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FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOT/PA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEST FOI/PAH 1363925-0 Total Deleted Page (a) Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 10 ~ Duplicate; 15 ~ Duplicate; 20 ~ Duplicate; 25 ~ Duplicate; 30 ~ Duplicate; 35 ~ Duplicate; 42 ~ Duplicate; 48 ~ Duplicate; 54 ~ Duplicate; 59 ~ Duplicate; 65 ~ Duplicate; 91 ~ Duplicate; 114 ~ Duplicate; 135 ~ Duplicate; 136 ~ Duplicate; 137 ~ Duplicate; 147 ~ Duplicate; 155 ~ Duplicate; 165 ~ Duplicate; 171 ~ Duplicate; 175 ~ Duplicate; 180 ~ Duplicate; 195 ~ Duplicate; 190 ~ Duplicate; 197 ~ Duplicate; 209 ~ Duplicate; 294 ~ Duplicate; OOK X Deleted Page(s) x X No Duplication Fee x X For this Page x XXXXKK KAKA KKKKEKARERERR, FBI Date: 1/30/68 Transmit the following in (Type te plaintext oF code? Vig __ATRTEL Priori) A Cee fee SE TO DIRECTOR, FBI (157-168) pate. FROM +: SAC, CHICAGO (157-895) (P C FOI/PA # 2295-2 bo supsect:J NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE | APPEML § te KU KLUX KLAN (NKKKK) CIVIL ACT. # ad 5 RM - KLAN 2.0. ¢L23Se] h (00: Atlanta) DATE_f-29-P5 iNiy Re Chicago airtel and LHM dated 1/18/68 bey as above. wv Enclosed for the Bureau are eleven copies of a LHM captioned as above. Enclosed for Atlanta are 2 copies of captioned LHM. (‘ One copy of LHM is being sent to the U.S. Attorney, Chicago, U.S. Secret Service, Chicago, and Region I, 113th MI Group, Evanston, Illinois. ce i Internal Investigation Division, D, who requested that aes rg Pemvested that hie identity be ——— b2 D6 set forth in LAM. Ib7C Ib7D Chicago PD was furnished information set forth in ‘LHM as received. Chicago following closely, sources assigned and the Bureau will be pgpmptly advised’ of any information concerning activities of captigNed organization or individuals mentioned in LHM Ae O- Bureau (Ene) (a e7e 2 - Athi 15%60 0 /OF— “ 2+ Atlanta (15%60) (Bnet. 2) (RMD TL yf oF! : 1 - 157-2458 ¥ 1 - 157-2468 ) 1 - 157-2471 1 = 157-413 PT PEB 1 2 19GB es Aor cAFiae BM! dey UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Chicago, Illinois tn Reply, Please Kefer to January’ 30, 1968 ile No. 157-895 ed iron CONTA NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE Ktpane witcuassineg KLUX KLAN (NKKKK) FREE 5 CIAL MATTER - KLAN Reference memorandum dated 1/18/68 captioned as above. Characterization of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (NKKKK) are attached thi ‘ication. Sources utilized have furnished reliab: pas Gn January 26, 1968, Brookfield, Illinois Police Department, advised that Drookfield's Kiwanis Club held a meeting on January 23, 1968, at Gervase Restaurant, 9414 Ogden Avenue, Brookfield, Illinois. stated the guest speaker was former who currently identifies Tinsel, [er the for the midwest stare area. ormerly Identified himself as th of the NRERK for the State of Illinois. ro According td requested officers of b6 the Kiwanis Club that no newspaper Teporters be present at IC the meeting; however, two reporters from local newspapers b7D were present at the meeting. advised that there were annroximately 50 persons in attendance at the meeting and| indicated in his speech that the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is not a "hate" , however, they do advocate separation of the races. PMA TSo indicated that recent newspaper stories concerning the number of weapons and quantity of ammunition found at his home when search e Chicago Police Department were greatly exaggerated. advised that there were no incidents or demonstrations at the meeting. c an agency which collects intelligence and security information in the Chicago area, advised their source, whose reliabjlic , corroborated infor- mation attributed to as set forth above. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI, It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. IBT- 16 Mff2 870 » OI/PA #229, SD. oes eke $222. 82¢ a cris seh BO. # JASE LA P-EF STN RE: NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU_KLUX KLAN (NKKKK) co| further advised that although| nad placed applications for Klan membership at each chair at the meeting, applications were known to have been submitted to The following newspaper article appeared on page bID one of the "Chicago American" newspaper published in Chicago, Illinois, on January 24, 1968, which pertains to the above matter? RY FRANK VON ARX Tu SURIECT was fe0r— ate would ave been too Po ear was. ‘plate eemnodiy to. 8 Breodeta eed att as ag Me Thou! $0 miner to Basbended Gcago:Putseman Senaid Heath the Ku Klux an pela dragon for 7 frst ates ‘aflar Bis Power recs te over the ees, who wil protect your ssburba?™" Heath asked his audience of mosiy olddleaghdsuburs ‘There fas no appldise, but the questions continibd for 20. mindtes after the meeting ad- Journed. At each chair was an envelop, wit: 2. for iien‘membersip ‘and anes detter explaining Klan | surdvtutsrequently reer activities, TW OPENLY acne| fe Sze sapammoneant ete ap cay Kea 3 =. ATH © Rene. ve he: tami as {tbe minds. ot game subur- sepa, wb dest hens ‘banite ey " — i no longer is a questiong| “rey pp eRRTTER ty ee oe mer eee He EM amos i Condleh Je, am is now racism and. whether: |//Maence can Dp DN wee A ag th: ak: omen ps i ‘puis aoe oes econ tr tater | ‘ismissal hides somelinae, before Sunday, CONLISK SAID the arsenal | | of weapons pice coniseated | in Heath's apartment would | be retained, but when asked | about “the "weapons, Heath Said he is unconcerned, I “My attorneys tell me st will be 2 point in my favor | because the reports have been | so exaggerated,” Heath said. Heath claims he has talked fo more than 1,000. persons {in the last 3 weeks and only | $ People have ‘been against stun the-nation by agra.” || 3 The Chicago plies wil nat be able to handle’ the riots in 19%, Heath sald, He. ot ers the brotherhood of len [membership ad’ the Kan net worl! of neighbor laverns of the last reliable defense agfinst Black Power, Se eee jaan yA ane ere det ae | Sue doesift. stay Where it is not, ed to his 7 years of service i talk, be said the Klan start | ASA RESULT of one Cie | tres "new ‘uns “He sare 4 race riots he said he helped gp suprr trom noel | ac DONALD HEATH more thon 21). members sorpker’s table whefe they!“ know what. is tke, T banded Meath dolar bls fr! was there. 1've Been shot a," | the 10 er cen, the fate Boatlets:on treason, revolu- Heath sald as be told of hve | grouse” | Sine fu i tion, and communisin The scene was’ typi al ot| ture found on the city's west are ail nthe pales forts more than 20 speaking en-| side, aagements Heat eayd Se bos ede Chicago andre ince is suspnion Pes. 2 applications ure being invest. | gated and if the individuals re acceptable they will be laveras in their ‘own communities, arms supplies and hat era. “How mifiny Klan members ea ave ha were | AE Sega bette and | SO 8S a ae aka je sald, ber of Integration is not, working | have two, One of them is the | Worken apply. 2 only solution is separa: | men who led a raid at sig | ¥ D {Hen, “Heath claims. ‘On this ' Jackson’ where. they ‘seized | pare seated” Head, te Fulmere aetaae © Point, be said, the Elam. amoand hee ile | Said. “They ore akin the Fillmore district. | Someone to fight for them.” grees ‘with ‘Black ‘Muslims ‘Why don't you expose sh Bat oat era aoa Heath was accompanied by ; that the races should. be Biack Power ‘members on the ieee aie ah oe evo other suspended police; TCE. ions | 0°22?” things ul i at ne ital SCA | We et wut tn ge | mS EN 7 oth, liam Mill. swared by Heath, Tate ‘Klan ¥ pat argeklan des?” ctities. See en rte on TH'S particular the bbw into its own hands? if 2 S25 faites foar'is cacism. It isa fear said be finds uppermest in, Ohiy in self defense." .._ fee, and “Why does the klan reject * ship fees.” eat Fmber | Catholics, “and: Indi- | “How does the klan enforce | "embers must be Chrig | CBOE | fembers mi rit | We either suepend ay ex | fans, Catholicg must choose | pail" ies dant talon | Lana yillelance to the | era wien the tne ‘eumnes : Klan OF the pepe. 088 hod batter got ready t6 | “Wh jou Join 7 aadily 81 you join the | 204) i was impressed by mem | 5 Yesterday ds Weath visited | bers T'met in the south,” } Brookfield, Police Sup 3 RE: NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU_KLUX_ KLAN _(NKKKK) A copy of this memorandum is being furnished the following agencies: U.S. Attorney, Chicago; U.S. Secret Service, Chicago; and Region I, 113th MI Group, Evanston, Illinois. OAR bic 1 2/9/68 Airtel 7 " To: SACs Atlanta (157-60) rrontaaion coNTatN ) Chicago (157-895) oe ee a \ ij Ginetinatt DE. eee eve’ am Director, FBI (157-168) NATION\L KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN Ra (KLAN) ReDEairtel and letterhead memorandum (LHM) dated b6 1/30/68. b7c ReLHM advised tha a now designated as Jof ..} Klan (NKKKK) for several -Western states, at a \— recent speech in Detroit, stated that members of the Cleveland, Dayton, and Cincinnati, Ohio, Police Departments are members of the Ku Klux Klan. In view of this alleged klan penetration of the above police departments, Cleveland and Cincinnati, if not already handled, should inmediately furnish informatin in reLHM to appropriate officials of the Cleveland, Dayton, and Cincinnati Police Departments and contact sources regarding this allegation. Suairtel results. ry, 113 - a _/6§- Atlanta and Chicago aide ld q il 68-81/ tion regarding this matter. Follow closely. Keep the Bureau and intgragtedgoffjces promptly advised of developments. Sra se hbh commeat FEB 81968 h SEE NOTE PAGE TWO oy fe JMirtel to SAC, Atlanta RE: NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN 157-168 NOTE: Information has been received that the Klan has penetrated the Cleveland, Dayton, and Cincinnati, Ohio, Police Departments. We want to insure that officials of these police departments are made aware of this infor- mation and that our appropriate sources are contacted in an effort to either verify or refute this allegation. igin and this information was given out by ee ‘a recent speech made by him at a klan meeting in Detroi is a suspended Chi man_ who. “e since “ . a as an NKKKK| b6 b7c FBI Date: 1/30/68 [Tipe in plain text oF code) Viq AIRTEL v (Priority oF Wethod of Wailing) H RECTOR, FBT av (1SaT-1116) ned ont TiO COE eg pu WOT LASSER waged ve Re Retroit airtel to the Buresw, caption ‘DIC p Ktgre, dated 1/23/68, read sre 1, copies 6f : Enclognd for th te neerning information re a visit that otfsce the | NKEKK wade to Detroit, Hich, to atempt to organize a unit ef : of the EEE. at Copies of the Li x Secret Service, Detroit, ¢ Sy GSE, Dayton, Ghio, and is, Detro: ¥ @issemination te other dusigoated The source utilized in thie LHN ie identified Eucloged, LEN is. claswifigd cont idem inforustion furnished by source could poswiily idem 4 source of sontinging plue, then being detrinantal to the national serves SII ee 71 a we [Cog wuréau (Engh) IR (Es oy APT Riacea @ee.- o /b8- <3 2 - Chicago ¢ nui) SR 2 ~ Sincini 2 w 2 - Cleveland tinc.~2) ®. 