice began in the late 18th century, when quickly, delay is expensive and a dependable ship
a loose-footed spanker sail on the mizzenmast was re- chandler must be able to ll demands rapidly, either
placed by a gaffsail whose horizontal boom projected from stock or local sources. Some chandlers also serve
beyond the taffrail. This spar would have broken the as ships agents.
ensign staff when it swung, so the latter was struck Ship classication: A system for safeguarding life,
when getting under way. The practice continued in property, and the environment at sea that entails
the USN as a matter of custom long after the practi- verication against a series of benchmarks during the
cal need disappeared. design, construction and operation of ships and off-
Colors are also switched in the RN, but nowadays shore structures. This process consists of:
in a slightly different manner. In peacetime, only the Before construction: A technical review of the de-
jack is struck when getting under way. With no gaff- sign plans and related documents for a new vessel,
sail boom to worry about, the ensign normally re- to verify compliance with applicable rules and stan-
mains on the ensign staff while at sea, only being dards.
switched to the gaff in wartime, during foul weather, During construction: Attendance of a Classication
or when clearing for action. However, if the ship has Society surveyor in the shipyard, and at produc-
a helicopter landing pad or ASW mortars on its stern tion facilities making key components such as steel,
an ensign staff would impede their operation. In this engines, generators, and castings, to verify that the
case, colors are switched and the ensign staff is struck vessel is built in accordance with the classication
as soon as the vessel is under way. rules.
Shifting sand: A sandbar subject to movement by After delivery: Each classied vessel is subject to a
wave motion or undercurrents, creating a possible haz- program of periodic surveys, with the rigor of each
ard to navigation. survey increasing with the age of the vessel.
Shingle: [1] A loose accumulation of round and Ship classication societies: Organizations that
water-worn gravel, pebbles, or roundish stones, such establish and apply technical standards in relation to
as is common on the seashore. From Norwegian sin- the design, construction, and survey of marine related
gling. [2] The code-name for an Allied amphibious as- facilities. Each society issues a Certicate of Classi-
sault on Anzio, Italy, in 1944. cation upon completion of relevant surveys. This
Ship: [1] Historically: A large square-rigged sailing certicate does not conrm tness for purpose, nor
ship with three or more masts. [2] Colloquially: Any seaworthiness, merely that the vessel complies with
sizable oceangoing vessel: [ 3] Ofcial: The U.S. Coast the standards of the issuing Society. More than 50 or-
Guard denes a ship as 300 tons or more, anything ganizations provide marine classication, but the big
smaller being a boat. [4] In American English: An air- three are generally considered to be Lloyds Register,
craft or space vehicle. [5] To bring on board (ship the the American Bureau of Shipping, and Det Norske
anchor). [6] To step or x in place (ship the mast or Veritas. These three, along with seven other members
rudder). [7] To take over the side (ship water). [8] To and two associates, form the International Associa-
receive on board (ship cargo in the hold). [9] To cause tion of Classication Societies which, collectively,
to be transported by ship (ship goods to Europe). classies about 94 percent of all commercial tonnage
[10] To hire oneself out or enlist as crew (ship out). involved in international trade. With date of founda-
[11] To embark as a passenger (ship on a cruise). From tion these are:
the Anglo-Saxon scip. 1764 Lloyds Register (LR)
Ship breaker: One who dismantles and disposes 1828 Bureau Veritas (BV)
of old ships no longer t for use. 1861 Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)
Ship broker: A mercantile agent who transacts 1862 American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
business for shipowners and merchants; buying and 1864 Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
selling ships, procuring cargoes, and similar tasks. 1867 Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
Ship 288

1899 Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK) translation of Niccol Machiavellis The Prince (1675)
1913 Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) and again in Henry Wadsworth Longfellows nation-
1949 Croatian Register of Shipping (CRS) Asso- alistic poem The Building of the Ship (1850), which
ciate contained the popular Sail on, O Ship of State! Sail
1956 China Classication Society (CCS) on, O UNION, strong and great! (In 1941, President
1960 Korean Register (KR) Roosevelt sent this stanza to Prime Minister Churchill,
1975 Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) Associ- saying it expressed the spirit of the British people in
ate the face of Nazi aggression. Churchill had it printed
Ship fever: An old name for epidemic typhus, as a broadside which he and Roosevelt signed as attes-
which was common in the crowded conditions aboard tation of the critical alliance between Britain and the
immigrant ships. Spread by lice, it produced frightful U.S. during World War II.)
mortality. In 1847, seven thousand Irish emigrants Ship-of-the-line: Formerly, a warship large enough
died of typhus at sea and 10,000 more after arrival in to engage in eet battles. In the 18th century these
Qubec. The disease was endemic in other over- ranged from third-rate with at least 64 guns, to rst-
crowded places. Ashore it was known as hospital fever rate with at least 100. Occasionally a fth-rate would
and jail fever. join the line of battle, but was rarely of much use in
Ship green water: To take heavy seas over the gun- that service. (See Warship rating.)
wale. See also pooped, ship water. Ship over: USN term for re-enlistment.
Ship measurement: See tonnage. Ship-rigged: Carrying three masts, each provided
Ship money: A tax levied under early English law, with three yards, spreading square-sails.
requiring ports and maritime towns to provide funds Ship route: A path across the sea that is regularly
to support the kings navy. An attempt to re-intro- used by vessels. See also sea lane, seaway.
duce this levy was one of many contributing factors to Ship size: See size escalation.
the English Civil War. Ship-sloop: In the 19th century, a sloop-of-war
Ship motion: The movement imparted to a ship would normally by captained by a commander. If,
by a seaway is considerably greater than ground up- however, a post-captain was placed in command, the
heaval that would destroy even the stoutest earth- vessel would be up-rated to ship.
quake-resistant building. Anyone who has been aoat Ship water: To receive water over the side of a boat
when winds reach force 8 on the Beaufort Scale (about or ship, often due to wave action. Cf. ship green water.
47 knots; 30 mph) and waves rise to 7 on the Doug- Ship will adjust: A term in naval gunre support
las Scale (9 meters; 30 ft high), has experienced the indicating that the ship can see the target and does
feeling of being the ice cube inside a cocktail shaker. not require a spotter.
Consequently, naval architects and oceanographers Shipboard: The situation of being on or in a seago-
devote a great deal of time to studying the physics ing vessel.
of the complex movements derived from interaction Shipborne: Transported by ship.
between vessel, wind, and water. In a real seaway it Shipbreaking: Dismantling and scrapping a vessel
is difcult to consider ship motions as isolated phe- that is obsolete or unt for service.
nomena. Most frequently they are closely interrelated Shipbuilder: One whose occupation is that of a
and may be coupled with one or more other move- shipwright or naval architect.
ments. Shipbuilding : The design, construction, and
There are six degrees of freedom in which a oat- launching of ships.
ing vessel can move in response to wave action. Pitch, Shiphandling: Refers to managing the effects of
roll, and yaw are rotational oscillations, which tend controllable and uncontrollable forces on a ship while
to be produced by active open seas. They are relatively on the high seas or in constricted waters, and while
complex and are discussed separately. The other three docking, and mooring; always with due considera-
involve linear displacement, which often occurs when tion of the laws governing heavy bodies in motion.
the vessel is anchored or riding long widely-spaced The uncontrollable forces to be considered are winds,
swells. Compared to rotational oscillations, linear currents, seas, tides, and draft, while those that can
movements are straightforward and easy to explain. be controlled are propellers, rudders, thrusters, moor-
Heave is vertical hull displacement, moving up-and- ing lines, anchors, and tugboats.
down; surge is longitudinal hull displacement, sliding Modern shiphandling has had to adapt to substan-
fore-and-aft; and sway is lateral hull displacement, tial changes. The average size of vessel has vastly in-
sliding from side-to-side. creased, but not all ports have been enlarged. Until
Ship oars!: Command to place oars in the rowlocks recently, the only large vessels were capital ships and
ready for use. Cf. oars! boat oars! toss oars! trail oars! passenger liners. Being better manned and more pow-
Ship of State : This frequently-quoted analogy erfully engined than many modern monsters, they
originated in Platos Republic (4th century BCE) were safely handled with primitive communications
where he likens civil governance to command of a and limited assistance. Much of the former charm and
naval vessel. The metaphor reappears in an English likeable characteristics of those ships is now missing,
289 Ships

but every new oating object presents a challenge. tually developed into a complex international system
Large container ships with towering deck cargo can- of designated routes (cf. Trafc separation).
not be treated the same way as small general cargo Ships agent: A person or company authorized by
ships. Huge car carriers, gigantic cruise ships, and owners to manage their vessels needs and demands
mammoth tankers require special attention. Colossal while in a foreign port. The agent may be responsible
aircraft carriers demand meticulous handling. for berthing and docking, will contract for provisions
Good shiphandling is a combination of art, sci- at the chandlery, also arrange freight, towage, minor
ence, and skill; with competency depending on thor- repairs, and the hiring of ofcers and crew as required.
ough understanding of the physical principles in- Ships biscuit or bread: See hard tack.
volved, and sufcient experience at sea to be able to Ships company: The formal name referring to the
evaluate rapidly changing conditions. The procient entire crew of a vessel or naval shore establishment (in
shiphandler must have both, plus inborn sensitivity the USN, excluding the airwing). Also troops.
and perception. Today, unfortunately, the masters and Ships gender: See Gender.
ofcers of large merchantmen seldom have the oppor- Ships husband: [1] Formerly, the dockyard worker
tunity or necessity of handling their own ships in in charge of repairs to a specic ship. [2] A represen-
conned waters. Likewise, due to career tracking, tative of the owners who travels with and in a mer-
many naval ofcers claim to be so overwhelmed by chantman exercising authorities and responsibilities
ever more complex technology that they have insuf- as dictated by the country of registration.
cient time to develop shiphandling skills. In conse- Ships in English metaphor: With so many En-
quence some warship captains, especially those pro- glish-speaking seafarers, it was inevitable for phrases
moted from a specialty, feel insecure docking on their and idioms involving ships to creep into common
own and rely on tugboats and pilots assistance that usage. Spoil the ship for a haporth of tar and Dont
might be unavailable at times of crisis. give up the ship are discussed separately, but other
Shipload: The quantity of goods and cargo that common metaphors include Run a tight ship, which
will bring a vessel to its appropriate load line. implies the enforcement of rigid discipline; and Ship
Shipman: The ancient name for a mariner. them off, which refers to getting rid of someone by
Shipmaster: An ofcer in command of, or certi- sending them away. When my ship comes in means
cated to command, a merchant vessel. Also sea captain. anticipating a time when anticipated fortune materi-
Shipmate: Any person with whom one is sailing alizes; while to Leave a sinking ship or to Jump
or has sailed, especially one who is a close friend or ship is to abandon a failing enterprise.
good colleague. Ships names: See naming and reptiles.
Shipment: [1] A quantity of goods shipped or con- Ships papers: Documents that every merchant-
signed. [2] The act of shipping commodities. man is required to carry under International Law.
Shipowner: A person who owns one or more ships. These include certicates of registry and clearance,
Shipper: A person or business purchasing trans- charter party, manifest, logs, articles, bills of lading,
portation for goods or commodities. and the like. In time of war a passport or sea letter
Shipping: [1] The business of transporting cargo will also be required.
or passengers by sea. [2] Having to do with ships. Ships that pass in the night: Attempts to pass this
[3] Collectively, the vessels in a given body of water. off as a nautical metaphor are misguided. The phrase
Shipping container: A large rectangular or square originated in Tales of a Wayside Inn, the 1863 nar-
box, opening on one side for the loading of cargo and rative poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow which
designed to withstand rough intermodal transfers be- reads: Ships that pass in the night, and speak to each
tween road, rail, and sea transport. Because container other in passing; Only a signal shown, and a distant
sizes are dened by the International Standards Orga- voice in the darkness; So on the ocean of life we pass
nization (ISO), they are sometimes known as Isotain- and speak to one another; Only a look and a voice,
ers. Standard container lengths are 20', 40', 45', 48', then darkness again and silence [The Theologians
and 53' but the rst two are by far the most common. Tale, part III, Elizabeth iv].
Capacity was originally dened in terms of Twenty- Ships versus buildings: Landspeople and seafarers
foot equivalent units (teu) but Forty-foot equivalent use differing terminologies for their physical environ-
units (1 feu = 2 teu) are rapidly becoming the stan- ment. Some examples are:
dard shipping measurement. Ceiling = Overhead (US) or Deckhead
Shipping lanes: Regulated pathways to ensure that (Brit.)
vessels operating in congested waters can avoid colli- Corridor = Passageway (US) or Alley (Brit.)*
sions. As early as 1855 USN Lieutenant Mathew Floor = Deck
Maury recommended the separation of eastward and Stairs = Ladder
westbound transatlantic trafc. This suggestion even- Toilet = Head (US) or Heads (Brit.)

*Since World War II the main corridor in RN ships has been known colloquially as The Burma Road, after the strategic supply route
from Lashio in Burma to Kunming in China; and the main corridor in a USN nuclear submarine is called the peeway.
Shipshape 290

Wall = Bulkhead of all duties and be absent from a ship or shore estab-
Window = Port (US) or Scuttle (Brit.) lishment for less than 48 hours (the USN term is lib-
Shipshape: In good order, neat, clean and trim. erty); longer periods of authorized absence are termed
See Bristol Fashion. leave in both services.
Shipway: [1] The structure that supports a ship Shore patrol: A detail assigned to maintain disci-
during its construction. [2] A navigable canal. pline and assist local police deal with naval personnel
Shipworm: Any of various wormlike mollusks while ashore.
which burrow into the submerged timbers of ships, Shore station: See shore establishment.
piers, or wharfs (see teredo). Shore-pay: Refers to the pay of an ofcer employed
Shipwreck: [1] The loss or destruction of a vessel, on land. See half-pay.
usually by collision, re, grounding, or storm. [2] The Shores of Tripoli: During the First Barbary War,
remains of a vessel so destroyed. U.S. naval agent William Eaton determined to seize the
Shipwright : [1] One who builds and launches fortied city of Derna. His force consisted of Lieu-
wooden ships. [2] A ships carpenter skilled in the re- tenant Presley OBannons Marine detachment of a
pair of wooden or steel vessels. sergeant and six privates, supplemented by Midship-
Shipyard: A place where ships are built or repaired. man George Mann with four bluejackets, plus ninety
Shiver my timbers!: This piratical expletive, al- Arab cavalry, about a hundred nondescript Egyptian
though popular with playwrights and comedians, was mercenary infantry, sixty-seven Christian adventur-
probably never used at sea. ers, and a few Greek cannoniers equipped with an
Shoal: [1] An area of shallow water, with substan- ancient eld gun.
tially less clearance than the surrounding area, form- On 26th April 1805, after a grueling 600 mile (960
ing an offshore hazard to surface navigation. [2] A km) march across the Libyan desert, Eaton posted the
submerged sandbank or reef visible at low tide. [3] To Arabs on the shoreward side of the city, called for sup-
become shallower [4] A group of swimming sh. (The porting re from the USN brigs Argus, Hornet, and
rst three are pronounced shole, from Old English Nautilus, and ordered OBannon to attack. The an-
sceald = shallow; the fourth is pronounced skool, from cient eld gun was put out of action when its over-ex-
Middle Dutch shle = school.) cited gunners shot away their only ramrod, and, with-
Shoaling: [1] The increase in height and decrease out close re-support, OBannons attack stalled.
in length of a wave as it approaches a shoal. [2] Becom- Eaton rushed forward with the reserves, and together
ing shallower. they renewed the assault, but Eaton was wounded and
Shod: Said of an anchor whose ukes are so mud- had to fall out. Then, as he later reported:
covered that they will not dig in to hold. Mr OBannon, accompanied by Mr Mann of An-
Shoe: [1] An anti-chang tting on a minesweeper napolis, urged forward with his Marines (and)
or other ships bow from which paravanes are towed. Greeks ... passed through a shower of musketry ...
[2] A strut between keel and sternpost. [3] An out- took possession of the Battery, planted the American
board element of the cutwater. [4] A wooden piece Flag upon its ramparts, and turned its guns upon the
tting over an anchor uke to protect the ships side. Enemy.... A little after four oclock we had compleat
[5] To put such a piece in position. [6] A sabot. possession of the town.
Shoot: [1] To discharge a weapon. [2] To send forth For six weeks, Eatons motley force withstood mas-
a missile. [3] To ignite an explosive charge. [4] To ac- sive attempts to retake the city. In recognition of this
quire momentum and luff to coast into the wind. achievement, United States Marine ofcers and NCOs
[5] To take a sighting with a sextant. [6] To put out were Authorized to carry Swords of the Mameluke
shing nets. [7] The interval between strokes when Pattern. They proudly added The Shores of Tripoli
rowing. to the Corps colors and, later, to its hymn (see march
Shoot!: [1] RN command to discharge ordnance or music). But President Thomas Jefferson ungraciously
launch missiles (the USN term is re!). [2] Colloqui- disavowed Eatons contribution, and blocked OBan-
alism for say what you want to say. nons captaincy, leading him to resign his commis-
Shoot Charlie Noble : When the galley funnel sion. Later he was honored by having three destroy-
(Charlie Noble) became clogged with soot, the cook ers named after him DD-177 (1919), DD-450
was frequently given a pistol and ordered to re a (1942) and DD-987 (1978).
blank shot inside the stack so that the blast would Shoreward: Towards the land.
shake down the obstruction. Short-arm inspection: A visual medical scan of the
Shore: [1] The narrow strip of land in immediate genitals for venereal diseases (military and naval slang).
contact with the sea. [2] To brace something. [3] A Short blast: A sounding of the ships whistle last-
beam used in shipbuilding or for temporary damage ing about one second (cf. prolonged blast).
control. Short-handed: With insufcient or less than nor-
Shore establishment: Any land-based naval facil- mal crew.
ity. Short-landed: Said of a cargo delivery that is less
Shore leave: RN term for permission to be relieved than the quantity shown on the manifest.
291 Sicily

Short seas: Waves bunched closely together. Usu- Shoulder the anchor: Said when the cable is too
ally a warning that the bottom is shoaling. short and the anchor is lifted by wave or tide allow-
Short-shipped: Said of cargo that could not be ing the vessel to drift.
loaded as scheduled, due to unavailability or lack of Shove an oar in: An old naval expression mean-
space on board. ing to break into someone elses conversation.
Short splice: A quick way of connecting two pieces Shove off: To push away from a ships side, dock,
of same-size cordage, but in such a way that the diam- or pier.
eter of the splice is larger than that of the original Shove off !: A rude request to go away.
cordage, preventing it from passing through a block or Shovel: In former naval use: [1] A copper imple-
thimble. A long splice is more time-consuming, but ment for removing the charge from a smoothbore
overcomes the problem. muzzle-loading cannon without damaging the car-
Short-stayed: Said of an anchor when its chain or tridge. [2] To use such an implement.
cable has been taken in until it is nearly up-and-down Show a leg!: In sailing ship navies, shore leave was
with the anchor almost atrip but still gripping the bot- severely restricted for fear of desertion, so it was not
tom. This is the nal phase before being aweigh, and unusual to allow women to visit husbands, sweet-
the length of cable deployed is usually less than 1.5 hearts, or clients in their quarters. From time to time
times the depth of water. some of these wives would contrive to remain on
Short ton: See ton. board when the ship sailed, often with the tacit con-
Shorten Sail: [1] To reduce the number of sails set. nivance of captain or ofcers, because women were
[2] To reduce the sail area by reeng or furling. useful for sewing, darning, and tending the wounded.
Shot: [1] A solid projectile for discharge from a can- Hence it became the practice, when rousting out the
non or other weapon. [2] The aimed discharge of watch below, to order a leg to be hung or waved over
a missile. [3] The distance traveled by a missile. the side of the hammock. If it was smooth and fe-
[4] USN term for a 15-fathom length of anchor male, its owner was allowed to sleep on in peace. If
chain or cable (the RN calls this a shackle of cable). male and hairy, he was unceremoniously tipped out to
[5] The union of two or more cables to form one long run topside for duty. (Also Shake a Leg.)
one. Show true colors: Wearing a foreign ag to allay
Shot across the bows: This is another obviously- suspicion while approaching an enemy has long been
nautical phrase, derived from the practice of forcing an accepted ruse de guerre, provided the proper en-
another vessel to stop by ring a cannon ball to splash sign is raised and broken out before undertaking any
just in front of it. Now it is a colloquialism for an ac- hostile act. Nowadays, the phrase means that a crisis
tion intended to caution someone against unwanted has forced someone to reveal their real attitude or per-
moves. sonality. (See also bamboozle, false colors, ag verica-
Shot garland: A wooden frame to contain round tion.)
shot, secured to the coamings and ledges round the Shrapnel: A thin-skinned hollow projectile, led
hatchways of a ship. See shot trough, brass monkey. with bullets or the like, that is split open by a fused ex-
Shot gauge: An instrument for measuring the di- plosive charge shortly before reaching the objective.
ameter of round shot. The bullets then proceed towards the target with the
Shot grommet: A ring of rope used as a wad to same velocity as the shell had at the moment of being
hold a cannonball in place in the barrel of a gun. split, spreading out as they go. This effective anti-per-
Shot-hole: The opening made in a hull or timber sonnel weapon, essentially a long-range version of case
by round shot or a bullet passing through. or canister, was invented by British Army Lieutenant
Shot in the locker: Sailor slang for money in the (later General) Henry Shrapnel in 1784, but was not
purse or pocket. formally accepted by the Army until 1803 and never
Shot locker: A strongly-built locker to contain ofcially used at sea.
shot, usually in the hold. Shroud: [1] One of the ropes or wires laterally sup-
Shot-plug: A tampion in the form of a cone ta- porting the masts of a sailing ship, forming a key com-
pered to t cannon of any bore. ponent of standing rigging. [2] A protective casing
Shot-prop: A wooden support covered with tarred around turbine or propeller blades. [3] One of the
hemp, used to seal a shot-hole from the inside. lines attaching a parachute canopy to its harness.
Shot rack: Iron rods tted about the hatches and Shroud rope: Superior-quality rope for shrouds
along the deck, to contain shot. and stays, made from the nest Russian hemp.
Shot trough: Wooden receptacle for cannon balls, Shuta: A small, thirty-oared Viking cargo vessel.
placed on the gun-deck during action. See shot gar- Sicily invasion: This island, strategically-located
land. at the toe of Italy, has been the target of amphibious
Shoulder board: One of a pair of stiffened cloth assault by Etruscans, Carthaginians, Greeks, Romans,
strips carrying badges of rank, worn between the Byzantines, Fatamids, Saracens, Normans, Angevins,
shoulder and collar of ofcers uniforms. Also shoul- French, Spanish, and others. But the 1943 invasion,
der strap. code-named Husky, would be larger than any of
Sick 292

them could have imagined larger, perhaps, than all ders and Captains four, Rear Admirals six, Vice Ad-
of them combined. The landings were preceded by mirals and above eight.
an airdrop and, altogether, more than 3,300 vessels In the Royal Navy, the ceremony is invoked only for
ferried 80,000 soldiers, 600 tanks, 300 trucks, and heads of state, naval or marine ofcers when in uni-
600 artillery pieces in the biggest amphibious opera- form, and foreign naval ofcers in uniform. No
tion ever undertaken bigger even than the famous military, consular, or civil dignitaries are so hon-
D-Day landings in Normandy a year later. ored, nor are naval ofcers in plain clothes.
The Royal Italian Navy (Regia Marina) had four The United States Navy, has extended the cour-
battleships, six cruisers, and ten destroyers within easy tesy to military, diplomatic, and consular ofcers,
sailing distance of the island. Their bases were and to certain members of the legislative and exec-
screened by British Force H with six battleships, utive branches of government. Those entitled to
two carriers, six cruisers, and twenty-four destroyers three or four rufes and ourishes get eight side-
under Vice-Admiral Sir Algernon Willis. boys, others six.
The Western Task Force, under U.S. Vice-Admiral When a Marine detachment is embarked and involved
Kent Hewitt, sailed from Oran and Algiers, carrying in side ceremonies, it assembles separately from the
four divisions of the U.S. Seventh Army. The East- sideboys (see side honors and rainbow sideboys).
ern Task Force, under British Admiral Sir Bertram Sidereal time: Time measured by the apparent di-
Ramsey, left Tripoli and Alexandria, with three divi- urnal (daily) motion of the stars.
sions of British Eighth Army and was joined at sea by Sideslip: The tendency of a vessel to slide away
a Canadian division and a Royal Marines Commando from its course due to the action of wind or current.
brigade, sailing from Britain under Rear-Admiral See Leeway.
Philip Vian. Despite rough seas the landings went Sidewheeler: A steamship propelled by paddle
well, although high winds caused heavy casualties wheels on either side of its hull.
among the parachute and glider troops. Sierra: NATO phonetic notation for the letter S.
Sick bay: A warships hospital, inrmary or rst-aid Sight: [1] An accurate navigational observation of
station (merchantmen and passenger liners call such a heavenly body. [2] To aim a weapon. [2] to see
facilities the clinic or dispensary). something for the rst time visually (not sonar or
Sick call: A daily formation for those requiring radar).
medical attention. See binnacle list. SIGINT: Signals intelligence.
Sick leave: Exemption from duty due to illness. Sign-off: Merchant term for the discharge and nal
Side: That part of a vessels hull that extends payment of seamen at the end of a voyage or comple-
lengthwise from stem to stern and vertically from gun- tion of their contracts. Also pay-off.
wale to bottom. Sign-on: Merchant term for the signing of articles
Side-arms: [1] Personal weapons such as cutlass, (contracts) by seamen before a voyage.
bayonet, sword, or pistol carried on a belt or in a hol- Signal: [1] A short message conveyed by ags, light
ster. [2] The assembly of tools used for cleaning and ashes, electrical impulses, sound or radio waves, or
servicing a ships cannon, including rammer, spunge, other means. (see tables 810). [2] To send such a mes-
and wadhook. sage.
Side echo: A phenomenon similar to ghosting Signal book: A book containing the code of signals,
which interferes with the signal received by a sonar or or in which signals are recorded. They are bound with
fathometer. Side echo also affects seismic surveying. metal, so as to sink in case of capture.
Side honors: Refers to the ceremonial greeting of Signal bridge : Area on or near the navigating
senior ofcers and important visitors as they board bridge equipped for visual communication, includ-
and leave naval vessels. May include piping the side, ing ags and signal lamps. Not to be confused with the
sideboys, a guard of honor, band music, or gun ag bridge.
salutes. See attend the side (USN), man the side (RN). Signal are: A pyrotechnic are of distinct color or
Side-keels: A pair of keels, placed on either side of character used as a signal. See parachute are, star
the centerline of a ships bottom. Used to give greater shell, very light.
stiffness to small vessels. Signal lamp: A visual signaling device, of which
Side lights: The green starboard and red port lights there are several types. [1] Small hand-held versions
required by Rules of the Road. known as Aldis lamps. [2] Lights on the mastheads of
Side port: A watertight doorway in a ships hull. ships. [3] More powerful ones mounted on pedestals.
Side tackle: See gun tackle. These larger ones use carbon arcs as their light source,
Sideboys: This term applies to members of a war- and produce beams strong enough to communicate
ships crew (of any age or sex) who line up at the gang- by line-of-sight to the horizon, even in conditions of
way as a mark of respect for a senior ofcer or distin- bright sunlight. Communication beyond the horizon
guished visitor coming aboard or disembarking (see is also possible by illuminating cloud bases at night
piping the side). The number of sideboys is always or by day.
even junior ofcers are entitled to two, Comman- Signalman: A naval job rating. Signalmen (who
293 Sister

may be female despite the title) stand watches on sig- On the fourth, he escapes from cannibals, marries
nal bridges to send and receive messages by signal a kings daughter, and barely escapes being buried
lamp, semaphore, and ag hoist. They prepare and alive when she dies.
encode or decode headings and addresses, render pass- Fantastic adventures continue on the fth voyage,
ing honors to ships and boats, display ensigns and when his ship is sunk by vengeful rocs who dive-
personal ags during salutes and colors, repair signal bomb it with boulders. Thrown into the water, he
ags, pennants and ensigns, and perform as lookouts. barely escapes being strangled by Sheik-al-Bahr (the
As navigators assistants, they take bearings, and rec- Old Man of the Sea) who clings to his back and
ognize visual navigational aids. Both RN and USN can only be shaken off after Sindbad makes him
have phased out this rating, with visual signaling drunk.
transferred to a quartermaster. On his penultimate voyage, Sindbad is shipwrecked
Signals crossed: In the noise, excitement, and on an barren island, but builds a raft and sails away
physical danger of sailing ship combat, a nervous sig- down a subterranean river to the fabulous country
nalman might assemble the message ags of a hoist of Sarandib (see serendipity), whose king bestows
in the wrong order (crossed), resulting in confusion, great riches on him and sends gifts to the Caliph.
delay, or disaster. The phrase moved on shore as a Finally, the Caliph sends the traveler back to Saran-
metaphor for failure to properly understand or inter- dib with thanks and greetings, but he is captured by
pret someones intentions. pirates and sold as a slave to an ivory merchant.
Signature: [1] The distinctive acoustic, thermal, However, he locates the fabled Elephants Grave-
magnetic, or other non-acoustic signals emitted by a yard, nds a mountain of tusks, buys his freedom,
surface vessel or submarine that make it detectable and returns to Baghdad wealthier than ever.
and (possibly) identiable. [2] The distinctive ping Sing out: To call or announce loudly.
of a sonar. [3] The st of a radio operator. [4] The Singing : Refers to the high-pitched chant of a
pattern of a cloud formation (see Dvorak technique). leadsman calling out the sounding after each cast. An
Silence!: [1] Formerly, a command requiring a USN old rhyme is cited by Admiral Smyth in his Sailors
gun-crew to face their weapon, and await further or- Word-Book:
ders in silence. [2] Exclamation given by any member To heave the lead the seaman sprung
of a USN weapons team who observes a casualty re- And to the pilot cheerly sung
quiring immediate attention. By the deep, nine
Silent running: A condition of submarine opera- Single-banked: [1] A small boat in which a single
tion involving noise minimization to avoid discovery oarsman mans each thwart and oar. [2] A galley with
by hostile sound detectors. one row of oars. [3] A vessel with one row of broad-
Sill: [1] The timber at the base of a dock or lock side guns on a main gun deck.
against which the gates shut and seal. The measure- Single Up: To throw off or bring inboard all dou-
ment from its upper edge to the surface represents the bled sections of mooring line, leaving the vessel se-
depth of water required to oat a vessel in or out. cured only by single lines preparatory to casting off
[2] The horizontal lower element of the frame of a altogether.
port or hatch. [3] A sea oor barrier of relatively shal- Single whip: A tackle using only one xed block.
low depth restricting water movement between basins. Singlestick : A wooden sword, used in weapons
Formerly spelled Cill (now rare). training and exercise.
Silt: Fine sand or soft earthy mud deposited as sed- Sink: To fall below the surface and descend to the
iment by the ow of water. bottom, to founder. From Old Teutonic sincan.
Silver thaw: Flaking ice falling from sails and rig- SINS: Ships Inertial Navigation System. An all-
ging when heavy frost is followed by a sudden thaw. weather dead-reckoning system.
Sin Bosun: RN slang for a chaplain. Sinuate : [1] To wind in and out around a base
Sindbad the Sailor: This principal character in course. [2] To bend or curve.
1001 Arabian Nights is not actually a seaman, but a Siren: [1] An acoustical instrument designed to
Baghdad merchant who acquires great wealth by going emit a wailing sound as a fog signal or warning. [2] In
on seven adventurous and miraculous voyages. Greek mythology, any of several sea nymphs, part-
On the rst, his ships crew goes ashore and lights woman and part-bird, whose seductive singing lures
a re, but the island turns out to be a giant whale, mariners to destruction on the rocks.
which sounds, leaving them oundering in the Sisal rope: Made from leaves of the Agave sisalana
water. cactus, it is as strong as second-grade manila, but less
On the second, he encounters rocs birds so pow- exible, durable, and resistant to wear and weather.
erful that they can lift an elephantand steals their Hence, it is not used for boat falls, slings, or any pur-
stash of diamonds. pose where parting of the line might endanger life.
During his third voyage, Sindbad is kidnapped by Sister: To strengthen a weak or broken element by
dwarfs, almost eaten by a Cyclops, and attacked by securing another beside it.
an immense serpent. Sister Ship Clause: A marine insurance provision,
Sister 294

conrming that the underwriters will accept respon- Skin: The outer planks or plating of a vessel.
sibility if two ships owned by the same company col- Skin-friction: Also known as viscous drag, is one
lide. of the four principal causes of resistance to movement
Sister ships: Vessels built to the same design or through water. It is created by the skin of the hull
under common ownership. rubbing against the boundary layer of the water it is
SITREP: Situation report. moving through. Near the stem this layer is usually rel-
Sitting: See position of honor. atively thin and laminar, but it becomes progressively
SIU: Seafarers International Union. thicker and more turbulent as it ows towards the
SIV: Special Interest Vessel. stern. Overcoming it takes energy which is subtracted
Six-on-four: Reduced ration scale with six men re- from the power available to drive the vessel forward.
ceiving only enough food for four. See also eddy-resistance, parasitic drag, prole-drag,
Sixty: See rule of sixty. and wave-resistance.
Size escalation: With global merchandise trade Skip-bomb: To release an airborne bomb from
growing at phenomenal speed there is a boom in con- such low altitude that it slides or bounces along the
tainer shipping and each generation of vessel tends to surface of the water to strike the target at or near the
be about twice the size of the one before. Panamax waterline.
was followed by Post-Panamax, and then by Malac- Skipjack: A wooden sailboat 4050 feet (1215 m)
camax. Vessels capable of carrying over 10,000 TEU long used to dredge oysters from Chesapeake Bay and
(see shipping container) are already in service and 18 now available for cruises there. It was precursor of the
20,000 TEU capacity ships are on the drawing board. bugeye and descendant of the log canoe.
SK: Storekeeper (USN enlisted rating). See SA. Skipper: [1] Familiar and informal name for a ships
Skag: A heavy chain thrown over the stern of a captain. [2] The master of a small craft, yacht, or
barge as a drag to steady the tow. sher boat. (Either from the Old English scip = ship,
Skeg: [1] An extension of the keel under the pro- or the Dutch schipper = captain.)
peller to support the sternpost. [2] Any of various un- Skirmish: A brief period of light combat, usually
derwater ns or projections serving to stabilize an ob- following a chance encounter, or to clear the way for
ject. a more serious engagement.
Skeld: A medium-sized 64-oared Viking cargo ves- Skivvies: USN slang for underwear.
sel. Skosh: USN term for being perilously close to
Skeleton: The hull of a vessel without its plates or minimum level (e.g., of fuel). From the Japanese
planking (cf. frame, skin). sukoshi = little.
Skids: The forerunner of davits. Used to support Skunk: NATO term for an unidentied radar con-
lifeboats while on board and to slide them to the side tact.
for launching. It has been claimed that the phrases Sky pilot: Naval slang for a chaplain (see Holy Joe,
on the skids and skid row meaning to be de- Sin Bosun, Padre).
scending to, or have reached, the depths of depravity Skylark: [1] Seamans term for horseplay, fooling
or povertyare analogies for the descent of a lifeboat. around, or engaging in noisy chatter. [2] Originally re-
However, other sources suggest the term is a corrupt ferred to a midshipmans game of follow-the-leader,
reference to the corduroy log pathway used to skid climbing up to the skysails and sliding down the back-
(drag) felled timber through the woods and bogs of stays. (From Anglo-Saxon sky = sky + lac = play.)
northwest Canada and the United States. Unem- Skylight: [1] An area of ice translucent from below
ployed lumbermen would often be reduced to sleep- and thin enough for a submarine to push through.
ing and begging on this so-called skid road. [2] A hatch with a (usually hinged) glass-paneled
Skiff: General term for shallow-draft boats small cover to admit light.
enough to be sailed, poled, or rowed by a single per- Skysail: [1] A small sail set above the royal on a
son. square-rigged ship. [2] The trade name of a kite sail
Skilly: A thin, weak broth, consisting of oatmeal propulsion system.
boiled in water with just enough meat to avor it. Skyscraper: [1] A small triangular sail set above the
Usually served to naval prisoners. skysail (cf. moonraker). [2] Jocular slang for an
Skillygalee: A drink of sugar and oatmeal stirred ofcers full-dress cocked hat.
into water. Reputed to reduce the cramps suffered by SL: Sea level.
stokers and remen working in hot engine spaces (but Slack: [1] That part of a rope or sail which hangs
salt would probably have worked better). loosely without tension. [2] To ease off a rope or line.
Skim sweep: In naval mine warfare, a wire-sweep [3] To shirk or be remiss in doing something. (Some-
at a xed depth over deep-laid mines to cut the moor- times followed by off.)
ings of those shallow enough to endanger the Slack water: The moment at which a reversing cur-
minesweepers themselves. rent or tide changes direction so that it has no mo-
Skimmer: USN submariner slang for a surface tion (cf. turn).
sailor or ship. Slam: To hit waves or swell with violent impact.
295 Slime

Slant: A change of wind direction, usually favor- March 1807, but illegal importation continued over-
able. land, while ships continued to smuggle slaves into the
Slatting: The apping of sails when a vessel is al- South. In 1820, Congress passed a law making par-
most becalmed. ticipation in the trade an act of piracy, punishable by
Slave: [1] A machine under the direct control of death, but it was not strongly enforced. The British
another machine. [2] In hyperbolic radio-navigation, then asked for American cooperation in search and
a station whose transmissions are controlled by a mas- seizure, but Congress opposed this, not out of desire
ter station. [3] A person in enforced bondage. to continue the trade, but to preserve the principle of
Slave trade: Holding human beings as property freedom of the seas. This U.S. refusal to enforce its
has been a worldwide phenomenon for as long as hu- own laws or cooperate with other nations allowed the
mankind has been civilized. For centuries, African slave trade to continue, and it was not until ratication
kings, chiefs, and warlords captured members of rival of the Thirteenth Amendment on December 18, 1865,
tribes and sold them into slavery northward across that it nally ended. The last Atlantic country to ban
the Sahara Desert, southward through the Red Sea, the trade was Brazil in 1888. However, the practice
and eastward over the Indian Ocean. continues to the present day; see human trafcking.
Then, in the fteenth century, a westward route Slaver: A ship or person engaged in the slave trade.
opened up to provide cheap labor for Portuguese plan- Also Blackbirder.
tations in the Atlantic islands (especially Madeira SLBM: Submarine-launched ballistic missile.
which became the largest sugar producer in the west- Sled: A small and speedy towed target for surface
ern world). After they colonized Brazil (1500) the Por- gunnery practice.
tuguese increased their purchases of African slaves, Sleep: A well lled and quiet sail is said to sleep.
operating essentially as a state monopoly. By contrast, Sleeping on watch: Considering that this serious
the Spanish introduced the asiento system which re- offense could endanger the ship and the lives of all on
tained government control of the trade, but gave in- board, the penalties specied in the 17th century Ad-
dividual merchants exclusive licenses to import slaves miralty Black Book were surprisingly lenient, giving
into the South American colonies. a malefactor three chances, before facing potentially
Late in 1562, English captain John Hawkins bought lethal punishment. A rst offender was merely humil-
300 slaves in West Africa and carried them to the West iated by having a bucket of seawater poured over his
Indies where he traded them for hides, ginger, sugar, head, and a second incident only resulted in his hands
and pearls, making a prot of 12 percent on his invest- being tied over his head while a bucketful of water
ment. Other European countries were building slave- was poured down each sleeve.
dependent colonial empires in North America and the After a third offense, the penalty was a bit more se-
Caribbean and soon Denmark, France, the Nether- vere, the culprit being tied to the mast with heavy
lands, and Sweden joined Portugal and Spain as Brit- weights attached to his arms and left there for as long
ains competitors for the inhumane but protable trade. as the captain deemed appropriate. However, a fourth
Their burgeoning requirements changed trans offense brought what was essentially a death sentence.
Atlantic slave trafc from government monopolies to The perpetrator was placed in a covered basket, given
private enterprise and turned the trade from a steady a loaf of bread, a ask of ale, and a sharp knife, and
ow into a virtual torrent, beginning the worst and slung below the bowsprit. An armed marine was
longest-lasting maritime crime against humanity (see posted to ensure he could not clamber back on board,
middle passage and triangular trade). leaving him with three alternatives he could starve
Finally, after almost two-and-a-half centuries, the to death, slice his veins with the knife, or cut the bas-
British realized (in the words of Prime Minister ket loose to drown in the sea.
William Grenville) that the trade was contrary to the Sleeve: [1] A fabric tube towed by an aircraft as an
principles of justice, humanity and sound policy and anti-aircraft practice target. Also drogue. [2] The nar-
Parliament passed a bill to abolish the purchase and sale rows of a channel. [3] The Strait of Dover (obsolete
of slaves (but not the institution of slavery itself ). A in English, but still used by the French in La Manche).
special squadron of the Royal Navy was charged with Sleeve insignia: See breast and sleeve insignia.
enforcing the Act, under which British vessels caught SLEP: Service Life Extension Program (USN).
transporting slaves were ned 100 per head Slew: [1] To turn a ship or traverse a gun rapidly.
amounting to as much as 70,000 for a full load [2] To yaw, especially when being towed. [3] To force
this was such a substantial amount in the early 19th a vessel between adjoining ice-oes. Also slue.
century that most slaver captains ordered their krumen Slick: Any calm patch of water such as that caused
to throw the iron-fettered slaves overboard as soon as by [1] oil on the surface. [2] a vessels drift to leeward.
a naval vessel hove into view (without evidence, there [3] the wake of a passing ship. [4] lack of wind.
was no ne). Finally, in 1833 Britain outlawed slavery Slide: That part of a gun mount that supports the
throughout its Empire, but it was decades before other weapon and allows it to move.
European nations followed suit. Slime: Thin glutinous mud or ooze often found
The United States abolished the slave trade in on the oor of channels.
Sling 296

Sling: [1] A looped strap, or bight of rope, used to Slops: [1] Unappetizing watery food or soup.
lift heavy items. [2] A single load of cargo being [2] cheap, ready-made clothing, bedding, etc. issued
moved by sling. [3] A short strap with a string on ei- or sold to sailors. (Pursers ofcially received 5 percent
ther side, used by hand to give impetus to a small mis- on the sale of slops, but many milked the system by
sile such as a stone. [4] A strap of cloth used to sup- charging far more than the xed price and even sell-
port a broken limb. ing slops to dead men in order to pocket the commis-
Slip: [1] The difference between the theoretical and sion.) [3] Loose tting outer garments such as a smock
actual motion induced by a propeller. [2] To release the or coveralls. (From Old English oferslop meaning a
anchor by unbuckling its chain only done in emer- surplice, via Middle English sloppe referring to a
gency since both chain and anchor will be lost. [3] loose-tting shapeless blouse, frequently worn by sea-
The space or berth for a vessel between two piers or men before uniforms were issued.) [4] Archaic, wide
jetties. [4] A slipway. baggy pantaloons, trousers, or breeches.
Slip the cable: To die (lower deck slang). Slot: The space between jib and mainsail. Wind
Slipstream: The air driven backward by a rotating passing through this opening creates a pressure dif-
aircraft propeller. ferential across the mainsail, urging the ship ahead.
Slipway: A ramp sloping towards the water for Slough: A side channel, backwater, bayou, or
launching ships or hauling them up for repair. marsh (pronounced sloo).
SLOC: Sea line of communication. Slow match: Slightly twisted hemp rope soaked in
Sloop: [1] World War II, a small British convoy es- lime water and saltpeter. It burns at a rate of about
cort armed with one or two 4-inch guns and depth four inches (100 mm) an hour and was formerly used
charges. [2] Formerly, a small, single-masted, fore- to ignite the charge of gunpowder weapons. See gun
and-aft-rigged sailing vessel. (Dutch sloep.) ring, linstock, portre, quick match.
Sloop-of-war: Small and nimble 18th century un- SLP: Seaward launch point.
rated ghting vessel with from one to three masts and SLQ: Electronic Warfare System.
twelve to twenty guns on the weather deck. Probably Slue: To turn something such as a boom, cask, gun,
the most ambiguous class ever named, since the term spar, or even an entire ship on its axis without moving
included brigs, brigantines, ketches, ships and snows, it out of its place. (Also slew and pronounced sloo.)
as well as actual sloops. In the late 19th century sloops- Slush: [1] Grease and fat skimmed off the kettles
of-war evolved into gun vessels. in a ships galley. [2] An oily preservative applied to
Slop chest: [1] Originally a ships compartment for wire, line, or standing rigging. [3] Semi-frozen seawa-
storing clothing, bedding and personal items for issue ter which is viscous but not solid.
or sale to naval or merchant seamen. In the seven- Slush fund: A perquisite of the ships cook was to
teenth century, impressed seamen had only the clothes keep all the slush he could skim off the kettles of boil-
they were wearing at the time of seizure, while ing salted meat. When he had gathered enough, he
vagabonds and felons often came aboard in disgusting would sell the better quality to the purser for making
rags. In 1623, the Navy Slop Ofce was established to candles. Then he sold the poorer grease to the bosn
provide clothinge to avoyde nastie beastliness by dis- as a protective coating for spars. In the course of a
eases and unwholsomme ill smells in everye ship. voyage the cook would amass a useful sum of money
[2] Today, the slop chest has evolved into an on board which he called his slush fund. Today, in civilian life,
commissary or retail store for the same purpose. the term refers to money secretly set aside for politi-
Goods are duty free, so the chest is locked before com- cal bribery.
ing into port. Navigation Laws of the United States SM: Signalman (USN).
(Title 46:11103) allow a 10 percent mark-up and re- Smack: A single-masted, cutter-rigged, shing ves-
quire every merchant vessel to be: sel.
... provided with a slop chest which shall contain a Small anchor: See best bower.
complement of clothing for the intended voyage for Small arms: Weapons small enough to be carried
each seaman employed, including boots or shoes, and controlled by a single user.
hats or caps, under clothing and outer clothing, Small arms salutes: These honor individuals.
oiled clothing, and everything necessary for the wear [1] Sword salutes probably go back to the Crusades
of a seaman; also a full supply of tobacco and blan- when the cruciform hilt would be raised to the lips
kets. and kissed, after which the point would be thrust into
Slop chute: An inclined channel hung over a ships the ground so that it could not easily be used. Nowa-
side for the disposal of garbage clear of the hull. days the weapon is merely lowered in submission.
Known as a gash chute in the RN. [2] Rie salutes can be of several kinds. The most cer-
Slop tank: A container for the storage of oily waste emonial is present arms in which the rie is held
pending disposal. vertically in front of the body, with the muzzle up-
Slope: To bring down the edges of an awning, so ward and the trigger guard forward. Less formal are
that they shed rainwater, which might otherwise form salutes with the weapon in the shoulder, slope,
pools to overload and tear the canvas. trail, or order arms positions.
297 Snub

Small-craft advisory: A radio message or visual Smooth sea: Wind-Sea condition 2 on the Doug-
display (red pennant by day; red light over white at las Scale, with waves dened as long, low and smooth,
night) alerting small or underpowered vessels that un- between 10 and 50 cms (4" to 20") high.
favorable or dangerous sea conditions are forecast. Smoothbore: Any rearm the inside of whose bar-
Small helm: Said when thanks to good seaman- rel is without riing.
ship and sail-handlingonly minor movement of the Smother: To extinguish or deaden a re, usually
wheel or tiller is required to keep a ship on course. by blanketing it with foam to cut off its oxygen sup-
Small stores: Soap, needles and thread, tobacco, ply.
spices, razors, brushes, and the like, issued to the crew Smuggle : [1] To avoid payment of excise tax or
through their mess-cooks. duty by bringing goods secretly into a country. [2] To
Small stowage: Refers to goods of size and shape surreptitiously take something somewhere.
that will t into gaps between beams or spaces be- Snake: [1] To rig netting on lifelines to prevent ob-
tween cargo. jects falling overboard. [2] To wrap a small line around
Small stuff: Cordage less than 2.5 centimeters (1 a larger one (cf. worm). [3] A long exible wire used
inch) in diameter used for light jobs such as whip- for clearing drains.
ping, serving, or seizing. Snake eaters: USN slang for special forces person-
Smart money: Nowadays this term refers to knowl- nel.
edgeable investment or betting on sure things. In Snap hook: See safety hook.
the 17th century, however, the word smart was synony- Snaphaunce: An early rearm similar to a musket.
mous with pain or agony, and the term referred to the Snatch block : A single-sheaved block with a
pension paid for wounds acquired during active naval hinged side which can be opened to accept a bight
service. This original meaning lives on in legal termi- without having to thread the whole length of the line.
nology, where smart money still means punitive or Sneer: To carry too much canvas and overstrain
exemplary damages. the standing rigging.
Smartly!: Nautical command to be quick. Snekkjur: A sailed and oared Nordic raiding long-
Smasher: Sailing ship seamans slang for a car- boat that could be beached for assault landings or
ronade. rowed far inland up rivers. Had ten to twenty oars on
SMG: Speed made good. each side, and carried 60 to 120 warriors. These speedy
Smoke are: A pyrotechnic device producing col- oceangoing vessels could beat to windward and carry
ored smoke as a daylight distress signal (see table 10). enough provisions for extended voyages. The name
Smoker: An informal shipboard gathering with en- means serpent.
tertainment such as boxing, movies, comic skits, etc. Snib: Another name for the dog (locking handle)
Smokesail: A small canvas hoisted to deect smoke on a watertight door .
from the galley away from the quarterdeck. Snipes: USN slang for engineering crew members
Smokescreen: A dense mass of fumes laid down to (cf. Black Gang).
conceal a vessel, eet, or convoy. SNLR: Services no longer required. The RN equiv-
Smokestack: A tall chimney or pipe through which alent of a USN bad conduct discharge.
the exhaust fumes of a steam or diesel powered vessel Snore: To make good progress while sailing on a
are discharged. Also funnel. comfortable reach with a fair and steady wind.
Smoking lamp: The re hazard aboard a wooden Snorkel: [1] A retractable tube which allows a
warship laden with combustibles and gunpowder was diesel-engined submarine to ventilate and run its en-
tremendous. At least as early as the 16th century, when gines while cruising slightly below the surface. [2] A
tobacco came into widespread use, navies prohibited breathing tube used while swimming face-down in
smoking except at designated times and, usually, in the water. [3] To use such a tube. (German schnorchel
or near the galley or forecastle. In the U.S. Navy the = air-intake.)
area was indicated by a special smoking lamp. When Snorkers: RN slang for sausages.
this was lit smoking was allowed; when it was out, it Snorting: RN term for snorkeling.
was not. Indeed, since it was generally forbidden to Snotty: RN derogatory slang for a midshipman
carry matches, it was impossible to ignite a pipe or (also Snottie).
cigar unless the lamp was alight. The physical artifact Snow: A large European 17th18th century sailing
is long gone from shipboard, but it survives in the vessel, rigged like a brig but with a trysail mast just
phrases The smoking lamp is lighted or The smok- abaft the mainmast.
ing lamp is out to indicate when the crews of mod- Snowmast: See trysail mast.
ern USN warships may light up. The equivalent RN Snub: [1] To slow down and stop a vessel by let-
term is spitkid. ting out only enough chain for the anchor to drag.
Smoking sponson: designated smoking area [2] To slow down a running rope by taking a half turn
aboard aircraft carriers, usually right below the ight around a cleat and easing it out. [3] A short length of
deck on the exterior of the ships hull. A great place to elastic material used as a shock absorber on a moor-
catch up on scuttlebutt. ing line.
Snug 298

Snug down: Prepare for a storm by taking in sail develops into an intense surface ow, fed from the
and lashing loose gear. South Equatorial Current and owing along the east-
Snug harbor: A well-sheltered anchorage. ern coast of the Horn of Africa, part of it going along
So!: Command to cease hauling when a rope has the Arabian Peninsula as the East Arabian Current.
reached its required position. During its northward phase the Somali Current is as-
SOA: [1] Speed of advance. [2] Sustained opera- sociated with strong upwelling near Ras Hafun, form-
tions ashore. ing an eddy with a diameter of about 500 km known
Soe Orm: This amphibious sea monster was de- as the Great Whirl.
scribed by Olaus Magnus, Roman Catholic Arch- The Somers Incident: After being dismissed from
bishop of Uppsala in Sweden, in his book Historia de university during his freshman year, Philip Spencer,
Gentibus Septentrionalibus (History of the Northern Peo- son of the Secretary of War, obtained an appointment
ples) published at Rome in 1555: as acting midshipman aboard the frigate USS John
Those who sail up along the coast of Norway to Adams, but was soon forced to resign, charged with
trade or to sh, all tell the remarkable story of how a dereliction of duty and drunkenness. Perhaps due to
serpent of fearsome size, 200 feet long and 20 feet his fathers political inuence, he was reinstated and
wide, resides in rocks and caves outside Bergen. On assigned to the brig USS Somers, Commander Alexan-
bright summer nights this serpent leaves its cavern to der Mackenzie.
eat calves, lambs and pigs, or it swims out into the In September 1842, Somers set sail on a training
sea and feeds on cuttle (sh), lobsters, crabs and sim- mission carrying a large number of volunteer appren-
ilar marine animals. It has ell (forty-ve inch) long tices (young ofcer candidates sent directly aboard for
hair hanging from its neck, sharp scales dark brown hands-on training). During the voyage an informant
in color, and aming red eyes. It attacks vessels, reported that Spencer had approached some of the
grabs and swallows people, as it lifts itself up like a crew saying he had a fancy to seize the brig, sail her to
column from the water. the Caribbean and become a pirate. Mackenzie con-
SOF : Special Operations Force. fronted the 18 year old who tried to pass it off as a
Sofar: Sound Fixing And Ranging. joke, but the captain ordered him chained hand and
Soft eye: An eye-splice made without the metallic foot on the quarterdeck where the ofcer of the deck
thimble. could keep him under observation.
Soft tack: Slang for fresh bread (cf. hard tack). Next day a topmast crashed to the deck, and Mac-
Solar day: The time between two successive tran- kenzie labeled it an act of sabotage by supporters of
sits of the sun. Spencers potential mutiny. Although there was no
Solar ship: Vessel placed in an Egyptian Pharaohs evidence against them, he had Spencers friends
tomb for his voyage to the sun. See Egyptian naval ar- boatswains mate Samuel Cromwell and seaman El-
chitecture. isha Small arrested and put in irons. He then noticed
Solas: See International Convention for the Safety the crew exchanging suspicious glanceswhich may
of Life at Sea. have been due to fear and confusion so ordered his
Soldier: A person having enlisted to serve and ght ofcers to arm themselves and issue pistols and cut-
in an army. lasses to the petty ofcers.
Soldier on: To persist steadfastly in executing a On 30th November, the brigs ofcers were ordered
task. to assemble in the wardroom. No formal court-mar-
Soldiering : Seamans slang for malingering, or tial was held; the three defendants were not present,
shirking while pretending to work. nor were they informed they were being tried. Thir-
Soldiers wind: Wind blowing from abeam on ei- teen witnesses were called, but none gave any con-
ther side, making it so easy to sail in either direction crete evidence, except the original informant and he
that even a soldier (the ultimate landsman) could do only mentioned Spencer. However, according to the
it. brigs log, the ofcers ruled that all three were decid-
Sole: The inside deck of a ship, especially the oor edly Guilty, and that the safety of the vessel required
of a cabin. that they be immediately put to death. Spencer in-
Soleplate: See bedplate. sisted Cromwell and Small were innocent, but
Solomon Gundy: Seafarers slang for salmagundi. Mackenzie ordered the executions carried out. The
Solstice: Either of the two times of the year when corpses hung at the yardarms all afternoon, but after
the sun reaches its maximum declination (cf. equi- dinner, were cut down and buried at sea.
nox). Somers reached New York City 13 days later, and
Soma: A Japanese trading junk. the incident created an instantaneous adverse reac-
Somali Current: A prominent surface current in tion. In a pamphlet entitled The Cruise of the
the northern Indian Ocean. During the northeast Somers, famous author and naval historian James Fen-
monsoon it ows southward, joining the north Equa- imore Cooper charged that Mackenzie, in an hyster-
torial Current and discharging into the equatorial ically paranoid state of mind, had executed three in-
Countercurrent. During the southwest monsoon it nocent men for a mutiny that existed only in his own
299 Sound

unbalanced mind. A naval court of inquiry exoner- Were Seabees of the Navy
ated the commander, but fearing Spencers inuen- We can build and we can ght
tial family might lay charges for murder in civilian Well pave the way to victory
court he requested and was granted a full court- And guard it day and night
martial. On 31st March 1843, the court handed down No matter what our mission
its ndings: The charges of Conduct Unbecoming an well uphold our proud tradition
Ofcer and Cruelty and Oppression of Crew were dis- Were Seabees of the Navy
missed, while three counts each of Murder, Oppres- Bees of the Seven Seas.
sion, and Illegal Punishment were declared Not Sonobuoy: An expendable, air-dropped, oating,
proven. sonar-type device that detects submarines, or under-
In October 1845 the United States Navy opened its water sound emitted by surface vessels, and radio-
school at Annapolis, Maryland, to train young mid- transmits collected data for evaluation.
shipmen in a formal academic setting. It is generally SOP: Standard operating procedure.
accepted that this was a direct result of the Somers in- SOPA: Senior ofcer present aoat.
cident having raised doubts about the wisdom of Sortie: [1] A rapid outward movement of invested
sending untrained ofcer candidates directly to sea. troops to attack their besiegers. [2] A combat mission
Son of a gun: Not infrequently one of the women own by a single aircraft. [3] A naval force setting out
visitors to a warship would nd herself pregnant, with from port.
no idea which of the crew was the father. Birth nor- SOS!: Radio (Morse code) distress signal interna-
mally took place between two cannon, one of which tionally agreed in 1908 to replace the former CQD. Al-
might be red to encourage a difcult delivery. Since though commonly believed to represent save our
the child would certainly have been conceived on the souls the letters have no signicance, having been
gundeck, and because seamen often referred to geni- chosen because three dots, followed by three dashes
tals as their armament, it was natural to call it the son and another three dots, are easy to remember and
of a gun as a synonym for son of a whore. transmit. See also table 10.
Sonar: This acronym of Sound Navigation and SOSUS: Sound surveillance system.
Ranging refers to a system for the detection of under- Sough: An ancient and poetical term for the mur-
water objects by reected sound (cf. asdic). The op- muring and moaning noise of wave and wind.
erational mode can be active (pinging) or passive Soul ships: Ethereal vessels that were believed to
(listening). Several mass strandings of cetaceans have hover off the coast of Brittany, hoping to rescue the
occurred simultaneously in time and space with naval souls of recently-deceased seamen and carry them
exercises using mid-frequency active sonar. This rela- westward to paradise in the fabulous Islands of the
tionship could be causal rather than coincidental and, Blessed (cf. Fiddlers Green). Sailing-ship mariners in
before starting an active sonar search, it is now stan- that vicinity sighted them as frequently as they saw
dard USN operating procedure for surface vessels to sea serpents or mermaids.
mount visual lookouts, trained to spot marine mam- Souls (of sea creatures): Many cultures believed
mals with high-powered binoculars (see beaked whales). that animals had souls and took great pains to placate
Sonar dome: A streamlined, watertight enclosure them. Greenlanders were always careful to avoid
that provides protection for a sonar transducer, sonar breaking the skulls of their seal harvest, piling them
projector, or hydrophone and associated equipment, next to their front doors to placate the creatures souls
while offering minimum interference to sound trans- and ensure they would not warn living seals to stay
mission and reception by reducing the effects of tur- away from the coast. When the natives of Sainte Marie
bulence, wave slam, and minor collision. Early versions Island (north of Madagascar) hunt young whales they
were keel-mounted, made of steel-reinforced egg beg the mother to forgive them, explaining they only
box construction, but they have now evolved into kill out of necessity, and asking her to sound so that
high performance lightweight shells, bow-mounted, she will not see the actual slaughter. The Huron, Ot-
relying on the structural and acoustic properties of tawa, and Kwakiutl Indians of Canada believe the
advanced ber composites. souls of dead sh will come back to life, so they never
Sonar gap: An area astern of a vessel where the cav- burn or discard the bones, but throw them back into
itation and wake left by the vessels own propulsion the sea or river to ensure the resurrected sh will re-
system impedes the ability of hull-mounted sonar to turn next year.
detect any hostile vessel which may be following be- Sound: [1] To emit noise as a call or summons;
hind. See bafe zone. sound the bugle. [2] To announce by means of noise;
Song of the Seabees: USN Construction Battal- sound the alarm (Middle English soun = noise). [3] To
ions have their own song, written in 1943 with words measure the liquid in a tank or ships bilge. [4] To test
by Sam M. Lewis to music by Peter de Rose. The orig- the depth or quality of the seabed by leadline or any
inal wartime text made specic reference to Pearl Har- other means: (Middle English sundgyrd = measuring
bor; two verses of an updated and less specic version stick). [5] To dive or plunge downward as a whale or
are: other marine mammal (Middle English sund = sea).
Sound 300

