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Anlisis argumentativo 1/2

Autor Joline Blais & Jon Ippolito / Redefining Claims

Art (pp. 231-243)
Encontrar una definicin funcional para las If we are to embrace the proliferation of art-like creativity spawned in disciplines with no
Propsitos nuevas formas de arte producidas en la era direct relationship to art history or the art market, then we must revise our understanding of
de internet. what art can be, and we must work toward new definitions for this explosion of creativity. (p.
How can art anticipate the future? (p. 231)
But who will support these new forms of
(...) traditional sites of production and distribution like studios, galleries, and concert halls
creativity erupting online? (p. 231) What art
have lost exclusive claim to the nourishing or presenting of art. And we must adopt a view of art
ca be? (p.232)
that is not solely defined by its context its appearance in the traditional art world- but rather
Why has the art world not played a larger
Preguntas by the type and quality of experience it offers the viewer and its long-term effects on the social
role in this Internet-enabled burst of
body (p.232)
creativity in the first place? What has kept
the art world out of the loop? (p. 232)
Who gets the grant? (p. 242)
(...) what's holding the art world back is a philosophical laziness: a desinterest in or worse a
Lnea Maneja el argumento en subtemas: refusal to rethink their definitions of the art they spend so much of their time trying to scare up
Argumentativa Art on our side (expone la importancia del (p. 232)
arte en la sociedad) --
Toward a New Definition (expone las
razones por las que es necesario redefinir el Cultural works that serve a different function than art may be called 'applications'. Some
arte [argumento]) applications () are commonly confused with art, but their accountability to a predefined
Freeing Art from the Art World standard hampers their hability to be genuinely arresting or revelatory. (p.233)
(La definicin contextual del arte no es
suficiente para incluir las manifestaciones --
creativas que por naturaleza pertenecen
lugares externos al mundo del arte y los To define art as an immunological agent allows us to broaden the range of its accountability
involucrados en ese mundo son perezosos beyond self-contained objects to embrace a spectrum of accountabilities, from artistry to
para construir una nuevas definiciones) research to genre. (p. 234)
Freeing Art from the Market (Los trabajos
culturales tienen diferentes aplicaciones, --
cualquier produccin cultural elimina su
potencial artstico al vincularse a un Artistry is the opposite of application, () is that sudden and fleeting experience of awe not
estndar. El mercado es una de esas accountable to anything. () need only be beheld, an arresting revelation experienced in the
funciones estndar, en el momento en que el mind of a single viewer. (p.234)
mercado convierte el arte en inversin
Anlisis argumentativo 2/2

cuarta su futuro como arte porque lo excluye --

poco a poco de su funcin cultural).
Degrees of Accountability (usa una Like artistry, research can be perverse and arresting. But in addition, research can also be
metfora para extender los grados de revealed to others, and if often takes the form of executable culture maximize its reach. (p.234)
responsabilidad ms all de los contenidos
en el objeto) To recognize art that Is pure research, () is to admit the possibility of a practice that is
continuously graded, where is impossible to draw a line to separate one artwork from another,
Artistry (una experiencia que atrae la (p. 237)
atencin en la mente de un slo observador)
Research (la investigacin artstica expande --
los antigos conceptos de autora del
nico al colaborativo -, originalidad ms If research is accountable to local specialists, genre is accountable to the art-viewing public.
all de reconocer la originalidad controlada This requires more stringent degrees of recognition and perseverance. (p. 239)
de la ciencia - y encuadre de lo contenido
a lo disperso y en constante flujo a lo no In order for research to become genre, exposure to that medium or movement must expand
encuadrable) outside the subculture that birthed it. This destiny will only befall a subset of artistic research
Genre (formas de arte mas contenidas en s (p. 239)
mismas, independientes del contexto)
The Four Stages of Accountability --
(Artistry, research, genre and application.
Recapitulacin de los cuatro escenarios y las As art becomes more social, it loses some of its originality but gains reach. So, artistry is often
6 funciones del arte como un modelo para perverse or arresting but is too fleeting to show more than limited revelation and execution.
apreciar la explosin creativa en la era de Research must be articulated and shared; it can be recognized by specific subcultures and can
internet) persevere trough documentation or discourse. Genre is more easily recognized and preserved
Who gets the grant? (conclusin de cmo than artistry or research, even if it is sometimes less arresting than artistry or less revelatory
apoyar la actividad artstica en espacios than research. (p. 241-242)
tecnolgicos ampliar el alcance del arte
afuera de los confines de las paredes blancas --
y producira nuevos expertos con la
capacidad de analizar la cultura en un Holding to one particular definition is less important than relinquishing received assumptions
sentido ms amplio, de mente abierta y un in order to press the question 'is this art?'. (p. 243)
fuerte sentido de la definicin)
Cita APA Blais, J., & Ippolito, J. (2006). At the edge of art / Joline Blais, Jon Ippolito. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd.

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