2 - Indlamapolis (Ene. S 3 EBLE RAC Jau.VFOLENC Case doss a Joo detached by AGENCY: _20oT, CRORES, sac sug_Kim Ust DEPT ISD: CRD ~ Forw: FEB $iz6g * Gent onanelovne DEPARTMENT OF JUS'‘RBE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION troit, Michigan wary 30, 1968 Rez conrimMentran 4 confidential informant, who has furnished reliable information in the past, udvieed on January 29, 1968, that the following individuals arrived in Detroit, Michigan, during J; 27, 1968: ; Same df Gen etl enable Ame DECLASSIFIED petra — on_ gra 28. ae James R, Georgs, | “Belleved to te FAR TE ama Bol to be frow Indiana IWeuTia - Exclude from automatic downgradng and declassi fication BETO B= 878 EROLOSURE Re: National Knights of the CONF MOENTIAL Ku Klux Klan (NKRKE) Confidential source stuted that Janes Venable, Imperial Wizard of NEKKK, advised that it would cost them $25.00 te join the NEKKK and $50.00 per year tor dues, Yenable spoke and invited all to visit Stone Mountain, Georgia, next Labor Day and pointed out how important st le to arm ul p the Ney peu ed in the sumer of 1968, Venable further stated that it was importan’ y One or two of the top NKNKK officers expose themselves to the Public and that the rest of the Klansmen are never to let the alien world koow that they are Kignemen, Confidential source further advised th t supposedly suspended from the Chicago Police Department because ef Klan activities, spoke on the Negro group called Revolutionary Action Novement in Chicago, We advised that they have a-1 rifles, +45 caliber pistols with thousands of rounds of ammunition, also +30 caliher machioe guns, .50 caliber mchine guns and several anti-tabk guns that the police officials in Chicago kaow of, but tha they cap do oothing about af, He further stated when it is learned tha 7 Policemen in the Ken, there 4s a9 large write-up in the gaper and that the Segroes koow who are members of the Kise and that — b6 each Klanswan is warked for death. bIC b7D dvised that it was planned for the six men in Chicago to he exposed to the gublic as Klansmen wed that there were police im the ¢2 eland, Payton and Cincinnati Rolige Desartmouts who ibd at Tho" PrOeONT- TIRE WEREETS “ot the Klan. Ke further advised that there dan untt in the Chicago Pol Vepartwent and that he can get guns and ammunition if large quantities, and That he can guns te any Klan unit dn the United States of america, further stated thet he is in charge of 9. seven-state inder the KKK. He advised that each state has only one Klan unit and soveral units under phony names to tmsure that if ome umit is closed, the others would still be able to operate. Confidential source wdvised that individuals from Michigan mat with the above set out NKKKK officials on cowrrpentrat -2- Re: National Knights of the CONF NDENTIAL Ru Klux Elan (SHRRR) January 27 and 28, 1965, He advised that eight Michigan individuals paid $25.00 each for initiation fees into the NEKKK and that this nomey was then given to Janes Venable. adele 2 oe doitumabiie heaine Indtang nbates Tog meeting of NKARE officials T Peartorn, Michigan, on Sasuary 28, je Fairlane Wie. 68. df. ea bé Confidential source also advised that] bIC vas driving a ear bearing Ohio Tteenee b7D Plates urce stated that most of the individuals from Michigan were very displeased over (he incrmawe i costs to join the NEXKK, They argued that had previously stated that it would cost $15,00 ingtiation fee and $15.00 ducs and it was now upped te $25.00. initia~ tion fee and $50.60 dhies, Source advised that it is stit] questionable whether a NKEKK unit #i11 be formed in Michigan, Clurscter izations of the BEEKK and Revolutionary Action Movement are contained in the appendix pages attached herete, This docurent oomteins neither recommendations nor conclusions of the Federal Burewu of investigation, It is the properly cf the Federal Buyoau of Investigation and is loaned to your agency; if and its contents are ot to be distribwied owtside your agency, CONFIDERQIAL ~3~ b2 b6 b7C b7D wo Sonewenta YS APPENDIX REVOLUTIONARY ACTION MOVEMENT On November 3, 1964 a source made available a decu- ment entitied "The Revolutionary Action Movement Wanifesto”, the document having been obtained by the source frem an indi- vidual known to be @ ry of the Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM). This document stated, in part, that RA was officially organized in the winter of 1963 -by A = ho support the revolutionary objectives of then residing in Cuba, and his concept of organized violence to achieve the liberation of the Afro-American people in the United States This Wanifesto disclosed that RAM had criented its program to one of education and political revolution and the organization of a “olack" political party with revolutionary objectives, having recognized the need for a “black revolution” that could and would seize power, RAM philosophy Js described in this decunent as one of revolutionary nationalism; that is, one in~ volving the struggles of the nonwhite races of the world against exploitation and enslavement by the white capitalist and imperialist nations. Regarding| it should be noted that on August 28, 1961 a Federal EATTSHE Was issued at Charlotte, North Carolina charging him with Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution for the Kidnapping. Subsequent to the issuance of this warrant, rn the United States to Cuba where he published a TmOnthTy news le 2 ed "The Crusader" from Havana, As of Recember, 1966 vas residing in Peking, China. This source in September, 1964 advised RAM 1s dedicated te the overthrow of the capitalist system in the United States by violence, if necssstry, and to its replacement by 2 Social- istic system ortented toward the Chinese Communist interpretation of Marxism-Leninism, RAM is entirely nenwhite in membership, clandestine in sature, and owe its primary allegiance to the "Bandung World"; that t=, the nonwhite races of the world ratha! than to any national entity, as such. on A Jource advised he learned recently from a RAM membeY THAT the organazati in Detroit, Michigan largely under the impetus of| described as the of RAM and referr as fi erved as RAM with a = Dhitadelphia, Pennsylvania) serving as RAW CONFIDENTIAL ce 8 ouebéNTAL , APPENDIX on fource advised that the b2 RAM still remains Ve; however, there is no formal head~ bé pauariers. as such; for the RAN, The source advised that prc f Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is considered a the J? RAW and sf a RAM headauarters ever existed, it biD would most likely be where jesides. CONFIDRNTIAL 6x é é 4-528 on CONT AIMED. AASSIFIED HG BIS 157- 168- P73 CHANGED T0 /57- 8991-3 JUL 221968 Ba | ynVvS FBI Dat 2/14/68 Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext o7 coded Vie AIRTEL \ Pitan? : [ALL MEORMIATION CONTAINED ERE 5 UHLASSFED 70: DIRECTOR, FBI (157-168) _0A1E.S: #24800 FROM: SAC, CINCINNATI (157-245) -P- > sueseer IATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN Re A $ Re Bureau airtel to Atlanta, 2/9/68. investigation was conducted by sé Jat Cincinnati, Ohio: On2413/68, Cincinnati, Ohio PD, was furnished complete pertinent background concerning allegation made by suspended Chicago policeman, that the Klan had penetrated the Cincinnati PD. said that he greatly appreciated this b2 information and pointed out that he is continually 6 on the alert to make sure that Klan penetration is m “pot made into the Cincinnati PD. As of this date, was of the opinion that the Klan had not. b7D in any way penetrated the Cincinnati PD, This same date,| (Prob) and were contacted regarding this same allegation ‘and both sources advised that they had absolutely no information or evidence that any members of the Dayton or Cincinnati Police Departments were members of the Ku Klux Klan, (Ps mem on HO ISTIC 8-IT4 \od - Atlanta aera ee detecholTta” —<— 1 - Chicago (157-895) - (RM) (in: Unit, 1 ~ Cleveland (Ru). Gngo) ee 1 - Detroit (RM) (info) 4 - Cincinnati ) (2 - 157-245. ‘ Ra SECT. EMS :mld (11) M Per CI 157-245 Both sources pointed out that if any members of these police departments were members, or that the Klan had penetrated either PD, they would most certainly be in a position to identify these individuals. Both sources added that they will definitely remain alert, however, to this posibility in the future. LEADS: CINCINNATI AT DAY OHTO Alert and advise appxpriate official, or officials, of the Dayton PD regarding this matter and keep Bureau and interested offices promptly advised of developments. Information copies furnished offices designated in view of their interest in this matter. Tonnes (Rev. 5-72-64), FBI Date: 9/19/68 Transmit the following in [Type ti plaintext oF éodel . ie AIRTEL (Priori? i TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (157-168) FROM: SAC, CLEVELAND (100-10261) (P) ae on RE: CONATIONAL-KNIGHTS-oF-THE su ORATION cont ave ‘KU. KLID_KLAN ms GS £ _ DATES» Re Bureau airtel 2/9/68 and DE airtel and LHM 1/30/68) Bureau, of Special Investigation, Cleveland, Ohio PD, was contacted on 2/13/68 and furnished . pertinent information appearing in referenced LEM. informed, "There is absolutely nothing to indicate that any member of the Cleveland PD is @ Klansman" He explained that during the height of the NKKKK in the Cleveland area he personally covered each of their meetings y and took license plate numbers of all vehicles parked in the vicinity and at no time did he recognize a police officer nor did a check of the license plate listings turn up-a police 2 officer attending any of the meetings. In addition he noted bo that the Cleveland PD had a police source, who was not-a b7C policeman, in the NKKKK.and the identities of most, if not all, Klan members were known to the Cleveland PD and none were identified as members of the Cleveland PD. ¢ a aq further stated that although he has 5 neard comments and casual renarks fron police officers to gs indicate some are oppor integration, he has never heard gj these remarks made to, ony at a possibility would ca exist that they werath 157 /é ge 975 Bureau (RM a oe - re ‘Banta (dy Dr fh (pate) (8 (RM) oz FEB 20 1868 - Chtea 1- pee | Te3e Bh Dew = 2 ~ Cley EPG/jsx Le ech ine Unit A. t8y a = we = ed cig] Agent in Charge “ev 100-10262 ree that this information will be given to land that in the event any affirmat: is attention, he will immediately furnish it to the Cleveland office. Jat Akron, Ohio, on nformed he kngi of ho Kyanguen who are meubers of depar; at Akron, Ohio, ani on| also informed he knew of no police officers in the Klan. a hot wWKKKK Klavern #6, cleveland, Ohio, onl informed he knew of no NEKKK members who were on the Cleveland Police Force. is not a Klansman although he b2 is active “Wing Movement. On 2/14/68, he b informed that he has never heard of any Klansmen who were ao police officers. bic b7D ‘The Bureau is aware that IKKKK Klavern #6, Cleveland, Ohio, was disbanded during 8/67 and there are no op; NKKKK Klaverns in the Cleveland Division. However, has been attempt; activate an NKKKK Klavern In Akron and according to| has not been successful. In addition, the Cleveland office has the complete dist Klavern #6 memhers which was obtained by former who None of the wenbers were Identified as police officers. A_review of referenced LHM reflects that was present at the particular meeting which 1eaqs— to Speculation that he was the original — this information. It would appear, it is not probabig-that ould have knowledge of Klan infiltration of the ll olice Department when bis influence is less than &€£¢¢4in akron, Ohio, let alo’ ould also indicate the! which could 7] well be the case in this instance. The Atlanta, Chicago and Cincinnati offices are being furnished information copies of this airtel for their interest in this matter. 5 s = ~cv L00-10261 The Cleveland office will continue to closely follow this situation and immediately report any information of a significant nature. PORETE:. 