[6] A narrow passage, usually between a mainland and sea surveillance system turned from long line arrays
an island and wider than a channel, connecting two to individual hydrophones, each capable of detecting
bodies of water (Scandinavian sund = channel). [7] submarines in its immediate vicinity. The rst such
In good condition; free from defect, damage or decay; Fixed Distributed System was deployed in 1985.
a sound timber; the ship is sound (Old English With the end of the Cold War, however, SOSUS was
gesund = in good shape). gradually phased out, although remaining segments
Sound Fixing and Ranging: A system that allows are still used for oceanic research.
two or more shore stations to locate an underwater Sounding: [1] The act of measuring depth or ex-
signal by triangulation. See also oceanic sound chan- amining the bottom with leadline, echosounder, or
nel. other instrument. [2] The depth of the sea bottom as
Sound off: [1] To call out ones name or otherwise so determined. [3] The height of liquid in a tank or
respond to a military roll call (mainly U.S.). [2] To bilge. [4] Said of a deeply diving whale (see also depth
speak freely or frankly, especially to complain. [3] to measurement).
exaggerate or boast. Sounding line: A leadline.
Sound out: This phrase, meaning to inquire dis- Sounding rod: A long pole used to sound tanks or
cretely or cautiously into the feelings or opinions of a bilges.
person, is clearly derived from the nautical use of a Sounding tube: A pipe through which a sound-
weighted line to determine the depth and nature of the ing rod is lowered into a tank or bilge.
sea bed. Soundings: Water shallow enough to be sounded
Sound-powered: Said of telephones activated by with a standard 100-fathom deep sea line. This is re-
vocalization. A transducer converts sound pressure ferred to as in soundings, while water beyond the
from the users voice into a minute electrical current, 100-fathom limit is off soundings.
which is converted back to sound by a transducer at Soundless: Water so deep that soundings cannot
the receiving end. They are used extensively in war- be taken by leadline. Formerly considered bottom-
ships because they need no external power source or less, but now easily measured.
internal battery, cannot be picked up by hostile lis- South Atlantic current: An ocean current pro-
teners, and allow communication between key loca- duced by the conuence of the warm and saline Brazil
tions during power-outages. current and the cooler, less salty, Falklands Current,
Sound signals: Depending on their length, all ves- owing eastward towards the Cape of Good Hope.
sels are required by Colregs to carry specied forms of South Indian current: An easterly ow in the In-
sound and/or light signaling equipment, to be used dian Ocean, north of the West Wind Drift.
only when they are within sight of each and are meet- South Pacic current : An easterly ow in the
ing or crossing another. Table 9 gives a brief list of South Pacic, north of the West Wind Drift.
signals concerning powered vessels in international South Seas: [1] Former name for the South Pacic.
waters, but Colregs are lengthy and complex, so read- [2] Generic term for all waters south of the equator.
ers wanting more detail should consult one of the Southern Ocean: The southernmost waters of the
many relevant websites (for example, that of the U.S. World Ocean have traditionally been known to
Coast Guard at mariners as the Antarctic Ocean, the Great Southern
Sound Surveillance System: During the Cold Sea, or the South Polar Ocean. Geographers long dis-
War, the timely detection of undersea threats was a agreed on a northern boundary, while some contended
high priority. Starting in the early 1950s the Atlantic they were merely the convergence of Pacic, Atlantic,
and Pacic oceans were monitored by a system of bot- and Indian Oceans. In 2000, however, the Interna-
tom-mounted high-gain receivers connected by under- tional Hydrographic Organization ended the argu-
sea cables to facilities on land (shore-based monitor- ments by naming the Southern Ocean the fourth-
ing stations are less prone to interference from foul largest of ve principal oceanic divisions. It completely
weather and ambient or self-generated noise). The ar- surrounds Antarctica, extending from the coast to 60
rays were installed primarily on continental slopes and degrees south latitude.
seamounts at locations optimized for undistorted Southing: The distance actually made good in a
long-range acoustic propagation along the oceanic southerly direction on any course which has a south-
sound channel. The relatively loud signature of a So- erly component.
viet submarine could be detected and tracked across Southwester: [1] A gusty wind, gale, or storm com-
an entire ocean basin. ing from the south-west. [2] A waterproof foul-
Eventually, with the help of information supplied weather hat with a broad brim at the back. Pro-
by the Walker espionage ring, the Soviets learned nounced sow-wester.
about the arrays and how easily their submarines were Sovereignty: See territorial sovereignty.
being detected. Each generation of Soviet boats then SP: Shore Patrol (USN).
became quieter and harder to nd than its predeces- Space: Nautical term for a large room or compart-
sor. Detection fell off dramatically and, to regain some ment (e.g., machinery space). See also outer space.
of the acoustic advantage, the USNs integrated under- Spade rudder: See underhung.
301 Specialist

Span: A line made fast at both ends. Spar torpedo: An explosive device attached to a
Spanish bowline : A knot with two loops into long pole and manually placed against an enemy ship
which a person can put their legs to be swayed be- before being detonated. In practice its user was a
tween two ships or hauled up a mast. kamikaze (suicide bomber).
Spanish burton: A burton with two single blocks Spare anchor: See sheet anchor.
in series. Sparks: Nickname for a merchantmans radio op-
Spanish fox: A single yarn twisted up tightly in a erator.
direction contrary to its natural lay and rubbed smooth. Spars: Female component of the United States
It makes a neat seizing, and is used for the ends of Coast Guard in World War II. The acronym was con-
light standing rigging, and for small seizings generally. trived by combining the Latin and English versions
Spanish Main: [1] Properly, the north-east coast of the Coast Guard motto Semper Paratus = Always
of South America between the Orinoco River and Ready. Spars served ashore in the United States,
Panama, plus adjacent Caribbean islands (main is an Alaska, and Hawaii, mainly on administrative duties.
abbreviation of mainland). [2] Often (incorrectly) the Speak: To converse with a vessel, usually while in
Caribbean Sea. visual contact (rst one hails, then one speaks).
Spanish march: To frogmarch by hustling a person Speaking tube: A long pipe running between ship-
forward while holding and lifting their arms from be- board stations, serving to convey verbal messages
hind. Said to have been the way Caribbean pirates without amplication or enhancement. Also voice
handled Spanish (and presumably other) captives. tube.
Spanish mare: Riding the Spanish mare is an an- Special cargo: Refers to shipments that require un-
cient nautical punishment that involved lashing the usual handling or protection, such as pyrotechnics,
culprit to a boom and suspending it over the side, just detonators, and precision instruments.
above the waterline, so that he would be dipped into Special duty: Term for a commissioned ofcer who
the sea with every roll of the ship. See also yardarm is not necessarily qualied for command at sea, but
ducking. specializes in a particular and limited eld. (See also
Spanish reef: Derisory term for lowering the yards specialist ofcers and limited duty ofcers.)
instead of reeng topsails. Considered by British Special forces: Highly trained and heavily-armed,
sailors (usually incorrectly) to be the practice of lub- lite military raiders, employing covert warfare and
berly Spaniards. unconventional tactics to assault and disrupt hostile
Spanish windlass: A small wooden device, turned forces, or undertake counterterrorism and other spe-
by a marlinspike to bring two ropes together. cialized and dangerous missions. Examples include
Spanish worm: A nail buried in a piece of timber. the United States Navy Seals, Marine Corps Raiders
Spanker: A quadrilateral fore-and-aft sail set on and Force Recon, and Army Rangers and Green
the aftermost mast of a square-rigged vessel. Berets; the Royal Navy Special Boat Service, Royal
Spanking: [1] To be blowing briskly as wind or Marine Commandos, and the Army Special Air Ser-
breeze. [2] To be running under a quartering wind vice.
which lls the spanker. [3] Said of a vessel experienc- Special interest vessel: One which has been
ing wave slam as it comes off a large wave. identied by the Coast Guard as a potential security
Spar: [1] A long cylindrical member tapered at the threat while in U.S. waters.
ends, used to support sails and standing rigging. Special operations mobile environment team: A
[2] The generic term for any mast, yard, boom, gaff, team of U.S. Navy personnel organized, trained, and
or bowsprit. Wooden ships in the age of sail often car- equipped to support special forces by providing
ried many extra spars of all types and sizes for repairs weather, oceanographic, mapping, charting, and ge-
while at sea (see spar deck). [3] A main structural odesy information.
member in an airplane wing or a tail assembly. Special sea detail: USN term for a team which
Spar buoy: A long cylindrical buoy, anchored so takes over from the regular watch to crew key positions
as to project above the water. Especially useful in icy during difcult evolutions, including mooring and
areas since less likely to be swept away. getting under way. The RN refers to this team as spe-
Spar deck: [1] The upper weather deck of a sailing cial sea dutymen.
vessel where spars, sails, boats, and other topside gear Special services: USN term for welfare and recre-
were stowed and handled. [2] The deck from which ational activities.
sails, rigging and spars were controlled. [3] The deck Specialist ofcers: Commissioned ofcers in ca-
of a frigate or double-banked vessel having no open reer elds which are professions unto themselves (ac-
waist or on which spare spars were carried. [4] The countants, doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc.) are not line
raised quarterdeck and forecastle of a deep-waisted or executive ofcers, but assigned to staff corps in the
vessel. [5] The top deck of an offshore drilling plat- U.S. Navy and special duties (formerly non-execu-
form. tive) in the Royal Navy. They wear insignia which
Spar fender: A spar suspended on a short rope to identify them as limited duty ofcers not qualied for
protect the side of a vessel. command. In the USN, staff ofcers replace the line
Specialty 302

ofcers star with a distinguishing corps device worn Spindrift: Sea foam (spume) windswept along the
above the stripes. Between 1918 and 1956, all RN non- surface of the water.
executive ofcers wore distinguishing colored cloth Spinnaker: A large lightweight triangular sail, set
between their stripes or below a single stripe. Then out to the side on a boom to catch even the slightest
the distinguishing cloth was eliminated for all spe- breeze. Invented by the owner of a racing yacht called
cialists except surgeons (red cloth), dentists (pink), Sphinx which semi-literate seamen pronounced spin-
and medical services ofcers (Salmon). nicks, probably adding acre because the sail was so
Specialty mark: USN term for the insignia which large.
denotes a petty ofcers rating. Spirits in the USN: Rules for Regulation of the
Speck: Whalers term for blubber. Navy of the United Colonies, issued by the revolu-
Speck falls: Ropes rove through blocks, at the tionary Congress on 28 November 1775, specied a
masthead of a whaler, and used for hoisting ensed daily issue of one half-pint of rum to each enlisted
strips of blubber. man. Following the British practice, it was diluted and
Specktioneer: The chief harpooner in a whalers known as grog, but was still held in great regard by
crew, also responsible supervising the ensing of blub- the troops, leading to the traditional enlisted saying:
ber. Blow up the magazines; throw the bread over the side;
Speed made good: Refers to travel in the desired sink the salt horse; but handle them spirits gentle like.
direction regardless of actual speed or course alter- In 1806, the Navy Department introduced whiskey
ations. Calculated by dividing the distance between to replace the rum ration, but it was unpopular and
two xes by the elapsed time between those xes. Also grog was brought back. Later, enlisted were given the
known as speed over the ground. option of replacing grog with a quart of beer, while
Speed of advance: The average speed that must be teetotalers could take a cash payment of three to ve
maintained in order to arrive at a scheduled time. cents in lieu of alcohol. Then, on 1st September 1862,
Speed table: [1] A table showing the time required more than a century before the RN the USN had its
to make good a specic distance at a given speed. own Black Tot Day, Congress ruled, The spirit ra-
[2] A table showing the engine rpm needed to achieve tion in the Navy of the United States shall forever
a specied vessel speed. cease.
Speedboat: A motor boat designed to be fast. Not Liquor continued to be freely available to ward-
generally in nautical use. room ofcers until 1st July 1914, when Secretary of the
Spell: [1] A period of duty. Also turn or trick. [2] To Navy Josephus Daniels proclaimed prohibition by his
give someone relief by temporarily taking over their infamous Order #99, otherwise known as the Bone-
duty. dry Order (see Cup of Joe). Navies around the world
Spencer: A large, loose-footed gaff sail, hooped to ridiculed the decision, but Daniels did not back down,
a mast. writing, Naval Ofcers always obey orders, whether
Spewing: [1] Occurs when oakum is forced from the they like them or not.
seams by the ships motion. [2] Vomiting, a symptom Spit: A narrow point of land or long narrow shoal
of seasickness. projecting into the water.
Spherical sailing: See sailings. Spithead: The eastern part of the Solent, a chan-
Spick and span: In the days of sail, a nail or spike nel between England and the Isle of Wight that is pro-
was called a spick, while a freshly-cut wooden chip tected from all winds, except those from the southeast.
was a span (from Old Norse). Hence, the term all It receives its name from the Spit, a sandbank stretch-
new spicks and spans implied spotlessly clean and ing south from the Hampshire shore, where the im-
neat, as it still does, although new is now usually portant commercial port of Southampton and major
dropped and the objects are singular. naval base of Portsmouth are located. The area has
Spider: An outrigger used to hold a block clear of witnessed several naval battles, was the site of number
something. of large naval reviews, and the Great Mutiny of 1797
Spiegelschip: Formerly, a large Dutch trading ves- began there.
sel with three or four masts and a distinctive at stern. Spithead nightingales: RN slang for the boatswain
Used extensively in trade with the East Indies. and his mates, after the chirping of their calls.
Spike: To disable a muzzle-loading cannon by forc- Spitkid: A large saucer-shaped galvanized iron re-
ing a special nail or spike into its touchhole (vent). ceptacle, originally a spittoon but now an ashtray. In
From the Latin spica = pointed ear of corn. See also the RN, the pipe place spitkids signies the start of
spring-spike. a smoking period, while clear out and stow spitkids
Spile: [1] A small hole drilled in a cask or barrel to announces its end. Cf. smoking lamp.
allow air to enter when draining it. [2] A shipwrights Splash line: Amphibious operations term for the
measuring rod. [3] A treenail. point at which underwater demolition teams disem-
Spill: To reduce wind pressure on a square-sail, bark to swim to a hostile beach at night.
usually by shaking, and especially to make it easier to Splashboard: A plank that slides into grooves to
secure. prevent water entering a companionway.
303 Spotted

Splice: [1] To join the ends of two ropes or cables timal performance in longline and net set commer-
by interweaving their strands (cf. braid). [2] The joint cial shing operations.
so created. See short splice and long splice. Spoiler board: A device temporarily attached to
Splice the mainbrace: [1] Enjoy an alcoholic drink. the leading edge of a wing to prevent unintended lift-
[2] Issue an extra ration of rum. The main brace was off when the aircraft is secured on the open deck in
one of the biggest running lines in the ship, so splic- windy weather.
ing it was extremely arduous. Moreover, it ran high up Spoke: [1] One of the turning handles on the outer
the mainmast, making the task dangerous as well. The rim of a ships steering wheel. [2] One of the inner
job was so disliked that it became traditional to give rods supporting the rim of a wheel.
seamen performing it an extra tot of rum or brandy. Sponge: See Spunge.
Later the practice was extended to cover any special oc- Sponson: [1] A gun-platform projecting over the
casion, such as after combat or to celebrate an an- side of a warship. [2] A projection supporting the pad-
niversary. dle-wheel and paddle-box of a side-wheel steamer.
That being said, it is something of a mystery that [3] An appendage at the side of a canoe to prevent it
the phrase refers to running rigging at all, since stand- capsizing. [4] A protuberance on a ying-boats hull
ing rigging was much heavier and therefore harder to to increase its lateral stability on water.
splice. For example, the principal stay on a rst-rate Sponsor: [1] The person (traditionally female) who
was six inches (15 cm) in diameter and would have christens a newly-built ship as part of the launching
been far more arduous to splice than even the biggest ritual. [2] A member of the ships company told off to
brace. On the other hand, a running line was more help indoctrinate a newly-arrived shipmate (also sea
likely to chafe and snap. daddy).
Spliced: Colloquialism for married. Spontoon: The army name for a half pike. Often
Splinter: A sharp sliver of wood. When caused by carried by sergeants as a symbol of rank and used for
cannon re splinters were the major cause of death or signaling rather than ghting.
disablement in combat between wooden ships. Spook: Slang for an intelligence operative.
Splinter deck: The least protected of two armored Spoon bow: An overhanging bow with a convex
decks, usually the uppermost (cf. protective deck). spoon-shaped stem.
Splinter net: Mesh spread horizontally between Spoon in the mouth: In former naval slang, a per-
the masts of a sailing man-o-war during combat, to son who had to struggle to earn promotion was said
prevent damaged top hamper falling on the open to have been born with a wooden ladle in the
deck. mouth. This was in contrast to persons who obtained
Splinter shield: Light armor protecting a ships rank or advancement by virtue of birth or connec-
bridge or gun stations. Also splinter screen. tions and were born with a silver spoon in the
Split plant: Division of a warships engineering mouth. The latter term is still used in Britain.
and propulsion equipment into independent units, Spoondrift: Another term for spindrift (mainly
each of which could continue to operate if one or more American).
of the others was damaged. Spooning: [1] Running directly before both wind
SPM: Single point mooring. and sea. [2] Loading a slaver by making the slaves lie
SPOD: Seaport of debarkation. on their sides, packed closely together like nested
SPOE: Seaport of embarkation. spoons.
Spoil: The silt, earth, stones, etc. thrown up by Spot: [1] To observe the fall of shot. [2] To position
dredging or excavation. a ship at a wharf. [3] To position cargo in a hold. [4]
Spoil bank : A raised shelf created by dumping To position an aircraft on the ight deck of a carrier.
spoil from a nearby channel. Spot charter: A one-time (as opposed to long-
Spoil the ship for a haporth of tar: This phrase term) charter party, the price being based on uctu-
today means endangering an enterprise by skimping ating supply and demand.
or neglecting minor details. It is popularly believed Spot rate: A contract price covering total operat-
to refer to caulking the seams of a ship, where failure ing expenses (i.e., bunkers, food, and wages for the
to ll a tiny strip (even one short enough to be cov- crew, port charges, canal tolls, marine insurance, and
ered by a half-pennys worth of pitch) could result in repairs).
a fatal leak. However, the adage predates Englands Spot voyage: A charter for a specic vessel to move
maritime age. In rural medieval dialect, sheep was a single cargo between specied ports at the spot
pronounced ship, and the allusion is to the shep- rate.
herds practice of smearing tar on an animals wounds Spotted dick : A steamed pudding, containing
to promote healing and prevent infection. dried fruits, usually currants or raisins, and served ei-
Spoiler: [1] A hinged airfoil on the upper surface of ther with custard or with butter and brown sugar.
an aircraft wing that is raised to reduce lift and in- Spotted refers to the raisins (which appear as dots on
crease drag, providing speed, bank, and descent con- the surface) and dick may be a progressive corrup-
trol. [2] Trade name of a buoy claimed to provide op- tion and contraction of the word pudding (pud-
Spotter 304

dinkpuddickdick). Closely-related or identical Squadron: [1] An administrative and tactical mil-

to ggie-dowdie and plum duff. itary aviation unit. Typically three or four ights, with
Spotter: An observer stationed for the purpose of ob- a total of 12 to 24 aircraft. [2] A detachment of war-
serving and reporting the results of naval gunre to the ships or subdivision of a eet on special duty. Usually
ring vessel. May also be required to designate targets. fewer than ten ships. [3] An administrative group of
Spotting board: [1] Miniature ight and hangar similar type vessels, such as submarines or destroyers.
decks with aircraft models to scale; used to plan the [4] A company-size unit of horse or armored cavalry,
placement of aircraft in or on a carrier. [2] A fall of shot or other military force.
trainer for gunnery spotters. Squall: A sudden localized violent wind gust, often
Spray: Fine particles of water blown or thrown into accompanied by rain, sleet, or thunder.
the air. See spume. Squall line: An extended narrow region along a
Spread: [1] The breadth of a sail or length of a yard. cold front within which active thunderstorms and
[2] A fan-like salvo of torpedoes. possible squalls occur.
Spreadeagling: This penalty for relatively minor Square: [1] To brace the yards at right angles to the
transgressions involved tying the culprit to the keel. [2] The upper part of an anchor shank. [3] The
shrouds, with arms and legs widely spread, to be left area at the foot of a hatchway. [4] A rectangular tray
hanging in considerable discomfort for as long as the on which seamens victuals were served (see square
offense justied or the captain felt appropriate. meal).
Spreader: [1] A strut for separating shrouds on a Square away: [1] To set the yards for sailing before
sailing ship mast (mainly American; the British term the wind. [2] To tidy up. [3] To adjust to a new assign-
is crosstree). [2] A device to facilitate the lifting and ment or ship. [4] To prepare to do something. [5] In
handling of breakbulk cargo, vehicles, or containers. the USN, to admonish sharply.
Spring: [1] The tide of greatest rise and fall occur- Square knot: [1] A reef knot. [2] A sailor who has
ring twice each month (cf. Neap). [2] A mooring line, crossed all four of the equator, arctic and Antarctic
secured almost parallel to the ships side to prevent circles, and the international date line. Qualiers fre-
forward or backward movement. [3] To develop a quently sport the tattoo of a reef knot.
leak. [4] To crack a mast or yard making it unsafe. Square meal: This term for a substantial and nour-
[5] A hawser laid out from the stern of a sailing man- ishing repast originated in the 19th century Royal
o-war, attached to the anchor cable forward, and used Navy, when meals were served on a rectangular tray or
to haul the ship to a desired position, especially to platter, known as a square and subdivided into com-
bring the broadside to bear. partments, not unlike modern fast-food containers.
Spring-spike: A spike for a gun, with a spring at Square-rig: [1] RN slang for a bell-bottomed uni-
the lower end to prevent its withdrawal. form. [2] Quadrilateral sails extended by yards.
Sprit: A small spar serving to hoist the peak and ex- Square-rigger: A vessel having square sails as its
tend a sail that has neither gaff nor boom. principal means of propulsion.
Spritsail: [1] A fore-and-aft quadrilateral sail held Square sail: A quadrilateral canvas set beneath a
in position and extended by a sprit crossing diago- yard which pivots around the mast at its center and sits
nally from the foot of the mast to the peak of the sail. athwartships except when trimmed to the wind. To
[2] Formerly, a small square-sail set below the bow- furl and unfurl a square sail, sailors would have to
sprit. climb the rigging and walk out on footropes below
Spume: Windblown froth or foam generated by the yard. From top to bottom the eight sails on each
waves. mast of a typical square-rigger are:
Spun yarn: Cordage made of several tarred yarns, Moonraker
laid up without twisting. Also spunyarn.
Spun yarn Sunday: RN term for a Sunday on Skyscraper
which no divisions are held and Church attendance is Royals
not compulsory. Upper and Lower Topgallants
Spunge : [1] A pole-mounted wooden cylinder Upper and Lower Topsails
wrapped in lambswool or rags (also sponge). [2] To
dampen such a cylinder and use it to clean out the Course
bore of a muzzle-loading cannon extinguishing any Each is named after the mast it sits upon; for exam-
remaining sparks. ple the lowermost sails of a three-master are fore
Spunger: The member of a gun crew responsible for course, main course, and mizzen course. See also Sail-
spunging and worming a muzzle-loading cannon, as- ing Rigs.
sisting the loader/rammer, and helping to run out and Square yards!: Command to get the yards hori-
train the gun. zontal and at right angles to the keel. When squaring
Spur: The prong on a stockless anchor. yards, the boatswain goes ahead in a boat, and signals
Spyglass: Another name for a hand-held telescope with ags, while his chief mate stands on a head-spar
or long glass. to interpret the signals to the other bosuns mates, who
305 Stand

direct topmen working the lifts, and seamen on deck systems place transducers within each n shaft to sig-
hauling the braces. nal the lift force being generated. An inboard com-
Squatting: Said of a power-driven vessel when the puter system tuned to the characteristics of the vessel
bite of its propellers makes the stern ride lower than and of the sea around it, including the amplitude and
the bow. frequency of oscillation, then adjusts the angle of at-
Squawk box: Slang for a ships public address sys- tack to produce the lift required to maximize stabiliza-
tem. tion.
Squid: [1] Derogatory slang for a member of the Stack: [1] To set the yards of a square-rigged ves-
USN. [2] A British forward-throwing anti-submarine sel parallel to each other. [2] The funnel of an engine-
weapon. [3] A ten-armed marine cephalopod that may powered ship (abbreviation of chimney-stack or
have given rise to some of the kraken myths (see ap- smokestack).
pendix). Stack wash: Funnel smoke or air turbulence hov-
SR: Seaman Recruit (USN). ering above the ships wake.
SRBM: Short range ballistic missile. Staff: [1] The spar on which a ag is worn (also
SRG: Seabee readiness group. agstaff, agpole). [2] A body or corps of ofcers with-
SRP: Sealift Readiness Program. out command (line or executive) authority who per-
SS: [1] Sea state. [2] Steamship. [3] Sailing ship. form administrative (planning, logistical, etc.) or sup-
[3] Submersible ship. [4] Strategic sealift. port (medical. dental, religious, legal) functions. [3] A
SSBN: Ship, submersible, ballistic, nuclear. body of ofcers appointed as aides to a ag ofcer.
SSGN: Ship, submersible, guided missile, nuclear. Staff Captain: [1] An ofcer who supports the mas-
SSM: Surface to surface missile. ter of a large Oceangoing passenger liner with special
SSN: Ship, submersible, nuclear. responsibility for re and safety precautions, lifeboat
SSS: Strategic Sealift Ship. drills, and the like. [2] Formerly, the most senior rank
Stable element: A device for naval surface re con- in the now obsolete RN Navigating Branch.
trol that operates in the horizontal plane much as the Staff Corps: See specialist ofcers.
stable vertical does in the other plane. Staff ofcer: [1] An ofcer serving on the staff of a
Stable vertical: A device for naval surface re con- ag ofcer. [2] A specialist ofcer with nonmilitary
trol. The stable vertical is provided with a pair of ring duties in a staff corps.
contacts wired in series with the ring circuit, and in Stage: [1] A platform hung over a ships side for
parallel with a switch which can short the contacts. personnel working on its hull above the waterline.
One of the contacts is xed in space by the stable ver- [2] The military term for a place or point where troops
ticals gyroscope while the other moves with the ship. and supplies can be assembled for an operation.
The contacts can be adjusted to close and thus re the Stagger: A ship is said to stagger when she carries
guns automatically at the instant they are in the cor- as much canvas as she can bear and rolls heavily.
rect position. Staging: [1] The assembly and processing of troops
Stability: The property of resisting change or of preparatory to movement, especially embarkation and
returning to an original position if disturbed. This re- transport. [2] Scaffolding.
quires a ships center of gravity to be vertically below Stairs/Staircase/Stairway: The passenger liner or
its center of buoyancy (cf. metacenter). cruise ship terms for what mariners call a ladder.
Stabilizer: [1] One of one or more pairs of stabilizer Stamp-and-go!: An order to quicken and coordi-
ns used to dampen a ships rolling motion. [2] A nate men working the capstan or hauling ropes. They
Frahm tank system. [3] A gyrostabilizer. [4] Any of bang their feet in unison and then heave together.
various devices used to keep a gun trained on its tar- Also stomp-and-go.
get when the ship moves. [5] Any device or system Stanch: A vessel which is rm, strong, and unlikely
designed to control the underwater depth and stabil- to leak. Also staunch. From Old French estanche.
ity of a submarine or torpedo. [6] Any device to main- Stanchion: A vertical bar, pillar, post, or support.
tain the horizontal or vertical stability of an aircraft. Stand: [1] To direct a vessels course (e.g., stand
Stabilizer ns: Anti-roll hydrofoil elements which into harbor; stand out to sea). [2] To perform a duty
extend transversely for up to ten meters (33 feet) from (e.g., stand watch). [3] The brief period of no tidal
the vessels side and rotate around their axes in re- movement that occurs at high or low water.
sponse to the roll. Substantial costs include a mecha- Stand at ease!: RN command for those standing at
nism to retract the ns within the hull for docking, and attention to assume a more relaxed but still formal pos-
the electronics required to adjust them to the hy- ture. (The equivalent USN command omits stand.)
draulic ow. When their angle of attack is too shallow, Stand by: [1] To wait. [2] To prepare or make
they produce less than optimum lift, while when it is ready. [3] The substitute for someone. [4] To be such
too steep cavitation can occur. Moreover, they de- a substitute.
pend on forward motion to create lift and hence lose Stand clear!: Command to keep away from a
their effectiveness at low speeds. specied place or object (e.g., stand clear of the gang-
To counteract these shortcomings, more advanced way when the admiral comes aboard).
Stand 306

Stand easy!: RN command to adopt an informal Standing part: One of three divisions or segments
stance. Posture is relaxed, right foot remains in place, of a line rove through a tackle, being the section that
but body movement and quiet talking are permitted. is neither a bight nor an end, but is made fast to a spar,
(the equivalent USN command is at rest!). deck, or block. See also fall, leading part, running part.
Stand fast!: Command to [1] Stay in formation or Standing rigging : Consists of permanently-se-
position. [2] Hold rm under attack. [3] Cease ar- cured heavy lines that are adjusted and made fast to
tillery action. [4] See up spirits! support the masts from forward and aft (stays), and
Stand of arms: A complete set of personal weapons athwartships (shrouds). The system depends on
for one person. achieving a delicate balance between pull and counter-
Stand off: Keep a distance away from. pull. For example, tightening a backstay might bend
Stand on: To continue on the same course and the mast in a slight curve towards the stern. This could
speed. When two vessels meet, the one with right of be compensated by increasing tension on a forestay, but
way under the rules of the road is known as the that might slacken the port and starboard shrouds
stand-on or privileged vessel, the other being the which would have to be tightened equally to re-bal-
give-way vessel. ance them. When the entire system has been tuned
Stand out: [1] To leave a port or anchorage. [2] To and is in equilibrium, lines and tackles can be perma-
be conspicuous. nently xed in position and the excess ends cut off.
Stand watch: To remain at an assigned duty station The shrouds are crossed horizontally by ratlines that
for the duration of a watch. provide topmen with a means of going aloft. When
Standard: The ag or ensign of a head of state or they get there, the yards are equipped with loops,
other important functionary. called foot-ropes or horses, on which they can stand
Standard commands: Codied words or phrases, while handling sails. Standing rigging is usually pro-
always used in the same format to ensure instant un- tected with pitch giving it a black look which distin-
derstanding and execution without the ambiguity or guishes it from lighter colored running rigging which
confusion which can arise from extemporaneous com- is left naked for exibility.
mands composed hastily during emergencies or in Standing warrants: Eighteenth century RN term
combat. See customary phraseology. for those warrant ofcers (usually, boatswain, carpen-
Standard compass: The specic magnetic compass ter, cook, and gunner) who remained aboard at full pay
designated by the navigating ofcer as the reference to maintain a ship laid up for the winter, in ordinary,
against which all other onboard compasses should be or on the stocks.
checked. Standing water: Where there is no current or tide.
Standard rudder: USN term for the helm posi- STAR: Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Re-
tion which will result in a tactical turn of dened di- connaissance.
ameter (normally 750 yards) at a dened speed (usu- Star of the West: The rst shots of the American
ally 12 knots). Civil War occurred on January 9, 1861, when Star of
Standard speed: USN term for a speed through the West a merchant ship hired by the United States
the water that is set by the ofcer in tactical command government to carry supplies and reinforcements to the
of the unit or formation. Standard speed is established garrison in Fort Sumter was red upon by a battery
or changed only on verbal orders from the ships con- on Morris Island as she entered Charleston Harbor.
trol station. The correct phraseology for a change of Star ignored a warning bowshot but, after being hit
standard speed is, Next time we ring the Engine twice, turned around and headed for home.
Order Telegraph, standard speed will be (xx) knots. Star shell: A pyrotechnic projectile which bursts
See also Full Speed, Emergency Speed, Flank Speed. in mid-air, releasing a shower of bright lights to pro-
Standards of Training, Certication, and Watch- vide illumination during a night action. See also are.
keeping for Seafarers: This treaty, established by an Star shot: An American invention, intended to be
international convention in 1978, species uniform an improvement on crossbar shot, consisting of a
qualications for the masters, ofcers, and other number of metal bars hinged to a central hub. When
watchkeeping individuals of seagoing vessels, and re- red from smooth-bore cannon the folded bars spread
quires each candidate to demonstrate competence out into a whirling star shape which cut rigging in the
through examinations and practical tests before being same way as chain shot, or bar shot.
licensed, certicated, or assigned to shipboard duties. Starboard: The right side of a vessel when looking
Standing: Said of any object or assemblage of ob- forward.
jects (e.g., rigging, part of a line, etc.) that are xed Stargazer: A small sail set above the moonraker of
in position and not normally moved unless for main- a square-rigged vessel.
tenance or repair. The converse is running. Starkeys squid: In 1944, A.G. Starkey, quarter-
Standing mute: See mute. master of a Royal Navy minesweeping trawler, was
Standing orders: Permanent or semi-permanent standing anchor watch off the Maldive Islands, shin-
directives establishing uniform procedures applicable ing his quartermasters light into the water when he
to an entire ships company or divisions thereof. noticed something glowing:
307 State

As I gazed, fascinated, a circle of green light glowed Stash it!: Stop it! or Be quiet!
in my area of illumination. This green unwinking State funerals: These are ceremonial events, full of
orb I suddenly realised was an eye. The surface of pomp and circumstance, to honor a deceased head of
the water undulated with some strange disturbance. state or other person of national signicance and im-
Gradually I realised I was gazing at almost point- portance:
blank range at a huge squid.... I climbed the ladder In the United Kingdom: A State funeral requires
to the focsle and shone the torch downwards. There a motion or vote in Parliament and is usually re-
in the pool of light were its tentacles.
served for the sovereign and surviving consorts, al-
Starkey says these were about two feet (60 cms) thick, though eight commoners have been so honored. A
with clearly visible suction discs. Then he walked aft Ceremonial funeral is virtually the same except
again, keeping the pulsating animal in view all the that parliamentary approval is not needed. Each
while, until he came to its body and head, of which consists of a military procession escorting the cofn,
...every detail was visible the valve through which which is borne on a gun-carriage drawn by horses
the creature appeared to breathe, and the parrot-like for a ceremonial funeral, but by Royal Navy sailors
beak. With the tentacles lying at the bow and the for a state one.
head at the stern of the 175 foot (53 meter) vessel he The latter tradition began when Queen Victorias
had a precise estimate of the animals length. After funeral cortge was about to leave Windsor Station.
fteen minutes, seemed to swell as its valve Her cofn was placed on a Royal Horse Artillery
opened fully, and without any visible effort it zoomed gun-carriage (tted with rubber tires for the pur-
into the night. pose) drums began their mufed roll, and an RHA
Skeptics have pointed out a lack of background de- battery began its 81-gun salute (one for each year of
tail in this story. No specic date is mentioned, nor is her life). But, when the gun-horses took the strain,
the name of his ship. He was alone with no other wit- an eyelet on the splinter bar broke and the trace
nesses but, if he saw something so amazing, why didnt swung around to hit the wheel-horse on the rump.
he call his shipmates? (Perhaps he did not want to The shock made it rear and plunge (giving rise to
wake the watch below.) Moreover, it was a remarkable the popular belief that the horses were badly trained
coincidence (but by no means impossible) that the and frightened by the gunre).
creature was aligned exactly with the ship. The cho- Only a minor repair was needed, but before the
rus of doubt revived in August 1997, after a Discov- army gunners could x the damage, an enthusias-
ery Channel television broadcast reported the ship to tic detachment of naval ratings broke ranks, seized
be only 60 feet long. However, this had to be a mis- the drag ropes and hauled the gun-carriage on its
take; British oceangoing trawlers were seldom less way. To the anger and embarrassment of the army,
than 145 feet in length and 175 would not be unusual the navy has been assigned that duty at every sub-
(the Algerine Class minesweepers were 225 feet long). sequent royal or state funeral, including that of Sir
Current estimates of colossal squid put its adult size Winston Churchill. (Princess Diana had a ceremo-
at about 15 meters (50 feet) with a longer mantle nial funeral, and so did HRH the Queen Mother,
(body) but shorter tentacles (arms) than giant squid. but her gun-carriage was pulled by naval ratings.)
This is far smaller than Starkeys report, and does not After the procession the body lies in state in West-
even match a dead squid found in 1878. However, minster Hall for (usually) three days of public view-
there may still be giants to match the Kraken lurking ing and mourning. A funeral service is then held
undiscovered in the deep-water darkness. in Westminster Abbey or Saint Pauls cathedral.
Start: [1] A point of departure. [2] To induce mo- In the United States: Initially, state funerals were
tion. [3] To slacken a sheet, tack, or rope. [4] To spring, relatively unimpressive, since the founding fathers
slip, or work loose (e.g., planking). [5] To loosen the found pomp and circumstance too reminiscent of
staves of a butt, by the working of the ship. [6] To monarchical customs. George Washingtons funeral,
pierce a cask and pour out some of its contents. [7] To for example, was a simple local affair at Mount Ver-
use a rattan or starter. [8] The place a whale is ex- non. However, nationwide mourning after the as-
pected to rise, after being harpooned and sounding. sassination of Abraham Lincoln led to the intro-
Starter: A rattan stick or knotted ropes end, for- duction of more elaborate ceremonies on which all
merly used by British and American petty ofcers to subsequent state funerals have been based (subject
thrash and encourage laggards. They rmly believed to specic changes when requested by the deceased
that immediate, rough and brutal corporal encour- or immediate family). State funerals are required
agement was essential to ensure that apprentices, by law for sitting Presidents, former Presidents, and
landsmen, and even ordinary seamen learnt their trade Presidents-elect, and may be awarded to others by
rapidly. Starters were seldom used on qualied ABs the President in ofce.
and almost never on lite topmen. See also Unofcial The procession starts at 16th Street and proceeds
Beating. along Constitution Avenue to the Capitol build-
Starve: To sail so close to the wind that the sails ing. The cofn is carried on a caisson, drawn by six
do not ll properly. horses of the same color, accompanied by three rid-
Stateroom 308

ers and a mounted section chief. It is followed by a steadying) bearing serves to limit deection and vibra-
riderless caparisoned horse with a pair of boots tion of a vertical shaft.
reversed in the stirrups to signify the deceased will Steadying line: See tagline.
never ride again. Members of all ve armed services Steadying sail: A small sail serving [1] to maintain
and their bands form the escort. The ofcial fu- a sailing ships heading when lying to. [2] To reduce
neral service is held in the Capitol Rotunda, where a powerboats roll in a beam sea.
the body lies in state for 24 hours (on a black cata- Steal: To move stealthily in anticipation of an order.
falque made for Lincoln). The body is then taken For example, climb a ratline or two before being or-
to the National Cathedral (or other designated dered aloft, or pick up a sail before the order to furl
church) for a national memorial service, after which is given.
there is often a private family funeral. Steal ahead: To move gently forward under light
Stateroom: An ofcers or passengers sleeping ac- winds.
commodation or cabin. (So named because the rst- Steal the wind: In modern usage this phrase signi-
class compartments on nineteenth century Mississippi es doing something to forestall someone elses inten-
River paddleboats were named after states of the tions, but the original nautical meaning described a
Union Virginia, New York, etc.) The term is not combat maneuver in which a ship would pass close to
used in the RN. its opponent on the windward side so that its sails
Station: [1] The operational area assigned to a ship blocked the wind from the enemys. Loss of propul-
or squadron. [2] A post of duty (e.g., battle station). sive force meant loss of headway and maneuverability,
[3] A specic position within a formation of ships. giving the rst ship a ghting advantage. This was a
[4] A xed naval land base (e.g., air station). [5] To as- favorite tactic of sailing navies, and is still used by rac-
sign personnel or vessels to any of the foregoing. ing yachtsmen.
[6] A radio transmitter. Stealth technology: A combination of techniques
Station bill: A list showing the posts of all crew designed to minimize the signature or visibility of
members during various emergencies and maneuvers. ships, aircraft, or ground vehicles to the human eye,
See watch bill. satellite observation, radar, sonar, pressure, magnetic,
Station-keeping: The art and science of holding a or infrared methods. These include such things as:
vessel at its assigned position in a formation. See External design that avoids radar-reecting shapes
shiphandling. and round protuberances in favor of sharp corners
Statute mile: A distance of 1,760 yards, which is and at surfaces. Protruding and retruding surfaces
equal to 1.6093 kilometers and 0.8683 of a nautical tend to deect signals at different angles.
mile. Internal construction involving re-entrant triangles.
Staunch: Alternate spelling of stanch. Such structures trap signals by bouncing them to-
Stave: [1] To break in or crush, especially a vessels and-fro between internal faces.
hull. [2] One of the thin narrow shaped strips of wood Composite panels of laminated carbon ber and
which form the side of a cask (also shake). [3] The plastic. These materials tend to absorb rather than
pole of a boathook. [4] To avoid collision by pushing reect incoming signals.
with a boathook or other pole (usually stave off ). Final treatment with energy absorbent paints or
From Old English staef = staff or pole. coatings.
Stay: Any wire or cable supporting a mast or fun- Minimization of wake disturbance by hydrody-
nel, especially those running fore-and-aft. namic control surfaces or, especially in shallow
Stays: A sailing ship is said to be in stays when (brown) waters, by water jet propulsion.
head-on to the wind and hanging there. Also in Stealthy submarines: Every submarine is essen-
irons. tially stealthy, but some new designs have radar signa-
Staysail: Any sail set on a stay, especially a triangu- tures no greater than that of a dolphin and can re-
lar one between two masts. main virtually undetected by current methods of
STCW: Standards of Training, Certication, and location. Submarines employing stealth technology
Watchkeeping for Seafarers. are in service or being developed by almost every sea-
Steady!: Command for the helmsman to follow faring nation, including Britain (Astute class), China
whatever heading the ship comes to after the rudder (types 0093 & 0094), France (Barracuda class), Iran
is put amidships. (Ghadir class), Russia (Borei class), Sweden (Gotland
Steady as she goes!: Command for the helmsman class), and the United States (Seawolf & Virginia
to maintain the present course. classes).
Steady bearing: [1] In navigation, an approaching Stealthy surface warships: An early prototype was
or closing craft is said to be on a steady bearing if the Sea Shadow, a USN experimental platform introduced
relative compass bearing between the two ships does in the mid1980s with a security classication so high
not appreciably change. This signies that they are that (until 1993) it was only allowed out at night. As
either running parallel, diverging, or on a collision of the mid2000s, many classes of warship employ
course. [2] In industrial engineering, a steady (or varying degrees of stealth technology, including
309 Steering

Britains Type 45 destroyers, Frances La Fayette frig- using a long pole in shallow water and a paddle in
ates, Germanys Sachsen frigates and Braunschweig deeper.
corvettes, Indias Shivalik frigates, Norways Skjold pa- By about 3,500 BCE, boats had grown larger and
trol craft, Singapores Formidible frigates, Swedens journeys longer; a single hand-held oar was no
Visby corvettes, and the USNs Zumwalt destroyers. longer sufcient and Egyptian naval architecture
Steam: [1] The invisible vapor into which water is featured twin steering oars rmly secured to each
converted when heated to its boiling point. When side of the stern.
kept under pressure it can supply energy for heating, As boats grew to become ships, the steering oars
cooking, or mechanical work. See saturated, super- had to be tted with tillers to reduce the manual ef-
heated, and wet steam. [2] To emit visible vapor. [3] fort of controlling the vessel.
To be moved by steam power. When ships grew even larger, tillers had to be
Steam fog: When very cold air passes over com- longer, requiring more men to handle them, and
paratively warm surface water, columns of dense water steering was erratic because rolling lifted the steer-
vapor obscure low-level visibility even when the sky ing oars out of the water. The sternpost was then re-
is clear. inforced and a rudder was attached to it on the
Steam in metaphor: Probably due to rail rather ships centerline, making the vessels response to
than water transport, a number of steam-related steering faster and rmer. The rst rudders ap-
phrases entered the language in the 19th century, in- peared on Baltic Sea cogs around about 1240.
cluding: In the 16th century, the helmsman had to move
blow off steam = vent repressed emotions. to a higher level so he could see over the for-
full steam ahead = pursue a project with vigor. ward castle, with rudder-control being achieved by
raise steam = summon up the energy for a task. attaching a long vertical pole (whipstaff ) to the
run out of steam = lose impetus or energy. tiller.
steamed up = angry or excited. By the 18th century, even bigger ships had become
under ones own steam = unaided. increasingly hard to control with whipstaff tech-
Steamboat: A small steamship, often riverine. nology and the steering wheel was introduced. The
Steamboat Gothic: A 19th century architectural mechanical advantage of connecting to the tiller
style emulating the gingerbread decoration of steam- with blocks and tackles gave smoother rudder-op-
boats. eration with less effort.
Steaming light: Former term for a masthead light, By the late 19th century, hand-powered steering
now obsolete. gear was inadequate to control heavy iron vessels,
Steamship: A vessel using steam to power its pro- leading to the introduction of steam-powered de-
pulsion system (cf. motor vessel, sailing ship, steam- vices.
boat). In most modern vessels, the classic spoke-handled
Steep seas: Short but tall waves, caused by waves steering wheel is gone, replaced by one or both of
and currents opposite to wind direction. a couple of devices that seem too small to handle the
Steeping tub: See harness cask. huge ships they control. One is a tiny wheel (sim-
Steer: To guide or direct the course. From Old ilar to that of an airplane or automobile) that is
Norse stjorn. used mainly in open waters. The other is a joystick,
Steer small!: Command for the helmsman to hold toggle, or lever, used principally for maneuvering in
the wheel as steady as possible. conned spaces. The rudder is controlled remotely
Steerage: [1] Formerly, the cheapest passenger ac- by steering mechanisms that incorporate a position
commodation in a ocean liner, frequently located near indicator to give feedback to the helmsperson who
the stern where the noise of propulsion systems was can no longer feel any response.
loudest. [2] The act of steering. [3] A short form of Steering mechanism: The combination of me-
steerageway. [4] A steerage ofcer was the sailing mer- chanical, electrical or hydraulic machinery that turns
chantmans equivalent of a naval gunroom ofcer. the rudder in response to movement of the helm. Elec-
Steerageway: The slowest speed at which the tro-mechanical systems, which require large motors
helmsman can maintain directional control. and considerable maintenance, have mostly been re-
Steering: Maintaining the required course by vig- placed by electro-hydraulic gear, with smaller vessels
ilant attention to the motion of the ships head, so as using single-ram steering engines, while aircraft car-
to check every deviation as soon as it occurs. From riers and other large ships use double-ram systems.
the Anglo-Saxon storan. Also steering engine.
Steering commands: See helm orders. Steering pole: A hinged spar with a lamp at the
Steering engine: See steering mechanisms. end that could be lowered to project forward of the
Steering evolution: Directional control has always bow to provide helmsman and watch ofcer with a
been essential to the mariner. reference point when conning the ship from well aft
In prehistory both steering and propulsion of rafts at night.
and dugout canoes were probably achieved by Steering sail: See studding sail.
Steering 310

Steering wheel: See helm, and steering evolution. quil, and then continuing on up the wide Guayas
Steersman: Alternate and less-frequently used term river to the town of Guayaquil. We hit something
for a helmsman. It has a long lineage, going back to in the river so hard that the ship shook. I was on
stiremannus which is listed as a maritime occupation deck at the time but personally didnt see anything
in the Domesday Book of 1086. in the water.
Steeve: [1] The angle of a bowsprit above horizon- Some people said it must have been a large log or
tal. [2] To elevate a spar from the deck. [3] To stow something stuck in the mud on the bottom of the
river, but other people said they saw something
cotton, wool, or similar cargo in a merchantmans hold
appear to swim away after the jolt. At the time I be-
by means of a jackscrew. lieve the bridge assumed we had struck and then
Steinke hood: An inatable life jacket with a hood cleared some inanimate object that the pilot didnt
that completely encloses the wearers head, trapping a know was there. Later, when the ship went into dry
bubble of air. This allows the wearer to breathe while dock and the marks were found on the dome, some
escaping from a distressed submarine at moderate people thought we must have encountered some
depths. Its predecessor was the Momsen lung, and its large creature like a giant squid or something. Per-
successor is submarine escape immersion equipment. sonally, I think we hit something hard imbedded in
Steins Monster: Knox class Ocean Escort USS the river bottom. Sorry I cant conrm Nessy rip-
Stein (DE-1065) was congured with a multi-mode ping apart our sonar dome or alien claw nails found
bow-mounted sonar for optimum antisubmarine per- bleeding and imbedded in the hull.
formance. She was commissioned in January 1972 at Other sonarmen on board at the time do not recall
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and, on April 1, left San any equipment failures and point out that a naval
Diego for a four-week 14,000 mile shakedown cruise, sonar transmitter is physically separate from its pro-
with scheduled visits to show the ag at ports in tective dome, so even extensive damage to the latter
Ecuador, Peru, Panama, and Mexico. According to a would not have caused the system to malfunction
widely reported media story, she was just south of the as the story claims. In fact, Stein completed her cruise
equator, heading for her rst port of call, when her as planned and it seems certain this intriguing tale
underwater tracking gear suddenly and mysteriously of the dome monster can be dismissed as apoc-
malfunctioned. After all attempts to bring it back on ryphal. It does, however, demonstrate how easily
line failed, Commander Nepier V. Smith was forced word of mouth, supplemented by media hype, can
to abort the cruise and return north for immediate transform a mundane incident into an inexplicable
inspection and repair. mystery.
As soon as water had been drained from the dry Stem: [1] To tamp, plug, or otherwise make tight
dock at Long Beach Naval Shipyard, the cause of the a leaking hole or joint. [2] To maintain position or
alleged problem is said to have became obvious. The make headway against wind, tide, or current. [3] The
tough anti-fouling cover of her large sonar dome, pro- vertical element at the front of a vessel to which the
truding below and in front of the bow, had been badly sides are attached. [4] A contract to load cargo on a
ripped and gouged. Closer inspection revealed several specic date and within a specic time.
hundred inch-long, sharp, hollow teeth or claws Stem fender: A hemp mat wrapped around the
imbedded in the cover and on the dome itself. Marine stem of a tugboat to prevent damage to the vessel or
biologists and other scientists were immediately called its tow when pushing.
in from San Diego Naval Oceans Systems Center to Stem-to-stern: The full length of the vessel.
study the incident, coming to the conclusion that the Step: [1] To raise and position a mast. [2] The
frigate had been repeatedly attacked by a creature socket or plate which holds a mast in position.
that must have been extremely large and of a species Stepped hull: A form of powerboat construction
still unknown to science. (The author has checked with one or more levels on the bottom that progres-
with the Space & Naval Warfare Systems Center sively rise out of the water to reduce friction as speed
successor to the Naval Oceans Systems Center increases.
which can trace no record of the event.) Stepping on board: In the old days, because of an
This fascinating tale, undoubtedly expanded and ancient belief that the left signied unluck or harm
embellished in telling and re-telling, can be traced to (hence sinister), a seaman would always put his right
comments made by one of Steins crew during a tele- foot on the gangplank rst. This superstition, in-
vision interview and picked up by the mass media. In verted, may explain why soldiers march off left foot
contrast, Petty Ofcer Bob Tacketts recollection of rst to threaten their enemies.
the event as recounted to the author is far less myste- Sterilize: [1] In naval mine warfare, to permanently
rious: render a mine incapable of ring by means of a device
I was stationed aboard at the time as a member of (sterilizer) within the mine. [2] In covert and clan-
the sonar team. My memory of the whole thing was destine operations, to remove any marks or devices
a bit different than what was shown on the TV show. which can identify the sponsoring nation or organi-
We were scheduled to sail to Ecuador for a good will zation.
visit, taking a pilot on board in the Gulf of Guaya- Sterilizer: A device now required by international
311 Stone

law, intended to automatically inactivate a mine after [2] Eighteenth century chemical warfare device, con-
a specied period. sisting of a fused earthenware jar lled with gunpow-
Stern: The after part of a ship or boat. der, combustibles, and noxious materials.
Stern anchor: [1] Any anchor carried aft. [2] The Stirling engine: Invented in 1816 by Robert Stir-
anchor used by a landing craft or ship to steady itself ling (as an alternative to steam power), this engine has
while discharging vehicles and personnel, and to kedge the potential to be more efcient than conventional
itself off when nished. internal-combustion. Instead of burning fuel inside
Stern chase: A pursuit in which the quarry ees the cylinders, heat from an external source is trans-
directly away from the attacker. ferred to an enclosed working uid (usually an inert
Stern drive: A propulsion system for small boats gas).
in which the engine is inboard while gears and pro- In simplied form, there are two interconnected
peller are outboard and can be turned to steer the ves- banks of cylinders, one heated and the other cooled.
sel. As the rst cylinder is heated, the gas expands against
Stern gallery: See sternwalk. a piston, forcing it down to drive a generator to pro-
Stern light: A bright white light placed as close as duce electricity for propulsion. Simultaneously, a me-
possible to the stern and visible only over an unbro- chanical linkage draws the second cylinder down,
ken arc of three points (671 2) on each quarter of the pulling in the expanded gas and cooling it to lower
vessel. its pressure. As the cycle continues, the piston in the
Stern slipway: [1] A steep sloping surface leading second cylinder begins to move up, compressing the
from the water to the ensing deck of a whaler, to cooled gas which is drawn back into the rst cylinder
which slaughtered whales are winched up to be as its piston retreats. Then the cycle is repeated.
stripped of their blubber. [2] Part of the launch and The gas never leaves the engine, there are no ex-
recovery system of Royal Netherlands Navy ocean- haust valves, and no explosions occur. This makes
capable patrol vessels, slipway rails guide superfast Stirling engines very quiet. However, because the heat
rigid-hull interceptor boats into and out of the water, source is external it has to be conducted through the
while a water management system and specially-shaped cylinder walls before it can produce useful power, nor
opening allow space for the boats stern thruster. can it change its power output rapidly. These factors
Stern tube: [1] A submarines after torpedo tube. make the cycle impractical for use in many automo-
[2] The watertight bushing or bearing that supports tive applications, but appropriate for marine propul-
the propeller shafts exit through the hull. Also shaft sion. Stirling engines were installed during the late
tube. 1990s on three Gotland-class Swedish submarines
Stern wave: The transverse wave propagated by which are reported to have an underwater endurance
motion of a ships stern through the water. of 14 days at ve knots.
Sternage: An obsolete term for [1] the after-part of Stirrups: Lines supporting the foot-ropes on which
a vessel, or [2] sternway. topmen stand when working aloft.
Stern-chaser: A gun mounted so as to re astern of Stitch: Colloquial term for sail(s), used in expres-
the vessel (cf. Bow-chaser). sions such as every stitch she can carry, meaning as
Sternpost: A vertical element at the rear of a ves- much sail as possible.
sel, to which the sides and usually the rudder are at- Stock: The crossbar of a traditional anchor which
tached. Also rudder post. prevents it from lying at on the oor without digging
Sternrope: See mooring lines. in. However, most modern anchors and all large ones
Sternsheets: A platform or seat at the rear of a small are stockless.
boat (see sheets). Stocksh: Dried cod, a staple food on sailing ships.
Sternwalk: An open gallery around the after part Stockless anchor: Any of several designs of anchor
of a sailing line of battle ship. Usually reserved for the that have no stock to facilitate handling and stow-
captain or embarked admiral. age.
Sternway: Backward motion (cf. headway). Stocks: Heavy timbers supporting a ship under
Sternwheeler: a steamship propelled by a single construction.
paddle wheel at its stern. Stoker: [1] Formerly, a member of a coal-red
Stevedore: A dockyard worker engaged in loading steamships black gang who shoveled coal into the fur-
or unloading cargo. From the Spanish estibador = pack naces, removed clinkers and ashes, and leveled the re
or stow (cf. longshoreman, lumper). before adding new fuel. See furnace room and trim-
Steward: A person assigned to managing, prepar- mer. [2] Nowadays, a rating responsible for ring oil-
ing, or serving food on shipboard (from the Anglo- fueled furnaces and tending boilers. Also reman.
Saxon styweard = house-warden). Stokers friend: Royal Navy slang for the ace of
Stick: A spar or mast (colloquial). spades, said to resemble a coal shovel.
Stiff: Said of a vessel which resists heeling (cf. ten- Stone eets: Various old ships, loaded with eld-
der, crank). stone and sand, deliberately sunk by the Union Navy
Stinkpot : [1] Pejorative slang for a powerboat. during the American Civil War. In December 1861,
Stone 312

