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u, ThelaltouiB dob ..

t L b o4 o,at
C d= u o n . r sc , = 1 9 o n b . a t =4 s " a =

\ia rl'2 w4 N hEaf oi.

Solution. C,u" : C! = z0 ,Vs I cr= r90nvs; dr = a5' !.q= 1a',p = 1 kc/d

Tle pre$m ns $mugh a

ap= h,'") (e,)l
=;,qry(6 45.),-(b"14,r= 0.16a
bu. (AD!.)
(it) Tte edL rto! p.r kg ol .ir, W :
w = cd c/(h ar

, a^ mt lM NnpPsn. h'lins eiht noed qnd unh 50E radtnn &tE^

the emurc ntio of a : t.Ihe air qkx th. @nprexq e 20'c and llaus
&Nbtt @d af 90 nh. nE nbtins bk'ta af onu,*t rctok uth n nnn
tmtupic efr.i2q of the anp'ffi
li)l ott d.oP bt the htnin,
AsuN | = U ann c, = 1.0osh,tks K.
fi -ft
\b= t4

u =l!")

-s, + rr3 466.6I(
Wdk&qnid g - ze3)= 174,47
d?, q) : 1.005({66.6 *J/kg- 18.)
Nos, ro.k done&g Nuhhr orsbs i cN(cp. -ca,)
3 x C& C/(hn %- kn c,) tRlerFic.621


Ior 50* E ..tronbldinc, % = Pr ed q = P,

1j46=hpl da,


pr = 6s.f = d:. r!tu.)
. // at=rg.r. -p, ( n'.\
EiaDIe rd,,At dtdr rtu o@E3w unh on o@ *nhqi 4f.i.a of a5q.dftur
re*un ntio of I : t. rtu 4@n btad. speedand llou
t\ nn.ondant thtoushaut.he.o 'loditE otd tuhitq
ELxitt d 1aa nt+ otuL uo& input 6 0.32, futcutab :

lL 4l =L{)rt =r136

4354- 2e3

r. T , . 4 6 0 . 5K
1hertli.dr *ork eqdred Pd kg
6 - 2e3)= 163's3
=+?,_Tr) = 1005(a60 ti'as
Froi velocit & (Fig. 62)

l, --" -*0, -* '".*

. i-1, = i; - r6,i drs 'As'|

work dme per st = cd(C-" Ca') r wdki4ut fa'b

C-. =Cttd0:=r6 d!t"=14F?-^ (r a

a Cq = c,bn q = 161skn 12'' 34"^

? - 344) i 032 x $i k't^g = 164ldAs
., wo* donepe.3rase= rs{X1'15


NuEbr ofttag6 = ro (.E)

E @r./47. k d eiEht !4e ddL lt u 'mp$et the
o.hpredbt .tI u th o^ aetutt E$tmprc4linnn ot s'zper@a
-d p**,id ' rh2 uut L diDi'1ed
"t*",r0K*dtbu 5aq 4ddrca't qn B n,'Qdrhe anot reLocq thtaush
i*, r,ua" i" rco -t"
.anpn&t i!"o*a
&nsbnt dtd b equol ta 90 4h CaLulak :
(ii)The paut zqun'd
d)Th. blade aates.
solutbl Gt'eu:lll=3 !r, = 5:1; nb =92$ ?o!=2e0K:pu=lbsI
DeFe df Ea.hon = 5oe6i C, = 90 dB
(, ft. bl'de 6ga q' fu q, P':
ruciim h 60* rtaciio.,
Rrer b Fig 69 fo! disgrM Sin'e the deFee of
,l!&s dE qhnd.@l md hen@the velmiiv diagm8
Lt sutrr ^' ddotd the nunrs. o/'i!s$
wiih isnimpic .on@$ion ihe biperalm or an batng 6e onpreso. sbse E
l- - ?r- *t

".., - - 4d-:-&r

oBmed by il'e .dpruer

= cl?N- ?u) -(cd c.lcNiN
.,(?N-?or)-Cr(tud: d ar) c&.lY
c-(L! 7i ) 1.00st{?a 29o)^10r
Fmn rct@tr hidgles, we hav