5-22-04) i 1 1 i ' l Fpl a ns Date: 2/15/68 Transmit the following in — eS [Fype t plaintext or code? gee Aowe ne eEEL) i (Priority? i 10 : DIRECTOR, FBI (157-168) FROM : SAC, CHICAGO (157-895) (P) SUBJECT: Q \L_KNIGHTS OF THE_KU KLUX KLA! NKKKK) RM 00:Atlanta Re Chicago airtels and LiMs dated 1/9, 18, 30, 1968, and Bureau letter dated 2/9/68 all captioned as above. jl At approximately 5:00p.m, 2/14/68, an anonymous caller furnished the following information to the FBI Office, Chicago: Y He stated he was one of the 6 Chicago Police Officers who had recently been identified as members of the NKKKK, He desired to discuss NKKKK activities in Chicago area with an FBI agent in the hopeful expectation he would be able to furnish information of value to the FBI. Arrangements were made to meet anonymous caller, who refused to divulge his identity over the telephone stating he may decide not to make scl nymous caller subsequently identified as| furnished information to FBI agent under secure conditions from 9:00 p.m. until 11:20 p.m., 2/14/68, La Salle Hotel Goicnss, Illinois. b6 Full details of information furnished by wilt bic submitted in separate communication. ean tated that through igoonance on his part “he did join the NKKKK at Chicago in August, 1967, and when (@~ Bureau (157-168 ) (RM) 3 - Chicago -157-! ched by. EBs Pmve tne FT mn toe Tayeiot REC: 30 ee anes MAR CG 157-895 this information became known to his superiors at the Chicago Police Department (CGPD) he found it necessary to resign on 12/29/67. ndicated his superiors advised him that failure—to-resign on his part would result in suspension from the police department and ultimately being separated from the Department. havisea that he now realizes be will never be able to work as a policeman again in view of the extensive publicity afforded him in connection with his membership in the NKKKK, He indicated the humiliation and disgrace that his poor judgment in joining the NKKKK brought to bis family and the CGR erased by any action on his part at this time, stated that due to publicity afforded him he now holds “good credentials” as a Klansman or member of the NKKKK at Chicago. He stated despite his present abhorrence of the NKKKK he would be willing to continue his association with Chicago members of the NKKKK by so doing, he could be of assistance to the FBI. He indicated he is opposed to violence of any kind and feels NKKKK members may resort to violence against Negroes, if Negroes should become sufficiently militant. stated he has received a subpoena to testify at Police Review Board on 2/16/68 at Chicago. Police Review Board is si ana +” Jregarding NKRKK membership. jadvised that on Midwest bé NKKKK| elephonically ca, mand requested a he not appear at hear aid inasmuch as bic subpoena was given to Tt was not valid. b7D stated it is his current belief that he will either refuse to testify against land other officers, or if he does testify he plans to plead the 5th Amendment. advised that he contemplates taking subh action inasmuch as he cannot be reinstated with the CGPD and refusal to cooperate with Chicaga's Corporation Counsel, who is Poss a against would perhaps enhance his status with s well as other officers of the NKKKK, Chicago. Ea CG 157-895 On 2/15/68 advised hearing against police officers is scheduled 2/16/68, He advised Chicago Corporation Counsel contemplates utilizing See onre Police officer to testify ship of] and other officers in the NKKKK. ted Chicago Corporation Counsel desires to have testify at Police Review Board as to NKKKK members! above referred two police officers. of Chicago furnishéng the above for Bureau's pe yn and detailed and complete data as furnished by bic eles 2/14/68 will be furnished in subsequent conmanication. Until position relative to testifying before the Police Review Board is ki impossible to @valuate any informant potential may have. It being noted that if testifies against police officers at would appear certain that he would not be in a position to furnish any information of value. volunteered all information furnished by him on 2/14/68 and he was not encouraged or directed in any fashion, He was instructed the decision to testify before the Police “eview Board is his decision to make, He was not a encouraged to maintain any association with NKKKK members, 47 TAS T/m6 Chicago following matter closely, however, does not contemplate contacting> = Rt this time in view of pending legal action of Police Review Board. Bureau will be kept advised of any additional pertinent data regarding this matter. 0-36 (Rev. 5 Fel Date: 2/19/68 Transmit the following in = [Type in plaintext or coded | (Priarity] 1 A TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (157-168) 7 FROM: SAC, CINCINNATI (157-245) (P) 7 ynaa nT = i SUBJECT: Geersonat, exrcuts KNIGHTS OF THE at sass ag ah KU KLUX KLAN ey 8 RM = KLAN a Renyairtel to Bureau, 2/14/68, investigation was conducted by 6A t Dayton, Ohio: On 2/16/68, R, M, IGLEBURGER, Chief of Police, Dayton, Ohio PD, was furnished complete, pertinent backgr: concerning the allegation made b; suspended Chicago policeman, that the Klan had penetrated the Dayton, Ohio PD, Chief of Police IGLEBURGER stated he greatly appreciated this information and that as of this date, he had no reason of evidence to believe! that the allegation was true concerning the Dayton, one PO sishop Bureau (RM) REG aL AST _ 4 S77 1 - Atlanta (Info) (RM) 1 - Cincinnati 12 FEB 2, EMS/egb A wee Wh) (5) + UNITED STATES C7VERNMENT Memorandum TO : DIRECTOR, FBI (157-: ar DATE: 2/27/68 FROM: \ 1 HICAGO_ (157-895) (P) supject: 0 consol 4 RS : megs rouse b7D , ‘00; “ATLaNTA) regent 8 uae r * we 8: Re Chicago airtel to Director dated 1/12/68, captioned as above. Information copy to Atlanta in view of their interest in instant matter, information obtained Internal (cago re Department (CGPD) quested information should - oF reasons set forth in referenced Investigation Divis: on January 8, 1968, be afforded utmost security communication, o has maintained close, continuous liaison with ince January 8, 1968, concerning instant ft matter, hae @-- Bureau (RID 1 - Atlanta (157-60) (Info) (RM) b6 7 - Chicago : b7c 1 157-2501 ‘ KY. (LZ. - 978 1 - 157-2502 - 1 - 157-2503 REC. ag IST 1 = 157-2504 968 1 = 157-2505 ee ae 3 1 - 157-2510 — — e HMH/1aj we (lo) cect. wei xo DAR 7 WE Bry US. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan 4 “ cg 157-895 On February 23, 1968, stated no against Police Officers| inasmuch as inquiry by IID, date, ved degree, if any, of association with NKKKK, tated that an additional reason no action can be present time is a desire by CGPD to protect the identity of As the Bureau is aware, public hearings scheduled to resume on February 29, 1968, regarding NKKKK activities of Chicago police officers currently under suspension, Hearings are bei d by the Civilian Chicago Police Reiew Board. 1968, n NKKKK in order to Vities in the NKKKK at cago. Chicago is not conducting any inquiry concerning above police officers at this time in view of current public bé hearings being conducted which could conceivably result in b7c embarrassment to the Bureau. b7D i i advised | For the Bureau’ ted investigati rding| t r (who don), a former police officer who from CGPD for reasons Sther than aasoctatin with (me-WERER -2- CG 157-895 6 Chicago b7c las well as and the Bureau will be promptly advised of any pertinent developments in this matter. FSI Date: 2/27/68 ane ge OF Tete, Cae 0. «ss DIRECTOR, FBE (157-168) aes ore FROM 9: SAC, CHICAGO (157-895) (?) Nene ye ol SUBJECT: HATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (NKKEK) Ri - KLAN (oo: Atlanta) Re DetrGit airtel to Director dated 1/30/68. “Chicago Tribune" newspaper published at Chicago 1linois, on 2/27/68 contains ap article on pege 12, headed "Ku Klux Klap plans rally in ¥. Side. Hall." News article states that a hall in a westeru suburb witha seating capacity of 500 has been selected as | the site for what may be the Ku Klux Klaus first big rally in Illinois in a quarter of a century, The article coatinues | aglindicates the location hsd been approved by. Klan rulers i in Georsiéand placed in the hands of the Illinois Klan boss, | DONALI SATH of 2055 North Lawndale Avenue, a suspended i Chicdgo policenan. Article indicates HEATH con rally but kept the date and location secre that rally plans call for talks by a numbef of top klansmen including the Imperial Wizard, Jaims RWWENABIE on the “Evils of Racial Integration and the Busing of School Children." Bureau (Ri) Atlanta (157-60) (RM) Cleveland (RN) Detroit (R Chicago (1 - 157-2458) (1 - 157-2487) wr 0G preed Per b6 b7c b7D CG 157-895 Article indicated HEATH is one of five members of the Klans Imperial Wizard which voted three to two in favor of the rally at a meeting in Akron, Ohio, February 17 and 18, 1968. on (Protect Identity) avised that he had heard on ERs planned to have a Klan rally in a Western s hicago in late April or early May, 1968 i NABLE, Imperial Wizard, would be the main speaker. stated the location of the planned rally as well 25 the date are uncertain at this time. On tnternal. Investigation Division (IID); Unicago Police Department, (CG Pd) (protect dentity), advised that ae had learned from Chicago lanned to hold a Kian rally in a western Suburb of Cnicago in April, 1968 for the purpose of informing klansmen from throughout the state of Iilinois of the use and care o; in the event of street disorders at Chicago this sunme| dvised unable to obtain any additional information from {anata articre referenced as above carries by- lin LEADS ATLANTA AT TUCKER, GEORGIA, 1) Will be alert to any information concerning scheduled rally as set forth above. 2) Will advise Chicago Division of any contemplated travel on the part of JAMES VENABLE. 3) Will furnish Chicago Division any information relative to alleged meeting of top Klan officials in Akron, Ohio, at which time scheduled rally was allegedly discussed. CG 157-895 AT AKRON, OHIO, 1) Will furnish all available information, not préviously submitted to Chicago, concerning meeting of top NKKKK officials at Akron, Ohio, which allegedly occurred on February 17 and 18, 1968. 