Captain Charles Henry Davis scuttled 24 whaleships range; especially as ground troops with machine-gun
in Charleston Harbor, hoping to stop Confederate re from low-ying aircraft. From the German World
blockade runners. A second, smaller, eet was sunk War I slogan Gott strafe England = God punish En-
in nearby Matts Channel in 1862. gland. [2] In video games: To move sideways, usually
Stone frigate: British naval slang for a shore estab- for the purpose of dodging.
lishment. RN shore stations are considered to be war- Straggler: [1] A merchantman that falls behind the
ships and are named as such (for example, the School rest of a convoy. [2] Formerly, a seamen who had de-
of Marine and Air Engineering at Gosport in Hamp- serted his ship.
shire is HMS Sultan). Strait: A narrow waterway connecting two larger
Stopper: [1] A chain, line, or other device to tem- bodies of water.
porarily hold a larger chain or cable while it is being Strake: A continuous line of planking or plating
secured. [2] A knot forming a knob at the end of a extending along the entire length of the vessels hull.
line to prevent it running through a block, cleat, hole, Strand: [1] To drive or leave a vessel rmly aground.
or other small space. [2] To abandon a person without means of transport.
Stops: [1] Projections on a mast that support a yard, [3] One of the component parts of a rope, wire, or
gaff, or other spar. [2] Short lines used in securing cable. [3] The land bordering a body of water (mainly
awnings or furling sails. poetical).
Storekeeper: [1] In the USN, a supply corps petty Stranded: Said of [1] A vessel which has been
ofcer specically charged with clerical or manual driven ashore and is unable to move. [2] A person left
work. [2] In RN usage, the term is not a rating but behind. [3] A rope, wire, or cable with one or more
refers to any individual responsible for specic de- stands broken by strain or chang.
partmental supplies (e.g., the engineering store- Strap: Originally a variation of strop which now
keeper would normally be a Leading or First Class has three slightly different meanings: [1] A metal band
Stoker). used to secure something. [2] A loop or circle of rope
Stores: General term for the provisions, materials, or wire made by splicing the ends together for use as
and supplies carried aboard ship for navigation, a sling. [3] To make or use such a loop.
propulsion, upkeep, and crew. Strapping: [1] An operation by which cartons or
Storm: Force 10 on the Beaufort Scale (winds boxes are reinforced by bands, metal straps, or wire,
4855 knots = 55.363.3 mph = 88.9101.9 km/h). drawn taut and sealed or clamped by a machine.
Storm anchor: An exceptionally heavy anchor re- [2] Measurement of storage tanks to provide tables
served for use in heavy weather. for the conversion of depth of product to volume of
Storm surge: An abnormal rise in sea level along a contents.
coastline, occurring as it is approached by the onshore Stratagem: A plan, scheme, or trick designed to
winds of a tropical rotating windstorm. deceive an opponent.
Stormsail: A sail of reduced size and extra-heavy Strategic sealift: The ocean movement and aoat
canvas for use in gales. pre-positioning of military materiel.
Stormy petrel: These little seabirds, who have been Strategy: The planning, coordination, and em-
called the sailors friends, are said to come to warn ployment of armed forces using all available military,
of an approaching storm, and it is most unlucky to political, psychological and economic factors, while
kill them since each contains the soul of a dead seaman. making optimum use of space and time (not includ-
The French call them Oiseaux de Notre Dame (Birds ing actual combat operations which fall under tac-
of Our Lady) or Aves Sanct Mari (Saint Marys tics). Naval strategy is generally concerned with con-
fowl), while English seamen call them Mother Careys trolling the sea lanes to facilitate the passage of friendly
chickens, which is an Anglicization of Mater Cara vessels and deny it to hostile ones.
(Latin for Beloved Mother, i.e., The Virgin Mary). Stream: [1] To drop something over the side and
Stove : [1] The condition of being crushed or tow it (e.g., a paravane). [2] To tow a vessel away from
pushed in (past participle of stave). [2] A cooking de- its berth. [3] Water owing in a channel or water-
vice in a ships galley. course. [4] A major ocean current (e.g., Gulf Stream).
Stow: [1] To put goods, cargo, or equipment in the Stream ice: Ice forming in and owing with a cur-
proper place. [2] To furl a sail. rent.
Stow it!: Sailors slang for shut up! Stretch out!: Command for oarsmen to bend for-
Stowage: The placement of cargo so as to ensure the ward to their utmost, in order to pull as strongly as
safety and stability of the ship when at sea. possible.
Stowaway: A person who hides aboard ship in Stretchers: Athwartships crosspieces against which
order to obtain free passage or to elude pursuit. rowers brace their feet.
Straddle : A salvo of projectiles that fall evenly Stretching hook: See benchhook.
around the target, which thus lies at the mean point Strike: [1] Surrender by lowering the ships colors.
of impact. [2] Take down a mast, sail, or ag. [3] Run aground.
Strafe: [1] In military use: To rake with re at close [4] Take something below deck. [5] Ring the ships
313 Submarine

bell. [6] An attack by naval aircraft. [7] Strive for pro- Structural bulkhead: A transverse interior wall or
motion (USN slang). divider that contributes to hull strength and forms a
Strike Group: Formerly known as a Battle Group, watertight boundary between compartments.
this USN term refers to a small eet usually centered Strut: [1] A bar forming part of a framework, de-
on an aircraft carrier, with an escort force of cruisers, signed to resist compression. [2] Part of an aircrafts
destroyers, frigates, and attack submarines, armed landing gear. [3] A support for the after portion of a
with surface-to-surface, surface-to-air, and cruise propeller shaft.
missiles. One is usually a combat-control ship with Studding sail: A lightweight sail, attached to a
Aegis missile-tracking and re-control systems which boom extending the yardarm of a square-sail. Pro-
can direct weapons aboard the other ships in the nounced stunsl.
group. Others carry helicopters armed with antisub- Stuff: [1] Any of various protective mixtures ap-
marine torpedoes and anti-ship missiles. Accompa- plied to a wooden ship. Turpentine mixed with resin
nying logistic-support vessels carry fuel, food, mater- was used on lower masts, tallow on topmasts: for the
il, and munitions. An Expeditionary Strike Group is sides it was turpentine, oil, and varnish; and for the
a similar formation, with the addition of an Amphibi- bottom, tallow, sulfur, and resin. [2] Obsolete term for
ous Ready Group. the ber of ax, hemp, or jute (cf. small stuff ).
Strikedown: Describes the movement of naval air- Stufng: Placing cargo in a shipping container (cf.
craft from the ight deck to the hangar deck. stripping).
Striker: [1] USN term for an apprentice or learner, Stufng box: A cylindrical device containing pack-
especially an enlisted person training for promotion to ing, compressed around a rotating shaft or recipro-
petty ofcer. [2] Whalers term for the thrower of a cating rod to prevent leakage.
harpoon. [3] An attacking player in association foot- S-twist: See rope and hawser lay.
ball (soccer). Sub-caliber: A projectile that is smaller than the
Stringer: A longitudinal stiffener for a ships side. bore of the weapon it is to be red from, requiring a
Strip Ship: To remove all non-essential amma- bushing or sabot to enlarge it.
ble, explosive, or other potentially dangerous material Subdivision: Naval architecture term referring to
from a warship about to go into combat (cf. clear the compartmentalization of interior spaces by water-
ship). tight bulkheads.
Stripe : [1] One of the rings of lace in a naval Sub-Lieutenant: In 1802, Admiral Lord St. Vin-
ofcers rank insignia. [2] A strip of material worn on cent introduced the semi-ofcial title of sub-lieuten-
uniform as a symbol of service, good conduct, ant for midshipmen and masters mates who had
wounds, etc. [3] A blow with a whip or rod as pun- passed the examination for lieutenant and were await-
ishment. ing promotion. This practice was dropped at the end
Stripping: Removing cargo from a shipping con- of the Napoleonic Wars in 1814, but the title was
tainer (cf. stufng). ofcially re-introduced in 1861 as the lowest commis-
Stroke: [1] A single pull or sweep of the oars in sioned rank, replacing that of mate. The USN equiv-
rowing. [2] The oarsman from whom all others in the alent is lieutenant (jg). See also acting sub-lieutenant.
boat take their time. [3] In an engine, the motion of Submarine: [1] Generically, below the surface of
a piston in moving from one end of the cylinder to the sea (e.g., submarine cable). [2] Colloquially, any
the other. submersible vessel. [3] Specically, a craft (always
Strong breeze : Force 6 on the Beaufort Scale called a boat) designed for underwater exploration or
(winds 2227 knots = 25.331.1 mph = 40.850 warfare, the latter usually being armed with torpe-
km/h). does or guided missiles (see also attack, ballistic mis-
Strong gale: Force 9 on the Beaufort Scale (winds sile, and hunter-killer).
4147 knots = 47.254.1 mph = 7687.1 km/h). Submarine canyon: A steep-sided valley on the
Strongback: [1] A longitudinal rod, laid along the continental slope. After decades of uncertainty and
top of a ships boat, to support a cover when not in use. debate, the major mechanisms of canyon formation are
[2] A moveable girder for supporting a hatch cover. now thought to be underwater landslides and turbid-
[3] An arched timber bracing the uprights of a hand ity currents.
windlass. [4] A short, stout beam used as a shore in Submarine chaser: A small, fast, wooden-hulled
damage control. naval patrol vessel specially designed for anti-subma-
Strongroom: A safe, or secure compartment for the rine warfare using depth-charges. The sub-chaser (as
storage of valuables in a passenger vessel. it is popularly known) came into existence via an Act
Strop: [1] A metal or spliced-rope band surround- of Congress of 4th March 1917 which authorized Pres-
ing a block or deadeye and forming a loop for sus- ident Woodrow Wilson secure the more eco-
pension. [2] A grommet. [3] A strap. (Latin strop- nomic and expeditious delivery of ... submarine
pus.) chasers.... It saw service in both World Wars, but
Stroppy: British nautical slang for being irritable, during the latter was gradually replaced by the de-
difcult, or hard to deal with. stroyer escort.
Submarine 314

Submarine current: One that ows beneath the In contrast, eastern boundary currents, owing in
surface, often in a different direction to the surface the opposite direction and carrying cold water to-
current. See also deepwater circulation. wards the tropics, are generally broad and shallow,
Submarine Escape Immersion Equipment : A creeping along at 3 to 7 kilometers (25 miles) per
whole-body suit combined with a personal life raft, day.
which has replaced the Steinke Hood in the USN sub- Other surface currents include the North Pacic
marine service. Current and North Atlantic Drift in the Northern
Submarine pen: World War II term for a strong Hemisphere, and the South Pacic, South Indian,
enclosure or bunker designed to protect submarines and South Atlantic Currents in the Southern.
from air attack. Further south, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Submarine watch stations: [1] The traditional sub- ows continuously around that continent as a more
marine control party includes an ofcer who supervises or less closed system.
two junior enlisted personnel helmsman (for steer- The Somali Current off the horn of Africa is un-
ing) and planesman (for diving) who manage the usual because it reverses direction, running north-
main control panel, along with a Chief of the Watch, ward from May to September and southward from
who manages the ballast control panel where hull in- November to March.
tegrity, trim, depth control, and other parameters, are Suck the monkey: So that seamen could smuggle
monitored and controlled. [2] Today, with y-by-wire liquor aboard, Jamaicans sold them coconut shells
these four watch stations can be reduced to two (usu- drained of milk and lled with rum. The end of the
ally chief petty ofcers). nut was said to look like a monkeys face, so the phrase
Submariner: A member of a submarines crew. was originally applied to imbibing rum from such a
Pronounced submareener (as in marine) by the USN nut. Later, it came to mean illicitly inserting a straw
and submariner (as in mariner) by the RN. or pipe into a cask in order to suck alcohol from it.
Submerge: To sink or plunge below the surface. This was also known as bleeding the monkey.
Submersible: Any vessel capable of submerging Suez Canal: An articial waterway connecting the
and operating underwater. Mediterranean and Red Seas, providing a shorter
Submunitions: Smaller weapons carried inside the route than Cape Agulhas for ships sailing from Eu-
warhead of a missile or projectile to be released and rope or America to southern Asia, eastern Africa, or
scattered when the target is neared. Oceania. Excavation begun in April 1859, and the
Subordinate: Of inferior rank. canal opened to navigation in November 1869. It
Subsidiary landing: In amphibious operations, a passes through three lakes, Manzala in the north, Tim-
landing outside the designated landing area, in sup- sah in the middle, and the Bitter Lakes further south,
port of the main landing. and has no locks due to minor sea level differences
Substantive: A rank held permanently as opposed and at terrain. There are several passing bays, but
to only while serving in a particular post. When re- most of the canal is single lane. It can accommodate
lieved of a temporary or acting promotion the holder vessels of up to 16 m (53 ft) draft, and improvements
of substantive rank reverts to that grade. are scheduled to increase this to 22 m (72 ft) by 2010.
Substitute pennant: See table 8. Currently, those that draw too much can ofoad part
Substitution clause: A charter party clause that of their cargo onto a canal-owned boat and reload at
allows the carrier to transport cargo in a vessel other the other end of the canal.
than that named in the bill of lading. Suez Canal Rudder: See salmontail.
Subsurface: Below the surface of the water, sub- Sufferance wharf : A dock under the control of
merged, underwater. Customs authorities at which goods can be loaded or
Subtropical surface currents: Currents on either discharged without being subject to duty.
side of the equator, in all ocean basins. Suit: A complete set of sails for a vessel. Also suite.
The north and south equatorial currents both run Sullit: A broad-beamed Dutch shing boat.
westward at about 5 kilometers (3 miles) a day, at Summer tank: A tankers compartment in which
depths of 100 to 200 meters (330660 feet). extra liquid cargo can be carried so as to lower the
The eastward-owing equatorial counter-current hull to its summer load line.
represents partial return of these currents. In the Sump: A low point or chamber in a well or bilge
Pacic Ocean it is intensied during El Nio into which liquid drains for subsequent removal by a
events. sump pump.
Warm water Western boundary currents owing Sun deck : The uppermost deck on a passenger
from the equator towards higher latitudes the liner, usually reserved for tanning and games such as
best known of which is the North Atlantic Gulf shufeboard.
Stream are narrow jet-like ows extending some Sundowner: [1] In the RN, an early evening drink
1000 meters (3300 feet) below the ocean surface taken after a hard days work. [2] In the USN, an ex-
and traveling at between 40 and 120 kilometers cessively strict or bullying captain, who required all
(2575 miles) a day. libertymen to be aboard before nightfall.
315 Surface

Sunrise ceremony: The morning ag-hoisting cer- Supercargo: The ofcer responsible for the con-
emony while in harbor is almost identical in the RN signed goods and commercial activity of a merchant-
and USN. At 0800 hours each morning, with a guard man. (Spanish sobre = over + cargar = cargo.)
and band (when available) on parade, the colors are Superheated steam: Steam heated to a tempera-
hoisted national ag at the ensign staff and union ture higher than its boiling point. Hence it cannot
jack at the jackstaff. As soon as the band starts play- exist in contact with water, nor contain water, and re-
ing (or if there is no band, when the hoist begins) all sembles a perfect gas. Also known as dry steam. Cf.
within earshot turn to face the national ensign and saturated steam and wet steam.
hand salute until the ags reach their trucks, which Supernumerary: A person in excess of the normal
they must do just as the Anthem ends. Either a bugle or prescribed establishment.
or voice command will then order carry on! Superstructure : All structures rising above the
Suns over the yardarm: Traditionally, this phrase main deck.
indicated it was appropriate to imbibe an alcoholic Supertanker: An imprecise term covering bulk oil
drink. The spar in question is the foreyard as seen carriers in excess of 75,000 dwt (see VLCC, and
from the quarterdeck. In temperate latitudes the sun ULCC).
will rise above it at about 11 A.M. Supplies: [1] In general and commercial use, con-
Sunset ceremony: In both RN and USN, at about sumable items such as fuel, food, clothing, and am-
ve minutes before sunset, First Call is made by munition carried for use during a voyage (cf. furni-
voice, boatswains pipe or bugle. Exactly at sunset, ture). [2] In military logistics, all materil and items
Attention is sounded and either the National An- used in the equipment, support, and maintenance of
them or the bugle call retreat is played. Ensign and military forces.
jack will be started down as soon as the music begins, Supply Corps: This staff corps was founded in
with lowering timed to be complete exactly as the last 1795 by President George Washington, making it one
note is played. If already at half-mast, they are hoisted of the oldest in the United States Navy. Today a USN
smartly to the truck at the beginning of the music, supply ofcer is responsible for such things as supply
and then lowered slowly. As at sunrise, all within management, expeditionary logistics, inventory con-
earshot face the ensign and hand salute. (In special trol, disbursements, nancial management, contract-
circumstances, Ofcial Sunset may be delayed in or- ing, information systems, operations analysis, mate-
der to render daytime honors to an important visitor.) rial and operational logistics, fuel management, and
Super battleships: The most powerful battleships food services. The ofcial supply corps motto is Ready
ever built were the Japanese Yamato and Musashi, each for Sea. The equivalent RN organization is the logis-
exceeding 72,000 tons and mounting 18-inch guns. tics branch.
The former was sunk during a suicide mission against Supply Ofcer: [1] Formerly, a member of the RN
the Okinawa invasion, and the latter in the Battle of supply branch (now re-titled logistics ofcer and
Leyte Gulf. Shinano, the third vessel of the class, was branch respectively). [2] A member of the USN sup-
converted to an aircraft carrier, but was sunk on her ply corps. See also purser.
maiden voyage by American submarine Archersh. Support: The action of aiding, protecting, comple-
Super cruisers: See pocket battleships. menting, or sustaining another force or unit.
Super frigates: In 1794, Congress authorized the Surf : [1] The swell of the sea as it approaches a
United States Navy to acquire six frigates which, al- beach or shoal. [2] The line or mass of foamy water
though technically fth-rates, dont really t the war- caused by breaking waves. [3] To ride on waves using
ship ratings. Like the German pocket-battleships of a specially designed board. [4] To move from site to
World War II, they were strategically designed to be site on the Internet.
more powerful than anything fast enough to catch Surf line : The point offshore where incoming
them, and speedy enough to outrun anything more waves and swells are affected by the bottom and form
heavily gunned. They were longer proportionally, had breakers.
heavier scantling, and carried heavier batteries than Surf zone: Amphibious operations term for that
any ships of equal rating in the world. Three were portion of the littoral where waves break.
nominal 36-gunners and three nominal forty-fours, Surface: [1] The upper boundary or air/liquid in-
but they were actually much more heavily-armed. For terface of the water in a river, lake, sea, or ocean.
example, USS Constitution carried one long 18- [2] To rise to that boundary.
pounder and thirty long 24-pounder guns, plus Surface action group: A temporary or standing
twenty-four 32-pounder carronades. This so far out- organization of surface combatant ships, tailored for
classed all contemporary frigates that the British called a specic tactical mission that does not require the
them Seventy-fours in disguise and issued Fighting aircraft of a strike group.
Instructions requiring more lightly-armed RN vessels Surface combatant: A warship constructed and
to avoid engagement unless they enjoyed superiority armed for combat use against air, surface and subsur-
of two-to-one (but see Chesapeake & Shannon). See face threats, or onshore targets.
also President. Surface current: Oceanic surface currents are of
Surface 316

great importance to mariners. Some are large and per- also storm surge). [2] A swelling wave or billow. [3]
manent, others local and transient. They can be One of six possible responses of a vessel to movement
dened as horizontal movement in the upper 220 of the sea (see linear displacement and ship motion).
fathoms (400 meters, 1320 feet), which represents [4] The bight of a rope. [5] To slacken a line by allow-
somewhat less than 10 percent of all the water in the ing it to slip around (for example) a windlass or cap-
oceans. Solar heat and wind are the primary forces stan drum. [6] USN term for the deployment of a
that start surface water moving. Secondary forces such strike group ahead of schedule. [7] A pulsating speed
as gravity and terrestrial rotation then determine variation by an engine or gas turbine. [8] A sudden
which way the currents will ow. ow of electricity. [9] The swash of liquid in a con-
The sun is most powerful at the equator, where its tainer. [10] The 2007 deployment of additional U.S.
heat causes surface water to expand and rise about troops to Iraq.
eight centimeters (3 inches) above the levels in tem- Surgeon: Formerly, a medical specialist assigned to
perate latitudes. Inuenced by gravity, equatorial sur- RN ships by the Navy Board, warranted with ward-
face water tends to ow down this slight slope in both room rank and entitled to walk the quarterdeck. Ap-
directions towards the north and south polar regions. pointment was originally subject to examination by
Solar heat also affects the tropical atmosphere, creat- one or more of the Worshipful Company of Barber-
ing winds which ow in the same north and south di- Surgeons, the Sick & Hurt Board, the Transport
rections as the currents. Blowing across the air-ocean Board, and/or the Victualing Board; but after 1832
interface they create friction which tends to push the qualications were examined by the Admiralty. Later
surface water into another small hill down which in the nineteenth century, surgeons became commis-
gravity pulls the water poleward. At this point Cori- sioned ofcers. The surgeon was the only fully-
olis effect clicks in to amplify the movement. In the qualied medical person on the ship, and was assisted
northern hemisphere the larger surface currents are by surgeons mates who were inferior warrant ofcers
constrained by land masses which force them into vir- with paramedical training.
tually closed rotational systems known as a Gyres. On 9th March 1798 Dr. George Balfour of Vir-
These do not develop in the southern hemisphere due ginia became the United States Navys rst medical
to lack of bordering continents. See also subtropical ofcer. At that time the majority of ships surgeons
surface currents, polar surface currents, and oceanic were appointed and served as civilians, although some
circulation. commanding ofcers awarded temporary commissions
Surface Deployment & Distribution Command: the for the duration of a specic cruise. In 1872 USN
A U.S. Army unit that is the DoDs worldwide port doctors became commissioned ofcers. See also med-
manager and organizes global movement of military ical services.
personnel and cargo. Formerly called Military Trafc Surtass: Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System.
Management Command. Surveillance: Is dened by DoD and NATO as
Surface effect ship: A vessel supported by a cush- the systematic observation of aerospace, surface or
ion of downward-thrusting air, usually with twin hulls subsurface areas, places, persons, or things, by visual,
(like a catamaran). When it is off-cushion or hull- aural, electronic, photographic, or other means. See
borne, its full weight is supported by the buoyancy also sea surveillance and Integrated Undersea Surveil-
of the hulls. When on-cushion, a small portion of lance Systems.
each hull remains in the water, making it more resist- Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System: A pas-
ant to slipping sideways and able to use underwater jets sive, receive-only sonar system consisting of an array
for propulsion: One type, which can move over land designed for the long range detection of submarines,
as well as water, is commonly known by the trade and towed miles behind an ocean surveillance ship as
name Hovercraft. See also air cushion vehicle and the mobile component of U.S. Navys network for
ground-effect vessel. deep ocean surveillance. See Integrated Undersea Sur-
Surface re support: Fire provided by naval sur- veillance Systems.
face gun, missile, and electronic warfare systems in Suspension: To relieve an ofcer of his duties for up
support of a unit or units tasked with achieving the to ten days as a non-judicial punishment. A longer
missions objectives. See also gunre support. suspension may be allowed if court-martial is pend-
Surface layer: See mixed layer. ing.
Surface-to-air: Shipboard weapons designed to at- Swab: [1] A mop made of rope yarn. [2] To use
tack aircraft and missiles. such a mop to clean something. [3] A clumsy or con-
Surface-to-surface: Shipboard weapons designed temptible person (only the lowest seaman would be as-
to attack surface ships. signed to swabbing duty). [4] USN slang for an of-
Surface vessel: One that does not submerge. cers epaulette.
Surface warfare: Naval combat operations exclud- Swabbie: A disrespectful nickname for a USN en-
ing aviation and submarine activities. listed person.
Surge : [1] The difference between actual wave Swage: [1] To tighten a metal tting around a wire
height and that considered normal or predictable (see rope. [2] The tool used for this purpose.
317 Synoptic

Swallow the anchor: Leave the seafaring life. stan bars to hold them in place. [2] Formerly a heavy
Swamp: To bring a vessel close to foundering by rope circling a warship just below the gunwale to
shipping water over its side. strengthen it when laying alongside in combat. [3] The
Swarm: To climb rigging or a mast using legs, arms aftermost shroud on either side of a sailing ships masts.
and hands to draw oneself aloft as rapidly as possible. Swing: [1] To ride at anchor with the bow point-
Cf. hand over st. ing in different directions due to wind and tide. [2] A
Swash: [1] The to-and-fro surge of water in a ships NATO enabling concept, based on the probability
tanks. [2]The rush of a broken wave up a beach. that the future strategic environment will be confused
[3] A shoal over which the tide ripples. and unpredictable. Swing is dened as the ability
Swashbuckler: [1] A term rst recorded in 1560 to to congure a force, formation, or unit to operate suc-
describe a noisy and boastful swordsman, based on cessfully and cost-effectively across a wide range of
the practice of using a sword in the ghting-hand to mission types and roles. The concept is force-ori-
strike a buckler in the off-hand in order to intimidate ented and visualizes the seamless integration of Mar-
an adversary. (Derived from the archaic words swash itime, Land and Air components with multi-tasking
= strike violently + buckler = small shield). [2] Later, versatility as a result of integrating key elements of
a boastful or noisy buccaneer or brigand. doctrine, equipment, platform design, training, per-
Swashplate: [1] An inclined disc revolving on an sonnel, and force structure.
shaft to give reciprocating motion to a part attached Swing out: To move an anchor or rotate a small
to it. [2] A metal bafe placed in a tank to inhibit the boats davits over the side preparatory to launching.
surge of liquid due to the vessels motion. Swing ship: To follow various courses in order to
Sway: [1] A sliding lateral movement across the check compass deviation.
water. One of six possible responses of a vessel to Swing the lead: This British idiom, which refers to
movement of the sea (see linear displacement, and ship malingering, shirking duty, or feigning sickness, has
motion). [2] To hoist or raise something such as a spar an obvious nautical origin. Throwing and retrieving
or cargo. the heavy leadline was hard work, so a lazy sailor
Sweat: To haul a rope until it is as taut as possible. would stand there swinging it like a pendulum and
Sweat the glass: Attempt to shorten the watch by shouting a ctitious depth from time to time. If an
turning he glass before all the sand had run out. ofcer came by, the seaman would release the line on
Sweep: [1] To clear the decks for action. [2] To clear the next forward swing, appearing to have been prop-
an area of mines. [3] A sortie by warships or aircraft. erly casting all the while.
[4] The rotation of a radar antenna. [5] A long oar. Swipes: Sailing ship seamans slang for exception-
[6] To drag for something underwater (e.g., a lost an- ally weak beer. The rst mayor of Melbourne, Aus-
chor). [7] A minesweeping operation. tralia, was the brewer of Murphys Swipesa beer so
Sweep rate: The number of times a radar antenna noxious that some drinkers needed medical attention.
or sonar transducer rotates in a minute. Swivel-gun: A light rearm mounted on a pin or
Sweepers: USN term for personnel assigned clean pivot, allowing it to sweep across a wide eld of re.
the decks with brooms. Old English swifen = rotate.
Sweet Fanny Adams: This RN slang for nothing Sword: The personal sidearm of an ofcer, consist-
at all, often abbreviated to sweet eff eh, is com- ing of a long straight or curved blade xed to a hilt.
monly believed to be a euphemism for fuck all, but Synchro: An electromagnetic device for transmit-
in fact it refers to the non-existence of a murdered ting mechanical motion to a remote location. A trans-
child (see Fanny). mitter emits an electrical signal corresponding to the
Swell: Long unbroken heaves of the sea due to angle of rotation of its shaft, and a receiver causes its
wind-generated waves that have advanced into calmer own shaft to rotate to an angle corresponding to the
waters and acquired a more rounded form. Because signal. Used for the control of propulsion machinery
of their length, swell waves do not break. The stronger and in re-control. Also called selsyn.
the winds at the source area, the bigger will be the Synchronous roll: An excessive movement which
swell and the further will it travel; and the longer the occurs when the oscillating period of the hull coincides
wind blows in the source area, the longer will the swell with the ambient wave period. This is especially trou-
persist, even long after the wind has ceased or changed blesome to seafarers because rocking from side-to-
direction. Experienced watch ofcers often report side, with high acceleration and rapid repetition, is
trains of swell waves, of differing periods and ampli- disconcerting to the human inner ear and a primary
tudes, arriving simultaneously from two or even three cause of seasickness. Hence many roll control devices
directions. have been developed (see ship motion and rotational
Swept area: A channel or other waterway kept clear oscillation).
of mines. Synoptic chart: A depiction of meteorological con-
Swift boat: A fast patrol craft used for inshore and ditions over a wide area at a given moment. The word
riverine operations during the Vietnam War. is derived from the Greek sunoptikos = seen together.
Swifter: [1] A rope threaded through holes in cap- Synoptic scale: In meteorology, a horizontal length
T-124 318

of some 1000 kilometres (620 miles) or more. This T-ACS: Auxiliary crane ship (DoD).
corresponds to the typical size of mid-latitude depres- Tactical Action Ofcer: USN designation of the
sions. Most weather maps depicting high and low person in charge of a warships weapons and combat
pressure areas are synoptic-scale systems. (also known systems. Supervises the entire watch team stafng the
as large scale or cyclonic scale). ships command center. Duties include tactical deci-
sion making, console operation, communications, and
oversight of a variety of watchstander responsibilities
T in air, surface, and subsurface warfare areas. The RN
equivalent is warfare ofcer.
T-124: [1] A form, signed during World War II by Tactical air navigation: An electronic homing sys-
British merchant seamen agreeing to serve under tem that guides aircraft back to their carrier or shore
Naval Articles and subjecting them to naval discipline. base.
It was T-124 that allowed civilian yachtsmen to par- Tactical air ofcer (aoat): An ofcer assigned to
ticipate in the evacuation of Dunkirk. [2] A confer- an amphibious task force to coordinate all phases of
ence control protocol, issued by the United Nations tactical air support for the amphibious operation, plus
International Telecommunications Union. the air operations of support forces en route to and
Tab: See trim tab. in the objective area.
Tabernacle : A device at the base of the deck- Tactical air support: Air operations carried out in
mounted mast of a small boat or barge, which both coordination with surface forces and which directly
holds it in place and allows it to pivot to pass under assist land or maritime operations.
bridges. Tactical Command Support System: A USN in-
Table: [1] To make board hems in the skirts and formation system for the management of ships, sub-
bottoms of sails in order to strengthen them in the marines, aviation squadrons, and intermediate main-
part attached to the boltrope. [2] See captains table. tenance activities aoat and ashore. It provides access
Tablemount: A at-topped seamount or guyot. to data on parts inventory, nances, technical manu-
Tabling: The reinforcing hem of a sail to which als and drawings, personnel and medical informa-
the boltrope is sewn. tion, crews mess, ships stores, and unit administra-
TAC: Tactical air command (USMC). tion. It also facilitates the management of workload
Tachometer: An instrument that measures engine and resources for ship and aircraft repair and mainte-
speed, usually in revolutions per minute. nance.
Tack : [1] To come about by turning the bow Tactical diameter: The lateral distance a ship has
through the wind (the opposite of wear). [2] The di- traveled from its original course after completing a
rection in which a vessel is moving as determined by 180 turn. When ships are in formation a uniform tac-
the position of its sails in relation to the wind. [3] The tical diameter will be prescribed to ensure that each
lower forward corner of a fore-and-aft sail. [4] A line ships standard rudder will produce the same arc of
for extending the weather clew of a course. [5] A course turn.
run obliquely against the wind. [6] The equivalent of Tactical interval: The distance to be maintained
a dash in a ag signal (see tackline). [7] A separator in between adjacent vessels in a formation.
a radio signal. [8] Seamans slang for food. [9] A short Tactical loading: Placing military cargo on board
pointed nail with a broad at head. [10] A sewing ship so that it can be unloaded in the sequence re-
stitch used to temporarily fasten cloth together. quired for combat (see cargo classication).
This is another nautical word that has found its Tactics: The plans, means, and art of disposing and
way into common usage. To be on the right tack is applying armed force while in actual contact with an
to be following an appropriate course of action, while enemy (cf. strategy). See also naval tactics in the age of
on the wrong tack implies being under a misappre- sail.
hension, and to change tack is to abandon one Taffrail: [1] A guard rail around the uppermost part
course of action or argument for another. (The term of a ships stern. Possibly derived from aft rail. [2]
hard tack, meaning bad luck or substandard food, The at upper part of a wooden ships stern, often
has a completely different origin, having originally re- richly carved. From the Dutch tafereel = carved or
ferred to the coarse, rock-like, weevil-infested bread painted panel.
known as ships biscuit). Taffrail log: A patent log designed to be attached
Tackle: Any combination of ropes, pulleys, hooks to the taffrail.
etc., which provides a mechanical advantage for lift- Tagline: A rope used to steady a load which is being
ing weights or setting sails (from the Middle Dutch swung inboard or outboard. Also steadying line.
taekel, and pronounced tay-kle). T-AH: Hull classication symbol of a Hospital ship
Tackline: A short length of line inserted between (DoD).
two ags in a hoist. Usually to separate two signals in TAI: International Atomic Time (from the French
the same hoist, but sometimes serving the same pur- Temps Atomique International). See Coordinated
pose as a dash does in print. Universal Time.
319 TAMY

Taifa: The association or union of Barbary Corsair former combat maneuver known as stealing the
captains. wind.
Tail: [1] The orientation an anchored ship tends to Taken aback: To landlubbers this phrase describes
adopt (e.g., she tails downstream). [2] To taper and someone who has been disconcerted by some unex-
wax the end of a rope. [3] The rope which replaces a pected news or happening, but it originally described
hook on a block. [4] To prevent the end of a halyard a hazardous maritime event. When a square-rigged
or sheet from fouling while being winched. [5] The vessel was sailing with the wind and a sudden unex-
latter part of a gale as it tapers off. pected squall from a different direction blew the sails
Tail on!: USN command to lay hold of a line and back against the masts, it threatened to snap them off,
haul away. rendering the vessel helpless and un-maneuverable.
Tail splice: A method of connecting ber rope to T-AKR: Hull classication symbol of a fast logis-
wire rope. tics ship (DoD).
Tailblock: A block with a rope tail instead of a Taku: During the early twentieth century, the
hook. British, French, German, and Russian navies each had
Tailhook: A device lowered from the lower fuselage a destroyer named Taku. This unusual coincidence
of a carrier-based aircraft to engage the arrester gear came about as a result of the Third China War, com-
and bring the aircraft to a controlled stop when land- monly known as the Boxer Rebellion. A nationalist
ing. Chinese secret society, the Righteous Harmonious
Tailshaft: A rotating bar which transmits motion Fists (called Boxers by foreigners), mounted an in-
and torque from the engines to the propellers. Also surgency against foreign occupation. Rape, pillage,
propeller shaft. and murder spread rapidly, and the international set-
Tainted goods: Under Admiralty Law, the discov- tlements at Tientsin and Peking (now Beijing) came
ery of contraband allows all other goods on board be- under siege. An international relief force of Austrian,
longing to the owners of the contraband to be de- British, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian,
clared tainted and seized. and United States warships gathered offshore, but was
Tajaso: A kind of jerked beef supplied to vessels by held up by Chinese batteries in the Taku Forts guard-
Latin American ship chandlers (pronounced tar- ing the Hai River Estuary. On 17th June 1900, nine
huso). shallow-draft warships were detached from the main
T-AK: Hull classication symbol of a cargo ship eet under the command of Lieutenant-Commander
(DoD). Roger Keyes (later Admiral Lord Keyes of Zeebrugge
Take a turn: To wrap a line around something and Dover) to storm the forts with naval infantry.
(e.g., cleat, bitts, winch, or capstan). Four Chinese destroyers were captured and allotted
Take charge: Said of a rope or cable when it gets to the navies mentioned above, each being re-named
out of control and runs out under its own momen- Taku.
tum. Talker: A person assigned to repeat orders received
Take down a peg or two: This idiom meaning to via headphones.
humble someone who is showing undue pride or ego Tall ship: Informal term for a square-rigged vessel
has a nautical origin. The position of ags on sailing with two or more masts irrespective of its sail plan.
warships was regulated by a series of pegs at the base Tally: [1] To inventory cargo being shipped or
of the mast where the halyards were secured. If a ag ofoaded. [2] A notched stick used for this purpose es-
ofcer was aboard, he had the right to y his personal pecially in the Orient. [3] An RN seamans cap ribbon
ag at the highest point to signify his power and pres- carrying the name of his ship. [4] RN slang for a per-
tige. If, however, a more senior admiral arrived, the sons name (e.g., Whats your tally?). From the French
rst ones ag would have to be lowered by a peg or two Taille = cut.
to make place for the newcomers. Tally-Ho!: Traditional cry of a ghter pilot on
Take in!: The command to [1] To lower and furl a sighting a target. The term originated in fox-hunting
sail. [2] To pull on a rope or hawser. [3] To bring a and was adopted by RAF pilots during the Battle of
mooring line aboard. Britain.
Take on: To engage or hire. Tampion: The stopper inserted in the muzzle of a
Take over: [1] To relieve someone (e.g., at change cannon, to keep corrosive salt water from getting into
of watch). [2] To assume command, especially in case the barrel when the weapon is not in service. Also
of illness or incompetence. tompion, shot-plug.
Take the ground: Said of a vessel when a falling Tampon: Nowadays, this is a plug or rst-aid dress-
tide leaves it stranded. Also take the bottom. ing used to stem hemorrhages or control menstrual
Take the strain!: Command to apply light tension ow, but the term is derived from tampion.
to a line without actually pulling it. TAMY: Transportable Aircraft Maintenance Yard.
Take the wind out: Nowadays, this means win- A Royal Navy World War II unit designed to provide
ning a discussion by anticipating and discrediting the advanced servicing facilities comparable to a perma-
opponents arguments. The phrase is derived from the nent installation. Only one was operational before
Tan 320

atomic bombs ended the Pacic War. It was set up at or red at. [2] To identify or single out a person or
Archereld in Australia, where it assembled, repaired, thing as an objective.
and ight tested aircraft for the British Pacic Fleet. Target angle: The relative direction (measured in
The U.S. Navy equivalent was the CASU (Carrier Air- degrees clockwise from the bow) of a target.
craft Service Unit). Target bearing: The true compass direction of a
Tan: To preserve sailcloth by soaking it in tannin de- target.
rived from tree bark. This slows the development of Target discrimination: The ability of a surveil-
bacteria and mildew. lance or homing guidance system to identify or engage
Tang: The metal tting on a sailing ships mast to a specied target when multiple alternative targets are
which stays and shrouds are attached. present.
Tango: NATO phonetic notation for the letter T. Target grid: A framework of lines used to plan and
Tank Landing Ship: A vessel designed to trans- control a sea-to-shore bombardment.
port and land tanks and other large military vehicles Tarpaulin: [1] A heavy canvas material treated with
to drive over the beach during an amphibious assault. tar or other waterproong substance. Formerly tar-
Also Landing ship, tank. pawling (From tar + pall = cloak or cover). [2] A hat
Tanka: A covered Chinese rowing boat, used to or coat made of or covered with such material. [3] A
ferry passengers to and from vessels. large sheet of any strong, exible, water resistant or
Tanker: A ship, aircraft, or vehicle designed to waterproof material, often with reinforced grommets
carry liquids (especially crude oil and rened petro- as attachment points for rope, allowing it to be tied
leum products) in bulk. down or suspended. [4] A seaman (now rare).
T-AP: Hull classication symbol of a troop trans- Tarpaulin muster: Formerly, an informal gather-
port (DoD). ing of the crew, who would throw cash onto a sheet of
Tap the Admiral: See Nelsons Blood. tarpaulin as donations to a charity (usually the widow
Taps: The U.S. bugle call blown at military funer- of a deceased shipmate).
als and at sunset (cf. Last Post). The name refers to Tarring: [1] The application of tar to something
the fact that it originated as a drum beat and was only (standing rigging, for example) as a protective. [2] Tar-
later transcribed for bugle. See Bugle calls. ring and feathering is a very unpleasant form of pun-
TAR: Training and Administration Reserve (USN). ishment which was well-known in the revolutionary
Tar: [1] A heavy dark distillate of coal or wood. [2] United States, but seldom applied at sea. Almost the
A seaman. 17th century sailors were nicknamed Jack only reference to it as a nautical practice is found in
Tarpaulins after the tar-impregnated cloth used to Ordinances or Usages of the Sea which specied:
make their foul-weather coats, and this became abbre- A lawfully convicted thief or felon shall have his
viated rst to Jack Tar and then to Jack or Tar. head shorn, and boiling pitch poured upon his head,
Taranto: Was the principal eet base of Regia Ma- and feathers or down strewn upon it so that he may
rina (Royal Italian Navy) in both World Wars. After be known. And he is to be put ashore at the rst
the 1940 defeat of France and neutralization of its landing place they come to.
navy, previously allied to Britain, the Italians outnum- Tartana: A single-masted lateen-sailed vessel of the
bered Britains Mediterranean Fleet in every class of Western Mediterranean and North African Atlantic
warship except aircraft carriers. Their eet-in-being coasts.
at Taranto, deep in the instep of the Italian boot, Task organization: A temporary formation of war-
posed a serious threat to British convoys en route to ships, assembled under unied command to accom-
Egypt. Determined to redress the balance, the Royal plish a specic objective, or constituted on a more
Navy mounted the second sea-launched naval air at- permanent basis to carry out a complete mission. De-
tack in history. (The rst, on Christmas Day, 1914, veloped for the Pacic Campaigns of World War II,
had been an RNAS raid on the German naval base at task organization provides a unit commander with a
Cuxhaven, launched from three fast crossChannel exible and efcient command and control structure
packets converted into seaplane tenders.) and is the standard operational format of the post-
The night raid, of November 11/12, 1940, was one war U.S. Navy.
of the most daring episodes of World War II. A few The largest task-oriented entity is the Fleet, identi-
obsolete, open-cockpit, biplane aircraft attacked the ed by a single digit (e.g., 7th Fleet). The next largest
Italian eet in heavily-defended Taranto harbor, trans- is a Task Force identied by adding a second digit (e.g.,
forming the balance of naval power in the Mediter- TF 71). Each further subdivision is identied by a dec-
ranean and leading naval pundits around the world imal point and a sequence number. For example (read-
to predict the end of the battleship. The tactics em- ing backward) TE refers to the tenth Task
ployed were carefully studied by the Imperial Japa- Element of the fourth Task Unit of the twelfth Task
nese Navy (see Pearl Harbor). Group in the rst Task Force of the 7th Fleet. None of
Tare: An allowance made for the weight of pack- these formations has any prescribed structure and can
aging, wrapping, or a container of goods. be re-arranged or disbanded as operationally required.
Target: [1] The mark, point, or object to be aimed Tattletale : A bight of (usually) colored manila
321 Tempest

thread hanging between two xed points on a work- Telegraph: [1] Generally, a device or system that
ing line. As the load increases, the line stretches, grad- transmits messages over distance. [2] Specically, a
ually tightening the thread, until it is taut, showing the shipboard apparatus, usually mechanical, that trans-
line has reached its safe working load. Not to be con- mits speed and other orders from the bridge to the
fused with telltale. engine room. [3] Nowadays, the telegraph may di-
Tattoo: [1] Originally, an evening drum or bugle rectly control the propulsion machinery. (Also called
signal (copied from the army) recalling sailors and engine-room telegraph or engine-order telegraph.)
marines from shore leave. From the Dutch doe den Telegraph block: A block with multiple sheaves
tiptoe, meaning close the taps (i.e., stop drinking). that allows signals to be sent using several halyards si-
[2] Today, tattoo may be a more elaborate ceremony, multaneously.
staged as an outdoor pageant or display of marching Telemetry: The measurement of data at one loca-
and counter-marching to music. (See also last post and tion and their transmission to another for analysis or
taps.) [3] To mark human skin with indelible designs display.
or pictures. From the Tahitian tatau. Telescope: A long optical instrument, designed to
Tattooing: The mariners obsession with body dec- make distant objects appear larger and nearer. Usually
oration began in the 17th century among Roman constructed in sections which slide within one-an-
Catholic sailors who believed that a tattooed crucix other to make it less cumbersome when not in use.
would serve to identify their corpses and ensure a Frequently carried by naval ofcers as a symbol of au-
proper funeral with all the churchly rites of burial. A thority. Also long glass and, formerly, bring-em-
century later sailors often had a pig tattooed on one near.
foot and a rooster on the other, the superstition being Tell off: To detail seamen for special duty.
that since neither of these creatures can swim, in the Tell the Marines: The origin of this phrase, which
event of shipwreck, they would rush ashore taking the indicates disbelief of a statement or story, has two
seaman with them. It is believed they got the idea widespread and mutually-exclusive interpretations.
from Polynesian natives, some of whom were tattooed [1] In the rst no doubt advanced by seamen
with sacred pigs and other charms. marines are portrayed as thick-witted nave green-
Taut: [1] Well-stayed (masts and rigging). [2] Said horns who, unlike intelligent and alert sailors, would
of masts that are tall in proportion to spread of yards believe any tale put to them, no matter how far-
or size of ship. [3] Tightly drawn, having no give or fetched. [2] In the second, Samuel Pepys, the famed
slack (a taut rope). [4] In proper order or condition (a diarist and admiralty ofcial, writes of relaying reports
taut ship). Also taunt. of ying sh to King Charles II who scoffed at this
Taut leg mooring: Chains or cables stretched tight unbelievable story. A Major of Marines, who hap-
to subject the anchors to vertical forces as well as hor- pened to be at Court, assured the skeptical monarch
izontal. See Offshore mooring. he had personally seen them, whereupon the king is
Taut-line hitch: An adjustable loop knot for use on reputed to have said:
lines under tension, made by tying a rolling hitch No class of Our subjects can have so wide a knowl-
around the standing part after passing around an an- edge of seas and lands as the ofcers and men of Our
choring object. Tension is maintained by sliding the Loyal Maritime Regiment. Henceforth, before We
hitch, thus changing the effective length of the stand- ever cast doubts upon a tale which lacks likelihood,
ing part without retying the knot. It is typically used We shall rst tell it to the Marines.
for creating adjustable moorings in tidal areas, but has Telltale: [1] A short length of yarn or light line at-
many non-nautical applications even being used by tached to the edge or belly of a sail to indicate wind
astronauts to repair the Hubble Space Telescope. direction. [2] Specically, a remote instrument repeat-
TC: Tidal current. ing the reading of the ships main compass in the cabin
TE: Task element. of the captain or other senior ofcer. Often suspended
Tea-wagon: Sailor slang for an Indiaman clipper. over a bunk so that it can be read from below while
Teaser: An 18-inch length of rope, knotted and resting. [3] Generically, any remote instrument re-
dipped in tar, used to og non-adult boys as pun- peating a reading or signal. Not to be confused with
ishment. Also known as a bimmy. See juvenile pun- tattletale.
ishment. Temperature chimney: A pipe leading from the
Tectonic plate: Plates are like giant rafts of litho- deck into the hold of a bulker, down which a ther-
sphere (the earths surface) which collide with and are mometer can be lowered to determine heat build-up
forced underneath other plates. See oceanic trench, which might lead to spontaneous combustion.
ring of re, and oceanic deep. Temperature gradient : The change of sea heat
Teeth: Fanciful nautical term for [1] the direction with increasing depth, recorded as positive if it rises.
a wind is coming from (sailing into the teeth of a gale). Except for anomalies such as hot vents on the sea oor,
[2] The broadside guns of a man-o-war (she opened the gradient is almost always negative because cold
the ports to show her teeth): The bows (she has a bone water normally sinks. See also Thermocline.
in her teeth). Tempest: Force 11 on the Beaufort Scale (table 1)
Tenant 322

with winds of 56 to 63 knots (64.5 to 72.6 mph; 103.8 resolution 53/144: Declaration on the Right and Re-
to 116.7 km/h). Characterized by exceptionally high sponsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of So-
waves and seas covered in foam. Also violent storm. ciety to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized
Tenant: Said of a command which lies physically Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. See also
within the geographical limits of another command exclusive economic zone, and right of shery.
but is independent of it. Territorial strait: When a narrow waterway sepa-
Tend: [1] To handle, take care of, or watch over rates two countries, it is generally agreed that the di-
something (e.g., a deck crew tends mooring lines, or viding line will run down the middle of the strait,
an anchor watch tends the ship). [2] To lead in a given equidistant from both.
direction (e.g., the anchor cable tends forward). Also Territorial waters: According to the UN Conven-
trend. tion on Law of the Sea the sovereignty of a coastal
Tend the side: See attend the side. state extends beyond its land and internal waters across
Tender: [1] Said of a vessel with low stability, tend- an adjacent belt of sea up to a limit not exceeding 12
ing to yield easily to wind pressure. [2] An auxiliary ves- nautical miles (22.2 kilometers) from the baseline.
sel, serving others in the eet. [3] A small boat or dinghy This sovereignty includes the airspace over the sea as
used to transfer crews and equipment to larger vessels. well as to its bed and subsoil. In territorial seas, sub-
Tensile strength: [1] The resistance of rope to a marines and other underwater vehicles are required
longitudinal force tending to break it. [2] The force to navigate on the surface showing their national ag.
that must be applied to break a rope. Some states have unilaterally claimed limits of up to
Tensiometer: An instrument which measures the 200 nautical miles. Also called territorial sea.
tension in a wire or cable. Territory: See country.
Tent: To rig an awning as a catchment for rainwa- Tertiate: To test the thickness of metal at the muz-
ter. zle of a gun, in order to ascertain its strength.
Teredo: A marine worm with an auger-like head Tether: A line attached to a safety harness at one end
which bores into timber, forming a shell as it pro- and xed to a secure part of the ship at the other.
gresses. Each individual can attain a meter (three-feet) TEU: Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit.
or more in length, and an infestation can eventually de- Texas deck: An American riverboat term for the
stroy a wooden ship. uppermost deck adjacent to the pilot house.
Terminal: [1] A facility designed to transfer cargo Texas Navy: Texas was an independent republic
from one means of transportation to another. [2] A pe- between 1835, when it seceded from Mexico, and
troleum tank farm or oil storage depot. 1844, when it joined the United States. A sea service
Terminal operations: [1] The reception, process- was created at the time of secession to protect the trade
ing, and staging of passengers. [2] The receipt, tran- route to New Orleans. In 1846 all its ships were trans-
sit, storage, and marshalling of cargo. [3] The load- ferred to the United States Navy, but the name was
ing and unloading of modes of transport. [4] The re-established in 1958 as a non-prot organization
manifesting and forwarding of cargo and passengers to dedicated to preserving Texan maritime history.
destination. TF : Task force.
Tern: [1] A three-masted schooner found in Can- TG: Task group.
adas maritime provinces. [2] A marine bird similar Thach weave: An aerial combat maneuver devel-
to a gull but smaller and with a long forked tail. oped by Lt.Cdr. (later Admiral) John ( Jimmie) Thach
Terrestrial equator: The great circle on the earths in the summer of 1941 to counter the superior per-
surface which is equidistant from the North and South formance of Japanese naval ghters. Abandoning the
poles. Commonly known as the equator. traditional three-plane section favored by all the
Territorial sea: See territorial waters. worlds air forces, he devised a four-plane unit divided
Territorial sea baseline: Is generally the low tide into two two-plane sections ying wide apart. Each
mark, but runs from headland to headland when the section would watch the tails of the other. An enemy
coast is indented. coming from astern would have to choose which sec-
Territorial sovereignty: The Peace of Westphalia in tion to attack. When one section saw the attacker it
1648 established the doctrine of noninterference in would immediately make a 90 inward turn. This
the affairs of other nations. Since then there have been would alert the other section it was under threat and
many attempts to clarify the concept of territorial it would also make a 90 inward turn. An enemy fol-
sovereignty, but a clear, universally agreed-upon lowing the second section would then meet the guns
denition has not emerged. According to the tradi- of the rst section head on. See Weave [2].
tional Westphalian view, the power of a state to exer- Thalweg: Term in international maritime law re-
cise supreme authority over all persons and things ferring to the middle of the main navigable channel of
within its territory and territorial waters is unlimited, a waterway separating two states. From the German
but today the picture is more complex with each states thal = valley and weg = way and pronounced tarl-
freedom of action being limited by international law vaig.
and diplomatic agreements such as United Nations Thassalocracy: Naval, political, or economic dom-
323 Through

ination of the seas. The Greek term Thassalokratia 359 with all three digits being used for course com-
was rst used in the fth century BCE by both Herodo- mands (e.g., steer zero-zero-six).
tus and Thucydides. Three-island ship: A vessel with raised forecastle,
Theater/Theatre: The geographical area for which midships house, and poop.
the commander of a major combatant command has Three-letter compass: A compass whose card
been assigned responsibility. Also Theater of Opera- identies the eight secondary intercardinal points as
tions. well as the cardinal and primary intercardinal points.
Theft: In marine insurance, theft is stealing the (e.g., steer East-North-East).
contents of an entire package or shipment. Taking Three sheets in the wind: The speed and direction
only part is called pilferage. of a sailing ship is controlled by the number of sails
There!: An attention-gathering sufx to a hail in raised on each mast, the angle of the sails to the wind
the sailing navy (e.g., Mast-head there!). (trim), and the position of the rudder. If a sheet (line
There away!: A phrase used when pointing towards used to control a square-sail) has broken or been re-
a sighted object, or in response to the query where leased, it is said to be in the wind. It is extremely
away? difcult to manage even a single sail thrashing wildly
Thermal imaging: See forward-looking infrared. with its control ropes blowing about in a strong wind.
Thermocline: A transition layer of varying thick- With sheets on all three masts in this condition, the
ness forming a temperature gradient between the rel- ship is essentially out of control. Hence this phrase
atively warm epilimnion (mixed or surface layer) and rst recorded in Richard Henry Danas 1840 book Two
the much colder hypolimnion (deep water layer). The Years Before the Mast has come to mean being too
Thermocline varies with latitude and season, being intoxicated to know what one is doing. Much less fre-
permanent in the tropics and almost absent at the quently one sheet to the wind is used to indicate
poles. slight inebriation.
Thermocline effect: In the open ocean, the ther- Threefold purchase: A tackle containing a pair of
mocline is characterized by a negative sound speed three-sheaved blocks.
gradient, making the thermocline important in sub- Throat : [1] The jaws of a gaff. [2] The forward
marine warfare. Rapid changes in temperature and upper corner of a square-sail. [3] The higher corner of
density over relatively little change of depth, create a lugsail.
discontinuity in the acoustic impedance of water and Throttle: A device that controls the speed of an
tend to refract the sound waves of active sonar and engine by obstructing or checking the ow of a uid
other acoustic signals, complicating the problem of such as fuel or steam. From Middle English throtelen
detection. = to strangle or cut the throat of (someone).
Thermohaline circulation: Refers to deepwater Throttle lever: A lever or pedal for controlling or
ocean currents created by differences of water density. manipulating a throttle valve.
This property of sea water is a factor of temperature Throttle valve: A valve moved by hand or by a gov-
and salinity (thermo = heat; haline = salt). ernor for regulating the supply of steam to a steam
Thick: Said of weather with reduced visibility due engine or the ow of fuel to an internal-combustion
to fog, haze, rain, or snow. engine.
Thieves cat: See running the gauntlet. Throttle watch: A throttleman who stands by the
Thieves knot: An extra knot tied in each of a cats controls during foul weather to prevent the engine
nine tails to increase the victims suffering. from racing when the rising stern lifts propeller(s)
Thimble: [1] A metal ring, concave on the outside above the water.
and tting within a eyesplice to prevent chang. Throttleman: The engine-room detail who con-
[2] A protective shield worn on the nger or thumb trols the speed of the ship.
during sewing. [3] See sail palm. Through-hull: Any ttings that exit the hull, such
Third hand: Colloquialism for a benchhook. as drains and outlet or intake pipes.
Thole pin: A wooden peg or pair of pegs attached Through the cabin window: [1] In former RN
to the gunwale of a boat to hold oars in place and slang, any naval ofcer who obtained rank or advance-
allow them to pivot and rotate while being pulled (cf. ment by birth or connections had Come aboard
oarlock, rowlock). through the cabin window. [2] The term is still in
Thousand-ship Navy: This imaginative and USN use to describe an ofcer who reaches command
evocative name has been replaced by the more mun- status without broad qualifying experience.
dane Global maritime partnership. Through the hawsepipe/hawseholes: [1] Appro-
Thread: The smallest component of a rope. See batory USN slang for an ofcer who achieves com-
strand and yarn. mand grade after passing through all ranks from en-
Threat axis: The direction or bearing from which listed. [2] RN slang for any ofcer commissioned from
hostile activity can be anticipated. the lower deck, He came aft through the hawsepipe.
Three-gure compass: A gyrocompass whose card, The USN equivalent is Mustang.
instead of showing points, starts at 000 and ends at Through the hoop: Before hammocks were stowed
Throw 324

in storage nettings, it was the practice in some ships derives from Old Norse bara, meaning wave or swell.
to pass them through a hoop gauge to ensure they met (Also eagre.)
regulations as to size and appearance. The term is now Tidal current : Horizontal movement of water
in civilian use meaning to undergo an ordeal. caused by the inuence of sun and moon. Also tidal
Throw off: [1] To release a line and let it run freely. stream.
[2] Gunnery term for putting guns a few degrees out Tidal cycle : As the water moves away from the
of alignment, so that they can be aimed at another shore and gets shallower, the tide is said to be going
ship and practice-red without hitting it. out, ebbing, or on the ebb. The moment at which the
Thrums: Short pieces of rope yarn used [1] for current begins to reverse direction and has no motion
making mats; [2] for inserting into canvas to form an is known as turn of the tide or slack water. And as it
anti-chang wrap; [3] to mufe oars. comes back towards the shore the tide is coming in, ris-
Thrust: A reactive force resulting from Newtons ing, or on the rise.
second law of motion (which denes how velocity Tidal datum: Mean low-water level, taken as the
changes when force is applied) and his third law (that reference point from which all other heights and
every action produces an equal and opposite reaction). depths are measured or predicted.
Thus, [1] A powered vessel generates forward thrust Tidal day: One complete tidal cycle.
when its propellers push water aft, and reverse thrust Tidal gate: A barrier through which water ows
when they push it forward; and, [2] An aircraft freely when the tidal current is in one direction and
generates forward thrust when air is pushed in the op- which closes automatically when the current reverses
posite direction of ight, whether by the spinning (cf. oodgate).
blades of a propeller, or the rotating turbine of a jet Tidal harbor: A harbor in which the depth of water
engine. is directly affected by the rise and fall of tides. Fre-
Thruster: A tunnel-mounted propeller or water jet quently the port can only be entered or exited at the
at bow or stern to provide sideways propulsion and ood.
eliminate the need for tugboat assistance when dock- Tidal pool: A rocky pool lled with seawater that
ing. See also podded drive. can be small and shallow or large and deep. As the
Thus!: The order by which a pilot directs the tide comes in over a rocky shore, water lls depres-
helmsman to keep the ship in her present situation. sions that become isolated pools when the tide re-
Thwart: A seat or crossbeam in a small boat (from treats. This process, repeated twice a day, replenishes
Old English thverr = transverse) (cf. bench, sheets). the seawater in what would otherwise be a stagnant
Thwartships: Abbreviation of athwartships. pond.
Ticket: [1] Slang for a merchant mariners license. Tidal range: The average difference between suc-
[2] A Royal Navy warrant or certicate of discharge. cessive high and low tides. Geographical position and
These were so prized in the days of impressment that local topography determine the scale of tidal move-
blank copies were always kept under lock and key to ment, which is usually small in the middle of the
avoid theft. ocean or enclosed bodies of water; for example, the wa-
Ticklers: RN slang for tobacco, especially pursers ters around Hawaii, and the Baltic and Mediterranean
issue. Named after the rm that originally supplied Seas have hardly any tidal range at all. On the other
that product. hand, it can be very large when funneled into a bay or
Tidal: Pertaining to, characterized by, or inuenced river estuary; in Canadas Bay of Fundy the tide rises
by tides. and falls some 1215 meters (4050 feet) and very
Tidal basin: British term for a tidal harbor in high ranges are also found in other coastal areas such
which the water level is kept constant by a oodgate as the Amazonian and the Patagonian shelves.
or tidal gate. Tidal waters: All fresh or salt waters inuenced by
Tidal bore: A phenomenon generated when the the ebb and ow of tides including affected river sys-
leading edge of a rising tide rides over the top of an tems.
outowing river current and moves upstream in the Tidal wave: [1] One of two ocean-water swellings,
form of a wave. This makes it a true tidal wave (not caused by the combined action of sun and moon, that
to be confused with tsunami). These phenomena are travel around the globe on opposite sides inducing
relatively rare, occurring only in a few locations where tide creation. [2] A tidal bore or eagre. [3] Popular
large incoming tides are funneled into a shallow nar- but incorrect term for a tsunami or storm surge, nei-
rowing river via a broad bay. The biggest in North ther of which is actually tidal.
America occurs in the otherwise lazy Shubenacadie Tiddly: [1] RN lower deck slang for smart or ship-
River, off the Bay of Fundy where the tidal range is shape. [2] Colloquialism for slightly inebriated. Also
about 12 meters (40 feet). The Shubenacadie bore tiddley.
races upstream at a speed as high as 50 km/h (30 mph) Tiddy-oggy: RN slang for meat and spiced veg-
and can rise to a height of 5 meters (16 feet) but is etables enclosed in a small, at pastry shell (known
usually less. It has claimed the lives of several tourists ashore in Britain as a Cornish Pasty).
who were in the riverbed when it came in. The word Tide: The cyclical rise and fall of sea level that oc-
325 Timber

curs roughly every twelve hours (from Old English Tidebound: Unable to move because of surround-
tid = time). These are of great importance to naviga- ing low water but not necessarily aground.
tion, since signicant errors in position will occur if Tidehead: The furthest inland point affected by
they are not taken into account. Tidal range and tidal action.
height are also important, because many rivers and Tidesman: Former name for a customs ofcer who
harbors have shallow bars that prevent vessels with had to wait for the tide to turn before the revenue cut-
signicant draft from entering at certain states of the ter could take him out to incoming ships. Also tide
tidal cycle. See also tide creation. waiter.
Tide ball: A ball-shaped signal hoisted when the Tidewater: Fresh water that is affected by tides.
depth of water allows a vessel to enter a bar-restricted Not to be confused with tidal waters.
harbor. Tideway: [1] The rush of tidal water through a
Tide creation: All surfaces of the Earth are pulled channel or stream. [2] A channel in which a tidal cur-
toward the moon and sun by gravitational attraction. rent runs.
This has minor effect on solid land masses, but exerts Tie: See tye.
great and obvious inuence on the uid oceans. Moon Tie beam: A heavy bar used to secure the tarpau-
gravity pulls upwards on the water, while the stronger lin covering a hatch cover.
force of earth gravity simultaneously pulls down- Tie-for-tie: Formerly, a sailors term for the mu-
ward. tual exchange of favors with no obligation on either
The suns gravity also has an impact, but its grav- side. Originally referred to the plaiting of pigtails by
itational force on the earth is less than half that of the tie mates.
moon, making the latter the predominant factor in Tie mate: A friend so intimate that he can help
tide creation. As the moon rotates around the Earth, with personal matters such as plaiting (tying) the
it pulls the water on the nearest side of the Earth queue (pigtail).
outward into a bulge. A similar bulge on the oppo- Tie up: To attach to a buoy or other mooring.
site side of the Earth is caused by the water being Tiedown: A tting used to secure aircraft on the
thrown outward by the centrifugal force of the ight deck or in the hangar of a carrier.
planets spin. These two bulges travel around the globe Tier: [1] One of several turns of rope. [2] To stow
as tidal waves, producing diurnal high tides (two each an anchor cable in the chain locker. [3] One of sev-
day). eral layers of casks or barrels. [4] One bank of guns in
When the sunearthmoon line is straight (at the broadside of a man-o-war.
new moon and full moon) their gravitational pulls Tiered shot: A muzzle-loading projectile consist-
combine to produce higher high tides and lower low ing of layers of grapeshot separated by circular metal
tides, known as spring tides. When sun and moon are discs.
at right angles from the Earth (during the quarter Ties: The straps or strings used to tighten a life pre-
phases of the moon) the gravitational pull on the server.
oceans is less, producing a smaller range between high Tiff or Tiffy: RN slang for an articer.
and low water, known as neap tides. There is about a Tiger: British slang for a shipmasters oriental ser-
seven day interval between springs and neaps. Tides vant. In days of sail, the Captains Tiger was fre-
also occur at slightly different times from one day to quently dressed appropriately in a striped outt.
another, due to shifts in the relative orbits of earth, Tight: [1] Said of a wooden vessel which does not
moon, and sun. Northern California has two unequal leak. (Old Norse thettr = watertight.) [2] Said of a
tides each day, while the Gulf of Mexico experiences vessel where discipline is strictly enforced. (German
only one high and one low tide each day. dicht = tight.) [3] A well-run business is often referred
Tide gate: [1] A restricted passage which produces to as a tight ship. [4] Common slang for inebriated
a tide race. [2] A tidal gate. (origin uncertain).
Tide gauge: Any device for measuring or record- Tiller: A horizontal bar attached to the rudder-
ing tides. May be as simple as a yardstick on the sea- head and used to steer the vessel. As the size of sail-
wall or as complex as a marigraph. ing warships increased, the power needed to control the
Tide race: A rapid and hazardous tidal current, rudder became excessive and a helm (or wheel) was
usually caused by a narrow channel (tide gate) or a used to move the tiller with the mechanical advan-
submerged rock. tage of a steering mechanism of ropes and pulleys.
Tide rip: A stretch of turbulent water caused ei- When this mechanism suffered battle damage, the
ther by conicting tidal currents or by a tidal current tiller had to be moved manually and even with tack-
crossing a rough bottom. les the effort was prodigious. It took thirty men heav-
Tide rode: Said of an anchored vessel which swings ing to port and the same number to starboard to turn
with the tide (cf. wind rode). the rudder of a rst-rate such as HMS Victory. See also
Tide table : A publication listing the predicted steering evolution.
times and heights of tides at specic locations on Timber hitch: A method of attaching a line to a
specic dates. spar.
Timberheads 326