reFl 1 6 0 6 1 1 ? ?=31 6 e r 5

h = h1 (1.6e15) = 5s4.
Pr . d, = 60,41 (rffJ

Putlns ihe vdue ol d Drin (t), { haYe

bar+ ].6915= 1.773

. q = gr -,l.e.r' {Atu.}
(t) Th rD*.. ftquintl bY conPreso. P :
P = i c,(fN r$)
290) = 4.9 kw' (AE)
@4b,1t E
E-*"/a. b * *t r* "La n-op r y u d '
4,'r;>,"7"*s^.**.ry".n;-N3 "" p., *4 I'u tnt4 on'l
iii^.- t i* ""a no x r* Ma btod..Md t )3r ns
d ib ^" "-
-di^ .itL ,a.i* 'n cqta of 12" snd 32" at the ntdr inLetotu1aLttetMp*hvdt
rE uat* doE feb. k 0 e aatcut/1b:
tir stqnatian PoUnaPi Eflicienq
lii) Nun'zt al ddsc,
liii) Inlet t hperuture dnd PE*urt'
liliEhn helhr in t^e ftst rks. if the hub tip totio i! o42 nG' llou roe ls 5 hst9
lov -1,r-"-s6"b pd- be r!,-10ol{

q = 1s0nJs: Des@ of udion, nd = 0.5 work doD.facbr = 0e: ItDttiD !a6o=042;

i"f.;Iiq. 70. F- 50,6-"di"", ihe i st dd ouilei velocitvdiasratu de ident6l' Hene

q = P . = r z ' : o a = P 1 =3 2 '

(r) stlFa.ior polYtuPic

T1r bmFr&tr the end o|ihe@mDre$'o.sbgedue
I =3ooi4,'H .44s.sK
7." =r.,i&L

',",-'"=3" 3,=

ln(4) !t _

!4 tu a1+ bn pr = bn 1,' + b! 32'= 0.3371

c, tdn dr = 214.9x id 12' = 45.$ Er's

Ci tan 02 = 214.9i b 32' = 134.23d6

c,(c", - c-J x sort< dole raer

130(131.23- 45.63)x os 14.35t{J&E

Total work odmed br the dnpresor

=+"d ro) - - 30o). 172.36k }c
. Numhe,orsbF. N =;;$ =,,

liii) Inlt i@pmiun ed PrcsuE, tii"'

The abslub wlcitr CL ai xit frtrn the ;*" -u *o*"'j"" -"*u r"*"
r^. li=soo

= t.l3oo4!)--= o.?,i60
b-. itu".,
(i,) Blede lEi8it in ahe 6nt 3trg, I :
'IrE d@ity df air appmelrins b 6ni 6bsD,

et= = lsd qr-

B?,= zn,276

etg= 4 = 1s.6
0.ea2exrltl r0..12t1
x 2am=$.t
0342er r! t1- (o42fl!241e r
a = 0.42 .: r, = 1s.1s x 0.42= 7.636m

Hene hsishi of ihs bla& in t]ls n4r si!s6,

,r r, - 4 = $.r3 - ?,$6 - 10.6446. (Aa)
E 'id.A A n'tti.stos. vial ftau canprtst dzti@d 20 hstt of iir. I'h. ihtrt sbs8.
tion cndit'Lh,d t har ond t7'C- ftu pouer c@uh"d W ah.dhprtet ir 4350hut.

\i\ D,tilery p,*aft.

tii) Nunber af ddsa.
(iiil OunlL ienrrcpic af the @npnrro.,
A$uM balp{aturc ip i th. fnt tt4ee b 15'c, ue pduihpi. ,fti2tua of 6 p/$i.

Sollriot C;uer r t = 20 !s/3 :p

(DDerive.y pr68rre, PN:

'r,= r#-
h*l -l:sol

hlaql =oashl:91=oMas
le =?o0g= 1.o,ts4 d

T.e povq Equnsd br the @bpresot

4350= 20 x 1,005i (?N- 2eO
r* =ro, r*1!L
A]3o,ths polrt&pic em.ien.y or ihe snplMr ir sivm s

033 = l-jll ]

Dding polr4lopic .onpE*ion fnn fiEr stage lo lai, 'e

4r!=ttuI'=f!!gll- =ss6?
pd l?i,l t2eol
= 5.667bu, (tuJ
(ii) NrDbd or sisg., N :
As ihe pfsue ratio ibr ach sbgs the sms hen.e
@=&!=4!=.... &r

e s.frir N hditu ihe nunber oi rbses

Tsi<inglos m both the sides,{e sel

x= rn &! l=hl&! I
\,DoI I nr /

N= \ft j !",1191,r, rA*)
i ta? DLrrod

lu) O{ddr ieniropic ldcidcy ol tLe conpresoa (ll.*d)b :

h. rdptssor G.
r^. - l" 4'
,sn) h.--,,,,-"=ffi= = 0 3a34 or aa&4. (AffJ

**1tfl' 1

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