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Cause and Effect of Early Pregnancy

A research paper presented to:

Analiza R. Sulath

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

English IV


Enraca, Roy D.
Mendoza, Gian Carlo S.
Valzado, Ryan T.

The research paper attach hereto, entitled

Cause and Effect of Teenage Pregnancy

prepared and submitted by:

Enraca, Roy D.
Mendoza, Gian Carlo S.
Valzado, Ryan T.

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in English IV is

hereby accepted:

Analiza R. Sulath


The researchers would like to extend their deepest

gratitude to their friends and relatives who lead a hand in
making this paper possible.

This paper will not be done successfully without the

informations we got from the different writers from the
internet. So we are thanking them for posting such a good
and useful informations about the topic.



We were all very lucky because we had given a chance to

live here in earth, we were able to enjoy and appreciate the
beautiful creations of God. Thus, it is also our chance to
give life to our child so that they may also enjoy the
goodness of life.

This paper is all about the teenage pregnancy which

concentrates on the right of the baby to live. The writer of
this paper discuss the definition of teenage pregnancy, the
statistic of pregnant teenagers, the different reasons and
causes of teenage pregnancy.

The writer expect that the readers of this paper will

appreciate what did this paper contains and will give them
knowledge about this topic.

Table of Contents

Title p.1
Approval sheet p.2
Acknowledgement p.3
Abstract p.4
Table of Contents p.5
Introduction p.6
Background of the study p.7
Statement of the problem
Significance of the study p.8
Scope and Delimitation of the study
Conceptual and Theoretical p.9
Review of related literature pp.10-11
Review of related studies pp.11-12
Hypothesis p.12
Definition of terms p.13
Methodology p.14
Presentation of data and analysis p.15
Summary pp.16-17
Conclusion p.18
Recommendation p.19
Bibliography p.20

I. Introduction:

Many teenagers now a day are exposed to the things which

are not yet for them, one of these examples is the
premarital sex. Many teenagers are engaged in doing
premarital sex because for them, its their way of showing
love for their love ones. Teenagers do premarital sex
without having second taught and without thinking what might
happen in the future. Until an unexpected pregnancy happened
and because of being scared and other personal reasons, they
just come up with a decision of aborting it.

Background of the Study:

Teenagers are obliged to give birth when they got

pregnant, because it is their own fault. Many teenagers
choose to abort their child because of embarrassment and
other problems that they may encounter from their parents.

The researchers choose this topic because the people in

our country are now liberated and exposed on sex, teenagers
also had experienced lack of guidance from their parents.

Statement of the Problem:

The purpose of this paper is to give intelligence on the

readers about this topic. The researchers want to give
knowledge to the readers and want to answer questions
regarding to this topic.

*How many percent of teenagers are already mothers?

*What are the consequences are you facing when you got
yourself in this case?
*Why teens get involve with this?

Significance of the Study:

The significance of this topic (teenage pregnancy) is to

prevent teenagers getting pregnant at early age. It shows
how teenagers protect themselves to others, how will they
give importance on what they have and how to prevent
deseases that they may get in premarital sex and to protect
their future plans on pursuing it. The motive of this paper
is to warn teenagers on getting pregnant.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study:

As the researchers go on to the research they have found

a survey about teenagers who got pregnant. According to the
teenagers who are now mothers and other are pregnant, they
have different cases why they belong, some are voluntary and
some are involuntary which includes dating violence and rape
cases. 2002 study by (UPPI) and Demographic Research and
Development Foundation. 26% of Filipino youth had
experienced premarital sex.

II. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework:


The researcher By means of interview The researcher

Want to know and researching or found out the
How many using studies of cause and
percent Of teenage pregnancy from effect of
teenagers are different authors. Early
already mothers. Pregnancy.

The researcher want

to know Why
teenagers get
Involve with this.

The researcher also

Want to know
What are the
Consequences on
Early pregnancy.

Review of Related Literature:

Wikipedia states that teenage pregnancy is defined as a

teenaged or underage girl(usually within the ages of 13-19)
becoming pregnant. The term in everyday speech usually
refers to women who have not reached the legal adulthood.
Which varies across the world, who became pregnant.
According to NSO-ORC macros national health and demographic
survey 2003 in the Philippines 6.1% of 2648 surveyed females
aged 15-19 are already mothers. Each teenage girl has their
own reason why they belong.

As the researchers review their research, they have

learned that many things can cause teenage pregnancy. And
can be classified as voluntary cases which is includes
culture effect and adolescent stage and the involuntary
cases which includes dating violence and rape cases.

Teenage pregnancies also face greater financial

difficulties and marital conflict. With a lower capacity for
earning and less emotional maturity, relationships are under
more stress for breaking. Young unmarried mothers also face
social stigmas that can have harmful psychological and
social impact.