Timberheads: The tops of poles or beams that Z 0200 B Bravo (Athens) O Oscar (E. Greenland)
project above the weather deck in pairs to form Z 0300 C Charlie (Moscow) P Papa (Rio de Janeiro)
bitts. Z 0400 D Delta (Abu Dhabi) Q Quebec (Halifax)
Timbers: [1] The frames or ribs of a wooden Z 0500 E Echo (Karachi) R Romeo (New York)
Z 0600 F Foxtrot (Rangoon) S Sierra (Chicago)
ship. [2] Any large pieces of wood used in ship- Z 0700 G Golf ( Jakarta) T Tango (Calgary)
building. [3] See Shiver my timbers! Z 0800 H Hotel (Beijing) U Uniform (Vancouver)
Time ball: A visual signal consisting of a ball Z 0900 I India (Tokyo) V Victor (Anchorage)
raised to the masthead and released to drop at Z 1000 K Kilo (Sydney) W Whiskey (Hawaii)
the stroke of an important hour such as noon. Z 1100 L Lima (Guadalcanal) X X-Ray (Samoa)
Time charter: A form of charter party where Z 1200 M Mike (Fiji) Y Yankee (Tarawa)
the owner leases a vessel and its crew for a xed
Timekeeping: Time aboard ship is measured by
period. The charterer pays for bunkers and port
the striking of a bell every thirty minutes. This prac-
charges in addition to the cost of the lease.
tice originated in the 13th century, when the ships
Time notation: See Date & Time Notation and
boy kept time by turning a half-hour sand-glass. Each
table 12.
Time penalty: A marine insurance clause that re- time the sand ran out and he turned the glass over he
lieves the insurer of claims against losses due to peril would yell rst turn, second turn, and so on until
of the sea. eighth turn indicated the end of the watch. Because
Time zones (civil): Internationally, the globe is di- young voices did not always carry well, it became cus-
vided into 24 one-hour time zones, each covering 15 tomary for him to strike the ships bell to indicate the
of longitude and centered on a meridian (except for ad- number of turns he had made. The watch ended with
justments to accommodate political boundaries). Each eight bells and the next boy started the cycle again.
zone thus has 71 2 (representing 30 minutes of time) The number is still shouted out as well as rung and,
on either side of its meridian. Times around the world unless there has been a signicant untoward incident
are expressed as positive or negative offsets from the to report, it is traditional to signify the end of the
Prime Meridian at Greenwich, England (known as watch with the call Eight bells and alls well. See also
Z). Thus Z + hhmm lies east of Greenwich and is bells, nautical day, and watchkeeping.
ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), while Timoneer: Former name for a helmsman. From
Z-hhmm lies to the west and is behind. (See also date the French timonier.
and time notation, and day.) Tin can: USN slang for a destroyer.
Some states span multiple time zones. For exam- Tin sh: Slang for a torpedo.
ple, Australia runs from its Western Zone (at Z + Tin hat: RN slang for a steel helmet (also battle
0800) to the Eastern (Z + 1000); North America cov- bowler).
ers six zones, from Atlantic (Z-0400) to Alaska (Z- Tin tunas: USN slang for a submariners dolphin
0900); Russia spans eleven zones from Kaliningrad (Z insignia.
+ 0200) to Kamchatka (Z + 1200), extending from Tingle: Thin sheet metal used for temporary hull
Eastern Europe to just short of the International Date repairs.
Line. Domestically, zones are often adjusted to t local Tip clearance: The smallest distance between a
circumstances, politics, or geography. For example, ships propellers and its hull.
Newfoundland Time is Z-0430 (half way between Tipping the nines: Colloquialism for foundering
Atlantic and Eastern time); Central Australian Time due to having set too much sail on all nine principal
is also on the half-hour (Z + 0930); and Greenland, yards of a ship.
which actually spans ve time zones, only uses one Titanic mailmen: On the night of 14th April 1912,
(Z-0300) throughout the country. while on her maiden voyage, RMS Titanic struck an
Time zones (military and naval): United States iceberg, sinking with tremendous loss of life. The
and NATO armed forces use UTC time zones, dened largest ocean liner of her day and reputed to be unsink-
by a phonetic alphabet, in which J ( Juliett) is not able, Titanic did not carry sufcient lifeboats for all on
used, being reserved to identify current local (zone) board. The law at that time (issued eighteen years ear-
time. As in civil usage the zones run eastward (posi- lier when ships were much smaller) required her to
tive) and westward (negative) from the Prime Merid- have 16 lifeboats with space for 962 occupants. The
ian. This puts half of Zulu zone in the western hemi- White Star Line had exceeded this regulation by also
sphere and half in the eastern, with reconciliation at carrying four collapsible Berthon boats, bringing total
the International Date Line, where time zones Mike capacity to 1,178, but the liner carried close to 2,200
(Z + 1200) and Yankee (Z-1200) are each only 71 2 passengers and crew (there is no consensus on the
wide. For easier orientation, the following table shows exact number) of which only about 700 survived.
one of the locations within each zone: Many books and movies have told the full story, but
UTC Offset Eastward Zones (+) Westward Zones (-) one of many individual acts of self-sacrice
Z 0000 Z Zulu [1 2] (Lagos) Z Zulu [1 2] (Iceland) which has received little publicity concerns two
Z 0100 A Alpha (Vienna) N November (Azores) American and three British postal workers (RMS
327 Toggle

stands for Royal Mail Ship) who desperately tried to Tuesday: Our men.
save 200 sacks of registered mail by dragging them Wednesday: Ourselves.
to the upper decks and possible safety. All ve per- Thursday: A bloody war and a sickly season (both
ished in the freezing water, along with some 1500 oth- guarantee rapid promotion).
ers. Friday: A willing foe and sea room.
Title: Nomenclature or form of address indicating Saturday: Sweethearts and wives (traditionally
a persons rank or status. some wag responds and may they never meet).
Tjalk: A small single-masted Dutch sailing vessel Sunday: Absent friends and those at sea.
of about 60 tons burthen. Toasts in the United States Navy: Since 1914,
TNT: Trinitrotoluene (an explosive). when Navy Secretary Josephus Daniels banned alco-
To the bitter end: It has been postulated that this hol aboard USN ships, formal dining-in has re-
colloquial phrase, meaning to carry on until resources quired special dispensation and is rare. Mess nights
are exhausted, refers to the sour or acrid dregs at the are usually held at an ofcers club, a hotel, or another
end of a drink. However, a nautical origin seems more shore facility. Toasts are drunk standing, with the rst
probable since the phrase is still in naval use, indicat- normally being to The Commander in Chief (The
ing that a cable has been let out until no more is avail- President), during which the national anthem is
able. Some sources suggest the term was originally played. However, as in the Royal Navy, when foreign-
the better end since the inboard end of a ships ers are guests of the wardroom this toast will be pre-
hempen anchor cable was less worn than the outboard ceded by one to the country and the title (not name)
end. of its head of state, accompanied by the foreign na-
TOA: Time of arrival. tional anthem. When appropriate, these will be fol-
Toasts in the Royal Navy: A unique privilege is lowed by one or more pre-arranged Formal toasts.
said to have begun when King William IV, known as These are always proposed in the following sequence,
The Sailor King, was inspecting the eet at Spit- and to an organization or a post (rather than its incum-
head. Wooden warships had very little headroom, and bent):
the king noticed several tall ofcers banging against The Army.
low beams when rising to drink his health. Having The Marine Corps.
bumped his head all too often during his own sea serv- The Coast Guard.
ice, he immediately ordered that naval ofcers could The Air Force.
in future drink to their monarch while seated. This The Secretary of the Navy.
story is probably apocryphal, since it is also attrib- The Chief of Naval Operations.
uted to two other kings (Charles II and George IV) The Civil Engineer Corps.
and such an important event would surely have been The Chief of Civil Engineers.
precisely recorded. The Seabees.
Most probably the custom arose simply because the Missing Comrades.
spacing of overhead beams was such that every third Informal toasts may then be introduced by indi-
wardroom ofcer would have been forced to crouch vidual members of the mess, with an introduction
rather than stand erect. Whatever its origin, the dis- supposed (in the words of the directive) to show in-
pensation did not apply when the national anthem spired and subtle sarcasm. Finally, the dinner closes
was played, so many captains ordered their bands to with a toast to The United States Navy. Unlike ear-
remain silent during the Loyal Toast in order not to lier toasts, which may be sipped or feigned, the entire
jeopardize the privilege. In 1964, on the 300th birth- glass should be drained while the band plays Anchors
day of the corps, Queen Elizabeth II granted Royal Aweigh.
Marine ofcers the privilege of also remaining seated TOD: Time of departure.
for the Loyal Toast. Toe the Line: [1] In sailing navies the entire ships
Although in civilian circles it is permissible to drink company was assembled at least once a week (usually
toasts in water, this is taboo in naval circles where it Sunday) for formal inspection. The booted Marines
traditionally predicts a drowning death for the recip- were trained soldiers who knew how to form up in
ient (see also clinking glasses). Nowadays, no ofcer straight lines, but barefooted seamen were clueless in
or guest is required to actually drink, but each is ex- that respect. To get them into some semblance of
pected to raise a charged glass to their lips when a order, petty ofcers wielding ropes-ends would push
toast is proposed. With the exception of the toast to them to stand with their toes touching one of the
foreign heads of state (when their nationals are pres- oakum-lled seams that ran along the length of the
ent) no toast may be proposed before the sovereigns weather deck. [2] Toeing the line could also be puni-
health is drunk (see Passing the Port). After the Royal tive. For some minor infraction of discipline an of-
toast it was traditional to propose the toast of the day, fender would be ordered to toe a seam and stay there
a ritual which is still followed in some British war- without moving for a specied period of time, in fair
ships. The standard toasts, for which ofcers rise, are: weather or foul.
Monday: Our ships at sea. Toggle: A wooden or metal pin attached to a line
Tom 328

and used to connect items which need to be easily re- Net tonnage expresses the vessels earning capacity
leased. Typically used on signal ags, lifebuoys, and (in by deducting space not available for the carriage of
ornamental form) on dufe coats. passengers or cargo; (c) Freight tonnage is another
Tom Cox: Derogatory term describing a sailor who method of calculating volume capacity by deter-
bustles about looking busy but achieving little. Now mining the ships container-carrying capability in
seldom used. terms of Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (two TEU
Tom Pepper: Obsolete term for a lying sailor. = one freight ton).
Tomahawk: [1] A hand-held weapon with a steel Weight measurement is expressed in long tons or
blade on one side of a short wooden handle, and a in metric tonnes, calculated by multiplying the vol-
sharp hook on the other. In the 17th18th century, ume of the hull below the waterline (i.e., the quan-
boarders used it to hang on to enemy bulwarks, and tity of water it displaces) by the density of that
to cut away rigging, as well as in hand-to-hand com- water. Weight measurements are not tonnage in
bat. [2] A long-range, low-altitude, subsonic cruise the proper sense, although they are often referred to
missile, launched against land targets from submarines as such. (a) Lightweight tonnage is the weight of the
and surface vessels. merchantmans structure when empty; (b) Dead-
Tombola: A form of lottery similar to bingo. It weight tonnage is the difference between loaded dis-
became the RNs most popular game when gambling placement and lightweight tonnage, thus represent-
games such as crown-and-anchor were outlawed. ing the weight of cargo, fuel, water ballast, fresh
When the rules were relaxed, tombola was supplanted water, stores, crew, passengers and luggage; (c) Dis-
by uckers, a much more savage game of ancient British placement tonnage is almost exclusively used for war-
naval origin. ships. It is further subdivided by the Washington
Tompion: See tampion. Naval Treaty as follows:
Ton: Various units of weight or volume. [1] Metric i. Standard, which is dened as:
tonne = 1000 kg = 2204.6 lbs. [2] Long ton = 1016.4 Complete, fully manned, engined, and
kg = 2240 lbs. [3] Short ton = 907.18 kg = 2000 lbs. equipped ready for sea, including all arma-
[4] Cargo ton (or tun) = 252 wine gallons = 302.6 ment and ammunition, equipment, outt,
U.S. gallons = 1145.6 liters = 40 cu.ft. [5] Register ton provisions and fresh water for crew, miscella-
= 100 cu.ft. (see also tonnage). neous stores and implements of every de-
Ton-for-ton: A privateers phrase indicating that scription that are intended to be carried in
ships sailing in consort will have equal shares in all war, but without fuel or reserve feed water
prizes taken by any of them. on board.
Ton-mile: A measurement in transportation eco- ii. Full load, which adds fuel and reserve feed
nomics, designating the movement of one ton of cargo water to the standard denition:
over a distance of one mile. iii. Normal, as used by the USN and NATO,
Tongue: [1] A long narrow strip of land such as a which allows two-thirds supply of stores and fuel,
cape or spit projecting into the water. [2] A submerged and is regarded as an average operational displace-
strip of ice projecting from an iceberg or oe. [3] A ment.
small wooden block inserted to help the jaws of a gaff Tonne : The proper spelling for a metric ton of
to slide. 1,000 kilograms (0.9842 long tons; 1.1023 short tons).
Tonnage: The term is derived from the Old En- Top dog: See underdog.
glish tunne and refers to [1] the fees or duty charged Top drawer: The highest level of rank or best avail-
on ships and their cargoes; [2] the total amount of able quality. The expression arose, some have said,
shipping in a eet or of a country; [3] the cargo han- because a ships captain used to keep vital documents
dling capacity of a port; [4] the carrying capacity or and charts in the top drawer of his desk for easy ac-
weight of an individual ship. cess in emergencies. That is possible, but the author
Tonnage measurement: The rst English-language suspects it more probably reects the fact that a
laws of ship measurement, issued in 1492, were woman of quality always kept her nest jewelry in the
straightforward a ship that could carry 30 tunne top drawer of her dressing table.
casks in her hold had a burthen of 30 tunnes. Since Top Gun: The popular (semi-ofcial) name of the
then, there have been various other systems, many United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor
based on a ships linear dimensions. Today there are school (formerly Fighter Weapons School). Power
two basic methods, each of which has a number of Projection classes train experienced Navy and Ma-
sub-divisions: rine Corps aircrews in all aspects of ghter aircraft
Volume measurement applies almost exclusively employment, including tactics, hardware, techniques,
to merchantmen, with 100 cubic feet being counted and current world threats. During concurrent Ad-
as one ton: (a) Gross tonnage is a measure of the versary Training, pilots receive individual instruc-
total internal volume of the ship, with the exception tion in threat simulation, threat presentation, and ad-
of machinery spaces, bridge/navigation spaces, and versary tactics.
other minor spaces essential to its operation; (b) Top hamper: [1] Collective term for a ships super-
329 Tot

structure including masts, spars, rigging, and anten- maneuvered by commands passed along a wire during
nae. [2] The spars, rigging, and gear aloft, considered its run, or transmitted acoustically when it nears the
as an encumbrance or the cause of windage. [3] Any target. Also sh, tin sh, and mouldy.
unnecessary weight, either aloft or on the upper deck. Torpedo belt: See armor belt.
Top-lantern: A signal light hung aloft in a sailing Torpedo boat: A small, fast, maneuverable motor-
agship at night, replacing the admirals ag and sig- boat armed with torpedoes. See also motor torpedo
nifying his presence. boat, patrol torpedo boat.
Top off: [1] Generically, to nish or ll something. Torpedo boat destroyer: A warship designed to
[2] Specically, to complete the loading of a partially be fast enough to catch torpedo boats, with armament
laden vessel. to destroy them. Forerunner of the destroyer.
Top secret: The highest security classication. Torpedo juice: World War II USN slang for a po-
Topgallant: [1] A square-sail mounted above the tent drink distilled from the alcohol drained from tor-
topsail to form the third sail above the deck. [2] The pedoes.
mast, yard, sail, and rigging mounted above and at- Torpedo mine : A deep-water bottom-moored
tached to the topmast, but forming a separate unit. lightweight torpedo launcher, equipped with an
Pronounced tgallant. acoustic recognition system capable of differentiating
Topman: [1] Specically, a highly-skilled and agile surface craft and friendly submarines from hostile sub-
seaman assigned to sail-handling on the highest yards; mersibles. The weapon lies dormant until one of the
the cream of a sailing-ship crew. [2] Generally, any latter is detected, when it is launched from its capsule
sailor working aloft. to follow a circular search pattern using active sonar
Topmast: A mast mounted between the lower mast to home in on the target. The USN version is called
and the topgallant mast to support the yards and rig- CAPTOR. See also Mine (Naval).
ging of a topsail. Torpedo tube: A device for launching torpedoes
TOPP: Technical Ofcer, Petroleum Products (RN). horizontally, having many of the characteristics of a
Topping: The act of raising one extremity of a spar naval gun. It has a barrel with breech and muzzle, and
higher than the other. propels a torpedo much as the gun res a shell, the
Topping lift : [1] Standing rigging supporting a major difference being that the shell is reactive while
boom or spar. [2] Running rigging used to raise and the torpedo is self-propelling. The launcher only has
support a boom. Also uphaul. to supply initial impetus by compressed air or an ex-
Tops: Platforms around the heads of the lower plosive charge. There are two main types of launcher,
masts on a sailing ship, serving to spread the topmast both are which are normally called tubes. [1] Deck-
shrouds. On warships they were large enough to carry mounted torpedo launchers have been installed on
small guns or marksmen and were often termed ght- many warships, from patrol boats to battleships. They
ing tops. are usually designed to use a specic munition. [2] Sub-
Topsail: The second sail above the deck on a merged torpedo tubes are built in to submarines and
square-rigger. Pronounced topsl. some destroyers and frigates. Being integral to the ves-
Topsail schooner: A schooner with one or more sels hull, they are usually capable of handling differ-
square-sails on its foremast. ent munitions; and, being designed to operate below
Topside: [1] On deck (cf. aloft). [2] The part of water level, they have to be equipped with doors at
the hull above the waterline (cf. freeboard). both breech and muzzle; the former to seal against the
Topside tank: A side hopper tank above the hold escape of propulsion gasses into the vessel, and the
of a bulker. latter to prevent the inrush of sea water. A cardinal
Torch: Code-name for the Anglo-American North principle of submerged torpedo tube operation is that
Africa invasion of November 1942. one or the other of these doors must always be closed.
Tornado: A violent weather event in which rotat- Torrid zone: That part of the Earths surface lying
ing columns of air form into funnel-shaped clouds, between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, in
often reaching the ground and causing severe dam- which the climate is extremely hot and parching.
age. Tornadoes often form when warm, moist air Toss oars!: A command for the crew of a double-
rushes upward to meet cooler, drier air. As the mois- banked pulling boat to swiftly raise their oars to the
ture condenses, it forms a massive thundercloud or vertical, with blades trimmed fore-and-aft, and han-
supercell. Variable winds at different altitudes then dles resting on the bottom of the boat between their
feed the updraft, causing the characteristic funnel feet. Their outboard hands grasp the oars at chin level,
shape to develop and spin downward to the surface. their inboard hands at thigh level. Done as a salute or
See also waterspout. in preparation for landing. See also oars, boat oars,
Torpedo: Originally referred to [1] a stationary ex- ship oars, trail oars.
plosive mine, then [2] an explosive charge mounted on Tossed: Thrown restlessly from side-to-side due to
the end of a long pole or spar, and nally [3] a self- irregular wave movement (cf. pitch, roll).
propelled underwater missile detonated by contact, Tot: RN term for a serving of rum or other spirit
sound, or magnetism. The latter may be unguided, or issued as a daily ration and on special occasions.
Total 330

Total current : The combination of regular and Towing wire : Steel-cored plow-steel wire rope,
tidal currents. used instead of ber rope for towing hawsers.
Touch of the tar brush: This unpleasant and racist Trabaccolo: A trading craft of the Adriatic.
expression, now used to denigrate a person whose Tracer: [1] A projectile trailing smoke or glowing
ancestry includes an admixture of Caucasian and brightly to aid in correcting the aim of machine guns
African, was once less offensive. It originated as the or automatic cannon. [2] A message sent to conrm
18th century RN equivalent of the 20th century USN delivery of a prior message. [3] An inquiry as to the
term Mustang, describing an ofcer who served as whereabouts of a cargo shipment. [4] Color-coding to
a rating or enlisted seaman (i.e., working with tar) identify a specic wire in electrical cable. [5] Colored
before being commissioned. yarn inserted in a rope for identication.
Touch-and-go: [1] Said of a practice carrier land- Track: [1] to follow the movement of a target either
ing with the tailhook stowed so that the aircraft can visually or by radar. [2] To record such movement on
take off for another circuit without stopping. [2] Said a plotting or maneuvering board. [3] The desired or in-
of a surface ship which runs aground, but immedi- tended direction of travel with respect to the earth.
ately comes loose without damage. (Reporting such an [4] A vessels ability to hold its course with minimum
incident is moot.) [3] Said colloquially of any risky or temporarily unattended helm. [5] To haul a barge
venture whose outcome is uncertain. or ship along a canal or river bank. [6] The path fol-
Touchdown: The moment at which a naval aircraft lowed by a storm or hurricane. [7] A metal guide or rail.
makes contact with the ight deck when landing. Trade: [1] In Middle English, the word meant a
Touchhole: An opening in the breech of an old- path or track, hence the obsolete nautical phrase the
time personal rearm through which the charge was wide blows trade, meaning in a consistent direction.
ignited. In a cannon, this opening is called the vent. However, by the 18th century, because of the impor-
Tow: [1] To drag or pull one or more vessels. [2] The tance of trade winds to merchantmen crossing the At-
vessel or chain of vessels so pulled. [3] A chain of lantic, the term had come to mean [2] The act or
barges being pushed may also be called a tow. From process of buying, selling, or exchanging goods or
Old English togian. commodities within a country (domestic trade) or be-
Towage: Charges for the service of a tug or towboat. tween countries (international trade).
Towboat : A vessel with powerful engines and a Trade lane: A sea route followed by merchant ship-
square steel-reinforced bow, specically designed for ping.
pushing long tows of barges. Towboats are most fre- Trade route: The path usually followed by mer-
quently employed in inland waterways and on rivers. chantmen in the course of trade. See also sea lane, sea-
Also (and more logically) called push boat. way, ship route, trade lane.
Towing & Salvage: A charter party clause that al- Trade wind: One of the nearly constant easterly
lows the chartered vessel to deviate from the terms of winds which dominate tropical and subtropical lati-
the charter to tow or otherwise help a vessel in distress. tudes, blowing mainly northeast in the Northern and
Towing bar: See fog buoy. southeast in the Southern hemisphere. In certain
Towing bitts: Cylindrical castings on the afterdeck places they reverse direction every six months.
of a tugboat at or near its pivot point used to secure Trader: [1] A businessman or merchant engaged in
the towing hawser(s). trade. [2] Formerly, a merchantman that moved be-
Towing bows: Girders across the caprail of a tug- tween ports bartering one cargo for another (cf. tramp).
boat, serving to hold towing hawsers above the heads The trades: Widely-accepted colloquial term for
of deck crew (pronounced to rhyme with toeing toes). the trade winds.
Also called Dutch bars. Trafc separation: Exceptionally busy waterways
Towing bridle: A span of chain or cable attached such as the straits of Dover and Gibraltar are divided
across the bows of a tow or the transom of a tugboat into shipping lanes or corridors which separate in-
to form a Y with the towing hawser and reduce yaw. bound from outbound trafc.
Towing hawser: An exceptionally strong and elas- Trafcking: Buying and selling, especially illicit
tic pulling rope. The Military Sealift Command speci- trade. See drug trafcking, human trafcking, and
cation is reasonably typical 2,400 feet (400 fath- Palermo Protocol.
oms, 732 meters) in length, and 14 inch (35.6 cms) in Trail oars: To allow oars to swing loosely in their
circumference; made of double-braided, polyester locks without being held by the rowers. See also oars,
sheath and core, with 36-inch eyes spliced in each end. boat oars, ship oars, toss oars.
Towing lights: Two or three vertically-mounted Trailspike: A tool used to aim naval cannon. To
lights required by the rules of the road when one ves- train the weapon, a trailspike was inserted between
sel is towing another. gun carriage and deck as a lever to lift the carriage so
Towing machine: A winch-like device which au- that it could be inched to one side or the other. To
tomatically maintains safe tension by slacking off or re- control elevation, a trailspike on one of the carriage
trieving lengths of towing hawser. steps could lever the barrel off its quoins for re-posi-
Towing spar: See fog buoy. tioning; but this was seldom required at sea where it
331 Triangular

was a matter of gauging the right moment to re as the munitions of war. [3] Formerly, to send into banish-
ship rolled. (Also handspike, and see gun crew.) ment as a convict. [4] A person so banished.
Train: To aim, direct, or bring to bear as, for exam- Transverse: Perpendicular to the keel (athwart-
ple, a gun, radar, searchlight or telescope. ship).
Train tackle: See Gun tackles. Transverse wave: See wave motion.
Trainer: One of a pair of gunners who work as a Trap: To catch an aircraft with arrester gear when
team, the trainer controls deection which is the hor- it lands on a carrier.
izontal direction of ring (cf. layer, pointer). Traveler: [1] A metal ring or thimble tted to move
Trajectory: The curved ight path followed by a freely on a rope, spar, or rod. [2] A person who moves
projectile. from place to place.
Tramp: A merchant vessel operating without any Traverse: [1] To swivel a gun laterally. [2] To brace
xed schedule or itinerary, picking up and delivering yards fore-and-aft. [3] To determine the course re-
cargo opportunistically wherever trade can be found sulting from several changes of direction.
(cf. trader). Traverse sailing: See sailings.
Trankeh: A barge-like sailing vessel of the Persian/ Trawl: [1] A large conical shing net. [2] To drag
Arabian Gulf. such a net along the bottom in such a way that sh
Transceiver: A radio device that can both send and cannot escape below it.
receive, but not simultaneously. Trawler: A boat or person engaged in shing with
Transducer: A device that converts one type of en- a trawl.
ergy to another (e.g., water pressure to electricity, as Trebling: Triple-planking a whalers bows to pro-
in a speed recorder; or electrical to acoustic as in a tect against ice-damage.
loudspeaker). Trebuchet: Ancient stone-casting artillery.
Transship: To transfer cargo from one mode of Treenail: A wooden peg used to fasten a ships
transportation to another, or from one vessel to an- planks to its frame (pronounced trennel). Nicely
other. Unless contractually permitted, trans-shipment described in Sir Henry Mainwarings Sea-Mans Dic-
is a serious breach of agreement and may invalidate tionary (1604) as:
marine insurance. Long Woodden Pins made of the harte of Oake,
Transit: [1] The act, process or instance of passing wherewth they fasten all the Plancks vnto the Tim-
or journeying across, through, or over. [2] The con- bers ... for we doe vse as litle Iron vnder Water, as
veyance of goods across a place or region. [3] The pas- wee may conveniently, least the Shippe should grow
sage of a heavenly body over a meridian, or through Iron Sick. Theis Tree nailes must be well seasoned,
the eld of a telescope, or across the disk of a larger and not sappy, for then the Shippe wil be continually
one. [4] One of a series of satellites providing posi- Leakie.
tional data. [5] A pair of navigational aids spaced so Trench: [1] A long, narrow, steep-sided, depression
that their alignment indicates a vessel is correctly po- in the ocean bottom. Trenches generally lie parallel to
sitioned. [6] A surveying instrument. [7] An identi- island arcs or littoral mountain ranges (see also oceanic
cation number assigned to banks and savings asso- trench). [2] A long cut in the ground, especially one
ciations. [8] A system of (usually urban) public used for military defense, often with the excavated
transportation. See also right of transit. dirt thrown up as a parapet in front.
Transit cargo: Goods that are not to be ofoaded Trend: See tend.
at the current port of call, but carried on to another Trestletrees: A pair of timbers or metal shapes sit-
destination. ting on the hounds and serving to support the
Transit port: A port where cargo is ofoaded for crosstrees of a sailing ships mast.
onward movement by another carrier or mode of Tret: [1] Formerly an allowance of extra weight to
transportation. compensate for wastage of goods in transit. [2] An al-
Transition zone: See density levels. lowance made by insurance underwriters to cover de-
Transom: [1] An horizontal timber or plating xed preciation of a vessel during a voyage. Pronounced
across the sternpost of a vessel. [2] A boats at stern trait after the Old English word for draft, from
above the waterline. [3] Formerly, the couch across which it is derived.
the after end of the Great Cabin in a sailing man-o- Triage: Medical assignment of degrees of urgency
war. [4] A timber joining the cheeks of a gun-carriage to the treatment of sick or wounded patients. From the
(also axle tree). [5] Generic term for any wooden French for sorting-out or selection.
crosspiece. Triangular Trade: There were actually two trian-
Transponder: An electronic transmitter which gular routes followed by slave traders: [1] The prin-
identies itself in response to interrogation by another cipal one involved the carriage of manufactured goods
transmitter. from England to West Africa, there to be traded for
Transport: [1] To carry, move, or convey goods or slaves to be carried via the middle passage to the West
people from one place to another. [2] A private ship Indies, where they were sold. The slave ship was usu-
or aircraft employed in the movement of troops or ally scuttled to wash away some of the obnoxious
Triatic 332

smell, then re-oated to carry island products (sugar, manding of all the arduous jobs in a steamships black
cotton, tobacco, rum, and molasses) back to England gang. Some worked inside the steel catacomb of a
on the last leg of the triangle. [2] The colonial trade, bunker, moving coal from upper to lower levels and
which was much smaller, originated in New England thence to the furnace room doors, all the while, ensur-
and carried rum, molasses, candles, guns, and ironware ing that the remaining fuel was properly trimmed
to West Africa, took slaves on the middle passage to (hence the job title). Others worked inside the fur-
the West Indies, and then returned to the American nace room, carrying coal from the bunker doors to
colonies with island products. Both routes were haz- provide each stoker with a constant supply of fuel,
ardous, but highly protable. and carrying away ashes and clinker.
Triatic: A stay leading from one mast to another. Trimming system: An assembly of pipes, valves,
Trice: [1] To pull up or haul on a rope. [2] Former tanks, and pumps by means of which a submarine
USN term for securing ones bedding (cf. lash up and controls and maintains neutral buoyancy and stabil-
stow). Also trice up. ity when submerged. The balance of air and water in
Trick: A turn, stint, or spell of duty, especially at the tanks is adjusted so that the vessels overall den-
the helm or on lookout. sity is equal to the surrounding water.
Tricolor lamp: A lantern combining the port (red), Trimming tanks: [1] Receptacles at bow and stern
starboard (green), and stern (white) lights in a single of a surface vessel which can be lled or emptied to ad-
housing. Used on yachts and other small vessels of just its attitude. [2] Variable ballast tanks at bow, stern
less than 20 meters. and amidships of a submarine, forming part of its
Tricorne : A broad brimmed hat, pinned up on trimming system and used to keep the boat level at
sides and back to produce a triangular shape that was any depth.
usually worn with the point facing forward. Between Trinity House: This British corporation, originally
the late 17th and early 19th centuries, it served both as chartered in 1514 by King Henry VIII, is today re-
civilian dress and as part of military and naval uni- sponsible for navigational aids in the waters of En-
forms. During the American Revolution it was a fa- gland, Wales, Channel Islands, and Gibraltar (Inde-
vorite headgear of Patriots and Minutemen. A pendent Boards of Commissioners for Lights and
cocked hat is often incorrectly called a tricorne. Navigational Aids in Irish and Scottish waters were
Trident: [1] A long, three-pronged fork or weapon, established in 1786). Trinity House also provides ex-
especially a three-pronged spear used for shing. [2] In pert navigators for deep sea pilotage in North Euro-
Greek & Roman Mythology; the three-pronged spear pean waters, and acts as a charity with regard to the
carried by Neptune or Poseidon. [3] A strategic safety, welfare, and training of mariners. Its Direc-
weapon system consisting of a ballistic missile armed tors drawn from both the Royal and Merchant
with a nuclear warhead. Usually launched from a nu- Navies and known quaintly as Trinity Masters and
clear-powered submarine of either the USNs Ohio Elder Brethren serve as assessors and expert wit-
Class or the RNs Vanguard Class. nesses in Admiralty Court.
Triemiola: A triple-banked version of the hemi- Trip: [1] A passage between two ports. [2] To release
ola, designed by the Rhodian navy as a pirate-chaser. a pelican hook. [3] To raise and swing a yard or spar
Trierarch: [1] The commander of a trireme. [2] A into position for lowering. [4] To break out an an-
rich or aristocratic Athenian whose civic duty was to chor with a tripping line. [5] Said of a boom rolling
equip and maintain a trireme. underwater in a seaway [from Old French triper = to
Trigger bar: A device for quickly releasing the an- dance].
chor to drop overboard. Triple-A: Colloquial term for anti-aircraft artillery.
Trim: [1] Neat and tidy. [2] The fore-and-aft atti- Tripping line: A line attached to the uke or crown
tude of a vessel. [3] To adjust the balance of a ship by of an anchor and used to break it out from the sea bed
moving cargo or ballast. [4] To evenly distribute the or loosen it from rocks.
coal in a steamships bunkers so as to keep the vessel Trireme: An ancient Phoenician, Greek, or Roman
in balance. [5] The buoyancy condition of a subma- battle galley propelled by three banks of oars each pulled
rine. [6] To arrange sails to best exploit the wind. by a single man, called thalamite on the lower level,
Trim tab: A secondary control surface on the trail- zygite on the middle bank, and thranite on the upper.
ing edge of a marine rudder or aircraft control sur- Troll: [1] A long shing line with lures and hooks
face. When adjusted to deect the ow of water or air attached. [2] To sh by towing such a line. Because this
it generates a force that holds the main control surface activity does not reduce maneuverability, trolling craft
in the desired position, thus minimizing the effort are exempt from the Navigation Rules governing ves-
that has to be exerted by the ships coxswain or aircrafts sels engaged in shing. [3] In Scandinavian folklore,
pilot. a fabulous cave-dwelling giant (sometimes a dwarf ).
Trim tank: See trimming tanks. Troops: [1] A body of soldiers. [2] Informal naval
Trimaran: [1] A vessel with oats on either side of term for the crew or ships company.
a central hull. [2] A boat with three hulls. Tropic: Either of two parallels of terrestrial latitude
Trimmer: The humblest, dirtiest, and most-de- lying roughly 231 4 from the Equator and enclosing the
333 True

Torrid Zone. The Summer Solstice occurs when the Severe Cyclonic Storms In the North Indian
sun reaches the northern Tropic of Cancer, and the Ocean.
Winter Solstice when it arrives at the southern Tropic There is general agreement that winds reach hur-
of Capricorn. ricane strength when their speeds exceed 33 meters/
Tropic tide: A tide or current that occurs semi- second, but these storms can go considerably faster
monthly when the moon is at its maximum northern (see tables 16). In consequence, they are extremely
or southern declination. Diurnal inequality is then at dangerous maritime hazards and, when they move
a maximum. onto land, can cause extensive damage due to high
Tropical rotating windstorm: A destructive cir- winds, heavy waves, severe ooding, and especially
cular storm that forms over tropical waters during late storm surge.
summer and autumn, and is very different from extra- Tropospheric Forward Scatter: A former commu-
tropical storms that form in winter, even though both nications system that beamed high-frequency signals
are associated with powerful winds and drenching against the troposphere (816 kms /510 miles above
rain. Eight characteristics dene a tropical cyclone (as earth), picked up part of the reected signal with sen-
such storms are generically known): sitive receivers and beamed it onward in the same way.
It has no front These systems became obsolete with the advent of mi-
It forms under weak high-altitude winds crowave-satellite communications technology in the
Its winds lessen with height 1980s.
Its center is warmer than its surroundings Trot: [1] Buoys or moorings arranged to form a line.
Air sinks at its center [2] RN term for a line of moored destroyers. [3] A
Its main energy source is the latent heat of conden- long shing line secured at both ends.
sation Trough: [1] In general, the low point of a wave, op-
It rotates inward towards an area of low-pressure posite to its crest. [2] The hollow between the crests
known as the eye of two waves. [3] In meteorology, an elongated area of
It weakens rapidly over land low pressure. [4] In oceanography, a long depression
Formation begins when thunderstorms drift over- of the sea oor, characteristically at bottomed and
head, while warm air from the ocean surface begins steep sided and shallower than a trench.
rising, creating a column of low pressure. Trade winds Trowsers: Loose-tting canvas breeches worn by
blowing in opposing directions then cause this rising common sailors in the age of sail.
column to start spinning. Thanks to Coriolis Effect the Truce: A temporary cessation or suspension of hostil-
rotation is clockwise in the southern hemisphere and ities by agreement of the opposing sides; an armistice.
counter-clockwise in the northern. As the spiral moves Truck: [1] The top of the highest mast on a vessel,
over the surface, the low pressure around the eye sucks or a agstaff. [2] A wooden disc protecting the head
in more and more warm damp air while, at the same of such a staff or mast, usually provided with holes
time, cooler dryer air is sucked downward. If they last for halyards (similar discs at the top of lower masts
long enough, these conditions feed the cyclone so that are called caps). [3] The small solid wheel of a naval
it grows to produce violent winds, massive waves, and gun-carriage. (From Middle English trocle = wheel
torrential rains. (See Dvorak technique.) or roller.)
When sustained maximum surface winds are less True: [1] Properly tted, placed, or shaped. [2] To
than 17 meters/second (33 knots, 38 mph, 61 km/hr) align, adjust, balance, or position something. [3] De-
the disturbance is called a tropical depression; when termined with reference to the earths axis rather than
winds exceed this speed it becomes a tropical storm its magnetic poles (e.g., true North). [4] In accor-
and is usually assigned a name. At 33 meters/second dance with fact; not false. [5] Exact, accurate; cor-
(64 knots, 74 mph, 119 km/hr) it is fully-edged but, rect. [6] Faithful.
confusingly, no standard nomenclature has emerged so True bearing: The bearing of an object as shown
meteorologists have given it different names in dis- by the ships compass rather than its relative bearing
crete regions, even changing name within the connes based on the ships heading.
of a single ocean. Cyclonic tropical storms which are True blue: This phrase, now describing a loyal and
otherwise identical are called: faithful person, is sometimes said to have referred orig-
Hurricanes In the North Atlantic, the North inally to the old rhyme, Jack Tar steadfast and true;
Pacic (E of the dateline), and the South Pacic true to his uniform, and uniformly blue. In fact, the
(W of 160E). term was originally coined by 17th-century Scottish
Typhoons In the North Pacic (W of the date- Presbyterians, to distinguish themselves from the Roy-
line). alists red.
Severe Tropical Cyclones In the South Pacic True course: A route based on true north as op-
(W of 160E) and the South Indian Ocean (E of posed to magnetic north (i.e., corrected for magnetic
90E). variation and compass deviation).
Tropical Cyclones In the South Indian Ocean True North: The direction of the geographic North
(W of 90W). Pole.
True 334

True wind: The speed and direction of wind as ments which allowed Japan to become the major su-
observed from a stationary position (cf. apparent perpower of East Asia. It also seriously weakened the
wind). prestige of the Czar, paving the way for revolution a
Trundlehead: [1] The upper section of a capstan, decade later.
drilled with holes into which the turning bars are in- Tsushima Current: Part of the kuroshio current,
serted. [2] The term is also used for the lantern gears owing through Tsushima Strait into the Sea of Japan.
of a windmill. TU: Task unit.
Trunk: A large encased pipe or passage through the Tub: [1] Derogatory slang for an old and decrepit
decks or bulkheads of a vessel, for cooling, ventila- vessel. [2] A cylindrical band encircling a mast for se-
tion, or a ladder. curing a yard or gaff so that it can slide. [3] A round
Trunk cabin: [1] The low-prole cabin of a yacht shallow open-topped wooden container.
or small boat, extending both above and below the Tuck: See chine.
upper deck. [2] That part of a cabin rising above the Tugboat: A small, powerful craft, specically de-
upper deck of a larger vessel (seldom used today). signed for towing or pushing other ships or barges.
Trunnion: [1] Either of two cylindrical projections See also towboat.
on either side of a muzzle-loading cannon, support- Tumblehome: Having sides that slope inward and
ing it on its carriage and allowing its elevation to be upward from the lowest gundeck to the weather deck
adjusted. [2] One of the pins or gudgeons in a mod- of a wooden man-o-war, thus concentrating the
ern gun mount on which the weapon pivots. [3] A weight of ordnance toward the centerline, improving
hinged hoop connecting an upper mast to a lower one. stability and seaworthiness, making it possible to re
Try-boiler: A large copper cauldron used by the upper guns while grappled alongside, and making
whalers to boil blubber. the vessel difcult to board.
Try down: To extract oil from blubber by boiling. Tumbling: Said of a gyroscope that has lost stabil-
Trysail: A quadrilateral or triangular sail with its ity and is moving erratically.
luff looped or otherwise bent to a mast. Used for lying Tun: A large cask used for transporting wine or
to, for keeping a vessel headed into the wind, or as a beer. It had a capacity of 252 wine gallons = 302.6
course in heavy weather. U.S. gallons = 1145.6 liters, which equals 40 cubic feet,
Trysail mast: An auxiliary mast that enables the and weighs about one long ton (2,240 lbs) (cf. Ton-
gaff of a fore-and-aft sail to be raised higher than the nage).
yard of a course. Also called a snowmast. Tune: To adjust [1] standing rigging, sails, and hull
Tsunami: An enormously destructive wave pro- for optimum performance; [2] an engine to run
duced by a submarine earthquake, landslide, or vol- smoothly and efciently; [3] the frequency of radio
canic action. ( Japanese tsu = harbor + nami = wave). instruments or circuits.
Unlike wind-generated waves, it often creates little Tungula: A small boat of the Moluccas and Borneo.
more than a ripple on the surface of deep water, but Tunne: See tun.
travels with high velocity (up to about 435 kts = 500 Turbidity: Cloudiness due to suspended sediment
mph = 806 km/h) and therefore holds a great deal of or the growth of phytoplankton. The phenomenon
energy. As it approaches shallow coastal waters, much prevents light from reaching lower levels, inhibiting the
of the energy of movement is converted into raising the growth of aquatic plants and the sh dependent on
wave to a great height. The rst sign of its approach them (Latin turbidus = disordered).
is a withdrawal of water from the coast, as if the tide Turbidity current: A ow of heavily-sedimented
were retreating, but to unprecedented distances. Then water, often caused by an underwater avalanche or
the wave arrives, ooding well above normal high- earthquake. Also density current.
tide level as it strikes the beach. After withdrawing Turbine: A machine driven by the reactive force of
again, the sea returns and the cycle is repeated several a gas or liquid owing through blades or vanes at-
times. tached to a rotor. In marine service, steam or gas tur-
Tsushima (battle): This pivotal naval battle began bines are used as main propulsion systems and also
on May 14, 1905, in the strait between Japan and for auxiliary purposes such as electrical generation.
Korea. A Russian eet of ancient obsolescent warships Turbo-blower: A device used to complete the evac-
had sailed halfway around the world only to be over- uation of a submarines ballast tanks after the boat has
whelmed by faster modern Japanese vessels, superior surfaced. Colloquially, blower.
gunnery, discipline and admiralship. The ght went on Turbo-electric: A propulsion system consisting of
through the night and, by morning, 43 Russian ships a turbine connected to a generator whose electricity
had been sunk with the loss over 5,000 men killed powers the propellers.
and another 6,000 taken prisoner. Czar Nicholas II Turbosail propulsion: This system invented by
was forced to sue for peace, resulting in the Ports- the research team of Lucien Malavard, Bertrand Char-
mouth Treaty, signed on August 23, 1905. This gave rier, and Jacques-Yves Cousteaucombines the prin-
Japan land concessions in Korea, especially the Liao- ciples of conventional sails with the aerodynamic de-
dong peninsula, along with a variety of other arrange- sign of airplane wings. A fan draws air into 33-foot
335 Two

aerofoil towers, boosting wind speed over the leeward Turn turtle: To overturn or capsize, so that the
side and creating forward pull more powerful than ship is upside down with its hull resembling the cara-
that of traditional sails. Computers control the an- pace of a turtle.
gles, suction power, and rotation of the turbosails, Turnaround: [1] The total time consumed by en-
which reduce the fuel consumption of standard en- tering a port, and mooring, loading or unloading,
gines while adding power and speed. A ship equipped casting-off, and returning to sea. [2] The elapsed time
with turbosails looks virtually identical to one with between aircraft touchdown and being ready to de-
Flettner rotators. part after refueling and rearming.
Turbo-supercharger: A turbine driven by the ex- Turnbuckle : A metal link or sleeve internally
haust gases of a reciprocating engine and attached to threaded to accept opposite-threaded eyed screws at
a blower which raises inowing air above atmospheric each end. Once a turnbuckle has been inserted in
pressure in order to increase the engines power. Also standing rigging or any other line, the sleeve can be
Turbocharger. turned to slacken-off or tighten the line.
Turbulence: Disturbed motion of the sea or at- Turning-bar: A wooden rod inserted into a socket
mosphere, usually due to the conuence of water or air and used to turn a capstan.
currents. Turning basin: A wide section in or at the end of
Turbulent ow: A term in uid mechanics refer- a narrow channel in which vessels can reverse direction.
ring to movement in which particle velocity and di- Turning circle: The path followed by a vessel when
rection are irregular in the boundary layer. Cf. lami- the helm is hard over.
nar ow. Turpentine: [1] An oleo-resin secreted by trees of
Turkish Straits: A term referring to two narrow the pine family. [2] A volatile pungent oil distilled
waterways that connect the Aegean arm of the Medi- from that resin. (Cf. Rosin.)
terranean with the Black Sea, via the Sea of Marmara. Turret: A rotating armored housing for artillery.
At the western end of that sea, the Dardanelles Dened as single, twin, triple, or quadruple, depend-
(known in antiquity as the Hellespont) lie between ing on the number of guns it houses.
the Gallipoli peninsula and Asia Minor. At the east- Turtle deck: A convex-arched forward deck, de-
ern end, the Bosphorus, which is straddled by the city signed to minimize damage from shipping heavy seas.
of Istanbul, is a former river valley, drowned by the sea Turtle ship: A Korean warship (Kobukson) designed
at the end of the Tertiary period. The Turkish Straits by Admiral Yi Sun-sin in the early 16th century and
are an international waterway, governed by the Mon- in active service for some three centuries. Propelled
treux Convention. They are conventionally consid- by sail and oars, its convex upper deck was covered in
ered the boundary between Europe and Asia. thin iron plates with sharp spikes to repel borders.
Turks head: A turban-like ornamental knot Offensive weaponry included re-arrows, several types
braided from small line. of cannon, and a ram.
Turn: [1] A tactical maneuver in which all ships go Twaqo: A Malaysian variation of the junk.
round simultaneously and maintain the same true Tween deck: [1]A space above the hold for supple-
bearings on each other while changing course (as op- mentary cargo storage. [2] Any deck in a ship below
posed to a corpen in which they maintain relative the main deck. Abbreviation of between.
bearings). [2] To put about or tack when sailing. Tween decks: Anywhere inside the ship below the
[3] A trick or spell of duty. [4] To wrap a line about weather deck.
something. [5] The moment at which tide changes Tweendecker: A general cargo or breakbulk mer-
from ow to ebb and vice versa (cf. slack water). chantman with two or three decks. Small items such
Turn a blind eye: See blind eye. as bales, bags, or drums can be stacked in the tween-
Turn and turn about: To stand alternate spells of deck space atop the tweendeck. Below the tweendeck
duty. See watch-and-watch. is the hold space, used for general cargo. See also mul-
Turn count: The number of propeller revolutions tipurpose vessel.
per minute. Twenty-foot equivalent unit: An inexact meas-
Turn count masking: Random alterations of turn urement that cannot be converted precisely into other
count to preclude a listening submarine from estimat- units. The most common dimensions for a TEU con-
ing the speed of its target or an attacker. tainer are 20 feet long 8 feet wide 8.5 feet high.
Turn in: [1] To go to bed. [2] To return items taken See container and tonnage.
on loan or issued. Twiddling line: A short length of rope or cord used
Turn in all standing: To go to bed fully-clothed to secure a helm or tiller while the steersman is tem-
(e.g., when a call to action stations is anticipated). porarily absent.
Turn of the bilge: See chine. Twilight: A period of partial darkness immediately
Turn out: [1] To awaken and get up from cot or before sunrise and following sunset.
hammock. [2] To assemble a guard or working party. Twins: Double headsails worn on opposite sides of
[3] To unreef sails. the mast when sailing downwind.
Turn to: To get to work. Two-block: [1] To bring blocks together by haul-
Two 336

ing on the fall. [2] To bring a ag or sail to the top of derived from the Anglo-Saxon uck = send back to the
a mast. [3] USN slang, for adjusting the knot of a start.)
necktie to hide the collar. UCMJ: Uniform Code of Military Justice (U.S.).
Two for Seven: U.S. Naval Academy slang for the UCT: Underwater construction team.
Commitment Papers a midshipman must sign, agree- UDT: Underwater demolition team.
ing to seven years of active service in return for two UFO: Unidentied ying object.
years at the Academy. Ugly: Said of threatening or dangerous seas or
Two-handed: Former USN enlisted slang for a weather.
man who had served as a marine as well as a sailor. UHF : Ultra high frequency.
(Marines who could qualify as able-seamen often ULBC: Abbreviation of Ultra Large Bulk Carrier;
transferred to enjoy higher pay.) dened as in excess of 300,000 dwt.
Tye: [1] A rope forming part of a purchase for hoist- ULCC: Abbreviation of Ultra Large Crude Car-
ing an upper yard by its center, using the halyard rier; dened as a tanker in excess of 320,000 dwt.
tackle. [2] A pigtail. Ullage: [1] The depth of free space above the liq-
Tymung: Cantonese name for a pirate-junk. uid in a tank or container. [2] The amount of liquid
Type Command: All USN ships are organized into lost from a cask or other container by leakage and
commands which have responsibility for the admin- evaporation. [3] The space provided for thermal ex-
istration, training, maintenance, and readiness of all pansion of the propellant in a liquid-fueled missile. [4]
vessels or units of a specied type. Thus, submarines In the RN, any grog left over after all had received
come under the administrative control of Comman- their tot. [5] Formerly, a lazy sailor. (Pronounced ull-
der Submarine Force; aircraft carriers, aircraft squad- idge.)
rons, and air stations under Commander Naval Air ULO: Unrestricted line ofcer.
Force; and all other ships under Commander Naval Ultima Thule: Today referring to the highest de-
Surface Force. Normally, the type commander con- gree or furthest point attainable, this term originally
trols the unit during its primary and intermediate described an island at the most northerly reaches of the
training cycles, after which it falls under the opera- world. It was rst mentioned by the Greek explorer
tional control of a eet commander. Pytheas who claimed to have visited it between 330
Typhon: [1] A loud signal horn operated by steam and 320 B.C. His On the Ocean is now lost, but is
or compressed-air. [2] In Greek mythology, Typhon quoted in the works of later authors. For example,
was a monster who tried to overthrow the gods and Strabos Geography (Book II, Chapter 5), written in
wreck the earth with thunderbolts stolen from Zeus. the rst century of the current era, tells us that Pyth-
He was defeated and thrown into the stormy pit of eas described Thule as the most northerly of the Bri-
Tartarus from where he emits hot, dangerous winds. tannic Islands. This could refer to the Shetlands,
It has been suggested that the name was borrowed by Faeroes, or Iceland, but others have speculated it could
the Persians as tufn to describe the cyclonic storms of be Greenland, or an island off Norway. It is generally
the Indian Ocean. pronounced two-lay rather than tool or thool.
Typhoon: A violent cyclonic storm of the northwest Ultra Mare: A Latin term in naval law meaning
Pacic Ocean. Probably Cantonese Tai-Phong = enor- overseas. Pronounced ultra mar-ray.
mous wind, but see Typhon for alternative etymology. Ulu: Malayan for headwaters used in the RN as
See also tropical rotating windstorm. slang for any remote and undeveloped place (cf. boon-
Umbrella: [1] A shield of military aircraft covering
a surface formation (see combat air patrol). [2] A cone-
U shaped cover to protect a smokestack against the
weather. [3] A contrivance formerly used to warp
UA: Unauthorized absence. wooden ships forward.
UAM: Underwater to air missile. UMCM: Underwater mine countermeasures.
UAV: Unmanned aerial vehicle. Umiak: A large Inuit or Eskimo boat made from
U-Boat: A German submarine of World Wars I skins.
and II. (Anglicized contraction of Unterseeboot.) UN: United Nations.
U-Bolt: An iron bar bent into the shape of a U Unarm: To deprive or free of weapons or armor.
and threaded for nuts at each end. Used as a connec- Also de-arm or disarm.
tor. Also U-clip. Unarmed: Without offensive weapons or protective
Uckers: A naval gambling game, similar to Back- armor. In certain conditions merchant vessels carry-
gammon, adapted from the ancient Indian game of ing defensive weaponry may be considered legally un-
Pachisi by 18th century British sailors anxious to pass armed.
the time on long voyages to and from the Orient. The Unattached: An ofcer not having a specic ap-
childrens game Ludo is a simplied and much less vi- pointment.
cious version, using one die instead of two. (Possibly Unauthorized absence: The current term for leav-
337 Undertow

ing the assigned vessel or place of duty without per- Underdog: This term now referring to a person
mission. Former terminology included absentee, who is disadvantaged, or not expected to win orig-
straggler, and absent without ofcial leave (AWOL ). inated in a trade with close maritime connections.
Unbend: To cast off or untie. During the 17th through 19th centuries, shipbuilding
Unclaimed: Refers to vessels found derelict (with was a major user of planking, which was cut from
neither humans nor domestic animals on board) wooden logs by a two-man team using a long dou-
which are not claimed by the owners within 366 days ble-handled whipsaw. The logs were secured above
of discovery. the sawpit, by fanged metal supports called dogs.
Uncle Sams Confused Group: USN sailors in- The senior (or top) sawyer stood on the log to guide
terpretation of the initials USCG. the cut, while the bottom sawyer clambered down
UNCLOS: United Nations Convention on Law of into the pit to provide musclepower, often standing in
the Sea. ice-cold water and choking on a constant shower of
Uncover: To doff ones headgear, usually as a sign sawdust. In sawpit jargon, they were known as top
of respect. dog and underdog. (This derivation is challenged
Uncovered: Said of reefs, wrecks, and other nor- by the dog-ghting fraternity, which claims the terms
mally submerged objects that have temporarily ap- for itself.)
peared above the surface. Underfoot: Said of an anchor when it is below the
UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade & ships forefoot and the cable is nearly straight up-and-
Development. down.
Undecked: An open boat. Underhauled: Lying at anchor in a direction con-
Under canvas: With sails set. Not to be confused trary to the set of surface current and wind.
with undercanvassed. Underhung: Said of a rudder which is supported
Under courses: Said of a fully square-rigged ship, entirely within the hull without connection to the
having sails suspended only on its lowermost yards. sternpost. Also spade rudder.
See courses. Undermanned: Said of a vessel whose crew is ei-
Under false colors: See false colors, bamboozle, ther below the level specied in its certication, or is
ag verication. too small to handle or navigate the ship safely (not
Under hack : Said of a USN ofcer conned to necessarily the same thing).
quarters for disciplinary infraction. Under-masted: Said of a ship whose masts are too
Under power: Propelled by mechanical means. No short or too weak to carry the optimum amount of sail.
to be confused with underpowered. Underpowered: Said of a vessel whose propulsion
Under sail: Propelled by the action of wind on sails. system is inadequate to move the hull as designed,
Under the captains cloak: This 18th19th cen- with or without sail assistance. Not the same as under
tury phrase refers to clause 36 in the British Articles power.
of War which gives captains wide discretion in mat- Underrigged: Said of a vessel whose masts or other
ters of punishment not previously specied, reading; rigging are either too light for its sails or too small to
All other crimes ... shall be punished according to take full advantage of its hull capabilities.
the laws and customs in such cases used at sea. Underrun: [1] To pass below or run underneath
Under the weather: During times of rough seas, something, such as a rope, net, or bridge. [2] To in-
seasick passengers often retreat under the weather spect something from beneath in a water vessel. [3] To
deck, partly for shelter, but just as importantly be- take-in a line on one side of the deck and pay out on
cause the greatest swaying action is above deck and the other. [4] Said of a log when it indicates less dis-
the most stable point is down near the keel. Hence tance than the ship has actually run. [5] To lay out a
they tend to feel better when below. tackle in its proper order for use.
Under tow: A vessel being pulled along. Undersea: Beneath the surface, submarine.
Under way: Said of a vessel which is oating freely Undersea warfare: Operations including offensive
neither anchored, moored, nor aground irrespective and defensive submarine, antisubmarine, and mine
of whether it is stationary or moving. Also under- warfare activities conducted to establish underwater
way. battlespace dominance.
Undercanvassed: Carrying fewer sails than are ap- Underset: An undercurrent.
propriate for the vessel. Not to be confused with under Undershoot: To land an aircraft short of its run-
canvas. way or ight deck.
Undercarriage: An aircrafts landing gear. Understeer: The tendency of a vessel to turn less
Undercliff: A lower cliff or terrace, usually formed sharply than the helmsman intended.
by a landslip or slide. Understowed: See atted cargo.
Undercurrent: [1] A subsurface ow below a calm Undertow: [1] The momentary downward and sea-
surface or contrary current. Also underow. [2] In ward thrust of a wave as it collapses and breaks on a
common usage, a hidden meaning at variance with beach. [2] A subsurface current owing opposite to
the outward signicance of words or actions. the surface current.
Underwater 338

