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840 V o l . . I O . NO. 1.

MhRCIl 2000

A Nitrogen Gas Cooled, Hybrid, High Temperature Superconducting

Fault Current Limiter
M. Steurer, B. Drechna and IC. Friihlich
Swiss Fcderal Instit,irte of Tedt~iologyETH, CII-8092Ziirich, SwitzerliLIld

Abshact- AI1 concepts for fault current limiters ter faiilt occurrencc (assutning thr: higkost possible rato of
employing high temperature superconductors (SCFL) rise of the fault current). Bowcvcr, short heat-up periods
have the disadvantage of Bigniflcant AC losses caused thcnt < are only possible hy employing HTSC mate-
by the superconductor carrying a continuous land cur- rials with d, > 25 kA/cm2, as statcri in [3]. Furthermore
rent. Therefore, in the presented paper it is inves- the continuous current flow through thc SC element pro-
tigated what electrical and thermodynamic requirc- duces significant AC losscs. The ovcrll losses of resist,ive
mentx have t o be fulfllled by a superconductor if the typc SCFCL (including Joi~lcsand thermal losses due to
fault current limiter is of n hybrid type. Assuming the ciirrcnt leads) we reported to be on the ortlcr of 0.1% of
nvailnbility of n suitable design for a superconductor the r a t d power [4].
used m a dclayed reacting resistive limiting elcment By connecting a mechanical switch that carries the con-
in parallel with a fast acting load switch, the con- tinuous current duririg normal opcration in parallcl to the
cept of a hybrid fault current limiter is int1,oduced. SC clement, a hybrid typo SCFCL is proposcd. In such
The concept is based on a novel fnst acting mcchan- a concept, the SC clcrncnt operatns only for a fcrv mil-
icnl switch for severnl kA at medium voltage lcvcl to liscconds aftcr the fault i)cciirs, at normd opcration it i a
commutate t.he rising fault current to the supercon- permancntly in 5 no load conditim. The losses arc only
ducting element within several hundred microseconds thermal conduction losses through t,hc leads and radiation
after fault detection. It is found that a critical current losses to the dewar. Furthermoro there are no xcstrictions
density not higher than 1.5 kA per centimeter square regarding: J, of the HTSC becausc thc operating current
i s ndcquate for the proposed system. The supercon- density J,, can be chosen freely, iri particular J,, >> J,.
ductor cnrrics only the fault current during switching The samc?holds true for the operating tcmperature which
nnd thus the total losses of the hybrid system are only can bc To > 77K as long as To < T,, the critical tem-
4 percent of thc losses of a convcntionnl SCFL,which peratme OP thc HTSC (T, typically is in thc range of
offem high economical benefits. Cooling of the super- 95 ...115IC for todays I-TTSC materials). The goal of thiR
conductor by gaseous nitrogen id feasible, nnd presents work is to invcstigate thc! fcasibility of such a concept, and
simplicity and flexibility of operation. to study its opportunities with rcgard to HTSC materials
arid thermal managerncnt.
Essential for thc performance and operation of siicli a.
hybrid type SCFCL (Fig. 1) is a fast opening load switch
hull; currcnt limitcrs (FCL) in electric power nctworlrs (FOLS), which forces the fault current to commutati? to
iin used tn limit the first currcnt peak in the case of a the SC elerncut within scveral hundrcd 14s. Additionally,
fault. For mcdium high voltage (MV, HV) systcms the opening switch has to gain full voltage withstand ca-
only conservative solutions like current limiting react,ors pability before the SC clcmcnt qmnckes. Such a switch
or FCLs based on fuscs are in ficrvice today. High temper- has bccn designed and tested in OUY laboratory. Thc
ature superconductors (HTSC) offer a possible approach switch employs an electrodynamic repulsion drive for fast
to hiilding FCLs for MV and BV nctworks. Airiong the
opening and uscs a doubit! contact system to produce the
numcrous projects worldwide [I] , the resistive type HI- highesk possible a c i n g voltagc, The detailed clcsign of tJic
perconducting (SC) raault current limiter (SCFCL) is onc switch will bc published elsewhcrc, however Table 1 givcs
of the most avored approaches [ Z ] . A SC element is typ- the ratings oE the VOLS.
ically kept at an operating tcmpcraturc T o of 77.3 K ,
the boiling tcmpcraturc of liquid nitrogen, and is pl<wcd
directJy in the power line, usually in series with a. cir-
cuit braaker. At the instarice of a fault, when the critical
currcrit density J, is excccded, tho SC: elemenl quenches,
heats up and produces a voltage risc which limits the cur- Fig. 1 shows schematically thc circuit of a. fiingle phasc
rcni. To gain significant carrcnt limitation, thc heat-up resistive hybrid SCPCL within the equivdcnt circuit of
m i s t tale place ivitliin approximately 1 ms (or ICSR) af- n typical power nctwork with source valtagc Uo, load
impeclancc Zl, and fault impcdance Zp. The very fast
Manuscript rcccivcd 27.9.1999 opening load switch FOLS in parallel to the SC path, is

