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Finally A Multi-Vitamin That Preserves Your Body,

Rather Than Poisoning It
Increase your energy

Improve focus and memory

Maximize circulation

Block cancer from invading your body

Get maximum antioxidant & anti-inammatory benets

No synthetic ingredients added!

Read This if You Currently Take a Multi-Vitamin

Purchased from the Grocery Store or Health Store...
Warning: Your Multi-Vitamin May Be Slowly Killing You!

Millions of people believe that taking a daily

multi-vitamin is a healthy act. And it can be.
However not all multi-vitamins are created
equal, and not all of them are safe!

In fact, the majority of multivitamin

supplements being sold in the marketplace are
just plain crap. This is true even for many that
are sold in health food stores.

Warning: You might get pissed o after

reading this page. But at least youll have the
information needed to keep yourself safe from toxic multi-vitamin scams. 1/13
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Common Ingredients Found in Multi-Vitamins Prove to

Be Toxic!
The year was 2000. I was a young, naive chemist working toward my Masters degree in
drug design. Working feverishly in the lab next to me, a chemistry professor was horried
at something she was looking at. She called me over to have a look.

What I saw made my eyeballs almost pop out of my head

Resting neatly under her microscope was a Petri dish containing DNA, the building blocks
of life. The professor had recently exposed the DNA to chromium picolinate, an
ingredient commonly found in multi-vitamin products. Her intention with the experiment
was to mimic vitamin consumption and monitor the results.

The scene inside the Petri-dish looked as if a bomb had gone o. It looked like terrorists
had gotten a hold of the DNA and blown it to smithereens. Chromosomes that were once
neatly-coiled were now random pieces of nucleotides scattered around like broken china.

You dont have to be a scientist to understand what happened here. Ill simplify it for you:

Like a grenade, chromium picolinate blew the genetic map of the DNA to pieces. It
was the rst piece of evidence proving that synthetic ingredients in vitamins can be toxic.

Now think about the fact that chromium picolinate is an ingredient OFTEN INCLUDED IN
MULTI-VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS! If you swallow it, its like putting a grenade to your DNA!

When your DNA gets f#$%d up, all sorts of bad things can happen such as cancer.

Seeing the eect that chromium picolinate had on the DNA in the Petri dish, I couldnt
help but wonder, Why are people eating this shit?

Why is Nobody Talking About this DEADLY Multi-

Vitamin Scam?
That incident in the lab took place well over a decade ago. At the time, I had not yet been
fully exposed to the Big Pharma scam perpetuated by the lamestream media and
clueless supplement hucksters. 2/13
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But ever since then, Ive grown more and more disgusted that this shit is being sold to
unsuspecting consumers.

Unfortunately, chromium picolinate isnt the only toxic oender. Most multi-vitamins
are loaded with synthetic copycats of Mother Nature. Very few supplement hucksters
are aware of the real and present danger of these substances, and many vitamin
consumers have unknowingly become casualties of war, thanks to supplement toxicity.

But you dont have to be a victim anymore.

Im committed to educating laypersons about the horrors of synthetic multi-vitamins.

These agents of destruction dont belong anywhere near your DNA they belong in the

Does Your Multi-Vitamin Contain These 3 Toxic

Most multi-vitamins are lled with a slew of toxic ingredients, but the 3 biggest culprits

Vitamin D

Folic Acid


If any one of these are in your multi-vitamin, throw the bottle in the trash! In
addition to wasting your money, you also destroy your health by taking them.

Most Toxic Vitamin #1 Synthetic Vitamin D (It Makes

Great Rat Poison!)
Vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 are man-made drugs that have been proven to be extremely
eective at killing rats. In other words, they make good rat poison.

The University of Colorado reminded the scientic community of this danger when they
published: baits containing large quantities of vitamin D are used very eectively as
rodenticides (rat poison). 3/13
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Popular poisons like Quintox and Rampage prove that synthetic vitamin D is lethal. These
products contain less than 8% vitamin D per serving and will kill a rat in 1 to 4 days
which means that if vitamin D were treated like the drug it is, it would never make it past
clinical trials!

What eect does this poison have on humans?