2) Will provide Chicago with any additional information relative to scheduled rally, DETROIT AT DETROIT, MICHIGAN, Will through appropriate sources attempt to verily information concerning planned rally at Chicago in late April or early May, 1968. CHICAGO AT CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, Will alert sources and advise Bureaa promptly of any pertinent information relative to this matter. - ae - TO i FROM: SAC, CHICAGO g—— SUBJECT: ‘THe KU KUX, airtel and letterhead » | both captioned as above Enclosed for LH captioned as above. copies of captioned Li! i DIRECTOR, FBI (157-168) (157-895) (P) ‘Tis NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF XL Ra - KCAN SE CNRRRI Re Chicago airtel dated 12/27/67 and Chica; memorandum (LEM) the Bureau are Enclosed for One copy of being furnished the USA, U. S. Secret Chicago, Illinois, and Region 1, 113th Tliinois. FO- dated 1/9/88, o4- 27379 57> ll copies of an Atlanta are 2 captioned LIM is Service, both NI Group, Evanston, ta cg in attached LEM is nd informaticn attributed to him i set forth in referenced Chicago airtel, dj < pat 3 ained from mo ETE Hoe be GISseninT @- mreeu (ane. ONY 29-1092 70 — 157-8 b EE - SSI- 86 EP = requested that nfornation | 2 - Atlanta (Enc. | @ - Chicago (1 - 157-2470) (1 ~ 157-2457) | (1 - 157-2469) (1 - 157-2471) (1 = 157-2468) qa - 157-2510) WZ potsemn lee eva Apia Sp&Zisl Agent in Charge (1 - 157-2458) ) 2) (RM) DEPT. ISD: DATE FORW: yer BOW FORW: 3 te? gat time. ~2 Rete 74 te meant” (8 7-/6 F-880 ° AGENCY: ACst, owes, sb Mi 4 1969 — p COPY OF ENCL FILED i AN ¥ CG 157-895 On it was hoped that| pould not have to be surfaced at Chicago Police Review Board, which would have permitted him to have been a continuing informant on NKKKK activities in the specifically, a desire to protect in the hope that he could be urther utilized as @ Source in NKKKK matters, this infor- 6 mation was not disseminated outside of the Bureau, In_yiew of public knowledge of activities as a in NREEK, dissemination is being made at this time. For the Bureau's information, £ the NKKKK midwest area, advised Chicago news media on 2/29/68 that he was opening a midvest NKKKK headquarters at 1149 West Addison Street, Chicago, Illinois. Chicago by separate communication will request Bureau approval to conduct appropriate surveys in an effort to determine feasability of technical coverage. Chicago following matter closély, sources assigned and Bureau will be promptly advised of any pertinent information. uni@o stares perartmenr ‘or rice FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Chicago, Illinois Tn Reply, Please Refer to ; File No. 157-895 ee ee THE NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU_KLUX KLAN (NKKKK) Reference is made to memoranda dated January 9, 1968, captioned as above. Characterization of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (NKKKK) is attached to this communication. an agency which conducts security and background information in the Chicago area, advised officials of the Chicago Police Department, Chicago, Illinois, were in conference on December 27, 1967, with the Cook’ County States Attorney's Office, Chicago, Illinois, as to what legal action will be utilized in attempting to separate Chicago police officers, who were found to be engaged in klan activities. C| advised the NKKKK is the klan group / that allegedly Chicago police officers were associated with. MAYOR RicHaso ADAL ey CG jadvised o1 hata (0 police officer, who was operating as an ‘or the Chicago Police Department in the klan group, | Was prepar: ore the Chicago Police Review Beard tia nent ba officer who was suspended o1 or allegedly = 7 being active in klan matters) stated in his presence e desirability of killing Chicago's mayor, Richard. b7C Nvaley, or a member of his family because of Mayor Daley's b7D Lo alleged concern for Negroes. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the Federal Bureau of Inves- tigation (FBI), It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. a Aha comamen wipe /67-/6 F BHO Qe ENcrosnRRy W THE NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (NKKKK) ca| vised that Mayor Daley was informed f go Police Department of tatement regarding the Tre cG stated the Chicago Police Department fe has furnished adequate protection to ‘the mayor and his family to insure that no violence will occur. b2 qo Lertnes advined that phicago Police b6 Department is: willing to bye testify that as well as other police b7D officers, have accumulated explosives, firearms and ammunition and have indicated they contemplate such materials against property of Negroes. eof tay advised that no additional information was available at that time from Chicago Police Department's Copies of this memorandum are being furnished to the United States Attorney and United States Secret Service, both at Chicago, Illinois, and Region 1, 113th Military Intelligence Group, Evanston, Illinois. The following newspaper articles which appeared in Chicago, Illinois, newspapers on February 29, 1968, pertain to information set forth above: al : 2 others pe [see lie pos Tot ae Tot to k ‘ment as exposed on Dée. 28 finybody better than Mayor tharked | en sees 0 1 fy you go te ai” raided Heath's apartment at ; Men will you do it?" | 2055 'N. Lawedale, ‘They eon: TOBIN: “I'd have to rink, fiscated a cache of arms and #bout it." for death! Sais crea Mah ou om oe furl be av assignment om yo.” ‘Three ether poliepmen named [il Be a ssi y cea | Tobin testified that earlier By Buddy Levis ‘ calago policeman who ix [25 ansmen, ave, rela |" Stramber he ras itt au Ku Kin leader planed |(0T TFS, ST ear ary Cartel Park to Kili Mayor Richard J. Daley |others. = with Heath when the klansman nd. two pole oficial, « po | "Heat, at, @poteeman tor, save eh police of lice’ undercover agent testified ‘six years, also. is imperial |S MAE (0 Pe [Moursday. Gragon. for the klan’s seven. ! (TOBIN SAID Rochford was Policeman James To bin: ‘stale Midivest area. lected because of his. hang said thay Dooald Heath, sus: in af the fair housing runech BIN SAID ner HpAuh's oe Southwest Sie i 196, phn, two or three. Klafnen |°".yeon vente for otiag a athe idea aking Dey |*BU DE sian to iN sever Roehtrd nour sighs and vith 4 bazeak leath reportedly tl@ATobin then blame the niggers.” Tobin ‘Tob testified that ‘the’ two {tBAt Daley usually tooks out his Guoted Heath as saying. ice officials marked for death /,S0Rt Window in the morning. | He said Heath singled out were James Record, deus tet car he pind” oaman ‘as cree ecase eens the men would fire a baiooks e'aae Jewsh Len Be Fane Mksryms ore OD At UD and speed away. pin tested thar he_was wore a vanran woe eam a po TGR Bist whl Be om PAE agnaane a Seg 4 by Cae ier tc on Se. i, RAND DE AERP ahs) AaLaanar aa ket : ite fos callbat es Rin ioe a cheat AB neh ests APT ve geen. ve said Hid, Maho’ the sofe of asfotsthe pen. “VU ate ation." Heathtold” asked if he. would "ee some cover bran-tesiied, | Vobin ot the neari investigating,” indicatigg. that ‘TOBIN APPEARED [os | ACfORDING mares te es ber. Ipendes policeman and dish ian fiticil, approached fim fvitness at a police teview /timaifr. the following feomver- }YORIN said te finally | foard, bearing tw determine S3t¢4 00k place on Kov. 23 managed. to get assigned as | fvhnernér Heath should be dis- | a! restaurant in the Fil Heath's partner in a squad car | from she department. ™OFe District, where both Were on Sept. 1. He testified that 6wo sman accused ey charged b6é bmc vice OPEKIALS CHICAGA. (ouee armies SUIEAEE He la Iieratoe: m Tobin sald e acted asthe ‘ngre interested in tpe organiza | tien, fra subseguefty went |) esis home. I He faid Heath We him into his bebroom and si “Remember T told you Vd’ introduce you tothe top man? Weil, t'm the tp man. I'm the | one who ‘can swear. In’ nyone in Hoi.” | “Tobin ‘sid he fook the Kan ath and: gave: Heath a S15 9. showed ‘hry che arsenal | if ammunition “Tobin, said that" wih nth “Hesth had. promoted {0 exalted cyclops” of | 5 Klan. ‘TOBIN, 2%, has been’ a Jcman for io years and has | POVald Heath ise etations in that |~ Hee boda presidem, and fe: | pilus Mann, a board pm] Hearings for two ather po foe. Klan members — Eraest met, 2, of S008 N. Oriole, nd Willitmn. Plogger, 4, of N. Lawndale =" wil be] 4 Friday. in police head | artes; 1121S. States | The three who.” resigieg the free. when their! ames were made. puic are ghar Stanton, 38, 0 3390 2} BL; Dennis se, 2, Bureau (RM) 2 - Cincinnati EMS/mjv (5) in 20/571 bP 02 ce detached by 1 WAR 28 1968 Klan Unit ie Sy op = _ gio? yk. SECT. tt NN POKER ina in Charge Sent A] Per derveSin sim + FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION aevontina onvice GPFICE OF OMIGIN ‘oar TevesTiGavive PemIOD ATLANTA ATLANTA, 27/68 2/9-3/26/68 mora eee ees Q SA bje “NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU | CHARACTER OF CASE KLUX_KLAN, INC., aka Association of Klans. in America RM - KLAN 5 REFERENCE: Atlanta report of SAl 7/14/67. ra oe ~ LEADS: aL MFORMATION outa Kamae norms ; po ‘DATES. 3 AT_ATLANTA, GA, po W111 contimue to follow and report activities of * this organization, Pending over one year: arenoven 7 = (8» end containing Californt2, and the name b2 lof the OKxK That 8 relly of b6 b7D AB sou: to hold two ratizes, California, California, ite man's is anti-Jes on - 22% - ED STATES DEPARTMENT 01 '1CE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION March 27, 1968 Atlanta, Georgia bé Titie NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN, INC, (NKKKK) Character RACIAL MATTERS (KLAN) Reference Atlanta report of SA dated and captione aS above. All sources (except identities are concealed in r. furnished reliable informatio: ny listed below) whose ed communication have in. the past. This doounent contains. neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. is the property of the FBI and 4s loaned to your agency; 1t ahd its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. » Cate: 3/27/68 FBI Hype pl _REGISTERED MAIL DIRECTOR, FBI (157-168) SAC, ATLANTA (157-60) (P) suBJECT: “NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN RM - KLAN (00: Atlanta) Re Chicago airtel to'Atlanta dated 2/27/68. 501 ‘ormation of the Atlanta Ottice, (Protect) advised on nat JAMES R, VENABLE, Imperial Wizard of captioned organization, entered Georgia Baptist Hospital, Atlanta, Ga. on 3/25/68 to undergo surgery | for double hernia, dvised that VENABLE has not indicated any planned travel and| pas not heard of any rallies to be held in Chicago 35 of this date. former associate of| Ss f the y VENABLE ’s behalf, aS HO official posit Taptioned Klan organization, he is presently the he organization's newspaper, "The Imperial Knigh in VENABLE's behalf. fe can jee Bureau (RM REC 2 2-Birmingham (RM Eimer EN 5 7lof— Fit 2-Cleveland (RM) ee 2-Chicago (RM) fe Lnetroit (RM) (info) cB MAR 29°1968 2-Atlanta 5 Obi ab test AT 157-60 stated that about one montii: ae | aman) (iraueled fa Ohio location unkn¢ 9 source, to ci i jas unaware of Iso advised that on the weekend of 3/22-; traveled to an unknown location in Alabama and met with| jot the United Klans of America, Inc., Knights of the Ku Klux Klan for the State of Alabama, in an attempt to bri b6 of the UKA together ay odds with bIC ie purpese of | under VENABLE's control. [stated that there appears bic to be some discussion as payment of Klan dues by the - detecting UKA Klaverns in that t] ‘of the opini no dues should be paid either a VENABLE, was of the opinion that despite the above disgreement, . goodwill tour was successful in establishing rapport with these Alabama Klaverns, advised that| would immediately notify the At2al fe of any indication of a planned rally to be held in the Chicago area or anywhere, hat matter upon_that information becoming known t jaiso advised the ould notity the fice oF any travel plans on it of VENABLE but was doubtful that VENABLE would be in physical shape due to his operation to conduct any travel during April 1968, LEADS BIRMINGHAM DIVISION Wi1]_thraueh ps tablished st sto determine 6 the nature of| contact with nd verify DIC information set forth above by| b7D CLEVELAND AND CINCINNATI DIVISIONS. Will throug! ources attempt to determine contact wit! n an effort to determine if the above contact has any relation to the reported Klan rally to be held in Chicago and notify Atlanta and Chicago. AT 157-60 ATLANTA DIVISION Will maintain contact with regarding further )° developments in this matter and adviS@cappropriate Offices, b7C 3e be oak DTC 7 DEpBOUL | 3/27/68 | 2/2/68 - 3/25/68 F CASE “NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE sal KU KLUX KLAN, INC., aka., ‘CHARACTER OF CASE ‘Association of Klans in America nem RM - KLAN DETROIT AT DETROIT, MICHIGAN Will continue to follow and report activities of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Inc., in Michigan. Zo Location 157-1116-22 This report pags 2 3, 8, 9, 10 Ca ) 57. | | Reo G-2, Detroit (Rit) [57+ L6P | 385" D0 NIS, Chicago (RM. 7 OSI, Dayton, Ohio (Ri) Secret Service, Detroit (RM) & APR S 1966 Atlanta (157-60) (Ri) Detroit (157-1116) i/ 8CSI, ONT, ‘ORY pepe 17 ies Oe Botacieg $i 2! 