1051-8223/00$10.00 Q 2oW IEEE


TAl3tU 1 For this work, propertics ol E.2212 (Llullc or thick films)

Rnlirlga niitl ]>erformnnco of the fast upcnillg lncclinriicnl lond switch (BO1.S) w c w used for simulations [7], [8].
Lnad current IN = I k h As indicated in Pig. 2 an arbit.r;uy E-J curvc can be
Volt.agc! lcvol IJN = 2OkV dcscribecl using three distinct regions: E1 (filtperconduct,-
Mechanical rlclay (triggcr to contact t,,,, M 100 ILS
separation) ing for E < O.1Vm-l and a(T) > /3), E2 (Anx flow for
Arcing VOltz3gC llhM 50 v E2 < ES arid T < T,) and E3 (normd coriducting). El,
Current commutat,ing capability (within ico = ti kA E2 and EQ we functions of the material pauamctcrs such
the comiiiutntion time Atgco< 100 pe) BS critical current dcnsity ,J,(T), critical E-field E,, supcr-
Voitagc rccovery with 5Uos delay aftcr CIW- dzs/tld 5 lflOV//is conducting expoilent a(), tlorrrlsl refiistivity pli(ixl) (a11
rent %CID
Colitacl, nporiing vclocit,y v w 20 m/s tempmatwe dependent.), flux-fmv exponent p = 2to 3
and the opcrating currcrit density J,,,,. The solid line in
closed daring normal operation and carries the load cur- Fig. 2 show6 the typical E-J cliaractaristic for To = 77IC
rent. When a fault occurs, the electrodynamic drive of tho of a standard B2212 bulk mat,crial with J, = 1.5 ItA/cm2,
switch is Iriggered by a scparate sensing unit (neither is 4 7 7 ) 4, /? = 2 . 5 and T, = 95K, whcreas t h Iroken
shown in Fig. 1) within 100 14s. An sppropriato fast fault line is for the s m e makcrial at To = DOIC. Thc dottccl
rlcfr!c:ting algorithm is describcrl in [5]. The FOLS starks line indicates thc normal conducling state wbcre T > T,.
to build up an arcing voltage of us = iiRM 5OV across To validate! this model, Lrarisient E-J me,?sliremen~~ on
khc two opening cnrifnct gaps. This causcs the currcnt to I32212 samples werc carried oiit. The short saInplcs were
commutntc! into ~ l i cSC pa~thcorinectctl in parallel to the placed in a v a c u m vr:ssel am1 kepi, at d i i h m t r tcmper-
switch. atures To. An induct.ivc-capn~itiv~ (LC) resonant circuit
To crisiire current commutation within a short time provided sine-shnpcd ,current pnlses up to 500 A for thcsc
At,, 5 1 0 0 , ~thcs ~ self inductancc of the loop FOLS-SC samplcs. The inansurecl trmsient E(.], T) bcllaviour oE the
(Lsc in Fig. 1) must be siifficicntly low. Aftrcrtlic commu- tncwlsnred samples, which had low 5,(77) = 0.5 kA/cm2,
tation when i s = 0, the HTSC acts as in any othcr SCFCL 4 7 7 ) M 3.5 aut1 T, = 8G K, m d d be matieled with high
wherc tho critical eurrcnt densil;y is cxcceded. The propcr- accuracy by a computcr model clcscribcd below. Fui-tlier
ties of thc SC element must be such that during qucncbing measurnnients on E2212 saniplas with currents up to 5 kA
and thc fast hating: process within tllcnt = 0.5 ...1ms no will be published in [SI and arc in good agrccrncnt with
burn-nut clue to local quenching ( h o t .spots) should occur. the E-3 parametcrization nsctl in this work.
Even though a shunt path R.x conducts the major part of
the current, the LS wust open within 20 to 30 111s aftcr
fault occnrrence to avoid overheating of the IITSC. Load
switchcs with opening times morc than twice a5 long are TI82212
in servicr?t,oday, hut tho short opening time requirad can
be achiovd with ccrtlainty by mcans of a modern clcctro-
mechanical or hydraulic drivc! and a conventionul contaci;