When ingested, synthetic vitamin D products mobilize calcium from bones into the
bloodstream. The results may include:


kidney failure

central nervous system depression (Can lead to depression and lack of energy)

heart failure

All of these are signs of parathyroid dysfunction, which can manifest as kidney stones,
frequent headaches, fatigue, and depression. Sometimes the symptoms are not so
obvious, like high blood pressure and the inability to concentrate.

Bottom line: keep synthetic vitamin D far, far away from your body. Dont swallow it.
Dont fall prey to the supplement scammers who say its good for you. Its not.

How do you know if your vitamin D is synthetic? Easy. If it has the number 2 or 3 after it
and is in capsule or tablet form, then its synthetic.

Most Toxic Vitamin #2 Folic Acid (Beware This

Folic acid is a cheap counterfeit isolate of the naturally occurring folate.

The term folate (not to be confused with folic acid) encompasses many naturally occurring
chemical cousins chemists call them isomers that play a wide range of positive roles in
the body. 4/13
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Folate is good for you. Without getting enough full-spectrum natural folate, our body
becomes a breeding ground for:

Alzheimers disease

coronary heart disease


neural tube defects

poor cognitive performance


hearing loss

many types of cancer

That said, you should be ooding your body with folate but NOT the fake counterfeit,
folic acid.

In one of the biggest natural heists in pharmaceutical history, Big Pharma stole the real
folate from the marketplace and replaced it with their nasty substitute: folic acid.

Known to chemists as pteroylglutamic acid monoglutamate, the drug folic acid is one of
the best-selling scams inltrating the nutritional supplement market today. It has
made its way into products such as multi-vitamins, and even prenatals. (So even before
theyre born, growing fetuses are getting slammed by folic acid swallowed by their
pregnant mothers!)

Adding injury to insult, the FDA mandated that grain-based foods such as bread and
cereal, be fortied with folic acid in 1996. THAT MEANS THOSE IDIOTS INTENTIONALLY
ADDED FOLIC ACID TO COMMON FOOD PRODUCTS! The only thing missing from most
cereal boxes is a black box warning, because the side eects of folic acid are staggering.

Today, an estimated 274 million people are being exposed to folic acid. Unbeknownst to
them, the synthetic compound has proven to have adverse eects. According to the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA), no long term studies exist to evaluate the risks associated
with prolonged use.

The Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening trial linked folic
acid intake with 20% to 32% increased risk of breast cancer in women who consume
more than 400 microg/d supplemental folic acid per day.

Bottom line: Beware of the counterfeit, folic acid. 5/13
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Most Toxic Vitamin #3 Calcium (It Can Freeze Your

Are you sick to your stomach yet? It gets worse

Another commonly used supplement that does more harm than good iscalcium.
Practically EVERYONE has been fooled into thinking this one is not only safe, but
mandatory for healthy bones. BS!


A friend of mine recently told me about

a gruesome death of someone close to
him. The deceased had been a health
nut, taking calcium as prescribed by
her doctor.

The woman was found dead lying on

the kitchen oor. Her sister had
stopped by for a surprise visit to say
happy birthday. Instead of a happy
celebration, it was a moment of pure

Im not making this up. This shit is


Taking the normal dose of recommended calcium pills, the victim had inadvertently
created a situation in which her arteries became calcied. Essentially, they were
frozen in time. Like concrete setting, her insides hardened. Technically, this is called
calcication.Fake calcium was the catalyst for her slow death.

You see, theres a HUGE dierence between calcium from nature which is organic
calcium and the poisonous calcium thats is in your multi-vitamin!

Produced by drug giants Homann-La Roche and BASF, calcium in your multivitamin is
known chemically as: 6/13
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calcium carbonate

calcium citrate


di-calcium phosphate

calcium hypochlorite

tri-calcium phosphate

So poisonous is fake calcium, that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warns
against this crap in your water:

Bottom line: If you value your health, examine your multi-vitamin labels. If you nd any
of forms of synthetic calcium listed above, then throw the bottle in the garbage!

Take a Stand Against Toxic Multivitamins

Whether its chromium picolinate, vitamin D, folic acid, or calcium, studies over the last 10
years have conrmed that synthetic toxins oer no health benets whatsoever. At the
same time, chemists have learned that many of these synthetic impostors can lead to
calcium deposits a common condition which, in severe cases, can narrow or block the
arteries that feed the heart. This leads to heart failure.

Does that sound f#$%ing healthy to you?

I didnt think so!

