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Sweetest Asha, this is for you:

go go go up to the apex of our design lifting our hands to absorb the sun's rays that illuminates the
inner chi within your eyes. we stamped our visas to enter the transdimensional oceans of distorted
space and time and yet these honest emotions that i feel are not swayed by the ether's winds.
refrigerated in our stasis pods, dead but still dreaming yet waiting for a utopian visage of self-
sustaining nature and chaos. one eternal noiseless moment and we're all that's ever existed, worlds
are woven and colours collide from the magic of a tender kiss. we've reached the climax of our
ascent. i am fortune's fool for not bringing enough fuel. our fate is writ in wet cement as our vehicle
spins round and rockets to the place where we came. emergency power marks our predicament by
flooding the compartment with blinking passion. the silence makes way for this hurtling piece of
metal with two bound lovers trapped inside. a flash flood of memories pours down on us like
summer's rain- the times we met, made loving new friends and everything in between in past lives.
the situation dawns like the born-again son, that our lives are forfeit and we can't convey all that
we've seen to the sullen creatures that dwell below. rage and regret depart from my heart and all
that's left is an open space that the benevolent universe fails to occupy. and then i remember im not
alone and that the powers, that of all creation have conjured the outline of this smiling angel that's
made up of the cosmos and all its stars and her name is ASHA. she lays a hand upon my cheek that
readies me to embrace our destiny. fragments disintegrate into fiery trails that dance in the darkness
like chinese firecrackers and the wires that bind us unravel to reveal our naked frames. a satellite
swings by and snaps an image for all the world to see before we fall into the sea- gemini has cast-
away these two star cross'd lovers for cosmic crimes that transcend all that is known and the people
look up, point and exclaim: "look! there's a shooting star!" momentum wraps us in an unclaspable
embrace, spiralling in an infinite of revolutions that causes the air around our bodies to catch aflame.
puffy clouds floating around the earth come from some cosmic beings pipe that contains star dust
whom wishes us good luck. admirable africa's tiled amongst the ocean's blue and america is now in
view. earthly fires that dance around our bodies are made void for the passion I cradle for thy fallen
angel. one glimpse of her glowing grace asserts the timelessness of life and death with the comfort
of beholding this beauty before me. vague shapes of cities we'd once travelled to in reincarnations of
past's persons take form. saturnic rings dissolved before our very feet and betrayed by neutonic
guises of gravity. the aching ocean pitches forward to catch us in its gaping maw of currents that'll
take us down to molten cores. another gentle kiss laid upon her lips, I am ready to encounter
nothingness' torments of no feelings, regret and lament- for I bring with me this divine relic from
ethers above heaven that the gods and angels aspire to be- the product of finest artistry that brings
life to all after every breathe, defeating all even death. of the pain i do not care, as long as I can run
my fingers one last time through her heart-coloured hair. and the moment is upon us, for every
second we celebrated our existence has led us here and our heads touch the water- where in an
instant the rippling supersonic fusion of our bodies scatter upon the placid waves and the sound of a
single drop of water falling into the ocean occurs. roaring tsunami's of cataclysmic intensities and
unbound energies rise up miles high, sending forth in all directions myriads of bioluminescent
luminosities and columned tendrils of a thousand colours that weave their way everywhere the eye
can see. when suddenly i wake up, see you there laying next to me and realise it was all just a

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