Underwater: Below the surface, submerged. tem which works well in regions where channels are
Underwater countercurrent: See undertow. well-dened with few hazards.
Underwater demolition: The location and de- Uniform Code of Military Justice: United States
struction or neutralization of obstacles along an in- Congressional legislation concerning military crimi-
vasion beach prior to amphibious assault. nal law that allows the President, as Commander-in-
Underwater exploration: Along coastlines the Chief, to prescribe rules and procedures to implement
water is usually shallow enough to be within the range its provisions. He does this via the Manual for Courts-
of scuba diving. Beyond the continental slope, how- Martial, which has the status of an executive order,
ever, exploration becomes extremely difcult and haz- and contains detailed instructions for consistent im-
ardous. See Deep sea exploration. plementation throughout the armed forces. See also
Underway replenishment: Refers to the transfer of articles of war, captains mast, non-judicial punish-
fuel, munitions, and stores from one ship to another ment, and non-punitive disciplinary action.
while under way. Also known as replenishment at sea. Uniform oddities: The uniforms of both English-
Underwrite: To sign and accept liability under an speaking navies have unusual incidents in their histo-
insurance policy for a vessel or a voyage. (See marine ries. In 1919, RN ag ofcers sleeve stripes were nar-
insurance.) rowed without consulting the King as is traditionally
Undine: A female water spirit. required. Feeling insulted, he simply ignored the new
Undocumented: Said of a vessel which does not rule and, to this day, members of the royal family wear
have the required certicates and clearances. the old style broad stripes.
Unfurl: [1] To spread a furled sail. [2] To shake out Then, in 1941, someone belatedly realized that the
a rolled ag. Napoleonic eagle on the cap badges of USN ofcers
Unhandy: Said of a clumsy vessel, one not easy to (and the insignia of enlisted) faced to the left (sinis-
handle or manage. ter) in disregard of traditional heraldry. In May of that
Unidentied ying object: In military terminol- year it was changed to face right, towards the sword
ogy, and contrary to popular belief, this term does not arm, which is the correct chivalric direction.
imply extraterrestrial incursion, but means exactly Uniform of the day: The uniform designated by a
what it says an airborne object of unknown origin. commanding ofcer or in standing orders to be worn
Unied Command Structure: As a global super- at a specied time.
power, the United States divides the entire world into Uniform pitch: See xed pitch.
military combatant commands, with an admiral or Uniforms for enlisted personnel (U.S.): Sailors
general as commander-in-chief (CINC) of all the in the Continental Navy had no ofcial uniform, but
armed forces in each designated region or function. tended to dress alike, wearing pantaloons, usually tied
The structure is exible, and changes as required to at the knee, with a jumper or shirt, neckerchief, short-
meet national security needs. As of 2008, there are six waisted jacket, and low crowned hat. The rst sign of
established geographic commands: true uniformity came in January 1813, when Com-
Central (Egypt, Arabia, Central Asia). modore Decatur arrived at New York with the crews
Europe (including Greenland and the former Soviet of United States and Macedonia unofcially dressed in
Union, Central Asian republics excluded). blue jackets buttoned loosely over waistcoats, blue
Northern (America). bell-bottomed trousers and glazed canvas hats with
Southern (America). stiff brims decked with streamers and ribbons.
Pacic. Ofcial regulations were not issued until Septem-
Africa. ber 1817. White duck jacket, trousers and vest made
There are also four functional commands not bounded up the summer uniform, while the colorful winter
by geography Joint Forces, Special Operations, outt included blue jacket and trousers, red vest, yel-
Strategic, and Transportation. The establishment low buttons and black hat. These regulations also pro-
of a Unied Medical command is under considera- vided that when men swabbed the decks they were to
tion. be barefooted with their trousers rolled up. This rst
Uniform: [1] NATO phonetic notation of the let- attempt at standardization was loosely enforced, and
ter U. [2] Always the same; not varying or chang- sailors added their own buttons, striping, and accou-
ing. [3] The dress prescribed for naval, marine, or trements as they wished.
military personnel. See uniforms for naval ofcers and Not until 1841 were commanding ofcers required
uniforms for enlisted and rated personnel. to ensure that personnel had the prescribed clothing,
Uniform buoyage systems: Two such systems are then consisting of blue woolen frock with white col-
in worldwide use. They consist of aids to navigation lar and cuffs, blue trousers and vest, black hat and
in which the shape, number and coloring of buoys handkerchief. In 1862, senior petty ofcers were au-
and their relative positions indicate the location of thorized to wear ofcer style double-breasted jackets.
navigable waterways. [1] The cardinal system is best In 1901, denim working uniforms were authorized.
suited to coasts with many hazards to navigation. It is In 1973, recognizing that the traditional enlisted
always used in conjunction with [2] The lateral sys- dress uniform had originally evolved to meet the needs
339 Uniforms

of operating a fully-rigged sailing ship, it was replaced wet, so it would have made sense to select blue no
with a suit and tie similar to those of ofcers and matter what the king or the captain said. Whatever
CPOs, so as to create a more modern appearance. This the reason, in April 1748 the Admiralty nally prom-
break with tradition was far from universally popular, ulgated standardized blue-and-white uniforms for
sailors prefer to be distinctively dressed and many de- commissioned sea ofcers. The preamble to the Reg-
risively called it the bus drivers uniform. Even ulation read in part:
though jumper and bell-bottoms serve no nautical Whereas we judge it necessary, in order to better dis-
purpose today and are not related to anything worn tinguish the Rank of Sea Ofcers, to establish a Mil-
in the civilian world, there was strong resistance to itary Uniform clothing for Admirals, Captains,
changing traditional garments that had identied Commanders, and Lieutenants, and judging it also
sailors for a long time and were still retained by most necessary to distinguish their Class to be in the Rank
of the worlds other navies. In 1980, the Navy began of Gentlemen ... you are hereby required and di-
to re-issue jumper-style dress uniforms. At the same rected to conform yourself to the said Establishment
by wearing clothing accordingly at all times; and to
time, womens uniforms underwent a sweeping change
take care that such of the foresaid ofcers and mid-
to increase their practicality and to make them more shipmen who may be from time to time under your
parallel to the mens. command to do the like.
Uniforms for naval ofcers (British): In medieval Initially, the clothing consisted of frocked coats
times it was customary for the masters of Royal ships and breeches, with differences in rank being reected
to be issued with distinctive clothing. The following in the shape and cut of lapels and cuffs. However,
is extracted from a warrant issued by James I in 1604, many ofcers still dressed as they pleased, leading Ad-
the year after the Union of England and Scotland (the miral Jervis (later Lord St. Vincent) to comment in
original is in the British Museum). 1797:
Wee will and commaunde you ymediatile vpon the I have seen several ofcers of the Fleet on shore
sight hereof, to delyuer or cause to be deliuered vnto dressed like shop-keepers in colored cloaths ... in di-
our well-beloved servants ... principall Maisters of rect violation of the late order ... any ofcer offend-
our ships by vs appointed to that ofce ... for theire ing against this ... regulation will be arrested and
Lyurie coat.... To eury of them two yards of ne red court-martialled and never allowed on shore so long
cloth ... two yards of velvet for gardinge the same as he serves under me.
coats ... ten ounces of silk lace for garrishinge the In 1783 ag ofcers were further distinguished by
same coats ... two ounces of sowinge silk ... two gold embroidery decorating the fronts, skirts, cuffs,
yards of passamayne lace ... two dozen buttons of and pocket aps of their coats. One row of embroidery
silke and golde.... For imbroderinge of theire coats signied a rear-admiral, two a vice-admiral, and three
with ships, roses, crownes ... richlie embrodered wth a full admiral. Later, rank was indicated by the num-
Venice golde, siluer and silke, and wth spangles.... ber and positioning of epaulettes. In 1787 an ofcial
These fancy clothes were shipmaster liveries rather uniform for RN warrant ofcers was introduced. Fur-
than uniforms, and it would be generations before ther changes during the 19th and early 20th centuries
seamen began to dress in anything like standard fash- led to the current uniforms, including those of the
ion. In 1745 a group of British naval ofcers meeting Merchant Navy which were standardized in 1918,
at Wills Coffee House in London decided to petition modeled on the Royal Navy.
the Admiralty for an ofcial uniform similar to other Uniforms for naval ofcers (United States): Of-
navies. Several captains were directed to submit de- cers uniforms went through several iterations, start-
signs, the two most popular colors being grey or the ing in September 1776 when the Marine Committee
traditional English military red. The nal decision of Congress resolved that the uniform for ofcers in the
was left to King George II. Continental Navy be blue cloth with red lapels ...
According to legend, he saw the Duchess of Bedford blue britches (and) red waistcoat. This design was
riding in Hyde Park wearing a new habit of dark blue unpopular and, in March 1777 a group of captains
with rows of gold buttons down the front, gold lace proposed a design based on that of the Royal Navy,
on the cuffs, and white facings, and was so impressed consisting of a blue coat ... trimmed with gold lace
that he immediately ordered it be copied for naval and gold buttons; white waistcoat, breeches, and
ofcers uniforms. However, records show that Cap- stockings; and gold epaulettes. Neither of the fore-
tain Philip Saumarez had previously recommended going was adopted, leaving American ofcers free to
blue with white facings, so this story is probably apoc- develop their own uniforms, most choosing the de-
ryphal. In fact, the choice may have been for practi- sign proposed by the captains. But they went too far.
cal reasons. Congress deemed the fancy trimmings and decora-
It was at about this time that indigo dye became tion to be excessively royalist and resolved in 1781 that
freely and cheaply available from the East India Com- no ofcer whatsoever in the service of the United
pany. Compared to other contemporary dyes, this States shall ... wear ... any gold or lace embroidery or
tropical plant extract offered greater color fastness to vellum.
sunlight and wear and had less tendency to run when The rst ofcial naval uniform regulations were is-
Uniforms 340

sued by the Army-dominated War Department in Au- power source is not available. It differs from auxiliary
gust 1797 and prescribed ofcers uniforms of blue power or a standby generator, since it provides instant
and buff. Following the establishment of a separate protection from momentary power interruptions or
Navy Department in 1798, blue and gold uniforms uctuations. Integrated systems that have both UPS
were semi-ofcially recognized, but it was not until and a standby generator are often referred to as emer-
August 1802 that the Secretary of the Navy signed an gency power systems or continuous power supply.
instruction which made those colors mandatory. Union: The upper quarter of an ensign, nearest to
Khaki made its debut in 1912 as a summer uniform the mast. Often containing a small version of the na-
for naval aviators, and in 1917 the forestry green uni- tional ag or some other national emblem. See also
form of the Marine Corps was authorized as aviators Canton.
winter working uniform. Aviation khaki was adopted Union down: Said of an ensign own upside down
by submariners in 1931. Ten years later the Navy ap- as a distress signal.
proved khakis for on-station wear by senior ofcers Union Flag: The proper name of both the UK and
and, soon after Pearl Harbor, chiefs and ofcers were U.S. national ensign. The former is formed by the su-
authorized to wear khakis ashore on liberty. Gray uni- perimposed crosses of Saints Andrew (Scotland),
forms in the same style as khaki were introduced for George (England), and Patrick (Ireland). The latter
ofcers in 1943. Permission to wear gray uniform was is composed of 50 stars in the union and 13 stripes on
later extended to Chief Petty Ofcers (and cooks and the y.
stewards), but the Navy abolished grays in 1949. Union Jack: [1] The union of the U.S. national ag
The aviators need for rank identication while wear- own at the jackstaff of USN warships. (See also First
ing a ight jacket eventually evolved into metal shirt Navy Jack.) [2] The British union ag when own at
collar devices, rather than bulky hard shoulder boards the jackstaff of an RN warship. [3] Incorrect but wide-
for all ofcers. spread terminology for the British union ag when
Uniforms for rated personnel (British): As early own as the national ensign.
as 1760, a group of RN ofcers petitioned the Admi- Unit: A generic term for the military assets assigned
ralty to formalize seamens uniforms, but nothing to a single tactical commander. May be a single ship
came of it and the sailors had to continue supplying or aircraft, or a larger force.
their own clothing, often by purchase of cheap and Unit citation: A formal, honorary recognition by
shoddy items provided by the purser from the slop high authority of a naval or military units outstand-
chest. The luckier ones served under a wealthy captain ing performance, usually but not exclusively in com-
who outtted his boats crew (if rich enough, all deck bat. Unit citations are not intended to recognize in-
crew as well), frequently choosing fancy patterns and dividual actions, but to acknowledge the combined
colors to meet his personal taste. For example, the ec- efforts of the unit as a whole. A USN vessel receiving
centric Captain Wilmott of HMS Harlequin dressed such a citation is entitled to y an identifying pen-
his boats crew in pantomime clown costumes, expos- nant, and those on board at the time the service was
ing the poor men to ridicule every time they came performed are awarded a medal to be worn perma-
close to the shore. nently on the right breast of their uniforms. (See also
The rst ofcial service-wide dress codes for petty Award Flags & Pennants.)
ofcers, seamen, landsmen, and boys were not intro- Unit loading: The loading of troops with their
duced in the RN until 1857, sixteen years after they had equipment and supplies in the same vessels.
been prescribed in the USN. Even then, RN ratings United Nations Conference on Trade & Devel-
had to tailor their own uniforms from cloth supplied opment: Established in 1964, to promote the inte-
by the purser. A standard item was a short double- gration of developing countries into the world econ-
breasted blue coat or peajacket that led to American omy, with particular focus on ensuring that domestic
and British sailors being known as bluejackets. This policies and international action are mutually sup-
coat was discontinued by the RN in 1890, but the portive in bringing about sustainable development.
nickname lived on in both RN and USN. Ready- United Nations Convention on the Law of the
made uniforms began to be issued by the RN in the Sea: An international conference that convened in
early 20th century, but their rough cloth and poor t 1973 and ended in 1982. During those nine years, rep-
led many sailors to buy tiddly suits tailored uni- resentatives of more than 160 sovereign States shut-
forms of superior cloth to be worn ashore when far tled back and forth between New York and Geneva,
from the eagle eyes of the master at arms. These were discussing issues, bargaining and trading national
often so tight-tting that a messmates help was rights and obligations, in a series of marathon nego-
needed to pull the jumper on, and the trousers bell- tiations that produced the Convention which came
bottoms were frequently expanded until well beyond into force in November 1994. As of April 2008, it had
regulation width. been ratied by 155 coastal nations, excluding the
Uninterruptible power supply: A device which United States. Its key features cover:
maintains a continuous supply of power to connected Navigational rights, territorial sea limits, economic
equipment by supplying electricity when the main jurisdiction, legal status of resources on the sea bed
341 United

beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, passage of shore establishments including dockyards, bases, de-
ships through narrow straits, conservation and man- pots, etc.
agement of living marine resources, protection of the United States Marine Corps: This branch of the
marine environment, a marine research regime and, United States military was formed on November 10,
a more unique feature, a binding procedure for the 1775 exactly four weeks after creation of the Con-
settlement of disputes between States. tinental Navy when the Continental Congress re-
United States Army Transportation Corps: Es- solved:
tablished by Executive Order in July 1942, the Trans- That two battalions of Marines be raised consisting
portation Corps is charged with the operation of all of one colonel, two lieutenant colonels, two majors
vessels under War Department jurisdiction. Previously and ofcers as usual in other regiments; That they
known as the Army Transportation Service, its motto consist of an equal number of privates with other
is Spearhead of Logistics. The concept of an Army- battalions; that particular care be taken that no per-
operated eet had its origins during the Spanish- sons be appointed to ofce or inlisted into said bat-
American War when U.S. agged commercial ship- talions, but such as are good seamen, or so ac-
ping was unresponsive to the Armys needs for military quainted with Maritime affairs as to be able to serve
sealift. During World War I the Army crewed in ex- to advantage by sea, when required.
cess of fty oceangoing ships to support the Expedi- Both navy and marines were disbanded after the
tionary Force in France, but, in July 1918, the War War of Independence, not to be re-established until
Department requested the Navys Overseas Trans- 1794 and 1798 respectively. The two most famous ac-
portation Service to take over the Army eet. tions of this early period were in 1803, during the First
Between the wars, the Army began taking back its Barbary War, and in 1847, during the War with Mex-
historic sealift function until, with the beginning of ico. The former added Shores of Tripoli, and the
World War II, the eet was again expanded, reaching second Halls of Montezuma to the Corps colors
a peak of 170 large vessels (over 200' LOA) and 1360 and eventually its hymn (see march music).
medium (over 65' LOA). The craft operated under In 1834, President Andrew Jackson (a former army
Army control and were manned partly by the Civilian general) planned to transfer the Marines to the Army,
Branch of the Water Division and in part by military but was thwarted by an Act of Congress. In 1917, the
crews. During the early 1950s, the Navys Military Corps acquired a marine aviation component. During
Sealift Command took over the Armys prior role in World War II, the Pacic War island-hopping cam-
oceangoing shipping. The Army Transportation Corps paign rmly established the Marines as an lite unit
still operates a substantial eet of small craft, the crews and a leading exponent of amphibious warfare, but
of which are now all military. when the war ended, senior army generals again tried
United States Coast Guard: See Coast Guard. to gain control. Once more Congress came to the res-
United States Department of Defense: Estab- cue and gave the Corps statutory protection under the
lished in 1949, to reduce inter-service rivalry and im- National Security Act of 1947.
prove overall economy and efciency. Based at the As in the British and most other 18th century
Pentagon, and often referred to colloquially by that navies, United States marines were originally con-
name, it is headed by a Secretary with Cabinet sta- ceived as infantry serving aboard warships with in
tus. Like the British Ministry of Defence, it is both a addition to combat dutiesresponsibility for defend-
policy-making department of state and the highest- ing the ships ofcers from mutiny. This mission ended
level military command. It includes the departments in the 1990s, when the last Marine security detach-
of Navy, Army, and Air Force, and a number of non- ments were withdrawn from U.S. Navy ships, but the
combatant agencies including the National Security infantry focus continues with the doctrine Every Ma-
Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency. The rine a rieman. Regardless of military specialization,
Coast Guard, which is normally controlled by the De- all enlisted Marines are trained in ground combat and
partment of Homeland Security, comes under DoD all ofcers are qualied infantry platoon command-
authority in wartime. ers.
United States Department of the Navy: Was es- Today, the Corps relies on the U.S. Navy for sealift,
tablished by Act of Congress in 1798, to replace the but is otherwise a self-contained, combined-arms,
U.S. Board of Admiralty, and to provide civilian over- rapid-deployment force that integrates ground com-
sight and administrative and technical support to the bat units with an air combat component and a logis-
Navy and Marine Corps. Previously a cabinet mem- tics element, to provide both expeditionary and am-
ber, its Secretary now reports to the Secretary of De- phibious capability. Like the British Royal Marines, the
fense. With executive ofces in the Pentagon, the De- Corps badge is a globe, with the former showing the
partment is responsible for organizing, supplying, eastern hemisphere and the latter the western.
equipping, training, and mobilizing naval and ma- United States Maritime Service: In 1938, when a
rine personnel and assets. It oversees the construc- Second World War was imminent, President Franklin
tion, outtting, and repair of naval ships, aircraft, D. Roosevelt established the U.S. Maritime Service
equipment, and facilities, and is responsible for the only racially integrated service of the time to
United 342

train men for the Merchant Marine and the Army At sea, however, British blockade soon restricted
Transportation Corps. Its ranks, grades, and ratings American naval action to guerre de course in which a
were the same as those of the United States Coast few warships and numerous privateers preyed on Brit-
Guard. The training bases were closed in 1954, but ish shipping with considerable success, capturing over
the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and the State 800 merchantmen and forcing the Royal Navy to
Maritime Academies are still part of the USMS. mount a convoy system along the English and Irish
United States Merchant Marine: This service was coasts. The naval war ended as it had begun with an
formally established by the Merchant Marine Act of American victory in which USS Hornet captured
1936 which mandated that... HMS Penguin in a sloop-on-sloop action off Tristan
... The United States shall have a merchant marine ... da Cunha. Having successfully tweaked the lions tail
[to] serve as a naval or military auxiliary in time of for almost three years, the USN rightfully felt it had
war or national emergency ... [it] should be operated come of age.
by highly trained and efcient citizens of the United The navy played a signicant role in the Civil War,
States ... the United States Navy and the Merchant doing much to advance naval architecture and tech-
Marine of the United States should work closely to- nology, but then suffered neglect and decline until a
gether to promote the maximum integration of the modernization program began in the 1880s. By 1907,
total seapower forces of the United States. when President Teddy Roosevelt sent the Great White
United States Naval Institute: A private institu- Fleet around the world, the United States had estab-
tion with strong ties to the USN. Publishes books, lished itself as a major maritime power. In 1922 the
periodicals, and conducts seminars on naval affairs. Washington Naval Treaties gave the USN parity with
Founded in 1873, it provides an independent forum the RN, a situation which ended with the exponen-
to... tial expansion of American naval power during World
... Honor Americas enduring sea services heritage; to War II. Since then, in spite of a brief but serious chal-
support the professional development of United lenge by Fleet Admiral Gorshkovs vastly expanded
States Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen; to Soviet Navy, the USN has remained the worlds pre-
champion a strong national defense; and to chal- dominant maritime force.
lenge military conventionalism by encouraging de- United States Navy Memorial: In 1791, when
bate on critical defense issues. Pierre LEnfant, a French-born American military en-
United States Naval Ship: A ship that is owned gineer, designed the street layout of Washington,
by the USN and operated by the Military Sealift D.C., he included a Navy Memorial in his plans. But
Command, but not commissioned as a warship. Nor- it was not until 1977 that a committee of prominent
mally operated by a civilian crew with a small con- military and civilian leaders formed the Navy Memo-
tingent of naval personnel. Usually abbreviated USNS rial Foundation, which undertook the construction
and used as a prex to the ships name. of such a memorial on Pennsylvania Avenue.
United States Navy: Most of the Continental Navy Its centerpiece is a granite map of the world, 100
was disbanded after the War of Independence and, in feet in diameter, surrounded by relief sculptures of
spite of an active merchant marine, the Republic was historic U.S. naval events. An adjacent Naval Histor-
effectively toothless at sea. Then, in 1794, Congress ical Center houses a theatre, an electronic log of over
passed a Bill to Provide a Naval Armament and, four half-a-million navy veterans, and other displays. The
years later, established the Navy Department. Half a Foundation also follows a broad-based mission of
dozen well-built and powerful super-frigates were public outreach and values-based education.
commissioned (see Warship Rating), and their crews United States numbered eets: The concept of
were blooded during an undeclared naval war with numbered eets was introduced by Admiral Ernest
France (17981800) and the rst Barbary War (1803 King in 1943. At that time even-numbered eets
1805). served in the Atlantic and European theaters and
In June 1812, knowing Britain to be preoccupied odd-numbered in the Pacic. Eight such eets were es-
with the Napoleonic conict, the United States oppor- tablished, but the rst, fourth, and eighth were deac-
tunistically declared war on Britain, ostensibly to de- tivated after World War II. In April 2008 the fourth
fend Freedom of the Seas. They opened with a eet was reactivated and six eets were deployed as
poorly-conceived triple-pronged invasion of Canada follows:
that went badly wrong and had to be aborted, but, in Second Fleet Atlantic Ocean
stunning contrast to the dismal performance of Third Fleet Eastern Pacic Ocean
ground forces, the Navy opened the War brilliantly Fourth Fleet Caribbean, Central & South
with a series of triumphant single-ship actions. The America
chastened and humiliated British struck back with the Fifth Fleet Persian/Arabian Gulf, Red Sea,
victory of an experienced crew over a green one (see Gulf of Oman, Indian Ocean
Dont give up the ship), but were soon to lose a criti- Sixth Fleet Mediterranean Sea
cal eet action on Lake Erie and a smaller engagement Seventh Fleet Western Pacic Ocean
on Lake Champlain. United States Ship: A commissioned warship of
343 Upwelling

the USN. Usually abbreviated USS and used as a ing the ordinary perils of the sea due to its state of
prex to the ships name. maintenance, the capability of its crew, or any other
United States Transportation Command: Estab- factor.
lished in 1987, as one of nine unied commands, and Unship: [1] To take out of a ship or vessel (unship
is manager of the United States global defense trans- cargo). [2] To remove or detach something from its
portation system. It has three components the Air usual or proper place or connection (unship the cap-
Forces air mobility command, the Armys military stan bars). [3] To become detached (heavy seas un-
trafc management command, and the Navys mili- shipped the rudder).
tary sealift command. Unstay: To destroy an enemys stays by gunre,
Universal time: See coordinated universal time. thereby bringing down his masts.
Unknot : [1] To undo or untangle a knot. [2] A Unstep: Intentional removal of a mast or spar (cf.
closed loop of rope without a binding knot (e.g., a dismast).
sheepshank or a hobbling knot). [3] A concept in the Unstow: See break out.
mathematical theory of knots. Up anchor!: [1] A boatswains pipe calling the an-
Unlash: To loosen or untie something. chor detail to their stations. [2] The order to weigh the
Unlay: To untwist and separate the strands of a anchor.
rope or cable. Up-and-down: The condition of an anchor chain
Unload: To remove goods or cargo from a vessel. or cable when it is under the forefoot and the anchor
Also discharge. is short-stayed.
Unmanned vehicles: Along with unmanned (un- Up behind!: Command to stop heaving and
inhabited to be politically correct) aerial vehicles slacken off rapidly to facilitate cleating.
(UAV) and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV), Up screw!: Former command to raise the propeller
unmanned surface vessels (USV)are likely to be vital of an auxiliary-powered sailing-ship to reduce drag
components of future naval, coast guard, and home- when planning to proceed under sailpower alone.
land security forces. Most maritime activities carry an Up spirits!: The traditional RN boatswains call for
element of risk, but some such as close inspection the troops to muster for their daily issue of rum or
of suspected terrorist vessels; clearing shipping lanes; brandy at 12 noon precisely. Frequently the bosun
evaluation of chemical, biological, or radiation hazards; added the sotto voce pun, Stand fast the Holy
mine clearance and countermeasures; target identica- Ghost.
tion and illumination; and underwater search are Uphaul: See topping lift.
especially hazardous. In such circumstances, an un- Upper deck: [1] The highest continuous deck of a
manned vessel or vehicle can be deployed without passenger ship. [2] A partial deck above the main deck
risking sailors lives; can be designed for mission effec- of a cargo ship. [3] A deck in the superstructure of a
tiveness, ignoring human comfort and crew space, and warship. [4] A non-naval term for the commissioned
can remain on station without resupply or crew rota- ofcers of a warships company.
tion. It can also be recongurable through plug-and- Upper masts: The top, topgallant, and royal masts.
play design that allows the installation of specialized Spars higher than these were called poles rather than
mission modules. masts.
Unmoor: To weigh one anchor while continuing to Upper yardman: In days of sail, the men who
ride on the other. manned the upper yards formed an lite, generally re-
Unofcial beating: During the 17th and 18th cen- garded as the smartest men in the ship. In the Royal
turies Royal Navy boatswains mates normally carried Navy, since about 1935 the term has described a sea-
small whips called colts or starters hidden in their man selected from the lower deck to become an ofcer
hats. These were occasionally made of leather, some- candidate.
what like a Russian knout, but more often were Upperworks: [1] That part of a ship which is above
lengths of knotted rope. They were seldom used on water when fully-laden. [2] The superstructure above
able seamen and almost never on elite upperyard men, a vessels weather deck.
but were wielded viciously to speed up clumsy lands- UPS: Uninterruptible power supply.
men and ordinary sailors who were slow to respond to Upsetting angle: The degree of tilt beyond which
orders. The boatswain openly carried a rattan (bam- a vessel will no longer right itself.
boo cane) with which he executed instant chastise- Upsetting moment: [1] The instant at which a ves-
ment. These summary punishments were ofcially sel capsizes. [2] The force which causes it to do so.
suppressed in 1811. Upstream: Toward or against the direction in
Unrated: Refers to any warship smaller than a which a current is owing.
frigate (see warship rating). Uptake: [1] An exhaust trunk taking boiler gases
Unreeve: To pull the rope out of a block or fairlead. to the stacks. [2] A forced-draft ventilator removing
Unrig: To remove all rigging, both standing and stale air from interior compartments.
running from a vessel. Upwelling : The oceans are layered; with sun-
Unseaworthy: Said of any vessel incapable of meet- warmed water on top, and colder water containing
Upwind 344

nutrients and dissolved gases below. Upwelling is a legal precedents and have the force of law in admi-
phenomenon that brings this deeper water to the sur- ralty courts and courts-martial. See also laws and us-
face. When nutrients rise towards the sunlight, mi- ages of war.
croscopic plants (phytoplankton) combine them with USCG: United States Coast Guard.
carbon dioxide and solar energy by photosynthesis. USCGC: United States Coast Guard Cutter.
The organic compounds thus produced form the basis USCGS: United States Coast Guard Ship.
of the oceanic food chain. Oceanographers have Usciere: Venetian horse transports. See Huissiers.
identied many different forms of this phenomenon, USMC: United States Marine Corps.
the more signicant of which are: USMM: United States Merchant Marine.
Coastal Upwelling: Coriolis effect causes wind- USMS: United States Maritime Service.
driven currents to move to the right of winds in the USN: United States Navy.
Northern Hemisphere. Thus winds blowing south USN Sailors Creed: As part of their Core Val-
along an eastern land-ocean boundary, or north ues all ofcers and enlisted personnel are required to
along a western one, drive surface water away from acknowledge and support the statement:
the coast, allowing cold, nutrient-rich deep water I am a United States sailor. I will support and de-
to rise and replace it. In the Southern Hemisphere, fend the Constitution of the United States of Amer-
these directions are reversed. Some of the worlds ica and I will obey the orders of those appointed
most productive shing grounds are in regions over me. I represent the ghting spirit of the Navy
where coastal upwelling occurs. and those who have gone before me to defend free-
Equatorial Upwelling: A related phenomenon. The dom and democracy around the world. I proudly
equatorial surface current ows from east to west serve my countrys Navy combat team with Honor,
Courage and commitment. I am committed to ex-
in both the Atlantic and Pacic Basins. Coriolis
cellence and the fair treatment of all.
force turns the ow away from the equator (north
At time of writing (2008), there is unresolved con-
to the right, south to the left) once again clearing
troversy and argument over whether it is appropriate
a path for colder water to rise from the depths. As
for commissioned ofcers to afrm the latter part of the
phytoplankton feast on the rising nutrients they
second statement (highlighted above). The reason goes
bloom, causing the water to become green and
back to differences between the Oath of Enlistment
murky to the extent that space travelers can visu-
and the ofcers Oath of Appointment, both of which
ally locate the Pacic equatorial region by a line of
start in the same way:
high phytoplankton concentration.
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend
Dynamic uplift: Occurs in response to variations in the Constitution of the United States against all ene-
coastal ocean currents and is independent of coastal mies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith
wind conditions. and allegiance to the same; ...
Tidal pumping: Strong tidal currents produce up- But the enlistees oath then says:
welling through amplication and associated topo- ... I will obey the orders of the President of the
graphic turbulence. During ood tide, oceanic United States and the orders of the ofcers appointed
water mixes with and transfers part of its nutrient over me, according to regulations and the Uniform
load to the shelf water before being removed again Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
during ebb tide. Each ood tide brings another load Whereas the ofcer swears:
of nutrients, and the resulting enrichment can be ... I take this obligation freely, without any mental
substantial. Marine life on the Great Barrier Reef reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well
benets greatly from tidal pumping, as do similar and faithfully discharge the duties of the ofce upon
geographical settings where tidal currents are which I am about to enter, so help me God.
amplied in channels between islands. Those who claim ofcers should not recite the Creed
Eddy formation: Western boundary currents spawn contend that conning their allegiance to the Consti-
several eddies per year, each of which maintains its tution, while not requiring an oath to obey orders, is
identity for two years or longer. Warm core eddies a deliberate Congressional attempt to ensure that they
are characterized by a deep thermocline in the cen- will refuse illegal commands to do things prohibited
tre and shallow thermocline around the eddy fringe. by the Constitution, even if ordered by senior ofcers
As they impinge on the continental slope, the ther- up to and including the commander-in-chief (presi-
mocline is lifted up, having the same effect as when dent). The debate continues.
the main current impinges on the shelf. USNA: United States Naval Academy.
Upwind: Toward or against the direction from USNI: United States Naval Institute.
which the wind is blowing. USNR: United States Navy Reserve.
Urca: An armed Spanish y-boat. USNS: United States Naval Ship. Prex preceding
USA : [1] United States of America. [2] United a ships name and identifying it as a non-combatant
States Army. vessel, such a hospital ship, ocean tug, eet oiler, or
USAF : United States Air Force. replenishment vessel, owned or operated by the
Usages: Habitual or customary practices that are United States Military Sealift Command.
345 Vent

USNY: United States Navy Yard. high-to-low water cycle, the intermediate diurnal
USS: United States Ship. Prex identifying a U.S. movement being too small to measure.
warship in commission. Variable fuse: A fuse that is activated by signals
USV: Unmanned surface vessel. generated by the projectile and reected off the target.
USW: Undersea warfare. See UWW. Also proximity fuse.
UTC: Coordinated Universal Time. Variable pitch: Said of an aerial or marine pro-
UTR: Underwater tracking range. peller in which the angle of the blades can be adjusted
UUO: Unidentied underwater object. to optimize thrust. The mathematics of propulsion
UUV: Unmanned underwater vehicle efciency are extremely complex, but can be simplied
UWW: Underwater warfare. See USW. by comparing propeller pitch to an automobile trans-
UX: Unexploded. Sufx B = bomb; M = mine mission. Low gear and ne pitch each provide good ac-
or munition; O = ordnance; W = weapon. celeration but limited speed. High gear and coarse
pitch provide greater thrust, allowing higher speed
but less acceleration.
V Ships with engines that work most efciently at a
steady pace can vary their speed by changing the pitch
VA: [1] Air squadron (USN). [2] Veterans Admin- of their propellers. In contrast, a xed pitch propeller
istration (U.S.). can be more efcient at its designed speed and load, but
Vail: Archaic term for hauling down a sail or ag in is less exible than one which can be adjusted to ab-
salute. sorb virtually all the power the engine can produce at
Valhallas serpent: In 1905, off the Brazilian coast, any combination of speed and vessel loading. (Vari-
the crew of research ship Valhalla reported another of able pitch is also called adjustable pitch or control-
many eel-like sightings. This time, they were sup- lable pitch.)
ported by two British naturalists, both Fellows of the Variation: The angle between true and magnetic
Zoological Society and equipped with binoculars, north, expressed either in degrees easterly or westerly,
whose account is recorded in the 1906 edition of the or as positive when the compass card points to the east
Societys Proceedings. The sighting lasted for several and negative when to the west. Known to earth sci-
minutes after which Edmund Meade-Waldo reported entists as magnetic declination.
that the creature was dark seaweed-brown above, and Vast: Abbreviation of avast.
whitish below, with a neck which was... Vast heaving! Command to stop hauling (see up
about the thickness of a slight mans body, and from behind.)
7 to 8 feet was out of the water; head and neck were VBS: Visit, board, and search.
all about the same thickness. The head had a very VBSS: Visit, board, search, and seizure.
turtle-like appearance.... It moved its head and neck Vector: [1] A straight line graphically representing
from side to side in a peculiar manner... the direction and magnitude of a force or movement.
The other scientist, Michael Nicoll, added, This [2] To follow a designated compass direction to an
creature was an example, I consider, of what has been amphibious landing beach. [3] To give an aircraft di-
reported, for want of a better name, as the great sea rections for its approach to set down on a ight deck
serpent. Later, three crew members reported seeing or runway.
the same animal overtaking Valhalla at a speed of Vedette: [1] Naval: a small launch used for recon-
about nine knots. naissance. [2] Military: a mounted scout or sentinel.
Valley: A relatively shallow, wide depression on the Veer: [1] The wind direction shifting clockwise (cf.
sea oor, the bottom of which usually has a continu- back). [2] Said of a ship turning abruptly. [3] To wear.
ous gradient. This term is generally not used for fea- [4] To pay out a rope or line, especially an anchor
tures that have canyon-like characteristics. Also called cable.
submarine valley or sea valley. Cf. Oceanic trench. Veer a buoy astern: To let out a oat with attached
Valve: A tap-like device for controlling the passage line, in order to pull in a boat or rescue a person over-
of gas or uid through a pipe. board.
Valve chest: A manifold. Veer and haul: To pull and slacken alternately.
Van/Vanguard: The leading ship or division of a Vehicle cargo: Refers to military freight in the form
eet. (From Middle French avangarde = advance of wheeled or tracked equipment, including weapons,
guard.) that require special deck space, head room, and other
Vane: [1] A piece of cloth (telltale) or sheet metal clearances.
(weathervane) used to indicate wind direction. [2] Vein: A lane of clear water between oes of ice. See
The blade of a propeller, turbine, windmill, or simi- also lead.
lar device. Velocity: The rate of motion in a given direction.
Vang: A rope, bar, or tackle used to steady a boom Vent : [1] An aperture or valve which allows air
or spar. or steam to escape when pressure becomes excessive.
Vanishing tide: A tide with only a single apparent [2] To open such a valve. [3] A large valve on top of
Vent 346

a submarines main ballast tank by which trapped air Very low sea: Wind-Sea condition 1 on the Doug-
is released to facilitate diving. [4] The touchhole of a las Scale (table 2), with waves dened as short, low
rearm or cannon. and rippled, less than 10 centimeters (4 inches) high.
Vent bit: An auger specially-designed for clearing Very pistol: A snub-nosed, large-caliber (11 2 inch or
the obstructed vent of a gun. 12 gauge) hand-held are gun, designed in 1877 by
Vent stopper: A protective plug or cover (usually American naval ofcer Edward Very (pronounced
leather) for the vent of a cannon. veery), which shoots Very lights or parachute-ares.
Ventilating trunk: A space between frames which (Incorrectly, but often seen, Verey pistol. Properly,
acts as a duct to ventilate bilges. but seldom used, Verys pistol.) See also Coston gun.
Ventilation: The distribution of fresh air below Very rough sea: Wind-Sea condition 6 on the
decks. Douglas Scale (table 2) with waves dened as large,
Ventilator cowl: A mushroom- or hood-shaped short and heavy, between four and six meters (13 to 20
deck tting which catches the wind and directs air to feet) high.
below-deck spaces via ventilation tubes. Vessel: The generic term for any water vehicle
Venture: An undertaking or operation involving larger than a rowboat irrespective of its size or method
an element of risk, especially a speculative business of propulsion. Not quite as all-embracing as craft,
enterprise of uncertain outcome. however. See also boat, ship.
Venturi: A tapered section of pipe that reduces Vessel size: See size escalation.
pressure and increases rate of ow. VHF : Very High Frequency.
Veritas: The French equivalent of Lloyds List. Vicar: Slang for the ships chaplain, whose cabin is
Versailles (Treaty): In 1919 the vindictive victors sometimes called The Vicarage.
of World War I imposed severe restrictions on the size Vice Admiral: This three-star ag rank originally
and capacities of the German armed forces. The total designated the deputy leader of a eet or squadron
naval forces allowed were six heavy cruisers of no more (Latin vices = alternative) who also commanded the
than 10,000 tons displacement, six light cruisers of no forward element or van. A vice admiral ranks below
more than 6,000 tons displacement, 12 destroyers of Admiral and above Rear Admiral (upper half ). See ta-
no more than 800 tons displacement and 12 torpedo bles 13 & 14.
boats. There were to be no submarines, no naval avi- Victor: NATO phonetic notation for the letter V.
ation, and no battleships. In March 1935, Adolf Hitler Victoria: The sole survivor of Ferdinand Magel-
violated the Treaty by introducing military conscrip- lans ve-ship 1519 expedition and the rst European
tion and rebuilding all the armed forces. Three months vessel to circumnavigate the globe (the Chinese may
later, Britain reacted by negotiating the Anglo-German have succeeded earlier). Commanded by Basque ad-
Naval Agreement, secretly giving Hitler a green light venturer Juan Sebastin de Eleano, Victoria returned
to ignore the Versailles naval restrictions. to Spain on September 8, 1522, winning him a coat of
Vertical launch: A system that dispenses with tra- arms showing the globe with the Latin motto Primus
ditional launching rails and allows missiles to be circumdedisti me = You went around me rst.
launched directly from their magazines. Victory: Launched in 1765, Nelsons 104-gun ag-
Vertical loading: Arranging similar items in verti- ship at the 1805 Battle of Trafalgar is the oldest naval
cal tiers in cargo holds so that they will be available at ship still in commission. She sits in dry dock in Ports-
any stage of discharging (cf. horizontal loading). mouth as a museum ship.
Vertical replenishment: The transfer of supplies Victory ship: A mass-producible World War II
to or from a ship by helicopter. cargo ship of 15,200 displacement tons, designed by
Very good or Very well: The traditional acknowl- the U.S. Maritime Commission as a longer range,
edgement by a senior naval ofcer of a juniors report. larger and faster replacement for the Liberty ship, with
Unlike armies or air forces where very good sir is an better post-war commercial potential. Their speed of
acceptable response to an order, its use in place of 15 to 17 knots (28 to 31 km/h) compared to 11 knots
aye-aye sir by a junior RN or USN ofcer would be (20 km/h) made them less easy prey to U-boats,
likely to produce the retort and who gave you permis- They were oil red, although some Canadian-built
sion to criticize my orders? vessels were designed to use coal or oil. They also had
Very high frequency: The radio frequency most strengthened hulls compared to Liberty ships, since
frequently used by vessels at sea. some of the latter had suffered fractured hulls.
Very high sea: Wind-Sea condition 8 on the Victualer: [1] A supply ship. [2] A contractor sup-
Douglas Scale (table 2), with waves dened as long, plying foodstuffs (rhymes with Hitler).
heavy and mountainous, between nine and fourteen Victualing bill: A list of bonded goods taken on
meters (30 to 46 feet) high. board for consumption during a voyage. Pronounced
Very light: A colored are, star-shell, or pyrotech- vittling.
nic reball red from a special gun called a Very pis- Victualling stores: See naval supplies.
tol. Old, but still an excellent method of signaling, Victualling yard: A facility that supplies food and
especially at night. (Pronounced veery.) drink to Royal Navy ships.
347 Visual

Victuals: Food or provisions. Pronounced vittles. Although itself indecisive, this engagement also
(From Latin victualia.) known as the Battle of Chesapeake Bay was pivotal
Vigia: Notation on a chart warning of a hazard to because it ensured success for the American revolu-
navigation which cannot be exactly located. From the tion. Cornwallis surrendered after a three-week siege,
Spanish for a watchman and pronounced vee-jee-ah. leading Britain to recognize United States independ-
Vikings: Generic name for early medieval (9th to ence.
11th century) Scandinavian shipbuilders, seafarers, Viscous drag: See skin-friction.
warriors, pillagers, and settlers, who rst terrorized Visibility: [1] Visual range. [2] The atmospheric
and later colonized Western Europe, then voyaged property that determines ability to see and identify
westward to Iceland, Greenland and North America, objects. [3] In meteorology, the distance at which a
and southward around Iberia to North Africa. Other standard object can be seen and identied by the un-
Norsemen moved eastward to colonize the Baltic aided human eye.
shores, and some, known as the Rus, moved south to Visit and search: Inspection of a private vessel to
settle in Kiev and give their name to Russia. Others determine its nationality, the nature of its cargo, its
known as Varangians traveled down that countrys destination, etc.
great rivers to reach the Black Sea, Constantinople, Visit, board, search, and seizure : Search and
and probably Baghdad. The name comes from Old seizure is a legal procedure in many countries, under
Norse wik or vik, meaning a creek, bay, or estuary, which police or other authorities mayprovided they
and a naval raid was called faro-i-viking which can suspect a crime has been committed search prop-
be loosely translated as go-a-baying (probably in erty and conscate any relevant evidence. To combat
reference to the Viking raiders tendency to work their suspected terrorism, piracy and smuggling, maritime
way inland via bays and rivers). See also Berserker. law enforcement necessarily involves visitation and
Vintiner: A naval ofcer in Henry VIIIs eet, boarding as preliminaries.
commanding a company of 20 men. From the Latin Visitation: See Right of Visitation.
vigintinarius. Visual aid: An aid to navigation that provides in-
Violent storm: Alternate name for a Tempest. formation through observation of a shape by day or a
VIP: Very important person. light by night.
Virginia Capes (battle): In the summer of 1781, Visual range: The maximum distance at which a
British troops under Lord Charles Cornwallis were at given object can be seen. Also visibility.
Yorktown, Virginia, awaiting ocean transport to New Visual recognition of approaching boats: Both
York City where Sir Henry Clintons army was threat- RN and USN boats use colors, ags, or symbols to
ened by Franco-American forces led by George Wash- indicate the status of their most senior passenger. A
ington and Jean-Baptiste de Rochambeau. Another blue or green Royal Navy barge automatically signies
French force under Marie-Joseph de Lafayette was ob- a ag ofcer, while an admirals ag on its forward
serving Cornwallis from south of Yorktown. staff indicates that he is coming on a ceremonial visit;
Recognizing the strategic possibility of defeating if so a guard and band will be paraded and the ofcers
the British in detail, Washington sent a French frigate greeting him will wear swords and medals. However,
to ask Contre-Amiral Franois de Grasse to sail from if a red disc bearing a white cross is inserted in a slot
the West Indies and seize control of Chesapeake Bay on the staff, hes coming ofcially but not formally,
before British warships could arrive. Leaving a small and will be met by the captain and commander, but
force to contain Clinton, the combined forces moved no guard or band. If it displays a white disc with a
toward Yorktown, rst by forced march and then by black cross, his visit is personal and informal, and he
sea in French transports. may even be in plain clothes (perhaps returning from
On 30th August, de Grasse arrived in the Chesa- a game of golf ).
peake with twenty-seven ships of the line and de- The U.S. Navy places polished brass devices at the
barked 3,000 reinforcements for Lafayette. On 5th truck of boat agstaffs to indicate the rank of the most
September, Rear-Admiral Thomas Graves with nine- senior person aboard. A Spread Eagle represents an
teen of the line arrived off Hampton Roads. De Grasse ofcial entitled to a salute of 19 or more guns (Fleet Ad-
sallied to meet Graves with twenty-four of his ships miral, Chief of Naval Operations, Commandant of
and the eets fought an inconclusive two-hour action the Marine Corps, service secretaries, etc.). A Hal-
off the Virginia capes. berd (axe-like device) represents other ag and general
They maneuvered at sea for another four days, dur- ofcers and certain civil ofcials (assistant service sec-
ing which eight French ships of the line under Com- retaries, consuls general, etc.). A Ball represents a cap-
modore Paul de Barras slipped into the Chesapeake tain or civil ofcial (such as rst secretary of a legation).
convoying transports carrying Washingtons siege ar- A Star signies the presence of a commander or civil
tillery. When Graves followed de Grasse back to the equivalent. For all other ranks the agstaff has a at
Bay, he found his nineteen ships, many of which had truck with no distinguishing device. The head of the
battle damage, facing thirty-ve of the line. He wisely eagle and cutting edge of the halberd face forward,
decided to return to New York to ret. and the points of the star are aligned fore-and-aft.
Vivier 348

Similar devices on agstaffs ashore indicate the rank Volunteer: A seaman who enters naval service will-
of the ofcer commanding a headquarters or other ingly, as opposed being impressed.
shore establishment. Volunteer-per-Order: See Kings letter man.
Vivier: A French shing boat with a well amid- Vortex: [1] Any uid having a whirling or circular
ships for the storage of live catch. motion, tending to form a cavity or vacuum at its cen-
VLBC : Acronym of Very Large Bulk Carrier; ter. [2] A whirlpool or maelstrom having a pro-
dened as a bulker of more than 200,000 but less than nounced downward-spiraling ow. [3] A circular re-
300,000 dwt (Cf. ULBC). gion at the center of a tropical cyclone, where the
VLCC : Acronym of Very Large Crude Carrier; weather is fair and winds relatively light. Otherwise
dened as a tanker of more than 160,000 but less than known as the eye of the storm.
320,000 dwt (cf. ULCC). Voyage: A long journey (usually round-trip) to a
VLF : Very low frequency. distant port.
Vlieboot: A small, speedy boat used by early bou- Voyage charter: A contract where the owner places
canier pirates operating from Tortuga. his vessel at the disposal of a charterer for one or more
VM: Air squadron (USMC). voyages while retaining responsibility for the vessels
VMC: Visual meteorological conditions. operation.
Vocal salutes: On special occasions, a ships com- Voyo: A rope messenger.
pany may be called upon to salute by cheering, al- V/STOL: Acronym for an aircraft capable of Ver-
most always in multiples of three and sometimes tical or Short Take-Off and Landing.
timed by the preceding call Hip-hip. The naval cry VSW: Very shallow water.
is Hooray!, but U.S. Marines shout Oorah!, while Vultures Row: Naval aviators slang for the cat-
Huzzah! is the armys cry, and Hurrah! is the civil walks and open gallery on an aircraft carrier island,
version. According to a 17th century source, huzzah is where spectators often gather to view take-offs and
the oldest, being derived from the shouts seamen landings. Cf. goong stations.
make when friends come aboard or go off. It may
have originated with the sail-raising cry recorded in
Chapter VI of the Complaynt of Scotland, published in
1541: Than the master cryit ... nou heis, than the
marynalis began to heis up the sail, crying heisau Wad: One of two plugs, usually made of hay, old
heisau. (Then the master cried ... now haul, then the canvas, or condemned rope junk, that were rammed
mariners began to haul up the sail, crying huzzah, down the bore of a smoothbore cannon one ahead
huzzah.) of the charge to keep it in place and reduce windage;
VOD: Vertical onboard delivery. the other in front of the ball to prevent it rolling out
Vogue : Now meaning to be in fashion in both due to heeling of the ship. Wads were slightly larger
French and English, the word was originally nautical, than the bore for a good t. In action they were kept
coming from the French voguer meaning to forge in a net close to the shot rack.
ahead under oars or sail. It is unclear how the change Wad former: A mold in which wads were beaten
of meaning came about. into shape, then removed and wound with worsted
Voice tube: See speaking tube. to keep their form.
Void: A compartment within the hull designed and Wadding: Any material from which gun wads can
intended to remain empty as an aid to buoyancy. be made.
Voith-Schneider Drive: A highly maneuverable Wadhook : An iron tool shaped like a double
patented marine propulsion system which can change corkscrew on the end of a long staff, used to with-
its direction of thrust almost instantaneously, eliminat- draw wads or charges from muzzle-loading cannon.
ing the need for a rudder. From a circular plate, ro- Also called a worm.
tating about a vertical axis, an array of aerofoil-shaped Waft: Obsolete term for [1] A sailing ship convoy.
blades protrudes below the vessels hull. Internal gear- [2] A ag own with the y attached to the mast as a
ing changes their angles of attack in synchronization request for customs clearance. [3] A piece of cloth-
with rotation of the plate. This system, which is sim- ing or a rolled and knotted ag own as a signal (see
ilar to that for the control of helicopter blades, gives weft).
complete freedom of motion when docking or ma- Wages: Under old English maritime law, the wages
neuvering without changing the power input. It is the of merchant seamen were contingent on safe delivery
only current example of the propulsion system known of freight or cargo. Hence a vessel had to make land-
generically as Cycloidal Drive. fall, moor, and unload before the crew was paid. If
Volley: The simultaneous discharge of a number the goods were lost by misfortune, jettison, tempest,
of rearms. enemy action, wreck, or re, all earnings were forfeit.
Voluntary stranding: A marine insurance term re- Hence freight became known as The mother of
ferring to the beaching of a vessel in order to avoid seri- wages. This harsh rule was intended to ensure that all
ous harm. Such action is subject to general average. hands strove to maintain the integrity of cargo and
349 Wardrobe

safety of the ship, but it was nally deemed unfair and tended to appear self-inicted and absolve the pirate
impracticable. from murder charges. The victim is compelled to
Waggoner: Ancient name for a descriptive atlas walk, bound and blindfolded, along a plank project-
giving sailing directions and charts showing ports and ing over the ships side, which overbalances to tip him
coastal features. Also known as a portolano or rutter. into the sea and drown. This seems to have been a
Waggoner is named after Dutch navigator Lucas Jan- 19th century ction, with only two authentic cases
szoon Wagenaer who published such an atlas in 1584 ever being recorded: (a) The Times of 23rd July 1829
with the Dutch title Spieghel der Zeevaert (Mirror of reported that Dutch brig Vhan Fredericka had been
Seafaring). It was later translated into Latin and many boarded by pirates who pinioned and blindfolded the
vernacular editions, the English one of 1588 being ti- crew, tied shot to their feet, and forced them into the
tled The Mariners Mirrour. sea; (b) The second, which occurred on the Hudson
Waif: Obsolete term for [1] Derelict and unclaimed River in the 1860s, was a copycat event based on
goods. [2] A waft or weft. [3] A buoy attached to a har- ctional accounts read by Sadie-the-goat, who de-
poon line to establish title to the abandoned kill scribed herself as a blinkin pirate queen.
when the whalers set off after another quarry. Walking: See position of honor.
Waist: That part of the weather deck not covered Wall knot: An ornamental stopper formed at the
by forecastle or quarterdeck and lying between them. end of a line by looping each strand around the one
Waister: A disabled, inexperienced, incompetent, behind and through the loop of the one in front.
or superannuated seaman incapable of working aloft Wallop: [1] To move along in a rapid, reckless, awk-
and conned to duty amidships on the main deck ward way. In this sense the word is derived directly
(i.e., at the waist). from the Middle English walopen meaning to gallop.
Wait til you see the whites of their eyes: Com- [2] To beat soundly, thrash, or overwhelmingly de-
monly believed to be an infantry re command, this feat. It is hard to see how this second meaning could
phrase was actually coined by Horatio Nelson, who have developed from the former, and some sources
wanted to ensure that his gunners held their re until suggest it arose spontaneously after 1514 when King
the most effective range of 200 yards half the usual Henry VIII, furious that French amphibious raiders
distance at that time. See musket shot. had burned the English town of Brighton to the
Waive: To forgo the right to court-martial. ground, ordered Admiral Wallop to retaliate. The En-
Wake: The visible track left astern of a moving ves- glish eet then rampaged along the coast of France
sel, caused by the turbulence of its hull and rudder, destroying twenty-one towns and villages and making
plus that of the propeller(s) if any. the admirals name a synonym for defeat or thrash-
Wake light: A dim stern light shining on the wake ing.
of a warship in line-ahead (column) formation, to Wandering albatross: This is the largest of all
provide a station-keeping marker for the following ying birds, with a wingspan of up to ve meters (15
vessel. feet), weighing up to 11 kilograms (24 lbs), and ying
Wakey: A corruption of awaken ye. (See bugle at up to 53 km/h (33 mph). Completely oceanic, it
calls.) lands only to lay eggs and raise chicks. Sailors believe
Wale: A heavy longitudinal plank below the gun- that killing one is an horrendous maritime crime that
wale of a wooden ship. From the Anglo-Saxon wala = will bring disaster to the ship committing the mur-
ridge or strip. Also rubbing strake. der. This is because seamen have long believed that
Wale shore: An extra long and sturdy spar used to when a shipmate dies, his body goes to Davy Jones
brace a ship upright when in dry dock. locker, but his soul is transferred to an albatross whose
Walk away!: Command to step briskly when hoist- supernatural nature seems to be conrmed when it is
ing a boat. seen to remain aloft without apping its wings for
Walk back!: Command to move backwards when days on end (using the technique of dynamic soaring
at the capstan bars. to exploit and glide over cross-currents of air).
Walk back the cat: USN term for re-starting a Wankel engine: An internal combustion engine
procedure from the beginning. that, instead of reciprocating pistons and cylinders,
Walk Spanish: Obsolete term for leaving an as- uses a triangular revolving rotor. The tips of the rotor
signed station without permission. remain in constant contact with the combustion walls
Walk the anchor: Means to drag it. forming combustion chambers as it turns. This de-
Walk the netting : As punishment for having sign delivers smooth high-revolution power from a
missed muster, a sailing ship sailor would have to pace compact, lightweight engine with fewer moving parts.
along the netting of the weather gangway in the wet However, until very recently, the efciency of rotary
and cold of the night. engines was inferior to conventional engines, while
Walk the plank: [1] Formerly, if a sailor was sus- emissions were worse.
pected of being drunk, he was required to walk a War Establishment: A complement of men and
straight line along one of the quarterdeck planks. [2] equipment higher than that required in peacetime.
A piratical method of execution that is supposedly in- Wardrobe: All the sails carried by a yacht.
Wardrobe 350