66 APR 224968) ee DE 157-1116 Identity of Source continued b7D kis| PROB) “TRIS FepOrt pages 9and 10 hs| PROB) 157-1116- - BE Cover Page UNI7gg STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUgsICE : Woes. eunzau oF iivesticario 1 - G-2, Detroit (RM) 1 - NIS, Chicago (RM) Copy tor 1 - OSI, Dayton, Ohio (RH) 1 - Secret Servie, Detroit (RM) Report of sal Ofc: Detroit, Michigan Date: March 27, 156! File Number 157-1116 Bureau: 157-168 Tile: NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE ! KU KLUX KLAN, INC. put mmeontenTiON CONT ED put ein 1S UNCLASSIFIED wa ea th8. OA ‘Character: RACIAL MATTER - KLAN ATE.’ 56 National office of National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (NKKKK) is located at Tucker, Ga. and the national leader is JAMES R, VENABLE. ‘Michigan Branch NKKKK was formed during 1/68 at Detroit, Mich i Michigan NKKKK and is £ Unit] —lonty unit tly in ‘Operation is fna his residence } is considered Michigan Headquarters of NEKKK and P.O, Box 5387, Dearborn, Bich, is the mailing address. NKKKK aims are promotion of white supremacy, segregation of the races and the election of political conservative candidates, especially GEORGE WALLACE, as President of the U.S, Informants advise members meet at Watkin's Coffee Shop, 19100 Joy Rd., Detroit, twice monthly and activities tote have been primarily the recruitment of new members into this Klan organization. Available information concerning estimated membership and other pertinent activities of Michigan NKKKK is set forth. = Pe DETAIL! This document contain nether recommendations nor conclusions of ony kind. Iti the property of the FBI, ond Iso loon to your agency ‘Wendfor Itz contents ere nat Yo be distributed ovtuide your agency. were ero DE 157-1116 DE on dvised that several meetings of former United Klans of America, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (UKA) members had been taking place recently in Detroit, Michigan, The purpose of these mectings was to organize a unit of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Inc., also known as Association of Knights in America (NKKKK) in Detroit, Michigan, because of their dissatisfaction with the leadership of the Michigan UKA, Informant further advised that JAMES R, VENABLE, head of the NKKKK, would visit Detroit, Michigan, January 27, 1968, at which time a discussion and meetings would be held concerning the forming of an NEKKK unit in Michigan, Characterizations of the UKA and the NKKKK are contained in the appendix attached hereto. I, ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF b2 bé b7Cc on Jadvised that the National = 7D Headquarters of the NKKRK is located in Tucker, Georgia, and the Imperial Wizard of this Klan is JANES VENABLE. Headquarters Informmt states that the headquarters of the Michigan NKKKK is the residence of the newly formed Klan, and the above Michigan branch uses Post Office Box 5287, Dearborn, Michigan, zip code 48128 as its mailing address. B. _Charter_ Information jedvised that JAMES VENABLE, head of NXKKK, recently sent to the Michigan Branch of the NKKKK, ap NKKKK charter » 2 is currently maintained by 2 " é é DE 157-1116 Informant states to date Michigan Branch, NKKKK, has not been chartered with the State of Michigan, Department of Commerce and Corporation Securities Commission, Lansing, Michigan, to date. C. Objectives DE one vised, to date the objectives of the WI are the promotion of white supremacy, segregation of the races and to work politically for a conservative candidate, such as GEORGE WALLACE, in his campaign for President of the United States. Informant stats the primary objectives of this newly formed Michigan Branch, NKKKK, is to recruit new members into their organization, D. DE 01 advised that JAMES VENABLE, Tucker, Georgia, is the Imperial Wizard of the NKKKK. (OF SUBJECT ORSAY Informant states that a suspended : Chicago, Illinois, policeman, is one ofthe leaders of the NKKKK and “heads all Klan operations in several Slidvest states, which includes Michigan. National and State Officer: DE vised that the following are officers of the NKKKK for the State of Michigan ae DE 157-1116 7 MEMBER_OF SUBJECT ORGANIZATION _ Thal, ol ~ Informant states that LEROY TUNGATE is the Exalted b2 Cyclops of Unit 1, the only unit currently in existence in Detroit, Michigan, and that the above officers are members be of Unit 1 and are also considered officers of the Michigan bIC State Organization NKKKK. b7D E. Michigan NKKKK Organizational Activities DE Jon advised that on January 7, 1968, a ting of 13 former members of the UKA was held eee ud Prererattcay/tor zing the NKKKK. According to informant, it was announced that Mr, JAMES VENABLE, head of the NKKKK, would be coming to Detroit, Michigan, on January 28, 1968, as well as a former Chicago, Illinois policeman, for’ the purrose of forming a unit of the NKKKK in the State ptt -pn, DE on land DE on advised that on January 21, 1968, former members of the a Ny DE 157-1116 Michigan UKA met at Watkin's Coffee Shop,.19100 Joy Road, Detroit, Michigan, to discuss the coming visit of Mr. VENABLE head of the NKKKK, on January 27 and 28, 1968. It was announced that Mr, VENABLE would be met at the airport and would be escorted to the Fairlane Motel, Michigan and Brady, Dearborn, Michigan, where a meeting’ would be held with him concerning the organization of the NKKKK. According to info) a collection was taken up at this meeting at which| was gathered to help to de- fray expenses of the coming visit of VENABLE pif Jon advised that on January 27, 1968, a meeting was held at the Fairlane Motel, Dearborn, Michigan, at which time JANES VENABLE, head of the NKKKK, met with former members of the Michigan UKA. b2 VENABLE advised at this meeting that it would cost b6 $25.00 to join the NKKKK and there would be a $50.00 fee b7c for dues per year. VENABLE told the group that it was important that only one or tvo of the top NKKKK officers bID expose themselves to the public and that the rest of the Klansmen are to protect their identity from outsiders. pE| further advised that supposedly suspended from the Chicago Police Department because of Klan activities, spoke on the Negro group called Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM) in Chicago. He advised that they have N-l rifles, .45 caliber pistols with thousands of rounds of ammunition, also .30 caliber machine guns, .50 caliber machine guns and several anti-tank guns that the police officials in Chicago know of, but that their hands are tied and that they can do nothing about it, He further advised that when it is learned that there are policemen in the Klan, there vs a large write-up in the mper and that the Negroes know who are members of the Klan and that each Klansman is mrked for death. -5- DE 157-1116 advised that it was planned for the six men in Chicago to be exposed to the public as Klansmen and that there were police in the Cleveland, Dayton and Cincinnati Police Departments who are at the present time members of the Klan. He further advised that there is a Klan unit in the Chicago Police Department and that he can get guns and ammunition in large quantities, aNd—tNat he can supply guns to any Klan unit in the United States of America. further stated that he is in charge of a seven-state area under tle NKKKK. He advised that each state has only one Klan unit and several units under phony names to insure that if one unit is closed, the others would still be able to operate. A characterization of RAM is contained in the appendix attached hereto. pif lon havised that on January 28, 1968, the NKEKK held a mecting at the Italian- American Hall located at 5101 Oakman, Dearborn, Michigan, at which approximately 55 persons were in attendance, According to informant, this meeting consisted of approximately 35 men and their wives and children, and was only open to Klan members and their invited guests. former Chicago, Illinois, policeman, talked tO“tNe DOVE group and advised them he auld get guns and ammunition in large quantities and can supply guns to any unit in the United States. He told all those present that law enforcement officials would have their hands full taking care of inner city during riots and it would be up to the Klansmen to protect the white community tated that each state will have only one Klan unit and several units under a phony name and that if one unit is closed, the next would be atl to operate as their identity would not be kn pE| bo advised that on February 5, 7 Formertember of the UKA, said the newly formed NKKKK Was gotng to be an active group and not a social or coffee dr ng organization, 6 - DE 157-1116 bavisea the UKA member that the dues for this new organization would be $50.00 per yer, plus $20.00 per year for legal fees and/or attorney fees, plus $1.00 per month which would be put in escrow to be used to help sick members and their fmilies in distress. nformed the UKA member that the NKKKK will not tolerate any “big mouths" in this organization and if anyone is. found to be disloyal or talking out of school, there vs always the Detroit River or a couple of Klan members could take him for a ride to the country. pe a” advised that on February 11, 1968, a meeting of the NKKKK was held at 19100 Joy Road, Detroit, Michigan. According to informant, it was indicated at this b2 neeting that this group will be known as Unit 1 of the NKKKK : and at the present time, no dues, books or charters had been be obtained. It was announced that future meetings of this b7C group will be held at the same location on the second and b7D fourth Sundays of each month at 2:00 PM. py Jon advised that on February 25, 1968, a meeting OF the NERRR Was held at 19100 Joy Road, Detroit, Michigan. According to informant, | |members were present at this meeting and no new members were accepted. A DE havised on that _on February 18, 1968, a meeting of the NKKKK was heldat[___ According to informant, one of the members at this meeting made a remark that he and his father had just come DE 157-1116 back from Hunters Lodge, 200 South Union Street in Alexander, Virginia, where they Were looking for guns to buy, namely M-l rifles, M-1 carbines and assorted pistols. Accordin; to informant According to informant, this member state KLAVERN, MICHIGAN NKKKK Ht MICHIGAN NEKKK A, Klavern Location DE lon advised that the NKKKK at the present the has only_one unit in the Michigan area and that this unit meets at Watkin's Coffee Shop, 19100 Joy Road Detroit, Michigan, Informant stated this unit meets twice ba monthly. b6 p7c Informant further advised that the Michigan NKKKK as of this time has 20 members in good standing and three members who are delinquent in the payment of their dues. b7D B. Identity of Officers DE on advised tha is the nd all the other officers of this unit are considered officers on the state level and are as set forth: Mv - MEMBER OF SUBIECT ORGANIZATION [OO ' -8- DE 157-1116 b7c b7D C. Activities of Klavern DE on and DE lon both advised the Michigan NKKKK primarily concerns itself at the presnt time with the circulation of NKKKK literature in an effort to enlarge its membership through the recruiting of new members. Informants have stated that the NKKKK leadership has told the membership to avoid any form of violence and instructed its membership tod@ey the law and promote their objectives through peaceful means, The above informants stated that they knew of no illegal acts sponsored by the Klan or individual members and knew of no incidents of cross burning or acts of intimidation by members or leaders of the