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Outside painting

What an exciting time you had outside with the paints today Aemon. You painted
with your left hand then your right and then you used both hands. The colour of
paint didnt matter to you, what did matter was the way the paint moved as you
brushed across the wall. Round and round or making long strokes across the middle
or small dabs with the brush at the wall, you were creating a masterpiece and having
fun, the activity is the most important thing not the final result.

It didnt take long before you put the brushes down and covered your hands in paint
then used your hands to cover your face in paint. At one point you decided to climb
up the fort and paint the tunnel, the excitement showed on your face Aemon as you
left hand prints and brush strokes all over the front of the tunnel.

Te Whariki, Exploration: Toddlers have opportunities for active exploration and creative
expression with the support, but not the interference of Kaiako (teacher).

T. Lynda April 2017

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