Hvbrid SCFCL

Operating current density J,, [kNcm*]

Fig. 2. E-.I rnodcl cliaraclcrintic and 1.hcrrnnl h m - u ~ time

) at diffcr
PiK. 1. Schematic diagram of a s i n g I e - p h ~ cIIyhFid SCPCL rvilllin enl tcmpsratures for standard 0221 2 bulk lnntcrial
thc cqiiivalent circuit of a typical powcr iietwork

Thc transient bctiaviour of t,hc SC clcvice can 1)c rlc-

scribctl by its E-.] r:haraclcrist,ic: and licnting duc to rc-
111. SIMULATION sistivc pmvcr dissipation. For tlic short transition Lime
(supcrr:onducting t,o normal statmi!) of loss t h n 1I ~ hS e
To model thc transient; behaviour of t,hc proposed refrigeration by the coolant can 110 neglectcd. Therefore
SCFCL (Fig. I) tho entire E-J characteriatic of thc SC t,hc differential equation for the adiabatic heating,
was paramctcrieed as it will be published in [ti]. This
pnrameterizakinn holds generally for a11 IlTSC materials.

(with heat capacity per volume c) togcthcr with thc pa- Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP). Addition-
ramcterization of the E(J, T) cha,ractcristic,allows com- ally to the model of the SC element described above, this
puter modeling of the transient bchaviour of the SC EMTP model also includes the mechanical and elcctricsl
element. The current density is calculated by J,,, = bchaviom of the FOLS.
isc/ASc, whereas the voltagc! by U , = Isc . B(J,,,T) Foi a hybrid SCFCL designed for the ratings given be-
with the cross-section Asc: and the length lsc of thc SC fore, Fig. 3 shows thc t.ransiont currents through the SC
dement. (isc) anrl the limited current (io) in comparison with thc
unlimited prospective fault current illnlim. The occurrence
of a. fault was dlosen at i(O) = &IN with a phase anglo
of the source voltage $(UO)= $(Zp), such t h a t the high-
est postrible d i / d t occurs, because this is the mnst scvmc
Thc cross-section Asc and thc length lsc of the SC
dement for a given rating of a FCL (rated voltage UN tmk for thr! fast switch to handle. It can be seen in Fig. 3
that tho fast, switch transfers the rising ciirrcnt, t,o tho SC
and current IN) arc determined as follows.
device within tl 5 0.3ms after the fault. Tho SC builds
Assuming 5 sine shaped fault currcnt without DC com-
up a voltage rise of uBM 16kV at thcat = Ims, when the
ponent (symmetrical fault current) with a ratio of un-
temperature of the SC exceeds Tc = 95K, The peak of
limited (prospective) fault current to nominal currcnt
the fault current is therefore limited to approximately
k f = i l t p m i d m / l (fault
~ ratio), the heat-up time tileat car1 bc 35% of t,bc unlimited value iunlim. At, t 2 thc limited fault,
calculated as a functioii of thc operation current, density currcnt. roaches zero and can be switched off by an ap-
Jop. propriate fast opening load switch (not considered in the
In Fig. 2, tl,cntis plotted against the operating cur- model). However if the crirrcnt is not switched off at t 2 , it
rent density J,, for standard 32212 (see inset in Fig. 2 can be concluded from the temperature rise AT ~ = r110 K
for parameters) with kf = 14 as a typical value for power within the first 6 ms, that the SC would not overheat, even
networks. The lag from fault occurrence to commutation when a standard load switch (LS) with an opening time
was assumcd to be 0.3ms. The solid and broken curves
typically more than 20ms is employed.
are for To = 77 K and To = 90 K, rcspcctively. For exam- The measured recovery characteristic of the FOLS
ple, a ciirrcnt. density at commutation 31 = 11 J, results- (compare Table I) is indicated in Fig. 3 by a broken line. It
in t,l,eat = 1 ms (point A) if To = 90 K (broken line). The can be seen that the safety margin from recovery strength
cross-section is calculated as Asc = f i I ~ / J l .The cor- d u / d t and voltage build up us along thc SC element is
responding E-hold at commutation is E(J1) = 1.9 V/m, inore than siifficiant.
whereas E(J3) = 3000V/m gives the E-field aftor heat-
As statcd carlicr, a restriction of the propoaed con-
cept is that, thc commutation lime must, bo short cnough
(At,, M 1OOps) to ensure thc voltage recovery perfor-
mance of the FOLS as givcn in Table I. This limits
t,he allowsblr: self-inductmm of the path POLS-SC (Lsc
in Fig. 1). Assuming that the SC element is a spe-
cially wound coil, values for the inductancc pcr length
Lsc/lsc = h~ 5 0.02,pHm-lhnve bcen considcrcd a&-
quate [9] and were validated by internal discussions with
W. Paul [IO]. It is a usefiil approach to rcstrict the allow-
able length to

