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B 120 Syllabus

Exam #2- Student: Villanes Alcantara Luis Anthony

1. (3 points) Explain how you would properly brand your luggage to make it more than
just a price issue for me, and why you would do it that way.

Lydia Ramsey said: Your choice of business apparel speaks to your professional
behavior and credibility "1In order to create a good impression we must think about how I
am dressed and what the image is giving the luggage. The image of both will be key to
the success of the sale. I will begin by describing what image my luggage will have.
Lydia Ramsey said: "How you dress depends on four factors: the industry in which you
work, the job you have within that industry, the geographic area in which you live; And
most importantly, what your client expects to see "2; Then it depends a lot on the
geographical area; For example here in Peru, what attracts most is Macchu Picchu, I think
of designing a brand with the Macchu Picchu logo. Many people are very attracted to it
because it is a wonder of the world, my traveling bags that I will sell will have the
Macchu Picchu logo and a tourist design but at the same time you will have formality or
its dimensions will be proportional so that it has the appearance of Professionalism, the
Macchu Picchu logo shows that my bags are stable, are admirable and give the idea of
safety. Now my way of dressing will be: I will wear a formal black suit of good quality, a
white shirt, a conservative shoes clean and well-polished and I will have a briefcase and a
good ballpoint pen, my socks will be at the level of the calf .

2. (4 points) Prepare three open-ended questions that you would ask me at our first
appointment to determine what type of luggage you will focus on selling me. Why are
these strong open-ended questions?

Mike Willshare said: Now, suppose rather than broadening the conversation, we want
to hone in on a key point. Here we can use a leading question. This is designed to lead
the customer into giving very specific information.3

Based on this I asked the following questions:

Ramsey, L. (s.f.). Blue Boulder Internet Publishing. Obtenido de
Ramsey, L. (s.f.). Blue Boulder Internet Publishing. Obtenido de
Willshare, M. (6 de January de 2012). SERIOUSTM Selling SERIOUSTM. Obtenido de
Question 1:

You mention that you want to travel abroad. Which countries do you want to meet?

This question allows me to know if the customer is going to travel to a country with a
cold or hot climate. If the country is cold, then you will have plenty of warm clothes and
you will need ample luggage. But if the country is warm then it will not take much
clothes therefore it would not need ample luggage.

Question 2:

I will explain how our customers come to choose the best luggage for their needs
from them. Besides this What would you most like to know about our products or
company? What will make this meeting a success for you?

This question allows me to know the specific points that the customer is interested in, I
know all the benefits and characteristics of my product but the customer is not interested
in all the features for it to be effective over time I ask that question and so I will be able
to focus on what the customer really cares about, it may be a price issue that the
customer is most interested in.

Question 3:

You mentioned that you did not have a positive experience with the previous store.
When you buy from our store What do you expect to be different?

With this question, I can know what features you want the luggage to have; Perhaps the
customer mentions that he had problems with the wheels, so I will offer him a luggage
with strong and hard wheels. Or the customer might mention that he did not like that his
previous luggage did not have many pockets or closures; Then I will offer you a luggage
with the characteristics that the customer likes.

3. (6 points) Describe in detail 3 features of the luggage you recommend that I purchase and
provide at least one specific benefit to me for each feature.

Luggage has strong tires: On many occasions people have had the bad luck that just
when they are about to get on the plane, when they are running because they are late, at
that time the luggage rims are broken, and now it is very difficult to load The luggage and
this generates a lot of waste of time and discomfort; So the luggage rims we sell are very
sturdy and have a long life.

The luggage has a steel lock: The most common of bus trips are luggage thefts, the
problem is that the locks are not of a strong material and the thieves can break the lock
and take their personal things; So our luggage with the steel lock prevents any theft
The luggage is cushioned in its internal part: In many occasions our luggage can suffer
heavy falls, and inside the luggage there are things that are delicate like laptops or fragile
objects for which reason our luggage that we sell are padded inside to cushion the fall and
Protect everything that can be broken inside and be assured that if the luggage falls
everything will be fine.

4. (3 points) I have suggested that your luggage is too expensive. How would you overcome
this objection and why?

What I am going to do is show you the added value of my product; Like the advice given
by Bill Brooks, the advice I use are: Providing expert advice and a high level of
professionalism, Dedicated personnel, Insider information, Recognition and reward
levels4; with this I will be able to show you that my product is worth more than it
apparently represents, my product has many additional benefits that other luggage from
other stores do not have and therefore my price is higher.
I would say something like this:

We offer you a high level of advice, you probably do not know about the materials from
which the luggage is made; We have experts on the subject who can teach you free of
charge how to recognize good material, such as whether the material with which the
luggage is made is the best. Will you make an appointment with our materials expert?
We will assign a personalized counselor who will respond to your complaints or
complaints 24 hours a day, you just need to call him and he will be willing to help you 24
hours a day.
In addition, you will receive a monthly newsletter with all our offers and discounts for
you; This newsletter also contains information on how to plan a spectacular vacation and
how to spend less and travel more.
If the price seems high we can offer you a discount of 20% if you buy more than 5 bags
and put your name in our magazine in the section of our star clients. In addition, we have
a car prize of 0 kilometers for the one that travels more miles with our luggage of our

Brooks, B. (2003,November). Ten ways to add value and defeat price objections. . American Salesman, 48 (11), 3.
5. (5 points) Create an outline of your plan for your sales call using the steps in the Selling
Process. Write a short paragraph for each step detailing how you would accomplish this
step. Cite resources to support your answers.