Wardrobe Room: A sailing warships locker orig- tee or pledge. (The word comes from Old French
inally used to store ofcers spare uniforms and any guarant, meaning authorization.)
loot secured from enemy ships (see wardroom). Warrant Ofcer: A naval person ranking above
Wardroom: During the 18th century, in an effort to Petty Ofcer but below Commissioned Ofcer in war-
have some privacy in a crowded ship, junior commis- ships, or below Mate in merchantmen, usually ap-
sioned ofcers and senior warrants (such as sailing pointed because of specialized skills or knowledge.
master, chaplain, and surgeon) began to take their Warrant Ofcers in the Royal Navy: The warrant
meals and sling their hammocks in the wardrobe rank was inaugurated in 1040 when, in return for cer-
room. Gradually the original purpose was abandoned tain privileges, the Cinque Ports began providing
and the compartment evolved into an area where warships to King Edward the Confessor. Captains
ofcers take their meals, relax, and socialize. The were then usually nobles with little or no seagoing ex-
wardroom refers to those ofcers collectively. perience, so they relied on the expertise of profession-
Warehouse hulk: A hulk used for the storage of als who had nothing to do with ghting, but took
ships stores and supplies. care of the technical aspects of running and navigat-
Warfare Ofcer: RN position responsible for nav- ing the ship. The senior warrant was the master, and
igation, and bridge watchkeeping; running the com- serving under him were the boatswain, carpenter and
puters in the operations room, plotting the positions cook, also warranted. These four are the oldest purely
of nearby surface vessels, aircraft, submarines, and naval titles.
land masses; making sure that weapons, communica- By the 18th century, Captains and other commis-
tions, and sensor systems are used safely and correctly; sioned ofcers were qualied seamen and the master
and making some minor operational and tactical de- had been renamed sailing master. Other warrant ranks
cisions. Warfare Ofcers can deviate from the General had been established some, like the original four,
Service career path to specialize in surface, underwa- being representatives of skilled maritime trades or spe-
ter, or electronic warfare; also in diving, mine clear- cialties. They reported directly to the Captain, but
ance, ghter aircraft control, or meteorology and for administration were responsible to one of the bod-
oceanography. See also Principal Warfare Ofcer and ies which governed naval affairs such as the Navy
Tactical Action Ofcer. Board, Victualling Board, and Ordnance Board. They
Warfare/Weapons Qualication: A medal or other were usually examined professionally by a body other
device issued to USN personnel in recognition of than the Admiralty and had frequently served an ap-
prociency in a type of warfare (surface/submarine, prenticeship. Others were professionally qualied
etc.) or the use of weaponry (pistol, rie, etc.). landsmen such as the doctor (surgeon) and parson
Warhead: That part (usually the head or forward (chaplain). All were required to be able to read, write,
section) of a bomb, shell, missile, torpedo, or other and cipher (calculate), but had varying degrees of
munition, that contains an explosive charge, a nuclear status and authority:
weapon, chemical or biological agents, or harmful Warrant Ofcers of Wardroom Rank had the
inert materials. See also peacehead. privilege of standing on the quarterdeck and din-
Warm the bell: [1] Originally, striking the bell early ing with the commissioned ofcers. They included
to signal the end of a watch. [2] Today, RN slang for sailing master, surgeon, chaplain, and purser.
anything done ahead of time. See also watchkeeping Standing Warrant Ofcers included boatswain,
manipulation. carpenter, and gunner. Unlike the rest of the crew
Warm the glass: [1] Seamen believed they could who paid off or transferred to another vessel at the
shorten their spell of duty by heating the half-hour end of a commission, the standing ofcers were
sand glass used to determine the passage of time dur- permanently attached to the vessel to provide main-
ing a watch (see watchkeeping manipulation). [2] Al- tenance and ttings even when it was in ordinary.
though the glass is no longer used, the term lives on, Standing warrant ofcers had their own mess.
meaning to arrive early for an appointment. Warrant Ofcers of Inferior Grade were basically
Warning shot(s): The ring of one or more shots, senior petty ofcers who could be demoted at the
or the delivery of ordnance in the vicinity of a vessel, captains whim and lost their jobs when their ship
aircraft, or person, as a signal to immediately cease paid off. They included armorer, caulker, cook,
activity, withdraw, or end threatening actions. master-at-arms, ropemaker, and sailmaker.
Warp: [1] A heavy rope used to shift vessels. [2] To In 1843 the wardroom warrant ofcers were given
move a vessel along a dock or quay with such a rope. commissioned status, while in 1853 the lower-grade
[3] A bighted rope towed behind a small boat as a sea warrant ofcers were absorbed into the new rate of
anchor. [4] The long strands of a rope, cloth, or can- Chief Petty Ofcer, both classes thereby ceasing to be
vas. warrant ofcers.
Warrant: [1] A writ of authority inferior to a com- By the time of the First World War warrant ofcers
mission, considered a patent of trust and honor but not had been divided into two grades: Warrant Ofcers
an authority to command. [2] A document authoriz- and Chief (Commissioned) Warrant Ofcers and their
ing arrest, court-martial, or execution. [3] A guaran- ranks included technical trades such as telegraphist,
351 Washington

electrician, shipwright, and articer. Except in ships Rate Guns Decks Complement
too small to have a separate mess, WOs and CWOs 1st 100+ 3 850+
dined alone rather than in the wardroom. WOs 2nd 9098 3 700750
and CWOs carried swords, were saluted by ratings, 3rd 6480 2 500650
and ranked between Sub-Lieutenants and Midship- 4th 5060 2 320450
men. 5th 3240 1 200300
6th 2028 1 100140
In 1949, all existing warrant ofcers were commis-
sioned in regular and senior grades, with titles reect- Vessels rated 1 to 3 were Ships of the line, while 4 to 6 were
ing their specialty (Commissioned Gunner, Senior Frigates. Unrated single-decker vessels included Sloops of
Commissioned Engineer, etc.), the former ranking War with 16 to 18 guns and crews of 90 to 130, Gun Brigs
with but behind Sub-Lieutenant, and the latter with carrying 1 to 18 guns and 30 to 50 men, and Cutters with
but after Lieutenant. The WOs messes closed down, 6 or more small guns and crews of up to 25 men.
and they were admitted to the wardroom. Collectively
these ofcers were known as Branch Ofcers, being Admirals agship, 20 for a Vice-Admirals, and 25
retitled Special Duties ofcers in 1956. for an Admirals. All rated vessels (and post-ships)
In 1970 the new warranted rate of Fleet Chief were commanded by a Post-Captain. The larger un-
Petty Ofcer was introduced, being re-named War- rated ships and those en ute (rated vessels with some
rant Ofcer a few years later. In 2004, the title guns removed for use as transports) were captained
changed again to Warrant Ofcer First Class (WO.1) by Commanders. Smaller vessels were usually com-
and the former Charge Chief Petty Ofcer was desig- manded by Lieutenants, but very small craft might be
nated Warrant Ofcer Second class (WO.2). Both are commanded by Midshipmen or Masters Mates. (See
senior non-commissioned ofcers, entitled to be ad- also Super frigates.)
dressed as Sir or Maam by subordinates, but not Wart: RN ofcers nickname for a midshipman.
saluted. Wash: The rough or broken water left behind and
Warrant Ofcers in the United States Navy: spreading from a moving vessel. Less long-lived but
Technical specialists were appointed as warrant of- more damaging to nearby property than a wake.
cers, starting with a purser in December 1775, and Washboard: [1] A thin plank placed on the gun-
more or less followed the British pattern through the wale of a boat to protect against spray. [2] A similar
19th century. Navy and Coast Guard Warrant Ofcers plank used to protect the sill of a hatch or companion-
held positions as boatswains, carpenters, chaplains, way.
masters mates, and surgeons. Washington Naval Treaties: After World War I, a
Nowadays, there are no warrant ofcers in the naval arms race threatened to get out of hand, Britain
U.S. Navy, all being Chief Warrant Ofcers, who still had the worlds largest navy, closely followed by
are commissioned and entitled to the corresponding the United States, and more distantly by Japan. France
courtesies and privileges. A sailor must be in one of the and Italy had much smaller but growing navies, while
top three enlisted ranks to be eligible to become a the German eet had been scuttled at Scapa Flow and
CWO. Even when commissioned, they remain limited new naval construction was tightly controlled by the
duty specialists, whose primary task is to serve as a Treaty of Versailles. In November 1921, U.S. President
technical experts, providing practical skills, guidance, Harding convened a international conference on naval
and expertise to commanders and organizations in arms limitation, commonly known as the Washington
their particular eld. Nevertheless, a CWO can com- Conference. At its conclusion in February 1922 nine
mand a detachment, unit, or even a vessel, and many treaties were executed, two of which directly con-
ll lieutenant and lieutenant commander billets trolled naval armament.
throughout the U.S. Navy. The rst was a ve-power agreement between
Warranty: Assurance by a seller that goods are ex- Britain, France, Italy, Japan, and the United States,
actly as described in a contract. Breach of warranty that restricted the use of submarines in naval warfare
can lead to cancellation of marine insurance. and outlawed asphyxiating gases. A second agreement
Warship: An armed vessel, designed for combat, between the same powers specied that no battle-
under the command of an ofcer commissioned by a ship could exceed 35,000 tons or carry a gun greater
national government, crewed by personnel under than 16-inch (406 mm), while aircraft carriers were
armed forces discipline, and bearing markings or an limited to 27,000 tons (except that each signa-
ensign identifying its nationality. tory could have two of up to 33,000 tons each). The
Warship rating: From the late 17th to early 19th treaty also required the United States to scrap 845,000
century, ships of the Royal Navy were classied ac- tons of existing warships, Britain 583,000 tons,
cording to the number of cannon they carried. Until and Japan 480,000 tons, and it set the following lim-
1817, carronades were not counted, even though from its on each signatorys total tonnage of major war-
one to a dozen of these heavy (24- or 32-pounder) ships:
weapons might be on board.
Complements were increased by 15 men for a Rear-
Washingtons 352

Signatories Capital Ships Aircraft Carriers and-watch-about. The most usual naval terminology
Britain & USA 525,000 tons 135,000 tons is port-and-starboard watches.
Japan 315,000 tons 81,000 tons Watch below: Refers to watchkeepers who are not
France & Italy 175,000 tons 60,000 tons on duty; therefore free to eat, sleep, or otherwise
amuse themselves.
The terms of the Washington treaty were modied Watch bill: A duty list for the crew. The RN calls
by the London Naval Treaties of 1930 and 1936. Italy it Watch and Station Bill, the USN Watch, Quar-
secretly exceeded the restrictions, and in 1936 Japan ter, and Station Bill.
ofcially renounced them. Finally World War II made Watch buoy: A buoy moored near an anchored
the whole concept of arms control obsolete. lightship so that its crew can visually ensure she has not
Washingtons Tomb: See Mount Vernon. moved by dragging.
Waste: Cotton yarn used for cleaning purposes. Watch cap: [1] A form of knitted woolen headgear
Watch: [1] One of the divisions of the nautical day worn by seamen; full at the sides so that it can be
as outlined below. [2] The members of a ships com- pulled down over the ears without obscuring vi-
pany assigned to duty during such a division. [3] A sion. [2] USN slang for the canvas cover of a smoke-
spell of duty. It is inconceivable that an oceangoing stack.
ship could be operated around-the-clock without shift Watch glass: [1] The 30-minute hour-glass used
work and, from the earliest days of navigation there are to measure the eight periods of a watch or four of a
records showing the division of crews into groups dogwatch. [2] A small clear glass disc, used to cover
known as watches. the face of a watch or clock. [3] A similar disc used in
Nowadays, the merchantmans nautical day is most laboratories to hold experimental material.
usually divided into six 4-hour time periods, but Watch Ofcer: Generic USN term for the senior
sometime follow the warship routine of ve 4-hour ofcer on duty during a watch, whether responsible for
and two 2-hour watches. The shorter periodscalled control and navigation (OOW), for engineering
dogwatches ensure that seamen are not always spaces (EOOW), for a vessel in harbor (OOD), or
on duty at the same time, whether the crew is di- any other specialty or activity.
vided into the usual three watches, which gives them Watch station: The job or position assigned to an
eight hours between spells of duty, or in two (watch- individual when on duty.
and-watch) standing a grueling four hours on and Watch stripes: These were lengths of material for-
four off. merly worn round the shoulder seam of jumpers or
The term originated in the 17th century and is of frocks to identify each Royal Navy sailors watch. On
uncertain origin, though some say it is a corruption of blue clothing the stripe was red, on white clothing it
dodge watch. was blue. The starboard watch wore their stripes on the
British and U.S. watch terminology are slightly dif- right shoulder, the port watch on the left. They were
ferent: abolished about 1895.
Watchcon: Watch condition.
USN RN Period Watchkeeper: [1] Any person on watch
Mid Watch Middle Watch 00000400 (Midnight4 A.M.) at a given time (also watch stander). [2] An
Morning Watch Morning Watch 04000800 (4 A.M.8 A.M.) Israeli-developed, British unmanned aerial
Forenoon Watch Forenoon Watch 08001200 (8 A.M.Noon) vehicle for all weather, Intelligence, Surveil-
Afternoon Watch Afternoon Watch 12001600 (Noon4 P.M.) lance, Target Acquisition and Reconnais-
First Dogwatch First Dogwatch 16001800 (4 P.M.6 P.M.) sance. Intended to enter service in 2010, it
Second Dogwatch Last Dogwatch 18002000 (6 P.M.8 P.M.) will be powered by a Wankel engine, have
Evening Watch First Watch 20002400 (8 P.M.Midnight)
a payload capacity of 150 kg, and endurance
of 17 hours.
In the USN, normal bell routine continues through Watchkeeping manipulation: Ingenious seamen
the dogwatches, with 1, 2, 3, 4 bells being rung in the constantly tried to nd ways of shortening their spells
rst and 5, 6, 7, 8 in the second. The RN also rings 1, of duty. Sweating the glass was turning it before all
2, 3, 4 bells in the rst dogwatch, but 1, 2, 3, 8 in the the sand had run out; ogging the glass involved
last. This originated on 13th May 1797, when ofcers shaking it in the hope that vibration would speed up
learned that ve bells instead of four in the last dog- the transfer of sand; while warming the glass was to
watch was to be the signal for launching a mutiny. See hold it close to a lantern with similar expectations.
also ve and dimes. None had any appreciable effect, but all were opti-
Watch-and-watch: A watch bill based on only two mistically continued until sand-glasses were replaced
duty sections, so that each has only four hours for eat- by chronometers. See also warm the bell.
ing, sleeping, and recreation before the next spell of Water Bailiff : An ofcer formerly employed to
duty. search vessels at seaports.
This arduous schedule has also been called four- Water battery: The broadside guns nearest to the
on-four-off, heel-and-toe, turn-and-turn, and watch- waterline.
353 Waterspout

Water breaker: A container for fresh water. Also accelerating the craft in the opposite direction. In
barricoe, beaker, butt, or scuttlebutt. some systems, forward and reverse motion is innitely
Water deities: Almost every culture has one or controllable through a deector that diverts thrust for-
more gods devoted to water, usually covering rivers ward or aft; in others, the nozzle(s) can turn a full 360
and lakes as well as seas, and frequently symbolizing degrees to achieve maximum thrust in either direc-
cleansing and purication. Some of those who are tion. Steering is accomplished by directing exit ow,
chiey concerned with seamen and oceans will be much like directing the thrust of a submerged pro-
found under Gods of the Seas. A few of the others peller system.
are: The exit jet does not have to be underwater, since
propulsion will be equally good if it thrusts against
Agwe = Haitian Ahto = Finnish the air. Provided engine and jet drive are well matched,
Anguta = Inuit Apam Napat = Hindu water jet propulsion can be more efcient than con-
Brighid = Irish Dogon = Philistine ventional propellers. For vessels designed to go faster
Hapi = Egyptian Itzama = Mayan than 30 knots, especially those that can be called upon
Kul = Syrian Llyr = Welsh to operate in shallow waters, waterjets turned by
Mara = Latvian Mo-Hou-Lo-Chia = Chinese diesels or gas turbines are often the preferred propul-
Njord = Scandanavian Tiamat = Babylonian sion option. Also called hydrojet propulsion, and see
Tlaloque = Aztec Undine = Latin cycloidal drive.
Yemayah = Yoruba Zurvan = Persian Waterline: Where the water surface touches the
side of a ship.
Waterlogged: [1] In general, lled, ooded, or sat-
Water-laid: The heaviest anchor cables were con- urated with water. [2] Of a specic vessel, aoat but
structed by twisting three hawser-laid ropes together. heavy and unmanageable.
Repeated twisting, clockwise and anticlockwise pro- Waterman: [1] A boatman plying for hire. [2] A
duced very strong lines, known as water-laid because general term encompassing all those who work on or
they absorbed very little water. around boats in inshore waters.
Water taxi: A harbor boat available for short-term Waters: The sea or seas bordering a specied land
hire. mass (e.g., Mexican waters).
Water-tube: Refers to a type of boiler in which Waterspace management: The allocation of sur-
water circulates in tubes heated externally by hot gases face and underwater spaces as areas for antisubmarine
from the furnace to produce the high-pressure steam warfare, together with the implementation of proce-
needed for marine propulsion machinery. Saturated dures to permit the rapid and effective engagement of
steam is recycled to become superheated for driving hostile submarines, while preventing inadvertent at-
turbines. See also re-tube. tacks on friendly submarines.
Water wraith: The apparition or specter of a skinny Waterspout: A serious maritime hazard, capable
old women with scowling features, always dressed in of damaging or destroying ships and aircraft. As early
green, who appears to unsuspecting travelers on the as the rst century BCE, Roman philosopher Titus Lu-
coasts of Scotland and (especially) the Shetland Isles. cretius Carus wrote of whirling columns that put
Water wraiths are evil and should be avoided at all sailors into great peril. Often thought of as tiny cy-
times, since they lure people into the sea to die by clonic storms or as tornadoes over water, waterspouts
drowning. actually have somewhat different characteristics from
Waterborne: Aoat. either. They are relatively short-lived, have weaker
Watercourse : [1] A natural or articial channel wind speeds, and normally spin upward from the sur-
through which water ows. [2] A stream or river. face rather than downward as a tornado does. They are
[3] A limber hole. frequently, but not always, associated with tropical
Watercraft: [1] Inclusive term for any boat, ship, or thunderstorms. Waterspouts begin when sun-heated
other waterborne vessel. [2] The art of sailing or boat- humid air moves upward from the surface and con-
ing. denses into tiny water droplets, releasing heat which
Waterfront: [1] The wharf or dock area of a city. makes the air rise faster, and swirl into a vortex that
[2] Land at the edge of a stream, harbor, or other body forms and dissipates in ve distinct phases:
of water. The rst indication, seldom visible from a ships
Waterjet: Marine propulsion technology is moving deck, but easily noticed by overying aircraft, is
quickly to offer alternatives to the venerable propeller, the formation of a dark spot on the water.
one of these being jet propulsion. Basically, this de- Many of these fade away, but those progressing to
pends on differences in the mass-ow of water, which waterspout assume a spiral pattern of lighter and
enters and exits a jet drive at differing velocities. A darker water. During this second stage, a shipboard
pump draws in water through a mesh that stops for- observer will probably feel the wind begin to shift
eign objects from entering. An impeller then forces and increase in speed.
the water out of one or more nozzles at high pressure, When the rotating wind reaches about 35 knots it
Watertender 354

begins to throw up water in a circular pattern. The Height the vertical distance from trough to crest;
spray vortex of this third stage is clearly visible to Length the horizontal distance between crests;
people aoat, who will sometimes see a funnel Period the time interval between successive crests
starting to head downward toward the rising vor- as they pass a specic point;
tex from a cloud overhead or off to one side. The Velocity the speed of the wave-forms forward
funnel itself is a cloud of minute water droplets movement (which seldom exceeds 25 knots = 29
which are so ne that it can usually be seen mph = 46 km/h);
through. Surface driftthe actual advance of the water (usu-
In the fourth stage, the funnel, if any, links cloud ally about one-percent of the wave velocity).
to ocean, while the spinning vortex kicks up small The highest regular sinusoidal ocean wave (as op-
waves and leaves a bubbly wake behind as it moves posed to an irregular rogue wave) was reliably meas-
across the surface. ured by ofcers of 16,800 ton eet oiler USS Ramapo
In the fth and nal stage, rain begins to fall from in the North Pacic on 7th February 1933. Following
the parent cloud, cooling the warm and humid air an extraordinary week-long storm that stretched from
which feeds the waterspout. The spray vortex weak- New York City to the coast of Asia, powerful 60-knot
ens, and the funnel becomes shorter, possibly more (70 mph; 110 km/h) winds crossing thousands of kilo-
tapered and often twists around, so that the bot- meters of unobstructed ocean had produced moun-
tom of the spout moves out from under the cloud tainous waves. By triangulation based on the ships
as it dissipates. superstructure, its ofcers calculated a height of 34
Watertender: The person, usually a petty ofcer, re- meters (112 feet) from trough to crest. The crest-to-
sponsible for keeping boiler water at the proper level crest length was calculated as 342 meters which ex-
and pressure. plains why relatively short Ramapo (146 meters) was
Watertight: Fitted, sealed, or constructed so as to able to ride the waves without the severe structural
be impervious to penetration by water. distress which would have aficted a longer vessel. See
Watertight closure log: A document recording the also measurement of wind and wave, wave formation,
opening and closure of watertight doors. and wave motion.
Watertight door or hatch: A heavy, strongly con- Wave combination: There are statistics that give
structed, hinged closure, either vertical or horizontal, some support to the old rule of thumb about every
sealed by a tightly-tting gasket. Locked by individ- seventh wave being a big one. Being caused by winds
ual dogs, or by single point activation (wheel or lever). of varying strength, waves are of varying sizes and
Watertight integrity: A vessels degree of resist- travel at different speeds. Over the open sea, faster
ance to ooding. moving waves catch up with slower ones, combining
Waterway: [1] A canal, river, or navigable channel to produce a larger wave. Moreover, wind waves are
on which vessels can travel. [2] A gutter along the edge often superimposed on swell and the combination can
of a ships deck that drains into the scuppers. be critically important to cargo vessels, causing deck
Waterwings: USN derisive slang for surface war- cargo to be washed overboard or bulk cargo to shift
fare insignia. dangerously.
Wave: [1] A surface disturbance in the form of a Wave crest: The highest part of a wave.
forward-moving ridge-and-trough which does not Wave formation: The friction of wind blowing
cause horizontal displacement of the water (see meas- across the surface causes particles of water to oscillate
urement of wind and wave). [2] A line of landing craft up and down in a rotary fashion, moving forward at
or section of an amphibious assault force on its way to the crest and backward in the trough. The result is
the beach. [3] A disturbance, such as a pulse or vi- that the wave-form moves across the surface of the
bration, which travels through an object, volume of water, while the water molecules themselves simply
matter, or space itself (e.g., radio wave, sonar wave). rise and fall, staying in almost the same position ex-
Wave amplitude: One half of the wave height. cept for surface drift. Wave size is proportional to
Wave attenuation: The reduction of wave height wind speed:
as it gets further form its source. A puff of wind (Beaufort 1) has very little grip on
Wave basin: An area adjacent to the entry of an calm water (Beaufort 0).
inner harbor in which the waves of the outer anchor- As it gets stronger it begins to make the surface
age are depleted. move, forming small eddies and ripples at 70 to
Wave characteristics: The kinetic energy of waves 80angles to the wind direction.
is tremendous. A relatively small 1.22 meter (4 foot) The ripples roughen the water, offering more sur-
high wave striking a coast at 10 second intervals ex- face area for the wind to work on until, a light
pends more than 26,000 kilowatts (35,000 horse- breeze (Beaufort 2) produces small wavelets at
power) per mile of beach, meaning that the energy about 30 from the wind.
along a 56-mile stretch is equal to the power gener- As the breeze freshens to moderate (Beaufort 3) the
ated by Hoover Dam (Bowditch 1995 edition). Waves wavelets travel parallel to the wind direction, be-
are dened by ve characteristics: come choppy, and begin to break. The surface no
355 Weapons

longer looks smooth and presents enough wind re- forward motion. This can be calculated by dividing
sistance to create turbulence, a condition that facil- wavelength by wave period. Also wave velocity.
itates and accelerates wave formation. Wave trough: The lowest part of the wave between
As wind speed continues to rise, wave size and fury its crests.
also increase, reaching 14 meters (46 feet) or more Waveguide: A hollow tube of conducting mate-
by Beaufort 12. rial, used as a directional transmitter of electromagnetic
See also measurement of wind and wave, wave char- microwaves (in radar, for example).
acteristics, and wave motion. Waves: A somewhat contrived acronym of Women
Wave height: The vertical distance between a wave Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service, the World
trough and the subsequent crest. Cf. wave amplitude. War II organization of women inducted into the U.S.
Wave length: The horizontal distance between Naval Reserve to perform mainly administrative du-
consecutive crests or troughs in any form of wave mo- ties ashore. By act of Congress, Waves could not serve
tion, including ocean and electrical. Also Wavelength. at sea or outside the continental United States; could
Wave motion: Mechanical waves propagate not exercise military command over men; and could
through a physical medium (solid, liquid, or gas) at not go beyond lieutenant commander on the promo-
speeds depending on the elastic and inertial proper- tion ladder. After the War Congress passed the Womens
ties of that medium. Individual particles do not move Armed Services Integration Act (Public Law 625,
with the waves, but are simply displaced in such a 1948) and females became part of the regular Navy.
manner as to propagate the wave. (This is analogous Waveson: Term in old English Law referring to
to people standing up and sitting down in a sports goods which, after shipwreck, appear oating on the
stadium they create a wave which travels around waves or sea. Cf. otsam, jetsam.
the arena, but each person remains where they Wavy Navy: Derogatory reference to the Royal
started). There are two basic forms of mechanical wave Naval Volunteer Reserve, ofcers of which used to be
motion, with ocean waves being a combination of the distinguished by undulating rank insignia, while rat-
two. ings had three wavy stripes on their bibs.
Longitudinal Waves: In this form, each particle Way: [1] Movement of a vessel through the water,
oscillates back-and-forth about its equilibrium po- as in gather way, under way, way enough, and way on.
sition, its displacement being parallel to the direc- [2] See ways and slipway.
tion of wave propagation. Way aloft!: Command for topmen to climb the
Transverse Waves: As in longitudinal waves, indi- rigging (abbreviation of away).
vidual particles oscillate around their equilibrium Way enough!: Coxswains command for the oars-
positions, but displacement is perpendicular to the men to stop rowing after one more stroke since the
direction of wave motion. Transverse waves are gen- boat will then have enough way on to reach its desti-
erated at the bow and stern of a vessel moving nation.
through water. Way on: A vessel that is moving is said to have
Ocean Waves: Are essentially a combination of the way on.
foregoing motions. As the wave travels through the Waybill: A list of goods consigned to a common
water, individual particles rotate in clockwise cir- carrier.
cles, with the radius of the circles decreasing as the Waypoint: A charted position or feature.
depth of water increases. Ways: Two or more inclined tracks down which a
Excellent animations illustrating each of these mo- hull slides when being launched (despite its s the
tions can be found on the Kettering University web- word is singular). Also slipway.
site at (See Weapon: Anything (such as a club, knife, gun, or
wave formation and wave characteristics.) missile) employed to kill, injure, defeat, or destroy.
Wave-off: Batsmans signal refusing an aircraft per- From Old English w pen; akin to Old High Ger-
mission to land on a carrier. man wIffan.
Wave period: The duration of one complete cycle Weapon system: The integrated assembly of a gun
from crest-to-crest or trough-to-trough. or missile launcher, including supporting sub-systems
Wave-resistance : The stem of a vessel cutting for target acquisition, ammunition supply, and the
through the water produces a bow wave and a similar like.
phenomenon occurs at the stern. It takes energy to Weapons free!: An anti-aircraft artillery control
create these phenomena, and that energy is subtracted order under which weapons may be red at any tar-
from the power available to drive the vessel forward. get not known to be friendly without waiting for a
(See also eddy-resistance, skin-friction, parasitic drag, direct command to do so. (Cf. Weapons hold! and
and prole-drag.) Weapons tight!)
Wave slam: Refers to the force exerted and noise Weapons hold!: An anti-aircraft artillery control
generated by a wave striking a xed or oating body. order under which weapons may only be red in self-
Also called wave impact. defense or in response to a direct command. (Cf.
Wave speed: The horizontal velocity of a waves Weapons free! and Weapons tight!)
Weapons 356

Weapons Ofcer: The commissioned ofcer in Weathertight: Fitted, sealed, or constructed so as

charge of and responsible for a warships armament to be impervious to penetration by wind, rain, or
including artillery, missiles, and other weaponry. spray. Also weatherproof.
Weapons team: The personnel assigned to a crew- Weathervane: [1] A term used in dynamic posi-
operated weapon. tioning, referring to the tendency of a vessel to yaw
Weapons qualication: See warfare/weapons qua- under the inuence of winds, waves, or currents. A
lication. weathervaning system is used to maintain the most fa-
Weapons tight!: An anti-aircraft artillery control vorable angle of approach to the combination of these
order under which weapons may only be red at tar- external inuences. [2] A pivoted sheet metal pointer
gets conrmed to be hostile. (Cf. Weapons free! and used to indicate wind direction. See also telltale.
Weapons hold!) Weave: [1] A surface maneuver involving small tac-
Wear: [1] To use habitually for clothing (a coat), tical changes of direction as a form of zig-zag. [2] An
adornment (medals), or assistance (glasses). [2] To aerial combat maneuver (see Thach Weave).
cause to deteriorate by use or attrition (wear out). Web: [1] A net, mesh, or weave. [2] The World
[3] To go about with the stern presented to the wind Wide Web (the universe of internet-accessible infor-
(wear ship). [4] RN ships wear their ags, whereas mation).
USN ships display them, and merchantmen y Web belt: A wide waistband, made of cotton web-
or carry them. bing and used to carry sidearms, water canteens, etc.
Wear ship!: Command for a sailing vessel to pass Sometimes worn as a badge of ofce. Also (mainly
her stern through the wind to bring it to the other British) webbing belt.
side and thus change course. A square-rigger usually Web sling: A sling made of canvas or rope web-
wears, but a fore-and-after almost always tacks (passes bing, used with bagged cargo which might be broken
her bow through the wind) instead. open by a standard rope sling.
Weather: [1] The state of the atmosphere (clear, Webbing: A strong, narrow, closely-woven fabric.
rain, snow, fog, etc.). [2] The direction from which the Wedge: A pie-shaped wooden block hammered in
wind blows (the weather side = to windward). [3] To to tighten a batten against its coaming so as to batten
be aged by exposure to the atmosphere (weathered down the hatches.
timber). [4] To survive a difcult period (weather the Weep: To ooze through seams, pipe joints, or the
storm). [5] To sail to windward of something (weather like.
the headland). Weevil: A burrowing insect which perforates bis-
Weather-bound: Conned to port by unfavorable cuits, and sometimes destroys wood.
weather. Weft: [1] In common English usage, the thread or
Weather deck: The upper deck where open. yarn which is shuttled back and forth across the warp
Weather eye: Said of [1] Sensitivity and alertness to to create a woven fabric (from the Old English wefan
changes in the weather. [2] By extension, general alert- = to weave). [2] A 17th and 18th century naval term re-
ness, especially close observation and awareness of po- ferring to a ag or ensign, lightly rolled up length-
tential changes of circumstance. The phrase is un- wise and hoisted at various positions as a signal con-
doubtedly of nautical origin. A landlubber forgetting veying orders to the eet. For example, Prince Ruperts
to check the weather forecast before leaving home 1666 Fighting Instructions anticipate Nelsons famous
would probably face nothing worse than a heavy soak- signal Engage the Enemy more closely by saying:
ing. For the sailor, however, failing to check before When the admiral of the eet makes a weft with his
leaving shore could have severe if not fatal conse- ag, the rest of the ag ofcers are to do the like, and
quences. then all the best sailing ships are to make what way
Weather gauge: To be upwind of an enemy is to they can to engage the enemy.
hold the weather gauge. However, the import of a weft was not xed and,
Weather permitting: A charter party term that ex- seven years later, orders issued by the Duke of York
cludes (from the time specied in the contract) those gave the signal a different meaning:
days when weather conditions preclude working Upon discovery of a (hostile) eet and receiving of a
cargo. signal from the admiral, which is to be the striking
Weather side: Towards the wind, the opposite of (lowering) of the admirals ensign, and making
lee side. (hoisting) a weft, such frigates as are appointed ...
Weather tide: A tide moving in the same direction are to make sail and to stand with them (the enemy),
as the wind. as nigh as they can conveniently, the better to gain
Weathered: Permanently damaged by wind and knowledge of ... what position their eet is in; which
weather. Said of old seamen as well as equipment. being done the frigates are to speak together and
Weatherly: Capable of sailing close to the wind conclude (agree on) the report they are to give....
with minimal drift to leeward. By the late 18th century navies had developed bet-
Weatherproof: Resistant to the effects of weather, ter signaling systems, but the weft continued in mer-
especially wind and rain. Also weathertight. chant service where it was also known as waft or
357 Wharfman

waif to describe any piece of cloth or clothing, or a Whack: A share of something, especially a seamans
rolled and knotted ag, own as a signal. Different ration of food. Also wack.
positions told which message applied. For example, a Whale catcher: A seaworthy self-propelled (steam
weft at the ensign staff signied man overboard, at or diesel) whaler with a bow-mounted harpoon gun.
the peak it said lets talk, and at the masthead it was Catchers deliver their kill to an onshore whaling sta-
the recall for small boats. tion, a factory ship anchored in a sheltered bay or
Weigh: To haul up, especially to raise an anchor. inlet, or to a stern-slipway equipped factory ship op-
(Old English woegan = lift or carry.) erating in the open sea.
Well deck: [1] A section of weather deck bounded Whale chaser: An open boat launched from a whaler
by superstructures fore and aft. [2] A weather deck to catch and harpoon whales, bringing the captured
with solid bulwarks which inhibit the drainage of animals to the mother ship. See whale processing.
water. [3] The ood-capable area of an amphibious Whale processing : After a kill the blubber is
ship that can be lowered to permit landing craft to ensed into large strips known as blanket pieces, the
enter and leave. head is cut off, and major body parts dissected. Any
Well found: Said of a vessel which is solidly built, ambergris found is stored for rening ashore. The
appropriately equipped, and properly maintained. lower jaws are boiled until the teeth can be extracted
Well: [1] A vertical trunk or cofferdam through for making scrimshaw. Bones, meat, and blubber are
which pipes connect the bilge pump to a sump at the cut to t cookers known as digesters where they are
bottom of the ship. [2] A metal-lined compartment in rendered into a gigantic stew in which oil oats to
a shing boat, perforated to allow the entry of sea the surface and is tapped (drawn off ) into storage
water to preserve live sh. tanks. The remainder is a mixture of bits of meat and
Well!: Thats enough! Often followed by belay! gluewater containing bone pulverized to the size of
(also Well there!). pepper grains. After processing by centrifuge and
WEN: Web-enabled Navy. hammer mill, the meat (65 percent protein) is bagged
Wend: Obsolete term for changing tack. (From for animal fodder. The remaining gluewater is dried
Gothic wandjan = due to wind.) into whale solubles (8590 percent protein) also
West Wind Drift : An ocean current that ows used in feed mixes, but in limited quantity since such
eastward through all the oceans surrounding Antarc- a high protein content can be toxic. Every part of the
tica (see seven seas). animal is used with no waste products whatsoever,
Westerly: See Easterly. and a typical 13-meter (43 foot) Sperm Whale yields
Westing : The distance actually made good in a roughly:
westerly direction on any course that has a westerly Oil 7,100 kg (7 tons)
component. Solubles 2,900 kg (2.9 tons)
Wet dock: A basin that is accessible only when the Meat 1,700 kg (1.7 tons)
tide is in. Gates trap water inside when the tide falls, Teeth 54 kg (120 lbs)
allowing ships to remain aoat during the loading and Ambergris is sometimes found.
discharge of cargo. Unlike a dry dock, a wet dock can- Whaleback: [1] A cargo vessel with the curve of its
not be drained or pumped out for hull repairs. tumblehome side continued across the deck. Now sel-
Wet locker: [1] A place for stowing dry foul dom seen, but popular in the Great Lakes during the
weather gear. [2] A compartment equipped with early 1900s. [2] A small rounded structure on stem or
drainage for wet clothing. stern to protect against breaking seas.
Wet ship: A vessel tending to take waves on board. Whaleboat : A small double-ended pulling or
Wet steam: Steam containing particles of unevap- power boat, tapered and high at both bow and stern
orated or condensed water. Also saturated. for good handling and stability, especially in a heavy
Wetsuit: Tight-tting foam-rubber body cover- seaway.
ing, used by divers, surfers, and seamen to retain body Whaler: A ship or seaman engaged in the harvest-
heat when working in cold and wet conditions. ing of marine mammals.
Wetting a commission: Formerly, a newly ap- Whales: Seamans satirical slang for canned sar-
pointed ofcers parchment commission was literally dines.
wetted; being rolled into a cornucopia, lled with Wharf: A quay built of open rather than solid con-
wine, and passed around the wardroom for brother struction.
ofcers to drink his health from. Wharf rat: A dockyard worker engaged in petty
In the RN this phrase still refers to entertaining theft or pilferage.
shipmates to celebrate a promotion. Wharfage: Charges for the use of a wharf, pier, or
In the USN it is now known as wetting down dock.
and ofcers new rank insignia are usually placed Wharnger: The owner or operator of a wharf.
at the bottom of a capacious glass and cannot be Wharfman: A shore laborer who catches lines and
worn until it has been drained, preferably without attaches them to bollards, secures gangways and lad-
pausing for breath. ders, but does not handle cargo.
What 358

What water? Question asking the leadsman to re- might also knot a short length of rope, with a single
port the measured depth. knot for a light breeze, two for fresh breezes, and three
Wheel: [1] A tactical maneuver in which all ships for strong winds.
in a line abreast maintain their relative positions, with Whistling: With the exception of a mess cook (see
inner vessels slowing down and outer ones speeding up food distribution) and deliberately trying to whistle up
(also corpen turn). [2] A ships steering wheel, its a wind, whistling when the wind was fair was some-
helm. [3] The handwheel of a capstan. [4] A propeller thing no sailing ship sailor would even dream of doing
or paddlewheel. [5] Any circular disc or frame that for fear the wind god Boreas would think he was being
revolves on an axis. mocked and bring up a full gale to demonstrate his
Wheel-lock : A musket equipped with a small power. Moreover, on ships of the Royal and United
metal wheel which turns against iron pyrites to pro- States Navies, whistling anywhere on board was (and
duce a spark and ignite the charge. still is) strictly forbidden because it might be confused
Wheelhouse: A structure enclosing the helmsmans with the piping of a boatswains call. See also Pig.
station, usually containing the compass, engine speed White ensign: One of three United Kingdom naval
controls, and communications equipment (cf. bridge; ags carrying a centered cross of Saint George with
pilothouse). the union in its upper left quadrant. Strictly reserved
Wheelropes: The lines connecting helm and rud- for use by ships of the RN and the Royal Yacht Squad-
der. ron, with the exception of USS Winston Churchill.
Wheelsman: Another name for helmsman or (See also British ensigns.)
steersman. White hat: USN slang for enlisted personnel below
When the balloon goes up: This slang expression, the rank of chief petty ofcer.
referring to an anticipated action or event, originated White horse: A fast-moving wave with a foamy
in World War I when the rst visible sign of a naval crest. Also Neptunes sheep, sea horse, and whitecap.
operation was the sending up of observation balloons White monkey: See black dog.
from ships tted with them. White rope: Said of line or rope that has not been
Where away?: The conventional deck ofcers re- tarred. It is used for log-lines and signal halyards.
sponse to a lookouts call of Sail Ho! asking him to White shirt: Personnel working on a USN aircraft
report the direction of the sighting. carriers ight deck wear colored shirts for easy identi-
Wherry: A small ships boat rowed by two pairs of cation. White shirts are worn by those not falling
oars. into one of the other color groups, including aircraft
Whip: To wrap a line with small stuff to prevent it inspectors, landing signal ofcers, and medical per-
unraveling. sonnel.
Whipstaff: A vertical lever attached to the tiller to White squall: A sudden, localized tropical distur-
give the steersman a mechanical advantage. Intro- bance, characterized by turbulence, whitecaps, and
duced in the early 16th century, and progressively re- spindrift.
placed by the steering wheel (helm) during the 18th. White water: [1] A frothy sea surface covered in
Examination of the wreck of HMS Stirling Castle white horses. [2] Swiftly-owing frothy water in river
(built 1679, wrecked 1703) suggests she was equipped rapids. [3] Lightly-colored sea water above a shoal or
with both a whipstaff and a steering wheel, indicating sandy bottom.
there was probably an interim period. Whitecap: A wave with a broken and foaming crest
Whirlpool: A large eddy in which water moves in as a result of the action of strong winds. Also white
a circle producing a cavity or depression in the cen- horse.
ter. One in which the cavity becomes a strong down- WHO: World Health Organization (UN)
ward-spiraling ow is properly called a vortex or mael- Whole nine yards: See nine yards.
strom. Whirlpools can be dangerous to small boats, Wich: An ancient name for a port, long obsolete but
but tales of large vessels being sucked under are purely surviving in names such as Norwich and Greenwich.
ctional. As for the mythical whirlpool Charybdis, it Wide berth: To remain at a distance from another
is just that a myth. vessel or object.
Whiskey: NATO phonetic notation for the letter Widow-maker: Slang for the bowsprit, off which
W. many sailors fell to drown.
Whistle: [1] A signaling device required on mer- Widows Man: A ctitious seaman, representing
chantmen, with its frequency, audible range, and other an early form of life insurance for naval ofcers. By a
characteristics being determined by the type of vessel 1760 Act of George II, the purser was authorized to
and its service. [2] Incorrectly, a boatswains call. carry on the ships books two extra men for every one-
Whistle up a wind: Sailing mariners believed that hundred of the vessels complement. These men were
making a sound like the wind would conjure one up given imaginary names known as pussers tallies,
and blew accordingly when becalmed. Superstition and their wages were paid into a fund for the relief of
required them to rst stick a knife into the mainmast indigent widows of ofcers killed or died on active
on the bearing from which wind was desired. They service. The practice lasted until 1832.
359 Winston

Wigwag: To use hand-held ags for a semaphore Windjammer: [1] The word originally referred to
message. a horn player or bugler. [2] By the 19th century it had
Wilco: Voice communication shorthand (proword) come to mean a talkative person or windbag. [3] It
meaning message understood: will comply (not to was specically applied to a large, usually square-
be confused with roger which only means message rigged, sailing ship, with an iron or steel hull, copious
received). Abbreviation of will comply. cargo space, and three to ve huge masts. Introduced
Wildre: Term for an 18th19th century version during the 1870s to compete with steam-powered ves-
of Greek Fire. sels. [4] Steamship sailors punned that old school
Williamson Turn: See Person Overboard. sailors who kept bragging about the superiority of sail
Williwaw: A violent squall, typically encountered were windjammers. [5] In popular usage, the word
off mountainous coasts. came to mean any large sailing ship.
Winch: [1] A hand-cranked windlass used to in- Windlass: A horizontal revolving drum, turned by
crease hauling power when raising or trimming sails, bars inserted in its rim, used for hauling the anchor or
or pulling lines. [2] A similar but larger steam or elec- other cables (cf. Capstan, winch).
tric powered machine with a drum to coil cable, Windsail: A temporary ventilation device consist-
chain, or hawsers. A winch/windlass has a horizontal ing of a canvas wind catcher attached to scoops which
drum, while a capstan has a vertical one. direct fresh air into the foul-smelling gundecks and
Wind: [1] To turn a ship by its mooring lines or orlop.
previously laid-out anchors (pronounced wined). Windward: Towards the side from which the wind
[2] Air in natural motion across the earths surface is blowing (cf. Leeward).
(rhymes with pinned). See also ill wind, gods of the Wind-wave: [1] A wave produced by the action of
wind, and measurement of wind and wave. wind on the ocean surface. [2] See Douglas Scale and
Wind direction: It is conventional to dene winds table 2.
by the direction they are blowing from rather than to- Wing: [1] Open area at each side of a bridge, used
wards. But see current ow. by lookouts and signalers. [2] Any extension beyond
Wind gods: See gods of the wind. the side of a ship. [3] Two or more squadrons of air-
Wind in the teeth: Blowing dead against the ship. craft.
Wind lop: Short choppy waves caused by local Wing-and-wing: Sailing downwind with sails set
winds. on both sides. A square-rigger carries studding-sails on
Wind rode: Said of an anchored vessel which is both sides; a fore-and-after runs with foresail out to
riding head-on to the wind and is unaffected by less- one side and mainsail on the other.
powerful tidal currents (cf. tide rode). Wing passage: An area in the wings of warships;
Wind scoop: A structural ventilation device con- always kept clear to allow the carpenter and his mates
sisting of metal funnel which can be rotated to catch access for damage control.
the prevailing wind and is attached to a port leading Wing tank: An outboard ballast tank under the
below deck. weather deck.
Wind shadow: The area of calm to leeward of an Wing turret: A gun housing that is on the extreme
obstruction. edge of a ship or protrudes from the ships side
Windage: [1] Generally considered to be the differ- Wingman: A pilot who ies in formation with an-
ence between the bore of a gun and the diameter of its other to provide mutual support and protection.
projectile. More correctly it is the difference in their Wings: [1] The extremities of a eet or convoy dis-
cross-sectional areas. In either case this leaves a gap persed in line-abreast or in a V formation. [2] The
through which gas can escape. [2] The inuence of outboard sides of a sailing ships hold or orlop. Used
the wind in deecting a missile. [3] The degree to for storage in merchantmen or as wing passages in
which a gun sight must be adjusted to allow for such warships. [3] Slang for the insignia designating an avi-
deection. [4] A ships tendency to make leeway. ator or parachutist.
[5] Frictional resistance of a hull to airow. [6] The Winkle-pickers: The winkle, also known as peri-
area of sail presented to the wind. winkle, is a small soft-bodied marine mollusk, usually
Windbound: Unable to leave port or an anchorage served pre-cooked in its shell. It is a popular delicacy
due to unfavorable winds. at English seaports, but a long pin is needed to pry
Windfall: During the Napoleonic Wars, when tim- the tasty meat from inside the outer case. As a result,
ber for the Royal Navy was a vital strategic asset, it womens shoes with long pointed toes acquired the
was illegal to cut down any tree of more than twenty- name winkle-pickers. The slang term is also applied
four inches in diameter. However, if one fell or was to stiletto heels.
blown down naturally, it could legally be used by the Winston Churchill: Named after Britains World
property-owner. Hence windfall came to mean an War II prime minister, DDG-81 is the fourth USN
unexpected gain or good fortune. ship to be named after an Englishman and the only one
Winding: The act of blowing the boatswains call. currently in commission. As a unique courtesy to her
Pronounced wind-ing, not wine-ding. namesakes country, an ofcer of the Royal Navy is
Wire 360

assigned to the ships company at all times, and the Wives: Whenever a sailing warship was in port, it
guided missile destroyer ies the White Ensign on its was common practice to allow sailors to bring their
port yardarm along with the stars and stripes to star- spouses on board for conjugal relations. Sweethearts
board. and prostitutes frequently came aboard in the guise
Wire: A metal strand or lament. See wire rope. of wives. See also Women aboard ship.
Wire rope: Wire rope or cable (the names are here WL: Water line.
interchangeable) refers to a number of metal strands WMD: Weapon(s) of mass destruction.
twisted together, each consisting of individual wires WMO: World Meteorological Organization.
laid helically about a central core. This produces metal WO: [1] Warrant Ofcer. [2] Work Order.
in its strongest, yet most exible form. It is unusual to Wolfpack: An organized force of submarines coor-
think of rope as a machine, but it is composed of mov- dinated for a specic mission or to attack a designated
ing parts working in relation to one another. For ex- target. The concept was developed by the German
ample, a six-strand rope consisting of forty-nine wires Kriegsmarine for the Battle of the Atlantic, and the
per strand, laid around an independent wire rope USN deployed similar but smaller groups in the lat-
core, contains a total of 343 individual wires, each of ter part of the Pacic War.
which must blend with and move relative to the oth- Women aboard ship: [1] In the days of sail, super-
ers to give the exibility necessary for successful op- stitious seamen generally resented the presence of a
eration. female at sea, believing it was sure to produce foul
Various types have been designed to meet a wide weather or even gales. [2] On the other hand, many
range of operating conditions. They are designated captains and some other ofcers took their wives on
by the kind of core (fabric, metal, plastic, etc.); the voyages, perhaps because a contrary superstition held
number of strands; the number, size, and arrange- that a pregnant woman was lucky for the ship. [3] See
ment of the wires in each strand; and the way in which naked female.
the wires and strands are wound, or laid. Women and children rst!: Aboard HMS Birken-
Most ropes used for nautical duty are fabricated head, in the early hours of 26th February 1852, the
from plow-steel strands laid around a steel core. They troops were in their quarters, passengers in their
must be easy to handle and able to withstand corro- bunks, and only the duty watch was on deck. The sea
sion, but these traits tend to be mutually exclusive. A was calm, the skies were clear, and a course had been
galvanized nish on individual wires can provide some plotted to avoid treacherous offshore rocks, but no
corrosion protection, but relatively large diameters are one had realized that an iron hull (a rarity at the time)
needed to prolong resistance. Bigger wires usually would cause compass deviation.
mean less exibility, reducing handling ease. To pro- With a terrible crunch, the brigantine-rigged trans-
vide the desired combination of handling proper- port impaled herself on Pinnacle Rock, just off Dan-
ties and corrosion resistance for marine service, the ger Point on the South African coast. The serious rent
ber content is normally increased. This reduces the in her hull was enlarged when Captain Robert Sal-
strength, but the sacrice is necessary. mond put her auxiliary paddle-wheels full astern in
Wire stopper: A device for gripping and securing an attempt to back off the rocks. A hundred or more
wire hawser when it is too stiff to be easily secured on embarked troops drowned in their sleep, but the re-
bitts. mainder rushed on deck where their sergeants formed
Wireless: [1] An early (mainly British) name for them in parade order. Salmond shouted Abandon
radio. During World War II the British armed forces ship! Every man for himself! but Lieutenant-Colo-
made a distinction between wireless telegraphy (WT), nel Alexander Seaton bellowed, Stand fast the
meaning Morse-coded messages, and radio telephony ranks women and children rst! This is the rst
(RT), meaning voice communication. [2] Nowadays time this phrase, later to become a maritime tradi-
the term is used for a number of electronic devices, in- tion, is known to have been used.
cluding computer mouses and mobile telephones. All but three of the eight lifeboats stowed on her
Wireways: Passageways for electrical cables. paddle-boxes were stuck there by multiple coats of
Wishbone: A V-shaped rod used to support the paint, and one of these was crushed when the funnel
upper platform of an accommodation ladder. collapsed. Seven of the 25 female passengers got into
Wishbone boom: A double-sided boom set at an the two remaining boats, together with 13 of 31 chil-
angle to the mast and typically supported by line stays dren. Next day, the schooner Lioness rescued them
from the leading edge of the mast to each side of the along with 54 seamen, 6 marines, and 113 soldiers,
boom. Tension of the sails foot (outhaul) and luff who had been clinging to otsam or hanging in the
(vang) are adjusted simultaneously by the use of a sin- rigging of topmasts projecting above the water. An
gle line. estimated 445 had drowned or been eaten by sharks,
With a will!: Command for oarsmen to pull hard including Captain Salmond and Colonel Seaton with
in unison. most of the troops who had steadfastly obeyed his
With the sun: [1] From east to west. [2] Clock- order to stand fast. Rudyard Kipling immortalized
wise. [3] Said of rope laid-up right-handed. their courage when he wrote:
361 Worldscale