rvit,li 711 = isc/Atc0,the mean value of di/& at<commuta-

tion. This restriction ensures that the commutation pbaw
is completed within Atco nr less.
For a single-phase FCL with UN = 10.51cVc~ anrl
IN= 2kA,n (SN = 21MVA) in a power network with
k~ = 14, the data. far tho SC olomcnt (of the material men-
time after fault occurmco t [ms]
tioncd above) is Asc = 0.34cm2 and lsc = 20m with a
self-indiictancc Lsc = 0.4 pH.
Fig. 3. Simulntcd current and voltagc! wavcforrns of n SN = 21 MVA
singlc phase hyhrid SCFCL with rccovcry characteristic of llic fast
V. SIMULATION swihch and the tcmporature risc within tlic SG clcrnent

The results presented here werc obtained with a com-

puter rnodcl of thc circuit in Fig. 1 implcmcntcd in thc During thc short t,ransitian porriod of several ps (sharp

rise of iir at tl,cat in Fig. 3) t,lw major part of isc is element wi* chosen according to R reasonable just herat-
transferred to Rx. l'ropcr partitioning io/isc 4 to ing design (Jc = 12 kA/cm2; operated at 80% of Jc) with
avoid ovcrhcnting of the SC is obtained bccniific the lsc = 2 0 m in length and As<; = 0.2crri2 crow section.
normal resistance of theASC element aft,e?r hcni8-up+,is Thr! appropriate HTSC inatcrinl is assiirncd to be avail-
.R,ya(tfLe,t)= E(.Tz)i s c l i n M 3&, with Rx M & / i o . able.
If ihc sniirrc voltage WO is higher, thc SC clcmrmt would
cxhihit a higher AT and might, bc tlnmagcrl due to ther- A . Radiation Insscs
mal ovorlond. From this ii was cnnclurlcd, that the ratio
R,9c(tfbe,t)/Iix 3 is siifficicrit. to avoid overheating of The lofiscs with an inncr dewar surface of A,, F=: 2 m2 is
the SC. To determinr! thr! liighcst possible U0 for givori givcn hy
mntcrial uid network pnrnrnntcr s, sinmlatians were cnr- rrnd
= E ~ VAD (P- T;) (3)
rir!d (nit for different SC materials.
with the total emissivity c r = 0.003 using super insdntion,
Fig. 4 sho\vs the highnst possihle S~III'CC voltage U" =
To = 77 IC, 1'= 300 K and LT = 5.67. 10-'8Wm-211(-4 arc
f i ~ p , for a widc rnngr: of SC material propcrtics
the same for hot11 concepbs cllie t o the similar gcomctry
from rather imperfect (5~:(77) = 0.5kA/cm2, cy = 3.5) to
sometvhal a'rlcnl inntcriai (Jo(77) = 25kA/cm2, (Y = 20).
of the SC dcmcnt.
Solid lines are for TO= 77K, a.nd broken lines .we for
To = 90K. I f > N = 21tR tho fault ratio kf has nearly no B. current lcratls
influence on U0 (t,hick lirics), whereas for higher rinlni- According to [I21 I h e miiiirnd losses of m e copper cur-
nal currcnk i t was fnnnd that U 0 decreases with rising reni Iead carrying a current; I i s given by
kr. Point (A) intlicntcs the safe opcratirig point; for the
exarnplc given ~mrliwwith fJo = di 10.5 = 15 kV and fiend =2I d-, (4
J, = 1.5kA/cm2. Fhr a hybrid SCFCL at the satnc nom-
inal vo1tjagcbut with IN =: 10 kh ( t h lincs) m d kf= 25, For coppcr, the resistivity i s PN = 0.25. IO-* bhn and
only H'I'SC rniitr!rials with Jc(77) > G kh/crr12 are appli- the thcrrnd r:onductivity K: = 550WK-'m-', both at
cable (point U). It was also found that I?, iricraascs with T = 77K. They split into hcat. r:onduction lassos :md
incrcasing tlloRL(less Limitation) and dccrcascs with the resistive pomr dissipation l',,, = S,.,, = q c n d / 2 ,
cxporicnt 4 7 7 ) of the material. For a lead of Ijnanrl = 1m in lcrigth, a cross-section of
Aloatl = 2.8 cm2 ic; obtained.
In contrary to h c fitmdard conccpt, the currcnt, lcads
of thc hyhrid SCFCL cat1 he clesigricti for minimal con-
ductiou ltrsscs P,,,, = AT K f N &,
whereas Au E 1 V
was choscn as n reasonable resistive voltqc: drop ;dong
eatdi lnnd during commuthtion. Thc genniutry of 0110 cur-
rent, lcatl for the hybrid concept is found to be l i c n d =
AlrnrlAu/(ply I ) . For the given I = isc(L1) M SlcA, thc
lead has rz cross-section of Alenri= 0.2cm2 and an active
length of llcntl = 1.5 m. It, is wound in n bundle OF copper
filanicrits wit,h negligible sclf inductancc.