NKKKK. Meetin DE and D: dvised that between January 12, 1968 and February 27, 1968, the Michigan Branch of the NKKKK DE 157-1116 held at least eight Klan affairs between January 7, 1968 and February 25, 1968, It_is to be noted that the above-mentioned Klan functias included, for the most part, organizational meetings all of which were closed meetings and one semi-private meeting which was open only to Klan members and their invited guests. E. Public Ral. Demonstrations ve [Jed and px{___Jon as} mH) both advised to date that the NKKKK has held ° public rallies or demonstrations. bb bIC III, FINANCES bID DE| on advised that the financial condition of the Michigan NEKKK is not readily available the membership, althagh he states it has been reported by that the organization was in good financial condition although no report to date has been submitted. IV. PUBLICATIONS AND PAMPHLETS DE }o jana DE! both advised that at the present time the NKKKK In Wichigan does not publish any newspaper or any form of propaganda. According to informant, the NKKKK in Michigan receives from national headquarters the "Imperial Night Hawk", described as the official publication of the NKKKK, Stonemountain, near Atlanta, Georgia, owned and published and operated by the NKKKK. = 0] APPENDIX UNITED KLANS OF AMERICA, INC, KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (UNITED KLANS) Records of Superior Court of Fulton Count Georgia, show that this Klan organization was granted 2 corporate charter on February 21, 1961, at Atlanta, Georgia, under the name United Klans, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of America, Inc. A source advised on February 27, 1961, that United Klans was formed as a result of a split in U. S. Klans, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,, Inc. According to the source, the split resulted from a léadership dispute and the United Klans has the same aims and objectives as the parent group. These are the promotion of Americanism, white supremacy, and segregation of the races. the source and a curce advised in that United Kians, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan oY America, Inc., merged with Alabama Knights, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The merged organization established headquarters in Suite 401, the Alston Building nn is directed b; land is the dominant Kian group in the in several southern states. On the source advised that the organization formerly known as United Klans, ~ Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of America, Inc., would be ;. known in the future as United Klay rica, Inc., Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The| lource said the name was changed by a resolution adopted at the National Klonvocation held July 8, 1961, at Indian Springs, Georgia. hese source advised that at a meeting at Prattville, Alabama, on October 22, 1961, a majority of the Klaverns of the U. S. Klans, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, merged with the United States of American, Inc., Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. pe sures DEPARTMENT AQhusTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Detroit, Michigan March 27, 1968 In Reply, Please Refer to File No. Title NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN Character RACIAL MATTER — KLAN Reference Report at Detroit, dated and captioned as above. All sources (except any listed below) whose identities are concealed in referenced communication have furnished reliable information in the past. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of - the FBI, It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its corents are not to be distributed outside your agency. é - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION CINCINNATI ATLANTA 4/4/68 10/12/67 - 3/25/68 ‘THLE OF CASE Chgr1onat_guronrs_or TH KU _KLux | _sal KLAN, 1 CHARACTER OF CASE ae wares ae a RM = KLAN xx ronmn cOnTAD mee UNUSSED REFERENCES 2 OnE Ae ONS Report of sf dated 9/25/67, at Cincinna Cincinnati airtel to Bureau, 3/27/68. =P LEADS: b } Information copies of this report are being b furnished Cleveland, Detroit and Louisville in view of their interest in this matter. ‘ACCOMPLISHMENTS CLAIMED ‘None Convic. Auto Fug. Fines Savings Recoveries Acquitals Cone has been Pending ovel ond year QE) vex [] No} Pending prosecution over six monthe C] Yee EINo aera Waa Ree eater aura ti eacasaioe (8+ Bureau (157-168) (RM) OSI, Cincinnati, Ohio (RM) NISO, Philadelphia, Pa. (RM) 109th MIG, Cincinnati (RM) ;Secret Service, Cincinnati, "Ohio (RM) - Atlanta (157-60) (RM) {soy 2s continued Cover at ) vol_ moma (ry Diaadninerion Record of Attached Repo Request Reed. Dawe Fas Jee detached by Blen Unit : @ CI. 157-245 1 - Cleveland (Info) (RM) 1 - Detroit (Info) (RM) 1 - Louisville (Info) (RM) 2 - Cincinnati (157-245) | CINCINNATI AT CINCINNATI, OHIO Follow and report all pertinent activities regarding this Klan organization. INFORMANTS : Identity of Source: Location: b2 ie (Prob) b7D it report = Be Cover Page FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION —— wastinoToN, nc, 20586 Fe Ne Director United States Secret Service April 4, 1968 Department of the Treasury Washington, D.C. 20220 Dear Sir ‘The information furnished herewith concerns an individual who is believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning Presidential pro- tection, and to fall within the category or categories checked. 1. (J Has attempted or threatened bodily harm to any government official or employee, including foreign government officials residing in or planning an imminent visit to the U. S., because of his official status. (J Has attempted or threatened to redress a grievance against any public official by othe than legal means. = Because of background is potentially dangerous; or has been identified as member or participant in communist movement; or has been under active investigation as member of other group or organization inimical to U. 8. [DV S. citizens or residents who defect from the U. S. to countries in the Soviet or Chinese Communist blocs and return. (KXSubversives, ultrarightists, racists and fascists who meet one or more of the following criteria’ (a) (J Bvidence of emotional, instability (including unstable residence and employment record) or irrational or suicidal behavior: (b) (5) Expressions of strong or violent anti-U. S. sentiment; (c) © Prior acts (including arrests or convictions) or conduct or statements indicating a propensity for violence and antipathy toward good order and government 6. [J Individuals involved in illegal bombing or illegal bomb-making. Photograph [] has been furnished (enclosed (is not available (Cay be available through —_ 1 - Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s) U. 8, Secret Service, Cimednnati Enclosure(s) (Won rémoval of classified enctosuree, if any, thi tranemital form q@. ‘becomes UNCLASSIFIED.) Copy tor Repot of Date: ung STATES DEPARTMENT OF acc FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION’ ~ OSI, Cincinnati, Ohio (RM) NISO, Philadelphia, Pa. (RM) 109th MIG, Cincinnati (RM) Secret Service, Cincinnati (RM) b Z a CINCINNATI 730 Fleld Office FleNox CT 157-245 Bureau FileNox 157-168 NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN, INC. be au mFONEIATION conan : {EnEt 18 UNCLAS! RACIAL MATTERS - KLAN warren Joregonia, Ohio, has transferred his Klan group to Lovelan io. This group is currently known as Kievern[ fend operates under name of Loveland Park Association. feetings are held on irregular basis - with 8 - 15 individuals who usually attend. Cincinnati bé6 confidential sources advised this Klavern is not b associated with parent organization psa tara and basis. a several NKKKK teetings in Detroit higan area during late 1967 and early 1968. Thd |Klansmen arrested during August, 1967 by the Lincoln Heights, Ohio PD have had their court action continued until- 4/22/68, through their attorney -P- DETAILS: A characterization of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Inc, and of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of Ohio, Inc., are contained in the appendix of this report. 157-245 7 GENERAL ACTIVITIES, FINANCES AND MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATICD6 DIC b’ The Klan organization which had been operating ey and still oper: gular basis, which formerly met on the farm of at Oregonia, Ohio, has trans- ferred their locatio! @ to Loveland, Ofio. This group is now known as Klavern| nd operates under the name of the Loveland Park Assocation. All of the previo en who attended activi- ties under the leadership o: 't Oregonia, continue to lan attend meetings at the Love Fk Association. = is usually attend a meeting ppear to be working together est venture and are probably spliting any financial gains among themselves in connection with Klan activities. It is expected that this group will remain similar to the one which previously met on| farm and the only real change is that the location site is different. Fl A meeting of nad was held October 22, at the Loveland Park Association in Loveland, Ohio. ‘nai 7 a = Cleveland, Ohio area identified were invited and identified as ‘presen’ ese two men are evidently known officers the NKKKK in Ohio. Approximately 12 - 15 dance at this meeting, including and other known Klansmen. This meeting was supposed to be held for organiza- tional type purposes but it consisted of merely a social gathering with no concrete results obtained. A meeting was held November 12, 1967, at the Loveland rk Association, with seven individuals being present. lere again in attendance and nothing OF Importance took place. Once again the meeting mainly involved socializing. -2- cr 157-2 Associat: $ 45 Kiaver{ which meets at the Loveland Park ion has acting on an independent basis and it is understood that it is not affiliated with the parent organiza’ tion (NKKKK), at Tucker, Georgia. This Klavern pa eurzanthe ise aS pointed out in the past nd ave dreamed up this scheme Town financial benefits. for thei: has definitely traveled to Detroit, Michigan on Several occasions during the latter part of 1967 and NKKKK met Detroit annual d man name indicate per year As a resi disrupte the early part of 1968 for the purpose of attending etings in that area. It was learned tha’ told the Klansmen at the meetings that the initiation fee was $15.00 and the however, an expelled Chicago police-(J i :”) tarted holding a Klan meeting and = S@¢t-~ d that the dues and initiation fees would be on per new member. This definitely embarrassed ult these two conflicting stories have intern: d the Detroit Klan group. The Loveland Park Association held a meeting March 10, 1968, in the Loveland, Oh oximately [_Jkiansmen were present, inj from the Cleveland, Ohio area and| Tom Ton, Ohio area. follows: Associa: The current situation as observed appears as A number of Klansmen who formerly met onf farm now attend meetings at_the Loveland Park ion on an irregular basis. ravels from Cleveland, Ohio about every two months to attend a meeting There is affiliat Georgia. pendent concerni: dues of no evidence to indicate this organization is ed with the parent organization (NKKKK) at Tucker Therefore, it must be considered a local inde- organization and it is not organized to any degree. During the above meeting the main topic was ng an initiation fee of $25.00 to join and a yearly $50.00. Nothing positive was decided cr 157-245 The Police Department Court action of the five Klansmen previously arrested by the Lincoln Heights, Ohio Police Department tas been continued until April 