Heart failure is exactly what happened to my friends loved one, who was found dead on
her birthday. The most unforgivable part of that story is that her doctor actually
recommended she take the very calcium supplements that ended up killing her.

Millions of People are Killing Themselves to Be Healthy

Because They Dont Know Any Better
The dangers of synthetic vitamins are well-documented in scientic literature. 7/13
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One University study wrote in The New York Daily News that, Calcium supplements, long
recommended for stronger bones, may be bad for the heart.

The New York Times sounded the calcium supplement alarm, as well. They published that,
Older people who take at least 500 milligrams of calcium dailyless than the amount in a
typical one-a-day calcium pillare 30 percent more likely to have a heart attack than those
who take no calcium at all.

Stop what youre doing and think about thisMillions of people are killing themselves
to be healthy. Birthday celebrations will be missed vacations and graduations will
vanish All those great experiences that yield indelible memories, gone.

Synthetic Vitamins are a National Health Crisis

As The Peoples Chemist (heck, even as a young college dude tossing together a hangover
remedy), Ive always taught that medicine is a science of MEASURABLE RESULTS.

For the non-genius reading this, that means there has to be a positive outcome from
taking a pill something you can measure.

When I design vitamins, I make damn sure that every single one of my creations has only
naturally occurring ingredients and confers positive, MEASURABLE RESULTS.

For a multi-vitamin, an example of a positive and measurable result would be something

with antioxidant and anti-inammatory properties. A multi-vitamin would also be
benecial if it fought cancer and boosted the immune system!

Sadly, MEASUREMENT is not on most peoples radar.

Pill popping is usually the result of blind loyalty to celebrity promotions, doctors orders, or
MLM vitamin scams. Thats why synthetic vitamins are a national crisis. Its not on
ANYBODYS radar. Nobody gives a shit.

Most people are living under the illusion that swallowing multi-vitamins is healthy and
therefore, this national crisis wont be solved any time soon.

Millions will ignorantly continue swallowing toxic multi-vitamin supplements, to their own

Just because THEYRE being stupid doesnt mean you have to. 8/13
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You have the power to change the course of your own health, by saying No to synthetic

Introducing "Daily Dose"... a Multi-Vitamin That

Preserves Your Body, Rather Than Poisoning It
Daily Dose is a dierent kind of multi-vitamin

It contains the most benecial, naturally occurring nutrients required to ght cancer, as
well as increase energy, vitality, immunity, and longevity.

Each capsule provides your body with a wide array of naturally occurring ingredients:




essential fats

full-spectrum niacin




B vitamins

all of which are sourced directly from nature!


Daily Dose is Your New Health Insurance

Despite the government trying hard to keep people stupid, and despite all the blind
support given to Big Pharma, and all the idiotic doctors who continue pushing deadly
drugs onto clueless consumers YOU still have a powerful weapon for health. 9/13
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Its called Daily Dose.

Using ultra potent turmeric, curcumin extract, cayenne and bromelain, Daily Dose
oods your body with all of the real, full-spectrum antioxidant, anti-inammatory and
even anti-clotting medicines you need, direct from nature!

Heres a look at the benets of Daily Dose ingredients:

Cayenne pepper and bromelain help boost the bio-availability of curcumin. That means
you absorb more healing compounds than compared to any other supplement or drug on
the market. These two compounds also work to keep cells happy and healthy so they
dont turn into a rogue cancer.

Natural curcumin has been used for thousands of years as an anti-inammatory. Its
proven to help protect against cancer; purify the blood, detox the liver, and improve
digestion. It can even help with skin infections, wound closure, and chronic pain.
Curcumin is also cancer repellant.

Loaded with compounds known as curcuminoids, turmeric is your best weapon against
declining health. Dr. Minerva Santos, director of integrative medicine at Northern
Westchester Hospital in New York was quoted as saying, This orange and yellow spice,
famous for its extensive use in South Asian cuisine, also has anti-in ammatory properties. I
recommend it frequently

More on the Benets of Curcumin...

Even the American Cancer Society (ACS) has written that, Laboratory studies have shown
that curcumin interferes with several important molecular pathways involved in cancer
development, growth, and spread. Researchers have reported that curcumin inhibited the
formation of cancer-causing enzymes in rodents.