C. Selj-Jeld losses
>dlthough thc sell--licld losscs of IITSC fir(! highly cl{!-
I ,
pendent on i.110 material and gcorrictry of t h cnntlnctor,
1 Critical currsnt donsity J, [kNcm2) 10 ;I fairly reasonnth estimation for 11 single thiri SC: st,rips
is givcn in [12], [13] to I)C
Pig. 4. Maxiniuin of povviblc soiirr.n wlolbngo (peak values) fur differ-
ent material and pnwcr fiystem par;rmr:tcrs ut,ilininga safety factor
of ~ o / ( l , s'oE ( & ) ) = 3 arid tllcnt = 1 Ins PAC: = 71 I : f N l s I 1 -/in
- i ) h ( 1 - i ) -1. (3 +i ) IIl(1 f i) -21
wit.h i = as tho fraction of opcmt,ing current to
critical current. Thc SC dement is built of n = 20 single
VI. LOSSESA N D Cool,n~cASPECTS strips, mch with A, = (1 x 0.01) cm2 opc!rating at 80%
of their IC = 120R (i.C., i = 0.8) at khc power frequency
As statcrl in the introdiiction, thc presented concept [N = 5 0 H ~ .
ol a hybrirl SCFCI,has difkrcnt dcrnnntls on thcl cooling Tnl)lr: 11 siiinmariecs tphr!results arid gives ;Icampsri-
comparctl to a. standard r c s i s t h SCFCr,. The four ma- son of the estimntcd losscs for a standard SCPCL concept
,jnr parts of losscs within a 2 1 MVA, single pliasc SCFCL an(l t,hc proposed hybrid soliition. Thc htt,tcr illwitys 011-
for mddium voltngc (ratings as s h t o d carlicr) have been cratcs in a IIO load condition as the duration of the fault
calculated. The gcrmwtry of the standard rcsistivc SC is negligil)l[!, The losscs of 7 W ;4t 77K can I)r! rcrriovctl

Ly a small refrigerator with a comprcssor power of 300 W hybrid concept nccds only 300 W of refrigcrntion power at
at 300K. The SC element., operating at up to To = 9OIC 300 K. This is only 4% of thc overall losses of a compara-
can be cooled with gascous Na in khe temperature inter- ble standard resistive SCFCL concept. As the SC clement
val of AT = (90 - 77) IC. The uppcr temperature limit of in the hybrid concept, can bc operated at To > 77K, cool-
thr! gas is dictated by ihe T, of thc HTSC material, here ing with gaseous Nz i s advantageous because of simplicity
n2212. Thc conventional SCFCL has a loss ratc of 204 W and flexibility nf npcrntion, and thus offcrs high wonom-
at 77 IC and typically may be cooled with liquid N2 using ical 1)cncfit.s.
thc heat of evaporation.
For our configuratinn the SC elements have thc shape of ACKNOWLEDGMENT
coaxial cylinders. Cooling down from the final tempera,
ture TflnalM 200 K nftcr the fault is cleared by opening LS The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to
is done by passing nitrogen gas with the speed of 10 ms- S. Kobe1 from the Institute for Nonmetallic Materials at,
over the SC surfaces. Thercforr! the thermal recoveiy to the ET11 Zurich for providing the B2212 samples, arid fur-
90 K is obtained within approximately 20 8 . ther more to W. Paul and M, Lakncr froIll Al3B Corpo-
rate Research Center, Switzerland for providing the basis
of paramctcriantion of HTSC and numerous stimulating
TABLE I1 discussions.
Loss compsrisun f u r a 2 1 MVA, sinyle-pliaso rcsintivo SClFCL [fust heoding
Losses conventiona1 Iiylxid REFEnENc1l;s
at 77K (continuous) ( ~ 1 4
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