22, 1968. As was pointed out previously these five Klansmen were arrested August 19, 1967, by the Lincoln Heights, Ohio Police Department and charged with Posting Bills without a Permit. They were all later released to Hamilton County Authorities on $300 bond each. Their pending court action has been continued on numerous occasions. b2 b6 BIC b7D NATIOWAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN OF OHTO, INC. (NKKKK) APPENDIX On October 8, 1964. Secretary of State's Office, Columbus, State of Ohio, advised public records from this office indicate a charter was granted the NKKKK of Ohio on October 5, 1964, by the:State of Ohio, The charter was filed under Certificate Number 10194, and the Corporation Number is 334111. ‘The purpose of the corporation is to operate as a realm organization within the State of Ohio and in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the National Knights of the KU Klux Klan, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia. Second, to promote patriotism toward the civil government, honorable peace among men and nations, love among ourselves, liberty, justice and }, patriotic association for the mutual benefit of all mankind.) ____The_incornoration naners were siened b On October 23, 1964, (state House, Secretary of Stateb Office, State of Ohio, advised that the Natonal Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of Ohio, Inc.'s charter granted October 5, 1964, was revoked October 22, 1964, for the official reason that the Natonal Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Organiza the U.S Attorney General's subversive list. said the actual purpose for revocation of the charter was not because the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is on the U.S. Attorney General's subversive list, but because it was felt the existence of a state granted charter would encourage the Klan to make the claim it was "state sanctioned" and therefore entirely legitimate. In actuality the Ku Klux Klan and not the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan has been designated by the U.S. Attorney General pursuant to Executive Order 10450. FB.923 (Rev, 11-29-81) . os STATES DEPARTMENT OF ®. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Cincinnati, Ohio In Reply, Ploese Refer © April 4, 1968 File No, Title NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU. KLUX KLAN, INC, Character RACIAL MATTERS - KLAN ee Reference Report of SA dated and captioned as above. All sources (except any listed below) whose identities are concealed in referenced communication have furnished reliable information in the past. “supyecr: Cincinnati. informant reliability page, FD 323, and the! requested to attach each FD 323 to the ‘eig report already submitted to the Bureau. This matter was inadvortontiy overlook Cincinnati Office prior to the time above aepeet was submitted to the Bureau. Cincinnati will handle: same with Copies. ter a. Bureau (pe. wel pte DIRECTOR,:. FBI (87-168) 4/26/68 SAC, CINCINNATI (157-245) (P) [ALL meFORMATION CONTANTED . NKKKK, Ine ‘ aly Rw -/ ELAN BEL: 00: Atlanta Re report. of sal 7/4/68, at Cincinnati. En¢lésed for the Bureau are eight copies of informant reYiability page, FD 323, and the Buréau is Yeduested to attach each FD 323 tothe eight copies of réport already submitted to the Bureaw. Thisimatter was inadvertently everloeked by the Cincinnati Office frier to the time above report was submitted to the Bureau. Cincdnnatd will handle same with @incinnata Sopies. Bureau (Enc. 8) (RM) 1 - Cincinnati EMS:1j0 @) PD-36 Rev. 522064; » FBI Date: 4/4/68 Transmit the following in [Type ts plalntoxt oF code] Vie AIRTEL (Priory TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (157-168) FROM: SAC, DETROIT (157-1116) QaarrowansourcHrs._ oF 7HE (_ (NKKKK) wy z (00: ATLANTA) Re Chicago airtel to the Bureau, dated 2/27/68, and Cleveland airtel to the Bureau, dated 3/18/68, captioned as above. Recent contacts with jand| (PROB) , both informants of known reliability who are Tamilzar With activities of the NKKKK, to date have failed to develop any b6 information indicating that the NKKKK at the present time p7C plans any type of rally either in Chicago or Detroit Divisions. cay Informants have been alerted and advised to immediately report any information received indicating NKKKK plans any type of rally. KE bureau (aM) U 2 Chicago (157-895) (RM) 2 - Cleveland (100-10261) (RM) 2 - Detroit WIW/mem (9) @ APR 6 1968 = = TO: DIRECTOR, FBI an SAC, DETROIT (157-1116) NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE. KU_KLUX KLAN (NKKKK) RM - KLAN (00: ATLANTA) Enclosed for the Bureau are 11 copies of an LHM captioned as abae, One copy of the LHM is also being sent to G-2, Secret Service, and USA, all Detroit, Mich., for information. bé k Source utilized in LHM is| The LHM is classified confidential because information reporte therein could possibly identify an informant of continuing value, thus being detrimental to the national dpfense. EDTovean (Bre. py 1 - Afiabta (Enc. (RM) 1 - Chicago (Enc.t{1)_ (RM) 1 - Milwaukee (En¥.-1) (RM) 2 - Detroit EGA/mem (8) REC IY soy /6B— be lee detached by i ; Acs ‘SEC SER Klan Unit DATE POR. ap a Lo AND " __ HOW FoRW: “ATT Gor © 16 C. o, BSKON Y oi ad : 9 4 iteleotrqea te s Approved: FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Detroit, Michigan April 4, 1968 CONFIQENTIAL Re: National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (NKKKK) Confidential source, who has furnished reliable information in the past, advised on April 3, 1968, that the following was discussed at an NKKKK meeting in Detroit, Michigan, on March 31, 1968: 4A characterization of the NKKKK appears in the appendix attached hereto. iG It was reported that i ) it, Michigan, d’traveled to Chicago, Illinois, to Ww be ) b6 se \ contact INKKKK leader in Chicago) to purchase 17. \ firearms b7D b7I 968, became angry at th ie n Michigan to sell firearms at an Source subsequently advised that he had nother member of the NKKKK i M-1 carbine from| for not allowin; NKKKK meeting. learned that Michigan, ha The source further advised that it was reported that there is going to be a cross burning and a rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in protest of nd what stands for. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It is the property of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. ENTIAL rom automatic downgradtig and declassifi¢gtion Transmit the followin i a Tispa tap AIRTEL (Priori 1 Director, FBI (157-168) FROM : SAC, CHICAGO (157-895) e SUBJECT: THECNATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN RM-KLAN 00: Atlanta Re Milwaukee airtels 3/26, 3/29, and 3/3 [ssmmneeenneened | enereoee eters of ; Information copies furnished recipient offices in view of their interest in captioned matter. For the Bureau's information and other offices, refermced communications set’ forth fol, 5 Milwaukee airtel /aated 3/26. that Milwaukee Poliog Department (MPD), advised on Tearo, Tllingis, to visit FNU Police Offi@8¥ who aliegedly is the| he National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (NKKKK) in the midwest. @- Bureau (RM) X16 plan dat 2 - Atlanta (157-60) (Info) (RM) = Cleveland (RM) (Info) ie yee ft ST [b5-, Bef ~ Jackson (RM) (Info) C7) 4 - Milwaukee (RM) (Encls.1) (105-182) = Chicago (1 = 157-2458) APR @ 1968 (1 = 157-2579) (Requisition of Firearms) (1 & 157-2492) (3), “55 CG 157-895 le FNU is identical t WHO was a Sago ‘ce Department on 12/28/67 sult of his affiliation with the NKKKK at_Chicago. as publicly claimed that he 1s, the NERKK Lo] jforthe midwest area with headquarters at Chicago, imois, ; ; geen dp odlivare Zt we upon his return tolMttwaukee™aTYéPedly told a second individual that he could buy shotguns, grenades and submachine guns from It is noted jis considered by the Milwaukee Police Department to be unstable and to exaggerate when the opportunjty presents itself. i 68, advised that on 2/98/68 ontacted Waukesha indicated they planned on holding a Klan rally on 4/14/68, in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. On 3/26/68 fontactea nvolved and indicated he desired to ren property for a Klan rally. stated they expected approximately 5,000 persons to be at the rally on 4/14/68. ndicated he has known’ from childhood and he considers| as a "nut” who would be unable to O-attenda Klan rally. On 3/29/68, advised hat he would HOt-permit the Klan to use-or rent his property for the Klan rally on 4/14/68. -————lliiluaukea_ajrtel, dated 3/30/68, advised that Mpn’”_advised O/6R that their informant stated| stated ad indicated that 30-vehicles from the Ohio area and 18 vehicles from the State of Mississippi would meet in Akron, Ohio, on 4/14/68, These vehicles would then -2- CG 157-895 trayel to Waukesha County Wisconsin to hold a Klan rally £ 768. KY Radio ec, Wiscot tha forme: is scheduled to appear on a" = mn from 10 PM to 12PM 4/14/68. 01 advised that he had b2 recently learned that a supply of several thousand. rounds of various types of anaunition and other supplies > has been cached in a secret location in the State of Wisconsin. b was in contact on| hath ssociates off] who have been plgse associates of is caployed-at.the Chicago Gun, Center, 34 ar linois, ant @ecording to in fur! i Ammunition and weapons t ent months — 0 who in a position to know of| activities have been unable to furnish any information concerning a planned Klan rally in Wisconsin on 4/14/68, xr Milwaukee's information it would appear thy is dn:a por e11 or furnish weapons to| in the eve: jo desires to obtain them. _—_____—For Milwaukee! ‘orma tion ,| was born at Chicago mois, tall, weigh resides at CG 157-895 nd utilizes a 1965 black Cadillac, b6 Sedan, bearing 1968 Illinois licen: b7c Both the front: and rear bumper of 2 prominent stickers reading "WALLACE for President." Chicago maintaining close liaison with sources and will keep the Bureau and other offices advised of any pertinent information relative to the above. LEADS ATLANTA, CLEVELAND, AND JACKSON - INFORMATION Will alert sources for any information relative to the alleged Klan rallies to be held at Akron, Ohio and Waukesha County, Wisconsin on 4/14/68, FBpe nen s2080 Fel Date: 4/9/68 Director, FBI (157-168) Qe CLEVELAND (100-10261) (P) an ¢ ERR EITCETS OF TB unc oy REN ISG 88. oor ar wena Re Atlante airtel to Bureau, 3/27/68. meeting between JAMES R, VENABLE, erial Wizard, THREE, “dl of Akron, Ohio, during mid-February, 1968 : For, info: was formerly the ation of receiving offices, in NKKKK activities in Northern for the NKKKK Unit at Akron, Ohio. 0B) advised approximately one year ago completely disbanded, Since that time continued to es and even visited fown South periodically, bh Inad no following at Akron and the NKKKK had no membership. recent edition of that paper congratulate: organizational activity in Ohio. receipt of information fron the chaphogte ac Bishan, rea Ube fu Atlante eee | sauce | i Depeatt | rote in Las 1572508 eet tues reared = 1572470 UKA, Inc.) Reairtel inateates| al presently’ th{ of the NKKKK newspaper, "The yerial Kn: for his Whis office is also in Division, indicating + LerLid Ld 0 12 APR 11 1968 oAPne Sent —_____. ‘eet 6g ‘Agent in Charge a ey 100-10261 2 meeting of the NKKKK th Carolina in 8/67, §_announced| f Akron, Ohio, was now of Florida, Alabama and Mississippi. 