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Agustina, Ucik Fauziah. 2015. Relationship Between of stress, diet and climate by
the occurrence of acne vulgaris on Students in Faculty of Medicine
Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University class of 2012. Final Assignment,
Faculty of Medicine, Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University. Advisor: dr.
Ernawati, Mkes.
Acne vulgaris is one of a skin disease that always be a problem for teenangers
and young adults. This disease is not fatal, but quite worrying because is reduces
confidence and incident can raise anxiety to depression. Some things which
usually becomes the triggering factor of emergence acne vulgaris, is stress, diet,
and also the climate. This research aims to understand the relation of stress, diet
and climate by the occurrence of acne vulgaris on Faculty of Medicine Wijaya
Kusuma Surabaya University class of 2012 force which totaled 237 people with
large samples from 149 people. The research result show the connections between
stress and diet of the acne vulgaris in students of Faculty of Medicine Wijaya
Kusuma Surabaya University class of 2012 significantly. While to a climate did
not find any significant connections with the acne vulgaris in strudent of Faculty
of Medicine Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University class of 2012. This due to the
difference season in various places.

Keywords: Acne vulgaris, stress, diet, climate


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