To stand and be still Woolly-pully: [1] RN slang for a navy-blue wool

to the Birkenead Drill or cloth sweater with leather or suede reinforcement.
is a damn tough bullet to chew [2] USMC slang for a similar knitted green sweater.
Women Marines: The Navy and Marine Corps Work: [1] To tack into the wind. [2] To loosen at
were the only United States armed forces to enlist seams or joints due to the action of heavy seas. [3] To
women in World War I (1918), but the Marines were use engines, lines, and other gear to maneuver in tight
last to do so in World War II (1943). The Corps is the situations. [4] In physics, work is done when a force
only sea service that does not identify its women by acts to move an object. [5] In general, sustained phys-
an acronym (see Spars, Waves, and Wrens); when the ical or mental effort to do or perform something.
rst World War II females were inducted, USMC [6] something produced or accomplished by effort,
Commandant Lt.Gen. Thomas Holcomb com- exertion, or exercise of skill.
mented, They dont have a nickname, and they dont Working load: Also known as working strength.
need one.... They are Marines. The static weight that can safely be applied to new
During World War II, in addition to clerical and ad- rope under normal service conditions, when it is in
ministrative duties, women Marines served in over good condition with appropriate splices. Where dy-
200 military assignments, including radio operators, namic loading is expected, the recommended working
parachute riggers, vehicle drivers and mechanics, load should be reduced accordingly.
welders, and cartographers. They formed about one- Working party: A detail assembled for a specic
third of personnel manning major posts in the United job.
States and Hawaii. In 1948 Congress passed the World Geographic Reference System: A spatially
Womens Armed Services Integration Act (Public Law referenced (linked to location) area-designation
625) and women became part of the regular Marine method that is suitable for reporting and plotting and
Corps. can be applied to any map or chart that is graduated
The USMC allows women in all occupational elds in latitude and longitude, regardless of its projection.
except infantry, artillery, armor, and aircrew. In con- The system divides the globe into twenty-four longi-
trast, the Royal Marines admits females only to its tudal zones, each 15 degrees wide, identied by the
Band Service. They have a secondary role as eld hos- letters A to Z (I and O omitted). There are twelve
pital orderlies but, not being commando trained, wear bands of latitude, also 15 degrees wide, lettered A to
blue berets instead of the prestigious green ones. M (omitting I). In referencing a location, the rst let-
Women sailors: During both World Wars, females ter is that of the longitude band and the second letter
played important roles in support of naval operations. is that of the latitude. The Georef system is used
Today they serve aoat alongside men. See Spars, for interservice reporting of strategic air operations,
Waves, Wrens, and Yeomanettes. and in air defense. See also geographic referencing.
Wooden Wall: This 19th century British term for World grid: A network of horizontal and perpen-
the eet as protector of the nation is rst recorded by dicular lines that divides the entire world into one-
fth century BCE historian, Herodotus who tells U.S. thousand meter squares, used mainly for military tar-
that, threatened by Persian invasion, Athens consulted get designation.
the Oracle at Delphi who forecast: The headlong World Meteorological Organization: This spe-
god of war shall bring you low. Rather than accept cialized agency of the United Nations is the interna-
this dire prediction, the Athenians requested a second tional authority on the state and behavior of the earths
session, rst giving the Delphic priests substantial atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the cli-
gifts. This time the Oracle was more positive; mate it produces, and the resulting distribution of
Though all else be taken, all-seeing Zeus grants that water resources. It was created in 1950, to replace the
the wooden wall shall not fall. Athenians agonized International Meteorological Organization founded
over this pronouncement, some thinking it referred in 1873.
to fortications on the Corinthian Isthmus, others World Ocean: The interconnected waters that
that it alluded to a palisade on the Athenian Acropo- comprise the bulk of the hydrosphere and encircle
lis. But commander-in-chief, Themistocles, insisted most of the Earth. This continuity is of fundamental
it meant the ships of his eet which, indeed, trounced importance to oceanography and international trade.
the invaders at the naval battle of Salamis. Customarily, the World Ocean is divided by the con-
Woodlock : A wooden block, often copper- tinents and various oceanographic features into ve
sheathed, placed under the pintle of a rudder to pre- principal areas known as the Atlantic, Arctic, Indian,
vent it from being lifted or unshipped. Pacic, and Southern (or Antarctic) Oceans. These
Woof: The transverse strand in a cloth or canvas (cf. are interspersed by many smaller seas and other bod-
warp). ies of water. The term was coined by Russian oceanog-
Woold: To repair a broken spar by lashing the rapher Yuly Shokalsky early in the 20th century, but
break (rhymes with cold). the notion dates back to classical antiquity in the form
Woolder: A spike used to tighten the lashing of a of Oceanus.
woold (rhymes with colder). Worldscale: An index of the cost of chartering a
Worm 362

tanker for a specic voyage and time. The negotiated rigged on the foremast). According to William Fal-
price is normally a percentage of Worldscale, expressed coners 1780 Dictionary of the Marine:
in US$/ton of oil. the hull is extremely different from ... almost every
Worm: [1] A wad-hook. [2] To pass a small line in other vessel. It is furnished with a strong prow, and
a spiral between the lays of a rope, preparatory to par- the extremity of the stern, which is nothing more
celling and serving. An old aide-memoire says Worm than a sort of railed platform or gallery, projects fur-
and parcel with the lay. Turn and serve the other way. ther behind the counter and buttock than that of
Worsted: A knitted material made from spun any European ship. Being generally equipped as a
woolen thread. corsair, the xebec is constructed with a narrow oor,
to be more swift in pursuit of the enemy; and of a
WPB: Patrol boat (USCG)
great breadth to enable her to carry a great force of
Wrack: [1] Seaweed thrown ashore by the waves. sail ... there is a platform of grating extending along
[2] To destroy by wave action. the deck ... whereon the crew may walk dry-footed,
Wreck: [1] The ruin or destruction of a vessel in whilst the water is conveyed through the grating to
the course of navigation. [2] The remains of a vessel the scuppers.
so ruined or destroyed whether sunk or aground. X-craft: British World War II midget submarine
Wreck master: The person in charge of a salvage with a crew of four.
operation. Also salvage master. XO: Executive Ofcer.
Wreckage: The debris and otsam or waveson of a X-ray: NATO phonetic notation for the letter X.
vessel which has been wrecked. Also written without the hyphen.
Wrecker: [1] One who illegally exhibits false signals
to lure ships to destruction and then plunders the wreck.
[2] A person who legally salvages and destroys wrecked
vessels. [3] Derogatory RN slang for an articer.
Wrens: Phoneticization of the initial letters in Yacht: [1] A pleasure craft. [2] A small, fast pirate
Womens Royal Naval Service. Established in 1914, ship. The word entered the English language in
disbanded after World War I and reinstated for World 1660 when the States General of Holland presented
War II. Unlike the USNs Waves who were almost ex- newly-restored Charles II of England with a jaght-
clusively employed in administrative duties, Wrens schip = chase-ship (the j being pronounced y in
served ashore as drivers, signals ofcers and ratings; Dutch).
aircraft, torpedo, and ordnance mechanics; and in Yacht ensigns: While in foreign waters and on the
many other specialties. Aoat they provided coxwains high seas United States yachts y the national ag.
and crews for harbor boats, and served on oceangoing In home waters they may wear that ag defaced by
transports as cooks, stewards, and signals ratings. a fouled anchor in a ring of 13 stars. When this is
Wring: To set shrouds too taut, thereby straining dipped to USN vessels, they will acknowledge and re-
or crippling the mast. turn the salute. British practice is more complex.
Writer: A Royal Navy rating with administrative, Members of the Royal Yacht Squadron are entitled to
secretarial, and clerical duties related to personnel y the white ensign, while the vessels of specied yacht
records, accounting, ling, correspondence, and the clubs may wear the blue ensign, either plain or de-
like. The USN equivalent is Yeoman. faced with an emblem. RN vessels will always ac-
WRNS: Womens Royal Naval Service. See Wrens. knowledge and return the salute of these ags. Other
Wrong: Proword meaning previous transmission yacht clubs may be authorized to y the red ensign
was incorrect, correct version follows... with a defacing badge or emblem, while any citizen
WS: Weapon System. may y the undefaced red ensign. The RN is not re-
WSES: Surface effect ship (USCG). quired to, but normally will, respond to the dip of
WTR: Writer (RN Clerical rating). any red ensign.
WvHt: Wave height. Yankee: [1] American term for a foresail. [2] NATO
WWI: World War One (19141918). Also World phonetic notation for the letter Y. [3] Properly, a
War 1. native of New England. [4] Applied by Confederates
WWII: World War Two (19371945). Also World to Union troops during the Civil War. [5] Often ap-
War 2. plied by foreigners to any citizen of the United States.
WWIS: World Weather Information Service. A Yar: Describes a ship that is trim, responsive, lively,
WMO Website providing worldwide weather fore- and answers readily to the helm. The term has been in
casts and climatological information. use since the 13th century, but is seldom heard today
(rhymes with care). Also yare.
Yard: [1] A cylindrical spar, tapered at each end and
X slung across a mast to support a sail. [2] A similar spar
on a powered warship, supporting signal halyards,
Xebec: An oared and sailed Mediterranean vessel blinkers, and antennae. [3] A shore establishment
with up to three lateen-rigged masts (often square- which builds, repairs, or maintains ships. [4] The
363 You

campus of the U.S. Naval Academy is sometimes Greenwich Naval Hospital when he was under pun-
called The Yard. ishment and forced to wear his uniform coat inside
Yard and stay: A handling rig in which one boom out with the yellow lining exposed.
is positioned over the hatch, and another over the Yellow Shirt: Personnel working on a USN aircraft
ships side. Cargo is moved from one to the other by carriers ight deck wear colored shirts for easy identi-
means of lines running between them. cation. Yellow shirts are worn by plane directors,
Yard boom: A spar swung over the side to handle aircraft handling ofcers, catapult ofcers, and arrester
cargo. gear ofcers.
Yardarm: The tapered outboard extremity of a yard Yemanja: This beautiful Brazilian sea goddess
extending beyond the sail. See clear the yardarm and brings sh to shermen, and good luck to all who at-
suns over the yardarm. tend her annual festival and throw her offerings of
Yardarm blinkers: Signaling lights, placed at the owers, beads, and trinkets. Sometimes, when a man
end of yards for maximum visibility. has ventured too far out to sea, she will appear, hold-
Yardarm ducking: A more severe version of the ing out her arms to him. If he then embraces the ra-
Spanish Mare. The culprit was lashed to a batten, diant goddess she will take him to her submarine
hauled up to the main yardarm and immediately re- palace to live as her happy husband forever.
leased to plunge violently into the sea. The sequence Yeo-heave-ho! The traditional cry of merchant sea-
would be repeated several times with the actual num- men working at a windlass or the falls of a purchase.
ber depending on the severity of the offense. This It was not allowed in the navy.
punishment was never practiced by the RN or USN, Yeoman: [1] Originally RN and currently USN, a
but was common in the French Navy. rating with administrative, secretarial, and clerical du-
Yardarm-to-yardarm: Said of warships in such ties related to personnel records, accounting, ling,
close combat that the outboard tips of their yards are correspondence, and the like. (The RN rating is now
almost in contact. Writer.) [2] Currently, an RN petty ofcer responsi-
Yardbird: [1] USN slang for a low-rank enlisted ble for visual signaling, the senior signalman on board.
person with few nautical skills, a landlubber. [2] Some- Yeomanette : On March 19, 1917, the Bureau of
one who works on the docks or in a shipyard, often a Navigation advised the commanders of U.S. naval dis-
retired seaman. [3] U.S. penitentiary slang for an in- tricts they could recruit women into the Naval Coast
mate. Defense Reserve to be utilized as radio operators, ste-
Yards apeak: Yards turned to form St. Andrews nographers, nurses, messengers, chauffeurs, etc., and
crosses to create space when vessels are docked along- in many other capacities in the industrial line. The
side one another. Also as a sign of mourning (see majority of enlisted women were designated Yeomen
a-cockbill). (F)inevitably known as yeomanettes. (See also Waves.)
Yare: See Yar. One of them wrote a short jingle to eulogize the force:
Yarn: [1] Fibers loosely twisted into strands for Ive been in frigid Greenland and in sunny Tennessee,
making rope. [2] A tall tale or embellished seafaring Ive been in noisy London and in wicked, gay Paree,
story. This originated in sailing ship days when old Ive seen the Latin Quarter, with its models,
rope used to be separated into its yarns and then re- wines, and tights,
woven into new rope. Seamen assigned to this long Ive hobnobbed oft with Broadway stars who
and boring task would wile away the time by telling outshone Broadway lights;
each other tales, which they called spinning a yarn But North or South or East or West,
or just plain yarning. the girls that I have met
Yaw: Deviation from a straight course in either di- Could never hold a candle to a Newport yeomanette.
rection. One of the six responses of a vessel to move- Yesty: Elizabethan term for foamy breakers (yesty
ment of the sea (see ship motion, rotational oscilla- seas unfound and swallow navigation up Shake-
tion). speare, Macbeth, IV, i, 52).
Yawl: [1] A two-masted sailing boat with the Y-Gun: A Y-shaped launcher that can throw depth
mizzen stepped abaft the rudder post. [2] A small charges forward on both sides of a vessel simultane-
shing craft. [3] A merchant ships jollyboat with four ously.
or six oars. [4] A twelve-oared warships boat. Yoke: [1] A crosspiece on the head of a small boats
Yellow Admiral: When the British eet was color- rudder, to which steering lines or chains are attached.
coded (see British Ensigns & Admirals) a captain who [2] An airplane control operating the elevators and
had patiently worked his way to the top of the senior- ailerons. [3] The frame from which a bell is hung. [4]
ity list, only to nd there was no vacancy for another A clamp or similar piece that embraces two parts to
rear-admiral of the blue, could be yellowed that is hold or unite them in position.
promoted to ag rank without distinction of squad- Yoke lines: See steering lines. Also yolk lines.
ron a somewhat dubious honor. You, Sir!: Admiral Smyth relates that this arrogant
Yellow Jack: [1]Yellow fever. [2] Seafarers slang for phrase, once used by ofcers to address seamen, was
the quarantine ag. [3] Slang name for a pensioner at forbidden by Admiral Lord Collingwood.
Young 364

Young gentleman: A term formerly used to de- instead of taking new readings. From Xerox, the pro-
scribe a midshipman. prietary name of a copying machine. (See also gun-
Your numbers up: This phrase, which today deck.)
means Youve been caught, Youre in trouble, or ZIF : Zero Incident Frequency.
even Youre about to die, comes from the days of Zigzag: An evasive maneuver designed to confuse
ghting sail. For ease of signaling and identication, tracking submarines, consisting of a random series of
every warship was given a unique four-letter number small straight-line diversions from a base course.
which, when hoisted, was said to be up. When the Zincs: Small sacricial anodes of zinc implanted in
agship ew a number with no other message, it was an iron hull to minimize oxidation.
a peremptory summons for the captain to report im- Zizz: RN lower deck slang for a brief sleep.
mediately to the admiral. This frequently meant a rep- ZO: Flash Override. Code allowing the U.S. Pres-
rimand for some lapse of conduct or dereliction of ident and designated senior ofcials and ofcers to
duty, so word from the ofcer on watch Captain, pre-empt all other trafc irrespective of priority. Not
your numbers up was seldom welcomed. a precedence code but a function of ofce.
Yow-yow: A small Chinese sampan. Zodiac: [1] Although it is a registered trademark,
YTD: Year to Date. this name is often used colloquially for any motor-
Yureisen: An ancient Japanese shermans legend ized, inatable, rigid-bottomed boat used for recre-
tells of this archaic war junk that appears from ational and military purposes, ranging from yacht
nowhere, moving rapidly despite its lack of sails and tender to high-speed beach landing craft. [2] The
halyards. The sight can be extremely dangerous, but heavenly belt that includes the apparent positions of
the remedy is to steer head-on towards the junk. As sun, moon, and those planets known to ancient as-
soon as it is rammed, the apparition will disappear, tronomers, who divided it into twelve equal signs
but the waters will immediately be lled with strug- (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.).
gling men crying for scoops with which to bail out Zodiacal light: A luminous cone-shaped area of
the sea. The wise sherman will only throw them dip- sky seen at sunrise or sunset, mainly in the tropics.
pers with holes in them, for if they are given proper Zonal wind: The component of a wind along the
scoops they will throw water into the shers boat to local parallel of latitude.
sink it. Zone : [1] One of seven longitudinal belts into
which geographers divide the globe. A central equa-
torial or torrid zone is bordered by tropical zones, fol-
Z lowed by temperate zones and, nally, polar or frigid
zones. [2] One of twenty-four latitudinal time zones,
Z: (1) Zenith: (2) Zero: (3) Zulu (time): (4) Flash, each covering 15 of longitude and centered on a
the highest military and diplomatic communications meridian (except for adjustments to accommodate po-
priority level (see ZO). litical boundaries). [3] To be in the zone means el-
ZA: Zone Alarm. igible for promotion.
Zaratan: This monstrous creature loves to doze on Zone of re: An area into which a designated re
the ocean surface, sometimes oating long enough for support ship delivers, or is prepared to deliver, long-
vegetation and even trees to sprout on its back. When range artillery re.
it reaches this state, mariners are said to mistake it for Zone Time: Local or civilian time, known to the
an island, cast their anchor to grip its scales, and go military as time zone Juliett.
ashore for a meal. If the heat of their cooking re pen- Zopissa: Obsolete term for tar scraped off the bot-
etrates its thick leathery scales, the beast jerks awake tom of old ships. Believed by sailing ship seamen to
and plunges to the deep, dragging the men and their be a cure for ulcers.
ship behind it. Similar events, involving res being lit Z-twist: See rope and hawser lay.
on the backs of whales rather than Zaratan himself, ap- Zubian: This World War I British destroyer ac-
pear in the tales of Sindbad the Sailor and Brendan quired its name thanks to the unusual distinction of
the Navigator. having been constructed by welding together the bow
Z-card: A USCG document issued to U.S. mer- section of HMS Zulu, whose stern had been blown
chant seamen in lieu of a passport. off by a mine, and the after section of HMS Nubian,
Zebec: A variation of xebec. whose bow had been destroyed by a torpedo.
Zenith: The point of the celestial sphere directly Zulu: [1] NATO phonetic notation for the letter
overhead. Z. [2] Used in NATO and commercial radio com-
Zephyr: The slightest gentle breeze (once nautical, munications to signify Coordinated Universal Time
but now mainly poetic). using the 24-hour clock (e.g., 1700 Zulu signies 5:00
Zeroing: In naval re-control, the process of set- P. M. GMT). [3] Sometimes also used to signify
ting a synchro to its zero position. Greenwich Mean Time. [4] A type of Scottish shing
Zerox the log: USN submariner slang for copying vessel with a straight upright bow, a sharply-raked
the previous entries in the engineering record book stern, a dipping lugsail, and mizzen.
365 Zzzs

Zumbra: A small Spanish yawl-like boat. light reveals cracks and other surface discontinuities in
Zyglo: An extremely sensitive uorescent penetrant virtually any non-porous material.
produced by the Magnaux division of Illinois Tool Zzzs: A (usually written) colloquialism for sleep. See
Works Inc. After the product is applied, ultraviolet zizz.
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Far far beneath in the abysmal sea,

His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep
The Kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights ee
About his shadowy sides; above him swell
Huge sponges of millennial growth and height;
And far away into the sickly light,
From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumberd and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant arms the slumbering green.
There hath he lain for ages, and will lie
Battening upon huge seaworms in his sleep,
Until the latter re shall heat the deep;
Then once by man and angels to be seen,
In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1830

There are a few known animals that could have many reports of sea serpent corpses discovered
been mistaken for sea serpents or monsters, but the washed onto the shore. This is because of the way in
most probable are cryptids hypothetical creatures which they decay, as described by writers Simon Wel-
such as colossal squid and super eels whose exis- fare and John Fairley: First the jaws, which are at-
tence is speculative but correspond to eyewitness de- tached by only a small piece of esh, drop off leaving
scriptions. Other candidates can be called living fos- what looks like a small skull and thin serpentlike neck.
sils the descendents of aquatic dinosaurs that lived Then, as only the upper half of the tail n carries the
in the worlds oceans during the Jurassic (208146 spine, the lower half rots away leaving the lower ns
million years ago) or of sh-like reptiles (ichthyosaurs) which look like legs. Time after time this monsterlike
from the same era. Cryptozoologists also propose the relic has been the cause of a sea serpent ap.
survival of primitive whales (archeocetes) that thrived Oarsh: This is the largest bony sh in the sea, and
in the much more recent Eocene (5430 mya). could be one of the real creatures most frequently mis-
Frilled sharks: These very primitive animals are taken for sea serpents. It is possible the Loch Ness
so different from other sharks that it has been sug- Monster is one (if it exists at all). Oarsh are found in
gested they should be given their own order. all the worlds oceans and are believed to live at depths
Supercially, they resemble dark brown or grey eels between 100 and 500 fathoms (6003000 feet). Only
with dorsal ns which can look like manes. It has been sick or dying specimens are known to have surfaced,
suggested that sightings could have been reported as and none has been taken alive. Sightings are common,
sea serpents, but this seems unlikely, since no specimen with reliable observers estimating lengths between 15
much over two meters (six feet) long has ever been and 17 meters (5055 feet), but the largest to be ac-
documented. On the other hand, bigger ones may curately measured (taken in 1996 by U.S. Navy Seals
exist in the depths. In 1880, Captain S.W. Hanna off Coronado Island, California) was only 7 meters
claimed to have netted one which measured over (23 feet) long. In May 1996, diver Jonathan Bird
twenty-ve feet (almost 8 meters) but no similar-sized sighted one swimming underwater off the Bahamas.
specimen has since been reported in spite of intensive He noted that its coloration was different from dead
shing operations. specimens and, interestingly, that it swam like a sea-
Basking sharks: Are responsible for almost all the horse with its long slender silver body aligned vertically,

Appendix 368

propelling itself by undulating its bright red crestlike topus attack actually arose from seeing the tentacles of
dorsal n. a large squid.
Giant octopus: Cephalopods, a class which in- On the other hand, on 18th November 2005, the re-
cludes octopus and squid, share a number of features, motely operated submarine Seaeye Falcon, owned by
including an invertebrate body, sometimes with mul- SubOceanic Sciences, was conducting a salmon sur-
tiple hearts; the largest eyes in the animal kingdom; a vey off British Columbias Brooks Peninsula when, at
mouth surrounded by oversize lips in the form of pre- a depth of 30 fathoms (55 meters, 180 feet), a large
hensile arms or tentacles; one or more parrot-like Giant Pacic Octopus appeared. Even though it was
beaks for tearing food apart; a muscular siphon for broad daylight, the normally retiring nocturnal crea-
jet propulsion; an ink sac to produce a protective ture took hold of the Falcons cable with two of its
smokescreen; and the ability to change color for tentacles and then reached for the body of the sub-
camouage or to express emotion. They are also be- marine with the other six.
lieved to be extremely intelligent. There are numerous According to Director of Operations Mike D.
species varying from tiny to immense. Wood, who feared the animal might damage the ve-
The Giant Pacic Octopus is the largest known hicle with its beak, I go full reverse and blast him
member of the species, usually weighing about 23 with all these seabed particles. The octopus ared its
kg (50 lbs) at maturity. One large specimen, captured mantle in anger and, for a moment, it looked as
off British Columbia in 1967, weighed 70 kg (156 though it was going to intensify its attack, but Finally
lbs) and measured almost 71 2 meters (23 feet) from he lets go and disappears into the gloom. Wood cap-
arm tip to arm tip. The Santa Barbara Museum tured the entire event on the Falcons digital video
of Natural History has an apparently well docu- recorder.
mented record of one weighing more than 180 kg (400 Giant squid: Squid in general have a large head
lbs). (called the mantle), eight arms with sucker discs, like
In 1896, a bloated, mutilated, and decomposing an octopus, for holding their prey, and two longer
corpse of incredible size washed up on a beach in tentacles for catching it. Inside the discs are claws that
Florida. Dr DeWitt Webb, President of the St Augus- dig in to secure the grip, while a beak powerful enough
tine Historical Society and Institute of Science, ex- to cut steel cable rips off chunks of esh to be chewed
amined and photographed the monster, which he es- by rows of teeth inside the mouth. Those encoun-
timated to weigh between six and seven tons (6100 tered or caught by shers are normally far too small to
7100 kg) with skin 31 2 inches (89 mm) thick. Only the threaten shipping and widespread tales of attacks by
stubs of tentacles were extant but, based on the di- larger specimens were long dismissed as mythical
mensions of the body, he estimated their span would sailor-yarns.
have been some 200 feet (61 m) matching that re- Alectons monster of 1861, of which only a part was
ported for the Kraken. recovered, was probably a giant squid. Then, on 2nd
Webb sent samples preserved in formaldehyde to November 1878, the rst complete specimen washed
the National (now Smithsonian) Museum where, ashore at Glovers Harbor in Newfoundland. Its dead
based on visual examination only, they were pro- body was about six meters (20 feet) long, and one of
nounced to have come from a sperm whale. However, its tentacles measured 10.7 meters (35 feet). Two years
in 1957, a team of biologists from the Naval Under- later an 18.5 meter (60.7 foot) creature was caught at
sea Research Laboratory in San Diego, led by biolo- Island Bay, New Zealand. This is still the record, al-
gist Dr Joseph Gennaro, tracked down and examined though upwards of six hundred dead specimens have
the sixty-one year old samples under polarized light, since have been recovered, about 20 percent of them
reporting: We decided at once and beyond any off Newfoundland.
doubt, that the sample was not whale blubber. Fur- Underwater photographs and videotape have cap-
ther, the connective tissue pattern was ... similar to, if tured images of the giant squid, but most of what was
not identical with, that in my octopus sample.... The known came from corpses and body parts. Some sci-
evidence appears unmistakable that the St. Augustine entists believe a squids blood can only carry oxygen
sea monster was in fact an octopus, but the implica- at low temperatures and that long exposure to surface
tions (of its size) are fantastic. conditions might cause suffocation. Others think
With its eight writhing arms, alien appearance, and warm water affects the animals buoyancy mechanism
uncanny reasoning ability, this animal (which, hav- making it unable to re-submerge. If this is the case, a
ing no bones, can squeeze through any opening the size surfaced giant squid moving from a cold ocean current
of its own eye) has long had an evil reputation. Tales to a warm one would be doomed.
of bloodthirsty octopuses surfacing to tear ships apart Then, late in 1997, a 7.6 meter (25 foot) giant squid
have been heard around the globe, but divers report was hauled up in a New Zealand shermans net. It was
nding the creature shy and more inclined to hide ash-frozen on board and shipped to The American
than attack. Moreover, it is a bottom feeder with no Museum of Natural History in New York, where it
reason to surface and assault an object considerably went on display in October 1999. A slightly bigger
larger than itself. More than likely the reports of oc- specimen, 8.62 meters (28 feet) long, was taken by a
369 Real and Speculative Sea Monsters

trawler off the Falkland Islands in March 2004. It too which could perhaps be mistaken for ugly witch-like
was fast-frozen, then taken to Londons Natural mermaids or unsightly mermen.
History Museum where (whimsically nicknamed Dolphins: It would take a lively imagination for a
Archie) it went on display in February 2006. seafarer to look at an ill-favored sirenian and turn it
Squid are carnivorous and quite aggressive. Hum- into a blonde-haired beauty, but it would be easy for
bolt squid, a smaller species, have been known to at- him to stare into a bright sun and mistake a pod of
tack human swimmers, and giant squid have been leaping, spinning, and glistening dolphins for mer-
witnessed furiously ghting sperm whales, which are maids gamboling playfully through the waves, green-
one of their predators. It is probable that the Norwe- gold tresses owing, and silvery shtails glinting in
gian tanker incident (see Brunswicks kraken) occurred the rays.
because the vessel was mistaken for a whale. An unau- Super eels: Known oceanic eels seldom grow longer
thenticated World War II account claims that a giant than three meters (9 feet) but a considerable number
squid ate one of the survivors of a torpedoing. of sea serpent descriptions, many of them made
Saltwater crocodiles: These creatures, which today by impeccable witnesses, have led to widespread spec-
are widely distributed around the Indian Ocean, the ulation that larger ones may exist, so far undiscov-
Coral Sea, and the East and South China Seas, can ered. Two of the most famous giant eel sightings were
make long sea voyages, and have been sighted as far reported by Captain Peter MQuahe on 6th August
apart as Australia, Japan and India. They are the 1848 (see Daedelus Creature) and less than two
largest living reptiles, with adult males normally rang- months later by Captain Henderson (see Daphnes
ing from ve to seven meters (1723 feet) in length and Serpent).
weighing over a ton. One unusually large specimen, In 1833, four British army ofcers from the Hali-
measuring 8.6 meters (28 feet), was shot by hunter fax garrison were shing off the Nova Scotia coast
Krystina Pawoski in the Norman River, Queensland, when their boatman, Jack Dowling, a retired old
Australia in July 1957. salt, cried out Oh sirs, look at that ... this is the
The crocodilian structure of articulated armor queerest thing I ever did see! All six aboard the boat
plates provides structural support for large heavy bod- later testied to seeing the head of a serpent, rising
ies, especially when supported by the buoyancy of a about six feet above the surface, with a neck as thick
waterborne habitat. Fossil evidence of prehistoric as the trunk of a moderate-size tree. It was colored
super-crocs has been found on almost every conti- brown and white in an irregular pattern.
nent. For example, sarcosuchus imperator of West In 1875, off the north-eastern coast of Brazil, Cap-
Africa seems to have been about twelve meters (40 tain George Drevar of British collier Pauline watched
feet) long and weighed about nine tons, while North a huge snake-like creature wrap its coils around a
American deinosuchus was somewhat bigger at fteen sperm whale which it proceeded to crush in the fash-
meters (50 feet) and twelve tons. ion of a boa-constrictor. Two years later, in June
It has been hypothesized that such large specimens 1877, ofcers of the Royal Yacht Osborne, sailing off the
may still make their habitat in the oceans far from Sicilian coast in good visibility, saw a sea monster for
human eyes. (See Iberians crocodilian). long enough for Lieutenant W. P. Hynes to make a
Sirenia: Mermaids and mermen are a far cry from quick pencil sketch. The sketch seems to have disap-
deep sea monsters, but their folklore may have arisen peared, but the accounts of the deck ofcers, all trained
from sightings of actual aquatic mammals. Members observers, agree that it was of immense length (Lt.
of the sirenia often take on a human appearance, and Hynes estimated 150 feet) with a ridge of ns, each
can seem touchingly feminine when breast-feeding about fteen feet long and six feet apart. It was fteen
their young. or twenty feet wide at the shoulders, with smooth skin
There are three members of the order, all being and a head and mouth resembling an alligator. It ap-
large, herbivorous, grey-brown aquatic animals which peared to scull itself along by large ns or ippers.
inhabit coastal waters and slow-owing rivers. Man- Another well-documented sighting was made by
atees can be found on both sides of the Atlantic, Captain Platt and the crew of United States Coastal
dugongs throughout the Southern Indo-Pacic re- Survey vessel Drift on August 29, 1878. She was lying
gion, and Stellers Sea Cow lived in the North Pacic becalmed off Cape Cods Race Point, with the crew
until hunted to extinction during the 1760s. Some- lounging under the shade of the sails, when what
what amazingly, their nearest land relatives are the looked like a thick spar rose about fteen feet out of
huge elephant and the tiny hyrax. the calm water about 400 yards away. Suddenly the
Adults of the extant species are about 3 meters (10 spar bent over in a curve and plunged below. The
feet) long and weigh some 450 kgs (1,000 lbs) but the crew watched excitedly for another glimpse of the
sea cow was somewhat bigger. They have a life ex- creature and, after roughly thirty minutes about forty
pectancy of 6070 years. Their streamlined bodies feet of spar-shaped body rose again, this time stand-
taper to a at paddle-shaped tail, and females are dis- ing erect like a monstrous worm with a round, dark
tinguished by large teats between their ippers. Heads brown body. No mouth, eye, or ear could be seen, in-
are rounded, with small eyes and wrinkled faces, dicating it was probably the tail that had emerged.
Appendix 370

Again, it curved over and submerged and, as it did so, bend so far upward, gravity would have tipped the
a dorsal n, estimated to be at least fteen feet high body forward and kept most of the heavy neck in the
was exposed. Captain Platt submitted a written re- water.
port to the Superintendent of Survey in Washington In contrast, another genus of archaic whale,
but, mindful of possible ridicule, the sighting was un- pliosaursus, had large heads and very short necks. The
reported until 1886 when the story was published in fossils indicate that they swam by undulating their
the magazine Science. Equally difcult to dismiss out vertebral columns, thus forcing their feet up and down
of hand are the Dcide incident of 1904 and Valhallas in a way similar to modern otters, while their move-
serpent in the following year. ment on land probably resembled those of sea lions to
There have been subsequent sightings of other ser- some degree, involving protraction and retraction of
pent-like animals. Early in the 20th century, Captain the abducted limbs. The genus contained several
Ballard reported a large creature off the Scottish coast species, most of which averaged 56 meters (1620
(see Craig-Gowan monster), and in 1912, Kapitan feet) in length, but the species Kronosaurus measures
Ruser of Kaiserin Victoria saw a sinuous creature off the 1011 meters (3336 feet) long.
English coast, claiming it to be about twenty feet long On Spitsbergen, in August 2007, a team from the
and eighteen inches thick. In 1937, Alfred Peterson, Natural History Museum of Norway excavated the
aboard a British troopship in the China Sea, saw a 25 almost complete skeleton of an immense pliosaur that
foot long grey-black body with a giraffe-like head. would have measured 15m (50ft) from nose to tail
And in 1947, Grace liner Santa Clara ran over a brown about half the length of the largest whale ever meas-
eel-like creature, estimated to be at least 60 feet long. ured. A preliminary analysis of the bones suggests this
Dinosaur survivors: The question of whether di- beast belongs to a previously unknown species. It must
nosaurs could swim has been debated for years, but no have been an awesomely powerful predator. Two sets
rm evidence had come to light until 2005, when the of its massive skull with huge, wide-opening, robust
tracks of six-foot-tall, bipedal creature, about the size jaws, worked by big, powerful muscles should have
of an ostrich, were discovered at a number of sites in been capable of picking up a small boat and biting it
northern Wyoming. The tracks suggest it waded along in half. If a specimen has survived it would certainly
the shoreline and swam offshore, perhaps to feed on qualify as a potential ocean monster.
sh or carrion. Then, in 2007, a 15-meter track, found However, the most likely sea serpent candidate is the
in Spains Cameros Basin, contained the rst long and most advanced and largest of the archaeocetes, the
continuous record of swimming by a therapod di- basilosaurus or zeuglodon, which was about the size of
nosaur. Both of these nds concern creatures that a modern sperm whale, averaging 18 meters (60 feet)
hunted in the water, but lived on land, and there is no in length. Its most notable physical feature was unpar-
reason to believe dinosaurs ever adapted to a full-time alleled elongation of the vertebrae, making it the clos-
aquatic life, or ventured far enough offshore to be mis- est a whale ever came to a snake. It must have been
taken for sea monsters. Many believe the Loch Ness fully aquatic, because its thoracic, lumbar, sacral and
Monster to be a surviving dinosaur. caudal vertebrae were similar, whereas creatures living
Ichthyosaurs: These aquatic reptiles, which lived in terrestrial gravity have to have different size verte-
between 240 and 90 million years ago, averaged 5 me- brae to distribute the load of head and limbs. These
ters (16 feet) in length, but some of the largest reached vertebrae were hollow, and probably uid-lled for
an astounding 23 meters (75 feet). However, they re- buoyancy, implying that basilosaurus only operated in
sembled modern dolphins (except for an upright tail two dimensions at the surface, compared with the
n) which does not t well with most descriptions of three dimensional diving practices of most other
sea serpents. cetaceans. In fact, judging from relatively weak axial
Archeocetes: Ancient whales came in many vari- musculature, it was probably incapable of deep diving.
eties, of which three possible survivors have been pos- Moreover, unlike other archeocetes and modern
tulated as sea monster candidates. The rst, known cetaceans, its spine was not fused but free to move.
as plesiosaurus elasmosaur, had a small head at the end This implies that basilosaurus swam in an anguilli-
of a very long neck with up to 72 vertebrae (a giraffe form (eel-like) fashion, undulating vertically (dorso-
has seven). This matches eyewitness descriptions of ventral or spine-to-belly) rather than laterally (side-to-
Scotlands mythical Loch Ness monster, but it would side), thus conforming exactly to the movement
have been impossible for it to lift head and neck above reported in most sea serpent sightings. It is supposed
the surface in the swan-like pose usually depicted. to have been extinct for 37 million years. But in the
Even if it had had the muscles and conformation to ocean depths, who knows what can survive?

Table 1: A Beauforts Original Scale

Force Wind Condition Speed/Sails
0 Calm Becalmed Not going anywhere
1 Light air Just sufcient to give steerage way Less than a knot
2 Light breeze That in which a man-of-war with all sails From 1 to 2 knots
set and clean full, would go in smooth water
3 Gentle breeze From 3 to 4 knots
4 Moderate breeze From 5 to 6 knots
5 Fresh breeze That in which a well-conditioned man-of-war Royals, etc.
could just carry when in chase full and bye
6 Strong breeze Single-reefed topsails and
topgallant sails
7 Moderate gale Double-reefed topsails, jib, etc.
8 Fresh gale Triple-reefed topsails, etc.
9 Strong gale Close-reefed topsails and courses
10 Whole gale That in which she could scarcely bear Close-reefed main topsail and
reefed foresail
11 Storm That which would reduce her to Storm staysails
12 Hurricane That which no canvas could withstand

Table 1: B The Modern Beaufort Scale

Force Wind Type 1 Knots Visual Appearance of the Sea 2
0 Calm <1 Like a mirror
1 Puff of Wind 13 A few ripples without foamy crests
2 Light Breeze 46 Small wavelets which do not break
3 Moderate Breeze 710 Large wavelets beginning to break
4 Lively Breeze 1116 Small waves with white horses
5 Stiff Breeze 1721 Pronounced long waves with many white horses
6 Squall 2227 Large waves, extensive foam crests, and some spray
7 Near Gale 2833 Sea heaps up and foam begins to blow in streaks
8 Gale 3440 Moderately high waves, crests break into spindrift
9 Strong Gale 4147 High waves, dense foam streaks, crests start to topple
10 Storm 4855 Very high waves, overhanging crests, big foam patches
11 Tempest 5663 Exceptionally high waves, sea covered in foam
12 Hurricane3 >64 Air lled with foam and driving spray, little visibility
1. There are several different and inconsistent naming conventions for wind type and some of them are mutually exclusive. As just
one example, Moderate Breeze and Gentle Breeze have each been used to describe both force 3 and force 4.
2. There is a different set of visual descriptions for use on land.
3. In 1946, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) added ve more hurricane force wind speeds. These are not shown
here but will be found in Table 6.

Table 2: The Douglas Scales

Table 2(a)
Wind-Sea Condition Average Wave Height
0 Calm No measurable wind or swell
1 Rippled Less than 10 cm waves
2 Smooth Waves between 10 and 50 cms

Tables 372

Wind-Sea Condition Average Wave Height

3 Moved Waves rising from 50 cms to 1.25 m
4 Moderate Wave heights from 1.25 to 2.5 m
5 Rough Disturbed waves from 2.5 to 4 m
6 Very rough Large waves of 4 to 6 m high
7 High Rough waves between 6 and 9 m
8 Very high Mountainous seas of 9 to 14 m
9 Confused Maximum wave disturbance, over 14 m
Table 2(b)
Swell Description Wave Characteristics
0 No swell Not noticeable
1 Very low Short and low
2 Low Long and low
3 Light Short and moderate
4 Moderate Average and moderate
5 Moderate rough Long and moderate
6 Rough Short and heavy
7 High Average and heavy
8 Very high Long and heavy
9 Confused Indenable

Table 3: Pierson-Moskowitch Sea State

Wind Speed Signicant Signicant Range Average Average Length
(Kts) Sea State Wave (Ft) of Periods (Sec) Period (Sec) of Waves (FT)
3 0 <.5 <.51 0.5 1.5
4 0 <.5 .51 1 2
5 1 0.5 12.5 1.5 9.5
7 1 1 13.5 2 13
8 1 1 14 2 16
9 2 1.5 1.54 2.5 20
10 2 2 1.55 3 26
11 2.5 2.5 1.55.5 3 33
13 2.5 3 26 3.5 39.5
14 3 3.5 26.5 3.5 46
15 3 4 27 4 52.5
16 3.5 4.5 2.57 4 59
17 3.5 5 2.57.5 4.5 65.5
18 4 6 2.58.5 5 79
19 4 7 39 5 92
20 4 7.5 39.5 5.5 99
21 5 8 310 5.5 105
22 5 9 3.510.5 6 118
23 5 10 3.511 6 131.5
25 5 12 412 7 157.5
27 6 14 413 7.5 184
29 6 16 4.513.5 8 210
31 6 18 4.514.5 8.5 236.5
33 6 20 515.5 9 262.5
37 7 25 5.517 10 328.5
40 7 30 619 11 394
43 7 35 6.521 12 460
46 7 40 722 12.5 525.5
49 8 45 7.523 13 591
52 8 50 7.524 14 566
54 8 55 825.5 14.5 722.5
57 8 60 8.526.5 15 788
61 9 70 928.5 16.5 920
65 9 80 1030.5 17.5 1099
69 9 90 10.532.5 18.5 1182
373 Tables

Table 4: World Meteorological Organization Sea State Codes

Sea state and wave size
0 Calm (glassy) 0m
1 Calm (rippled) 0 to 0.1 m
2 Smooth (wavelets) 0.1 to 0.5 m
3 Slight 0.5 to 1.25 m
4 Moderate 1.25 to 2.5 m
5 Rough 2.5 to 4 m
6 Very rough 4 to 6 m
7 High 6 to 9 m
8 Very high 9 to 14 m
9 Phenomenal Over 14 m
Character of the sea swell
0. None
Low 1. Short or average
2. Long
3. Short
Moderate 4. Average
5. Long
6. Short
Heavy 7. Average
8. Long
9. Confused
Direction from which swell is coming should be recorded as character + direction (e.g., Confused north-

Table 5: The Safr-Simpson Hurricane Scale

Category Wind Speed General Extent of Property Damage and Flooding 1
1 Minimal 7495 mph No real damage to buildings. Small trees blown down.
Some ooding of coastal roads.
2 Moderate 96110 mph Considerable damage to mobile homes. Some roofs damaged.
Many trees fall. Small craft break moorings.
3 Extensive 111130 mph Coastal oods destroy small structures, larger ones damaged
by oating debris. Large trees topple. Land less than 5 feet
above sea level (ASL) ooded 8 miles or more from the shore.2
4 Extreme 131155 mph Extensive curtain wall and some roof structure failure. Major
erosion of beaches. Land lower than 10 feet ASL ooded.
5 Catastrophic >155 mph Complete roof failures and some complete building failures.
Severe damage to structures less than 15 feet ASL. Evacuation
may be required up to 10 miles inland.
1. Descriptions of damage are condensed
2. Hurricane Katrina was Category 3.

Table 6: Wind Speed Scales Compared

(rounded to nearest whole number)
Wind Speed Greater Than
Scale Level Generic Description Kts mph km/h
Beaufort 0 Calm - - -
Beaufort 1 Puff of Wind 1 1 2
Beaufort 2 Light Breeze 4 5 7
Beaufort 3 Moderate Breeze 7 8 13
Beaufort 4 Lively Breeze 11 13 20
Beaufort 5 Stiff Breeze 17 20 32
Beaufort 6 Squall 22 25 41
Beaufort 7 Near Gale 28 32 52
Beaufort 8 Gale 34 39 62
Fujita 0 Gale Tornado 36 40 64
Beaufort 9 Strong Gale 41 47 75
Beaufort 10 Storm 48 55 89
Tables 374

Wind Speed Greater Than

Scale Level Generic Description Kts mph km/h
Beaufort 11 Tempest 56 64 103
Fujita 1 Moderate Tornado 63 73 117
Beaufort 12 Hurricane 64 73 118
Safr-Simpson 1 Category 1 65 74 119
Beaufort 13 1st extra level 72 83 133
Beaufort 14 2nd extra level 81 93 150
Safr-Simpson 2 Category 2 84 96 154
Beaufort 15 3rd extra level 90 104 167
Safr-Simpson 3 Category 3 96 111 178
Fujita 2 Signicant Tornado 98 113 181
Beaufort 16 4th extra level 100 115 185
Beaufort 17 5th extra level 109 125 202
Safr-Simpson 4 Category 4 114 131 210
Safr-Simpson 5 Category 5 135 155 249
Fujita 3 Severe Tornado 137 158 254
Fujita 4 Devastating Tornado 180 207 333
Fujita 5 Incredible Tornado 227 261 420
Fujita 6 Inconceivable Tornado 277 319 513

Table 7: COLREGS (Navigation Rules or Rules of the Road)

There are 38 Rules, divided into Parts and Subparts as follow. Only the headings are given here, but de-
tails can be found on various IMO websites, including: The Admiralty Law Guide at www.admiraltylawguide.
com/conven/collisions 1972 and United States Coast Guard Navigation Center at <
Part A General
Rule 1 Application (International/Inland)
Rule 2 Responsibility
Rule 3 General Denitions
Part B Steering and Sailing
Subpart 1 Conduct of Vessels in any Condition of Visibility
Rule 4 Application
Rule 5 Look-out
Rule 6 Safe Speed
Rule 7 Risk of Collision
Rule 8 Action to Avoid Collision
Rule 9 Narrow Channels
Rule 10 Trafc Separation Schemes
Subpart 2 Conduct of Vessels in Sight of One Another
Rule 11 Application
Rule 12 Sailing Vessels
Rule 13 Overtaking
Rule 14 Head-on Situation
Rule 15 Crossing Situation
Rule 16 Action by Give-way Vessel
Rule 17 Action by Stand-on Vessel
Rule 18 Responsibilities Between Vessels
Subpart 3 Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility
Rule 19 Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility.
Part C Lights and Shapes
Rule 20 Application
Rule 21 Denitions
Rule 22 Visibility of Lights
Rule 23 Power-driven Vessels Underway
Rule 24 Towing and pushing
Rule 25 Sailing Vessels Underway and Vessels Under Oars
375 Tables

Rule 26 Fishing Vessels

Rule 27 Vessels not Under Command or Restricted in Ability to manoeuvre
Rule 28 Vessels Constrained by their Draft
Rule 29 Pilot Vessels
Rule 30 Anchored Vessels and Vessels Aground
Rule 31 Seaplanes
Part D Sound and Light Signals
Rule 32 Denitions
Rule 33 Equipment for Sound Signals
Rule 34 Maneuvering and Warning Signals
Rule 35 Sound Signals in Restricted Visibility
Rule 36 Signals to Attract Attention
Rule 37 Distress Signals
Part E Exemptions
Rule 38 Exemptions

Table 8: International Flag Signals

The International Signaling Code consists of 26 alphabetical ags, 10 numeral pendants, an answering pen-
dant, and three substitutes or repeaters.
Only a few colors can be easily distinguished from one another at sea so, for clarity, besides plain red, white,
and blue, combinations are red-and-white, yellow-and-blue, black, or red, blue-and-white, or white-and-black.
Sentences can be spelled out word-by-word, but there are also standard abbreviations for commonly used
phrases, using up to seven ags in a hoist. Their general characteristics are as follow:
Code Flag: A red-and-white striped pennant used to signal that International Code will be used for the sub-
sequent message.
Single ag hoists: Are either urgent or extremely common. They are all shown below under the appropri-
ate letter.
Double hoists: Are mostly distress and maneuvering signals. Some of the more important are shown im-
mediately after the single ag signals.
Triple hoists: Cover points of the compass, relative bearings, standard times, verbs, punctuation, and gen-
eral code and decode signals.
Quadruple hoists: Are used mainly for geographic signals, ship names, and bearings.
Five-ag hoists: Cover times and positions.
Six-ag hoists: Indicate north, south, east, or west in latitude and longitude signals.
Seven-ag hoists: Are used for longitude signals containing more than 100
Substitute Flags
Single-pointed pennants are used to repeat letters when spelling-out words. Without them, ships would have
to carry several sets of signal ags, but the substitutes allow any letter to be represented up to four times.
The rst substitute repeats the rst (top) letter in the hoist, the next repeats the second letter, and the third
the third letter in the hoist. Thus, for example, the word mamma would be Signaled as; M-ag, A-ag, 1st Sub
(1st letter = M), 3rd Sub (3rd letter = M), 2nd Sub (2nd letter = A). The USN calls substitute pennants repeaters.
Single Flag Codes
A-ag: A vertically divided burgee, with white on the hoist and blue on the y. Flown alone it means (1)
When stationary I have a diver down keep well clear of me at slow speed (2) When under way I am un-
dergoing a speed trial.
B-ag: A red burgee. Flown alone means I am taking on, discharging, or carrying dangerous cargo. Since
this covers explosives and ammunition, it is colloquially known as the powder ag in naval circles.
C-ag: Square, equally divided into blue-white-red-white-blue horizontal stripes. Flown alone means Yes
or Afrmative.
D-ag: Square, horizontally divided yellow-blue-yellow in the ratio 1:2:1. Flown alone means I am ma-
neuvering with difculty keep clear.
E-ag: Square, horizontally divided blue over red. Flown as a single signal means I am altering course to
F-ag: White square with a red square superimposed on it at 45 rotation. Flown alone means (1) In gen-
eral use I am disabled communicate with me: (2) On USN & NATO aircraft carriers Flight operations un-
Tables 376

G-ag: Square, vertically divided (from the hoist) into six equal stripes alternately yellow and blue. (1)
Flown alone means I require a pilot (2) Worn by a shing vessel means I am handling nets.
H-ag: Vertically divided square with white on hoist and red on y. Flown alone means Pilot on board.
I-ag: Square with a small black circle on a yellow background. Flown alone means (1) In general use I
am altering course to port (2) USN & NATO Coming alongside.
J-ag: Square, equally divided horizontally blue-white-blue. Flown alone means Keep clear I am on re
with dangerous cargo.
K-ag: Square, vertically divided yellow on hoist, blue on y. Flown alone means I wish to communicate
with you.
L-ag: Quartered square, hoist yellow over black, y black over yellow. Flown alone means You should
stop your vessel immediately.
M-ag: Square with a white saltire-style cross on a blue background. Flown alone means (1) In general use
I have a doctor on board (2) USN My vessel is stopped making no way.
N-ag: Square checkered ag with four rows and columns, alternating blue and white, starting with blue
in the upper hoist. Flown alone means No or Negative.
O-ag: Square diagonally divided with yellow in the lower hoist and red in the upper y. Flown alone means
Person overboard. (See also double hoist G over W).
P-ag: Square with a small white square on a blue ground. Conventionally called the Blue Peter, When
hoisted in port means (1) Return to ship we are about to depart. At sea it usually means (2) Your lights are
out or burning badly but in daylight may mean (3) Fishing nets are an obstruction.
Q-ag: A yellow square. (1) In general use it is the quarantine ag, meaning My ship is healthy, I request
free pratique (2) In the USN & NATO it is the recall All boats return to ship.
R-ag: Square with a narrow yellow cross on a red eld. Flown alone it means (1) In general use The way
is off my shipYou may feel your way past (2) USN & NATO at sea Preparing to replenish (3) USN & NATO
in port identies a ready-duty ship.
S-ag: Square with a blue cross of a white eld. Flown alone means (1) In general use My engines are full
astern (2) USN & NATO Conducting ag hoist drill.
T-ag: Square, equally divided vertically red-white-blue from hoist to y. Flown alone means (1) Do not
pass ahead of me or, if own by a shing vessel (2) Keep clear I am engaged in trawling.
U-ag: Square, quartered red over white at hoist, white over red at y. Flown alone warns You are stand-
ing into danger.
V-ag: Square with a red saltire-style cross on a white ground. Flown alone means I need assistance.
This is not a distress signal (See C over D and N over C).
W-ag: Square with a white square centered on a blue eld and a small red square centered on the white.
Flown alone means I require medical assistance.
X-ag: Square with a blue cross on a white eld. Flown alone means Stop carrying out your intentions and
watch for my signals.
Y-ag: Square with ten diagonal stripes alternating yellow and red, rising from lower y to upper hoist. (1)
Flown alone when at sea or coming into port means I am carrying mails. (2) When anchored it means My
anchor is dragging. (3) USN & NATO Ship has visual communications duty.
Z-ag: Square, diagonally quartered with yellow in the upper sector, black along hoist, blue on the y,
and red in the bottom sector. (1) Flown alone by a ship coming in to port means I require a tug. (2) Flown
alone by a sherboat at sea means I am shing or casting nets. (3) May be used to attract the attention of shore

Some Common Double Flag Hoists

A over C: I am abandoning ship.
A over N: I need a doctor.
B over R: I require a helicopter
C over D: I require immediate assistance.
D over V: I am drifting.
E over F : Cancel my distress signal.
F-over-A: Can you give me my position?
F-over-O: I am standing by.
G over W: Please rescue my man overboard.
J over L: You run the risk of going aground.
K over P: Can you tow me into port.
K over N: I am unable to tow you.
L over O: Flown by a lightship I am not in my correct position.
377 Tables

N over C: I am in distress and require immediate assistance.

P over D: Your navigation lights cannot be seen.
P over P: Keep well clear of me.
P over M: Follow me.
Q over D: I am going ahead.
Q over L: I have had infectious disease on board less than 5 days ago.
Q over Q: I require health clearance (Either the ships health is suspect, or there has been unusual mor-
tality among rats on board, or the ship had infectious diseases aboard more than ve days ago).
Q over T: I am going astern.
Q over U: Anchoring prohibited.
Q over X: Request permission to anchor.
R over U: Keep clear I am maneuvering with difculty.
S over O: You should stop immediately.
U over M: The harbor is closed to trafc.
U over P: Emergency permission to enter harbor is urgently requested.
Y over U: I am going to communicate by means of the International Code.
Z over L: Your signal has been received but not understood.

Table 9: Sound and Light Signals

Depending on their length, all vessels are required to carry specied forms of sound and/or light signaling
equipment, to be used only when vessels are within sight of each other and are meeting or crossing. Because these
rules are lengthy and complex, this appendix will only give a brief indication of those concerning power-driven
vessels in international waters. Other signals apply to vessels under tow, being pushed, at anchor (riding),
aground, trawling, or engaged on pilot duties. Readers wanting more detail on these rules, other classes of ves-
sel, or inland waters should consult one of the many relevant websites, for example that of the U.S. Coast Guard
at: <>.
In the regulations, a short blast of the whistle is dened as being about one second in duration, a pro-
longed blast being from four to six seconds. These signals may be supplemented by light ashes of about one
second, with the interval between ashes also being one second.
When maneuvering:
One short blast (+ one ash) = I am altering course to starboard.
Two short blasts (+ two ashes) = I am altering course to port.
Three short blasts (+ three ashes) = I am operating astern propulsion.
In a narrow channel:
Two prolonged blasts followed by one short blast = I intend to overtake you on your starboard side.
Two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts = I intend to overtake you on your port side.
The vessel being overtaken shall acknowledge her agreement with one prolonged, one short, one prolonged,
and one short blast in that sequence.
When in doubt:
If either vessel fails to understand the intentions of the other, or fears collision, the vessel in doubt shall
give at least ve short blasts, which may be supplemented by at least ve ashes.
The foregoing signals may never be used in fog or other conditions where vessels are not visible to each
other by eye. The following then apply.
Obstructed vision:
A vessel nearing a bend or an area where vision is obstructed shall sound one prolonged blast as a warn-
ing. Any vessel around the bend or behind the obstruction shall respond with one prolonged blast.
Restricted visibility (e.g., fog):
One prolonged blast sounded at two-minute intervals = I am making way through the water.
Two prolonged blasts sounded at two-minute intervals = I am underway but stopped and making no way
through the water.
One prolonged followed by two short blasts at two-minute intervals = I am not under command or am
restricted in ability to maneuver.

Table 10: Distress Signals

Requests for help at sea may be made by a wide range of ag signals, morse code, voice radio, pyrotechnic
devices, and other means. Some of these are:
Tables 378

Flag Signals: (1) Flying the ships ensign at half-mast or upside down. (2) Flying the international code sig-
nal ags N over C. (3) Flying a ag with a black square above a black ball on an orange background. (4)
Hoisting a square ag above a ball.
Morse Signals: (1) Originally CQD, popularly believed to signify Come Quick Danger, but actually
meaningless, consisting of the standard prex CQ followed by D, possibly for danger. (2) In 1906 SOS
was adopted, this time popular belief thought it stood for Save Our Ship (or Souls) but it was in fact chosen
because three dots and three dashes were easy to transmit, easy to remember, and difcult to misinterpret.
Radio Voice Signals: (1) Pan-pan repeated means that a problem exists on board posing no immediate
danger to life or the vessel: (2) Mayday, derived from the French maidez (help me) means the matter is ex-
tremely urgent with imminent danger to life or the vessel.
Visual Signals: Include red ares, lights ashing at specied frequencies, and various pyrotechnics such as
red star shells or parachute ares.
Triple Signals: Traditionally, signals repeated in groups of three, such as gunshots, puffs of smoke, whistle
blasts, and the like.
Other Distress Signals: Include:
Continuously-sounding the fog horn.
Firing a gun at one-minute intervals.
Showing ames on the vessel.
Dropping any color of dye marker.
Lighting a smoke generator.
Waving the arms.
Attention-seeking Signals: If necessary to attract the attention of another vessel, any vessel may make light
or sound signals so long as they cannot be mistaken for any other signal (especially distress) authorized by the
rules and regulations. It may also direct a searchlight beam in the direction of a hazard in such a way as not to
embarrass another vessel or be mistaken for any aid to navigation.
Table 11: Examples of Phonetic Alphabets
World War I World War I World War I 1932 World War II Current Current
U.S. Royal British ITU Allied NYC Police NATO,
Navy Navy Army International Forces Department ICAO, IMO
Able Apples Ack Amsterdam Abel Adam Alfa
Boy Butter Beer Baltimore Baker Boy Bravo
Cast Charlie Charlie Casablanca Charlie Charlie Charlie
Dog Duff Don Denmark Dog David Delta
Easy Edward Edward Edison Easy Edward Echo
Fox Freddie Freddy Florida Fox Frank Foxtrot
George George Gee Gallipoli George George Golf
Have Harry Harry Havana How Henry Hotel
Item Ink Ink Italia Item Ida India
Jig Johnnie Johnnie Jerusalem Jig John Juliett
King King King Kilogramme King King Kilo
Love London London Liverpool Love Lincoln Lima
Mike Monkey Emma Magagascar Mike Mary Mike
Nan Nuts Nuts New York Nan Nora November
Oboe Orange Oranges Oslo Oboe Ocean Oscar
Pup Pudding Pip Paris Peter Peter Papa
Quack Queenie Queen Quebec Queen Queen Quebec
Rush Robert Robert Roma Roger Robert Romeo
Sail Sugar Esses Santiago Sugar Sam Sierra
Tare Tommy Toc Tripoli Tare Tom Tango
Unit Uncle Uncle Upsala Uncle Union Uniform
Vice Vinegar Vic Valencia Victor Victor Victor
Watch Willie William Washington William William Whisky
X-Ray Xerxes X-Ray Xanthippe X-Ray X-Ray X-Ray
Yoke Yellow Yorker Yokohama Yoke Young Yankee
Zed Zebra Zebra Zurich Zebra Zebra Zulu

Table 12: International Standard 8601

Promulgated by the International Standards Organization in 1988 (see Date & Time Notation) this stan-
dard runs to some 35 pages, but only its salient points will be covered here.
Date notation: Is required to be in the numerical format YYYY-MM-DD, where YYYY is the Gregorian
calendar year, MM is the month, and DD the day. This offers the advantages of:
379 Tables

Being easily readable and writeable by computer software, with no alpha-numeric conversions required
(e.g. for months).
Easily comparable and sortable by string comparison, especially if separators are eliminated as in YYYYM-
Simplied keyboard entry and table layout due to constant length.
Cannot be confused with other date notations.
Identical to notations already used in China, Hungary, Japan, Korea, Scandinavia, and elsewhere.
Consistent with time notation by moving progressively from larger to smaller units.
The standard also allows the Gregorian format to be replaced by ordinal dates, shown as YYYY-DDD where
DDD is day of the year. For example, 2008-366 is the last day of the leap year starting 2008-001.
In some areas of industrial planning (shift scheduling, delivery timing, packaging date, for example) it is
preferable to know the week and day. ISO 8601 expresses this as YYYY-Wd where d is day-of-the-week, and W
is week-of-the-year (usually 52, but some years go into a 53rd). For example, reading right-to-left, 2006W152
signies Tuesday (the 2nd day) in the fteenth week of 2006. The system can easily be expanded for histori-
ans and archaeologists, for example by adding digits to the year eld while BC or BCE can be replaced by
a minus sign (-10000 for instance).
Time notation: ISO 8601 species the format hh:mm, where hh is the number of complete hours since mid-
night (from 00 to 24), and mm is the number of complete minutes since the start of the incomplete hour (from
00 to 59). For example, 4:30 AM becomes 04:30 (or 0430) while 4:30 PM becomes 16:30 (or 1630). This is the
notation traditionally used by military forces and in virtually all parts of the world beyond English-speaking coun-
tries, since many other languages do not even have equivalents for AM/PM). Its advantages include most of
those listed under date notation, plus:
The number of complete seconds since the start of the minute (also from 00 to 59) can be appended when
this level of precision is required, making the format hh:mm:ss. If this is not sufcient, the notation can
be made innitely precise by using decimals. For example, hh:mm:ss.sss would be accurate to the near-
est one-thousandth of a second.
The notation also allows distinction between beginning and ending midnights. For example, 2006-03-
05 24:00 and 2006-03-06 00:00 refer to precisely the same moment in time. (In practice, however, this
distinction is seldom required, and it is conventional to avoid ambiguity by using 00:00 rather than
24:00 to represent midnight).
It is consistent with date notation and can be combined with it to move progressively from most signicant
to least signicant unit, the combined format to the nearest second being YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
When date and time are stored together in a single data eld without dashes, colons, or a space as sepa-
rators, ISO suggests dividing them with a capital T as in 20060731T1745 (5:45 PM on 31st July 2006).