The Journal of Drugs in Dermatology highlights curcumins many uses, too:

Curcumin is a crystalline compound which gives the East Asian spice turmeric its bright
yellow color. The medicinal properties of this spice have been referenced in numerous
countries and cultures throughout the world. Today, theres growing scientic evidence 10/13
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suggesting curcumins utility in the treatment of chronic pain, inammatory dermatoses,

acceleration of wound closure, skin infections, as well as cosmetic ailments such as

There has never been a multi-vitamin or even prescription drug to oer so many health
benets as turmeric.

Beware of Store-Bought Turmeric Supplements That Are

Void of Active Ingredients
Unfortunately, when I surveyed existing turmeric products in the marketplace, I found
something shocking and even downright unforgivable. They lacked the active
ingredients required for healing! Worse, they were loaded with llers and preservatives

Where can you get a daily serving of pure, quality turmeric that hasnt been chemically
butchered in a lab somewhere?

Use my new Daily Dose supplement, and youll ood your body with life-enhancing
turmeric, plus all the other powerful ingredients previously mentioned.

Take Daily Dose and Start Living Young Now

Its Time to Trash Your Synthetic Multi-Vitamins and Put

Daily Dose to Work for Your Body and Your Mind

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the ingredients in Daily Dose?

Daily Dose is an all-natural turmeric supplement loaded with curcumin and other
naturally occurring vitamins. It has no llers, sugars, articial avors or synthetics. 11/13
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The benets of turmeric are fully explained in Shanes award winning book, Over-The-
Counter Natural Cures. Daily Dose contains turmeric root extract, turmeric root powder,
bromelain and cayenne. Cayenne helps increase the eectiveness of turmeric. Bromelain
helps to eat away the outer layer of cancer cells the cells that make cancer invisible to
the bodys immune system. With the outer layer removed, the body can attack and kill the
cancerous cells.

2. You mention Daily Dose is a natural multi-vitamin, but how

much of each does Daily Dose contain?
Daily Dose contains the most benecial, naturally occurring nutrients required for energy,
vitality, immunity and longevity. Each capsule provides your body with a wide array of
curcumin, beta-carotene, cobalt, essential fats, full-spectrum niacin, zinc, iron, manganese
and B-vitamins.

Because Daily Dose is an all-natural supplement, the actual composition of these

nutrients, vitamins and minerals varies, just as it does in nature. Natural occurring
curcumin has been used for thousands of years as a natural anti-inammatory that helps
protect against cancer and the unwanted eects of aging; it helps purify the blood, detox
the liver, improve digestion and it can even help with skin infections, wound closure and
chronic pain.

3. How many capsules should I take?

Most adults should take 1 capsules per day. Adults that weigh over 250 lb, can take up to
2 per day, split between two meals. Daily Dose is best taken on a full stomach, after a
meal. To increase the absorption of your nutrients, make sure you follow the instructions
for the $1.41 Cleanse (

4. I would like my children to take Daily Dose, can I give it to my

The simple answer is yes as long as they can swallow a capsule. Children can take 1
capsule per day. Turmeric is a spice and cayenne is a hot pepper, so use some common
sense if you plan to give Daily Dose to your children by emptying the capsule into
something else

5. Do I really have to take it every day?

If you cannot commit to taking this daily then it is not for you. Daily Dose is a supplement
that must be used consistently to achieve incredible benet. Taking it haphazardly is a
waste. 12/13
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6. My children currently take a chewable gummy-vitamin from a

local store. Can you recommend another chewable vitamin for
them to take?
Unfortunately, no. Chewable vitamins contain synthetic vitamins and mineral compounds
that are not healthy for anyone to take. They might be easy to buy and easier to give to
the little ones, but they are garbage. If they can swallow a capsule, they can take Daily
Dose as above. If they cannot swallow a capsule, then just ensure they are following the
dietary guidelines in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures.

7. Is it OK to take Daily Dose with all of your other supplements?

Yes, its OK to take Daily Dose along with any of the other supplements you take on a full
stomach Cardio FX, Joint FX, Nighttime Thermo FX, Thermo FX, even Whey Advanced.
The only exception would be Cinnergy, but thats because Cinnergy is to be taken on an
empty stomach, before a meal.

8. Is it safe to take Daily Dose while pregnant or trying to get


Its Time to Trash Your Synthetic Multi-Vitamins and Put

Daily Dose to Work for Your Body and Your Mind 13/13

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