Step 1 - Find:

I am going to look at the list of customers who could give me references in particular, I
will look for customers who are very satisfied with our service, and mainly those who
made the purchase in the last month. That is why after-sales follow-up is very important
because we will obtain references for future sales. Kenneth DuVall said: "An important
part of the search is to have a system to help with tracking potential sales. It has been
shown in studies that up to 80% of potential customers generated by marketing
departments are not followed by salespeople (Tanner, 2011, p.169). Keeping track of the
leads above can be a very important part of your success in finding customers5. Also, I
will start looking at our Facebook page to those people who make positive comments
about our products; And I will call them to offer products or to ask for references. Social
networks are very powerful to find potential buyers.

Step 2: Focus

I am going to listen carefully to my client; I will not immediately present my product; I

will be interested in the details of our conversation, I will look for ways to ask questions
that help us break the ice and help me to know more about my client and take notes about
such as: future trips of my client, his hobbies Favorites, your favorite meal, your family
and your financial interests; All these things I can remember them in the next phone call.
And most importantly I will call my clients by their names. Dale Carnegie said that "the
name is for that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language."
(Carnegie, 1936, page 88)

Step 3: Needs:

I will listen more than talk; I'm going to apply the 70/30 rule. I want to be a sales doctor
and be able to diagnose what my client's problem is; For this I am going to use questions
about reality, pain-gain questions and enlargement questions. The purpose is to understand
that more than selling a product to my client I will solve their problems because we are
problem solvers. Kenneth DuVall said: "A customer is not ready to buy until they have
identified a problem or situation that needs a solution."6

DuVall, K. (s.f.). The Process of Buying and Selling. LDS Business College.
DuVall, K. (s.f.). The Process of Buying and Selling. LDS Business College.
Step 4: Features and Benefits:

I am going to explain in detail each characteristic of my product for it, I have prepared
very well, I know very well all the goodness of my product and I know every detail of my
product. I already know the need of my client and so now I can tell my customers the
benefits of my product; The benefits of my product will solve the need of my client. That
is the goal. Also with the enlargement questions I can make my client understand that if he
does not buy my product, that decision will have consequences; That's why he wants to
buy my product. Kenneth DuVall said: "At the heart of professional selling is the ability to
identify a need and then demonstrate a benefit that you provide with your product /
service. It is the ability to create value far greater than the actual price it will charge. If you
do this right, why would not anyone buy from you? "7

Step 6 - Objections:

Kenneth DuVall said, "However, the most common reason for an objection is that you
have not correctly identified a real need for the company and therefore have not shown a
specific benefit that will help them."8 For this reason if my client objects to me, that means
that I did not recognize his need well; What I am going to do in that situation is that I will
apologize to my client and I will try to pick up the questions and try to identify more
carefully their need to be able to show you that my product is the solution

Step 7 - Closing:

There's a phrase I really liked that Kenneth DuVall said: "You're asking for a
commitment, but you're also making a commitment to the customer."9 For me to make a
good closing I need the client to be clear that I am very committed to him. My client needs
to understand that I will walk with him to his side during the sales and after-sales process.
I also have a commitment to my client and I will tell this to my client directly and literally.

6. (4 points) In this class you have created various presentations and I have provided feedback
to each of you. Please identify 1 thing about your presentation ability that might NOT be a
strength for you during your presentation (what you consider as the most significant
weakness or hurdle to success). Tell me why this is not a strength for you and a detailed
plan on what you can do to improve in that area. Consider the reading material in your
detailed plan.

7. My weakness is that I am very afraid of rejection, I am very afraid of objections; So I need

to practice a lot and overcome my fears. For me it is very difficult when a person rejects

DuVall, K. (s.f.). The Process of Buying and Selling. LDS Business College.
DuVall, K. (s.f.). The Process of Buying and Selling. LDS Business College.
DuVall, K. (s.f.). The Process of Buying and Selling. LDS Business College.
me, but I know that this can be overcome because of it I have a plan. To start my plan is
based on the advice in the book "How to win friends and influence other people." Thanks
to this book I learned many tips on how to be empathic. I do not think an objection is
personal to me. But I know that an objection is an opportunity to be empathic. I can criticize
others indirectly and I can recognize my mistakes in the first instance. I can express many
sincere compliments to my clients and with it the environment will improve. What I need is
to improve the environment, a sales environment should not be an environment of
containment nor an atmosphere of nervousness. A sales environment is an atmosphere of
trust and empathy. I am sure that when I generate a suitable sales environment, then I will
not be nervous anymore and I will not be afraid to be rejected. My plan is to summarize that
I will practice the tips on how to win friends so that I always have a pleasant environment
in my sales and if objections happen then I will not be nervous and I will not have fears.

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