Table 13: Comparative Ofcer Ranks

British Royal Navy U.S. Navy and Coast Guard British Army & Royal Marines1 U.S. Army & Marine Corps
Cadet2 Midshipman (USN)2 Cadet2 Cadet (USA)
Cadet (USCG)2 Midshipman (USMC)
Midshipman2 Ensign 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant
Sub-Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant 1st Lieutenant
(junior grade)
Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Captain
Lt-Commander Lt-Commander Major Major
Commander Commander Lt-Colonel Lt-Colonel
Captain Captain Colonel Colonel
Commodore Rear Admiral Brigadier Brigadier General
(lower half )
Rear Admiral Rear Admiral Major General Major General
(upper half )
Vice-Admiral Vice-Admiral Lt-General3 Lt-General
Admiral Admiral General General
Admiral of the Fleet4 Fleet Admiral4 Field Marshal4 General of the Army4
1. Royal Marines rank one grade higher when aoat.
2. Not a commissioned rank.
3. The Commandant of Royal Marines is normally a Lieutenant General.
4. Currently dormant.
Tables 380

Table 14: NATO and United States Rank Codes

NATO British Army U.S. U.S. Army
Rank & Rank &
Code Royal Navy Royal Marines Code U.S. Navy Marine Corps
OF-10 Admiral of the Fleet Field Marshal O-11 Fleet Admiral General of the Army
OF-9 Admiral General O-10 Admiral General
OF-8 Vice-Admiral Lieutenant General O-9 Vice Admiral Lieutenant General
OF-7 Rear-Admiral Major General O-8 Rear Admiral Upper Half Major General
OF-6 Commodore captain1 Brigadier O-7 Rear Admiral Lower Half Brigadier General
OF-5 Captain Colonel2 O-6 Captain Colonel
OF-4 Commander Lieutenant Colonel2 O-5 Commander Lieutenant Colonel
OF-3 Lieutenant Commander Major2 O-4 Lieutenant Commander Major
OF-2 Lieutenant Captain2 O-3 Lieutenant Captain
OF-1 Sub-Lieutenant Second Lieutenant2 O-2 Lieutenant (jg) First Lieutenant
O-1 Ensign Second Lieutenant
WO-5 W-5 Chief Warrant Ofcer (5)
WO-4 W-4 Chief Warrant Ofcer (4)
WO-3 W-3 Chief Warrant Ofcer (3)
WO-2 W-2 Chief Warrant Ofcer (2)
OR-9 Warrant Ofcer (1) Warrant Ofcer (1) E-9 Master Chief Petty Ofcer Sergeant Major
OR-8 Warrant Ofcer (2) Quartermaster Sergeant E-8 Senior Chief Petty Ofcer Master/First Sergeant
OR-7 Chief Petty Ofcer Colour Sergeant E-7 Chief Petty Ofcer Gunnery Sergeant
OR-6 Petty Ofcer Sergeant E-6 Petty Ofcer First Class Staff Sergeant
OR-5 E-5 Petty Ofcer Second Class Sergeant
OR-4 Leading Rate Corporal E-4 Petty Ofcer Third Class Corporal
OR-3 Able Rate Lance Corporal E-3 Seaman Lance Corporal
OR-2 Ordinary Rate Marine E-2 Seaman Apprentice Private First Class
OR-1 Junior Rate E-1 Seaman Recruit Private
1. With six years seniority.
2. Royal Marines rank one grade higher when aoat.

Table 15: The Evolution of United States Navy Ofcer Titles

Listed in Order of Seniority and Succession to Command
1775: Captain, Lieutenants,1 Boatswain,2 Masters Mate. Gunner,2 Carpenter,2 Midshipman.
1794: Captain, Lieutenants, Sailing Master, Boatswain, Masters Mate, Gunner, Carpenter, Midshipman.
1806: Captain, Master Commandant, Lieutenants, Sailing Master, Masters Mate, Boatswain, Gunner, Car-
penter, Midshipman.
1815: Captain, Commander,3 Lieutenants, Master,4 Masters Mate, Boatswain, Gunner, Carpenter, Midship-
1837: Captain, Commander, Lieutenants, Master, Passed Midshipman, Warranted Masters Mate, Boatswain,
1852: Captain, Commander, Lieutenants, Master, Passed Midshipman, Midshipman, Boatswain.
1862: Rear Admiral, Commodore,5 Captain, Commander, Lieutenant Commander,6 Lieutenants, Master, En-
sign, Passed Midshipman, Midshipman.
1882: Admiral, Vice-Admiral, Commodore,7 Captain, Commander, Lieutenant, Lieutenant (jg ),8 Ensign,
Ensign (jg ),9 Naval Cadet.10
1902: Admiral of the Navy,11 Admiral, Vice-Admiral, Rear Admiral, Captain, Commander, Lieutenant Com-
mander, Lieutenants, Lieutenant (jg), Ensign, Midshipman.12
1944: Fleet Admiral ,13 Admiral, Vice-Admiral, Rear Admiral, Commodore,14 Captain, Commander, Lieuten-
ant Commander, Lieutenant, Lieutenant (jg), Ensign, Midshipman.
1982: Admiral, Vice-Admiral, Rear Admiral, Commodore Admiral,15 Captain, Commander, Lieutenant Com-
mander, Lieutenants, Lieutenant (jg), Ensign, Midshipman.
2008: Admiral, Vice-Admiral, Rear Admiral, Rear Admiral (lower half ), Captain, Commander, Lieutenant
Commander, Lieutenants, Lieutenant (jg), Ensign, Midshipman.
1. Listed in order of seniority (succession to command).
2. Note progressively diminishing status of traditional standing ofcers.
3. Formerly master commandant.
4. Formerly sailing master.
5. Previously the courtesy title of a captain commanding a squadron.
6. Previously a senior lieutenant in charge of a smaller vessel had been called lieutenant commanding.
381 Tables

7. The rank was abolished in 1899.

8. Formerly master.
9. Formerly passed midshipman, the rank was later abandoned
10. Formerly midshipman.
11. Special rank created for Admiral Dewey, never again awarded.
12. Title reinstated.
13. Special rank created for the victorious commanders of World War II. Placed in abeyance thereafter. See section 8.
14. Reinstated for World War II and abandoned in 1947.
15. Created in response to Army and Air Force complaints that naval promotions leapfrogged one-star rank. Changed to com-
modore in 1983 and rear admiral (lower half ) in 1985.

Table 16: Equivalent U.S. and Foreign Naval Ofcer Ranks

NATO United States France Germany Italy Russia China
OF-10 Fleet Admiral Grossadmiral Grande Amiraglio Admiral Flota
OF-9 Admiral Amiral Admiral Ammiraglio dArmata Admiral Shang Jiang
OF-8 Vice Admiral Vice Amiral Vizadmiral Ammariglio di Squadra Vitse-Admiral Zhong Jiang
OF-7 Rear Admiral Contre Amiral Konteradmiral Contrammiraglio Kontr-Admiral Shao Jiang
OF-6 Rear Admiral Chef dEscadre Kommodore Commodoro Da Xiao
(Lower half )
OF-5 Captain Capitaine Kapitn Capitano di Vascello Kapitan Shang Xiao
de Vaisseau zur See pervogo ranga
OF-4 Commander Capitaine Fregatten Capitano Kapitan Zhong Xiao
de Frgate Kapitn di Fregatta vtorogo ranga
OF-3 Lieutenant Capitaine Korvettenkapitn Capitano Kapitan- Kapitan
Commander de Corvette Kapitnleutnant di Corvetta leytenant tretyego ranga
OF-2 Lieutenant Lieutenant Oberleutnant Tenente Starshiy Shang Wei
de Vaisseau zur See di Vascello leytenant
OF-1 Lieutenant (jg) Enseigne Leutnant Sottotenente Leytenant Zhong Wei
de Vaisseau zur See di Vascello
Ensign Aspirant Fhnrich Guardiamarina Mladshiy Shao Wei

Table 17: Boxing the Compass

# Compass point Abbreviation True heading
1 North N 0.00
2 North by east NbE 11.25
3 North-northeast NNE 22.50
4 Northeast by north NEbN 33.75
5 Northeast NE 45.00
6 Northeast by east NEbE 56.25
7 East-northeast ENE 67.50
8 East by north EbN 78.75
9 East E 90.00
10 East by south EbS 101.25
11 East-southeast ESE 112.50
12 Southeast by east SEbE 123.75
13 Southeast SE 135.00
14 Southeast by south SEbS 146.25
15 South-southeast SSE 157.50
16 South by east SbE 168.75
17 South S 180.00
18 South by west SbW 191.25
19 South-southwest SSW 202.50
20 Southwest by south SWbS 213.75
21 Southwest SW 225.00
22 Southwest by west SWbW 236.25
23 West-southwest WSW 247.50
24 West by south WbS 258.75
25 West W 270.00
26 West by north WbN 281.25
27 West-northwest WNW 292.50
28 Northwest by west NWbW 303.75
Tables 382

# Compass point Abbreviation True heading

29 Northwest NW 315.00
30 Northwest by north NWbN 326.25
31 North-northwest NNW 337.50
32 North by west NbW 348.75

Beavis, Bill. Salty Dog Talk: The Nautical Origins of _____. Ship to Shore: A Dictionary of Everyday Words
Everyday Expressions. London: Grenada, 1983. and Phrases Derived from the Sea. Campden,
Bowen, Frank Charles. Sea Slang: A Dictionary of ME: International Marine, 1993, rptd. 2004.
Old Timers Expressions and Epithets. London: Kemp, Peter, ed. The Oxford Companion to Ships &
Samson Low, Marston, 1929. the Sea: London: Oxford University Press, 1976.
Bridges, T.C. The Book of the Sea. London: Harrap, Layton, Cyril Walter Thomas. Dictionary of Nauti-
1928. cal Words and Phrases. Glasgow, Scotland: Brown
Burgess, Robert. We Joined the Navy: Traditions, Cus- Sons & Ferguson, 1955.
toms and Nomenclature of the Royal Navy. Lon- Lenfestey, Tom, and Tom Lenfestey. Dictionary of
don: Black, 1943. Nautical Terms. New York: Facts on File, 1993.
Cutler, Deborah W. & Thomas J. A Dictionary of Mack, William P. Naval Ceremonies, Customs, and
Naval Terms. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute, Traditions. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute,
2005. 1980.
Degler, Teri. Scuttlebutt and Other Expressions of McKenna, Robert. Dictionary of Nautical Literacy.
Nautical Origin. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: Camden, ME: International Marine, 2001.
Eastern Producers Prairie, 1989. Morris, James, and Kearns, Patricia. Historical Dic-
Department of Defense. Dictionary of Military and tionary of the U.S. Navy. London: Scarecrow,
Associated Terms. Washington, D.C., 2007. 1998.
Falconer, William. An Universal Dictionary of the NATO Standardization Agency. Glossary of Terms
Marine. London, 1780, rptd. National Library and Denitions. Brussels, Belgium, 2007.
of Australia, 2004. Par, Ambroise. On Monsters and Marvels. Chicago:
Hamersly, Lewis Randolph. A Naval Encyclopdia: University of Chicago Press, 1982.
Comprising a Dictionary of Nautical Words and Parry, M.H. Aak to Zumbra: A Dictionary of the
Phrases; Biographical Notices, and Records of Worlds Watercraft. Newport News, VA: Mari-
Naval Ofcers; Special Articles of Naval Art and ners Museum, 2000.
Science. Boston (?), 1884. Smyth, Admiral W.H. The Sailors Word-book. Lon-
Hendrickson, Robert. Encyclopedia of Word and don, 1887, rptd. Conway Maritime, 2005.
Phrase Origins. New York: Facts on File, 1987. Stein, Jess, ed. Dictionary of the English Language,
Isil, Olivia A. When a Loose Cannon Flogs a Dead unabridged edition. New York : Random
Horse Theres the Devil to Pay: Seafaring Words House, 1966.
in Everyday Speech. Campden, ME: Interna- Watson, Bruce, and Susan Watson. United States
tional Marine, 1956. Navy: A Dictionary. New York: Garland, 1991.
Jeans, Peter D. Seafaring Lore & Legend: A Miscel-
lany of Maritime Myth, Superstition, Fable, and
Fact. Campden, ME : International Marine,


This index references items such as people, ships, and deities, many of which
will not be found through the alphabetical sequencing of dictionary entries.
It also provides pointers to groups of like items, such as Sea Serpents and
monsters and Laws and conventions of the sea.

Abel (Biblical character) 91 Armstrong, Neil (astronaut) 31 Benson, Arthur (lyricist) 235
Adams, Arthur (eyewitness) 13 Arne, Thomas (composer) 235 Berlin, Irving (composer) 235
Adams, Frances Fanny (murder Arthur (legendary British king) 113 Berossus (Babylonian priest) 223
victim) 113, 317 Asherah (Phoenician goddess) 69 Berthon, Edward (inventor) 41
Adder (RN warship) 259 Astute (RN submarine class) 308 Billy Rufan see Bellerophon
Admiral Popov (Russian warship) 19 Atargatis (Assyrian deity) 198 Bird, Jonathan (eyewitness) 367
Admiralty law see Laws and con- Athena (Greek deity) 20 Birdwood, William (Australian sol-
ventions of the sea Atlantic (WWII naval battle) 4, 21, dier) 132
Aeolus (Greek/Roman deity) 136 25, 31, 61, 110, 268, 342, 360 Birkenhead (RN warship) 360
Aesir (Viking deities) 219 Atlas (Greek deity) 116 Birmingham (USN warship) 212
Agwe (Haitian deity) 353 Atlas (RN warship) 116 Blackmore, Paula (authors wife) 5
Ahto (Finnish deity) 353 Australia (Australian warship) 169 Blackwall frigate (merchantman
Alabama (CSN warship) 22 Avalanche (French warship) 93 class) 43, 161
Alabama (USN warship) 22 Blake, Robert (British Parliamen-
Albatross (bird) 22, 91, 206, 208, Bacchante (RN warship) 124 tary naval ofcer) 215
239, 349 Baden-Baden (German rotator ship) Blazer (RN warship) 44
Albert Edward (Prince of Wales) 41 121 Bligh, William (RN ofcer) 10, 44,
Albert Victor (Prince of Wales) 125 Baldwin, John (USN ofcer) 5 51
Alcibiades (Athenian naval ofcer) Balfour, George (USN surgeon) Bomford, George (US soldier) 271
146 316 Bonaparte, Napoleon (French
Alecton (French warship) 22, 368 Baline, Israel see Berlin, Irving Emperor) 7, 68, 154, 188, 209
Alexander, Harold (British soldier) Ballard (shipmaster) 85, 370 Bone (RN boatswain) 49
26, 201 Baltic (liner) 45 Bonhomme Richard (Continental
Alfred the Great (Saxon king) 235, Barbara (German rotator ship) 121 Navy warship) 81
268, 275, 276 Barneld, Richard (poet) 198 Boreas (Greek deity) 50, 79, 136,
Allen, Dave (comedian) 128 Barracuda (French submarine class) 358
Alliance (Continental Navy warship) 308 Borei (Russian submarine class) 308
81 Barras, Paul de (French naval Boskerck, Francis Van (USCG
Alligator (RN warship) 259 ofcer) 347 ofcer) 190
America (yacht) 23 Barrington, George (writer) 124 Bothwell (Scottish ducal family)
American Bureau of Shipping Bartley, James (seaman) 35, 36, 167 189
(classication society) 13, 17, 23, Batavia (Dutch merchantman) 10, Bounty (RN warship) 10, 11, 44, 45,
97, 287 36, 210 50, 210
Amphitrite (Greek/Roman deity) Bates, Katherine (lyricist) 235 Bouseld, E. L. (scientist) 60
25, 26, 136, 145, 218, 225, 246 Battle of Britain (WW2) 3, 48, 319 Bouyer (French naval ofcer) 22
Amy (monster) 60 Bay of Pigs (battle) 38 Boyce, William (composer) 190
Andrew Doria (USN warship) 211 Beaked whale 38 Brady, C. P. (USCG ofcer) 62
Anemoi (Greek deities) 136 Bears see Neptunes Bears Braunschweig (German warship
Anguta (Inuit deity) 353 Beaufort, Francis (RN ofcer) 39 class) 309
Anson, George (RN ofcer) 278 Beaufort, Thomas (English duke) Bremen (German cruise ship) 264
Antoninus (Roman Emperor) 260 184 Brendan (abbot and explorer) 53,
Apam Napat (Hindu deity) 353 Bedford (English Duchess) 339 54, 365
Aphrodite (Greek deity) 26 Bell, J.L. (historian) 41 Bridport (English town) 5, 54
Archersh (USN submarine) 315 Belleisle (RN warship) 59 Briggs, Benjamin (shipmaster) 194
Argo (ancient Greek vessel) 27 Bellerophon (RN warship) 154, 166, Briggs, Sarah 194
Argus (USN warship) 290 249 Briggs, Sophia 194
Arizona (USN warship) 27, 236 Bennington (USN aircraft carrier) Brighid (Irish deity) 353
Ark Royal (RN aircraft carrier) 211 205 Brighton (British shipmaster) 135

Index 386

Brimstone (code name) 201 Chaucer, Geoffrey (writer) 8, 155, Crippen, Harvey (murderer) 86
Britannia (Roman deity) 12, 234, 165 Crippens Curse 86
235 Cheops (Egyptian Pharaoh) see Crisp, Samuel (writer) 41
Britannia, Royal Naval College 144 Khufu Crisp, Sophia (Samuels sister) 41
Broke, Philip (RN ofcer) 100 Chesapeake (USN warship) 71, 100, Crocodile (RN warship) 259
Brown, J. T. (eyewitness) 60 315 Cromwell, Oliver (British regent)
Brunswick (English duke) 116 Christ see Jesus 159
Brunswick (RN warship) 116 Christian, Fletcher (RN ofcer) 51 Cromwell, Samuel (boatswains
Brunswick (Royal Norwegian Navy Churchill, Winston (politician) 26, mate) 298
tanker) 55 43, 131, 158, 167, 185, 201, 204, Cunningham, Andrew (RN ofcer)
Bucchante (RN warship) 124 288, 307, 358, 359 201
Bucentaur (Venetian state barge) City of Berlin (liner) 45 Cutbush, Edward (USN surgeon)
54, 56 City of Paris (liner) 45 123
Bullen, Richard (RN ofcer) 119 Clancy, Tom (writer) 66 Cutler, Deborah (writer) 15
Bungs, Jimmy (nickname) 82, 167 Clarence, Duke (RN ofcer) see Cutter 101 (Canadian Coastguard)
Burdett, Robert (lyricist) 57 William IV 285
Burford (RN warship) 208 Clark, Mark (US soldier) 26 Cyclops (one-eyed giant) 293
Burney, Fanny (writer) 41 Clarke, Shadwell (British Soldier)
Burney, James (RN ofcer) 41 15 Ddalus (RN warship) 90, 91, 369
Burr, Charles (lyricist) 190 Class 214 (Greek submarine class) Dahlgren, John (USN ofcer) 90,
Burrough, Harold (RN ofcer) 221 129 231
Bush, George W. (US President) Claudius (Roman Emperor) 214 Dahul (Corsair Reis) 89
119 Clauss, Gunther (German scientist) Dalton, John (writer) 124
Bushnell, David (inventor) 203 264 Damme, Ramhout van 124
Buttereld, Daniel (US soldier) 57 Clerke, John (writer) 89, 216 Dana, Richard (writer) 7, 126, 220
Buys-Ballot, Christophorus (mete- Clinton, Henry (British soldier) 12, Daniels, Josephus (US Navy Secre-
orologist) 59 347 tary) 88, 302, 327
Buzzard (RN warship) 248 Cobra (RN warship) 259 Daphne (American warship) 90
Bye, Jan de (cabin boy) 36 Cockburn, George (RN ofcer) Darcy, Henri (French engineer)
Byng, John (RN ofcer) 196 209 242
Codrington, Edward (RN ofcer) Davey Jones see Davy Jones
Caesar, Julius (Roman soldier) 131, 216 Davies (RN ofcer) 125
190, 234 Coelanth (ancient sh) 207 Davis, Charles (USN ofcer) 312
Cain (Biblical character) 91 Cold War 8, 76, 85, 162, 214, 300 Davis, Edward (professor) 36
Caine (ctitious USN warship) 10 Collingwood, Cuthbert (RN ofcer) Davis, John (inventor) 32
Callinicus (Syrian architect) 139 363 Davy Jones (Oceanic end) 12, 22,
Campbell, Dennis (RN ofcer) 25 Colorado (USN warship class) 108 91, 105, 108, 126, 180, 182, 190,
Campbell (seaman) 107 Columbus, Christopher (explorer) 218, 349
Campbeltown (RN warship) 111 54, 64, 146, 204, 224, 275 Dawson, Nancy (ctitious charac-
Camperdown (naval battle) 44 Congress (USN warship) 209 ter) 211
Carey, Mother (ctitious character) Connor, David (USN ofcer) 146 Decatur, Stephan (USN ofcer) 338
22, 91, 196, 208, 239, 312 Constitution (USN warship) 80, Dcide (French warship) 93, 370
Carlson, James (USCG ofcer) 62 228, 315 Dei Gratia (British merchantman)
Carney (RN ofcer) 64 Conti, Nicolo da (merchant) 204 194
Carney, Robert (USN ofcer) 202 Cook, James (explorer) 155, 204, Delphic Oracle (Greek seer) 361
Carroll A. Deering (US merchant- 246, 278 Derketo (Phoenician deity) 198
man) 62 Cooper, James Fenimore (writer) Derrick, Thomas (hangman) 96
Casey, Silas (US soldier) 146 298 Descharges (French shipwright) 143
Castlereagh, Lord (politician) 44 Copenhagen (naval battle) 44 Det Norske Veritas (classication
Catalonia (Spanish high-speed Cordingly, David (writer) 249 society) 10, 23, 97, 287
ferry) 145 Coriolis, Gaspard (mathematician) Devil see Satan
Cat-Link V (Danish high-speed 83 Dew, Walter (police inspector) 86
ferry) 45, 145 Corneliszoon, Jeronimus (Dutch Dewey, George (USN ofcer) 19,
Cetaceans (marine mammals) 45, seaman) 36 381
67, 194, 299, 370; see also indi- Cornwallis, Charles (British soldier) Diana (British princess) 307
vidual species 12, 347 Diana (Roman deity) 56
Challenger II (British survey ship) Cornwallis, William (RN ofcer) 49 Dickens, Charles (writer) 249
68 Coston, Benjamin (inventor) 83, Diesel, Rudolph (engineer) 97
Charles I (British king) 46, 268 180, 185, 346 Diocletian (Roman Emperor) 110
Charles II (British king) 139, 145, Cousteau, Jacques (explorer) 27 Dione (Greek deity) 26
170, 267, 268, 321, 327, 362 Cousteau, Jacques-Yves (inventor) Director (RN warship) 44
Charon (mythological Greek ferry- 334 Disraeli, Benjamin (British politi-
man) 206 Cowan, James (seaman) 174 cian) 3
Charrier, Bertrand (inventor) 334 Craig (eyewitness) 16 Dogon (Philistine deity) 353
Charybdis (mythical whirlpool) 41, Craig-Gowan (Scottish trawler) 85, Dolphins 13, 24, 53, 67, 100, 116,
359 370 180, 194, 199, 244, 308, 369, 370
387 Index

Dorey, Darrel (eyewitness) 284 Fish (aquatic animal) 13, 70, 103, Gotland (Swedish submarine class)
Douglas, Charles (RN ofcer) 122 116, 118, 126, 141, 167, 184, 198, 308, 311
Douglas, Percy (RN ofcer) 101 199, 207, 219, 223, 225, 227, Gould, Charles (writer) 106
Dowling, Jack (boatman) 369 261, 276, 280, 290, 298, 299, Gounod, Charles (composer) 189
Doyle, Arthur (writer) 13, 191 331, 333, 334, 357, 363, 367, Graaff, Johannes de (Dutch colonial
Dragon (RN warship) 259 370 governor) 212
Drake, Francis (British seaman) 72, Fisher, John (RN ofcer) 102 Granby (Canadian warship) 285
95, 102, 193 Flann (Saint) 107 Grasse, Franois de (French naval
Drevar, George (British shipmaster) Fletcher, Frank (USN ofcer) 200 ofcer) 347
369 Flettner, Anton (engineer) 121 Graves, Thomas (RN ofcer) 347
Drift (US survey vessel) 369 Flinders, Mathew (RN ofcer) 122 Great Britain (high speed ferry) 145
Dubois (English tradeswoman) 246 Flying Dutchman 12, 88, 124, 134, Great sh (biblical creature) 167
Ducat, James (lighthouse man) 107 135, 177, 222 Great Harry (English warship) 143
Dundas, Henry (British politician) Fokke, Bernard (Dutch shipmaster) Great Michael (Scottish warship)
89 124, 177 143
Dundee Star (Scottish merchant- Foot, Samuel (US politician) 123 Great Western (liner) 45
man) 104 Ford, Gerald R. (US President) 121 Gregory, Hansen (American ship-
Dunkirk (battle) 104 Formidable (RN warship) 174 master) 101
Dvorak, Vernon (scientist) 105 Formidible (Singaporean warship Grenville, William (British politi-
Dykes, John (composer) 157 class) 309 cian) 295
Forstner, Georg von (German naval Grnningster, Arne (Norwegian
Eaton, William (US naval agent) ofcer) 158 naval ofcer) 55, 172
290 Fortescue, John (writer) 268 Grotius, Hugo (philosopher) 191
Eel (snakelike sh) 106, 345, 369, Fox, Edward (British soldier) 181 Grove, William (scientist) 129
370 Frahm, H. (inventor) 127 Gutenberg, Johann (inventor) 237
Egede, Hans (eyewitness) 106 Freedom of the Seas (cruise ship) 108 Gwennan Gorn (Ancient Welsh ves-
Egedes serpent 106, 172 Fresnel, Augustin-Jean (French sci- sel) 16
Einstein, Albert (scientist) 239 entist) 128
Eldridge (USN warship) 239 Friday (RN warship) 128 Hades (Greek deity) 246
Eleano, Juan de (explorer) 346 Friday, James (RN ofcer) 128 Hadley, John (inventor) 284
Elgar, Edward (composer) 235 Frobisher, Martin (explorer) 39 Hadrian (Roman emperor) 234
Elinor of Aquitaine (English queen) Fudge, lying (British shipmaster) Hagelund, Bill (eyewitness) 60
264 129 Hakluyt, Richard (writer) 7
Elizabeth (British Queen Mother) Fujita, Theodore (US scientist) 129 Halcyon (mythical bird) 3, 144
307 Hales, Harold (entrepreneur) 45,
Elizabeth I (English queen) 63, 70, Gagnon, Emile (engineer) 27 145
105, 147, 159, 189, 238, 268 Gallipoli (battle) 4, 11, 26, 131, 173, Halkett, Peter (RN ofcer) 47
Elizabeth II (British queen) 327 214 Hall, William (shipmaster) 145
Ellicombe, Robert (US soldier) 57 Gama, Vasco da (Portuguese navi- Halsey, William (USN ofcer) 57,
Elmo, Saint see Erasmus gator) 204, 277 109, 121, 202, 231
Elokomin (USN warship) 109 Gandhi, Mahatma (Indian politi- Hamilton, Ian (British soldier) 131
Ely, Eugene (US aviator) 213 cian) 262 Hanna, S.W. (shing skipper) 367
Empress of Ireland (Canadian liner) Garrick, David (actor) 190 Hapi (Egyptian deity) 353
86, 109 Gennaro, Joseph (scientist) 368 Harding, Gwen (eyewitness) 174
Erasmus (Bishop and Saint) 110, George II (British king) 116, 339, Harding, Warren (US president)
274 358 351
Erebus (RN warship) 49 George III (British king) 56, 63 Hardingham (British merchantman)
Ericsson, John (naval architect) 206 George IV (British king) 268, 327 4
Escariot see Judas George V (British king) 124, 338 Hargood, William (RN ofcer) 59
E-ship 1 (German rotator ship) 121 Geronimo (French trimaran) 169 Harkaway (British merchantman)
Essex (US whaler) 206 Ghadir (Iranian submarine class) 230
Estres, Jean d (French naval 308 Harlequin (RN warship) 340
ofcer) 270 Ghost ships see maritime appari- Harrison, John (carpenter/inventor)
Etau (ctional sorcerer) 208 tions 72
Eugene the Jeep (fabulous animal) GhostSwimmer (Autonomous under- Harvey, Henry (RN ofcer) 152
166 water vehicle) 43, 134 Harvie (British shipmaster) 107
Eurus (Greek/Roman deity) 136 Gimlette, Thomas (RN surgeon) Hawkins, John (British shipmaster)
Excellent (British stone frigate) 134 64, 295
214 Glatton (RN warship) 44 Hearts Ease (British merchantman)
Glorious First of June (naval battle) 145
Fabri, Felix (Friar) 68 116 Heiden, Login van der (Russian
Fairley, John (writer) 367 Godfrey, Thomas (inventor) 284 naval ofcer) 216
Falconer, William (lexicographer) Goodheart, Nicholas (RN ofcer) Henderson, James (US shipmaster)
95, 362 205 90, 369
Falkenburg, von (shipmaster) 222 Gorshkov, Sergey (Russian naval Henry III (English king) 177
Farragut, David (USN ofcer) 145 ofcer) 342 Henry V (English king) 268
Index 388

Henry VII (English king) 268 Jacobszoon, Adriaen (Dutch ship- Kobukson (Korean warship) 335
Henry VIII (English king) 46, 63, master) 36 Kln Class (German warships) 75
118, 143, 189, 267, 268, 332, 347, James I (British king) 339 Kraken (monster) 55, 106, 172,
349 James IV (Scottish king) 143 263, 305, 307, 367, 368, 369
Heracles (Greek/Roman deity) 227 James, William (writer) 152 Kul (Syrian deity) 353
Hermione (RN warship) 10, 139, Jane, Fred (publisher) 166
152, 210 Janine (RN warship) 201 La Fayette (French warship class)
Herodotus (historian) 106, 274, Jason (ctitious character) 27 309
323, 361 Jeans, Peter (writer) 15 La Lutine (French warship) 185
Hesiod (writer) 26, 227 Jefferson, Thomas (US politician) Lafayette, Marie-Joseph de (French
Hesperus (lighthouse tender) 107 290 soldier) 347
Hewitt, Kent (USN ofcer) 221, Jemm (RN ofcer) see Burney Lagresville (French naval ofcer) 93
292 Jenny (British merchantman) 13, Lake Elon (US merchantman) 62
Heywood, John (writer) 159 134, 135 Lake, Simon (naval architect) 237
Hindustan (Indian warship) 262 Jephson, Habakuk (ctitious char- Lamont (seaman) 107
Hipparchus (astronomer) 29 acter) 191 Langley (USN aircraft carrier) 108
Hiroshima ( Japanese town) 4, 231 Jervis, John see St. Vincent Langley, W. H. (marine biologist)
Hiryu ( Japanese aircraft carrier) Jesus (Biblical character) 91, 108, 60
200 259 Lapland Witch (evil seer) 173
Hitler, Adolf (German dictator) Jiao Yu (Chinese soldier/inventor) Lassie (dog) 174
201, 202, 221, 346 203 Latini, Brunetto (writer) 79
Holbourne, Francis (RN ofcer) Jinks (ctitious marine ofcer) 155 Laurentic (British liner) 86
86 John Adams (USN warship) 298 Lawrence, James (USN ofcer) 100
Holman (shipmaster) 107 Johnson (British merchantman) 193 Laws and conventions of the sea 10,
Holmes, Nathaniel John (inventor) Johnston, George (British soldier) 20, 23, 25, 27, 29, 43, 63, 80,
153 44 81, 84, 85, 90, 99, 103, 111, 119,
Holmes, Sherlock (ctitious detec- Jonah (Biblical character) 36, 92, 126, 128, 144, 152, 156, 161, 162,
tive) 191 167 163, 172, 174, 175, 192, 208, 214,
Homer (poet) 4, 24, 26, 218, 227 Jones, Davy see Davy Jones 217, 218, 243, 248, 249, 259,
Hood (RN warship) 154 Jones, John Paul (USN ofcer) 81, 260, 261, 262, 264, 271, 281,
Hoover, Herbert (US President) 212 289, 319, 322, 336, 337, 340,
235, 254 Jones, Morgan (Missionary) 16 348, 355
Hope (whaler) 135 Jones, William (US politician) 209 Laws and usages of war 79, 175,
Hopkinson, Joseph (lyricist) 235 Jubilee (RN warship) 124 344
Hornet (USN warship) 290, 342 Judas (Biblical character) 91, 147 Leahy, William (USN ofcer) 121
Horus (Egyptian deity) 155, 225 Jupiter (US collier) 108 Leblond, Paul (scientist) 60
Hotchkiss, Truman (US shipmaster/ Justinian (Byzantine emperor) 260 Lehner, Susanne (scientist) 265
inventor) 234 Jutland (naval battle) 11, 37, 231 Le Neve, Ethel (Crippens para-
Hoverspeed (British high-speed mour) 86
ferry) 145 Kaiserin Victoria (German warship) LEnfant, Pierre (engineer) 342
Howe, Richard (RN ofcer) 138 370 Leo VI (Byzantine emperor) 119
Humbolt, Freinrich von (naturalist) Kaiserin Victorias monster 370 Leopard (RN warship) 71
157 Karamanli, Yusef (Bey of Tunis) Leucothea (Greek/Roman deity)
Humphries, Stephen (writer) 168 188 136
Husky (code name) 220, 230, 157, Kazin, Alfred (writer) 3 Lewis, Michael (writer) 19
201, 291 Kearsage (USN warship) 22 Lewis, Sam (lyricist) 299
Hyna (RN warship) 59 Kelpie (Celtic spirit) 169 Lexington (USN aircraft carrier
Hynes, W.P. (RN ofcer) 369 Kemp, F. W. (eyewitness) 60 class) 108
Kendall, Henry (British shipmaster) Leyburn, William de (RN ofcer)
I-168 ( Japanese submarine) 201 86 19
Iberian (British merchantman) 158 Kennedy, John (US President) 158, Libera Nos (Dutch merchantman)
Ibrahim (Egyptian naval ofcer) 185, 276 177
216 Kersauson, Olivier de (eyewitness) Liberty ship (US merchantman class)
Illustrious (RN aircraft carrier) 205 169 178
Indomitable (RN aircraft carrier) Key, Francis (lyricist) 235 Liddell Hart, Basil (writer) 16
205 Keyes, Roger (RN ofcer) 319 Lincoln, Abraham (US President)
International Maritime Organiza- Khufu (Egyptian pharaoh) 71, 107, 276, 307, 308
tion 108, 159, 163, 240, 270, 374 170 Lind, James (physician) 278
Irwin, Grandy (eyewitness) 284 Killam, John (British shipmaster, Lioness (schooner) 360
Isherwood, Benjamin (USN also his widow) 36 Lizard (RN warship) 259
ofcer/inventor) 165 King, Ernest (USN ofcer) 121, 342 Lloyd, Edward (caterer) 181
Itzama (Mayan deity) 353 Kipling, Rudyard (writer) 360 Lloyds (marine insurance market)
Kitchen, Jack (RN ofcer/inventor) 181, 185, 193, 205
Jackson, Andrew (US president) 170 Lloyds Register (ship classication
341 Knott, Nathaniel (writer) 39 society) 16, 23, 97, 182, 192,
Jacob (biblical character) 166 Knut, Sveisson (Danish king) 268 223, 243, 287, 346
389 Index

Llyr (Welsh deity) 353 Mauretania (British liner) 45 Mullen, Michael (USN ofcer) 135
Loch Ness monster 367, 370 Maury, Mathew (USN ofcer) 290 Murray, David (British politician)
Logan, James (merchant ofcer) McArthur, Donald (lighthouseman) 212
128 107 Murrell, William (writer) 123
Longfellow, Henry (writer) 288, McBride, David (writer) 278 Musashi ( Japanese warship) 177,
289 Meade-Waldo, Edmund (eyewit- 315
Loos, Wouter (Dutch soldier) 36 ness) 345 Mussolini, Benito (Italian dictator)
Lorelei (German deities) 199 Melusine (French deity) 198 191, 201, 202
Lottman, George (composer) 190 Melville (English Lord) see Dun- Mutiny 10, 28, 36, 44, 50, 85, 100,
Louis VII (French king) 264 das, Henry 122, 138, 152, 193, 210, 221, 262,
Lucas, Clayton (US soldier) 26 Melville, Herman (writer) 206 266, 282, 298, 302, 341,
Luftwaffe (Nazi German air force) Menzies, Gavin (historian) 204
4 Mercator, Gerhardus (cartographer) Nagasaki ( Japanese town) 4
Lusitania (British liner) 45 198 Nansen (Norwegian warship class)
Lutine (RN warship) 185 Merlin (ctitious magician) 113 75
Lutine Bell 185 Mermaid 13, 1989, 207, 279, 369 Napoleon (French emperor) see
Lyle, David (inventor) 185 Merman 199, 369 Bonaparte
Mevagissey (English shing village) Napoleonic Wars 78, 82, 114, 139,
Macarthur, John (merchant) 44 3 141, 157, 159, 195, 200, 216, 230,
Macdonald, Allan (buoymaster) 107 Michelangelo (Italian liner) 263 241, 249, 268, 279, 313, 359
Macdonald, Janet (writer) 125 Mickey (cartoon mouse) 200 Nastyface, Jack (pseudonym) 165
Macedonia (USN warship) 338 Midway (naval battle) 8, 11, 83, Nautilus (USN warship) 290
Machiavelli, Niccol (writer) 288 200, 213, 231 Navarino (naval battle) 12, 216
Mackenzie, Alexander (USN ofcer) Miles, Alfred (USN ofcer) 190 Nelson, Horatio (RN ofcer) 7, 11,
298 Millar, Andrew (crimp) 25 42, 44, 54, 55, 59, 63, 125, 139,
Madoc (Prince of Snowdon) 16 Mincemeat (code name) 201 160, 192, 204, 205, 216, 218, 282,
Magellan, Ferdinand (explorer) Minerva (Roman deity) 234 320, 346, 349, 356
204, 231, 277, 346 Ming, Xiao Zong (Chinese Neptune (Code name) 87
Magnicent (RN warship) 75 Emperor) 204 Neptune (Roman deity) 12, 32, 54,
Magnus, Heinrich (scientist) 121, Ming, Zhu Di (Chinese Emperor) 133, 136, 144, 145, 180, 218, 234,
187 204 246, 332, 358
Magnus, Olaus (eyewitness) 298 Missouri (USN warship) 202 Neptunes Bears (ceremonial crea-
Mainwaring, Henry (writer) 331 Mitscher, Marc (USN ofcer) 227 tures) 180
Maitland, Frederick (RN ofcer) Moby Dick (ctitious whale) 206 Nerus (Greek deity) 218, 227
154 Mocha Dick (whale) 206 New York (US paddleboat) 308
Malavard, Lucien (inventor) 334 Mo-Hou-Lo-Chia (Chinese deity) Newbolt, Henry (poet) 102
Manadon (RN Engineering Col- 353 Newton, Isaac (scientist) 324
lege) 4 Mollymawk (bird) 206, 239 Nicholas II (Russian Czar) 334
Manannan (Celtic deity) 189 Moltke, Helmuth von (German Nickerson (Canadian trawler) 284
Manatee (aquatic mammal) 369 strategist) 205 Nicodemus (RN warship) 119
Mangin, Arthur (scientist) 22 Momsen (USN warship) 206 Nicoll, Michael (eyewitness) 345
Manila Bay (naval battle) 19 Momsen, Charles (USN ofcer) 206 Nile Delta (naval battle) 12, 280
Mann, George (USN ofcer) 290 Monitor (USN warship) 206 Nimitz, Chester (USN ofcer) 121,
Manning (USCG cutter) 62 Monro, Charles (British soldier) 131 133
Mara (Latvian deity) 353 Monsarrat, Nicholas (writer) 125 9/11 see World Trade Center
Marie Celeste (ctional vessel) 12, Monsters of the sea see Sea serpents Njord (Scandinavian deity) 91, 219,
191 and monsters 353
Maritime apparitions 12, 16, 33, Montgomery, Bernard (British sol- Noble, Charles (British shipmaster)
44, 62, 87, 88, 104, 124, 134, 135, dier) 202 70, 290
177, 178, 194, 222, 364 Montrose (Canadian liner) 86 Normandie (French liner) 45, 108
Maritime law see Laws and con- Moore, Joe (lighthouseman) 107 Normandy (battle) 11, 38, 87, 92,
ventions of the sea Morehead, Alan (writer) 131 102, 131, 202, 210, 218, 221, 230,
Marlborough (British merchantman) Morehouse, David (shipmaster) 194 244, 292
193 Morgan, le Fay (ctitious sorceress) Norton, Oliver (bugler) 57
Marryat, Frederick (writer) 208 113 Norwegian Dawn (Norwegian mer-
Marshall, Thomas (lighthouseman) Morris, Charles (USN ofcer) 209 chantman) 264
107 Moses (biblical character) 208 Notus (Greek/Roman deity) 136
Martin (ctitious Royal Marine) Mother Careys chicken see Petrel Nubian (RN warship) 364
201 Mother of the Dragon (Chinese Nunes, Pedro (mathematician) 260
Martin, Betty (ctitious character) deity) 174 Nye, Archibald (British soldier)
41 Mountbatten, Louis (RN ofcer) 201
Martinet, Jean (French soldier) 193 201
Mary Celeste (British merchantman) MQuahe, Peter (RN ofcer) 90, Oannes (Sumerian deity) 223
12, 134, 191, 194 369 Oarsh (sea creature) 267
Mary Rose (English warship) 143 Mulberry (Code name) 87, 210, OBannon, Presley (USMC ofcer)
Mary II (English queen) 139 221, 244 188, 290
Index 390

OBrien, Ron (Canadian police- Pilgrim (US merchantman) 220 Rescue (wrecker ship) 62
man) 285 Piquet, LaMotte (French naval Reyne, Cecil (RN ofcer) 221
Ocean Ranger (oil rig) 263 ofcer) 212 Rhiryd (Irish Lord) 16
Oceanide (Greek/Roman deity) 26, Pitot, Henri (French engineer) 242 Richard I, the Lionheart (English
225 Plato (writer) 288 king) 193, 229, 251, 264
Oceanus (Greek/Roman deity) 24, Platt (shipmaster) 370 Richardson, Albert (merchant
136, 224, 225, 261 Plautus (playwright) 133 ofcer) 194
Oconostota (Cherokee chief ) 16 Player, J. H. (inventor) 153 Richelieu, Louis de (French soldier)
Octopus (sea creature) 368 Plimsoll, Samuel (British politician) 196
Odenwald (German raider) 249 243 Rigny, Henri de (French naval
Odin see Wotan Pliny (writer) 281 ofcer) 216
Odysseus (ctitious Greek seafarer) Plutarch (writer) 226 River Plate (naval battle) 37, 244
41, 228 Pluto (code name) 221, 244 Robinson (Crippens pseudonym)
Offenbach, Jacques (composer) 189 Pontoppidan, Eric (eyewitness) 172 86
Ohio (USN submarine class) 332 Pontus (Greek deity) 227, 245 Robinson, Andrew (shipbuilder)
Old Ironsides see Constitution Pope, Alexander (writer) 220 276
Old Man of the Sea 218, 227, 245, Popeye (ctitious character) 166 Robinson, Isaiah (Continental Navy
251, 293 Popham, Home (RN ofcer) 216 ofcer) 211
Old Nick see Satan Popham, Hugh (RN aviator) 110 Robinson, William (writer) 165
Omaha (USN warship) 249 Popov, Andrey (Russian naval archi- Robuste (French warship) 211
Oropesa (RN warship) 229 tect) 19 Roc (ctitious bird) 294
Osborne (British royal yacht) 369 Porpoise (aquatic mammal) 67, Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste de
Osborne, Al (American scientist) 194, 199, 244, 245 (French soldier) 347
264 Porter, David Dixon (USN ofcer) Rodney, George (RN ofcer) 89,
Overlord (code name) 87, 210, 218, 192 119, 170, 212
221, 231, 244 Portunus (Roman deity) 12, 136, Rommel, Erwin (German soldier)
246 115, 202
Pacic War (WW2) 4, 8, 11, 24, 51, Poseidon (Greek deity) 12, 24, 26, Roosevelt, Franklin (US President)
65, 206, 221, 226, 230, 231, 236, 133, 136, 189, 219, 224, 246, 251, 19, 121, 158, 167, 288, 341
268, 320, 341, 342, 360 332 Roosevelt, Theodore (US President)
Paixhans, Henri (French soldier) Pound, Ron (Canadian policeman) 139, 209, 217, 342
271 284 Rose, Peter de (composer) 299
Palmon (Greek deity) 136 President (RN warship) 248 Rosenthal, Wolfgang (scientist) 264
Palatine (Dutch merchantman) 44 President (USN warship) 248 Ross, Clark (explorer) 49
Par, Ambroise (writer) 280 Presley OBannon (USN warships) Roy, Pierre Le (watchmaker) 72
Parker, Hyde (RN ofcer) 44 290 Royal George (RN warship) 116
Parker, Richard (mutineer) 138 Proteus (Greek deity) 136, 218, Ruser (German naval ofcer) 370
Patterson, David (eyewitness) 16 227, 231 Russell, Henry (composer) 189
Patton, George (US soldier) 115, Ptolemy (geographer) 23, 188 Ruyter, Michael de (Dutch naval
202 Pytheas (Greek explorer) 336 ofcer) 55
Paul V (Pope) 110
Pauline (British collier) 368 QE2 (British liner) 264 Sachsen (German warship class)
Pawoski, Krystina (hunter) 369 Queen Elizabeth (British liner) 263 309
Pearl Harbor (naval battle) 8, 27, Queen Mary (British liner) 45 Safr, Herbert (engineer) 271
38, 231, 236, 299, 320, 340 Queen Mary 2 (British liner) 75 Sahure (Egyptian pharaoh) 107
Pearson, Allan (meteorologist) 129 Queens (Canadian university) 4 Saint Elmos Fire 83, 110, 165, 274
Pedr Sant (Ancient Welsh vessel) 16 Quiberon Bay (naval battle) 7, 190 St. Jean (French warship) 185
Pekin Monster 13 St. Vincent, Lord (RN ofcer) 192,
Pelinovsky, Em (scientist) 264 Ra (Egyptian deity) 170 313, 339
Pelsaert, Francesco (Dutch mer- Ragot, Didier (eyewitness) 169 Saints see individual names
chant) 36, 37 Ra-Herakhty (Egyptian deity) see Salacia (Roman deity) 246
Penguin (RN warship) 342 Horus Salamis (naval battle) 11, 201, 231,
Pennsylvania (USN warship) 213 Raisonnable (RN warship) 63 274, 361
Pepys, Samuel (diarist) 125, 155, Raleigh, Walter (English seaman) Salisbury (English town) 3
170, 178, 321 41 Salmond, Robert (RN ofcer) 360
Pequod (ctional vessel) 206 Ramapo (US eet oiler) 354 Saltwater crocodile 158, 369
Pericles (Athenian statesman) 15 Ramsey, Bertram (RN ofcer) 292 Samson, Charles (RN aviator) 4
Periwinkle (shellsh) 360 Ran (Scandinavian deity) 256 Sandborn, Solomon (writer) 123
Persephone (Greek deity) 144 Ranger (Continental Navy warship) Sandwich (RN warship) 138
Peter (Biblical character) 239 81, 212 Santa Cecilia (Spanish warship) 152
Peterson, Alfred (eyewitness) 370 Ranger (US aircraft carrier) 221 Santa Clara (US liner) 370
Petrel (bird) 22, 91, 115, 196, 208, Red October (ctitious Soviet sub- Sargent, Epes (playwright) 189
239, 286, 312 marine) 66 Saripulazan, Raja (Malaysian naval
Philadelphia Experiment 239 Reeman, Douglas (writer) 154 ofcer) 191
Phile, Philip (composer) 235 Reprisal (Continental Navy warship) Satan (evil deity) 41, 91, 97, 177,
Pigot, Hugh, RN ofcer 152 81 222, 240
391 Index

Saumarez, Philip (RN ofcer) 339 Smith, John Stafford (composer) Terror (RN warship) 49
Saxifrage (RN warship) 248 235 Tethys (Greek deity) 136, 225
Scharnow, Ulrich (professor) 238 Smith, Nepier V. (USN ofcer) 310 Thach, John (USN aviator) 322
Schott, Caspar (illustrator) 280 Smith, Rev. Samuel (lyricist) 235 Themistocles (Athenian naval
Scylla (Greek deity) 41 Smollett, Tobias (writer) 91 ofcer) 7, 201, 361
Sea Cow (aquatic mammal) 369 Smyth, William (RN ofcer /writer) Thompson, James (lyricist) 234
Sea Hag (monster) 60 15, 20, 66, 97, 159, 293, 363 Thompson, William (writer) 39
Sea Hog (aquatic mammal) 245 Snake (RN warship) 259 Thucydides (Greek historian) 269,
Sea Horse (RN warship) 209 Solar barge (Egyptian craft) 170 323
Sea horse (sh) 279 Somers (USN warship) 10, 210, 298, Tiamat (Babylonian deity) 353
Sea Horse (RN warship) 209 299 Tibbals, Clarence (inventor) 206
Sea maiden (aquatic deity) 279 Sousa, John Philip (composer) 57, Tiny (dog) 3
Sea serpents and monsters 22, 55, 190 Titan (Greek/Roman deity) 225,
60, 85, 90, 93, 106, 158, 168, 169, Sovereign of the Seas (American clip- 246
172, 177, 207, 223, 298, 3067, per) 75 Titanic (British liner) 41, 109, 165,
310, 364, 36770 Sowerby, Paul (eyewitness) 60 250, 263, 326
Sea Shadow (USN warship) 308 Spencer, Philip (USN ofcer) 298 Tlaloque (Aztec deity) 353
Sea wolf (monster) 282 Sprite (RN warship) 185 Toothsh 22
Seaeye Falcon (research submarine) Spruance, Raymond (USN ofcer) Torch (code name) 201, 221, 231,
368 200, 226 329
Seagull (bird) 141, 281,, 322 Squid (sea creature) 22, 36, 58, 87, Trafalgar (naval battle) 7, 11, 59,
Seal (aquatic mammal) 136, 165, 106, 169, 207, 281, 305, 3067, 211, 216, 218, 231, 346
281, 283, 299 307, 310, 367, 3689 Treasure Ship (Chinese vessel) 204
Seaton, Alexander (British soldier) Star of the East (British merchant- Trestrail, John (forensic toxicolo-
360 man) 36 gist) 86
Seawolf (USN submarine class) 308 Star of the West (US merchantman) Triton (Greek deity) 136
Seiver, John (US politician) 16 306 Troubridge, Thomas (RN ofcer)
Selkie (Celtic deity) 283 Starkey, A. G. (seaman/eyewitness) 221
Seraph (British submarine) 201 306 Truman, Harry (US President) 121
Serapis (RN warship) 81 Steenstrup, Japetus (naturalist) 280 Truxtun, Thomas (USN ofcer)
Serpent (RN warship) 259 Stein (USN warship) 310 123
Seven Years War 7 Stenbit, John (US defense depart- Tsushima (naval battle) 12, 334
Sever, James (USN ofcer) 209 ment) 247 Tucson (USN warship) 202
Severin, Tim (adventurer) 53 Stirling, Robert (inventor) 311 Turtle ship see Kobukson
Shag Harbor Incident 285 Stirling Castle (RN warship) 358 Tyndall, John (scientist) 114
Shakespeare, William (playwright) Stopford, Frederick (British soldier) Type 45 (RN warship class) 309
142, 159, 279, 363 131 Types 0093/0394 (Chinese subma-
Shannon (RN warship) 100, 315 Stormy petrel (bird) 22, 115, 196, rine classes) 308
Shark (sh) 36, 60, 87, 89, 167, 208, 239, 312
180, 184, 191, 207, 208, 360, 367 Storstad (Norwegian collier) 109 U-24 (German submarine) 174
Shearwater (bird) 286 Straaten, Joost van (ctitious ship- U-28 (German submarine) 158
Shedden (ctional character) 208 master) 124 Undine (Roman deity) 353
Sheik-al-Bahr (ctitious Arabian Strabo (geographer) 336 United States (liner) 45, 145
character) 227, 293 Suffren, Pierre de (French naval United States (USN warship) 338
Sheringham (English shing village) ofcer) 89 Uranus (Greek deity) 26
3 Sultan (British stone frigate) 312
Shinano ( Japanese aircraft carrier) Surigao Strait (naval battle) 37, 86, Valhalla (British research ship) 345
325 177 Vanderdecken, Hendrick (or Cor-
Shivalik (Indian warship class) 309 Suvla Bay (battle) 26, 131, 132 nelius; ctitious shipmaster) 124
Shokalsky, Yuly (oceanographer) Sveisson, Knut (Danish king) 268 Vanguard (RN submarine class)
361 Sweyn Forkbeard (Danish king) 332
Shrapnel, Henry (British soldier) 268 Vanir (Viking deity) 219
291 Swinburne, Algernon (writer) 3 Vasa (Swedish warship) 143
Sicinnus (Athenian slave) 201 Vegetius (writer) 56
Simpson, Robert (meteorologist) Tackett, Robert (eyewitness) 310 Vernon, Edward (RN ofcer) 135,
271 Taku (British, French, German, and 139, 209, 270
Sindbad (ctitious character) 12, Russian warships) 319 Very, Edward (inventor) 346
293, 364 Talwaar (Indian warship) 262 Vhan Fredericka (Dutch merchant-
Siren (Greek deity) 199 Taranto (naval battle) 38, 236, 320 man) 349
Sirenia (aquatic mammals) 369 TChain-Ko (monster) 60 Vian, Philip (RN ofcer) 292
Sirius (British paddle steamer) 45 Tengnagel, Jan (eyewitness) 226 Victoria (British Queen) 41, 146,
Skadi (Viking deity) 219 Tennessee (British freighter) 107 307
Skjold (Norwegian warship class) Tennessee (USN warship class) 108 Victoria (Portuguese merchantman)
309 Tennyson, Alfred (poet) 367 346
Small, Elisha (seaman) 298 Teredo (shipworm) 322 Victory (RN warship) 80, 204, 218,
Smith, John (writer) 194 Tern (bird) 322 325, 346
Index 392

Victory ship (US merchantman class) Water wraith (aquatic deity) 353 Winkle (sea snail) 359
346 Waterloo (Canadian university) 4 Winston Churchill (USN warship)
Villeneuve, Pierre de (French naval Wave Sweeper (magic vessel) 189 358, 359
ofcer) 218 Webb, David (eyewitness) 60 Wood, Mike D. (undersea explorer)
Viper (RN warship) 259 Webb, DeWitt (scientist) 368 368
Virgil (writer) 281 Welfare, Simon (writer) 367 Woodall, John (surgeon) 2778
Virginia (US paddleboat) 308 Wellington (English duke) 188, World Trade Center 185
Virginia (USN submarine class) 269 Wotan (Viking deity) 91
308 Werbieki, Victor (Canadian police
Virginia Capes (naval battle) 12, 71, ofcer) 285 Xerxes (Persian Emperor) 11, 201,
347 West, Mae (movie star) 186 274
Visby (Swedish warship class) 309 Whale (aquatic mammal) 23, 26,
29, 33, 356, 38, 45, 52, 54, 55, Yahagi ( Japanese warship) 227
Wagenaer, Lucas (Dutch navigator) 60, 67, 85, 89, 106, 112, 121, 124, Yamamoto, Isoroku ( Japanese naval
349 167, 172, 180, 186, 188, 194, 206, ofcer) 200, 213, 236
Wakamiya ( Japanese aircraft carrier) 211, 225, 250, 277, 278, 293, Yamato ( Japanese warship) 226,
213 299, 300, 302, 311, 334, 349, 315
Walker, John (spy) 300 357, 364, 367, 368, 369, 370 Yemanja (Brazilian deity) 363
Walker, Matthew (master rigger) Whiting, William (poet) 157 Yemayah (Yoruba deity) 353
196 Wicks, Lambert 81 Yi, Sun-sin (Korean naval ofcer)
Wallop, John (English naval ofcer) William I (English king) 268 335
349 William III (English king) 69, 78, Yorktown (USN aircraft carrier)
Walpole, Horace (writer) 283 139 200
Wandering albatross (bird) 349 William IV (British King) 92, 327
Ward, Samuel (composer) 235 William of Brittany (writer) 56 Zephyrus (Greek/Roman deity) 136
Warwick, Ronald (British shipmas- Williamson, John (USN ofcer) Zeus (Greek deity) 20, 26, 218,
ter) 264 238 246, 336, 361
Washington, George (US President) Williamson, Norman (artist) 91 Zheng-He (Chinese naval ofcer)
121, 209, 212, 235, 307, 315, 347, Willis, Algernon (RN ofcer) 292 204
352 Wills, Archie (newspaper editor) 60 Zhu, Yu (writer) 186
Washington, J. W. (RN ofcer) Wilmott, Arthur P. (RN 0fcer) Zimmerman, Charles (USN band-
44 340 master) 190
Washington, Lawrence (RM ofcer) Wilson, Alastair (RN ofcer) 8 Ziphiidea see Beaked whale
209 Wilson, Woodrow (US politician) Zubian (RN warship) 364
Washington Conference (naval 88, 313 Zulu (RN warship) 364
treaty) 8, 88, 183, 187, 212, 213, Winkel, Norbert (German scientist) Zumwalt (USN warship class) 309
268, 328, 342, 3512 264 Zurvan (Persian deity) 353

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