'PROB) both advised they were co anab; any substantiating the information that| rt with t Akron during 2/68, be These sour er have been unable to develop information b7c cern ing| ponsible:contasts in the States of Mississippt, 7p Plorida and Alabama. Cleveland Division racial informants at Akron, Ohio tinue to attempt to devel: ‘tion concern: ontacts. They state that, as no active uni! functioning in this area. All pertinent information developed will be promptly furnished to the appropriate offic 2. PD.ab (flew, 5622-68) . : FBI Date: 4/11/68 Transmit the following in Ti ype in plaintext or code) AIRTEL i (Priarligy id 7 TO : DIRECTOR, FBI (157-168) ween onte- FROM: SAC, CHICAGO (157-895) (P) Co SUBJECT: THE NATIONAL KNIGHTS~OF--THE— Re Chicago airtel and LHM to Director dated 3/1/68, Enclosed for the Bureau are 11 copies of an LHM \ dated and captioned as above. This LHM is being disseminated ‘| locally to USA, Chicago, U. 8. Secret Service, Chicago, and Region I, 113th MI Group, Evanston, Tllinois.—tyo copies of the LHM are also being furnished Atlanta Division. f For information Atlanta Division| | of the Anti-Defamation League, B'Nai B'Nith, 222 West mo f Chicago, Illinois, advised on’ 4/10/68 that investigators of the Anti-Defamation League ned in Georgia have learned that ‘ormer and currently] lof captione rn organization for Mid-Weste: cently in Atlanta for a home, These investigators have learned that 's planning to move from Chicago, Illinois, to Atlanta @ purpose of aiding NKKKK Chief JAMES R, VENABLE in his attempt to recruit wider membership for the NKKKK. It was also ascertained that VENABLE is seriously ill and no visitors are permitted to si GG. « Bishop c @- ‘Bureau (Encls. 11) Ry 2 - Atlanta (Encls. 2) (RM) 7 ~ Chicago 157-2458 157-2467 157-2468 157-2469. 397-2470) 157-2471 bic Unit CG 157-895 Chicago will continue t. ° Bureau and Atlanta on as developed, Chicago is al: jhe process of preparing a summary report re T| 6 bé DIC 0 afford the’ activities ATMERA Contact Klan sources re inforeation iu Atlanta. - 2* = Qriveo STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Chicago , Illinois 60604 In Reply, Please Refer to April 11, 1968 (2 oy Fite Ne. Hebei yg CATION con 157-895 ary oe TAtieg THE NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU_KLUX_ KLAN (NKKKK) Reference is made to Chicago memorandum da, 1968, dated and captioned as above. On April 10, 1968, of the Internal Investigation Division, Chicago Police Depaktment, advised that on April 5, 1968, the Chicago Police Re : ace D6 | from the Chic: police officer in 57 { so far 23 their connection with thé National Knight.of the Ku i Klux Kian (NKKKK) impedes these men in their effort tofobtain their objectives as police officers. ecember 29, 1968. from the police force immediately following this exposure, A characterization of the NKKK is attached hereto, The above is being furnished to the following agencies: United States Attorney, Chicago, Illinois; United States Secret Service, Chicago, Illinois; Region I, 113th Military Intelligence Group, Evanston, Illinois, This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI, It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agenc it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. ‘ENCLOSURE /3 * Le Casper Date: 4/3/68 Transmit the following in — __ spa Te platen a code) Tard Tate Vio __ATRTEL . = Tele. Room PiiongT Miss Mise Gandy TO: RECTOR, FBI rout SAC, DETROIT (157-1116) (P) — LIGHTS _OF THE UX KLAN, RM ~ KLAN (00: ATLANTA) oyu, — on lwho has f eliable infor the past, advised that on e learned that National Knights of. the Ku Klux Klan (NKKKK) ahd former member of the Chicago, Ill. Police Depart- 7-Was planning to travel - and visit J E,_ Imperial Wizard, and leaders of ‘the 'WKKKK, during the early part of the week 4/1-6/68. ‘urther stated tha, a Ton, to visit the b2 ho resides in that area and then to continue on to y possibly arriving in Detroit on the weekend of b b? advised that he believes this trip concerns a factional dispute within the NKKKK in the Mich. area. LEADS AT ATLANTA, CHICAGO AND CLEVELAND Attempt through informants to yerify and purpose of said trip. eBKEAM 2 - Atlanta (RM) 2 - Chicago (RM) 2 - Cleveland (RM) uf at Transmit the following in FBI Date: 4/8/68 (Type ta plaintert oF coded 1 AIRTEL ! 1 (Priory? TO : DIRECTOR, FBI (ATIN: FBI IDENTIFICATION DIVISION, LATINT FINGERPRINT SECTION, 4 SINGL2 FINGERPRINT EXPLOSIYs FROM : SAC, CHICAGO S.ACTION) ° 7 — 7 SUBJECT: a PIONAL_ KNIGHTS.OF. fet L THE THE y. HG an Ale REDE NEB) Bureau file 157-168 HEREIN JSP YOLAS. 7 Gale go file 157-895 (P) parE f (tlanta) RM CORGANIZATION) Chicago file 157-2458 (P) POTINTIAL BOMBING SUSPECT (00: Chicago) Re Chicago airtel and letterhead memorandum dated 1/9/68 captioned, “NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (NKKK) RACIAL MATTERS - KLAN.' Enclosed’ herewith for the Bureau are 11 copies of an LIM concer; ter and 2 copies of an FD-376 concerning th photograph. 2 copies of LIM furnished to ‘Atlanta, office of origin in matters pertaining to the NEKKK. One copy of Lit! being furnished to USA, Chicago, U.S, Secret Service, Chicago, with FD-376 and Region 1 1i3th MI Group, Svanston, Tiinois. i Bureau ORD (ane. 19 Ly $2 j Pe By Bes 2B ecm SA MSES eet oe) b © AFR 13 1968 ve “wd pRaseas Tipe \ oo = FILED IN V7.6 WE — co. GNREC COPY AND COPY OF E l hath: eee La ptend Ww CG 157-895 157-2458 For the info: au with the submission of this s being placed on the Potential Bombing SUSpect TSE Of the: Chicago Division. The basis for thi ‘lection is as follows: Is the £ the N ea, up until 3/30/68 he held office at ef eet, Chicago, Illinois ‘a former lrecently approached Pewee ves of tl elalist White People's Party (NSWPP) in Chicago and attempted to gain their sup During this contact Chicago ANP sources have learned that| spoke of violent action against the Jewish element, cated the bombing of Jewish synagogues possibly in the fall. Sources relate that nothing specific was learned; and it is not known if| s serious plans or whether he was bragging and attempting to Impress the Nazis knowing their fe bout Jewish people. Sources state the Nazis contacted ce were not particularly interested in cooperating with Hany effort, A description of ls included in the attached LM. ees utilized in this Litt ard and Information concerni with respect to his Jewish synagogues was furnished to Chicago Police Department, Intelligence For the information of the Idey ion Division, icago Police Department submitted prints under in 1958, no FBI number assigne: Sree vdeo STATES DEPARTMENT OF More: FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Chicago, T1linois April 8, 1968 ‘THE NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU_KLUX KLAN (NKKKK) ‘ b7C Reference is made to Chicago memorandum dated 57) January 9,°1968, captioned NKKKK. : is the self-admitte of the NKKKK, midwest division, is whose assocrarromwith WRRRR-WHS—EXPOSEU IMT er, 1967. Two Chicago sources, who have furnished reliable information in the past, and who are familiar with some phases of ‘National Socialist White Peoples Party (NSWPP) activities in Chicago have advised as follows of information recently learned: i During Mar jreportedly had a meeting wit! land one er : was the| jof the NSWPP midwes’ jeadquarters. The purpose of the meeting was for the purpose of establishing communication between the NSWPP and the NKKKK. According to sources, attempted to gain the support of the NSWPP, During his conversation with the NSWPP poke of violent action against the Jewish elem of the bombing of Jewish houses of worship. ed nothing specific, and sources questioned whethe: has serious plans along these lines or whether he wa! ging” and attempting to impress the Nazis, knowning of their attitude toward Jewish people. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI, It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; 4t and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. e PA RE: THE NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (NKKKK) Lo It was learned that the NSWPP is ticularly interested in having anything to do with as they do not trust him, The following is a description of Race Sex Residence Date of birth Place of birth Weight Height Hair Eyes Social Security No Characterizations of the NKKKK, and NSWPP, national and local, are attached to this memorandum, All sources utilized have furnished reliable information in the past. The above information has been made known to United States Attorney, Chicago, Region 1, 113th Military Intelligence Group, Evanston, and United States Secret Service, Chicago. “2 APPENDIX NATIONAL SOCIALIST WHITE PEOPLE'S PARTY, Aka. THE AMERICAN NAZI PARTY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A source advised on November 14, 1960, that on. that date a meeting was held in Chicago, ‘Illinois, for the purpose. of organizing a Chicago Unit of the American Nazi Party (ANP) which maintains headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL, National Comaander,’ ANP, took charge of ‘eh mooting. May 22, 1966, elf-identified as ANP, Chicago, adviser @ ANP in Chicago is; 0-& degree autonomous although it remains aubject to the findl authority of GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL and. ANP National Headquarters, A jsource advised 11 that a directive was received from the National Headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, by the Chicago Unit of the AXP, 1314 West Ohio Street, during December, 1966, advising that the official name of the organization beginning January, 1967, would be National Socialist White People's Party (NSWPP). The source advised on that the Chicago Unit SWPP has sent out appeals for money and has had printed up literature and "throw aways" under the heading of the "American Kazi Party (National Socts Party), Natl. H.Q,, Box 5505, Arlington, Va W. Ohio st." a bource advised on Chicago branch of the NSWPP is located at 1314 West Chicago, Illinois. }s the chicago] 2 APPENDIX NATIONAL SOCIALIST WHITE PEOPLE'S PARTY, Also known as the American Nazi Party, American Nazis, the World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists the George Lincoln Rockwell Party On September 8, 1967, a source advised that the American Nazi Party - World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists (ANP - WUFENS) was organized by GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL at Arlington, Virginia, on February 26, 1956. It was based upon the concept of an international "National Socialist" movement, as espoused by the German Nazi Party, which was headed by ADOLF. HITLER. The ANP-WUFENS supports and follows the line of hatred against Negroes, Jews, and communists, through speeches, published literature, demonstrations and publicity-seeking devices for the Purpose of seeking a legitimate dominant political party within the United States and in foreign countries. “The Richmond News Leader“ issue dated April 4, 1963, published daily at Richmond, Virginia, stated that this organiza- tion is chartered in the State of Virginia as "The George Lincoln Rockwell Party" and that the Virginia Assembly prohibits the use of "Nazi" or "National Socialism" in a Virginia-chartered organi- zation. As of January 1, 1967, the official name of this organi- zation was changed to "National Socialist White People's Party," according to Commander ROCKWELL. On August 25, 1967, GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL was assassinated in Arlington, Virginia, near the ANP Headquarters Building. The August 28, 1967, issue of the "Northern Virginia Sun," a daily newspaper published at Arlington, Virginia, stated that MATTHIAS KOEHL, JR., took command of the Party after ROCKWELL's assassination.

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