Children of teen moms also face negative health,
cognitive, and behavioral outcomes. This may result from
lack of maturity and emotional quotient or simply from
ignorance due to a lack of lifes experiences. Children born
to teenage mothers are less likely to receive proper
nutrition. Children born to teenage mothers are at greater
risk for abuse and neglect. Boys born to teenage mothers are
13% more likely to be incarcerated whereas girls born to
teenage mothers are 22% more likely to become teenage

Review of Related Studies:

Statistics in the United States show that each year,

almost 1 million teenage women had experienced sexual
intercourse, 10% of all woman aged 15-19 of those who have
sexual intercourse become pregnant and one-fourth of teenage
mothers have a second child within two years of their first.

In the Philippines, according to the 2002 Young Adult

Fertility and Sexuality study by the University of the
Philippines Population Institute (UPPI) and the Demographic
Research and Development Foundation, 26% of our Filipino
youth nationwide from ages 15-21 had admitted to having a
premarital sex experience. Whats worse is that 38% of our
youth are already in a live-in arrangement.

The 1998 National Demographic Survey reveals that 3.6
million of our teenagers got pregnant. In 92% of these
teens, the pregnancy was unplanned, and the majority, 78%
did not even use contraceptives the first time they had sex.
Many of the youth are clueless that even on a single
intercourse, they could wind up pregnant.


Teenage girls are the one always on the risk in this kind
of situation whether they like it or not, they are the one
who is the must affected, to avoid getting from this
situation, each teenage girl must think and as she think,
she must consider the consequences that she will get on
whatever decisions she made. As on the voluntary side, she
is still the one who is responsible of the child in her womb
whether the teenage pregnancy case is voluntary or not its
still the teenage girls responsibility. Its not right that
she will blame the child in her womb because its his/her
fault that she became pregnant so, pregnant teenagers should
be obliged to give birth to their child no matter what
because its their own fault to be pregnant.

Definition of Terms:

Delinquent- adj. neglectful of our falling in duty
Or obligation
Pregnancy- a condition or a time of being pregnant
Marital- adj. pertaining to marriage
Psychological- adj. pertaining to psychology
Social- adj. something known or perceived a perception
Neglect- to disregard, ignore
Incarcerated- n. mutual exchange or communication
Enactment- make into law

III. Methodology:

The researcher search in the Internet that shows 6.1% of
1648 females got pregnant at early age according to NSO
demographic survey 2002. The researchers surf in the
internet to gather information about the chosen topic.

The researches also read different papers from the internet

that is the same topic. They also borrowed a thesis that has
the same topic to an FEU student for our guidelines.

IV. Presentation of Data and Analysis

Reasons why teens got pregnant (respondent:20)

As the researchers collects data from the teenagers who

got pregnant the data show that the 45% of teenagers or 9 of
20 who got pregnant, the relationship with their love ones
is the most reason why they got pregnant. But some of the
respondents feels that they are happy although its
hard/difficult to live.

V. Summary

Cause and Effect of Teenage Pregnancy

This page consists of questions that came from the statement

of the problem.

*How many percent of teenagers are already mothers?

*What are the consequences they are facing when they got
*Why teens get involve with this?

According to NSO-ORC macros national health and

demographic survey 2003 in the Philippines 6.1% of the 2648
surveyed females aged 15-19 are already mothers. Each
teenage girl has their own reason why they belong.

The researchers have learned that many things can cause

teenage pregnancy and can be classified as voluntary cases
which is includes culture effect and adolescent stage like
teens in a relationship many teens experienced premarital
sex because they know that it is the way of showing their
feelings to their love ones that cause into unwanted
pregnancy. And the involuntary cases which include dating
violence and rape cases.

Teenage pregnancy face different consequences like
greater financial difficulties and marital conflict. With a
lower capacity for earning and less emotional maturity,
young unmarried mothers also face social stigmas that can be
harmful psychological and social impact. The children of
teen moms also face negative health, cognitive, and
behavioral outcomes.

This may result from lack of maturity and emotional

quotient or simply from ignorance due to lack of lifes
experience and the children born to teenage mothers are less
likely to receive proper nutrition.


Sometimes, its a must to analyze every decision before
we choose it because choosing the wrong decision might
ruined ones life and might regret it for a life time.
Proving your love to another person can be shown in
different ways, there are so many ways to show it, but if
you choose to give your body, thats definitely not love but
lust. If a teenager choose to give their body and had done
sexual activities, they must be responsible of what might
happen afterwards.

Aborting the baby because of early age motherhood is not

a good reason; they must be obliged to take the
responsibility as a mother even if its still too early to
be a mother, because its their own fault and choice to
become pregnant. The babies do not have any fault to their
mothers unplanned pregnancy so they shall be given a chance
to live and see the beautiful world, and their parents
should give them proper care and must be responsible in
giving their needs because its their own fault and choice
to become pregnant.

If they are willing to commit premarital sex, then they

shall be also willing to be responsible of what might happen
after doing it.


The researcher highly recommend this topic to the

teenager specially girls for them to be aware of what is
happening now a day specially under the teenage pregnancy,
this is also to add some knowledge in terms of teenage
pregnancy so that they will know what to do and not what to
do, especially when the teenagers are pregnant so that they
will know also the effect of it and so that they will not
have any sex activities with their partner.

And if the case is the teenager is already pregnant,

then they can learn many things under teenage pregnancy and
knew that they must pursue the baby in their wombs.





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