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A. Absenteeism in schools is prevalent after the final exams as are bored in school.

Suggest interesting activities

to your class teacher to encourage students to come to schools after their final exams
Absenteeism is a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligation. Traditionally, absenteeism has been
viewed as an indicator of poor individual performance, as well as a breach of an implicit contract between
employee and employer; it was seen as a management problem, and framed in economic or quasi-economic
terms. More recent scholarship seeks to understand absenteeism as an indicator of psychological, medical, or
social adjustment to work.

# The majority of students will finish their exams by the middle of the month, two or three weeks before
the end of term. The schools are still open, but in reality many pupils end up starting their year-end
leave a few weeks early. Due to absenteeism in schools is prevalent after the final exams, we are going
to discuss about how to encourage students to come to schools after their final exams.
The main reason for students not attending school is because they are bored. Hence, the school
authorities should hold a lot of interesting activities for them.

My first recommendation is to
Among the interesting activities that can be held is
In my opinion
My suggestion is by having
I feel it's better for us to hold

# In conclusion, it is clear that the absenteeism of students to school can be overcome by having various
interesting activities as suggested by us just recently. We hope that our suggestions will help the school
to reduce the problem of absenteeism. Thank you.
* Raise their spirits
Everyone can use a little extra boost to his or her spirits during the day. Attending a
concert is typically a fun activity, and it can help to boost your emotions throughout the
entire day, if not longerits common for people to feel a lightness of spirit for several
days after attending a concert. The excitement of purchasing a ticket, preparing for the
show, attending with friends, and savouring the memories can provide happy
memories and feelings for several weeks at a time. The expense is well worth the
positive experience you will have when you hear your favourite band play live. By
doing this, students will attracted to go to the school and the absenteeism can be

* Being happy is good for your health and concerts tend to bring people joy.

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